#; answers
notherpuppet · 2 days
Do you plan to add Lilith to your Radioapple Nanny Series?
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retquits · 1 day
butch lesbian march plssss, thank youu <33
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tune in... sometime tonight or tomorrow probably!!
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genderqueerdykes · 11 hours
hi i’m sorry if this is too heavy of a question, but i was told that Testosterone HRT can make you die sooner if you go in it vs. if you don’t? is this true? i’ve tried looking up medical articles but i’m not good with researching this kind of thing and i’m not currently seeing a doctor so i can’t ask them. thanks for the help
hi there!
fortunately for you, and everyone who takes testosterone HRT: that is a trans(andro)phobic, antimasculine, butchphobic, and intersexist myth spread by radfems. there is no scientific or medical basis in anyone who has higher testosterone levels will guaranteed have a shortened lifespan
what is happening when people propose that argument is they are taking what can possibly happen to some people who have high T and/or take testosterone HRT and blow it way out of proportion. some of the POSSIBLE complications testosterone HRT COULD present are:
high/elevated blood pressure in some people
increased red blood cell production, which Can lead to easier clotting if blood is not donated or medications are not taken to thin the blood in some people
reproductive health issues in some people
liver and/or kidney damage in some people who are prone to liver/kidney issues, and/or take more testosterone than prescribed
there can be other complications, but the point stands that these are all potential things that can happen to some people. not every person who takes T gets elevated blood pressure, for example. many people had low blood pressure beforehand and find that they are more stabilized. many people who previously were underweight benefit from a bit of weight gain. most people who take T do not overproduce red blood cells in a dangerous amount, but in folks who do, there are options to mitigate this.
some people cannot take T due to health issues, and that's okay, that person is not detransitioning in order to preserve their health. these people deserve to have their situations taken seriously. but, not everyone faces health troubles due to starting hormones. people can also have adverse affects on health when taking estrogen. there is always a risk of harming one's self when introducing substances into the body in higher amounts than it was previously used to.
most people have some levels of both estrogens and testosterone in them at all times. elevating or lowering anything can cause a shock to the system but a lot of the time, these things are temporary or can be solved with medication. many people just never experience any of this. there's no guarantee that anyone will be harmed by taking testosterone HRT
i hope that helps! i can't believe this has gotten to be so widespread. i appreciate you taking the time to ask. i've been on T for 9 years. had my heart checked last year because i had an extra beat that was unnerving me due to being constantly exposed to cigarette smoke. my heart is healthy, my blood pressure is easily managed by 1 medication, i don't have an issue with blood clots, and my liver and kidneys have been checked twice within the past year and they're good to go as well. people just assume that testosterone is evil ands pread the myth that it'll kill you because of antimasculism, trans(andro)phobia, butchphobia, intersexism, and man hating.
radfems have been trying to do everything in their power to turn people off of T because of how badly they hate men and mascs. if you want to look into starting T, your prescriber will run a lot of tests to make sure you are in good health for it. if not you may be able to use very low dose T. most people do not experience adverse health effects inherently due to T. i hope this helps!
take care! feel free to have any more questions you may have
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squeakitties · 14 hours
What's with the | < sorta symbols on nyan skulls' hat?
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it's the nyanco logo, which is a fictional cybernetic suit company that i used to have as my main original concept before the rubber suit stuff
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thatfrailsoul · 2 days
– The chosen path
tarot pick a pile reading ( → 1, 2, 3 )
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"Manuela", Conrad Kiesel
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This word is so vast... There are so many possibilities, so many different stories, so many journeys that we can go through and that can shape our life, who we are... So many of them, and all depend on just our choice. A choice that is not at all easy to make. Not so easy to be sure of, even if we already made the first steps.
This reading focuses on the path that you already chose, that you did already start. It focuses on letting you know if it was indeed the right one or if there is still time to make steps back. If there is something regarding it to know and to keep in mind. (And a reading focused on helping you to choose the right path and journey for you, will be posted in a few days from now.♡)
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Slow down for a moment. Take a deep breath, give yourself a needed moment of reflection and rest. Wander through the details of this painting... Which one attracts more your gaze? To which part of the painting it belongs to? Pay attention - it is showing you where your message hides and awaits.
