#;; fire & ice intermingled with teenage shenanigans { iceland's headcanons }
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Anybody craving some cute Anko Fam concepts today? I’m here to deliver~
Concept: Iceland being huffy and greatly annoyed whenever Denmark and Norway ruffle his hair or pepper kisses all over his face, only to just melt within seconds and giggle helplessly.
Concept: Iceland playing a video game or reading, but every time Norway walks past and sees him, he just can’t resist to drop what he’s doing and smother Iceland with hugs and kisses. He also fusses over him and asks if he’s okay, needs something to eat or drink, if he is too cold or hot, etc. It annoys Iceland to no end and he always grumbles at Norway to stop bothering him, but deep down, it warms his heart to know just how much his “mom” adores him.
Concept: Many in the fandom like to assume and headcanon that Norway teases Iceland a lot, but really, it’s the other way around. Poor Norway is often the victim of Denmark and Iceland’s father/son shenanigans and pranks. Iceland is just a downright gremlin and as mischievous as any teenage boy, and even Denmark isn’t exempt from the occasional prank. But it’s mostly Norway he’s a gremlin to. No matter how annoyed and flustered he gets, however, Norway wouldn’t have it any other way with his two dorks.
Concept: Norway does tease Iceland sometimes, and although it is meant to be light-hearted, Iceland is very sensitive, and if he’s already having a bad day, he’ll break down and cry. On these bad days, an incredibly guilty Norway, crying himself, will hug and cuddle Iceland for as long as he needs, then spoil and mother him for the rest of the day until Iceland reassures Norway that it’s okay and he forgives him.
Concept: Iceland randomly feeling guilty every once in awhile regarding his gremlin ways and lack of appreciation for his parents at times, reaulting in him to spoil them for a change. This includes breakfast in bed, being extra helpful around the house, spontaneous affection, and words of love and validation. It’s always such a pleasant surprise to both parents, and whenever they ask what the occasion is for the special treatment, Iceland will apologize and admit his guilt for his occasional teenage brattiness. They just hug and reassure him that’s he’s the best son any nation - or human for that matter - could ever want.
Concept: Iceland loving to have his hair stroked, especially by Norway. He gets a little selective over who can stroke his hair sometimes, and when it comes to helping him fall asleep, he almost always goes with Norway. Norway just has that special maternal touch that never fails to sooth Iceland and make him feel loved. Icey doesn’t let just anybody outside of the Nords stroke his hair unless it’s one of their close friends, and even then he gets a little sulky. He also loves forhead kisses.
Concept: Iceland just constantly being touch-starved and craving attention more than he himself is aware of. The poor boy is just so used to holding everything inside and stuffing down his emotions, and he will try to avoid asking for hugs and affection for long periods at a time because he’s too embarrassed to just outright ask and wants to be treated like an adult. Then it all just catches up with him in the end, leading him to give up and run to his parents for attention. They end up holding and lavishing love on the clingy boy for hours upon hours on those days.
Concept: Just... Iceland being cute and a good son, and his parents being the best any teenage nation could ask for. Just the Anko Fam loving and supporting each other to no end. ❤️💜💙
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Headcanon accepted. Norway is one of the good boomers, but still a boomer nonetheless. 😂
He and Denmark are two old farts who are out of touch with the young nations, but still at least try to keep up and understand the issues they deal with. It embarrasses Iceland to no end, but his friends still find DenNor’s attempt somehow endearing.
“OK Boomer”
— Iceland on a daily basis to Norway
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Headcanon: Whenever Denmark or Norway enter a room in which Iceland is occupying, his eyes light up upon seeing them. Since he doesn’t show it outwardly, it’s the one tell-tale sign that he is excited and happy to see his parents.
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Do you have physical headcanons for the anko family? Height, weight, scars, quirks, etc.
