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whatlurksbean · 1 day ago
In your personal opinion, what are some of the differences between badly written stories vs well-written stories?
I think there are too many things that make a story for me to say. Whats the goal of the story? Why did the story get written? How are the characters? How is the world building? Does it need more? Is it too much? I think it’s impossible to say objectively what makes a story good or bad. There is so much to it.
And art is also so subjective. If you think something sucks, someone else could think it’s the best thing they’ve ever read.
I do not have an answer. I could talk about why i find a specific story badly written all day, but ultimately that is just my opinion, and just because the writing didnt work for me in that story, doesnt mean it couldnt work in another.
idk, making things is hard, im amazed anything gets written and created at all.
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ogrepoppenangleaksofficial · 11 hours ago
Why isn’t the security trio in the Lu'au photo? Assuming Remold gave the job to Brok a while ago, does Brok not participate? Or is he banned from the beach for only gods know what
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arahir · 2 days ago
Hi!! Do you follow any interesting podcast or youtubers? I kind of want something to watch/listen to while on the treadmill haha and you have nice taste!!
omg okay yes but our definition of interesting might be different
FALL OF CIVILIZATIONS | the most soothingly voiced british man describes the rise and fall of various civilizations around the world. meticulously researched, beautifully produced, minimal or no commercials. he has youtube video versions of each one that look like a werner herzog documentary. each one is one to three hours long. i've listened to every ep three or four times.
WHO SHAT ON THE FLOOR AT MY WEDDING? | a lesbian couple tries to get to the bottom of the titular question. it's done like a true crime podcast. they bring on all their friends and do hard hitting interviews. one half of the couple is dead fucking serious about it and the other half is trying not to lose it every single time. a true fave.
NORMAL GOSSIP | probably everyone has heard of this. basically there's a guest and then the host goes over some drama that a listener submitted. it's always the most insane story, the most in depth. like a listener's dad getting into the underground orchid market after inviting a stranger to live with them (iirc). so so much fun.
SEARCH ENGINE | we're not getting into the drama behind the creation of this podcast cough cough. they take a different listener question and deep dive on it, like: there's an exclusive club in germany that almost no one can get into and no one knows why so they go into the history of the club and go over the listeners' failed attempts to get in, etc.
ANY AUSTIN | does deep dives on random video game shit like "where do the rivers in hyrule go" and "what's the unemployment rate in mondstadt" and stuff like that.
FUNKYFROGBAIT | they do really funny videos about current topics but with a really circumspect view.
JACOB GELLER | deep dives on cultural things like fear of the dark or loneliness but with pop culture/video game component. honestly has floored me before.
HBOMBERGUY | perennial. evergreen, even. have to rec.
CARI CAN READ | i love her. so calming to me. great reviews but i must recommend her going over the plots of the sara j maas books because she's so kind about it but so clearly cannot contain how idiotic the plot is. it's both soothing and hilarious.
ALEX AVILA | video essays in the truest form. really well produced. usually on musical artists. he did some like... past stuff about popular gay ships that i do not want to hear or think about.
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squeakitties · 2 days ago
Help! I was browsing your blog, and the back button disappeared
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I’m stuck here now i guess
yay 💖
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weirdestcornelius · 2 days ago
i havent kept up with sparklecare could you elaborate on the treatment of transmascs thing…
Kittycorn is known for her erasure of transmascs. Often they get very little representation compared to transfems, who have been able to go through their transition mid story multiple times (Uni, Ally, Sly). We never get to see that with ANY trans man or transmasc. We don't get any coming out stories, nobody realizing when they're an adult, just "he realized he was a boy in his childhood/teens and he became a boy!"
The best we have is Barry and Marco. Barry just has top scars and a feminine voice, and he never even mentions his transition in the story. Marco is GNC because he doesn't want top surgery, but again, he never mentions his transition. With the transfems and trans women, their transition is often mentioned or even a plotline in the case of Uni and Sly.
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tswwwit · 2 days ago
What if there was a Dipper reincarnation that was a werewolf? I think the entire time would be spent with Bill making leash jokes
Oh, Dipper wishes it were only leash jokes.
