#;; she felt free for the first time under his protection! she could run into the dothraki sea barefoot and cheering because she knew
kaerinio · 7 months
also, this is a reminder for myself to write a thing about why dany loved drogo, why she continues to refer to him as her sun-and-stars, and why she will always remember him fondly, keep him in her heart, and draw upon his memory for strength.
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ellecdc · 2 months
hello darling! I was wondering if I could request poly! marauders where they come home late or something and she’s asleep, but they discover her cuddling a stuffed animal for the first time and she gets all shy and embarassed but they think it’s adorable!!!
I have this stuffed animal I’ve had since I was little and as a 24 year I still cuddle him.
totally didn't write this based off of the little stuffed toy I still have on my bed.......
Scout's Honour
poly!marauders x fem!reader who still sleeps with a stuffed animal
CW: boys are maybe tipsy when they get home, reader feels shy and insecure for a second, Sirius makes that horrible Sirius/serious joke, James x Sirius get frisky at the end but nothing described
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Up until this point, Remus felt as though he had done a pretty good job keeping the boys quiet in their trek to the bedroom.
All that effort was for naught, it seemed, as Remus grimaced whilst he watched Sirius basically belly-flop face first onto the mattress, causing you to be jostled - quite violently - awake.
“What the-?” You gasped; eyes darting around nervously before they landed on your three boyfriends.
But no sooner had your face relaxed did you look alarmed again before quickly readjusting the blankets around you. 
“You okay, dovey?” Remus asked then. “Sorry for waking you.” He added, pointedly glaring at his long-haired boyfriend who looked quite pleased at his plans of having all of his partners awake at once come to fruition. 
“S’okay.” You responded; vowels and consonants running together as your mouth tried to keep up with the speed at which your brain was functioning. 
“Outside clothes, Jamie.” Remus quickly chided then as James tried to sneak under the covers to join you.
This seemed to perk you up for some reason, and unfortunately for you, not one of the boys missed the way your hand darted nervously under the blankets.
“My, my, what were you up to?” Sirius taunted salaciously, eyes immediately moving towards his ‘favourite’ bedside drawer.
“She was asleep, Pads.” James slurred as he nearly fell in his attempt to free himself from his jeans.
“Yes, until someone so rudely woke her.” Remus added.
Sirius did appear to go bashful then, turning to look at you apologetically. “Sorry, doll.”
“But if you’re not- fuck, if you’re not hiding something fun.” James interrupted himself as he tripped over nothing before he finally weaselled his way under the covers. “What are you hiding?”
“M’not hiding anything.” You argued petulantly, looking at Remus as you answered James’ question as if he would somehow protect you from further questioning.
And though Remus could protect you from further questioning, he had to admit he found himself just as curious. 
“It’s a surprise for me, isn’t it?” Sirius queried haughtily then as he changed into his pyjamas. 
“It’s not for you.” You groaned; sleep-addled brain not capturing that you sort of gave away that you were, indeed, hiding something. 
“What d’you have there, dovey?” Remus asked finally, moving to stand above you on your side of the bed and tipping your head back so he could press a kiss to your lips. 
You brought your hands up to hold Remus’ wrists as you reciprocated the kiss, but made a reluctant sound in the back of your throat when he wouldn’t let you turn and look away from him. 
“Oh my goodness!” James shrilled then, causing both you and Remus to turn your attention to your slightly tipsy boyfriend who was now holding a tiny plush dog in his hands. “She’s so cute!”
“James!” You shrieked; tearing yourself from Remus’ hold as you made for James.
For as uncoordinated as James had been mere moments ago, the sight of you lunging at him seemed to reawaken some dormant muscle memory from his time on the school rugby team as he hastily tossed the toy to Sirius. 
Sirius - not prepared in the slightest for a game of catch at such an hour of the morning - let it hit him in the side of the head before it fell unceremoniously to the ground. He quickly collected it though and moved behind Remus in hopes of protection from you as he inspected the worn and well-loved looking toy. 
“Is this a stuffie?” Sirius asked then, turning the plush dog to examine it. “Babe, that’s so cute!”
“Give it here.” You demanded; eyes wild, now fully awake as you stared at Sirius imploringly. 
“Sirius, please.”
“Dovey.” Remus began cautiously, bending at the waist in an attempt to make eye contact with you. “Hey, dove.” He continued when you didn’t respond. 
You reluctantly pulled your gaze away from Sirius in order to appease Remus. 
“We’re not making fun of you.”
“Yes you are.” You whispered miserably, causing any teasing from James and Sirius to drop immediately. 
“Nonono.” James chanted as he army crawled his way across the bed to you. “M’so sorry, angel. I was making fun, but I wasn’t trying to make fun of.” 
“I wasn’t lying, doll; I really do think this is so cute.” Sirius added.
You didn’t seem to agree, however, when your bottom lip jutted out and your shoulders slumped.
“Baby.” James moaned sympathetically. “I’m sorry.”
You reluctantly leaned into James’ side as he all but draped himself over you. 
“Dove, why have we never seen this before?” Remus asked as he took the pilfered toy from Sirius’ hands and inspected it himself. 
“‘Cause it’s embarrassing.” You moaned. 
“It’s cute.” Sirius argued.
“It’s childish.” You countered. 
“It’s human, sweetheart.” Remus declared before handing the plush dog back to you. “I still have my teddy from when I was a kid.”
“Yeah, packed up in a box somewhere.” You deadpanned.
“That’s only because he roomed in a dorm with three boys back in school who would’ve razzed him mercilessly for it.” Sirius offered.
“Yeah, and now I’m sleeping with them.” You responded as you looked down at the plush in your hands. 
“Who have grown and matured, surely; you wouldn’t be sleeping with them otherwise.” Sirius said as he sat at the end of your bed and nudged your knee with his. 
“What’s her name?” Remus asked then as he nodded to the aged stuffed animal. 
You glared half-heartedly at him in response. 
“I’m serious, dove-” Remus started before catching himself none-too-quickly.
“No, I’m Sirius.” Sirius cut in; smiling proudly as his three partners glared at him. 
Remus sucked in an exasperated yet loving breath as he turned his attention back to you. “This little thing was - is - obviously important to you; so what’s her name?”
You sighed in defeat as you turned it over in your hand. “It’s a him.” You corrected petulantly. 
“Terrible sorry, good sir.” James offered graveley; nodding his head so deep that he nearly lost his glasses. 
You breathed out a chuckle as you looked up shyly. “His name’s Scout.” You offered in a whisper; your answer being rewarded by cooing from your boyfriend’s.
“That’s so cute.” James repeated.
“I can’t believe you’ve loved another man before me.” Sirius teased with an unimpressed shake of his head. “And he’s been in my home this whole time?”
You turned bashful again and looked at Sirius timidly. “Erm, I’ve sort of been hiding him between the mattress and boxspring.” 
Remus threw his head back in laughter as he finally had an answer as to why your side of the bed was so lumpy.
“Another man!? In my bed!?” Sirius teased as he clutched at non-existing pearls. “And you didn’t even introduce us!?” 
“For shame, angel.” James added with a disappointed shake of his head. “I know the bed is small, but there was certainly room for one more.” He continued as he booped ‘Scout’s’ nose with the tip of his finger. 
“That’s right.” Remus agreed readily as he stood to change into his own pyjamas. “No more hiding that cutie from us sweet girl.” 
“Yeah, I already like him more than Sirius.” James joked, earning him a scolding ‘hey!’ from both you and Remus and an indignant scoff from Sirius before Sirius bodily tackled him on the bed. 
“That’s not what you were saying last night there, handsome!” Sirius laughed as he jabbed his fingers into James’ ribs where he was most ticklish. “Take it back!”
“Tell me you love me!”
“I love Scout more!”
“You little-” Sirius started, but he never got to finish when he pulled his boyfriend into a searing kiss.
What had started out as laughter and playful wrestling was quickly becoming heated and then bordering pornographic when you turned to look at Remus who was simply watching in exasperation.
“Should you, me, and Scout have a cwtch on the couch, dove?” 
You chuckled as you gathered a throw blanket and Scout from the bed, and trotted out the door with Remus as you left your boyfriends to tire each other out. 
Remus really couldn't imagine the four of you making room for another again, but he was more than happy to share you with Scout and he knew the same could be said for Sirius and James.
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writeroutoftime · 2 months
making me crazy
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pairing: tyler owens x reader (requested by: @missminnietwoshoes)
summary: while out on a chase with your team, a storm turns more dangerous than expected. of course, you all set to getting as many people as possible to safety, but you quickly find yourself caught in the middle of the storm.
words: 0.8k
a/n: my first tyler owens request!! when I say this man has a chokehold on me - I'm not joking! also, so sorry for the delay, but please enjoy!! (part 2 should be coming your way shortly!!)
Wind whipped around you, your hand protecting your eyes as you tried to make out what was going even just a few feet in front of you. The storm had come out of nowhere, meaning no one in town was prepared to take cover. Just passing through, you, Tyler, and the rest of your crew made it your mission to direct as many people to safety as possible.
Your heart broke seeing the devasted look on people from the town as they tried to keep calm despite the impending doom. No one had predicted destruction on this level, and now there was so time to do anything but survive.
The storm grew worse as you saw the twister grow closer and closer to where you stood. A quick glance over your shoulder told you that the rest of your team had started to make their way to safety. You all had done as much as you could with the little warning you had.
As you turned to run, you heard a whimper. Scanning the desolate street, you noticed one more person looking as though they were trying to get something out from underneath a porch.
"Hey!" you shouted over the rind, running towards them. "You have to get out of here, get somewhere safe."
The woman looked up at you, eyes shining with tears. "My dog, he got himself stuck under here trying to hide, and I won't leave him."
Distantly, you could hear Tyler's voice calling out, trying to find you. With determination, you turned away from him and nodded at the woman. "Okay, it looks like his paw is stuck. I'm gonna lift this plank and you get him out." you commanded, knowing you only mere minutes to make this work.
Counting to three, you lifted the pile of debris just enough to allow the dog to scamper free and jump straight into his owner's arms. The look of pure relief and joy on her face made it all worth it. However, the peace didn't last long as you were brought back to the fact that you were still in the middle of a very dangerous storm.
"We have to get out of here! Take him and just keeping running until you hit the shelter!" you shouted over the rain that drenched your both, so much so that you felt the chill deep in your bones. "Stay low and don't stop. I'll be right behind you."
She looked terrified but nodded, and then she was running across the street towards safety. You took a breath and moved to follow her, trying to see through the rain while avoided obstacles on the ground and flying through the air. It seemed luck was not on your side, though, as your foot caught on a piece of debris.
Before you knew it, you were sent skidding across the ground. Your palms and knees, newly scrapped, stung, but the worst was the throbbing pain from your ankle. Pushing yourself off the ground, you tried to take another step forward and felt your weight buckle to the ground once more.
"Fuck." you swore, daring to look back at the storm that inched closer with every passing second. There was no way you could make it to any semblance of shelter with this new injury. Tears mixed with the rain that whipped itself against your face as you resigned yourself to your fate.
Just as you closed your eyes, you heard your name in the distance. Jerking up, you could barely make out Tyler's figure in the storm as he shouted over and over on the slim chance you could hear him.
"Tyler!" you shouted back, your last-ditch effort to make it out of this storm.
As if tuned in only to you, Tyler's eyes met yours across the way and he suddenly began to sprint in your direction, arms and legs pumping furiously. You had never seen that look of anger and desperation in his eyes as he slid to the ground next to you.
"What were you thinking? Why are you still out here?" he shouted, cupping your cheeks between his rough hands.
"M-my ankle. I'm not gonna be able to get anywhere in time." you hurried to explain.
Tyler didn't give you a chance to speak further or urge him to go off on his own. Instead, he took one look at your ankle, glanced at your face, then steeled his nerves. One of his hands came under your knees while the other cradled your back. He then sprinted back the way he came, holding you close, trying to shield you from any more harm.
Finally, safety was in your sites and Boone stood by any open storm cellar, frantically urging you and Tyler to move faster. You didn't dare look over Tyler's shoulders, rather you let your face hide in his chest. It was only when you heard the slam of the storm cellar doors and no longer felt the rage of the storm against your skin did you look up.
Safe, you thought to yourself. You were safe and so was your team. Now all you had to do was wait out the same - and deal with the rage that still simmered on Tyler's features.
a/n: to be continued! (featuring more angsty and a confession!)
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wholoveseggs · 5 days
how about some pre vampire elijah smut with his secret wife maybe skinny dipping in the river
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
{Viking!Elijah Mikaelson x Reader} You meet your secret lover deep in the woods, and take him to your favorite spot to spend some time together.
♡♡ Love this idea anon! I decided to change it from a river to a hot spring && Viking Elijah is just a sweetie ♡♡
3.5k words - Warnings: Smutttt, pre-vampire Elijah, shy Elijah, slight breeding kink {its just how the vikings are}, hot springs, lots of Norse mythology, Elijah being protective, steam, snow, Icelandic & lynxes...
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@gorgeouslydangerous @starkleila @lydia1369sworld @notleylaaa @vampiresluv
@myanmy @xflowerbombxo @maryvibess @always-and-forever-daydreaming
@spnaquakindgdom @amournoir @meeom @damienmorton @wickedmuse
@cs-please @complicatedandconfusing-25 @youcanhavemybuckanyday @akala6670229 @yeaiamme2
@itsjulzandmydiamonds @witch-of-letters @elijahstwink @rosecentury
@amanda08319 @starshipcookie @li-da-savage @veggie-eggrolls @spideybv28
@sunkissedebony97 @idk00sblog @savannaounana @sekaishell @b1tchy
@loving-and-dreaming @fancycassie-stayfancy @hcqwxrtss123 @iamawkwardandshy @ziayamikaelson
@absolutemarveltrash @darkened-writer @nina6708 @evasmlp
@madeinmyownmind-blog @lovelyy-moonlight @blacknightrises
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Soft white flakes were falling from the sky, the sound of them crunching under his heavy boots echoed through the forest as Elijah walked through it. The young man had his hood pulled over his head and his hands in the pocket of his coat, trying his best to keep himself warm from the cold.
You had told him to meet you at your secret spot, the one you had been coming to for years now. It was where the two of you first shared your feelings and had kissed for the first time, it was where you wanted to be when things got too much in the village. It was a place that was just for the two of you. A place you could be free and yourselves, away from the prying eyes of your families.
"I was starting to wonder if you would ever come," you teased, smiling softly at him. Your hair was pulled back out of your face, long braids falling down your back, with a warm fur cape upon your shoulders. 
"Sorry, mother was fussing about the weather and how she didn't want me out in it," he said, smiling back at you.
"She worries for nothing, it is just snow." You shrugged, moving to wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer. "And it is much easier to snuggle with you this way," you giggled, kissing him softly.
Elijah returned the kiss, his hands falling to rest on your hips, smiling against your lips. His perfect pink lips felt soft and warm against yours, as always. His thumbs rubbed small circles on your hip, as the two of you shared a moment together.
"I've missed you my sæt ást {sweet love},” he said softly, looking at you.
You smiled at him, blushing softly, your nose wrinkling up as you did. "I missed you too."
Elijah couldn't help but laugh, loving the little things that you did. He wished he could tell his parents of how happy you made him, but his father would never allow it. Your father and his own had been feuding for years and the thought of the two of you together had always made him angry.
You noticed the change in him, reaching up and cupping his cheek, running your thumb over the stubble. "What is the matter? Talk to me," you said softly.
Elijah smiled softly, nuzzling his cheek into your hand. He loved that you could read him so easily.
"I hate keeping secrets," he said, sighing. "I hate having to sneak around and lie to everyone."
You bit your lip and nodded. "I know...I don't like it either. I grow tired of hearing how much of a disappointment I am."
His eyebrows knitted together. "Why would they say such things?" He asked, frowning.
"Because I'm supposed to find a suitable husband, not spend my time running in the woods like a child," you shrugged.
Elijah's eyes filled with sadness, the thought of losing you made him ache, and he pulled you closer. Even in the deep winter you smelled of summer trees and freshly picked berries. It was a scent he would never get tired of.
"I have a surprise for you, hjartað mitt {my heart}" you said softly, looking up at him.
He arched an eyebrow, the smile returning to his face. "What is it?" He asked, his curiosity peaked.
"Come," you smiled, taking his hand and leading him deeper into the woods.
He admired how quick you were on your feet, no one knew the forest better than you. Elijah had often found himself lost in it, when he would go off on his own. And when you had learned of this, you had spent every spare moment, teaching him where to go and how to get there.
In return he had taught you how to hunt and use a sword, although you would much rather use an axe. He had never met a woman like you before, a woman who was not afraid to speak her mind or try new things. You pushed him to take risks he otherwise wouldn't have, and he was thankful for that. He had fallen hard for you and he would do anything to keep you by his side.
After a few minutes you stopped, the sound of running water could be heard. You led him through the trees, pushing some branches aside as the two of you reached the clearing.
The moon cast a glow over the small pond, the water was crystal clear, and steam rose up from it. Elijah looked at you in shock, and you could only smile.
"I must confess, I've been keeping this place to myself for a while," you said, walking over to the edge of the water.
He watched you kneel down and dip your hand in the water. It was warm. "How is it like this?" He asked, tilting his head.
"A gift from Njord or perhaps Logi himself," you shrugged.
He walked over and did the same. The water was a welcoming feeling and he could already feel his muscles relaxing. Elijah looked over at you, watching as you removed your cloak and let it fall to the ground.
"ástin mín {my love}," he said softly, watching you pull your hair out of its braids.
You turned your head to look at him. "Come, let us enjoy the heat of the water together."
Elijah was hesitant at first, he did not wish to anger your father, or his father for that matter. But, when he saw you begin to undress, all thoughts of going back left his mind.
"You can't come in with your clothes on, my sweet," you giggled, as you slipped off your underdress.
You let it fall to the ground, shivering slightly as you stood in front of him. His face was priceless, his eyes wide, cheeks flushed. You could not help but laugh, shaking your head.
"Come Elijah," you smiled, walking over and undoing his cloak.
He swallowed, his nerves beginning to get the best of him. "But-" he whispered, as you continued to undress him.
"Do you not trust me?" You asked, looking up at him.
His heart pounded as he looked into your eyes. Of course he trusted you. It wasn't that. It was the fact that he was about to be fully exposed to you.
"Yes," he whispered.
You smiled and leaned up, placing a soft kiss to his lips.
"It's not like we haven't seen each other before," you whispered, smiling softly.
He could not help but smile, and he nodded. "Yes, but not...like this."
It was true, you and him had snuck away and had fooled around in the woods once or twice. But, it had never been this intimate before. You never had the chance to be fully exposed, to take your time, it was always a rush of kisses, groping hands and quick pleasures.
You pulled him closer, and kissed him once more. This time the kiss was deeper, and he felt himself melt. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him flush against your body, as you continued to kiss him.
"mér er kalt {I am cold}" you said, smiling against his lips. "muntu halda mér hita? {will you keep me warm?}"
"Já," he whispered, kissing you again.
"Gott" you smiled, pulling away.
The sight of your naked body sent his head spinning, and his mouth dropped open. Elijah could not take his eyes off you, as he watched you slip into the water, your hair flowing behind you. You turned to look at him, beckoning him in, like a goddess from a myth.
Elijah had never taken his clothes off faster, he was careful to not fall over. He stepped into the warm water, the feeling of it enveloping him, relaxing his aching body. The warmth seeping into his bones, the steam rising up into the cold night.
You swam over to him, smiling, and took his hand, pulling him towards the small waterfall. The water was shallow there, and you sat down on a rock, the water covering most of your body.
His hands came to rest on your waist, and he looked at you, his brown eyes filled with lust. He moved closer, his fingers tracing circles over your skin, as his lips ghosted over yours.
You could feel his breath on your lips, as you reached up and cupped his face, pulling him closer. Your lips pressed against his, his hands roaming over your body, as you tangled your fingers into his dark hair.
The two of you stayed like this for a while, just enjoying the feel of one another. It had been a long and cold winter, and it was nice to finally spend some alone time together.
"How long have you known of this place?" He asked, his voice soft, and low.
You shrugged. "Years," you whispered.
"And no one else knows of it?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.
"No, it's our place," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He could not help the grin that spread across his face. It was their place. Something no one else knew about, no one else could spoil. It brought him a sense of peace he didn't know he needed.
"Perhaps it was not Njord or Logi, but Freyja who blessed this spot," he whispered.
You hummed softly in agreement, running your hands over his shoulders, and down his chest.
"Why do you say that?" You asked, your fingertips dancing over his skin.
"Because," he said, his fingers trailing up your sides. "She approves of our love," he smiled.
You shook your head, a smile on your face, as you pulled him closer, you could feel his cock against your thigh, and it only made you crave him more.
"Perhaps," you whispered. "She wants us to have many children, and we can only do that if we have a place to make them."
"Oh?" He grinned, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
Your breath hitched, as his lips trailed up your jaw and to your ear.
"You want to have my children?" He whispered, his breath warm on your skin.
You nodded, biting your lip. "More than anything."
He could not help the way his chest swelled, his heart fluttered, at the thought of having a family with you. To be able to hold a tiny version of you in his arms. He knew he would love them as much as he loved you.
"Then perhaps," he whispered, his hands roaming over your body. "We should give her what she wants."
You let out a soft giggle as he lifted you up, placing you in his lap. He sat down on a rock in the shallow end, the warm water coming up to his chest as he held you. He took a moment to look at you, the light of the moon illuminating your skin, making it glow.
"Þú ert svo falleg {You are so beautiful}," he whispered, leaning up and kissing you.
You melted into the kiss, your hands running through his hair. The quiet sound of running water and your soft moans filled the night air, as the two of you took your time with one another.
It was different from all the other times. You had time to enjoy the feel of one another, no longer rushing to be quick. It was a slow and sensual build, as Elijah ran his tongue along your jaw, his lips grazing the sensitive skin.
You were shivering slightly, most of your body was out of the water, but the feel of his body heat, and his warm lips on your skin, kept you from getting cold.
"Elijah," you sighed, your nails digging into his shoulders, as he took a nipple into his mouth.
His tongue swirling around it, causing it to harden. His fingers gently pinching and tugging on the other, making sure they both received equal attention. He could easily get lost in the taste and feel of you, he would worship your body until his dying day.
His eyes were darker than before, filled with lust, his cheeks were flushed. You could feel him twitch between his legs, as you moved closer, his cock brushing against your core.
"Do you remember the first time we were together?" He asked, his hands moving to grip your ass, giving it a soft squeeze.
You nodded, remembering the first time he touched you, how nervous you had been. "I will never forget."
"And do you remember how you asked me to tell you about the stars?" He asked, kissing the valley between your breasts.
You bit your lip and nodded.
"What did I tell you?" He asked, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your hips.
You swallowed, a small whimper escaping your lips, as his hands found your center, his thumb slowly stroking a spot that sent pleasure through your body.
"Y-you said that the Gods gave them to us, so we would have something to look at, w-when we were separated," you whispered.
"And every night I'm not with you, I just look to the sky, and see you," he whispered, kissing along your collarbone. "I know I will be with you again."
Tears welled in your eyes, as you cupped his face, looking into his eyes. They were filled with so much love and devotion, it took your breath away. You rested your forehead against his, positioning yourself above him, as his hands found your hips.
You took a deep breath and nodded, looking into his eyes. You slowly began to lower yourself onto him, the familiar warm feeling of him, sending pleasure through your body. It was the feeling of being complete.
