spiderspeaks · 7 years
The Timeline is OPEN!  Anyone can come say HI! THREAD or even just POKE at Miss Muffet!
Same for Asriel! @your-best-friend-flowey
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abbas-ignis-moved · 7 years
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so uh.. @maldrontheassassin mun underestimated my shitposting abilities and dared me to do this so. 
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magictoaflame-blog · 7 years
I’m sorry for not being as active on here??? College is???? kicking me int he face. I’m.. idly active on mina (sinner-sweetie) but event that’s hit and miss. i’m sorry
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withlovc · 7 years
Hello. Mundane here to tell you what the hell is going on with those of us here in the WoT timeline. I moved to Illinois, first off. 
And immediately after: College Started. And right after that? Houston got hit with Hurricane Harvey and flooded. 
What’s going on now?  We’re trying to find a balance between finding time online and finding time to get work done. We’re full-time students so.. things are a bit.. weird rn.
We’re continuing the event! Expect that. We’re gonna finish this thing and.. be open to casual interactions eventually. The EVENT will continue soon, though. 
We’re fuckin’ here dude. No worries. You can send asks again soon! (Or now if you’d wish! EG/Cherry here is open for asks! If you want to know anything in character, or about the timeline, go ahead and ask her or Angel. 
They’ll be glad to answer anything for you. 
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bound-wraith · 7 years
 hiiiiii~ so. Icons won’t be up on this blog until later since I’m preparing to basically pack up my whole motherfuckin’ laifu and go live with TK. SO.  uh, yeah! BUT!! you can totally talk to the witchy. 
The shop simply appears in places. It has no set location. You need only to happen upon it! So, yeah, go bother her! She’s p chill. Ask about the hidden door c; 
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mal-whispers · 6 years
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spiderspeaks · 7 years
Happy Anniversary, Undertale.  Congrats on making it to PS4 and Japan. 
And to everyone else Stay Determined ❤
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disavcw · 7 years
You’re all free to talk to Disavow if you wish!
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spiderspeaks · 7 years
hey mun! just wanted to say thanks for making a whole big summary of the blog. its a big read but its really helpful for anyone new showing up!! (if you guys havent read it, its the spiderspeaks blog url with /timeline at the end of it! its awesome)
//Woo!! Someone found it! Thanks for readin ti! yeah it’s long, because mainly that’s everything that’s happened over the past two years in this timeline summarized with every link across every incarnation of this and my dear @your-best-friend-flowey ‘s blogs!! (His never changed, mine did!)
But if you’d like to catch up on what’s up! Then it’s /timeline at the end of my url or the LOAD link in the blog description! 
Also, Side note: THIS BLOG ISN’T DEAD. MUFFET BEING DEAD IS APART OF THE CURRENT PLOT. The plot continues and thickens over on @withlovc​ which is a sideblog to this one. And! who is actually the narrator to this blog. 
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magictoaflame-blog · 7 years
(( Your muse is really cute! I bet she's super huggable! ))
//Thank you! I ‘unno how she feels about hugs? She might be iffy about them. or she might love them. Unsure!
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kindtale-blog · 8 years
1: Sprite/Animate Idle animation for Aiden 2: Make Icons for Shorter Questions/Posts 3: ABOUT/BIO 4: General Art / Headcanons 5: History/Lore
OK! Here’s the deal. The blog is nowhere near complete/Finished. If you wanna help and you have my info, Yaya, das gr8, Shoot me a message and I’ll Take your suggestions! Art Assets is just a matter of me stopping my laziness to complete. (Animation however takes more time as I’ve only animated a few idle animations in my time.) Wanna help tho? Pls do. I would love to bounce Ideas off you and get this blog off the damn ground. Anyway, thanks for listening! 
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spiderspeaks · 7 years
I have a question does the mun of this blog have a principal blog?
// A Principal blog? If you’re asking if this is a sideblog then no, it isn’t. If you’re asking if I have a Personal blog, however, then, yes, I do! It’s : @isasamu 
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spiderspeaks · 7 years
So is the blog over?
//No. The story is still ongoing. There are still three other participating members to the story and it’s still going on. You should check on them to find more information. 
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magictoaflame-blog · 7 years
Samu, I can tell you put a lot of your own characteristics in Maydine
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magictoaflame-blog · 7 years
Things to do on this blog: 
- Finish the icon Set!  -Open Askbox (Done! You’re free to ask but they won’t be answered until a bit later.)
- ???
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spiderspeaks · 7 years
While I understand how people feel, and I get you may feel the same as me? Or maybe not, maybe I’m a lying sack of shit. I don’t want any more OOC asks. Ever.  Don’t send ME anything.  This blog is strictly IC only.  Talk to M.uffet.  Talk to EG.
Don’t talk to me anymore. 
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