#< new tag for the epic cruise ship adventure
pan-fried-autism · 2 years
The cruise staff called Grem, or made an announcement that went like this.
"Grementine Mewton, please come get your husband from the ships bar...gee what a lightweight...wait is the microphone still o-"
The thing I imagine at this point Nikolai and Grem weren't married, the ships staff just assumed it for some reason.
The cruise ship staff are bullying him 💔
I think after Grem comes to get him and puts his unconscious self in bed (on his side, of course!), she kinda sits there for a minute thinking about that husband line… and then gets all flustered about it and stops that
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akemiozawa · 5 years
An Adventure Awakens (RP PT.2)
The pirate and hacker duo begin their epic quest. After discovering a mysterious object within the object, how will this kickstart their adventure?
Sol: @treasureoftheseas
Trina: me
Trina jogs down the hall towards Hooksclave, her satchel bouncing against her hip sharply. Filled with all of her tools in hand: scan jammers, scanning glasses, etc, she didn’t pay attention to the short painful hits. Plus, some water, snacks, her headphones, portable charger for her phone, with said device in hand, and her wand, shoved into a small pocket art arched to the strap of the bag.
Soon, the front doors were in sight and Trina picked up her footing. She slammed the doors open, ignoring the weird looks the students were giving her, eyes darting to find their lead.
Soon, after running like a chicken without its head for ten minutes straight (she never had time to take a tour of the Dorm), she finds Sol in the Hooksclave library. The Pirate had multiple books and scrolls scattered on the table, some with the same weird language, others with maps and charts of ancient places.
Trina’s voice rings, “Hey, Sol! I’m here! Sorry ‘bout the wait. Couldn’t find my graphene knives for ten minutes!” She pushes out the lie like it was nothing but stale air. “But I’m here, though. So, what’s the plan?”
Sol looked over at her partially flushed-faced comrade. The former was aware that Trina always gets lost throughout Hooksclave like the impossible mazes over at Heartslabyul. But just to humor her, she takes the lie and doesn’t bring up the subject. Not until another time.
She nods. “Hey Trina. I’ve been looking over the ancient text and illustrations, and-” she waves her over to the table to see what her results were -so far-and catch her up on any missed info. “I found the general location of the empire that the language belongs to.” With one hand, she points at the wrinkled map lying on the table, to show the mass of land she centered on. Light markings of notes, written in ink, were smudged here and there, but Trina paid no mind.
“It’s in the deep sea near the country I found the sphere in.” Sol’s pointed finger slips towards the mass of ocean that was near a marked up and disfigured shape of land. “I feel like our best bet would be to go there. I mean, the engraving did say ‘To awaken the truth, one must persuade the sea’.” She recited.
Trina listens and after listening nods as assign that she understands. “Ah, going back to where it all begins. Bit clichè, if you ask me,” she throws in her two cents of sarcasm, but clasps her hands together, “But I’m ready! So, where’s the sphere? I wanna crack open that thing and see what’s up!”
At that claim, Sol nods and walks over to a nearby bookshelf. Tilting one of the books, so the upper left corner peeks out, the bookshelf triggers and sinks in, then slides to the right, revealing a secret spacious area, big enough to fit five whole bodies in.
Another one of Trina’s inventions. With some persuasion from Idia, and convincing towards the Headmaster, where it would take other Ignihyde people to finish things in about a week or so, Trina spent three days fixing a secret compartment for Sol where the Captain can keep some things hidden from the prying eyes and nosy minds of her dorm members.
A cobalt rectangular-shaped block. The door popped out a bit more, displaying the number pad and a fingerprint scan secured into the front. And right below it, a hexagonal shape etched into the bottom right hand corner with a cursive “H” painted in a bright Cardinal Red.
Slipping the white glove off her hand, Sol places the pad of her left thumb on the small scan screen. A green line moves up and down, then sends out a “beep” of approval after scanning. Turning to the keypad, she pushes in a four-digit code and after a second beep, the lock inside clicks, signaling that the safe is now unguarded.
She pulls open the door and sitting stoutly is the questionable object both girls had been left pondering about.
Turning back to Trina, who was texting someone on her phone, shuts it off at the sound of boots clicking against the floor toward the table space.
“Here it is, I wanted to make sure it was safe, so I hid it. You never know who’s watching after all.” She claims, her time a grateful one towards Tris. “Here you go.” Plunking it into Trina’s hands, Sol reminds her, “Just remember to not let it kill you.” A serious tone takes up her cords.
Trina doesn’t pay heed to the seriousness, having gotten used to it for so long, and winks in return. “Gotcha.” Spinning to the doorway, she takes her time getting to the workshop next door, which just so happens to be next to the area where the dorm ships are docked. After spotting another empty table, she placed the object in question on the table. Flinging her bag next, she zips it open, and starts digging for her tool. “ ‘Kay, beastie, what’cha got for me?” With a screwdriver in hand, and a smirk on her lips, Trina begins her work.
———Fifteen minutes later———
Grabbing a small towel, Trina dabs at the sweat beading on her forehead.
A quarter of an hour, from pulling out fried wires to unscrewing and rescreding pieces, hopefully would be worth for what Trina eventually unearthed within this contraption. Muttering, “Okay, I made a few dents in this thing. Wasn’t easy...but I think I found something Sol may be interested in.” Unfurling her fist, she brought out the mysterious object she had held in her lap for ten minutes.
The object in question was a cylinder-shaped tube no bigger than a can of soda, with two firm silver rods hitting out the top. However, inside, was a more bigger mystery: a red plastic cylinder as big as a thimble, fitted in a compartment, and coming out from the ends were two silvery wires, one had semi-thrashed wires, the other perfectly intact. Both ends of the wires were connected into a circuit board within the first cylinder, and etched into the side a weird symbol, probably originated from the same place as the language encrypted on the surface.
Sol, on the other hand, had just finished her final analysis and planning of the trip. She decides to go check on Trina and catch up on any progress she’s made. However, the hunched over figure wasn’t what caught her attention. Rather, it was the mysterious item clutched in Homura’s hands. Sol skips over to where Trina sits, looking over her shoulder, and widens her eyes in surprise at the much closer look. “Okay, now that is strange. What do you think it is?” She questions as she moved to Tris’ side.
“Looks like a cross between a diode and a capacitor. But that’s just my theory.” Tris shrugs nonchalantly, not bothered by the fact that Sol appeared out of thin air. Turning on her stool, Tris continues, “I managed to carve out a few more pieces and the exterior of the object for further examination.” She nods over to a pile of extra gizmos cut out from the machine.
Sol tried to follow through with what she was saying, but nods nonetheless. “Er, well in any case, at least you were able to get something out of it, and it didn’t explode.” Shifting her body to the doorway, she walks out. Tris scoops everything into her bag, caring less about the mess, and jogs after her to the docks.
They soon arrived. “I’ll start setting sail; since my sailboat doesn’t have any defenses, were going to have to take this ship.” Sol points to a boat big enough to fit several cruise passengers in. An eggshell white sail gently flutters in the breeze. Some small boxes were moved and tucked into each other to make room as Sol steps into the boat. She places her documents in her bag, which she plops directly by her feet for safekeeping. “Since we’ll be flying, we should get there in a few hours. I’ll be manning the helm. Let me know if anything new happens.” She directs while fussing with a couple of ropes.
Tris just looks at her like she was speaking Martian. “Uhm...sure.” She decides not to say anything else, and instead focused on the objects in her hands. Carefully placing them in airlock bags, she takes precision not to lose any pieces in the calm waters. Most people would definitely freak if they suddenly dropped anything in the ocean, and Trina is no stranger to that. But hey: one person’s loss is another person’s gain! And the more you gain, the more you’ll reach ultimate success. At least, that’s what her father claims....
“By the way, no one else is gonna know about this, right?” Random, but hey, she had to say something. After checking all her stuff was together, she, unexpectedly continues, “For several reasons, One: you know how fast word travels around these halls and Two: cuz, in some scenarios, if people know they’ll wanna tag along, which could end up with any of us in perilous danger, someone ends up betraying their team, the list goes on!”
Okay, usually at this point, the sound of an audience laughing would pop up as if you were watching a sitcom. But...NOPE. ITS REAL LIFE, BYOTCH.
Tris, after getting ahold of herself, reflects back in what she said and lightly slaps her cheeks in a flurry. Like this:
“Damnit, I gotta stop watching those adventure movies!”
Sol was watching the display and chuckled at her witty antics. “You don’t have to worry about that. I told my dorm members that if they leave us alone and keep quiet about us using the ship, they could have a party after we get back.” She tugs at a mass of ropes for extra security. “ I also threatened that if they told anyone, I’d drop ‘em off at a deserted island. So long as we aren’t gone for too long, we should be fine.” She motions to get into the boat before hauling anchor.
Trina throws up a mock salute. “Whatever you say.” She tips carefully into the boat, throwing her bag gently aside. Just as she sits down, the anchor was fully hauled, the sail fluttered out, and the boat began its move out into the clear blue vastness.
‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this....’ Sol thinks as she handles the wheel with care. A pit of nervousness grows in her stomach the further they move out. If her calculations were correct, they should reach the island a little after noon. As long as they didn’t run into any obstacles
‘Might as well enjoy the ride while it lasts.’ Trina slips on her blue and black headphones, and scans through her playlist. ‘And...cue the Traveling Montage.’ After tapping the Play Button, Tris lets the music blare out the noises for the long haul ahead.
And so our duo begin their perilous journey into the unknown. What will await them? What secrets will they uncover? Will they stumble into something more dangerous than expected? Why am I asking you all these questions?!
....stay tuned!

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belphegor1982 · 5 years
Thought I’d make a the Mummy/Returns fic recs posts for @counterwiddershins (EDIT: whom I can tag now!) because they asked for recs. So here are my favourite (complete) Mummy stories under the cut in alphabetical order, title-summary-why it’s on my list style. A few are Old, because I discovered this fandom in 2003 and there’s some great oldies. Hope you - and anyone else looking for great fics - enjoy them!
As Sweet as This / Coming Clean, by robot-iconography
Summary:  Evelyn reflects on the changes Ahm Shere has wrought upon her brother, husband, and son. /  Rick takes his life in his hands as he faces his greatest challenge ever: fatherhood.
Comments: I put these two in the same bag because they’re basically a diptych. They’re like two sides of the same coin. On one hand, you have a lovely story in Evy’s voice, on the other, a hilarious one in Rick’s. Both stories are sweet and more touching than they sound.
Circumstantial Evidence, by robot-iconography
Summary: “She could be damnably silly at times; she dressed like a spinster and carried herself like bloody royalty; but she was my baby sister, the only one I’d ever have. I’d been through hell to get her back, and now I was going to lose her anyway.”
