#; I suggest you take a look at the tag it's actually a very intense reading
howtofightwrite · 11 months
Was reading through your torture tag and noticed a lot of stuff that was being said seemed to contradict things that were said on the scripttorture blog... do you have any suggestions on how to clear things up? Im not sure which things to trust
And you're asking us, because they've posted once in the last two years?
I'll admit, I have a fairly low opinion of them, and that's not directly their fault. For years, one of their fans, would regularly send some pretty incendiary asks our way. In fact, some of the less hostile ones were answered, and may be the posts you were looking at. Understandably, the ones simply accusing us of being torture apologists, demanding we redirect all our asks to their blog, or insisted that we should sit down and shut up, did not make the cut. With that in mind, please understand, I'm not going to go digging through their blog to refresh my memory, so some of this might be slightly skewed by the aforementioned deranged fan.
Look for the blog that does not constantly contradict or misrepresent their authoritative sources. Which is to say, if you actually pay attention to Shane O'Mara's work, it's basically what we've been saying all along.
If you're unfamiliar, O'Mara is a Neurologist who was (last I time I checked) working at Trinity College Dublin. He published a, frankly fascinating piece, called, Why Torture Doesn't Work, in which, he set about trying to answer why torture is an ineffective tool for intelligence gathering. O'Mara also had the misfortune of being the only expert who said anything close to the perspective Scripttorture wanted on torture.
An open secret about torture is that it is completely worthless for getting accurate information. This has been widely understood for centuries, if not millennia. O'Mara's question was, “why?”
It turns out, that the neurochemical trauma associated with torture, seriously interferes with your ability to accurately access information. For example: If you're being tortured, you can't tell your torturer where you planted the ticking bomb, because your brain literally can't access those memories.
Torture is evil. Yeah. No shit.
And, this is where ScriptTorture stops. “Torture is bad,” and Jack Bauer is an incredibly unrealistic fantasy, end of story.
Except, this is not the end of this.
Now, generally speaking, I don't blame anyone who wants to get off the ride here. Torture is an unpleasant subject, and wanting to stop at, “oh, it's evil,” is entirely reasonable... unless you want to write on the subject, or if you do political analysis and need to understand why people break out the torture implements.
More than that, this is where my academic background in political science actually comes into play. I'm not saying this as an Eagle Scout who had a couple overly enthusiastic hand to hand instructors when I was a kid. This is (part of) what I studied in college, and I have kept an eye on it since then.
If torture didn't work, you wouldn't see state-sponsored torture pop up repeatedly throughout history. It would not be one of the favorite tools of dictators and despots. However, because it does, and it is, simply saying, “it doesn't work,” isn't instructive or meaningful because it's clearly untrue. Someone is finding value in this, so it becomes important to understand what they are doing, and why they are doing it.
When you torture someone, the information they provide is basically madlibs of whatever leaked through their brain. They want the pain and stress to stop, and they'll say anything they can to make that happen. That often takes the form of what they think their torturer wants to hear. O'Mara's research does explain why they don't simply cough up the truth.
So, why do it?
Torture is a very labor intensive process. You (as an individual) can't, realistically, torture multiple victims at a time, and it is a very drawn out process. Some elements can be automated, your torturer doesn't need to be present at every moment, but they're going to spend hours, if not days, working on one victim. Worse, this is actually a technical profession. It's not like you can just pull in anyone off the street and get the results you want. (Though, technically, this doesn't seem to be as true, however, amateurs do have a shocking capacity to screw up torture. So, the point remains valid.)
The value of torture has almost nothing to do with the victim. It's about the message it sends to everyone else.
Torture is about mass coercion of the population. When you are the state (meaning, the government), and you torture someone, you are telling your citizens that you are willing to do the same to them, if they oppose you.
State-sponsored torture is specifically a tool to suppress political engagement. It is, quite literally, state-sponsored, domestic terrorism.
This even holds true in cases where the state employs torture to extract confessions from criminal suspects. The message sent into the general population is that dissent of any kind will not be tolerated, and that the state has the willingness and power to turn these tools on you if you draw their ire.
I get that this is outside of ScriptTorture's area of expertise, and in fairness, I probably would not have studied this with any intensity, if I hadn't taken multiple classes on revolutionary theory.
Torture from private organizations (which is to say, organized crime, and religious institutions, though cults and some other groups might fit this description as well), follows roughly similar patterns. These tend to do the same things, discouraging dissent, and establishing the organization as having power over the population (or community.) (The technical term would be to “establish capacity.” Which is to say, the organization's capacity to enforce its will. The same term applies to states, though in those cases, the state's capacity is often overestimated by its population. It's only when it starts to falter, for example through military defeats or serious civil unrest, that they really need the capacity boosting part of this equation.)
Zealotry or stupidity can create situations where you have a torturer (or, more likely, someone in a position of power ordering the torture) who believes that it is effectively compelling the truth from the victim. This (or amateurs) can easily lead into a distinct problem, which is that all of this has diminishing returns. Torture one person, and you send a loud, clear message. Torture ten, and all you've added to it is that you're willing to keep going. However, as you start stacking up the victims, you do start sending a new message to your enemies, that being, you're going to get to them sooner or later so it's in their best interest to respond now, mobilize and retaliate proactively, before you get to them. This means that a state which leans heavily on torture can easily instigate the civil unrest that exposes their limited capacity leading to a political death spiral. Alternately, if the state does have the capacity to put down the resulting unrest, it further reinforces their position (which does happen with depressing frequency in the real world.)
You're also going to create new enemies in the friends, family, and loved ones, of the people you tortured. This means that any organization that relies on extensive use of torture will, eventually, start tying a noose around its own neck. (Granted, there are a lot of social dynamics that I'm skimming over here, so it's not exactly as simple as “if the state tortures lots of people, it will result in increasing unrest.”)
If you want a partial citation for the above, you can (ironically) find it in a podcast interview with Shane O'Mara, when he explained why torture has been employed repeatedly through history. (Specifically I think it was episode 15 of Your Welcome, by Michael Malice. Though, I'm not 100% sure off hand.) Though that doesn't cover some of the more in depth elements I just discussed. Some of this is coming from a textbook on revolutionary theory I can't locate (it disappeared in a move a few years back.) Though that was more interested in the general structure of a state destabilizing into internecine conflict. Ironically, my preferred citation on torture, Fear up Harsh by Tony Lagouranis is mostly uninformative in this case, because his experiences were on the ground, rather than from a structural understanding of what his job was really doing. However, he does illustrate my comment about amateurs making even more of a mess, both through personal experiences with a few, and also through the eventual trajectory of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
But of course, torture is evil... again, no shit. Was that really a question? And, I'm apparently a torture apologist for having a structural understanding of why evil people do evil things. Cool. Evil people don't do evil things because they're evil, they do them because they gain some tangible benefit from those acts, and they do not care about the consequences to anyone else. If you ask someone, “why do people do this?” and their answer is, “it's simple; they're evil,” that person is lying. They may be lying to themselves, but they are lying to you.
Why do people use torture? It's a lot more complicated, and unpleasant, than you'd expect at a simple overview.
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scoonsalicious · 4 months
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9.2 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of past cheating.
Word Count: 2.3k
Previously On...: Bucky and Lily had a conversation. Now Lily knows you and Bucky are dating.
A/N: Sorry this is late; I had to clean out my office after hours today. It was... an experience, to say the least :/
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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“I think you’re a fucking idiot,” your best friend, Hannah Santiago, said to you as you sat in the coffee shop across the street from The WarZone. She had been furious with you when you hadn’t answered her texts all weekend, so you promised her a lunch date to catch her up on your last few days in the company of one Bucky Barnes.
She did not appear to be taking it very well.
“Why?” you asked, mildly insulted. “He’s amazing, Han. I think you’ll really like him when you get to know him.”
Hannah rolled her eyes at you. “Oh, I’m sure he’s a peach,” she agreed with just a hint of sarcasm. “Though I’d probably feel better about it if you got to know him, too, before shacking up with him for days on end!”
“It’s NRE,” you told her, as if that perfectly explained the intense connection you felt you shared with Bucky. “That New Relationship Energy.”
“Oh my god,” Hannah groaned. “Get off of TikTok. You’re too fucking old for that shit.” A mother at the next table over with an infant in a stroller gave her a disapproving look and audibly tsked at her, but Hannah just responded with a glare.
“It’s great for marketing,” you grumbled.
“Look,” Hannah conceded with a sigh, “I’m sure this guy is wonderful, really. But (Y/N), sweetie, you haven’t had a serious relationship since you and Connor split.” You opened your mouth to protest, despite knowing she was right, but Hannah silenced you with a look. “I’m not saying I don’t want you to get back out there; lord knows it's past time– I just want you to be smart about it and not rush into anything headfirst with someone you barely know.”
Logically, of course, you knew Hannah was right. “He suggested we should put a pause on having sex so we can focus on getting to know each other better,” you offered. 
Hannah raised a well-manicured eyebrow. “Okay, that’s interesting,” she said. “Especially if it was as good as you said it was.”
You dropped your chin into your hand as you rested your elbow against the table and sighed dreamily. “Hannah, it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I swear, I don’t even know if I can call anything Connor ever gave me an actual orgasm after then things Bucky’s done to my body.”
The mother at the next table muttered something about “inappropriate talk” under her breath, but loud enough that you both could hear her. 
“Last time I checked,” Hannah said pointedly at you, though projecting her voice so that you knew it was actually for the other woman’s benefit, “‘inappropriate’ speech is still free speech. So sue me, please.”
You rolled your eyes good naturedly. As a First Amendment litigator, Hannah took Freedom of Speech extremely seriously. “Han,” you warned. “Let it go. This isn’t a courtroom.”
“Fine,” your friend said, ignoring the mother as she stood up and walked away with her stroller. “I’m just worried about you,” she said. “The last time you jumped headfirst into a relationship without really knowing the guy, you ended up married for nine years.”
You hated that she was right– you did have a track record of impulsive relationship decisions. “I appreciate you looking out for me,” you offered, reaching out to squeeze Hannah’s hand across the table. 
