#;you're brilliant! (donna noble)
oncomingx · 9 months
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companion-showdown · 8 months
Who is your favourite companion?
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propaganda under the cut
Ace McShane
She's brilliant. One of the best written and developed companions of the classic series, such a template for the modern era. So many different fates and stories across the different media. If you don't love her in one you're bound to in another. And then she got her return in the new era to boot. Oh yeah; and beating the crap out of a Dalek with a Gallifreyan enhanced baseball bat. What a legend. she's... ACE! (@seven-times-champion /@elden-12 )
Ace is the natural predecessor to modern female companions. She's a fighter, smart, caring, an explosives "expert", a match for the Doctor despite being so young. She follows her own morality, will smash a dalek with a baseball bat no problem, and has a banging wardrobe! (anonymous)
Donna Noble
you already know who she is bc she's the most iconic companion of all time. imagine teleporting into the tardis on the worst day of the doctor's life (so far) and not clocking any of his angst and SCREAMING at him to take you back to your wedding not only is this THE funniest introduction it's symbolizing how she saw the doctor at their worst, underneath the front that they put up, and due to this she understands them on a level like nothing else and changes their life forever. "you don't just need someone to stop you, you need someone to keep you going". AHHHHHH. she isn't in love with the doctor she calls them out whenever they're being awful and need to be whacked on the back of the head. she is filled with so much compassion for the smallest person she reminds ten of the kindness that was beaten out of him and she is so so loving to everyone except for herself. she loves her trans daughter so much. she changed the narrative of the doctor back from the tragedy it was into something hopeful. healing is real and possible through the power of queerplatonic relationships actually. donna sweep or i blow up the website (@aq2003 )
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forever-fixating · 2 months
RWRB Appreciation Month Bingo: Platonic Dynamic
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For @rwrbsource and @rwrbmovie's RWRB Appreciation Month Bingo: Platonic Dynamic
Platonic Dynamic: Henry and Pez
Author's Note: Henry and Pez have such an interesting friendship in the book, and I'm so sad we didn't get to see more of it in the movie. (Mayhaps something to elaborate on in the sequel?) I wanted to write this little moment because I believe that Pez was a major support for Henry when grappling with the aftermath of Arthur's death. Shoutout to Pez, you are a real one, darling! This bit is quite angsty, so maybe have a hanky handy?
Pez Okonjo considered himself to be a fairly emotionally intelligent person for his age. His parents raised him to always extend grace and understanding to people because he could never know what they might be going through. But, as he stood outside his dorm room, listening to his best friend struggle not to break down over the phone, he couldn't muster a single mite of grace or understanding for one Catherine Fox Mountchristen-Windsor.
"A-are you sure she isn't available?" Henry was saying. "I-It's just...things are really hard for me right now, and I wanted to-"
Henry's voice fell silent, no doubt listening to the laundry list of excuses and platitudes Catherine's equerries had on hand ever since Arthur's death. Pez tried to be understanding. Really, he did. He had no idea what it must be like to lose the love of one's life. But, in the past few months, especially after the nightclub incident with Bea, Pez had a front-row seat to what it was like to lose a parent.
Or two, Pez thought bitterly.
He listened to Henry mumble something. I swear to God Almighty, if he is fucking apologizing, Pez fumed silently. But anger wasn't what Henry needed at that moment. So, after a minute or two, he knocked on the door cheerfully and breezed in, saying, "So, I know you wanted falafel tonight, but our favorite stand closed early. I got us Indian instead. There's a few different options for you to choose from, plus leftovers for tomorrow!"
Pez pretended not to notice his friend's redden, glassy eyes or the quick swipes he made over his cheeks. Ever since Arthur, it was a delicate tightrope act of knowing when to push and when to let things be. Tonight was the latter.
Henry looked at the bulging bag of food Pez set down on the end of his bed and asked, "Wh-what happened with Cassandra? I thought you two had a date tonight."
Pez sighed, shucking off his jacket. "Can you believe she had the nerve, the gall, nay! The temerity to cancel on me? She said she had food poisoning or some such tosh, but then tell me why I saw her out with her girlfriends at the pub? Women, beautiful, beguiling creatures, though they may be, can be so fickle."
Henry managed a laugh, a small victory in Pez's eyes. "Oh crumbs, Pez. You haven't had much luck lately. That's what? The sixth cancellation in so many weeks?"
"Yes, you needn't rub in it, Haz!"
Of course, it was a lie. In truth, Pez did the canceling, as he had with most of the others who asked him out recently. The ladies were disappointed (because how could they not be?) but understood when Pez explained why. Part of him figured Henry knew the stories were a scam. But Pez couldn't fathom the idea of partying when his best mate was alone with his dark thoughts.
