#; alrighty ;
spiderh0rse · 5 months
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hyper-revenge-sio · 10 months
I made this and thought maybe someone on here would appreciate it <3
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marcelineuntitled · 4 months
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i like this one a lot :)))
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qierxing · 2 years
Yan! Kalim Al-Asim x Reader
Halloween AU
CW/TW: Implied dub-con
The belief that one's own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions.
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You hate it here.
“Just one night.” Your parents cajoled you. One night at the Asim’s, as close friends. You don’t want to be rude, do you?
The wine in your chalice reflects your annoyed countenance, before it’s muddled as it’s swirled around. The music that echoes in the grand hall is lively, as expected of a banquet hosted by the Asims. Dancers on the floor are swirling and flying to the music from the band, their shiny colorful fabrics weaving through the air like birds through the sky. The aroma of spices wafts through the air from the tables piled high with delicious foods and drinks. 
If you lost yourself in the atmosphere, you could almost say you were enjoying yourself. 
You bow your head and take a deep breath. A headache conveniently wracks through your forehead. You down your wine glass and grimace. Turning around with all traces of negative emotions wiped, you smile as genuinely as you can.
“Hey, Kalim.”
Strong warm arms encircle you and your vision is darkened momentarily as you process the smell of heady wine and incense as fur tickles your face. You put your arms around him awkwardly as social politeness dictates and pat his back, counting the seconds to when he finally lets go.
It’s a full ten seconds before the young werewolf pulls back to grin at you with shiny ruby eyes.
“It’s been so long since you visited! I’ve been sending so many letters and gifts but they must’ve not reached you.” Kalim pouts, ears lowered back like a puppy. You grit your teeth.
“Oh yeah, it might’ve gotten lost in the delivery.” You reply with a strained smile. He’s still holding onto you with his claws dug into the fabric of your silk kameez. Although he is a prestiged werewolf to be feared, at the moment, Kalim was nothing more than a clingy dog. 
A very annoying, clingy dog.
“Well, don’t let me take all your time,” you try to discreetly remove his hands from your shoulders, but they tighten, making you press your lips together. “I’m sure you have more important people to talk to than just lil ol’ me!”
“What are you saying? You’re the most important guest to me!” Kalim winds a tight arm around your waist much to your dismay, and starts urging you towards the center of the party. 
"I'm flattered, Kalim but–" Your words are drowned out by the sound of the sitar and drums as the guests cheer and clap to the beats. Kalim grins and winks at you, dragging you even closer to the center of the floor and horror dawns on you as you realize exactly what he's trying to do.
It's too late to pull out of his tight grip and he spins you as the roar of the crowd reaches new heights. Forced along, you’re chest to chest to Kalim as the melody guides you to spin and jump to the people’s claps. 
It feels like ages pass until the final beat signals the end of the composition and you’re all too ready to tear yourself from the commotion to slip away into a quiet hall. Before you can though, those familiar arms drag you in the opposite direction.
“That was so much fun, wasn’t it, [First]?” Kalim grins down at you as he ushers you to the food tables and your patience slips even more. 
“Ah, yes! I’m feeling tired at the moment, though–” 
“Come, come eat! Jamil helped make this curry, it’s the best!” 
It’s like it all goes in one fluffy ear and out. You grab another glass of wine as Kalim continues to ramble on while bracing yourself for another long, long night.
You’re not sure how you came to meet Kalim.
That was how insignificant meeting him affected your life. Sure, he was the only heir to the famous werewolf merchant clan, the Asims. He was definitely richer than anyone in the area, perhaps excluding his royal relatives. He may have had strong mana compared to no one within the Scalding Sands. 
But that was…it. 
His oblivious and kind natured attitude made you more annoyed than endeared, than anything. The way he always tried to be optimistic got on your nerves, especially during negotiations or Seven forbid, arguments. Forgiving his closest attendant for trying to kill him–you sometimes wonder what goes through his delusional mind.
Fate did not care about your anger though.
For some damn reason, he’s latched onto you, out of all the people that frequently visit the clan. Always trying to offer you honeyed dates and glittering gold bangles each time you have to make an appearance with your parents. You’ve tried nearly everything within civil reason to shake him off, to no avail.
And much to your chagrin, both your parents only coo and chuckle about how the two of you are such ‘love birds’ and how it’s ‘only a matter of time before there’s a wedding banquet held’. You’d violently protest if it wasn’t for the fact that the Asim family could easily put your family’s caravan business out of commission. So, instead you awkwardly smile and laugh along with the bad jokes.