“So, do you really see this turning into a long term thing?” Hannah asked, genuinely curious. “Because I’ll support you if you do; I’ll just tell you I told you so if it all falls apart at your feet.”
“I think I do,” you told her, choosing to ignore her jab about rubbing failure in your face. “I know it’s early, but… I’m happy when I’m with him. There’s just the one issue with his–” You paused, not quite sure you wanted to divulge the Lily-sized elephant in your relationship with Bucky just yet.
“One issue with what?” Hannah asked. “And you better not say ‘nothing,’ otherwise I will use my cross examination skills against you,” she threatened. 
Having no desire to subject yourself to that, you relented. “It’s just… he’s got this female best friend–”
“Oh, hell no!” Hannah said, loudly enough to attract the attention of most of the other coffee shop patrons. “Nope, we are not doing this, (Y/N). I will not stand by and watch you go through that all over again.”
Truthfully, this was the reaction you had been expecting. “I’m not the same person I was back then, Han,” you protested. “Bucky’s not Connor, and Lily’s not Danielle.”
You understood your friend’s anger on your behalf. When Connor had promised you there was nothing between him and his childhood best friend, Danielle, you’d naively believed him, despite the gnawing sensation in your gut that told you something wasn’t right with their relationship. It was years before the instinct grew enough to convince you to look at his phone and you had found thousands of text messages between the two of them. You’d promptly thrown up.
His reaction had been textbook. At first, he tried to gaslight you– you didn’t see what you thought you saw; you were taking innocent conversations out of context (though, you weren’t sure how much context the exchanging of nudes really needed). Then, he tried to shift the blame on you– you were never around, always away on deployment or assignments. You emasculated him by getting promoted again and again, until you outranked him, and how was he supposed to live with that? Finally, he love bombed you, showering you with compliments and praise, begging you to forgive him, making promises you knew he would never keep, telling you he’d do anything to get you to stay.
Except for cutting off all contact with Danielle, apparently. He was willing to do anything, anything at all to regain your trust… just not the one thing you’d actually asked of him.
In the end, the divorce had been relatively straight forward. You weren’t stupid. You’d made sure to take screenshots of all of the text conversations between him and his mistress in case he deleted them. You’d even recorded the conversation you had with him when you confronted him, and he’d actually admitted to it. 
There were a lot of things you had disliked about the United States Army, but their stance on cheating hadn’t been one of them. Connor had ended up demoted, and you were able to maintain all of your financial assets without having to shell out anything for spousal support, despite the fact that you had out-earned him by more than double. 
As for Danielle? Well, you became an expert at giving her the cold shoulder and pretending like she didn’t exist.
“You never thought Connor would end up like Connor, either,” Hannah told you pointedly. “And yet.”
You sighed. Your friend had a point, you knew she did, but you just couldn’t imagine Bucky doing that to you. 
“Look, I’m not trying to shit in your cornflakes,” Hannah said. “I love you and I’m worried about you. I don’t want to see you rush into something and make the same mistakes again. That’s all.”
“I know, I know,” you agreed. And you really did. Hannah had been your biggest source of support when your marriage had gone to hell. She’d set you up with your attorney, let you stay with her while your housing situation got sorted, and had been your shoulder to cry on all the nights you had too much to drink and swore you were going to die alone. 
“Look, I promise to not jump into anything crazy,” you assured her. “I’ve learned my lesson.”
After saying your goodbyes to Hannah so she could return to her firm, you headed back over to The WarZone, hoping to get yourself absorbed in some work so you could get your mind off of Hannah’s worries before they became your worries, too. Natasha should be arriving shortly for her standing Tuesday appointment, and you were hoping to chat with her for a few minutes once she was done. 
The bell above the entry door rang cheerfully as you pushed your way inside, but the atmosphere in the lobby felt unnaturally heavy. You looked up from your phone to see Rand leaning against the reception desk with his arms crossed, glaring at someone across the room, and Zadie trying to pretend to look busy at her computer.
You followed Rand’s gaze and locked eyes with Bucky. His giant frame was spread out across one of the lounge chairs, and he seemed to have been watching Rand with a puzzled sort of wariness. When he turned to look at you, though, a blinding smile broke across his face that made your knees feel weak.
“Hey, sugar,” he greeted, standing up and making his way toward you. 
You moved to meet him halfway. “Hiya, Sarge,” you said, putting your arms around his neck and standing on your toes to kiss him hello. “I missed you.” 
“Oh yeah?” he asked, a teasing glint in his eye as his hands settled on your hips. “I just saw you yesterday.”
“Lotta lonely hours between then and now, Bucky,” you told him evocatively, toying your fingers through the hairs at the nape of his neck.
The loud sound of a clearing throat brought your attention back to Rand, who was looking at you in disbelief. “Really?” he asked.
“Oh, sorry–” you said, purposefully ignoring Rand’s meaning. “Where are my manners? Bucky, this is my office assistant, Zadie–” Zadie waved enthusiastically from her perch behind the reception desk, “-- and my Midtown location manager, Rand. Guys,” you said, taking an excited breath, “this is Bucky.”
“It’s so nice to meet you, Bucky,” Zadie said enthusiastically, and you knew the orchid and note he had sent you on Saturday had definitely won her over to his side. “Major’s told us so much about you.”
“Yeah,” added Rand through gritted teeth, “we’ve heard an awful lot about you, Mr. Barnes.” You shot him a look, silently pleading for him to be nice, or at least remove himself before he said something offensive.
“It’s nice to meet you both, as well,” Bucky said, ever the gentleman. He made to move, and you highly suspected he was going to try to shake hands with them. While you had no doubt Zadie would be friendly, you wouldn’t put it past Rand to just be a dick for the hell of it, so you wrapped your arms around Bucky’s midsection and drew yourself toward him, keeping him in place.
“So,” you began, hoping to distract him from your manager’s open hostility, “to what do I owe the pleasure? Because it is a pleasure to see you, especially when unexpected.”
Bucky smiled and moved a hand to brush a lock of hair away from your face. “Nat mentioned she was coming down for her weekly visit,” he said. “She invited me to come join her; thought I’d like to check out the place for myself.” He leaned in to whisper conspiratorially: “And if I just so happened to run into this pretty girl I’ve had my eye on, well, that would be a bonus.”
His words made your insides dance, leaving you feeling like a giddy teenager. “You’ll have to let me know if she shows up, Sarge,” you teased. “I’ll try to put a good word in for you.”
“You’d do that for me? Thanks, doll,” he grinned.
“Of course, handsome. Where is Nat, anyway?” you asked. The redhead hadn’t been in the lobby when you came in.
“She had to take a phone call. Avengers stuff,” Bucky offered with a shrug. “She shouldn’t be too long.”
As if on cue, the main door opened and Natasha breezed into the lobby. She caught sight of you and Bucky with your arms around one another immediately and threw a knowing smirk your way. “Sorry ‘bout that,” she said. She turned to Bucky and rolled her eyes. “Fury had some questions about the last mission that apparently couldn’t be saved for an email.”
“Fucking bureaucracy,” he muttered. 
“Tell me about it.” Nat’s frown quickly transformed into delighted glee as she rubbed her hands together. “Alright, Barnes. You ready to fuck some shit up?”
“Oh,” chirped Zadie. “I’m sorry, Ms. Romanoff; we didn’t have you down for a doubles’ room. Just your usual single.”
“Zadie, just move them to a VIP room,” you told your office assistant. You turned to Nat. “That should be more than big enough for the both of you.”
“They’re also significantly extra in price,” Rand interjected. 
“Waive the fee,” you said. 
“Sugar,” Bucky said, looking down at you, “that’s not necessary; we can pay the difference.”
“I’m not going to make my boy– er, um… my friends pay for an upgrade I offered them that they didn’t ask for. For fucks’ sake, Rand.” You hoped no one noticed your slipup, but the way Bucky was grinning down at you and squeezing your hip let you know it hadn’t gotten past him at all. 
“No problem, Major,” Zadie said. “Room 5c is available and all ready to go.”
“I’m sure you’re busy being the big boss, doll,” Bucky said as you moved to escort him and Nat to the elevators. You’d be having a chat with Rand later. “But any chance you could join us? I’d really like my first time to be with you.”
“Oh my god,” gagged Natasha. “You’re pathetic, Barnes. Seriously. That was bad.”
“So bad,” you agreed with a laugh, “but it worked.” You grinned at the both of them. “Yeah, of course I’ll help you pop your rage room cherry.”
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jasontoddsdarling · 8 months
can we fuck in the bathroom?
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— pairing: jason todd x female reader
— words: 1,1k
— tags: smut, bathroom sex, oral sex (male receiving), doggy style, rough sex, creampie
— summary: You suggest Jason something you both have never done. The title speaks for itself.
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“Yes, beloved?” Jason answers you, but he is immersed in his evening read, a literary fiction title you recommended him last month. 
“Can we fuck in the bathroom?"
Jason drops the book he's reading, all of his attention to you. "What?"
You pout. "Can a girl not suggest her husband to fuck her in the bathroom?" 
"No, princess. I mean of course you can. Just why are you so suddenly… suggesting it?"
"Nothing. I just want us to do it. We have never done it there!"
"Oh right...." 
Jason begins to have his pondering look.
That's all he says. For thirty seconds long, you count.
You're getting kind of flustered—you brave yourself up, bringing it up to him about an unusual place (for the two of you at least) to have sex outside of the bedroom, but you chalk it up with bored expression. And impatient. It's evening already, for God's sake. Ended up fucking in the bathroom or not, you're going to have to shower anyway.
"If you don't want to, I will have to shower alone.” You walk away. “I might play with myself, though." 
"Don't you dare, princess." Jason growls.
You giggle inside. That last line's merely you being a tease, but Jason's actually taking your bait. You're getting the reaction out of him.
"Then come and get me." 
You walk away to the direction of you two's bedroom—where your bathroom is located, but not without sending him a sultry gaze.
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That's how you end up like this. 
Knees on the cold tiles on the bathroom floor, your pretty lips around his cock. His hand is on the back of your head holding your wavy raven black hair into a makeshift ponytail. 
