#;;headcanon | {henry edgeware}
walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
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S1 Edgeware 100% had a crush on Chapman. 
By S3, he’s decided that while he likes Eric well enough, that he’s low-key as much of a menace as Rudyard Funn. Still hot, though. Wouldn’t kick out of bed. 
Would just be happy to be in a bed tbh. 
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
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((Not really a headcanon, but I ran Rudyard and Henry through the “Which Shakespeare Character Are You” mega uquiz and I’m LIVING For the drags.
Rudyard: Edmund, King Lear Henry: Jacques, As You Like It
Fucking drama queens. It’s so right, but it’s such a massive drag that I imagine they’ll both have rug burn for weeks.
Meanwhile, Eric Chapman somehow snagged Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing and I am... flabbergasted but enjoying that thought immensely.))
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
♬ + henry edgeware in university
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I will take any opportunity to love Henry Edgeware
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
bookdoctor 1,6,12
Shipcanons | Accepting!
1.  did your muse fall in love with mine quickly, or was it a long process?
It was a slow process, stemming from friendship and mutual interests and values. By which I mean he probably knew Liesel for a year or two before asking her out and then they dated for another couple years before getting married. Everything about their love story has been rooted in choice and I think that’s really important.
6.  what’s a topic they’re scared of talking about with my muse?
He’s scared of letting Liesel know how dark it got for him during their separation. He was unwell and coping poorly - no sleep, a surplus of alcohol and stimulants, an untenable work schedule, passive suicidal ideation - and he missed her the whole time but worried that if she hadn’t have left, he would have hurt her worse. He tells her he’s sorry; he shows her the work he’s willing to do when she takes him back; but I don’t think he ever tells her the depths of his unwellness for fear that it would hurt her or worry her or make her leave him (again). 
Everything else is fair game. 
12.  who washes the other’s hair in the shower?
They wash each other’s. Henry likes to wash Liesel’s hair. The circular motions are soothing and the hot water feels good on his hands. He also is so weak for her washing his hair, but she doesn’t do it as often because of height differences; it’s harder for her to reach. 
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
👫 - Jane and Henry Edgeware!
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Jane cracks Henry’s Top Five People on Piffling list. He wants to thank her for being such a wonderful addition to their community and for not getting sick very often. 
Henry lives relatively close to the lighthouse and he often encounters Jane when he’s leaving work or arriving home. Sometimes he will linger to talk to her, but if Victor is there, he’s not as likely to hang around, since that would mean both Piffling’s doctors are distracted. 
Jane has administered basic veterinary care to Esther on more than one occasion. Henry has gone by to feed Roomba when Jane and Victor are out of town. Pet parent solidarity. 
Henry is not entirely sure what Jane’s last name is. He has asked on more than one occasion, in part because Victor intentionally mixes up the order of Jane’s surnames as a sign of his affection. 
When the Piffling Scouts try to sabotage Jane’s bid for leadership, she ends up in the ER with Henry attending. He tries to warn her against wresting control of the scouts from Calliope to absolutely no avail. Some people are just stubborn and Henry has learned to accept that everyone around him is much more stubborn than he’ll ever be. 
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
X : XOXO. does your muse use / like pet names? Dr. Edgeware!
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“Well you have to call them something...”
I’ll see myself out.
Anyway, I think Henry uses pet names sometimes and responds to them. Usually “dear”, I think. I don’t think coming up with unique pet names is a talent of his, lol. 
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
Tag Drop - Henry Edgeware
No ship tags, we improvise like morons.
Also can I just say... despite the sheer number of NPCs that exist in my life with the name “Henry”, my tags autopopulated NOTHING. @professor-of-predators, I broke the Henry Singularity. 
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
confession time: henry!
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Send ‘confession time + muse’ and I’ll tell you the hardest thing about writing that character | Accepting!
The hardest thing to write about Henry is the insecurity. Not his - mine. I’ve gotten some flack from the Wooden Overcoats fandom for my AU ship and it’s made me second guess myself a lot and I absolutely hate it. Like Finnegan, Henry is one of those minor characters from a canon source that I fell in love with an fleshed out - perhaps slightly beyond recognition. However, unlike the “Victor Frankenstein” fandom, the “Wooden Overcoats” fandom has not been shy about their opinions... even though none of them RP. It sucked a lot of the joy out of writing a character I am otherwise very proud of. Of course, that said, there is also a sense of anxiety that he *is* a minor character from a fandom that doesn’t have a large presence in the RPC. How on earth am I supposed to pitch Edgeware to people who have never listened to the show? “Hear me out. He’s a doctor, but he’s tired all the time... because he runs two hospitals.” is a weird sell. And, of course, if you take Henry Edgeware away from Piffling, the question then becomes: what makes this man stand out enough to entice new RP partners? Are my interests too niche to get people to write with me? Are my AUs sufficient enough? It’s nerve-wracking. Actually, a lot of my absence from Tumblr in the last month has been a combination of being busy, being ill, and being anxious that my RP blog isn’t a safe space for me to write my “Wooden Overcoats” characters (or any or my characters).
If we talk about things that aren’t my anxiety (let’s. Please.) I think one of the most challenging things to write about Edgeware is that there is so little canon material about him that I have to analyze what we do have and extrapolate from there. A lot of things I write about him are purely headcanons and there are many more things that I’m improvising and making note of for future reference. I love this challenge, though, because it means I have a lot of freedom with a “premade” character, freedoms I don’t have with more established canon characters. I really love blurring the lines between canon and OC!
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