You’re getting worried though. With each time you’re forced to greet Kalim, he’s only gotten bolder. His touches have started out ghost like to the tight tips of his sharpened claws wandering your hips and lower back. He so easily kisses your cheeks and hugs you whenever he gets the chance to. At this point, Kalim could probably demand you to sleep with him and you couldn’t refuse.
Which is why you begged your parents to be sent out on the next caravan expedition to the far east. They hemmed and hawwed for a long time: the east was so far from home and there were so many dangers along the main trade routes, even with added protection. But that's exactly why you wanted to go. A long expedition away from Kalim? It was just what you needed.
But you also fear becoming like him, the more time you spend with him. Surrounded by luxuries and comfort, not trying to see past the glittering sand and jewels of books and attendants. You wanted to learn with experience, negotiate using your own skills, and finally become the merchant you’ve always yearned to be. You wanted to be independent and grow.
That’s the only thought getting you through what you hoped to be the last time you have to see Kalim.
The taste of sour grapes lingers on your tongue when you wake up the next morning.
The feeling of nausea reminds you of your foolish decision to drink yourself to oblivion to get through the night. You make the usual futile promise to yourself to never drink that much again, and try to sit up.
A sharp pain splits your head and you groan, rubbing your forehead. However, as the ache dies down, another painful feeling arises from it. Did you sleep in the wrong way that made your neck ache?
You stumble like an undead person to a mirror and stare.
There’s a large bite mark on your neck. Several teeth marks indented, others scarred over and just barely bleeding, but fresh, nonetheless. It doesn’t hurt as bad as your hangover but even you can feel the amount of magic that just barely seeps from the wound. 
Your heart drops to your stomach.
A werewolf bite.
The door opens at your revelation and Kalim comes in, all beaming and smiles as if you weren’t this close to having a meltdown. His tail wags even harder as he takes you in, staring at your own reflection with your bite.
“You woke up! I’m glad, you really did have a lot to drink, haha!” He draws closer and wraps his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into the bite. It takes everything in you not to scream as he kisses it ever so gently.
“I tried to be gentle, but a mating mark always hurts the first time,” he murmurs into your skin, “thankfully I think the wine helped with the pain!”
“Kalim…what…what is–”
“Isn’t this great? Now we can get married just like our parents wanted!” You’re left speechless as he looks up and stares at your reflection, striking ruby eyes meeting yours.
“I…I didn’t want this!” You push him off, taking him off guard.
It’s like you finally process that you’re not in your room, this was not your bed, and this most assuredly was not what you were supposed to be waking up to. You were supposed to be preparing for your expedition with your caravan not playing house with a deranged dog!
“I hate you Kalim Al-Asim,” you spit his full name with venom on your tongue, “I would never agree to be your mate! I don’t even love you!”
And for a full tense, ten seconds, he stares at you with blank eyes.
“Your hangover is really hitting you hard, huh?” You can only blink in disbelief as he smiles obliviously again. “We should get you some water and soup!”
He calls for someone, but your brain is too frazzled and desperate to try and comprehend any of this, that you try to run past Kalim.
You forgot that werewolves have sharp reflexes.
Kalim just laughs merrily as he scoops you up bridal style and walks towards the bed again, plopping you back within terribly soft blankets and pillows. Before you can even think of rolling off the mattress, he cages you in, humming as he encases your body with his, entwining hands and legs together.
“Now, my love, what jewelry do you want to wear for the wedding?”
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disaster-racing · 1 year
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paperkoifish · 2 years
#5 the past car + the engine
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I cant stop thinking about the bmol experimenting with Sam and thanks to @trials-era-sam confirming our hc with Sam's addiction (thank you Jared!!) i just had to write this-
"Names Sam. All we need are names." Toni repeats, tapping her pen against her stupid little notebook.
Even if Sam wanted to, he can't give her want she wants. He doesn't really know that many hunters to begin with, let alone all the hunters in the whole of the united states. Who does she think he is?
She sighs dramatically and puts both her pen and book down on the old table next to her, uncrossing her legs and standing up, taking a few steps closer to Sam.
"Fine." She muttered, "we'll just move onto the next phase, since you're choosing to be difficult."
She starts fishing around in her blazer pocket, in search for something, and Sam can tell she found what she was looking for when a small smile pulls against her lips and she slowly withdraws her hand out, holding what looks to be a small vial?
