#;; loyalty (zenyaxkitani)
welcometosotano · 6 years
Kitani had hoped to see parts of his old boss in Zenya. Especially after the incident that took Kunihito from him. The trauma of finding the father and son, one already dead, and the latter with his intestines cradled in his arms, was still fresh in Kitani's mind as he gazed down at the blonde teen in the hospital bed. He could practically still smell the coppery scent of blood...
He had made it just in time to bring Zenya to the hospital. A few moments later and the boy wouldn't have made it. That's what the doctor's explained, at least. Kitani couldn't imagine losing both of them... no, he refused to imagine it. The overwhelming grief from losing Kunihito was almost too much for him, losing Zenya too... He wasn't strong enough for it.
The police had already questioned him. They kept it brief though. They knew he was a yakuza, and they really didn't want to get mixed up in those affairs-- lazy bastards. It would make covering this up alot easier at least.
Either way, he pulled his gaze from the boy's face. Zenya and Kunihito were nothing alike; there would be no solace there. His boss was gone-- the man who saved him all those years ago was gone. Gritting his teeth, he buried his face in his hands, fighting back the tears. He couldn't afford to fall apart now, not when his boss's son needed him. There was still a crime scene at Komanami that needed to be covered up. Hopefully, his old connections in the Okinaga-gumi could get him one last favor.
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