#;when you come undone i’ll carry your chains so you can feel freedom and a little less pain (bellamortes / kit&dolores)
shacklda · 2 years
@cxnvicts tags for u c:
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minuseven · 2 years
tags for @mellodiies & @lapined <3333
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triggercmplx · 3 years
hey- @trialcmplx​
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wannabehope · 4 years
@justicecmplx @casecmplx​
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dynamic tag dump - @musecove @thecrxmxnal @bellamortes
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tomorrcwsnews · 5 years
lil ship tag dump cuz i needed these
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dokiboi-a · 2 years
@clubmates tags! :D
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whumping-newbie · 5 years
Behind That Door
POV: Michał
Warnings: torture, manhandling (kind of), scars, broken fingers, burns (not shown, just the resulting wounds).
It’s easier not to think about it.
It’s easier to tune out, to think of being somewhere else - to think of literally anything else. The vibrant blue sky, the colourful trees, the waves on the vast seas, the freedom of flight granted to the birds, the coastal breeze rushing through my hair…
It’s easier than being here.
Emil had another terrorist in that room behind me. He was a stubborn one, and when I became aware of that very fact, I closed my eyes and sighed in resignation. I almost wish I could speak to him – tell him to save himself some pain and stop being so stupidly obstinate. It would save my sanity a little bit too, it would save me from having to listen to those, awful, fear-fuelled and pain-riddled screams.
I had heard a lot since my posting here. I had other duties, but hauling the weak and defiled terrorists from the torture chamber back to their cell was not high on the list of jobs that people were willing to complete, and I could completely see why. Nerves of steel and a stomach as hard as nails were needed to even survive here.
Emil was a… cruel, cruel man. He seemed to enjoy the torture. He also talked… a lot. I heard more of his voice than his prisoners, and he was a deceptively kind-sounding man. He doesn’t show off his torture implements at first, he just lets them think that they are in for an “ordinary” interrogation, allows them to buy into the delusion that it will be smooth and painless.
Only for him to cause more harm than they could possibly imagine.
When the terrorist’s screams cease, I feel myself come back to my position by the door. I adjust my posture, regaining my straight-backed stance. There is a moment where I wonder whether Emil killed them, but I tell myself that is unlikely. He does not let them die until he has what he needs, but there is only so much damage someone can do in a day.
“Let the wounds heal over,” Emil had told me not long after I started here, “and it’s all the more painful when I reopen them. It’s a good persuasive tactic.”
Emil opened the door and stood outside, leaving the door open. I daren’t turn to face what had become of the terrorist inside, because it would not be pleasant. Emil wiped his forehead with his arm, sheen of sweat all over his face. His sleeves were rolled up and he took a deep breath as he looked at his hands. I could see the blood on his hands, his fingers.
“Stubborn, is this one,” he said to no one in particular. I was the only one here, so there was no one else he could be talking to, but he never normally initiated conversation, “but they’ll talk. They always do.”
I said nothing, just continued to face forwards, eyes forward facing.
“Michał, is it?” he asked.
I cleared my throat, “yes, sir.”
He nodded, “what do you think of them? These… terrorists?”
I was uncertain why he was asking me this, but I could feel my heart race. I had no idea what kind of an answer he was expecting, but I feared this was my interrogation now. I had never had any kind of contact with any resistance since I was posted here. It’s not that I did not want to help overthrow these evil men who brutalise and exploit the weak so that they can feel powerful, it’s just that I am fairly certain that I am the only one who wants to. All anyone else talks about is how much better the country is now, with the General in charge. If I were to say anything against them, I would find myself tied up on that chair in the room behind me faster than I could blink. I just can’t allow that to happen, the only thing I can do is try to hinder their search in finding the missing Princess.
She is the only thing that they need to topple this country completely. As long as she remains free, I can hold out on that hope, hope that this will all be over someday.
But for now, I have to make sure I keep my position of relative power, so that I can help when the time comes.
“About the terrorists, sir…?” I questioned, finally looking the man in front of me directly in the eyes, “dangerous people don’t belong in this mighty country, sir. I’m proud to serve the right side.”
