#< the sleep infested. zzz cursed.
yaoianime · 7 months
Working on womens day should be illegal tbh. a crime. and every ceo ever should die 10000000 painful bloody deaths
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crescentsteel · 4 years
When in Brazil - Beach
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pairing: Oikawa x f!reader genre: SMUT wc: 7.8k (i am deceast bye) warnings: fingering, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, edging
Let me bore you to death zzz
I promise the last chapter will be exciting (in my head it is at least) :(
Prior to this series, I have zero knowledge about Brazil. So if there's anything sus somewhere there as I describe Rio, pls be kind to me.
No beta for this one once again uwu
Lmk if you wanna be part of taglist
Sunshine || masterlist
In the hustle and bustle of a busy city as Rio de Janeiro, one finds themselves having their time stolen away from them as they get swept up in all the craziness the place has to offer.
That’s you, except the craziness is in the form of a never ending cycle of wake up, work, then go home.
You’re just glad a certain orange-haired boy joins you from time to time to ease your thirst for something exciting.
Yet sometimes, you crave the silence, the quiet, to be alone and actually enjoy it. Living in one of the most tourist-infested places in the world, you rarely find yourself in such a situation.
That’s why you dragged your feet outside even if your clock tells you it’s 2:48 in the morning.
You woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. Rather than waste your time away in bed, you grab a can of beer from your fridge and decide to make the most out of it.
The thing about Rio — it’s almost never silent. Even at this time, you can hear the soft beat of music from the local bars and clubs alongside the sound of the sea right across the streets where they’re located. The shores of Copacabana, being the most famous beach in the city, are never empty as well.
But what good is being a local if you don’t know places you can hide from the crowd?
A tad bit more than kilometer away from Copacabana is Posto 1 in Praio de Leme, a beach not as crowded as the others.
With the absence of people flocking here and there, you easily make your way to the beach, almost prancing on your steps for the slight tang of freedom and muted noise you haven’t had in forever.
Despite the stroll being an all-familiar route you take, it feels blissfully different. And when you arrive at Posto 1, you suddenly feel grateful for living in Rio. You take your slippers off and feel the sand beneath the soles of your feet. The smell of salt water permeates the air while you welcome the dainty breeze brought by the sea.
You savor each step, taking your time to reach a certain spot you consider yours as the darkness of the dims the bright liveliness of the city.
Luck must be in your side as you find the place still as you remember it the last time you went there. Trees surround the area abundantly compared to the more famous beaches in the city.
Lifeguard stations that separate the area covered by each beach look like mini lighthouses made of white stone. Posto 1, being the first station, is situated beside rocky shore that signals the other end of the beach.
In between Posto 1 and the clump of rocks, that’s your secret spot. The station blocks the view of the rest of the shoreline, the trees behind you conceal you from the buildings across the street, and the rocks perfectly completes the set up as it eludes you to think that you’re hidden from the tropical urban jungle that is Rio.
You pick a spot near a tree so you can lean on something when you sit down. You unknot the canga on your hip and sprawl it on the sand. You seat yourself comfortably and cross your stretched legs. You open your can of beer and savor the first taste as you stare in the vast darkness
You don’t know how long you’ll stay there, but you don’t care. You have the day off tomorrow and you don’t mind if you’re there long enough that the sun will rise on you.
Damn. You should’ve brought at least two cans of beer for this.
However, your paradise of being alone was quickly interrupted when you hear coarse footsteps approaching somewhere behind you. Shortly after, a figure emerges from the trees, much to your displeasure.
He notices your presence too as he looks your way as soon as he comes to your view.
“Hi!” The stranger greets you all too friendly, which adds to your irritation. You haven’t even enjoyed your time alone and you’re already disrupted. What’s worse is that it’s not even a local. It’s a freaking tourist, probably Japanese based on his features.
“Sorry, but the beach is closed at this time,” you announce in an amicable manner despite being annoyed, something working on a diner has instilled in you for years.
“Oh? But you’re here,” he responds with an easy-going smile that pisses you off even more. You should’ve spoken in Portugese. Maybe then, he would’ve left you alone. “Yeah. It’s not open for tourists at night,” you lie with a fake smile, still hoping that he’ll leave.
However, he does the opposite. He crosses the few steps away from you and crouches to get to your eye level. You stare at his face for a few seconds and realize that he’s actually attractive — brown hair, brown eyes, and a dazzling smile.
Still, you came here to be alone. You don’t want the company of another, no matter how good looking they are.
“Can’t you make an exception for one tourist?” He flashes you a grin that you’re pretty sure would sway a lot of women when directed at them. Maybe you too on a different night. But not this one.
