#;; little girl who stopped a war | main
aerticent · 1 year
my love for Maven has evolved into something and no matter how hard i try i cannot put it into words and it’s driving me crazy
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bearwithegg · 3 months
Fight Like a Girl || B. Blackwood ||
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I can change it to Davos once we get further confirmation. Ig?? Lmaooo lord help me. I cbf putting this on my main writing account because of how inconsistent I am with writing kjhdfhg
Mulan Inspired scenario. Original House, i just made that shit up bro lesgoooo. I hope my mass effect enjoyers like this <3
Kieran Burton!Benjicot x f!reader.
Warnings: None? Swearing?
Word Count: 2.8k
For @spider-stark ( they write the best damn benjicot oneshots go READ RN)
“Keep your voice down, Garrus.” You hiss, eyes darting around the makeshift battlements, rows upon rows of tents more dense than the woods surrounding the legion of men, banners separating them only in name. War was here. Yet men were merry, roaring with laughter, cheering and jeering each other on when sparring amongst themselves. You were well in over your head for this.
“Apologies my lad— lord,” Garrus, a tall, gangly gentleman who not only represented your noble house but also remained your closest confidant and sworn protector. From the moment you were plucked out of your mothers womb, he had encompassed your upbringing with a chassis of care and love like a father would a son or a mother would her babes. Though he might’ve been neither, he was the only person you could call home.
Stylguard. Might’ve been home once, when you and your brother ran a muck in the courtyards instead of tending to important studies with the Maester. When the summers meant that hours were wasted making chains of flowers and clovers. Only ghosts remain, painful visages of a different lifetime, warning those who dare contest the cruel threads of fate the war beget.
The false King must die.
You swore this oath, quietly in whispers of red hot anger, no witnesses to hear it except for the phantoms plaguing your mind and the gods of old. A lady alone could not put an end to a war — men however, could.
“There,” Garrus raises an arm, forefinger steady on a muddied pit in the distance. The epicenter of clashing swords and men shouting. “I might suggest watching them first, Little Clover.”
Little Clover. You were neither little nor the girl who picked clovers in the farmlands anymore. A mere remnant of the past, a pet name that forces unwanted memories of before the Dragons had begun their pointless infighting. Hurtful as it may be, it was the best way to keep unnoticed amongst the thousands of men without arousing suspicion of your true identity.
Some of the men barely meet such a description, boys no older than ten and one pick up swords and join in a brutal pastime against men thrice their size. These were no noblemen, not boys who wielded swords long before their voice stopped squeaking, no. These were commonfolk, some under sworn protection from minor houses, but most of these boys and men were farmers. Steele farmers. Blackwood farmers. Tully farmers. Fray farmers. All united for one cause — and not a single one of them were proficient enough with a sword.
“None of these men are fit for war,” you whisper, turning to Garrus, a sullen swept look on his face mirroring your own. It was hypocritical to comment, considering you could count on one hand how many times you had picked up a sword. Though it was not a slight on their ability to go to war, it was the tragic reality that loomed over the realm.
“They fight for what they believe in…” Garrus answers softly, a hand firmly wrapped around the pommel of his sword, as it had always been since the murmurings of war rippled through the Seven Kingdoms. His eyes look ahead at boys throwing their swords away and opting for fists, pools of blue express his kind and somber nature, reflecting his true age, yet the crows feet around them betray such a thing.
War is cruel to those who bear witness.
The dogpile is quickly dispersed, a lithe and commanding presence tears the boys off one another and reprimands them. “Benjicot Blackwood.” Garrus murmurs, eyes casting a weary look down at you, “you’d do well to learn from him. He’s spilt more blood in this war than the dragons.” A jest, you think, but hearing of the Blackwoods fearsome reputation it could quite possibly yield truth.
Benjicot is shouting orders, or perhaps insults, you couldn’t tell —he had mud pressed hard into his tunic no doubt from rigorous sparring in the sludge pit, a stark contrast to the green fields of untouched grasslands the contingent temporarily inhabited. His feet sunk into the ground with each step, the man made bog had been many of the boys’ downfall during sparring and a cause of frustration by the looks they all shared across their faces.
“You there, boy.” He points at you — sword tip singling you out and all.
Eyes wide and body rigid, you felt as though you’d forgotten how to speak or move. Had it not been for Garrus gripping the scruff of your ill-fitted tunic and shoving you forward, you might’ve found yourself at the ire of the boy before you.
Not boy. Man.
Barely so, not even the young were spared from the cruel and aging touch of war.
He regards you carefully, a stormy gaze looking at you from head to toe. Eyes stopping at the sigil adorned on your chest. Even bespeckled with sweat and mud you couldn’t help but think how handsome he looked, though it was far from an appropriate thought. It helped ease the nervousness that rippled through your being as you stood in the centre of a circlet of men.
”Lord Steele found himself sober enough to finally choose a side did he?” Benjicot’s words were severe, a low growl not too dissimilar to that of the black cats and Direwolves of the nearby forests. There was a primal, animalistic quality in his movements, sizing you up like a predator would when deciding if something was prey or not.
You resist the urge to look at Garrus, he could not help you, not now. Instead, with a chin held up you shake your head, nudging it back toward your confidant, “we came alone, Lord Blackwood.”
His eyes flicker behind you and tilts his head to the side, “hm. Idiotic yet admirable of you two. Going against the word of the House that protects you.” There was a glint of something in his eyes, wild, untamed and real compared to many of the other pairs of eyes you had come across in the camp. He swipes the sweat from his upper lip and nods over to the handmade rack of swords, “show us what House Steele defects are made of then.”
This was about to be nothing short of a complete humiliation, you were certain. Yet, with a steady breath and the ignition of hatred bubbling in the back of your mind to remind you of why this path was the one you chose — you pick a short sword, albeit the smallest of the array of the newly smithed weapons.
Despite its small size it was still made from heavy ores, your wrist willing itself to relent to the weight, wanting to bend and twist. Men and boys begin to laugh, your eyes look around and it was a horrifying reflection of your own uselessness, like a childish nightmare coming to fruition. It pissed you off.
The moment you came into this life born without a prick between your legs you had always been seen as inferior, a prize to be sold to the highest bidder. The lament of a woman born in Westeros. Now, you stand on the edge of a cliff looking over an abyss brought on by the war. By two dragons ill-fitted for the power they wield because at the end of all this, the only people who suffer are the people.
You resent being born into a hateful world and you resent that loss is what has driven you to action. Just like you resent being laughed at by a crowd of men who knew next to nothing about the sacrifices you’ve made.
Benjicot Blackwood, does not laugh. He does not jeer nor does he show faint amusement at your inability to hold a mere short sword. He has since stepped aside, beckoning a boy forward who is similar in your stature but definitely not in age — he could barely be ten and four.
He was snickering, and that added more oil on top of the fire that burned your hatred and loathing — you feel yourself recede into that raw emotion. While you may be absolutely abhorrent with any real fighting skills, you had an unbridled rage to let out in recompense for all the wrong done unto you in this world.
And so you charge at him, using momentum to help raise the sword over your head because by gods alone, your strength was practically non-existent. A ferocious yowl barrels from your throat when swords clashed, the sudden stop was disorienting and caused you to stumble back slightly. He swings his sword and you double back again, the mud encasing around your boots willing you to trip, to fall.
You try to swing back but don’t have enough momentum and you feel your wrist bend under the weight of the sword and have to over-correct, stepping to the side so as to not drop the sword. Laughter rumbles through the men once again, some beginning to cheer on the boy in front of you.
Heaving forward again, you go to swing but in a split second you let go of the sword, letting it careen through the air and hitting the boy on the chest. Was it smart to willfully disarm oneself? Perhaps not, but he certainly wasn’t expecting it so you pounce. An all too familiar scene that would have otherwise delighted you if it weren’t on the grounds of war; a hand curls into his muddied blonde locks while the other goes to claw at his face.
Many fights had broken out like this between you and other girls growing up, it seemed only natural to revert back to the ways you knew how to fight. Even if it wasn’t exactly appropriate.
The two of you tumble into the mud together but the element of surprise has long surpassed and he uses simple strength, punching you hard in the gut and knocking you off him. Unsure what to expect next, you lay in the mud, chest heaving hard and conceded defeat — truthfully you had conceded defeat the second you were called out to show off your ‘skill’.
Overcast and dreary weather as it may be, the sun's light still glared through such heavy obscurity, your eyes squinted while trying to figure out if it was easier to sink into the bog beneath you or get up and swallow down what little pride remained. Eclipsing the sun in more ways than one, Benjicot stands over you, expression hardened yet there was an amused glint deep within his dark eyes.
“You fight like a girl,” he outstretched his hand, part of you contemplating hitting it away but he was the only one - aside from Garrus - to not laugh at your ineptitude. A soft groan passes your lips and you begrudgingly take the gesture of kindness, it was more than anyone had given you anyway.
“I am no knight,” you grumble back, once upright, rolling your shoulders back and rubbing the wrist that began to ache from holding a sword. The crowd of men had begun dispersing, you wonder if in your post fight daze if Benjicot had shooed them away.
”Aye, any idiot with two eyes can see that,” he jests, picking up the sword from the mud, “any daft cunt can pick up a sword and swing it around — but you’ve something else… I see it in your eyes, boy.”
At first you think he’s undermining you, but after a moment, it was clear he was paying you a compliment.
He returns the sword amongst the rest, a hand resting on the pommel of his sheathed dagger. Something about his stature, the way he commanded the space he inhabited was so interesting. He was unlike any other Lord you met before, perhaps it could be that he was a warrior first, then Lord second. A sentiment only emboldened since the war began.
“It may be pertinent that we train at night Little Clover, you have much to learn,” Garrus whispers, coming up behind you and putting a hand on your shoulder proudly. He may have watched you get bested without question, and sure, behind the confines of the tent you two shared later he would no doubt say how proud he was, there was not a single thing you could do that he wouldn’t support.
He should have trained you up sooner — be it if the departure from Stylguard wasn’t swift and last moment.
Benjicot approaches the two of you, watching as you whisper conspiratorially. He was as intimidating when he was quiet as he was when wielding a sword. A perceptive gaze looking between Garrus, clad in armour of your house and you, unevenly cut hair and dressed in little more than a squires tunic. He gives a weary look around, many of the men had long left the sludge pit.
”I must thank you, for joining the efforts even if they go against Lord Steele’s,” He says formally.
“No matter, my Lord.” Garrus smiles, a thin and forced one out of mere politeness, “Lord Steele grows weary the longer the war persists, a conflict averse man such as himself cannot continue to lock himself away in the wine cellars while war is brought to his doorstep.”
There was a pause, a silent mediator among the three of you, as much as it would pain you to admit; Garrus holds truth in his words. You love your father you really did but he stopped being a present figure the moment the raven arrived with word of your brother's death.
“Aye, The Greens have done irreparable damage to his family yet he cowers in his fortress.” Benjicot says quietly, mulling over his thoughts. His tongue pokes the inside of the cheek, protruding it out before moistening his lips with a twitch of a smile, barely perceptible, “is that why his daughter fled? To find retribution for the unlawful death of her brother?”
You tense up, swallowing hard and don’t dare look to Garrus lest suspicion is raised. The lump in your throat is hard and stubborn, even as you clear it, part of it remains to jeopardize the weight of your words. “That is.. what many believe to have happened… A few of us stable boys overheard she had plans to flee to Essos.”
Benjicot hums, nodding in response and looks around at the tents, the men, all the heart and blood of war. You follow his gaze carefully, how deeply entrenched in the throes of war the realm had become. In the middle of a field at the edge of the Riverlands of all places.
“This doesn’t look like Essos to me, my Lady.”
Before you had a chance to stumble back, Garrus had put an arm in front of you, an instinct to protect, to guard. Though falters when he hears the young Blackwood laugh.
”Do not think yourself in danger. It is admirable, truly. To go against your fathers wishes, but you cannot simply cut your hair and wear the clothes of a boy and call yourself a warrior.” He chuckled, a deep and soothing sound that made your cheeks burn, though that was partly due to being caught. He was impressed in truth, unable to find what the wild spark in your eyes was initially, though it made sense the moment he saw your delicate unmarred hands. Nails well kept and not a single grain of dirt underneath them.
“I wish to learn, I want to fight.” You step forward, voice pleading because if you didn’t have this then what remained? A hallowed home with vestiges of pain luring anyone stupid enough to hear their call? An empty father, nothing but a shell of what once was a person who mirrored life and happiness? It was fight or die and even death wasn’t as cruel of a fate as returning to nothing, to be nothing.
“And you fight like a girl,” he smiles, not to insult or belittle you, nothing more nefarious than a simple observation. He inches forward, shifting his weight. It shouldn’t have made you as nervous as it did, but he was close enough to crowd your senses with his natural musk. “Many men believe women to be bad luck in times of war, these men are no different.”
Those men were stupid, you think.
“And what say you, Lord Blackwood?” You swallow.
“I say that not many of them have had the pleasure of meeting my Aunt.” He whispered, eyes swirling similarly to the darkened storm stricken skies above. “Women aren’t welcome by some around here, do well to keep discreet. And if you cannot manage that, then be ruthless.”
On his retreat, you feel yourself turn to look at Garrus, who looked caught between a look of utter bemusement yet partially pleased all things considered. He looks down at you and clears his throat, “let us retire for the afternoon, my lad— Little Clover. Trust that the Lordling does not speak to many about your arrival.”
Your eyes remain in the direction Benjicot disappeared in, sighing heavily. Perhaps in a different lifetime he would have been a delightful consort, though for now it is barely a thought, passing through your idle mind as you slowly turn to rest for the day.
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klausysworld · 4 months
Hey hey! I was wondering if you could write a one-shot imagine about Klaus meeting a female angel who ends up being his soulmate? The angel is very skeptical at first because of all the things Klaus has done over the years and Klaus is drawn to her innocence and purity like some masochistic predator playing with its prey. In the end, Klaus becomes the overprotective loving mate he's known to be (could end in smut if you wish) Thank youuu <3
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In Life and Death
The Mikaelsons had been first introduced to the Underworld and the Heavens nearly 800 years ago when demons managed to find their way on Earth again. They had caused more havoc than the entire vampire race at the time and fought the Mikaelson's to the point where Klaus truly believed they would drag him down to hell.
The only reason that they hadn't was because a group of angels had stopped them. They argued that the Mikaelsons at that point still had the chance for redemption and that they shouldn't be targeted for a lifestyle that was forced upon them.
The demons were obviously enraged with the angels ruining their time on Earth and once everyone returned home, there was a minor war over who got to go to Earth and how often. The only way to obtain some sort of peace was to agree for nobody to go to Earth. They may hear about it in the papers and occasionally watch large events however no angel nor demon would step foot or wicng on that land.
This remained so for the next 800 years until a curious angel accidentally opened the portal back up.
Y/n had always been interest in everything that was new. Her father had scolded her for it as her mother had been just the same. Unfortunately it had been curiosity that had resulted in her mothers demise and this was the main reason her father so desperately wanted her to stay quiet and obedient to the rules to ensure her safety.
Much to his dissatisfaction, she didn't follow those guidlines.
It was difficult really. She wasn't bad, nor did she misbehave. She was very well behaved and lovely, she just got distracted rather easily and drawn to pretty things. But never were her intentions to cause any sort of upset or distress.
Y/n just couldn't help herself from touching every shiny or soft thing within reach, wanting to know what it was and what it did. Coincidentally, the case which the portal was hidden inside was covered in shells and pearls. She hadn't meant to be sucked into it.
And she certainly didn't mean to waken up completely naked in the middle of the woods with only her wings to cover her exposed skin.
Her vision was impaired for couple minutes before she came to. The sky was bright and blue while her surroundings were mostly shades of brown and the occasional green.
It had been a pack of werewolves who found her and took her to their little homes within the Bayou. Jackson, as the alpha, had taken responsibility of the peculiar girl. He and Mary had helped her into some low back clothes, careful not to touch her wings. Y/n found herself unable to move or speak for hours as she adapted to the harsh change of environment. Her consciousness came and went every few minutes and occasionally her wings would stretch out making the wolves back up out of cautious and intrigue.
A few of the others wolves brought some water to her and they helped her drink it. After a while she began to fully wake. By which point the sky had deepened and darkened to an almost obsidian. Jackson and Mary had fallen to sleep and didn't notice how the angel slipped down from the bed, feeling the grainy ground against her feet as she walked on wobbly legs and held her arms out to balance herself. It was strange. Her body was pulled down much more than usual and everything felt heavy rather than feather-light.
Thankfully she still had her wings and so with a couple flutters of her feathered support and she was hovering just above the surface. What she didn't realise was that the beating of her wings against the air caused a cool breeze to brush over here company and cause them to wake.
Jackson had quickly jumped up and began to gain her attention. Y/n was startled and ended up accidentally smacking him with her wing only to then hysterically apologise and hold onto him. What was particular was that when her hand touched his skin a rush of calmness came over him. His limbs went weak and he had to push his hand against the wall beside him to keep himself up.
Once Mary woke back up she managed to get Y/n to sit back down and tell them who she was and how she got there. Both wolves had been almost awestruck with the soft, hypnotic tone of her voice. Neither of them questioned her story, it was quite clear her wings were real and from the way she looked around with wonder it was obvious everything was new. But of course there was also sadness and worry in her tone when she spoke of her father and how he much think something dreadful had happened to herb and how she needed to get home.
Mary was against Jackson's decision to go to Hayley in hopes that she or the Mikaelsons may be able to help her get back to the heavens.
Hayley had come to the Bayou after receiving a very vague text from her betrothed. She was expecting something bad to have happned from his lack of information however when a flash of white whipped past her, giggling and squealing with two young children holding onto her wings, well Hayley really didn't know what was going on.
A moment later Mary came out, huffing and puffing for breath and yelling for them to be careful not to fall.
Unfortunately, Y/n hadn't abided to this suggestion and ended up falling over a log when the little ones were chasing her in their game of 'catch the fairy', despite her persistently informing them that she was not a fairy.
Jackson came rushing out a moment later to pick Y/n up. Her knees and hands were scraped red as path of tears slipped from her pain filled eyes. Her wings wrapped around him for comfort and Hayley found herself staring completely baffled.
Jackson caught sight of Hayley as he was carrying Y/n back to the hut and smiled, calling for her to come with him. She followed eagerly and listened as he explained what had happened in a hushed whisper while Mary shook her head and cleaned up the angels grazes. Y/n was horrified at the red substance that had pooled in her palms and Mary had to insist that she wouldn't die and go to the underworld for being so irresponsible.
