#;; mama gibbs
zikbitume · 2 years
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glitteringsunshine · 1 month
Pairing : Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader Wife.
Reader’s  Pov:
“ Come on go to sleep. Please” I say rocking my girl.
I thought of calling my parents for advice,  but they are time zones away in LA , attending a conference in UCLA. Jackson  was probably asleep too at this hour
“ Darling I am home. Sorry got get held up by a case “ he says kissing me and our girl.
“ Well I just made our son go to sleep. Finally. But this one is proving to be more stubborn. “ I sigh.
“ Here let me try” Jethro says taking our daughter.
“ Wow she is finally asleep” I say. “ You are amazing Jethro.”
“ Well our kids have a temper . They got that from me” he chuckles. “ And the smile to light up the entire room. That they got from you Darling”.
“ Jethro”  I giggle. “ Let’s put her in the crib before she wakes up.” I chuckle. “ You gotta teach me that trick of yours.”
“ Well last week when you were in NYC for the UN summit, our boy was being particularly temperamental.  I called Dad. He taught me this , how to hold the baby this way and  gently rock them. Apparently  it worked for me when I was their age. Now it works for the kids” Jethro laughs as I follow him to the nursery.
“Look how cute they are.” Jethro said lovingly.
“ Well you are saying that  because you made those babies with me” I chuckle.
“ You gotta admit darling we made a couple of really cute kids” Jethro says lovingly. “ Having such a beautiful  Mama certainly helps Mrs Gibbs.”
“ And having such a handsome Dad definitely helps” I giggle laying my head on his shoulder as she holds me by my waist , pulling me close and kissing the top of my head.
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writeandsurvive · 11 months
Author's note: I liked this idea at first and I still do, but I'm not I did a good job at writing it. Sorry if it's not great.
Summary: You always respected rule 12, until you couldn't anymore
Warnings: angst and comfort, 'normal' ncis stuff, mostly based on ep 20x14 'old wounds', ex/booty call, jealousy, Alden being a dick to the team, happy!Gibbs in Alaska
Damaged Goods ~ Alden Parker
You've always respected Gibbs' rules, they actually became a code for you to live by. And Rule 12 - never date a coworker - was in your top 3, because you saw how bad it could turn. You saw Gibbs and Jenny having this strange connection, Tony and Ziva invading each other's lives but never being able to be together until very recently (let's be honest, it can only work because they left the agency), and lately Nick and Ellie. Lots of struggles and heartbreak. The only exception being your friends from LA, Kensi and Deeks. Every rule needs its exception, and since they had this spot, you knew it wouldn't work for you.
And surprisingly, you did pretty well all those years. Never dated someone from the office, nor even a federal agent. You never even had a crush on someone from NCIS.
But that was before.
Before him.
Alden Parker.
At first, you told yourself it was just some kind of attraction because let's be honest, this man is incredibly gorgeous. Knowing you'd never act on it - and Alden didn't seem to feel the same anyways - you decided to call your booty call a little more often; someone you actually dated a while back, with whom it didn't really work but the sex was amazing. You're a human with needs after all.
The team knew Joel, except for the two new additions, Alden and Jess. So when J dropped you off at work after a night at his place and kissed you goodbye under Alden's eyes, he immediately assumed it was your boyfriend, which you didn't see the point of denying.
Seeing Joel more regularly worked for a while, until it didn't. Spending more and more time with Alden, discovering about him and all those things he loves, seeing him take care of his plants like a dad, bringing pastries almost everyday, showing love and support to the team,... You weren't just attracted to him, you were developing feelings for him.
When a case involved his ex-wife Vivian, you realized how bad you had it. You felt jealous about how he still cared for her, thinking he may still be in love with this woman. And you were just envious of Vivian for being married to this man for ten years. How could she let him go, you'll never understand.
Despite the way you felt towards her, you offered support to Alden when she got shot. Showing up at the hospital with food as she was still in surgery, you told him he could count on you if he needed anything. It took you by surprise when he reached for a hug as a thank you, you didn't have time to appreciate it, his body against yours, his arms around you, his smell right up in your nose. It was all over too soon.
For weeks after this event, he never talked about Vivian again, so you convinced yourself she got back to her life and nothing was going on between them. You were relieved and happy.
Meanwhile, you kept seeing Joel, and he asked you to be his date at a family wedding. You had no reasons to refuse. But working for NCIS being what it is, you had to change and prepare yourself at the office. Jess and Kasie helped you with hair and make up, and allowed you to leave only when they were satisfied with their work. Walking back to the bullpen, you immediately spotted Joel talking with the boys. He looked very handsome in his fancy suit, but your eyes quickly fell on Alden who was already staring at you. You shyly smiled but he turned his face. When you finally reached them, Nick whistled at you. "Looking hot, mama!" You giggled and thanked him.
"Wouldn't say it that way, but Torres is right!" Tim agreed.
"Why thank you very much, Timmy."
You looked back at Alden's desk but it was empty. He had disappeared. Shaking off the deception - you'd have loved to know what he thought - you focused on Joel, who grabbed your hand and made you spin. "You're gonna outstage the bride." He then gently kissed your lips and that was when you saw Alden again from the corner of your eyes, upstairs, near the MTAC entrance. Fucking Houdini. His face was unreadable.
When you came back to the office on Monday, things with Alden had changed. He got distant with you, teaming you up with everyone but him, not getting interested in your free time anymore, and barely answering when you got interested in him and his life.
You couldn't help but get hurt at his behavior. And your defense mechanism was to hurt back, so you ignored him even more. If you told him three sentences a day, it was a miracle and it was strictly about work. Moreover, you were back to calling him 'Parker' or 'Sir', after switching to 'Alden' months prior. Maybe you were being petty, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
What hurt the most was when Parker invited the team for game night at his place, and you only heard about it by Kasie. "What do you mean you're not invited?"
"I mean I didn't get an invite, a question, a text, a call, or a damn pigeon."
"I'm sure he counted you in anyways. We're a small group, he knew it'd reach you."
"Doesn't matter, I'm not going."
Somehow, by the end of that day, Alden stopped you in the hallways. "Hey, are you coming tonight or not?"
You stared at him for a second before laughing sarcastically, "Kasie scares you that much?"
"Look, I just assumed you'd spend the night with Jonas--"
"Joel." You corrected, arms crossed over your chest.
