#;out of session!
paper-lilypie · 1 month
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a silly arrives!
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pineapple-frenzy · 3 months
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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iwoulddieforienzo · 7 months
Personally I think percabeth is at its best when Grover is in it. I don’t necessarily mean in a polycule way I just think it’s great when he’s around
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zhukzucraft · 2 months
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Grian: Welcome
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Grian: to Double Life²
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Grian: a return to a tried and true format of season 3.
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Grian: That's right, we're doubling down on Double Life! You will be randomly assigned a soulmate you will share your healthbar with.
Grian: But this time we have taken measures to ensure the game doesn't end at record speeds.
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Bdubs: Are you finally letting us sleep through the night?
Tango: Did the amount of hearts get doubled?
Scott: Did you realize the mechanic itself is broken?
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Grian: No, don't be silly.
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Grian: We are adding more people to the roster! They may not be new to this in general, but only now will they get the chance to find true love.
Skizz: BOO YAH! I'm single and ready to mingle!
Lizzie: True love, eh? An intriguing concept, but I'll need more evidence to truly believe it.
Joel: Lizzie pLEASE
Grian: not to mention-
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Grian: -a certain mysterious duo will be joining us for the very first time!
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Grian: Give it up for---!
=====> Reveal the vote winners
(The vote is now finished and hidden under the readmore)
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dismas-n-dismay · 4 months
I like to think Marcille is extremely in love w Falin but pre-death she’s like “Hahaha yep me and Falin, best friends, oh my fucking god she’s never gonna reciprocate my feelings” and cries herself to sleep
Like she’s THAT kind of pathetic gay meanwhile Falin is like “man kinda weird we don’t kiss considering she’s my gf but that’s okay”
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gunstellations · 2 months
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shadow is saddled with unnecessary feelings
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2jihiir0 · 4 months
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“Open up, princess...”
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definitionofacritter · 2 months
The way that Dariax is the only one to end up alone at the end of this.
Opal has Fy'ra; they have their deities. Morrighan has Cyrus's soul for a moment and a Matron for a lifetime. Dorian has the Bells Hells once more. But Dariax... for a while, at least, Dariax will have no one.
And it's in the way that Dariax won't realize at first that he's been abandoned.
Maybe he'll think he lost track of time. He'll go traipsing through town, asking about a handsome blue bard, trying to figure out what inn they must've agreed to meet back at for the night. Because they must have, right?
The night grows dark, and still no sign. He'll get sick with worry. He knows he's thick, but surely he would've noticed if something happened, right? He would've known if Dorian was in danger?
And then... I don't know what's worse from there.
What story does he tell himself, in the end?
That Dorian blames him for not being able to save his brother? No, no, Dorian was taken—because he would never have abandoned him, not when they were all the two of them had left?
Dariax has always known he was a lot to handle. He's been told how exhausting he can be. He knows he has never been worth sticking around for.
But he thought—
—he thought that maybe he'd done it right this time. That maybe someone would stay.
Eventually, Dariax stops looking. He greets isolation like an old friend.
He plays his new lute to fill the lonely silence, and it does not help.
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four-pointed-leaf · 5 days
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request for a friend. average tuesday in vaugarde or something
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insufferablemod · 4 days
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hamletthedane · 2 months
Shakespeare: I will create two teenage characters who are explicitly proto-postmodern examinations of the nature of character and fate within fictional narrative. I am their creator and - like their parents within the narrative - I exercise complete control over their fates, no matter how much they struggle against it. They are born like Athena from my mind and doomed to die by my pen, by my complicity in the narrative negligence of them, by my own actions and wishes-
Actor: cool, what's their names?
Shakespeare, father of twins named Judith and Hamnet: uhh…. Juliet and Hamlet.
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germworms · 6 months
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"How did the guy with no friends win?"
I need at least a 2 week break after that finale. Can't believe the villian actually won in a series, that's insane. Welcome to Scar for joining the winners team!