Comments: Probably my favourite Mummy story ever. I love it so much I translated it into French in 2004, and even more so now I’ve read PG Wodehouse. Basically, there is canoodling, funny misunderstandings, and the closing scene is adorable (and made me discover Ella Fitzgerald’s “Always”, which is perfect as Ella Fitzgerald always is). Peak Carnahan siblings shenanigans and a great Rick.
Deeper Within Darkness, by Laurie M
Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged that wherever Rick O'Connell and Evelyn Carnahan are, trouble is not far away. What begins as an innocent night out soon leads to danger that threatens all of Egypt.
Comments: a great follow-up on the 1st film, with still-developing relationships, a mysterious medallion, and ghostly (sort of) crocodiles. The main four are very well written. 3rd person limited POVs alternate with 1st person POVs in a very natural way, allowing us glimpses into the characters’ heads. Sometimes a little bit sombre, but a lovely story.
A Favour for a Friend, by queueingtrilobite [orphan account]
Summary: Roped into doing a favour for a friend, Jonathan finds himself in charge of an antiques shop in Cairo. This is honestly the very last favour he's going to do for anyone. Ever.
If you ship Ardeth and Jonathan, there’s plenty of fun and/or feelsy stories for you! Like this fun little romp, which features a hilarious style, a Jonathan who is equally good at thinking on his toes as he is as making disasters happen (being a bit of a disaster himself).
Finding Ma’at, by exchequered [orphan account]
Summary: “Hamunaptra Cruises.” Ardeth’s tone was thoughtful. “Do you not fear a curse upon your enterprise, for naming it thus?”
Another Ardeth/Jonathan fic - and boy, this one is *chef’s kiss* I mean, the only three tags are Tourism, Pining, and denial is a river in Egypt :D
Hereafter, by Marxbros
Summary: After TMR. Imhotep has raised Ancksunamun and conquered the earth. Rick, Evy, Ardeth, Jonathan, and some new characters must find each other to defeat Imhotep once more.
Comments: ooh, this one’s a monster to tackle (134k words), and it gets pretty epic - and is worth every second of reading. The OCs are great, necessary, and everyone gets their chance to shine.
Never Spellbound by a Starry Sky, by robot-iconography
Summary: Strange goings-on mar Rick and Evelyn's wedding preparations. Can they and Jonathan solve the mystery?
Comments: another follow-up on TM, as Evy and Rick navigate their relationship and how much they should wait before any sort of hanky-panky. Life interferes in the form of a mysterious object (though NOT the obvious one) and the three are thrust into adventure again. There are battles with the mosquito netting, someone getting a few stitches on their arse (again, not the obvious choice), and all the chapter titles come from dialogue from Elizabeth Peters’ Crocodile on the Sandbank. It’s often hilarious and the dialogue is to die for.
The Mummy: Curse of the Seven Scorpions, by Jac Danvers
Summary: Libby O’Connell hasn’t heard from her brother in years. The word ‘mummy’ meant nothing to her. But when a tiny gold scorpion is revealed to have much greater value, she is thrust back into her family’s life, and the life of a man she once hated.
Comments: back in the day, the “Rick’s sister tags along and falls in love with [usually Ardeth]” trope was a staple of Mummy fanfic, and one I didn’t have much interest in. This little story, mostly set after TMR, is a fun romp; Libby is a good character, well handled, and the little developing romance with Jonathan is fun to watch.
Sidekick, by madsthenerdy girl (on FFnet here)
Summary: Jonathan honestly tries to be a big brother. No, really.
Comments: Fantastic portrait of Jonathan through the years, warts and all, and his relationship with Evy (and later Alex). It’s heartfelt, often funny, and honest (sometimes painfully).
Take That, Bembridge Scholars!, by seren-ccd
Summary: The world has been saved and there's really only one thing left to do. Evy writes a strongly worded letter to the Bembridge Scholars. Oh, she gets married, too. 
It’s a great look at Evelyn, Rick and Jonathan in a few scenes, from the night after Hamunaptra to the start of Rick’s and Evy’s life as a married couple, interspersed by extracts from the aforementioned strongly-worded letter (and it’s great).
The Tenth Plague, by Khedi (on FFnet here)
Summary: Did anyone while watching The Mummy wonder about what would have happened if the tenth of the Biblical plagues had come to pass?
Not a death fic (well, not quite) but a great little look at (again, I’m nothing if not predictable) the Carnahan siblings just after they get back to Cairo after The Mummy. It’s a punch in the feels and a hug. I love it.
Travelers by Night, by 20thcenturyvole
Summary: Very quickly, Jonathan weighed the odds. On one hand, potential death, whether by armed bandits, a mummy’s curse, or people who looked like bandits and who were very angry about someone unleashing a mummy’s curse. On the other hand, potential riches, home ground, and topics of conversation other than what happened at school fifteen years ago and who got it in the neck where.
A great look at Jonathan post-first film and a great take on Ardeth, too. Can be shippy if you tilt your head and squint, or not. Your call.
We Three Together series, by Tinydooms
Basically a series that can act as a novelisation for The Mummy, mostly “missing scenes” and character studies. A joy to read if you like Evy, Rick, and Jonathan.
The Witches’ Library, by jones2000 (on FFnet here)
Summary: He would like to state emphatically for the record that none of this was his fault, thank you very much. It was all entirely coincidental. He should know by now that these things have a tendency to snowball. Or, Jonathan doesn't need the O’Connells to find trouble.
Comments: I read this last year and it immediately made my shortlist of favourites, on top of hitting me in the heart and over the head with the subtlety of a freight train. I even made a rec post about it. The writing is so sharp it might as well be written with a bloody scalpel, the OCs are fascinating, and Jonathan is somewhat jaded but still wonderfully entertaining. It’s the only post-WW2 Mummy story I’ve ever loved (read?), and certainly the only one that incorporates Tomb of the Dragon Emperor elements I’ve ever loved. Give it plenty of reviews, it deserves them.
Edited to add a few and make it more dash-friendly :o)
Also, I wrote a few things if you’re interested:
After the Sunset: What’s left to do, after saving the world and riding triumphantly into the setting sun? A lot, as it turns out. Our Heroes ride camels, negotiate the shift from acquaintances and allies to something like a family, and encounter a couple of surprises good and bad on the way back from Hamunaptra. (Or, the one where Evelyn and Rick discover the contents of their saddlebag, Jonathan finds out that whiskey doesn’t quite cut it when a scarab has burrowed its way into your hand and arm and out your shoulder, and Ardeth gives his name and saves the day. Well, night.)
Long one-shot set just after “the end” of The Mummy.
Fairy Tales and Hokum: 1937: Two years after the events of Ahm Shere, the O’Connells are “required” by the British Government to bring the Diamond taken there from Egypt to England. In Cairo, while Evelyn deals with the negotiations and Rick waits for doom to strike again, Jonathan bumps into an old friend of his from university, Tom Ferguson. Things start to go awry when the Diamond is stolen from the Museum and old loyalties are tested...
This one is looong. It’s 160k+ words. (also took me 16 years to finish but shhh)
Carnahan-O’Connells musings and snapshots: Headcanons and one-shots about the disaster family.
Like it says on the tin - mostly headcanons with a few actual stories with dialogue.
I know, there’s not a lot of them, but they’re my very favourites. If you have other recs, feel free to add them!
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svimgccd · 7 years
Muse A was a rich city boy/girl and they’ve basically lived their whole life in their New York penthouse, with their parents. Muse Bis a country guy/gal, living in a small town and who works for a living at a local farm. Muse A finds out that one day, their grandparent dies and leaves them a huge piece of land, which happens to be the farm that Muse B worked at. Muse A comes to town for the funeral and checks out the farm they now own. Muse B is mad that they didn’t get the land and doesn’t think Muse A is fit to run the farm. Muse A tries to prove them wrong by deciding to stay in town longer to work on the farm. Angst/Rivalry/Friendship/Romance?/fighting ensues.
Muse A is a fancy shopaholic, drives nice cars, goes to expensive restaurants every night, goes to celebrity parties every weekend, type of person. Muse B is a free spirit, always traveling, going on adventures in the wilderness, not really staying in one place kind of guy/girl. Muse A is used to getting everything they like, so when they see Muse B in a coffee shop, they approach them. Unfortunately for Muse A, Muse B doesn’t really seem into them and explains that they’re leaving for a trip to climb Everest very soon. Muse A doesn’t understand how extreme this trip is and offers to ‘tag along’ (since they have the money for it). Muse Bexplains that it takes years to practice climbing mountains, especially one of the tallest mountains on earth. But Muse A isn’t deterred. They lie to Muse B, telling them that they’ve been mountain climbing plenty of times (though most of that is just hiking up small mountain trails). Muse B shrugs it off and allows Muse A to come along with them and their friends. On the mountain, lots of Muse B getting angry with Muse A, Muse A beginning to fall for Muse B for more than just looks, Muse A’s overpacked bags come in handy when Muse B is feeling down and those treats that were ‘extra baggage’ and ‘stupid’ really come in as good comfort food. The two learn a lot about each other and maybe fall in love on this epic adventure?
Muse A is studying abroad! They come to Muse B’s country and go to school there, getting their education, while also learning aboutMuse B’s culture. Lots of Muse B showing Muse A around to the tourist sights, while also bringing them to the places tourists never think to go. (bonus points if both muns are from different countries, so we can actually learn about each other’s cultures!)
Muse A is the most popular girl/guy in school. Muse B is one of the smartest people in the county. While most fawn over Muse A, Muse B really didn’t care much. Muse B had a bright future ahead of them and they didn’t really care for the party/popular scene in the school. In their senior year, Muse A had come back from a summer long vacation, on a cruise ship, then a penthouse hotel on an island, so they’ve come back pretty happy and content, as per every year. Muse B had been on a science trip, going to islands and observing wildlife with some of the best scientists around. Needless to say, Muse B’s adventures in the wilderness left them looking AMAZING. They were hot. Muse A definitely took notice. When Muse A tries to ask out Muse B, Muse B denies them of a date. Mostly because Muse B didn’t like that ‘popular kids’ were always assholes. Muse A isn’t ready to accept this, so they join all the academic clubs, meeting all of Muse B’s friends, and basically tries to climb a new social ladder. In the process, Muse A gets a new understanding of what a person can be, going beyond social status and looks, Muse B sees that they were pretty hypocritical, since they were quick to deny Muse A, because of their social status (even though that’s what they thought ‘popular kids’ did). They even see that Muse A is a good person, willing to go through all this for them. And maybe Muse A finds out they’re actually extremely smart in a certain subject? (Bonus points if Muse A finds this out during an academic competition, where Muse B is stumbling on the answers a little, then Muse A swoops in and saves the day).
plot credi: @lostcrew
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captawesomesauce · 7 years
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When I grabbed this book, it was because I had Death of an Empire and I love reading about naval warfare during the War of 1812. I didn't read the description at all, just grabbed it and tossed it into my TBR.