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– Pile One,
the two of swords, the ten of cups, the page of coins
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It took a great deal of courage, didn't it? To make this choice, this uncertain step on a journey that you know so little about. It took all your strength to trust it, to trust others and their reassurance that it is alright, that you will be fine...
It is not at all something that you so often or easily do. Relying on others. Following their opinions or choice... But you were, you are still, so confused and new to this. To this phase of your life that no-one really prepared you for.
You didn't knew anything better. You weren't able to find or choose something different from what those by your side suggested you to pick... And now you just wander if it really will be so easy and right as they said. If, in the first place, their words and convictions were honest, and not just a brutal joke...
While still being so close to the very beginning of this journey, you can't help but look back and all around. Exactly like you did before, in hopes of finding the right one. But now you do it with more fear, even more anxiety than before. Hoping and at the same time fearing to see a sign, a warning, that will tell you that you indeed made a mistake...
But even though it seems so strange, so different from their usual intentions... Those that showed you this journey really did it with a genuine and honest heart. In a rare moment of openness and compassion, they saw in you that version of them that once feared the same. That was so confused and uncertain in the same way. They saw your struggles and worries that resembled so much theirs. And they saw, being someone external, those little hints and details about you and the right journey for you, that you couldn't see on your own, too pressured by the weight of a such important choice.
For once there wasn't any irony, any malice, any bad intention. For once it was just a genuine and heartfelt advice, the needed help, that they once desired so much to receive as well. It was just confidence that it can really work for you, it can really be right for you, for the way you are.
And it can. It truly can be the right path. No matter if you will decide to experience it up until the very end, or just for a period of your life. It has indeed something in store for you. An experience that is worth to be lived, lessons worth to be learned.
It can and will work out if only you go easier on yourself. If only you take your time. If only you do it one step at a time.
It is normal to feel anxious, to feel that pressure of the future that seems so influenced by this choice... But even that future can always change. It is not so scary and settled at all.
You will always be able to change things, to discover and understand more about the life that you want. But now... You already made this choice. You are here. At the very beginning, with so many different ways to live it and to go through it.
So focus your attention for a moment here, commit to this decision, and give it and yourself a chance. For it to help you make progress and create your own experience and life. And for you to enjoy it as you grow.
It was just the first step. Everything is still fine. Everything is still possible. You can still make things work for you on this path. If you so desire.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Two,
the star, the three of wands, the knight of coins
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It all just feels so fast. So overwhelmingly fast in the way this one step, this one choice, caused so many things to shift in your life. New emotions, new worries, new routines and challenges ahead... All just because you really did thought that it was the right path for you, you were so confident about your choice...
And you were right, actually. You were right in your thoughts that analysed so much all the possibilities and options. You were right in your intuition and inner voice that said that you can do it, that it is the one. You were and are right. The same way this path is still safe for you, even if it seems so chaotic and challenging right now.
It is just the beginning. But not in a fatal, dooming way. It is not just the beginning of these difficulties, problems and thousand of questions without answers that will follow you till the end of your life...
It is just the beginning of this journey. A journey that, no matter how much information you gained or how many opinions you heard, it is still something that is new to you. Completely. Even if you planned it for so long. Even if it's not the first time you make this decision, choose this person, this career or so on. It is still different and new, it will be every single time. And at every first step it will be normal to have so many things to handle and to take care of. So many emotions and thoughts to process before being able to feel confident and calm.
Everything is alright. You didn't make any mistake. You didn't choose any fatal situation or journey. You are fine. This path is fine. It is safe. It is right. Just slow down and breathe. You need a moment, just one, before rushing in.
Let go for a moment of all the things you learned and prepared for this journey. Even if it took you so long to do it... You don't need it now. At least not all of them at once.
You don't need to comprehend everything now. To have the perfect understanding and plan for every question and situation. You don't need to find answers right here and now before making another step... You can just do it. And find it a little later, on your way, perhaps in someone that will be by your side.
You are not alone, whatever this journey might be. There will always be someone that will walk close to you, that will face the same things, and that will be open to take care of them together.
But you are trying to solve it and prepare everything all on your own. Even if no one asked you to, even if there isn't any need at all.