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zhukzucraft · 4 months
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what are they putting into the water on the server
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solarockk · 7 months
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Sometimes I can't help myself at all
rip doggy allience you will be missed
Kind of a sequel to this
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
I’ve been on a Soulmates kick today and just saw a fic where Steve has two marks - one for Robin and one for Eddie. And it’s got me thinking.
Of course, he doesn’t know who his marks are for. He only knows that they’re two people because they look so different. Soulmarks show up where you and your soulmate will have the first skin-skin contact, and they have the words they will say when that happens written in their handwriting.
Steve has one covering his palm, the handwriting is small and sharp, all angles and no rounded edges. That one says “Steve, we need to run”. It seems scared, the wording, but he refuses to think about it. The other mark he has is covering his left hip, curling like someone was holding him from the side. This handwriting is completely different from the other one and is best described as chicken scratch. It’s big and messy, letters flowing into each other like the writer didn’t even pick up their pen between each stroke. That one says “I got you, just lean on me”. It seems less scared but there’s concern laced in the words that helps Steve feel less alone when he’s laying in bed late at night. That’s the only time he ever lets himself think about his soulmates, during the day he avoids it like the plague. His parents are soulmates and they barely speak, so soulmates can’t be all they’re cracked up to be. After Nancy never makes one of his marks tingle and burn he tries to give up on the idea entirely, figuring he can go on without a soulmate and be with Nancy - but then she breaks his heart and those late nights are all he has.
His first soulmark changes when he’s stuck underneath Starcourt mall the summer after he graduated. He had been working with a girl, Robin, who barely tolerated him on a good day and now she’s been sucked into his shitty world. When the alarms go off in the bunker he barely has a second to react before Robin is grabbing his hand and yelling at him, “Steve, we need to run!” His feet start moving and he yells back for her to be careful with his arm, even as he feels the tingling burn cover his palm and in that supply closet, leaning against the door next to Robin they make eye contact. In that short second of connection he knows that she felt it to, that he’s just found his soulmate and despite his fear he’s so happy that it’s her. Later, after they had both puked up their guts and he had confessed to having a crush on her, Robin told him about Mrs. Click’s class and Tammy Thompson and how she’s sorry that he’s stuck with a soulmate who can never love him back. Steve blinks and suddenly his two soulmarks make so much more sense.
“Robin, I have another soulmark. I don’t… I don’t think you were ever a romantic soulmate for me.” He watches the relief and, maybe even, joy cover her face and she launches herself at him in a hug, squeezing him tight and he returns the favor completely ignoring his own pain.
The other soulmate comes over 8 months after meeting Robin. He was so grateful for having her in his life but he still wanted that other piece, he loved Robin and she loved him but he wanted romantic love too. Unfortunately for Steve, just like with Robin, his other soulmark was triggered when he was fearing for his life. He had just been dragged through Watergate and made into a chew toy for a bunch of demobats. Steve was just trying to catch his breath when they all heard the bigger hoard approaching and he knew he had to run. He made it surprisingly far before the pain of each step started to settle in, his feet dragging more and more and his pace slowing when someone moved in beside him, wrapping one arm around his back to settle his hand on his hip. Eddie grabbed the arm closest to him and dragged it over his shoulders, giving Steve a grin. “I got you, you can lean on me.” This only made Steve completely trip; the sudden onset of tingling burning at his side so close to his currently bleeding wounds had his left leg collapsing under his weight.
“Why does this always happen when I’m in danger?” Eddie froze and then a laugh burst forward.
“That makes so much sense with context. C’mon let’s get you somewhere to sit and we can talk more when you’re not bleeding over me.”
When he and Eddie got to Skull Rock, he and Robin made eye contact and he watched her eyes flit down to where Eddie’s hand was on his side. Her eyes grew about three sizes and he just shot her the best grin he could. He didn’t care that he had been bleeding all over his soulmate for the past few minutes - he had gotten blood on Robin when they found out that they were soulmates, so it seemed fitting for him to be doing the same to Eddie.
Years down the road he would look back and laugh at the drama surrounding him finding both of his soulmates. Eddie even joked that the universe gave him two to make up for his shitty parents, and Steve wasn’t going to argue.
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goryhorroor · 3 months
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horror sub-genres: psychological
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