Well, I'm going through my books editing/sorting/tagging and just read the description and HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! MY DUDES!!!!
Yeah, this book just got raised to the top of my fucking TBR pile. I'm almost tempted to stop working on my books, grab my big mug, and just rip through this book right now, because dude... fuck... I've never even heard of any of this!
What if a naval captain went rogue with an American battleship? In October, 1812, as the 32-gun U.S. frigate Essex ventured out against the British enemy, only one man had any idea that this cruise would turn into the longest, strangest naval adventure in American history. That man was Captain David Porter, who had decided to run off with the navy's ship and its three hundred men to fight a separate Pacific war--one of privateering, pillaging, and orgies. Drawing on Porter's own writings and the accounts of eyewitnesses, the author memorably recounts the events of a dark and fatal voyage in which David Porter crosses the line from commander to cult-leader, from improbable fantasy to disastrous reality. In a tale so amazing that it reads like fiction, Porter, impelled by his own demons and by rivalry with the ghostly British buccaneer Lord Anson, took his men and boys on a seventeen-month mystery tour that did not end until he had disrupted the Chilean revolution, captured the entire English whaling fleet (manned mainly by Americans), vanished into the enchanted Galapagos, and re-emerged in Polynesia, where he made himself the conqueror-chief of the stone-age Nukuhivans. In the end, when he sought redemption with a glorious victory over a British opponent, he failed terribly and sacrificed the lives of one-third of his crew to his personal notions of heroism. Robert Booth tells the story of the ill-fated Essex with accuracy, immediacy, and a broad vision of its meanings as an epic of war, a gripping tale of the sea, a brilliant portrait of a disturbed and disturbing American hero, and a geo-political thriller that sheds new light on the origins of U.S. imperialism, the tragedy of missed opportunities, and the disastrous and permanent impact of Porter's rampage on the peoples of the Pacific.
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theladyjstyle · 7 years
Royal Caribbean reveals new activities, restaurants and entertainment coming…
Royal Caribbean reveals new activities, restaurants and entertainment coming to Symphony of the Seas
Royal Caribbean pulled the curtains back on much of the new features and amenities coming to its next Oasis Class cruise ship, Symphony of the Seas.
Symphony of the Seas will offer a variety of new experiences onboard, including
Frictionless arrival
When guests arrive to the port, they can use their mobile phone to check-in and board the ship with just a security checkpoint between the curb and the ship. A redesigned check-in experience will eliminate lines and bypasses the counter. The new process will leverage a combination of facial recognition, bar codes and beacons to make boarding fast and frictionless.
Guests will check-in via the brand’s new mobile app and seamlessly upload their security “selfie” to create their onboard account from the comfort of their home. Upon arrival, guests will go through a security screening and then head straight to their stateroom, where their key will be ready and waiting.
The check-in process will take place via the new Royal Caribbean smartphone app that is under active development.
It will be available in Barcelona and in the new terminal in Miami.
Ultimate Family Suite
The two level Ultimate Family Suite is a dream come true for kids of all ages and will debut eye-popping features, including: an exclusive slide from the kid’s only bedroom down to the living room below; a floor-to-ceiling LEGO wall, an air-hockey table and hidden nooks for chilling. A separate 3D movie theater-style TV room, complete with popcorn machine and a library of video games across multiple gaming systems will bring a new level of euphoria and competition to gamers in every family. And that’s just the inside; the 212 square foot wrap-around balcony touts a bumper pool table, a climbing experience and a full-size whirlpool that will provide unmatched ocean views.
The room can accommodate up to 8 guests.  There is only one of these rooms on the ship.
Hooked Seafood restaurant
Fresh New England style seafood and located in Solarium (replacing Solarium Bistro).  It will feature fresh seafood and a robust raw bar complete with oysters shucked to order.
Located at the front of the ship in the Solarium, the casually sophisticated restaurant will offer expansive views of the open water, serving lunch and dinner.
Playmakers Sports Bar & Arcade
Score an awesome time at Playmakers Sports Bar & Arcade — whether you’re watching your home team on one of dozens of TVs, making your own legendary plays at the arcade, or refueling on your game day favorites.
Playmakers will be located on the Boardwalk neighborhood and span the entire length of the Boardwalk neighborhood. It will take the place of where Sabor and Starbucks were on Harmony of the Seas.
Starbucks will open on the Royal Promenade, but will not be available during the European season.
Sugar Beach Candy & Ice Cream
Sugar Beach candy and ice-cream shop will bring a sugar high of sweet treats to adults and kids alike, enticing them with colorful candy-packed walls and tempting ice cream and toppings galore. The sweetest spot on the high seas also will feature family-friendly activities for aspirational bakers.
This will replace the retail outlets on the Johnny Rockets side of the Boardwalk.
Laser Tag
In a far-flung galaxy in a distant future, two forces are set to collide. Choose your side, grab your laser blaster, and gear up for a stellar glow-in-the-dark time in Studio B.
An epic glow-in-the-dark laser tag experience.  State-of-the-art technology and special effects will transform Studio B into the ultimate laser tag arena as family, friends and foes battle over the fate of the last planet in the galaxy.
El Loco Fresh restaurant
Fresh. Fast. Authentic. Satisfy your craving for fresh-made Mexican favorites — the craziest thing about it is just how good it is.
It will be located in the Sports Zone, replacing Mini Bites on Harmony of the Seas. It will seat more than 100 guests.
Flight (Royal Theater)
You’re cleared for takeoff in Flight, a one-of-a-kind show that takes you through the history — and the future — of flying.
Flight is an uplifting historical satire on the evolution of air travel that ends with homage to the famed Wright Brothers.
HiRo (Aqua Theater)
A mind-blowing show that combines cutting-edge technology, future-forward choreography, unexpected stunts and highly innovative, physically extraordinary acrobatics.
1977 (Studio B)
This spectacular adventure on ice follows a time traveling, dimension-jumping hero as he is called upon in London to recover Her Majesty's Crown Jewels in time for the famous Silver Jubilee.
1977 will take ice-surface video projection technology to a new level and was developed Panasonic to push the limits of what is possible technologically.
Big hair, big dreams and all the right moves — you can’t stop the beat in this Tony Award-winning Broadway …
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tripstations · 5 years
World’s longest cruise to depart on epic 113 destination venture this week
The world’s longest boat tour sets sail this Sunday.
Viking Cruises’ Ultimate World Cruise takes passengers on an epic 245 day journey.
The route spans six continents and stops off at 113 destinations in 59 countries.
But as the trip is so once in a lifetime, it comes at a hefty price tag.
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Sailing on the Viking Sun’s longest journey will set you back thousands (Image: Viking Cruise)
In order to book a cabin on the Viking Sun, customers have to fork out an eye-watering £82,999.
This works out at around £1,400 per country they visit.
The sum covers covers the room, food and refreshments on board.
Holidaymakers are also provided with one free excursion per port they visit.
Some of the best stop offs include the Great Barrier Reef, Egyptian Pyramids and Amazon rainforest.
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Sydney is one of the destinations that the vessel will be stopping off in (Image: Viking Cruise)
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Passengers will be treated to an excursion in New York (Image: Viking Cruise)
And when passengers aren’t out exploring the world, they can enjoy the comfort of the Viking Sun.
The luxury vessel promises to keep guests busy with its amenities.
Holidaymakers can take a dip in its swimming pools, work up a sweat in the fitness centre or kick back in its cinemas.
Evening entertainment is also bound to liven up nights at sea.
Live music and lectures are among the sessions on the timetable.
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The epic 245 day adventure promises dozens of sunsets at sea (Image: Viking Cruise)
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OK we admit it – we have major travel envy (Image: Viking Cruise)
Alternatively, guests can swerve performances in favour of eating in one of the ship’s eight restaurants.
The cuisines are mixed up regularly to avoid travellers’ tastebuds from getting bored.
Well, we know which cruise we’ll be booking if we win the lottery…
The post World’s longest cruise to depart on epic 113 destination venture this week appeared first on Tripstations.
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I was tagged by @yo-looksomeoneactually , ha sorry it took me so long to do this
Rules: Answer all the questions, add one question of your own at the end, and then tag people.
Coke or Pepsi? I don’t drink soda, I hate the fizziness.
Disney or Dreamworks? Disney. I love them both.
Coffee or tea? Coffee. Not a fan of either thought. I need the frap or the half half iced tea. 
Books or movies? Movies. This was so tricky though. I love books, I’m a book fanatic. But recently, I’ve been enjoying movies a lot more since I don’t have as much time for books as I used to. (plus I don’t have as nearly as much time to look for new books))
Windows or Mac? Google
DC or Marvel? Marvel. Love DC though, I’m not a DC hater. 
XBox or Playstation? XBox. I have no gaming systems what so ever 
Dragon Age or Mass Effect? Dragon Age. Don’t know much about either, but a little about both. 
Night owl or early riser? Both, how fun is that. 
Cards or chess? Cards.
Chocolate or vanilla? Choconilla
Vans or Converse? Converse, though I always wanted Vans 
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash? Lavellan, I think. I don’t know that much about Dragon Age. 
Paragon or Renegade? Renegade, but I am a secret goody two shoes who aspires to be a criminal. 
Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
One episode per week or binge watch? BIIIINGE
Gandalf or Obi Wan? Obi Wan
Heroes or villains? Herains John Williams or Hans Zimmer? who are these humans
Disneyland/world or Six flags? uhhhhh, Six Flags.
Forest or sea? AHHHHHH I DONT’T KNOW FOREST?!!  i love nature i love hiking i love water i dont know which one 
Flying or reading minds? Reading minds
Twin Peaks or Northern Exposure? Haven’t seen either, but I have at least heard of Twin Peaks.
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
You’re banished to a deserted island, which Benedict Cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? I dunno, Doctor Strange or Sherlock. Marvel magician or dude who cheats death in his free time. 
Train or cruise ship? I LIKE TRAINS!!! (asdf ref yall) I love cruises though. 
Brian Cox or Neil DeGrasse Tyson? I also do not know these humans 
Art museum or science museum? Depends on the exhibits.
Irish pub or night club? No idea. I’ve heard crazy stories about both. 
Aang or Korra? Korra. Aang’s great, of course, but I can relate to Korra more. 
Swimming in a pool or lake? Lake. ADVENTURES. Maybe I’ll see NEssie one day 
Classical music or classical literature? Music. Sometimes I want to claw my eyes out for classical literture, no offense Shakespeare.
