#;gallium!! genius!!! {crack}
octaviusindustries · 6 years
doc voice: it was a good post, parker
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whumppile · 7 years
How about a MacGyver fic where Mac and Jack are trapped somewhere. Mac is injured, and Jack has to talk to him the whole time while they're waiting to be rescued to keep him awake and his mind off the pain.
First off, I’m soooo sorry this took so fucking long for me to finish. I promise I was working on it since you sent it but I had zero inspiration for it. I kept going back to it and seeing if I could but I finally got it finished. So, I really hope you like it and please let me know what you think. Thank you for sending the prompt I actually really like how it turned out. I’ll also post it on my ao3 and ff.net accounts it;s called “Holed up.” (lol its like a pun cause theyre hiding and laying low but also mac has a bullet hole in his side, okay anyway) 
Jack cursed again as he pressed harder on Mac’s side, in anattempt to stop the bleeding. He looked back up to the kids face when he hissedin pain, and apologized for the hundredth time.
“Sorry, sorry, but I have to get this bleeding stopped.”
Mac panted, teeth clenched shut against the pain. “It’sokay.”
But it wasn’t okay, not really. Because there was a certainway they did things, and Mac getting hurt was not supposed to be one of them.In every mission they went on, no matter how dangerous, Mac was always supposedto find a way out. Because he was still a kid, because he was a hero, becauseJack couldn’t stand to lose him.
The older agent pressed a hand to his ear, voice harsh andworried as he spoke to the rest of the team back at headquarters.
“We need an evac, right now! He’s not going to be walkingout of here; we can’t make it to our ride.”
Mattie would usually tell him off for yelling at her likethat, but she was just as worried as he was, and she remained patient with him.
“That’s going to take a little time, Dolton. We can’t getanyone in there to help until the storm passes, you’re just going to have towait a while.”
Jack’s voice cracked as he yelled once more. “Dammit,Mattie, he’s bleeding out!”
Mac coughed, scrunching his eyes shut against the pain ashis chest rattled horribly. He’d been shot a few times before, and it justwasn’t something you got used to. But he knew that he’d be okay because Jackwas there, and Jack always had his back.
He lifted a hand to the one Jack had pressed to his side.“It’s okay, we’ll…ugh, we’ll figure it out.”
They’d been trying to retrieve stolen information, from somecyber terrorists, and although they’d successfully recovered the data, Mac hadbeen shot in the process and the criminals had gotten away.
Jack didn’t care about the mission, he only cared about hisfriend, and at present his friend was bleeding out in the dirt. He’d never beengood at handling Mac getting hurt, it made him panic and freak out and hecouldn’t think of anything but saving his team mate.
Mac coughed again and groaned in pain, body shaking underJacks blood slick hands. He needed to get him off the ground, and somewheresafe. They couldn’t stay out in the street, especially not if a storm washeaded straight for them.
He blinked through his wet eyes and looked around, spottingthe cyber terrorists abandoned hide out. He turned back to the kid on theground.
“Okay, I’m going to get you inside that house, and it’sgoing to hurt to move but we have to. So, just hold on to me and let me do allthe work okay?”
Mac nodded. He didn’t want to move at all, even laying stillhurt and he didn’t want to think about how much it would hurt to stand or walk,but Jack was right, it had to be done.
Jack offered one last apology before carefully gathering theyounger agent in his arms. He took the kids arm around his shoulder and pressedthe other to the wound. He wrapped his own arm around Mac’s waist and got tohis feet, dragging poor Mac with him.
The kid was tough but having a bullet stuck inside you hurtslike hell, and he let out a series of whimpers and curses as he tried to stayon his feet as they made their way to the house.
Riley’s voice came through the coms just as Jack managed toget Mac onto a couch, she sounded scared. “Mac? Are you going to be okay?”
Jack looked down at the blonde, his eyes were tightly shutagainst the pain and he was struggling to get a decent breath in. He wouldn’tbe answering Riley’s question anytime soon. Jack tried to sound as if he wasn’tlosing his kind with worry.
“He’ll be okay, Ri. I’ll take care of him, don’t you worry.”