Elijah was lost for words, when the two of you came together, it always felt like the first time. You fit together perfectly, like you were made for one another. He could feel his chest swell, his heart beating rapidly.
You leaned forward, your hands on his shoulders, and kissed him deeply. Elijah was not ready for you to move yet, and he needed a moment to regain himself. You could feel him trembling slightly beneath you, and it made you smile.
"Are you alright?" You whispered, kissing his neck.
"Yes," he breathed, his voice thick with desire.
You smiled against his skin, his scent filling your nostrils. He always smelled of pine and winter air, of comfort and home.
You slowly began to move, his lips finding yours once more. The feel of him inside you was better than you could imagine, the water creating a different sensation than before. Your bodies moved together, the sounds of the forest and the water surrounding you.
He didn't know how long the two of you had been here, it could have been minutes, hours, he was too caught up in you, in the moment. No rush to finish, just the two of you enjoying one another.
The sound of branches breaking made you pause, and your heart jumped in your chest. The two of you froze, peering out into the dark, searching for the source.
Elijah placed his hand on your back, moving you off of him, placing you behind him, as he stood up. You could see the change in him, the warrior within had come out.
He glanced at his sword, left in his pile of clothes, and he cursed himself for leaving it so far away. His body was tense, his breathing shallow, as his eyes scanned the area.
He could hear more rustling, and he felt your hand on his arm, clinging to him. He would not let anyone hurt you, no matter the cost.
The rustling stopped, and Elijah's eyebrows furrowed. His head turned, looking towards the sound, as the branches moved. He could see the shadow of a creature, and he tensed, his fists balling up, as his jaw clenched.
It was too dark to see, the moon had gone behind a cloud, and Elijah was beginning to get frustrated. He heard a soft huff, and two eyes peered out at him, glowing in the darkness.
Your grip on Elijah loosened as the moonlight broke through the trees and illuminated the clearing. A smile tugged at your lips as a large lynx emerged from the woods.
It had been years since Elijah had seen one. Lynxes were rare in the woods, and even rarer to see a fully grown one. They usually stuck to themselves, unless they were protecting their territory, and their cubs. This one was a different color than most, pure white, almost the same color as the snow.
You watched as Elijah took a few steps closer, reaching out his hand. The cat walked over, his tail swaying side to side, his ears twitching. He sniffed Elijah's hand, and nuzzled his nose against it, making him smile.
"You're a handsome fellow," Elijah said, his voice low and soft.
The lynx tilted his head and let out a soft chuff, steam coming from its snout. Elijah scratched behind its ear, the cat closing its eyes and leaning into his touch.
"I've never seen one like him," you said, swimming closer, watching in amazement.
Another branch broke and the two of you turned towards the sound. Your eyes widening, as another white lynx appeared, her fur a little darker than the males. She walked over and bumped her head against his, the two of them rubbing their noses against one another.
The cats walked over and laid down near the water, their coats blending in with the snow. Elijah turned and looked at you, a wide smile on his face, as he swam over to you.
"We're blessed by the Gods," he smiled, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you up into the air.
You could not help but laugh, nodding your head as he pulled you under him, pressing your back against the rocks on the side of the spring.
"Perhaps Freyja is pleased with our love," you said, biting your lip.
"Perhaps she is," he smiled, his fingers trailing over your skin, as his lips found yours once more.  
His hands explored your body, as his tongue explored your mouth. It was soft, yet passionate, a kiss that spoke more than any words ever could.
He spread your legs and eased himself back inside of you, his mouth never leaving yours. You could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and you smiled against his lips. He took his time with you, slowly building up his pace, his thrusts hitting a spot that made your toes curl.
His hands gripped your thighs, holding you in place, as he kissed along your jaw and down your neck. Your moans filling the air, mixing with the sound of the splashing water, the two of you becoming one.
It didn't take long for you to reach your climax, and you were thankful for the warm water surrounding you, because otherwise, you would have frozen. Elijah followed shortly after, his forehead resting against yours, as his hands tangled in your hair.
The two of you were breathless, and you could not stop the laughter that bubbled up. He grinned, pulling you into his arms, and kissing the top of your head.
"I do not wish to leave," he said, holding you close.
"Neither do I," you sighed, wrapping your arms around him. "But, I think the others might come looking for us if we don't return soon."
Elijah let out a sigh, a small pout on his face. "I know," he said, leaning down and kissing you.
A few smaller lynxes ran out into the clearing, their small paws crunching on the snow. Their fur was the same as their mother's, and they were still a bit clumsy, their legs long and unbalanced. They stopped and looked at the two of you, their ears twitching, before darting back into the woods.
"I suppose it's time to go," you said, looking at Elijah.
He nodded, pressing a kiss to your temple, "soon, sæt ást {sweet love}. Let's just stay a little longer."
The two of you stayed cuddled in each other's arms, listening to the sound of the water, the two cats resting by the edge of the pool, their heads resting on their paws. You felt at peace, surrounded by nature, in the arms of the man you loved.
The winter would end, and spring would arrive, but no matter what the season was, you would always have this place. This secret, hidden world that only the two of you knew about. A place where you could come and spend time with one another, without worry, or care.
A place that would always be filled with love, and memories, that would live on forever.
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Fun Norse mythology facts!!
Njord is the god of the sea / water. Logi is the god of fire. Freyja is the goddess of love and fertility, her chariot is pulled by two cats, the only large cats in northern Europe are lynxes!
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kissitbttr · 20 days
frat!miguel is going to be in a slight delay (because torturing u guys are good hehe) so here is a little something of muñeca with frat!toji before she started dating frat!miguel
she flutters her eyes open, letting out a small yawn before craning her neck to the side. a small smile graces her lips when she realizes it’s not her bed. but a lovely man’s who’s had his hand wrapped around her waist protectively.
his eyes are shut, still deep in a slumber. strong, sculpted body uncovered by the blanket and it makes her feel lucky to know that she’s the only one who gets the privilege to see it.
she moves herself closer to his chest, feeling him move and grunt a bit but his hand isn’t moving. lips tucked under his chin before giving the soft skin a few butterfly kisses,
hearing him sigh out of contentment, his hand squeezes her bare waist, drawing her to give more.
delicate fingers trace slowly up to his biceps and shoulders, then down to his chest. giving it a gentle touch before moving to rest upon his abdomen to tease.
“is this your way of asking for a morning sex, princess?”
she hears him speak in that sexy morning voice she’s grown to love over time. giggling against the space between his neck and collarbone,
her eyes look up to see him still closing his eyes, yet a small smile patched on his scarred lips. moving her head a bit upwards to peck it,
“are you complaining?” she teases, fingers moving a few bits of his hair that clings against his forehead,
he grunts as a disagreement, head shaking as his large hands slides down to the fat of her thigh and tugging it over his hip. “feel free to shoot me if i ever turned you down, baby”
she laughs at his comment before settling herself a bit more comfortably. kicking the blanket off and move her body on top of his, causing him to lay flat on his back. his eyes slowly begin to open, smile growing wide when a clear sight of his pretty girlfriend comes into view.
“as much as i wanted to, you really worn me off last night, toji” she sighs, hands cupping his cheeks. “i’m still sore”
he scoffs, running his fingers up and down her waistline. “if i recalled, you’re the one who asked to give it to you harder”
“baby, what you did to me last night was brutal”
“that’s what you wanted though?”
“you fucked me like a whore!” you argue through a small laugh, “i swore i felt like my pussy was about to be torn apart!”
“but i treat you like a princess don’t i?” he cocks an eyebrow, seeing her clamp up after that. “all the after care cuddles and shit too—i even ran to the store last night to get you food!”
“okay, okay, you win—jeez” a roll of her eyes makes him chuckle, large hands move to slide down her ass and squeeze it. “you’re lucky you’re handsome”
“hmm” he connects his lips with hers, “got any plans to do today?”
“cheer practice and group study today” she informs, breaking away from the kiss. “i have a chem test tomorrow and gloria wanted to study together”
“i can drive you back to campus if you wanted?” toji offers, sitting up straight and rest his back against the headboard. “can’t let my baby going back alone”
her head tilt to the side, lips form into a small pout as if she’s thinking with her boyfriend’s fingers running through her hair softly. “i’d love that but i think the guys at my uni would kill you”
toji could only scoff at the silly thought. “are you talking about the guys from the fraternity? i doubt it. i hang out with glen and carlos at most times, it’s just that one dude who has a problem with me”
“are you talking about o’hara?” curiosity lingers in her tone, “he has a problem with almost everyone, baby”
toji shrugs, “i don’t think so. carlos mentioned that man has a crush on you and wanted to kill me for ‘stealing’ you away—not my fault that i got you first before that asshole did”
a giggle falls off her lips as she raises herself up to sit on her knees, giving toji a perfect view of her naked breasts and he has a very hard time holding it together.
“and what? are you going to fight him for simply wanting to be his girlfriend?”
“don’t even joke about that” he warns, not liking the idea of miguel dating his pretty girl. “but if it’s get down to it? yeah i’ll beat his ass”
biting down onto her lower lip, she moves closer to him. “you’d definitely win”
“mhm, i would, wouldn’t i?” he smiles cockily, patting his thighs for her to sit in which she obliges. “are you going to patch me up after?”
“of course i will” she nods, thumb grazing her favorite feature of him. his scar. “i’ll be such a good nurse to you”
he groans, head thrown back. “hearing that should not have turned me on” his fingers,
“well—“ she looks at the clock next to his bed. “i got an hour left before i have to go… what do you say we use the twenty to have a little quickie?”
“there’s no quickie with you, pretty girl—make it thirty?” he negotiates,
my writing is so off after not doing it for months:( but i hope u enjoyed it nonetheless!
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phantomskeep · 4 months
Putting the "Fun" Back In "Funeral" Chapter 4
AO3 | Chapter Three --- Chapter Five
Chapter Four: Gotham's One-Stop Shop For Villainy The first thing Danny noticed about this dimension was it smelled. A polluted haze hung heavy over the sky, casting the urban jungle in a dark mist and assaulting the halfa’s nose with the sharp tang of gasoline. Loud big-city sounds filled his ears as he caught himself in the midst of his free-fall, leaving the man distorted. It was so much different compared to his Keep in the Zone. To be pulled from a place of near-constant quiet into a realm full of honking horns, shouts and sirens was enough to have Danny reel his aura back in. The ambient ectoplasm around him felt sticky, and wrong, like the very air around Danny had been contaminated by something dark and sinister. He pulled his atmospheric spirit back, tugging where he could feel all the tiny little souls around him closer to himself. Bit by bit, his range of feelings depleted until he almost couldn’t feel the filth that surrounded him. Small pants left his lungs by the time Danny could only feel a tiny circle around himself that pulsed with his aura as he tried to keep a lid on his powers that desperately wanted to run free.
Attempting to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of not sensing the people around him, as well as the general unclean feeling of touching such disgusting ectoplasm, Danny spun in a small circle to try and get his bearings. The portal created by the Skeleton Key left him hovering over an old clocktower bathed in the haze of the city. Looking around proved to be near-futile, because even with his superior sight, Danny could barely see the street from where he floated.
The young man shifted the bags thrown over his shoulder, nervously looking around while trying to catch his breath. Clockwork had said his friend would be waiting for him, so where…?
“Hello, my King.”
A feminine voice caused Danny to startle, turning quickly to face the ghost that snuck up on him. The being before him reminded Danny of Shadow, almost. Their form was pitch black against the backdrop of the Victorian clocktower, constantly moving and shifting like a wispy fire. Piercing red eyes bore into him, causing him to nervously rub the back of his neck.
“Hi,” Danny spoke slowly. “Are you the one Clockwork told me about? The Spirit of Gotham?”
The ghost chuckled softly, moving their wispy form closer to Danny. A belated wisp of cold air worked its way out of his throat, letting him know another of the Realms was close. “I am, young King. You may call me Lady Gotham, the protector of this city.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Lady Gotham. I’m Danny Phantom.” He said, remembering the many hours he spent with Pandora and Dorathea drilling the proper mannerisms into his thick skull. Danny bowed at the waist, ignoring how the two bags he carried knocked against his knees. “Thank you for allowing me into your domain and protections. I will treat your lair as my own– with the utmost kindness, respect, and haunting that should be given to any member of the Realms.”
“I accept your gratitudes and give my own, King Phantom.” Lady Gotham’s voice was steady when she spoke the traditional greetings of the Zone, unlike Danny’s own unsteady cadence. Danny rose from his bow to see the other’s form in her own imitation of a respectful stance. After a beat, she rose from it to meet his eyes again.
The young king grinned at the shifting shadow in front of him, allowing excitement-nice to meet you to leave the tight leash he had on his aura to tentatively brush against Lady Gotham. A little trill of happiness left his core at the tender hello-nice to meet you-calm that caressed the small bubble Danny had created.
“Come, Little One,” Gotham spoke gently. “Clockwork has left you in my care until your tasks are complete. The ones who are mine have prepared an area for you while you are under my protection. We will head there and I will teach you the cultures of this dimension. Is this acceptable, King Phantom?”
“More than, Lady Gotham.” Danny continued to smile at his new guardian. “But, please, call me Danny. Or Phantom. Just- just none of that king stuff, please.”
A quiet chuckle emitted from the shadow before him. “As you wish, Danny. If we are being informal, feel free to call me Gotham.” She paused, swiveling the area where her eyes rested around to face to her left. The movements reminded Danny of the character No-Face from Spirited Away, a heavy swing of herself in a dramatic full-body maneuver. “We must head north to reach the lair I have created for you, Little One.”
“Lead the way, Lady G!”
The flight over was a quick one, with Danny’s ghostly guide fading from the visible spectrum before taking off. Danny followed suit, taking care to keep Gotham in his tiny bubble. As they traveled, he strained himself to see through the muggy haze that encompassed Gotham’s city. They passed large, towering skyscrapers with flashy signs, massive highways filled to the brim with cars, and Danny could barely make out dark water when they passed over a bridge. There were no immediate outstanding differences between his home dimension and this one. So far everything seemed pretty normal, besides the slimy feeling tingling on the edges of his senses.
From the past couple experiences Danny had with time travel and multiverse hopping, the man was expecting to see something like flying cars or gravity-defying structures. But everything seemed almost normal. Maybe this world wasn’t one of those crazy superhuman filled ones like the one Kitty and Johnny told him stories of. Apparently, their home dimension was pretty wild.
Danny almost lost his ghostly companion when she led him across a wide-open area filled with plants, though he caught up with her when she began to head slightly to the left. They passed more towers, more open areas with the faint sounds of cresting waves against land, until Gotham finally began to slow down.
“This part of my city is called Cherry Hills,” she said as the two ghosts hovered over the city’s buildings. “Many of the areas to the northeastern side of this section are used as housing, the western as warehouses, and the southeastern as workspaces or labs.” The older being began to gently fly further north, slowly leading them closer to the buildings.
As the structures pulled into view, Danny took in the sights before him. A large highway cut through the housing district, and he could easily make out the far-off sight of warehouses leading to docks where a handful of large ships were tied up. A freight train’s blaring horn was accompanied by the flashes of light as it cut through the city’s haze. The raised railings of a metro train track ran alongside the highway. As they continued north, the housing buildings started to look more worn-down, less like their shiny brethren on the east side of the carpath.
“Is this the area I’m going to be living in?” Danny questioned after a while. He wasn’t too concerned about the state of the building he would be occupying - he (kind of) survived the Fenton household for eighteen years, after all -, but the shock of being in a large city was starting to grate on his nerves.
“Yes,” Lady Gotham said as she began to hover over one of the taller residential complexes. “This is the one.”
With that, Danny could only helplessly follow where he could feel her plummeting through the building’s roof. When he crossed the barrier, he let his invisibility go to match Gotham. Her shadowed form lazed within the large studio’s space, letting herself barely brush against the floor.
“Welcome to your new home, Little One.” Gotham swirled closer to him, the edges of her emotions pressing against him in a soothing tone of welcome-this is yours-take it. “I hope it is to your liking.”
An awed breath left Danny as he slowly turned to truly take in the studio apartment he was presented with. The ceilings were high, with one side tilted at an angle to run alongside the roof. Two large windows let the hazy day’s light peak through the panes, washing the area with a gentle glow. A nice-looking kitchen occupied the space’s far corner, and Danny was only a little disappointed to note it would probably not see much use. An open area was broken up with a sturdy kitchen table sitting innocently next to another large window. The corner along the same wall as the kitchen area ran into a cozy-looking living room area, an elevator space acting as a barrier to the adjacent corner.
Danny was a bit perplexed to note that scattered lab equipment filled that space. Did Clockwork tell Gotham that he was a mad scientist or something? But Danny moved on to take in the staircase leading up to an open L-shaped platform. Floating up, he found a cozy-looking king bed greeted him, along with a computer set-up that would have made Tucker drool. He excitedly noted a window with access to a balcony with stairs leading onto the top of the roof was attached to the same wall perpendicular to the one his bed was against.
The young king zoomed next to Gotham, a large smile on his face. “This is awesome! How the heck did you get this all set up?”
An easy chuckle left the other ghost’s form, gentle emotions swaying between the two as they continued to get used to the other. “The people of my city don’t often question when mysterious jobs line up for them. It is part of their culture to not ask too many questions, after all.”
“That’s…” Danny paused, trying in vain to find the morally correct words without offending his host. “Interesting?”
A rumbling purr filled the air, Gotham letting a gentle pulse of amusement ripple against her king. “Interesting is certainly a word for it. Do not fret, Little One, no harm comes to them.”
The young man awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed that his worries were so easily spotted by the older ghost. He wasn’t quite used to having anyone other than the Ancients or his friends read him with such ease - having another do so, even if she was a ghost and Clockwork’s friend, was unusual for Danny. It made him wonder what type of relationship she had with Clockwork, as he had never before seen or even heard of Gotham before now. Before he could question her, though, she swiftly spoke.
“Before we get too distracted, I must inform you of this dimension.” She shifted her way behind where Danny was hovering, seeming to herd him towards his new couch. “Sit, sit. There is no need to be uncomfortable for such a conversation.”
“Wait,” Danny protested. “Let me put my stuff down real quick.” Without waiting for a response, he zipped up to his new bed. Dropping his duffle and Clockwork’s satchel onto the plain blue bed sheet before rummaging around for the journal gifted to him. When he finally found it, the young man flew back to the simple pale couch where Gotham waited.
It was an odd sight to see. A giant, angry looking cloud of smog hovering like an exasperated parent in a picture-perfect looking home.
“Okay,” Danny started as he landed on the surprisingly comfortable couch. He leaned back, relaxing against soft cushions, as he let his transformation wash over himself. “So what do I need to know?”
Surprise rippled across the air at the sight of Danny’s flashy shift, but Gotham was composed when she spoke. “From what Clockwork has told me, you come from a dimension where you are one of three beings who are more than human?”
Giving a small nod, Danny felt like his chest would explode from the hope-excitement-trepidation at what Gotham was implying. “Are you saying there’s, like, people with powers here?!”
“Indeed,” Gotham agreed, her voice lifting at the other’s obvious excitement. “There are metahumans, those with the meta-gene, who are humans with various powers. Others include humans who have been experimented on, had accidents, know the magical arts, or even been subjected to ancient powers. Aliens have begun to call this Earth home, as well. This includes those from Mars, Krypton, Thanegar, Tamaran…” She trailed off, staring at Danny who was physically vibrating. “My king, are you okay?”
“There’s aliens?” He whispered. “You guys have aliens?!”
“Yes, many of them-”
“Holy fucking shit,” Danny jumped up, coming to eye level with a startled Gotham. “Can I meet them?! Can I visit their planets? How many are there, what do they look like, do they have powers?!” The young man was trying to grab onto something in order to steady himself, but his hands kept passing through Gotham’s smokey form. “Lady G, please tell me I can meet them. Please, I will literally die again if I can’t meet actual people who live in space.”
A happy laugh echoed across the apartment’s space, the City Spirit being the source of it. “You are certainly excited about this, Little One.”
“Of course!” He exclaimed, waving his noodle arms around. “Space is so cool, G. It’s the greatest thing ever, I love it! I’ve always wanted to explore it, ever since I was a kid.”
“Well, you will be glad to hear that meeting the aliens who call Earth home is something you will be able to do.”
“Do any of them live here? In your city?”
“No,” She said, moving her eyes to look out the large windows gracing the two with a hazy glow. “The Dark Knight, a man who helps protect my lair, does not allow ones with powers to operate within me.”
A curious expression overtook Danny. His excited movements slowed to a halt, and he regarded Gotham with a critical, glowing eye. “Do you want me to take care of him, Lady Gotham?”
Calm-do not worry-amusement gently brushed against Danny, causing him to relax. “As much as I appreciate your protection, Little One,” Gotham said as she faced her king. “The Batman has this rule for good reasons, ones that I agree with.”
Danny’s metaphorical hackles lowered at Gotham’s comment. The piercing neon green of his eyes bled back into their usual icy blue, though the curious look did not leave. “Why’s that? And who names their kid Batman?”
Part of the City Spirit’s dark cloud tried to nudge him back towards his couch. “The Batman,” she began, “is a hero who operates to protect my city. He was born here and donned his cape in order to help those in need from the many criminals who call my territory home.”
Danny gave an involuntary awed noise. “So you guys have heroes here, too?” A dark tendril of smog wrapped around the back of the couch, resting gently against Danny’s neck.
The idea of having other heroes around was something that greatly appealed to Danny. Being the lone super-powered protector of Amity Park for so long took its toll on the young man, even with his human companions. It just wasn’t the same, being the only one with advanced abilities. He had to take the bigger hits, he had to be the one to save his friends if they got into too great of a bind, he had to be the one to try and take on the burden of Amity Park alone when they all went off to find their place in the world. With great power comes great responsibility, after all. And being the Ghost King? Well, Danny had more than enough “great power” to spare.
The thought was just as sobering as it was exciting. Other heroes, super or not, meant that there was something to have caused those heroes to come into play. Some great villain, or a world-ending disaster, or even large crime rates. Lady Gotham only said criminals, though, so maybe there were no supervillains Danny needed to worry about.
“Yes. In fact, there is a large society of both heroes and villains.”
Well, it was a nice thought while it lasted.
“But many of the aliens you were so excited to hear about are among those heroes.” Gotham continued, not noticing Danny’s sudden mid-afterlife crisis. “There is the Batman, who is one of the founders of the Justice League. Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Arrow, and many others are all part of this superhero society - the Justice League.”
“Okay,” Danny was desperately trying to keep up with this sudden information. “So, Batman is a super-powered dude who helped to start an entire squad of superheroes?”
“He has no powers. The Dark Knight is just a man, same with Green Arrow and many others. They simply are able to keep up with the aliens, gods, and metas.”
Danny paused, taking in a breath. He touched his fingers together, pressing his palms flat. Another breath was taken, this one deeper than the last. With every ounce of teenage angst he still had within him, Danny lifted his hands up together to rest against his forehead before bringing them down in an arch that would have made Sam proud. “What the fuck.”
A laugh rolled from Gotham’s form, his guardian sneakily tightening her protective hold on him. “What the fuck indeed, Little One.”
“Okay, okay-” Danny’s voice cracked with indignation, “So regular everyday humans fight supervillains and are able to keep up with gods? And super-powered aliens?”
“And one of those humans - who named himself after a bat - is the sole protector of your lair? Besides yourself? And he doesn’t let any of his superhero friends help him?”
“I never said he worked alone. Though, for a long time he did not have any help.”
“Lady G,” Danny said again with exasperation. “I repeat: what the fuck.”
