#;; Give Me Normalcy And Demon-Free Days ;; IC
mcnymcsks · 5 years
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“Adriel, just to make sure but you did pay the water bill, right? Because I know my very capable and reliable housemate wouldn’t forget to do something like that.”
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Beautiful Angel of Darkness (7/?)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader 
Warnings: Mild swearing 
Word Count: 1.8k
Part Summary: Y/N is starting to improve and live by Angel’s lifestyle. Then, someone pays her a visit. 
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Six months later... 
Who would've thought working at the law firm as one of Angel's team members would be so fulfilling? Granted, it took a moment to get settled... more like a month. There was a withdrawal period, not pretty. Angel sort of locked me away in his basement for a few weeks. After that, I bounced right back and started fresh! Now, I'm Angel's assistant, much better than Harmony. I gave her the boot as soon as I got released from the basement cell. 
I step off the elevator to Wolfman & Hart with Angel's usual blood bag in a cup and my iced coffee. I drink my blood bag on the way here. 
I set everything down at my desk in front of the firm's sign. The normalcy of having a daily routine again is nice. When I was with Spike, I thought normalcy would bore me to death. I guess Angel was right, there is some humanity left in me. 
I knock on Angel's office door, blood cup in hand. When he announces for me to enter, I greet him warmly and immediately get into the day's agenda. 
"Morning Boss, we have a busy day ahead of us!" 
As per usual, he wears a crossed expression as he stands behind his desk shuffling through some papers. 
He sighs in frustration, "Y/N, have you seen the-" 
I place his mock coffee cup in his hand so I can grab the case file from under my arm. He glances between me and the file in amazement. 
"You left it on my desk when you were leaving last night," I explain with a light chuckle. 
"You're a lifesaver," he thanks as he eases down in his chair. 
"It's what I'm here for," I shrug and lean against his desk beside him. 
"Sorry for keeping you here late this week. I'm sure you much rather be home," he apologizes as he reviews the contents of the case. "I just... I don't know how to go about this." 
"Maybe a fresh pair of eyes?" I suggest, reaching for the file. 
Angel hesitates to hand it over. He doesn't like me working directly on cases. He believes I'm not ready for the gruesomeness of them and that the blood may trigger me to regress.
"Angel, I'll be fine!" I assure him confidently. 
Reluctantly, he hands over the papers and I begin to skim the crime scene photographs.  The police are involved, believing it to be a violent murder. However, Angel and the others are pinning it with a series of animal attacks the last few days. They suspect a werewolf. Angel wasn't wrong, these images are rather unsettling, but nothing I can't handle. 
"Based on the slashes on the neck, I would agree with you and say it's not cut wounds. There are no signs of forced entry either," I analyze. 
"But all of the damage..." He debates. 
"It's from the attack. If you were being attacked by a werewolf, you'd toss a lamp and vase at it, wouldn't you?" I reason. "The front door is in perfect condition, except for the blood, of course. I suspect the victim knew their attacker," I determine and hand the file back to Angel. 
He leans back in his chair, deep in thought. Humming, he considers my predictions. "That would certainly narrow down the suspect list." 
"Was she single?" I question. 
He frowns in confusion, "I think so, why?" 
"Check her calendar, see who her latest date was with," I suggest as I rise from my leaning position against his desk. 
"You got all of that from looking at one photo?" Angel remarks in astonishment. 
I glance over my shoulder as I head toward the door. "Told you shouldn't let me help sooner," I wink. 
At noon sharp, Angel likes his second cup of O Neg. It sounds tedious, knowing exactly when my boss likes his blood. If someone told me months ago that I would be fetching Angel everything he needs, I would've killed them. Ironically, I've never felt never more human than when I'm at Wolfman & Hart. I feel like I have a life of my own, my existence. Before...Before Spike, I belonged to my family. Then, I belonged to Spike. Now, I belong to myself. Granted, Angel watches me like a hawk, but he's easing up. 
Angel and the others hold a team meeting at the same time I'm supposed to deliver his refreshment. More and more lately, Angel lets me sit in on the meeting.  It's usually so that I can act as a scribe while they talk, but I still appreciate the invite. 
Carrying my files, notepad, and Angel's drink, I back into his office door as I'm handless at the moment. Right when the door gives, I immediately announce his dinner plans with a major banker to discuss his Greed Demon issue. "Don't forget tonight, the meeting with Stuart Lawrence! You have to be at his residence in Brentwood at seven o'clock sharp and-" 
I stop dead in my tracks as my eyes flicker toward Angel's desk. Instead of just seeing Angel stressing over some papers, as usual, I see a bleach blonde vampire reading over his shoulder. 
The paper coffee cup falls from my hand and spills on the floor by my feet. The substance coats my left heel, staining it crimson. 
"Y/N..." Spike utters my name with his smooth accent. 
"Oh my God..." I whisper breathlessly in awe. 
Angel flies up from his chair and points to the door. "Y/N, get out of here!" 
"Never took you for the lawyer type," Spike smirks mischievously as he slithers toward me. "Gotta admit though, loving the working woman style." He gestures at my body up and down like I'm a mannequin in a store. 
Behind me, the other members of Angel's team enter for their meeting. 
"Lorne, take Y/N home!" Angel instructs. 
"Right away, Boss," Lorne complies.
"Take one step closer to her green goblin and I'll bite your head off!" Spike threatens sharply. 
"Spike, stop it!" Angel barks. 
"Oh come on, Angel," Spike dismisses as he closes in on me. His fingers comb through the ends of my hair. "It isn't like you to ruin a perfectly good reunion!" 
My body tenses under his touch, much to Spike's dismay. It wasn't long ago that his embrace was the only thing that kept me tied down to Earth. Now, it makes me shutter. 
"You shouldn't be here!" Angel growls as he rushes over to us and yanks Spike away from me. "She's been doing great without you!" 
"Have you forgotten? She was mine before she was yours," Spike chuckles wickedly. 
The English vampire turns to me again and caresses my cheek. His eyes continue to linger in my memories late at night staring at me intensely. 
"Did you really think I was going to let you go?" He mumbles to me and the words make my heartache. 
