#; isola event: the challenger's path
isolaradiale · 1 year
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"Okay Ofiuco, you've had your fun. If we keep creating monster data then we're going to put the servers at risk..." One wary Star remarked to the artificial one as she remained rooted before a series of terminals and screens. While she looked like a human Ofiuco's body was an android. She didn't need to eat nor sleep and so she'd been that exact same spot for three weeks now.
She didn't reply to their badgering however, fingers instead typing a mile a minute on the keyboard. That was suspicious to say the least. "...What happened?" The woman may have been an android but she was more of a human than she had ever been emotionally. Playing coy was not like her. At least unless she was hiding something.
Silence lingered a moment but she did eventually reply. "Someone accessed our systems through a backdoor. It isn't NULL. I don't know who. But they aren't attacking the city or the subjects." That was an urgent thing to report, but her voice remained still despite it. "They've... mixed a code in with the Spiramonsters. It seems to be harmless for now, but..."
"Delete them."
"The Spiramonsters? But they've bonded with the subjects, wouldn't that be cru-"
"You need to delete them. They're taking up too much space to begin with."
"I... I can't." It wasn't so much a refusal to carry out the task as it was an admittance of impossibility. "That code string is disrupting the deletion command. I can't even access it... But I suppose I could..." Fingers typed furiously once more as command box after command box danced across the monitors. "There. I moved their data off of the island. It'll work temporarily, but..." From the perspective of everyone in the city it would have looked like the event had simply ended.
This gave the other Star pause. "Where did you move their data? Our resources aren't so diverse that... Wait, you didn't move the data there, did you?" Their eyes narrowed at the android. Ofiuco didn't return the look.
"Lagrange 1... Behind the moon."
More or less what usually happens! All relevant activities are shut down, and this case the Spiramonsters disappear. Despite what happens in the conclusion's lore, those who have obtained a Spiragotchi from the event rewards will still be able to interact with their Spiramonster through it for the time being.
As we mentioned from the beginning this event is the first in two connected events. The sequel will not be the same genre but will use some elements established in this conclusion and, yes, the Spiramonsters will be making a return! The sequel event will run beginning August 11th.
In what capacity is still something being discusses, but after the next event they will be able to be interacted with physically once more at your leisure. Much like Fantasia forms from the Fantasia War event, new members will still be able to design Spiramonsters for their characters after the fact too.
Not specifically, but Google "Lagrange Point" to get an idea of where things may be heading! We'll be unveiling a relevant new Branch at the beginning of August before the event starts so that everyone can be more familiar with what's to come!
If you still need to claim the reward from the event challenges, you have until the sequel event begins on the 11th to get that word count! You don't need to claim this prize in the Galaxy box, just add the Stars and Spiragotchi to your character's inventory and link to the relevant threads on your Star count page!
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heclingmuzik · 1 year
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Warm tea in both her hands, under a blanket and cuddled right next to her partner, Ismael's eyes looks up at the planets with wander. It's amazing. "This is crazy. How do they do all of this?" She'll ask herself this question every day if she has to! After all, it's wild. Some of these planets, stars... they all look so familiar. They HAD to be from home.
Eclipse lays behind them, allowing for Sal and Ismael to use him as a support for their back.
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sxnburst · 1 year
"Where is he?"
Sun isn't trying to show it, but GODDAMN is he worried. He's searched just about every where or so he thought for this monster and still no signs of it.
Said monster is actually closer than Sun realizes. It seems to have found itself a friend! Sunpuff chitters and claps its little monkey paws together and it's hopping on both its little heart-shaped tails.
Whatever trick this friendly pink haired male did, it wants to see it again!
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hcneycrxsp · 1 year
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"They said that the monsters were supposed to fight each other." She says, pink eyes turning to look up at Clover who sits patiently. Her tail is wagging just lightly.
"But I don't wanna fight."
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strigistricken · 1 year
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"...Hey. Been a while, huh...?"
Eda just stared at the little feathery creature resting upon her floor. A nail pressed the back of one hand hard enough to make her wince. Yeah, she was definitely still awake...its presence must've been thanks to the Stars, then.
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originskey · 1 year
Kratos' Spiramonster: Mourningfolly
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Spiradex Entry
Mourningfolly The Guilt Spiramon Approximately the size of an albatross
Type: Light / Metal
This unique Spiramonster is created when an ancient soul trades its free will for the duty of protecting others. For each battle that results in a fatality by its partner, the shield it carries gets heavier. This Spiramon is ruthlessly strong as a result, but it will never drop its shield, so it cannot use its raw strength for offense. It is supposedly capable of speech, but only those deeply burdened by loss can hear its words.
Ability: Perseverance
In order to keep fighting, the user suppresses its ability to feel pain until its HP reaches zero.
