#< can you juzt accept that we never really knew each other ?>
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-Mxnthy. ~
-X've looked through thxs blog. ~
-X cannot belxeve the thxngs you've done. ~
-You revealed Talcus' name. ~
-You have expressed such a hatred of xt. ~
-You lxed about the blood thxng? ~
-You dxdn't say xt was for some rxdxculous blood experxment. ~
-You came to my hxve and x let you send maxl and xt was a wrxggler? ~
-A wrxggler, Mxnthy? ~
-You've sent some troll two wrxgglers? ~
-Have you lost your pan? ~
-Xs thxs troll mxnd controllxng you? ~
-Do you not see how worryxng thxs xs? ~
-Have you been thxs troll the whole txme? ~
-Dxd you hate Talcus the whole txme we were datxng? The whole txme we were frxends? ~
-They're my top prxorxty. You know that. ~
-Dxd you ever even lxke me? ~
-How could you hate someone x love so much and stxll lxke me? ~
-Why were we even together? ~
-X'm so dxssapoxnted xn you. ~
-X thought you had potentxal. ~
-But you're an xmmature crxmxnal. ~
-Xf you need help, x'm here. ~
-Xf not, xf thxs xs truly how you are, then be grateful x don't report your crxmes. ~
-Others mxght not be so kxnd. ~
-Marrgo Conlxe. ~
< oh th:z :z k:nda perzonal huh >
< yeah : mean we zhouldnt have dated that waz ztup:d >
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