“I’d be honest, mr tourist. I prefer to be alone. If you go past that station, you’ll find a lot of space for yourself.”
He purses his lips. “But it seems more fun here, ms local.”
How is this place fun? There’s literally nothing here. That’s why you claimed this place for your own because people rarely go here when the night deepens.
He’s most likely looking for someone to bother and entertain himself, as expected of tourists.
You sigh when you realize he’ll probably keep pestering you until you give in. You take one sip of your beer and turn to him.
“You better hold one hell of a conversation, tourist. Or else I’ll be the one leaving,” you announce with a deadpan voice.
He chuckles lightly before sitting on the sand. He extends one leg on the side while he bends up the other so he can rest his elbow on his knee. “I’m sure I can manage,” he declares with unshakeable confidence that makes you scoff a bit.
The guy is full of himself. If he wasn’t very pleasing to look at, you would’ve left already.
You return your gaze to the dark waters to distract yourself from his presence. “I’d offer you a beer, but I only brought one.” You say out of courtesy as you lean back to the tree and try to relax despite the stranger beside you.
“I won’t mind sharing yours,” he responds casually.
You take one more sip and face his direction to hand him the drink in your hand. He grabs it with a smile and a wink that would’ve made you cringe if he didn’t look so damn good when he did it.
He puts the drink on his mouth and nips it casually. “So what’s a pretty local doing at the shore at this hour?”
You raise an eyebrow at the subtle flattery he included in his question. “Like I said, I wanted some time alone. Unfortunately for me though, a very rude tourist arrived a few minutes after I just settled down,” you eye him meaningfully which earns you a pout from him.
You almost want to laugh. What is up with this guy? He’s a bit weird, but in a charming kind of way. “What about you, tourist? What’re you doing out this late at night?”
“Jetlag. Our hotel’s just across the street and the people I’m with are already tired. I’m so bored,” he whines as he drinks again from your can before he hands it to you.
“So you decided to take a stroll in a completely foreign city?”
He feigns a surprised look. “Are you a fortune teller?”
“A witch, actually. Better leave now before I curse you,” you warn him with a straight face.
Not even fazed a bit, he meets your dead eyes with affable ones. “I don’t mind being cursed by you, ms. witch.”
You shrug off your shoulders, unaffected by the flattery. You’re used to it with the amount of foreigners hitting on you during tourist season. “You better decide what you’ll call me then,” you respond coldly.
“You really want to keep being strangers, huh?”
Something surfaces in his orbs that unnerves you, a glint that tells you there’s more to this man behind the pompous persona he’s purposely showing you.
“Uh-huh. Ms. local sounds fine to me.” Not that he seems dangerous or anything, but you don’t want to get to know him. You’d like to remain as strangers. This is just a small chat for you both to pass time. There’s no need for names when you already have a way to address each other.
“Alright then, ms local. Lets play a game.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What game?”
“A guessing game. The person who first gets three correct guesses about the other wins.”
“What does the winner get?” You ask with intrigue.
“Anything they want.”
You tap the can of beer dangling from your fingertips while you study him. What can he possibly ask of you if he wins? He looks friendly, but you can’t be too certain. He might ask for something like your number. You have no intentions of giving it to him and getting involved with a tourist. The most you can get from the is a one night stand and a “thank you for the experience” message, as if fucking a local completes their whole Rio trip.
He suddenly laughs. “Don’t worry. I won’t ask for anything weird. I just want the tree you’re leaning at.”
You frown at him. “Seriously? There’s another tree over there.” You point a tree a few steps away from him.
“I want that one specifically,” he says firmly as he ignores where you’re looking at and eyes the trunk you’re leaning on.
“Okay then, tourist. If I win, will you leave?”
“Deal” he quickly agrees. “Go ahead, ms local. Ladies first.”
Without even thinking, you make your first guess. “You’re probably a model or an actor in Japan.”
He breaks into a wide smile at your hunch, which doesn’t tell you anything whether you were right or wrong. “You really think so?”
Did you get it wrong? He seems like someone who has a nightly skin care routine to make sure he doesn’t have any breakouts. His skin looks nicer than yours too. So it makes sense for him to be either of the two.
You don’t tell him that though. He looks like he’s well aware that he’s a pretty boy.
“I mean you do look nice. You’re tall and stuff,” you justify briefly.
He gives out a pleasant laugh that sounds way too rehearsed, like he’s been practicing it in case someone compliments him.
“I’m flattered, but no. Sorry!”
