#;Raging Tiger (Tigrex);
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The large Pseudowyvern would snarl upon seeing the human close in its territory, and making one quick leap, would land in front of them to bellow out a roar loud enough to seriously hurt one’s ears if they didn’t have the correct protection.  A Tigrex’s roar was painfully loud, and if this human wasn’t careful, they might wind up deaf if they survive.
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rumikothefox · 7 years
Favorite Monster Hunter Monsters, Part 1
I have a lot of favorite monsters in this series.  It was honestly very hard to narrow it down in any capacity.  Even having only played a few of the games, narrowing it down still only got me down to 15 normies and 8 elder dragons.  I’m doing the elder dragons in a separate post because I feel like it’s unfair to compare normal monsters to elder dragons that are basically MADE to be extra cool and very powerful.
I have played 3 Ultimate, Portable 3rd, 4 Ultimate, and touched a LITTLE into Freedom Unite (not enough to get super far).  I JUST hit the end of low rank in World, so even if high rank introduces any cool new monsters in that game, you won’t see them on this list.  You also won’t see monsters I’ve never fought, so sorry if Amatsu or Lao-Shan being excluded make you sad.  I never fought them.
These aren’t in any particular order.
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I believe it was Gaijin Hunter who mentioned that your first flagship monster will always be close to your heart.  Considering MH3U was my first official romp through the MH series, it makes sense for Brachydios to be on this list. While the American release gave us Azure Rathalos on the cover for MH3U, the actual flagship for the game was originally Brachydios (look up the Japanese boxart). Brachy gave us the introduction to slime/blast weapons, which usually end up some of the best weapons in the game now. Brachy’s glowy parts are actually explosive saliva that he coats on his pounders and horn to attack with. I love the little detail that to coat his horn, you see him use his pounders much like a cat uses its paws to clean its face. He has a deviant/variant called the Raging Brachydios that causes explosions more quickly and whose pounders, horn, and even tail will eventually explode just from repeated hunter attacks. I love his mechanics, but as far as looks, nothing will beat that blue sheen the original Brachy boasts. His weapons look pretty awesome too and motivated me to make them for each weapon type just for the hell of it.
Gore Magala
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Another weird flagship situation. Gore Magala was on the cover for our US release of MH4U, but he was actually the MH4 flagship. Still, regardless of whose flagship he is, you can’t deny the cool factor. I loved that we got this really cool black-and-purple themed armor from him that gave me slight Alatreon vibes, and at pretty low level as well, making it possible to look like a raging badass pretty early on. I also always found it awesome how the area you were in would darken when he enraged. He introduced the Frenzy mechanic to us, a strange mechanic that could debuff you if you weren’t careful, but that was also able to buff the hunter if dealt with correctly. Even though you beat him pretty early on, his effects are long-reaching and cause other monsters through the game to be frenzied and, worse, apex, a special level of frenzy that was just.... yikes. Ask anyone who played a lot of MH4U endgame what 140 apex jho was like. I also love that, to use a cliche, this isn’t even his final form. The form of him you see in the picture above is an adolescent form. When it gets old enough, it sheds its darker scales and takes on this pale ivory look as a Shagaru Magala. There is also a variant called the Chaotic Gore Magala, a Gore Magala that tried to shed its scales but was only able to change halfway. Still, neither of them really hit me as much as the original.  He brought us a new mechanic that made things exciting and looked too damn cool, even if he’s a total edge lord.
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At some point, I’m going to stop with the flagships. Really. But Seregios was just too cool to pass up. He introduced the Bleed mechanic, one that causes the hunter further harm if they move or evade while suffering from it. To be honest, when I first saw a promotional image of him, I was severely disappointed. They liked to show him with his scales flat against his body, which made him look like little more than a sleek, gold-ish wyvern. Cool, but not entirely original or awesome for something that was the MH4U flagship.  Then I saw him take on a Rathian and puff up his scales and I got it. I also love his hawk-like roar, despite him having zero to do with a hawk (except the flying thing I guess?). His movements are a bit on the fast side, but once you learn his movements he is a fun monster to fight. He also has some of the cooler weapons in the game, mechanic-wise. For melee weapons, evading with your weapon out causes your weapon to regain some of its sharpness. The weapons aren’t stingy on initial sharpness either, making them weapons you don’t have to use many whetstones for. For bowguns, evading with your weapon out causes you to reload a single bullet of your currently loaded ammo. And for the bow, close range coating gets the same damage boost as if you were also using power coating.  It’s pretty awesome. I used that light bowgun through a huge portion of G Rank. 