Oxford comma or no Oxford comma? Oxford comma, thought I doubt I use it properly 
Digital or paper books? Digital. I can’t handle real books. I lose them all the time, they’re really heavy, and I have to worry about their condition all the time. 
Rainy days or sunny days? Rainy. Give me stroms or give me death. 
Fantasy or science fiction? OOOOOOOH, both are insanely good if they both have quality plots. Going to have to say Sci Fy though.
Poetry or prose? Prose, poetry is too deep for me. The intended meanings of poems often go over my head. 
Music or lyrics? Music, I’m lyric deaf. 
Kissing or cuddling? Cuddle me.
Dancing or movies for date night? Movies. I was once asked if I was feeling okay when I was dancing. 
Sea or space? Space, there’s so much potential out there. The sea is epic too. The Kaiju are out there too. 
MBTI or zodiac? Zodiac. It’s is goofy. MBTI seems too serious.
Netflix or YouTube? Netlifx. Let the binge begin
Plushies or pets? Why is this an option, this is literally the most impossible decision ever. 
Pizza or nachos? Pizza
If you could speak to one person from history and tell them everything you know about the modern day, who would it be? FDR. He deserves to know how the war ended. Maybe he’d tell us how to fix the world today.  If you could become fluent in a language right now, what would you pick? Japanese or Chinese or Russian. Japanese so I don’t have to watch subbed animes, or Chinese because I am Chinese and I know very little, or Russian cause why the hell not. 
Favorite Mythical Creature? Dragons. Do they count
Vampires or Werewolves? Vampires because I once saw this tumblr post about this vampire in Vatian city like what life would be like there’s holiness everywhere garlic everywhere and idk I know a lot of vamp headcannons like WWII vamps and the immortality thing where they find someone and then they have to live without them and what happens if there’s a time where vampires are accepted but hten shit goes down and they’re all forgetten again just like where they started from, and that doesn’t make any sense, but vampire headcanons. None of that twilight shit here. 
Ao3 or ff.net? archiveofourown ftw 
I tag @nerdy-band-waffle, @coco-the-corbae, @8282-8282, @jcamacho4165, anyone who wants to do it I guess
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topfygad · 5 years
7 experience sailing holiday seasons for your bucket list
Experience sailing holiday seasons have the capacity to have travellers to the far reaches of the environment, accessing some of the most distant and magnificent landscapes the globe has to provide.
Owning lately returned from my initially tall ship sailing adventure off the west coastline of Scotland, and with my curiosity for the substantial seas effectively and genuinely piqued, I just take a glimpse at some adventure sailing holidays I would appreciate to sign up for.
1. East Greenland
Period: 15 times, Isafjordur to Kulusuk Price tag: €4,950 ($5,800) Extra information: anotherworldadventures.com
The east coast of Greenland is just one of the most remote spots in the earth
Along the 2,600km (1,600mi) stretch of coastline involving Tasiilaq and Scoresby Sund on the east coastline of Greenland, scarcely 3,500 folks carve out an existence, making it 1 of the most remote areas in the entire world. This is the realm of polar bears and narwhals.
On this excursion, a 60ft sailing yacht carrying just 12 passengers and two crew departs from Isafjordur in Iceland getting around 32 hrs to cross the Denmark Strait before travelling southwards together the east Greenland coastline. When circumstances are proper there are a lot of possibilities to make landfall and examine the spectacular wilderness of Greenland.
2. South Georgia, Falklands & Antarctica voyage
Duration: 22-39 times, Falkland Islands to Ushuaia Value: From €7,490 ($8,800) Additional facts: barkeuropa.com
The Europa presents a range of Antarctic sailing expeditions
The 100-year-old iconic tall ship Europa provides a quantity of Antarctic experience sailing holidays. My favourite is the 34-day expedition from the Falkland Islands to Ushuaia in Argentina by way of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula in the Weddell Sea. These iconic locations evoke the epic journeys of discovery made by the likes of Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen.
Covering above 2,400 nautical miles (2,500km) the ship visits some of the most inhospitable still lovely open up ocean. Be expecting icebergs, albatross and penguins, the latter in their thousands. Eventually, return to civilisation by crossing the infamous Drake Passage.
3. Cruise the Hebrides of Scotland
Length: 7 days, Oban to Oban Value: From £600 ($900) Much more details: ladyofavenel.com
The Girl of Avenel makes an great foundation for discovering Scotland
The Scottish west coast might not be as remote as some locations on this record but it presents equivalent wild magnificence, albeit with the option of a cozy pub and hearty food at day’s conclude. New from my 1st sailing journey in the Internal Hebrides I can completely propose a 7 days amongst some of Scotland’s finest surroundings.
The Girl of Avenel is a 102ft Brigantine square-rigger that runs a range of tall ship journey sailing vacations about the Uk. Choices include sea kayaking, paddleboarding, wild swimming, mountain walking and whisky tours, as properly as a wide range of passage cruises.
4. Sailing Cuba
Period: 8 times, Havana to Havana Cost: €1,279 ($1,500) Much more information and facts: gadventures.com
Going to Cuba by boat suggests you can stay clear of the crowds
Adventure sailing holidays never have to be between hostile, glacial seas. The Caribbean gives some of the most breathtaking waters in the entire world and it is an thrilling time to stop by Cuba. Not too long ago, the region has found a enormous maximize in tourism, producing sailing an perfect way to see the state when escaping the crowds.
Take a look at the Canarreos Archipelago located to the south of Cuba’s key island through a little and individual 82ft catamaran. As properly as snorkelling, rafting and kayaking, passengers can examine the land by means of mountaineering and biking excursions.
5. Spitsbergen (Svalbard) Sailing and Images Cruise
Length: 7 times, Longyearbyen to Longyearbyen Selling price: €2,700 ($3,200) Far more information and facts: basic-sailing.co.united kingdom
The Antigua has sailed to Svalbard each summer considering the fact that 2008
The Dutch-owned tall ship Antigua is a Svalbard specialist, sailing to the high-Arctic archipelago every single summer months considering that 2008. The ship can take voyages through the summer to the Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, located about halfway between continental Norway and the North Pole.
Nevertheless, it’s the September photography-concentrated vacation that interests me most. The evenings are darker at this time of calendar year and improved for viewing and photographing the northern lights. The crew involves pictures industry experts as very well as wildlife experts to help travellers location polar bears, walrus, cetaceans – both at sea and ashore – and the plethora of birdlife on offer you.
6. New Zealand to the Falklands
Duration: 44 times, Auckland to Port Stanly Value: £5,500 ($7,300)* Extra information: jst.org.uk
The Tenacious is the biggest operating picket hulled ship in the planet
A square rig ocean passage aboard the Tenacious, the biggest running wood hulled ship in the world. From New Zealand the ship follows the Roaring Forties westerly winds located in the Southern Hemisphere involving the latitudes of 40-50°.
Soon after 4,000 miles (6,500km) of open up ocean the ship will spherical Cape Horn and head for the Falkland Islands. With a 3,000-mile non-halt passage powering them – from 50 levels South in the Pacific – all the crew will have met the criteria to become associates of the Intercontinental Association of Cape Horners (furnished the voyage was done under sail devoid of using the engine). Evidently, additional men and women have summited Mount Everest than joined this exceptional club.
*Subsidised price as a result of fundraising. Whole price is £8,800 ($11,600).
7. Picton Castle Circumnavigation
Length: 425 times, Lunenburg to Lunenburg Price: $48,000 Far more information and facts: basic-sailing.co.british isles
The Picton Castle has concluded 6 globe circumnavigations
The 3-masted tall ship Picton Castle has finished 6 planet circumnavigations. In March 2018, she will get started her seventh. The voyage commences in Lunenburg in Nova Scotia, Canada, and for the broad the vast majority of the voyage will sail in a westerly course in the direction of the sunset. From Canada, it heads south to the lower latitudes, rounding Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean.
From the Pacific Ocean it passes by way of the Torres Strait, amongst Australia and Papua New Guinea and into the Indian Ocean. Rounding southern Africa and the Cape of Excellent Hope, it crosses the South Atlantic, approaching the Equator yet again, the Caribbean and then northwards, along the North American coast, returning to Lunenburg.
Passengers will be apprentice deckhands (trainees) and be anticipated to choose section in sail dealing with, small boat sailing and handling them under oar, helmsmanship, rigging, chartwork, ropework and even sail making and boat making. Trainees may possibly sign up for one or extra of the 4 legs of the voyage. They past from 88 to 135 times and are priced at $15,000 for every leg. Alternatively, the complete 425-working day voyage is out there for $48,000.
Lead graphic: Dreamstime
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hudsonespie · 6 years
Royal Caribbean’s Navigator Of The Seas Sails Into Miami With $115 Million New Look
Royal Caribbean International’s newly amplified Navigator of the Seas heats things up in Miami as she arrived into her new year-round home with $115 million of next-level features. The transformed 3,386-guest ship debuts bold, new adventures and Royal Caribbean favorites for all ages, like The Blaster, the longest aqua coaster at sea; Riptide, the industry’s only head-first mat racer waterslide; a reimagined poolscape infused with Caribbean vibes; To Dry For, the first standalone blow-dry bar at sea; and elevated dining and nightlife. Beginning Friday, March 1, Navigator will sail 5- and 9-night Caribbean itineraries through May 2019. The action-packed ship will then set course for The Bahamas with 3-night weekend and 4-night weekday cruises, including visits to the cruise line’s highly anticipated private island, Perfect Day at CocoCay, the unparalleled thrill and chill destination.
Image Credits: royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com
With adrenaline-inducing experiences, an array of dining and nightlife; and memory-making moments, Navigator of the Seas delivers the perfect short getaway.
Navigating New Features:
The Blaster – the cruise line’s first aqua coaster and the longest waterslide at sea propels thrill seekers through more than 800 feet of dips, drops and straightaways that extend over the side of the ship
Riptide – the industry’s only headfirst mat racer waterslide, complete with an exhilarating finish through a translucent tube for endless ocean views
To Dry For – the first standalone blow-dry bar at sea, offering blowouts, hairstyling and other services, plus a selection of wines and champagnes
Reimagined Poolscape – this Caribbean resort-style deck touts more pool for everyone – even a Splash Pad for tots – and tasty dining options Johnny Rockets Express and Mexican “street fare” at El Loco Fresh
The Lime and Coconut – a three-level signature bar that offers a variety of libations, a “rooftop” deck for a bird’s eye view and live music
“We have really dialed up the adventure and Caribbean vibes in ways that will make Navigator of the Seas the ultimate getaway to take from Miami,” said Michael Bayley, President and CEO, Royal Caribbean International. “Independence and Mariner of the Seas, the first two modernized ships in our Royal Amplified program, have quickly become standout hits, and Navigator builds on this momentum with a combination of new, exciting features and signature Royal Caribbean offerings that will surprise and delight guests cruising with us for the first time and those who have vacationed with us before.”