He doesn’t look sorry at all. “Actually, I’m a starter for a pro Volleyball team in Argentina,” he says with his face becoming a little bit more serious as it oozes with pride. You find it interesting — how he glorifies being an athlete. He does have the build for it, but he’s kinda too pretty to be a professional athlete.
Your thoughts suddenly go back to Shoyo now that he mentioned the sport.
“Oh oh oh wait,” your enthusiasm shoots up when a hilarious assumption hits you. “I’ll go again then you’ll get two turns after this,” you clear your throat before voicing out your thoughts.
“Let me guess. You traveled all the way from Japan to Argentina to pursue Volleyball,” you declare with all smiles despite how ridiculous it might have seemed to him. You could waste one guess to entertain yourself.
He stares at you wide-eyed with disbelief. “How did you know that?”
You gape at him in surprise. You were just goofing around with Shoyo’s story. You don’t expect that he’d have a similar story.
“For real?”
He nods. “Yeah. That was frighteningly accurate.”
Wow. What were the chances that you were actually right? What was just a ridiculous hunch was actually on point. Now, you’re far more entertained. You’ll ask for his name before you part ways and tell Shoyo about him. You don’t have a clue what the Volleyball scene is like in Japan so maybe somehow, they know each other.
He recovers after a quick while and regains his composure. “Okay, my turn. I’m guessing…,” he looks up as he scurries what guess he’ll make before his gaze lands back to you, “you’re into nice guys.”
You let out a scoff at his too safe of a guess. He must be frolicking when he appears to be thinking earlier because that’s kind of a no-brainer.
“Who isn’t?” You ask back sarcastically instead of confirming that he’s right.
“A lot of women actually,” he swiftly responds. “So that’s one for me. And I’m also guessing you don’t go out much.” This time he doesn’t pretend to be thinking and straight up tells you, as if he’s figured it out already earlier.
You squint at him. “How did you know?”
“You wouldn’t be out here at this time of the night if you did,” he cocks an eyebrow as he answers.
Shit. That’s two correct guesses off the bat. The stakes are not that high for you. You’ll just lose a back rest, but it unnerves you that he’s this astute. You just assumed that he’s nothing but good looks.
You put a little more effort to the game he initiated and thought of a hunch that’s very likely to be correct.
“Umm. I think you like beer,” you surmise. If he didn’t mind sharing one with a stranger, he must like it enough.
He purses his lips to the side and shakes his head. “Nope. I think it’s vile. Also, our fitness coach will chew me out if he finds out I’m drinking tonight.”
You furrow your brows together at what he just admitted. “Then why’d you ask for mine?”
“I wanted to look cool,” he confesses without shame which makes you palm your face.
“My turn.” You remove your hands away from your face and hope that he gets it wrong this time. You’re kinda enjoying the game and want to continue for a tiny bit more.
“It’s been a while since you got laid.”
It’s a staring contest between you after he utters it. He holds the same seemingly good-natured expression in his face despite the sexual nature of his statement. You, on the other hand, can’t suppress the frisky smirk that’s creeping up on the corner of your lips.
You roll your eyes and look away with the smirk still planted on your face.
He finally bares that certain wickedness you saw a glimpse of earlier, and he does it at the right time. He’s probably waiting for the moment you start getting drawn to him, and when you do, he lures you a step deeper into his trap.
You feel stupid for thinking this game is his way of small talk. It definitely isn’t. Yet, you find yourself taking the bait he set.
“Actually, I had a good fuck the other night,” you answer indifferently.
The look that surfaces on his face mirrors yours a while ago, except he doesn’t try to hide the sensual gleam in his eyes when flashes you a grin.
You suddenly miss the bitter taste of the beer so you drink again prior to answering, “Friend.”
The curve of his lips twitch up, evidently amused with your reply. “I didn’t think you were the type, ms local.”
“Why? You thought I was boring?” You question with haughty disdain from what he was implying.
He stretches his bent knee as he plants both palms on the sand and leans back a bit. “No. Just really uptight.”
Only because his company was unwelcomed, but you’re positive he’s aware of that so you don’t comment on his remark. You move on with and proceed to make your guess.
“Right. Okay, my turn.”
You’re absolutely sure of this one, so you go for it without hesitation.
“I think you’re trying to get me in bed.”
Oikawa doesn’t know if he’s going to give you a free pass on that one. You’re not entirely wrong, but you’re not totally right either.
He does want to fuck you. You’re hot and you’re as interesting as he thought you’d be. But he’s not trying to get you in bed, not yet at least. He hasn’t taken any action yet.
He was still treading carefully until you were no longer treating him like a bothersome stranger, which seems to be the case when you unfiltered your words and then willingly gave him intimate information about your sex life.