Her only response was to laugh at his expense as he continued to moan about how he couldn’t seem to escape crazy people, no matter what dimension he runs to. The space shared by two multi-dimensional beings filled with an easy warmth.
“So,” Danny started after a couple minutes of his grumbling. “Superpowered people aren’t allowed in your city because one of your protectors is just a man in a… What, fursuit? A crime-fighting fursuit?” He paused, considering, before rapidly moving on. “But there are super-powered people in this dimension who are also heroes.”
“Yes, that is all true.”
The young man took a second, silently thinking, before speaking again. “Okay, okay,” He started. “And the chances that I’m going to have to just… steal all of these ghostly artifacts is pretty high, right?”
“Again, you are correct.”
“So,” Danny said, stretching out the word. “Chances are they’re going to think I’m some sort of villain.”
Gotham made a noise akin to two cars scraping against each other as she hesitated to answer. “There is a chance of that, yes.”
“Great,” he bemoaned, bonelessly flopping around his couch. “Guess it’s time to pull out the ol’ acting shoes. Welcome to Danny’s One-Stop Shop for Villainy.”
Foreign emotions rubbed against the sulking man’s aura, the City Spirit’s feelings of do not fret-all is well-I will protect you soothing Danny’s temperament. “There is no need for all of that, Little King.” When their eyes met, Gotham’s form had smoothed into a rolling fog compared to her usual flaking fire. “If all else fails, you can learn to have some fun with it. Many of the heroes and villains of this world have… gimmicks, if you would, for their respective personas.”
A critical eye was shot to the other ghost. “What do you mean by that? My ghost form’s already pretty gimmicky.”
“But,” she said. “You can always take it to the next level. I would suggest you do some research on the various powers who live within my city as well as this world. You may find some inspiration.” She paused before speaking with a teasing tone. “I also believe that Clockwork told you to blend in? Maybe a name like Inviso-bill would fit right in with the likes of Condiment King and Kiteman.”
“Absolutely not!” He screeched, waving his hands wildly as he bared his teeth. “How do you even know about that?!”
A purr echoed from Gotham’s chest, so fierce Danny could feel it vibrating his own core. “I have my ways, Little One.”
“Fucking cryptic geezers,” Danny sullenly mumbled as he pouted. “I don’t even know where I could get an outfit for stealing stuff, anyways.”
“Were you not planning on doing it in your more ghostly form?”
He stopped, eyeballing Gotham’s face area with a critical eye. The other was facing him, though more of her wispy form had started to curl around his shoulders like a lazy cat soaking up the warmth of the sun. “I thought using powers in your city was a no-no?”
“That does not mean you cannot use your other form,” Gotham’s voice took on a lecturing tone. “You just will not be able to use your powers in an obvious way. It would help to protect your identity, and I know that you know the risks of not being in one of your forms for too long. Clockwork, at the very least, informed me to help you keep track of your health.”
Danny grumbled a bit, remembering the last lecture he endured from Frostbite about his general health. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Can’t I just use my ghost form as is, then?”
“I would not recommend it.”
“Why’s that?” Danny inquired.
Gotham huffed, “Because, quite frankly, there are magic users who know about your coronation. Any being with ties to death - through magic or dying or any other way - heard the Song of Ancients as you took the crown. It will not take long for your influence over the Realms to reach here, and when that occurs they will know.”
“And then the jig is up?”
“Yes, then the ‘jig is up’.”
A loud groan left him, frustration causing Danny to get up and pace. “So, what? I just go around and snatch everything while invisible? Or in the Kingly gear? ‘Cause I don’t think my HAZMAT is the kind of gimmick you’re thinking of. Besides, wouldn’t either form just give everything away from the get-go?”
When Gotham didn’t respond, the young man turned to face her. The City Spirit was staring at him, not saying anything.
“What?” He finally asked when he couldn’t stand it.
“You can change the outfit of your form.” She stated. “Did you not know this?”
Danny nodded his head, “I mean, yeah, I swapped from the robes to my HAZMAT earlier - but I don’t even know how to start on an entirely new outfit!”
The older ghost let out a quiet laugh, “Do not fret, Little One. I can teach you how to alter your form.”
“Can you change yours?” The young man asked, curious. He knew Amorpho could shapeshift and that often a ghost could generally alter their appearance, but he didn’t think he would be able to alter his own.
“I used to be able to,” grief rolled off Gotham in waves, the intensity of it staggering. A dark cloud seemed to roll over the city, the weak light bleeding through the loft’s windows almost completely disappearing. “It was a long, long time ago that I was last able to.”
Danny reached out, letting apologies-you’re okay-I’m okay-we’re safe tentatively brush against his companion’s anguish. “Well, maybe we can figure out how to get you to change forms again. I’ll do some nosying around and figure out the best way to blend in so I can snatch some fun stuff.”
A thankful emotion poked through Gotham’s grief as she agreed with the young man before her. “Until then,” she started. “It might be a good idea for you to settle some more. I need to rest before attempting to mentor you through something as draining as altering yourself.”
“Alright,” Danny easily agreed. “Should I stay in here while you do that, or is it a good idea for me to roam around a bit?”
Gotham paused, considering. “You should be fine to wander, though I would suggest spending time familiarizing yourself with my occupants beforehand.”
“Gotcha,” he gave his new friend a small smile. “Thank you, again, for helping me with this. I really do appreciate it, Lady Gotham.”
“But of course,” she said in a tone full of fondness. “Clockwork has spoken highly of you throughout the years. I am pleased to see his judgment was not misguided.”
“Well, I’m glad that you’re pretty chill.” Danny happily moved closer to the City Spirit.
If Gotham had a physical mouth, Danny would bet that she was smiling at him when she spoke. “I will leave you to it, then. If you are in need of anything simply flare your aura. I will feel it, no matter where you are.”
“You got it, Lady G.”
And with that, the Spirit of Gotham faded from the visible spectrum. Danny felt her slip out of his aura’s bubble and he was suddenly alone in a completely new dimension. Which was, apparently, full of superheroes, supervillains, and everything in between. When the young man began walking up the stairs to where his computer was set up, the only thing on his mind was figuring out where Clockwork’s list of artifacts were and which hero he was going to look up first. That Batman dude sure sounded like a good place to start.
The sheer amount of non-earthly beings that occupied this dimension’s earth was crazy. That was the conclusion that Danny came to hours after Gotham had left him.
It took flipping through old news channels, trolling internet forums, random fan blogs, and even watching a few interviews of various heroes for Danny to get a vague grasp of this new reality. There were some heroes that he couldn’t get a full view of - the Batman being one of them. All he could find were grainy photos of the hero and hints that he wasn’t the only vigilante in the city.
Which would make Danny’s job a bit harder.
During his deep dive into this dimension’s cultures, Danny flipped through the little journal Clockwork had gifted him. His mentor’s steady handwriting listed out the various artifacts he was going to need to find as well as their general location. Many of those artifacts, after using his shiny new high-tech computer to look them up, were located in public places or stored in secret, secure facilities. Yoinking the public ones wouldn’t be too much of an issue for Danny - his abilities would make it rather easy to avoid detection, after all - but he had no idea what a “Fortress of Solitude” was. Or even something as vague as “The Watchtower”. Seriously, some of these places sounded weird.
But others had cities listed out. Star City was obviously a town, he knew where Gotham was (duh), and even places like Themyscira were easy enough to Google. It was with this brilliant deduction that led Danny to believe some of the weirder names weren’t attached to a city at all which was rather worrying.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who asked) Clockwork wasn’t one to steer Danny in a direction the old ghost knew wouldn’t work out. So with a healthy dose of blind faith, Danny chose to focus on whatever artifacts he could easily access for now. This meant Danny spent a decent amount of time casually scrolling through museum articles, even more blogs, and whatever else he could get his grubby little hands on. Honestly, it made the Ghost King feel like he was back in highschool trying to desperately write an entire research essay the day it was due.
The first item on Danny’s newly named “List of Shit I Need to Steal” was an item called the Hand of Greed. According to the Gotham Museum of Natural History’s website, the Hand of Greed was a statuette found in an Ancient Greek city. There were some general facts about when it was found, who discovered it, and how it came into the Museum’s care. The Wikipedia page elaborated more on the lore behind the dark statuette, though.
According to random people on the internet, the Hand of Greed had been found by Ancient Greek farmers after a lightning storm in a graveyard. There was more than a few forums debating on what caused the storm, where the hand came from, and even some people arguing that everything about the Hand was made-up. The forums then led Danny to a dead end - nothing had ever been formally concluded about the relic’s origins. It frustrated Danny a little bit. He wanted to be at least slightly more prepared for his first ever consensual heist. The half-ghost broke away from his hunched position over his desk, popping his back and yawning. The motions of this move caused his stomach to gurgle angrily, reminding Danny that eating was still something he had to do.
The young man stretched himself out, wiggling around his comfy office chair. “Guess I better get some food or something,” Danny mumbled to himself. His eyes didn’t move from where they were focused on his setup’s main monitor, where a picture of the strong fist carved out of black marble rested.
With a dramatic groan meant for no one but himself, Danny spun his chair around. He easily hefted himself off of the space, casually walking to where his duffle bag still rested. He rummaged around, grabbing his wallet before moseying his way to the elevator.
It wasn’t like Danny didn’t want to steal something, per se. As he smacked the “down” button, he considered the morality of taking something that did, technically, belong to him. It wasn’t like the people who found the statue knew it originated in the Ghost Zone - to them it was just an old statue with a weird story behind it.
The elevator arrived with a happy-sounding “ding!” and Danny stepped into the space as he fiddled with the bracelets resting on his wrist. He would have to make a plan to break into the museum, something the halfa was not looking forward to, especially with how little his research brought up. Reaching out, he poked the lobby button before resting his back against the stainless steel walls.
Maybe he could just go in invisibly? This Batman hero wouldn’t even be able to catch him if he never even appeared on camera, after all. It wasn’t like Danny had an identity in this world, anyways. Any hero would be hard-pressed to catch a ghost in the machine. The elevator stopped, doors opening with the same cheery noise.
But, even though Danny hated to admit it, he kind of wanted to meet the heroes of this dimension.
The young man continued to think about it as he walked out of the building’s lobby, not even taking note of the inside of it or the people loitering. Breathing in city smog, Danny pulled his beat-to-hell phone out of where it was resting in his khaki pants. He focused just enough to figure out where the closest convenience store was, slap a pin on his new home, and make his way in the general direction of where he needed to go.
Danny was honestly pretty surprised to see his phone worked. The shock of finding out that yes, his shitty phone did in fact apparently carry a multi-dimensional data plan, brought his attention to money. Lady Gotham didn’t really explain what forms of currency this dimension used, nor did he even consider looking that up.
Which he could solve right now, by using his phone that did somehow work. But where was the fun in that? He had to spice up his obviously too-boring life somehow. All else failed, he would just act like he was from a different country or something. There’s no way that could backfire on him - no siree, no backfiring here. And technically he wouldn’t be lying, either. It’s a win-win either way.
It was with these thoughts that Danny serenely entered a beat-up looking store with various ads decorating its windows. He had about twenty dollars in his pockets when he hopped dimensions, which would hopefully be enough to grab a sandwich or something.
Danny really, really hoped that the currency of this dimension was the same.
After the halfa snagged a decent looking chicken salad sandwich out of the store’s stacked fridges, he found it was at least similar enough to get him the food and a fountain drink. Danny took his change, thanked the cashier, and went back outside. The man leaned his back against cool glass and took out his phone to see how close the museum was to him. If nothing else, Danny could make his way to the place and do a little reconnaissance.
It seemed like something Jazz would want him to do, after all.
The GPS app on Danny’s phone showed him that the Museum of Natural History was down in Gotham’s University District, closer to where he first came into this dimension than where he was now. A forty minute drive by car, apparently, but the halfa was sure he would be able to fly there in under ten. With a small smirk, Danny stuffed his lunch into his mouth as he hurriedly searched for a decent alleyway to shift forms in.
Finding a decent spot proved to be more difficult than he had expected. The city was teeming with life - people spilling in and out of the streets and bustling across warm concrete as they went about their lives. It was after the fourth time Danny wandered into an empty-looking alley, only to find a shady deal going on, that he felt frustrated beyond belief.
It had never been this hard in Amity to find an unoccupied spot to swap to his ghost form in. The spaces between buildings almost never had other people in them, and even when there were all Danny had to do was make it to the next one over to be alone. Here, though, it was proving to be a larger task. People were everywhere and it was starting to get on the halfa’s nerves.
Danny didn’t miss home already, nope. He hadn’t even been in this dimension for twelve hours - he couldn’t break this early.
Finally, after spending way too much time trying to find a discrete area to die, Danny let his transformation sweep over himself. He faded away from the visible spectrum as soon as familiar rings of light sputtered out. He quickly shot to the sky, gazing down on the city below him with delight.
Yeah, it wasn’t Amity Park. There were people everywhere, it smelled horrible, and Danny could still feel the sticky ectoplasm of the city brushing against his aura.
But it was beautiful in its own way.
Towering skyscrapers outline the heart of the city in the distance, windows reflecting back what bits of sky peaked through the slowly lifting haze. Flashing lights rose from between the cramped buildings, washing Gotham’s people in hues of red and blue. The noise was a pleasant backdrop as Danny flew between the streets, a smile gracing his face.
He could see himself getting used to this.
Minutes passed as the halfa twirled between man-made structures, occasionally dropping down to listen to the various people as they went about their day. It was when Danny flew up to the top of a skyscraper, his whole being bursting with joy as he played in the sky, that he felt an angry pulse brush against his aura.
Startled, Danny hovered over the top of the office space. Warily, the young man sent back a questioning feeling - doing his best to keep his little bubble of safety. He was left waiting, anxiety slowly building the longer no ghost appeared on his senses.
Who had sent that? Danny wasn’t quite sure, but the only other ghost he had met in this dimension was Gotham. It had to have been her, but why was she angry?
His guess was proven correct when a black cloud rose from the edge of the skyscraper, sides flared like an avenging angel's wings. Startled, Danny dropped to the roof, taking a few steps back as his hands rose into a defensive position and his invisibility fell. Belated, a wispy breath left his mouth when the older ghost drew closer.
“My King,” Gotham’s angry voice crashed against Danny’s senses. Long gone were the soothing tones from earlier. In their place were sounds that made the hairs on the back of Danny’s neck raise up, his senses screaming DANGER DANGER! “What did I tell you about using your abilities here?”
“I thought that was just for whenever I was stealing stuff!” Danny protested, trying to recall their conversation earlier. “I was just trying to scope out the museum - the Hand of Greed is something on Clockwork’s list.”
Gotham snarled, her form twisting angrily. “No, you shouldn’t be using any of your abilities. The risk is too great.”
Hesitating, Danny warred with himself. On one hand, he didn’t want to piss off his ghostly host on the first day he stayed with her. That was just bad manners, and he knew Pandora would be disappointed in him if he wasn’t polite. However, not being able to use his powers? Ever, as long as he was inside Gotham’s city? That was just too much to ask for, in his own opinion. Danny could understand not wanting him to use his powers to avoid Gotham’s protector’s wrath, but on a day-to-day basis?
Danny wasn’t too sure if he could do that. His powers were part of him and he thought he was finally going to a place where he wouldn’t have to hide who he was.
At the end of the day, though, Danny wasn’t one to try and piss off his allies. He had made too many enemies over the years to be okay with that.
“I’m sorry, Lady Gotham.” Danny spoke, trying to hide the frustration that had so quickly overtook his fear. “I won’t use my powers in your city - unless I am in my apartment.”
The spirit’s form shifted, considering. “Very well, I accept your apology.” She hesitated, for just a split-second, before continuing. “I think it is time we head back to your haunt, Little One. I still need to teach you how to shift forms and I want you to be prepared for when you meet my protectors in a few days.”
“A few days?” Danny asked, confused. That wasn’t his plan.
“Yes,” Gotham said. “Did you not want to get settled before attempting to lift the artifact?”
Danny shot a confident grin at the City Spirit, his eyes alight with mischief. “I know we just met and all, but did you really think I would do anything else?”
“No,” Gotham conceded. “I will do my best to aid you on your heist tonight, but please be careful.”
“I’m always careful,” Danny sassed as he let his playful nature wash back over him. “Show me how to change my outfit?”
“As you wish, Little One.”
Gotham’s setting sun cast an eerie, dark red light across Jason’s apartment. The rays washed over him, making it look like the man was stained with spilled blood. Dick had just set off with a cheery promise to see the other on patrol before slipping out the door, leaving his younger brother alone for the small amount of time it took for the sun to set. Soon, Gotham City would be cast into the darkness of night, with the city’s criminal elements slowly spilling onto the streets.
It was during the night that Jason always felt the most alive.
Before, when he was still living in a shitty Crime Alley apartment, it was because that was when Willis would go out. The arguments that came from him and Catherine would scare Jason more than the gunshots on the street. At least those were outside the safe walls of his home, but inside? To him, that was where the real danger lurked in the form of two angry adults.
Then, it was the streets. They had never been safe - but now that Jason was truly a part of them, he had to learn the tricks to stay alive. Part of that meant finding a safe place to squat, to wait out the evils that lurked in Gotham’s shadowed nights. The Bat was known for hunting and hurting criminals - something Willis had raged about more than once - and Jason was just a street rat who stole to survive. He had to stay alert during the lonely nights. Streets clouded in darkness just weren’t safe for a kid.
After the streets, it was being Robin. Fighting alongside Batman, helping give others hope and protection, and doing what he could to make his home just a little safer was like magic. He felt alive, freer than he ever had before that. It wasn’t just the adrenaline pumping through his veins or the thrill of leaping between rooftops, it was being able to help his home.
Jason was Gotham, born and bred in the darkest parts of the city’s heart. More than Bruce, or Dick, or even Babs could ever be - so of course he felt more alive in the comfort of night.
Then, he died, and being alive was never the same.
He was learning how to live with it, slowly but surely. The waves of green rage had originally helped Jason feel more alive, a little bit more sane while he struggled to figure out who he was. But even his own mind had betrayed him, at the end of the day. Basking in the pit rage had become an addiction, a high that he could use to finally feel again.
Within the past few months, Jason’s mind had been slowly coming down from the almost three-year stint of using the Lazarus Pit’s “gift” as a metaphorical emotional shield. It had been rough, trying to notice when it was the artificial rage whispering in his ear or his own emotions coming to the forefront.
Now, though? Oddly enough, even when Jason reached for the space he had learned the Pit coiled in, the green never threatened to take over. Throughout Dick’s impromptu forceful brotherly-bonding day, Jason hadn’t felt a single peep from the corner of his mind occupied by the unwanted side-effects of a green, gooey hot tub from Hell.
It was nice to be alone in his own mind again.
These thoughts raced around Jason’s mind as he went about the motions of getting ready for a normal patrol. It was odd, thinking the last patrol he had been on led him to the Batcave. Jason had been expecting to feel at least slightly off-center with the Pit Rage gone from its sulking corner. If anything, though, he felt more normal than he had in years.
As heavy kevlar fell to rest comfortably against Jason’s body, he noticed a bullet hole in the shoulder of his uniform. Eyebrows scrunched in confusion, he examined the damaged spot. That hadn’t been there the last time he donned his metaphorical cape, but Jason was pretty sure he would have noticed if he had been shot.
… He would ask Dick about it during patrol. Maybe that was how he ended up as high as a kitten on catnip?
Slipping his guns into their correct holsters, the young man snatched his bright red helmet from its hidden compartment. An almost feral grin danced across his face - the Red Hood coming out to play was always the highlight of Jason’s day.
When the sun had finished slowly sinking below the smog-filled horizon, Jason meandered down a stealthily hidden passageway to the secret bunker that housed most of Hood’s equipment. He was surprised to find his beloved hotrod-red bike parked in its usual spot – Jason figured he would have used one of his less-used bikes until he was able to get it from the Cave.
He didn’t think too long about it, though, as he grabbed the rest of his gear and dropped down onto the piece of machinery. A loud rev of the engine reverberated between the enclosed walls of his bunker as he pressed a button on one of the bike’s handlebars. Across from him, a large garage door slowly groaned to life. Jason kicked off from the ground, jumping into Gotham’s old tunnel system with practice ease.
The tunnels had originally been part of the Court of Owl’s underground hideouts, but after the Bat-family took down their operations, Red Hood had quickly laid a bright-red claim to them - including the bunker under his building. The tunnel system was near-perfect as it was. Some of it needed a bit of repairs and cleanup, but hidden ways to travel around the major points of Gotham with discreet access points was a resource Jason just couldn’t say no to.
It was through one of these openings that the Red Hood burst into the darkened streets, engine loudly announcing the start of Jason’s patrol to any bystanders who may be in earshot.
He quickly sped through the dimly lit streets, expertly navigating to one of the many areas Jason leaves his bike during the night. Today, he had decided, was going to just be an easy patrol. A nice little stroll through Crime Alley, maybe a stop at one of his favorite twenty-four hour hole in the walls, and then finishing up his night with a well-deserved bath.
With that in mind, the Red Hood grappled up to Gotham’s darkened rooftops, letting the city’s shadows envelope him in a cool, familiar embrace. Street lights flickered noisily, enhancing the darkened figures thrown across well-worn buildings. The great expanse of Gotham’s ever-changing skyline greeted the helmeted vigilante as he began his daily patrol across his home territory.
A thick layer of smog blocked the moon and stars from being seen by the millions of Gothamites, the haze from the day still lingering at the very edges of the giant city. The early spring breeze brought a light chill to the night, making Jason glad he had a layered uniform, unlike when he was a child strutting around in Dick’s old scaly panties.
He tapped the side of his helmet three times, turning on the communication unit built into its protective metals. A quiet chatter of his family greeted him and against his will, Jason felt his shoulders drop just a bit.
“-I’m saying that it’s obvious that Ivy and Harley are going to get married soon.” Dick’s voice was broken up by the sounds of wind sweeping across his speaker, small grunts echoing in Jason’s ear as his older brother danced across rooftops in a well-loved routine.
Stephanie’s response came with the usual hyper rush Jason has learned to associate with his fellow street kid. “And I’m saying that I think they’re going to wait a little longer. We all know how Ivy is about commitments.”
“But she and Harley have been dating for years. If the two of them can survive that tantrum Kiteman had a few months ago, then I think they’re pretty much set for life.”
“Quiet on the line.” Bruce’s gravelly tone was a bit of an unwelcome entry in the friendly banter, making Jason fight to contain the natural tensing of his body. He forced himself to relax, jumping from the roof of a crumbling apartment building and onto an old office building in a much similar state.
“Don’t be such a stick in the mud, B.” Dick let out a larger grunt, a fleshy sound accompanying it. “Hey guys, mind if I drop in? Seems like you’re all having the party of a lifetime.”
“Fighting on an open line?” Jason drawled, never one to not poke at Dick. “Watch out, Boy Wonder. Daddy-bat’s gonna ground you at this rate.” A single grunt was the only response Jason’s quip earned, making him sneer a bit under his protective hood.
Before the gun-slinging vigilante could even get another word in, he heard the “ping” associated with Oracle dragging his communication unit down onto another line. “Hood, I’ve gotten reports of a gang break-in a few blocks from your location. Double back, it’s the building across from where you stored your bike.”
“Of course,” he groaned, but still dutifully skidded to a stop. Jason threw himself into sprinting back across the different roofs he had just parkoured his way over. “Any more information on the situation?”
It took him a few minutes, but soon Jason was back in the general area where he had started his night. “Is it the jewelers or the pawn shop?” Jason asked the quiet line, staring down at the littered streets.