There's literally every dog/wolf pun in every known language, along with the most obnoxious teasing on his wolfier habits (trying to scratch behind his ear with his foot in human form, circling around before dropping into bed)
And if Dipper thinks he's the dangerous one now, then. Well:
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thesharktanksdriver · 1 day ago
Okay, hear me out, if Determination!reader goes back to wano, how does king react? Because I kinda get the feeling he is probably one of the most worried about them, and also how would he reach to Reader's being part of the strawhats? Love ya!
(Sorry for not posting a lot lately I’ve been really busy with school. Next week I have two essays due one day after the other with one being 50% if my grade and two days later after the last essay a test worth like 20%. As apology and because I love king I went full analysis mode)
Worried is the understatement of the century, king is in a perpetual state of panic and paranoia from the worry. It’s the type of worry and fear that leaves you on hyper surveillance and makes you sick to your stomach kinda worried. The shot that starts actually affecting your mental and physical health (I know from Experience lol, was not a fun couple of months and I think it gave me trust issues irl oof)
None of the beast pirates are particularly happy about y/n joining a different pirate crew, let alone the strawhats. For a while the Beast pirates have no idea what, who or where y/n went so they were all left in perpetual worrying. Because there’s a possibility they ended up with the marines, vegapunk, or gods forbid in the hands of the world government or Mary geoise (again). But eventually they hear rumours through the grapevine that y/n joined a pirates crew, none of them are sure who but it’s a rumour that only mildly mitigates the stress on most their shoulders except for king.
While kaido stews in a mixture of depression and alcohol, king remains long hours in the night trying to talk with all the contacts that Kaido has into getting more information. What’s the Jolly Roger? What sea could this crew be in? Do they have bounty posters? And most importantly are they competent and a threat?. The number one thing he’s worried about is the world government and by extension marines getting their hands on y/n, so he firstly needs to know if this crew for the time being is competent in protecting them whilst he’s trying to track them down and secondly if they’ll be a hassle in tacking down when the time arrives for retrieval.
He’s coldly calculated in his efforts mostly because fear consumes him down to his very being. It reminds of him being Alber again, not being in control and at the mercy of others and fate.
He so desperately wants to take control of the situation and find y/n because he cares. He cares too much about them and the risk it is with them having their freedom. He will tear their wings and lock them in a birdcage if it means they’ll be safe, and whilst it’s hypocritical he doesn’t really care anymore when he’s been subjected to the hands of the worst of mankind.
You won’t be poked and prodded at like he was, you’ll be safe. Won’t be strapped to a lab table but instead held with care as ash coloured feathers hide you from the world, never mind the smell of burning flesh of those who threaten you.
For a long while his efforts are fruitless (Luffy’s chaotic nature realllly makes it hard for people to track, even highly paid bounty hunters lol) but king starts to get word after one of the Whitebeard commanders is captured by the marines. He wouldn’t take note of it if not for the fact that immediately in response for this reports of something happening on sabaody with doflamingo’s auction house and quote “3 members of the first generation fighting over a child”. What’s more worrying though is the fact that an admiral and pacifista was sent in response.
For a few days tops there’s radio silence and he thinks maybe it’s just a coincidence even if it sounds wayyyy to much like y/n. And then news comes out that some lunatic broke into impel down with a kid and both then proceeded to break out with the help of the now ex-warlords sun of the sea Jimbei and mother fucking crocodile.
At that point king had the unfortunate realization that yep, that’s you and you joined the strawhats of all fucking crews. The crew that quite recklessly went to crocodiles home turf, defeated him and his whole baroque works system, defeated gecko Moria and his island ship, declared war on the world government for Nico Robin and now was headed head on into Marineford to save one of whitebeards commanders. God hates him-
By this point he knows there’s no getting there in time to stop you nor that lunatic you apparently called a captain from getting to Marineford but that doesn’t mean he nor the others would waste this opportunity. But as kaido rallies the other beast pirates king is left to stew in his own thoughts of fear, anger and a bit of envy.