"Joel, right. But anyways, I didn't think you'd want to come, so--"
"You assumed wrong, Parker. Very wrong. But I don't want your pity invite, so I'll not be there." You started to walk away from him but he was quick to grab your arm and make you face him again.
"I'm sorry. It was wrong of me. I let my --" he sighed. "I shouldn't have assumed. And I'd really like it if you would come to game night at my place."
Alden really looked apologetic and sincere. All you wanted to do was say yes after asking him why he had been acting like this with you. No, the complete truth was that all you wanted was to close the gap and kiss the life out of his man. You wanted his hands and mouth on you, his cock inside you, his noises in your ear.
You never felt this way before, and it scared the shit out of you.
"Too late, I made plans with Jonas." This time he let you leave.
It was a big fat lie though. You spent the night alone in your apartment, drinking, and feeling sorry for yourself. And before you knew it, you were booking a plane ticket to Alaska for the following weekend. You didn't tell anyone you were going to visit Gibbs. All they knew was that you requested your Friday and Monday off to leave town. Of course, everybody assumed it meant a little getaway with Joel.
It felt amazing to see Gibbs after months, and you were so glad to see how well and peaceful he looked. He showed you his new place, took you around this little town he called home - it didn't take long -, he took you on a boat ride, and fishing. Photography being one of your hobbies, you spent lots of time snapping anything that caught your eye. At night, you'd eat his infamous steak, and have a drink on his porch, facing the lake and mountains. "So, you gonna tell me why you're here?"
"I told you, I wanted to see you. I miss you."
"I miss you too, sweetheart, but I'm no idiot. Talk."
You told him everything and much to your surprise, Gibbs laughed once you were done. "Laughing at my misery? Alaska makes you mean, Leroy."
"I'm laughing because you're the idiot."
"Wow, thanks?"
"Parker has a thing for you. It's obvious. He's ignoring you cause he's jealous of Joel. Who, by the way, is still desperately in love with you." Gibbs laughed more at the face you made. Pure confusion, you looked like you were trying to figure out string theory. "Here, have one more." He poured you another glass of bourbon, and watched you drink it in one swallow.
"Okay first things between me and Joel are pretty clear --"
"Maybe for you. Honey, all you have to do is snap your fingers and he's there, despite breaking up with you, because--and I quote 'this job doesn't leave you much time for us'"
You sighed and went for the bottle but Gibbs grabbed it first. "Not yet." He said, putting it by his feet.
"Now, about Parker. He's friends with Tobias you know, and Tobias calls me often."
"Parker asked Tobias about you, soon after he joined the team."
"What kind of things did he ask?"
"Things you like outside the office, your backstory, if you were in a relationship..."
"I don't believe you."
"Call Fornell, and you'll see."
"I check on Toby every week, we try to see each other whenever I can and he never said anything about that."
"Because he knows."
"Knows what?"
"Alden could be your Shannon, your Diane, sweetheart."
You tried to enjoy the rest of your trip, but you couldn't. Everything Gibbs told you was replaying in your mind and you tried to remember whatever you could, any interaction with Alden that wasn't work related. Were Gibbs and Fornell reading too much into this or were you completely blind? As an investigator, this made you question your abilities. If he really had a thing for you, how could you not notice? Or was he a really good actor?
You thought about Joel too, and maybe a part of you knew that but selfishly, you never questioned it too much. It was nice to have someone to call whenever you needed, whether it was for sexual relief or just have someone there to hold your hand, which he always did.
On the plane back home, you decided to have a very thorough and honest conversation with Joel. You didn't want to lose him as you really care about the man, but it was for the best.
But you came back to a weird vibe at work. As you got into the office on Tuesday morning, everyone was already here except Alden - admittedly you felt relieved as it gave you more time to prepare yourself to see again - and the team got you up to speed. "We had a case yesterday, a murder that looks like drugs related and Parker stormed off. He's been MIA since." Jess informed you.
"I went to his house last night but he wasn't there. Called, texted and nothing."
"That's not very Parker like," you conceded, puzzled by what they were telling you.
They gave you more details about the case, and theories they had thus far - wasn't much - and Alden finally walked in. "That's a W. For Wills, Clayton Wills." He quickly took his coat off and threw it in his chair. You sat back at your desk, and started to do research on this Clayton guy. Nick asked about pastries and Alden immediately lost it on him.
"Do I have to do everything around here while you just beg for pastries and sit on your ass at your damn desk?!" He angrily shouted, standing face to face with Nick. Who was this guy?
"Agent Parker!" You all heard from upstairs, where Leon Vance was standing. Alden sighed and walked to the director.
Everyone agreed that something was very wrong.
During the day, the team made progress on the case, but Alden wasn't calming down. He kept snapping about everyone, making it sound like the team was just a bunch of useless investigators. He wasn't with you though, as he was utterly ignoring you. You honestly felt invisible. If you said something, Alden would answer to someone else, like it wasn't you who talked.
This was a side of him you never saw before and you didn't like it very much. By the end of the day, you were all in the evidence garage, when a man in a wheelchair arrived, asking for Alden. "You're Jeremy Brighton?" Tim asked him with a smile. "My wife and I love your book and your podcast! - Tim McGee," he extended his hand.
You all proceeded to introduce yourselves, but when it got to you, Jeremy already knew your name. No time to ask for some explanation as Alden walked out of the elevator and a moment later, you knew why this case was personal to him; Wills' case was the one that got Jeremy in a wheelchair. It explained a lot, but it didn't minimize Alden's behavior with the team. Especially since he kept snapping, until Vance actually benched him on Wednesday.
You never meant to eavesdrop on Alden and Jeremy's conversation in Autopsy, but they arrived, not knowing you were the supply closet. The door was slightly opened, you could hear everything they were saying and it was obviously too late to let them know you were there.
"It was my bullet that hit your spin, Jer! And that guilt is eating me alive." His voice broke and you felt shivers in your entire body. You wanted to get out and hugged him forever.
They kept arguing back and forth. Jeremy telling his best friend it's not easy to live with Alden's guilt on top of everything, and Alden saying that his hobbies are just a way to fill the void. That man was broken, the guilt had been slowly killing him for years.
"Since we're spilling the beans, are we going to talk about her?" Your ears tickled.
"Not a chance." Alden was stern.