{ You know what? I think I’ll do the whole Nordic fam for shits and giggle, because why not? 😜 🇩🇰 🇳🇴 🇮🇸 🇫🇮 🇸🇪 }
Denmark: An even 6’. He is densely muscled like a wrestler, though not as much so as a bodybuilder. He’s pretty much your classic hunk of a man, complete with six-pack abs and adorably round, puppy-like turquoise eyes. His hair is not naturally spiky, of course (though he does spend literally over an hour in the morning styling it to be so), but it is naturally layered and a true golden color. He has a decent few deeply ingrained scars from countless battles during the Viking Ages and from wars over the past few centuries. Oh, and yes, I support the headcanon that Denmark has lots of adorable freckles on his face, chest, and back!
Norway: 5’9”. He is quite pale, slender, graceful, and feminine in build. Honestly? Let’s just keep it 💯: This guy could easily pass as female if he wanted to. But guess what? He does actually want to sometimes, and he proudly owns and rocks his gorgeous femininity! He also totally pulls off dresses of all kinds while eating toxic masculinity and gender roles with Hungary and spitting them out. That being said, he’s still retained wiry muscles and sharp fighting skills from his Viking days, so he can easily kick ass while wearing a dress and without breaking a sweat (or a freshly manicured nail). Norway has wavy, layered strawberry-blonde hair (as a kind of compromise to the fact that he is canonically blonde but also the fact that the country of Norway itself has the most redheads of the Nordic nations) and almond-shaped dark blue eyes.
Iceland: 5’7”. He is, as most growing teenage boys are, quite gangly and not fully developed in muscle yet. I don’t quite headcanon him to be as physically weak or effeminate as a good chunk of the Nordictalia fandom does. To me, he simply has the typical undeveloped build and youthful, boyish features of a teenage boy. Despite being sickly in health, he has a decently muscled frame (mind you, he’s nowhere near as muscular as Denmark and Finland, but he is a good bit more muscular than the slender Norway). He bruises quite easily due to the tectonic plate movements of his landmass, and during volcanic eruptions, his skin becomes inflamed and his bruises more prominent. He has an adorable and tiny dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks, and the other Nordics often joke that Norway accidentally sprinkled permanent fairy dust on his cheeks when he was a baby. He is a true towhead, with white-blonde hair and naturally violet eyes akin to the classic actress Elizabeth Taylor.
Finland: 5’7”. Like Denmark, Finland is quite densely muscled and stocky. As we all know and love, he has adorably chubby cheeks and a soft, pillow-like tummy. I would describe his overall build as chubby-muscular and compare it to that of an American football or hockey player (to be fair, American football and hockey are contact sports, so it’s acceptable for players to have the extra “padding”). He doesn’t boast as many scars as Sweden and Denmark, as he was too young and little to partake in most of the Viking battles and raids with his big brothers, but he has retained some from other wars over the past millennia, especially the Winter War. Most notable is a long scar scoring from the top of his left arm (which was literally torn off by Russia during the Continuation War of 1941-1944) and across his chest. His hair is thick and plush with a slight wave to it - though not as wavy as Iceland’s and Norway’s - and is of a light tawny color. His skin tone is a couple shades darker than the other Nordics, due to the Sami influence and settlement in his nation. His beautiful and expressive round eyes are his most unique features, however. They change colors when the Northern Lights are most active, but most of the time, they’re a gorgeous heather-blue color.
But that’s only above the 60th parallel! His actual natural eye color is a unique dark green/light hazel, signifying his kinship to his green-eyed Uralic cousins, Hungary and Estonia.
Sweden: 6’2”. The tallest boi of the Nordics. Despite his height, however, he is actually quite lean and graceful. His build is pretty much the happy medium of the five: He is not as densely muscled as Denmark and Finland, and indeed, appears almost “willowy” next to them. However, his build is also not as slender and effeminate as Norway’s. He and Denmark have completely identical turquoise eyes, but Sweden’s hair is a lighter shade of golden than Denmark’s. He also possesses a lot of scars from the Viking Era and countless wars over the centuries. He is quite pale and bruises/scars easily like Norway and Iceland, and also like Norway, he enjoys wearing and totally rocks more feminine-tending clothing.