Fear because of how your quite literally sailing straight out of the fire and into the inferno, fear that they make take you and they, no, he wouldn’t be able to save you from the fate of the world government getting their hands on you. Anger at the fact that your apparent captain, Strawhat Luffy, had dragged you through various dangerous situations carelessly. All those stupid decisions could’ve easily ended up with you dead or worse once more and yet this smiling idiot did it anyways knowing you’d follow along, knowing you’d follow him to the ends of the earth because he was your captain. Quite honestly it pisses him off astronomically how careless this kid is, and it makes him deeply envious that you trust him of all people to be your captain. Something that Kaido deserves
Because Kaido unlike this bumbling teen could protect you.
Kaido would raize islands and king would burn cities to ash to prove that
Did you not know that?
Did you not know how much you mean to either of them? To the rest of the upper ranks?
What could this captain do to deserve your kindness in the wake of this cruel desolate world? More than him and Kaido?
It makes him more jealous than he would like to admit, alongside more volatile and easy to anger as the question festers. He wonders if he did anything wrong, if it was all his fault. That maybe if he did something else, if he was faster and didn’t flinch at the moment the hairpin stabbed past the leather and into his flesh that maybe you’d still be here and not with that captain.
What ends up worrying him more though is what happens at Marineford and after. The fact you reveal yourself to the world and so many other questions that can’t be answered on the fact that you escape and disappear for 2 whole years. They couldn’t even make it in time because big mom intercepted them on the way and both crews ended up locked into a battle of sabotaging the other.
But that now leads to wano (sorry for the big build up I like reveling into character analysis lol and I love king)
Within wano due to king, Kaido and Maria’s insistence there are a lotttt of wanted posters for y/n. Considered y/n can’t have photos taken of them due to their devil fruit (they look like a person made of light rather than a person) hand drawn posters are made and distributed. So it’s safe to say y/n is screwed when they show up and the rest of the strawhats are shaking their heads when in their respective new identities they also find these bounty poosters nailed to every board and post in wano lol
( somewhere in wano nami states at the poster of your smiling face painted on the sheet. She can’t help but grumble under her breath and scrunch the picture into a ball that she then kicked away. This batshit plan was already bonkers enough, but of course you had to understate the fact you somehow tamed the god damn beast pirates)
Yeahhhhh so king through Orochi had the posters put up and no matter how small of a tip (typically it was a rumour or some random kid that had maybe the slightest resemblance to you) he showed up regardless of how small of a chance it was.
And eventually it pays out when he found you, someone called in a tip and there you were. Clad in a brown kimono, sticks stuck in your hair and dirt covered hands digging through the trash seemingly looking for food.
Tanuki, you looked like one of those raccoon creatures the people of wano talked about.
Joyful little tricksters and that’s a pretty good description of you right now as he grabbed you by the back of the kimono and lifted you up. Not letting you finish your sentence of trying to talk your way out of this.
He can’t help but frown beneath his mask of the various scratches and bruises littering your arms and face. Not to mention he can already see that the material of the kimono is poor, probably scratchy and irritating. Your scrawny and considering the fact you were elbow deep in the trash behind a small restaurant tells him of why.
He’d fix this though.
Though the tanuki look was fitting he can’t help but think something else is a better look. Maria would fuss over him taking role of caretaker over her but first come first serve. Kaido likely wouldn’t be swayed even with her “affections” towards him because he’d be more than happy with king bringing you back.
There was another myth in wano that he thinks would fit better.
A black winged being of the wind, the tengu.
Yes, perhaps that would also warn others that you were under his protection.
For the first time in years all feels fine at least in the moment, because for as much as you argue with him he can’t help but see that even with the annoyance and slightest bit of fear that internally rips him apart…he also sees that some part of you was happy to see him.
Even with the shit situation and context, within that moment there was still a small silver lining to you seeing that he was ok
He was still alive
Your friend was still alive
“Wait king why is your flame all weird?”