Just slow down. Observe. Allow yourself to truly feel this new beginning. Reflect on the things you are seeing, on what you are experiencing, not on what you could've or should've know.
Spend a moment to focus on yourself as you walk through it, not on the journey as you try to rush it and escape. Take your time, breathe in and breathe out. And remember the you that felt so confident and sure about your capabilities to handle this. Because they were right.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Three,
the moon, the two of coins, the one of coins
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You worked so hard to create new possibilities, new chances in your life... Perhaps even too much. Focusing your all, your intentions and your dreams, all on the possibility to shift for the better this life that simply didn't fit you anymore...
You gave so much of yourself, in this profound hope that things will become better... But it took so long to happen... That you simply didn't have any choice but to settle, but to go for something that wasn't at all what you wanted, but that was already here, offering some sort of reassurance and safety in the days you most needed it.
You went in a different direction from what you pictured. You got through it all. The frustration, the desperation, the anger, the uncertainty and doubt, the acceptance...
But none of them were as painful as the regret you felt once that opportunity did come into your life, exactly when you already made peace with a different reality, and started to appreciate it the way it is, the ups and downs, making progress and learning to find something good even in this...
Nothing created more conflict and disruption as the decision and choice that you never really asked: the one between the journey you never wanted but accepted and started to get used to, learning how to navigate it and even being proud of the progress you made..; and the one that you for so long dreamed of, so much sacrificed for, but never received, at least not when you wanted it and asked for it.
You weren't prepared for it, you didn't see it coming.. and now you just don't know even how to feel about it. What to do. If it's the moment to say goodbye to that dream, or if to sacrifice for it the hard work of a different journey that you did.
So you are taking time. Making steps both here and there, trying to handle everything, not wanting to choose between one thing or another. Not wanting to feel again so vulnerable and afraid of what comes next.
You are silently working on it, consuming yourself as your mind that first was supposed to choose between them... Is so dangerously starting to consider to keep it going this way. Holding onto both choices, putting on the line your own health just to not risk to ruin and lose both paths again...
But it will happen, inevitably, if you will keep pushing yourself through the days that are simply too filled with all these things. You will lose both of them, sooner or later, simply because you are one, you can take care and experience just so much. You can't do everything and be everywhere. No matter how much you desire it.
You will lose both of them by simply losing yourself. Because it is a dangerous game. It is a too heavy of a sacrifice that you are asking from yourself.
You deserve, you need, to be able to experience one life, enjoy it, love it, feel it. Not only the stress and anxiety that comes from trying to balance two opposite paths.
Step back. Do for yourself this favorur. Stay still for just a moment. And be honest with yourself, with what your heart wants from this life.
Because it is not a matter of the progress you did, of the possibilities or challenges. It has nothing to do with the time you spent doing one thing or desiring the other. You can grow that experience, that progress and passion in yourself... you can start and try, and achieve your goals whenever you want.
But what you can't do is to consume your own self, forcing you to play two games, just for the sake of not losing once.
Choose your story, choose your life. And let go of the other that you know deep down never was yours, never spoke to your heart. You won't lose anything. You will only gain more honesty with yourself and more peace of mind. The safety and stability that you deserve but that you are sacrificing because of the fear of admitting what you feel now.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
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batmanfruitloops · 3 days
Yer scarebeast completes meeee
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Love is stored in the scarebeast!!!
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ask-smg4-clubau · 1 day
I see 4 chugging something in that post where they first met and this might be random but does 4 ever get drunk? If yes hopefully he didn't do anything stupid to himself
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Club 3: " . . and this won't backfire in the end right ?. . Besides he can do what he wants , not like he'd listen to me. "
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whatlurksbean · 2 days
just a silly little fun question that affects nothing, but who was the firstborn? Trout or Hake?
i think hake!