“The jewelers,” Babs said. “Footage is showing four guys, their getaway driver is waiting outside near the back. Dark blue van. Best to proceed with the burglars then the driver, from what I can see.”
“Got it, going in now.”
“Good luck.”
The large vigilante dropped down in front of the store, scanning through the broken glass. He could barely see the four figures shoving anything they could grab into worn duffle bags. From what Jason could tell, none of them were armed – meaning he was quick to slip sneakily through the opening they had made when one’s back was turned. It was his odd hybrid training that allowed him to move so quickly and silently when his body mass was constantly working against him.
Hood snuck up behind a robber who was rooting around a now-broken glass case. The vigilante’s quiet movements served him well as he suddenly struck his arms out, grabbing the masked civilian around the throat. The man made an aborted shout, alerting his friends to the vigilante among their ranks as the Red Hood turned them around. Now with the thug between himself and his buddies, Jason tightened his forearm against the warm neck he held hostage.
“I’m only going to say this once,” Jason’s modulated voice rippled over the thieves. “Surrender or you’ll end up like chucklefuck here.” With the end of his statement, he tightened his grip and swept the other man’s legs out from under him, Jason placing one of his own legs between to keep his prey unsteady.
The thief in his arms started babbling pleads as he desperately squirmed in Hood’s grasp. His friends cautiously lowered their bags, one even going as far as to show Jason his free hand.
“Easy now,” The one furthest from the door said. “We’re just tyin’ ta put food on t’ table.”
“That’s understandable,” The masked vigilante said in a tone laced with half-fake sympathy. “But there’s better ways to go around getting money than robbing stores. Surrender and I’m sure prison’ll teach ya’.”
“Yeah,” The far guy spoke up again. “Not gonna happen, cape.” With that, the dude kicked a heavy rock at Jason with surprising accuracy, forcing him to let go of the squirming criminal in his grasp. As much as Jason would be fine with the dude getting a concussion, he’s sure the other bats would not be so chill about it.
The thief that was caught in Jason’s grapple was busy running, trying to make an epic getaway. It gave Jason time to pull out his handgun and a warning shot was fired, putting a smoking hole into the floor in front of the fleeing robber. The man, to his credit, didn’t flinch at the loud noise and instead kept gunning for the exit where his friends were waiting for him.
With a curse, Jason realized a bit late that the three of them were almost at the door – which he noticed had been disarmed. He slipped his gun back into its rightful place before he raced after the three thieves. As they ran through the store, jumping over jewelry cases and feeling his boots slide across scattered glass shards dusting the floor like deadly fallen snow. The vigilante pulled out a bola set from where it was hanging on his utility belt, aimed as best he could while running, and threw it with terrifying accuracy towards the first criminal in the fleeing line.
The bolas caught on the robber’s legs, drawing them up short. With a panicked shout, the man went down like a live oak – with a heavy crash and shaking limbs. The two behind him stumbled to a frightened stop, obviously startled. Jason used those couple precious milliseconds to gain ground on the group, already planning his next move. A gloved hand reached back towards his belt, gripping onto his last bola set. By the time he was re-noticed by the criminals, he was mere feet away from the trio. One of them let out a surprised noise, fleeing the scene and leaving his friends behind. It was him that Jason aimed his bolas at, easily letting the capture weapon fly and snag the wayward robber.
The last one had been trying to help his friend out, on his knees with a knife frantically sawing through the rope binding his buddies’ legs. When Jason was close enough, he pulled the man up by the back of his jacket and punched him across the nose. The squirming criminals’s hands came up to clutch at the bruised cartilage and Jason slapped Bat-grade handcuffs across his wrists.
“Now,” Jason said as he dropped his prey. He turned to look at the other two, focusing on the man at his feet while the one in his hands squirmed around. “Maybe it’s nap-time for some naughty boys.”
“Let us go, Hood!” The man in his hands yelled, drawing Jason’s attention. “C’mon, man, we got families! Don’t throw us in jail!”
“You should have thought of that before you decided crime was your best option.” The helmeted man practically growled. “What would your family say if they found out this was the way you made your money? Huh?”
“Don’t be so naïve, Hood,” The man on the floor snarled.
“How about you shut up, huh?” Jason snapped, looming over the other. He dropped the handcuffed guy next to the one on the floor before manhandling the un-handcuffed guy around to turn him into a newly-minted handcuff guy. “Time to take care of your last pal, boys.” But when Jason lifted his head towards the exit of the darkened store, all he saw was his now-sawed bolas and a wide-open door. “Oh you have got to be shittin’ me.”
With a quick tap to his helmet, Hood rejoined the open line Gotham’s vigilantes used to alert when a crime was stopped as he ran through the open doorway. “Oracle, got two of the four. They’re locked up in cuffs, in pursuit of the others.”
“Noted,” Bab’s steady voice filled Jason’s ears. “I’ve got eyes on their get-away car and contacted GPD - so far they’re heading south through the Bowery.”
“Got it. Do I have time to grab my bike or am I using the Rooftop Express tonight?”
“Get the bike, they’re not slowing down.” Oracle paused for a split-second, no doubt cross-referencing the activities of all the vigilantes roaming the streets. “Red Robin will cut them off if they start heading east.”
Red Hood huffs as he spots his bike, having raced over from the now-destroyed shop. “Sounds good,” he started his bike with a deafening cry from the engine, adrenaline pumping through the ex-crime lord’s veins. It was odd, to be so excited for a chase and not feel r agerageragerage  in the far corners of his mind, threatening to cloud his thoughts with mindless violence. “Streets?”
As Oracle rattles off the street name Hood’s suspects are using to attempt to get away, the man uses his modified bike to its greatest potential. Weaving through traffic was something Jason was used to - it was as natural as grappling across rooftops for the young man. To slip between cars while traveling at high speeds was a rush he craved. Add in the hunt of criminals? Well, Jason was as happy as a Bat with a cold case.
When Jason spotted the criminal’s van, they were deep into the heart of Gotham. He had chased them through the Bowery, over the Robins Bridge. Gotham itself was a city made up of multiple islands - each broken up by different inlets bleeding into the Gotham Bay. Sprang River separated the northernmost parts of Gotham from the older parts of the city, like the Upper East Side, Diamond District, and University District. As soon as Barbara informed Jason that his suspects were heading through the Upper East Side, a plan started to formulate.
The Upper East side was broken into a grid pattern, much like how New York City was. If Jason could speed through the lesser-used streets parallel to 35th, then there was a chance he could cut them off. A quick one-handed pat down of his bike’s stylish saddlebags confirmed he had a set of tire spikes. Hidden under his hood, an excited smile grew.
“Hey, Oracle,” Jason cut off the red-headed wonder’s listing of streets. “I’m going to spike the van. What’s the traffic lookin’ like?”
There was a pause before a resigned sigh filtered through Red Hood’s helmet. “Traffic is mostly clear, they’re closing in on Robinson Park now. Best thing to do is try and get them in that area - it gives me time to stop traffic around there.”
“Perfect,” Hood purred as he pushed his bike faster, expertly weaving around the late-night commuters. In just a few minutes, Hood got the confirmation from Oracle that now was a good time to enact their plan. With a quick twist of his body, Jason’s bike dodged between skyscrapers as he burst onto the main road in the Upper East Side. The criminal’s van was just barely behind him and, having no time to maneuver, ended up driving over the spikes Red Hood threw into the road.
A pop and the eerie screeching of machinery enveloped Jason’s senses as his prey struggled to keep their getaway vehicle under control. When it finally crashed into a light pole, an odd quiet seemed to brush over the city. With an expert flick of his foot, Jason lowered his bike’s kickstand before stalking over to the smoking van. He brought a padded elbow up, smashing the window in a practiced move. As glass fell like a dangerous snow, he paused to take in the sight of the criminals before him.
The van’s airbags had deployed, leaving his two runaways unconscious in their seats. With a huff, the vigilante opened the driver’s door. He checked over the two thugs with practise ease, making sure there were no injuries he may need to know about before moving them out of their now-busted van.
“Got them, Oracle,” Hood said, pulling the two men out of the van. He set them a few feet away, zip-tying their hands and feet together. “Cops on their way?”
“They’ll be there in two minutes. Any chance you can pick up the spikes?”
“Sure,” Jason agreed easily, sauntering his way down the street. He could see the faraway headlights of cars heading his way as he rolled up the spikes. As the black-haired man secured them back into the saddlebags, he heard the distant sound of sirens.
“You best get a move on, Hood,” Oracle cautioned. Typing joined her speech, urgency picking up in her voice as she directed him. “Looks like there’s been a break-in at the History Museum. You’re the closest unoccupied.”
“Seriously?” Jason groused, hopping back onto his bike. He left the criminals in a trail of exhaust right as the Gotham Police Department showed up. The vague threats they made followed the Red Hood as he sped towards the University District. “You know I hate that place.”
“Well, sucks to suck. Batman and Robin are currently chasing down a lead on Penguin’s drug trade, otherwise I would send the two of them.”
Hood paused, his brain going to places he definitely did not want it going. “New lead or the one from yesterday?”
“New lead - Red Robin and Orphan picked it up while you were indisposed.” With a sigh, Hood parked his bike in a random alleyway, taking note of the streets near it. The large man grappled his way up to the roof of the building before starting to parkour his way towards the museum, grumbling the entire way.
It wasn’t that Jason didn’t want to stop a thief, or that he was embarrassed about being drugged the other day. No, it wasn’t that. A fight was something Jason pretty much welcomed every night he donned his guns and helmet. The museum was simply too full of times before. Before he had died, when things were just a bit easier. When it was just him, Dick, Bruce, and Alfred. Back when he wore the scaly panties and hid in Batman’s cape. When banter and quips thrown at villains came easier to him, when he thought Batman would always be there to catch him when Jason fell.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had changed about the museum since the last time he was there, six years ago, stopping Catwoman with Batman. From doing his best to ignore the flirting between his father mentor and the thief.
Now, instead of the hand-me-down Robin uniform, it was the Red Hood armor Jason wore to strike down a thief.
Jason’s musing cut off as he landed hard on the roof across from the museum. The vigilante rolled into a light jog, shaking off the pain racing through his knees. He could see the top of his targeted building, stopping at the edge of the rooftop he was occupying to try and get a better view.
He needed to figure out what caused the alarm to trip on the building in the first place. It didn’t seem like the type of area one of the usual Gotham Rogue Gallery would target for any occasion. Maybe Catwoman, but Jason didn’t know of any jewels in any exhibit that she would try to steal.
“Do you have any information on who might’ve broken in? I can’t think of anything Catwoman would try to get her hands on.” Jason asked as he kept a moving eye on the building across from him.
A thoughtful hum came from the other side of the transmission. “I’m looking at the CCTV footage now. The person who broke in is still inside, and appears to be wearing a dark, hooded outfit. White accents as well - whoever it is, they’re not one of our usuals.” 
Jason cocked his head, body lighting up with a curiosity he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Roger, going in now. Might as well figure out who it is.” Aiming his grapple gun towards a secure part of the museum’s building, he triggered the mechanism with a satisfying pop and whirr. With an ease born from being a Bat, he jumped off the rooftop - soaring above the late-night foot traffic with a small thrill.
Oracle’s voice crackled as she spoke. “Hood, wait for at least one other to arrive before engaging. All CCTV footage is corrupted - this guy must’ve used a localized EMP of some sort, and depending on how strong it is, we might lose contact.”
“I thought the others were occupied?” The man questioned as he landed on top of the museum’s roof. He dropped to a crouch, surveying the space around him.
The Gotham Museum of Natural History was a building made up of pale stone. It had large, rectangular columns racing up the sides to form a grand entrance. The museum was split into four sections: the main part, and then three add-on sections that all intersected at the circular part of the building. While the roof was relatively flat, a massive glass dome rose from the main section with various skylights scattered around the add-ons. It may look cool but, as all the Gotham vigilantes knew, it created many escape routes for various villains to use. Without counting the many, many windows the building boasted.
“Batman and Robin are. Red Robin just finished up with a mugging and Nightwing is heading north. ETA is roughly ten minutes for each.”
Jason shook his head, creeping along the roof. “When did the break-in happen?”
Oracle paused, her silence speaking a thousand words. “About thirteen minutes ago.”
“So they’re probably finishing up grabbing whatever it is, already.” Red Hood kept his eyes out for any sign of break in, eyes expertly scanning the terrain around him.
“Assuming they’re as fast as Catwoman? Yes.”
Jason’s mouth opened to respond when movement through one of the northern add-on’s skylight caught his attention. The Hood hurried his way over, making sure to keep out of sight. As he got closer, static filled his ears. The noise was loud and startled the black-haired vigilante enough for him to quietly curse as he quickly moved to turn off the horrendous noise blasting through the casing covering his skull. Definitely a localized EMP, he thought as he settled next to the skylight to watch the thief.
While Jason typically had decent sight, through the glass he could only describe the person as whispy, almost like the window prevented him from having a clear view. He could barely make out a pitch-black cloak covering the person’s back as they lifted an object from its display pedestal.
Knowing time was running out and not wanting to let this new thief get away, Hood unlatched the skylight with a trick Batman taught him years ago - back when he was still learning the ropes of being Robin. Hooking his grapple claw onto the skylight’s edge, the ex-crime lord silently lowered himself down the large drop as quietly as he could. Even though there was next to no sound of the grapple’s mechanics and his landing was as quiet as an assassin’s, the thief’s head whipped around. Startled, glowing neon eyes met Hood’s through his helmet. Fear gripped Jason’s heart as unblinking Lazarus pools bore into his very soul.
I should’ve waited, Jason thought hysterically as the vigilante and thief stared at each other.
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onmyyan · 3 months
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A/n: had a thought about a homelander-like reader in the DC universe, reader has homelanders powers minus his incel-like qualities just something self indulgent
It was over in an instant, the second her eyes refocused she calmly stood from the ratty chair he had her bound to, the dark steel cuffs he'd been sworn would weaken her became paper as she stood and shredded them to nothing. The tall young woman rolled her head between her shoulders, and the small grimace on her face fell after a satisfying pop echoed throughout the room.
"You know how I feel about people poking around up there." She smiled at him, tapping her finger against her temple, then took her first step forward, like a predator stalking its prey. 
"In fact- I'm almost certain you know how much I hate it." Another calculated step.
They both knew she could end him anytime she felt like it, so the slow almost teasing way she hadn't yet, chilled him to his core.
"I was only trying to right a wrong- you must understand the world must be protected-"
His tearful plea was cut off by the harsh bark of laughter leaving the younger woman. "Please, this is me you're talkin' to. I know you old man- you don't give a shit about the world." Her smile cracked giving him a flash of the beast he'd raised.
"You just want someone to remember your sorry ass when you keel over and die. You want them to think you were worth something- well guess what? You were. You made me, and I'll always remember you for that." She stared down at the man she'd called Papa, her serene smile looked as hollow as it felt.
She'd finally made it close enough to see the microscopic beads of sweat on his upper lip. Her stare was eerily curious, (e/c) eyes forced him frozen as she looked him over, akin to the way a cat stared at a mouse it was about to bat around for fun. Her (s/c) hand came up to rest gently on his chest, dead center. She patted the area a few times as gently as she could, the force shaking him in place, he moved for the syringe on his belt, if he could get to it fast enough he had a chance of survival.
"I'll also never forgive you for it." 
He saw it before he felt it. In a flash she had pushed forward and punched a hole straight through his chest, her fingers made contact with the cool cement wall behind him, Her free arm came up to cradle the back of his head, and she calmly pets his hair in a gesture she'd only seen in the hero films they showed her, his choking, bloodied sputters and gasps were quickly shushed.
"I think it's time for me to move out." She sighed to herself, yanking her arm back from the warm insides of her papa. Her face twisted in disgust at the chunks and viscera clinging to her skin, she wiped as much as she could off on the cleanest part of the deadman shirt before making her way out of the room, she had a few more doctors and nurses to say goodbye to.
Across the city was a soon-to-be hero having a not-so-good time.
Tim was having a very, bad day.
His alarm never went off forcing him to run to his classes to be on time, some freshman got too excited at lunch and knocked his soup all over the front of Tim, he had to wear his ugly gym shirt for the rest of his classes, then that idiot Kon accidentally crushed his phone with a little too much strength so Tim was screwed when it came to patrol tonight, he had a police scanner on that thing.
Then it began to rain. Sure he had an umbrella, but with the way it was coming down, it was useless.
He huffed a harsh breath through his nose, trying everything not to scream, there was an alleyway nearby that had a cover, and he quickly ran under it to avoid getting any more soaked. That was when he saw her.
A woman stood hovering over a mewling kitten, the small creature's desperate cries were almost inaudible from the harsh pound of the rain. He watched as she just stared at the helpless creature and felt himself hit his breaking point, he stormed over with a vengeance. 
Tim glared at the odd woman, his attitude more directed at his shit day than her.
"You some kinda' sicko? What the hell are you doing just standing there?" He yelled poking the taller woman in the shoulder.
She didn't budge.
"I can't grab her cuz' I can't control my strength. I think I might hurt her." She responded in such a sad tone, the guilt in her gaze made his stomach lurch with shame, the instant regret was a new feeling he noted, not one he enjoyed. "And you're standing there because you couldn't leave her either." He said it more like a statement than a question. 
The drenched (h/c) haired woman remained silent, offering a nod instead. He cleared his throat, a nervous pattern developed in middle school, and took the few steps needed to kneel next to the creature, he untied it simply enough and the small kitten instantly calmed down, rubbing its little face against his palm.
He risked a glance up and found the stranger smiling down at the scene before her. His heart did a funny little skip when he caught her gaze. From the way her eyes reminded him of warm honey, to the way she stared at him as if he was the most interesting person in the world, down to the way the rain beat against her (s/c) face, her plush lips curled up in that smile that sent shivers through his belly, everything about her pulled him in. She was enchanting so- enchanting, he'd thought it was her quirk.
"Thanks, mister." The tall woman smiled at him so brightly he felt the urge to shield his eyes, but he couldn't look away, she stood there like this goddess carved from marble, it almost seemed unfair how she lit up the grimy alleyway, how she looked to good just standing there.
"My name is Tim, what's yours?" She seemed to ponder it for a second, her head tilting, eyes calculated as she smiled at him again, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, 
"(Y/n), I'm gonna be a hero." Her greeting was odd, but he returned her smile with a small one of his own, she stuck her hand out and shook his with a toothy grin, he could feel her strength in the simple motion as they shook hands. He had a feeling she could give Kon a run for his money.
"What are you doing out here? Besides rescuing kittens that is."
"Oh, you know stuff. Normal stuff." Was her calculated answer? He laughed to himself a bit, "Well whatever you're doing, you know you don't have any shoes on right?" She looked down with a hum. 
"It would appear I do not." He took that moment to really observe her. She looked like a gorhamite, including her clothes, she wore a white set of hospital thermals, well mostly white. Splotches of pink stained her front as if she'd been splattered with paint. Thick (h/c) curls clung to her perfectly carved face, framing it even more, the fabric of her clothes hugging her body like a second skin. He had a feeling she'd been in the hospital recently, judging by the thin band across her right wrist. He got close enough to read the word 'HOMELAN' but the rest was concealed, He chose not to comment on that, having a feeling one wrong move would send her flying.
"You hurt?" He asked standing to his full height, he had to look up a bit to meet her gaze, "Nah- I'm all good hot stuff." She made a point to flex her arm playfully, even in jest he could see she was packing some serious muscle under there.
"You running from someone?" Again she took her time to respond, her finger tapping against her chin in thought.
"Hmm, I'm gonna go ahead and say no. They definitely can't chase me anymore." The thought pulled a snort from her as if genuinely tickled, by the it, her gaze seemed gleeful, but something in her tone made his stomach do a flip, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or not.
Another thing that caught his attention was that innocent look in her eyes whenever she looked away from him, how she stared at the ivory leaf-covered brick with the most interested expression, something in the way she looked at the sky reminded him of a child's innocence.
It was as if this was her first time outside or something.
His heart had been steadily rising throughout the entire interaction, a strange but warm feeling began to grow, and a dangerous little seed had sprouted in his heart the second he realized she was just some poor soul looking for someone to reach out and save her.
He could definitely be that person.
"I can't leave you out here like this- do you have someplace to stay?" He watched her rack her brain for an answer.
"Yes, thank you." She nodded more to herself than him and began walking in the opposite direction, straight into the storm that seemed to only worsen. He cursed under his breath and did a light jog to catch her. "You're a terrible liar." It was instinct to lift his umbrella higher, now standing side by side the good few inches on him really seemed to stand out.
"You can tell? Gotta work on my poker face then." The smirk on her plump lips felt teasing, paired with the confident way she carried herself left the purple-haired man with a swarm of dancing butterflies in his tummy.
"I know somewhere safe-" he flicked his tongue out over his lip, "I'm..connected with some heros in this town, I can protect you." He said as earnestly as he could, something telling him not to let this one go, he rubbed her arm, trying to warm her with his hand as he gave her a crooked grin. She giggled at the man before her, she wasn't used to people worrying for her so intensely, so honestly, to think she'd known him five minutes and he'd shown her more kindness than any of the cold, calculating doctors who raised her ever had, it made her laugh to herself. He had no idea how little she needed protection, but still, the thought made her chest feel funny and warm.
 "Oh jeez, my own personal hero? Lucky day." He returned her grin, the festering feeling of obsession gripped him all that more. With that, he took a calculated risk and linked his pinkie with hers. "Come on, it's not far." The kitten was happily asleep in his hoodie pocket, the stallion beside him reminded him a lot of a feral kitten, just asking to be taken home and pampered.
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munsons-hellfire · 6 months
You're Losing Me 1 | Rhysand
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SUMMARY: You married Rhysand for an escape from the Court of Nightmares. You loved him, but he wasn't Azriel. He wasn't your mate. And now Rhys and Azriel are losing you to the aftermath of Under the Mountain.
PAIRINGS: Rhysand x Reader, Azriel x Reader, Rhysand x Feyre Archeron
CONTENT WARNING: Heartbreak, fated mates, MFW, no smut, angst, fluff mentions of abuse, mentions of blood
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This one shot is based around You're Losing Me (From The Vault) by Taylor Swift. This will be a multi-part series that will kind of follow the books but will be altered a little. And yes it starts out with Rhys as the love interest but by the second part it'll be more focused on Azriel. If you'd like to be tagged in the rest of this multi-part series let me know in the comments and I'll add you to the tag list.
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You were trapped Under the Mountain with your husband. He needed a partner, you needed a reason to leave your family behind in the Court of Nightmares. He was that escape for you, and you were that savior for him. It was only ever a marriage based upon a deal. But over the years you’d both fallen in love with each other. That’s what you had told yourself anyway. You knew that he told himself that too. Rhysand wasn’t Azriel… he wasn’t your mate.
Just before you and Rhysand had left for the party, you had felt the bond snap between you and Azriel. Though you hadn’t been sure if he had felt it. You’d never got the chance to ask anyway. You and Rhys were trapped Under the Mountain for 49 years, with no way for you to feel the bond between you and Azriel. It truly broke something inside you and you had felt it. You knew how you had gotten to this moment in time.
A human had saved you all, but you had suffered choosing to protect her from the wrath of Amarantha. She didn’t take too kindly to that. You were separated from the others not even knowing what had happened with the trials. You lied on the cold floor under the mountain still. Blood was leaking from your body, from the deep cuts that littered your body.