“We’ll talk about that later. For now just…just let me hold you”
There’s a small moment of silence as his star shaped flame created crackles in the alley
“They missed you, I missed you”
“The crows”
“….theres still time for you to let me go. To pretend-“
“I won’t do that”
“…I know. Doesn’t hurt to try though, kaido’s orders and all huh?”
His wings extend around from his back to cover you
“You think I’m doing this just because of Kaido? If you truly believe that then I’d suggest you rethink. I’m not letting you go just because of an order, I’m not letting you go because I’m not letting you go back to those who don’t deserve you. Who don’t protect you as they should”
“King…there’s a difference between protection and possession” it leaves you shakily, his wings trapping your further as your fingers dig into the leather of his jacket
“I know. But when you have nothing but pain and suffering but then find something irreplaceable you don’t let go. If a star fell into your hands healing your pain, making you feel less like a husk wouldn’t you not let go?”
“But I’m not a star, I’m a person”
“You’re a lot more than that and you know it…Kaido will be happy. A feast will be thrown and I will be at your side the entire time, your bodyguard”
“My jailer”
“I’m not sorry for that, not when you chose to constantly and deliberately put yourself in harms way. The only thing I’m sorry for is the fact that I may not be able to save you from the sight of Kaido killing your crew”
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wangxianficfinder · 13 hours ago
I just wanted to say how much I love this site. I find 90% of my Wangxian fic here because other people are searching for so many interesting fics.
I am also in awe of your story-locating powers- how do you figure out what fic someone is trying to locate when sometimes we can't recall much? I know I've thought things like "I want to read that one story from maybe back in 2020 that had Wei Ying eating toast with a rabbit on his head," and thought "i can't ask about it, that's too vague to ask," but then 9 times out of 10 you guys find whichever story.
You are all AMAZING!
I've said it before and I will say it over and over again, THANK YOU, we genuinely would not be as productive without all of the suggestions and amazing finds from everyone who supports our blog and sends in replies/asks. So thank you. Us mods merely post the asks (and sometimes answer them too ^^), it is thanks to all of you that so many fics have been found and amazing recs have been made!
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- Mod C
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pookapufferfish · 1 day ago
Sharkgator very cute! i wanna hug him an get nuzzles in return!
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so many people love my goofy reptile. they are lucky gator is very physically affectionate like me
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jaycehousetalis · 3 days ago
If you had to define your breakfasts in one word, what would it be?
Toast, protein shakes, coffee... I rarely have thought-out sit down breakfasts. You kind of have to force me to sit... mama always gets so mad as I used to try and eat chilaquiles while standing. She'd scoot a chair under me and kiss the top of my head... while scolding me until I finished every bite. I know she'd be none-too-happy to see how I eat now...
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mamawasatesttube · 2 days ago
also, Kon is *so* baby here. like, it doesn't show through often, but his guilty face thinking about the contract he signed with Rex Leech is just!! baby!!! also who tf told this literal infant he could sign legally binding contracts. I'm pretty sure he can't do that physiologically *or* chronologically. gotta be 18 in the US
i mean like he's considered an emancipated minor of sorts so in that regard i believe he can sign legal documents (in that. well. he doesnt have an adult who's responsible for him) but COME ON. HES LITTLE AND SMALL. we have to kill rex leech
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midnight-in-town · 13 hours ago
I'm glad Shiemi's mom was upfront with her, but the way she dropped everything on her like a stack of bricks in the flashback sequence 💀. When the subject of the reveal was mysteriously first implied (when it's raining and Amaimon's watching her from a distance), I think it's really interesting how Shiemi broke down soon after it and then she put a resolved, happy front on.
Hi Anon ! Sorry for the delay, I was away !
Well, I think Shiemi's mom suffered a lot, just like Shiemi's grandma, so she conveyed it as best she could considering the general circumstances of their bloodline, in my opinion.
I mean, these women don't even have proper first names : they're either Shemihaza or Saio Shiemi for every mom/daughter duo and I think this furthers the idea that the dehumanization of the Shemihaza family because of the Uzai family is meant to be targeted in the plot eventually.