Using its heavy shield, it can protect itself or others from one attack. Doing this many times in a row might cause it to fail.
First Aid
A warm light envelops the target, healing mild to moderate wounds.
The weight on its shoulders lessens, and it can use bursts of strength to pick up additional heavy objects. This is used more for transport than battle.
The user conjures stones to erupt from the ground, launching an opponent into the air or knocking it off balance.
Bright beams of holy light strike the ground. The sound and the bright light causes ears to ring sharply and eyes to burn, temporarily blinding and deafening the target.
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thelittleststarr · 1 year
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"Look at 'im." Without warning, a tanuki is shoved directly into someone's face. She's only had Momo for a day, but she would do anything for this little guy.
"Look at 'im! Dont'ya think he's the cutest lil thing!?"
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bigshot · 1 year
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Roughly the size of sparrow and just as flighty, Spamton's new little companion is something of a cross between a bird, insect, and fairy with the overall appearance of an angelic version of its owner.
Closer inspection would show that its "sunglasses" are shiny insectoid eyes, its "nose" is the top portion of a beak, and what looks like a jacket and hair is actually dark feathers. It lacks legs entirely and cannot walk, what may look like them at first is just tailfeathers. The white parts of its body are chitin covered in soft fuzz, it feels very much like a flocked toy!
It's constantly hovering around like a fly, flapping its fluffy little wings rapidly, and despises being forced to stay still against its will. Even so, it hates being alone just as much and will begin crying or seeking out the nearest person if left without a companion.
He's named it Junior.
The sprite I used is a somewhat-heavily edited version of Spamton's in-game angelic sprite to make it more resemble a bird! I tried, but I'm not very good at spriting. And thanks to corruptedsorrow for the spiramonster template!! I owe you my life u_u
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here's the full-sized sprite edit so you can really stare at its creepy elongated smile...
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kujoutengu · 1 year
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"...this is the first time I've had an animal companion." As strange looking as it was, something about it was familiar.
"You remind me of my brother." And the soldiers that were under her command back home.
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They just looked at her, tilting their head to the side.
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moraypower · 1 year
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now that I finally have Frye's spiramonster info out, it's time for an event starter call!
Frye is interested in nearly all of the challenges available, with the exceptions of a sandy experience and it's sup-posed to be a challenge.
other than those two though, pretty much anything is free game. if you have a specific challenge that you really want to do, please send me an IM, as otherwise I'll likely pick one out at random!
also, Frye is willing to give a copy of her spiramonster out-- if you can best her in a battle first! it's more fun that way, and besides, not just anybody can handle training eels. she needs to see what you're made of first.
I'll be capping this at 3 for now, but I may open it up to more later if I have the energy!
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cladinivcry · 1 year
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"Man, they almost got me." Indigo says with a lighthearted laugh. Cosmo lets out a soft chiming noise, almost as if this little guy, too, is laughing.
"You alright over there?"
Indigo turns their attention to the one who decided to tag along in this haunted house.
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wldrose · 1 year
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"You're totally bad ass but really cute too." Did it take Kugisaki a minute to actually see the beauty in her little monster? OF COURSE, but now she absolutely adores it.
"I'm going to name you Kiba."
The fact that Kiba makes this strange mechanic shrilling noise only makes Kugisaki think YES, Kiba loves it. It hovers over Kugisaki's shoulder happily, it's little metal wings gently brushing up against Kugisaki's cheek as it flies around her.
"Heheheh!" At the corner of her eyes, she spots--
"Okkotsu-Senpai! Over here!"
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punisheye · 1 year
High-Roller Rolling (588 words)
To be honest, he hadn't been planning on taking on one of the challenges. The relationship between himself and this damn beast that appeared one day was hardly friendly, and he figured before he would have been fine with it just disappearing. Maybe it would've been fine disappearing, too, if it meant not having to deal with him.
Unfortunately, it's started to grow on him. Like a rather persistent weed. It's big, and mean, a little ugly, and only listens to him if he's got food, but it's also still following him around most of the time. Sleeping sprawled at his feet. Smothering him when he's just sitting on the sofa because it's too damn big to fit on it.
Who knows. Maybe it's starting to like him, too.
So now he finds himself high above Fibonacci, doing his goddamn best not to look down because he's pretty sure if he does he's going to lose his cool and fall and, well, that'd be a pretty embarrassing way to die.
Thank God for his sense of balance, or else he'd be eating shit in these charged roller skates. Dog is dashing ahead of him, lunging from building to building, claws kicking up debris, shredding metal, cracking glass. Wolfwood grabs another charge; it makes the hair on his arms and the back of his neck prickle with static.
A security guard tried to catch him earlier—he knocked the guy away with his elbow, and he distantly hopes he won't remember his face. Not like he comes to the ritzy part of town much, anyway. He'd probably get charged with property damage because of his damn beast.