It took very little convincing for Hayley to ring Elijah and inform him of the situation to which he too was instantly intrigued and willing to help. He said to bring the angel to the Abattoir this evening so that they could meet her formally and reluctantly Jackson agreed and gently convinced Y/n to go. Hayley watched with a small sizzle of jealousy as Y/n clung onto Jackson with all her will as he helped her weave through the streets in a way that wouldn't let her wings be seen by pedestrians. Thankfully it was dark so it would've been more difficult to see but still alarming.
Thankfully they made it with little hassle and got to the door which was immediately opened by an impeccably dressed Elijah. His eyes beaming as he took in the beautiful creature before him. Hayley cleared her throat and Elijah quickly greeted them all politely, bringing them inside before closing the door.
They were lead to a large dinner table where a stoppy Klaus wait at the head of the table and an excited Rebekah reside next to him. Her eyes lit up as she caught glimpse of pristine white wings and sat up straight. Elijah's voice filled the room as he spoke to the girl.
"In the past we have met with people from your home, they were kind to us then and so I hope to return the favour. I am certain that we'll be able to help you find your way home however I can't confirm how long this may take. Until then, we hope to make your stay on Earth as well as we can and in doing so we have set up a room for you-" he explained however was cut off my Jackson who argued she already had somewhere to stay.
Klaus snickered in response and rose from his chair "Pretty little things like her don't want to be out in the dirt" he quipped, narrowing his eyes on the wolf before him making Y/n frown and tug on Jackson's sleeve and whisper to go back to the Bayou. Elijah glared at his brother and apologised for his behaviour before coaxing everyone into their seats.
Klaus at the head with Rebekah to his right side, Elijah beside her and Y/n to his right with Jackson beside her and Hayley beside him. Y/n had slid to the edge of her chair in an attempt to be further away from Klaus. She didn't like the aura around him, aggressive power rolled off him in waves only she could physically see and feel and on top of that she could sense the distrust between him and Jackson. Y/n trusted Jackson, he kept her safe and looked after.
Klaus however didn't like how her hands held onto Jackson's jacket and her body leaned on his. For some reason it made his glare harden and his jaw clench uncomfortably. Rebekah was the first to talk. She couldn't help but gush over having a girl, no an angel in the Abattoir. She had fallen for an angel 800 years ago and he had adored Rebekah, they had even given her a necklace hand carved by a god to prove his feelings for her. It hurt both of them when he was no longer able to return to her world however over time they both moved on and began to forget.
However she was incredibly eager to get to know Y/n and befriend her. She wanted to learn all about how the heavens had developed. So she began to chat, and chat and chat.
Until eventually Klaus groaned and had the first course brought in, hoping that his dear sister would quieten down if she were eating. His eyes glanced over to Y/n as she looked to Rebekah like a deer caught in headlights and questions were fired at her left, right and centre. "Enough Rebekah, you're scaring her" he snapped as a small plate filled with colourful foods were placed in front of her.
She started at it in confusion before timidly trying it as the rest of them ate. The taste was bizarre and she couldn't stop herself from spitting it out with a noise of disgust. Elijahs brows rose while Klaus let out a laugh and took her plate away "Not for you love?" he questioned, amused as she went a beat red and wiped her mouth.
"I'm sorry" she told him sincerely, reaching for the plate back "I can eat it" she whispered but he shook his head.
"Not if you don't like it. We'll get you something better" He argued, taking it back to the kitchen making her sink in her chair, embarrassed. Jackson rubbed her arm soothingly while Elijah, Rebekah and Hayley looked at each other in confusion of Klaus's strange behaviour.
It was quiet as he returned before they all ate their starters and glanced across at each other, Klaus in particular couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/n. His fingers tingled with anticipation to feel her wings. Her feathers looked softer than clouds and he wondered how far they could stretch out, how fast she could fly or how high.
Briefly his gaze flicked to her legs only for his brows to furrow when he noticed the bandages wrapped around her knees.
"What happened here, sweetheart?" he asked, his fingers hovering over the covered skin putting Jackson on edge.
"I was playing with the young ones and collided with a branch or a stone- was it a branch or a stone?" she questioned, turning to Jackson with a quizzical expression.
"It was a log, it's like a branch only thicker" he explained and she nodded.
Klaus couldn't help the small chuckle that left him resulting in Rebekah smacking his side.
"What were you playing?" She asked, her voice gentle as she encouraged her new friend to share the earlier events.
"Well they called it 'catch the fairy' however I am not a fairy...but they didn't really understand that so I just went with it I suppose...is that allowed? Or is that technically a lie?" her voice grew quiet and she made eye contact with Elijah who only shook his head.
"Not a lie at all. You were very kind to the children to indulge in their games." he reassured and she silently nodded.
The group then continued to eat and spoke occasionally about the possibility of Y/n staying the night at the compound so she may use the bath tub and they can have clothes altered to her so that her wings may be comfortable. Eventually she agreed but Jackson also had to stay, much to the Mikaelsons disapproval. He stayed in Hayleys bed which made Y/n's eyes wide when she whispered to Rebekah that they should not be going to bed together without a binding marriage in place.
Rebekah had helped wash Y/n's wings in the bath before having a hairdryer in each hand in an attempt to dry them while the angel squealed and squirmed at the combination of heat and noise coming at her.
Eventually she was ready for rest. Klaus had peeked into the room she was to be staying in to see her dressed in a soft halter style top and comfy pyjama bottoms. The luscious skin of her back was on display to him as well as her slowly moving wings while she let Rebekah fit her hair into a silk bonnet. A melodic giggle sent a shiver down his spine making his fits clench and eyes squeeze shut for a second.
There was an insistent pull that he felt towards her. Whether it was simply because she was new and different or because she seemed so pure and innocent.
As the next day rolled around he found himself watching as she ate her breakfast from the doorway. His eyes followed the fork all the way to her lips and back down again for every bite.
Eventually she felt his gaze and looked back at him, her eyes wide as she swallowed down her last piece. A slight smirk was visible across his face as he made his way over and took her place, rinsing it off and placing it in the dishwasher before taking her delicate hand and leading her to the outside area.
It was covered in flowers and other pretty plants. Klaus let go of her and gestured for the sky.
"It's safe for you to fly in this area, the public cannot see you so long as you don't go beyond those hedges" He told her while pointing to the surrounding greenery that acted as a barrier.
Her eyes lit up and her immediate reaction was she throw her arms around the hybrid. Klaus went stiff when he felt her touch. Something about it was so incredibly soothing that he felt as though his body was melting against her. Without meaning to his body curled around her, keeping her against him as a wave of peace washed over him.
Eventually she pulled away, bringing him back to reality as he watched her take off into the hair and spin in circles so that her wings could truly stretch. He left outside to play while he got back to his duties though he would often glance from his window to see her coaxing small animals from their burrows and surrounding herself in the natural environment.
Something stirred inside him as she sat against the soft grass with a young rabbit in her lap, squirrels birds and little rodents all sitting around her and listening as she spoke a language not even he, the original hybrid, knew.
She was a gorgeous thing, he had decided.
It was obvious that she was from the heavens, if not her looks then her delicacy. Day in and day out he had yet to see any sort of anger bubble within her. She was unbelievably sweet, annoyingly so. However whenever he tried to pull a rise from her, guilt would swallow him when tears of light formed in her beautiful round eyes and he realised he hadn't caused rage but devastation and misunderstanding. Y/n would think that he hated her and she would want to go back to the bayou so Klaus would apologise and promise she hadn't ever upset him.
Her innocence was to be cherished, he realised.
She was the polar opposite of him, she was soft and gentle. Pure and clean compared to his rough and tainted soul. Usually it was something he found to be weakness and wanted to destroy but his instincts pulled through and screamed at him to protect and possess.
So he began to brush close to her.
He found that it wasn't just him who felt the peace that her touch carried, it wasn't just him who wanted to feel it some more.
Which meant that he needed to get his scent on her.
It was far easier than he had imagined. All he had to do was tell her that he really needed a hug and she would soften in a second to have him in her hold and feeling her unconditional comfort. Her wings would hold him close and often act as a blanket of sorts.
Too many times they had woken up asleep against each other, far too comfortable to complain as he snuggled her feathers and she warmed in response to the physical touch.
Klaus had managed to convince her that sleeping beside each other was not damning and that she would still be welcomed back to heaven. He would never let her go to hell. Never.
The only problem for Klaus was that under no circumstances would she ever consider the possibility of sex if she were not bound to him.
The hybrid hadn't considered marriage since his days of being a mere human. However he could not help the yearn that his soul, body and mind held for her. It was not just a physical desire but an emotional and spiritual.
Weeks went by, Elijah, the wolves and Davina were still trying to find a way for Y/n to get home but Klaus desperately wanted her to stay forever.
He had been trying to teach her how to live in a human world. Simple things like riding a bike and playing card games. He would hide his amusement behind his smile when she got that competitive fire inside her which almost always resulted in the cards being thrown and the angel storming off only to return five minutes later apologising for expressing wrath to which he would dismiss.
"I promise you, my love, in no way is that wrath. You couldn't commit a sin if your tried to."
Y/n would smile and shyly request that maybe they wouldn't keep playing the game and perhaps move onto something else. Klaus wouldn't ever deny her wishes and so would find something knew.
At some point Jackson would come over and ruin Klaus's fun as he watches Y/n fly over to the dirty mutt and start asking a hundred questions about how he and the others were. Once Jackson finally left, Rebekah would turn up or Elijah and take Y/n's attention again. Klaus would get annoyed, jealous but he knew he couldn't get angry. He got violent when he was angry and that would definitely not sit well with the darling creature that owned his heart.
So he would wait for her to go do something before whisper arguing with his siblings to let him spend time with his girl.
"Oh? Your girl is she Nik?" Bekah teased and Klaus snapped his jaw shut.
"No I-"
"Angels don't really have genders actually" Y/n chirped as she floated back into the room and sat down between them, unaware of the tension.
"You have female anatomy?" Klaus wondered allowed and Rebekah's eyes went wide in disbelief as she spun her head to look at him and his face went red as he realised the words were spoken. Thankfully Y/n was clueless and innocent so hadn't a clue why they seemed to think it was inappropriate.
"I don't know? I have mammary glands? At least I do when on earth...they seem common amongst females..." She mumbled, brows furrowed.
"What do you mean...when you're on earth? Don't you have bre- mammary glands when you're at home in heaven?" Rebekah asked this time and Y/n nodded, a little confused.
"Beauty is different here...my quality is that I'm the embodiment of beauty, or at least that's what I'm told and so beauty is socially constructed and I would adapt to suit the times and place. Here is very different to home, there I look much different. Everyone is quite strange here." She explained, tone soft and the two originals began to realise quite how different things had become since their two worlds stopped colliding.
"Are humans pretty to you?" Bekah asked, unable to resist asking.
"I believe all things hold value and beauty" Y/n nodded vaguely, "Some human coverings are um...different though" she muttered and Klaus smiled.
"You mean clothing?" He asked and she nodded when he gestured to his henley.
"They're very tight" She whispered as though it might offend somebody and Klaus chuckled.
"I think you would have liked when women wore dresses" He smiled and she tilted her head, not really knowing what he meant as she had seen Rebekah in dresses which were tight.
"I'll show you, dear" Bekah told her, knowing the angel wouldn't have picked up on what was said. Y/n smiled and nodded, accepting Bex's hand and being pulled to the dressing room while Klaus sighed and whined that he was being left out again.
But it didn't really matter because at the end of the day she would be curled up to his chest, in his arms, in his bed whilst wearing his shirt. She was already his whether she knew it or not.
Sometimes whilst she slept he was trace the soft features of her face, wishing to feel her lips on his, to have her promise that she would always be his.
Klaus Mikaelson wanted to marry and angel.
It was both utterly unbelievable and completely understandable at the same time. Some were baffled by the idea whilst others prayed that he would and that it may finally settle piece over the factions.
He almost managed to ask her but her father got to earth just before he was able to.
The doors had flown off their hinges and everyone was flung from the centre of the room from the sheer force that Y/n's fathers wings emitted. It was clear from the pure power that bounced from the walls that he was highly ranked, a throne angel most likely.
Y/n flung herself into his chest and apologised relentlessly as he wrapped his arms and wings around her. "It's alright darling, we'll be home in no time and no harm will be able to come to you" He promised, but she shook her head.
"I wish to stay" She whispered and her fathers brows furrowed.
"It wasn't a request my sweet. You're coming home. Earth is not for us, not now and not ever again. You're very lucky you haven’t been hurt. People can be cruel. Has anyone seen your wings?" He was checking her arms and wings while he spoke.
"No-" She whined and brushed him off making his expression stern. His eyes blackened when Klaus appeared behind Y/n, trying to pull her to him but a barrier around her repelled his touch.
"Be gone devil-spawn" The man warned and Klaus growled while Y/n frowned.
"He's not a demon Dad. He's a hybrid and a very nice one." She defended and her father scoffed.
"Darling, he's manipulating you. He belongs to Lucifers magic. Not ours. He's a walking sin. You need to be home and cleaned." He stated, no room for questioning.
"No!" She cried, flapping her wings to escape his grip. "He's good!" She whimpered as she managed to get a hold of Klaus. He held her tight, unwilling to let go. Y/n's father underestimated his daughters power as she put her own force field bubble around her and Klaus, ensuring that they couldn't be separated.
The male angel went silent for a moment, gaze narrowing and realisation dawning.
"How could you?" He whispered, "You've found a mate in a vampire? A spawn of evil?" He questioned but he knew the answer and deep down Y/n had too. Rebekah watched in utter shock at the understanding of what had really happened.
"I love him" She whispered and Klaus felt his entire body melt to hers. He nuzzled into her neck, ignoring the words her father threw until Elijah was finally able to make some sort of deal.
Y/n wasn't allowed to have any sort of physical touch with and supernaturals whilst her father was in the room. She must sleep in her own bed. To start off she may only visit Earth once a month which did not last long. Heavens hierarchy made an exception for Y/n to go once a week because of her 'mate' situation. If an angel couldn't be with their mate then they would often fade away into an emptiness. Therefore on Saturdays her father would take her over and attempt to 'get to know' the originals before letting her stay on Sundays by herself so that she may have fun with Bex, Jackson and Elijah and snuggle with Niklaus.
It was strange really.
Klaus wouldn't have ever imagined himself to be the desperate one in a relationship but he was always wanting her. Always touching her and trying to kiss any part of skin he could before she would tell him that he was getting carried away and that they couldn't act upon lust.
It took far too long to get her father to speak with Klaus civilly. The angel knew that his little girl would marry the creature before him. Their souls would be bound and he would have to do everything in his power to make sure that the darkness that tainted Klaus's soul didn't damn his child's too. His daughter would not go to the Devils den just because of a bond. He would rather form a case to get Klaus into heaven than let his sweet girl go down to hell.
Klaus had to damn near beg to marry Y/n. But it was proven worth it when he was finally able to present her with a hand crafted ring. He knew that Y/n would not want a diamond, it promoted greed, envy and pride. The ring he had made was much more meaningful and spelled to keep her safe.
Sweet Y/n had been bouncing up and down, flying round the garden, tackling him to the ground and attacking him with softly little pecks to his neck and cheeks as she squealed and asked how her father ever agreed.
The ceremony was ridiculous.
Klaus had completely underestimated the amount of angels that would come in support and fascination.
Everyone, including Y/n's father was respectful and accepting of their souls entwining and applauded in celebration of their love.
That evening, after dancing for endless hours and conversing with mystical beings, Klaus finally got to lay his angel down and claim her.
His fingers unlaced her dress slowly, savouring the sight as the fabric slipped away from her skin. He gently guided her hair over her shoulder so he could see her bare back. His fingers traced the length of her spine, between her wings, before his lips followed suit, placing a series of kisses. Goosebumps arose against her skin making him smile and tentatively ran his tongue over them, revelling in the way she shivered and the gasp that she produced.
"I love you Y/n" He murmured softly as his hands encouraged her dress completely away from her figure so that he could slide his palms up her navel, moving round her so that he may cup her firm rounded breasts. A little moan left her as well as a slight sound of confusion. "It's alright darling" He whispered whilst kissing the back of her neck, "Does it feel good?" he questioned despite knowing the answer as he stroked the pads if her thumbs over her nipples.
"It does" She whimpered. With a shaky breath she turned over her shoulder to look at him as he caressed her. A smile adorned his face and a loving kiss was placed on her lips. Her eyes fell shut and she let him guide her. She was lifted and turned before delicately placed on her back before their lips detached.
Klaus's eyes lowered to the beautiful, white lace panties that hid her gorgeous core and matched her relaxed wings. His tongue darted to wet his lips when he took in the detail of the pretty frilly garter wrapped around her thigh. He looked back up to her eyes, tilting his head when he saw the nerves spread across her perfect face.
"I wasn't sure of the traditions anymore" She whispered, glancing down at herself, "Is it not right?" she questioned, her hand moving to pull the garter off but Klaus quickly took her hand in his.
"It's lovely, everything you do is without fault" He promised whilst leaning down to kiss her knee softly. "And this..." He gestured to the garter, "Is for me to take off sweetheart".
Y/n's breath got caught in her throat when his teeth captured the fabric and dragged it down her leg and away form her body entirely. He placed it on his bedside table before licking and nipping up her inner thighs, interchanging between left and right as he went. Her hands were unsure as they rested on her stomach awkwardly making Klaus smile to himself and guide her to hold onto his hair.
"You can do anything you want my love" He murmured, chuckling softly when she played with his curls.
Gentle petting changed to a pattern of tugs as his tongue pressed to her panties. The heat against her sensitive folds made her body arch and shudder before a sharp gasp left her when Klaus bit the fabric and tugged them off so his lips could press hot kisses to her glistening core. His tongue slide through her folds, tasting her addictive essence. She truly was sent from above.
A throaty groan left Klaus's throat as he encased her clit between his lips and sucked ever so gently. His hair was gripped tightly and her overwhelmed whimpers filled his senses.
"Klaus-" She whined, her body completely new to the sensations. Her wings stretched out across the bed and her legs were guided to do the same as the hybrid's mouth got to work.
His arms wrapped under her thighs, holding her hips up so his access was favourable. He licked, lapped, sucked and fucked her with his talented tongue until his face was face was dripping and tears of delight were stained down her cheeks.
Klaus panted as he wiped his mouth and chin sloppily; he lifted his head and pushed himself up into a kneeling position. His pupils dilated at the sight of his bride.
Her wings shifted to cover herself making the hybrid let out a breathy laugh as the feathers blocked his view. Her luscious hair stuck to her glowing skin as she tiredly pushed herself up and crawled toward him. Klaus smiled and wrapped his arms round her waist, under her wings and pulled her onto his lap.