Pez sat down next to Henry, who asked, "Would you like to watch more Doctor Who?"
"Yes, please!" Pez said, digging into the bag and arranging the takeaway containers like a mini-buffet. "I believe we left off right before Ms. Donna Noble was set to make her debut?"
Henry nodded, his spirits lifting. "She's absolutely brilliant, I'm certain you'll love her. I love the dynamic she has with Ten. Oy, Space Man!"
Pez laughed and took a bite of a samosa while Henry queued up the episode on his laptop. As the opening credits played, Henry laid his head on Pez's shoulder.
"Thank you."
Pez rested his cheeks on limp, blonde hair. "You're welcome, Haz."
A/N— Sorry, not sorry, but if the fandom is going to rake Ellen over the coals for her shortcomings with Alex, there needs to be a lot more discussion about Catherine. True, she lost her husband, but Phillip, Bea, and Henry lost their father. She should have been there for them. Comment below with your thoughts! I promise the next ficlet will be decidedly less angsty.
Check out this post and join the fun in celebrating the one-year anniversary of our little romcom that could being released!
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freuleinanna · 9 months
the noble conversations
carer of the stars
I had an idea to write down every single conversation that takes place in the house Noble now that the Doctor is leaving with them, but we'll see how that goes. For now, I just got my own heart broken over Wilf and Fourteen, so here you are <;3
Mind you, it's all dialog. It's a thing. Whatever.
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"Anything good up there?" "Oh! Doctor!" "Wi-ilf! My marvelous friend. Got you a new thermos." "Ohh, you shouldn't have! Come sit, I was just about…" "And a new blanket. This one always keeps you warm! See? Got actual light-threads of Aurora Borealis woven into it, like, actual light threads! Did you know the northern lights are really magnificently warm? Ain't it just brilliant?" "Ohhh, ho-ho… It sure sparkles! The northern lights?" "Northern as they come!" "From the actual thingy? You're not saying those are aliens?" "Well… not in itself– I mean if you– Sometimes– Oh, nevermind. A warm alien blanket for the most dedicated starkeeper!" "Thank you, my friend. Oh, but it is wonderful to have you back!" "Ha-haa!" "And the thermos? Some clever thing as well? You never seem to run out of them, I say!" "Oh! Well, it's just a thermos. Sorry. Should have thought of something… Donna Kerblam-ed it today." "Ker-what?" "Oh, you know. Got it from the thing, the what's-its-name. Amazon, whatever. Same difference. Although why call a delivery service after the forests, the warrior tribe, and the fifth wettest lake in the non-gravitational space, I will never understand. So yeah… Just a thermos, really. She says yours never keeps enough warmth." "Well, this one will. Come on, sit with me a moment, keep the old man company. I was just saying hello to the skies. Been a while, yes it has." "I'm sure they missed you, too." "Oh, Doctor. Always know a thing to say." "No, I'm serious! The stars remember, Wilf. They certainly remember you, you've kept… a brilliant watch. Watched them all when nobody else bothered to look." "Ha! Says you, who travelled them. Nuh, I'm good with my personal favorites. Shame I can't see the rest, though." "Well–" "No, that's alright. Hush, Doctor. Not in the travelling form these days." "Well, I could… Hold on." "What is it? What are you doing?" "Take a look." "Oh… Oh!.." "Beautiful, ain't it?" "Doctor! But what?.. How?.." "Sli-ightly enhanced the perception abilities of your telescope, resonated the image. Added a few filters. The universe is enormous, Wilf. Now you can see it. So many more stars to meet." "Doctor…" "Oh, no! I meant it as a good thing! You still have time, I promise you that! Oh. Wait. Ohh! Happy tears. Happy tears, right. Sorry, I'm rubbish at–" "Thank you, my friend. My dear, dear friend, thank you for everything." "Thank you. For just as much." "And I mean it, Doctor. It's wonderful to have you back." "That's the thing, though. I don't want to be wonderful. I mean, not the Time Lord wonderful. I mean, not all the time. I just… want to be. With all of you." "She did get you home, didn't she?" "Yeah… She really did." "Well, I always said, I always told her she's amazing. And she missed you terribly. Heart-breaking, Doctor. I was heart-breaking to watch her. So much sadness, and nowhere to put it. Carried it around, like luggage. Never understanding– No, I know. Don't have to explain it. Just trust me, Doctor, because I've been here. I had a duty of watching, if nothing else. With you home, it's so, so much better." "A duty of care…" "What was that?" "No, it's just– Just something I used to say. Nevermind. I think you're the best man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, Wilfred Mott. The watcher and the carer of the stars." "My Donna's a whole galaxy." "Ha! Yes, she is. And so are you." "And you, Doctor. Welcome to the family." // "So, how are the new stars, Wilf?" "Marvelous... Just marvelous." "I could tell you stories about them." "Could you really? About all of them?" "About all of them. One night at a time. That's a promise."