“That’s good to hear, Michał,” he smiled, turning away from me and towards the stairwell, “get that pathetic thing back to its cell. I’ll be back another time. Don’t bother tidying up, I’ll do it myself.”
“Yes sir,” I saluted to him as he unlocked the door and left the room.
I braced myself, before turning into the room. I had to fight to not vomit at what I was looking at.
The terrorist was unconscious in the chair. Their head lolled to their chest, hair damp with sweat and blood. The blood that dripped from the fresh wounds fell to the floor in periodic drips, sticking to the wooden chair. The terrorist’s wrists were rubbed raw from fighting at the leather restraints so much, and I could tell that they had broken fingers. The cuts on their arms and naked chest were regular, almost methodical, symmetrical with the other side of their body. I lifted their head up slightly, so I could undo the leather strap around their chest without obstruction. I saw horrific looking burns on their face, a vehemently angry shade of red with awful looking bubbles already forming on their skin. If I didn’t know better, I would have said this terrorist was awfully allergic to beestings, because this terrorist looked nothing like the prisoner I brought in here hours ago. His features so contorted with pain, disfigured beyond recognition.
I had slowly undone the straps, trying to be careful of their injuries. I was trying to think of the best way to carry them back to their cell without much more pain to them. They had suffered enough.
I put one of their arms over my shoulder and hoisted them up, letting their battered feet drag behind me. I heard a soft moan come from the terrorist, but I wasn’t worried about them regaining consciousness. From past experience doing this exact thing with other terrorists, they were usually too weak to do anything to resist me as I hauled them back to their cells. Emil certainly made sure of that.
Their cell door was left open, like it always is when a prisoner is taken for torture, and so I had no issues placing them down on the metal cot in the corner, cuffing their wrists to the chains that hung near the head of the cot. They stirred as I did, and I could see them open their eyes at me. They were glazed over, delirious almost, but they were aware of me.
I heard a small whisper emerge from their lips as I stepped closer to the door. I must have imagined it, because it was so small I thought I was hearing a distant echo from somewhere. At least, that’s what I thought until the whisper sounded again, and I turned in the direction of the terrorist.
“… p…. Please…” they strained their voice, just to get a word out. They sounded dehydrated, exhausted, with no surprise there at all.
I stole a glance at the corridor, the door that other guards would come through. I heard no one else, and saw no one either. I quietly got closer to the terrorist, watching them carefully. I knelt down to their level beside them, leaning in to hear them  properly.
“k-kill me…” they whispered hoarsely, “p… ple-ase, kill… kill me…”
I watched the door again before leaning in closer so I could whisper to them in response, careful not to be overheard by prying ears. After all, the silence here was so profound that the prisoners in other cells can hear us here, and this is already an anomaly. I have never stuck around in a cell after leaving a prisoner here, if I am here too long, everyone will get suspicious about what I am doing.
“If you keep being stubborn, he’s going to hurt you much, much worse,” I whispered, “just tell him what you know, for God’s sake, save yourself some pain.”
“I… I c-can’t…”
“Why can’t you?” I asked.
“We –“ they coughed loudly, heaving on the bed, and it sounded painful to be coughing like that, “we g-get people out.”
I raised an eyebrow at them, “so? You’re smugglers?”
“Too, too many children. W-won’t tell that,” they breathed deeply, hissing in pain as they changed position on the cot, jostling their broken fingers against the wall.
I thought for a moment, getting to my feet and quietly fetching a broken cup from the corner of the cell and filling it with water from the sink, finally bringing it back to them. I watched their eyes widen as they looked at the cup. I carefully sank down to their level again.
“Listen,” I started, pouring small drops of water onto their face, doing something to satiate those awful looking burns that scarred them. They let out a small noise, a small whimper as the ice cold liquid permeated their wounds, “I know you’re a loyal guy, that’s brave. I am too, but for the love of God, don’t be stupid. I’ll try and get word to your group. I’m trying to help people too.”