{ Side headcanon: Finland and Iceland are actually still growing! As the youngest two Nordics, they’re not as fully developed as the other three, hence their youthful and boyish looks and baby faces. Since human males can grow well into their late 20s, and Finland and Iceland are only physically 20 and 17 respectively, it’s certainly not implausible to think that they still have some growing to do. Plus, Icelandic men are some of the tallest in the world per capita. There’s no way Iceland’s done growing at only 5’7”. No way at all. 😂 }
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Norway every time he sees something cute:
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How Denmark & Norway regard Finland & Sweden as their little brothers:
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Denmark & Norway the first time they saw Iceland and later adopted him as their son:
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How Finland & Sweden regard Iceland as their nephew:
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Finland & Sweden upon seeing Sealand’s ebay listing for the first time:
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How Denmark, Norway, Hungary, France, England, and Ukraine regard Finland:
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How Denmark & Norway regard their nephews:
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How the adult Nordics + Hungary, Lithuania & Poland regard Estonia trying to be taken seriously (especially Finland):
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How the Nordic-Baltic 8 + Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine regard Latvia:
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How everybody else in the Personified World regards Iceland:
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Helloo~ I love Anko Family and your headcanons :D how was the first time that Nor and Dan met Baby!Ice?
I think I’ll let Denmark and Norway themselves answer this! 😉
Nostalgic smiles graced both parents’ features as, unbeknownst to Iceland, they had slipped up into the attic to reminice and sift through all of his childhood toys and clothes - ancient relics dating back to over a millennia ago.
Dating back to the happiest day of their lives, when they had first discovered and adopted Iceland as their son.
What brought them up there in the first place was a coping mechanism of sorts. After a particularly terrible fight with his parents over typical teenage greivances, Iceland had stormed out of the house to cool off, leaving his parents behind to lick their own wounds. As they nursed their residual hurt and anger, the parents in question had escaped up into the attic where all of Iceland’s history with them was stored lovingly and with utmost care in various boxes and wooden chests.
“Remember how sick and weak he was when we first found him?” Norway murmured to Denmark, as he absentmindedly stroked the fur on one of the very first stuffed animals he had made for Iceland - a white fluffy rabbit with floppy ears and a blue handmade ribbon. “I stayed with him 24/7 while you and Sweden continued to pillage and journey on raids. As much as I missed the adventures, parenthood became my first priority, and it was then that I understood what sacrifice and pure selfless love felt like. I was so overwhelmed with love and joy that I’d never experienced before, and I knew in that moment that I loved that little boy as if he were my own son. We both did, and remember how you just gushed and cooed nonstop over how perfect he was? You couldn’t stop blubbering all day about how Iceland was the most precious gift and miracle that we could have ever asked for, far more precious than all the gold and riches in the world. The look on your face, one of pure joy and fatherly tenderness, is something that I’ll always remember and hold dear in my heart forever.” Norway slipped his hand into Denmark’s.
Denmark nodded, eyes filling with tears as he fondly remembered those days. “We had yearned so desperately and for so long - decades - for a child of our own to love and nurture.”
Norway unconsciously cuddled the stuffed rabbit in his shirt as memories of Iceland’s first days as their adopted son flooded him. “He was so sick and so weak that we gave him every little bit of food we could catch.” Both parents’ smiles turned dreamy as Denmark added, “We would carry him around wrapped in fur slings and layer upon layer of blankets to try and warm him. We were both so terrified of losing him. I remember you cradling him close to your chest each night, begging our little guy to hold on for us, to fight for his life, because he now had parents and uncles who loved him beyond words.”
Denmark sniffled and smiled as he continued. “Ah, and I remember how our little guy was so weak that he couldn’t even grab on to our fingers when we went to tickle him.” Both nations chuckled fondly at the memory.
“And the day he fully recovered, when he opened his bright and beautiful eyes to look at us, I think he immediately recognized us as his adoptive parents.” Norway took over recapping the flashback. “His eyes lit up with infinite trust and love, knowing that we would always be there for him, to protect, guide, and love him. Then I remember him grabbing your finger, and his grip was so strong for having been so weak and sick just days before. Of course, you cried for a solid two hours,” he teased. His heart melted as he noticed Denmark’s eyes light up with pride, even to this day. “We knew then and there that we had a little fighter our hands, one who would grow up to be determined and strong.”