“Yeah,” he says with no hint of shame. He decides to grant you a second correct answer since that’s the last one you’re going to get. His next guess will be the start of his attempt to actually get you to have sex with him, like you speculated.
“You like beer.” He already had three probable guesses in his head before the game even started. He just panned the game longer so you’ll ease into him. He reserved this particular guess to seal the deal.
“That’s no fair, tourist. That’s too obvious,” you complain yet you still wear an entertained grin.
“Not my fault” He chuckles at his already calculated victory.
“Ugh. Fine. The damn tree is yours.” You start to get up but he grabs your arm, causing you to frown inquisitively at him.
“I didn’t say you have to leave. Move a bit to your front,” he commands which you do even though you still look confused.
He stands up and takes the place you’re sitting at earlier. Your neck is craned towards him as you gawk at him while he comfortably seats himself behind you, stretching his legs just a bit so you’re positioned intimately between them.
“What are you doing?!” you ask with a panicked voice.
He ignores your question. He takes it just a bit further and grabs your waist to pull you closer to him so your back is pressed to his chest.
You gape at him with a scandalized expression, your body rigid with his touch.
He only smiles innocently at you. You might be frozen solid, but if you really don’t want him to, you could easily tell him to fuck off. But there you are, eyes wide open as you try to grasp what he just did.
“I just claimed my prize. I can see why you chose this tree. So comfortable.” He tries to sound nice and friendly, but knows it’s useless as he can’t help the sarcasm that tainted his words now.
You let out a deep breath and shake your head as you rest your back resignedly on his chest. You snuggle even closer until you fill the spaces between you two perfectly, your head nestled comfortably on the nook of his neck.
Still, you don’t seem pleased. The look in your face is a mix of frustration and defeat, but it only strokes his ego even more because despite that displeasure on that lovely face of yours, you’re still leaning cozily against him.
You straight down gulp the remaining liquor you have and put the empty can down on the sand.
“You played me well, tourist,” you mutter, the bitter taste of the beer matching your resentment towards him.
“Not sure what you’re talking about, ms local,” he continues playing innocent.
“Oh please. You planned this from the start. That’s why you asked for the fucking tree.”
He lets out the laugh he’s been holding in since you made him admit that he was trying to bed you. “You finally caught up, mi querida?”
You hoist yourself up to face him. “You speak Portugese?” you ask him curiously.
“Español. I did say I’m from Argentina, mi bella dama.”
You’re stunned with the way the supposed foreign words roll off so naturally from his tongue. It didn’t sound pretentious nor forced, proof that he’s fluent with it. You definitely underestimated him. There is so much more to his charisma than just his pretty face.
“So, ms local,” his gaze drops to your lips with uninhibited hunger that he doesn’t make the slightest effort to hide. “Can I start claiming my actual prize now?”
You open your mouth but no words come out. You don't know how to respond because you’re at war with yourself with the direction of your supposed small talk is heading to. Yet, you can’t deny that you want to reciprocate his overt desire for you.
He takes his thumb and skims it lightly over your lower lip as he keeps his eyes on it. “Say yes,” he orders you with the softest voice you’ve ever heard from him.
The wind suddenly feels colder as your body heats up from the ache that’s beginning to set in your core.
He completely has you in a trance, mindlessly obeying his dainty command.
He smiles darkly at the consent you gave him. He moves his thumb down to your before he slowly dips down and presses his lips against yours. It was gentle, too gentle for your growing arousal as he’s deliberately teasing you to want more of him.
He peppers your cheek with the same soft kisses that are making you more and more impatient.
“Kiss me already,” you mutter when his lips reach your ear, causing the sound of his amused chuckle to be heard crisp and loud.
“But I am,” he whispers before licking the sensitive shell of your ear.
You snap your thighs together from the sharp pleasure the action sent to your pussy, your eyes almost half closed from how fast your desire is engulfing you.
He must have sensed it for he turns his gaze to your clenched thighs. “Well, well, well, ms local. I didn’t think you’re this sensitive. I’m barely doing anything,” he teases while his other hand skims your bare waist.
You want to wipe the smug expression off his face but you’re too horny to fight back. You just want him to kiss you properly already.
A triumphant glint surfaces in his orbs as he dips down and gives you what you’re silently asking for. He parts your mouth with his thumb on your chin and claims your lips, flicking his tongue on your lower lip before sucking it.
You grab his shoulder for support as you push yourself up a bit to feel him closer.
“Mmmm, beer tastes way better from your mouth,” he mumbles then quickly returns to your lips, slipping in his tongue as he deepens the kiss.