"She's as pretty as you told me, more even." You could hear Jeremy's smile. "Don't tell Josie I said that though."
Alden's small laugh was a bit covered by the body drawer being closed. "I will if you don't shut up."
"I may have made a mistake -- I guessed her name before she told me." Oh yeah, they were clearly talking about you. You smiled despite yourself.
"What the fuck? Jer! She's not stupid, she's gonna question that!"
"Well you could tell her you've been pining over her since you joined."
"I haven't --"
Jeremy laughed. "'Jer, she was so pretty today.' 'Jer, she figured out the case all of her own, she's so smart.' 'Jer, she has a boyfriend. Of course she has one, how could a woman like her stay single?' 'Jer, I can't stop thinking about her, I need a lobotomy.' Should I go on?"
"I think I need a new best friend." You heard the automatic doors opening and closing and then silence.
So... It was all true? Alden has had a thing for you for over a year? He's been pining over you? While you had a thing for him too? You wanted to smile and cry at the same time. Cry for the lost time and the pain of the past months, and also for Alden's pain and guilt. Smile because the man you loved had feelings for you. Your stomach was jumping inside of you. You had to sit for a moment to process and figure out what you were going to do.
Obviously, having the conversation during this case wasn't an option, so the goal was to get it closed as fast as possible. Which the team did once you found out evidence against Wills. But of course, Alden was sent home by Vance instead of joining on the op to catch him.
However, Alden refused to let it go. After calling Tim to 'check', he went rogue; left Jeremy in his apartment, grabbed his gun and went to get Wills himself.
Seeing Alden holding Wills at gun point, his pretty face bleeding, and the pain and the guilt written all over his face, was your breaking point. You put your gun away, and slowly walked over to him, not caring about the team being there. You stared at his face, saw the tears in his eyes. But he wouldn't look at you, he kept staring at Wills who was on his knees. You let your hand run over his arm, until it reached his hands. "Let it go, Alden." You whispered, pressing on his hands so he would stop aiming at the scumbag. "Look at me." He shook his head no, but dropped his aim. The team proceeded on handcuffing Wills, but you didn't pay any attention to that. You grabbed the gun from his hands and handed it to Nick, slightly nodded at him. A silent understanding that they could go.
It was just you and Alden, in that dark forest. Thanks to some spotlights several feet away, you could see his face clearly as you stood in front of him. He looked down, still avoiding your eyes. You put your hands on each side of his face, softly stroked his beard for a moment before forcing him to look up. "We got him. You are okay and most importantly, Jeremy is okay. He seems to be a very happy man." At this moment, he locked eyes with him, slowly figuring out that you knew the entire truth. "It wasn't your fault."
How, he wanted to ask. It got caught up in his throat when you wrapped his arms around his neck, and held him tight. His shaky arms wrapped around your middle, and his face buried itself in your neck. "Not your fault." You repeated, playing with the small hair in the back of his head. He cried in your arms.
You drive him home with his car, holding his hand the entire ride. The music filled the silence, you didn't want to pressure him to talk. Once at his house, Jeremy was still there and immediately asked what happened. Alden just apologized, grabbed a beer and disappeared into his greenhouse. "Do you know a ride home?" You offered to his friend. "I'll come back here and stay if he lets me."
"He will, he needs you. He's--"
"I'm in love with him, Jeremy." You spurred out, not realizing the words leaving your mouth before it was too late.
Jeremy smiled. "I figured, but I'm glad to hear it. He's been self sabotaging his life and relationships since the accident, and he probably won't be easy 24/7, but please, stick with him. He's worth it."
"I've been told I'm pretty stubborn ever since I was born."
"Hopefully, you're more stubborn than he is."
"Are you done talking about me?" You heard from the greenhouse. You should've been embarrassed by the fact Alden probably heard your confession to Jeremy, but you were planning on telling him at some point, so you didn't. Plus, you were confident by the fact that he had feelings for you too.
"I'm leaving, pal. Looks like you're in good hands. I better see you at Eli's game this weekend."
With Jeremy gone, you joined Alden. He was drinking his beer while checking on his plants and flowers. "How do you know?" He asked, without looking at you.
"I heard you and Jeremy talking. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy or anything, I was there and you didn't see me--"
"I ruin everything I touch. Don't listen to Jer, you should leave before it's too late."
You knew that no words would convince him at this moment, so instead of talking, you grabbed his face and crashed your lips on his. It was the most meaningful first kiss you ever had. You tried to tell him how much you loved him with that kiss, and Alden returned with the same intensity. He held you by the back of your neck, trying to get you as close as possible to him.
You only separated when the need to breathe was too important. "Let's get this wound clean up."
As well as all of his other wounds.
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therealalexhenry · 2 months
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gibbs as a girl dad
song: i saw god today by george strait
lyrics are in italics
all grown up, prequel ?? could also be known as part 4 lol
just walked down the street to the coffee shop, had to take a break. i’ve been by her side for eighteen hours straight. saw a flower growin’ in the middle of the sidewalk, pushin’ up through the concrete. like it was planted right there for me to see. the flashing lights, the honking horns, all seemed to fade away. in the shadow of that hospital at 5:08, i saw god today.
eighteen hours of labor, jethro wished he could do more than just watch and wipe her forehead every few minutes. he was excited about his new baby girl, even though it looked like it would still be a while.
then finally at 5:08, a loud cry broke through, and jethro couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, so happy she was finally here. the nurses immediately took her to make sure she was okay, jethro watching for a minute before turning back to mom, wiping her forehead, planting kisses to her head every few seconds.
got my face pressed up against the nursery glass, she’s sleeping like a rock. my name on her wrist, wearing tiny pink socks. she’s got my nose she’s got her mama’s eyes. my brand new baby girl, she’s a miracle. i saw god today.
jethro was standing outside the nursery, just looking at his baby girl. he was smiling to himself, she was so beautiful, looked just like her mama. after a moment, he sensed someone walk up next to him, and he immediately took her hand. they stood there in silence, just watching their baby girl.
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ncisfranchise-source · 2 months
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Now 10 weeks out from the double-episode series premiere of CBS‘ NCIS: Origins, TVLine has an exclusive first look at two key characters — “probie” Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Special Agent Mike Franks — in the NCIS prequel spinoff.