“Of course, we didn’t count on him being a teenager for this long,” Norway stated dryly, after a few moments of silent contemplation. “He was such a handful back then, and still is to this day. But even though teenage boys can be so mischievous and difficult to raise, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I wouldn’t trade our Iceland for the world.”
“Me neither.” Denmark’s voice was resolute as he echoed the sentiment of unconditional love. “You know what else? Ice -“
As if the verbal recollection of their flashbacks contained summoning powers, Iceland burst into the attic just then, his cheeks flushed nearly ten shades of red and his eyes shining brightly with obvious tears that he half-heartedly tried to hide.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Norway cooed, taking a step towards him. He reached out to pull Iceland into an embrace, only for the latter to hold up his hand, signifying that he had something to say first.
“I’m back now,” he choked out, his voice sounding incredibly rough. “I overheard some of what you said, and I’m sorry about earlier! Please don’t think I’m a bad boy or get rid of me. I love you guys too, and -“
His frantic rambling was abruptly cut off by both parents practically tackling him into the warmest, tightest embrace, kissing him all over his hair and face like two overly excited golden retrievers. And for once, Iceland didn’t protest the excessive affection or try to push them away.
“It’s all water under the bridge now, buddy,” Denmark cheerfully replied to him, as he ruffled his hair. “All is forgiven.”
Norway simply kept him in his protective, motherly embrace as he likewise cooed, “We love you unconditionally, my little one. Never doubt that. We would never even dream of getting rid of you, and we wouldn’t trade you for anybody or anything in the world.”
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Some Wholesome Whale Brothers Soul Food { Headcanons }
{ Because their relationship is too often portrayed in such a negative manner, and Norway’s parenting efforts with Iceland are too often disregarded and forgotten in favor of Denmark’s. So bon appétit! 😋 }
1) Whatever else you do today, don’t imagine Norway ruffling Iceland’s hair and calling him a punk, and Iceland - after trying and failing to appear indignant - just letting out the cutest little giggle as he swats Norway’s hands away. Every single time without fail.
2) Norway is a good “mom” in every sense, and even if he’s not a perfect parent, Iceland regards him and Denmark as the best parents any personified nation can have. He may not always voice this sentiment aloud or show his appreciation (indeed, as is the case with most teenagers), but he adores both to pieces, especially Norway.
3) Norway knits Iceland countless sweaters, hats, mittens, scarves, and blankets every single winter without fail. He’s worried to death about Iceland in the winter, since the country of Iceland itself is so relatively mild in climate for its latitude.
4) Along with winter clothing and accessories, Norway made Iceland a stuffed rabbit, and Iceland loves it to pieces. He calls it Mr. Bunny, and sleeps with it every night. He also takes it with him nearly everywhere, especially if he’s going to be away from home for a few days. He even takes it to world meetings sometimes. He keeps it hidden away in his bag, of course, but just knowing it’s there is enough to give him a little comfort amidst the anxiety-inducing world meetings.
5) Norway and England often lament together that they’re “mothers in brothers’ bodies.”
6) America and Iceland couldn’t agree more with their statement and are the respective president and vice president of the “Mama’s Boy/Girl Club for Nations” (open to all the children and younger siblings of nations who are mother figures, regardless of gender and biological relationships).
7) The whole “halfway birthday” celebration is just another poorly disguised excuse for Norway to spoil Iceland. The other Nordics saw right through it, but chose not to let on that they knew.
...Norway’s a bit in denial that he spoils and babies Iceland too much sometimes and doesn’t take kindly when others point it out.
8) Iceland likes to borrow Norway’s hair accessories and clothes sometimes. He’s fooled several nations into thinking he’s Norway several times. One time, Iceland used his “Norway disguise” to buy liquor on a bet by Denmark. Needless to say, Norway was less than impressed with both.
9. On that sadder and slightly more angsty note, Norway holds a deep, dark, and hidden fear that, like his father figure before him, Iceland might one day become an alcholic and wrathful tyrant leading his own union... at which point he and Denmark would be too old and frail to stop him. He knows it’s an irrational fear, yet it’s regardless one of his worst.
10) Whenever Iceland has trouble sleeping or suffers nightmares, he always requests lullabies from Norway - ancient lullabies dating all the way back to his childhood. Some of the lullabies Norway has forgotten the words to, and so he instead hums them. In either case, only the sound of Norway’s sweet, soothing voice can truly put Iceland to sleep.