Sam tilts his head to try and get a better look at it. Is it another drug to induce hallucinations? A truth serum? Who knows what they've invented over across the Atlantic.
Toni scoffs at the confusion displayed on Sam's face, and holds out the vial for him to see, holding it up triumphantly as if she won a race or something.
The first thing he notices is how red it is. He stares for a few more seconds until he realizes, and he can practically feel all the air leaving his lungs.
They've been keeping tabs on him for a good 12 years, they know pretty much everything about him. He doesn't know why this didn't occur to him sooner.
"No." He practically hisses at her, his mind flooding with the pain of detox already. Although he doubts he will ever make it out of here, and hes kind of already given up trying to escape. Whats the point? Dean is dead, Cas will be fine without him. Lucifer is out there roaming free, theres nothing for him anymore.
He's completely content with these british people keeping him here.
But eventually he'll have to detox, he always does.
He can feel his heart starting to pick up pace.
The first detox was bad enough, but he can start to feel the panic raising at the thought of having to live through that now, what horrors would haunt him in his...less than stable state.
He doesn't know what he'd do if he has to see Lucifer or the cage again.
What atrocities would his mind conjure up this time?
He finds his mind rushing back to all the less than pleasant experiences in his life. How it felt to have an archangel inside of him. He thinks that’s why he didn’t realize Gadreel was in him for so long. In comparison to the searing pain of the literal devil in his body, some run of the mill angel was like a tick. Hardly worth his attention.
Toni clearing her throat snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up at her again, and couldn't hide the fact that his hands were shaking.
"Sam," she began "you have made less than ideal choices in your life." A pointed glance towards him. "But, that doesn't mean you still can't be utilised. We as men of letters firmly believe in sufficiency, and your way of...terminating demons is much faster than any excorsim that we have on hand. Don't you think?"
Sam thinks that his heart is going to give out with how fast it is pumping. He can hear the blood rushing in his ears. The year of shame and regret with Ruby and all his mistakes crashing down on him.
"Please." He pleads, looking up at this awful woman through his wet hair. "You don't know what you're doing." He tries to reason with her, but with that glint in her eye, he knows shes not listening to a word he's saying.
"Cmon now Sammy, you can't tell me that you don't miss it." She exclaims, a soft undertone to her voice, as if shes trying to be understanding towards him. Sam scoffs.
And hangs his head in defeat.
They've burnt him, shot him, cut him up and probably broken a few ribs if his pain is any indication. He has no doubt that they will hesitate to do this to him too.
Hes just glad Dean won't be here to watch him turn into a monster again.
Everything Dean told him during that year comes rushing back as he clamps his mouth shut tight. He knows that this will happen to him with or without his consent, but he won't let it happen without a fight.
After all, she isn't Lucifer, he doesn't have to lay down and let her do whatever she wants to him. Hes allowed to fight back. And for Deans sake, he will try.
Toni notices Sams jaw muscles working, and sighs like a disapproving mother whose toddler just won't listen to her.
She roughly grabs Sams face and lifts his head up, making him look up at her.
And although his face is rock hard with determination, pure fear is flashing in his eyes.
He doesn't want to go back to that. To that feeling of desperately needing more and more.
Hes fought so hard against his addiction for so long now. Why is this happening? Chuck must think his life is a joke to do this to him.
But, he keeps his mouth closed tight as Toni tuts and pinches his nose closed, staring down at him patiently.
He hopes he's strong enough to let himself pass out before his mouth inevitably opens to let in air. At least then he could say he tried. But he knows the human body, he knows that when survival insticts kick in, he won't be able to fight it.
But he closes his eyes and tries to stay calm as toni pinches his nose tighter and grows more annoyed.
He starts to count.
Hes gotten to fifty seconds when his lungs really start to hurt.
67. His head has started to spin.
89. His teeth hurt from how hard he's clenching them.
92. He can feel the presence of the vial hanging above him like a carrot on a string. Patiently waiting for his mouth to open like they both know it will.
107. There are spots dancing behind his eyelids. He knows his body will betray him soon.
He lets out a silent prayer at second 115. Begging for someone to help him.
He wonders if Lucifer can hear him.
121. He gasps.
Before he can even suck in some precious air, the vial is being shoved in his mouth, and the metallic taste of blood on his tounge is the only thing his senses can focus on.
Its okay. Dont panic. He just has to spit it out like he did before. No biggie.
He ignores the way his body yearns for it. To swallow it. He ignores how his muscles are remembering how powerful they used to feel. He ignores how his throat is trying to gulp it down, actively working against the only rational part of Sam's brain.