"Get away from her!" Angel hisses warningly, on the verge of throwing Spike through the top floor window.
Spike ignores Angel and continues to admire me. "Did you miss me, My Love?" 
I shake my head while I slip my hand over his to remove it from my cheek. "You hurt me. I can never forgive you for what you did." 
Spike's face falters immensely. "Y/N... Let me explain! I-" 
"No!" I stand my ground, something I never used to do when we were together. "You deceived me, used me, broke me!" I switch my gaze between Spike and Angel frantically until I find myself overwhelmed. "I... I can't do this... I'm sorry Angel, excuse me." 
Thus, I hurry out the door past my coworkers before anyone can stop me. Both Angel and Spike call for me, but I ignore each of them as I gather my things and disappear onto the elevator. 
After today's cluster of events, a long shower was much needed. I have no doubt Angel will be visiting me once the workday is over, just to check-in. I can't believe Spike is here in Los Angeles. It all felt like a dream or perhaps a nightmare. How dare he come here after half a year and expect me to act as though nothing happened. 
Immediately after my shower, I go to my kitchen to fix myself a cup of tea. I stick the kettle on the stovetop before I get dressed. At first, living alone startled me, but since then I've grown to prefer it. I like the peace. After long days at the office, time alone and space alone is what I need. 
"Y/N," a voice makes itself known. 
My hand flies up to my chest as I pant. "Spike! Jesus and Mary! What the actual fuck?!" 
"A vampire scared of the dark... how ironic," he teases with a smirk. 
"Get out!" I shout, pointing toward the door. "I'm not even dressed you feen!" I start to march back to my bedroom which makes Spike follow. What part of 'get out' doesn't he understand? 
"Oh come on, Love. It's not like I haven't seen anything before," he insinuates. 
"Get out!" I repeat. 
"No, not until you hear what I have to say!" He insists. 
"You love Buffy! Congrats! Now, go be with her!" I urge him away. 
Abruptly, Spike grabs my forearm and yanks me to a halt. His free hand flies up to my chin and forces me to meet him in the eye. I fight him off, prying at his arms, but nothing works. 
"I never loved her!" He barks at me. "Well... maybe a little once... but that was before I met you! That night I didn't cheat on you! I swear it! I went over to her house to kill her and when I got there she was crying! Her mother has been ill! That's why I couldn't come sooner... plus I... I..." 
"You what?" I growl in disdain. 
"I got a soul for you," he remarks calmly, nearly solemnly. 
I frown, how is that possible? 
"You what?" I question. 
"I went to the desert, got my soul back so I could be like Angel..." He explains. "To be like someone you'd want to be with," he adds. 
He softens his grip on my face. To my surprise, I don't pull away. I stare into his blue eyes with astonishment. How could he get back his soul? Is that why it took him so long to come and find me? For months I wondered if he would ever come... but he never did. When I finally started to get settled and moved on he shows up. Spike's hand falls from my face with a sigh.  
"Forget this. Never mind," he starts to back away. "Have a good life, Y/N." 
I stand frozen, speechless, and unsure what to do as Spike struts away toward the door. Thus again, he has disappeared from my life. 
Tags:  @currently-obsesed-with-spike @mx-pibbles @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard
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sakuwriteshere · 5 years
The Apple Pie in my Life - Chapter 1
Summary: What happened between two best friends when someone messes with their lives? Can the past changes the future or can the future changes the past?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Female!Reader
Words count: 2887
Warnings: Angst (slight, I think?), heartbreak, betrayal, mentions of bullying and murder, mentions of death.
Square filled: Enemies to Lovers for @spndeanbingo​ and Angst to fluff for @spngenrebingo​ Those squares are used for the whole series.
A/N: As per usual, this is unbetated and I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes or error spelling. Please let me know what you think of it! I really hope that this new series will bring you as much fun as it does for me.I do not own the characters or the show.
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Chapter one: Truman High 2008
You hated this place, but you had work to do. It didn’t matter that this place was full of good memories, the one year that you felt normal in your whole life. It didn’t matter, because it was also the place of your worst, painful memory.
Seated behind the wheel, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before exiting your car. You adjusted your blazer and made sure your pencil skirt was alright before heading to the main entrance. 
It seemed like a simple case, your first suspect, April Dawkins, a young student who swore she was possessed when she drowned another student in the girls restroom. After asking her for more details you wondered if your ‘simple case’ was really one. No black smoke, no sulfur but the way she explained how she felt was exactly a demonic possession. You had to check the building before considering this case a fake one.
You posed as Leia Swan, FBI agent. The teachers weren’t happy that an investigation was on, but they answered your questions nonetheless. After a few hours of investigating, you thanked the English teacher and left the classroom. Another dead end. No one understood what had happened and thought that the girl just lied about everything,as a way of protection. Better to be seen as a crazy person than a murderer.
The students weren’t of any help either. You just learned that April was bullied by the victim because she was a bit chubby and shy. Stupid kids. You remembered how horrible your life was when you were a teen. Every time you changed school, people talked about you and how strange you were, being on your own and not as cheerful as the other girls.That was until you ended at Truman High, the one year of normalcy you had. As normal, as your life could be.
You went into the girls restroom, where the murder happened, to check for some trace of EMF or sulfur. Nothing. Something was wrong but you couldn’t point it out. Sighing deeply you exited the restroom and bumped into a tall, well-built man.
“Sorry!” The man apologized right away, his big hands grabbing your shoulders to prevent you from falling.
“I’m sorry.” You said yourself before looking at the man’s face. “Holy mother- Sam?” You had to take another glance, the man standing in front of you was older than you remembered but you couldn’t forget those hazel eyes.
Sam’s face furrowed when he heard his name but after a few seconds, the realization hit him hard. “Y/N? Oh my God, it’s so good to see you!” He exclaimed as he engulfed you in a bear hug.
You smiled at the sweet gesture. You were taken aback by how big he was but he was still the same, sweet boy you remembered. You hugged him back as much as you could despite the height difference.
“Wow look at you! You’re beautiful!” He said, a huge smile on his face.
“Aww! I bet you say that to any woman you met!” You hit his chest playfully. “Look at you! All grown up and big!”