Image Credits: royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com
Delivering a Lineup of Royal Caribbean Favorites:
Hooked Seafood – the casual eatery serving up New England-inspired dishes
The Bamboo Room – a Polynesian-themed watering hole with kitschy-cool cocktails
Playmakers Sports Bar & Arcade – where families can enjoy gameday classics, 50 big-screen TVs, tabletop games, classic arcade hits and a new Owner’s Box VIP room
Jamie’s Italian –home to celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s rustic Italian recipes Battle for Planet Z – an epic glow-in-the-dark laser tag battle for the last planet in the galaxy
Royal Escape Room: The Observatorium – a challenge for teams of families, friends or fellow travelers to solve mind-bending puzzles before time runs out
FlowRider surf simulator, the rock-climbing wall, and a redesigned Adventure Ocean for the youngest of the family as well as new dedicated teen spaces
Navigator of the Seas is the third ship to be reimagined as part of the Royal Amplified modernization program, an investment of more than $1 billion in the cruise line’s award-winning fleet. The effort spans 10 ships in four years and touches every facet of the guest experience with the introduction of a wide range of new thrills and Royal Caribbean staples meant to appeal to every generation.
Beginning May 2019, each sailing on board Navigator of the Seas will visit Perfect Day at CocoCay, the first in the cruise line’s Perfect Day Island Collection of destinations around the world. Royal Caribbean’s private island will be transformed with $250 million to deliver unmatched adventures and amenities, including Thrill Waterpark with 13 jaw-dropping slides, like Daredevil’s Peak – the tallest waterslide in North America; Oasis Lagoon, the Caribbean’s largest freshwater pool; the Caribbean’s largest wave pool; Up, Up and Away, the helium balloon that floats up to 450 feet in the air; and Chill Island for some beach R&R.
Reference: royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com
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maritimecyprus · 7 years
(http://www.MaritimeCyprus.com) It’s a well-known fact; the cruise industry is buoyant, and growing by the day. And with this popularity comes new innovations, experiences, destinations, cuisine offerings, and sparkling new ships. It’s a safe bet that in 2018 there will be a cruise that caters to every taste, even for those that consider themselves landlubbers. We’ve uncovered what new and intriguing in the world of cruising for 2018.
If you like Celebrity Solstice you are in for a treat; behold more cabin space with stylish design, plus technological advancements. Celebrity Edge is more like a boutique hotel than a ship.
Celebrity Edge.
With panoramic observation decks, an array of dining choices plus a racetrack and giant overwater slide, Norwegian Bliss is bound to be popular with families.
Norwegian Bliss.
The newest and most luxurious ship in the Princess fleet, Majestic Princess will feature 13 dining options, designer shopping galore as well as the cruise line’s largest ever thermal suite.
SeaWalk on Majestic Princess.
Set to become the world’s biggest ship, Symphony of the Seas will feature robotic bartenders, an AquaTheater showcasing high-flying and high diving performances as well as the Ultimate Abyss, the tallest slide at sea.
Symphony of the Seas.
With the heightened demand for more experiential travel, Azamara have decided to add a new ship to the fleet in 2018 — Azamara Pursuit. She’ll sail from March.
Azamara Pursuit.
Launching in the Mediterranean in August 2018, Scenic Eclipse will be the world’s first Discovery Yacht. Splurge on the Penthouse Suite at the bow, it has a 60 sqm curved terrace with a private jacuzzi.
Scenic Eclipse in Antarctica.
Bucking the trend for larger ships, 2018 will see the launch of Ponant’s Le Lapérouse, which will feature the world’s first underwater lounge, called Blue Eye, as well as Le Champlain.
Blue Eye lounge on Le Laperouse.
The Viking Orion will join the fleet in July and will spend her maiden year sailing itineraries in the Mediterranean, before making her way to Asia, Australia, New Zealand and then Alaska.
Viking Ocean Cruises is launching a new ship.
It’s true, cruisers are beginning to skew younger. Royal Caribbean is seeing an average 50 per cent year-on-year growth in millennial sailors (aged 20-35 years) within the local market. And with more activities geared toward them, it’s no surprise.
“This trend will continue into 2018 as they focus more on experiences, rather than acquiring possessions,” Hoot Cruises general manager Jeff Leckey says.
“To cater for this trend, the major cruise lines are providing more authentic experiences on their shore excursions, more activities on board and better connectivity while at sea.”
A rising demographic that Carnival has noticed are honeyboomers. They’ve seen an 80 per cent increase in couples with older children sailing without their children to experience new adventures.
“Dubbed the ‘Honeyboomer’ trend, parents are embracing their alone time like never before to keep the love alive,” says Sandy Olsen, vice-president corporate affairs for Carnival Australia.
Of course, connectivity on the high seas continues to be of utmost importance with cruisers wanting to know in advance what on-board internet packages cost and what the speeds and options are.
“The newer tech-savvy ships such as Ovation of the Seas and Majestic Princess have been built from the ground up with these facilities in mind,” Jeff Leckey says.
Cruise lines such as Silversea are even offering free Wi-Fi is provided for every guest throughout their ships.
In other big technology news, Princess Cruises’ new wearable device, the Ocean Medallion, which enables personalisation and delivers an enhanced guest experience will be introduced into Australia come November 2018, on-board Golden Princess.
Meanwhile, on the new Symphony of the Seas, Royal Caribbean will introduce a new “frictionless” check-in via a new mobile app where passengers will be able to use their smartphone to make embarking quicker so they can begin their holiday.
The Ocean Medallion – a watch-like device – will debut in Australia on Golden Princess.
Set to be the biggest ship at sea, the 5500-guest Symphony of the Seas, sailing from April 2018, will feature a plethora of new activities on-board. Expect thrills while plummeting down the tallest slide at sea, named the Ultimate Abyss. There’s also the world’s largest laser tag arena where guests can gear up for an epic glow-in-the-dark battle.
Meanwhile, according to Nicole Costantin, vice-president, sales, at Norwegian Cruise Line, the new 4000-guest Norwegian Bliss will feature an open-air racetrack that lets riders travel at up to 50km/h on electric vehicles on nearly 300m of track.
“It isn’t the first time a Norwegian Cruise Line ship has added a go-kart track to its amenities, but the one on board the new Norwegian Bliss will be the biggest,” she says.
It will also have a water slide that sends riders out over the ocean.
Norwegian Bliss is set to feature an open-air race track.
Expect more opportunities for exceptional dining at sea with the new Majestic Princess offering Michelin star restaurants.
“Majestic Princess will feature 13 dining options including two restaurants with menus designed by Michelin star chefs — Harmony by chef Richard Chen and La Mer by chef Emmanuel Renaut, “ Carnival Australia’s Sandy Olsen says.
And this year’s introduction of a small bar on-board P&O Pacific Explorer has been a huge success.
“The small and hidden bar scene is incredibly popular on land and P&O has taken the concept to sea with The Bonded Store which features a stylish decor in an intimate setting, as well as fantastic Archie Rose cocktails,” says Olsen, before hinting that there may be more of these innovations come 2018.
“We remain committed to making sure our locally-based fleet is fit-for-purpose and is at the cutting edge of revolutionising the cruise experience for Australian guests,” she says.
The giant Symphony of the Seas will feature new food offerings including Sugar Beach candy and ice-cream shop, complete with colourful lolly-packed walls. There will also be Hooked, Royal Caribbean’s first New England-style seafood restaurant and El Loco Fresh offering Mexican fare.
El Loco Fresh on Symphony of the Seas.
With the popularity of cruising, comes more demand for variety. Next year will see a huge range of new destinations on itineraries from the “remotest inhabited island in the world”, Tristan da Cunha between South America and Africa to a new terminal opening up north of Sydney in Newcastle.
A highlight of APT’s cruise schedule for 2018 is a visit to the island of Elba in the Tyrrhenian Sea’s Tuscan Archipelago National Park as part of their Moors to Rome expedition cruise.
For 2018, Silversea will visit more of the hard to get to, lesser-known places for cruise ships.
“Destinations like our own Kangaroo Island in Australia, which is a hit with international guests and locals alike, thanks to a plethora of wildlife and natural beauty,” says Amber Wilson, managing director, Asia Pacific, Silversea.
Viking Cruises new Viking Ra will sail on a new Egypt itinerary, Pharaohs & Pyramids from March 2018.
“With her introduction, we will be one of the only Western companies to own and operate a ship on the Nile,” says Michelle Black, managing director of Viking Cruises Australia and New Zealand.
Scenic will be exploring destinations that have previously only been accessible to the more intrepid traveller, such as Cuba and the South Georgia Islands.
“Both will be featured in our inaugural season of cruises aboard Scenic Eclipse,” Scenic’s national marketing manager Liz Glover says.
Kangaroo Island will be a new port for Silversea in 2018.
Raising the bar in modern cruising, Celebrity Cruises will be launching their new Edge class in December 2018 with the 2918-guest ship, Celebrity Edge. Expect new revolutionary advancements including an ‘infinite veranda” in the 918 Edge Staterooms. The floor-to-ceiling window can retract to create a glass railing together with folding French doors if a balcony is desired. Not only will the vista be bigger, there will now be more space in the staterooms. Get ready for giant bathrooms and more storage.
Also expect ultra modern design by renowned London designer, Kelly Hoppen. Think suites with private plunge pools, grey wash wood finishes, Eames lounge chairs, and velvet soft furnishings.
Best of all though is the new “Magic Carpet”, a bar and lounge elevated above the top deck that also serves as the disembarkation platform to transfer cruisers to their launch from ship to shore.
Meanwhile, Princess Cruises have partnered with “The Sleep Doctor”, Dr. Breus to develop The Princess Luxury Bed, designed specifically to give guests the best night sleep at sea. Not only will you sleep well on the new Majestic Princess when she launches in September 2018, you can enjoy 1000sq m of designer shopping and a dramatic over-the-ocean glass walkway.
Designer shopping on Majestic Princess.
You’ve heard of slow eating, and slow living, now comes slow cruising, coined by Azamara Club Cruises.
“We also call our type of cruising ‘slow cruising’ as guests have the luxury of staying longer and experiencing more, with longer stays in port and more overnights than any other cruise line,” says Adam Armstrong, managing director, Azamara Club Cruises Australia and New Zealand.
Their 2018 102-day epic World Journey cruise departs Sydney on March 7.
Seabourn is offering new Extended Explorations voyages, which include a range of itineraries ranging from 12 to 128 days in length.
“Extended Explorations offers travellers a variety of ways to uncover new destinations by allowing guests to have an in-depth experience in a specific region or effortlessly move from one region to another,” says Chris Austin, senior vice-president, global sales and marketing, Seabourn.