Her face pressed to his chest only for her to pull away and look up at him "You're still in your suit" She whispered, her voice slightly rasped.
"You're tired." He murmured softly, smiling to her as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead sweetly. "We can continue in the morning my love"
"No..." She whined, guilt filling her. "You've been waiting for this night" She whispered, her hand rubbing his arm in a comforting gesture. Klaus wasn't sure where this restraint was coming from, in his head he would have fucked her in ten different positions by now but looking at her delicate face, her soft ethereal body and those loving, understanding eyes, he knew he would wait for the entirety of eternity for her if he had to.
"I don't want to hurt you" He uttered, stroking her face with his knuckles tentatively. "Rest" He urged but her head shook and her fingers plucked at his buttons so that she may feel the firmness of his chest beneath it and despite having restraint, he wouldn't go as far as physically stopping her.
Her touch was light against his skin as his shirt was slid down his arms and her face pressed to his abdomen, basking in his natural warmth. Her hands were nervous as they slowly undid his trousers, sweet girl didn't even know what she was looking at when he helped her remove the rest of his undergarments. Klaus knew she had no clue and couldn't help the smile on his face at her struggle.
"Don't panic darling" He encouraged. Gently he caressed her hands, slowly guiding them to his erect cock and telling her she could stop whenever she wanted to. Her hand wrapped round his thickness and he whispered weakly to her. "Thank you sweetheart" He muttered, "just gently stroke and I'll make an even bigger mess than you did" He teased breathlessly making her blush and follow his directions. Her grip slid up and down his length, her eyes lighting up when his moans and groans filled the room and built her confidence. "Good girl" He praised, his eyes drooping but he smiled when he heard her moan gently at his words. "Good girl" He repeated, a rougher edge to his voice as her hands stroked his faster and firmer.
"I want to do more" She whispered, tone bordering desperate "how do I do more?"
Klaus laughed softly before answering, "Can you use your pretty lips on me my love? No teeth, just tongue like I did" He murmured, squeezing his eyes shut when the heat of her mouth engulfed him. "Fuck, yes!" He gasped and her eyes went big.
"You mustn’t say that" She whispered and he nodded, apologising quietly while petting her head, hoping she wouldn't stop because of it. Slowly her head went back down and his went back.
His muscles tensed and relaxed as he stroked her head gently before sliding his hands across to her wings that would flex every now and then.
Her tongue was wrapped completely around his cock, sliding across his veins while her head moved up and down surprisingly enthusiastically. Klaus had never thought she would be an overly sexual creature given her being so pure for so long but in that moment he knew that they wouldn't be going a day without him being inside her.
She sucked him off beautifully, so wonderfully well that he almost had to second guess her innocence.
His fingers buried into her feathers, careful not to pull too harshly on them while his hips bucked up involuntarily. A muffled gag and strained moan left her and she looked up at him through her lashes. Klaus couldn't stop himself as he looked into her rounded eyes, his body stiffened and his lips parted as he came against the back of her mouth. Y/n made a sound of surprise and he quickly got his hands under her chin and pulled her away.
"Fuck, love I'm sorry" He whispered, gently cupping her face and grabbing the nearest blanket to wipe away the cum that painted her face. He cupped her cheek and kissed her lips. "I meant to pull out before..." He mumbled, annoyed with himself as he listened to her cough.
Once her breathing levelled she was able to look back up at him properly, he was worried for what she would say but she only smacked his arm lightly and shook her head. "Stop saying bad words!" she told him and he sighed, pulling her close and kissing her head repeatedly.
"I love you Y/n" He chuckled and she beamed back at him.
"I love you too" she smiled, squeezing his hand. Her wings stretched out before wrapping around them both, encasing their warmth and holding them together. Klaus gently rubbed his hand down her body, paying attention to her shape and gently caressing her waist up to her breasts. He squeezed them gently, leaning down to press his forehead to hers.
Her head tilted back and their lips pressed together while she relished in his touch. His hands glided down her hips and under her thighs, carefully lifting her up and lowering her down onto his lap. The head of his cock teased her entrance, slipping along her wetness. "I've got you darling" He whispered, guiding himself inside her.
Y/n whimpered softly and clenched her hands into fists causing her nails to dig into her palms. He gently gripped her hips firmly, guiding her to ride his cock whilst he thrust up to meet her body with a soft slap of their skin.
Her face pressed into his neck and her hot breath made his skin wet as she panted heavily. "Nik" She whispered and he groaned, his hips bucking abruptly faster.
"Talk to me darling" He murmured to her, stroking her skin soothingly. "Tell me what you need"
Y/n shuddered in his lap and clung onto him tightly, "I don't know" she whined, "just more"
Klaus smiled and chuckled. He kissed the top of her head before thrusting into her harder "Harder?" He offered with a smirk when she gasped, "Maybe deeper" The hybrid mumbled as he buried his cock into her so that it rubbed her cervix, "Or maybe you need it faster, hm?"
Y/n nodded and squeezed her knees against his hips. He spun her round quickly to press her winged back against the headboard so that he could thrust into her rougher. Klaus could feel his grip on her bruising her skin. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead as he felt her warm walls squeeze him beautifully.
Their bodies moved together in a heated passion, both heavily panting.
Klaus dropped his hand down to slide his fingers over her clit. Y/n's head went back, her wings tensing and her mouth opening in a silent scream as he grunted and pounded into her as deep as physically possible. Little veins scattered under his eyes and he quickly shook them away and kissed from her jaw to her lips, absorbing her moans and swallowing them for himself.
He pulled away with a groan as he felt her body tightening significantly around him and her nails impaling his arms. Her wings flexed out and for a moment he worried they would start to flap but they fell back down as her body arched further.
"Oh sweetheart" Klaus muttered, rubbing her clit vigorously and bucking his hips quickly. "Come on darling...cum for me" He whispered, nipping her neck and licking the smooth skin to sate something inside himself.
Y/n's eyes rolled back and a heavenly sound left her as she felt her orgasm shatter through her. Her head lulled forward to lean against him and her eyes closed as his warmth spread through her. Two large wings held them together as their bodies pressed together without anymore movement.
"I love you my darling" He whispered earnestly, wrapping his arms round her waist and resting his head against hers. She smiled in his hold and sighed softly.
"I can't wait to spend eternity with you...in life and death" She uttered and he grinned.
"I'm going to worship you every night and day whether we're on earth or in the heavens or even if we ever went to-"
"Don't say it" She whined and he chuckled softly
"Forgive me, my love, it seems that I've said a few too many bad words this evening. I'll have to make it up to you" He purred and she giggled.
"You can make it up tomorrow" She murmured with a yawn and he hummed whilst gently lifting her up and carefully pulling out of her. Her skin shone with a thin layer sweat and she shifted as he laid her down amongst the sheets.
"I'm going to clean you a little in a moment but in the morning we'll bathe and ill help you with those gorgeous wings of yours" He promised with a kiss to her cheek.
"Thank you" She whispered, gazing at him with nothing but love.
As he wiped her skin clear, she thanked any and all versions of power for having her fall into the bayou that day, she thanked her father and the angels for allowing her marriage and she thanked the Mikaelsons for being the best family she could have wound up in.
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reveluving · 5 months
heartburn ; the ghoul x reader
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summary: kindness gets people killed in the wasteland, and yet, cooper can't help it when it's you.
warnings: s~mut obv (minors DNI!), pre-war performer/entertainer!reader (for your creativity!); now an immortal ‘smoothskin’, soft as hell but our lovely ghoul is still a loud mouth, age gap but not really (think of him in his 40s & you in your 20s/30s but both in 200-ish years old), typical fallout violence & explicit language, loads of banter & fluff!
a/n: it’s here! based on this because the brain rot was (and is) so real. decided to call this the ‘la rouge series’, just to make it easier for tagging and when any lil’ pieces/asks come in. hope you guys enjoy & don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» curious about my writing? come & check out my main m.list!
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» smut includes: possessive soft & slightly mean dom!cooper, ‘pretty girl’ & baby as pet names, dirty talk i.e. + about exhibitionism (it doesn’t happen tho!), body appreciation, nipple play, spanking, fingering, a bit of edging/teasing, unprotected s~ex (p in v), bits of aftercare but overall, coop likes it nasty.
'It was worth holding back a witty remark during moments like these if it meant seeing you light up each time.' ;
It should’ve been uncomfortable; the sheen of perspiration building up along your body, despite the cooler night, albeit marginally as opposed to the day. Had it not been for the ceiling fan, no matter how slow it gets once in a while, you were indebted to its existence. 
Especially at this exact moment, throwing your head and watching the contraption spin above you as Cooper bucked up into you. 
Lucy had dozed off, you checked an hour prior, finding her asleep in the old guestroom when you stopped by. Maximus, too, snoring away on the wingback chair next to her. Whether it was because you entered with light steps or the duo were bone-tired, you had successfully spread the thin sheets over their figures before turning the table lamp off—all of which Cooper watched behind the door, feeling an overwhelming emotion brewing in him. 
You barely knew them, hell, he was there when you shot Lucy a chilling look, realizing she was the daddy’s girl, but beyond that, you also saw two souls who were… lost. A set of strangers who wanted nothing more than to do the good thing, even if you didn't agree with their beliefs. And yet, the old caring nature in you couldn’t help but offer at least some form of appreciation for their humanity. 
You held yourself back when Lucy babbled, even if—when you wanted nothing more than to cuss her father out. You didn’t lash out when she asked about your time in the shelters way before her mother was around. You acknowledged Maximus’s good intentions, even if they were a little gullible. 
Cooper noticed it all, and fuck, if your unmoveable kindness wasn’t disgustingly the sweetest and sexiest thing he had ever seen.
It all felt like a typical romance movie after that, when you crossed paths in the living room, with you on your way to the kitchen when he stopped you. Delicately (and uncharacteristically, you might add) holding your wrist and tugging you to his chest to stare into your dreamy eyes. How a smile naturally bloomed on your face as you reached for his jaw. He indulged in your cutesy behaviour, as he always does, angling his head to kiss your palm while your eyes remained locked. It was worth holding back a witty remark during moments like these if it meant seeing you light up each time.
Not that you couldn’t handle them, if anything, putting him in his place wasn’t unheard of—you knew how to shut him up with that aura of yours from time to time.
But make no mistake; he knew how to get you tongue-tied, too.
He dipped his head, and the kiss that came was nasty. Swallowing your little gasp when he took hold of your jaw. 
“Here?” You whispered incredulously between giggles when he led you to the couch. All he gave you was a grunt, falling back into the seat and pulling you with him. Your legs snugged around his as he encouraged you to sit, not hover him. The soft tune that played in the kitchen reminded you of a scene out of a cheesy porno from your old days, and when he hummed along, you knew he had the same thoughts, too.
“It's our house,” He grinned, “Means our rules.” 
“Uh-huh,” You humoured, amused as you shook your head, but the use of ‘our’ did send butterflies to your stomach, “Mind elaborating, handsome?” 
He explained all-too-happily, “It means y'got every right throw y'guests t’the doghouse if they start yappin’ ‘bout indecency.”
You say that now, but you knew he would shoot one in between their eyes for ogling you clothed, let alone in your glory. He has done it before. 
Countless times.
But you’d kick him to the doghouse if he ever got blood on your floors. And just to piss him off further, you’d allow Dogmeat to sleep on the bed with you. 
“You'd like to do that, wouldn't you?” I snorted.
His eyes lit up, taking your words as a green light, “Y'offerin’?” 
You smacked his chest. “I know your games, cowboy. Room’s not far, y’know?”
“Aww, c'mon,” Calloused fingertips traced up your legs before slipping under the skirt, alternating between kneading and smacking your ass repeatedly to hear your squeaks, “When's the last time y'and I messed ‘round in the livin’ room?” 
“Just last week.” You huffed, partially from the way his hips rolled against yours.
With any lack of action and the undeniably warmer weather throughout the day, you thought it was time to enjoy the night breeze with a slit skirt. The hems were slightly burnt off from past confrontations, involving a near-fatal experience with a Molotov cocktail, but besides that, it was relatively intact. 
And just like you, it was Cooper’s favourite piece, too.
“Mm,” He acknowledged with a grunt, “Far too long t’me.”
He leaned back, arms spread across the backrest while looking at you expectantly
“Y’gon’ take it off f’me or…?” He asked. You rolled your eyes—as if you could ever refuse him. 
But you couldn’t just give it to him, right?
You sat back, poised and coy, toying with him when you gazed up at him through your lashes. In the mood to give him a little show as it seemed like your guests were going to stay out cold for a while.
You were definitely teasing him when you popped the buttons of your shirt, only to let it droop around your elbows, just enough to get a glimpse of your cleavage and pesky black bra. 
Reaching over, you dragged your index finger from his Adam’s apple, down to the collar. His overcoat long gone for your convenience, uncovering his chest without problems.
He was always intrigued, and if he was being honest, in disbelief by your fascination—by your need to have him unclothed in some form of way, despite his condition. The wariness grew over time, and he had not only relished it in but encouraged you for it, too. 
Bunching up and pushing your skirt to the side, his fingers rubbed your pussy through your panties. He sighed, feeling the patch of wetness that soaked through the fabric. He was excited as you were, eager to feel you against him as he shifted under you.
He raised his fingers to his lips, sucking on his middle finger sloppily and groaning at your taste before dipping them under your panties. He straightened, pulling you forward by the back of your head as he prodded a finger into you. The position had you arching, chest to chest as he forced you to moan in his ear. 
At your mewls, he was more than content to give you another, sinking his ring finger in bit by bit to feel you clench desperately. 
He revelled in the warmth, the tightening of your warm walls as if fearing he'd pull out. The more you felt him curl inside you, the more useless it was to muffle your cries. The embarrassing squelch didn’t help either, but how couldn’t you, with that romantic stunt he pulled moments ago?
He tapped on your hips, silently requesting you to hold yourself up for a moment while he shoved his pants down. His cock stood with pride, twitching at the cool air and the anticipation to feel what his digits were feeling.
Pushing your panties to the side, he lined up the head of his cock to your pussy.  He was practically dreaming of feeling you sink onto him at once, already bucking his hips to fill you to the hilt. Instead, you took him in ever so slowly, bit by bit before raising your hips till there was nothing more than the tip of him in you. Taking him in little by little as he teased you with his fingers.
“Y'tryin’ t’kill me?” He gritted out.
“You can handle it.” You cooed back, already losing composure as you felt up his chest.
He groaned, eyeing you dangerously only to shudder when your thighs slammed against his. You felt full, hell, you were full, needing a moment as your fingernails dug into his skin. 
“Fuuuck,” He groaned, tipping his head back though forcing himself not to close his eyes to watch your tits bounce as you moved faster, “Look at y'go. Yeah, ride m’cock, pretty girl. Juuust like that.” 
His praises had you pulsing around him, but so did his desperation. Slowing down once again to feel him buck under you. 
But there was also something else about tonight.
Familiarity was putting his feelings lightly, unable to tear his eyes off as images of the same smile, maybe just a tad more innocent about the world, flashed before his eyes. Remembering his lucky encounters with you when you were both stars. When the two of you had dreams. When your worries at the time were nothing more than bringing joy to the people who watched you perform like you had hung the moon. 
He could never forget admiring you and your artistry, similar to how you marvelled at his productions in awe, even after when they were nothing more than a man on a horseback before it all went to hell. 
And to have him before you once more, albeit a bigger menace than you thought was possible, he was still your Cooper Howard.
Your cheekiness was wiped off when his hand dropped to your ass with a sharp smack, the slap drowning out the radio for a split second.
“‘Y'had your fun.” He growled. His hands held onto you so desperately, similar to the way you grappled onto his shoulders for support.
Your button-up was sticking to your skin just below your breasts, and as much as Cooper loved the little striptease, he wanted more. 
He pulled the article further down by your sleeves, where you shuddered at the feeling of Cooper’s lips latching onto your skin. The sensation rough as he nipped at your rib. He surged forward, salivating as he sucked and tugged on your nipple. He let out a heady groan, tasting a hint of salt while rigorously bouncing you up and down his cock. 
You were what pin-ups couldn’t emulate, what poets or authors couldn’t convey with mere words. 
Anyone, surface dwellers and vaulties alike wished they could have you.
He crept one hand in between you, rubbing tight circles on your clit. He didn’t relent when you trembled, when you tightened as you came hard. Not even when you spasm, overstimulated when he continued to thrust in and out of you.
He held you down longer than you would've liked, too obsessed with the way your walls fluttered around him. Begging for some form of friction as you clamped him like a vice. The mewls that followed were music to his ears, frustrated in the cutest way when he did nothing more than flash you an infuriating smile.
A tight one, you noticed. Unable to hide his own need for long as your juices dripped down to his thighs. He was… a little sick in the head—who would’ve thought—abstaining himself from chasing the high for just a moment, just to amp up the pleasure and feel his desperation sated as if he finally deserved the ‘treat’.
“Coop…” You mewled, nearly choking on your spit as his iron-clad grip forced you to feel each and every ridge of him up to the brim, “Coop–! Please! Please move, please—fuck.”
Oh, how cruel of him to deny you. Especially when you sang for him so sweetly.
You raised your head, lips parted as his eyes bored into your teary ones. Even when you became lost in your lustful haze, only able to churn out nothing but his name as hushed moans, he couldn’t miss the small dazed smile flickering across your face. 
He couldn’t resist, reaching up to brush across the pads of your plush lips. And as hooked as you were over the proximity, you placed your hand over his, keeping it on your cheek. 
Your eyes screamed for him to go faster, to put you out of your misery. He pitied you to some degree when he rolled his hips.
“That too much? No, y'can take it. M'pretty girl can take what I give.” 
“Gonna fuckin’ come in’ya, y’hear me?”
“Oh, you’re tearin’ up, feels really good, doesn’t it, baby?”
He slammed you down as soon as he came, thighs sticky and flushed. His grinds slowed down, chest heaving till he had his last spurts of cum in you. He traced his hands along the bruising spots he had left on your hips, then up your sides, tickling you.
The corner of his lips twitched at your tired giggle, catching your breath with your face pressed against his shoulder.
“Y’liked that?” He matched your amusement, reaching over the dry towel conveniently draped on the arm of the couch and wiping off the sweat dripping down your back. 
“Mmm.” You hummed into his skin, already comfortable against him.
“Y’really liked it,” He reiterated, finding your playful eye-roll worth it, casually dragging the cloth under your chin and the area between your breasts before tossing it to the side. He let one arm outstretched on the backrest, “Y’need some water or somethin’?” You thought for a moment; you’d need a sip or two after all that, but you could hold it off for a few minutes. 