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ghostofafruit · 10 months
Hey, here's about 500 words of Rose Tyler meeting Rose Noble. This follows on just after the Star Beast and is also posted on ao3
"I told you!" Sylvia shouted again, even though the Tardis was now entirely gone. Rose wanted to laugh, but she also wanted scream. She wished she asked to go to. There was really a lot of wanting and wishing going on and not a lot of questioning. Rose turned to her dad.
"Can I ask what's going on now?" he asked. She laughed at that and Sylvia went on shouting at the air. 
"Mum met an alien the first go round she had at getting married," Rose explained, albeit vaguely. 
"No, still confused," he admitted. 
"Can we go see great grandad, see if they get there?" she asked instead of elaborating. Sylvia stopped shouting at the air and nodded slightly. 
"That's a good idea, let's go," she said. Just as she did so though a bright light emitted from from just behind where the Tardis had been. They all turned in time to watch a woman stumble into the wall and groan. Rose's eyes went wide. See, she didn't have all the intelligent bits left, or the extra alien knowledge, but she had the memories and it was sort of like remembering a movie or tv show. There, leaning against the brick wall where the Tardis had been parked was the most impossible thing Rose could imagine. It was Rose.
Not her, Rose, not Rose Noble, but Rose Tyler. She was supposed to be in another universe, happy, living a life, with a family. Rose had never expected to meet Rose, not that she had concsiously known she had named herself for the brilliant woman, but in the short time she had know she hadn't expected to ever meet her. 
"You're Rose Tyler," she said. The woman looked up, her eyes were all sort of golden more so than the brown she recalled them being from her mother's brief stint meeting her that she could remember. 
"Yeah," she said, "how'd you know that?" Rose Noble smiled at her. 
"I named myself after you," she told her. Rose Tyler scrunched her eyebrows up a bit at that. 
"But how'd you know me," she asked. 
"My mum's Donna Noble, you just missed her and the Doctor," she told her. Rose Tyler groaned and slapped at the brick wall as if it'd help her.
"They're meant to be heading for Wilf," Shaun said. Rose grinned at that.
"Nice man Wilf, how is he?" she asked.
"Old, a little tired," Sylvia said. 
"How old is he now anyway?" she asked, Rose Noble noticed the gold fading from her eyes, not so in a dramatic way but more just sinking back below the surface. 
"Ninety four," Rose answered. 
"Oh wow, would say he's knocking on a bit but I think I've got him beat by a couple hundred years on that," Rose joked back. Rose Noble stared at her for a second as she processed it all, but then a memory, one of the Doctors, slipped up. 
"Bad Wolf," she said. Rose Tyler grinned at her.
"I have no idea how you know all this, but it's just fantastic," she said. They grinned at each other and Rose Tyler pushed herself of the wall to come over. 
"Can I join you to see Wilf? Rather liked him when I met him," she asked. Rose grinned at her, Shaun sort of shrugged, and Sylvia sighed but nodded. "Oh and Rose?" 
Rose Noble looked back to her.
"Brilliant name," she said. 
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applebottomthemes · 10 months
The Giggle Thoughts
Naturally, spoilers ahead
- Honestly I was very excited for the Toymaker's return. The whole concept was beautiful
- Mel, my beloved, I'm so glad you're home
- My understanding of the Toymaker's effect on humanity was that it brought out what they thought (hence the always being right issue). So Kate going off at everyone, more what she said than how she said it, was weird since I thought it was kinda their deepest thoughts coming to light, not just a bit of ableism or ginger conspiracy
- Though her fear of the Doctor is valid. You know, since he’s an alien that always seems to come out on top. Well, almost always
- MEL!! (I'm glad they had a solo Mel & Doctor interaction)
- I felt 14 was needlessly aggressive towards humanity? Just flat out insulting humanity out of nowhere? That was weird to me. If it was built up? Fine. But it just appeared
- Catherine Tate is amazing the whole way through. She always nails it. Much love to her
- The Toymaker's shop folding up just reminded me of Dan's house I'm sorry-
- LMAO THE SPICE GIRLS SCENE. We love a man who can make an entrance
- 14's regeneration, Mel and Donna reassuring him and insisting to be by his side? Immaculate. Bi-generation? Not so much.