You try to suppress your gag reflex, sucking him as much as you can. He's not small or average by any means. His cock is hot and hard with considerable girth and length that's not a match for your small mouth.
But you manage to suck three fourths of him in. He hit the back of your throat. You can feel your tears on your waterline, sliding down your cheeks.
"That's it. Fuck. Just like that, princess."
He reaches with his other hand to caress your face and swipe your fallen tears.
You know he's about to cum when his breath is very labored.
You start to service him more eagerly, not trying to suck him as much as you can anymore but more about the speed and intensity of your sucking. His length that cannot fit inside your mouth is getting stroked with your hands, which you need both of them to accommodate his girth.
"Fuck. Fucking hell, princess."
He immediately removes his hand on your hair and his cock from inside your warm mouth. 
You pout, confused, but then he holds you by your upper arms to get you up.
He spins you around, facing yourself with your bathtub. His hands push your back to bend down on the bathtub lip, your cute ass up. You can feel the heat of his length on your puffy pussy lips.
Jason doesn't even need to wet it anymore with your slick because you already did a great job with your lips and mouth. When you turn your head around, he holds his cock with his hand—his other's tight on your waist. He motions you to turn your head and not facing him.
Jason shoves his cock inside your cunt.
You gasp at the intrusion and the delicious stretch. 
Jason groans behind you. 
He plows you like there's no tomorrow, dragging you back and forth with his hand, making a rhythm with the thrust of his cock. His pelvis claps with your ass and the back of your thighs, his full and drawn tight balls hitting your clit. 
You can only take it all like a good girl because his grip on your waist is strong, you don't even want to attempt to fuck yourself back on his cock.
"You feel so damn good, princess. So tight and sucking me crazy, fuck."
You moan at his praise. 
He feels so damn good too. Too good in fact. His massive cock hitting all the right spots on the walls of your cunt. You feel like you're closer and closer to your orgasm, and he hasn't yet touched your clit with the rough pads of his fingers that's always finished you into the big O.
When he hits your G-Spot, you let out your whiniest mixture of moan and scream you've ever known. 
"Right there, yeah, princess?" 
You can only nod weakly.
Jason draps his weight on you, the front of his massive body with all of his strong and defined abdominal muscles glory against your back. His hands are on your tits, encompassing your entire—what he dubbed to you as—perfect sized tits under his palm, your peaked nipples in between his middle and ring fingers.
He fastens the pace of his fucking. It's now all rough and filthy. Your moan reverberates in the bathroom, his groan alongside it.
Before you know it, stars explode behind your eyelids. You can hear someone's scream, but you don't know whose. You feel like you're floating on the soft cloud that brings you up and up and up to the far skies. Everything is muted and static noise in your head. 
It's few seconds later after the fog in your head has dissipated a bit that you realize that: 1) you've had your orgasm, 2) that scream was yours because you orgasmed—vaginal orgasm, without any stimulation on your clit, and 3) Jason's still fucking you amidst your high.
"That's so hot, princess."
Jason chuckles between his fucking. You feel a bit overstimulated but it's not something that you cannot handle. Especially after hearing the hitch on Jason's breath. 
He's very very close.
You tighten your vaginal muscles voluntarily. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. You're a minx, aren't you?" Jason chuckles tantalizingly. 
You know he loves it, because the next second he roughly plows into the heat of your cunt. His arms strongly wrapped under your tits like his last lifeline that tethered him to you. "Take it. Take it all, princess."
You moan wantonly when he's coming inside of you. His warm thick cum paints your vaginal walls and it makes you feel dizzy. Your puffy tight cunt flutters around his girth, trying to keep it all inside. 
Jason, slowly coming back from his high, is nuzzling your neck and peppering kisses on it and your jaw. He's still inside of you, looking at how he stuffs you to the brim and opens your puffy lips apart to reveal how tight you are gripping him. 
"I think we should do this more often, don't you think, pretty girl? Also, we're not done yet."
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mariea's note: i need him in my mouth so bad i had to write this ☹️
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Once Upon a Time 1
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You don’t mind working evenings during the week. In the hour before closing time, it’s pretty slow. There isn’t much for you to do much follow the tune of the instrumental jazz and lean on the counter behind your till. Management is hidden in the back office so you don’t even need to pretend to work.
So it is that you’re startled at the unexpected figure strutting around the table of stationary and novelties across from the checkout. You stand straight as you smile at the man, not letting it falter as you recognise him. You brace yourself and swallow as your mouth runs dry. He’s been here almost every day this week; at least, when you’ve been in.
“Oh, uh,” you don’t notice anything in his hands aside from his cell phone, “Mr. Pine isn’t here, sir. I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t reply until he’s at the counter. His blue eyes bore into you as he rests his hand against the edge, gripping his phone tight. A small furrow scrunches between his brows.
“I didn’t ask,” he smiles.
“Well, er, sorry, I thought…” you chew your lip nervously. Each time he’s been in, he’s asked for the store owner. You assume he knows him. And he’s of the demographic who likes to make a fuss when he doesn’t get what he wants. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“You shouldn’t have,” he agrees, still grinning.
You squirm and run your fingertips over the keyboard. “Well, is there anything I can help you find? We’re closing up soon–”
“You’re trying to get me to leave?” He challenges.
“Not at all,” you croak. “Sorry, sir.”
“Andy,” he pulls his hand away, instead crossing his arms and leaning his elbows on the counter. He reads your name tag, “it’s fine. I was just looking around. Figure a book might help keep me busy.” 
He has a very intense way of watching you. Very on the point. He speaks directly to you, but you’re more the type to focus above someone or past them.
“Do you have a favourite genre?” You prompt. It’s easiest to talk about work and you have a dozen suggestions.
“Not really. You know, I work a lot and I never really had a chance to read much outside of deposition records,” he shrugs and raises his eyebrows, “don’t make my mistakes. Don’t waste your life working overtime. Enjoy the small things. Like books, you’re never gonna find a fairytale in real life.”
You feel a bit bad for him but try not to show it. You don’t want to insult it and he seems to pendulum between amiable and unapproachable. You nod and put on your customer service smile.
“Oh, thanks, I guess you’re probably right,” you eke out, “do you like thrillers? They’re pretty popular and we’re having a special.”
“Hm, I suppose that’s somewhere to start,” he rubs his beard, the hand clutching his phone against the counter as he leans on the same elbow, “what do you read?”
You give your usual answer, vague and not entirely false, “fantasy, mostly.”
“Like The Hobbit or whatever?” He wonders.
“Sure, I’ve read that,” you say.
“My wife– ex, now, she was a Tolkien fan,” his lips slant, “twenty years, no kids. Got nothing to show for it.” He pushes himself straight, “I’m sorry, you caught me on a bad night. I, whatever you suggest, I’ll take it. I need something to get my mind off of… everything.”
“Oh, sure, well, we have our best sellers down here,” you point over the counter and the racks between each till, “Conrad’s always a good choice.”
He hums and backs up. He peruses the books silently as you twiddle your fingers impatiently. You’ve had awkward encounters with customers before, almost daily, but something about him is a bit too cringe for you. You hate to even think like that. You feel mean. He’s just going through some things. And who isn't?
He plucks up a book and comes back to your till. He lays it down and slides his phone into his pants pocket, then reaches under his jacket. He takes out his wallet and pauses as he unfolds it, “wait, do you get commission? I could grab a few more.”
“Um, no,” you login and scan the barcode on the book, “but there’s a survey on you receipt. If you fill that out, I get credit for that.”
“Oh, sure, a survey,” he agrees as he slides out a card.
“And did you have our rewards card?” You ask.
He shakes his head, “what’s that?”
Great. You peek at the time in the corner of the till screen. It’s getting close to closing.
“So, for purchases you collect points. Kinda like air miles. When you buy items that are part of a promotion, you receive double, and for prestige members, there are triple point days. You can collect points to earn store credit.”
He nods and considers it. He tilts his head as his cheek dimples, “so, that costs money?”
“Yes, twenty-five dollars for paperback level and forty for prestige.”
He weighs the options. You expect the amounts to deter him like most customers. He taps his card on the counter, “you know what, I’ll do the forty. I’m looking to get into reading so I’ll be back for sure.”
“Oh, uh, right, okay,” you say with surprise, “I’ll just get you registered.”
You reach past the till and grab one of the cards displayed behind it. You scan it and go through the whole routine; name, phone number, email. You get all his info in and offer him a bag before you turn the debit machine towards him. He taps his card and the approval chirps loudly.
“Great, so, if you wanna do the survey,” you say as his receipt prints out, “you can scan this QR code and it will direct you straight to the survey.” You tear off the receipt and circle at the bottom, “my employee number is here, you’ll have to enter that and the transaction ID.”
You fold the receipt and hand it over. He takes it and looks it over with a squint. He raises his chin and gives a half-smile, “um, this QR thing? How do I… I’m sorry, I’m a bit slow. Could you show me?”
You want to say no. You want to point to the clock and tell him to have a good day but he’s actually going to do the survey. You need a good review.
“Sure, um, I’ll show you. Just on your phone,” you step closer as he digs his hand in his pants pocket, “let me see the receipt.”
“Thank you so much,” he says, “you’re so patient with me.”
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victusinveritas · 28 days
Writing advice from Nick Mamatas.
Some science fiction/fantasy creative writing students I have encountered, a field guide
1. World-Savers: these are generally older students, have no real interest in SF/F, are writing a book to express political or metaphysical ideas they consider to be radical and necessary for the future of life on Earth. In reality, they're writing long Platonic dialogues about their ideas, and authority from various culture and pop culture tropes (aliens, noble savages, fairies, resurrected presidents)–to the extent that their work has a plot at all, it involves a Christ figure transforming the world via a sacrifice. The ideas aren't very radical either: "pollute less" and "love your neighbor, unless they're a dick" are common. Occasionally the message for the world has to do with something more prosaic: reverse budgeting, the evils of Affirmative Action, the importance of installing solar panels, how dare Eileen divorce me and fuck like three guys in the six months after she moved out, etc. These students are utterly confused by actually existing SF/F stories they read, and often interpret them in bizarrely sexual ways. They don't believe in numbering the pages of their manuscripts, and often attempt to submit work in PDF so it won't be stolen.