And Viking is offering the combination of ocean and river cruising in 2018. For example, a 15-day Rhine & Viking Fjords & Shores combines an eight-day ocean cruise from Bergen to Amsterdam with an eight-day river cruise Amsterdam to Budapest.
Carnival Spirit is set to undergo refurbishment in 2018.
Several ships are going into dry dock for refurbishment next year. Royal Caribbean’s Independence of the Seas will undertake a multimillion-dollar makeover in April to add a trampoline park, as well as water slides, an escape room and laser tag.
Silver Cloud, the ship that launched the Silversea fleet in 1994, is being transformed into an expedition ship, complete with a strengthened ice-class hull for navigating polar waters.
And in May, Carnival Legend and Carnival Spirit go into dry dock in to be fitted with exciting new features in time for the 2018-19 cruise season.
Source: escape.com.au
How Cruising Will Change In 2018: New Cruise Ships and Hot Trends (www.MaritimeCyprus.com) It’s a well-known fact; the cruise industry is buoyant, and growing by the day.
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Travels with Drone: What's it's like Carrying a Drone Around the World
What is it like to do a RTW trip or long term travel with drone?
Annoying, inconvenient, often times sweaty. Also though, completely worth it.
Looking for a bit more information than just that? My take on the experience is categorized below so that you can jump quickly to the bits that are of most relevance to you and your upcoming travels. After all, this is a LONG article.  If you're interested in this subject, it's likely that you're really interested.  If you're not interested in this subject, the internet is filled with funny videos of cats and monkeys.  Go get 'em!
Foreign Laws Regarding Drone Use
Understanding foreign laws governing drone use is probably the biggest component to watch out for while traveling with a drone. Before I attempted to fly in any country, I would always do a quick read through online to determine if I should be aware of any country specific laws forbidding use of drones. If I found information of concern through an official site or on a drone forum, I'd do a bit of extra research to clarify the issue.
One of the first things to be aware of when reading foreign laws is to know that many laws are specific to commercial drones.  Recreational drones are sometimes not subject to the same requirements for certifications, insurance, etc. 
When doing research on drone laws you inevitably are going to run into opinions from a bunch of mouth breathing neckbeards who think you'll end up in a bamboo prison if you fly a drone in another country- it's simply not the case. Additionally, lots of armchair experts on the subject mistakenly think that any law they see online applies to all drones, without bothering to do the research on what differentiates recreational drone use versus commercial drone use.
If I ever found info or law I was unclear on, I would reach out the local aviation authority from that country. For example, I had more than a few emails and phone calls with the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines to guarantee I wouldn't find myself in trouble for flying a drone there.
At the end of the day, you're the one who's going to have a big remote in their hands. We all know there is nothing inconspicuous about flying so if you're in the wrong, you're likely going to get called out on it.
Better to Beg Forgiveness Than to Ask Permission
On the flip side of being cautious, if you want to make french toast, you gotta break a few eggs. Much like the United States, many foreign governments find themselves confused with just how to regulate drone use. In these cases, you may just have to go for it and fly using common sense rules.
Stay under 400 ft in elevation.
Don't fly in a manner that puts people at risk (above crowds, in front of passenger planes, etc)
Stay away from airports, government buildings, and military bases. (5 miles is the law in the United States.  Any closer and you would need to notify the Air Traffic Control Tower)
Physically Carrying the Drone
What. A. Pain. In. The. Ass.
Easily the worst part of bringing a drone with you around the world is actually bringing a drone around the world with you.
If you want to get any interesting footage, you need to bring the drone on daily adventures. This means your day bag is now your drone bag, so in addition to your drone you have to pack food, water bottle, light jacket, sunscreen, etc into your drone bag. Feels heavy? You betcha!
Imagine a beautiful, clear day and you're going to do a 5 hour mountain hike.  Of course, you're taking the drone with you because you're going to do an epic Point-of-Interest 360 degree video at the peak. 4.5 hours into the hike, wind picks up out of nowhere and you just lugged a robot that can fly up the side of a mountain. That's what disappointment feels like.
Carrying the Drone on the Airplane
Instead of a carry-on bag with toys and treats, you now have a carry on bag that is 100% fragile and filled with robot.  That means that you're carrying two bags on you whenever you are actually moving between destinations.  Even if you're an ultra light backpacker and only bring a few extra pairs of underwear, you're going to be loaded up like a sherpa when its time to go to the airport, train, or bus.
hile I may not have had any major hassles by security or customs, officers did seem to show special interest in the drone from time to time. I imagine this is a trend that will slowly fade as the tech becomes more commonplace. The only time I had my drone confiscated was by security getting onto a Princess Cruise. They simply kept the drone in a locked room that I could “check out” whenever we got into a port of call. I completely understand the cruise ships don't want to become aircraft carriers if its at all preventable. 
Having to Fly Extremely Cautiously 24/7.... or bring extra parts
I do my best to fly cautiously so that I pose no danger to people. I think that's a good rule that everyone can get behind.
When I'm in the U.S. though, I'm willing to fly the drone in closer proximity to trees, cliffsides, etc in order to get a more dynamic shot. When traveling though you can't get as risky with your shots- replacement parts are hard to get a hold of and too much of a hassle to carry many of them with you.
When I had a propeller failure (obligatory video) in Austria and had to order a new body shell for my P3, I had to do a rush order on parts from a UK provider to be delivered to our Germany apartment. It was not easy and far from cheap. If I had been in a remote part of Vietnam when it happened, I would have ended up lugging around a non functioning drone for more than 2 months.
Broken drones are not a problem- they can be fixed. The bigger tragedy is missing the shots you wanted to take because you can't get your hands on replacement parts.
The list of potential dangers grows longer and longer the more your travel: territorial birds, sudden rain showers/drizzle, rogue wind gusts, sightseeing helicopter tours that are not concerned with minimum altitudes (looking at you Dubai/New Zealand).
Worrying about it Getting Stolen
As if worrying about breaking the drone by your own hand isn't enough, you also have the stress of knowing you have a high profile, expensive piece of tech in your bag that is ripe for stealin'.
Aside from someone stealing the drone from our room when we were out and about, it isn't out of the question that we could attract attention and end up getting mugged somewhere such as a hiking trail. A drone in the sky is the ultimate sign that you have something worth stealing. While the best way to prevent theft is just to be alert of your surroundings it can be difficult to keep your court awareness up while the drone is in the air.
There were a few specific times during the trip where I didn't fly because the area seemed a bit on the rough. (The hotel attendant in Ho Chi Minh grabbed me before I walked out the door and pulled me in saying someone would drive by and snatch the controller). Remember, you're not just taking out the drone and remote for the audience that inevitably gathers. You're also inevitably pulling out an iPad or smartphone, as well as giving a peak at whatever valuables you're carrying in your drone travel bag.
INSURANCE: There is no small price tag associated with owning a UAV. We made sure to get the higher coverage from WorldNomads so that we would be covered up to $3,000 total with a $1,500 per item limit. 
You'll Always Have An Audience
While traveling the world, I would wager that I had people watching me fly over my shoulder at least 80% of the time I used my Phantom 3. This isn't really much different than the United States though and in well traveled areas drones attract much less attention. Flying a drone won't draw a crowd in Phi Phi or in Bali but in less traveled areas of South East Asia sometimes it felt like the entire town showed up to see what I was doing.
My experiences with onlookers was 99% positive. Kids absolutely love the drone and some of my most memorable shots are of them chasing the drone low to the ground or just trying to jump up and grab it. I was amazed by how many times I would be totally alone near a jungle and 5 minutes after the drone was in the sky, I'd have four kids peaking over my shoulder to see the video.
My only negative experience the whole trip was at Monkey Island in New Zealand where an older woman was convinced that I was going to use the drone to spy on people. I don't know how I'm supposed to spy on anyone with something that sounds like a gas weedwacker, but long story short, she was an absolute delight to have met and seemed really well informed...
Traveling with a Drone is a Sure Fire Way to Become a Better Pilot and Videographer
Without a doubt my skill has improved in the past 8 months. I can say with confidence that I'm no longer the very worst Phantom pilot on this earth-probably still rank in the bottom 1% though. I haven't maimed myself, hurt anyone else, and I've only crashed the drone once.
I've used the drone as often as possible and am constantly pushing myself to try new ideas for shots as well as shoot new subjects. While traveling, I've had the time to learn more about how to use filters properly and how to use the manual settings as well.  These sort of details are second nature to anyone with photography experience but are completely uncharted territory for someone who just wanted to use a flying robot to get "cool shots".
For our travels, I forced myself to work off one battery to save weight in the drone bag.  Using a single battery will force you to become an expert at planning all your shots ahead of time. Before launching your drone you'll become accustomed to building a mental list of shots that you need to nail before you land. Before you know it, your flight times will become shorter and shorter.
Yes, the Benefits of Traveling with a Drone make it Completely Worth It
If you're still questioning whether to bring a drone on your trip I hope I've at least brought up some points that you previously had not thought about. You'll want to consider the methods of transportation you'll be using, the drone laws of the countries you'll be visiting, and finally, if you want to deal with the very real hassle of bringing the drone out with you on your daily adventures.
Even though there are quite a few drawbacks to carrying the drone with on such a long trip, I can honestly say that some of the best video we created is a result of having the drone with us. Now, if I the drone had been stolen during the trip or I'd crashed it into the side of a mountain, I might not be singing the same tune.
At the end of any weighing of pros and cons, I have a 3 minute long 360 degree video of Allison and I fighting with sticks at the top of a mountain in New Zealand. It's the little things for me, and a video like this kind of makes its all worth it to me.
OTHER RELEVANT TECH: If you're looking to take your video production to the next level on your trip, you'll get more bang for your buck by springing for an external microphone and a powered gimbal for the GoPro you already likely own.
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topfygad · 5 years
7 experience sailing holiday seasons for your bucket list
Experience sailing holiday seasons have the capacity to have travellers to the far reaches of the environment, accessing some of the most distant and magnificent landscapes the globe has to provide.
Owning lately returned from my initially tall ship sailing adventure off the west coastline of Scotland, and with my curiosity for the substantial seas effectively and genuinely piqued, I just take a glimpse at some adventure sailing holidays I would appreciate to sign up for.
1. East Greenland
Period: 15 times, Isafjordur to Kulusuk Price tag: €4,950 ($5,800) Extra information: anotherworldadventures.com
The east coast of Greenland is just one of the most remote spots in the earth
Along the 2,600km (1,600mi) stretch of coastline involving Tasiilaq and Scoresby Sund on the east coastline of Greenland, scarcely 3,500 folks carve out an existence, making it 1 of the most remote areas in the entire world. This is the realm of polar bears and narwhals.