It’s been a while since you’ve seen Sam. The last time was certainly in this place, when you spend two weeks with the brothers. Your smile fell as you thought about Sam’s big brother.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, switching the topic for a more professional one.
“I think we’re working on the same thing as you.” Sam said seriously, his hunter mode back on.
Wait a minute. ‘We’?
“Sammy!” Your blood turned cold into your veins when you heard the familiar nickname. Your eyes widened and you curled your hands into fists as the steps drew closer.
“I thought he was dead.” You whispered, your breath falling short.
Sam rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s a long story.” He mumbled.
“Who’s your new friend?” Dean asked, stopping behind you, you could picture the flirty smile in his voice. His voice was grufier, more masculine than the one you remembered and you couldn’t stop the chill that ran down your spine.
“If you would excuse me.” you said coldly as you walked towards the exit, not looking back even once. You had to get out of here, you couldn’t see his face, it would bring too many painful memories. You weren’t ready for this.
“Y/N, wait!” Sam tried to stop you, but you had already left.
“Y Y/N?” Dean repeated, surprised at first, then his face turned angry and his fists clenched tightly. He turned around and walked in the opposite direction.
“But Dean,” Sam called his brother, not moving “We could work together.”
“We don’t need her.” Dean answered, pushing the double doors in front of him angrily, murmuring something else but Sam couldn’t hear him.
Nothing’s better than a good whiskey. The alcohol burned down you throat all your worries and sad thoughts. You were more than pleased to see Sam again. After all those years you wondered what had happened to him. Thanks to Bobby, you knew how life has been for Sam, he told you about him regularly. You knew he left the hunting life for Stanford and you were more than happy for him. One of you could finally leave the life and do as he wished.
Of course, a few years later he went right back into it, thanks to his stupid big brother. You didn’t know why and you couldn’t care less. After that, when Bobby tried to talk about the Wnchester brothers but you simply told him you didn’t care.
Until the day Dean died.
You remembered that day in any details. You came into Bobby’s house, looking for a book. You needed it for a case. When you entered the house, the stillness and gloomy atmosphere were the first things that hit you. Bobby wasn’t a ball of fluffy rainbows but you knew something bad happened when you saw his red eyes.
“What’s wrong, Bobby?” You asked as you come closer.
He drank what was left in his glass, just one look at the bottle told you it wasn’t his first drink.
“It’s better if you sit, kid.” Bobby told you, his voice cracking at the end.
“I’m fine, just told me already.” You said, standing in front of his desk, your arms crossed upon your chest.
Bobby rubbed his eyes with his thumb and middle finger, as if he was searching for the right words or simply not believing what he was going to tell you.
“Dean’s dead.” 
You heard the words, you understood them but your brain refused to acknowledge the fact. Your heart stopped beating as you held your breath. Your hands reached for the top of the desk, in a vain attempt to keep your balance. Bobby stood up right away and helped you to sit on the couch next to his desk.
“Easy kid. Easy. Take a breath.” The old man told you in a soft voice, his hand caressing the top of your head.
You tried to say something, anything but no words came out. Why? You hated the guy, after what he had put you through. You thought that the betrayal and despair you felt that prom night was the worst, but it was nothing compared to what you were feeling at the moment. Why were you sad for him? Why were you feeling something? Why did you heart hurt so much?
“Why?” The only word you could pronounce before hot, fat tears fell down your cheeks.
You felt like a fool, remembering that night. Dean Winchester lied once again. He wasn’t dead and you hated yourself for feeling bad that night. You closed your eyes and drank the rest of your drink before motioning the bartender to keep the alcohol going.
“Is this seat taken?” You heard a man's voice ask next to you. You rolled your eyes as you recognized the voice.
“It’s a free country.” You said not glancing up and kept your eyes on your drink as you were more interested in the way the brown liquid was poured into your glass.
After an awkward moment, Sam turned toward you and asked in a whisper, “What happened to you, Y/N?”
You chuckled humorlessly, your fingertip playing with the ice cube in your drink. “Your brother happened.” You murmured with so much hatred in your voice.
Sam nodded, wingling his hands on his lap. “You know, he never told me what happened that night.”
You were drunk, but you still could notice the curiosity in his voice. “I mean, you were best friends. Always together, like two peas in a pod. And then, one day….nothing?”
“Not my story to tell, Sammy.” You stood up, your balance surprisingly good after all the drinks. You stopped and glanced at the hand that wrapped around your forearm.
“We could use your help, Y/N. Seems like ghost possession and it has something to do with the time we were there.” Sam explained, and you didn’t need to look at his face to know that he was using his puppy eyes. A soft smile curled at the corner of your lips, he was so damn cute using those.
“We made a mistake back then. Now, the time to fix it.” Sam said more, you knew he was talking about the case but you couldn’t help yourself and thought back at that horrible night.
“Is that so?”
“Please.” You knew you made a mistake when you looked at his face. The pleading look he was giving you was the last thing you needed to see to give in.
“I’ll see, Sammy. I make no promise but if my headache tomorrow isn’t too hard on me, then maybe I’ll come to help.” You accepted and you weren’t lying. You didn’t accept for Dean, you did it for Sam. It’s not because you hated his big brother that you had to ignore poor little Sammy.
In the end your headache might have been a son of a bitch, because you never came.
“What’s in your mind?” Dean asked, his gaze focused on the road.
The case was over, they identified the wrong ghost but in the end they won. Dean thought that his brother was still thinking about Dirk and blaming himself.
“She never came.” Sam simply said, his body slightly turned toward the window.
“Who?” Dean was surprised, he never thought a girl was the reason of his brother’s pensive state.
“Y/N. She said she would come to help.”
Dean’s fingers tightened around the wheel when he heard her name.”Come on, man! Forget it!” Why did he have to hear your name again? He’s been in Hell and he thought he felt the worst, so why did it hurt him when he heard about you? He thought he had moved on already.
“Forget it? Are you serious, Dean? She’s our friend.” Sam turned toward his brother, his face stern.
“Was, Sam. Was our friend. Not anymore.” Dean corrected, the anger slowly building. You were their friends but you stopped being it for him the day you betrayed him. 