I think Shiemi's mom also conveyed in the past that she wanted a way out of this system for her daughter...
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...but she's also realistic about a free future for Moriyama women, all because of the iron grip that the Uzai family has over them.
As I said before though, I definitely think Shiemi is the Saio/Shemihaza who WILL put a stop to whatever the Uzai family is up to (and Amaimon will help). But before she can do that, she needs to address why she feels so useless and so much like a puppet.
It's exactly why she broke down, soon after that talk with her mom, in ch87...
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Basically, I think Rin is right : Shiemi's wanting to help everyone is initially a good thing but, considering her current disregard for her own safety and happiness and how obsessive it gets, it's become a flaw. Shiemi's mom has noticed it too...
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...and I can't help but think it all comes back to her dad's death.
Shiemi's mom explained that Shiemi witnessed her dad's murder and, no matter who the culprit was (since I believe it was probably Jeremiah), the fact she was unable to do anything to help her dad (because she was a kid) probably generated a subconscious trauma, which now makes her adamant about being helpful to others.
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My evidence is Amaimon's aversion to Shiemi when she tamed him in that alternate timeline :
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Because, like Shiemi's grandma said, familiars draw upon the exorcist's spirit and Shiemi's lack of confidence is what Amaimon can't stand at all, since he's supposed to be Shemihaza's familiar despite being one of the Baals.
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So I'd say Shiemi wants so badly to be useful to others
because she lacks confidence,
because she witnessed her dad's murder and wasn't able to do anything to save him,
because she was too young
(and because the attacker was probably someone from the Uzai family and not simply "demons").
And I think she's very close to understanding why she feels like that, meaning close to remembering what exactly happened to her dad.
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TL;DR Shiemi has so many reasons to want to break down about this unfair situation : she has no say in her future, deep down she feels useless because of how her dad died and she has to step into her mom's enormous shoes, without being able to mourn her death. That's fucked up.
I'm glad her friends are there with her !
Thanks for passing by Anon ! Have a good day.
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ogrepoppenangleaksofficial · 10 hours ago
Dear Ogre Poppenang leaker, are you in danger?
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daisychainfiction · 2 days ago
How the ros would react to a grown up Bug who thinks that mc is her parent bringing their partner to the house so mc and ro could met them
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-Silas glances from the clock to you, and then back to the clock. He even checks his watch as if that might change something.
"Si," you tease, reaching over to put a hand on his arm. "They'll get here when they get here."
Silas leans back into his side of the couch, smoothing his hands over his thighs. "Why am I nervous? Are you nervous?'
You grin. "Bug likes them - if she approves, I'm pretty sure we will, too."
Silas nods, but that doesn't stop him from glancing at the clock again.
-Annika is dusting the photo frames. Again.
"Sweetie," you begin, trying to keep your smile in check. "There isn't a speck of dust in this house."
Annika turns on you with a half-smile, half-grimace. She puts aside the duster to reach out to you. You go to her, wrapping your arms around her and letting hers cup your face.
She doesn't have to say anything for you to know what she's thinking. That Bug is everything to the both of you. That she's scared of losing her.
You kiss Annika's cheek, brushing your nose against hers. "Trust her," you whisper, knowing she will.
-Vardah is calmly flipping through the glossy pages of the art book you keep on the coffee table. She's flawless, as always; her tousled bob covers her cheek, hiding her from your gaze.
You reach out, tucking the hair behind her ear. Behind the swinging earring of polished pine and jade.
Vardah smiles, tilting her cheek into your hand, but she doesn't look up from the book. "What is it, habibi?" she murmurs.
"You look like it's any other Friday."
"Isn't it?" she hums, nuzzling your palm, kissing the fleshy bit between thumb and forefinger. "Bug and pizza."
"And Bug's partner. A partner we've never met."
Vardah's smile widens. "It'll be fine," she says. "If they aren't worthy, I'll handle it. You know that."
-Hunter has been baking for three hours. Homemade bread to go with herbed butter and spicy oil. A mix of meat and vegetable pastries. Bite-sized fruit tarts. Slender, lacy cookies with a matching creamy dip.