11) Nobody’s baking can hold a candle to Norway’s, in Iceland’s opinion. He’s the kind of little shit who always pulls the “my mom’s is better” card. Sweden learned this the hard way one time when he tried to use one of Norway’s recipes to make cookies for Iceland while the latter was staying the night. Poor Sweden. He tried! :(
12) On the anniversary of the Treaty of Kiel, every year without fail, Norway will drop everything just to spend the entire day with Iceland and do whatever and go wherever he wants. Iceland is spoiled rotten and lavished with love, affection, and reassurances nearly every second from an overly emotional Norway that nothing and nobody will ever separate them ever again.
13) Both Denmark and Norway have officially adopted Iceland as their son more than once over the past century. They legally adopt him every decade, and Iceland has the certificates framed and hanging up on one of the walls in his room.
14) Iceland is usually cuddly and affectionate to everybody in the morning, but Norway especially. He’ll often curl up against the other’s side while the latter sips his morning coffee (only Iceland can speak to or touch Finland and Norway before they’ve had their coffee in the morning because cute privilege), or he’ll just lay his head in Norway’s lap or on his stomach.
15) Similarly to Denmark, nothing makes Iceland’s wrath spill over more than somebody insulting Norway or commenting that he’s emotionless and mean. Norway is one of the best people he knows as a parent, brother, and nation, and he looks up to him and wants to be like him more than he’ll ever admit.
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HC SHARING TIME: Iceland accidentally called Norway mum at a world meeting once and since then has been so terrified of it happening again that he deliberately uses the most formal of titles. “Could the Kingdom of Norway please be so kind as to pass me that document?” “Aww, Ice, what happened to 'mum'?” “SHUT IT.”
In both cases, every single nation in the room cooed, and that’s not an exaggeration. Denmark and Norway obviously cried and immediately smothered Iceland with hugs and kisses when they returned home that evening.
But Iceland ain’t fooling anybody. They see right through this mama’s boy. They know just how much he adores his parents, especially Norway. And so every time Iceland tries to cover it up with formalities, the adult nations just chuckle affectionately. At first, it hurt the their feelings that Iceland didn’t seem to want to verbally acknowledge them as his parent figures at world meetings. Over time, however, Denmark and Norway nonchalantly rolled with it to humor Iceland. It’s no matter to them, for despite Iceland’s cool and aloof front at world meetings, they’re fully confident in the 99% chance that Iceland will want to snuggle and sleep with them that very same night in the privacy of their home.
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Psst, those dorks didn’t leave room for Norway’s coffee and butter! 😂
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anko family fridge be like
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what to denmark and norway do when iceland has a panic attack?
Denmark and Norway don’t panic, for they know exactly what to do. The process is like clockwork for them by now, given that they’ve dealt with Iceland’s anxiety for nearly a century since he was first diagnosed.
They don’t baby and fuss over him right away, either. They don’t bombard him with whats, hows, or whys, simply leading him to a place in the house or outside where he feels most comfortable. They hold and restrain him gently - usually Denmark will hold him on his lap in a firm but loving embrace, while Norway cradles Iceland’s face in his hands or holds him gently by the shoulders as he instructs him through the anxiety attack via breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. All the while, both parents coo reassurances that he’s safe now, that whatever upset him so terribly is gone now as long as they’re there. Sometimes Norway may even speed up the process using magic and calming spells, depending on the severity of the attack.
Once Iceland’s breathing fully evens out and he comes to, zealous babying ensues. They lavish love, affection, and cuddles on him for the rest of the day, doing or going where ever he wants to cheer him up. Or if he just wants to stay home, they’ll watch a movie of Iceland’s choice with him, and Norway will bake his favorite sweets. And if not a movie, Iceland will just simply want to cuddle between them. In those cases, Denmark cracks stupid jokes and puns that make Iceland laugh, while Norway strokes his hair and hums a lullaby to him. Once Iceland fully conks out, they carry their little boy upstairs to their bedroom (for they know that Iceland won’t want to sleep alone that night) and nestles him in between the two of them. All that remains is for the three of them to sleep off the rough day.