“Yeah, and what’s the reason? You never told me.” Sam asked, maybe this time Dean would tell him.
“There’s nothing to tell.” 
Sam scoffed, he had enough. Something went wrong between those two and none of them were telling the truth. They forgot that he lost a precious friend because of their petty argument.
“There must be a reason we met her again with this case. You were best friends, you loved her and-”
“I don’t love her.” Dean interjected, his jaws clenching. There was no way he would think about it again. You crushed his heart and stepped on it. Once was already enough.
The anger Sam felt stopped right away, instead he felt sad for his brother. “Dean,” he sighed, Sam knew what he was going to say was going to get his brother, really, really mad.
“I saw her in your dreams. You wanted the apple pie life with her.” 
Dean’s jews clenched so hard, he thought it was going to break. He didn’t need to understand that Sam was talking about the time they used African dreamroot.  He was surprised himself when he saw her face. She was just sitting on a blanket, wearing a simple but so beautiful yellow dress, and talking about kids and some baseball game. He still could picture, the love on her face when she said she loved him.
“This is a low blow, Sam. Even for you.” Dean warned, he had enough already.
“No, Sam. I’m telling you, stop it right now.” He didn’t listen, the rage he felt whenever he thought about that stupid night was consuming.
“Dean, stop!” Sam exclaimed, his hand reaching for Dean’s forearm.
Dean glanced at the hand, then at his brother’s scared face and finally the road. He hit the brakes so hard, when he saw the figure in the middle of the road. The car stopped right on time, one more second and it would have been too late.
Both brothers watched at the person standing in front of the car, the lights illuminating her dirty scared face. Despite the bad lightening, they could see that she was just a teen. After a few seconds of stupor, the brothers exited the car, rushing towards the poor girl who fell on her back, mostly because of the big scare, or maybe because of the limp body that she was carrying.
“M- My brother,” she stuttered, the sounds of the car almost covering her tired voice. “Please, save my little brother.”
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monicawoe · 5 years
12, 16, 21, 25
for the fanfic end of the year asks meme (thanks @slytherkins !)
12. favorite character to write about this year: It’s a tie between Eddie Brock/Venom and Sam Winchester. Venom fics have been incredibly fun to write and I’ve really been enjoying writing more humorous fics which is something I used to struggle with. But with Supernatural in its last season I also had a serious resurgence of need to write all the Sam fics!
21. most memorable comment/review:  “M A X I M U M T O A S T BABYBOI NO.”…which totally makes sense in context. Venom had some difficulties operating the toaster.
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read: Definitely The Holy Grail Bird by @denugis  Not just because she wrote this as a gift fic to me, but because it’s easily one of my favorite fics of all times. This is such an insightful look into Sam and addresses the Winchester’s Chuck Problem so cleverly, but more than that it brought me to tears in the best kind of way, the kind of tears that happen when somebody just gets it so spot on and so beautifully that your heart leaps and aches all at the same time.  If you are a Sam Winchester fan, do yourself a favor and read this immediately if you haven’t yet, and if you’ve already read it, then go read it again
16 fic(s) you completed this year (*saving this one for last since it’s a long response!) I completed 17 fics this year, of which 16 were posted–mainly Supernatural, Venom and MCU. This was such an awesome year for collaborations, big-bangs and fic exchanges. I had the opportunity to work with some truly stellar artists who are all total sweethearts, so thanks again to @sketchydean, @sdeeys, @vebirascanvasand of course @quickreaver for bringing my fics to life so beautifully. Thanks also to everybody whose prompts I filled for various events, and big thanks to my amazing betas for saving me from my own bad writing habits
Links, fic summaries, and gorgeous art banners below the cut!
Lakeside Fishing - After defeating Famine, after days of suffering through demon blood withdrawal in the panic room, Sam needs time to clear his head. Early in the morning, he heads to a small lake seeking solitude, but instead finds an unexpected ally. (Sam/Patrick(S5ep7), 4k words)
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His Soul to Keep - art by @sketchydean - written for the SPN Eldritch Bang horror event - Dean’s deal is coming due soon. When he finds out from Ruby that Hell will turn him into a demon, he refuses to accept it, even though he can already feel pieces of his soul starting to crumble away. Sam is his only anchor to the world, and Dean finds it harder and harder to leave his side.   After Broward County, after watching Dean die a thousand deaths, Sam decides he’s not going to let Dean go to Hell. He’ll do whatever it takes, even if that means allying himself with Ruby and using the darkness inside of him. Sam casts a soul-binding spell on Dean; they might not be able to break the deal, but they can change who Dean’s soul belongs to. (13k, Sam/Dean, hard-gen, AU of season 3))
Thirteen Taps of The Ivory Beak - Death is a transient thing. The bird knows this, because she herself is both alive and not. Her creator made her this way, not by choice but because of who he is. (a companion piece to de_nugis’ The Holy Grail Bird, 900 words)
Whosoever Holds - Just when Sam Winchester needs it most, Mjölnir returns to him. But is he really worthy? (2k, gen Sam Winchester, Steve Rogers; MCU/SPN crossover)
The Devil You Knew - Brady, not Azazel, had killed Jessica, all those years ago. And now he was sitting across from Sam, bound. Trapped. (1k; an alternate version of Sam’s confrontation with Brady in 5x20)
Wednesday - It’s Wednesday. It’s always Wednesday, he thinks, as he stands up and leaves the motel room, not sparing a glance at the other bed. (2k, Mystery Spot boyKing!Sam AU)
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Last Drop - art by @quickreaver -written for the Twisted Tropes event - Sam/Brady AU set while Sam’s at Stanford:  Sam is slowly adjusting to his new life at Stanford University. He’s left his life of hunting behind, and traded it for endless studying and tests, but he’s plagued by dreams of Dean and Dad in danger, dreams of blood and violence. Then he meets Tyson Brady, who’s always there with a smile and a cup of coffee to get Sam through all-nighters. Sam’s dreams start to fade, but just as he’s getting used to a nice normal life, he starts to develop abilities—powers he can’t control. Brady thinks they’re great, but Sam knows power never comes without a cost. (14k, Sam/Brady)
