#;A Howl Of Thunder (Zinogre);
hal-o-ween · 2 months
As a purely self indulgent sort of post, here's a little "spotlight" on one of the maps for my little thought experiment monster hunter project!
The Verdant Expanse
The Verdant Expanse is a largely forested region that displays an incredible variety of flora and fauna. While technically the second region that the research outpost encountered, it was the first one they turned their focus to, as the region now known as Sharq Tooth Beach was considered too dangerous to explore in depth without qualified hunters.
The Forest:
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The large trees and abundant undergrowth of the Verdant Expanse provide excellent shelter and food for small monsters such as Kelbi, who prefer the more open clearings with plentiful berries, and Mosswine, who are typically found in the more dense undergrowth foraging for mushrooms. Bullfango root through the dirt for food, and will brazenly charge at any who disturb their meal, and are occasionally accompanied by a Bulldrome, their white-crested leader. Pukei-Pukei may be found on occasion, feeding in the mushroom-dense depths of the forest.
Night Time:
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At night, the stunning Malfestio fly silently through the air, using the mesmerizing patterns on their wings, and the dust-like scales they shed, to confuse and daze prey and predator alike. The howls of the powerful Zinogre ring through the trees, as fulgur bugs gather around them, providing them with their terrifying control of the thunder element.
The Lake:
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As one wanders further into the Expanse, they will quickly come upon a lake. Formed by the dams of Caeserbur, this lake is frequented by most monsters in the area as it is rich in prey and plant life. Caeserbur dams are large, befitting their large creators. They can be seen dragging entire trees to their dams, and should they feel threatened, will even throw the trees they carry at attackers.
The lake is also the home of several other large monsters. Arzuros fish along the banks near small waterfalls, and collect honey amongst the trees. Tetranodon forage along the mucky lakebed for plants and small creatures to eat, and frequently rest near the surface where they give the appearance of small, mossy islands. Mizitsune live along the lake and river, using their long necks and sharp teeth to catch fish. Evidence of their recent presence is often found in the form of bubblefoam along the water's edge.
The Meadow:
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At the forest's edge lies a vast field of colorful wildflowers, full of insects such as Bnahabra and Vespoid. Be wary in this area, as it is the home of the Apex of the Verdant Expanse. The Forokururu, despite feeding only on insects and nectar, is a formidable foe, and guards its fields ferociously. The variety of flowers at its disposal give it the ability to utilize an incredibly wide variety of ailments, and even the fire element. This beautiful monster has made studying the meadows difficult, and passage to the desert region even more so...
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Round 3: Crimson Qurupeco Vs. Thunderlord Zinogre
Crimson Qurupeco (Bird Wyvern)
Previous matches: Vs. Ash Kecha Wacha
Appears in: Portable 3rd, 3 Ultimate
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A subspecies of Qurupeco with vivid crimson plumage and the same aptitude for mimicry and dance. Flints in their wings allow them to generate electricity, which can be discharged as either shocking jolts or intense flashes of light. -3 Ultimate
Thunderlord Zinogre (Fanged Wyvern)
Previous matches: Vs. Tigerstripe Zamtrios, Vs. Gold Rathian
Appears in: Generations, Generations Ultimate
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A Zinogre robed in lightning: the King of the Thunder Wolves is a legend. "With one howl, the heavens loose a thousand flashes, and ten thousand peals of thunder. Approach it not, anger it not -- for the wrath of the 'Thunderlord' shows no mercy." Requires special permission to hunt. -Generations Ultimate
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ayasearchives · 2 years
Babby's first hunt
Her hands trembled whilst wrapped around an old bamboo shoot, having just initiated her fist fight with a monster. 
Nothing too serious, just an Izuchi. This should be a breeze.
The beast shook its head; its sickle-like paws brushing against the point of impact. Yellow-orange eyes gazed murderously at the young teen, snapping its teeth at her. Usagi took a deep breath. 
Everythings fine. Just stay focused and-
There was a loud shriek. She nearly dropped her weapon as she instinctively moved to press her hands against her ears.