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Though longtime NCIS fans may fancy themselves well-versed on Jethro’s younger days (which have been glimpsed in a half dozen or so flashback episodes over the past 21 years), “They don’t know as much as they think they do,” posits David J. North, who serves as co-showrunner on Origins with Gina Lucita Monreal. “Seeing Gibbs arrive at NIS on Day 1, and seeing how Gibbs became Gibbs…? You will realize there’s so much to explore.”
For example, “We’ve not seen that dynamic between ‘probie’ Gibbs and Mike Franks,” played on the original NCIS by franchise front man Mark Harmon and guest star Muse Watson, Monreal notes. Coming to NIS “so fresh out of the Marines, it gives Gibbs a different kind of shading than we’ve seen before as a character.”
Adds North, “The way he looks at Franks, you can see that bit of awe in his eyes.”
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NCIS: Origins’ series regular cast also includes Mariel Molino (Promised Land) as Special Agent Lala Dominguez, a former Marine with a dark sense of humor (and whose dynamic with Gibbs is “filled with sparks”); Diany Rodriguez (The Blacklist) as Special Agent Vera Strickland, “a no-nonsense, sharp-witted Brooklynite who’s tough as nails” (a character originated by Nip/Tuck‘s Roma Maffia in the Season 11 NCIS episode “Under the Radar”); Tyla Abercrumbie (The Chi) as Field Operation Support Officer Mary Jo Hayes, a “mama bear” who has wryly dubbed herself “HSIC” — Head Secretary in Charge; and Caleb Martin Foote (Made for Love) as Special Agent Benjamin “Randy” Randolf, the agency’s all-too-lovable “golden boy” tasked with showing Gibbs the ropes.
NCIS vet Mark Harmon, who starred on the mothership as Gibbs through early Season 19, will not appear in the series, but he will be heard as its narrator as well as serve as an executive producer. Sean Harmon, who played Young Gibbs in the aforementioned NCIS flashbacks and came up with the idea for the prequel series, will also serve as an EP.
Click below (or here for direct access) to take a photographic tour of the oh-so-1990s NCIS: Origins set. And if you want scoop on the new series, you know the address: [email protected]!
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can you tell me everything you know about rova (jonah's old band), please??
hi anon-poppy 🩷 thank you for sending this 🩷
you want to know more about rova the band? ok, so let’s back to early 2010s, the prime time of tumblr dot com (ekhm…), the beginning of instagram and the rule of influencers and, also the glory days of soundcloud and its little indie artists. i want to stick a bit to the latter ones cause that’s the core part of your question. Rova the band, consisted of members Jonah Hauer-King, Rufus Gibbs, Tom Gould and Fergus Burnand, was one of many rock alternative/indie bands who were inspired/amazed by arctic monkeys, bombay bicycle club, suede, radiohead or jeff buckley, BUT! it has one distinguish feature other than others! Tall, skinny, curly-haired boy with bright eyes and adorable dimples who happened to be also the singer and the front man of the group! They not only played covers (another prominent mark of 2010s and start of many careers on youtube channels!) but also their own songs! They even released EP Strings in October 2012, which is still available to listen for free on soundcloud, and consists of tracks: Measured Motion (my personal faveee!), Mama Save Me, and album titled song - Strings. The band was named after the Turkish poet, and also frontman’s first soft toy, as they reported in the interview. (awwwww, Jonaaaaah! 😂☺️ mkay mkaaay back to my essay!) They played many gigs around North London and also Paris in 2011-2012, many videos of them performing are available on youtube, which I highly recommend to watch. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, at least for me, the band didn’t last long. After all, Jonah pursued the dream of being an actor, which he successfully achieved! ✨ And, as we know, his music talent did not go to waste as he used it in The Little Mermaid, Postcards from London, RENT the musical (RIP ME, forever haunted by this, please someone send me the footage and end my suffering!!!!), World on Fire (a little bit but still?), or even the mockery of singing in Old Boys (Winch, you will be famous forever!) Once again, I highly recommend to check their songs, and leave you with my favourite one!
Measured Motion acoustic session 🎶🌿
Thank you for the ask and I’m always at your service! 🫡☺️🩷
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john-laurens · 3 months
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Top row: Ann/Anne Isabella Kinloch, née Cleland (mother of Francis Kinloch, Jr.; 1735-1802; left, right)
Bottom row: Martha Kinloch, née Rutledge (second wife of Francis Kinloch, Jr.; 1764-1816)
There is an inscription on the back of the portrait of Martha Rutledge Kinloch (text from the Gibbes Museum of Art):
written in pen, "Martha Rutledge/daughter of Gov. John Rutledge and Eliza Grimke his wife/married Francis Kinloch/taken at age 15" above this statement, "This is mamas writing -EFD"; Two labels affixed to wood board behind portrait, "St. Caecilia" and label advertising, "J. Harris/Map Chart & Printfeller/N. 3 Sweetings Alley Cornhill/London"; on brown backing paper
To clarify, the portrait of Martha Rutledge Kinloch was done when she was 15, but she married Francis Kinloch when she was 21. (Not to be confused with Mildred Walker, who did marry Francis Kinloch at the age of 15.)
Additionally, the right portrait of Anne Kinloch appears to be a colorized version of the black and white portrait - the colors may not be true to life.
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midnightcircus · 6 months
Hi! This is my list of songs I think fit every character, some of then are fun and some of them I think genuinely fit the character and their theme, can ya’ll guess which one is for fun and which one I think is canon? XD (these are songs I think they’d sing or listen to, not exactly canon btww lol)
Also this is not finished! I need to add more songs but this is my list so far :)
The Rockies/Hip Hoppers:
Bad Moon Rising- CCR
Flat Top:
Punk Tactics- Joey Valance
Touch Tone Telephone- Lemon Demon
Charlie’s Inferno- That Handsome Devil
Same Man I was Before- Oingo Boingo
What Was I Made For?- Billie Eilish
Kokomo- The Beach Boys
You Dont Own Me- Lesley Gore
Kiss Of Fire- Georgia Gibbs
It’s My Party- Lesley Gore
I’m still standing- Elton John
Don’t go Breaking my heart- Elton John
Build me up Buttercup- The Foundations
Mount Rageous & Atomic Dog- Trolls 3 & 2
Push- Ryan Gosling from Barbie (he’s so ken coded)
Trouble- Austin Butler
Nothing Else Matters- Metallica
House of the Rising Sun- Doc & Richard Watson
Aint No Sunshine- Bill Withers
Hound Dog- Big Mama Thorton
(I wont do internationals bc i just don’t know that many international songs but if you guys wanna give me songs go ahead)
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ariel-gremlinzkeep · 1 year
Gaze upon the archives of TMNT information that I have stowed away like the rodent I am Gabby is~
Team up nicknames:
Donnie & Mikey = Team B, pb&j, smarts & crafts, lava lamp
Donnie & Leo = Disaster Twins
Donnie & Raph = Brains & Brawn
Mikey & Leo = Portal Pals, tide pods, Baja blast
Mikey & Raph = Big Guy n Lil Guy, sunshine bros, sunset duo, autumn duo
Leo & Raph = A team, Leader Bros, magnet duo, Pepsi & Coke, Blue Raspberry
12!Raph & Rise!Donnie = Murder Duo
Confirmation 2012 Raph was the artist of the group
I just like this a lot lol
Feral Raphie
Don always tried to share knowledge w/ Mikey
Concept art of Spike & the Kraang dimension worms
The VAs hanging out. They are such a freaking vibe!