His hand on your chin travels to the side of your head, fiddling the other ear his mouth hasn’t touched earlier. You whine into the kiss, fully revealing to him how sensitive your ears are.
His other hand skims the bare skin of your waist he easily accessed because of your cropped top. Then, he moves it up to squeeze a clothed boob, earning him a moan you deliciously deliver to his mouth.
He pulls away to get a glimpse of you and he can’t help but be pleased with himself for a job well done. He’s totally got you, hook, line, and sinker with your eyes pooling with lewd desires, completely different from the cranky stranger you were minutes ago.
But he’s not done yet. He’s not yet satisfied. He can do more than this. He can break you just a teeny tiny bit tonight.
He gets back to your lips, your tongue seeking his while he fervently moves his mouth against yours. His hand lets go of your face so he can pay attention to your other boob he’s been neglecting, kneading both supple mounds with his huge hands at the same time.
You lean your head on his shoulder as he trails his lips down your exquisite neck, softly nipping the delicate flesh as he entertains himself by watching you squirm within his hold.
He lugs your bra down so he could feel your bare breasts, and as his idea of fun, he softly bites the nook of your neck while he harshly grips both tits.
A very indecent moan from your throat erupts in the tranquil air of the beach. You must have realized it too because you bite your lip while your other hand tightens its grip on his thigh.
“Let’s see how well you can keep it down,” he breathes on your neck as he puts his fingers to work, rolling both your nipples with his thumbs while licking the spot he just bit.
You plan to protest, but you’re scared that when you open your mouth, an obscene moan will come out instead. So you do your best to stay as silent as you can, your muted whimpering reaching only his ears.
His mouth goes back up again to your ear, his hot breath gradually melting your resolve to keep quiet. “Should I lick your ear again so you’ll moan for me, hmm?”
You ferociously shake your head, certain that you will lose it if he does. “I’ll do it if you don’t use your words,” he threatens you by grazing his lips on your earlobes.
“N-no,” you weakly answer.
He laughs lowly and withdraws his lips away from your ear. You feel a little bit of relief as he shows mercy. Only to feel stupid when he suddenly pinches your nipples, the surge of pain and delight causing you to lose to your own body as another moan rips out of your windpipe.
“Aahh! ”
You bury your face on his biceps to muffle the next ones as he continues tweaking the hardened buds while he sucks the curve of your shoulders.
You can feel the strain in your hips from how hard you're clamping your thighs, desperate to alleviate the ache in your already sopping cunt by grinding your inner thighs together.
Being the scum the tourist is, he hooks his foot on your ankle and does the same to the other, successfully prying your legs apart, worsening your need to be touched down from the lack of any sort of friction.
He removes one hand away from a boob and drags it down to your stomach, the cloth of your loose shirt catching on his knuckles before it comes to a stop in the waistband of your shorts.
“Can I?” He asks while he traces circles on the skin just above the garter of your cloth.
Despite the overwhelming lust, you look around. Even though you used to have this place on your own at this wee hours of night, the possibility of someone going there is not completely zero.
You let him get as far as this because you can just swat his hands away the moment someone emerges from the other side of the lifeguard station.
Instead of putting his hand in, he dips his hand further down on your crotch, cupping your sex over the fabric of your shorts. Even with just that, your pussy is already throbbing.
You look at him with hesitation.
“What if someone comes?” You ask apprehensively, your lust-induced mind hoping he comes up with a sensical answer that you can accept.
“I won’t remove your shorts, ms. local. I’ll just,” he teasingly tugs the waistband, twisting it around his index finger, “put my hand in, yeah?”
He gives a drawn out lick on the spot behind your ear as he tugs a nipple, making you shiver with the unspoken oath that he can satisfy your needs.
You nod agreeably, impatient for the touch you’ve been craving for.
With your permission, he slowly slides his hand in, the leisure drag of his fingers almost making you mad with anticipation. Your torment only increases when he steadily traces his middle and ring finger on the length of your slit.
“You’re practically dripping,” he remarks as he continues the tortuous caress of his fingers. “Holy shit. You’re twitching already.” He laughs sardonically behind you.
“Jerk.” It’s supposed to sound angry, but it comes out as a needy whine.
You throw your head back on his chest, the night sky and the leaves of the tree you’re under starting to become hazy with how feverish your whole body feels.
“You’re really mean, you know that?” He mopes flatulently before he suddenly pinches your clit, the abrupt pang of pleasure causing you to arch your back as you cry out.
“Oh my. I’m starting to think you actually want to be heard.”
You’re no longer able to respond when he starts rubbing the bundle of nerves, covering your mouth with the back of your hand to suppress the erotic sounds coming off of your mouth.