The little electric creature is above his head. He can see it launching itself from the skyscrapers, and he just needs to get up there to grab it. Time is steadily running out. He's already high up, he just needs a boost.
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"Hey!" He shouts at Dog, who, for once, listens to him and turns its attention to him. It falls into a run beside him. "Give me a hand... er, paw, here, will ya?!"
He points upward. Dog huffs out smoke, looks up, looks back at him. Wolfwood figures it's going to just run off ahead again, but instead it...
...Grabs him by the back of the shirt and tosses him onto its back and jumps, again, to scale up the side of a skyscraper with its unsheathed claws to keep its grip. Shards of glass fall in its wake, it pulls itself over the edge just as the little creature is passing right overhead, and Wolfwood jumps from its back and grabs his target midair, pulling the cage from under his arm to stuff it inside while it squirms around.
And then he's aware he's falling, and he thinks: Fuck.
Until Dog grabs him by the arm, teeth digging in hard enough they almost tear into his sleeve and break skin. It hauls him up and he swings his leg over its back and slumps over its neck, wheezing. His heart pounds, his hair's sticking to his forehead from the sweat, and he realizes he caught the damn thing with barely a minute to spare.
"Little shit," he mutters, but the little creature seems very smug. Wolfwood rolls his eyes. "All right, let's getcha back."
His hand lands on Dog's neck, running his fingers through its fur, patting it, sighing. It saved him from becoming a smear on the ground, so he owes it a lot of food after this.
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sxnburst · 1 year
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Sunpuff seems to be VERY interested in Golden Monkey. With its very small stature and Golden Monkey's huge size, it takes this opportunity to attempt to climb him. There's a lot of excitable noises coming from this little guy though.
Sun reaches over to grab the spiralmonster before it can even get on Golden Monkey and places it right next to him instead, "Stop." He says, mildly annoyed. Sun wipes the palm of his hand on his pants and huffs.
"I don't know what made them think this was a good idea." Clearly he's putting some massive distance between him and Sunpuff.
@sunsage & @sageshadowed
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punishercross · 1 year
The large feline spiramonster sat in the darkness, quietly, only eyes eyes glowing and the cross on its forehead visible. Clicking his tongue, its owner knelt by it. "Yeah? Ya find somethin' unpleasant?"
It was one of the few times Crosslynx was still, when it was hunting. A noise rumbled in its throat as he shrugs.
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"Funny thing - it barely listens to me, but it doesn't seem t'like ya much." There's definitely amusement in his voice as he pretends to be exasperated. Maybe he was actually like the damn thing after all. "Unless ya got some kinda cat-toy type'uh monster and its waitin' for ya to toss it."
Or it was waiting for orders. He wasn't too sure, if he was gonna be honest about it.
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amoirsetpacis · 1 year
★ --;; A heavy sigh fills the relative quiet, only otherwise gently punctuated by the occasional sound of debris tumbling, crumbling in on itself.
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Some mess he'd found himself in now, Vash thinks, staring down at the mass of feathers lying still in his arms.
At first, Vash hadn't even thought about participating in any of the challenges that the Stars had constructed. From nearly the moment he'd woken up to the sight of the little menace curled up in his and Wolfwood's bed, on their pillows, the creature had seemingly made it his singular goal to beat it into Vash's head just how much it hated him.
It stuck to Wolfwood like glue, whenever it could; skittering around the priest's ankles as fast as possible, demanding with ever-louder squawks and shrieks to be cradled in the bend of an arm, sitting on shoulders and the top of his head. The second Vash tried to tell it anything to do, or catch it, or pet it, it immediately began to puff up at him and swipe with its tiny claws. And the first time Vash had managed to pick it up it had gone and electrocuted him.
Point taken.
At least Wolfwood had found the whole thing funny, unable to stop from laughing at Vash's plight. ( Never mind how he had had the same troubles, that overgrown beast made of mist and smoke hardly even looking Wolfwood's way without the promise of food. ) But if this thing was to be Vash's responsibility, he figured he may as well try and at least somewhat get a handle on it.
It's been so frustrating that he still hasn't gotten to name the damn thing. Wolfwood had joked and called in an over-dramatic chicken, so all Vash has been able to associate it with has been poultry. Go figure.
It's unconscious, now, cradled in the curled nest of Vash's legs. It's done something stupid and gone and run off without him again, and managed to poke and prod its head where it shouldn't have again, and now there's a very high likelihood that they're trapped down here, beneath that crumbling city, with only a finite amount of time left before the whole structure comes tumbling down on top of them.