Analysis of how Splints ISN'T a bad dad
Splinter calling Mikey by his name in a casual setting
Donnie being used as a pointer running gag
Big wrinkle brain theory that there were/are weaker Kraang on Earth that didn't get trapped in the Prison Dimension
An Analysis on Donnie's relationship w/ pineapples, which I think is also a reference to Psych because the humor is very similar
Analysis that the bois (Leo especially) are very sentimental about clothes despite living the borderline nudist lifestyle
Reconstructed timeline theory
Analysis of Leo still being the voice of reason like other iterations even though he is our loveable flamboyant goof
A fun interactive short that is hard to find
Extended Kraang scene w/ Raph from the movie
Extended movie opening
Taafi analysis
Taafi analysis
The twin braincell that controls gymnastic ability cannot always be shared
Taafi storyboards
Taafi storyboards
When ninja mind melding the bois eyes swap
Leo's hair is designed after Gibb
Donnie & April science fair pics
Tang Shen official art in the show
The bois breaking frames
Donnie likes to yell out his fav foods when shocked
Don gave his twin a hat or Leon stole it lol
The sibling food fights have to be legendary
Don is a still as geeky as ever
Drax's adorable apron
Leon is delightfully petty
Raphie can be a menace
Big Mama lingo
Drax might end up confusing the twins from time to time
Raphie character notes
Miguel character notes
Don-tron character notes
Neon-Leon character notes
Leo resigned to stay in the prison dimension storyboard
More menace Raphie
Shiny eyed Leo & Raph nomming a notebook
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otmaaromanovas · 2 years
May I know about alexei's anecdotes from stavka?
Hi there! Of course! Lots of funny ones here, and some touching ones too.
Alexei spent a lot of time with the foreign ambassadors, playing with them outside and sitting on on their lunches. He seemed to be a great favourite with them, and definitely made HQ life a lot more fun. These ambassadors were from France, England, Japan, and further afield.
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There are also these fun and cute videos of Alexei at Stavka with Joy, playing with her. See them here. There are lots of videos of Alexei at Stavka, quite a few of him looking at the camera, pointing to it, and smiling, as well as playing and spinning around.
He wrote in letters to his mother often about Joy and the cats that were at HQ, and playing in the woods.
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'Stavka, 9th December 1916
My dear Mama.
Yesterday we again went into the forest and played at the robbers, it was very jolly. As usual I had the pony. The snow is now very deep and the trees are quite covered too, so that we often get a shower of snow as we go under them.
With much love from
John Hanbury-Williams, who was head of the British unit at Stavka, had as good relationship with Alexei and wrote about him fondly in his memoirs and diaries, that can be read here. Sadly, Hanbury-Williams' son died in combat, and he wrote about how Alexei came and found him in his room and sat with him so he wouldn't feel lonely after receiving the news.
'20th December 1916. I heard the news of death of my eldest son, which was not unexpected. I was in the ante-room next the Emperor's before dinner, when, being alone, the little Tsarevitch came out of his father's room, ran up to me and sat next me, saying : ' Papa told me to come to sit with you as he thought you would feel lonely to-night.'
Alexei also got up to a *lot* of mischief!
From John Hanbury-Williams:
14th November 1915. ...As I was talking the little Tsarevitch, who is full of fun and mischief, came and grabbed my coat-tails, somewhat upsetting the dignity of the business with his father, to whom he is devoted...'
'20th May 1916. The Emperor leaves for Odessa to see two newly formed divisions, and we have asked him to bring back the little Tsarevitch, who is a great favourite with us all, and a most happy-natured, attractive little fellow'
10th July 1916. The Tsarevich is here and in great spirits. He dragged some of us off after lunch in the tent to a round fountain in the garden which has porpoise heads all round it, with two holes in each to represent the eyes. The game was to plug up these holes with one's fingers, then turn on the fountain full split and suddenly let go. The result was that I nearly drowned the Emperor and his son, and they returned the compliment, and we all had to go back and change, laughing till we nearly cried, a childish amusement no doubt, but which did one good all the same.
'29th November 1916. After lunch to-day had a regular football scrimmage with the little Tsarevitch, who was in wild spirits'
A letter from Nicholas to Alexandra: "[I] have come in from the garden with wet sleeves and boots as Alexei sprayed us at the fountain. It is his favorite game […] peals of laughter ring out. I keep an eye, in order to see that things do not go too far."
For more letters between Nicholas and Alexandra, you can check out this book - it's fab!
Pierre Gilliard, the children's French tutor, wrote about how he and Alexei would go off on car rides throughout the countryside during the day, although on one occasion the car was surrounded by peasants excited to see the heir. You can read more from Gilliard here.
There is also a fun anecdote from Sydney Gibbes, the children's English tutor, about Alexei grabbing a pair of scissors and hiding behind a curtain before cutting off a chunk of his hair, but I think this was before teaching at Stavka.
And here are some fun photos of him at Stavka, for good measure :)
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Albums showing Alexei and his sisters having fun at Stavka can be seen here:
Tatiana's 1916 album - just a warning some of the earlier pages has photos of operations and injuries at the hospital
Anastasia's 1915 - 1916 album
Nicholas's 1913-1916 album - these have the best photos
I hope this was helpful!