"Babe, I'm pretty sure this is way more than four people can eat."
Hunter doesn't even glance up from where he's piping the macrons. "Whatever we don't eat, I'm sending home with Bug."
"God, her roommates might love you more than I do," you tease, coming up behind him to kiss his shoulder and wrap your arms around him. "Are you nervous?"
"I'm always nervous," he reminds you.
"I mean, more nervous than usual?"
Hunter pauses his work, considering. "No, not really. Bug has good taste."
Bug does have good taste. You smile, pressing your cheek to his shoulder and closing your eyes. There's no reason to be nervous.
-Jordan's foot sways left to right, right to left. They're as blank-faced as usual, but there's a tenseness to their shoulders that you haven't seen in a while. Not since they were the sole security guard for an entire commune.
"You good?" you ask.
Jordan glances toward you, their smile loose. "Just trying to decide if I should wear my gun or leave it casually on the coffee table."
"Oh God," you snort. "Don't be that person. The parent that has to throw around their weight."
"Aww, but I'd be so good at it," Jordan winks.
You grin, leaning back into your chair. "Don't embarrass Bug. Last time you did, she wouldn't talk to you for a month."
"That was not my fault," Jordan says - not for the first time. "That friend of hers was getting perilously close to kissing her, and she was not old enough."
"She was sixteen, Jordan."
"Yeah. A baby."
"She wasn't a baby - she had a car. And that friend of hers was a good kid."
"Not good enough for our Princess."
"Who will be good enough for her?" you press.
Jordan smirks. "No one."
-Nadia spends the afternoon in the garden, deadheading the bushes and using the blooms to create small bouquets. You watch her put these bouquets in small vases, humming as she fills them with water and a little clear soda.
"That's a lot of flowers," you note when she places the twelfth and final vase. This one sits prominently on the coffee table, the scent of lavender and roses filling your nose. "They're going to think you're a florist."
Nadia smiles a little, taking a sprig of lavender from the bouquet and twining it through one of her twists. The purple blooms are gorgeous against the white strip of hair running through the black. "I want to make a good impression. Make the place feel warm. Cared for."
"I think we manage that on our own, but I get your point." You pat your lap. "Come rest. You've been up all day."
Nadia does as you ask, perching her slender body against yours and placing a kiss on your neck. "Are you worried?" she asks.
"Nah," you say, peppering kisses to her face and making her squirm. "Bug knew to trust you right away - I think she knows who to give her heart to."
Nadia's smile is soft, loving. "Smooth talker."
You wink and kiss her until a knock on the door forces you up for breath.
"We can pretend we're not home," you say, now single-mindedly staring at your partner's mouth.
Nadia snorts, smacks you, and gets to her feet. Straightening her clothes, she asks, "Ready?"
You let out a breath and nod. "Ready."
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asklalu · 2 days ago
@pocketofspaces Luelle@Lalu: The cresselia ran up to the creature that just showed up "Oh my gosh hii!" she waved happily "Your outfit is so cute! Do you have it made? Maybe you make it yourself? Oh oh, one of those fa-shi-on sh-ops...?" she murmured the words awkwardly
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As Lalu was wringing out the seawater from the edges of their dress, their attention turned towards the friendly voice greeting them. They pulled out their white board, ready to begin writing greetings of their own, only to freeze in awe at the sight of Luelle. In their eyes, they were practically radiating with beauty, and light, and... power. It was a vague feeling. Something inside of Lalu could sense that this person had abilities beyond their understanding.
But upon hearing the compliment, all of that immediately melted away as Lalu beamed at the friendly stranger with glee. They spelled out a response as quickly as their hands could muster.
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"thank you!!!" The message is surrounded in tiny doodled hearts. "this was actually a gift from my previous masters! they wanted something for me to wear to celebrations and luckily it kinda vaguely fit the festival theme!"
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"enough about me though, what about you? you're so pretty!!! i'd love to know where you got you got your clothes too, they suit you perfectly!"
continued →
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