bxtsence · 1 year
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Since no one asked— This is the full picture of that one icon of Nik. This was a gift from a friend, but the artist keeps her Instagram account private and she’s given me permission to post it here
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bxtsence · 1 year
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JJBA OC stands, drawn by MurdArt on twitter. Their respective names are as follows:
Rebel Yell
Zydrate Anatomy
Airship Pirate
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bxtsence · 1 year
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“Dio’s the type of guy that definitely loves the smell of his own farts.”
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bxtsence · 1 year
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“He just called me ‘boy’ like I’m Atreus from God of War….”
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bxtsence · 1 year
How do strangers perceive you?
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green with envy
valentine's day. feeling breathless beside the ocean. the ambiguous time between late spring early summer. pastel, clean colors and alphabetical organization. you're more than a little intimidating. your best feature is probably your hair. to many, you look perfect. you're good at putting on a brave face, good at pretending to have it all together. you're afraid people won't love you if they see your flaws. let me tell you a secret: they will love you more.
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full of golden light
the smell of soup cooking in the other room. golden hour sunlight peeking in through the windows. laughter that bounces against the walls and smiles you can't help but mirror. you're easy to approach. your best feature is probably your smile. you don't mind looking silly if it makes people laugh. you're not easily embarrassed. you're calm and you make people feel at ease. you're a good listener because you really really care what they have to say. people leave every interaction with you feeling just a little bit more loved. you're a kind soul, and people can see that. you mean so much more to people than you know.
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full of golden light
the smell of soup cooking in the other room. golden hour sunlight peeking in through the windows. laughter that bounces against the walls and smiles you can't help but mirror. you're easy to approach. your best feature is probably your smile. you don't mind looking silly if it makes people laugh. you're not easily embarrassed. you're calm and you make people feel at ease. you're a good listener because you really really care what they have to say. people leave every interaction with you feeling just a little bit more loved. you're a kind soul, and people can see that. you mean so much more to people than you know.
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bxtsence · 1 year
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After a near death experience that I’ll totally eventually explain someday, Nik actually does end up turning into a full fledged vampire. As a person with a stubborn survivor mindset, he was just happy to be alive after everything was said and done, and uses his newfound powers to his full advantage. His stand gains more strength and speed because of it. Despite having gone through a lot, somehow this guy never gives off any indication that it phased him. Don’t get me wrong, it has affected him deeply. He just has really good coping skills and knows who to go to when he needs to vent.
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bxtsence · 1 year
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Seriously though when it comes to having a good relationship, Nik would actually be the nicest and most caring out of the three goths. He'll never give up, is always eager to please, is always confident and is always loyal to the one he knows he loves. .....The problem is being able to put up with his not funny and constant barrage of fart jokes.
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bxtsence · 1 year
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// Some semi-recent drawings of Nik where I was playing around with the idea of him having bangs. I didn’t keep them, but I still like the look.
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bxtsence · 1 year
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My boyfriend drew me this for my birthday and oh my goodness I can’t 😂
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bxtsence · 1 year
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Some old drawings of gothabilly Viridian and psychobilly Nik
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bxtsence · 1 year
Your muse’s handwriting
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bxtsence · 1 year
"Hey, you're bleeding." (Josuke @ Nik)
Fight and violence starters
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[ ☠ ] - "That's what I get for trying to help out some little shits who got into a motor vehicle accident." He had thought he could help by seeing if any of them needed medical care and keep them safe until real help arrived, but nope! All those people wanted to do was yell at each other about whomever had "the right of way" or some shit, and Nik got caught in the "crossfire", so to speak. When he tried to be the calm person and break them apart, one thing led to another. He didn't even expect that person's random stand to punch him square in the face.
"Fuck, I think I'm legit gonna need stitches..." He said with a grimace. "I don't feel my septum piercing where it should be."
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bxtsence · 1 year
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[ ☠ ] - "Yo, Rowan! Can you make your stand dance like the bats in that meme video?"
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[ ✞ ] - The taller of the two stared at Nik silently. It was a very long time before Rowan sighed and summoned his stand, Absence, who appeared from a cloud of bats before forming into one being. Rowan even pulled out his phone to play the tune, which was reminiscent of the classic guitar riffs and drums that were prominent in goth music from the 80s.
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bxtsence · 1 year
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[ ☠ ] - "Okay but! Have you also seen The Thing or Alien?!"
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bxtsence · 1 year
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“Just think, this week will be the last time some person will have ten fingers.” Nik snickered knowingly. He may not look like it right now, but he was a paramedic, and he’s seen some stuff.
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bxtsence · 1 year
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Details about OCs
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Viridian is an absolutely light sleeper. You can breathe in her direction and she’ll wake up, being cranky and trying to sleep in. She tries to keep her sleeping habits good because of her health condition; lack of sleep can cause seizures, but it’s hard when even a small sound can wake her. She’s absolutely the kind of person that will steal all the covers and hog the entire bed in her sleep, despite being a small person.
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Nik sleeps like a rock. He’s used to loud sounds thanks to living with annoying family members who don’t know how to be quiet. He works night shift so he’s totally used to it. It’ll take some good shaking and yelling to wake him up.
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Rowan? He is one heavy sleeper, and his snoring makes him sound like a loud chainsaw that will keep anyone unfortunate enough to be near him up if they don’t wear earplugs. Maybe it just has to do with being insecure about his nose in general, but he gets really embarrassed about how loud his snoring is. He is an insomniac, and it takes him awhile to relax and fall asleep, but he waits until other people are asleep anyways before he allows himself to get rest.
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