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Imagine Denmark reading books to baby Iceland when Sweden took Norway away from them. Nor was the one who read books to Iceland before but now that he's gone, Denmark is the one who read children books to Iceland. And up to this day they still do it. - 🍆
Once Norway was reunited with them, I imagine that, along with Denmark’s stories, he took up the new habit of singing lullabies to Iceland whilst stroking his hair. Now, in the present day, Iceland suffers from mild insomnia and on particularly rough nights, he will approach Denmark and Norway for a story and lullaby respectively to help him sleep. And of course, they gladly oblige in babying their “little” one.
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imagine anko fam snuggle/cuddle pile in the medieval times,,,,, and lil icey doesn't want his parents to get up yet so he clings to them or follows them around until they give in slfodjfkdnf 🥺🥺🥺 - 🍒
Iceland’s morning clinginess got to the point where Denmark and Norway had to resort to carrying him around in a makeshift fur sling - not that they particularly minded. He was a very sickly baby, and they - Norway especially - wanted to keep him close at all times.
To this day, Iceland remains clingy and cuddly in the morning. It’s not uncommon for one to find a half-asleep, groggy Iceland childishly latching on to one of his parents’ arms while they bustle around the kitchen preparing breakfast, or Denmark coming downstairs to the sight of Iceland snuggled against Norway’s side while the latter sips his morning coffee and reads a book.
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I’ve been following this blog for a while and I have to know, what do you think Iceland would be like as a big brother/ caregiver?
I actually headcanon that Iceland is a big brother already - to Greenland, Faroes, and Svalbard! At first he was jealous of each adoption for fear that they’d take his place in his parents’ hearts, but once the initial jealousy wore off, he proved to be a maternal and nurturing big brother to them, just as his own was to him!
He’s closest to his little sister, Greenland, and throws hands every time somebody says something bigoted or racist to/about her due to her dark skin color and beautiful Inuit features. One time, on a family outing, somebody made a crude comment about how out of place “the brown girl” looked amongst her pale-skinned and mostly blonde family. Let me tell you: Iceland was so full of rage that the other Nordics were surprised that Eyjafjallajökull didn’t go for Round 2 then and there. Before the other angry Nordics could retaliate themselves, Iceland beat them to it (and the other nation so badly that he had to be hospitalized). Don’t fuck with Iceland’s baby sister. They’re best friends, and he’s her hero.
With Faroes and Svalbard, it was a little different. He took awhile longer to warm up to them, as his jealousy was a little more pronounced. With both being boys, the fear of his parents wanting to “get rid of him” in favor of a stronger and healthier son was one of his darkest and most anxiety-inducing. He would die a little inside every time Denmark or Norway cooed to Faroes/Svalbard that he was their new little prince. It was only when Denmark and Norway caught on both times of Iceland’s jealousy and insecurity, and reassured them that he will always be their first baby boy and prince, did he finally relax and dote on them as he had Greenland.
When Denmark and Norway adopted Greenland and Faroes each time, Iceland was still a small child. Once he had recovered from the initial jealousy, he became extremely protective of them and took his new big brother responsibilities very seriously. He would refuse to hand them over to one of the adults after his parents let him hold them, pouting indignantly and trying to appear as fierce as possible with every fiber in his little body. “No! My baby!” he’d tearfully pout. It never failed to melt everybody’s heart into a puddle of gooey goodness.
Many centuries from now, as an older and more mature adult nation himself, I could see Iceland being a fantastic father! His parenting style would reflect and balance the best of both Denmark and Norway: He’d have some of Norway’s stern but soft and nurturing tendencies, balanced with some of Denmark’s endearing “bumbling dad” and fun style.
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what would happen if a member of the anko fam got injured? maybe like a broken bone or something. concerning but not too serious (btw love your blog it's so amazing)
Denmark: He would put on a mask of false bravado, his efforts at hiding his obvious pain behind strained smiles and laughs not fooling anybody, least of all Norway and Iceland. They are less than impressed and force him to lie down despite his disgruntled protests and insistence that he’s fine. Mama Nor simply ain’t having it, though. He nags and scolds in between his ministations and loving care. An injured or sick Denmark is pretty much a nightmare, simply put. There are two extremes:
1) Grumpy old man!Denmark, whom, when he becomes restless, grumbles and complains to no end about Norway’s nagging and having to stay on bedrest.