Furious Rajang
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A variant of Rajang rather than a subspecies, I think Furious Rajang was the first time I really felt like a monster was just insurmountable for me. Sure, a monster like Jho is scary, but never once did I feel like I couldn’t ever beat one eventually. Rajang, especially his Furious variant, just basically wiped the floor with me so often that I very nearly began to hate him more than a few times. He was the monster I had the hardest time learning the tells for, for some reason. It was frustrating and, seeing as I fought him in MH4U and I was largely a gunner in that game, not evading in time and getting hit by nearly anything of his would often one-shot me, or get very close unless I was absolutely topped off in hp.  He’s one of the main reasons I honed for Life on my bowguns. But besides the large hate I had for him and the fact that I needed some of his armor.... he’s just so damn cool. His roar has this strange effect that almost sounds like he’s doing it through a loudspeaker and almost breaking the speaker with the sound. He is a monkey that pretty much goes super saiyajin when angry. He shoots lightning out of his mouth. Let’s summarize that: he’s a super saiyajin lightning monkey with a cool roar. I mean... come on! And as stated, his armor ended up in a lot of franken-sets just due to how good some of the skills were on them.
Those fists will kill ya, though.
Molten Tigrex
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Let’s cross a tiger, a T-rex, and a wyvern. Let’s make him angry. Let’s make him hungry. Let’s make an angrier and hungrier version of him. Okay, now let’s make an even angrier and hungrier version of him that uses blast and is the size of a brick shithouse. Perfect.
Don’t get me wrong, Tigrex is a cool fucking monster. He’s pretty much up there with Jho in terms of a monster that is just a ton of aggression and hunger. He’s the choo choo of death and god help you if you step on the tracks. Brute Tigrex is pretty awesome as well. I didn’t realize a Tigrex could become MORE aggressive, but apparently I was mistaken. But then in strolls Molten Tigrex. Not only do I love his coloration, but I love just how absolutely huge he is. He starts off slow for a mercy, though as the fight goes on, he gets progressively faster and crazier. He can put puffs of blast powder in the air much like Teostra and set it off using his claws like pieces of flint. He also covers ground very fast with how big he is. You have to use caution as a melee user because due to his size, you can easily get lost in attacking him and not see a tell that would otherwise have you preparing for the incoming attack.
His weapons are very good, especially his heavy bowgun, which is among the best heavy bowguns in the game. Plus... it’s his head. You made a cannon out of his damn head. I mean... how can you beat that?
Glacial Agnaktor/Zamtrios
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To be honest, it was hard to pick just one here. I love these monsters for similar reasons. Both are these huge monsters that just kind of swim through the ice and snow as if it were water. Zamtrios is a little less stealthy about it, but he has that awesome Jaws effect going on when he does it. 
Glacial Agnaktor is a subspecies.  The normal monster, the Agnaktor, is a fire-based monster who lives in volcanos and wears lava like armor once it cools on his body.  By constrast, the Glacial Agnaktor packs ice and snow tightly on his body to make his armor, preferring to live in freezing tundras over raging volcanos.  I got very well acquainted with this monster while farming his lance set, since his armor was the best guard lance set in the game by far. His movements are cool and I love the little clicking thing the Agnaktor family does with their beaks. A little less of a fan of the 360 no scope beam of death, but that part is also kind of cool, too.