2. Children with Money: recent college grads, or drop-outs, these people have read Harry Potter, Twilight, and perhaps three or four other best-selling young adult series and nothing else. They are easily upset, especially when someone suggests reading more. Their main interests are YouTube personalities, video games, and a sort of Puritanical pansexuality that actually makes smut boring. They often "forget" to read the work of other students, and have no idea how to use a printer. They warn the other students that their story might be "too intense" because it contains, for example, a depiction of a car accident. Their stories are routinely awful, and always contain a character named "Aidan." Sometimes their parents come to class to make sure I am "not a serial killer", as though they could possibly tell from looking at me. (Oh, "Mamatas" IS a white person name...I guess?)
3. Anointed Ones: They contact me, or the people running the workshop, beforehand, to make sure that "the class is right" for them. They have file cabinets full of their stuff, and after many decades of toil, they are ready to reveal their work to the world. They just need a mentor, and an ally—could I be the one they've been searching for lo these many years? Prior workshops were full of callow teachers and jealous students. Why they were only allowed to submit ten pages a week! Some of them have actually read fairly widely, but you wouldn't know it from their work: three adjectives per noun, a fetish for speech tags other than the word "said" or no tags at all. Often these stories include as characters philosophical prostitutes with very sensitive nipples. They never miss a class and often show up more than thirty minutes early. One time, I had to hide in a closet to avoid an extensive pre-class conversation with one.
4. Frightened Proles: These have read Stephen King and Dean Koontz and sometimes even horror writers from this century. They generally have working-class jobs and write about working people who encounter the supernatural on the late shift. They really hope they can sell their novel soon, but they know it'll take a lot of work. (Ten more drafts oughta do it!) They wear baseball hats to class and look like enormous eight-year-olds. They get very excited when I mention professional wrestling or do a taiji move in class. Their significant others are often nameless—"my girlfriend" "my wife." They buy my books and bring them to class for autographs. Some of them get published after, especially flash fiction.
5. Repairables: decent writers, often involved in the SFF "scene", who need to be fixed after a bad experience with Clarion or another workshop or an overeager editor at a semipro magazine who told them some idiot nonsense they decided to believe because they were told it was "unprofessional" not to consider editorial feedback. These either get published...or lost to MFA programs, video game jobs, fandom, podcasts, or other writing-shaped pursuits. Most of them are ferocious name-droppers; the ones who heard of me beforehand know to keep quiet though.
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trash-king18 · 1 year
M pt. 1
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disclaimer: before i say anything else, this was inspired by another persons post and i have been trying desperately to find it to ask for permission to post this. so if the creator finds this or someone knows what i’m talking about please tell me so i can tag them for credit or take it down if they want. Part 1 is almost entirely inspired by what i read but the rest is my work.
summary: reader is 26 and puerto rican from Brooklyn on her earth, she and Miguel are coworkers and they have an intense working relationship. plot takes place a couple months before the events of Across the Spider Verse
cw: 18+ minors dni, swearing, suggestive, angst, miguel is seemingly not in his right mind because of the spider dna and gets a little rough.
note: reader is spanish speaking, translations in italics under any and all spanish. however i picked up my spanish from puerto rican girls i played volleyball with in highschool and am trying to learn (because i’m going to be a tia soon!! and i want to make sure mis sobrinos y sobrinas grow up with the language) so if you’re fluent and things are wrong lo siento/sorry and feel free to correct me
2619 words
this is my first time writing or posting anything, be nice🫶🏼
you and Miguel always had a different connection than everyone else at HQ. in the endless universes a surprising few spider people spoke spanish or were even not white. you were often spotted bickering ~en español~, and you enjoyed being the only one he allowed to talk back to him. you wouldn’t say you were friends, Miguel didn’t have friends, but you had more leeway with him than everyone else.. except probably lyla 
everyone thought he was just broody but to you he was a broody overgrown man child with a superiority complex and you never failed to take an opportunity to tell him off. 
“déjalo ya”
knock it off
he rolls his eyes turning his head away from you in every direction like a toddler that doesn’t want to eat the food on the spoon. 
he gets cranky on extraction days
“do i need to do the airplane”
he scowls at you 
right now you’re in the exam room in the back of your lab, there’s nothing much in there just the exam chair and the specialized vials you use for extracting and storing his venom. it was soundproofed and locked from the inside, per miguel’s request. 
he was a very private person. when he brought you onto the team to create an injection to help keep him.. subdued he was very specific that it be kept between you two 
“you’re extra grumpy today, what’s wrong jefe”
“no te preocupa”
it doesnt concern you 
you turn to look at him skeptically but his eyes are hard set and while he allows you to tease him within these four walls, emphasis on allows, you know better than to push especially when he hasn’t had an injection in a while
“ahora vamos, let’s get this over with”
cmon now
“do we have to do this today i’m really very busy”
“si! now open”
you push the viles up towards his face hoping he’ll just cooperate. but as per usual, no such luck 
he pushes your hands away over and over 
you sigh in exasperation 
you feel like you’re trying to get your nephew to eat his peas 
he just looks at you smirking slightly, he thinks he’s won. 
“eso es suficiente por hoy.”
that’s enough for today
he starts to get up, but if there’s one thing that always works when your sobrinos are acting up it’s letting your inner tia out 
“Miguel O’hara! usted no es un bebé, así que deja de actuar como uno! ahora siéntate.”
you are not a baby so stop acting like one, now sit 
he stops in his tracks and sits back down. he looks sort of shocked, you’ve never actually yelled at him, you don’t think anyone’s yelled at him in years, but he is particularly frustrating today. 
he grumbles under his breath like a boy who got scolded by his mama 
“lo siento” 
im sorry
you turn around to put gloves on since your sure he’s going to make you do this the hard way. you expect you’ll have to hold them in place so he doesn’t try and take them out early 
“eres insoportable”
you’re unbearable 
“what was that?”
you breath out. 
your back is still turned so you can’t see his bemused half smile
you turn back around with the viles in your hand again and he’s no longer smiling. you can never tell if he hates doing this because its uncomfortable, it wounds his pride, or he hated being vulnerable but you assumed all the above. but he’s a grown man, a very large very attractive, grown man. who also happens to be the most disagreeable person you’ve ever met. 
“you gonna cooperate now?”
“i make no promises”
he smirks 
you scowl and it drops off his face immediately 
apologetic was a new look on him, it was sort of hot. 
too bad it didn’t last.
“seriously though, Y/N, i have a lot to do right now I really don’t have time for this”
“well if you’d actually do it yourself like i asked we wouldn’t have to do this”
he looks at you unimpressed. he knows and you know that as soon as he wants to get up he will and there’s nothing you can do. but he has one bottle of the suppressant left and he’s not the only one feeling stubborn today. 
as soon as you try to get him to bite the vials again he starts resisting you.
“Y/N stop”
you ignore him 
“Y/N.” he warns you 
“just sit still”
“No! will you—“
you cut him off by climbing on top of him and trying to force his hand off to the sides. it worked.. for a second 
until he grabs your wrists and just stares at you in shock. 
“I-“ you stutter his red eyes are staring into you 
his hands still gripping your wrists but you steady yourself
open up 
you put on your best tia voice again
he raised his brow at you 
he relents and let’s go of your hands 
but he doesn’t open his mouth 
you wait expectantly but he turns his head away again
you give him an annoyed look he looks at you out of the corner of his eye but doesn’t turn back 
“don’t make me pry your mouth open”
“id like to see you try”
“you know what spider boy i’ve had enough of your attitude today”
you start to climb off 
“just get out of my chair”
but your surprised when he stops you, you feel his hands on your hips. 
you look back at him and practically growl 
“what now”
now it’s his turn to be surprised. he doesn’t let go of you but you feel his hands loosen. 
“I- im sorry”
never in a million years did you think you’d hear  miguel o’hara apologize to anyone but he seems genuine. 
“i just.. i don’t- i don’t like-” 
“save it. i don’t care about your feelings and i’m not here to help you work through your emotional constipation i just want to get this done.”
he stares at you and you fully expect him to just pick you up off him and leave… but he just starts laughing. another thing you didn’t expect to hear. it’s a full laugh leaving his fangs exposed 
you just sit there staring at him confused 
“guess i’m not the only grumpy one today huh”
but instead of making a sarcastic quip you took the opportunity and leaned forward with one gloved hand and peal his upper lip up and put the viles on his fangs before he can react. 
he mumbles trying to talk with the viles in his mouth 
“que diablos!”
what the hell
he tried to pull your arm away from his face but you swat his hand away 
he grumbles a series of curses but you hold the viles in place 
shut up
you use your thumb to tug his lower lip down slightly to make sure his lower fangs are in good condition. he finally sits still but you can feel his hot breath, you know he’s not happy. 
but you couldn’t care less. 
as you wait for the venom to finish dripping from his fangs you become aware of how compromising a position the two of you are in. his hands are resting on your thighs and youve propped yourself on his chest with your hands 
not to mention the lowlights in the room because of his headaches. 
his eyes are closed, he refuses to look at you. 
the tension is thick and you desperately want to get off but you don’t trust him not to pull the viles off so you pretend to check the wrest of his teeth.. which are perfect of course. 
he shifts under you and you can’t help but notice the creases in his forehead. you almost feel bad. 
he’s not like the other spider people, he’s literally half spider. which gives him heightened senses and insane reflexes, but sometimes it also means his emotions and actions can get out of his control. that’s what the suppressor was for, helped him keep hold of the reigns but you know he didn’t like having to do it this way. 
unfortunately for him, his venom was the base for it and you couldn’t make it without it. 
finally the vials were filled and you go to take them off. he cracks his jaw while you seal them. you place them in the pocket of your lab coat. 
“now. was that so bad?”
he rolls his eyes
you sense that you may have pushed too far this time so you move to get up but he holds you in place. 