Man, he's gonna have a lot of angry people to answer to if he goes and gets himself killed so soon after the last time. That, and even if the creature tap danced all over his last nerve, it wasn't Vash's place to decide its fate. ( That won't stop him from getting furious with the little bugger, though. )
Looks like choosing the challenge that's literally out in the middle of nowhere isn't exactly the best of choices. But, hey, he managed to get the thing out here with him at least, so that should be considered at least good enough for a silver medal. A gold star for the attempt, or something. In retrospect, it obviously hadn't been the best of ideas. He's not even sure why he'd decided to try it. To prove they could?
At the very least, ten shocked-still little Oficotots lie at his feet. They're victims of the same thing that's put him in this predicament as well; the creature being shocked or startled or frightened or angry or all of the above. The shock had even gotten Vash a little bit with its intensity-- and that was a surprise. Every time it had let loose on him it had only ever been a bit of a shock, enough to set his hair on end; sending the entire remains of a building down on the lot of them was an entirely different ball park.
Now, if only they could get out of here with the proof of their little round-up. Instead, the little beast is lying unconscious while Vash is left to try and formulate a plan, because he's one again being forced to be the responsible one when it comes to duos he keeps finding himself in in this city. He's kind of gotten spoiled to not having to be the straight man. Using so much energy must have knocked it out entirely-- he hadn't seen any debris fall down onto it, despite how still it had gone just after the shock, and its breathing is slow and even as though only sleeping.
Why did this thing hate him so much? If it hadn't gone and run off on its own, if it had only listened, then they wouldn't be in this predicament.
... Ah.
Vash sighs, the nails of is organic hand absentmindedly absentmindedly scritching at its side. " 'S like you're supposed to be some big flashin' sign, huh?" he murmurs to himself. "Listen, I've already got enough a' that from the little guy, I don't need you squawkin' in my face too."
He's not stupid. Stubborn and set in his ways, maybe, but not stupid. And the younger Stampede may be a great deal different from him, but all that guilt and self hate for every mistake stares back at him like he's staring in the mirror. Only difference is that this thing stays mad at him-- doesn't want anything to do with him. Hell, he hadn't even bothered to give it a name.
Can't say he blames it. Sometimes Vash doesn't want anything to do with himself, either.
Maybe this whole thing had been some twisted way of trying to prove himself wrong. A subconscious attempt at trying to wrangle a modicum of control over the guilt, the horrible emotions clawing at him from the inside out more often than not.
He'd always thought he'd deserved that hurt. Penance, or something, for the sins latched to the yolk around his neck. But, looking down at t h e little creature in his lap-- it had gone and hurt itself. Done this to itself, trying to run off and do everything on its own.
.... Apologies are owed to a great many people, he supposes. Even if his propensity for running off still probably won't be going away any time soon.
Another groan as structures settle further into themselves, as dust settles from their movement. Vash sucks in a breath, eyes hawk-like as they watch the structural remains that make up their little alcove, counting slowly up to ten in his mind as he waits.
" .... Okay," he finally murmurs, once the sound of rocks shifting stops completely. "We gotta get outta here."
It's not safe to light a match in here; there's no way to hunt for a breeze except for to listen for it, to hope to feel it against one's skin, but Vash had been sitting here for a while now and hadn't heard anything, and the only exposed part of him was his face and the tips of his fingers. Just his luck. But there had just been movement, so he gives it just a few moments more, meditative and senses sharp.
It's faint, but he catches it. Off in the corner- the possibility for an opening. Hopefully it'll be big enough for him to weasel his way through. Hopefully it won't collapse as he's trying to do so.
Movement is slow; he gently sets the little beast on the floor before sticking each of the tiny robots in the bag he'd been given and throwing it over his shoulder, then goes back to cradle the creature in the cowl of his coat. It tickles his face as it breathes, but at least this leaves his arms and hands free. Hopefully it won't wake up just to bite him, or something.
Carefully, listening to every shift in concrete and rock, Vash pries debris away piece by piece. Luck holds his hand today, at least for now, and nothing crumbles or falls apart to pin him to the ground. There's a very thin line between moving too slow and moving too quickly, either end of the spectrum threatening to leave him a brief corpse here, and the thought occurs to him that he doesn't know what would happen to the feathered fiend asleep at his collar bone if they died here.
He doesn't want it to die.
After what feels like both seconds and an eternity, Vash is finally able to squeeze himself and everything else along with him through a hole just wide enough to fit, and the sigh of relief he heaves makes his entire body sag. Here, that slightest of breezes picks up just a bit-- enough that his head is able to turn and pick out the direction it's vaguely coming from. Endless underground paths branch here, but everything looks vaguely familiar from where he'd run down here chasing after his beast. All of the collapsed structures sit behind them-- for now, at least. Best to move quickly, while the iron is hot and there are no more ancient buildings waiting to flatten him.
"Really oughta' give you a name, huh?" he murmurs after a while, footsteps echoing. Not so far off, the light of day sits bright at the end of the tunnel.
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