#;memorialized vamploid
A conundrum.
Despite their productive conversation, there was a cloud of awkwardness that coated every exchange they'd made since it. Sure, it wasn't like they had stopped exchanging words after he'd just, blurted his thoughts out for them both to re-read. They hadn't been dishonest, no, but it had probably been... out of left-field to hear them.
Or that was, at least, how he'd assumed Vi had taken them. The purple Hunter's impression of the Zero prior to their rather enlightening last few month hadn't exactly been stellar.
Despite Zain's self-destructive mannerisms, he had already found himself wanting to clear up their misunderstandings. Had to, to keep the future from meeting the same path it once diverged from. This was his last chance. He owed Vile that much.
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In... all retrospect, that wasn't the actual issue here, regardless of his musings. The blond sighed, a grimace twisting his expression as he stared at the flier in his mail. Zain swipes at the disposable screen, skimming the date again.
Two weeks. He's not left with many candidates.
So it is with reluctance that the Commander activates his communications, with the one person he assumed would desire to assist the least.
//...What kind of civvies do you own?//
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overx · 1 year
...hoo boy, that's not good. Blitz has been the one to fill Xanti in, but even if she hadn't, the rumor mill is going plenty strong. He'd have caught wind of the incident eventually either way.
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"I-I'm sure it was nothing. I'll talk to him." An awkward reassurance, before he's leaving the other reploid in the dust, and pinging his partner.
//Uh, hey Zain? Did you, er, get in a fight while I was gone...?//
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absolute-hunter · 6 years
@overx liked for a starter!
The Zero had said that they’d work on making the time to pick up souvenirs on missions, but hadn’t expected the rapid response time. Even though he’d told the same to his 0th Unit, who in turn spread the idea to others-- it spawned a sort of china cabinet of mishmashed trinkets and photos that amassed in record time from others who’d felt the same. (He’d no idea who’d even built the cabinet, Douglas, maybe?)
Zain himself had been meaning to grab something-- photos at least-- on his next mission, but X had beaten him to the punch, a wooden box in the blue android’s hands.
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“What’s that?” 
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Suit, check. Tie, tied, cufflinks on, vest and pocket square, shoes not out of place. It's a formal event, a press conference, a diplomatic negotiation and a black-tie gala all in one. It's stressing him out, was what it was. Limited guests, all dressed up.
Literally anything and everything there could be misinterpreted, and equally a space with this many government officials was asking for some sort of ambush or attack by-- Zain crosses his arms again, an attempt to keep from fidgeting, though he was becoming increasingly aware it was starting to make him look equally as unapproachable-- and he and Xanti had only just arrived.
Already he can count several high-profile individuals-- including the speaker for New-Gen Perspective, a peaceful reploid's rights activist group.
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A sigh burns and dies in his throat as he looks reluctantly to Xanti. How do I look less standoffish? It's a losing game. "You look nice," awkward conversation, but he was trying. Look casual, damn it. The blond's multicolored eyes travel the ball-room, attempting to find a face he was sure he'd recognize. It's crowded, a full house. "...Any sign of our bodyguard?"
[DWN-000]: //Where are you?//
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"...You know, I've... never considered why until now." Yeah but then Zain what about you???
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"Obviously! They're that big to conceal boob rockets."
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[[gonna hand you a few expressions, and you can choose which of your muses they're for <: G4, A5, B8, aaand E8?]]
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((FINALLY,,, finished them lmao))
also one Cale for you as a thank you and also cause he's cute 💖
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"Tis the season to be violent? What if I don't want to be in the season at all--"
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((For context:
The Winter tradition of attempting to dress the Maverick Hunter Commander up in festive fashion was originally started when Sigma was still in charge as was used as a way to boost morale in the Hunter ranks, and carries on with Zero (Zain) as the newest appointed Commander.
(Zain actually actively dislikes Christmas as the holiday itself, and doesn't care for most winter festivities. Equally no one has been successful in tagging him for very long YET due to his avoidance of all things festive and yule-themed. That and, he can warp and phase most things off of himself due to being comprised mostly of nanites.)
This game also does apply to other players, and doesn't end until after December 25th, so anyone who isn't all that dressed up and is okay with being assaulted with ribbon and glitter is fair game-- like Vi.))
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Hope it was received well enough.
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What emotion are you?
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Your guilt gnaws at you like a cancer, slowly destroying you from the inside. It is a constant reminder of the mistakes you have made, of the people you have hurt, of the opportunities you have wasted. You deserve to suffer for what you have done, and the only way you can atone is by punishing yourself, by making yourself suffer. You want to torture yourself, knowing you let everything happen, and your pentinence will eat you whole. It is a small price to pay for the pain you have caused others, but do you truly deserve it?
Tagged by: stole it from @tres-fidelis :)
Tagging: @overx , @eclipsedfates , @everlastiingiimmortals , @mmxstrangers
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Ganilla meme - 9 for Zain and Mave. Former for bullying purposes and the latter just because. :3c
Vanilla Sunday Meme
9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
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Already answered! ^v^
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Sure does! If you describe Cale, that's practically it lmao--
Appearance-wise, Mave doesn't really mind whether someone has inhuman traits, in fact he prefers them-- in life his crush had seamlines and eyes that could glow an unnatural green, and in death he's most certainly see-through, and that's when they met, actually.