Breathing, Talking, Dead Man Walking   -  John Doe, male, approximately thirty-seven years old. Subject was found by EMTs in close proximity to the site of a sizable explosion in Lebanon, Kansas. (2k, gen, Sam & Dean)
Costume Party - Eddie and Venom are invited to a costume party at the museum. While there, they find a mad scientist in the dinosaur wing who is up to no good. (Symbrock, 5k words)
Reckoning Tartare with a Side of Tater Tots - Eddie Brock is writing a story about Will Graham, a man accused of horrific serial murders. But Eddie’s got a feeling Will is innocent, and somebody else is to blame. When Hannibal Lecter invites Eddie to dinner, Venom is surprised by the menu. (2k words; Venom | Hannibal crossover)
The End Times Are Here (But So Are We) - Eddie Brock crashes his motorcycle near Anathema Device’s Jasmine Cottage. She was expecting him, of course. Agnes Nutter’s prophecy had foretold his coming, just in time for the End of Days. (2k words; Venom | Good Omens crossover)
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Asunder - (bigbang featuring art by @sdeeys and @vebirascanvas !) Eddie and Venom have grown accustomed to their new life together. They patrol every night, keeping San Francisco just a little safer, and keeping Venom fed. But one night, they’re captured, and separated. Eddie wakes up to find himself imprisoned in a glass cell and, for the first time in six months, completely alone.  (Symbrock, PG-13, 12k words; written for the @symbrockbigbang)
Midnight Snack - Eight hours is way too long to wait until breakfast. Venom makes snacks while Eddie is sleeping. Unfortunately the toaster gives them some issues. (3k words)
They Say It’s Your Birthday - Venom asks Dan to help throw a surprise birthday party for Eddie. (3k words | written for the chocolate box gift exchange)
Marvel/Captain America
Interstitial Light - After Thanos wiped half of life off the planet, the remaining Avengers find a way to reach out to those they lost, using a combination of Stark-Tech, magic and their own memories. Steve makes contact with Bucky, but they spent too many decades apart when Steve was on ice. But there was somebody else who knew Bucky during that time—who trained with him, who knew both the Winter Soldier and James Barnes: Natasha. | 6k, Natasha, Bucky
Stumble and Fall Into You   -   Three months ago, Steve’s world shattered. SHIELD had been infiltrated by Hydra, people he trusted turned out to be enemies, and Bucky, who he thought he’d lost in 1944, had been alive this whole time. Steve tries to get back to some kind of normalcy, but Bucky is always on his mind, and lately he’s been seeing him everywhere. | 5k, Steve/Bucky
The 17th fic I completed this year is my Sam Winchester Big Bang fic, which will be posting early next year. I’ve gotten paired with yet another wonderful artist (I think it’s still supposed to be a secret, but it won’t be for long) and am very excited about this collaboration too!
Might as well make this my end of year stats post as well while I’m at it.
Words so far: 247,305 as of end of November, I’ll probably come in close to 280k by end of year. About a third of these words were posted as fics, the rest were prior drafts and a handful of short stories.
Thematically this was a very cathartic and iddy year for me in fic. Venom fandom gave me the opportunity to tackle things in a totally different way which has been incredibly freeing and fun to write, and returning to Supernatural fic had me writing out ideas I’d had on the backburner for years, like with Wednesday and my aforementioned SWBB. Nearly every Sam Winchester fic I write is about autonomy (loss of or reclaiming of) in one way or another but I’d say the two iddiest ones by far from this year were His Soul to Keep and Last Drop. 
I’ve got four WIPs heading into 2020, so here’s to another year of writing!
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terrorandtales · 4 years
A Continuation of Irrational Lifelike Fears
I felt like with this terror I was sinking and being swallowed at the same time. It felt like as soon as I slipped off into a deepening slumber my sleep self was waiting for me right at the border of R.E.M lane. Ready to drag me into what felt like hell. She can be such an inconsiderate cunt or maybe she isn’t. Maybe I have to accept her as a part of me. The me that’ll actually share the harsh truths of myself because awake me is like a sweet southern bell. Awake me will hide the ugly truths and bury them so I can have some sort of normalcy during regular human hours. I have to love all parts of me though. This I know. This is what I’m working towards with therapy, newfound spirituality, medication, and deep meditation. I tend to get off topic quite easily or maybe this is a defense mechanism and I just need a fucking minute to let the aftershocks of the last wave fucking settle and finish beating me to a pulp. I bet you’re like “Well just stop writing and pick it up later?”, but you see I can’t. I’m on a roll and the more I write the more I feel the feelings slipping away from each terror because reliving them again and revisiting these traumas in my waking hours is weighing down on me. My mind is wanting a break, my heart is wanting a good cry and for the hulking weight to be lifted, my shoulders are carrying the stress and tension story to story. That last story I had to stop and read to Jean Paul. To make sense of it all and not be alone riding that gnarly gigantic wave. That one really fucked me up. Saltwater in my lungs, eyes, ears. The anxiety is deafening and I’m underwater. That sweet strong man of mine is like Moses right now. He can just part the waters of my anxiety no matter how huge, dark, and frightening they are. He just sees me and as he finds his way to me and combs through all the bullshit that is my life his presence is like a soundproof room away from it all. I feel like Avatar Anag in that ice ball. Except I haven’t been able to master the great power of my mind because what’s surrounding me is fear, shame, guilt, and anxiety. I’m getting closer each day to breaking out of that ball of ice. Giving myself grace, love, and mercy are carving its way out of this ice ball. The fire within me is focused and breaking through like when Thor held open the gates to allow the star to re-lite the forge so his hammer could be forged. The dwarf, Eitri said, “That’s suicide”. Anyways I just feel like I’m holding open a small window and that light is coming out of me. That light is breaking free. Okay, I’m ready to begin again… Take 2!