Their entire attitude seemed to have a resurgence - it was strange. Almost like they had a new renewal of rebellion, of resistance, like they had not begged me to kill them moments earlier. They raised their voice just above a whisper, and I was worried someone would hear them if they continued to speak up.
“You? You? Help p-people? Try, try telling that t-to someone you haven’t just, just watched get tortured,” they spat, “the-the people you serve are br-brutal! You s-support that! I’ll die before I tell you -!”
I quickly covered their mouth with my hand, trying to get them to shut up. I hated that I had to resort to such a rough method, just like Emil would use, but I had no choice, “I know what they are. I know what they do. The people I’m trying to help are in this castle, and if I am going to help them, I have an appearance to maintain. Surely you understand that?” I asked in a hissed whisper, looking back at the door as I did so, before looking him in the eyes, straight into those grey orbs that oozed defiance, “I do not enjoy listening to you scream. I derive nothing from this except trying to gain the trust of those in power above me. Now, I offered to get a message to your people. Give me a code or something that tells them your situation. I don’t want you to stop helping people,” I lowered my voice further, leaning in closer to their ear, “because the people I want to help will need your help soon. Please, I need you to trust me on that. I can get you food and medicine for your wounds, but I need your trust. Do I have it?”
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basicheadache · 6 years
I left my body Down on her knees Over the bedside Watching you breathe And I saw the fire I felt the flames I heard the banshees Calling your name 'Cause I have these new fears I carry with me So you can feel stronger, you can know peace So just hold on tight I'll be coming, I'm coming for you, oh oh And every night I'll be burning, burning for you, oh oh And I will back you up, I will show you love I will give you all I got 'til I cannot Hold on tight I'm breathing, breathing for you, oh oh When you come undone I'll carry your chains So you can feel freedom And a little less pain And if the poison Burns in your blood I'll drink the venom Out of the cut 'Cause I have these new fears that carry me through Every bullet I'm taking for you So just hold on tight I'll be coming, I'm coming for you, oh oh And every night I'll be burning, burning for you, oh oh And I will back you up, I will show you love I will give you all I got 'til I cannot Hold on tight I'm breathing, breathing for you, oh oh I'll take two times the misery And half the glory Then learn to be the champion Of the story And I'll take two times the agony And half the wonder If it meant you get twice Twice the thunder Hold on tight I'll be coming, I'm coming for you, oh oh And every night I'll be burning, burning for you, oh oh And I will back you up, I will show you love I will give you all I got 'til I cannot Hold on tight I'm breathing, breathing for you, oh oh
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laketaj24 · 7 years
Mine Part 8
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The stars above the sea were like none she had ever seen before, because for the first time she could see every last one and it was no better therapy than star, well that’s what Ivar had told her one night. She swallowed back her tears and turned to a sleeping Ubbe. He’d been quiet ever since they’d left two days ago. He never wept but his face showed his disappointment.
The water sloshed beneath the still boats giving her more motion than she was expecting. She touched her stomach gently hoping to not get sick again, it was the last thing she needed. Ubbe had no clue it was her pregnancy and not the waves.
“Kali.” He whispered.
“Yes Ubbe.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“I don’t know, perhaps his arrogance was a bit overwhelming.”
“Ivar’s arrogance has always been intense.” Ubbe paused. “I am sure you know that already, so why’d you actually leave?”
Kali shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know Ubbe. It just felt like it was time to leave.”
“I don’t understand a man like him can have you.” Ubbe touched her shoulder briefly. “Tell me of your home.”
“My home is Africa, and there I trained with my brothers to be fierce and to know battle strategies.”
“We have a shield maidens fierce in Kattegat. Fierce as you, and at the moment even a queen.”
The boat rocked, enough to startle Ubbe and enough to awaken the soldiers. Ubbe unsheathed his sword. “Stay here.”
It was too late, the Vikings jumped on the boat pinning Ubbe’s hands behind his back. “Who are you!” He grunted tugging to get away.
“Calm yourself brother, Ivar wants no harm to come to you but she is coming back to York.” Hvitserk turns to Kali. “I don’t want to force you, but he’s losing it and if he loses we lose. You can come willingly or I’ll have them tie you up.”