On this excursion, a 60ft sailing yacht carrying just 12 passengers and two crew departs from Isafjordur in Iceland getting around 32 hrs to cross the Denmark Strait before travelling southwards together the east Greenland coastline. When circumstances are proper there are a lot of possibilities to make landfall and examine the spectacular wilderness of Greenland.
2. South Georgia, Falklands & Antarctica voyage
Duration: 22-39 times, Falkland Islands to Ushuaia Value: From €7,490 ($8,800) Additional facts: barkeuropa.com
The Europa presents a range of Antarctic sailing expeditions
The 100-year-old iconic tall ship Europa provides a quantity of Antarctic experience sailing holidays. My favourite is the 34-day expedition from the Falkland Islands to Ushuaia in Argentina by way of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula in the Weddell Sea. These iconic locations evoke the epic journeys of discovery made by the likes of Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen.
Covering above 2,400 nautical miles (2,500km) the ship visits some of the most inhospitable still lovely open up ocean. Be expecting icebergs, albatross and penguins, the latter in their thousands. Eventually, return to civilisation by crossing the infamous Drake Passage.
3. Cruise the Hebrides of Scotland
Length: 7 days, Oban to Oban Value: From £600 ($900) Much more details: ladyofavenel.com
The Girl of Avenel makes an great foundation for discovering Scotland
The Scottish west coast might not be as remote as some locations on this record but it presents equivalent wild magnificence, albeit with the option of a cozy pub and hearty food at day’s conclude. New from my 1st sailing journey in the Internal Hebrides I can completely propose a 7 days amongst some of Scotland’s finest surroundings.
The Girl of Avenel is a 102ft Brigantine square-rigger that runs a range of tall ship journey sailing vacations about the Uk. Choices include sea kayaking, paddleboarding, wild swimming, mountain walking and whisky tours, as properly as a wide range of passage cruises.
4. Sailing Cuba
Period: 8 times, Havana to Havana Cost: €1,279 ($1,500) Much more information and facts: gadventures.com
Going to Cuba by boat suggests you can stay clear of the crowds
Adventure sailing holidays never have to be between hostile, glacial seas. The Caribbean gives some of the most breathtaking waters in the entire world and it is an thrilling time to stop by Cuba. Not too long ago, the region has found a enormous maximize in tourism, producing sailing an perfect way to see the state when escaping the crowds.
Take a look at the Canarreos Archipelago located to the south of Cuba’s key island through a little and individual 82ft catamaran. As properly as snorkelling, rafting and kayaking, passengers can examine the land by means of mountaineering and biking excursions.
5. Spitsbergen (Svalbard) Sailing and Images Cruise
Length: 7 times, Longyearbyen to Longyearbyen Selling price: €2,700 ($3,200) Far more information and facts: basic-sailing.co.united kingdom
The Antigua has sailed to Svalbard each summer considering the fact that 2008
The Dutch-owned tall ship Antigua is a Svalbard specialist, sailing to the high-Arctic archipelago every single summer months considering that 2008. The ship can take voyages through the summer to the Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, located about halfway between continental Norway and the North Pole.
Nevertheless, it’s the September photography-concentrated vacation that interests me most. The evenings are darker at this time of calendar year and improved for viewing and photographing the northern lights. The crew involves pictures industry experts as very well as wildlife experts to help travellers location polar bears, walrus, cetaceans – both at sea and ashore – and the plethora of birdlife on offer you.
6. New Zealand to the Falklands
Duration: 44 times, Auckland to Port Stanly Value: £5,500 ($7,300)* Extra information: jst.org.uk
The Tenacious is the biggest operating picket hulled ship in the planet
A square rig ocean passage aboard the Tenacious, the biggest running wood hulled ship in the world. From New Zealand the ship follows the Roaring Forties westerly winds located in the Southern Hemisphere involving the latitudes of 40-50°.
Soon after 4,000 miles (6,500km) of open up ocean the ship will spherical Cape Horn and head for the Falkland Islands. With a 3,000-mile non-halt passage powering them – from 50 levels South in the Pacific – all the crew will have met the criteria to become associates of the Intercontinental Association of Cape Horners (furnished the voyage was done under sail devoid of using the engine). Evidently, additional men and women have summited Mount Everest than joined this exceptional club.
*Subsidised price as a result of fundraising. Whole price is £8,800 ($11,600).
7. Picton Castle Circumnavigation
Length: 425 times, Lunenburg to Lunenburg Price: $48,000 Far more information and facts: basic-sailing.co.british isles
The Picton Castle has concluded 6 globe circumnavigations
The 3-masted tall ship Picton Castle has finished 6 planet circumnavigations. In March 2018, she will get started her seventh. The voyage commences in Lunenburg in Nova Scotia, Canada, and for the broad the vast majority of the voyage will sail in a westerly course in the direction of the sunset. From Canada, it heads south to the lower latitudes, rounding Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean.
From the Pacific Ocean it passes by way of the Torres Strait, amongst Australia and Papua New Guinea and into the Indian Ocean. Rounding southern Africa and the Cape of Excellent Hope, it crosses the South Atlantic, approaching the Equator yet again, the Caribbean and then northwards, along the North American coast, returning to Lunenburg.
Passengers will be apprentice deckhands (trainees) and be anticipated to choose section in sail dealing with, small boat sailing and handling them under oar, helmsmanship, rigging, chartwork, ropework and even sail making and boat making. Trainees may possibly sign up for one or extra of the 4 legs of the voyage. They past from 88 to 135 times and are priced at $15,000 for every leg. Alternatively, the complete 425-working day voyage is out there for $48,000.
Lead graphic: Dreamstime
(purpose(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0] if (d.getElementById(id)) return js = d.createElement(s) js.id = id js.src = "http://link.fb.web/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&appId=696667793712621&model=v2.3" fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs) (doc, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'))
source http://cheaprtravels.com/7-experience-sailing-holiday-seasons-for-your-bucket-list/
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topfygad · 5 years
7 experience sailing holiday seasons for your bucket list
Experience sailing holiday seasons have the capacity to have travellers to the far reaches of the environment, accessing some of the most distant and magnificent landscapes the globe has to provide.
Owning lately returned from my initially tall ship sailing adventure off the west coastline of Scotland, and with my curiosity for the substantial seas effectively and genuinely piqued, I just take a glimpse at some adventure sailing holidays I would appreciate to sign up for.
1. East Greenland
Period: 15 times, Isafjordur to Kulusuk Price tag: €4,950 ($5,800) Extra information: anotherworldadventures.com
The east coast of Greenland is just one of the most remote spots in the earth
Along the 2,600km (1,600mi) stretch of coastline involving Tasiilaq and Scoresby Sund on the east coastline of Greenland, scarcely 3,500 folks carve out an existence, making it 1 of the most remote areas in the entire world. This is the realm of polar bears and narwhals.
On this excursion, a 60ft sailing yacht carrying just 12 passengers and two crew departs from Isafjordur in Iceland getting around 32 hrs to cross the Denmark Strait before travelling southwards together the east Greenland coastline. When circumstances are proper there are a lot of possibilities to make landfall and examine the spectacular wilderness of Greenland.
2. South Georgia, Falklands & Antarctica voyage
Duration: 22-39 times, Falkland Islands to Ushuaia Value: From €7,490 ($8,800) Additional facts: barkeuropa.com
The Europa presents a range of Antarctic sailing expeditions
The 100-year-old iconic tall ship Europa provides a quantity of Antarctic experience sailing holidays. My favourite is the 34-day expedition from the Falkland Islands to Ushuaia in Argentina by way of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula in the Weddell Sea. These iconic locations evoke the epic journeys of discovery made by the likes of Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen.
Covering above 2,400 nautical miles (2,500km) the ship visits some of the most inhospitable still lovely open up ocean. Be expecting icebergs, albatross and penguins, the latter in their thousands. Eventually, return to civilisation by crossing the infamous Drake Passage.
3. Cruise the Hebrides of Scotland
Length: 7 days, Oban to Oban Value: From £600 ($900) Much more details: ladyofavenel.com
The Girl of Avenel makes an great foundation for discovering Scotland
The Scottish west coast might not be as remote as some locations on this record but it presents equivalent wild magnificence, albeit with the option of a cozy pub and hearty food at day’s conclude. New from my 1st sailing journey in the Internal Hebrides I can completely propose a 7 days amongst some of Scotland’s finest surroundings.
The Girl of Avenel is a 102ft Brigantine square-rigger that runs a range of tall ship journey sailing vacations about the Uk. Choices include sea kayaking, paddleboarding, wild swimming, mountain walking and whisky tours, as properly as a wide range of passage cruises.
4. Sailing Cuba
Period: 8 times, Havana to Havana Cost: €1,279 ($1,500) Much more information and facts: gadventures.com
Going to Cuba by boat suggests you can stay clear of the crowds
Adventure sailing holidays never have to be between hostile, glacial seas. The Caribbean gives some of the most breathtaking waters in the entire world and it is an thrilling time to stop by Cuba. Not too long ago, the region has found a enormous maximize in tourism, producing sailing an perfect way to see the state when escaping the crowds.
Take a look at the Canarreos Archipelago located to the south of Cuba’s key island through a little and individual 82ft catamaran. As properly as snorkelling, rafting and kayaking, passengers can examine the land by means of mountaineering and biking excursions.
5. Spitsbergen (Svalbard) Sailing and Images Cruise
Length: 7 times, Longyearbyen to Longyearbyen Selling price: €2,700 ($3,200) Far more information and facts: basic-sailing.co.united kingdom
The Antigua has sailed to Svalbard each summer considering the fact that 2008
The Dutch-owned tall ship Antigua is a Svalbard specialist, sailing to the high-Arctic archipelago every single summer months considering that 2008. The ship can take voyages through the summer to the Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, located about halfway between continental Norway and the North Pole.
Nevertheless, it’s the September photography-concentrated vacation that interests me most. The evenings are darker at this time of calendar year and improved for viewing and photographing the northern lights. The crew involves pictures industry experts as very well as wildlife experts to help travellers location polar bears, walrus, cetaceans – both at sea and ashore – and the plethora of birdlife on offer you.
6. New Zealand to the Falklands
Duration: 44 times, Auckland to Port Stanly Value: £5,500 ($7,300)* Extra information: jst.org.uk
The Tenacious is the biggest operating picket hulled ship in the planet
A square rig ocean passage aboard the Tenacious, the biggest running wood hulled ship in the world. From New Zealand the ship follows the Roaring Forties westerly winds located in the Southern Hemisphere involving the latitudes of 40-50°.