“A punishment for intervening with the human.” She’d said to you before they had dragged you away from Rhys. Panic had run through your body but it truly wasn’t enough to save you. The sobs had long since stopped coming out of your mouth. You felt so hollow lying there on the floor. The cold air rushed against the open cuts on your back. After the guards had left your room you’d heard commotion.
But you made no move to get up off the floor, too much pain ran through your body to allow you to pick yourself up from the floor. You felt calloused hands touch the side of your arm. Slowly you opened your eyes and looked up to see your husband staring back at you. A sad expression crossed Rhysand’s face as he kneeled down to look at you.
“My love.” He whispered, tears threatening to escape from his eyes.
“I don’t want you to see me like this.” You said softly, closing your eyes and pulling your head away from Rhys.
“I need to get you home.” Your eyes opened up and you stared up at him.
“What are you talking about?”
“She’s dead, we’re free. I need to get you to Madja.” You felt shock course through your body.
You would finally be heading home to your mate, seeing him for the first time in 49 years. “How?” It was a simple question and all you could get out.
“Feyre, she saved us all.” When your eyes found Rhysand’s violet eyes, you saw that look. You knew all too well what that look meant.
“She’s your mate isn’t she?” You asked. Rhys only nodded. “Az…” You paused, watching Rhys stare at you with a raised brow. But he seemed to understand what you were trying to say.
“You’ll see him soon enough.” Rhys gripped your hand and the two of you winnowed back to your home.
Darkness is the only thing you saw before you woke up. The pain to your back was unbearable and you ended up passing out in Rhys arms. Azriel sat in the bed holding onto your hand, you rested on your stomach and the wounds on your back were starting to heal. He still wasn’t processing the fact that his brother and his mate were back home. It was so unreal to him. His shadows gilded around your body, careful to not touch your back.
They were beyond happy to have you back. You were home. Azriel wasn’t going to let anything happen to you, not ever again. He looked up when he saw Rhys standing at the door, he gave a small nod and adjusted his wings, pulling them in tightly as he stepped off the bed and walked over to Rhys.
“How’s Y/N?” Rhys asked, violet eyes on his wife. Though he knew that there might be a divorce in the future. You and Rhys would want different things now. He knew it even if you weren’t awake to express that. Rhys still cared for you deeply and would still allow you a home. Besides he knew that Azriel would kick his ass if he let you go back to the Court of Nightmares.
“Holding on.” Azriel kept his hazel eyes on you not wanting to look away for a second. He was so afraid that he’d lose you again. Not being able to hold you, comfort you, be there for you when you were struggling it was killing him.
“You know she doesn’t blame you for what happened to us.” Rhys said, picking up on what he was thinking just by the way he’d been staring at you.
“I should’ve gone with the both of you to the damned party.” Azriel’s tone was clipped, his jaw tight. He crossed his hands over his chest while his shadows moved around his body. Only a few remained near you.
“I gave you an order to stay here. Y/N, told you to listen to it. We didn’t need you there, we needed you here with everyone else to watch over Velaris. Y/N had told me that Amarantha might try to do something, she had told me that it was best that we go and make sure you all stay back here.”
“How did she know?” Azriel placed his hazel eyes on his brother.
“I don’t know, gut feeling I suppose. I’ve been wanting to see if Y/N might have some type of power.”
“Could that be possible?”
“It could be. We found out that she’s Hybern’s child. Amarantha told us. Apparently her mother escaped to the Court of Nightmares but gave her up before disappearing. No one had seen or heard from her that Y/N was left with that despicable family.”
“If you two get a divorce will she be sent back to the Court of Nightmares?” Rhys could hear the panic and worry in his brother’s voice. Finally Rhys turned to place his full on Azriel.
“We will get a divorce because I’m not you, she wants to be with you and to be honest she’s not Feyre. We had discussed this when we got married in the beginning. That should one or both of us find our mate and we want to accept it the other would allow a divorce. I’m letting her go, I still care for her deeply but she is not mine to love, not anymore.”
“You didn’t answer my question.” Azriel said sternly.
“I won’t send her back, Az. You should already know that. Y/N is your mate and your hers. She’s also a valued member of the Inner Circle. I do not plan on tossing her aside because I’ve found myself. I made a bargain to keep her protected from that family and I will continue to do that.” Rhys paused, he placed his violet eyes on you. You had heard the last stretch of their conversation. Rhys had told Azriel that you belonged to Hybern, that you were his offspring and yet he was still here. “I’ll leave you two alone.”
Rhys disappeared before Azriel could say anything further. You adjusted your body slightly to get more comfortable on the bed. Azriel was quick to move to your bed. You felt a few of his shadows swarm your body, they were being mindful of the cuts.
“Can you help me up?” You asked, as you were eager to get out of the bed and walk around. Azriel only nodded, he was silent and you started to think it was because of who your true father was. Azriel held onto your hands as he helped you walk around your room.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly, his gaze on you. You had to look up at him, he was so much taller than you were.
“I’m fine.” You replied, it was a lie though. You were in a nightmare of your own making. Things were happening, you could feel it. Something was happening, a war was coming and you didn’t know how to tell them.
Three weeks had passed, Rhysand, Azriel and Madja thought that they were getting better. And you were getting better, at least your back was. But you were declinding, your mind wasn’t the way it was before Amarantha had happened. And with all the trauma you’d received at the hands of your adoptive mother and adoptive father, followed by Amarantha. It was a struggle for you.
Cassian sat in your room with you, the door was open and the windows were open too. A breeze flew in while a shadow hovered around you. Azriel was out on a mission, he didn’t want to go by Rhys needed him to go on this mission so he’d ask Cass to sit with you and watch over you while he was gone. You laid on your bed, not facing the light coming from the sun outside. It was too bright in here for your liking.
You pulled the covers over your head ignoring Cassian when you knew he was staring at you. It pained him to see you like this. To see you suffering in silence and not sharing it with anyone. You hadn’t even talked to Rhys and Az about what was bothering you. But the truth was simple, you didn’t know how to tell them, to talk about the things that Amarantha forced you to do. It was far worse than the punishment you’d gotten for trying to intervene to save Feyre.
She’d discovered your powers, knew what you could do. And she used that to her advantage. Every time she manipulated you, made you believe that she’d find your mate and you’d watch him die. That’s when you learned from Amarantha that you were able to sense bad things. You knew that you could sense good things, but the majority of the time it was a handful of bad things that followed you around. You weren’t a seer.
That much was clear, while you could predict things before they could happen you couldn’t see them. Only feel them with every inch of your body, mind, and soul. You had yet to explain this to Rhysand. You knew he was itching to know what abilities you had. He was trying to see if you’d be a threat to him. You felt the room get darker, and suddenly you could hear voices all around you. One voice belonged to Cassian, the other belonged to your now ex-husband.
The divorce was quick and easy. You hadn’t been ready to accept the mating bond yet and Azriel was okay with that, he was okay with waiting even though that’s not what he felt on the inside. The sheets were ripped from your body and you groaned reaching for a pillow to pull over your head.
“No, you’ve been moping around for three weeks Y/N. You need to get up out of this bed now, and we need to discuss your powers.” His voice boomed around in your room, the pillow was then yanked from your hands. Your hair was wild and you were now glaring at the High Lord.
“Why? So you can throw me out the second I seem like I’m going to be a threat to your court.” You tried to hold yourself together, you stood on your bed on your knees glaring at Rhys, and Cassian who was still in the room. His face seemed to soften at the confession that left your lips.
“I will never throw you out of my court, you may not be my wife anymore. But you are and always will be one of my best friends. I made a promise to keep you safe and no matter what I will keep that. But this moping around needs to stop, you’re hurting Azriel.”
You were hurt, those words “you’re hurting Azriel,” they swarmed your mind. The words seemed to send you into a panic, you collapsed to the bed. Your eyes were staring up at the ceiling. Rhy's eyes came into view but you couldn’t move. It was happening again and you knew it. This is what Amarantha said you’d do when they started. You’d go deathly still as fragments of images and words appeared in your mind.
You’d always done your best to hide this from your family (well adoptive family), but when they saw it they knew it was grounds for punishment. And everytime it happened afterward you’d be sent to your room where you’d be locked in there for a week sometimes longer. When you made it to Velaris you’d gotten good at hiding it so they didn’t know about your power. Because you and Rhys didn’t sleep with each other or in the same room he never saw it.
It wasn’t until Amarantha that things got worse. She’d managed to unlock something inside you and turn this into a far more powerful being. You refused to call yourself a seer because you couldn’t see full on visions. When you finally got your vision back you saw Rhys and now Cass. They were both staring down at you worry etched across both their faces.
“What was that, Y/N?” Rhys questioned, as he and Cass lifted you up into a sitting position.
“I don’t remember much about my mother aside from the constant visions she had. They weren’t visions though, more like clipped images and words. And you know Hybern is my father, then that tells you all you need to know about who I’m supposed to be.” You said, pushing your hand up to your forehead to rub the pain away.
“And who are you supposed to be?” This time a new voice entered the conversation. You looked up to see your mate staring at you. A few of his shadows gathered around the other shadow that had stayed with you while Azriel was out on his mission. You stood from the bed and ran over to your mate collapsing into his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist and his shadows swarmed the two of you.
“My mother gave me up for one reason only. I didn’t understand why and it never made sense, not until Amarantha told me. She was told to hand me over to my father if she ever caught me but she went against his order because she wanted me for herself. She used to tell me that I’d be a very powerful seer one day. I guess because I could see images and words that it would one day be useful especially if I fell into the full ability of my power.”
“So what does that mean then?” Cassian proceeded to question.
“In the wrong hands I could one day help destroy the world.”
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t3a-tan · 12 days
Romantic and Hopeless (8/?)
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The borrower’s gaze only sharpened, his grip on the quill tightening in a way that made Oscar worry he was about to strike. He threw his free hand up in surrender, eyes wide.
“Wait wait— please don't prick me, mate— I'll…I'll move my hand, okay?” He glanced nervously towards the big bird that was still perched on his chest, though it seemed to have no interest in the borrowers. It was hardly even looking at Oscar, only acting as a weight to keep him down.
Really it wasn't very heavy— the reason Oscar hadn't sat up was because he didn't want the bird to freak out and he didn't want to knock the borrower threatening him onto the floor by doing so either.
He hesitated again, before slowly moving his hand away from where it had been protectively curled over Sammy's form. He had made sure not to outright grab her, or even touch her, simply having made a shelter for her under his cupped hand which he was now removing.
Oliver's grip on his weapon of choice relaxed slightly as he saw the hand move away, noting that Sammy didn't seem hurt by the grab. Not that he could say that for sure without going up close…
“Gale, keep an eye on him.” He commanded simply with a short whistle accompanying his words. The buzzard immediately snapped to attention again, its eyes zeroing in on the human with intensity.
Oscar watched as the tiny man turned and dropped to the ground off of his chest as if he wasn't even there. He could feel his blood still rushing in his ears as he stared, and eventually his eyes met the bird's again. He flinched slightly.
“Uh… nice bird?” All he got was a screech in response, so he laid his head back on the grass and swallowed, trying to gather his thoughts again.
Sammy was still having trouble with the suddenness of the situation. She had no time to think about whether she wanted Oliver to know about her escape or not— it was just something she now had to deal with. And she…really didn't want to.
She hadn't seen Oliver in years, and he hadn't seen her. Sammy was painfully aware of how different she probably looked now; what with all her scars and her long hair she had been so fond of when she was younger was now nowhere to be seen. Some part of her felt ashamed over her appearance… afraid of his reaction.
She was still recovering from the shock of Oscar's hand coming to shield her, and now she was dealing with another much more stressful event… it had barely been any time since she escaped.
I don't want to do this right now. What am I supposed to tell him? He's going to ask me about where everyone else is, but…
As she saw her cousin slide down the side of Oscar's puffy jacket and head in her direction she bristled, instinctively looking around for some sort of escape. Taking a step back, she felt her mind spiralling as the thought crossed her mind that she missed the safety of Oscar's hand.
Safety?? What is wrong with me? It might not be a threat now, but it's definitely not safe…
Oliver took notice of the unease, and as much as he wanted to run over and scoop Sammy up into his arms and hold onto her tight— I'm never letting her go again— he could see that his sudden approach was causing her discomfort. He stopped, trying not to let that hurt.
He glanced back towards the red haired human again, seeing that he was still laying there, docile. His hand had been covering Sammy, not harming her, and it seemed that this human was around the same age as her. It's unlikely that he is a threat. But how he and Sammy met is a mystery…
He kept his guard up just in case. Especially as he noticed that Sammy's ankle was freshly bandaged.
“You're hurt.” It wasn't a question. Oliver had spent so long searching everywhere in the hopes that his aunt and cousins were alive, but he found nothing. Part of him had begun to accept that they were dead, but most of him just wanted to find them safe.
She was not safe. She was covered in scars, dressed in rags, and Oliver's aunt and Tanner were nowhere to be seen. His fists clenched at his sides, anger at whoever hurt his cousin, whoever killed his uncle, and possibly more.
Oliver took a deep breath, putting a reassuring smile on his face and relaxing his posture. He took slow steps forward, undoing his fur cloak and taking it off. Sammy would get sick standing out in the winter air so unprotected.
“I can see you're shivering… come on. You don't have to tell me anything right now, alright? Let's just get you somewhere safe and warm.”
Once he had finally bridged the distance between them he wrapped the cloak around her shoulders and fastened it before stepping back again. Now that he was closer he could see more clearly the extent of her injuries… but she was in one piece.
“You…you have a bird..?” Sammy asked, shooting a cautious glance in Gale's direction whilst also snuggling into the warm cloak. She stood with one foot on the other, shifting constantly, clearly cold. Oliver's smile faltered at the sight.
I need to get her inside.
Oliver whistled and Gale immediately landed beside him in response, causing Sammy to stumble back in surprise, yelping. Oliver took notice of how the human's hand twitched and moved closer, not needing to turn around to know he was sitting up. The shadow over them was enough of a warning.
“This is Gale. She's well-trained…she is supposed to tell me when borrowers are in the area so I can go check on them. She spotted you, and so I decided to take a look and…well.” Oliver turned and looked up at the red-haired human, brows furrowing. “I thought you might be in danger.”
Oscar was looking down at the borrower, and yet he couldn't help but feel intimidated by his gaze. Unlike Sammy, this man seemed to have no fear towards him. If anything he was suspicious.
He swallowed again, sensing that he was not supposed to speak, but still remaining wary of the giant bird that was only inches away from his soulmate.
Sammy shook her head, shooting an anxious glance in Oscar's direction now before meeting Oliver's gaze once more.
“Well… I guess I kind of was in danger—”
Oliver took hold of his quill again at her words, brandishing it again, keeping Sammy behind him. He knew he was acting hastily, but when facing down the possible murderer of several family members it was hard to remain completely calm. He glared up at the human.
He is young. It shouldn't be difficult to scare him off… And hopefully dissuade him from capturing borrowers in the future. I'll have to start monitoring him.
“Woah woah..!” Oscar leaned back in surprise, his heart dropping. Sammy still thinks that—?
“Wait!” Oliver stopped as he felt a cold hand on his shoulder, not taking his eyes off of the human but also taking on a less aggressive stance. Sammy continued. “I-it's not him— he's… he saved me. We…came here to avoid the danger.”
As much as she was still wary of Oscar, she knew he was helping her and she didn't want her cousin to fight him. Not just because she didn't want Oscar to get stabbed…but because she wasn't sure if he would hurt Oliver in return.
Oliver hummed, relaxing immediately, attaching the quill to his back again.
“I see.” He cleared his throat and offered a hand in the human's direction. “Thank you for saving my cousin. I apologise for my brash reaction. My name is Oliver.”
Still reeling from the sudden switch, Oscar looked nervously at the quill that had been sheathed once more before meeting the borrower's gaze. He smiled but it looked more like a grimace. Holy shit that could have gone downhill fast.
Hesitantly, he reached down and pinched his tiny hand between two fingers, marvelling at how it disappeared in his grip. He swallowed down his nerves, trying to put the hostility that had been thrown his way behind him as he gently shook the tiny man's hand.
“Y-yeah, mate…it's fine. I'm Oscar…”
Releasing that tiny hand again, his lips pursed as he realised he was kind of looming over the two. To correct that, Oscar lay down again, this time on his stomach, as much as his head was spinning over the idea that his eyes were now within perfect pecking range.
Sammy met his gaze and tilted her head as if to ask if he was okay. Oscar bristled, before giving a small silent nod, his cheeks heating up slightly.
Oliver looked between the two again, raising an eyebrow at the silent display.
“You said you're avoiding danger, yes? Where are you planning to go? In my experience, the humans of this city rarely take shelter in the woods, only doing so for recreational reasons. And although you have some supplies with you…” He looked Oscar up and down. “I see no tent.”
Oscar glanced at his bag of supplies when he called attention to it, nodding.
“Uhh— that abandoned cabin, just east of here? We were just gonna hide out there. I haven't really thought past that to be completely honest.” He explained, gesturing vaguely towards what he thought was probably east— but he was still pretty disoriented from the sudden tumble earlier so it could very easily be any other direction.
Oliver perked up, before snapping his fingers.
“Ah. I remember you. You come here with that blonde boy— Freddie, I believe?” Oliver always kept an eye out for newcomers in the forest, and he had noticed two boys that came pretty regularly. Although he usually didn't keep an eye on humans past making sure they weren't straying too close to his crops, he'd had a close encounter with the boys once before.
“Huh? You uh… you've watched us?” Oscar suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. The whole reason he and Freddie chose to come to this forest was because of the privacy— he had had many serious chats and cries with his friend, and the thought that it wasn't actually private felt…uncomfortable.
Oliver shook his head quickly, waving a hand as if to physically dispel his discomfort.
“No no. I never stuck around, I only spotted you on a few occasions and then returned to my burrow. Although you did end up almost catching me once, when I was harvesting the berries from my garden… About 5 or 6 years ago?” He smiled almost fondly.
It had been quite startling at the time, when he was tangled up in the branches of a blackberry bush after two humans started picking from it whilst he was still among the leaves. Luckily he was unharmed, and he never ended up being seen or caught because he was obscured by leaves; not to mention blending in with his green clothes and dark complexion.
He had also been a little frustrated when all of the ripe blackberries were taken, leaving him with none left over… but his mild annoyance faded quickly seeing the human boys’ joy as they consumed the sweet berries; laughing with each other and just being kids.
Oscar blinked. He could vaguely remember eating blackberries whilst in this forest many years ago…
“Oh shit. Those were from your garden? Sorry about that…” He responded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Pretty sure we did it a few more times too…”
Oliver chuckled, quickly warming up to the human despite his initial suspicion and hostility.
“You did. But I had plenty left over from when you two didn't pick them, so it didn't affect me much.” He assured.
Sammy looked between her cousin and her soulmate, brows furrowing with confusion and growing frustration. The more confused she felt the more bothered she was by the interaction. She was glad that they weren't at each other's throats, yes, but why was Oliver acting so casual with Oscar?
She knew that her experiences had given her a much more visceral reaction to humans, but Oliver was being unusually friendly. The borrower rules clearly stated that borrowers should not speak to humans— and yes she was breaking that rule but at least she had reason to.
The more she watched the interaction, the more overwhelmed she felt by it. She didn't understand it at all.
Shaking her anxieties away, she shivered as she looked up at Oscar again. As hesitant as she was to ask, the cold was starting to sting, biting at her feet that were planted on the frosty soil.
“I-I'm cold…can I go back in your pocket..?” She asked shakily. Asking a human for something was a very vulnerable position; because it told them what she wanted and allowed them to refuse it or even worsen her situation… but she hoped Oscar would prove himself to be different, even if she was uncertain.
Both sets of green eyes focused on her again and Sammy couldn't help but shrink in on herself. Why am I the only one who's scared? I'm not crazy…
“Right, of course. Sorry, Sammy… I meant to offer you just that earlier but getting hit by a bird is preeetty distracting.” Oscar apologised, his expression filling with concern seeing how she was shivering and retreating into herself. Something else is bothering her…
He sat up slowly then lowered his hand, setting it palm up on the ground and keeping it steady. Sammy took a breath to mentally prepare herself before limping on. Oscar winced when he felt her cold feet make contact with his bare skin— they felt like ice and his fingers instinctively twitched despite his efforts.
Raising his hand up to his coat pocket, he watched and made sure she was settled into the pocket just fine before actually moving around again, feeling guilty for leaving her in the cold for so long.
He stood up slowly and stretched, before looking down at Oliver, tilting his head.
“Wanna come with? I mean…you are cousins, so I figured you must want to talk and stuff…” He offered, using his thumb to point in the direction the cabin would be. Now that he had his bearings back, he realised he had indeed gestured in the wrong direction earlier.
Sammy bit back a groan as she overheard this. As terrible as it felt to think, she didn't want to talk to Oliver right now. So much had happened and was happening— the last thing she needed was to sit down and explain to someone she admired that everyone he loved was dead and now there was a crazy doctor hunting her.
Still, saying this out loud wasn't something she could do either, and she knew Oliver would accept Oscar's offer.
“That would be appreciated, yes. I'll meet you both there then, I just need to fetch something from my burrow.” Oliver responded, craning his neck up to look at the red-haired human, a polite smile on his face. Oscar nodded, taking a step back as he waved.
“Sick. Alright, see you there.” He turned and started walking in the direction of the cabin, hearing the sound of a whistle and watching as the buzzard, Gale, took flight again; presumably with Oliver riding on its back. Oscar couldn't help but watch in awe, his stride stopping momentarily just to watch the bird fly away.
As he resumed his pace he glanced down at his pocket, seeing that Sammy was only shivering a little now as she was warming up. Her expression was determined and contemplative, buried in the warm fur cloak she had been lent. He smiled slightly before turning his gaze forward, focusing on the destination.
Being a badass must be genetic.
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cyberkitty1 · 2 months
Ken sato brainrot is real and im here for that, i saw that request are open, and i want to make one if thats okay? Bassically hcs o of kenji with a high school friend reader that is a very shy/meek person, they where inseparable as kids and kenji was always very protective of reader, even in their high school years when reader started dating a very cuestionable guy that ended up being a cheater with her toxic ex best friend(that send her a lot of hatefull texts and calls with threats and slut shaming comments bc she wanted to date her boyfriend), due this reader moved on to japan when she and kenji where teenagers and they keep contact by texts and zoom calls.
When kenji comes to japan is determinate to make reader officially his girl, it can include headcanons of them as a couple!
If this is to much you are free to not do this request! I dont wanna bother you
hey babes! not too much at all!! i havnt been active at all lately and quite frankly i don’t want to work on my long fic so this will be my break! ^^ and sorry i did tweak it a little im sorry 😞
warning: lowercase intended, slightly proofread!
- your moms were great friends and throughout their pregnancies hung out with each other day in and day out.
- he was older by about 2-3 months. from the moment you were born you guys could not be taken apart. you bathed together, ate together, took naps together when i say everything i mean everything! you both urged to have birthdays together at some point.
- you both had so much love for either obviously not in a romantic way, but in a way that just being in eachothers presence is enough.
- once he knew he wanted to do baseball you’d practice with him for fun, granted he was lightyears ahead of you in technique he still likes tossing it back and forth and talking about drama in your classes.
- as you both got older you did find out your interests but that didn’t tarnish your relationship considering you had multiple classes together plus lunch plus going to and from school together.
- that is until you get a boyfriend. one of kens teammates. he was notorious for being with half the girls in your grade. you had a very small friend group but you knew who he was, but alas you still fell for him. 