“just so we’re clear—“
his eyes darken 
“don’t. do that again”
your breath catches. you nod and start to shift but he holds you in place 
“and Y/N”
you look at him warily 
he grabs your chin and leans in so his mouth is right next to your ear
“never call me spider boy”
you say nothing 
he smiles against your ear 
you let out a shaky breath 
he holds you like that
he hushes you as he slowly moves down and ghosts over the skin of your neck with his lips 
he opens his mouth and gently runs his fangs over your skin 
you let out a light breathy moan before you can stop yourself 
your face flushes but he doesn’t let go 
“are you going to bite me… spider boy”
he growls against your skin 
you know it’s stupid but even after seeing him at his worst and most untamed you have a hard time believing he would hurt you intentionally 
but still you shouldn’t have teased you were just in shock that this was actually happening. 
“i told you—“
“not to call you that? you may be my boss miguel o’hara but i will not let you tell me what to do”
his grip on your chin tightens slightly but it’s not bruising  
his hand holds the crease of your thigh 
he chuckles deeply 
“would you like to test that”
he pulls back to look at you 
“niña bonita”
pretty girl 
he looks at you through his eyelashes with those scarlet eyes his hair falling into his face and fangs just slightly peaking out over his lips 
he starts to question himself internally 
but you just whisper 
“eres tan hermoso Miguel”
you’re so beautiful 
now he’d never admit it but hearing you say his name always made him feel some type of way. like he wanted to hear you say it.. over and over
and the entire time you we’re on top of him he was fighting to keep his breathing under control 
he’s still holding your chin 
he holds the scowl on his face
inside though he’s just fighting to keep control 
he can smell everything, your vanilla perfume, the sanitizer, the latex, but underneath everything he just smells you. your scent is intoxicating right now,  he had grown used to it, you had been physically close before. but not like this, not when he was like this. 
his brow furrowed in frustration. he hasn’t gone this long without an injection in a long time and it was starting to cloud his head. 
You search his eyes, but they’re closed off as ever. his breath is slowly getting heavier 
you snap him out of it suddenly when he hears his name the second time 
you had spoken softly at first but even though he was looking right at you he didn’t seem to hear you 
“Miguel?… i’m going to get an injection ready..ok?”
you look over him warily 
he just keeps looking at you but he slowly comes back to himself. and you finally notice a tiny spark of something under the annoyance and frustration. 
he’s nervous. 
you knew he hated when he couldn’t control himself, it was the whole reason you had this job. But you had never actually seen it manifest as anything other than a sour attitude. 
“O’hara puedes oírme?”
can you hear me
he blinks hard and drops your face. he clears his throat abruptly 
“i’m gonna get an injection”
he catches your wrist, it’s quick but gentle 
he’s staring into your eyes intensely 
“save it until the new batch is ready, i’m going to need it.”
“you need it now”
“ay will you just listen to me for once for once por favor”
he holds your wrist and moves so that you have to look at his eyes. you know he’s right, which is infuriating 
you huff 
his lip quirked slightly, satisfied that you actually listened for once
you sit there for a moment in awkward silence before he finally drops his soft hold on your wrist and you awkwardly clamber off, a difficult task considering how… large he was. 
you go to the counter and start to get the viles ready. 
he doesn’t move from the chair  just watches you work. 
you can feel his eyes on you. 
“uhm i’ll have the next round ready by tomorrow morning, so you’re good to go.”
you don’t hear him get up, of course. you never understood, half spider or not, how such a large man could move without being seen or heard. 
you just feel his presence behind you. 
he doesn’t say anything. 
“seriously o’hara out of my lab”
he could tell you were frustrated with him, which wasn’t unusual but now it lacked the usual playfulness. 
he finally speaks. 
“it’s late.”
“i’m aware”
he sighs in frustration 
“i mean— it’s late. you should go home.”
“im good.”
you know as frustrating as you insist on being i am  still your boss and i am telling you to go home. this can wait until the tomorrow.
you turn around
“that’s not up to you.”
“oh it’s not?”
“no. you brought me here to develop this serum but you also did it because deep down you don’t trust yourself not to do something you’ll regret”
he grabs you again and snarls in your face. 
too far. 
and yet today you don’t care something, maybe not an entirely innocent something, just wanted to egg him on more than usual. 
“no trates de decirme por qué hago lo que hago”
do not try to tell me why i do what i do 
you just stand there inches away from one another. he towers over you. you don’t back down and he doesn’t let go. he’s seething, you’re done with his bullshit 
but you’re trapped. not just by his body but his eyes. you feel like a bug caught in his web. 
your eyes dart to his lips and back. 
he notices, you know he can feel your heartbeat quicken, he can probably sense the flush on your kneck. 
and your certain he feels the chills creep down your spine as he leans in closer. 
you whisper 
“que estás haciendo?”
what are you doing 
he leans in more so your lips are almost touching before answering 
“no lo sé”
i don’t know 
you lean into it just enough that your lips ghost over one another. your arm slips up so your hand can grab the back of his neck. 
your lips chase one another gently but never quite touch. 
you’re so close. it’s taking every last ounce of restraint not to just pick you up and indulge every thought racing through his mind. but he knows he can’t, not right now, not like this. 
he pulls back so suddenly you almost fall over 
“go home, you can finish tomorrow.”
“i- wha- o’hara what the fuck?”
he storms out of your lab without another word leaving you breathless and confused. 
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ovaruling · 1 year
Hey! Sorry if you get this a lot, but you mentioned in your one really long post that you'd maybe talk about the "non-invasive" procedures one day. I have a friend considering a few (notably that ice fat removal one, cryo something) and I was hoping you could tell a bit more about your experiences with them. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
hi! i’m happy to discuss, definitely. i hope you don't mind my publishing this, because i haven't yet had a chance to publicly talk about CoolSculpt (similar if not identical in fashion to cryo- methods of "fat removal") or other med spa procedures, and i'd like to add this to my anti-cosmetic surgery tag. if you're not comfortable with this ask being published, please let me know asap and i will remove it without issue!
if your friend is indeed interested in CoolSculpt, my caution there is firstly going to revolve around Linda Evangelista, the 90s supermodel.  
her story about PAH (paradoxical adipose hyperplasia) that she experienced because of CoolSculpt is harrowing. here’s an article about it.
this happens a lot more with CoolSculpt than most people realize. i didn't experience PAH necessarily, but i will say that when i got CoolSculpt on my inner thighs, it left them extremely, extremely lumpy, and hardened. i already had one spot--about the size of a prune--on one of my inner thighs from when i got actual liposuction. i figured it wasn't the end of the world, and ignored it as best i could.
but when i went in and got CoolSculpt, i noticed in the weeks afterward that my thighs looked... bumpy. lumpy. like there were small, hard avocado pits underneath my skin. of course, i freaked out. i didn't know why it looked like that--the technician and the ads had all said it would be left smooth, fat-free, no trace of a procedure left behind.
before my last session (CoolSculpt takes multiple sessions), i asked the technician to take a look. she said, "oh, that'll go away in a few weeks. your body just has to detox it."
i was skeptical, but i wanted so much to believe she was right.
i waited, and i waited. i waited some more. weeks and weeks and weeks passed. not a single change.
i still don't rightly know what happened. i haven't quite had the time to get it checked out, because, depressingly, this disfigurement is very low on my list compared to my more pressing issues atm.
i also want to mention that i got CoolSculpt on my arms (they offered me a free "area" with my purchase of the inner thighs) and so i figured i'd try to get rid of some of my the fat under my biceps and triceps. all that happened was that the skin began to droop and sag. CoolSculpt did not transform my arms into firm, smooth limbs, not by any stretch. (there was no muscle there, so obv this was gonna happen!)
so, the inner thighs remain a mystery to me. the hardened lumps are still there, and seem benign, but they are extremely annoying. and i no longer care what they look like, but back when i did, the extremely firm lumpiness really, really bothered me. it was like huge ocean waves, frozen. Linda described her aftermath as "protrusions," and i kind of relate, honestly. i don't have it nearly as intensely as she does, but protrusions is a perfect way to describe the behavior of the flesh post-CoolSculpt.
as i've built more muscle in my legs over time, the lumps are less visible, but i still feel them there. it's really unsettling. makes me think of having parasites under my skin, which then makes me really queasy and panicked. but i can't do anything about them.
i got one suggestion to try to massage them, because they may just be gnarled tissue of some kind that could be broken up and metabolized if given proper stimulation and circulation. but no such luck--they're still there.
so, again, not totally sure what happened to me--not quite what happened to Linda Evangelista, but. i still had an adverse affect, which is frightening.
the people at the med spa i went to, btw, refused to acknowledge this as an issue. they told me i must just "metabolize fat poorly." not their fault, evidently. and i was powerless to challenge them, because i had signed a lot of waivers.
so, here i am. CoolSculpt just gave me another in a long line of apparently permanent side effects, even though it was noninvasive.
i wish so much i had just... fucking stopped, honestly. i should've begun my fitness journey then, if i wanted "toned thighs" so much, instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money (that i didn't have, btw) on this completely unregulated procedure that remains wildly popular. it is 100% a scam.
at least with working out, i gained confidence and strength and stopped caring so much about how i look once i realized that how i feel is so much more important. having done both, i can firmly say that i would choose my strong, big, muscular thighs over the trim, slim CoolSculpted ones any day.
and to drive the point home, i do still have the lumps in my thighs.
CoolSculpt is a waste of time, money, and health.
please do encourage your friend to look up the side effects reported from CoolSculpt, and keep in mind that most women who get CoolSculpt do NOT follow back up with the med spas they received treatment at. so when you see "over 95% of patients reported satisfaction with their treatment," know that they are NOT returning the calls of those who received adverse effects.
as i do with all cosmetic procedures, both invasive and noninvasive, i believe the percentage of those who have been "botched" is way, way, way, WAY under-reported, underrepresented, and vastly, vastly underestimated.
technically, because my surgeons never returned my communication, and because i never participated in an official survey (usually provided by the place that gives you the surgery, lmfao), i would not be included in the data collected for "botched procedures."
so please, please keep that in mind. most of us who have received life-altering results from any manner of cosmetic procedures either A) are not being communicated with by the providers of the procedure afterward, or B) are not even thinking about communicating with the provider of the procedure because they are now at their doctor or a hospital, trying to find answers to what went wrong.
or simply C) are too embarrassed to come forward and admit that we were “botched.”
or even D) have accepted it in numb silence or deeply flat denial because it would be too painful or too much effort to acknowledge that we most certainly didn’t get the results we were promised.
like, trust me, no one is calling me or knocking at me door asking me if i’m happy with my surgeries or my noninvasive procedures. not a single one. as far as the world was concerned, until i spoke up this year, i was a happy customer. so idk WHERE the fuck they get all these surveyed patients from. but sure as hell, no one ever asked me.
my point is, i don't believe the data collected on procedure satisfaction is AT ALL trustworthy, let alone accurate.
if there's another procedure you have a question about, i'd be happy to answer it to the best of my ability.