I felt like with terror I was sinking and being swallowed at the same time. It felt like as soon as I slipped off into a deepening slumber my sleep self was waiting for me right at the border of R.E.M lane. Ready to drag me into what felt like hell. I awoke in a dungeon glowing with reds and oranges. The heat rising around me. As I was taking in my surroundings I noticed a demon-like creature punishing a man for something he had done wrong. I wasn’t afraid of the demon-like creature oddly enough. I was more afraid of what the man could’ve done to be punished so harshly. I couldn’t make out what they were saying at all. It was as if they couldn’t sense my presence. I wandered around the dungeon looking at the old artifacts lying around. When I stumbled and almost tripped over a burnt bottle that seemed to resemble a wine bottle. I reached down to pick up the bottle, not even hesitant if it were scalding hot. Surprisingly, it wasn’t. Just warm to the touch. I started to scratch off the burnt char and underneath the crusted black char was a beautiful crystal looking glass. Then the scene changed. I was in the library with JP searching for something. That wasn’t a book I knew that much. We walked through the library and back to this room that was dimly lit. When we got back there a person from my past was sitting and waiting for me. She asked me if I wanted to see her baby. It was such a strange encounter. In my waking life, I haven’t seen Nicole in ages and her children are grown now with kids of their own. Anyways, Jean Paul ushered me out of the room and walked me back through the corridor and out into the library. I barely had the strength to keep my eyes open. I was slumped over putting all of my weight on him. He said to me, “don’t worry we’re heading to the car, everything will be okay.” We started walking towards the exit and he leaned me up against the wall and said, “Baby I’ll be back, it’s snowing, I’m going to get the car”. He walked outside into the wintery cold white space, and then sluggishly I was sinking being swallowed up by the hallway. As if someone picked up the building and turned it in a direction where I would slide back towards the library and further away from the door. I desperately reached for the railings on the sides of the walls to pull myself towards the door, but I was so weak I couldn’t hold on for long let alone pull myself to move any further. I fell wretchedly slow into darkness. (End Scene) 
I woke up breathless, disoriented, and deeply confused. I wasn’t as terrified with this one but disturbed and disappointed that this was the fourth-night terror in the span of 3 days that I’ve had. I guess let’s rewrite this one? I wasn’t terrified by this one though. If anything I need to make sense of it before I can change the ending. I need to understand me falling into darkness, but not being alarmed. It’s as if I gave up. Honestly, I’m running out of steam and the next one is going to take a lot of me because I lost everyone… After that, for the finale, our darkest nemesis has risen from the graved depths of my subconscious after being absent for a week. Drumroll please *waits for it* Welp let’s give an icy cold welcome to the one and only  Carter T. Zane . The bastard is back. It’s as if he knew I’d been through enough, revved up from all the unwanted excitement, and decided that now is the best time to make his grand entrance. “You’ll never be rid of me” 
Let’s just open the fucking scene already. Rip it off and get through this. I’m going to need something stronger than tea. One moment while I fetch a glass of wine. “3 minutes later…” *in the Spongebob narrators voice* Action!
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Forever Love
Pairing: John Winchester x Reader
Warnings: None
Word count: 1641
Summary: John died and your secret love went with him.  What happens when he’s brought back to life?
A/N: My first ever challenge fic! This was written for Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge over at @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog. My prompt was “Love is a bridge built between two people. We want what exists between them to be real” from the movie America’s Sweethearts.  Images from Google and credit goes to their owners.  Hope you like it!
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John Winchester.
It was a name that struck fear in the hearts of all the creatures that go bump in the night. Well, it was, a few years ago before he struck that deal to save Dean. You and the boys had been devastated to lose him but you carried on his legacy by saving people and hunting things, their family business.
Your only regret was never being able to tell John how you felt. You were a few years older than Dean but still much younger than John when you started hunting with them and you figured that he’d never give the time of day so you just survived off longing glances and ‘accidental’ brushes against his arm.
Fast forward to 2018, Chuck is living with you guys in the bunker again. He was traipsing around in the middle of the night when he happened to pass your room. You were having a dream about John (something that happened every now & again), calling out to him and expressing your deep love for him. Chuck, being God and all, knew of your affection for the old hunter and devised a plan that would give you the shock of your life.
The next day brought a flurry of activity as Sam caught wind of a case in South Carolina where people were seemingly dropping like flies near an old antebellum home in the Lowcountry. It sounded like a simple salt & burn but you were all itching for some action so you loaded Baby up and set out on the road.  The time you’d be gone was perfect to Chuck as it gave him time to get the ball rolling on your surprise.
Your instincts had been right. There was a ghost of an old Union general who was murdered during the Civil War who was wreaking havoc on those who were visiting the plantation. Once you took care of that, you guys decided to stay an extra day to explore the city. You & Sam, being big history buffs, were geeking out over all the various pieces of historical significance in the city.  Although Dean would snicker and call you nerds, seeing you two happy made him happy.
You finally got back on the road to Kansas, ready for a good shower and your memory-foam mattress. After a bit of driving and a couple pit stops, you decided to catch a nap to help pass the time. Your nap was apparently a great one because before you knew it, you were passing a ‘Welcome to Kansas’ sign.
Dean pulled into the garage and you three got everything unloaded.  As you were walking in, laughing at a joke Sam told, you immediately slammed into a wall of flannel. Glancing up to see what was going on, you saw the boys staring down at something. Following their line of sight, your eyes landed on something you thought you’d never see again.
John freaking Winchester.
John was alive and standing right in front of you and his boys. The last thing you heard was a strangled ‘Dad?’ from Dean before everything went black.
When you awoke, you were surprised to find yourself in your room. However, that paled in comparison to the surprise of seeing John sitting in a chair beside the bed. He was bit more mature than before, salt & pepper hair lining his head and beard. He’d also updated his wardrobe as he was sporting tight jeans and a black leather jacket, looking like a TV character that you couldn’t quite place.
“Glad to see you’re finally awake, sweetheart.” he says with a smile that melts your heart (and panties).
“John? How the hell are you in front of me right now?! Are you a demon?” You immediately search for your holy water.  John chuckles and tells you that the boys have already tested him to see if he was legit and showed the healing cut on his palm.  You breathed out a sigh of relief before launching yourself into his arms for a bear hug.  
“I missed you so much, John.  Do you know how long it took us to reach a sense of normalcy after you died?” You hadn’t realize you’d started crying until he gently wiped away your tears.  