Soon after 4,000 miles (6,500km) of open up ocean the ship will spherical Cape Horn and head for the Falkland Islands. With a 3,000-mile non-halt passage powering them – from 50 levels South in the Pacific – all the crew will have met the criteria to become associates of the Intercontinental Association of Cape Horners (furnished the voyage was done under sail devoid of using the engine). Evidently, additional men and women have summited Mount Everest than joined this exceptional club.
*Subsidised price as a result of fundraising. Whole price is £8,800 ($11,600).
7. Picton Castle Circumnavigation
Length: 425 times, Lunenburg to Lunenburg Price: $48,000 Far more information and facts: basic-sailing.co.british isles
The Picton Castle has concluded 6 globe circumnavigations
The 3-masted tall ship Picton Castle has finished 6 planet circumnavigations. In March 2018, she will get started her seventh. The voyage commences in Lunenburg in Nova Scotia, Canada, and for the broad the vast majority of the voyage will sail in a westerly course in the direction of the sunset. From Canada, it heads south to the lower latitudes, rounding Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean.
From the Pacific Ocean it passes by way of the Torres Strait, amongst Australia and Papua New Guinea and into the Indian Ocean. Rounding southern Africa and the Cape of Excellent Hope, it crosses the South Atlantic, approaching the Equator yet again, the Caribbean and then northwards, along the North American coast, returning to Lunenburg.
Passengers will be apprentice deckhands (trainees) and be anticipated to choose section in sail dealing with, small boat sailing and handling them under oar, helmsmanship, rigging, chartwork, ropework and even sail making and boat making. Trainees may possibly sign up for one or extra of the 4 legs of the voyage. They past from 88 to 135 times and are priced at $15,000 for every leg. Alternatively, the complete 425-working day voyage is out there for $48,000.
Lead graphic: Dreamstime
(purpose(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0] if (d.getElementById(id)) return js = d.createElement(s) js.id = id js.src = "http://link.fb.web/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&appId=696667793712621&model=v2.3" fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs) (doc, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'))
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2OCd5Rg via IFTTT
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theladyjstyle · 6 years
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10 things you never thought to bring on a cruise, but you totally should
Even if you have never taken a Royal Caribbean cruise before, you probably can figure out some basic things to bring on a cruise vacation: sunglasses, swim suits, shorts and flip flops are fairly self explanatory.  Beyond the obvious things to pack, there are some other things you really ought to bring along on your cruise that are not things you may think of initially.
After taking quite a few Royal Caribbean cruises, we collected 10 things that inspired at one point or another we thought, "I wish I'd packed that!" when on a Royal Caribbean cruise.
Note: There are affiliate links in this post that kick back a few bucks to me if you happen to click on them and order something.  It will cost you absolutely nothing extra, I just get a "finders fee" from Amazon for my trouble, and it helps "keep the lights on" with this blog.
Ways to ID your suitcase
When your cruise is over and you are headed to the cruise terminal to collect your belongings and get on your way home, the last thing you want to do is play the "where is my luggage" game.  Your luggage will be waiting for you in groups that are separated by numbers, but there still can be a lot of luggage to comb over.
In order to simplify finding your own luggage and alert others that the generic black suitcase you own is not theirs is to invest in some way of identifying your luggage.  You can use bandanas, string, luggage tags, stickers or whatever else will stay affixed to your luggage.  You do not have to be very creative, just come up with a decoration scheme that works for your family.
Changes of clothes for hot days
When packing for that shore excursion adventure in a port that will take you to some historic site or incredible area, you ought to throw in an extra outfit just for your time on shore.
When walking, running, swimming, kayaking, skipping, or power walking through any port you will visit, odds are that all the energy you will expend during the day may lead to some serious sweating.  This is especially true when you go on a cruise during the summer months when just walking off your ship and down the pier can lead to epic schvitzing.
Having an extra outfit to change into after you get back to the ship is a really nice cruise hack.  After all, once you take that post-shore excursion shower, do you really want to put back on those soiled clothes that you wore around Havana all day?
Snacks for the room
When I first heard about the idea of packing snacks from home to keep in your room, I thought it was the looniest idea ever. I mean, why pack food when Royal Caribbean offers so much food during your cruise?
The reality is kids always want a snack in that time between when they get picked up from Adventure Ocean but before they go to sleep.  In fact, the first words out of my kids' mouths when I pick them up is "Daddy, can we get something to eat?".  Having a bag of Goldfish, fruit snacks or whatever else your little kiddies enjoy in the room means they can have a quick bite without having to order room service or walk around the ship in search of food.  Plus, it allows the kids to nosh on something while getting changed.  These snacks are also great for lazy mornings where everyone sleeps in. 
Speaking of snacks, be sure to grab a few extra boxes of your kids' favorite cereal from the Windjammer to keep in your room as a snack.  Just like snacks from home, they are very helpful and you can only get the cereal boxes in the morning when breakfast is served.
Magnetic hooks
Something you may not realize about your cabin is how little opportunity there is to hang stuff.  More often, people end up draping their clothes, swimsuits, jackets and everything else over the back of a chair, couch or balcony.  Instead, you ought to invest in a pack of strong magnetic hooks. 
Your stateroom walls are made out of metal, which means you can simply stick a magnet onto a wall or ceiling and start hanging your hats, swimsuits or whatever else needs to be hung.
Ziploc bags
As you head out of your house on your way to the cruise, grab a dozen or so Ziploc bags, because they are really useful for so many reasons.
Ziploc bags are great at keeping what is inside apart from what is outside.  This means it can keep wet clothing from your dry clothing, or keep dry clothing from getting wet or sandy. On beach days, these bags are invaluable.
Likewise, Ziploc bags can be useful for things other than just clothes.  You can actually stick your smart phone, tablet and any other electronic device in these.  I have even seen some people use their phones while in the bag as a "poor man's phone protector". 
Portable phone charger
With the proliferation of Royal Caribbean's high speed internet across its fleet and the constant drive to share how much fun you are having with friends and family at home, a portable phone charger can make a lot of sense to have with you on a cruise.
Portable phone chargers are cheap, with basic ones costing less than $20 and heftier packs that can power multiple devices not that much more money.  This means you never have to curtail sharing your vacation on social media, streaming videos, or keeping the kids entertained on a bus ride.
I always bring a portable charger with me when I go on shore excursions these days.  I love not having to worry about finding a power outlet.
Aloe vera
I never bothered to include aloe vera in my cruise luggage until the one time I needed it and then it became the thing I always pack on a cruise.
No one wants to think about getting sun burned, and it is really easy to tell yourself that you will apply plenty of sunscreen and sun burns are something that happens to other people. The reality is sunburn can happen to anyone and never fun when it does.  
Your cruise ship may sell aloe vera onboard, but it will not be as cheap as when you buy it at home.  Moreover, you want to have access to it the moment you realize you need it.  The sooner it gets applied, the sooner it helps soothe away the pain.
Tip: stick it in the mini-fridge in your room on embarkation day so it's cooled down for application later.
Wrinkle release spray
Did you know that there are no self-serve laundry options nor any clothing irons on Royal Caribbean cruise ships?  The only option if you want your clothes pressed or cleaned is to send them out for dry cleaning.
If you are concerned about your clothes being wrinkle-free after you unpack onboard, invest in a good wrinkle release spray. You simply spray any clothing to remove any unwanted creases or wrinkles.  Plus, it has the added bonus of making your clothing smell good again, which can be an issue if your luggage that you store in your basement/attic has an odd odor to it.
Sticky notes
If you want an easy low-tech option for letting your friends and family know where you are on a cruise ship, sticky notes are the way to go for staying in touch.
Put a pad in each stateroom, and you can quickly jot down a note of where you will be and place it pretty much anywhere you think that person will read it.  
Metal straw
Did you hear the news that Royal Caribbean will eliminate plastic straws on its cruise ships by the end of 2018? Saving the environment is really important, but enjoying your favorite frozen drink should not be neglected either.
If you prefer a straw in your drink, and do not care for a paper straw, investing in a metal straw may be just the right solution for you. They are rather inexpensive, reusable and easy to clean.  Plus, metal straws have the structural integrity paper straws cannot match and can stay in your drink for hours and never break apart.
Did we miss something?
Is there something you always bring on a Royal Caribbean cruise that may not be that obvious to bring along? Did you find out list particularly helpful? Share what you think in the comments of this blog post!
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theladyjstyle · 6 years
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Mariner of the Seas arrives in PortMiami following $120 million makeover
Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas arrived to her new home at PortMiami today after a $120 million upgrade that added new thrills, restaurants, staterooms and entertainment.
Mariner of the Seas will offer short getaway cruises with 4-night weekday and 3-night weekend cruises from Miami to The Bahamas. Her entrance to the short cruise market radically changes the dynamic of what a weekend cruise can offer. Giving millennial travelers more ways to play, the ship’s short itineraries pack more adventure than ever with Sky Pad, a virtual reality, bungee trampoline experience; the cruise line’s first Polynesian-inspired, tiki-chic bar, The Bamboo Room; glow-in-the-dark laser tag, racer waterslides and more.
Royal Caribbean added a lot of new features to Mariner of the Seas, including:
Sky Pad – The gravity-defying bungee trampoline experience amped up with virtual reality
The Perfect Storm – A thrilling pair of three-story-high racer waterslides called Cyclone and Typhoon
Laser Tag: Battle for Planet Z – An epic glow-in-the-dark battle for the last planet in the galaxy
Escape Room: The Observatorium – Royal Caribbean’s newest escape room challenge
FlowRider – The cruise line’s signature 40-foot-long surf simulator, perfect for hanging ten
The Bamboo Room – A laidback Polynesian watering hole with a throwback vibe and kitschy-cool craft cocktails like the Island Old Fashioned and Tiki Tea – the first in Royal Caribbean’s fleet
Playmakers Sports Bar & Arcade – For fans watching their home team on one of more than 25 TV screens, making their own legendary plays at the arcade, or refueling on game-day favorites
Jamie’s Italian – Serving fresh, handmade and rustic Italian fare by Chef Jamie Oliver, one of Britain’s most famous food exports
Izumi Hibachi and Sushi – Asian-inspired dining featuring hibachi, sushi and sashimi and more – made to order with authentic flavors, the freshest ingredients and impeccable presentation
Mariner of the Seas will welcome guests for the first time on Monday, June 25, as it sets sail on a 4-night cruise to The Bahamas. The newly reimagined ship will continue to offer 4-night weekday and 3-night weekend itineraries from Miami, with visits to Nassau and CocoCay. Beginning May 2019, Mariner will sail to the new Perfect Day at CocoCay, the first destination in Royal Caribbean’s recently announced collection of private island experiences around the world.
Mariner of the Seas is the second ship in Royal Caribbean's fleet to undergo the Royal Amplified program, which is a $900 million commitment to reimagine its fleet.
Mariner of the Seas
Royal Amplified
Press Release
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