“In a bit,” You returned to snuggling in his arms, much to his satisfaction, “Can't you just carry me to bed?” 
“I would, but…” He trailed off. You followed his line of sight when it fell to his lap, not only reminding you of the mess but also if he stood up, well, you might as well fall with him if his pants dropped to his ankles. You knew he could clean you up and buckle his pants before carrying you to your room with no problem, he just didn’t feel like it.
And, well, you understood him.
“Fine,” You sighed, feigning resignation even though a little smile was playing on your lips. You knew each other too well, “But if I hear rushed footsteps or that girl yapping about ‘my eyes’, I blame you.”
“Not the first time you’ve ever blamed me for anythin’—m’poor ol’ heart,” He pretended to weep, placing a hand on his chest, only to catch yours when you tried to smack him for it, “See? Unloved, by m’own girl.”
You shared a laugh, and when he pulled his rest on your waist once more, you knew none of you were going anywhere. 
In minutes, you were finally able to take in your surroundings, recognizing the chorus playing in the background, a classic of Dean Martin’s, one that even Cooper couldn’t help but hum to. It was soft, no more than within your hearing range, even bobbing his head to the beat. You followed, too, and to your surprise, the two of you coincidentally sang a particular line together. 
♫ Your love made it well worth waiting ♫
♫ For someone like you ♫
You turned your head to head to the side before he could look at you after spotting the knowing smile he was sporting. And as the song came to an end, eyes droopy as he instinctively rubbed your back, his hat tipped down. 
You couldn’t help it, craning your neck and planting one final kiss, to which he eagerly returned before your bodies melded into each other once more. Relaxed and protected from the dangers outside your safe haven, even for just a moment. So long as both of you were still breathing, you’d take the bull by its rotting horns in stride.  
♫ Everybody loves somebody sometime ♫
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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a/n: fun fact! ignoring the fact that the concept of the game is inspired by the 50s and burlesques would no longer be as famous then, one of the many entertainer options I imagine for the reader (depending on the fic) is burlesque (?) dancer, which very much inspired this piece! not necessarily as her job in the old days but someone who knows a thing or two about it! but again, as the reader, you have the right to imagine whoever you or your mc however you’d like! ;; gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
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rie-092 · 7 months
chapter two : the rumour.
summary : clopeh can't enter the henituse museum without finishing his book length prayer for his cale-nim.
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★﹒ ( First name ) doesn't know if Clopeh Sekka has things for redheads. But there was a thing that she was sure of, Clopeh is a certified crazy bastard. He was worse than that dragon who commits arson and burns down a whole damn mountain while laughing like a madman. And what's the reason why he did that? Simple, because he was sleep deprived and the elementals won't let him have his peaceful sleep.
The girl deadpanned at the sight in front of her. Clopeh had promised that he would take her out to a museum today. So that's the main reason for the extravagant outfit that the staff of the orphanage prepared for her. But, before they could even enter this damn museum, Clopeh had his hands clasped as he recited a prayer.
Does.... He finally lost his mind? The little redhead crossed her small arms as she looked at Clopeh. Her hands were sweating to the fact that people were looking at them. While her lips unconsciously pouted. Fuck, her child's senses were screaming at her to throw a fit right here, right now to get this bastard's attention.
So, instead of doing that. She tugged the end of the cape of the knight who was escorting them. "Uh... Mister... Is sir Clopeh alright? He's been like that since earlier."
The knight sweatdropped at her question, he awkwardly scratched his cheeks and crouched down at ( first name )'s level. "Little miss, the young master is always like this when uh.. visiting this museum."
"Why?" The little girl innocently asked. "Because he is obse— I mean, he idolizes the firstborn of the family who founded this museum."
( First name ) couldn't help but notice how forced the knight's expression was. He was practically praying to Angela, the God of War, the God of Death and whatever mythical creature that this kid would stop asking him about his liege's weird habits. Yeah, this is considered weird— but just remember that one time when he accidentally entered Clopeh's room and those concerning amount of pictures and drawings of the Young Master Henituse plastered on his liege's room. It was more than enough to traumatise his poor self.
' Maybe I should ask the Duke for a bonus.' he thought.
"Okay." ( First name ) simply said, as the knight's face brightened. "I'm going to look around, Mister! Please tell me when Sir Clopeh came back to reality!"
( First name ) waved her small hand at the knight as she started looking around the museum. Then, a certain painting caught her attention. She noticed how detailed the painting was. And how beautiful the man in the painting is. He was wearing a commander's uniform and had a small smile on his face.
"Pretty." Her reddish brown eyes shone as she looked at the painting. She was caught up in her small words where she was cursing the gods and goddesses for being unfair to her because she wasn't able to get the beauty of this red-haired man in this painting. She wasn't able to hear the murmurs of the people around her.
All of them were flabbergasted because of one thing. They've seen a peculiar sight of a small redhead that looks a lot like their Young master Silver Shield! What? And this kid was looking at Cale Henituse's portrait with those longing expression (when the truth is she was planning the whole event where she will be burning all temples of the God of Death and Angela, the Sun Goddess across the continent) does the young master has an illegitimate child that the people doesn't know of?!
As they started making their gossip inside their little brains. Clopeh's knight had already called for ( first name ) saying that Clopeh was looking for her and they should go to a restaurant nearby instead of staying here. Because Clopeh wasn't able to finish his one book-length prayer and he couldn't enter the Henituse Museum without finishing it.
"Okay." ( First name ) stoically said as she walked away from the painting. Not even aware that a certain orange-haired butler had seen her and now he was speechless and couldn't move from his spot.
Hans, that butler has his jaw dropped as he remembers the little girl that he saw earlier. Those lazy reddish brown eyes that can look down at you like you were some kind of dirty insect were very similar to his liege! That crimson hair! And those mannerisms!
Hans swallowed hard as he started hesitating whether he should tell it to Cale or the Duke himself. But then, decided that the Duke had the right to know about the existence of his granddaughter.
Later that day, those rumours about Cale having an illegitimate child that he kept from the public's eyes had already spread to the Roan Kingdom and the other neighbouring kingdoms. Those rumours kept on getting more and more ridiculous.
And Cale Henituse, the person on the rumour was now laying inside his room on the Henituse estate while sleeping. Ah, slacker life, how sweet it is. He can sleep 15 hours straight now and can laze around after all of those shits that he got involved with. His lips then curved into a sweet smile as he opened his eyes. Only to find two pairs of cat eyes and a pair of dragon's blue eyes staring at him.
"What the fuc—"
Cale almost falls from his bed after seeing his children, On, Hong, and Raon staring at him. He was about to ask what was wrong when he noticed that everyone, by everyone I mean the Molans, Choi Han, Lock, Rosalyn, Mary, and Eruhabe was staring at him with those eerie smiles.
"Unlucky bastard, tsk, tsk." Eruhaben shook his head making Cale more confused. "Cale-nim." This time it was Choi Han who was looking at Cale with a hint of betrayal in his eyes.
What the heck is going on?
This time, Rosalyn chuckled as she spoke in amusement. "Have you heard the news, Young master Cale? The crown prince had fainted."
"What? Why?"
"Because he heard that his younger sworn brother has a secret child that looks a lot like him." Cale deadpanned, is that so? But then he realized something causing his eyes to widen. He is Alberu's only sworn brother! "Huh? What the fuck?!"
"So, be honest to us young master-nim." Ron spoke with his benign smile. "Young master-nim, are you hiding something from us~?"
Vicious people. Cale suddenly wanted to escape this hellish place. What the heck are they talking about?! What secret child?! What happened while he was asleep?!
Then, Hans barged into his room. "Mister Ron! The Duke has fainted!" Fuck it, let him sleep slack in peace!
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acewritesfics · 6 months
A Wedding After All  | Tommy Shelby 
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Pregnant!Reader 
Request: No.  
Warnings: Alludes to cheating [I do not condone cheating]. Pregnancy. Past childhood sweethearts. Brief mention of war. One f*ck.
Word Count: 2,103
Tommy Shelby Masterlist | Main Masterlist
"Is Tommy in his office, Polly?" Y/N asks as she approaches the woman who has always treated her like a daughter. Her cheeks are flushed after walking as fast as she could to the Shelby Company's headquarters. She's come straight from the doctor's office. 
Polly cast a worried glance towards the younger woman. "You alright, Love?" 
"I need to talk to Tommy," she says, her gaze darting towards Tommy's office. "It's important that I speak with him." 
"He ought to return at any moment. I'm sure you can tell me whatever you need to tell him," Polly remarks as she sees Y/N beginning to pace back and forth in front of her. 
"Sorry, but I can't. I won't say anything until I've spoken with Tommy." Y/N is unable to calm herself as nauseous feeling settles in her stomach. 
The Shelby family's Matriarch felt unsure how to handle the current situation she finds herself in. If something bothered her, Y/N would always tell her. She never went to Tommy first with anything since their relationship ended years ago.  
Polly knew the woman Y/N's father married a month after his wife died, and it came as no surprise how viciously she treated the teenage girl, from spreading rumours to physically beating her, while her good for nothing father did nothing to stop his new wife. 
Polly immediately scoured the entire town of Small Heath for Y/N and welcomed her into her home once she learned that she was kicked to the streets when she was fifteen. 
It wasn't long before Polly introduced her to her brother's family. When she met the Shelby siblings, they forged an immediate bond. Ada, the only girl, took to her the most, relieved to have another girl to talk to. The two women are still as thick as thieves to this day. They have a sisterly relationship that not even Tommy could disrupt. 
From the moment they met there was an obvious immediate attraction between Y/N and Tommy.  It didn't take long for their friendship to grow into a romantic love. Their romance was a whirlwind of passion, excitement and love. The two of them only had eyes for each other. Everyone knew she was Tommy's girl, and no one dared to touch her. Even though Tommy had little in common with his father, the Shelby name came with a not-so-great reputation.  
Tommy and Y/N weren't hesitant to call each other out on their foolishness, their confrontations occasionally attracting unwelcome attention. But they never went to bed angry with each other, which sometimes resulted in restless nights spent talking and making up. He had been her first love. 
However, their romance eventually ended when Y/N travelled to London shortly after turning 21 to pursue becoming a nurse. Tommy wanted to promise that he'd wait for her to return to Birmingham because he knew she was the one who he was supposed to marry and spend the rest of his life with. She urged him not to make any promises to her, fearing that their parting would only cause more heartbreak. But Tommy never gave up on her, writing almost every day to persuade her that everything would work out between them. They both held hope that it would until the letters eventually became less frequent as they both became busy with their lives.   
The war broke out two years into her training, and she and many other nurses were deployed to France to care for their countries' wounded. There, she was reunited with her former love. In the midst of tending to the soldier's wounds, their love for one another was rekindled. 
But as the days passed, Tommy's once beautiful vibrant blue eyes turned dull, emotionless, and void as they witnessed people die in the most horrific ways. When the war was over and they were sent home, they went their separate ways once more. 
It wasn't until six months ago that Y/N returned Birmingham. She'd been assigned to work in Small Heath's hospital. She preferred working at this hospital to the one she previously worked at in London. It moved at a slightly slower pace which she enjoyed.  
She reconnected with Polly and the brothers once she had settled back in and called Ada at least three times a week to keep her updated now that she was living in London with her son. Despite Ada's displeasure at Y/N wanting to return to Birmingham, the younger of the two women supported her decision knowing that their hometown was where Y/N belonged. 
Y/N had missed Polly and the brothers and was overjoyed to have them back in her life, as well as to be back in theirs. 
She enjoyed being back in Small Heath, even if her heart was crushed by her own past decisions. She assumed she was over Tommy, that all they'd ever be is friends, and that all her old sentiments for him had vanished. Tommy was her first and only love, so learning that he was now engaged saddened her. Polly attempted to convince her that Tommy never stopped loving her and that this marriage was a waste of time and money once he realises, he's making a mistake.  
But all Y/N saw was the way Tommy's soon-to-be bride looked at him, the way her eyes lit up when he walked into the room, the way he makes her smile. It was the same way she would look at him. The only difference was he never looked at her the same way he looked at Y/N. He never looked at anyone the way he was before the war. Y/N didn't know if Tommy loved his fiancée, but he was marrying her and that was enough for Y/N to know that her and Tommy will never be more than friends again.  
Y/N didn't want to get in the way of their relationship, so she kept her distance from Tommy. Which had been working until one night nine weeks ago. 
Polly pulls out a cigarette, places it between her lips, and lights it while she continues to watch Y/N pacing the room. She takes in the younger woman's form, seeing the small curvature of her belly as her hands rest over her stomach as if protecting it. 
Then it dawns on her.  
Leaving her cigarette in the ashtray, she moves towards Y/N and stops her from pacing a hole into the floor. Y/N seems surprised as Polly reaches out and gropes her breasts, feeling them for a few seconds before letting go. 
"You're with child," she exclaims, not bothering to hide the smile on her face. She is not a fool. This baby can only belong to one man, and it would be the push the former lovers need to come back together. Tommy, after all, would never abandon the woman who is carrying his child, especially when it's the woman he's been hopelessly in love with since he was sixteen 
"Fuck me," Y/N murmurs more to herself since she should have known Polly would notice. Nothing can ever get past the Romani woman. "Please don't say anything until I've spoken with Tommy." 
"My lips are sealed," she assures as she places her hand to Y/N's belly.  "Is she Tommy's then?" 
"She?" Y/N raises an eyebrow in response. She wasn't going to bother responding to Polly question since she already knew the answer. 
"Did you forget who you are talking to?" Polly beams, eliciting a smile from Y/N, who appears to be more at ease. "She'll be beautiful, Y/N, and you'll love her more than you've ever loved anyone, even Thomas. There is no deeper love than that between a mother and her daughter." 
They both have a saddened expression on their faces as they recall who they've lost. Y/N lost her mother, and Polly lost her daughter, but they found what they were looking for in each other. Polly always believed that her daughter and Y/N's mother brought them together knowing that they needed one other. 
"You understand that she'll call you nan, right?"  Y/N says, making Polly smile this time. 
"Of course she is," Polly says, hugging her adopted daughter. She lets go of her, looking over her shoulder as someone walks into the office. 
Y/N becomes tense once more. She doesn't have to turn around to find out who it is since she can always feel Tommy's presence before she sees him. She turns around with a timid smile, the nauseous feeling in her stomach intensifying as she swallows the lump in her throat. 
"Y/N," he says a little taken aback to see her. 
"Good afternoon, Thomas," she says formally, trying not to seem too anxious. Since the night they spent together nine weeks ago, the two have barely spoken. Polly simply stands between them, smiling. "Do you have a moment? I need to speak with you." 
"I do," he replies and leads her into his office hearing the urgency in her voice. 
He glances worriedly at Y/N after closing the door. "Is everything okay?" 
"I saw the doctor this morning."  
As he gets closer to her, he grows increasingly worried. "Are you ill?" 
"What I have does cause sickness." She claims unable to look at him. The amount of thinking she did on her walk to the office did not help her at all. 
"What do you have?" He tilts her head so she can look at him. He notices tears welling up in her eyes. 
She takes a deep breath in and out, gathering all her courage to tell him as h er tears begin to fall. "I'm pregnant, Tommy." 
The Peaky Blinder remains calm as thoughts start running through his head. His eyes never leave hers. Y/N searches his eyes trying to find a hint of what he could be feeling or thinking. 
"You are the only one I've been with, Tommy. The baby is yours and I know you are to be married so if you want, I will leave. I'll go back to London and raise her by myself. I just thought since you're the father, you have the right to know and decide what you want to do," She rambles. Removing Tommy's hands off her face, she steps back from him, her arms going around her stomach, bracing herself for his rejection.  
"Or," Tommy finally speaks. "Or, you can stay here, I can marry you and we can finally be a family." 
"Tommy, you're engaged to someone else," She looks at him as though he's delusional, not believing what she's hearing. 
"Not a single day goes by where I don't think about you and what it would be like if we stayed together," he admits. "Because of that, I ended my engagement. I can't marry someone else when the only woman I'll ever love is standing right there in front of me." 
"Tommy, I-"  
"We are going to get married, we are going to have this baby and we are going to be a family," he steps towards her cupping her face again. This thumbs brush away her fallen tears. "I have never stopped loving you," he whispers before kissing her. 
"I love you too, Tommy," she replies when the kiss is broken and Tommy pulls away from her. She watches him go over to his desk, pull something out of the draw and walk back over to her. In his hand is a red velvet ring box. He opens it revealing the gold ring with three red ruby stones surrounded by diamonds. She gasps recognizing his mother's engagement ring. "Your mother's ring." 
"I've been saving it for you," he tells her. "You're the only one I want to wear it. Will you do me the honour in becoming my wife?" 
She nods her head, as the tears start to fall harder. Tommy smiles a rare smile, one that was only reserved for her, and slides the ring onto her finger before he kisses her deeply wrapping his arms around her waist as her arms go around his shoulders. 
"Well it's about bloody time," Arthur's gruff voice comes from the doorway causing the reunited couple to part. 
Y/N's cheeks flush red. Tommy can't contain the smile on his face. "Brother, there's going to be a wedding after all." 
"Who's getting married?" John asks missing what Arthur just walked in on. The younger of the three takes in the scene before him, seeing Y/N and Tommy wrapped up in each other. "You two are getting married?" he then asks, looking confused. 
"We're getting more than that," Tommy smiles lovingly at the woman who stole his heart when they were sixteen. 
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darklinaforever · 25 days
To those who say that The Acolyte cannot be the victim of racism-related hatred because of the main actors of Andor, Mandalorian and Ahsoka make me slowly laugh.
Diego Luna may be Mexican, but he's sort of white-skinned. Pedro Pascal is under a fucking mask the majority of the time, and Ahsoka may be an Afro Latina actress is a character who was basically one in the animation, being part of an alien race. Natasha Liu Bordizzo also plays a person who was originally in animation with a fanbase that already existed.
You may think that all this does not play a role in public perception, particularly racist in terms of their tolerance, but you are wrong (especially in the reception of an animated character compared to live action like with Sabine). On the contrary, it plays a huge role in their criticism. And precisely, thanks to that they can hide behind the excuse of not being racist.
Amandla is a black woman who play a completely new character. She pulls the triple hat for the worst of the worst in Star Wars fandom. Namely the sexist criticisms and the misogynistic criticisms, and criticizes of the untouchable Lore / what they think Star Wars is supposed to be, which all combine together.
Without forgetting that the one who makes the show is also a woman, a lesbian on top of that, who inevitably infuses her vision into Star Wars.