- Unpopular(?) opinion but they keep giving the Doctor lore that I can only think to describe as main character syndrome. With 13, Chibbers tried to tell us that the Doctor is actually the only one who had regenerative abilities and it was extracted from them and bestowed upon other Gallifreyans to make them Time Lords (I will not stop talking about how this makes so sense in regards to the last 60 years of Doctor Who. (Also no hate to 13 I love her so much she deserves better))
- But yeah, giving the Doctor the Timeless Child lore and now this, something that is supposedly a myth? It feels very much like a child stacking a bunch of powers onto their character to make them seem all important
- Don't get me wrong, bi-generation is an awesome concept. Just... don't give it to the Doctor. Please.
- Wait is 14 commando?
- Ncuti was brilliant, though I wished he was treated more like the Doctor than a side character. He is now the Doctor, after all.
- The end of the Toymaker felt... a little anticlimactic
- 15 and Donna really told 14 to get help lmao. They know he's not okay
- The mention of Adric and Sarah Jane broke my heart
- The concept of two Doctors and Two Tardis' is... not sitting well with me. They need to let Tennant go. I can't stress enough how much this concept makes me want to peel off my own skin and burn it.
- Okay, also potentially unpopular opinion, but the rule of show, don't tell? I feel like they abandoned that with the wheelchair ramp scene.
- Have y'all seen that Sonic Boom clip where Knuckles is like "Actually Amy, stating that a woman doing this is abnormal solidifies the idea that it's abnormal because you're making it seem like it's a great achievement that will only be done once"... or something like that? Yeah, some of the inclusitivity felt like they were making a big deal of something that should be... normal? Like, you could have Shirley just enter the Tardis. You get the message across that hey, the Tardis is now wheelchair accessible, without being so on the nose.
- Despite everything, the slice of life at the end with 14, the Noble family and Mel was beautiful. The Doctor is finally healing
Overall, I enjoyed the episode, there were good bits, and not so good bits, and of course things I would like to have done differently. It started off really strong but gradually got weaker, and it felt like there was a better resolution than what we got, and the bi-generation should not have happened, at least not to the Doctor. Of course my opinions are neither right or wrong, for they are opinions, and I'm willing to see the opposing side to my views and even be challenged.
I feel like I'm being mean so thank you Russel and the Doctor Who team for bringing us these three episodes, they have been a joy to watch.
Also I praised Ncuti and Catherine, expressed my love for Bonnie, but I didn’t give props to Tennant. He really is great
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Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh boy, that's a difficult question given how many favourites I have but I'll do my best to answer!
(Under the cut though because I'm physically incapable of being brief about media I'm passionate about)
In no particular order:
James Flint (Black Sails) - a complex and almost poetic show with an equally complex and occasionally ruthless lead. He's a pirate captain on a revenge quest against England for taking his previous life and loved one away from him- I did not expect a show set in the 18th century to have a queer lead, much less one treated with so much respect and written as this multifaced and hard to judge morally. Just a warning though, the show gets dark and comes with a pretty extensive list of trigger warnings, so please take that into account if you're interested in watching!
Astrid Nielsen (Astrid et Raphaelle/Bright Minds/Astrid and Raphaelle [depending on translation]) - not a big crime drama guy, but she's one of a kind protagonist of a one of a kind show. A brilliant archivist and assistant investigator played by an equally great actress (Sara Mortensen). One of the only autistic leads out there and treated with such respect and attention to detail I cried several times watching just from how relatable Astrid is- I've never seen any representation like this before and certainly not for a female lead character. She's a genius but not emotionless (quite the opposite, in fact), never infantilised and her friendship with Raphaelle is beautifully written and takes into account their differences as a young ND woman new at her job and a neurotypical experienced detective. Astrid needs Raphaelle's perspective and help just as much as she needs hers, it's wonderful. This series does admittedly get queerbaity at times (imo) and Astrid faces occasional ableism, though it's always called out.
Kenzo Tenma (Monster manga/anime series) - hands down my favourite thriller out there and Dr. Tenma is a deeply honorable, determined and exceptionally kind man even despite his entire life falling apart, even towards the main villain who's a literal serial killer. I'd compare him to Aang (ATLA) in terms of how dedicated he is towards helping people and staying true to his morals. Incredible protagonist of an incredible story.
Donna Noble (Doctor Who) - she's so fun! The show was right to call her the most important woman in the history of creation, she's everything to me. Funny, lovable, strong, sarcastic, deeply human, I'm so glad she'll be back soon even if it seems like a brief guest starring type of deal.
Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo's bizzare adventure: Stone Ocean) - when I say I want complex female leads, not just strong ones, Jolyne is a good example of how they should be written. She's allowed to swear and be angry and imperfect, makes mistakes and deals with the consequences- all while being a great friend, caring daughter (despite daddy issues, her dad did admittedly kinda suck) and a smart fighter in the face of likely the most powerful villain in the series this far. There are uh... several problems the author has in terms of his writing of women, but Jolyne was so good.