As a vamploid, he's drawn to mechanical beings like himself, those that he can form a sort of symbiotic relationship with. Despite how MZ and Zain behave, its in their programming and the Zero-Virus subroutines to have thralls and partners-- they're a type of Robot Master that becomes a Nano Master instead, and they use that hierarchy of power to form a network web with themselves at the center.
(It's thanks to MZ that the network is so empty-- it has MZ himself, Zain, Mave, and Rock, no one else.)
As for personality... Mave likes someone who doesn't mind taking it slow. He used to not be a person, a blank slate, and would mimic others instead of developing himself and his own AI. Someone who's patient and willing to explain themselves and be communicative is extremely important to him.
They also have to be adventurous and willing to withstand all the weird things he does to learn the world around himself, lol.
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9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular? [[Kane and Zain?]]
Vanilla Sunday Meme
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Many of the new Gods are obsessed with physical beauty, both in the context of their own selves, and in the faces of their many attendants and lovers. Kane, however, doesn't bother himself with such things-- in the history of the Wasteland God's reign, he's taken no partner, no servants, and nothing has ever caught his eye.
In all fairness, how could any mere human capture the attention of a God that revels in battle and the hunt?
What he values most is strength and cunning, someone who could keep up with him in the field just as well as his own bedroom. A partner who is capable of besting him in combat has not come to pass yet, but he isn't looking for a brute either-- if they can share his intelligence, that makes them all the more appealing. He wants to have someone that makes the drone of immortality a little less boring.
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Zain... also doesn't care about physical appearances for the most part, but instead leans towards kindness. He doesn't like those who are prideful or overconfident, preferring someone who doesn't mind stooping low to help others, or at the very least be understanding.
Over the time he's been online, he's discovered that he really prefers being with someone who's in the same field of work as himself, when he does find himself interested. Another Hunter is preferred-- they already understand Zain's tasks as a Maverick Hunter, and are typically accommodating because they also usually have the same restrictions he does. They're also less likely to be damsels in distress, which he can't work well with-- they're too high maintenance for him with his already dangerous line of work.
...He does like cute people, those that look easy to befriend or get along with-- like they'd be your friend in a heartbeat. What he likes more though, are people who aren't afraid to be straight with him and those that are willing to snap back with him, either when bantering or to tell him he'd being stupid. Someone who'll look past Zero to see who Zain is immediately gets his attention.
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8. Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure? [[How about Zain and Mave]]
Vanilla Sunday Meme
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Zain is... fine... with his physical appearance. He's fairly proud of his hair, and when looking in a mirror, doesn't see anything that truly bothers him. Sure, he's got a few scars-- but everyone has those.
...His body though, being a vamploid is something he is extremely uncomfortable with. He's aware he's not normal, and while if it was public knowledge and that some people would gladly offer themselves as food for him, he doesn't like it.
It's... also extremely personal for him. He doesn't like feeding, not including that when he's biting certain places on the neck, it allows him to hack into certain nodes to a reploid's processor that resides there. In other words-- he can hear your thoughts during those connections, and you can sometimes get a read on his during the process if you can get past the paralysis of being bitten (which is a secondary attack to a reploid's processor to keep them from fighting back. all reploids have this. Zain doesn't like it either).
Thankfully it's not the only way to eat-- he can just drink the nano-coolant mixture in other forms without biting someone, he just... still hates it. He used to not have to consume others to keep running-- it's a new thing and is a little too similar to someone he doesn't really like.
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Mave on the other hand is extremely comfortable, both with himself and his functions. He's had plenty of time to understand himself, and change his appearance to something he considered to be 'Mave.'
The piercings, the hair, the fashion, they're nothing like Zain or MZ, and that's all he really was aiming to avoid.
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Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage? [[starting off soft for Zain uvu]]
Vanilla Sunday Meme
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((Absolutely! Or at least, he wants to be. Zain loves to cook cute little homemade dinners and give out flowers, going out on dates and giving chocolates... you get the idea. He loves photos too-- at least taking them of scenery and the like, but will happily capture memories of his loved ones in little snapshots and recordings.
The hardest part for him is his lack of time. As Commander, his priority is to the job-- not that Xanti has shown any issue with that, so long as they still get moments to share.
Has he thought of marriage...?
Well, yes, but that feels unachievable at the moment, and probably will continue to feel that way so long as the Maverick Wars continue.))
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" uh huh. not concrete huh? so your reaction to the thought of him in a bunny suit is not 'concrete' enough? you do realize it's fairly obvious to see you like him if you told him his tits were nice for his size? and even offered him a place to stay at until this all blows over? "
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"There are. Things he would look," even, "better in than a bunny suit. Honestly his armor is fine, Miss Sam." Wow. You got him to admit that. Kudos??
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"However. Offering for him to escape harassment in an obvious safe zone hardly counts as flirting." He's just as embarrassed at the idea that could be taken poorly, actually. "...I also. Need to work out my own feelings on the matter before anything past friendship can even be placed on the table."
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" well, he sure does imply it with the way he's acting. but if him outright confessing is what you need, then why don't you—-i don't know... confess first? make it obvious you have two hands—-with one being empty? he's got to give you an answer if you pop the question first, right? "
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"...Is not as easy as you make it sound." But that's some sort of superstition he's not about to get into detail with you, Sam. "Outside of the fact that he and I were not exactly friends until just around a month ago, my feelings on the matter are not exactly concrete either."
That's a lie. He likes Vi's company, that's for sure, just as much as Xanti's. Of course there's baggage but. Well.
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