Stop acting like it doesn't matter.
And hiding behind the fact that many love Qimir and want the continuation of his story to make people believe that there is no racism linked to Amandla forgets some details on this subject.
Literally, these people completely remove the female character, Osha, from Qimir, while you can't tell his story by removing the girl. The characters work together and not separately. They don't understand that the essence of Qimir's character is linked to Osha. And obviously they don't understand that he's more complex than a Sith either.
These people who only focus on Many don't understand the character at all. Most also have misogynistic remarks towards Osha / Amandla.
So, frankly, taking those who specifically focus on Qimir as a standard to prove that there is no racism, only shows their incompetence in analysis and understanding of media, without forgetting the other horrible side that this show has had to face ; misogyny.
Be realistic, the show suffered a huge hate campaign well before its release and therefore the slightest trace of the storyline !
And yes, the storyline of The Acolyte is not perfect, but that is far from the main reason why the show is criticized ! A little realism and objectivity, please !
It's to the point that there is a counter-petition to prove that people don't want The Acolyte to be renewed, and sorry for the haters, but the numbers painfully prove you otherwise.
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newobsessionweekly · 1 year
Family Ties
Main masterlist | 9-1-1 Masterlist
Eddie Diaz x firefighter!reader Fandom: 911
Summary: You and Eddie have been dating for a few months now, but your older brother, Buck, don’t know until you get hurt on a call and he puts all the pieces together.
Warnings: Mentions of fire, injuries.
Requested: No
Words: 1.9k Requests are open for Eddie / Buck! Gif not mine, credits to the owner.
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Standing in front of the firehouse, you adjust your helmet and gear and feel the adrenaline rush that comes with being a firefighter. You were proud to become a paramedic at Station 118 in LA, following in your older brother Buck's footsteps. You have always admired Buck's courage and strength in leaving home, building a career, and saving lives. This job is perfect for him since he saved your life back then. You own everything you are in that moment to Buck.
You greeted everyone at the firehouse, eager for a new day. Hen and Chim checked supplies, Bobby inspected trucks, and Buck ate his breakfast undisturbed. Everyone turned theirs heads and smiled, wishing you a “Good Morning” in response.
“I hope you choke on that food. I'll let your lazy ass die anytime.” you greet your brother, still angry about him ditching you up last night and not giving you a ride in the morning.
“Love you too, munchkin!" Buck yelled with a full mouth of milk and cereals.
“Stop calling me that, I'm not five anymore!” you said firmly, pouring yourself a cup of coffee. Eddie laughed, making his way up on the stairs. “Morning to you too!” you greeted him. “Something funny?”
You brightened Station 118 for all to see. Upon entering, the room radiates warmth and light wavily pours down on everyone. You are that magnet of happiness that could cheer up any bad day. Who wouldn't love you?
You watch Eddie enter the kitchen, patting Buck's shoulder on his way to the fridge. He winked and handed you the milk, a sudden burst of warmth covering your cheeks.
Eddie is both Buck's best friend and your secret boyfriend. Well, not that secret, everyone knows except Buck. And everyone is hiding you both until you're ready to tell you big brother.
You and Eddie bonded immediately upon joining Unit 118. All the laugher and deep conversations held in Buck's living room, slowly turned into small electric touches and stolen kisses.
Eddie made excuses for Buck to babysit Christopher while he took you on little dates, most of them between the walls of his home. But you didn't care as long as you were together.
Eddie is the most amazing man you've ever met. Strong, brave, and incredibly smart. All the stories about the war and you still can't believe the man in front of you was some years ago on the open field. He's handsome, all worked up and as cheerful as you every single day. Though, the signs of the war are painted on his skin, he exudes a mature aura that masks his traumas. He's also a perfect father.
Some girls dream of men like this, even fantasies about them being a father, but all you gotta do is open your eyes and admire the view. And it's only yours.
"You're right, Y/n. You're not five. You both are five and acting like idiots.” Eddie poured himself a cup of coffee while Buck's gaze was pointed at you. His face twisted comically in confusion. How did Eddie know you need milk for your coffee without you asking for it?
Eddie is more than thankful to have beside him a woman just as perfect as an angel. You spread love, exhibits passion, demonstrates bravery in saving people, and look stunning while doing so.
However, you still hesitate to reveal your relationship with Eddie, knowing that it could complicate things with your overprotective brother.
As soon as the alarm went off calling a car crash with multiple injuries, you placed your cup on the table and run off to the truck with Eddie by your side while Buck analysing your every move and how the distance between you and Eddie closes day by day. He smells something's going on.
Throughout the day, you and Eddie teamed up seamless and efficient together. Buck, on the other hand, noticed your chemistry and couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. He first lost his partner, but could also lose his best friend and sister ? Buck brushed it off as he hurriedly approached the cars holding captive civilians, ignoring any doubts.
The quiet afternoon allowed your for reflection while washing off the blood under the hot water pouring over your bloody-covered body, then silently enjoyed Bobby's delicious lunch.
“Uh-huh, Buckley siblings aren't talking." "Something's off," Bobby quipped, eyeing the people standing around the table.
Chuckling, you searched for Eddie's sight before the alarm blared once more.
Unit 118 was dispatched to a high-rise building fire. You raced to the scene, adrenaline pumping. The team surrounded Bobby, listening to his command. “Buck, you're coming with me to the back, we need to secure an exit and search for survivors. Eddie, Y/n, Chim and Hen, search the first two floors, pull out the fire, and search for survivors, ten at number.” everyone nodded as he explained to never split up, but if needed, you stay close to a wall and never let go of the hose. “Be safe out there!” Buck nodded to you and Eddie, silently urging caution and a safe return.
As you entered the building, Eddie's firefighter instincts kicked in, and he took charge of the situation. He led the team through the thick smoke and intense heat, searching for survivors and extinguishing the flames.
But as you were making your way out of the building, a sudden explosion rocked the structure, causing debris to collapse around you. You shielded Eddie out of the way just in time, but you were struck by falling debris. Your trapped leg caused a painful mix of blood and agony.
Eddie rushed to your side, his heart pounding with fear. He checked for other injuries with shaky hands.
"Calling for help, ok? Hen and Chim will be back, and you'll be okay!” Eddie comforted, cupping your cheeks, forcing you look at him. You were conscious and likely only suffered a sprained ankle while the blood that flood around was coming from a cut above your knee.
“I'm fine, just a sprained ankle. We should go search for survivors," you suggested, gazing at the ashes of the once-mischievous flames that nearly engulfed the entire building.
Eddie looked at you in disbelief. You and Buck were remarkably alike. Or maybe the gene of recklessness run deep in both you DNA's. He's worried about the leg, despite your pleading to go search for the people stuck in that building, you can't move fast enough. It will only slow down the operation and cause any other damage.
“Here the captain, the building is clear.” Bobby radioed. You breathe easily now, the survivors were out of any harm. “Find your way back safely, the fire spreading quickly to the roof."
“Come on, we have to go.” Eddie said, pushing aside with all his strength the debris that was pinning you down. "Copy that, cap!" Eddie spoke into his radio.
“Y/n, do you copy?" Buck's voice crackled through Eddie's radio. Yours was broken in the fall. Buck searched the perimeter with worry in his eyes.
“Don't tell Buck, please.” you pleaded, afraid your brother wouldn't keep his feet at place, rushing recklessly into the burning building to save you. Eddie nodded, thinking of what he could tell his best friend.
"Y/n's radio broke, but she's en route to the hospital doing CPR.” Eddie fibbed. Bobby nodded at the words and told everyone to go back to the station as Unit 146 could handle the fire themselves. They got every other unit off duty. “Bobby, take Buck and Chim with you. I'm coming right back, Hen can give me a ride. We'll go after Y/n at the hospital.”
“Copy that. On our way now!” Bobby and Buck left, cap confident that the remaining men could handle as the fire was slowly being extinguished.
Buck obeyed Bobby's orders for your sake, though he didn’t really bite that.
As Eddie carried you out of the building with you laying on him, slowly walking to the paramedic truck, you saw Hen's eyes widening. “You said she was on her way to the hospital!" she scolded Eddie, shaking her head in a disapproving gesture. “You hurt?” she checked for injuries on your body.
“Just small bruises and a scars, a spread ankle. "Nothing serious," you report.
Eddie hugged you tight, now clear-minded. He was relieved you both returned from that building in one piece. He admired your courage and dedication. Your kindness towards the injured made him fall in love with you all over again seeing you giving all the injured people a soft smile and help they needed, without a single doubt. You hugged him back, seeking comfort in his arms, preparing your patience for when will Buck find out.
“Ok, Eddie ride with her in the back. We going to the hospital.”
Back at the firehouse, Buck was anxiously waiting for news on the fire. He waited at the station for an hour, pacing through the kitchen, eager for you to get back. His thoughts buzzed with all the worst-case scenarios. Buck rushed towards you as soon as he saw the truck reversing into the station. His eyes turned red when Eddie helped you hop up from the back of the paramedic truck, your leg all bandaged and bruises painted all over you, from your beautiful face to the arms. Slowly limping to him, Buck rushed over to you, his concern evident.
"What the hell happened?" Buck asked, his voice filled with worry.
Y/n got hit by falling debris, but she insisted on continuing to help with evacuation," Eddie explained, casting a proud glance at you. “She's fine now, just a few scratches, but she managed to clear the building.
“Screw about that building. "Why did you do that?" Buck looked at his sister, his protective instincts kicking in. "Why didn't you tell me you got hurt?" he scolded you gently.
"I didn't want to worry you," you replied, giving your brother a weak smile. "I guess you passed to me the recklessness gene," you laughed, trying to ease the tension. “I'm fine, Buck, really."
But Buck's attention shifted to Eddie, and he noticed the concerned look in the firefighter's eyes as he tended to your injury. Buck's suspicions were confirmed as he realized the truth.
"You two are dating, aren't you?" Buck asked, surprised and a little taken aback.
You and Eddie exchanged nervous glances before nodding. Buck's initial surprise turned into a mix of emotions - surprise, worry, protectiveness - but also saw the love and happiness in you both.
"I care about her, Buck," Eddie begins earnestly, looking Buck straight in the eye. "I promise to take care of her." Eddie locked his hand in yours, both of them helping you up the stairs and have a seat on the couch.
Buck couldn't deny the sincerity in Eddie's words, and he knew that you are a capable firefighter who could take care of herself. Reluctantly, he nodded and pulled you both into a tight hug. Buck knows Eddie's a great guy, he also knows about the baggage you're both dealing with, hope you'll both manage to heal each other.
"Just be careful with her," Buck said, his voice filled with emotion. "She's my little sister, and I know how a pain in the ass she could be.” he joked, passing you a glass of water.
Well, maybe all the bad did something good after all.
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dark-fics-4-you · 1 year
Ahhh you knocked it out of the park!!! Thank you for doing my request (somno step bro Rafe). Would love if you did more or some virginity loss or something :) I feel like reader would catch Rafe being hard around her accidentally and get innocently curious
Saving the spicy stuff for a main chapters but I was inspired by this ask so here’s a lil blurb 😏
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Rafe sat on the couch, scrolling through your instagram feed. Pic after pic of you at parties, past halloween costumes that were much too skimpy for you to be posting for just anyone to see, and photos of you posing with friends filled your profile.
He paused on a beach pic that you had posted a few weeks ago. Sarah was an excellent photographer, and you two frequently did little photoshoots together for each other.
You were in the sand, lying on your back on a blue beach towel, propped up by your elbows with your legs stretched out. The white bikini you were wearing barely covered anything, and Rafe could see your hardened nipples poking through the thin material.
His tongue darted between his lips, pants tightening as he grew hard. Rafe took a screenshot, saving the pic to his folder of his favorite pictures of you.
When he heard the door open behind him, he quickly pocketed his phone, glancing over his shoulder to see you bouncing in with a grin.
“Hey Rafey, I was looking for you!”
“C’mere bunny.” He gestured for you to come closer.
He wasn’t expecting you to climb into his lap for a hug.
You threw your legs over his lap, wrapping your arms around his chest and squeezing him in a hug.
Rafe tensed, trying to think about anything other than his adorable lil step sis sitting in his lap. Despite his efforts, he could feel himself getting harder as you squirmed.
“Do you think we could make a liquor run soon? I have that party with Sarah and John B and the other guys tonight!” You were clearly excited about the get together, a little too excited for Rafe’s comfort.
“You’re actually going to that?” Rafe asked in annoyance, trying to focus on something other than your bare thighs so close to him.
“I mean yeah, they’re my friends! I like hanging out with John B, Pope, Kie, and JJ!”
At the mention of JJ’s name, Rafe’s jaw tightened, jealously flashing through him.
He knew that JJ was just like all the other Pogues. No good trash from the Cut, who would steal and lie to get what they want. But Rafe’s qualms with JJ went beyond just Kook vs Pogue war.
Rafe knew that JJ liked you. It’s not like he had to be an genius to notice, he had seen JJ staring at you so many times that he had grown accustomed to hating the other blond even more than the rest of the Pogues.
JJ was nothing but bad news. The type of guy that slept around and broke new girl’s hearts weekly. The type of guy who would eat you alive if given the chance.
And the thought of JJ putting his hands on you, or even thinking about putting his hands on you, made Rafe want to explode with rage.
“You’ve been hanging around those pogues a lot recently,” Rafe spat out, jaw clenching.
“Ugh lighten up, Rafey. I’m here now, aren’t I?” You asked in annoyance as you rolled your eyes, shifting on his lap.
Rafe bit back a groan at the motion, passing it off as a cough.
“Damn Rafe, you gotta stop smoking, it’s already affecting your lungs,” you teased lightly, completely unaware of what he was hiding from you.
“Mm, hmm, you’re right bunny,” he said, distracted, mind somewhere much different than yours.
Suddenly, he remembered your plans for the night, and he was overwhelmed with the desire to keep you from going out, “you should stay in tonight, Y/N/N. We can watch a movie, one of your favorites. Plus I’ll make you all the drinks you want.”
“Mmm,” you considered his offer for a moment before making up your mind with an excited smile. “Okay! That sounds nice!”
When you shifted again, you noticed something poking at your ass.
“Rafeyy, do you have something in your pocket?”
“Oh uh, yeah, just my phone, Y/N/N,” Rafe lied.
And like the dumb, trusting little sister you were, you believed him.
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southparktexts · 6 months
Enemies to lovers with the main four?
i love this concept so much anon !! thank you !!!
Enemies to lovers w/ main four
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Kyle :
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- i know damn well you guys became enemies because of grades.
- academic award fights.
- this literally all happened because you two wrote on the same topic but you had one mark more than kyle.
- gave you the biggest side eye
“I can’t believe that THEY out of all people got 100! i got 99 why couldn’t i just get a 100, it was the same topic!”
“…dude. y/n is kinda smart its not that surprising.”
- he complains about you whenever you ‘beat’ him with grades
- you dont even know he got beef with you tbh 😭
- you guys didnt even talk at all, you were just in the same class as him unironically.
- one day, you got paired up with him for a history presentation
- he literally rolled his eyes when he heard that and had a mood when you talked to him.
“so.. ill to information and research and you can summarise my points?”
“yeah. whatever. i don’t care.”
- eventually, after days of the two of you guys doing the project he realised you weren’t that bad of a person.
- i can see, after you guys did your presentation he would ask to be your partner more and you happily accepted
- one day, after having kyle over to do another assignment the two of you went to mcdonald’s together.
- that was probably the first time he talked to you, outside of school work.
- he definitely caught feels for you
- unironically invited you to game night with the main 4
“..dude i thought you hated her.”
“….shes not that bad.”
- definitely got jealous when kenny tried flirting with you.
- after that he unironically got more touchy with you.
- holding hands when you guys hung out after studying maths together.
- one day he asked his dad for advice and he said just to ask you out.
- he did… on text.
- my guy wrote a whole essay on you.
Eric :
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- you guys definitely became prank wars enemies. full stop.
- prank wars.
- this definitely started because eric thought it would be funny to put a whopee cushion on your seat
- you saw it before you sat down and he got so fucking pissed.
“fatass it isn’t that personal.”
- from there you and him back to back prank each other.
- ..they got worse as they progressed.
- he put a lot of laxatives and arbys sauce into your lunch once
- in return you put a lot of melatonin into his milk and made him sleep during an exam.
- yall are both fucked up like that 😭
- definitely spends a lot of time thinking how he can prank you and you do the same.
- you’re the only thing on his mind at this point.
“i fucking hate how that BITCH is always one step ahead of me.”
“you gotta admit.. theyre kinda hot..”
“cartman you talk about them a little too much, its like you like them or something.”
“..sure fatass.”
- after stan said that he started questioning his feelings towards you.
- he kinda realised you both are kinda similar in your own fucked up way.
- after that day he made a glitter bomb card with a note inside telling you to meet him at his house.
- you arrived and you guys actually worked out well..
- gradually eric started introducing kenny into the group.
- the three of you started planning pranks on the teacher.
- eventually eric started falling. hard.
- you were always so funny and unique with pranks and he loved that.
- eventually asked you out with a cupcake.
“will you go out with me?”
“hm? yeah sure. ..this cupcake doesn’t have arbys sauce and laxatives in it, does it..?”
Kenny :
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- to be honest time !! i personally think you guys wouldn’t be enemies.
- more just mutual annoyance.
- i feel like hes not the type to personally hate someone.
- the only reason he would find you annoying is because you would take the girls when he was trying to flirt with them.
“hey doll.”
“you’re talking to me?”
“oh tammy !! exactly who i was looking for!”
- he gets so annoyed because each time he was trying to talk to them you’d interrupt and drag them away to talk to them.
- one day he was fed up with it but didn’t do anything about it.
“how come y/n knows literally every girl i try to flirt with?!”
“because dude, y/n is cool and popular. their going to know everyone dude.”
“yeah bro.”
“plus they hang around the girls as well”
- after that, you kinda stopped hanging around the girls since they were doing a whole protest about something that you didnt want to be involved with.
- kenny eventually just say you walking around the school, just being yourself.
- he oddly, like it. he liked seeing you act like yourself. not pretend like you did with the girls.
- eventually he invited you to game night with the boys.
- you guys played dnd and had fun!
- after that, kenny would invite you to game night more and you eventually unironically replaced butters.
- you and kenny slowly became close friends and he became more possessive over you.
- one day he had enough of these thoughts about you and just asked you out out of the blue.
“hey y/n! doll!”
“hm? oh hey ken.”
“wanna date?”
“uh sure?”
Stan :
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- if im going to be honest.. he doesn’t get enemies, except for craig.
- he definitely gets angry but doesn’t hate you.
