#;; ik i'm not as detailed as you so T_T
witch128chick · 5 months
Guys it's time for the episode that i hold so close to my heart
Escaping Expulsion
This episode means a lot to me. It's about gaining back some sense of control over your own life and my journey with that is just awful as Amity's (if i can say that)
So what if we start shall we?
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Odalia talking to Amity through that necklace is basically the metaphor (???) of your authority figure's voice in your head. It still haunts me to this day even tho i can make my own decisions. But that doesn't mean my mom's voice isn't echoing in my head making me reconsider every single decision i make like a hundred times and the only thing that seems to help is to convince myself that she's aware that i'm an adult and even if she doesn't like what i do she can't really do anything about it. (It's true for the most part at least)
(Sorry for the rant i'll do it again)
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I don't really think this needs an explanation
I mean bitch you expect your daughter to get beaten up by your mechas and she didn't even say anything until now, she was putting up with it. Give her a damn break
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I'm so proud of her 😭 look at her be so happy to teach Eda and Lilith everything she knows!
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Silly billies T_T i love them
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Okay.. okay i'll tell my story relating to this. I'm not gonna go into detail but i had this massive crush on a guy in 7th grade (he was in the graduating class so basically 6 years older than me and i have sm respect for him now that he didn't do anything and just ignored me or was nice when he had to be instead of using my naivety and teenage crush) anyway we were both in the school choir (yes i joined bc i figured he was there too..) and there was like a little gathering for the whole choir before graduation and we could bring a flower to someone who would graduate that year if we wanted to. And... yes i bought a fucking flower and gave it to him. (Almost didn't but i was like "fuck it imma do it if i prepared sm) AND YOU CAN'T TELL ME THIS ISN'T THE EXACT SAME SITUATION!!! bc it is. So Amity, darling, ik what you're going through
(Side note: i had to learn that my past crushes don't invalidate the fact that i identity as a lesbian now. Yes i thought i was straight and no i didn't really have any source i could inform myself about being gay. But now that ik i am, it scares the living shit out of me but we have a saying here: "hope dies last" so yea i hope everything will be fine)
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This whole scene is painful. Amity is DREADING her mom and omg- WHAT DID YOU PUT THAT CHILD THROUGH
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Yes Luz me too
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"Life is just so dull without them!" *everyone after the show ended*
But wdym it ended...? We're only at the beginning of s2!!!
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She's come a long way and she's just STARTED
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Iconic quoteeee 😭🤌🏼
Not much is left but i'm not finished yet! So check back in a few minutes if you want
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humanmorph · 4 months
some more piecemeal pal48 posting. eclectic round 😁
To get it out of the way: terrible. horrible. horrid rolls. I was laughing AND went noooo!!!! out loud when Keith was like "Sorry, uhm, Eclectic dies here." as a reaction likeeee. BOTH times. the SAME dice? god.
I honestly didn't have many thoughts on the Delegate process before the reveal (only questions) (edit: some of which I do still have, like: how were dvines chosen to make elegates out of? Did fidelity choose? Was is a punishment of sorts or pure practicality about who would make the best delegates, whatever that means? I bet this would've been an audio log.) but it extremely tracks it's another Divine. I thought about the Pleroma Hypothesis (I am kind of constantly thinking about it when I think about Palisade. it's there in the back of my head) & how the reaction we got from Divines back in the fleet was mostly to die off to escape that fate. And I was gonna say, what do you do when even that stops being an option (Gumption : ( )? Make others into tools instead of become one yourself (except she also is in that easy a tool of empire). But I'll be real I am SO iffy on Divine Cycle timeline generally and then Palisade specifically to remember if that lines up. Fucked though! It's good! And. You know... I haven't really been too much like "Oh I wish they would've kept going" except I guess broadly I would just have listened to more Palisade. Because it's good. But now, specifically? I am mourning the Resident Evil sortie to the Garden of Fidelity we could've possibly gotten SO much. There could've been audio logs!!!! Thisbe could've been there with Integrity. Partial Palisade could've been there for real. Austin would've described the environment really beautifully. There would've surely been a plant monster to fight. And given it would've been Armour Astir... Could've Eclectic even swung as big as freeing all of the divines? Could there have been a horrible choice to make. ooooohhhh. ooohhhhhh (thinking about it) (sighing)
I also did like Keith being asked what Opposition looks like & he's like well I passed over it twice but fine & goes here's what it does when you look at it and it's an effect that's visually strange and hard to portay. Aphantasia king... (I do really love it btw I am kind of workshopping a drawing in my head, like I wonder if I /could/ portray that effectively? I'd like to try... but it's also getting stuck at the bit where I would have to draw/design the Divine. I didn't even imagine it as person-shaped at all but since Austin asked & Keith went yeah sure I'll go with it... But that's a shape not. Anything else T_T)