Damn, that thing was loud for how small it was…
 It was then that one Izuchi suddenly turned into two Izuchi.
And then two turned into three, and then five.
The rest of them emerged from the woodworks out of nowhere, circling her like starving beasts that just spotted some poor unsuspecting fowl. 
"Oh…kaaaay then." Red eyes darted nervously, her weapon clattered in her hands.
Things were starting to go south.
"H-hey…" She struggled to raise her voice as one of them made a step forward. Dirt and dust kicked up when the stick hit the ground. "BACK OFF!" Usagi swung to the side as another one tried to jump her, only to be knocked on her butt when one of them butted her from behind. Sharp claws swiped at her face, breaking the skin of her cheek. Instinctively, she swung at one in front of her, only for it to grab the stick in its mouth. Eyes widened when she saw the bamboo snap in two between sharp, pointy teeth. A cold sheet of sweat coated her body as the pack animals closed in on her, only now just realizing what kind of trouble she was in.
Things only got worse when a loud, throaty growl echoed from the bamboo fields. 
Usagi watched the Izuchi stop dead in their tracks, lifting their heads in alert towards the direction of the sound… whatever it was, it had them about as spooked as she was. Her eyes shifted frantically to find the source of the sound. Nothing.
Would the Izuchi notice if she got up and left? Would whatever made that horrifying noise wind up finding her instead? These were the questions that left her frozen on the ground, a small whimper buried in her throat.
Terror clutched her heart like a Kulu clutching an egg when a thunderous, howling roar practically boomed just meters from her, jumping her and the smaller monsters out of their skin. Instinctively, she curled up into a ball.
She could hear the shrieks of the small monsters fade out into the distance, the scuttling of claws kicking up dirt chased by the sounds of-…
Wait, were those human footsteps?
Her body clenched as she heard the aggressive chuffing of whatever monster made that awful roar. She peeked through her arms to see what it was. 
Those sounds weren't coming from a monster– They were coming from a man.
Donned in a Zinogre mask, the man charged at the remaining Izuchi, body stretched out to an intimidating size. Usagi’s eyes widened in disbelief at the unholy sounds coming from underneath that familiar chain cowl. Gawking longer, she realized she also recognized his armor, the dark hair, the scarf–
I-it’s him…!
She crawled backwards, blinking in awe as he kicked away the last of the Izuchi. There was a moment of silence, broken by the sound of the ninja pacing briskly back and forth, hands running up his face as his mask fell to the ground, clutching his scalp as he took loud, anxious breaths. His hands clutched his knees as he doubled over. 
"Utsushi-san, I-… I uh–"
“Before ya say anything else–” His voice rasped as he caught his breath, pointing at her. “Are you hurt at all?”
“I… I don’t think so.”
“Good… That’s… That’s good.” He closed his eyes with a long, deep sigh, hand clutching his chest. A moment passed. He cleared his throat. 
“Now–” Usagi shuddered at the intense glare that fell across her. “Ya wanna tell me just what the hell you’re doing out here? By yourself?!”
“I–” Her jaw fell slack trying to find the words until–
That’s right.
He was the reason she was out here after all.
“Trainin'.” She shot a glare back at Utsushi, her voice very matter-of-fact.
“Traini–" He blinked in disbelief, shifting his eyes between her and the backpack strewn across the ground, "What–ways to get killed?!” The ninja scorned, “Ya got any idea just how much danger you just put yourself in?!”
"Yeah, no shit!" The young girl snapped back, "That's why I'm tryin' to train!"
"Yeah, trainin' with a bamboo rod annnnnd…" Utsushi looked at the contents of her pack, “Let's see… No armor, no rations, no p– wait, you actually got potions— … Eugh…” Not even his cowl could hide the grimace at the murky contents of the mega potions, "Uhhhh… Where did ya even get these from?"
"I found them in Ugetsu's room."