“Mmmmmpp,” you whimper when he gives your boob a firm squeeze again.
You close your eyes shut as you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching.
“Gonna cum already, hmm?” His question drenched with mockery.
Yet, you don’t give in to his taunt as you’re completely distracted with his fingers sending you to a frenzy. You nod your head frantically, shamelessly admitting that he can easily make you cum.
Then he stops. He slides his fingers down and spreads your folds open as your cunt throbs from the climax he’s defied you of.
“What I’d give to see this view,” he purrs on your ear, “this pussy twitching at nothing.”
You hate the way he’s treating you, but you hate yourself more for letting him do so. As if teasing wasn’t enough already, he starts massaging his fingers around your folds, keeping you spread open while deliberately avoiding any spot that will feel too good.
It’s utter hell for you.
You’re about to ask that he puts it in, but thankfully, he does so before you almost disregard your dignity and actually plead for him to do it. He inserts one steady digit, pushing it deeply until the whole length of his finger is in.
“You’re too wet,” he comments as he thrusts another finger in.
You bite your own hand as the stretch of his two fingers brings back the pleasure he thwarted earlier. But this time, he makes sure to not let it escalate as he keeps the speed of his fingers to a bare minimum. He drags them out incredibly slow and lunges them back in in the same excruciating tempo.
Your eyes flutter shut as you relish the sensation, his digits hitting their deepest reach at the same time the waves crash into the rocks of Leme beach.
Oikawa watches with utter fascination, seeing and feeling the rise and fall of your chest as he prolongs the pleasure his fingers can give you.
But he already misses how you sound when you lose control.
Without any warning, he increases his pace from tedious thrusts to ruthless ones.
Your clutch on his biceps almost hurts, but he really couldn’t give a shit when your moans start to seep out of your hand despite how hard you try to contain them. He can bet you’re not even aware that you’re already rolling your hips against his hand.
But it’s still not enough for him.
Luckily, he knows how to make things even better .
He flicks his tongue on a certain spot on your neck while rolling your nipple between his skilled fingers.
“Too much!” You bat your eyes open and face him, successfully unlatching his mouth from your neck. “Its too muuu aahhhh haaa. ” Your eyes instantly become cloudy as he makes sure that the base of his wrist rubs your clit while he continues ravaging your pussy with his fingers.
His cock is getting stuffed in his shorts with your back grinding against it as he witnesses you lose yourself with your mouth falling open as you whimper with wanton need for your release.
“To- hnnngg, tooouurist.”
Damn. For a moment, he thought you were going to moan his name. He would tell you right now but he kinda likes the idea that you’re a literal stranger allowing him to do vulgar things to you as he pleases.
Your feet leave the seams of the cloth you sat on as the pleasure stretches out to the tips of your toes, the coarse grains of sand getting stuck between as you curl them with your orgasm tingling too close.
The simultaneous stimulation of your most erogenous places is coercing you to let go.
“I’m gonna cum mmmppp.”
Then he withdraws his fingers completely, causing you to regard him wide-eyed with a confused look as he denies you of your high that was a thrust away from your reach. All the while, he just smiles pleasantly at you like he didn’t do anything wrong.
He takes his middle finger in his mouth while you watch him with both impatience and intrigue.
He gives it one thorough suck before sticks his tongue out and licks it, effectively making you wonder how it’d feel if he does what he just did directly on your pussy.
Then he turns to you with a naughty grin. “Why are you staring at me like that, ms local?”
Your eyes lingers on his fingers and tells him instead, “Put them back.” You can’t ask him to do what was just on your mind. The place isn’t right for it. But that’s just fine. His fingers prove to be good enough.
“You want me to put my fingers back in your pussy?” he reiterates your request haughtily.
You look down on the sand before you nod.
He hums on your nape while he inserts his hands back in your shorts, his fingers ghosting just above your slit. You buck your hip up to feel them but he retreats them when you do so.
Your mind is staggering from how much you want him to fill you up again with his digits. You look at him with your eyes begging him.
“Please,” you whimper.
He goes for your lips, kissing them passionately as he traces your slick opening. He plunges his tongue in the same time his fingers enter your cunt, easily pushing you at the very edge you were at earlier.  
Then stops again.
“Why?” You sound almost sulking, your foiled orgasm looming over you.
“Like you said earlier, ms local. I am trying to get you in bed.”
He presses his lips in your temples and drags them down back to your ear. “I don’t see any bed here. Do you?”
The sultry drawl of his voice makes you shiver, the ungratified ache in your groin making you succumb to him.
“My place is near,” you answer timidly.