Zamtrios has a sand-based subspecies and while I love the Tigerstripe Zamtrios’ paralysis weapons to death, I can’t help but like the style and feel of the original monster more. I laughed when I saw him balloon up for the first time because it was goofy as hell, but it quickly became closer to terrifying when I realized that form is surprisingly swift when he wants it to be and boy does it hurt when he lands on you. He also does the ice/snow armor thing, along with giving himself a sawtooth nose to boot.
Overall, I love them both and they feel so similar that I just decided to group them together.
Abyssal Lagiacrus
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Okay, this one is a little bit of a cheat. I have actually never fought Abyssal Lagiacrus myself. I’ve seen screenshots and know he’s fought in the same arena as Caedeus, but outside of that, my knowledge of him is minimal. I regret that I never got to fight him. I was late to the party with MH3U to begin with and didn’t know a lot of people who played MH at the time, so I had a hard time leveling my HR by myself and to unlock his quest, you had to get your HR to 70. He was the highest HR single monster hunt in the online guild hall. His weapons looked really damn cool to me and I always wanted them, but I was unable to get them.
Lagiacrus as a whole is a really cool monster though. I loved the sea serpent theme of him and while I often celebrate the lack of water combat in the newer games, fighting him underwater was always a really cool challenge. I thought Ivory Lagiacrus would be easier because he’s on land more and while I was correct to an extent, Ivory is much more aggressive and dangerous and it sort of offset that solid ground comfort. I love the fact that as he gets more charged up, those spikes on his back start to glow. Overall, I found him fun to fight and I can’t think of third gen in general without thinking of the Lagiacrus.
Savage Deviljho
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Deviljho is amazingly scary on his own. You first come across him when you definitely aren’t powerful enough to take him on. He strolls on up, sensing a free meal, and he doesn’t care if he takes it out of you, Cha-Cha, your palicos, or the monsters you’re fighting. He’s nomadic, having no territory of his own and therefore able to be found just about anywhere. He’s just looking for where the food is. He will even eat his own severed tail if you give him half a chance.
He’s also easily one of the largest monsters you’ve seen by the time you first encounter him.  Only weapons with decently high reach are going to reach his tail or head on a normal basis and he does large sweeping attacks and huge strides that bridge distances in a time you wouldn’t expect from a monster so bulky.
Savage Deviljho is that much more terrifying. His base form is what you’re used to seeing for an enraged Deviljho. When Savage Jho enrages, he gets a shroud of dragon energy over the top of his head and back and all you see around his eyes is a black shroud with glowing red eyes peering at you from it.  Truly, the abyss stares back at you. Savage Jho is just that much more mean and powerful than his normal counterpart.  I also love the coloration of his gear. Deviljho gear has a pretty cool shape, but while the normal gear is this dulled green, the Savage Jho gear has this almost punk black-and-hot-pink thing going on that I think looks awesome.
I think that’s it for part 1. I’ll finish up the rest of the normal monsters in a second part coming up and elder dragons will have their own third part. o/
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Banbaro, the Stag Brute Wyvern
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Tigrex, the rampaging Flying Wyvern
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Nargacuga, the silent Flying Wyvern
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Because for some reason these two series keep intersecting-- here is a robot boi. Be advised, big angry beasties, this time it's -not- a cosplaying Palico.
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And be advised, little robot boi.  This angry Pseudowyvern gives no fucks about you not being a Palico.  If you’re not careful…
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it will wreck you.
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"Hmm.. to pet, or to not pet. What an odd decision to make.." Oswald Spinel muttered to herself while staring at the creature. (can be for any of them)
The Tigrex raised its head from its recently slain meal, hearing the voice, and looked around before spotting the source of it.
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A piece of meat still dangled from its jaws at it looked over at the weird pink creature, before slowly turning to face it.  This thing was encroaching on its kill?  The Pseudowyvern wouldn’t stand for this.
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“GᖇᖇᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩᗩOOOᖇᖇᖇ!"  The roar it released shook the ground before it, owing to the powerful lungs the Tigrex possessed.
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The Tigrex blinked, hearing a human female’s voice as if she were right next to him, but a quick look around showed nothing.  Weird....
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