2) Clingy baby!Denmark, who milks his injury in order to elicit more cuddling and spoiling from Norway. The sly old fox. 😉
In both cases, Iceland pretty much yeets himself off to a friend’s house on the other side of the world just to avoid the old married couple that are his parents. Between either the gratuitous bickering nearly every half hour or the sickeningly sweet fluffy hugs and cuddles, Iceland is so done.
Norway: Like Denmark, Norway tries to keep the extent of his injury under wraps and weather on through it. He hates worrying others, especially Denmark and Iceland, and hates being fussed over. Regardless, Denmark and Iceland are incredibly intuitive and force Norway to lie down when they catch him about to pass out from the pain one day. Dadmark emerges as he scolds Norway for not letting them take care of him sooner, and both he and Iceland treat Norway like fragile porcelain and spoil him until he’s healed. Denmark insists on literally carrying Norway everywhere despite the latter’s protests, and like the previous scenario with an injured Denmark, a healthy mix of gratuitous bickering and cuddles ensues.
Iceland: Iceland tries and fails miserably to hide it in order to avoid both parents’ overbearing fussing and smothering. His attempt successfully lasts for about half a day, before they practically just pounce on him and bombard him with questions on the hows and whys behind the injury AND WHO THE FUCK DARED HURT THEIR PRECIOUS BABY?!
But once an overwhelmed Iceland thoroughly reassures them that the injury is nobody’s fault but his, they proceed to scold his ear off for not being more careful. Like Norway, Iceland is also carried around by Denmark like a baby, and Norway hovers around him nearly 24/7, fretting over and mothering him protectively.
But if you even think Iceland’s annoyed by his parents’ zealous care, you’d be dead wrong. This little shit milks his injury for all its worth and squeezes out as much spoiling and attention from his parents as possible. Just imagine his shit-eating grin directed at the camera while Norway coos about baking licorice-flavored desserts for his “poor hurt baby.”
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Do you have any headcanons for when each of the Anko Fam gets sick?
Well, I actually answered two similar asks not too long ago for Denmark and Norway each, so I’ll just answer for Iceland and link the other two!
Denmark: x
Norway: x
Iceland: Whenever Iceland falls ill, Den and Nor basically lose their shit. Iceland’s rather sickly and susceptible to frequent bouts of illness as it is, so it’s not as if they aren’t used to it or don’t know the procedures of caring for him by now.
No, it’s not that. It’s the deeply buried and morbid fear that one day, just one day, there will be one volcanic eruption too many. That the next bout of illness will be the last. That next time, there won’t even be another next time following it. That they could lose Iceland any day now due to climate change.
Their fear of losing their baby boy is 10x greater than his fear of losing them.
And so, they tend to him by the book and zealously pamper him, doing their best not to stray from his side for even a second. I guess they figure that in the unfortunate event that Iceland does indeed die this time around, they want to make sure that he dies feeling happy and loved by his parents.
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what if someone was bad-mouthing norway to iceland? do you think iceland would actually,,, throw hands/snap back at whoever this person is?? or would he just keep his anger in and rant about it to the other nordics (without nor around, ofc smsndj) - 🍒
Ahahahahaha, lemme just tell you: If you think this volcanic little gremlin wouldn’t explode upon hearing somebody shit-talking Mama Norway, then I have a mansion in Beverely Hills to sell you!
Don’t underestimate this adorable and seemingly harmless cinnamon roll’s love and loyalty to his family. Don’t even dare. For despite his aloof front around them, hurting them in any way - even if it’s just verbally - immediately unleashes his volcanic wrath upon them. Without hesitation, he would unceremoniously punch this person in the face and knock them out, screaming and spitting curses as somebody restrains and tries to hold him back. Shit-talking his loved ones, and especially his parents, is a surefire way to elicit his rage and get hurt that day. Just don’t do it. Don’t even dream of doing it.
In short:
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