I have to say I was kind of crossing my fingers hoping for Eclectic to kill Fidelity somehow. Not that Divines are truly killable nowadays. I don't know. I couldn't tell you why I want this I think it's just because Future is out of reach. If I GET that golden ball
As for outcome I do kind of like the freed Divines just wrecking shit & it's interesting that they're in a way so similar to the Afflictions (don't care who/what they target, so deeply altered from who they were as Divines that they may not care?) but at the same time it is somewhat disappointing because what if they did. Something different. I don't even have a concrete idea because what happens does make sense to me!, it's just a vague feeling I have atm. Since they're on the map & an issue now though, I imagine there'll be more detail on that though. This is part of writing reactions as I'm listening along... this could come up 5 minutes after the point I stopped at... Alas. Similarly: what about Opposition specifically. It reached back when Eclectic was reaching out? If we both pull we can bring this thing down. & a window broke. I'm kind of gnashing my teeth about it like I truly wish So Bad this could've been explored in depth... Like even if it comes up again in the finale, it's just not an arc. And ik we already had an evil lab arc in Palisade (Delegate related, even. Well. That is what they went there for at least) but I just enjoy them. The PZN one is so good too truly horrible moment there when it's laid out what's going on! Haunting!!!! Honestly still gets me when I think about it, it's so good! Anyways. What about Divines who can't move on their own e.g. Righteousness? Did they just carry that briefcase out & take it with them? Because that could be actually very interesting re: August lol. I have to imagine this comes up again later because with the Divines wrecking shit August (left out of the mission on purpose) would've learned about what Eclectic did & probably have opinions about it. I also think this opens up some possibilities for Thisbe aswell, because Janine did say that the Delegates / their Divines were part of her goal ("mend the scattered shards of divinity").
done for now because i need to sleep but btw we still haven't gotten to the bit I accidentally skipped to and got extremely excited at hearing just a snippet of a sentence but the fact that it's probably in Clem's section is kind of worrying me. a lot actually. ooohh she's going to Win her scene I just know it... I am actually looking forward to it though. I mentioned before ever since the Tower game I've just been kind of along for the ride re: Clem and liking it sometimes more sometimes less but rn well. I am intrigued & I hope Art has a good time
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dedkirsch · 2 years
pls forgive me for just POPPING INTO YOUR INBOX instead of reblogging but— YESYES I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE SAID 😤 i 100% would love to see more screentime from kirsch, especially showcasing his character development and (hopefully 😩) a better relationship with his sister T_T
even if it’s just anime canon, i’ll take it SKSK (i mean i guess we got crumbs (?) with those two?? during the one anime canon episode when fuego and mereo invited asta, noelle, mimosa, and kirsch to celebrate sister teresa’s sisterhood anniversary BUT— i don’t think that counts SKSKS)
i also agree that mimosa and kirsch would be an unstoppable™️ sibling duo if their relationship was a little less hostile 😞 (i mean ik the show depicted it as just sibling things but. THINK ABOUT WHAT WE *COULD* HAVE 😩)
also yesyes kirsch’s confidence is UNMATCHED 😩 man seems like a firm believer of any press is good press 🙄✋ (but also you mentioned angst 👁️👁️ and now for the first time ever i’m searching for kirsch fics 😞 listen sadness with overconfident characters HURTS, and i love it)
uhhh in conclusion: i would also like more kirsch screentime 😞 and just a CRUMB of character development for him and his relationship with mimosa 😞 (also i am a supporter of a blaze and kirsch wedding 🙏)
I am determined to have more Kirsch screentime NO MATTER IF ITS MANGA CANON OR NOT I just 😔 canon, pls feed me... just a drop... please....
I'd agree the one filler episode didn't count but I have to acknowledge it because man he is pretty in it and I... I have to appreciate his pretty 😍
Honestly in terms of Mimo and Kirsch’s sibling dynamic I have too much to say 🙏 but PERSONALLY for me I'd Absolutely have loved to see a moment of Kirsch stepping up as a brother, to defend Mimosa or something~ I think that could have been a good way to show that despite the way she insults him he still cares (because he WOULD and nobody can change my mind) and wants to protect her. 🤝
If you need fic recs I'm gonna be honest most of my favourite Kirsch fics are @crazedstoryteller 's Zora/Kirsch fics! I'd definitely recommend a lot of them, I love her interpretation of Kirsch and I absolutely adore this ship by now so 🙏 I have a few Kirsch things on ao3 too and I am currently working on some sibling interactions as well as ship content 🤩
I also have uhh. Angstified my baby 🙏 I can probably talk about the shitty childhood I projected onto him in detail sofnj but I don't have TIME 😭🙏
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aeipathcy · 4 years
✏️ + eirisol !! (´。• ω •。`) am i too predictable? prolly- bc ofc i'd ask about them; one of the ships i'll die for tbh- (even if they are problematic lovelies) !!