Raine Whispers (The Owl House) - my beloved bard! They were such a good addition to the show both as Eda's ex (who she's still in love with) and a rebel witch! I loved their determination, they were smart as well (totally see why Eda fell for them so hard, same). Disney sucks for cutting the show short, I know they would have gotten more importance had the crew been allowed to make a full third season instead of several eps to wrap up the story :(
Xie Lian (Heaven Official's Blessing) - he gives me so many emotions... So deeply sad and yet so loving, one of the most compelling and complex protagonists I've seen- can't say too much without spoilers, but his backstory made me weep. Season 2 of the animated show just started, he's now a priority blorbo & both the animation studio and his actor do such a great job! Please do be warned, just like with Black Sails the trigger warning list for this series is LONG. Truly puts the 'dark' in dark fantasy.
Lee Dongsik (Beyond Evil) - a show that will emotionally punch you in the gut and kick you when you're down. He's a detective labeled as an insane weirdo and a potential murder suspect, but most of that is due to intense trauma and a (bad) coping mechanism. The show can and will make you question your view on every character and has so many twists, if you're a fan of crime dramas it's a must watch & Lee Dongsik is a super complex and fun to watch lead.
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) - this show entered my head years ago and refuses to leave, and this boy is so well-written and such a good example of how to make an engaging and likeable action/fantasy lead! Even before I got into anime my best friend kept recommending me FMA as a series for everyone, she was right- it's universal and Ed is a big part of that, I love him so much.
Korra (Avatar: The legend of Korra) - this list couldn't be complete without one of my favourite animated series leads! Great character development, strong and determined, realistic, very cool overall! I had such a crush on her in high school. Can't not mention her relationship with Asami, they paved the way for more openly queer characters in animation and will forever be famous <3
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ofkasterborous · 10 months
i know 14 is not 10, exactly, but do you have. thoughts about when he started to rise to the argument and fuss but then backed down and apologized that felt like the kind of thing that could maybe have an essay in it somewhere and if you think there is one I would like to read it, is all
idk if I have an essay about it but I do think I have, "I just have her back, I am not going to be spending this time yelling at her. No, I don't want to be yelling at this brilliant woman I adore", i think. there is some thread somewhere where the doctor has this moment with an alien imitating Rose Tyler, he knows it is not her, and she hugs him and he thinks, I'll take it.
there is this grief he has for his friends and the people he's lost and make no mistake, he Lost Donna Noble. They could have a row, he loves having a row, but what he loves more is doing things with her and exploring with her and being her best mate, and her being his. Not to mention they're stranded there and yelling about who spilt coffee's not going to help. (Not to mention the TARDIS really did ditch 'em, but he's not -- actually -- worried that she won't come back.)
also i think the way there's that little hitch of Donna's voice in "oh, like I could stop you," there is a hitch there that means it is not fun for her and he does not want to be having a row that isn't fun for both of them. look how he turns away, apologises, and when he comes back she's almost in tears. She's upset. He rises to the argument but realises it's biting - this is scary for her - and backs off because that's not what he's there for and not something he'll do to her. and definitely, he is not going to hand her "you're the reason your daughter might never know what happened to you", 'cause that's what she's thinking (he realises, there) and throwing "your fault" at her isn't fair.
"No," she says, and he says sorry immediately, bc she heard him edging on the accusation and she told him No. and she's right.
It wasn't Donna's fault and it isn't really the Doctor's either, but she is brilliant to her bones and he did not mean to be suggesting anything anywhere near thinking different.
"You spilled the coff--" I Want You Here and You Are Amazing, and you're going to go home.
(The hand kiss, too. Oh, the hand kiss. He really is a little like he'd be if he'd had Ludivine Alexander in his life. I stand by it. A little different in places - but a lot of this is who he could have been if he had lived. Gonna get himself killed or going to start getting better, but he got himself killed. He deserved to run into a thief in a museum gone to snatch an orphaned egg.)
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eohwyyn · 2 years
top 5 agatha christies and top 10 quotes from books/tv shows/films/etc that live rent-free in your brain :)
hi Arwen!!
top 5 agatha christies (love this question btw!!):
And Then There Were None - i keep meaning to watch the tv series but haven't gotten around to it yet...