“Leave her be, she made her choice, as did you Hvitserk.”
“That was my choice Ubbe, but slaves don’t get a choice.” Hvitserk stepped towards her.
“I am no slave.”
“According to Ivar you are and he wants you back. You don’t belong to Ubbe.”
“Hvitserk, we are friends. Don’t do this.”
Kali, come willingly please.” Hvitserk gave her a small smile and stepped closer to her. Kali lunged into the water praying she’d make it to another ship, one that was farther ahead and hopefully more prepared. But she saw nothing, no fires just water. She swam until she could feel the wooden planks of the boat and pulled herself on board.
“Look at you Kali.” Ivar said. The boat rocked and Hvitserk gripped her hands behind her back and pushed her down in front of Ivar. “Gentle with her Hvitserk, wouldn’t want to harm my child.”
“Because I said it before Kali, you are mine and you swore to me that you would never leave me and here you are, leaving with my weak older brother for a land you don’t even know. You will go back to York and you will wait on me hand and foot until your belly swells and then I will lock you up until you understand that you cannot leave me. Enough people have left me already and I refuse to lose you. Hvitserk tell the men to row. We have a country to conquer.”
During the two day journey back to York she kept her distance staring out at the open sea. The rope burns around her hands bothered her but Ivar’s stare bothered her more. He was thinking and whenever he thought chaos erupted. She could finally see the shore of York and when they docked he had some huge guy carry her all the way back to their room.
He’d undone the ropes but there were guards on each door and the windows, he knew her well. “Kali, you haven’t eaten.” Ivar walked into the room and sat across from her pulling his les in the chair to face her. “You don’t have to sit in the corner.”
“Ivar, you said I was free.”
“You were, you aren’t anymore. It is simple. You can leave when you give birth to my child. And I won’t allow harm to come to you. But you see I haven’t had luck with people wanting to stay in my life.”
“I wonder why.” She growled.
“Fiesty, but you’re alone too. I know you don’t approve of how I treated Ubbe, but there is something bigger there that you cannot see and that I will not expose at this time. I have to have my mind everywhere. And clearly you’re part of my mind.”
“I hate you.”
“I am sure you do not.”
  The streets of York were filled with sick people. That she could see from her window and Ivar’s mind was darker than before for he had something planned that even she couldn’t pry out of him. She hadn’t actually tried though, she wanted him to keep his distance. Kali has a rough time resisting him even when she hated him. Even though Hvitserk talked of famine she had seen no such things because she was well fed, overly so at times. He insisted she ate and literally stared her down until her plate was finished. “I have some ale for you,” Hvitserk placed a small basin of ale on the table. “There is no water, fresh at least. Ivar sent a hunting party out.” “Does he have a plan?” “If he does, as always I am left out.” He pouted as he set across from her at the table. “I’m lost here lately Kali.” It was harder for her to stay mad at Hvitserk, she liked his laugh and his ambition to be great. She guessed all of Ragnar’s children were the same in a way. “Lost for what reason, you chose Ivar. Ivar will not lead you astray.” “I fear he does not trust me.” She dangled her feet playfully at the chains he ‘d cuffed around her ankles. “He doesn’t even trust me.” He snickered and nodded his head. “I don’t understand him or Ubbe. They both end up with these amazing women and...” his voice wondered. “I fear I’m not favored by the Gods.” “You are likely the most favored Hvitserk.” She touched his hand. “Is there madness out there?” “Tons of worry, I wouldn’t say madness.” “What are you two talking about?” Ivar spat as he entered the room. “I was making sure she got her ale.” “How sweet of you Hvitserk,” he added sarcastically rolling his eyes. “Get out.” Kali shook her head. “Don’t talk to him like that.” “Oh the slave,” his words stung. She dropped her mouth open, “Is speaking to me. Good to know.” He took Hvitserk’s seat. “What were you two talking about anyway?” “Are you jealous Ivar?” “No. I have no reason to be, you’re mine.” Ivar pauses irritated. “Tell me about what you know about underground.” “Here?” “No in Kattegat, yes here. What is down there?” “I am not sure Ivar. I served in court in Wessex and had no purpose of being here. Why do you ask?” Ivar leaned forward. “They are starving us.” “But Hvitserk said that