The smell is overwhelming. The taste practically irresistible.
He doesnt have to swallow it. He doesn't have to let her win. He doesn't.
He goes to spit it out. Toni sees. She acts quicker than Sam can even realise.
She's pinching his nose again and roughly keeping her other hand over his mouth. Making sure that he can't possibly spit it out and cutting off all access to air.
Meaning he'll need to swallow it to be able to gasp for air.
He looks up at her with tears in his eyes. His head starting to spin again from lack of oxygen. He shakes his head softly, once again begging her not to do this to him, even though he knows this grovelling will get him nowhere.
She looks down at him with no emotion in her eyes. Even the smile on her face has faded. She just seems a bit bothered now. As if Sams resistance is just a small inconvenience to her.
He'll have to swallow soon. She knows it. They both know it.
Eventually Sam finds his throat working against him and swallowing down the sweet sweet blood.
As it goes down, he gasps out and Toni removes her hand. A satisfied smile on her face.
Sam, on the other hand though, couldn't be more disgusted with himself.
He would start crying if there was any liquid left in his body. He can already feel it. Feel the power thruming through his veins. He can feel his body yearning for more already, protesting that it wasnt enough.
He starts to shake. Silently sob. He cannot believe that this is happening to him again. That he has to go through this again, and all for what? Because some british people want to study him to see how he works and then do who knows what with him?
He starts sweating. Even that tiny amount enough to bring back a pretty severe addiction.
Toni sits back down looking smug. "How do you feel, Sam?"
He glares at her, although how effective it is with his shaking chin and dried tear streaks on his cheeks, he doesn't know.
"Alright." Toni nods at him and starts to make her way back up the stairs.
Sam starts to freak out, but refuses to show it. Not at least until she leaves the basement.
Theyre leaving him here. For how long? Are they going to make him go through detox now? Study his symptoms? Wait for him to start begging them for some more? Maybe, if Sams lucky enough, it wont be that bad, since it was only one small vial.
But he can already feel it. The way his head feels like it's getting squashed between two rocks, the way his stomach is rolling like he's about to vomit, the way his limbs are shaking quite violently.
Sam is never lucky. And this is going to hit him hard.
He hopes it doesnt get so bad that he starts begging for more blood. He'd never forgive himself if he fell that far.
He wishes Dean were still alive.
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bed-of-ashes · 7 months
oh hey real quick also by the way. there's a difference between respecting celebrities' privacy and not prying or speculating about their personal lives (good practice in general) and then picking up on very intentional pieces that a celebrity has given the public on purpose. i will never claim to know exactly what Shubble's intentions were, she is the master of her own mind, but also I believe that she is an incredibly smart person who knows how to handle this. it's basically the socratic method-- if you outright say a name, people are gonna get upset and defensive. if you let people reflect on it for themselves, it's far more likely they'll understand. no one wants to be told their favorite celeb is an abuser, and there would undoubtedly be countless claims of defamation. Shubble's being really intentional especially in the fact that she wrote everything down and practiced before publicly saying this. i'd hazard a guess that speculation is the intent here so i don't think it's disrespectful to think on it. that said, fine line between reflection and gossip, y'know?
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klearilist · 1 month
sing us a song you're the piano man
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blobee · 2 months
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drew my weird old thing, couldn't find the original because it was five years ago
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shutupdevvie · 1 year
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thinking so so so many things
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hela-fortia · 5 months
My Lord, I love Dr.Chase from House MD.
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santaclaushohoho1 · 1 year
i sent the fiance the poem and he really liked it so I'm gonna share it with the Tumblr masses
please provide brutal, horrific feedback:
"Like glass
Like the water frozen across the pane
Like a silent and longing look two lovers give when they pass by each other
Never see the other again
Like a singular blade of withered, frosty grass
It's all fragile
It all causes pain
So let us wile
Away our painstaking days
While it seems so far away
We are but a wisp of smoke from a starting fire
A wisp that lingers for long of enough to look upon with desire
For the warmth that might save a life
It's all so tedious and brief"
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thefourchimes · 1 year
went to youtube and searched for ronance content without warning and now its making me want to rewatch st for ronance
what if yes
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unbeleevable · 1 year
My confused ass after I got barked at
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explodingchaos · 8 months
*rises from the grave*
Hello. It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it!
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My work here is done.
inspo/refrence credit: @mellon_soup on patreon
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