“You’ll really take a stranger home?” He sneers at you, making you doubt your own decision. Yet, convinces you otherwise when he slowly rubs your clit again.
You shut your eyes and nod frantically with parted lips.
He takes his hands out of your shorts and cheerfully says. “Let’s go then.”
You fix your clothes before standing up to which he quickly follows. You take your canga and wrap it back again on your hips then picks up your empty can of beer. You plan to lead the way, but not even three steps away from where you were, he grabs your wrist and tugs you back to where you were.
He shoves you to the tree he was previously leaning on. Your hand flies to the trunk of it while he wraps one arm around your waist and pulls your ass against his erection, an entertained chuckle coming out of his lips.
“I lied, ms local.” He slides his other hand under your made up skirt, trailing his palm from the side of your knee up to your thigh.
“I didn’t want you in bed. I want you right here right now.”
He briskly tugs down your shorts while you worriedly grip his forearm, alarm evident in your orbs as he reveals his actual intention.
“We’re gonna get seen!” You warn with a cautious whisper while you look around to check for the possible presence of another.
He ignores you and hitches up the cloth hanging from your hips as he takes out his cock and traces it against your moist slit.
You drop the empty can as you drive your nails deeper in the tree with your eyes getting misty from the reminder of the little death he’s relentlessly and purposely deprived you of.
He leans over your back and reaches for your cheek with his lips, tenderly placing a kiss before speaking. “Then they’ll see a tourist with a local whore.”
Flames of fury spark in your eyes as you hiss at him. “You fucking asshole!”
He ignores your futile anger and grips his cock to align it on your entrance. He sees you try to keep up the resentful facade but you’re twitching wildly again for him to even take it seriously. He easily makes you crave for him again by grinding his shaft on the length of your cunt.
“I’m kidding, ms local. You’re too pretty and too interesting to be one,” he says with his lips latched on your shoulder.
“Do you even have a condom with you?” you ask exasperatedly.
“Nope. Should we stop and get one?” He asks back as he once again rubs his member on your opening.
“I.. uhh,” you mumble undecided even though you unknowingly just grinded against him.
He places featherlight kisses along your nape. “I promise to pull out. How about that?” His voice is delicate, persuading you to abandon your hesitation.
“Fine! Just make sure you do it right,” you firmly forewarn him, which he doesn’t even bother answering.
He begins to sink himself inside you, feeling your fluttering walls swallow his cock inch by inch.
“Shit, it’s so hot and tight inside you,” he groans.
Your knees buckle a bit as you cover your mouth with your palm this time. “You okay there?” he asks not out of concern but because he wants to entertain himself with how you sound when you’re trying so hard to keep the obscene sounds at bay.
You shake your head but your face is one deluged of sinful desires.
“But you look like you're enjoying this,” he pants as he’s starting to feel good too with how well you’re squeezing his cock. He closes his eyes and rests his cheek on the back of your shoulder as he rams his length completely inside you.
“Fuccck,” he moans on your shirt while you deliver a muffled one on your palm, which he didn’t like.
He snakes his arm from your waist up to your chest once again, forcefully lugging down your bra that he hears it rip a little.
“I want to hear you feel good,” he says as he toys with your boob he wasn’t able to pay much attention to earlier.
In between struggling puffs, you manage to say, “I don’t wanna be heard uughhh.” You let out a suppressed whine as he pulls his cock back all of a sudden and languidly slides it back in.
“You’re lucky enough I’m allowing this,” you continue on.
“Make me luckier then,” he hums on your shoulder as he aggressively tugs the nipple poking at his palm.
“Gaaah!” You snap your head back, prompting him to softly bite the flesh of your throat you exposed to him.
“Yeaaah. You sound so hot, ms local. Just like that mmmm.” He originally planned to take his time with you, but shit, your pussy feels too good clamping on his cock like you’re already about to cum.
It’s taking all of him not to pummel his cock stupidly fast into you and sought his own pleasure.
“Faster, tourist. Fuck!” Your voice cracks at the last word you uttered from keeping it from being too loud.
Instead of quickening his pace, he stops moving at all. He needs a moment to regain control of himself despite how splendid your insides feel. He wants to tease you some more until you lose that fiery pride of yours. He finds it sexy, but it would be sexier if you drop it and desperately beg for him to fuck your brains out.
He lifts himself off your back and retrieves both his hands to skim them over the curve of your ass.
He kinda wonders what face you’ll make if slams one hand against the meaty flesh. Oh well. No need to wonder if he can just see it for himself right now.
The solid sting of his palm hitting against your skin pierces the quiet air of the shore, quickly followed by a sharp gasp from you that is just as audible.