you had a hunting party sent out.” “All dead.” “Oh...” “I will not surrender, I do not surrender. The weak negotiate, the strong conquer without it.” She felt her heart skip a beat as he continued to talk about his strategy and what he had in mind. Forgetting the shackles on her feet and the loss of her freedom to the only man she truly wanted and adored. “What do you think about it Kali? Do you see any flaws?” “None.” She smiled. “Why are you smiling at me?” Ivar’s eyes were hooked on hers. “I’ve given you no reason to smile.” “Besides the chains, you’ve given me a child.” “That you tried to take away.” “You treated Ubbe so badly.” “I did for a reason. A reason I will not tell you, but know that every action I have made yields a result.” He snatched her feet off the ground and unchained her legs. “There is sickness in the fort, so I want you to remain here.” He placed her feet on the ground. “Don’t give me a reason to chain you up again Kali.” “I grow tired easily now.” She stood up making her way to the bed. “You sleep there, the floor is fine with me.” “I missed your warmth, though you make me sick.” “Oh I make you sick?” He gave her a small smile and walked over to her. “You worried me sick. I hate water and I got my ass back on the boat for you.” “What’s the reason? You’ve always told me that Ubbe was the brother that you favored the most and he was always there when the others didn’t care.” “The reason is none of your concern. So, I you don’t mind... shut your face and go to bed.” But of course she didn’t she simply curled up in the furs tapping her fingers lightly on her stomach. It was clear that he wouldn’t let her go, even more clear that she wouldn’t make it far even if she tried.
 Tag List:  @ismoocheswho @sparklingbluepebbles @titty-teetee @kimistry27 @byzantiumglytch @whenimaunicorn@imgoldielikehawn@sparklemichele@fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @readsalot73 @oddsnendsfanfics@kawennote09 @vaisabu @vbiggs03 @genxmama @tinymoonshine@oneday-i-will-fight-luke17 @kenzieam @forbidddden-snowflake @sincerelysinister
A/N: Sorry if I forgot to tag anyone! Please let me know what you think! And if you would be added or removed from the tag list... Let me know! 
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promptisao3feed · 6 years
New Fears
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2riAKcT
by liziscribbles
When you come undone, I'll carry your chains, so you can feel freedom and a little less pain. And if the poison burns in your blood, I'll drink the venom out of the cut...
Two hundred years ago, Prompto Argentum and Noctis Lucis Caelum were rather successful supernatural hunters. They took out creatures all over Eos and, though they stayed under the radar, had a name for themselves as saviors of humanity. That is... until it all went wrong.
Words: 6086, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Cor Leonis, Clarus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Iris Amicitia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Nyx Ulric, Crowe Altius, Aranea Highwind
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Background Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Angel/Demon AU, Supernatural Elements, Temporary Character Death, Supernatural Creatures, Angels, Demons, Vampires, Witches, Wendigo, Angel!Prompto, Demon!Noctis, Supernatural Hunters, Angst and Fluff, Action and Drama
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2riAKcT
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thekastlediaries · 7 years
Well since others are sending you their kastle songs, I’ll share mine too. New Fears by Lights. I love it so much, it gives me all the kastle feels when I hear it.
whoa, this song is heavy
When you come undoneI'll carry your chainsSo you can feel freedomAnd a little less painAnd if the poisonBurns in your bloodI'll drink the venomOut of the cut
kind of feeds my need for kastle angst (i love pain more than anything???)
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mortdedieu · 7 years
      I left my body down on her knees,          over the bedside,             watching you breathe.         And I saw the fire, I felt the flames...                         I heard the banshees calling your name.
You knew from the first moment that you saw him cut off someone’s life so easily, like scissors through a string, that it wasn’t something you could stop. You know that kind of corruption, you know how it seeps into one’s soul and darkens their heart, how it infects their whole body from the inside out. Cruelty is a cancer, and if you’ve given it a single drop of blood to feed on, it’s already far too late. 