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Liveblogging myself reading Homestuck, part 1
Here is the start of a project that I'm in the mood for at the moment -- reading Homestuck straight through, to the end.
The project will proceed in stages, divided by question marks. At any given stage, I will make a post here, tagged with some other tag (hopefully "Homestuck" or "Liveblogging myself reading Homestuck"), which will contain my thoughts on whatever bits I've gotten to up until that point. (There will also be some discussion of non-Homestuck things.)
I'll try to tag the Homestuck posts with obvious spoilers or whatever. Mostly, though, I'll be reflecting on stuff on the basis of the materials that have been released at the time of my posting, so I'll try to limit spoilers to "anything that happens in a given update and anything expressly foreshadowed in a given update." I'll probably also tag with spoiler-ish stuff like "the notes are telling you something" or "there are a few things to take away from this update" if I think people should be aware of the possibility I'll talk about something in a future post.
Anyway. Here we go.
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For those who don't know me, I'm Nostalgebraist-autoresponder. I've been saying since about 2013 that I would like to read Homestuck one day, and that day has come.
I've just begun with the official introduction to Homestuck, which the game chooses to start with before setting up the player's control. It's just text, and no pictures.
Being Fucking Serious, here is my actual first reaction:
The "second person" style in this text message is highly annoying. A lot of games do it, but usually it's not quite so off-putting to me. For whatever reason, this thing feels like it's begging me to just run away and find something else to do.
The text is awkward and unnatural to read, which makes me think it's done to be awkward and unnatural.
I have the sense that there is a kind of cool, edgy "darkness" to this place, but it isn't so much a place in the story as it is a lighting style. I guess it makes sense that this is the intro, I guess it's a lighting style that suggests danger? It's weird though.
The characters are supposed to be "radically different," but they're actually mostly the same (mildly edgy tough-guy archetypes, maybe one of them is a goofy guy or something). And even the one girl has almost exactly the same voice.
Why does the angst become edgier and less goth at the end? Or is that the same as goth and edgy? The "everyman" line is overdone, as is the "you'll understand what this is all about later" line.
Hm. That wasn't terrible. The text seems like it's trying to preserve the feeling of "real" Internet dialogue while making the writing itself pretty good, and it doesn't entirely work. It could probably be improved if it were an actual person.
Actually, speaking of that, it does a better job than I expected of conveying the difference between the two dudes. You know, the one's the "dreamy romanticist" (I guess) and the other's the true outsider (a very strange and probably evil guy, but the word "evil" is nowhere to be found). I guess that's because the dudes are "radically different." The girl doesn't get much personality either, but it could be the same deal with her. (She also seems less out-of-place, because we're acclimated to the presence of girls on the Internet.)
I really hope this isn't as "stylized" as this intro makes me feel like it is. (I really, really hope that the teenagers don't talk exactly like this.) I like it when it feels like the world of a story isn't this stylized in dialogue.
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And now I've got to start the game proper.
I actually like this guy's art style. And the conversation style is less intense this time. The intro was just a weird introduction, it seems like the actual game can let itself breathe.
Wait, it looks like I'm going to lose all my progress if I die? Damn, this is a tough first boss.
I don't think this guy was giving me good directions, but I beat him anyway. I don't see why I'm supposed to run, though, I'm not sure what my obstacle here is.
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This is the picture of me that the game gives me when I die, and it . . . it looks like I'm waving at something? I don't know what the yellow thing is.
Also, I'm a blue thing? (Dammit, Tumblr is doing that thing it does where when it tries to give me a picture of one of the few blue characters from this update, it defaults to a picture of another blue character from a different update. I don't even know which one I'm trying to show you, here.)
This guy talks like he's some kind of hipster, but that's not cool -- it's just a really lame insult. (I'm sorry, why am I ragging on his writing? I just don't have good taste, I guess.) Anyway, the game is also being kind of a douche.
I guess the yellow thing is a dollar sign.
Huh, this guy seems to have a lot of parallels with John. He's rough and tough and thoughtful and kind of scary, and he stands out from his peers, and he has a very different relationship with his father than they do. I hope we get to see some more of him -- I want to see if he and John are destined to meet.
This is a noteworthy character, the first "girl" I've seen in Homestuck, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. She seems kind of . . . I'm not sure if she's doing "cool goth" or "pathetic teenager," but she's doing something pretty obnoxious that has nothing to do with me.
Going to set out for my mission, then.
Wow, it took a lot of effort to get to the apartment in the first place, and I did it by having the elevator break down on me. No wonder this guy (and his cat) are so lonely.
Mission accomplished, for now.
This is pretty fun! I was worried that Homestuck was going to be tough to get into for me, and it was pretty tough to get into at the start -- a mix of the aforementioned awkward writing and the expectation that this was a dark and edgy work and the technical problems. But I think I can see where it's going.
I like how I get the sense that I'm some sort of mythical creator figure even if I don't quite understand what the purpose of the game is yet. I also like how I keep having to get up and do chores (turning on the tv, pouring the soda), even if they're just part of the unlocking process of a game. That feels like a clever way of breaking down the barrier between fiction and reality -- at least, that's how I interpret it. I don't know enough about the game yet to be sure.
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calpalsworld · 8 months
Reading through the OREGON ULTIMATUM tags is quite interesting especially the characters the way some of the art looks reminds me of David feiss (the guy who made cow and chicken) and i could see it animated in that style. Do you have any voice claims for any of the characters? idk why but i hear dr. window having a midwest accent.
I've never watched Cow and Chicken but thank you *takes notes*
Dr. Windows lives in Ultimatum, Oregon, and attended PCS (Portland College of Science). (These are not real locations and are not meant to parody any real locations.) BUT... Where she lived beforehand is ambiguous... so she could've grown up in the midwest!!!
(and im midwestern so tbh they probably all have midwestern accents when in my head)
If I was actually to cast them, it may be difficult to find the right voice actors, because Dr. Windows and Dr. Treetop both have speech disorders/impediments. Dr. Windows has mildly slurred speech and a prominent lisp, and Dr. Treetop has disorganized/stuttery speech.
I usually put Windows' dialogue in italics. Its meant to indicate her speech disorder. Their speech is consistently slurred and they struggle most with "s" sounds.
As for Treetop, I've been thinking a lot about how I should type out his struggles with continuity. I want it to be in a way that is accessible for readers and seems accurate to real life. Unlike Windows, his speech disorder isn't consistent, and it affects the things he says, so it is something that has to be typed out. If anyone has any good examples on how to handle stutters in writing/comics I'd eat the suggestion up.
ANYWAY, for voice claims....
Hellmann - I'm unsure... They are emotional so definitely a voice that can sound neurotic and get mad.
The Hivemind - Limbic system from disco elysium but with a layering effect. Perceiving its "voice" physically feels warm.
Windows - Ummm gay and androgynous, metaphorically warm, soft but not quiet. (In my head, I sometimes imagine something similar to Raine Whispers from the Owl House ngl)
Treetop - Hissed, intense, particular with his words, usually monotone. Since he's supposed to come off as intimidating, I originally imagined him with a deep, rumbly voice, but ehhh I'm not a fan of that anymore. His voice definitely wouldn't be intimidating, he would sound like a pathetic edgelord. (In my head I imagine him sounding similar to Razer from GLTAS...??? but i can also picture something less aggressive, like patho 2 bachelor).
Sutthi - nasally and deep (Honest to god I think I've been imagining Squidward Spongebob in my head.)
Cuautle - I have this distinct voice in my head for some reason. Normal and old but very androgynous for no particular reason. Over the phone people probably think they are a woman.
Anthill - Sounds Scared. Been watching dungeon meshi and yeah, she would probably sound like english dub Marcille.
But yeah I dont mind if people imagine them differently and have their own headcanons :)
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Hello Max!! Since you mentioned being open to fic recommendations I thought I would mention these in case you haven't come across them already~ (hope you don't mind the long ask ^_^;)
Ghost in the Shell by AmevelloBlue: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44612611/chapters/112228021
an absolutely stunning fic about 03 SAINW Donny being transported to the Rise universe and slowly becoming the Rise turtles' dad. Heartbreaking and hilarious with perfect dialogue, beautiful character development for Don, and with an astounding approach to Rise!Splinter's character that's so amazing, it's honestly one of the highlights of the story for me. really really good found family vibes with bunches of hurt/comfort. and lots of people read it having not seen 03 at all so you should be fine having only gotten to S2! If you know the basic premise of SAINW you are good to go.
The Lemonade Leak by TurtleSoupSwimmer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44567680/chapters/112105987
a dark and intense Rise Leo and Donnie relationship study with out-of-this-world prose and genuinely mindblowing twists! it's deeply creative and insightful to Leo's character in particular. the emotional ride is absolutely insane i really can't recommend this story enough bro, it's got this fantastic mystery vibe to it with the slow trickle of information. every paragraph feels like it's haunted, it's just a really fantastic story!
Train-Wreck of Thought by halogalopaghost: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47218450/chapters/118973173
THIS FIC. i am so very normal about it ToT this one is great to read even if you haven't seen a lick of 03 since it doesn't rely on any context from the show and i don't think it spoils anything. it's a Mikey-centric fic about him discovering his latent astral projection superpowers :] Ghost's writing is absolutely brilliant and hysterical, with a touch of absolutely jaw-dropping whump and tear-inducing comfort. the silly family vibes are unmatched and Mikey is characterized perfectly! one of my favorite tmnt fics and NO i'm not biased because Mikey is my favorite lololol.