First thing to do would be…stop the bleeding and keep Macwarm. It was really hard to concentrate with your best friend’s blood all overyour hands, but unfortunately it wasn’t the first time Jack had done this for afriend.
He had spent too many nights washing the younger agents bloodfrom his hands, or waiting for him to wake up, the incessant beeping of theheart monitor driving him mad. He had done it before, but god, it never goteasy.
He always managed to convince himself it would never happenagain, that he would protect him; but now Mac was just another name on the listof people he let down.
Mac panted beneath him, and Jack hated it, but he needed toleave for just a second.
“Mac, stay awake okay? I have to go get supplies, but I’llbe back, I promise.”
The genius barely managed a nod, and although Jack was thoroughlyworried, he had to leave anyway.
The agent pulled Macs hands up to the wadded-up shirt overhis side, hating the wet squelch it made when he pressed those weak hands downonto it.
“Hold that tight, kid. Keep pressure on it.”
Mac’s fingers curled a little, into the makeshift bandages,as his eyes blinked sluggishly. Jack sighed; it would have to do. “Good enough.”
Jacks feet hesitated as he went to leave, because Mac wasalready looking like he was going to pass out, and he knew that if those eyesclosed, they may never open again.
“Mac, I always forget how the table of elements goes, canyou sing it to me again?”
In reality, Jack could almost manage it, he’d heard it somany times, but Mac had always liked singing it to himself when he needed adistraction, and it would mean Jack could keep him awake and hear him whereverhe went in the small hide-out.
Mac blinked at him, smiling a little. “I love that song.”
Jack smiled and tapped his coms. “I know you do buddy, andRiley and I would really love to hear it. Right, Riley?”
Riley quickly answered, sounding amused, which Jack wasgrateful for. He hated hearing her worry.
“Uhh yeah, I’d love to hear it, Mac.”
Jack moved to the doorway. “You start singing, and I’ll lookfor some supplies but I’ll be listening, okay?”
Mac’s words were slower than usual but the kid still had hisgiant brain working as he started singing.
“There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminium, selenium. And,hydrogen, and oxygen, and nitrogen, and rhenium.”
Jack smiled a little to himself as Mac continued, as helooked through the house for anything he could use. It had been used as atemporary hide out for the cyber terrorists, so there wasn’t much to work with.He wished he could just get the kid to a hospital, but since they were operatingon foreign soil without permission, that would be a no go.
He found some duct tape, and a few clothes, but not muchelse. Mac fumbled over a word and stopped singing.
“And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germainimom…haha I said mom.”
Jack smiled, unable to help himself when Riley startedlaughing through the coms, and called out to their wounded team mate. “Keepgoing, Mac! I still can’t remember them all!”
“Umm…Oh germanium. And Iron, americium, ruthenium, europium,zirconium, lutetium-“
Jack went into another room as he shook his head to himself.“Damn, how many are there.”
Riley’s voice was that amused warm, that let him know shewas smiling smugly, with just a hint of love. “One hundred and eighteen.”
Mac let out a giggle. “Jesus is not an element, Jack.”
The older agent laughed, and picked up a bundle of blanketsfrom a pile of the hackers abandoned things.  
“I know that! Keep singing, Mackie, I’m sorry for interruptingyour little talent show.”
The singing continued, as Jack searched the rest of therooms.
“-Vanadium, and lanthanum, and osmium, and astatine, andradium, and gold, protactinium, and indium and gallium.”
When he’d found all he could, he came back to where Mac waslaying on the couch, head leant back and singing. From the amount of blood, he’dlost, Jack was surprised Mac could say all the complicated words, let alone rememberthem. But then, who else could remember something so ridiculous in such aserious situation.
He smiled when he saw him, but it quickly turned into afrown as he saw Mac’s side. The kid could remember the entirety of theelemental table, but had forgotten to keep pressure on the bullet wound he wasbleeding out from. He quickly dumped the stuff he’d found and rushed to the kid’sside, pressing a fresh towel to the wound.
“Mac! You were supposed to press on this, what happened tothe plan, my man?”
The blonde looked up at him, then down at his side, liftinghis hand to look at the blood dripping from it.
“It wouldn’t stop, anyway. And it hurt to push on it.”