So you shouldn’t be so surprised as you stand here, staring at the room of dead bodies with only a handful of civilians left cowering in the corner, but it doesn’t seem that you can help it. 
You thought that knowing his demons was enough. You thought if you called them by their names and banished them back to the hell from which they came, that would be enough. But your words rang empty, and the phantoms of trauma’s past were not to be deterred by one singular resilient woman. You did everything you could to protect him, to shield him from this future, but it wasn’t enough. It has never been enough. 
“. . . Dave?”
      I have these new fears I carry with me,             so you can feel stronger,          you can know peace. 
You turn around as you scan the room for his presence, only to find him right behind you, gun raised. You take an instinctive step back, resisting the urge to reach for your wands. He’s just... staring at you. His eyes still covered by his glasses, his face hardened and expressionless. 
It’s as if he doesn’t even recognize you.
            Just hold on tight,                I'll be coming,                   I'm coming for you.
“Dave, put the gun down,” you say slowly, keeping your hands where he can see them -- and the fact that they’re empty. “It’s me. I’m not going to hurt you.”
"Step aside, Rosalie.” 
He’s not aiming at you. 
                   I will back you up, I will show you love,                    I will give you all I got 'til I cannot.                    Hold on tight . . .
“What?” You probably should have said something slightly more articulate there, but his words catch you too off guard. He steps forward, gun still raised, and you step back towards the innocent people behind you. They’re what he’s aiming at.
“He was my brother. My brother did this to me, Rosa, and every time I let myself believe the world might allow me to get out of this, betrayal creeps out from the cracks in the walls around me and finds its way back into my life. I’m done showing this world mercy it doesn’t deserve. And if you don’t move, that includes you.” 
His voice wavers. 
       When you come undone, I'll carry your chains,               so you can feel freedom                   and a little less pain.
“They haven’t done anything, Dave, and neither have I,” you murmur. You can feel your eyes glossing over with tears. You never truly believed it would get this bad, that after all the enemies he’d made, you’d fall victim to the same fate. You were so naive. “My love, please, give me the gun.”
          And if the poison burns in your blood,                  I'll drink the venom out of the cut. 
He doesn’t do that. He steps forward again, and again you step back. 
         'Cause I have these new fears that carry me through                 every bullet I'm taking for you.
“What, are you afraid of me?” “Put it down, Dave.”
You can’t back up any further without hitting the survivors of his rampage. “Please, you don’t have to do any of this. Give me the gun, and we can put this all behind us. We can leave, we can start over--”  “That’s what you said LAST TIME. No more BULLSHIT, Rosa! It’s not going to go away!”
                               I'll take two times the misery, 
A tear slips down your cheek as your heart twists in your chest. “I’m trying my best,” you whisper. “Lover, please...”
                               and half the glory,
“The world is an evil place with evil people in it, Rosa. If you loved me, you wouldn’t be standing in my way.”
                              if it means you’ll be the champion of the story.
The gun cocks. Your wands are out, in both hands, and you’ve lunged forward, driving both of them into his chest. The gun goes off, but he’s been knocked back, and all its bullet hits is the ceiling. The people behind you scream and scatter in a frenzy, inhumanly, like rats skittering out of the sewers. 
And you? 
You’re staring down at one more dead body. 
               Hold on tight! 
“I’m sorry,” you gasp out, the tears in your eyes taking your breath away each time you try to find it. “I’m so sorry, Dave, I tried, I tried so, hard...” 
               I’ll be coming, coming for you.
You dip your head down, resting your forehead on his as your shoulders shake with your sobs. The panic around you doesn’t even move you. How could it? You’ve just murdered the man you love, how could anything possibly matter more than that right now?
               Every night I’ll be burning, burning for you.
And then you’re being pried away from him. Unidentified law enforcement agents are holding your arms tight and dragging you away from him. “It was me,” you choke, tears nearly blinding you. “This is all my fault, I did this, not him,” and then they’re pulling his body into a bag, and you jerk forward harshly in an attempt to break free of their hold that leaves your shoulders burning, “don’t TOUCH him--” 
               I will back you up.