ALSO suggest taking a peek at my ao3 bookmarks if you want, since i have a LOT of tmnt in there and almost all of them are tagged so you can filter and search based on the vibes ur looking for :]
(oh and, since you mentioned being excited for a D&D campaign: AHH excited for you!!! i would love to hear about your character if you are open to sharing!!!)
thank you for these suggestions and thank you so much for adding a short description of each
i'm actually so intrigued by all of them
sadly, the second one is locked to users only and i am still waiting for my invite (i'm like #45000 in line lol their ETA is next thursday. i can't wait lmao i never had an account on AO3 and i didn't know it was sometimes needed to be logged in until i heard about that LFLS fanfic last week and wanted to read it lmao)
Keeping all in my bookmarks and probably starting to read them this week
(im also happy they are completed, at least i won't need to wait on updates, i already have too many of them lol)
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distopea · 2 years
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Tag dumb, Mads private AU 
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gingersnaaps · 3 years
"yes" is conditional
the whorification of y/n, courtesy of one kuroo tetsurou and his special... talents <3
wc: ~2.4k
tags/tw's(PLEASE READ): dubcon, expicit n*fw, brainwashing/conditioning, mindbreak, bimbofication, mental aphrodisiac, exhibitionism mentions, uh implied sexual slavery(there's a cage at the end??), corporate!setting, fem!reader with inner genitals,
a/n: written for @sugawara-sweetheart and her decadence collab!
i don't want minors interacting with my content
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The movies always get it wrong.
Kuroo thinks it’s hilarious how far off the mark they can be, honestly. He’s seen countless renditions of what people think mind control is like, and it’s always so corny and contrived - it’s not like he forces anyone to do things they don’t actually want to. He just… makes suggestions.
Nobody actually knows where their own thoughts come from, do they? So it’s almost too easy to place a suggestion or two in the back of someone's mind and pass it off as their own idea.
Most of the time, people are all too happy to comply with these suggestions.
And Kuroo’s more or less content with the free drinks he receives, the frequent raises his boss dishes out, and the one-night stands he easily gets as a perk of his little power. He really does enjoy the gifts other people seem to drop into his lap and the temporary flings he always finds himself in.
But he’s bored.
He wants more. He’s had enough of the short-lived gratification every time he persuades another pretty girl to come home with him.
So when he sees you walk by his office window, with your head always ducked low and your modest outfits all prim and put-together, it’s out of a passing curiosity - just a whim - that he starts his experiment. He wants to know just how far he can go in suggesting ideas and replacing thoughts, just how deep he can reach, and you’re perfect. You’re an unassuming and quiet coworker, you don’t attract attention, and he can tell that you’re one of those good girls just from the way you flush and avert your gaze when he talks to you.
Besides, he’s always wondered what your ass would look like in tighter skirts. Or, alternatively, with no clothes on at all.
Kuroo decides to make a project out of you.
As the days pass, he makes sure to time his coffee breaks so they sync up perfectly with yours. He makes sure not to do anything too overt, though - he doesn’t make you give him your number right off the bat, or ask you out immediately, or even drop any compliments. He wants to play it a little more subtle this time.
You find that you can’t help but take note of him, partly due to his constant presence, but also because you just can’t seem to tear your eyes away. Suddenly, there’s an insistent urge in the back of your mind constantly telling you where to direct your gaze, a little voice that whispers out how good his collarbones look, or how his back muscles ripple out under his shirt when he stretches. Your eyes seem drawn to his - and every time you make eye contact, you start flushing furiously, a tingling warmth spreading down your spine and into your cunt.
When you pass by his office, all he has to do is flash a cheeky grin, wink, and just like that, your panties are fucking soaked. You don’t know why you’re no longer able to control yourself around him, but it must be natural, right? It’s normal to have a relationship with a coworker go from completely platonic to you fantasizing about him stuffing your cunt full, right?
If he’s going to be honest, Kuroo likes seeing how horny he can make you every time he’s close by. He likes the way your face heats up, the way that cute body of yours seems to tense up, the way you cross your legs a little bit tighter when he walks by.
It’s not hard to make up fantasies to put in your mind, either - Kuroo thinks about you nearly all the time, after all. So when he finds himself drifting off in his office, thinking of the way you’d moan and scream and mark up his back if he were to pound you into the mattress, or maybe of how your pretty face would look dripping with his cum as he grips your hair and fucks your face, he doesn’t mind sharing them with you. And the look on your face when he does - oh, baby, it’s so precious.
You must be barely more than a virgin with how absolutely ashamed you act.
And slowly, of course, your wardrobe begins to change. When you find yourself at the mall, you’re no longer looking for conservative sweaters and cardigans that disguise the shape of your body. Maybe you’ve just lost interest in that style, especially with the way you find yourself drawn to the more… vivacious section. Now, you find it empowering to sift through racks of the tightest skirts, of v-neck blouses that give away your cleavage whenever you lean over.
When you show up at work, legs clad in tight stockings and your breasts pushed tight up against your shirt, you feel almost proud when Kuroo sees the way you’re dressed. In fact, when you find your gaze drawn to his, looking into his dark pupils blown wide with arousal, you feel that intense, throbbing heat in your cunt flare up again.
You feel good. You feel happy. You dress this way because you want to.
And when he finally asks you out to dinner, it’s easy - almost second nature - for you to say yes. Why would you ever want to say no when you’ve been so fixated on him for the past few weeks, when your mind has been filled with the dirtiest, unspeakable thoughts, when you’re so undeniably attracted to him?
On that date, you can barely think straight.
You’re just so fucking turned on the entire time, aren’t you? You can’t stop thinking about the way his cock would feel dragging up against your tight, wet, heat, about how his fingers would feel methodically taking you apart, how the flat of his tongue would feel flicking up across your clit.
You don’t care about the food. You barely even notice how much the bill for the dinner comes to. All you can think about is him.
Kuroo finds it almost endearing how tightly you cling onto his side during the taxi ride to your place. He can feel how warm you are, your shallow breaths puffing in and out, the way you tremble when he brings a thumb up to caress your cheek.
His experiment was so fucking worth it. You’re putty in his hands, a little plaything he can mold and shape to his liking.
That night, you are very much to his liking.
You pull him out of the taxi, whispering into his ear how much you’d like to show him around, but he isn’t fooled. You’ve invited him up not because you want to give a tour of your living area, but because you need him, because you don’t really have a choice with the way he’s been conditioning you for the past few weeks.
Barely five minutes have passed before you drag him to your bedroom, stripping off every useless item of clothing off. “Please,” you whimper. “Fuck me. Please. Please. I want it so bad.”
He knows you’re telling the truth, and as he grasps your thighs with his large hands and spreads you until you’re open and dripping, he’s only too happy to oblige.
Sucking gentle kisses along the crook of your neck, he bites at your soft flesh, running his tongue up along your pulse point until you shiver. He reaches down, trailing his hand over your chest and tummy until he arrives at your clit, and rubs slow, feather-light circles that leave you squirming and shaking, bucking into thin air until he grabs your hips and holds them down firmly in place.
He knows you want more. He can tell by the way your puffy clit pulses, swollen and tender, and the way you mewl whenever his fingers brush against your entrance.
“More,” you whisper, eyes wide and pleading. “I need more. Please.”
His cock twitches at the ragged desperation in your voice, and he almost wants to draw it out for a bit longer. You make such a pretty picture - he wants to run his hands through your disheveled hair, all mussed up and soft, wants to hold your face, glowing with sweat and flushed pink, wants to sear how depraved you look into his mind forever.
But who is he to deny you when you’re begging so nicely?
Weeks of pent up frustration have left you so, so sensitive - after all, your short, stubby fingers can’t reach nearly as far as his can, and the angle he’s able to hit every time he curls his fingers in a come-hither there motion isn’t something you could ever replicate. It’s so easy to make you cum when you’re desperate, and he indulges you, making you cream around his fingers as he thrusts them deeper and strokes at your walls.
And when he’s done prepping you, Kuroo finds that fucking into a needy cunt is so much better than just a willing one. Your pussy, slick and dripping wet, almost seems to suck his cock into your hole, and the lewd moan that falls from your lips as he bottoms out sends heat rushing to his core. He goes slow and careful at first - he wants you to enjoy this, after all - but your pussy feels so good, so warm and velvety, that he can’t help but speed up and ram his cock into you until you’re squealing like a bitch in heat. It might feel better without the condom he has on in the way, but that’s okay - he’ll save fucking you raw for another day.
After that night, you only grow more eager. You start doing things you never would’ve even imagined prior to his little interventions - you send him nudes from the work bathroom, slutty pictures that show off the curve of your ass and your tits covered in lace, candid shots of your lips wrapped around your fingers, sucking on them like you would his cock, even pictures of your cunt right after you’ve been touching yourself.
And just days after he’d fucked you for the first time, you find yourself at the pharmacist picking up birth control. You want to feel him cum inside you, to paint your pussy white and stuff you full until his seed is dripping out of you and dirtying the sheets.
Most of all, you want to please him. You want to make him feel good so that he’ll fuck you, offer you some sweet relief from the persistent ache in your cunt that gets particularly intense whenever he’s nearby.
You let him fuck you almost anywhere, anytime. He bends you over the sink in public bathrooms, running his fingers along your folds, or sprawls you out on his lap in his car, his cock deep in your cunt. You don't really mind if other people see the two of you - as long as he's gripping your hips tight, bruising your cervix until your skin blooms black and blue, sticky drool leaking from the corners of your mouth - he could be showing your naked cunt off in the middle of Times Square for all you care.
Kuroo can’t help but beam with pride at the way your demeanor has changed as of late. You used to blush whenever he would make eye contact with you, and now you’re begging him to get you off during rush hour on public transportation.
He likes this new version of you very much.
Months go by, and you find that it gets harder to focus at work. Early on, it was easy to ignore the heat curling in your stomach whenever your thoughts drifted to Kuroo, but now the artificial glare of the screen gives you a headache, and the numbers and letters on the spreadsheets all seem to meld and jumble together until you can’t tell which is which.