“Y/N, I never wanted to hurt you but I had to save my son.  Those boys were my whole world, next to their mother.” The mention of Mary hit you like a bucket of ice water and you detangled yourself from John’s hold.  Looking down at your feet, you missed the look of hurt that briefly flitted across John’s face.  You awkwardly cleared your throat and mumbled something about fixing dinner before fleeing the room-anything to get away from John in that moment.
On our way to the kitchen, you ran into Chuck who was sporting a megawatt smile.  He was expecting to find you a happy camper but when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks, the smile slipped from his face.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? I thought you’d be over the moon right now.”
“What are you talking about, Chuck?” Realization suddenly settled upon you.  “Chuck, did you bring John for me?”
“Y/N, I’ve heard you in your sleep, calling out for him and professing your love.  I figured that you deserved a chance at happiness so I brought him back, mostly for you but also for the boys.”
“Wha-? I...Chuck, he is never going to love me.  He still loves Mary with all his heart.  There’s no room for me”, you say dejectedly.
“Y/N, I’m God, remember? Just trust me, okay?”
You nodded slightly and turned towards the kitchen.  Little did you know that John had chased you down the hall and heard the entire conversation.
The next few weeks were confusing to you.  On the hunting front, John fit right in and caught on fairly quickly with the newer technology (although cell phones gave him a bit of grief).  What was puzzling was how attentive to you John had become.  While on the road, he made sure to always be near you or attending your needs first.  In the bunker, he was always finding ways to spend time with you, whether it was helping you cook or instituting a weekly movie night.  The boys always asked if there was something between you and their father but you always denied it, no matter how much you wanted it to be true.
All of John’s attention came to a head while hunting a werewolf who’d been hunting women that looked like you.  You’d been tasked to lure in the werewolf and he easily took the bait. However, none of you that it’d been a trap and the werewolf took you to his hideout.  Thankfully, you’d had a tracker in the hem of your dress so it didn’t take long for Sam to find you.  Upon hearing the calvary coming, the werewolf knew his time was limited so he chose to go out with a bang.  As their footsteps rang out in the hallway, the werewolf stepped to you and sank his fangs into your neck.  The door swung open and Dean promptly shot a silver bullet into the back of the werewolf, his body thumping on the floor.  John stepped over the body to free you from your shackles and cradled your body next to his, inspecting your wound and fearing the worst.
“Y/n, sweetheart, you gotta hold on for me.  I need you to stay awake.”
“John, it hurts so much.  I’m so tired.”
“No, darling.  Keep talking to me.  I can’t lose you.” John leans close to your ear before whispering, “I can’t lose another woman I love.”
You turn to look at his face right as Cas appears, rushing to your side to heal you.  You pull in a deep breath as his grace flows through you, healing the gaping wound at your neck.  He tells you that you’ll be okay, just rest if you can.  Standing, you turn towards John with tears in your eyes.  You leap into his arms and pull his face towards you, smashing your lips together.  “I love you too, John.”
When you return to the bunker, you and John have a heart-to-heart where he confesses overhearing your conversation with Chuck.  He assures that while he will always love Mary, there is room for you in his heart and he will spend the rest of the life making sure you believe him.
“John, love is a bridge built between two people. We want what exists between them to be real.  I think what’s between us is real.  I love you, John.”
John stood and swept you up into a breath-stealing kiss.  Feeling lightheaded, you didn’t even realize that John had pulled back and was slowly dropping to one knee.  You let out a gasp as you realized what he was doing and saw the little black box.
“Sweetheart, I’ve been given a second chance at life and my life is nothing without you.  I don’t want to waste anymore time before asking you this question.  Can you put up with an old hunter and marry me?”
You nodded so hard that you thought your neck would snap.  John pulled the ring from the box and slipped it over your finger, telling you that Chuck held him pick it out.
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“It’s perfect, John.  Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, Y/N.  I meant what I said.  I plan to spend the rest of our lives making you feel like the most important woman in the world.”
3 months later, you married on a private beach with Chuck officiating.  It was a small affair but to you, it was perfect.  8 months after that, Mary Ellen and John Robert Winchester made their debut, the perfect additions to your perfect family.
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bun-writes-things · 8 years
Click [Chp8] Bullet Proof
AFF Link 
“Of course,” He says staying low, eyes closed. It was hard...so hard but the demon was smart and would sniff out the lie in an instant if he messed up.
“However I do hope that next time you won’t go above me. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir…”
The mere sight of a cocky young female made him frown. From her blonde hair and sharp hawklike eyes to the full of her pouty red lips, the young woman seemed almost  green around the gills for Ace, but he knew not to underestimate. “Who are you?” “See that’s none of your concern. My concern is of the two fugitives you are hiding. The hit is off, it’s mine now,” She purrs, a gun pulled out. Minho took no chances to let her shoot, bringing out his own pistol and letting off six consecutive rounds, to which the female only dodges, returning her own rounds of fire while avoiding the bullets from the red haired pretty boy. “Who are you?” Ace asked, eyes narrowed as he lands a shot, the female growling when the left leg gives out. With the other down Minho moved to restrain her, arms pinned and his tail wrapped tightly around the oozing mass of blood pooling from the bullet wound. “Ji…” She says finally. “I was hired by Chun –Yan to oversee that you don’t kill the targets. They are not yours anymore and we will take them,” was the hissed threat. At that moment a shorter male enters, mixed by the looks of it… “Oh Xiumin there you are, a little help?” BANG. For a few seconds there was a deafening silence as the body slumped forward, brain matter splattering the floor. By now cops had been called, and Minho knew they had to escape. They couldn’t be caught. “You have twenty seconds for us to all escape before the cops show up. Here’s the deal: Come with us, bring the fugitives, we’ll provide you safety back to Seoul and erase the data captured on the security feed. In exchange we will take the Lee twins and house them until further notice. As far as Ravi would be concerned: You two succeeded. We can talk about where the disk is with all the research later. Do we have deal? We have ten seconds left now.” From the bedroom Eunsook listened, the door cracked open at the sound of gun fire. At first she wanted to go out, but a light touch to her back stopped her and so along with her brother she listened, took in the words. The hit was off? It seemed too good to be true for the twins and Jinki just couldn’t help but frown at the whole conversation. Chun Yan helping them? Why? What reason could she have? “Should we go out?” Jinki asked. “Five seconds…” came Xiumin’s voice. “Choose Ace and Choi. Four seconds…three…” “Fine. You better hold your words,” Growled the fox. “Perfect. Follow me,” He smirks before moving to the balcony, giving a shot of his gun. From the distance a koud sound could be heard a small chopper came closer.  “All aboard~” He laughs, climbing onto the rope ladder that lowered while the other’s followed.