- he probably got jealous because of you though, that what ticked him off.
- this is probably right after stan and wendy broke up
- you were wendy’s friend but also being stans.
- he once saw you comforting wendy and he got jealous.
“that backstabbing bitch! y/n is with wendy right now.”
“..dude i thought you said you were over wendy.”
“i- i am but still!”
- complained about you to the boys, slowly he would have something against you.
- since you were also friends with him he would give you a moody response when he replied back.
“how are you holding up, stan?”
“fine. just fine. its not like you care.”
- became more cold and colder.
“god look at y/n over there. at the swings with wendy.”
“dude, why are you looking at y/n so much. do you like them or something.”
“what?? no?”
- he kept looking over at you and he slowly started noticed little details of you.
- how you bite your nails when your shy, how pretty you look when your studyin.. wait.. what..
- slowly started noticing more details about you and since you were friends with him he would hang out with you more.
- became more touchy while you hang out.
- he realised now you were just being nice to both sides. trying to be there for both.
- wrapping his arms around your waist while you two walked together.
- blushing as you talk to him.
- eventually he bottles up all his feels about you and breaks down but in a good way?
- going to your house at 3am, crying as you hold him in your arms on your bed.
“and- and my dad keeps putting all this pressure and me and i love you and its so fucking difficult.”
“i know stan, i know… its alright.. wait. you love me..?”
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curi0us-gh0st · 9 months
Porcelain Princess (Jang Wonyoung)
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pairings: Jang Wonyoung!gp!Princess x Fem!Reader
word count: 2.864
genre: smut, fluffy (?).
summary: Who would have thought that the most memorable wedding of the Jang family's reign, between the children who looked like porcelain dolls, hid their sins with a beautiful smile on their faces.
warnings: top!Wony, bottom!reader, wlw, secret relationship (reader is married to Sunoo, and Wony to Sunghoon), quick participation of Sunoo x Sunghoon, swearing, pet names, worship, mention of pregnancy, blowjob, hair pulling, choking, fingering, slapping, anal, squirting, overstimulation, etc.
a/n: I've been wanting to finish this fic for a while now, god - enjoy it~~
With the marriage of the only daughter of the Jang family, while they dominated South Korean territory with the main branches of the large family. The marriage was a done deal between the Jang and Park families, who were in a cold war, each trying to outdo the other in wealth and technology requirements.
The ceremony took place open to relatives with the Ahn, Kwon, Lee, Kim, Miyawaki, Choi, Jo, Kang, Honda, Yabuki, Nakamura, Huh, Hong, Naoi, etc. A large part of the people left their tasks to celebrate the union of Princess Wonyoung and the noble Sunghoon, a couple that attracted attention wherever they went, all eyes were on the angelic beauty of both bride and groom.
A simple and luxurious traditional ceremony, the vows were made and if someone had really paid attention to every word, they would have heard something like 'this is just so there won't be war'. After the wedding, the kingdom celebrated while the royalty had a closed celebration behind the grand gates.
While Wonyoung and Sunghoon were thanking their members, while a lady in a cream dress and corset approached her companion in traditional clothes; your bright smile, your red cheeks due to the low temperature of the night, your pink lips, your delicacy, your innocent and sweet aura. When they arrived close, they bowed and greeted the newlyweds.
"Your Highness." The boy said. "Kim Seon Woo, or rather Sunoo. Member of the Kim family, the main ally of the Jang family. This is my wife, Ahn Y/N. Member of the Ahn family, sub family of the Kims. It is an honor to be here honoring your unity." He ended the presentation with a chuckle.
"No need for so much formality, Sunoo." Sunghoon smiled at the boy.
"I told him, but he's too stubborn!" You replied, the prince shaking his head in denial.
"You guys are so annoying! I rehearsed this for my character to improve. Oh, don't ask me to do anything else either." Kim rolled his eyes, irritated.
"Hey dear." Sunghoon said in a lower tone that brought goosebumps to Kim, who looked at him with red cheeks.
"By the gods, manners!" You warned them. "We're in public." He remembered.
"Manners? Appearances? Whatever you want, your wife is making it clear while she's drying you off, ready to devour you." Sunoo countered.
Your eyebrows raise and focus on Wonyoung, who didn't seem to blink in your direction, his eyes taking in every detail, his mouth slightly open, only stopping when you caught his attention by clearing your throat.
"Princess? I think there's a little drool dripping from your pretty mouth." She warned with a naughty smile, the girl waking up and looking at you, passing her hand over her mouth.
"Sorry, I-I…" She took a deep breath. "She is carrying a fey aura with you"
The princess's speech is confused, not letting you know if it's a question or not, but she was right, you look stunning in that dress, the dress she gave you.
"Thanks, I guess." You smiled. "We can drink and eat a few things, when almost everyone is drunk, or no longer noticing our presence, we can split up and go to our quarters."
"Okay, sure." Sunghoon nodded. "Let's get drinks for the ladies, Sunoo." The prince pulled the boy close to him.
A silence fell between you, before analyzing your princess. Her blue dress with lowered shoulders, leaving her collarbone exposed, her soft white skin asking to be marked, the highlight was the choker with a hanging sun, her beautiful silky hair tied in a black bow.
"Uh-huh. You look beautiful, princess." He praised her, his mouth salivating to stain her skin, but I remember why he wanted to be alone with her.
"Thank you, my love. You too are as beautiful as autumn." Wonyoung smiled, approaching. "Maybe, I should ruin that good girl image and bend you to this floor, fucking you for everyone to see what a slut you are." She swallowed hard at the thought of this, it would be an honor, of course.
"Wony, you shouldn't be thinking about these things right now." Her cheeks were flushed.
"Why not? I could raise him here." She snapped, her stomach starting a familiar burn, you were so vulnerable at the moment.
"I have news to tell you!" You shook your head at the tempting thoughts of your princess.
"Tell me, baby." A shiver ran through her body, leaving it hot.
"Uh- I… I'm pregnant." He whispered to her.
For a moment, the infernal noise of musical instruments stopped for Wonyoung, who let his mouth open in surprise and jumped at you for a warm hug.
"I don't believe!" She shouted excitedly as she was squeezing you. "Really? Y/N, you're not kidding, right?" He pulled away to look into her eyes.
"I'm not. I'm having frequent nausea and I feel sick all of a sudden, I'm sure I do." She replied shyly.
"Sunoo. Does he know?”
"Yes, he was the one who suggested this. He later told Sunghoon, but I wanted to tell you this in person." She looked into his eyes. "We haven't seen each other for a few nights, that's exactly why, but Wonyoung… You know." Her shoulders tightened.
"You should move closer to the palace, or better yet, you guys can start living in the palace!" Jang started to think. "I could take care of you… And our son, or daughter."
You choked on your own saliva, eyes shining next to Wonyoung's, she was just as excited as you. She always said she wanted to raise him, well, she did. Your winter days were completely filled by an insatiable Wonyoung, any time you were alone, she would bend you over and fill you with her cum until it spilled, and the ones that flowed out she pushed with her fingers.
“I don’t know if this is a good idea…” You almost whispered. "Sunoo's family would be suspicious, maybe even accuse me of treason and-"
"Y/N, don't worry about anything. I, in fact, Sunghoon can do it, as Sunoo is your advisor." She grabbed his shoulders, squeezing them to give him confidence.
"Thank you my love." You whispered, giving the princess a gentle, grateful smile.
What you didn't notice was the princess's eyes focusing on the front of you, observing the movements of the guests and servants, a smug smile appeared on her shiny lips before pulling you into the palace corridors.
“Oh, Wonyoung, what are we doing?” She asked stunned by her lover's unexpected movement.
The princess let out a muffled laugh as she continued leading to one of the rooms in the second house of the palace, entering her own room. Unlike her room in the palace, there were only small decorations, a few photos and a small tache that she normally used to rest in the center of the room.
You were pushed inside as Wonyoung closed the sliding door, turning to look at your small, curled up being still standing, looking around. The princess approached her, placing her hands on her shoulders and leaving a kiss on her neck, her hands running down her arms as she tilted her head to make room for the princess's soft, wet kisses.
“W-Wonyoung, what if someone-” The princess kisses behind her ear, sending a shiver down her spine as she turns to face her.
“If you don’t make so much noise, no one will hear us.” She smiled, kissing her lips, painfully slow. “So, shh…” Wonyoung placed his index finger on his lips indicating silence.
One of their hands going down to her waist and the other finding a place behind her head bringing her closer. Their lips collided, their lips moved at a slow speed, feeling each other's softness, their hands finding her waist as she bit her lower lip, making a grunt and giving way for the princess's tongue to enter her mouth. , exploring her warm interior like many other times in the past. Pulling away only when the need for air was absurd, his eyes slowly opening seeing his lover's full and swollen lips, a smug smile appeared on that pretty face.
“I missed you so much…” She whispered close to his lips.
The hands leaving you and going to undo her own dress, the pile at her feet, leaving her with only the fabrics that covered her private parts, the erection trapped between the layers of fabric to hide it.
“On your knees, baby.” Obeying quickly, you didn't want to be punished tonight, you wanted to do everything just to please your princess. "You know what to do." She ran her long fingers along his jaw, reaching his lips and separating them.
You nodded, your hands flying to untie the long fabric holding your prize, throwing it away as Wonyoung's long cock greeted you. The pink tip leaking pre-cum, blowing at the tease making her groan softly, one of Wonyoung's hands flying to her hair and forcing her mouth on his penis, seeing her need, then kissing her tip and licking its length, preparing her. to your mouth.
After his preparation, without warning, he put Wonyoung's dick in his mouth, trying hard to get to where his nose touched his crotch, his eyes filling with tears, trying hard not to choke, his eyes moving up to meet the princess's. between open looking at you, her hand on your head pulling back.
“Take it easy, my love.” She gave you a small smile and grunt when you licked her tip.
“I can handle it, don’t worry.” She assured, giving his dick more licks.
“I know you can handle it, just- Ah! Cum! That’s so-” Wonyoung moaned loudly, holding onto his strands of hair as her head bobbed up and down on his big cock.
His eyes never leaving Wonyoung's face, sometimes taking his dick until it hits his throat, leaving it a few seconds later, coming and going again, in the warm-up, his tongue tracing the veins of her dick, his lover's moans were like music to her ears as he pleased her. The tight grip on her hair and her hand forcing her head was a sign that she was close to cumming with his mouth,
“Fuck baby, I-I’m almost there!” Wonyoung announced, her hips starting to move, hitting the back of his throat until she let out a louder moan and came in her mouth, his loads of cum filling her mouth and she pulled out to release the last loads onto her face, smiling with the mess he made on his face. "So beautiful.."
You got up, running two fingers on her cheek and putting it in her mouth, tasting the princess's taste more, making her moan and pull her into a messy kiss, tasting herself, the princess's big hands reaching for the bow that He caught her corset, releasing it to free herself from her dress. Just as the breeze gently carries away pieces of clothing so delicately, that's how her dress fell at her feet, in a heap only to be pushed aside as Wonyoung's aimless hands passed over her body, whispering, praising every part of her body, savoring his soft, fragrant skin, lovingly marks every part of her bust as he lays down on her.
The current position was something common for you, love comes first, your pleasure comes first, that was the only thing Wonyoung was really dedicated to, that was the first and official part of you, her mess on your face was the preparation. One of her hands going up her leg and grabbing her thigh to separate it, her hot whispers in her ear made her button throb in nothingness, gently taking his tip to her entrance, teasing her until she whimpered for her.
“W-Wonyoung, please.” You groaned, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her closer if possible. A smug smile on her lips, waiting for you to give in, so she was the one who gave in, your moan calling out to her, making her melt and push herself inside you, her wet heat welcoming you with open arms, she didn't even pay attention to you pulling the strands of hair on the back of your neck.
Her penetrations were slow and deep, her insides, after so many invasions of her princess's fat cock, still remained tight and hot. “Wow, honey.” Jang gasped. “You’re s-so tight and hot, fuck-” She moaned into his neck, letting out little curses and muffled moans.
“More, Wony. f-faster. Please-” The princess barely had time to finish her request and she intertwined her fingers, hitting you faster, her thrusts were shorter and faster, her free hand stimulating your swollen clitoris asking for attention, the meeting of your bodies filling the room sounds wet, the heated air making their bodies sweat.
Her lips meeting in a messy kiss, Wonyoung trailing your neck to mark you as much as possible, while you moaned together, her hand coming up to caress her breasts, sucking and mistreating them. “Fuck Y/N, I-I’m going to fill you up! Leave her full of me. Just m-mine.” She kisses her mouth, swallowing her moans, feeling her insides squeezing her, making his cum spurt inside her, the stimulation making you come undone with her.
She falls on top of you, trying to catch her breath, she towers over you, kissing your chin until she reaches your lips, whispering politely on your lips: “Get on all fours for me, jagi.” You moved apart to position yourself, knees on the floor as your upper half hugged the pile of fabric from Wonyoung's dress and yours.
Wonyoung's hand wandering down her back until it reached her pert ass, you heard a giggle from your princess. “So obedient and good to me." She praised, if you could look back, you would see Wony's bright eyes as he looked at her body in that state, naked and helpless desperately waiting for his touch.
The princess standing behind you, her fingers playing with your pussy, seeing your cum dripping out, her fingers moving in and out along with your pale fluid, she moaned hearing you grunt. She licked her own fingers, passing it over your pink tip, still leaking fluid, she positioned herself behind, inserting her thick cock inside you, holding your waist firmly, she started slowly, accelerating little by little, until she is bent over you, pounding you from behind like a dog in heat, while they moaned nonstop. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” “W-Wonyoung!” Her nails were scratching the floor, looking for some support.
She pulled away breathing deeply, without stopping her movements, dick hitting her insides repeatedly, Wonyoung grabbing her hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist making her back touch his chest. “Fuck, baby.” She moaned, kissing her neck, your hand sliding down her abdomen and feeling the bulge formed there, letting out a smug giggle at how deep she is in you. "Look love. Look how deep I am inside you! Screw this."
“T-Too much! I will, ugh! I’m going to c-cum!” You screamed, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes, your nails scratching Wonyoung's arm as you bit his lips, eyes rolling back as your orgasm made you see stars, the princess cumming right after you, painting your entire body with white jets. .
The girl laying your head on her shoulder as you breathed heavily, leaving a few kisses as she turned you around, kissing your lips again, your faces close, her eyes shining as she looked at you, your touching her body until a moan left her lips. “Wony…” You whispered, feeling her insert his dick inside her tight hole. “Fuck, so tight.” She kissed you again, distracting you from stretching.
Wonyoung pressing her legs to his chest, thrusting into her hole without stopping, hitting her mercilessly, hitting her thigh leaving her red as he grabbed her, her moans passing through the thin walls of the room, without warning, the princess sticking three fingers in your pussy stimulating you even more, you were so stimulated, on the verge of fainting.
"Cum!" You screamed. “Wonyoung, awesome! Screw this! I can’t take a-anymore!” Fat tears stained her face, screaming curses and incoherent sentences as her orgasm overwhelmed you. A whitish stream splashing on Wonyoung's abdomen, the princess removing her fingers that were stimulating you until she filled your ass with your cum, falling on you.
Your breaths were labored as you were cuddled together, she gently pulling your cock out of you, kissing your face as she praised you for being a good girl and accepting everything she gave you. She moves away a little to get a damp towel to clean you, being stopped by you pulling her back.
"A little more." You whispered as you hugged her, feeling her warmth and fullness. “Okay, just a little more.” She smiled, kissing you.
A comfortable silence enveloped you, until the sound emitted from the other room making your faces burn with embarrassment and a naughty laugh knowing it would make you both laugh a lot. “Looks like someone else is having fun.” Wonyoung laughed as he heard other muffled moans.
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hey, I was hoping I could make a request for a Klaus story?
Idk if you’ve ever written Omegaverse but I was thinking Y/n is an Omega (something that’s a rarity in this time) who’s hiding as a Beta by using suppressants. No one knows she’s a Beta except her mother who helped her hide it before she died.
Klaus and his family settled in Mystic Falls after that business with their mother and Klaus meets Y/n and immediately knows what she is, he can smell her as not only a very strong Alpha but a hybrid. He knows she’s meant to be his, as in over 1000 years he’s never found an Omega that calls to him like she does and his wolf screams and howls in his head for him to take their Omega.
He’s obsessed and desperate for her, leaving her flowers and gifts with cards that make it obvious that he knows what she is which scares her until he introduces himself. She’s instantly taken with him knowing that he’s her Alpha but the needy feeling is scary for her since it’s never happened with anyone else, though he lets her know it wouldn’t have because he’s her Alpha, no one else (Possessive Klaus). Yet she takes comfort in his caring gestures and urge to provide for her (maybe he brings her food often to ensure she eats, constantly trying to touch her in soft ways to scent her and kiss her cheeks, nose, forehead, etc, always trying to snuggle close and holding her close in his arms when she drifts off to sleep in his presence).
Some smut when he finally wins her over would be perfect?
I don’t see much Omegaverse stuff with Klaus (which is odd considering he’s an Alpha wolf) apart from one other blog so I really hope you like it🤞🏻🤞🏻
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Instincts and suppressants
A thousand years ago there was a mix of alpha, beta and omega wolves within a pack.
Omegas were generally kind, shy, sweet, smart, and hard working little wolves that would typically be claimed by an alpha wolf or a very lucky beta. They tended to gravitate to alphas more though for their instincts told them that they would take better care of them.
However through the years, due to the hatred and wars between vampires and werewolves, the bloodsuckers found that killing an alphas omega was the best way to destroy a pack’s stability. An alpha who loses their omega becomes a shell of who they were and the whole pack will suffer in grief and torment.
And the more scarce omegas came, the more sacred they were. Packs who had an omega would lock them up, keep them safe and protected at all costs. But it only gave the wolves a main weakness.
And so the wolves themselves found it best to kill their own omegas if they had one to ensure that they were not tortured in later life and that the pack would not fall because of one death.
As the years passed by, being an omega was no longer a wonderful but instead something that parents feared their children would inherit.
Most parents who had an omega child would want rid of it.
And y/n’s father was one of them but her mother couldn’t let that happen. She wouldn’t lose her baby just because she was a little different from the other wolves. The pack banished them but it meant nothing to y/n’s mom. She had witches make suppressants to hide her little girls traits.
Y/n’s scent was no longer as desirable as it should’ve been, she was unable to produce that lovely purr and her heats were taken away. Her mother knew that it was risky, if y/n were to stop taking the suppressants then all her pheromones would be a amplified massively. Her first heat would hit her hard and both alphas and betas would instantly recognise her.