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c-m-li · 2 years
Plotlines that need to die already:
Abusers getting a redemption arc & abuse victims forgiving their abusers.
(i will not be taking any arguments, questions, or hate for my examples below)
(please note that this in no way diminishes how much i like some of these fandoms bc it’s not always a deal breaker for me, i’m just throwing out examples to show how prevalent these plotlines are)
Both of the Matilda movies did this at the end, the musical was more explicit with it, but both gave one of the parents a little redemption squeeze at the end.
In Supernatural, you will not be able to convince me that John Winchester was not abusive to Dean and, to a lesser extent, Sam.
Batman/Bruce Wayne to many of his children, but Dick and Jason in particular, depending on which issue you’re reading.
The Joker, particularly in relation to Harley Quinn. He’s not her love interest, he’s her origin story.
If we’re taking the Jedi Apprentice novels as canon, Qui-Gon Jinn was abusive to Obi-Wan at least two times. The man needed therapy, not the responsibility of a minor.
Shang-Chi’s father was one of the best MCU villains thus far excluding Killmonger, but his tiny redemption arc at the end didn’t negate the years of abuse to both of his children.
Speaking of the MCU, it still baffles me how much time was spent on trying to make Thanos a sympathetic character when he was a warmongering genocidal abuser who stole the plotline from star trek who literally tore Nebula apart over the years and murdered Gamora.
Rogue in X-Men, in particular to when she left Gambit to die in the arctic bc she saw that he was complicit in the Morlock Massacre. (this one hurts bc they were my otp before i even knew what an otp was)
Petunia & Vernon Dursley in Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore to a lesser extent for leaving Harry in that situation.
Claudette in 9-1-1 in her completely unprofessional behavior towards May. Giving the bully a traumatic backstory does not mean they should be forgiven, it just means they should probably be in therapy.
 Also in 9-1-1, Chimney punching Buck and facing zero consequences w/ a dead-ass off-screen apology.
Gibbs constantly head-slapping people in NCIS is a call for workplace harassment.
In The Originals, I don’t even remember his name, but the guy that was obviously the main character was such a clearly abusive asshole to both his siblings and his baby mama that I couldn’t even get past the third episode.
The Twilight Saga, just all of it, movies and books.
Danny’s parents in Danny Phantom. The older you get, the more you realize how negligent his parents were.
Reblog w/ your own example!
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So correct me if I'm wrong but from what I've read, mama gibb had an eldest daughter and four boys... And then barry and Linda had four boys and a youngest daughter. Is that right? If so, how amazing! Also, I have a hard time telling Barry's sons apart... Do you know which is which?
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That’s exactly correct! Barry and Linda have 4 boys and 1 girl. I’ve labeled this photo so you can tell them apart. This photo is from 2016 I believe so a bit out of date, but you get the gist. In order of birth: Steve, Ashley, Travis, Michael, Ali.
They also have umpteen grandchildren! (I think it’s 8. Don’t ask me to name those because I honestly don’t know them all. 😆)
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romanov-ramblings · 2 years
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Cadets Evgeni Makarov and Vasili Agaev - Playmates and close friends of Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia In the 1916 diary of Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, which was gifted to him by his mother, the Empress, there is mention of two boys who frequented Mogilev (Stavka, General Headquarters) with the Tsesarevich. Alexei wrote of them quite often, mentioning playing with them, and even what cadet schools they were both from. He mentioned how they would write letters to him, and also during December of 1916 there was an album sent from Cadet Agaev to Tsesarevich Alexei, of which he makes mention of it in his diary: “December 12 Morning in bed. My hand and the worm are bothering me. All is well during the day. Wrote Mama. In the evening I cleaned my bayonet, played and went to bed early. Received a letter from Agaev and an album.” Attached to this post are cropped face shots of Cadets Makarov and Agaev from photographs in the albums of his eldest sister’s from 1916. The large photograph (the last one) shows Tsesarevich Alexei with the two cadets - Vasili Agaev to his left, Evgeni Makarov to his right. Also attached are the epaulettes of their corresponding cadet corps. The Orlovsky-Bakhtin Cadet Corps had epaulettes of dark, navy blue with yellow gold marking out the insignia of the school - О.Б. The Simbirsk Cadet Corps had epaulettes of pastel blue with a darker gold marking out the insignia of the school - С.К.  The following excerpts of diary entries, letters and notes come from the translations of George Hawkins and his brand-new publication, “Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings.” This book (which I have on Kindle) is a treasure trove of insight into the life of Tsesarevich Alexei, and also anecdotes written in the diaries of his sisters, letters from relatives, and daily reports from his tutors. A must have for fellow Romanov enthusiasts out there!  ________________________________________________________________ In a letter to his mother, the Tsesarevich wrote about his first real meeting and the beginnings of friendship with Cadet Makarov, whom he affectionately referred to as “Zhenya.” Cadet Makarov as mentioned below was part of the Orlovsky Bakhtin Cadet Corps. Evgeni Makarov had a brother, also named Alexei whom the Tsesarevich referred to a few times in his letters to his mother. Of Cadet Makarov’s life, little is known. However, it is known that he was killed in Moscow, in 1918.  “Mogilev, 16 July 1916 My darling Mama, Yesterday, Cadet Makarov, the one who always stood in the corner, came with us on our walk. We played together and he told me lots of about his corps (Orlovsky). In the evening, I was at the town gardens again. There were about 100 children there. The boys did a tug-of-war and the girls played cat and mouse. It is very hot today! I am reading a lot. May God protect you +! Kisses, Alexei.” ________________________________________________________________ There are also some letters which Cadet Makarov wrote himself, including one which he included a greeting from his older brother in congratulating the Tsesarevich on the occasion of his name day: "October 4, 1916. Your Imperial Highness Highly respected Alexey Nikolaevich. My brother Alexei and I congratulate Your Imperial Highness on the day of your Angel and wish you complete happiness and health for many years. We apologize to Your Highness for the fact that we could not congratulate you in a timely manner: the reason for this was that the telegram was not accepted from us. How do you feel now. I'm quite comfortable with the body. When do you think to come to Tsarskoye Selo? I practiced pretty well got 2 and the rest are good points. I bow to Peter Vasilyevich and Mr. Gibbs. Now probably do not drive on the Dnieper. It is cold in Petrograd and it rains every day. Time passes with us very soon. I bow to His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Her Imperial Highnesses: Olga Nikolaevna, Tatiana Nikolaevna, Maria Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolaevna, and His Highness Igor Konstantinovich and the entire Suite. I have not yet received letters from Agayev and have not yet written to him, because I do not know his address. I go on vacation and spend time quite fun. Lyolya goes on vacation with me. I wish Your Highness all the best. I remain your loyal subject E. Makarov, who loves you." ________________________________________________________________ Along with these letters, are a small group of writings from Cadet Agaev. Vasili Agaev arrived at Mogilev a little after Evgeni Makarov, and became quick friends with the Tsesarevich. The three boys can be seen in photographs taken by his parents and sisters, joking about, romping and playing together. In one of Alexei’s diary entries, for the month of July, Cadet Agaev whom he affectionately referred to as “Vasya” is mentioned during his arrival that day:
“July 22 Friday I was at Church. I wrote two letters: to Mama and Zhilik. Luncheon with everyone. Makarov came after luncheon and later on a new cadet, Agaev. (from the Simbir Corps). We were on the square with Papa. I had dinner with the cadets at 5 1/2, and then we went to the cinema. I read and listened to P.V.P. To bed early.” ________________________________________________________________ From Vasili Agaev, as mentioned above are a number of letters and small notes. Reading them, you really get a sense of the friendship shared between these three boys, however brief it was. These letters are unfortunately undated. “Your Imperial Highness,  I have already been a few days with the 1st Corps and as it is my first free day, I am writing you, Your Highness, and express all my foolish thankfulness for all the kindness I received, thanks to Your Imperial Highness. The Corps has already started to get on with the right activities and life goes on as usual. Our ones will arrive today and leave tomorrow and I will have to stay on by myself again. And you are still in Mogilev! Do you still walk on the shaft? Has Makarov left?  Strongly loving you, Vasili Agaev” ____________________
“Your Imperial Highness!