Murder on the Orient Express
The Seven Dials Mystery
They Do It With Mirrors
Appointment With Death
honorable mention to Why Didn't They Ask Evans? just because the tv show was brilliant!
top 10 quotes that live in my brain rent-free:
"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerfherder!" - the one & only leia organa, the empire strikes back
"There is a giant wasp! I mean a wasp, that's GIANT! And when I say giant, I don't mean big, I mean FLIPPING ENORMOUS!!" - ALL HAIL OUR QUEEN DONNA NOBLE, literally every time I say this line to myself I do her head bobble too lol. absolutely iconic of miss tate
"900 years of time and space, and I've never met anybody who wasn't important" - eleventh doctor
"If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more" - Emma (this quote makes me absolutely INSANE)
"No matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in the moonlight, strangled by my own bra" - Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist
"I wish I were a girl again, half savage, and hardy, and free..." - Wuthering Heights
“Oh, you can't help that,” said the Cat: “we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.” - Alice in Wonderland
"And then her heart changed, at least as she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her." - The Return of the King, about Eowyn
"Daughter of Eve from the far land of Spare Oom where eternal summer reigns around the bright city of War Drobe, how would it be if you came and had tea with me?" - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
"You just want TO MATE? You're not mating with me, sunshine!" - once again, our queen Donna Noble
Ask me my “TOP 5/TOP 10” anything!
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beatriceeagle · 1 year
I was wondering - who are your top 5 TV characters right now? Do you have any TV show recommendations for stuff you've watched recently? I'm in something of a TV rut and trying to coax myself out. Thank you!
Oh man!
My top 5 TV characters may be a little different than they were last time I thought about this. I would have to say currently it's Julia Wicker (The Magicians), Donna Noble (Doctor Who), Britta Perry (Community), Ro Laren (Star Trek: TNG) and... Zuko, maybe? Julian Bashir? That fifth slot is so hard to pin down.
Unfortunately I've also been in a bit of a TV rut lately, but I can come up with a few shows from the past few years that I've really enjoyed.
Severance: I think everyone in the world has recommended this, but it's so unbelievably good, while also being extremely funny and watchable. Trippy near-future sci-fi starring Adam Scott. Season one is only 9 episodes, so it's not a big commitment. (Apple TV+)
Yellowjackets: Very fucked up, so don't watch unless you're cool with a lot of violence and cannibalism. Digs into trauma and the complexities of teen girl friendship, but is also just incredibly pulpy and weird. Stars Melanie Lynskey, Christina Ricci, Juliette Lewis, and Tawny Cypress. Season two currently airing. (Paramount+/Showtime)
Midnight Mass: An eight-episode miniseries from the same team that made The Haunting of Hill House. Very contemplative, emotional horror. Themes of religion, hypocrisy, and mortality. The central conceit of this one is so cool to figure out in real-time that I'm not gonna say too much more, but this is legitimately my favorite thing that Netflix has ever produced. (Netflix)
The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself: Already canceled, but the first season wraps up reasonably well. Urban fantasy about warring witch societies, with some cool ideas and very likeable actors. More-or-less canonical polyamorous relationship at the center. (Netflix)
Assorted Other Not-Necessarily-Recent Shows: Gortimer Gibbon's Life on Normal Street (astonishingly good live-action kids show on Amazon Prime, two seasons); Legacies (final show in the TVD-verse, similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer in tone and execution, four seasons); Cobra Kai (intentionally over-the-top follow-up series to the already over-the-top Karate Kid movies, ongoing); 9-1-1 (watch if you enjoy the idea of a disaster movie every fifth episode followed by four Lifetime movies, ongoing); Looking for Alaska (very good miniseries adaptation of the book on Hulu); American Vandal (extremely funny and well-made true crime parody, two seasons); ER (it lasted a million seasons and covered every conceivable tone, and the first seven seasons are all-time great TV); Tangled The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (follow-up series to Tangled that I can only describe as "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt for kids," three seasons); Farscape (weird brilliant sci-fi that everyone should give a shot at least once, four seasons).
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missfleabag · 4 years
Doctor Who y mi nuevo challenge
Esta semana termine las tres temporadas de Doctor Who con David Tennant, el decimo doctor. Y mi motivación creció, mi autoestima, mi obsesión con mis nuevas locuras. Una noche dije “veré un capitulo, solo uno...” y termine la serie.
Lo que más puedo destacar para mi, o que mas se ha quedado en mi cabeza es Donna Noble. Una mujer haciendo lo que puede por sobrevivir en la rutina común de la vida. Estudias, encuentras un trabajo, encuentras el amor, te casa... -no olvides pedir bolsas para tu vestido de novia, uno nunca sabe lo que puede pasar-. Pero, llega algo que cambia la perspectiva... mueve el mundo, deja nuevas ideas que te mueven a buscar otros caminos.