"… Usagi, he ain't been home in, like, two years… You uh…" He opened one of the containers, taking a whiff before audibly gagging, "Ya didn't drink any of these, right?!" He wheezed, regretting his decision as he clamped the lid tight. 
Usagi shook her head sheepishly.
"Alright, Usagi, listen to me–" His voice dropped to a lower, serious tone. "First things first- Ya can't just go waltzing out here without being properly equipped– That's just beggin' for a thrashin'. And secondly, ya ain't got any business even trainin' out here without a teacher, so–"
"Yeah, and you won't train me!" Usagi snapped, stomping her foot on the ground. Utsushi flinched at her outburst. "If you're not gonna do it, then you know what?! I'm just gonna do it on my own!"
"Yo, that's some bogus logic right there; that ain't how this works at all!" Utsushi responded sternly, "Now c'mon, we need to get ya back to the village before your mom finds out. She’ll probably kill me just over the fact that you’re even out here with me." He slung her pack over his shoulder before starting on the trail back home. He glanced back when he didn't hear Usagi behind him. Still standing where she initially was; his brows frowned. 
"C'mon… Get movin'."
"Y'know, you seemed really eager to get me out huntin' when we were at the training grounds." Usagi's voice wavered, "Everyone else got a shot at huntin', so why the hell is it suddenly I wanna do it and everyone sides with my mom that I can’t?! That’s hardly fair!" She was red around the eyes, "I know I can do it! I just want one of you dickheads to at least gimme a chance! An' if it means goin' out here and teachin' myself to prove myself, fine! But don't gimme this 'you're too young' or 'you're gonna get yerself killed' bullshit!"
There was a long pause. Usagi wiped her palm against her eyes, sniffling. Utsushi rubbed his cowl, pondering. He paced the trail a couple of times, hands running down the top side of his head. The young teen held her breath as the ninja approached her.
"Look uh…" Utsushi seemed to stumble in his thoughts, "Let’s… Lemme try and talk to your mom, cool?" He huffed an exasperated sigh, as if prepping for whatever unspeakable hell awaited him back home. "But first, we need to go back to the village. If she sees you with me and finds out you been out here, any chances I got with her are gonna go shootin' right out the window."
The travel back to Kamura was a quiet one. As talkative as he was, Utsushi remained silent, deep in thought. The tension built up in her chest as the two crossed the bridge taking them to the hub.
"Okay Usagi," he huffed, "I’m gonna need ya to make a beeline home, I'm gonna give her some time, but–" 
He froze mid-sentence. The color draining from his face betrayed his confident stand. 
"Huh, what's up?" Usagi tilted her head at the ninja before looking forward.
"Oh! There you are Usagi! We've been looking all over for you!"
 It wasn't Minoto halfway down the bridge that sent a cold sensation down to the pit of her stomach.
It was her mother alongside her. 
If looks could kill, Utsushi would've been slaughtered in a way fit for the many monsters lurking outside their home.
"Aw, shurikens…"
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Happy howling sounds as the large lupine Fanged Wyvern playfully tackles Luka, nuzzling her.  Oh, how he missed his sister wolf!
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damnwyverngems · 2 years
Monster Hunter World OST: Thunderous Howling (Zinogre Medley)
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wyverian-lady525 · 3 years
How about a little snippet with #7 for Cheval? 👉👈
I really love your works by the way!!
Thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate it! (Also yay! Cheval!)
#7 “I won’t let anything hurt you.”
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You were going on a little camping trip in Alcala to have some enjoyable time off. Cheval asked if he could come with you. With a certain giddy feeling in your chest, you agreed. Why did the red-haired rider make you feel like this? There was nothing you didn’t love about him.
Now it was just gonna be you and him camping out in the woods. 
You were going to make sure this was going to be perfect. Cheval offered to carry most of the gear, however, you told him he didn’t have to do that.
“But I want to.” He replied with a smile. This made you red in the face as you just nodded. Once the man set his mind to something, it wasn’t going to be changed. While you guys walked through the plains for the day, you began to question why Cheval asked to come with you. Did he think you couldn’t take care of yourself? Did he just want to get away as well? Could he...like you back?