- you were together for about 4 months ken felt as if it were an eternity, time and time again he tells you his dating history and each time you’d hush him giving him and give horrible excuses.
- things were going ok up until you saw him acting a bit different, you weren’t one to meddle in others business but you knew he was hiding something. you check his phone and see a plethora of text messages and call logs of him and another girl he told you at the beginning “not to worry about”.
- the only person you could think of to offer you comfort is ken. walking if not running to his house a little under a mile away. he answers the door seeing you in your disheveled state and already knows what has happened.
- he could only hug you and listen to you sob. after about an hour you explain and he listens using tissues to get your tears and letting you blow your nose. you ended up staying the night having his mom call yours and let her know.
- by the next day you were feeling better but your eyes were so swollen your parents let you stay home, of course ken begged his parents to let him stay as well but he did have a test and practice so they ultimately refused.
- of course after ending all his tasks he made his way to your house to see you, you were still sad but a weight felt lifted off your shoulders. he was able to distract you further making you forget what you were sad about in the first place.
- once you were done with highschool you both move on to bigger and better things him continuing to pursue baseball and you going into nursing. at this point it’s the only thing you’re putting your energy into considering you lost contact with all friends in high school.
- but in college you were still working in groups with others so you didn’t mind too much and while you were living your life obviously he was too, getting scouted and making his dream team honestly doing everything he had wanted to do.
- another time skip, you’ve graduated officially but getting your doctorate is in the picture. he’s still doing baseball, you guys dont really talk anymore and he really really doesn’t like it. but he doesn’t know what to do, how to fix it. he really misses how things were and deeply loves you and can only reminisce on everything that you guys have done together.
- that is until after a battle he ends up at your doorstep not battered but still a bit hurt, all he could do during the fight was think of you, this was his breaking point.
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hiimawarish · 1 year
don't you ever grow up
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s. ayato being a menace to your daughter while you're away for work. cw. fluff. domestic bliss. marriage. ayato being the best girl dad. established relationship. female/afab reader. tw. none? not proofread. wc. 1k a/n. i'm sorry, i'm a sucker for domestic scenes. have some ayato being needy and clingy with his poor daughter. credits. dividers by @/cafekitsune.
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If only you could see them.
The scene unfolding seems almost too precious as if it had been taken out of a picture book. Your husband is seemingly asleep on a bed that feels too big, too empty for him alone—in his arms, your daughter is sleeping peacefully, one hand tightly holding onto her father’s robe, the other wrapped around that stuffed bunny you had chosen for her before she was even born. The scene is almost perfect.
Until your daughter finally stirs, at least, and tries to escape her father’s arms.
“Daddy, stop,” The little girl squirms in Ayato’s arms, pushing against his chest in a desperate attempt to get away from her father. It does not work. It never works, you could have told her that, but seeing as you were out for the week tending to business, your poor daughter is left to deal with him on her own. “I really need to go!”
“No, you don’t.”
Needy as he always is, Ayato merely tightens his hold on her, holding her to his chest as if she were no more than a doll. It is a habit; he had learned to hold her like this when she was still a baby, parading her in front of the elders as if to torture them with the picture. His arms stay wrapped protectively around the six-year-old, her squirming limbs the only thing one could make out of her amidst the sheets and the embrace.
“Daddy!” She squealed again, louder this time, almost threatening. Ayato recognizes the tone—it is the one that says she is not scared to awake the entire household if he does not let her go. “The restroom!”
“You just want to abandon me like your mother did,” He says, in mock sadness, his arms loosening just a fraction in his embrace. 
His daughter sighs. She sighs deeply, exasperated, and the unamused look she gives him reminds him so much of you that he cannot help himself—Ayato pulls her closer, butterfly kisses pressed to her forehead and cheeks. Under normal circumstances, she would be melting into echoing giggles, but this time his daughter remains unfazed. Not even a smile curved into her lips. 
“Mommy didn’t abandon you!” She squirms again, trying her best to run out of his hold. “Mommy’s working!”
“If I let you go, you’re going to abandon me, too. I just know it.”
His daughter stays quiet, still, as if she has given up against her dad’s stubbornness. There are many things Ayato is not, but she has learned from an early age that her father has a knack for the dramatics. Even when you left early that morning, she had observed him as he held onto you, arms wrapped around you and refusing to let you go no matter how many times you reminded him that you were going to be late. He didn’t care. He didn’t let you go until he had given you more kisses you could count and reminded you that you had cursed him to sleep in an empty and cold bed that night—as if that would have made your work any less important; as if that would have convinced you to play hooky and stay with him.
That had been the beginning, hadn’t it?
Your poor daughter, who has always had quite the soft spot for her father, had felt bad. It wasn’t the first, and it certainly will not be the last time, but whenever she saw his face stained in agony as you left—be it for a week or an hour—she couldn’t help but sympathize. She missed you, too, whenever you had to leave. She misses you, even now, which would explain why she holds the bunny tightly even as she fight—or fought, anyway— to be free from her dad’s relentless embrace.
The bunny smells like you. It’s just that simple.
She wonders if her dad would be less needy if he had a bunny to hold that smelled like you, too.
Because that is the root of the problem. 
Ayato, although dramatic, does feel quite lonely when you are away. His bed seems too big just for him, too empty, as if it refused to let him forget for a second that your body is supposed to be there, next to him. Thoma knows. Ayaka knows. Ayato barely sleeps whenever you are away—it is common knowledge within the estate, but he refuses to acknowledge it. He is lonely, and he had felt delighted when his little princess offered to sleep with him that evening.
An offer she is definitely regretting now, he realizes.
“You’re stuck with an annoying dad, huh?” Ayato asks, after a few seconds, finally unwrapping his arms. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
The effect is immediate; she sprints towards the door, and Ayato laughs. A few minutes later he hears the soft padding of her steps coming back. He stays there, on the bed, watching the ceiling. He remembers the first time he heard those little steps, the first time he saw her take them toward him, the way Ayaka had held her breath, Thoma trying his best not to burst into tears, and you… Well, you had been filled with pride.
He wonders if his daughter is actually coming back, or if she’d rather escape into Ayaka’s room to avoid her annoying dad. Her extremely clingy and needy father, as you always called him. Ayato would not blame her—even if he had been joking earlier, he knows when he has gone too far, and the little girl takes too much after you for her not to be upset. She might even tell on him with you as soon as you return, and he can almost picture the disappointment painting your face.
Nevertheless, in spite his growing worry, the soft padding of his little girl actually does approach his door. She slides the door open, her brows furrowed, and still she walks to him. Willingly, without him having to say anything, she gets into bed and takes his own arm to wrap it around herself without a word.
Ayato merely watches, with a smile.
“You’re not annoying, Daddy.” She finally says, rubbing her eyes with the ball of her hands. “I love you. And Mommy loves you, too. Can we just sleep?”
He chuckles.
“Of course, princess. Let’s go to sleep now.”
Ayato presses a kiss to her forehead, then—a silent wish for her to never have to grow up as fast as he did.
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more works.
©2023 hiimawarish do not translate, repost, copy, modify
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
omg can i request enid pushing Wednesday to confess her feelings for an ace reader ? maybe Wednesday thinks she and Xavier have a thing but enid tries to make her keep an open mind and make her move
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You were out of breath by the time Xavier and yourself made it back to school grounds and never had you ever felt as close to death then you did in that moment. Your calves ached in repentance for skipping stretching and your lungs burned with a thirst for oxygen and a break; Xavier on the other hand was better off then you were with just barely out of breath with a thin film of sweat breaking out across his brow, sticking the loose strands of hair against it.
“You did well, for your first morning run.” He said, flashing you his pearly whites in a smile, secretly amused of the glare you sent his way whilst wheezing for breath. “I hate you. I fucking hate you Xavier, I just wanted you to know that.” Xavier only pouted as he placed a hand over his heart whilst his free hand grasped your shoulder and drew you into his side, squeezing you tight. “I hate you too y/n. I’ve been meaning to tell you that for awhile now, ever since you stole my fucking sketchbook and threaten to dump it into the lake if you wanted to get into specifics.” He sighs, “I’m just so glad you reciprocated my feelings.”
Whilst you and Xavier had your back and fourth, him chasing after you when you got out of his grasp only to be caught once more. Wednesday was internally seething from the terrace of Ophelia Hall. Her jaw clenched at the sounds of happiness that emitted from the both of you; It sickened her to see you happily content within the arms of another, laughing with another, staring intently at another and yet she couldn’t help but feel envious of Xavier for getting to you before she could be given the opportunity to prove herself a worthy candidate for your heart.
Now she was forced to suffer the unbearable torment of seeing Xavier parade you around from the shadows as you passed her by. Wednesday had to admit, you and Xavier looked perfect together. Upon your first day of Nevermore it seemed as though to her that she and Xavier held the same thoughts about you, seeing firsthand of his eagerness when he approached you and much to her dismay you and Xavier got along like a house on fire. So in order to not feel outdone before she could even make an attempt, Wednesday would go out of her way to purposefully seek you out under the pretences that she needed some peace and quite away from Enid.
Looking back at it now, Wednesday believed she didn’t do enough to earn your favour but now she felt she was too late to change that. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Enid join her until her voice reached her ears, “are you done sulking about the what ifs and the could have beens and ready to turn them into thoughts of the here and now?” Her optimistic chirping was the cause of countless headaches for Wednesday but right now she couldn’t help but question her perception of reality in that moment. “I can’t.” She responded blankly. “Why?” Enid questions, head tilted to the side in confusion as her lips formed into a pout.
“Y/n is dating Xavier.” Wednesday summarised without going into much depth of the situation. Enid made a face at this, “No they’re not. Where did you get that from?” As far as Enid was aware, you and Xavier were merely just friends who were comfortable being physically affectionate with one another. You had playful competitions between yourselves and had moments where it felt as though neither one of you could be seen without the other being spotted nearby. However none of those instances struck Enid as anything besides serving as examples of a strong platonic bond.
“Just look at them.” Wednesday said, now pointing at the pair of you using a bench as a shield to protect yourselves from being soaked from the others water bottle, laughing and exchanging halfhearted insults as the battle raged on. Wednesday couldn’t begin to describe the feelings welling within her chest without leading back to a word she knew best; torture. Enid looked over at you two and couldn’t help but smile softly at the two of you having fun, considering how bleak and morbid Nevermore may get sometimes; it was refreshing to hear the sounds of two people having a blast now and then.
“That’s just how friends are,” Enid explains, seeing as her dorm mate was foreign to the concept, “some friends prefer to spend time in solitude together, others go out to explore cities and try new things together and then there are those like Xavier and y/n-.” “XAVIER I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU GOT MY SHIRT WET!” Your screech interrupts the werewolf, making her chuckled at your outburst. “DON’T BLAME ME! WE DIDN’T SET UP ANY SORT OF RULES SO IT WAS UNDER MY ASSUMPTION THAT ANYTHING GOES!” Xavier exclaimed though it was obvious he found your frustrations hilarious.
“They’re just friends who wanna have fun as though they’re running out of time.” Enid explained to Wednesday, who still had her digressions about the depth of which your friendship with Xavier went but felt a slight shift within the air that maybe, maybe she’ll be given a chance. The blonde smiled at her dorm mate before nudging her with her shoulder, cussing her to stiffen like a corpse at the contact. “Why don’t you take this as your opportunity to ask her out? After all, it won’t belong until schools out for the holidays and since you don’t want to be a ‘slave to technology.’” Enid spoke the last of her sentence in an poor attempt in mimicking Wednesday which only made the girl look at her unimpressed.
“This is quite literally your only chance to talk to them because someone like y/n,” both Enid and Wednesday looked at you as you crept up behind Xavier, only for him to turn and grab you in his arms as he carried you off back to your dorms, “she won’t be single forever Wednesday. So please, just act upon what you want before it’s too late.” Enid finished as she patted Wednesday on the shoulder before leaving her to her own devise, knowing deep down that she would make the right decision.
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stargirlsmooch · 2 years
feel better
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dbf!ari levinson x fem!reader drabble
when you show up at his door in tears, ari cheers you up in the only way he knows how: sitting you on his lap and pleasing you. angst + smut + fluff. 18+ 981 words.
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The car came to a rolling stop, the wheels dragging against the gravel as you pulled up outside his house with tears streaming down your make-up-free face. Your violent emotions weren’t showing any signs of stopping, ever since you had seen those messages on her phone, you hadn’t stopped crying.
Your best friend and your crush.
She had handed you her phone after the party, telling you to use hers to call an uber when yours was out of battery. And that’s when you had seen it, the abundance of texts between her and the guy you had been infatuated with since school. So when sadness started to build in your eyes and you felt the first pricks of tears, you ordered a taxi for yourself.
Ari’s house was the only place you wanted to be, you wanted to feel that closeness again that you had felt all the other times when he had wiped your tears away and enveloped your body in his arms. Whenever you were feeling slightly out of sorts you would run straight to Ari, seeking the comfort only he could give you.
Knocking on the door, you wrapped your coat tighter around you, the rain hitting against your shoulders as you tried to huddle under the porch. He came soon after you knocked, sliding his hand around your back and pulling you into his home with a gentle tenderness, taking your jacket from you and putting it away.
“What’s going on, sweetheart?” He asked, sweeping the hair back away from your face and taking your cheeks in his hands, his thumbs kissing the tears away. Ari pulled you into his living room, sitting down in his armchair by the fire before pulling you into his lap, his palms finding their new place on your thighs.
“It’s stupid, Ari.” You whispered, stroking his knuckles with your fingertips and kissing the soft skin of his neck.
“Nothing is stupid if it’s made you cry.” 
You stayed silent, leaning into his warmth even more as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, kissing your forehead and telling you that it would all be okay.
It didn’t feel like it would be okay, it felt like you would have this perpetual stabbing ache in your chest forever, but you knew Ari was right and that you had to rationalise the situation. Hopefully, in a few days, your mind will be on something else and you could continue on in your life with ease. 
This is why you needed Ari: he always managed to unjumble your messy mind with his mere presence, letting you take your time to come back down to earth. He had been in your life for as long as you could remember, acting as your rock whenever someone had put you down and vowing to never say a word to your over-protective father, his bestfriend. 
“Sweet girl, you gonna tell Daddy?” He urged again, nudging your cheek with his nose, as your body slackened against him even more. You couldn’t describe the feelings that surged through you when he used his title, establishing his dominance over you.
“Don’t wanna.” You huffed, looking up at him with innocent eyes that you knew would get you what you wanted- you didn’t want to even mention what had happened, just sit happily in Ari’s arms.
“Okay, sweetness. Should we try and get your mind off of it?” 
With that, Ari lifted up the front of your tight white skirt, revealing your cotton panties and the little wet patch that marked them. He pressed his thumb on your clothed clit, rubbing it in gentle circles with a deep pressure, pushing you to whimper and beg, as he slipped his hand underneath the fabric.
The feel of your soft folds against his fingers made him release a gruff moan against the side of your head, his eyes trained on your squirming lower half as you tried to rid yourself of your underwear. 
When they were finally on the floor, your opened your legs wider for your Daddy, placing one foot on the floor whilst the other was left hanging over the arm of the chair. You bunched your skirt up around your tummy, desperate to see the sweet torture that Ari was about to put you through. 
He teased your leaking hole open with one finger, gently opening you up until you were a little hopeless mess in his hands, your sugary cream coating your pussy.
“Fingers please, Daddy.” You begged quietly, cupping the back of Ari’s neck with your left hand as you leaned up for a delicate kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip and adorably sucking on his tongue. 
He granted your wish immediately, slipping two thick fingers inside and laughing at the silent scream that escaped you. Ari didn’t move his fingers, he only buried them to the hilt and watched as you thrust yourself on them, sucking them in so they fit snuggly inside you.
“That’s it, sweetie. Look so pretty when you’re like this, don’t you?” Ari bit on your earlobe as he let you use him, slowly getting yourself off until you were so close. But, after a while, you got tired, and resorted to grabbing Ari’s wrist and using his hand like a toy, driving his fingers inside of you. As you kept your hips still. 
“Please can you play with my clit, Daddy?” You asked, using both of your smaller hands to keep up the deep plunges into your sopping hole. 
Instead of just rubbing your swollen button, Ari took full control: pinching your little clit in between his fingers whilst he thrusted the other ones in and out of you, deeper and harder until you finished all over his thighs.
“Oh, Daddy…” You moaned, your head falling back against his shoulder as cum leaked out of you. 
“You feel better, sweet girl?” 
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cait-with-luv · 2 years
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Little Leopard [4]
"If it weren't for seven men that fateful night you wouldn't be here now. They showed you good people did exist. That life can be great, that you can be loved and cared for. These seven men were the men you loved and cherished. These men were your mates. Your safety blanket. And to them. You were their Little Leopard."
Header Credit: Me
Pairing: OT7 X Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Hybrid! AU, Strangers to Lovers! AU, Rich!BTS, Fluff, Angst, eventual smut, Polyamorous!BTS
Warnings: Mentions of murder, abuse, sexual assault, drugs, PTSD, explicit language, body dysmorphia, anxiety, body branding (Not sure if this is a warning but putting it anyway)
Word Count: 5.1K
“We need to talk.”
The boys pause and look at each other before Seokjin is clearing his throat and gestures to Namjoon to speak first but he holds his hand up and shakes his head. It seemed they all had things to discuss. 
“You guys should go first. We have a lot to explain.” Namjoon urges his eldest boyfriend, leaning back into the couch, smiling slightly as Jungkook takes his hand into his and squeezes it reassuringly. He could see how stressed his partner was. They could all see it. They couldn’t blame him either, he had been working day and night along with Yoongi and Hoseok to try and find you in the system and find the cruel human that had left you to die in the alley and they were constantly reaching dead ends. It was like you didn’t even exist.
“Well, I’m taking her with me to the clinic tomorrow, if anyone is free you can come with me, I don’t know how she’ll react in a medical environment, I need to do a full physical checkup. Whilst we were out, we took her to get a collar so she can come out with us more often and I asked if she needed anything else, she picked up heat suppressants, she was forced to have them every day, we explained to her how bad they were and when I asked when her last heat was, guys she hasn’t had one for around two to three years, it’s dangerous, Leopards are meant to have heats every two to three months. If she’ll ever have one again is beyond me and if she does get one, it’s going to be intense, most likely more painful too. I have to check she’s physically doing okay.” Seokjin delineates watching their faces harden. The system had really failed you.
“I’ll go with you. I’m working from home tomorrow anyway, I have things to do away from the station.” Hoseok says and runs a hand through his hair, he was already in a bad mood. The things that had been revealed today had sent the usually calm and collected man into a spiral of anger and disappointment.
“You guys aren’t going to like what we have to tell you…” Yoongi trails off shaking his head, he couldn’t believe what they had found, how they managed for it to slip through the cracks. He was ashamed. He felt like he needed to do better. Because who knows how many more had managed to be missed.
“We did more background searching on her. We couldn’t find her at all in the system, so we were beginning to assume she was illegally being ‘owned’, Hobi came to help out and we had to dig really deep. We eventually managed to find her documents she was under a false name and under Snow Leopard instead of her actual hybrid breed an Amur Leopard. Meaning someone in the protection company had either been paid off to turn a blind eye or worked for the person but when we went to check her owners' files we discovered that he’s deceased, he died three years ago, cause of death was homicide so Hobi did a little digging into it but it means he was not her last owner, someone else had taken her, possibly the one who killed her last ‘owner’.” Namjoon frowns and Hoseok reaches into his bag for the file and hands it to Taehyung who begins to read it, Jimin and Seokjin reading over his shoulders.
“Yun Jong-Dae, aged forty at the time of his death, his autopsy had shown that he had strangulation, gunshot wounds, a disturbing amount of ketamine in him, enough to kill an elephant, any one of these could have been the cause, someone really wanted him dead but the case went cold, they couldn’t find who killed him. He had a criminal record too. Gang affiliation, abuse, sexual assault, drug use and possession, attempted murder. He was a terrible person. I found receipts of multiple reports made to his house too. Neighbors had called us concerned, saying they constantly heard yelling and screams coming from his house but the officers that went to the scene did nothing saying they saw nothing suspicious. I checked which officers went to the address and every single one was from my division. She was in that fucking house and my station failed her. I am now in the process of checking every incident they’ve been reported to and having them suspended.” Hoseok fumes, jaw clenched in rage. He could have had you saved earlier if it weren’t for his own colleagues turning a blind eye.
“Y-You don’t think he you know…” Jimin murmurs anxiously. He couldn’t bring himself to say it, the word left a bitter taste in his mouth, it made him nauseous to think about you having to suffer like that.
“As much as we want to think that he didn’t the chances that he did…assault her is likely. We can’t make her tell us either alright? She may tell us one day. We go at her pace okay?” Yoongi declares, he did not want you to feel like you had to do anything. He wants you to know you can make all your own choices from here on out.
They all nod in agreement and sit in silence, taking in everything that had been revealed, they were all filled with rage, guilt, and shame. For a while, you had been right under their noses and they hadn’t had a clue. 
It was progress, finding out more about your background, they knew that but they also knew they still had a lot more to go. It was not going to be an easy process and it was going to be tedious but for you? They had all the patience in the world.
“Where do we go from here? What’s our next step? Because she’s basically a stray hybrid right? She’s now isn’t legally under anyone so we can adopt her? It will secure her safety with us and prevent her from being put back into the system and going through hell again. I can have the papers easily by tomorrow.” Taehyung says closing the file and handing it back to Hoseok.
“Technically yes but we can just have her sign papers Tae baby, we want her to have her own opinion on this and consent. We want to give her options not take them away from her like has had all her life. This is something we need to sit down with her and talk about and we don’t know what the process is going to be like for her, she could be put in a shelter for observations and for our pending papers to be approved.” Namjoon sighs but Taehyung shakes his head.
“It won’t be a difficult process, I can have us down as her foster home so she’ll still be able to stay with us until the papers are approved, she isn’t under a shelter, she has no owner, they can’t place her in a place she wasn’t at the beginning with. The process will be simple but I understand where you’re coming from, we want her approval before we start it.” Taehyung clarifies with a nod of his head. Yoongi opens his mouth to talk but closes it, the conversation coming to an end suddenly as they hear you walk down the stairs, giving you a soft smile as you step into the living room timidly. 
“Hey Cub, did you have a nice shower? You even got some new pajamas? You look much comfier now.” Yoongi grins, almost cooing at the sight of you clutching your tail in your hands, shuffling in your spot shyly as you nod curtly, a low chuckle leaving his mouth. You were too cute. 
“Want me to brush your hair and put it up for you Sweetpea?” Hoseok asks softly, patting the empty spot beside him for you to sit. 
“I-It’s okay Hoseok, thank you though, is it okay if I go to bed instead of watching a movie? I-I didn’t realize how tired I was.” You whisper immediately getting smiles at you and nods. How could they tell you no? You were too sweet.
“Of course, you can go to bed Princess, you don’t have to ask, we can always watch a movie another day, there’s plenty of time to, sleep well okay? Remember if you need anything at all you can always come to us.” Namjoon cooed, giving you a dimpled smile that almost had your knees going weak. It was one of the prettiest smiles you had seen. They all murmur soft goodnights and sleep wells until Jungkook stands up and pouts at you,
“Hey, Sweet Girl, I promised I’d help you with your skincare routine and how to use the things I got you, you gotta take care of it now, Baby, come on let’s go get you properly ready for bed.”
