#; honest hour
alexalblondo · 2 months
A lot of people forget Williams hasn’t got a lot of money to waste and Alex getting upgrade before Logan isn’t anything against him it just Alex is the more experienced driver and gets alot out of a car. If it was a team like Mercedes I would be like wtf you can afford to give both cars the upgrades. It’s sad he hasn’t been given the chance to perform however even with an equal car Logan isn’t performing at Alex’s level which is what is being asked of him.
He’s not a victim and the teams isn’t mistreating him it just he isn’t allowing Williams to progress in the way they want and they need two drivers who can do that.
Thing is even with Mercedes money teams will only give one driver (usually the one performing better in the car) the upgrades and then the other one after said upgrades have been shown to work
Why? Cause upgrades need to be tested!!! Upgrades don’t always work!!! Not every driver struggles with the same things with a car and necessarily wants the same upgrades!!! Also having a car with upgrades vs no upgrades gives you a frame of comparison for if your upgrades even work!!! Also if a driver is already struggling with a car or not fully comfortable with a car … you‘re not adding on untested upgrades that may make the whole issue worse to the mix!!! You test them on the driver who performs better!!! You also test them on the driver who can give you better feedback!!! … eg the driver who spent a season locked in a RBR basement with his only job being improving the car!!!
Like I‘m so sorry but the whole upgrade thing has been silly for a while and people do not understand how it works apparently across the board!!!!
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If I’m dropping likes on your stuff one after the other - chances are I’m masturbating.
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losjavis · 10 months
perdón por ser esa persona pero es que no concibo un ot sin los javis
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aye-aye-captain · 4 months
out of curiosity, how long have you been into Hornblower? And what would you say was your first fandom?
Heya! 👋🏻🩵 Thanks for asking! Well, I wouldn't say for too long, I think that in 2022 I've ran out of age of sail movies so I dug out this "Hornblower" thing out of the depths of the IMDb website (after I watched Sharpe so I got it under recommended), and despite the "interesting" looking promo posters decided to give this new ship thing a go heh. I wish I've discovered it sooner tho!
Oh my, in general? Hmm, I suppose the YouTubers Smosh in 2014. After that it was probably some band. That's all I remember. 😅 I've been on and off Tumblr for a decade now.
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da-rulah · 7 months
For the honesty hour 🖤 do you have any bad dating stories?
Funnily enough, i was chatting about the worst one the other day because it was Valentine's day, and that's relevant...
So when I was 20 I was dating this guy called Ryan, and we'd been dating for about 6 months? Maybe more? Anyway... Valentine's rolled around and i was excited because I'd never actually had a valentine before. Well, he ghosted me all day and when he did finally text me back he told me he wanted to break up with me. So i was obviously upset and asked why...
This dude had the audacity to tell me that because he had multiple personality disorder (he didn't total lie!), his 'multiple personalities' had each slept with a different girl, and so he had cheated on me with three different girls.
That's probably the worst guy I've dated 🤣
HONESTY HOUR - ask me anything, I'll answer honestly.
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Aaa I will soon be living on my own in like next month and I’m kinda anxious? Never lived alone before and some stuff other people did for me I gotta start doing on my own.. I know I will have to learn but the question of “what if I mess up?” Keeps popping up
I know this doesn’t have anything to do with the blog sorry
It's fine, dw! It's honest hour and anyway I wrote you can ask or tell me about anything! :D
Anyway, yeah it does sound scary cause it's a new beginning and you're doing something different "outside your comfort zone". Something you never did. That's when your mind (anyone's mind) makes it scary and make you worry you won't make it and/or mess it all up big time: cause you never did it before and it makes you worry about you being good enough to make it. But you are.
Just try and tell your mind that you're more than good enough and that you will learn on the way: nobody was born already knowing how to deal with anything in their life. We often try and understand on the way (and this means also messing up big time, at times). But for your specific case, you can always ask for support to others (even to family/friends on the phone) if you're not sure how to do something. You're not going to live in the Svalbard Islands I think? But you know what's funny? Even if it was so, you won't be alone there either: you'll have a quite big community by your side (I looked at some online videos, it's so cool). Sorry, back to you :). Yeah try and focus on what are the most "scary" activities that you'll have to do and fear messing up (write down a list if you need to see them clearly), and start asking for support or clarifications now (take notes if you fear your mind failing you, it's fine. Anxiety works like that too at times). Maybe this will help you ease your anxiety a little before the time to move will come. But take it easy, okay? And again, remember that you won't ever be alone in all this, you can rely on someone else and even if by any chance you'll mess up something it's fine. Nobody is perfect and the best way to learn is to try your best and... at times even making mistakes. But remember you won't mess up anything in a way that cannot be solved. That won't ever happen. Just be patient and kind with yourself on the way and take your time to get accostumed to your new reality.
Best wishes and a hug!! :)
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What are you looking for right now?
A combination of a friend and lover. Someone who I can take care off and be taken care off. Who I just be myself self with and understand who I'am. Maybe its you?...
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coldlittleheart999 · 2 years
My mind is filled with sadness and girl crushes that I shouldn’t have. ✨
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iscariotapologist · 4 months
today in church one of the priests referred to trans people as "those who are growing into the gender they were called to be" and i'm kind of enjoying the idea of like....divinely ordained top surgery
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alexalblondo · 2 months
re: your last grid dad / seb and logan asks, i found this in my twitter drafts the other day so hard agree lol
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I feel like I‘ve seen SEVERAL tumblr posts about Jenson in this regard except with more shipping cause he‘s conventionally hot
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blvckentropy · 2 months
For honesty hour: what is your sleep position?
Ooof honestly, my body can go everywhere 🤣 but I mostly switch between on my back or side
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navyiesh · 1 year
Lets talk anonymously.
Tell me your thoughts, how you are really, whats on your mind, etc. All is welcome. ❤️
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moth-nocturna · 1 month
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four guys, after school
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Hello Madam. Sorry Madam.
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Best sex you’ve ever had?
It was more with who cause everytime was always the best with that person.
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patolemus · 5 months
Obsessed with the idea that Derek loves hearing Stiles talk, that he could listen to him talk for hours, that he uses the sound of his voice to ground himself and be at peace, that it's his favorite sound in the world. That when someone tells Stiles to shut up he'll growl right in their face and tell them to apologize or get lost (even the pack, they don't get a pass when it comes to Stiles).
I especially can't stop thinking about how, at some point, they'll be alone spending time together, and Stiles will be talking and Derek will be listening, until Stiles shuts himself up because he's so used to people getting annoyed when he talks, and he doesn't want to annoy Derek, but Derek just opens his eyes from where he'd been resting his head on Stiles' lap and asks him why he stopped, he obviously was very excited about the new Iron Man movie, come on, keep going.
And anyways yeah I think they're perfect for each other.
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