Luego en el viaje descubrimos que un buen corazón siempre es importante, que sin importar lo que veamos en los demás nuestro corazón siempre tendrá que ser guía -no estoy diciendo que siempre sigas a tu corazón, eso es tonto, yo digo que pienses bien y que tengas corazón en lo que haces (Ama y haz lo que quieras, San Agustín)
Y hoy... Empoderada por el personaje de Donna, me he decidido a realizar un blog challenge para un auto descubrimiento -y mejorar en gran parte mi escritura- quiero proponerme ser mejor cada día. Cambiar hábitos malos y hacer hábitos buenos -esta cuarentena me ha ayudado a cambiar muchos y el mundo me empujo a otros-. Vamos trabajando, poco a poco... 
Siendo nobles, humildes, elevando estándares, mirando mas allá de una galaxia. Allons-y!!!
Por cierto, no solo inicio un challenge... estoy iniciando algo grande y propio, que me aterra y me emociona... así que, vamos con mucho miedo pero a hacerlo.
Miss Fleabag
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Y mi nuevo motto... jamas dejes que alguien diga que no eres especial o poderosa/o.
You’re brilliant
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julibellule · 3 years
We can't move
Read on my AO3
Relationship : Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler x Tentoo
Summary : The Tardis breaks down, so does the Doctor
Rated : General (tw: grieving feelings)
Chapter : 02/06
Words : 1653
From the story: Growing the Tardis
From the series : There is nothing we can do
Read chap.01 - There is nothing we can do (T)
"How did you know about the chameleon arch, Rose?" The Doctor in blue asked her as he helped the Time Lord put Donna's unconscious body on the grating.
"Pocket universe," Rose answered, crouching reverently beside Donna's body. She remembered vividly the time she granted her a tour of the Tardis when it was laying almost dead in one of UNIT's warehouses. She watched the Doctor in blue again. "Learned a lot of things about the Tardis while I was there. As well as some things that happened to you in the real time line.. the one where you didn't die."
Rose tried to put up a good front but failed totally. The Doctor's single heart went out for her. He could only see the surface of all the struggles she had to go through to get back to him and it pained him to see how much Rose had grown tough from the experience.
He laid his hand on hers to comfort her, knowing only time and love would heal those wounds. "Good! So," the Time Lord said from over the console. "Donna's new life is near London. She just got hired as a Nanny. Do you think she'll really be good with kids?"
"Of course she will, she's brilliant." The part-human answered.
"Ha!" The Time Lord exclaimed exuberantly. "And looks like Jackie Tyler is the one who just employed her."
"Yeah, says so right here," he said pointing at the swirly and round language no one but the two Doctors could decipher. "You just got yourself a full time nanny for Tony."
"Tony doesn't need a nanny, I'm a stay at home mom!"
"Oh, well, I guess having Donna around, in the state she's in, could be a good thing." Rose said, getting back up.
"Let's go then, the Tyler mansion it is!" The Doctor twisted levers and punched buttons all the while keeping his eyes on Rose, a quirky smile on his lips. There was a sudden thud, and a lurch, and a loud bump, then everything went dark as they were all propelled to the floor.
It smelled like burnt wires and smoke and Jackie was coughing loudly. "What the bloody hell?"
"Oh no! No no no no no!!" Both Doctors were at the console, each frantically trying different tactics to wake the Tardis up again, but nothing worked. They were dead in the water. As the Doctors were taking out the grating to get further under the console, Jackie went to the doors to see if they had moved at all.
"Oh, bloody hell, no!" Jackie came back in, furious, hands on her hips. "You move your ship right this instant, young man. What the hell did you think, landing it in my bedroom? How am I supposed to watch the telly with a 7 feet police box at the foot of my bed?"
One of the Doctor's heads, probably the one with one heart, came out from under the console. "Jackie!? We can't move.."
"Mom!" Rose called out, interrupting the Doctor. "Mom! Help me out. She's waking up!" Jackie was still muttering when she grabbed Donna's feet and, with Rose's help, they brought her on Jackie's bed. "Mom. You have to pretend you just hired her. Don't ever tell her about who she really is, alright."
"I know!!" Jackie answered and muttered some more. Donna's eyes opened and she sat straight on the bed.
"Where am I? What happened?"
"Hey, sweetheart. Are you feeling better?" Rose said sweetly. Donna looked at her with a puzzled expression. "You're at the Tyler's, you were here for the nanny interview." Rose paused and Donna's expression didn't change. "You applied to be my little brother's nanny?"
Donna's fake memories seemed to settle. "Yes, yes. Oh, my. I must've fainted. This is not good for the interview, is it?"
"Nonsense, Miss Noble," Jackie intervened, "we already agreed on hiring you. Come on, let me show you around and present you my Tony." Jackie brought Donna out of her bedroom and Rose sighed loudly. Rose came back to the console room to find both Doctors still bickering under the console.