Congratulations on your Name Day! I sincerely wish you much health, and many, many happy years. Your deeply loving cadet Agaev” ____________________
“Your Imperial Highness! We arrived in Moscow without incident. I went to the Corps, but they hadn’t heard about my transfer yet so I am staying at a hotel and waiting. During the day, I go for walks in Moscow. I am missing you a lot and wish I was in Mogilev with you. Strongly loving you, Vasili Agaev” ____________________
“Your Imperial Highness!
How is your health? I sent the album. Strongly loving you Vasili Agaev” ________________________________________________________________
In an excerpt from a letter dated 13 August, 1916, the Tsesarevich writes in an enthusiastic tone about graduating from mud baths, but then switches quickly to a marked, sad tone to his mother of Cadet Agaev’s leaving from Mogilev: ”Stavka, August 13, 1916 Here’s a letter for you My dear, Sweet Mama. I graduate from mud baths today! “HOORAY”. AGAEV is leaving today! “NO hurray!”...” The letter is followed by another, the very next day (14 August), also to his mother, mentioning Cadet Agaev’s leaving from Mogilev: ”Stavka 14 August 1916 My darling, sweet Mama. I was at church. Papa is at HQ. The weather is not so good. It is raining a little. Agaev is coming to say goodbye to me today. He is leaving at 4:50. Goly and Nilov are going with him. I shall be having more study from next week. P.V.P. has bought himself a new dog which looks lik his old dog “Pulka” I spent yesterday afternoon as always. Time to finish. It is nearly time for luncheon and I still have to write to Siny. God protect you and the sisters. See you soon.  Lovingly yours, Your old Corporal Alexei”  Another letter, written the next day, also to the Empress mentions the absence of Cadet Agaev, as well as, the fact that Cadet Makarov would be leaving soon: ”Stavka, 15 August 1916 My dear, sweet Mama, I have just got back from church. Papa as always is at HQ. It has been raining since morning with some breaks. Yesterday passed the same as always, but without Agaev. I went with Makarov to the town garden. Makarov will be leaving soon too. I shall be left on my own with Papa. (x) Thanks (x) don’t need the Danish letters you sent. Today [illegible] arrives. Igor is already in his room. His leg still hurts and he gets a massage for it. Everyone thanks you very much for the greetings. The End. May God protect you and the sisters!!! Kisses Not yours A Romanov” ________________________________________________________________ Of the whereabouts of Cadet Agaev, again little is known. However, it is known that he did die, prior to the the deaths of Cadet Makarov and of course those of the Imperial Family and their retinue who had chosen to remain with them at the Ipatiev House in Ekaterinburg.  In a letter written to Petr Vasilievich Petrov (P.V.P, the Imperial Children’s Russian tutor), the eldest sister of the Tsesarevich, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna asks if it is true that Vasili Agaev had died. It should be noted that the letter she received from the old Petr Vasilievich was a month after he had actually sent it. Newspapers likewise were not current either. From Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna’s letter to Petr Petrov: “Tobolsk 23 November 1917 “...We just read in the newspapers about the death of poor Vasya Agaev. Is it really so? Petr Vasilievich, maybe you can find out the truth about this from Zhenya Mak[arov]’s mother. She probably knows, and could she pass on to his mother how my brother and all of us sympathise and grieve with her.” ________________________________________________________________ I think it is so sad that these two boys were all but forgotten to the World. The only reason they are even known is because they were friends of the last Heir of the Russian Throne. They are only known from photographs, and mentions of them in diary entries of their dear friend, who valued their friendship immensely. Their lives were meaningful and they were people. They should be remembered just as much as the Imperial Family has been. Too many times we focus on the Romanovs. What about the servants? What about the tutors, friends of the Imperial Children, or the Boatswains Derevenko and Nagorny? The doctors? The ladies-in-waiting, etc. What about these people? They are just as important and deserve a voice.  Apologise if I’ve become a bit too passionate but it’s the truth. They deserve a voice too. I therefore dedicate this post to Cadets Makarov and Agaev. May they have known peace, even in their last hours. ☦💐 ________________________________________________________________ Photographs: 1. Cadet Evgeni Makarov. Album of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, 1916. 2. Epaulette design of the Orlovsky-Bakhtin Cadet Corps. “О.Б.”  3. Epaulette design of the Simbirsk Cadet Corps. “С.К.” 4. Cadet Vasili Agaev. Album of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, 1916. 5. A photograph of Tsesarevich Alexei with Cadets Agaev and Makarov at either side. Album of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, 1916.