And as y/n grew up, she understood the importance of keeping herself away from other wolves, to hide herself and be quiet as to not drag herself into any trouble.
When her mother passed away, it made y/n’s life all the more harder.
It meant that she had to take care of herself entirely and that meant going out into the world and facing society. And it turned out people were just as scary as she had imagined.
A thousand years ago Niklaus used to watch the wolves turn and treat each other as family. Something within him called out to them and he longed to have the relationship dynamic that he saw with so many of them. He loved how an alphas omega would cling to their side and depend on them.
Over the centuries Klaus had tried to find an omega but with his wolf side locked away, they didn’t have the instinctual need for him. They weren’t as connected as they should have been. He didn’t feel as though he deserved to take an omega wolf away from their pack just for his own needs and he couldn’t bare the thought of an omega hating him for taking them away.
He regretted his decision regularly when the breed seemingly died out. He missed his chance. Or so he thought he knew.
Which is why when he saw her, everything changed.
One inhale was all it took and his wolf was going absolutely mental.
His head spun and his limbs grew heavy, his bones ready to snap and let his wolf take over if he didn’t move immediately.
Get her. Get her. Get her. Get her. Get her.
His wolf cried over and over, howling through his mind like a siren.
His eyes landed on her quickly.
She was swift as she made her way past people, avoiding contact or conversation as she hurried on by. He followed from a safe distance, watching her rush into her home and triple lock her door. She closed her curtains immediately and he heard her heart thump away as she paced the length of her kitchen.
Omegas need to be pampered.
His wolf told him and he agreed.
She needs to feel pretty. Loved.
Klaus was quick to get her some flowers. White lilies and daisies to symbolise innocence and sweetness, purity and lasting love.
He listened to the light pattering of her footsteps as she came to the door after he rang the bell only to find nobody standing behind it. Her heart raced in her ears and anxiety washed over her. She tentatively lifted the flowers in their pretty box and breathed in their natural aroma. Her teeth nibbled her lower lip lightly as she slowly backed into her house with the gift in her arms.
He was a little worried of how easily afraid she was but also found it to be a level of adorable to how innocent and shy she was to the world surrounding her.
He found that she only left her home when she absolutely needed to, he sometimes wondered if perhaps she was mute with how silent she was each day. He would hear the chatter of her tv and the change in pace of her heart but rarely her voice. Only when she was being polite to those at the shops or when her neighbours gave small conversations. She was so softly spoken, so timid in each thing that she did that his wolf was screaming to have her in his arms. To tell her everything’s okay, he’ll keep her safe.
To begin with he was certain that his presents were an added joy to her days but he noticed how her anxiety would peak with each passing note that mentioned her kind, pure soul. How she didn’t tend to eat the treats he left for her out of presumably fear that they contained something harmful. He understood to an extent of why so was so scared but he didn’t want her to be, not of him. Not of anything while he was around.
So he tried a less…creepy way of getting her attention.
A more normal way.
“Hello love” he spoke as soft as he was able as to not frighten her off, trying to be less intimidating which was something he wasn’t sure how to do exactly.
Her head raised to look up at him and her eyes shone golden for a brief second to which his reflected back.
Like a switch, the fear was back.
She took a step away from him as her wolf whined within her. For some reason her wolf smelt his and something inside her wanted to breathe more of him, but that familiar feeling of the need to run away was engraved into her brain. Her wolf wolf would protect her before it gave into this alpha.
Klaus anticipated her actions to run “have been getting my gifts?” He asked quickly and she froze, he showed her his hands to be empty, no weapons or anything to be scared of. “I have no intentions to harm you sweetheart, an innocent gesture” he assured but his words meant little to a girl who had been warned a thousand times owner to not trust other wolves. “Don’t be afraid little wolf” he encouraged gently.
Her eyes searched his face, his eyes held nothing malicious which soothed her worries a small amount. She couldn’t help but look at his lips for a moment as he said something more but that common ring in her ears blocked out the sound as her mind ran into panic
Klaus frowned a little at her lack of attention and noticed her eyes watching his mouth. Perhaps she was deaf? He wondered, it would make sense why she only spoke few words so he signed something to her but she only looked more confused
“I’m sorry I don’t speak sign language” she whispered slightly embarrassed. She didn’t notice the way his face lit up at her voice
“Forgive me, I wasn’t sure you could hear me” he explained and she made an ‘oh’ sound in realisation.
“I’m…I’m sorry I really need to get home” she told him gently
“I can walk you” he offered and she swallowed thickly
“I-um I don’t think that-“
“Please my lovely, I don’t want you to be snatched up by someone” he murmured and the fear of something happening just because she denied a nice person the chance to walk with her scared her more than the possibility of him being the bad one.
“Okay” she whispered with a nod.
It began quiet, and few words were exchanged
She doesn’t like to talk. Let her listen.
His wolf directed so he complied and spoke to her about random things to take her mind off of the elephant in the room.
He avoided any mention of supernatural or her soft natured personality.
She was rather grateful to have him treat her like a normal person rather than an object like she assumed alphas would act towards an omega nowadays.
By the time he got to her house she knew it were time to address the situation.
“I don’t have a pack” she told him “I’m no threat or a necessary target, killing me won’t benefit you” she tells him in hopes of him leaving her be. The sad look in his eyes flicked between both of hers
“I wasn’t planning to harm you” he said quietly “omegas…they are a rarity that should be protected and cherished. I only want to be a good alpha for you, I will keep you safe” he promised
“I’m not a possession” she whispered with a sigh and unlocked her door hurriedly
“Of course not- that’s not what I meant…I just meant that you- well you want to be taken care of don’t you?” He asked confused
“No” she lies. Thankfully her suppressants stopped her wolf from throwing her at him. His scent was so strong and rich.
Klaus frowned at her a little and looked down briefly which she took notice of and an immediate flow of guilt travelled through her. “I don’t mean to scare you, or make you feel uncomfortable” he murmurs while she steps inside her house “If you change your mind, perhaps you would call me?” He offered and put a strip of paper with his number into her hand “I can sense the suppressants you are taking, I understand why of course but I do hope one day you may feel safe enough to stop and allow your wolf to be free” he whispers with a small smile and slowly retreats back to his own home.
Y/n would be lying if she said his words didn’t have an impact on her. She wanted nothing more than to let her instincts drive her and to melt into a strong alphas arms but her trust wasn’t known to be given out.
She continued to receive little tokens of his affections. Sweet poems and love notes complimenting every thingy detail about her. She soon found it more comforting than scary which was a first but it didn’t feel wrong. For once something felt right.
So she decided that maybe texting him instead of ringing him would be a small step in the right direction.
And Klaus couldn’t have been happier.
A few weeks later and y/n was getting more comfortable with Klaus by the day.
The first few times he initiated physical contact made her freak out and she didn’t want to see him for a couple days after. He tried his best to be patient and careful with what he did, she was more damaged than he had originally expected but it was nothing he couldn’t handle.
He moved nice and slow for her until eventually she would sink against his chest and welcome his embrace.
Soft touches were her kryptonite and he made sure to give her unlimited access.
His hands would stroke and pet her hair, brush his fingers along her arms gently while small kisses are peppered from her shoulder to her jaw. Kisses was another step in their little relationship. His forwardness could frighten her from time to time so he made sure to let her come to him when she wanted to kiss him.
His arms were wrapped around her loosely when her lips ever so lightly pressed to his, as soon as she took the chance to deepen it she had handed the control over. From there he poured every ounce of his admiration into their shared moments of affection.
After a couple months y/n was succumbing to her omega needs. She began to rely on him more and more.
Soon enough Klaus had asked if she would ever stop taking her suppressants
“Maybe…I don’t know…I would be hit full force with years of feelings and experiences” she told him quietly
“I would be here with you, take care of you and everything you long for” he promised her
She blushed a dark pink and leant against his chest “I’m not sure that my needs are manageable” she whispered shyly
“I wouldn’t worry about your heat sweetheart, I would take perfect care of that” he whispered back with a knowing smirk on his lips. His fingers ran down her back lightly as she nuzzled his chest to hide her embarrassment. “Don’t be too shy my little love, your alpha will please you just perfectly” he teased
“Stopp” she whined making him chuckle and pull her into his lap
“Hush sweetheart, you know how much I adore you” he murmured “you mustn’t be embarrassed with your basic instincts, I crave to provide for you”
“You do so much for me already, my wolf would drive you mad” she whispered
“No madder than my own does, I assure you”
(Gonna do a separate part for the smutty side after she stops taking her suppressants;))
(Also I too cannot believe the lack of omegaverse for Klaus, you would think there would be more. Gotta love alpha klaus!!)
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bau-drabbles · 2 years
a/n: heavily inspired by those all posts but i can't find who they're from, i'm sorry 😭
your instagram but you're dating aaron hotchner :)
except i have no idea how to write for hotch/the team so it's definitely ooc 😹
part 2, 3, 4
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liked by its.emilyp, d.morgan and 501 others
y/n_xo: bearded aaron hottie >> 😮‍💨😮‍💨
view all 100 comments
a.hotch: you tell me this after i shaved it all off
y/n_xo: you're still a hottie! just a beardless one 🤍
a.hotch: i'll grow it back for you
y/n_xo: my whole husband 🫶🥹
penny.garcia: you both make my heart so warm 💗 the ice king has finally melted his heart, this'll be such a good story for your kids! 🥹
d.morgan: yall make me so sick
its.emilyp: i feel like this man popped outta the womb with a glare looool
a.hotch: 🤨
its.emilyp: 🙂***
itsjj: suddenly i fear you have a whole stack of paperwork to complete
its.emilyp: and you'd be correct 😪
penny.garcia: SIR 🗣 AYO SIR 🗣🗣 SIR YOU LOOKIN FINE SIR 🗣🗣🗣🗣
reid.gram: not you thirsting over our BOSS 😦
d.morgan: i don't like this, babygirl
itsjj: sometimes sharing is not caring
its.emilyp: i hate it here ☹
penny.garcia: that wasn't me!! 😩 @/y/n_xo grabbed my phone!
y/n_xo: my bad, can't be thirsting on the main 🧍‍♀️
d.morgan: you can barely even see me, why we so blurry?
reid.gram: did you really expect high quality pictures from @/y/n_xo, be honest
the.davidrossi: always the blind ones out here taking 240p pictures
y/n_xo: always the old ones with the most audacity
d.morgan: FOULL 🤣
reid.gram: see, me personally i wouldn't take that type of disrespect
y/n_xo: all that iq and you still can't find a date 😔🤞
its.emilyp: that's my girl 😏
a.hotch: you stop influencing her right now
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liked by blake_alex, the.davidrossi and 430 more
y/n_xo: new boyfriend applications, this one is mean 😒
view all 200 comments
a.hotch: wait does that sign not mean something good?
its.emilyp: no it does! nowadays it means peace and happiness
d.morgan: yeah it's also a way to say you love someone a lot
a.hotch: really? @/y/n_xo 🙂🖕❤
itsjj: LMAOOO
reid.gram: I CANT BREATHE
y/n_xo: my poor man 😭
a.hotch: all of you are getting into trouble
its.emilyp: so worth it 😹
yourexname: i miss you ❤
a.hotch: you're going to miss when you didn't write this
penny.garcia: currently documenting every second of this
reid.gram: we're watching a historical event unfold, you guys
itsjj: i'm a little concerned for this man's safety
its.emilyp: hey, alls fair in love and war 😍
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liked by a.hotch, itsjj and 532 more
y/n_xo: never leave your phone unattended pls
view all 300 comments
reid.gram: of course you choose the one picture of my double chin
y/n_xo: it's always out wdym
reid.gram: .... oh
d.morgan: you walked straight into that one, pretty boy
penny.garcia: you guys are so mean 😭 my poor boy wonder
reid.gram: all these haters and for what? 😒
its.emilyp: i smell the cheetos from here
itsjj: i did not eat any 😡
y/n_xo: liar. they were on the side
its.emilyp: called it. my cheeto girl ❤
penny.garcia: time to play cupid, methinks 😌
y/n_xo: budge over will, emily's taking your place ‼️‼️
its.emilyp: 😏
itsjj: 😳
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liked by itslukealvez, reid.gram and 609 more
y/n_xo: two best friends in a room.... they might kiss 😳
view all 400 comments
the.davidrossi: how can i delete someone else's picture?
d.morgan: don't be embarrassed rossi, embrace your truth ✊
itsjj: we support you ✊
its.emilyp: sassy king ✊
reid.gram: hey, at least you and @/its.emilyp have something in common ✊
its.emilyp: literally choke
penny.garcia: you owe me 5 bucks @/y/n_xo 🥳
the.davidrossi: i hate all of you
itsjj: aww they look a little like henry and jack, forced to take a picture
a.hotch: that's because we were. this was the 10th picture
y/n_xo: that's cause you're so pretty ❤
the.davidrossi: i genuinely got heatstroke after this. never ever take pictures if @/y/n_xo is near
y/n_xo: :(
a.hotch: ignore him, he's on his sixth wife for a reason. i love all your pictures sweetheart ❤
y/n_xo: :")
penny.garcia: the absolute CUTENESS i CANNOT 😩🥹💗💗
its.emilyp: i can be a better boyfriend than him
y/n_xo: i love you
a.hotch: i am sorry??
reid.gram: damn the silence is loud
itsjj: reid don't be an instigator..... but do i sense a relationship forming? 👀
d.morgan: nah, i could treat you way better princess
a.hotch: @/d.morgan and @/its.emilyp both of you in my office now
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vanillawurld · 1 year
༊*·˚West Coast
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✧.* Pair - Miguel O'hara x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Smut, a little bit of fluff, swearing, kissing, teasing, fingering, sexual choking, slight spanking, degrading and praising, unprotected sex, Y/N's on the cream team, private sex (you'll see what I mean), crying, and creampie. (let me know if I missed anything)
✧.* Summary - Every spider-person in the building assumed that Miguel had left the building to complete a mission since they were unable find him, but little did they know he was too busy secretly fucking his favorite girl behind closed doors...
✧.* Extra - Reader is hinted to be from the West Coast of the U.S. Reader is hinted to being Latina. Reader is hinted of being a variant of Thena from the eternals. Miguel is a tiny bit out of character (and by that I mean a little bit nicer).
✧.* Word Count - 2,256
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Miguel never really saw or thought of himself getting close to anyone. It's canon that every time a spider person gets close to someone, they get put them in an immense amount of danger. That's the sole main reason why he never wanted to get close to someone. Until he met her.
"You know Miguel, you're so negative. Why can't you have fun for once?" Y/N asked.
Miguel just ignored her snarky comment. He always said he didn't have time for stupidities and that he had too much work, he couldn't be distracted. There are some moments that people would think he was absent from the building because he's always locked in doing his multiverse work. and this was one of the times people thought he was away.
"Hey, come on. You need a break. You look like you haven't slept in day-"
"That's because I haven't." Miguel interrupted Y/N in an angry annoyed tone.
Y/N just looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows, " Ay, pero no te 'nojes. I'm just suggesting what's best for your health."
"I don't have time for your dumbass comments, Y/N. If you don't have anything useful to say, then don't say anything at all." Miguel replied and continued looking at different scenes from different dimensions.
Y/N just stayed quiet and sulked in the chair she had set next to Miguel. She hated when Miguel would get mad at her, especially if it was her fault. But oh how she loved how hot he looked. Her stomach would twist in guilt at him yelling at her, but she couldn't deny that she would get a little aroused.
A few minutes went by of pure silence. The only noise being made was the noises Miguel's devices were making. Y/N looked up at Miguel and smiled.
"You know, down on the West Coast, we have this saying... How did it go again? Shit, era como 'Late afternoon on the West Coast ends with the sky doing all its brilliant stuff.' " Y/N said. She missed her home in the West Coast. She missed the beautiful beaches and sunny skies. Miguel just looked at her and smirked just a tiny bit. He had forgotten she was pulled from the West Coast. He pulled a chair behind him and sat down to face her. "The West Coast, huh? Escuché que es muy bonito ahí."
Y/N's eyes went wide at him saying that. "Nunca has ido al West Coast?!"
Miguel only shook his head.
The two sat and talked to each other for quite a while to the point where they ignored anyone who tried calling them form their little watch devices. It was strange. Having a full civil conversation with Miguel without him insulting her or getting mad at her was very peaceful to say the least.
The tall male couldn’t deny that he enjoyed his conversation with Y/N. He always admired how courageous she was on her earth. For the love of Aphrodite, her hero name is inspired by the goddess of war and wisdom herself, Athena!
After the two stopped talking, they just looked at each other. Y/N’s eyes gleaming, attracting Miguel.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He whispered.
"Like what?" she innocently said to him.
Miguel stood up from his chair and got closer to the girl. He grabbed her jaw and leaned in, analyzing her face. She was a pretty girl, no doubt. He saw how some of the spider-people would stutter when speaking to her or how they would find anything to compliment her, whether it was her pretty eyes, funny jokes, or elegant fighting skills. They would do anything to make her smile.
That's what pissed O'hara off the most. He always told himself that he was just angry at other bullshit that was from a mission, but the little voice in the back of his head would be telling him he was angry because he was seeing other people trying to get to Y/N. That little voice was always the loudest. Miguel got tired of just staring at her. Their faces were so close to each other. Both O'hara and L/N closed the gap between them and started kissing like crazy.
It was sloppy.
The kiss was sloppy. They didn't have time for all of that slow lovey dovey bullshit. They needed to taste each other. Y/N stood up from her seat to fully experience the messy kiss. Lips moving aggressively. Tongues being shoved down each other's throats. Hands were wandering on each other's bodies.
Miguel pulled away from the kiss and made Y/N sit on a counter so he could stand in the middle of her legs. He started leaving small pecks on her lips all the way down to her collarbone. He loved hearing her whimper. It turned him on even more.
He started stripping her out of her clothes. He needed to see her in all of her glory. Y/N got a little embarrassed at the fact she was fully naked and he was still in his spider-suit, so she rested both of her hands on her private area to cover up a little bit. But Miguel didn't take that reaction very lightly.
He forcefully took her hands away from in between her thighs and slightly bared his fangs. "Don't try to cover now, slut." Miguel snarled.
"It's not fair that im all naked and you're not..." she said in response.
Miguel smirked and stepped back. He started to take off the top half of his suit. His buff figure was insane to Y/N. It's like he was molded by the gods. Miguel went back to kissing her collarbone, but this time his hands started wandering down to her most sensitive area. His fingers immediately started rubbing up and down on her wet pussy, making Y/N whimper.
Miguel looked at Y/N's face and gave her a smug smile. He needed to see more. He immediately shoved two fingers inside her wet hole and started fingering her, loving the sound of her arousal and moans.