Her walk around the Tardis was cut short when she found out most of the corridors ended drastically after a few feet. The Tardis was in complete shut down. The only rooms remaining were her room, and three stock rooms filled with tools and machinery.
"Rose," one of the Doctors called out to her. "If you need to get anything from your room, go get it now. We have to close it off to reroute as much power as we can to the main systems." Rose nodded and went to leave when he stopped her. "Wait!" He came out, mid body, from under the console, and she realized it was the metacrisis. He had his suit jacket off, wearing only the burgundy jumper with short sleeves and Rose's heart clenched; it must've been the first time she actually saw the Doctor's whole arm naked. "Give me the Joolyian spanner, the blue one with the screw on top. It's over there, by the jump-seat."
Rose opened the tool box laying on the bench and searched through it.. wait did she see one of the tools move? She grabbed the spanner when she found it and closed the box as fast as she could. "I need some duct tape too." She heard the other Doctor call out from deep under the grating.
She grabbed the roll, which actually had ducks on it, and imagined the bits of machinery under the grating, the Tardis' insides, filled with spots of tape with little yellow ducks. She snorted. An hour and a half later, Rose finished bringing the last remaining boxes to her room in the mansion.
She decided to move all her things since the Doctors weren't sure if the Tardis would ever be able to rebuild her old room the way it was. Rose didn't want to lose all the souvenirs she collected through her years of travels. She spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in the console room, helping the Doctors out as best she could and listening to their curses and bickering.
She was starting to nod off against one of the coral struts when the Doctor in blue came out from under the grating, rubbing his hands with a dirty rag. "You should go to bed, Rose. There is still a lot of work to do here and it's been a very long time since you last slept."
"'M not leaving you." She said stubbornly. She stretched and yawned and he smiled at her.
"'M ready for bed too. 'M knackered. I don't have the same stamina as I use too. Want me to join you?" Rose flushed. It happened before, on rare occasions, that the Doctor offered to stay with her until she fell asleep but his present offer was a lot more different than that.
Was this what they were now? Two.. three people, sleeping together? "'M not leaving him either." She was adamant. The Doctor in front of her crouched down and caressed her face as he tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
"He's not coming out of there for a very long while." He swallowed and Rose saw a dark shadow pass over his expression.
"Then I won't leave until then either." He smiled again.
"Alright then, scootch!" He settled behind her, laying on his side, his back against the wall and he pulled her to him. She laid her head on his arm. She was spooning with the Doctor... Oh my God, she was spooning with the Doctor. She breathed. She grabbed the hand from the arm laying under her head and played with his fingers.
"Is she gonna be ok? The Tardis, will she fly again?" He's been working under the console for more than 5 straight hours now, surely he could give her a status report.
"No." He hugged Rose tighter against his body. "No, she won't. Don't tell him though. I don't think he wants to hear it. But the Tardis won't work in this universe, 's not the same energy. I don't think she'll fly until we get her back to the Prime Universe."
A few hours later, the Time Lord needed to eat something and after many shocks to nudge him out from under the grating, he finally understood it was time for a break. He wasn't prepared for the sight that awaited him in the console room. Both Rose and his counterpart had fallen asleep directly on the hard and cold grating, waiting for him.
A wave of gratitude filled him and it was too much.. he crumpled to the ground. His head in his hands he sobbed silently. He knew he just lost his Tardis and the grief that came with it was more than he could bear. He wasn't ready yet, he really wasn't. His marvelous ship.. No.
This was not the end. There must be something else he could do. He would find a way. He rubbed his eyes and cheeks to wipe the tears away and when his head came back up, he saw the other Doctor looking at him with tears in his eyes. He knew how he felt.
With a soft movement, so he would not wake a sleeping Rose, the Doctor in blue gestures for him to join them. The Doctor in brown frowned, but still crawled towards them. He settled his back against Rose's stomach and she held him tight in her sleep.
They both did. He snuggled further in the hug and breathed deep to keep the tears at bay. He wasn't alone anymore.
Read chap.03 - But I love you (E)
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sleazyjanet · 4 years
✨ oh, you're brilliant, donna noble, you are! ✨
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just the doctor sweeping donna into a kiss on the cheek to thank her fod doing something brilliant, as usual
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
to the donna who posted: I miss you so much, all the time. You're my other half, the most important woman in the universe and don't you ever say you'd be my last choice. I hope you're doing absolutely brilliant and I bet you are because you're Donna Noble. The woman who changed the world and saved me, a million million moments. Don't be alone, Donna, and never think you're not worth it. You are worth everything. —The Doctor (#🌿🏹🐺)
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house-of-booklr · 8 years
Donna Noble | The Most Important Woman
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