Jack was trying to keep calm as his forehead creased inconcern. “I know, but it’s important okay? I gotta keep pressure on this but Ineed my hands free to take care of you so, look what I got.”
He kept one hand on Mac’s side, holding the towel over thealready soaking shirt, while he picked up one of his dropped supplies and heldit up for the other man to see.
“Duct tape! Your favourite.”
Mac smiled, as he watched Jack use it to tape the compressesto his side. “I love duct tape. Did you know NASA has stored it on board every missionsince the early Gemini era? Because it was used to save the Apollo 13?”
Jack frowned as he concentrated on his work, wincing insympathy as Mac let out a small grunt of pain. “Yep, I do know that because you’vetold me a hundred times. You’ve also told me that it was first invented tosolve issues the military had with bullet storage, and everyone called it ducktape at first.”
Mac smiled and patted Jacks shoulder with a clumsy hand. “Hey,you do listen to me.”
“Most of what you say is dorky science nonsense, but whenyou say something enough times, I can’t help but remember it.”
Mac frowned a littlebit, as Jack secured the duct tape and towel. It wasn’t great, but again, it wouldhave to do.
“S’not nonsense Jack. It’s science, and that makes it cool.”
Jack reached back to his supplies, picking up a waterbottle. “Whatever you say, little man. You want something to drink?”
“No.” Mac went to wipe his eyes, but Jack stopped him beforehe could smear blood all over himself, wiping the kids hand on an extra towel.
“Well, too bad, you need to keep your fluids up, you knowthat. Here.”
He handed the bottle to him, frowning when Mac pushed itaway before it even got to his mouth.
“Mac, drink it!”
The kid shook his head, tired eyes just a little amused. “No,Jack that’s not water.”
The agent frowned, but brought it to his nose and sniffedit, quickly pulling it away. “Woah, that it is not. Those hackers really likedto party. This house has barely anything in it, but Vodka they have?”
He took a quick swig from the bottle, making a face at thestrong spirits. “Damn, that’s definitely the cheap stuff, but it’ll kill germseither way.”
Matty spoke up from the coms, reminding Jack that she wasstill listening in. “And what exactly was the purpose of trying it, Jack?”
“Well, boss, what if it was something else? What if it wasnail polish remover or-“
Mac narrowed his eyes. “If it was you’d be throwing up.Also, did you know that acetone poisoning makes you have a ‘fruity’ odour? Isn’tthat weird?”
Jack frowned and began unravelling the duct tape andbandages from Mac’s side. “Yes, Angus that is very weird, and really unhelpfulright now. I’m gonna clean this out, and it’s going to really hurt, so hold myarm really tight okay? Think about something that’ll keep you calm and happywhile I do this.”
Mac obediently took Jacks arm, loosely holding his bicep ashe thought. “Hmmm, my motorbike. Or the elements song. I really like that song.”
Jack didn’t want to remove the bandages and risk morebleeding, but he didn’t want to risk infection either, and since they wereusing anything but bandages, that likelihood was high. He needed to do it, butit really was going to suck.
“Just pick one and focus on it. Try to hold still. I’m sorryman, here goes.”
The bandages were peeled back, revealing the bullet woundand causing blood to flow down his side quicker; and then Jack poured the vodkaover it.
Mac screamed in pain, before grinding his teeth and tryingto muffle the sound. His hand squeezed Jacks arm so tight his knuckles turnedwhite, and Jack could feel the bruises forming.
Jack winced but kept going, making sure it was properlyflushed out, trying to hold the kid down with his one free arm.
“Almost finished, Mac…There, breathe. All done.” He pulled thebottle away and set it doused the crappy, homemade bandages they were using,before setting the bottle down on the floor and tying the compress back to Mac’sside.
“Shouldn’t be any bugs in it now, but I don’t want to takeany chances with infections, so I’m gonna keep a close eye on you okay? Hey,breathe.”
Mac was panting, eyes closed as he rode the waves ofexhaustion and pain that came after something like that. He stopped squeezing Jack’sarm but didn’t let go, only opening his eyes when he felt Jacks hand across hisforehead.
“You feel a little cold, probably from the blood loss, but atleast it’s not a fever.”