As much as he puts distance between himself and her, Eirian cannot live without Sunny. If she’s not around, his head is filled with thoughts of her and wanting to see her again, and yet he seems to struggle with actually expressing how glad he is to see her whenever she is back.
He’s somewhat paranoid about her leaving without warning, so like in threads, he will be distant to prevent himself from being hurt any more than necessary. If they just communicated, the two would be much better off.
If he could write and read, Eirian would be sending her letters and cards to wherever she was travelling off to or staying. He can handle long-distance relationships—it’s a matter of giving him a means to communicate. He gets really mad if there is no way to keep in touch.
He spends a lot of time making sweets, yes, but sometimes he finds himself making things he wants Sunny to try. To be honest, he’s been guilty of purposely putting too much whipped cream on his sweets just so he has the chance to wipe said cream off her cheek or lips for a romantic moment.
Indirect kisses with these two are everywhere. Remember how he’d often stuff whatever sweet he was munching on into her mouth? Yeah, he still will do that after they start dating. In fact, he’ll do that a lot more. He won’t comment on it until the exact wrong moment on purpose.
He adores gently pinching her cheeks and poking them. As we know, he also loves teasing her and playing stupid for the sole purpose of teasing her. He can’t help but find her blushing face to be super adorable, okay.
If her hands are cold, he will take her hand and hold it without question. Just... don’t expect him to give up his warm outer layer whatever it may be at the time.
Sharing scarves and blankets—
Cuddling under the sheets together at night. Sharing stories of Sunny’s travels or Eirian’s little daily events, only to fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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sankyeom · 2 years
🪀 anon hereee
aww staphhhhh- 👉🏻👈🏻 (๑˙ 3 ˙๑)
tbh my career & studies have shaken up massively bcs of covid , like apart from my undergrad I'm doing another course which is considered to be a pretty tough exam here in my country, The first level of it went pretty smoothly for me, i passed w ease lmao even a first class % or smth
but then covid hit , there were technical issues , i couldn't rlly focus etc etc.. so it just made my second level tougher, and i know this is not smth I'd 100% pursue if not for the scope it has. I think I've sorta lost all motivation and any shit to do it anymore. i was gonna give it one last try but chuck it ig???!!!!! I'm thinking of taking a new step in life. the plan is still in fetus stage but yea- ( I'll update how it goes T_T if you want to know XD )
i actualy have quite a bunch of hobbies but rn because of the above said blah blah I almost have no interest or the enthu to do almost anything????!!!! like i am just mentally exhausted ://
lemme what you are upto these days ( in detail rants ofc XD mwahh ) !! 🥰
& & i read an ask of your mutual ( auri ) on your feed, and I must say they are really sucha nice person🥺🥺💕 , i am sure they will one day get the love they deserve <3 and it's v valid and understandable to feel that wayy and time will heal things 🍃💚
also i was ltrly waiting for you to reply to me haha & pls no pressure ik you have been getting a bunch of asks since you are back noww :3 just me being excited (˘³˘)
byee love !!
take careee 😚💕
i totally lost track of this ask, i’m so sorry that it took me forever to respond to you!! 💛💛💛
i completely get what you say about losing motivation and focus because of covid, we are all affected differently by it and even if we haven’t gotten it ourselves, it’s stressful to experience how the world has changed because of it.
you are so sweet and thoughtful, thanks for taking the time to message me!! i am of course interested to hear about your hobbies and anything else that you want to share with me 😌🌸
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wortverlust · 3 years
JOOO this was me heheh, ik it's been a while since we've interacted so I was scared to come off anon lmao but yess!!! I really hope you consider taking commissions someday and I'm sure people will def pay for your sketches !!! (including me!!) I just had to get that msg out of myself because everytime I see your art on my dash my mind just ceases to function bdnsjsj like the details !!! and anatomy !!! THEY'RE SOO FKIN GOOD!!! also good luck for yours exams!! <3
Fir....FIR!!!! OH MY GOD!!! These KIND words coming from you!!! ahföefh I ADORE the way you DRAW and COLOR! Your Levi drawings are ADHFAFH! SO AWESOME!!! And don't get me started on your realistic drawings... these are masterpieces!!! (If I had to describe them in one word 🙏)
(...also you consider... pay for my drawings...?!!! Holy MOLY! ohmygodohmygodohmygod... THANK YOU SO MUCH! You have literally no idea how much your words mean to me T_T)
And I'll look into the commissions thingy the next weeks and start to figure things out (done with my exams for now, hopefully ^^;; Thank you, for wishing me luck :3)
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