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ayoosh-gaza · 16 hours
🛑 Urgent humanitarian appeal ✋
✋ please stop don’t skip 🛑
I’m vetted by association
Click here
Save my family's lives from diseases and drowning 💔😭
You can help me, I am not asking for a large donation, I am asking you for a small donation that may save my family's life 💔🙏
I need a cover for the tent so we can welcome the winter, as we are drowning, my tent's wall is eroded 💔
Please help me, as my parents have chronic diseases and cannot bear the cold and diseases. There are children who suffer from colds 💔😭
Please, any donation will make a difference in my life. I need the amount urgently, please 🙏❤️‍🩹
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@timetravellingkitty @tiredguyswag @brokenbackmountain @imjustheretotrytohelp
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @aces-and-angels @marnota @cenobutch @transmutationisms
@schoolhater @three-croissants @briarhips @kellkyy
@appsa @90-ghost @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @sar-soor@sayruq
@queerstudiesnatural @appsa
@communistchilchuck @fairuzfan @neptunerings @just-browsing1222 @appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @marnota
@annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @animentality @kordelilius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @violetlyric-blog @the-bastard-king @tamaytka
@4ft10tvlandfangirl @northgazaupdates
@skatehan @awetistic-things @nightowlssleep @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @friendshapedplant @mangocheesecakes @commissions4aid-
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ahappyphjl · 14 hours
I've heard a lot of people say that videos and pictures don't do Phil justice irl, can you confirm? :3
yess can confirm!! phil’s not usually as expressive in pictures as dan, so maybe it’s that, but yeah he’s incredibly lovely and those eyes omg!!! they really are like a beautiful, calming ocean :’) and the fact that he’s just such a sweetheart and has a very comforting presence makes him even more angelic in person <333
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That anon ask has haunted me with visions of Light Yagami in the nun outfit.
Your ask has haunted me with the vision too:
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Not sure if being a satanic nun is the best move to convince the task force of your innocence, Light...
A saucy extension below the cut:
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...but a sexy satanic nun flashing some gartered thigh might be even more questionable! Well, no one's ever accused Light of being sane. I'm sure he could successfully rationalize his way into making this choice make sense in his goal of manipulating the task force (or at least L).
My reasons: I've seen too many sexy nun!Alastors, so Light has to channel that, too. XD
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mamawasatesttube · 2 days
sorry for asking if you’ve posted this anywhere before, but do u have any descriptions/ideas of what you imagine kon’s supernova uniform to be??
i don't have a super concrete design in mind honestly (like, every time i doodle him while sitting around listening to organic chem lectures it comes out different HAHA), but there's a few elements i like to play around with!!! heres my most recent batch of doodles to hopefully attempt to illustrate (i dont draw much outside of doodling in class so theyre nothing great but sldkfjlds yk!!)
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i like to play around with a few key elements:
cunty boots
funky fresh cutouts (hips, thighs, titty window, shoulders, back window, mix and match any combo, you get it!) often in a star shape for his space theme
longer hair with a side shave? and the cuuuurls ofc
many useless belts
space print kinda like donna troy on the inside of his jacket (he has to have a sickass jacket always even tho i didnt draw it there)
he Has to keep his right wrist and left ankle covered along with most of his right leg because he doesn't like showing off the scars from when he died
i love to keep the thigh pouch + his fingerless gloves
SOMETIMES (not always) i also like to consider him with a bandolier harness type situation as an homage to tim's red robin costume, in direct response to learning that tim switched to red and black as an homage to him
colorwise: red black and blue (so like his color scheme is kinda like post-owaw superman)
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dicediceking · 10 hours
What would The Sun from itft look like in your human version??
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Bro is just a baby I can't-
I went with a kinda God like look to him
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genderqueerdykes · 2 days
Hey! I’m a young transmasc lesbian still grappling with the idea of labels- I think the term ‘lesboy’ fits me pretty well, but I think a lot of people criticise the term for being lesphobic. Is it? (Ps: I think you’re really cool; your page is definitely a safe space.)
hello, it's not a lesbophobic term; anyone who insists that lesbians cannot be transmasc or boys are the ones being lesbophobic. anyone who insists that lesbians cannot be transmascs or men are the lesbophobes. this is perpetuated by people who do not interact with the lesbian community on the whole
hope that helps! take care
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squeakitties · 2 days
Feel like you should know that there’s a rubbermon tag on e621 because of you (this is a good thing)
OH SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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*A scenario where the light sides had to go to the dark sides and are leaving now*
Janus*whispering*:Come back…
Janus:Nothing go.
Janus:Come back…
*drags Virgil back with his snake cane*
Jan then holds him close protectively like a Snek XD
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