Sources: Альбом Ольги Николаевны, 1916 год Альбом Татьяны Николаевны, 1916 год “Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings.” - George Hawkins. Published, Circa. January, 2022. “Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family.” - Facebook Page RIA Officers (largest database on officers of the Russian Imperial Army during the 20th Century) Link of courtesy: https://www.flickr.com/photos/149552988@N02/albums/with/72157706508137595 https://www.amazon.com/Alexei-Russias-Tsesarevich-Letters-writings/dp/B09PMBKYN7 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067001081671 https://www.ria1914.info/ (you can search individually for the Orlovsky-Bakhtin and Simbirsk Cadet Corps here)
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lenniharrisonsims · 1 year
Behind The Scenes...
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S.S. Britechester, Evergreen Imperial Naval Port, Evergreen Harbor, 8:12am
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Ophelia: Wooow, pretty nice digs you got here…
Ben: It’s your ship, O. Should we thank you for the room?
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Ophelia: Absolutely *laughs*
Matt: You’d think being an officer would grant me a nicer one, but all the rooms are the same size actually.
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Ben: But you don’t have to share, Papa.
Matt: Touché.
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Luke: Am I that terrible of a bunkmate? 
Ben: Eh, you’re okay.
Matt: Alright, boys, enough teasing. We’re all family. Come on, Ben, let’s leave the lovebirds to their goodbyes.
Ophelia: Papa!
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Matt: Goodbye, my darling. Make sure your Mama sits down once in a while. I’m sure she’s been pacing nonstop since I left this morning.
Ophelia: I will. You take care of yourself, please Papa? And keep an eye on our boys.
Matt: Aye, aye, Captain. I love you.
Ophelia: Love you too, Papa.
Matt: Come on, Gibbs. Let's go.
*Matt leaves*
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Ophelia: Gibbs?
Ben: Too many of us are named Ivanov. We have to go by our estate names instead, to differentiate. I'm the Marquess of Gibbs Hill so… I'm Private Gibbs. Anyway, we’ll see you later, O. Don’t worry too much about us.
Ophelia: Worrying about you is my full-time job, Benny. I love you.
Ben: I love you too.
*Ben leaves*
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Ophelia: …I don’t want to say goodbye…
Luke: It’s not goodbye. We’re just popping over to Sulani for a quick little trip, and we’ll all be right back, safe and sound.
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Ophelia: I can’t lose you again…
Luke: You could never lose me.
Ophelia: I don’t know why you did this. You’re not royalty or nobility, you weren’t called up for mandatory service. You could’ve stayed here, safe, and been by my side.
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Luke: How would that look? You heard your father, he called me family. I told you in Komorebi that I would marry you someday, and I intend to honor that promise. I will do my duty and serve the Empire, just like every other man in your family, and then when it’s all over, I will marry you.
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Ophelia: I love you, Luke Marin.
Luke: And I love you, Ophelia Ivanov. 
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Ophelia: Don’t be a hero.
Luke: I promise.
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starkiddreamcasting · 2 years
Starkid Dogfight
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Take me down, it’s the Starkid musical for Dogfight! I meant to do this about two months ago but after a certain someone was removed from the running I had to shift everything around to the point where it’s completely different now. I know I’m doing a smaller cast musicals recently but I’ve some bigger ones coming soon.
1. Rachael Soglin as Rose Fenny 2. Tyler Brunsman as Eddie Birdlace 3. Joey Richter as Boland 4. Brian Rosenthal as Bernstein 5. Lauren Lopez as Marcy 6. Brian Holden as Stevens 7. AJ Holmes as Fector 8. Curt Mega as Gibbs 7. Lily Marks as Mama 8. Jaime Lyn Beatty as Ruth Two Bears 9. Dylan Saunders as Lounge Singer
Understudies: Clark Baxtresser (Boland, Gibbs, Lounge Singer), Jaime Lyn Beatty (Rose Fenny), Arielle Goldman (Marcy, Mama, Ruth Two Bears), Jon Matteson (Bernstein, Stevens, Fector), Curt Mega (Eddie Birdlace)
Make sure to leave any show suggestions or any questions on my casting choices so I can explain them. 
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ncisfranchise-source · 6 months
 Tyla Abercrumbie (The Chi) and Diany Rodriguez (The Blacklist) round out the series regular cast of NCIS: Origins, CBS’ prequel to the venerable procedural, which has a straight-to-series order for the 2024-2025 broadcast season.
In the CBS Studios-produced series, they join previously cast stars Austin Stowell, Mariel Molino and Kyle Schmid.
Executive produced and narrated by Mark Harmon, Origins begins in 1991, years prior to the events of NCIS, and chronicles Leroy Jethro Gibbs’ younger years. In the prequel, Gibbs (Stowell) starts his career as a newly minted special agent at the fledgling NIS Camp Pendleton office where he forges his place on a gritty, ragtag team led by NCIS legend Mike Franks (Schmid).
Abercrumbie will play Field Operation Support Officer Mary Jo who is both a product of her time and the lifeblood of the Camp Pendleton office. With all the acronyms floating around the agency, this mama bear has wryly dubbed herself “HSIC”: Head Secretary in Charge. If you want to know where the bodies are buried, Mary Jo’s the one to ask.
Rodriguez will portray Special Agent Vera Strickland, a no-nonsense, sharp-witted Brooklynite who’s tough as nails and never minces words. She’s spent her entire career being underestimated by misogynistic morons (as she calls them), but if it’s a fight those good ol’ boys are looking for, then it’s a fight they’re going to get.
Molino plays Special Agent Lala Dominguez. Mark Harmon and his son Sean Harmon executive produce alongside David J. North and Gina Lucita Monreal who are co-writing the premiere episode and serving as co-showrunners. Jason Kennedy is the casting director.
Abercrumbie is known for for her recurring role as Nina Williams on Showtime’s The Chi. Her notable television credits also include recurring roles on Low Winter Sun, The Mob Doctor, and The Chicago Code. Abercrumbie, who is also a playwright, is repped by Stewart Talent.
Rodriguez recurred as Weecha Xiu on NBC’s The Blacklist. Her recent credits include an arc on Peacock’s Twisted Metal and a guest spot on CBS’ drama series The Equalizer. She is repped by The People Store and Artist Collective Entertainment.
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