He went to stand, only to be stopped by Mac’s and on hisarm, tugging him back down. Jack looked to Macs face, those big eyes asking whathe couldn’t say out loud. Don’t leave me.
Jack patted his hand and knelt beside him again. “It’s okay,I aint leaving ya, I’m just getting a blanket and some actual water.”
Mac slowly released his arm, but closely watched him as hemoved back to his supplies pile, grabbing a blanket and another water bottle.
He shook the worn quilt over the kid, tucking his feet inand pulling it high up on his chest, before grabbing the bottle and taking alittle sip.
“Yeah, this one’s water.”
He gave the bottle to the other agent, watching himcarefully until he was satisfied he’d had enough.
Once he was done, Jack sat on the ground, next to the couch,and turned to his friend as Mac took his arm again. His tone was tired, andmade him sound younger, more vulnerable.
“It hurts.”
Jack sighed, and patted his hand, taking his fingers, andsqueezing them gently. He wouldn’t admit to holding his hand, but that’s whatit was.
“I know, we’ll get you home soon.”
Riley spoke this time, a little worried but trying to reassure.“Storms passing overhead, looks like it missed you completely. Medevac shouldbe there in thirty minutes.”
Jack cursed softly, because he didn’t know if they had thatlong. Mac had lost too much blood already and he couldn’t afford to lose anymore; but he knew they were all doing their best, and it certainly wasn’t Riley’sfault they couldn’t get there faster. He swallowed his frustration and managedto keep his voice level.
“Thanks, that’s good. You hear that Mac? You’ll be feelingbetter soon. We’ll get you on those good drugs and you can sleep the whole ridehome.”
Mac relaxed into the couch, and turned his hand in Jack’sgrip so they were properly holding hands. Jack had cleaned Mac’s hands, but nothis own, and the blood stained the blondes skin once more.
“Thanks for taking care of me, Jack. You’re the best.”
Mac’s eyes were full of more words, bigger ones, that would definitelymake Jack cry. He squeezed the kids hand and smiled.
“No problem. You know I’ll always be here for you, Mackie.”
It was a nice moment, until Riley’s voice came throughagain. “You guys are adorable, but why can’t you just say, ‘I love you’ and getit over with? We’re all family, it’s not weird.”
Jack rolled his eyes and held a finger to his earpiece. “Shutup, Ri, he knows I love him.”
He didn’t turn to look at him, but saw Mac smile out thecorner of his vision. “Love you too, Jack.”
“I love you guys too!” Jack frowned, confused, at the voice comingthrough the coms.
“Bozer? When did you get here?”
The happy voice came back, making Mac smile at the sound ofhis friend. “Just now, when you guys started being all adorable. What did Imiss?”
Mac and Jack were picked up twenty-five minutes later, andJack stayed with his partner the whole way. Cause even though they got into sometrouble, and maybe had some minor issues with saying how they really felt, they’dalways be family, and always have each other’s back.
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
A note's been slipped under the door. It reads "hey otto why are you Like That" along with an illustrative ">:(". It's signed "a better planner than you ever were". 😜
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who the fu
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
@webquip submitted:
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now this one’s just in poor taste.
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
I’m gonna eat ur robot arms
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go for it, i dare you. i’ve already got the headline ready to send to jjj >B(
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
was it hard to become a scientist even though ur an octopus and also a jerk?
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yeah it was pretty hard when like, my assistant never showed up and i had to do all my science by myself :/
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
Otto: you wouldn’t punch a man with octopus arms // peter: uses octopus arms to punch man
otto vc:
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
magic anon otto is a real ass octopus
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wow icb he can finally put that giant fishbowl to good use
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
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octaviusindustries · 6 years
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“  01001100 01000001 01010101 01000111 01001000 00100000 01010111 01001000 01001001 01001100 01000101 00100000 01011001 01001111 01010101 00100000 01000001 01010010 01000101 00100000 01010011 01010100 01001001 01001100 01001100 00100000 01000001 01000010 01001100 01000101 00100000 01010000 01000101 01010100 01000101 01010010 00100000 01010000 01000001 01010010 01001011 01000101 01010010 !!
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“HA HA HA-- !!”
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