Fuck, he put a little too much force on that one. He can see the pinkish mark he’s left on one cheek. He checks on you and expects a pained expression but what he finds is eyes lidded with intense carnal longing while panting heavily.
He looks around briefly, checking to see for any unwanted onlookers before landing another slap on your other ass cheek.  
Your hand grips his that just struck you as you turn your neck to look at him with utmost desperation he’s been wanting to see from you.
“Make me cum already,” you mumble with a wavering voice as you start moving on your own, wobbly withdrawing your hips and pushing them back against his cock.
The sensation in his shaft as you use it to give yourself pleasure is nowhere near enough for him, but he continues to stare at your cute attempt to make yourself cum.
Ahh, fuck. Yes. That should do it. You look just the right amount of pathetic he can get himself off to with satisfaction.
He plants both hands on your hips, holding them in place so he can give you what you vehemently begged for. He buries himself inside you in one swift thrust and repeats it again, and again, and again until he sets a steady rhythm.
You wretchedly grasp the tree again to support yourself as he does his way with you.
Harsh slaps of skin to skin contact can be heard, but he figures it won’t be heard from a distance.
“Ah, ahh, aaaahhhhhh!!”  You practically yelled out that last moan, causing him to lean over again and put a hand over your mouth.
“As much as I want you to- shiiit -hear you scream for me, I’d rather not be caught here,” he tells you in a raspy voice. He doesn’t know the laws in this country. He might get arrested for this if found. Their coach would probably take him off the starting roster as punishment if he gets in trouble because of this.
But fuck, you really feel unbelievably good. Even the vibrations of your stifled wails on his hand is an added stimulation for him.
Even he himself is having a hard time to keep his voice hushed as he feels his orgasm about to explode. He removes his hand away from your lips and replaces it with his mouth so he drowns out his groans as he swallows yours.
With his knee, he nudges your leg apart from the other as he dips his hand from your hip down to your clit, rubbing the swollen bud ferociously to finally push you to your peak he previously kept on declining you to reach.
You start trembling beneath him so he wraps his other arm around your waist again to support you.
He pulls away a bit to look at you become undone and holy shit, you do not disappoint. You look so fucking pretty with your moist lips gaping as you puff while your eyes have completely surrendered to the sinful goodness he’s giving you.
“So good, so good, so fucking good uuhhhh,” you mewl shamelessly.
“Yeah? Gonna cum on a stranger’s cock?” He goads you even though he’s about to cum himself just to see if you still give a crap about that.
To his delight, you just nod thoughtlessly.
“Cumming, ahhh, A-“
He covers your mouth again with his before you’re able to let out a scream that will probably expose you two.
He feels too good that all your senses are filled with nothing but the intense carnal bliss as he batters the insides of your pussy by ramming his cock wildly into you without restraint, probably chasing his own high as well.
Your vision becomes a static blur as the coil in your stomach snaps viciously, making your whole body convulse with how intense you came. If he wasn’t holding you up, you’d probably be a thrashing mess on the sand.
You hope that he keeps his word and pulls out because honestly, you just don’t have it in you anymore to stop him as he prolongs your orgasm by seeking his own.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he spews while his forehead rests on your spine as his thrusts become wilder and more erratic.
He takes out his cock a second before you feel hot spurts of liquid on your lower back accompanied by his hoarse grunts.
He unties the canga around your waist and uses it to wipe off the mess he made on your skin while you’re still holding on for your dear life on the tree.
“My legs,” you whine as they give out with exhaustion.
Thankfully, he catches you in time and releases the soiled clothing he used to wipe off his load. He pulls up your lower garments before he settles you back to how you two were seated a while ago, except it’s less compromising this time.
You’re all curled up within his grasp, still catching your breath from what just happened as he puts a hand on your forehead to make you rest against his heaving chest.
The sound of the waves, the blow of sea breeze, and the sand beneath your thighs are lulling you slowly back to the present, making you aware that you just had sex with a stranger, with a freaking tourist
“So,” he speaks first but you keep your eyes closed and pretend this is just one sexy dream then you’ll wake up in the morning and realize that you actually didn’t go out at this time.
“Ms. local, helllooooo?”
He’s obviously recovered based on the familiar, frivolous tone he had when he came out of the trees a while ago.
You sigh since you aren’t able to convince yourself enough that this is just a dream. The sex felt too good and too hot for it to be unreal.
“Do I finally get a name?”
You open your eyes and find him looking eagerly at you.
“No,” you respond immediately which visibly turns his excitement upside down.
You also discard your previous plan to get his name. There’s no way you’re telling Shoyo about this guy.
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