Almost immediately as soon as they were all in the chopper Xiumin smiled at them, positively beaming because ho ho ho he managed to convince two of the hardest assassins to his cause for the moment. This, in itself he feels, was a victory to be celebrated however it seemed he alone was the one grinning, for Taemin was currently stone faced and anxious. He didn’t like how warm the other’s smile seemed, made him feel things he didn’t want to think of at the moment. Reminded him of what Minho’s warmth felt like, how he was so triumphant like a cat who got the bird. A feeling of normalcy as if proud and it made Taemin freak out. Apparently he was not alone, at least in the feeling of being annoyed. Minho was as well but unlike the other Minho felt more concerned than anything. Without much thinking the fox’s thick, luxurious tail laid across the younger’s lap, said boy immediately began to stroke it, the action not unnoticed by either Eunsook or Jinki. In fact it solidified on Eunsook’s end her annoyance and contempt for Key for even bringing the younger into all this.
It felt as if an eternity had passed before Jimin’s sweet voice filtered through:
“We’re almost there. Anyway hopefully if things go well Ms. Chun-Yan will have it all taken care of. You get your live’s, we get the info and you don’t worry about death for failing~~”
“Exactly what does she have in mind, Xiumin?” Jinki asked softly, drawing Taemin from his anxious state. God he loved that honey voice.
“Suga, my boss, has been eyeing up Ravi’s spot for awhile and Chun-Yan has a vendetta against him. In exchange for your lives and information, Ravi get’s displaced, Suga get’s in and again you get to go free. No death. No hit. Simple yeah?”
Good as it sounded Eunsook couldn’t quite stop the nagging doubt in the back of her mind. How could Ravi give up his power easily? As if reading her thought’s the pilot chuckled.
“Chun-Yan knows how to dismantle from the inside out, why else would she and Tao be in cahoots with eachother? He’s the one who sent us, Chun-Yan is the one whose working with that pretty little incubus Key and the little pupper Jonghyun~”
“Mmhm, Nammi is right, as of right now if things go to plan then you, my little captives, will be perfectly safe for the rest of your days. After all you all owe a debt to Chunnie and Tao and as long as things go well you will never need or worry~ so trust in us.”
Taemin snorts, rolling his eyes as his fingers moved more fanatically through the silver fur. This wasn’t right. This couldn’t be happening. Live without fear? The hit was off? No consequence for failing? To much. This had to be a bad joke right?
“Lies. We’ll be killed regardless. No one does anything for the good of others. Who's to say Suga wouldn’t just want us to disappear once he has the seat of power? You expect us to believe we will be safe???”
He felt cheated, as if suddenly his whole life and way of being was a joke. Out of concern for the younger Jinki shifted, moved to the other and placed a gentle hand to his knee, under the tail. The touch calmed him and he wandered exactly what happened to him, what happened to minho for him to be so protective. Something in their past...he felt it. Something needed to be found out, but for now his life and his twin’s life were in the hands of others.
“For now, regardless if this will work or not we need to have faith...as it is I rather enjoy being alive...and not dead,” Jinki quips, eyes trained to the redhaired assassin who still held his life in their hands. After all who's to say even if they are safe the other doesnt follow through? It would ensure the greedy child wouldn’t have to share him…
Still though Jinki couldn’t quite figure out what Taemin was. It was as if the other could make him do whatever he pleased, as if his emotions and thoughts were not his own, but he also worried for his sister, who has seem to taken the Fox’s attention in more than a prey and predator.
“See? Even the cute one gets it. Now then we’re almost to the safe building so enjoy the ride!”
Ravi felt a slight annoyance when he saw Key in his office. First his boytoy vampire is taken and now this incubus is here.
“This better be good.”
Moments seemed to stretch on forever as he breathes in deep through the nose. It was never a simple thing to just waltz into the office of the Demon but regardless he had to play his part. With Jjong taking Leo out it was easier to seduce the other, to use him for the Chinese bitch. He didn’t like her, never did but this was for Eunsook and he would do anything. It’s funny the prospect of actually loosing her made him remember why he wanted to get to Leo’s spot: To protect her.
“The two have found the targets. Last I heard of them they were going in for the kill. No word has been recieved. As I trusted Leo,” A lie, “to keep Jjong in place,” another lie. “I asked if he could accompany Jonghyun to Shanghai where the targets were. To report back as the two have gone silent and have not contacted me. I realize of course I should have asked you, however I grew worried after all we need that information and they were not answering.”
The lie was rehersed an easy slip of the tongue as he bows low in respect...in forgiveness for not getting permission. He expected a harsh voice and instead was treated to a softer one...an appraising tone.
“This is true, you should have come to me right away, however your quick thinking should be rewarded. There is a reason I assigned you to this. After all given your history with Eunsook and her brother, it was easy enough to make the decision. You of all people know the importance of protecting the humans from things beyond their control through any means needed.”
“Of course,” He says staying low, eyes closed. It was hard...so hard but the demon was smart and would sniff out the lie in an instant if he messed up.
“However I do hope that next time you won’t go above me. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir…”
He had to act now, had to do it. As he stands the brown eyes fade into an ice blue, black hair becoming a shocking pink. A glance at the camera and he knew...he knew the other was watching.
“I hope that you will forgive me, but I have to do this...for Eunsook… SUGA NOW!” From behind a door is blasted apart and Ravi narrows his eyes.
“What is this?”
“Your end. It’s about time I take back my rightful place. Let’s go Ravi...you and me.”
“Bring it wolf.”
“Yeah chun?”
“Promise me Mei will be safe?”
“I give you my word. She will become an excellent huntress. After all the north will never turn down such raw talent. Consider our deal closed. The rest I leave to you. Bye  bye my dear Chun-Yan~”
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