You were so deep in thought that you didn’t notice the rain drops slowly beginning to fall.
“Maybe we should find some better way to get out of this weather?” Cheval said with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, sopping wet tents aren’t very comfortable.” You said with a laugh. Eventually, you guys found a small alcove to wait the rain in. Rathi and your monstie curled up near the back, finally having some time to rest. Soon, the gentle raindrops became a downpour. Cheval tried to find dry wood for a fire, but it was useless. Now, you both were sitting on opposite sides of the rocky wall. 
“We might spend the night here after all.” Cheval said with a laugh. A flash of lightening followed by the booming sound of thunder caused you to jump. You then acknowledged his comment with a small smile and nod of your head.
Yes, you were terrified of thunderstorms. The bright flashes and loud booms of thunder scared you to death. You hugged your knees tighter as another set of loud thunder came by.
Cheval noticed your strange behavior and asked, “Is everything alright?”
You nodded while giving him a small smile to prove your point, however, a blast of thunder and gust of wind decided to expose you. You squealed and hid your face in your legs. A shuffling sound was heard and soon you felt warmth beside you. You glanced up to see that Cheval had moved to sit right next to you.
“Are you scared of the thunderstorm?” He asked gently. A tear almost escaped your eye, but you couldn’t lie to him anymore.
“Y-yes. I know, it’s stupid-” You began with a shaky voice, but he cut you off.
“It’s not stupid to be afraid.” He said calmly. You took a couple deep breaths (trying to compose yourself) and looked him in the eyes. Those eyes, the same glowing amber of a wild wyvern, yet you couldn’t feel more safe beside him. 
It was just pouring rain for a while, so you thought the storm had left. Another boom of thunder proved you wrong. You whimpered slightly while holding your hands close to your chest.
“Alright. Come here.” Cheval whispered while wrapping an arm around your shoulder. With a red face, you accepted his embrace and wiggled into his comforting warmth. His hand was gently running up and down your arm, making you get goosebumps. For a moment, you thought that you were doing better. 
Then a zinogre howled in the distance.
You took a sharp intake of breath and cuddled closer to him, putting a hand on his chest that bumped his necklace slightly. He laughed lightly to himself. Cheval liked when you sought him out for comfort. He tightened his hold on you and whispered sweetly,  “I won’t let anything hurt you.”
Then you felt a small kiss be pressed to the top of your head. You were hyperventilating for different reasons now. Your head was snug in the crook of his neck, his arm keeping you tightly in place. He squeezed you slightly while resting his head on yours. 
That’s how you both fell asleep that night, or you anyway, since Cheval promised to stay up and make sure no monsters came by. You didn’t try to fight him on that because that would only encourage him more.
However, the next morning you woke up to find that he did in fact fall asleep on you. You giggled slightly as you gently wiggled out of his grasp (easier said than down, that man has quite the grip). He groggily woke up to your movement, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What?” He asked, still with a tired tone and half-lidded eyes.
“Sleepyhead.” You giggled while ruffling his hair. It was a mess, most of it out of the braid and sticking all over the place. He laughed a bit, and then you offered to re-do his hair for him. For once, he blushed at your question, but nodded.
So, you sat behind him and re-did his braid. He re-shut his eyes as your fingers ran through his hair. You hoped you could do this more in the future as you enjoyed it just as much as you did. When you were done, you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek from behind.
“Thank you for protecting me.” You whispered in his ear. He turned red and gave a sheepish smile.
“Always Y/N.” He replied. You guys walked hand in hand as you continued your journey.
Best camping trip ever.