“Hey, Jungkookie?” You hum as he helps with your skincare routine with the products he had gotten you before at the mall. You had figured out that you had sensitive skin just like him so he had bought you some products that he uses to help protect and soothe his own skin so now after your shower, he was helping you apply them, demanding that you have to take care of your skin so you don’t have sore skin. 
He smiles softly at the nickname, gently applying a toner onto your face and almost cooing at your innocent eyes staring at him curiously, watching his every move wondering what he was doing. He sometimes wondered how on earth you were a leopard hybrid. You were more like a kitten or a rabbit.
“Yes, Sweet Girl?” He asks with a smile on his face, raising an eyebrow at your hesitation to continue with what you wanted to say. He pats your head as a reassurance that you could talk to him without worrying, nodding as you open your mouth to speak.
“What do you all do for a living?” You ask quietly, noticing the look of surprise on his face, he hadn’t expected you to ask about their careers but he was willing to answer. If it meant getting you to open up to them more and gaining your trust more then he’d answer. It wasn’t like they had anything to hide anyway.
“Well, we all work in different things but we all work together in a way if that makes sense? Our jobs link us together. Not really mine but sometimes. Namjoonie Hyung and Yoongi Hyung work together the most. Namjoon is the founder and CEO of a Hybrid Protection company and Yoongi is the deputy CEO. They help any and every hybrid who needs it, whether they be a stray, from an abusive home, fight rings, auctions, literally anything. They make sure that no matter where the hybrid comes from they are safe and get everything they need. I guess sometimes I help out if they have too much on their hands." He begins smiling slightly. He was always proud of what his partners do, he places aside the products before focusing his attention on you and continuing, 
"Hobi Hyung is a detective in the police force. He works on all kinds of cases. He likes to mostly solve hybrid-related cases, knowing that other stations can usually turn them down and go for human ones. He wants them to get given justice just as equally as humans do. Jin Hyung is a Hybrid Medical Doctor. He treats all Hybrids' injuries and any illnesses they may have, he wants to save and care for as many hybrids as he can, it breaks his heart if he can’t. Tae Tae is a Hybrid Representative Lawyer. He basically supports any Hybrid in court and stuff like that, whether it be a change in adoption, abuse cases, or all sorts. Jiminie owns his own Hybrid Shelter. So he takes in any abandoned, stray, recently removed from abusive homes, even abandoned hybrid infants and children. He gives them a home they may have never gotten, and treatments for anything from medical or mentally, they have a choice of wanting to stay and live there or have a chance to have another home. He is so thorough with checking every single person’s background who comes in wanting to adopt. He’s very protective of them all.” Jungkook explains chuckling as you stare at him in awe, they were doing something barely anyone would do.
They all work with something related to hybrids. Wanting to protect them and give them more rights. Live an equal life as humans, to end the oppression and stigmas against Hybrids. Activists in a way. But you frown when you realize something. He had left himself out. He told you everything about his partners but not about himself.
“Well…what about you Jungkook? What do you do?” You ask as he sits in front of you and sighs giving you a small smile, taking your hands into his, and looking down at them. Was he uncomfortable about talking about his career? 
“Mine’s…a bit more boring than theirs, Sweet girl. I don’t wanna bore you.” He says looking back up at you but you shake your head at him with a pout.
“Nothing about you is boring Jungkookie.” You murmur, a blush coming to your cheeks when you realize what you had said out loud, purring when Jungkook pecks your forehead and smiles at you in appreciation.
“Thank you, baby, that was kind of you. I’m…a hybrid tattoo artist. Yeah I know it's not as extravagant as the others huh? I was just an average tattoo artist just tattooing humans but when I worked in a studio we had so many hybrid’s coming in wanting tattoos and my boss would just…turn them away. But they weren’t coming for a tattoo for the fun of it. They were coming in to cover up something that reminded them of their past. Like a bad scar or tattoo of their number they were given from fight rings or even brandings. I felt like it was unfair, they just wanted a fresh start and they weren’t getting a chance to do that so I left and I opened my own studio for Hybrids. I don’t charge them anything so I don’t really get much profit, I get some humans from time to time and they pay because they want to keep my business running but I refuse to charge a Hybrid for wanting to cover up something traumatic to them. I know it’s not much but if it makes a difference for them to live a happier life, to show them that there are humans that care for them then I’m happy and hopefully I’ve somewhat of a difference.” He murmurs and your heart swells. His job was anything but boring, he had a job that would make a massive impact on a hybrid's life. 
“That’s…the kindest thing I’ve ever heard Jungkookie. What all of you do. It’s amazing, I’ve never met anyone who cares so much about us, it’s special and I think I speak for all hybrids when I say this. Thank you. For being our voice…for being the ones to protect us and make us feel…normal. You should be proud of what you do. I may not be the greatest at expressing my emotions or understanding the simplest of things but if it weren’t for you guys. I would have had no future, I wouldn’t be able to have my eyes opened to the good in the world. I’m very very grateful and I promise to work hard on my healing and become a person you can be proud of.” You say shyly looking down, feeling your heart race.
Jungkook stared at you with a pout on his lips, squeezing your hands and taking a deep breath in. It was taking everything in him to not cry. It was the first time you had openly spoken about how you were comfortable living with them and how grateful you were for everything that they do for you. The first time he had heard someone really thank him and the boys for what they do. It only motivated him more. To give you a better life. To give hybrids around the world a better life. 
“Thank you so much Y/N, I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that. But, Sweet Girl, you don’t need to thank us for what we do for you. It’s the right thing to do. And I don’t think you understand how proud of you we are already, you’re doing so well. I know how difficult it must have been for you to trust us after everything you’ve been through, it must have been scary. You are so strong and brave. The bravest person I know. You have a future now and it’s only going to get better from here on out.” Jungkook says, gently lifting your head to look at him and he gives you a look of admiration. Proud written all over his and with all your courage you quickly place a kiss on his cheek, both of your eyes going wide and cheeks flushing red. It took him by surprise but his heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t expecting it but now he wanted more. It felt like a warm hug. Like a dew-freckled petal caught in a breeze, so soft and with the smallest hint of coolness. He will never forget this moment. This was a memory to remember.
“W-What was that for?” He stammers out and you shift in your spot and shrug, a shy giggle leaving your lips. He could have passed out right then and there, his heart was in frenzy. He couldn’t how adorable you were. It was too much. 
“I…I don’t know…it just felt right to do? I’m sorry d-did I overstep?” You murmur nervously and he shakes his head quickly, a massive grin appearing on his face. He looked lovestruck. Like a teenage boy with a massive crush on his classmate. And he was beginning to feel like one. He loved six people already, and his heart had already felt full but now…now he realizes there was room for just one more person.
“You didn’t overstep baby, just nearly made my heart explode that’s all with how cute you are.” He teases making you laugh and shake your head at him before your thoughts begin to trail remembering that his job was tattooing. Specifically Hybrids. You had something you wanted gone. Something you may not be able to really see yourself but you knew it was there. Would he help you get rid of it one day?
“Actually Jungkook…you’re a tattoo artist, c-could…c-could you cover something for me one day? W-When I’m ready?” You ask, feeling your heart race with fear and insecurity. You were about to let him step into your past. Not much but it was enough to have you terrified. What would he think? 
He frowns but nods slowly, noting your hesitation. He had seen many of your scars but there must be one prominent one that played on your mind a lot, one that he may have not seen but it worried me. Just how bad was it to have you practically trembling with fear? He could almost feel the anxiety coming off you.
“Sweet girl, it’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid, I will never judge you, you don’t even have to show me it yet or even tell me how you got it. I’m not going to make you, everything you do is at your own pace, not ours.” He reassures but you shake your head, taking a deep breath. You need to do this. This was something that you needed to get off your chest no matter how much it reminded you of your past. This was part of healing right? Overcoming the trauma.
“I need to do this. I’ve got to. I want to overcome this.” You murmur before slowly turning around so your back was facing him and biting your cheek to hold back the tears already welling up in your eyes, slowly lifting your shirt up to show him your back, shutting your eyes as you hear his breath hitch and the smell of anger hit your nose. This was one thing you hated. How you could sense pheromone changes. Jungkook’s once soft linen and lavender scent now smelt burnt and sour. The scent overwhelming your sensitive nose with how strong it was.
Jungkook was relieved you couldn’t see his face though. His face contorted from concern, to worry and lastly anger. Rage. People made him sick. He felt ashamed that he was human. Because all they know how to do in the world is oppress, and discriminate. Hurt others. Hurt Hybrids. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it. The branding on your left shoulder blade will forever be imprinted in his mind. How the skin was slightly risen and horribly scarred. He can’t imagine the pain you suffered from it. From getting it to the healing. It must have been excruciating. He could tell it must have suffered an infection at some point from how poorly healed it was. His stomach churned as he leans closer and just about manages to read it. 
‘Property of Kang Seo-Jun’’
“Baby…W-Was this who you were stuck with previously?” Jungkook whispers, feeling tears well up in his eyes. No wonder why you wanted it gone. He would no doubt cover it for you. Decorating your shoulder with something so pretty and bright, you’ll forget that it was even a cover-up for it. Not a single memory of it in your mind again. Completely erased.
“Y-Yeah. It i-is. You must be disgusted right? I am. H-He took away any of my belonging. The l-little ownership I had of myself. I will never forget him. H-He haunts my dreams every night. I feel like I can hear his voice still sometimes. He was by far the worst owner I had. T-The night he took me, he had some of his men pin me down and burnt it onto my skin. T-The pain was unbearable. I-I still feel it sometimes if I think about it long enough. H-He hurt me so much. H-He enjoyed my pain. H-He did s-so much but I’m not ready to open up about it yet. He l-laughed as he did it. Called me his ‘little bitch’, and all I was to him w-was a punching bag for his entertainment and pleasure. I-I really wanted to die. I really thought h-he was going to kill me eventually. I-I can’t go back there Jungkook. I can’t. H-He really will make sure I’m dead. I was meant to die that night.” You sob covering your face, whimpering as Jungkook lifts the shirt up again that you had let go of and soothingly rubs up and down your spine, his heart aching at how your tail sadly flicks slightly. From hearing how much you really had been through even if it was just the surface. 
“Oh sweet girl, you are safe now. We will never let anyone hurt you again. He will never come near you again and he will be punished for this. Soon he will be a distant memory. Someone completely irrelevant to you. He has taken nothing from you. You are your own person. You have your very much-deserved freedom now, baby. Everything he may have ever told you is nothing but horrible lies. I am so so sorry you had to endure this and everything else you have gone through. You are so beautiful in your own unique way. I am not disgusted by you and neither are the boys. You will never experience anything like this again. You did so well telling me a little bit about your past. I’m so proud of you. You were so brave. Everything is going to be okay now. I promise you. I swear to you.” He says so softly, hesitating before placing a gentle kiss on your scar before pulling back and a small smile appearing at your little shudder from feeling his lips on your skin but it wasn’t from being uncomfortable, Jungkook knew it wasn’t from the way you relaxed. 
You say nothing, too in shock from the gentle kiss he placed, from how you managed to open up and how he never interrupted you, just sat and listened to you, and then reassured you he was proud of you and was not disgusted in you. You had never felt this way before. You couldn’t put your finger on it. You didn’t know what this emotion was but you hoped that in the future you would understand it. Know what it was because it felt warm, strong yet comforting. It had your heart racing but in a good way. And you wanted to feel more of it.
“I hate to ask this but can I take a photo of this Sweet girl? Don’t panic, it’s okay, it’s just because this will be evidence baby. Against him. It will help Hobi hyung in finding him and having evidence against him to get him arrested and locked up. It will help Taehyungie in court for you. That’s all. We want to get you justice.” He elucidates when he feels you tense. You didn’t want the others to know but you knew if you wanted to feel completely safe, he needed to be prosecuted. They need to know to make it happen so you nod curtly, swallowing the lump in your throat but the nod wasn’t enough for Jungkook. He needed vocal consent.
“Words Sweet Girl. I need to hear your consent, not just a visual one. Verbal consent is very important in this home baby.” He murmurs, nodding in approval as he hears you whisper an ‘okay’ before quickly snapping a photo and checking it and quickly turning his phone off and throwing it aside, and turning you around to finally face him, wiping the tears that slid down your cheeks.
“Permission to hold you in my arms?” He asks, brushing hair out your face before gently tugging you into his arms as you nod and begin to move into his lap. You tuck your head into the crook of his neck as he wraps his arms around tightly and sways side to side, biting back a chuckle as you begin to subconsciously scent him, rubbing your head into his neck, a low happy purr leaving your lips. He felt so content and happy. You were finally listening to your animal instincts and relieving any urge you may have had but never realized. The more you got comfortable with them, the more your leopard came out. And with that, you finally lulled to sleep. The quickest you had ever fallen asleep. The safest you had ever felt to fall asleep. 
Not a single thought in mind.
“Kang Seo-Jun”
“She opened up to me a little. The sick bastard that left her in that alley, his name is Kang Seo-Jun.” Jungkook grits out, opening his phone and going to his gallery, clicking on the photo he had taken and practically shoving his phone into Hoseok’s face.
“This is what she showed me, I got permission from her of course to take the photo. We’ve really underestimated how much she’s been through guys. We knew it was severe but I never imagined the actual extent.” He whimpers sitting down and holding his head in his hands. He wanted to break down in front of you but he knew he couldn’t, not when you were in tears yourself reliving the memories, he had to be strong for you but now, he could let it out.
“Can I send this to myself love bug? I need this evidence.” Hoseok breathes out, he could feel the anger boiling the longer he stared at the photo, quickly sending it to himself when he gets a silent nod from Jungkook and passing the phone to Yoongi and so on, each of their faces contorting to undeniable rage. 
“Kookie talk to us, what did she tell you? How did you manage to get her to open up to you?” Yoongi asks faintly, he could visibly see the distress the boy was in. He didn’t want to tip him off the edge. Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat before looking up and begins to explain to them how you had asked about what they all do career-wise, telling them how you thanked them all for what they do and how your body language had changed as you asked him to cover up the branding when you were ready which lead you to show him and telling him how you got it. By the time he had finished, he had tears falling, Hoseok was on the phone immediately demanding his colleagues to send him any information on the demented man. They were all having internal battles with their anger. Their sadness.
“Hyungs…s-she’s suffered so much. I-I just know she hasn’t even scratched the surface of her past. She deserved none of this. S-She’s too good for this world.” Jungkook sniffles, snuggling into Jimin as the older man tugs him into a hug, cradling the younger boy close and kissing the top of his head.
“She’s safe now baby, she will suffer no more. You did good. We are proud of you for how you handled it, and how you got her to open up without pushing her. It shows us how comfortable she’s getting. She felt safe to tell you. You took good care of her, well done Koo.” Taehyung reassures, snuggling into the other side of the younger boy, rubbing his arm encouragingly. It was no secret between them all that Jungkook was the most sensitive to Hybrid cruelty, having witnessed it at a young age, he understands how severe how bad it can get. He had such a big heart and they do everything they can to protect it.
“He’s right, you did great, Hoseok is going to find out everything he can on the bastard and bring him down with Taehyung, he isn’t going to get away with it, Y/N will get the justice she deserves at last. His karma is coming and it’s us. He will suffer for what he’s done.” Yoongi sneers, he could happily track him down right now and punish him for everything he’s done. He couldn’t wait to watch the twisted crook pay for his crimes. They were a step closer to finding him. A step closer to you finally having justice, and peace of mind that your trauma wasn’t for nothing. 
You were their little leopard and they’d do anything for you.
@sunoosult @pb-n-juju @kimsaerom @tinyoonsblog @mintyoonjisworld @malewife-supremacy @army4eve3r @mageprincess7 @dreamamubarak @ot7nem @haleypearce @yoongiigolden @driftapart @carolinexkpop @koobratzy @devilsadvcte @colourlyhobbit @toughbook @ah2002 @beeeee06 @euphoriayongbok @bbgniecyy @kurowvie @jaiuneamesolitaiire @rich-man-v @bangtanxberm @murkydoesnotloveyou @cheychey-4788 @atinygracie @echo-ethe @yo-alli @blancflms @jamlessstars @theblueslytherin @rosquilleta @slash4slashers @chieftoadturkeynickel @m4r1eluvr @rainbow-bunny-bts @thedarkwinterrose @anjoellamorte @cath-fach @welcometomyworld13 @djodjom1 @sugarrush-blush
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mother-above · 1 year
The Golden Warrior | Chapter 3
Azriel x Reader
Summary: To you, love was a poison that slowly killed. It was something that could make the strongest of warriors and leaders weak and vulnerable. You had successfully evaded romance and relationships for a century until the day you realized it had been plaguing you from within.
Chapters: 3/?
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: suggestive, 18+, violence, and swearing
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a/n: thank you for reading! please lmk what you guys think! xx
Chapter 3
  The moment Night Court winnowed out, you and Thesan made a beeline to his office. You settled onto a seat and propped your feet onto his desk as he plopped onto the leather chair with a huff. Thesan took a moment to check on the wards before he spoke out loud.
  “Did you find out what they want? Rhysand was being such a hard-ass and gave nothing away. All we talked about were treaties and half the time-,” said Thesan as he poured himself a drink. “I was trying to get his interest away from the Golden Warrior.”
 You thought about telling Thesan about the library incident, but you quickly dismissed it. Despite the Night Court being sneaky bastards, you realized that they were a powerful ally you couldn’t afford to lose. If Thesan had heard about the other events, he would undoubtedly wage war. He and the other High Lords had spilled blood for less, so it was in your best opinion to keep your mouth shut.
“A few days after Amarantha was killed, they felt a powerful surge of magic coming from Dawn Court. We must have been so distracted when you came home, that the wards you put up vanished or relaxed. It doesn’t help that I’d been forgetting to wear my jewels and must’ve weakened my hold on my magic in that period of relaxation,” you told him. “When we re-did the wards on the Palace in preparation for the Night Court, we probably fixed the wards that have kept my power hidden.”
Thesan paled as his eyes grew distant in thought. “Shit,” he said. “Ever since you were young, I’ve always helped you dampen your power. I can’t believe I forgot about it—fuck, I’m so sorry Y/n.” Guilt and concern flowed through his body and before he could freak out about his mistake, you reached over and grasped his arm. His glow dimmed as he looked at your hand, “I’m so sorry, no one was ever supposed to feel your power.”
“Don’t forget that I’m a grown female and have successfully protected the Palace and our territory for almost fifty years. I think I’ve proved that I can hold my own,” you said. “Besides, I’m partially at fault because being half-High Fae makes it hard to control my powers.”
“I wished you never had to go through that,” whispered Thesan. You just shrugged at him and smiled. What’s done is done. There were things you never told Thesan, but he found out through the other Peregryns and his sparrows when he returned from Under the Mountain. Some Fae had used the absence of Thesan as an excuse to run rampant and do whatever evil they wanted. It was you who punished and executed whenever it was necessary.
Every single day he was underneath that mountain his first thought would be of you, wondering how you were faring without him, Callon, and the others. He glanced at the scars that ran parallel to your cheekbone, a reminder of those horrid claws that hurt you. When Thesan first heard the story of how the Bogge had slashed through your golden helmet, he shuddered. High Lords were usually the only faerie powerful enough to kill a Bogge but when you told him you managed to slay it, pride and concern filled him. He made sure you were a fierce warrior, but to kill a Bogge… the extent of your magic scared him. In a way, it was better that Amarantha had no idea of your existence. If she caught a whiff of your power and what you could do, there was a good chance everyone in Prythian and the Continent would be under her rule.
You removed the glamour from the necklace to reveal brightly glowing sapphires, the power thrumming and threatening to break free. “While we’re on the topic of controlling my magic—I think I need more jewels.”
Thesan swore as he took a piece of paper and wrote down instructions to Nuan, his best tinkerer, to make you a new necklace with more siphons. With a wave of his hand, the note vanished and appeared on top of Nuan’s worktable.
“It seems Nuan got the idea of storing my power in jewels from the Illyrians,” you continued. “Azriel told me they call them Siphons too; they use it a little differently, but they have similar functions.”
The High Lord of Dawn nodded, his thoughts filled with concern over you and your magic. You were the second-best healer in all of Prythian, ranked behind your cousin. The two of you possessed the power to heal, to stop healing, and to reverse it. While Thesan was a divine and all-powerful High Lord, what made you special was your ability to poison and plague. Thesan and your parents first discovered your dark abilities when you were about 10 years old. You liked to sneak around the palace and one day you overheard an adult insult your High Fae mother for marrying a Peregryn warrior and supposedly ‘staining the High Lord’s bloodline’. The fae started calling your father slurs and before you realized it, you lifted your tiny glowing hands towards the fae and wished a horrible death. You can still remember the screams as the fae’s insides started liquifying, blood coming out of every orifice. That was when Thesan and your parents realized how powerful and dangerous you were. There were evil beings out there who would love to mold a young and impressionable fae. Thesan refused to let his little cousin be taken advantage of, so he made sure you learned to control your powers and knew how to defend yourself.
Days passed and so far, there was no major news from Night Court or any of the others. Things were quiet and no shadows were spotted in the halls of the Palace. Nuan had made you a brand-new necklace with 5 large blue sapphires, the biggest stone was in the middle with the other slightly smaller sapphires flanking each side. Putting it on immediately helped the restless energy that thrummed through your body, you couldn’t wait for the day you no longer had to suppress your magic.
You’ve been having dreams that interrupt your sleep, some good and some bad. The nightmares varied, sometimes they were about the creatures or faeries you killed during Amarantha’s reign, your parent’s death, or Thesan dying Under the Mountain. They always felt realistic, so whenever you woke up, it would take a few minutes for you to gather yourself and realize that it was all a dream. The worst hyper-realistic dream you had was when you dreamt of the Bogge and how its claws kept slashing into your golden helmet until it finally reached your skin. You dreamt about fighting half-blind as blood had spilled into your eye. The pain was so real and visceral, that you woke up screaming and clutching the side of your face. Thesan and Callon heard the commotion and because all bed chambers were warded against winnowing, they sprinted to your room. Callon barged in brandishing a sword until he realized you weren’t in danger. He stayed to help calm you while Thesan went to the kitchen to make you molten chocolate.
You were doing some paperwork in your office when a large yawn split your jaw. Another yawn followed and you sagged into your leather chair. You almost wished it was one of your usual nightmares, but last night’s dream was different. You dreamt of a child that you’d never seen before. The room was so dark, it had to be a cellar of some sort, somewhere underground. The soft moonlight that seeped through a caged window was the only source of light. It was a little boy who couldn’t have been more than 8 years old, it was hard to tell because you couldn’t see his face. He was hunched in the corner holding his little hands to his chest. You could have sworn you saw wings behind him, but it was so dark you couldn’t be sure. That was all you remembered from the dream, but it was enough to horrify you. Who could do that to a child? From the looks of it, it seemed like he spent most of his time in that dark place.
You woke up with a start and immediately turned on the faelights, you prayed to the Mother that this was some awful fiction your traumatized brain made up. If this little boy was real, your heart shattered for him. You didn’t get a wink of sleep after that, you kept the faelights on and waited for dawn to arrive.
The mysteriousness of Dawn Court was something that consumed Azriel’s thoughts, he reasoned that he couldn’t shake off that feeling of that dark dominating magic. If he was being honest with himself, it was you who his mind kept coming back to. He wasn’t sure why he kept thinking of you, was it your beauty or that incredibly confusing personality of yours? All his interactions with you made his heart flutter either from the smile you’d send him or from the anxiety that shot up when you were confrontational.