"Te miras muy bonita, moaning for me." he whispered in her ear.
Miguel made Y/N fall into tiny pieces whenever she's with or around him. She couldn't help it. His broad strong shoulders and muscular back made her melt like ice cream and his muscles made her face warm like the morning sun.
Y/N's erotic moans made Miguel solid hard. The more she moaned, the faster his fingers kept going. She kept getting louder and louder. She couldn't take it, she needed him inside her, pounding into her like a crazy man and Miguel knew she needed him. He just loved to tease her.
"Miguel, please. I need you."
"What do you need exactly, princesa.
"I need you to fuck me~ Use me however you want~ I'm all yours..." She moaned out.
Miguel pulled his fingers out and stuck them in Y/N's mouth, making her taste her own arousal. He groaned at the sight of her sucking on his fingers, looking at him with those precious eyes that were begging him to fuck her.
He pulled away from her mouth and started taking off the bottom half of the spider suit, leaving him in his underwear. Letting his pretty girl in front of him drool at the sight of his bulge. He pulled out his hard cock and started stroking it a little bit in front of her, teasing her a bit.
"Get off the fucking table and turn around." He demanded, to which Y/N willingly complied to.
He forcefully grabbed the back of her neck and made her bend over, making her whimper at his strength. He lined the tip of his dick on her pussy and slightly pushed in. He knew what he was doing. Don't get him wrong, he wanted the same she wanted. He wanted nothing more to just pound into her until she forgot her own name, but he loved to see her all worked up.
Y/N started backing up a tiny bit so she could feel more of him inside her, but Miguel didn't like that. He slapped her ass cheek to make her stop, making Y/N moan at the impact. "You can't wait to get fuck, huh chiquita? You want me to fuck you? Yeah?" he teased.
Y/N whimpered and kept telling him yes. "Please fuck me, I need you inside m-" she was cut off by her own pornographic moan since Miguel shoved himself inside with no warning. He groaned at the feeling of her walls hugging his dick so tightly.
He started pounding into her, making her moan loudly. He suddenly remembered that people in the building thought he was absent from the building, and if they hear Y/N's sweet moans from inside his working headroom, they will know something is up and barge in. Miguel leaned forward and grabbed Y/N's throat and pulled her upper body towards his chest.
"Shut the fuck up. I don't need anyone barging in on me fucking you. Unless you want that to happen since you're moaning so fucking loud like a whore." he groaned in her ear. Y/N could only moan in response. The pleasure she was feeling in her body was too good.
"No? You don't want to listen?" Miguel started pounding into her even harder, making her scream in pleasure. The pleasure was starting to become too much for Y/N to the point where she started feeling tears build up in her eyes. Her vision started to become blurred so she closed her eyes and felt the tears fall from her eyes.
"You're such a good girl, baby. Taking me so well like a fucking slut." He praised. He started to leave little kisses on her cheek and had his unoccupied hand travel down to rub her puffy clit. He looked down to watch his cock disappear and reappear with every thrust he made and with every thrust he made, he realized Y/N was creaming more and more. To the point that it started reaching his fingers that were rubbing her clit.
The sight of Y/N creaming made O'hara's thrusts more aggressive. His groans started to become louder and louder. Everything was going smoothly and full of pleasure until Y/N's little watch started ringing, indicating someone was calling her. Miguel's thrusting didn't slow down though, he didn't care.
"Answer it." he demanded.
Y/N's eyes widened, "B-But-"
"But nothing, answer it or I'll stop fucking you."
Y/N's shaky hand pressed the button to answer the call and answered it like how anyone would answer a regular phone call. "Y/N, it's me." A voice called out.
Ben fucking Reilly.
The Spiderman that would take his flirting with Y/N a little too far for Miguel. "H-hey Ben! Is there a r- oh fuck - reason why you're calling?" Y/N tried answering without sounding suspicious.
Ben let out a dramatic sigh, "Yes, there is actually." He dramatically said. Ben was a very dramatic Spiderman. Some spider-people would call him a wannabe anime character from how much he exaggerates things.
"Well what is-" "I just wanted to-" they both spoke at the same time. Ben let out another dramatic sigh, "Y/N, please. Don't interrupt."
Y/N brought her hand up to her mouth to try and hide the moans she wanted to let out so badly. "Y/N, I wanted to call you and ask you out on a very amazing date. I think you are the woman of my dreams and I need a strong woman like you by my side." Ben dramatcially said.
That was the final straw for Miguel.
Miguel gripped both of his hands on Y/N plump ass and started pounding into her even harder, making Y/N's tears come down even more. Y/N's grip on her mouth tightened even more, in fear of letting out a moan and ruining everything.
"Is that a yes or a no, princesa," Miguel whispered as he smirked. He forcefully took her hand off her mouth for her to answer. Y/N didn't want Ben to know Miguel was drilling into her. That would be so embarrassing.
"I-I'm sorry, Ben! I can't t-talk right now" she tried her best to say. Ben let out another dramatic sigh, "But why, Y/N?"
"Because she's busy," Miguel said out loud. He pressed the hang-up button and continued his vicious pounding. Y/N began to feel a strange but pleasurable feeling in her abdomen and so did Miguel.
"Fuck, Miguel~ I'm gonna cum~"
"Yeah? You wanna cum, baby?~" Miguel teased. Y/N moaned in response and didn't have time for his teasing. She let out her final erotic moan and came. She came all over his cock. Miguel came shortly after and filled Y/N up with his load.
Miguel groaned and let his upper body softly lay on Y/N's back, giving it little kisses. They stayed like that until their gasps started to slow down. Miguel pulled out and watched as his cum started coming out of her pussy. Running down her thigh and some even dropping to the floor. He smiled at his accomplishment.
"Okay, are you two done now!? I have some very important data I need to run and I've been waiting patiently!" a voice said, making Miguel and Y/N snap their necks to the right to see the iconic female hologram.
"Lyla, you scared the shit out of us, a-and why are you turned around?" Miguel asked confusingly.
"Because I don't want to see both of you naked! Hurry up and get dressed I need your monitor to run some data!"
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
Can you tell that i like lana del rey
also me fighting the urge to add Salvadoran slang because I'm salvadoran...
+ Ay, pero no te 'nojes - Oh but don't get mad
+ era como - It was like
+ Escuché que es muy bonito ahí - I heard it's very beautiful over there
+ Nunca has ido al - You've never been to
+ Te miras muy bonita -You look very beautiful
+ princesa - Princess
+ chiquita - little thing/ little one
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dduane · 6 months
In the TIL (Thematically Peripatetically) dep't
In the classic British war movie Ice Cold in Alex, one character who blames himself for a drinking problem that may have cost someone else their life declares he's not going to take another drink until he and the people fleeing across the African desert with him can sit down and have "an ice cold lager in Alex[andria]." This promise he keeps.
The interesting part lies in how the promise plays out on film.
A background issue (from the production standpoint) of what makes this scene so interesting is that it's always hard to get any scene right in just one take. There were apparently a fair number of takes on this shot.
The producers apparently tried hard to substitute something non-alcoholic for the beer, but this proved impossible, as there was no way to fake the head. So they used real beer.
John Mills, professional that he was, drank them one after another in multiple takes. As a result, co-star Sylvia Syms describes him as having been "a little heady" when they were done with that scene.
Another less problematic problem (as such things go...) was that the novel by Christopher Landon on which the film was based has the actors drinking a US beer called Rheingold... which the producers ruled out. They they felt there was no way the characters would willingly be drinking a German (or German-sounding) beer after being pursued across North Africa by the Afrika Korps. So Carlsberg was substituted.
...And it's at this point that things start to veer. @petermorwood was telling me about this, some of which I knew... but not about the Rheingold.
"Really?" I said. "You're kidding me!"
"Why?" he said.
At which point I did what any New Yorker of a certain age might very likely do under such circumstances: I burst into song. (And frankly, because you don't need to hear me doing that, here are the Golden Girls doing it.)
Rheingold was the best-selling beer in the New York metropolitan area, and apparently in New York state as well, at least partly due to numerous aggressive advertising campaigns on radio and then on TV. That jingle was known, in many permutations—including one in 6/8 time that appears in this stop-motion-animated commercial—by lots and lots of people.
Including me. So I sang it (at least some of it: I couldn't remember the final couple of stanzas) and Peter and I looked at each other in mild bemusement. "You think your mind's full of useless garbage," I said, "try mine sometime!" And we laughed and went back to whatever we'd been doing.
Out of curiosity, I then went over to YouTube to see (as I sometimes do) whether I was anywhere near the original key of the best-known version of the jingle while singing. Turns out I was pretty close. But along the line, I stumbled across the blog of a retired librarian who clued me in on something startling:
That jingle's music was ripped off, in whole cloth, from a French composer... whose authorship is apparently routinely obscured by the name of the music's (possibly better-known?) arranger.
Here it is, and apparently misattributed as above, in full classical glory: the Estudiantina Waltz. (Warning: the main chorus is a bit of an earworm, and you may not be able to get rid of it easily. I know I won't be, for the day anyway...)
...So that's the local installment of Today I Learned. May yours (if you have one) be way more useful and interesting. :)
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mischiefmaker615 · 3 months
The Boy is Mine
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Rating: R
Summary: Loki finds you after dark.. but who owns who? 
Note: Based off the song The Boy is Mine by Ariana Grande
Requester: @Laer111ee (wattpad)
*Insert slut song here First and play as you read LOL*
Your hips swayed from side to side as your fingers gripped the pole firmly to keep your balance. Shifting your weight as you swung yourself, arched your back and flipped your hair, all were the main ingredience to get the big bucks coming, especially with those regular fat cats in the audience that continued to gawk at you for the 5th day in a row. It paid the bills at least, kept your head away from other problems and.. you just really loved to dance.
Your hair was loose, make up was light but still captured a sexy look, you ditched the ridiculous high heels and just put on the shorter ones that almost said ‘sexy business woman’ and you had your favorite black outfit that almost resembled slave Leia from Star Wars.. or at least, that’s what that one guy shouted from the audience that one time.
As soon as your last song ended, you struck your pose and closed your eyes, catching your breath with a smile as the feeling of paper brushed against your exposed skin as people threw cash and cat called. After a moment, you collected it all after a corny bow and headed down the stairs for the next girl to take over.
‘’hey Y/N, some fella in curtain 5 paid for a private dance’’ your boss whispered before you could get to the back rooms. His grip on your arm indicated his usual ‘I’m telling’ not ‘asking’.
Your eyes glanced over at the closed curtain room, as if expecting to see the gentleman right there and glanced at your boss with a sigh. ‘’fine, then I’m done for the night.’’
‘’sure.’’ He waved off and disappeared elsewhere.
After placing your bag in your locker, tiding yourself up a bit and even changing into something similar, just with more exposed leg space for your usual lap dances and headed over. Ignoring the stares and cat calling as you pass people, you paused at the curtain and took a deep breath- knowing you’ve done hundreds but it was just to prepare for.. anything, and went in.
“hello darling, you’ve never mentioned about your little side business..’’
You stopped dead in your tracks with wide eyes and queasy stomach. Your body ran a cold shiver up your spine as you remained a deer in the headlights at who sat before you, manspreading and comfortable, rocking his perfect black suit and your expression was still.
‘’what the hell are you doing here?’’ you managed to squeeze out, your voice not indicating any anger but more.. uncertainty as you glanced at the curtain behind you to make sure it was closed.
‘’don’t worry darling, I’ll keep your little secret’’ Loki smirked and laced his fingers together before him with a cross of his legs. ‘’but might I say, you do look ravishing, especially displaying your skillset and.. assets on stage’’ he smirked, trying to get a rise out of you.
So he had been there that long.. your eyes narrowed in challenge as you remained calm. At least on the outside. Loki has been your long-time crush for a long time, having seen him amongst the tower many times to share some playful bickering and knowledgeable conversation here and there. He was someone to keep things interesting, never boring and got your mind to always think- unlike the dull and self-centered males that also occupied the tower. Most of them anyway. Being an Avenger was also your job, but you just couldn’t give up your first job here when Stark offered you the position, so you worked both, this one obviously in secret- until now.
‘’how did you know I was here?’’ you questioned, crossing your arms as worry showed on your brow nevertheless.. for some strange reason you trusted he would keep your secret- it didn’t mean he wouldn’t use it against you though.
‘’the tower tends to get rather boring, and most of your Midgardian locations don’t suit my interest. But you do, you’ve always have..’’ his voice got dangerously low as he leaned forward as he spoke. ‘’so, I followed you. you tended to disappear every evening and I got curious’’ he smirked.
You looked away a little as he spoke, glad the dim lighting hid your blush you felt come to your cheeks as you took a deep breath. Were you really going to do this? ‘’..you know I could always refuse you right?’’ you challenged out of curiosity.
‘’true,’’ he shrugged, relaxing back on the couch as he watched you, his eyes slipping down from yours a few times. ‘’but I could tell a part of you actually wants to do this,’’ he smirked, his eyes flicking up to yours again. ‘’and I don’t even have to blackmail you.’’
Your eyes narrowed as you stared at each other, almost daring to see who would do what first, but unfortunately it was all you. he was the customer and you hated that he was right. He wasn’t just a customer; you had wanted him for a long time; there was no use in denying it. if you had to do this, you were going to take your time and take charge. You will not give him a chance to belittle or doubt, this was your job and you were good at it.
As if on que, the music had started playing again and you wished you had taken a shot of tequila while you had put your stuff away, because the way he gazed at you now was making it hard to focus. He was sat back, limbs loose and relaxed as if he had been drinking a bit himself. His legs were a bit more together now, his slender hands resting at his thighs as his eyes drank you in now. His expression was difficult to read, but you could tell by his deep breathing and how now and again he would shift a little, that he was aroused, and that made you extremely powerful to offer your own smirk.
Taking a small step forward to be more in the center of his room, you kept your half-lidded eyes on him as your hands gently brushed over your thighs, slowly swaying your hips in the beat of the music while they slowly rose and flattened a little at your covered center.
His chin tilted up as his eyes seemed to pry, almost as if trying to look right through your clothes themselves as he swallowed and remained his composure. Your body slowly turned, showing off as your hands slowly rose around your hips and brushed against your perfect ass with your cut dress covering your intimate parts before you slowly faced him again while you gripped your chest.
Your eyes closed then, as if your own touch alone could make you orgasm and your fingers traveled into your hair while your lips parted. While your eyes were closed as you moved to the music, Loki’s hands briefly brushed against his pants as he began getting antsy, his jaw tight but he remained patient as he drank you in. gods you were beautiful, and you both knew it. the fact that he also knew your personality form your encounters at home as well he felt you were all the sexier.
His breath hitched when you placed your hands on his knees, feeling him having no rejection as you leaned forward and he took advantage of the view of your cleavage. Feeling his tense but loose limbs, you pushed his legs apart, standing between them as you remained holding eye contact and you smirked, seeing a small flash of defeat in his eyes that he hated and loved at the same time.
You had the upper hand now.
You turned yourself and slowly, just ever so slowly to tease him- more- began grinding your ass on him. depending on the package, it could involve touch, but you still weren’t expecting your breath to hitch when you felt his slender hands rest at your hips, his finger tips lightly digging into your flesh as he used strained control to bring you harder again him. speaking of..
By the gods he was huge, and you could feel yourself getting aroused every time he pulled and you pushed your cunt against his hard cock. You almost felt like you could salivate as your grinded more into him, hearing him growl as his grip strengthened ever so slightly, as if to stop himself from slapping your ass. You had him where you wanted him and pulled away, his fingers hesitating to let you go as you turned around to face him and placed your hands on his shoulders with do-me-eyes.
Loki’s lips parted weakly as he remained himself to breath, his eyes looking up into yours as if silently begging for you to take him. you wanted to.. if you wouldn’t get fired. Though it didn’t mean you couldn’t tease him a bit as you got onto his lap, your thighs resting against his while your cunt began grinding itself again on his bulge.
His hands went back to your hips as fast as magnets, wanting to grope and touch but he was unsure if he was allowed. You felt him squeeze your flesh as he leaned forward, making you grip his shoulders more as he inhaled your scent with fluttering eyes closed.
This gave you the perfect opportunity to lean forward and run your tongue teasingly up his neck, making your body lift as his cock got impossibly bigger to raise you. his eyes shock open with blown, hungry pupils and his own cologne filled your sensed as you gazed at him. he gave you a frustrated breath, his hips almost thrusting up as if he forgot you both were clothed.
Just to add fuel to the fire, your hands ran down his chest and took his wrists, pulling them off your thighs to rest against your chest as he eagerly began to massage and knead. His eyes never left yours as he almost seemed to study you, admiration on his features as if he never thought this moment would be possible- and he was still trying to believe it.
his thumbs ghosted under the edge of your bra at the bottom-if you want to call it a bra. It was thin as paper, you might as well of not have been wearing one as his movements slowed, asking silent permission as his teeth grasped his bottom lip lightly. Giving a small smile with a nod, his thumbs lifted the bra forward enough to slip his hands in and he almost shuddered in pleasure as he grasped your globes. Your head almost fell back as you moaned, slowing your griding at his bulge to deep, long strokes and you felt a warm tongue run up your neck.
You pulled away just enough to give him a playful smile as he shared one, knowing it was a pay back tease before a hand left your chest to move to the back of your head. It moved it forward, his fingers lightly grasping your hair as he tilted your head up and began sucking at your neck. Your hands went to his shoulders, nails digging into his suit as your own body shuddered in pleasure. He left open mouth kisses below your jawline and ran his tongue to your collar bone.
‘’F-Fuck..’’ you breathed before there was a knock outside the room.
‘’hey Y/N, I’m not paying over time.’’ your boss called and you realized the music had stopped.
Loki pulled away and removed his hands to rest at your hips, looking up at you curiously as you both caught your breaths.
‘’..the songs over..’’ you whisper, your eyes breaking contact as you use his shoulders to help yourself off of him and he keeps his hands on your hips for as long as possible as he lets go and stands up.
His height reminds you just how different you both are as you brush and straighten your clothes before you feel his hand at your chin and lift it to look at him. his expression was gentle but deadly serious and seriously still aroused.
‘’what time are you off?’’
Your blush darkens and you could feel your arousal as your thighs close tight. ‘’now-‘’
He leans down a bit, his knees bending to accommodate his height as he holds your eyes hostage and your noses almost touch.
‘’then this is most certainly not over.’’
Tag List: @foxherder @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
Note: Thank you for reading! it's kind of like a series~ you send songs, i write based off of them LOL More on my masterlist!
~Funny *on the subject*
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