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Round 2: Thunderlord Zinogre Vs. Gold Rathian
Thunderlord Zinogre (Fanged Wyvern)
Previous matches: Vs. Tigerstripe Zamtrios
Appears in: Generations, Generations Ultimate
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A Zinogre robed in lightning: the King of the Thunder Wolves is a legend. "With one howl, the heavens loose a thousand flashes, and ten thousand peals of thunder. Approach it not, anger it not -- for the wrath of the 'Thunderlord' shows no mercy." Requires special permission to hunt. -Generations Ultimate
Gold Rathian (Flying Wyvern)
Previous matches: Vs. Blue Yian Kut-Ku
Appears in: G, Freedom, 2, Freedom 2, Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, 3 Ultimate, 4, 4 Ultimate, Generations, Generations Ultimate, Iceborne, Sunbreak
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A rare variant of Rathian with a beautiful golden body reminiscent of the moon. Little is known about their behavior or physiology--including the source of their rich golden sheen. -3 Ultimate
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Round 4: Thunderlord Zinogre Vs. Seregios
Thunderlord Zinogre (Fanged Wyvern)
Previous matches: Vs. Tigerstripe Zamtrios, Vs. Gold Rathian, Vs. Crimson Qurupeco
Appears in: Generations, Generations Ultimate
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A Zinogre robed in lightning: the King of the Thunder Wolves is a legend. "With one howl, the heavens loose a thousand flashes, and ten thousand peals of thunder. Approach it not, anger it not -- for the wrath of the 'Thunderlord' shows no mercy." Requires special permission to hunt. -Generations Ultimate
Seregios (Flying Wyvern)
Previous matches: Vs. Great Jaggi, Vs. Najarala, Vs. Lao-Shan Lung
Appears in: 4 Ultimate, Generations, Generations Ultimate, Sunbreak
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Flying Wyverns known for their lustrous golden scales. They boast both strong attacks and a fearsome prowess for fighting. Their scales can be launched at prey in high-speed attacks, which they follow up by swooping in and latching on with their vicious talons. -Stories 2
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Round 1 Part 1: Tigerstripe Zamtrios Vs. Thunderlord Zinogre
Tigerstripe Zamtrios (Amphibian)
Appears in: 4 Ultimate
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Unlike its standard counterpart, this distinctively-striped Zamtrios subspecies dwells primarily in desert climes, and can employ its ability to expand and contract its body even while in motion, making it an even more formidable adversary. -4 Ultimate
Thunderlord Zinogre (Fanged Wyvern)
Appears in: Generations, Generations Ultimate
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A Zinogre robed in lightning: the King of the Thunder Wolves is a legend. "With one howl, the heavens loose a thousand flashes, and ten thousand peals of thunder. Approach it not, anger it not -- for the wrath of the 'Thunderlord' shows no mercy." Requires special permission to hunt. -Generations Ultimate
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Stalking through the lowlands, the large Fanged Wyvern would be on the lookout for prey, its bright cerulean eyes focused ahead as its large clawed paws tread carefully and quietly along the ground.
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It would notice movement up ahead, and it sunk down a little lower, moving slowly towards what could possibly be potential prey.  Despite its large size, the Zinogre could be stealthy if it wanted to.  When it felt it was close enough, the large beast would break into a run, intent on catching this creature.  It leaped into the air, claws forward, and let out a fierce howl!
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The monsters have felt the odd sensations in the air; have smelled the scent of an encroaching disturbance, and have come to lend their aid, their power, to Master Hand’s cause in stopping it.  Beasts they may be, but even they realize the potential danger this wave is, and have arrived, claws honed and teeth bared, ready to stand at his side against this threat.
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Angry snarling noises, accompanied by sparks of lightning across the beast’s back.
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*pets Zinogre's snoot*
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Someone mentioned good boy?
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Skeith was pretty lost. Like incredibly lost. But now he'd happened upon something interesting. This creature might even be bigger than himself. "Hey, big guy." his voice echoed inside the creature's mind. -skeith at... Zinogre?
The large Fanged Wyvern heard the voice, and it rose from its slumber, bright blue eyes opening as it got to its feet.  Giving itself a shake, it turned to look around, hoping to find the source of that voice.
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Whatever it was, it woke the Zinogre up,and the wolf-like beast was hungry.
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