Rhys kept him busy with missions and he was more than thankful to do something that kept his mind off you. Whenever he was home in Velaris, that was when things were getting confusing for Azriel. To Azriel, Morrigan was the epitome of female beauty, someone who was strong yet elegant. He has spent 500 years fighting by her side, being her friend, and loving her. He was sure Mor knew that he loved her and unfortunately for him, she never acknowledged it. Azriel wasn’t surprised, how could someone like Mor who was Night Court royalty ever love someone like him? A bastard Illyrian?
Last night, Mor wore a revealing backless dress, Azriel would normally look away to avoid looking at her smooth skin but this time, Azriel stared. He was looking at Mor’s exposed back but not in a sexual way, he was looking because he noticed the lack of muscle and how different you were from Mor. The shadowsinger observed that you favored backless dresses and tops, there were the only things you wore during the Night Court’s stay at Dawn. It was hard not to glance at your body, you were athletic, strong, and incredibly feminine. You were so beautiful even Rhysand had taken his time to appreciate your powerful figure. When he first saw the sun-kissed skin and the dips near your shoulder blades and spine, Azriel felt his heart skip a beat. For a split second, he imagined what it would look like to see you arch and writhe beneath him. He remembered how his eyes widened and his heartbeat skyrocketed, he usually never thought of females he just met in such a lustful manner—or at least not immediately.
Azriel was shocked, he had never ever compared anyone to Mor. Feeling strange and annoyed that you were consuming most of his thoughts, Azriel drank multiple cups of wine and even let Mor convince him to join the rest of the Inner Circle for a night out at Rita’s. While his friends were dancing, Azriel sat by himself in their private booth, the music and drinks did little to distract him. His shadows swarmed around as he thought of how perplexing you were, how your sweet twinkling eyes could instantly turn cold and unnerving. He thought about sending his shadows to spy on you, but he stopped himself, you had the incredible talent of catching him when he was trying to be discreet. If you caught him one more time, he had no doubt you’d come for him in a violent rage.
He watched Mor and Cassian dance together; the Illyrian took Mor’s hands and spun her around as she threw her head back and laughed. It was a sound that Azriel loved to hear. The memory of Azriel holding you as he flew up in the sky flashed in his mind. You were happy and relaxed, your laughs sounding like the chime of bells. Shaking his head, the shadowsinger lifted the glass cup to his lips and took a long drink. Amber liquid burned down his throat and he sighed as he let the shadows entirely consume him.
You were eating breakfast with Thesan in one of the courtyards when one of your spies briskly walked toward you. Kerina was half Fae and half water wraith; she was one of your best and had a stern demeanor to her. Kerina bowed to Thesan before handing you her report papers, before you could thank her, she turned to address both you and Thesan.
“I have confirmation that Summer Court had sent 3 blood rubies to the Night Court. My sources are saying that they were addressed to High Lord Rhysand, Feyre Cursebreaker, and Amren.”
Thesan’s eyebrows raised but your jaw fully dropped.
“High Lord Tarquin sent out blood rubies? As in the death sentence rubies?” you exclaimed, wanting Kerina to confirm.
She nodded, “Correct. The water wraiths are telling me that two females had stolen something in one of their ocean vaults. If you need anything else, you know where to find me, my lady.”
Kerina departed and you were finally able to show your true shock to Thesan. You threw your hands in the air and the High Lord laughed.
“I can’t believe the sweet and handsome Tarquin sent Night Court those rubies. Whatever they stole… it must be so precious and important for Tarquin to declare them mortal enemies.”
Thesan looked at you with a sly smile.
“I think you’re forgetting that Tarquin is still a High Lord, he may be young and a little naive but he’s the newest and youngest, he has to establish his dominance,” explained Thesan. “Besides, not everyone has had the pleasure to bed and be in Tarquin’s good graces.”
Last month, you had to personally deliver some documents and reestablish court alliances with Summer for Thesan. Since you had to hide your wings and suppress your magic, you became extremely restless. You wore the necklace, but it only helped for a few hours. Tarquin was a charming flirt, and it took him two days to convince you to sleep with him. The High Lord of Summer was attractive, and his personality was just as lovely, the only reason why you were hesitant was that you thought it wouldn’t be appropriate since you were Thesan’s 2nd. You quickly discovered that Tarquin did not mind at all.
You remember the energy in your body made everything feel like static, and the day your resolve faded, you returned Tarquin’s flirtatious advances. You kissed him and then you were suddenly sprawled on his expansive war table with the High Lord of Summer between your thighs. Tarquin took you on the table, his desk, and on the wall, right next to a large map of Prythian. Activities were moved to his bed chambers and that was where you rode him till—
“Ahem,” said Thesan as he cleared his throat. “Can you stop? I can scent you right now, it’s disgusting.”
Your eyes snap up at him, surprised that you had zoned out. Thesan was smirking and you threw a piece of a croissant at him. You wished you never indulged in what happened between you and Tarquin. Scowling, you shifted in your seat and gulped down some juice.
“He’s a good male, I wouldn’t be opposed if this was something you want to pursue in the future,” said Thesan. “I want you to be happy.”
Scoffing, you rolled your eyes for the second time that day. “You know how I feel about relationships. No, thank you. Besides, we agreed that it was a one-time thing that didn’t mean anything. We’re friends and will stay friends.”
Thesan shrugged. “One day you’ll take back everything you say about relationships. You’ll meet someone who is going to knock you off your feet, maybe one day you’ll be cauldron blessed and find your mate.”
You didn’t even answer with words, you just grunted in annoyance. You were never going to change your stance against relationships and romance. Your biggest secret, something Thesan doesn’t even know is you hoped you would never meet your mate. It would save you all the pain and effort of rejecting them.
Later that day you were sitting in your office with Kerina’s report spread out in front of you. Azriel hinted that there was something big happening in Prythian, so you had the spies do some digging and report anything strange happening in Prythian and surrounding countries. So far, there have been only menial land disputes and some horrible management of the dark creatures in the borderlands between Spring Court and the Wall. Looking through the papers again, you confirm nothing suspicious besides Summer Court sending the blood rubies.
Your thoughts drifted to Azriel the shadowsinger, it had been weeks since you last saw him, and you had yet to form an opinion on Azriel. Was he the most handsome male you’ve ever met? Yes. Was he a sneaky bastard who spied on your Court? Yes. To give him some credit, he told you some form of the truth when you caught him trying to sneak into the library but that was only because you threatened to end the alliance with Rhysand. Despite his spying, the male you talked with during sunrise was different. Maybe you saw a glimpse of the real Azriel, the personality he has when he’s at home and not working. As you sent in new orders to Kerina and the others, you couldn’t help but think of those cold and calculating hazel eyes.
A couple of months passed, and the sense of impending doom grew stronger every day. Reports of dark creatures roaming the border between Dawn and the Middle came in at a steady rate, there were enough threats that you had to go under your guise as the Golden Warrior to slay these creatures. You were a great warrior without your wings, but you were lethal when your feathers were out. You had to be careful not to use your powers because if Night Court was keeping tabs on your power signature, the others were too. The heavy presence of these creatures only confirmed your suspicions that something big was coming. Even though Callon was the Captain of the Peregeryns, you were still ranked above him, so you had them do extra training along with military exercises with the foot soldiers. Callon may be your cousin’s lover and he saw you as his little sister, but he was also extremely loyal to the Court and its hierarchy. If you told him to do something, he always obeyed without a question.
 One afternoon, you were going over some paperwork when you heard a bird chirping on the balcony. Looking up, Thesan’s sparrow was hopping on the banister and whistling as if it was speaking to you. Lifting your hand, the sparrow flew and perched on your finger as it watched you with intelligent eyes. The High Lord of Dawn was the only one who could communicate with the birds, but you knew this was Thesan’s way of summoning you.
You stroked its feathered head, “Tell him I’m on my way.”
It chirped back happily and took flight. You straightened out the papers on your desk before waving a hand to turn off the faelights. Darkness engulfs the room, and you gasp, the memories of your dream last night flooding back to you. It was the second time you dreamt about that dark cellar and the little boy who sat in it. This time you heard the crying and sniffles before you could even spot his dark form sitting in the corner. The dream was strange, just like the previous one, you couldn’t move and only saw what the dream wanted you to see. It seemed like you were sitting in that cellar for hours, it was only when the boy lay down when you saw the bandages. The boy was still faceless but under the dim moonlight, you saw his little hands wrapped in cotton, blood blooming under the white cloth. All you could do was stare in horror as the pain and exhaustion lulled him to sleep.
It took you all day to forget about the horrid dream and the sounds of his weeping. Ever since the first dream you convinced yourself it wasn’t real. This heavy weight fell on your shoulders the moment you woke up, even though it happened in your sleep, it all felt real. Deep down you knew that room and that child existed, you almost sent one of the spies to do some research, but you stopped yourself. You couldn’t waste any court resources, especially now that Rhysand had called for a High Lord meeting.
Taking a deep breath, you shook your head and swiftly made your way to Thesan’s office where he sat holding out a thick piece of paper to read. Callon was already sitting on one of the chairs and gave you a wave.
“Most of the High Lords agreed to meeting, so now the only problem is agreeing to where the courts will meet,” you said summarizing the letter.
He nodded before resting his hand under his jaw and sighed. He was still so tired of all the hell he experienced with Amarantha, all the news of unrest spreading across Prythian and Hybern gave him a constant underlying headache.  
“What if we offered to host the meeting? Here, in the Palace.”
He scrunched his face in annoyance because he already knew it was the best option. “Why does it have to be me?” grunted Thesan.
Callon made a face, but he didn’t interrupt, he wanted to give you a chance to assert your authority even though he disagreed with your idea.
“Because we’re closest to the middle and there is no way High Lord Kallias is going to offer to host,” you said handing the letter back to him. “Rhysand would have already offered but most of the courts don’t like him and all the other High Lords except for Tarquin seem like jackasses that won’t agree to host.”
Thesan frowned, “When did I become the friendliest High Lord?”
You snorted. “I wouldn’t say most friendly…maybe most tolerable? You’re the only High Lord in existence who has stayed mostly neutral in past battles and disputes. It makes sense for us to be the hosts, there's less of a chance these suspicious High Lords are going to think we’re going to double-cross anyone.”
Feeling the need to raise his concerns, Callon politely cleared his throat. “I don’t know—the security concerns… there could be fights that could level this Palace.”
“We have special wards to avoid magic and ensure fairness whenever all the High Lords come to gather but Callon’s right. I’m sure someone is going to find a way to break through the shields and cause all kinds of trouble,” said Thesan.
You glanced at the gleaming siphons around your neck and then at the two males. “This meeting needs to happen, and Rhysand knows it too, his letters feel so desperate. If a fight whether physical or magical breaks out, I’ll neutralize it,” you said gingerly touching the sapphires. “I’ll unleash my power if I have to.”
  Thesan’s frown deepened. “No—I don’t know, it’s too dangerous.” His rich brown eyes clouded with that overbearing concern.
Your jaw clenched as you stared at your cousin. “You promised me that I would get to decide when I would reveal my powers and the Golden Warrior. Now it seems like the perfect time with a potential conflict coming and someone’s bound to find out. If Night Court noticed, I’m sure the others did too.”
 Thesan looked at you coolly not wanting to lose his temper. You were right, it was only a matter of time before someone found out what you were. He was afraid of the repercussions you would get when people find out that you and the Golden Warrior were the same person. Thesan’s enemies were your enemies and with the added revelation of the Warrior, he was sure that list would double. He wasn’t ready to share how powerful you were, in fear of making that target on your back even bigger but Thesan knew it was no longer his call. He has kept you hidden long enough, it was time for you to spread your wings.
   “Okay,” he said quietly. “You get to call the shots with your powers from now on, you deserve it.”
 With a grin, you lunged at Thesan to hug him before you settled down to help him draft a letter to the High Lords.
 The preparations for the High Lords' arrival took all your time and energy and you slept through the night with no memory of the dreams you had. Despite dreamless nights, that dark cellar haunted your thoughts to the point you wanted to find that wretched place and rescue the child and burn it to the ground. Thesan had Callon and other Peregryns do over the security while you and other courtiers who were gifted with magic began enforcing more wards and shields on the Palace. This type of magic was so specific it took all your concentration as you learned from one of the older Fae how to properly enforce specific protective shields you’ve never used before.  When Thesan was available to help with the wards, he sent you off to visit the cities and ensure that Nuan’s compounds that defended against faebane were being produced efficiently.
 The Night Court was also doing their due diligence and making backup plans for their backup plans just in case it turned to shit in Dawn Court. Azriel, Cassian, and Rhysand peered down at a map of the Palace and came up with many escape plans. Cassian and Rhysand were anxious about the visit, but Azriel was a little more concerned about the strange female that had been plaguing his thoughts. Shadows pooled over his shoulders and blocked his brother’s view.
“Uh, Azriel… what’s going on?” asked Cassian. “I haven’t seen you this anxious about a meeting before.”
Azriel’s beautiful features stayed neutral, but his crossed arms and taut muscles betrayed him. He didn’t want to admit that he’d been anxious to see you again, it’s been a long time since anyone has taken his mind off the torture of loving Morrigan. He found the last few months to be different. He still blushed every time Mor gave him attention. Like the time she brushed past him and squeezed his arm or when she propped her feet onto his thighs when everyone was lounging around the living room drinking wine. Then there were the times Mor would pull away or avoid his gaze, these moments would usually sour his mood for the entire day, but nowadays everything stung less.
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hiskleine · 2 months
I've always belonged to you.
Bucky shot up in bed, his body drenched in a cold sweat. He gasped for air, trying to shake off the memories that haunted him every night. Another torturous nightmare, another relentless reminder of his past as a tortured assassin. The pain was unbearable, both mentally and emotionally, as he struggled to come to terms with the atrocities he had committed. But they would never truly leave him, no matter how much he tried to forget.
He scanned the dark room, trying to shake off the dream's remnants. The silence enveloped him like a shroud, save for the TV playing in the background. Bucky sat up in bed and ran a hand through his tousled hair, heart still racing. He knew he had to confront his past to unravel his haunting dreams. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself, waiting for the pain to pass. He looked to his side, where Mina's petite body lay golden curls that framed her angelic face.
He gently brushed the hair away from her forehead, watching her peaceful expression in the dim moonlight filtering through the curtains. She stirred slightly, sensing his presence, and reached out to touch his hand. Bucky felt a surge of warmth wash over him as he gazed at her sleeping form, a beacon of light in his otherwise dark and tumultuous world.
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, whispering a silent promise to protect her from the shadows that threatened to engulf him. Drawing a deep breath, he tiptoed out of the room, careful not to disturb her slumber. He grabbed a T-shirt and walked to the kitchen. He poured a glass of cold water and sat at the table. It's been six months since they pardoned Mina and himself. Though she wasn't the person who killed she was still his partner, so they condemned her as well. Bucky hated it, so they each had mandatory therapy, and both had to help the Avengers even if all they wanted was to be as far away from fighting as they could get, but these were the terms of their freedom, so they both played along.
"Hey man, you okay?" Bucky looked up to see Steve rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
Over the last year, since going on the run and Bucky being put on ice until they could get the words out of his head, he knew the man had grown close to his Mina. If he didn't know better, he'd say Steve had fallen for her, but Bucky couldn't condemn him because she was such a pure soul, so beautiful he understood being drawn to her. Neither of them had spoken about it, but both of them knew it was the truth.
"Yeah, just another nightmare, and I didn't want to wake Pocket." 
Just mentioning her nickname brought a smile to his face. When Hydra first brought her to train with the winter soldier, she was tiny but strong and gifted. He started calling her pocket because he would always tell her she'd fit in his pocket, and that would be when the smart remark would come. "Well, you have like thirty pockets, sir. Which are we talking about?" He loved her firey attitude. Truth be told, both sides of Bucky, as himself and the winter soldier, loved the girl. She would tell him about moments when he'd be activated, and even then, the soldier would treat her as kindly as he knew how to be. It shocked him, but he was just glad both sides trusted her.
He took another drink of water, waiting for the conversation, wondering if it would ever come. "Come on, Steve, out with it. You've acted weird since I came back from Wakanda.
Steve sighs. "I'm really glad to have you back, Buck, to have my best friend back." Buck motions for Steve to continue. "Mina, the entire time you were under when she chose to come to help me get things straightened out between Tony and everyone, she never once gave up on you. She knew you'd succeed at freeing yourself. There was never a moment where she didn't know you'd be coming back to her. Loyalty is a damn hard thing to come by these days, and she loves you more than I thought possible for anyone to be loved.” Steve chucked at Bucks's face. “Everyone here loves Mina to death. She saved Clint’s life and has been here to heal us all.
I couldn't help but ask, "Steve, do you love Mina?" And with just one look, I could tell the answer was yes. "Hey, I'm not angry with you. She's a special girl, and as long as you know, she belongs to me. That's all that matters." I gave him a reassuring smile, trying to ease any tension between us.
Steve let out a sigh and ran his hand through his tousled blonde hair. "Yeah, man. I do care about her, but I respect that she's yours. She's made it pretty clear how head over heels she is for you."
I nodded in understanding. It was nice to hear, even though I already knew it. "I'm going back to bed now. You should get some rest, too."
After a tense conversation with Steve, the deep-rooted caveman instinct surged within me. My veins thrummed with fiery possession and raw desire that seemed almost insurmountable. I wanted to claim Mina wholly - heart, body, soul - in a way no one else could or ever would.
I approached her slumbering form, my pulse quickening like a drumbeat signaling an impending war. The sight of her chest rising and falling beneath the thin sheet was spellbinding, sucking me into some kind of seductive hypnosis. Her body emanated heat, luring me like a moth to the flame. I shed my clothes and moved closer to her petite body.
My lips caressed her forehead before drifting down to nuzzle against the soft hollow of her neck. I breathed in deeply, filling my lungs with her intoxicating scent - a tantalizing blend of soap and something exquisitely unique to her that served to stoke the embers of my mounting arousal. Her skin felt as smooth as silk against my parched lips. With reckless abandon, I let them travel further south towards her collarbone, savoring the feel of her heartbeat under my touch.
When my mouth finally made contact with the delicate skin at the base of her throat, I found myself releasing a sigh that verged on devotional worship. Her husky groan resounded through me like a gunshot, eliciting a hard twitch from my burgeoning manhood nestled against my thigh.
Her body responded fervently to my attentions; each feather-light brush of my lips over her skin caused goosebumps to bloom across her flesh while drawing erotic moans from her otherwise silent form.
The voluptuous mounds of her breasts were illuminated by the silver glow seeping through our window blinds, their rosy peaks standing taut beneath the sheer material of her nightgown. My hands, a contrast of warm skin and cool metal, enveloped them - each squeeze sending shockwaves of carnal pleasure through her body.
Her breath hitched as I brushed my thumbs over her pert nipples, the sensation reverberating up her spine as she mumbled unconscious words of pleasure. The sweet sound of her voice was an aphrodisiac in its purest form, making me even harder.
The fabric covering her chest was torn open in one swift move, revealing two perfect globes that yearned for my attention. My tongue began to trace an erotic circle around one hardened bud before tugging it gently between my teeth. Each moan from Mina fueled my lust further as she moved seductively beneath me.
"Mmm...Bucky...that feels so good, baby," she sighed dreamily, her vibrant green eyes fluttering open as her slender fingers threaded through my hair. Her touch navigated me towards her core, where I felt her warmth seeping through the thin material of her underwear. I brushed my fingers against the delicate fabric, teasing her with gentle caresses that left her panting with desire.
"Please, Bucky," she breathed, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Take me. I need you so much."
I surrendered to her plea, pushing the silky lace aside and slipping my fingers between her folds. Her sweet nectar coated my digits, and I couldn't resist tasting her. As I licked my fingers clean, I caught her gaze, her eyes locking onto mine, filled with passion and need. Without breaking eye contact, I moved lower, leaving a trail of gentle kisses as I journeyed down her body.
I could not resist any longer. I embedded my face into the soft mound of her pussy, drawing in deep, eager breaths of her. The scent of her arousal permeated the air, sending my senses into overdrive as I continued to taste her divine sweetness. The intricate anatomy of her femininity was a delicious playground for my tongue, each fold and crease savored with care. Tonguing her clit, I traced the small love bud in a figure-eight pattern, slow circles designed to coax her pleasure to a fever pitch.
"Fuck...Bucky," Mina whimpered, her slender fingers tightening in the strands of my hair as she arched against my mouth. Her hips bucked wildly beneath me while I dove further into the depths of her passion, flicking lightly and then pressing hard against her swollen center of pleasure.
My hardened cock strained against the fabric of my boxers, throbbing in sync with each wet lapping sound that filled the room. Unable to withstand the tormenting desire any longer, I freed myself from the constraint. My thick length sprung free, standing tall and proud, pulsating with untamed lust.
I moved up along her body again, savoring the trajectory from her pleasure center upwards, past the softness of her stomach and reaching once more for those glorious mounds waiting eagerly for attention.
"Mmm...so good," Mina moaned when my hand enveloped one breast, squeezing the tender flesh before capturing the nipple between thumb and forefinger. The little bud hardened immediately under my touch as she arched against me even more. I eagerly kissed her full, soft lips, savoring the sweet taste of wine and peppermint on my tongue.
My other hand guided my erection towards her drenched entryway, teasingly rubbing my swollen head against her slick folds - a torturous game that had us both moaning in anticipation. "You're mine, Mina," I said through gritted teeth as I positioned myself at her entrance.
"You've always had me, Buck. You’ll always have me. Every part of me belongs to you." She arched her back and pressed her body against mine, inviting me in. With a deep thrust, I entered her hot and velvety core, sending shivers of ecstasy through my entire being. It was pure pleasure, a tantalizing dance of desire between our bodies."
Her tight sheath clung to me as I began my rhythmic thrusts. Each movement met with her eager bucking hips and gasps of delight. As I drove deeper, the friction generated between us created an indescribable heat. Every inch claimed by my cock sent shockwaves of rapturous through us both.
"Fuck...Bucky," Mina gasped, her hands clutching at my shoulders as I accelerated my pace, each stroke harder and deeper than before. Her breath hitched in her throat whenever I hit that sweet spot deep inside her - a reaction that spurred me on to drive into her even more.
As our bodies moved together in carnal harmony, the room filled with sounds of our heavy breathing and husky moans, the raw, animalistic need for each other drowning out all else. The erotic dance of our bodies continued as we spiraled towards an explosive climax - a testament to the voracious desire and pure love we shared. I could feel myself getting closer with each powerful thrust, the heat of her body intensifying around me, gripping me tightly. My heart pounded in my chest, nearly drowning out every other thought in my head. The room was filled with an inescapable, primal energy.
Mina let out a high-pitched cry, her body rigid as she reached the pinnacle of her pleasure. Her orgasm gripped me like a vice, pulling every last ounce of control I had left within me. My own climax was imminent, each sensation heightened by the knowledge that I was making Mina feel so good.
"Fuck yes, that's it malyshk," I grunted, driving into her one last time before my body took over. My release was explosive, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my entire being. I could feel it coursing through my veins as I collapsed on top of her, our heaving breaths echoing in the room.
In post-orgasm exhaustion, we lay entangled, hearts beating in sync, listening to the soft noises of the night. I could feel her heart beating against my chest, a rhythm we shared, and I knew that no matter where life took us, we would always be connected.
"I love you, Bucky," Mina whispered softly, her voice barely audible over the echoes of our labored breaths. The words wrapped around me like a warm blanket, securing me in her embrace.
"I love you too, Mina." My voice cracked with emotion as I pulled her closer, our bodies melding into one. As we drifted off to sleep.
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