You jump awake. 
You’re sitting up, gasping for air, tears rolling down your cheeks as soon as you’ve regained consciousness as the intense emotion of the dream falls with you into your lucid state. Your arms come forward to hold yourself, to reassure yourself no strangers are touching you and you aren’t being restrained, as you try desperately to catch your breath. 
You’re okay. You’re okay. He’s okay. 
               I will show you love.
But you’re a Seer, and you have no way of knowing if what you just experienced was pure irrational psychological fear, or a premonition of what’s to come. 
No matter how hard you try for him, it really might not be enough. 
               I will give you all I got ‘til I cannot.
If you were anywhere close to slowing the tears a moment ago, you no longer are once that thought makes its way through your mind.
                                           I'm breathing, breathing for you . . .
It’s going to be a long night.
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owo kit & dolores ? ( it said bad request when i sent this the first time so rip lmk if this sent twice ! )
send me a ship and I'll tell you...
who is more likely to hurt the other? I’m gonna say Kit but it’s NEVER on purpose who is emotionally stronger? K-Kit?  who is physically stronger? Kit gdi who is more likely to break a bone? On accident right? if so, i wanna say D-Dog who knows best what to say to upset the other? error 404 not found who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? Dolores but Kit is a CLOSE second who treats who’s wounds more often? Dolores :D who is in constant need of comfort? Dolores and she DESERVES IT who gets more jealous? Hhhhhhhhhh Kit who’s most likely to walk out on the other? ERROR 404 NOT FOUND who will propose? Kiiiit who has the most difficult parents? Idk much about either of their folks so imma saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Dolores for nowwwwwwww who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Both they reach for each other and thats that who comes up for the other all the time? I’ve done this ship meme a million times and I still don’t know what this means who hogs the blankets? Dolores who gets more sad? Dolores who is better at cheering the other up? Kit who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Dolores! :D who is more streetwise? Kit who is more wise? Dolores who’s the shyest? Dolores who boasts about the other more? Kit will brag SO MUCH who sits on who’s lap? Dolores sits on his lap but he WILL try to go on her lap as a joke uwu
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I left my body Down on her knees Over the bedside Watching you breathe And I saw the fire I felt the flames I heard the banshees Calling your name
'Cause I have these new fears I carry with me So you can feel stronger, you can know peace
So just hold on tight I'll be coming, I'm coming for you, oh oh And every night I'll be burning, burning for you, oh oh And I will back you up, I will show you love I will give you all I got 'til I cannot Hold on tight I'm breathing, breathing for you, oh oh
When you come undone I'll carry your chains So you can feel freedom And a little less pain And if the poison Burns in your blood I'll drink the venom Out of the cut
'Cause I have these new fears that carry me through Every bullet I'm taking for you
So just hold on tight I'll be coming, I'm coming for you, oh oh And every night I'll be burning, burning for you, oh oh And I will back you up, I will show you love I will give you all I got 'til I cannot Hold on tight I'm breathing, breathing for you, oh oh
I'll take two times the misery And half the glory If it meant you’d be the champion Of the story And I'll take two times the agony And half the wonder If it meant you get twice Twice the thunder
Hold on tight I'll be coming, I'm coming for you, oh oh And every night I'll be burning, burning for you, oh oh And I will back you up, I will show you love I will give you all I got 'til I cannot Hold on tight I'm breathing, breathing for you, oh oh
((No idea when this would be set because of the whole Heaven War thing but this is something Jett would be playing to comatose Wolf in the GhosTown infirmary after she’d run out of things to talk about. I can picture the echo of this being perfect for GhosTown, bouncing and echoing off all those stone corridors.))
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happiest-sad-girl · 7 years
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When you come undone I’ll carry your chains So you can feel freedom And a little less pain And if the poison Burns in your blood I’ll drink the venom Out of the cut Cause I have these new fears that carry with me Every bullet I’m taking for you [New Fears-Lights] #lights #art #watercolor #graphite #portrait
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