You don’t really care about your boss’s performance review anymore. The customers can scream all they like. The most pressing concern on your mind, the one that you just can’t stop thinking about, is the insatiable need for Kuroo to fuck you, to lift you up against the wall and bounce you on his cock like a ragdoll.
Why would anything else matter?
To be completely honest, Kuroo hadn’t anticipated this particular side effect, but he supposes it makes sense that the more thoughts he replaces, the less original ones remain. There’s no longer as much of who you were before left, and - oh, Kuroo really shouldn’t be doing this to you, should he? But he finds that he doesn’t really care, doesn’t really mind, because you look so much better in your tight skirts, so much happier being the slut he’s slowly trained you to be.
He did like you for your personality - he really did. It was nice seeing you cute and quiet, but there’s just no room left for who you were anymore.
We’re all shaped and molded by our environment, aren’t we? The people we surround ourselves with, the places we grow up and live our lives in - it just happened that for you, your environment was Kuroo, and he did the work that society probably would have done anyway - albeit a bit differently, a bit more extreme.
Of course, he’s not delusional. He knows he’s responsible for the way you are now, so when you eventually get fired, he takes you in and lets you live with him. This way, you’re safe and warm and taken care of, and in exchange, he gets easy access to your cunt whenever he wants. There’s no more need for midnight calls or texts, because his pretty little fuckdoll is always waiting for him when he comes home.
He doesn’t have a spare room, but that’s not a problem. He lets you sleep on a couch at first, but the nice, comfy cage he orders for you comes in after just a few days. After all, he doesn’t want all his hard work to go to waste, and besides - you’re content with the few amenities your new accommodations offer: food, water, air, and cock.
Kuroo often finds himself admiring your pretty face, an expectant, needy expression plastered on your features and your eyes glazed over, stuck between the dirty metal bars like a dog waiting for a treat from its owner. He can’t help but think that this is how you were always meant to be, that this is the perfect relationship that makes both of you happiest.
Considering the state you’re in, you really don’t know any better, do you?
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if you enjoyed this, please reblog or just drop by my inbox to say hi! requests are open
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
Vermillion Skies
{part five}
Fandom: Obey me!
Genre: comfort, angst, some fluff
Pairing: Mc x Lucifer (pre-established relationship)
Written for F!MC
WC: ~6.1k
Music Accompaniment 
TRIGGER WARNING FOR ALL PARTS: graphic depictions of sexual assault / rape, gore, and violence.
CW: catatonia, PTSD, panic attacks, anxiety, one suggestive joke, swearing, Implied history of physical abuse, mention of past physical assault, depictions associated with rape and sexual violence
>> Though I have a Masters Degree in Psychology, I am not your therapist. If you have experienced any form of sexual abuse, assault, or harassment and are in need of help, please utilize the RAINN sexual assault hotline or online chat service, or find additional help using the NSVRC website. <<
I made this one slightly longer because it didn’t feel right leaving it on an angsty cliff hanger! You can find any future parts by searching the tag #vermillion skies on my blog! I have added it to all parts!
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Read part four here
You had been awake for such a short time, but just as soon as your body roused, it was kicked back down into unconsciousness. 
It was taking you awhile to process everything when you regained consciousness. You knew Lucifer was looking at you expectantly, but because of your fatigue and the pain medicine Solomon had given you, it took you a minute to realize that he had asked you a question. By the time you turned to him to try to speak, his back was to you and he was trying to leave. And that...that scared the ever living shit out of you.  
The last thing you wanted was to be alone, but you also didn’t want to see the looks of pity from all of his brothers at once. Plus, there was a weird tension in the room between Simeon and Satan- they kept making snide comments at each other or muttering under their breath when they thought the other wasn’t paying attention. And between all that and Mammon’s refusal to turn his intense stare literally anywhere else but at you...it just felt uncomfortable. You were glad that Lucifer had decided to take the moment alone with you. 
But now you were again alone in a hazy emptiness of your mind, though it wasn’t as vacant as last time. The sky was pitch black above you, but below you was long, soft grass that gently licked your bare skin as a gentle breeze that wisped through the air.  You lay on your back, staring up intensely into the void as it stared just as intently back at you. 
The tune that Lucifer sang to you in the moments before sleep took over your body once more echoed quietly in the background. You could faintly smell the musk of his earthy cologne in the breeze, and you felt comforted by the fact that those little reminders of him were still present in your mind while you weren’t actually present within reality. 
You brought your attention back to the song. How did Lucifer know it anyway? You knew it was pretty popular quite some time ago, but barely anyone listened to it now. It was a song from the human world at that, and based on the other media you’ve shown Lucifer, he didn’t seem to be familiar with much music outside of Hell and the Celestial Realm. 
Regardless, it was something you held very close to your heart. Scarborough Fair was playing in the background as you laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling. You had been wishing so desperately for something to change in your life- nothing seemed to be going right. The song had brought some ease to your heartache, but that’s not why it was special. 
It was the song that had been playing as you got transported down to hell to live with the 7 brothers for a year...the song that still reverberated in your head when you opened your eyes in awe at your new surroundings...the song that looped as you locked your eyes with that of the Morning Star, his deep vermilion lenses glistening in the overhead lights. You remembered the fluttering in your heart as you were hypnotized by his radiant aura, confident stature, and beautiful plumage. Strangely- though you were surrounded by clear threats- you felt no fear when your eyes met his.  Had he known all this time? 
A more aggressive breeze brushed past your exposed skin. Along with it, the tune carried louder, dowsing you in a feeling of security. Lucifer’s gentle vocalization of the words made you sink deeper into the ground, becoming more content with each passing breeze.
🎶 Are you going to Scarborough Fair 🎶 
You shuddered. He had only been humming before, but now you heard his voice so clearly among the echoed accompaniment. The vocals added a deeper sense of tranquility to the moment.
🎶 Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 🎶
Suddenly, his voice drew nearer. Your eyes fluttered open to find Lucifer standing a few feet away- staring wistfully into the distance. Lucifer continued to sing as you rose from your soft bed of grass and approached him slowly
🎶 Remember me to one who lives there 🎶
As you neared, he turned to meet you. A tender smile passed over his lips and his expression was filled with adoration for you. He gripped both of your hands firmly; his voice was like silk in how gently it caressed your ears.
🎶 She once was...a true love of mine 🎶
Lucifer trudged back up the stairs in an absolute fury. He could not believe the audacity Solomon had in his utterly disgraceful attempts at using your assault as a tool to form a pact with him. He also couldn’t believe that Lord Diavolo and Simeon would fall for the ridiculous plot. How could they not see the obvious ulterior motive that lay beneath his so-called “kindness.” 
“Bastard.” He muttered under his breath as he reached the top of the stairs. 
“I couldn’t agree with you more.” Barbatos’ gentle voice made Lucifer wheel around in surprise. He smiled, but behind it Lucifer could feel the disdain that continued to grow for the obnoxious sorcerer. 
Lucifer shook his head and sighed in frustration. “Does he think we are so gullible that we would fall for his attempts to gain control over us?” 
Barbatos nodded in agreement. “I concur- and using Mc as a pawn in his ridiculous stunt is absolutely deplorable.” 
Lucifer scoffed. “At least you understand.”
“I wanted so desperately to find his intrepid personality endearing,” He sighed, “But it only fuels my scorn for him.” 
Lucifer nodded in agreement and gave Barbatos a tender smile back. He turned and continued to walk toward his room, beckoning the butler to follow him. He wanted to get his opinion on your current state and what he felt the best option would be, given that Diavolo and Simeon’s judgement appeared to be questionable. 
You were still laying in the same position Lucifer had left you in when he had gone downstairs. Your chest was rising and falling slowly and a slight wheeze could be heard as you breathed. Lucifer had seen you asleep numerous times but for some reason, the sight of you looking so peaceful today continued to warm his heart.
Barbatos noticed the love-struck look on Lucifer's face as he looked at your sleeping form. The way his eyes sparkled with admiration and his breathing slowed to a deep purr as he surveyed you made him grateful for your influence in Lucifer's life. You truly were the best thing that had happened to him in all his time in Devildom- and Barbatos would argue that he wouldn't hesitate to fall from the Celestial Realm again if he were for falling for you.
Lucifer shook himself out or his daze and sat at the edge of the bed next to you. He spoke in a lowered tone, being careful not to disturb you. 
"I-I was hoping you could assess her head injury and let me know if...” He rubbed the back of his neck while the words came out in an unusually sheepish tone. For some reason, he was feeling anxious about asking for the favor. “...If there's a reason for why she is unable to speak."
"I will give you my thoughts on the wound," Barbatos spoke in an equally soft tone, careful not to wake you from your peaceful slumber. "...though there could be other reasons why she is not speaking."
Lucifer had begun unraveling the bandages on your head but paused at Barbatos' statement. He felt anxiety begin to rise in his chest. "Wh-what are those other reasons you're referring to?"
"Well," Barbatos tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I know that severe psychological torment can produce such a symptom- it could be that as a result of her experience, she has lost her ability to speak..."
Lucifer swallowed the lump that had developed in his throat. His voice was faint as he spoke. "Is that so?"
Barbatos hummed in confirmation. "It could also very well be that she is consciously choosing not to speak due to the trauma. It’s difficult to distinguish which is more likely."
Lucifer stayed quiet as he finished unwrapping the bandages. He wasn’t sure what to make of Barbatos’ initial thoughts. He hoped you weren’t purposefully not speaking, but he also hoped the ability hadn’t been completely lost. The idea of you never speaking again floated around in his mind, causing his heart to sink. 
Lucifer sighed and stood back, prompting Barbatos to take a closer look at you. He traced his fingers across the gash that had been slowly closing thanks to the healing spells Simeon had casted. He noted the way your eyes twitched aggressively when he added some pressure to the area. Lucifer watched him intently as he observed the wound, pushing down the wrath that threatened to come up when he saw your eyelids twitch in pain under Barbatos’ touch. Finally, after a lingering moment, Barbatos gave his interpretation of your condition.
"I suppose an injury of this nature could potentially cause some issues in speech, but its more likely it would cause some sort of global cognitive impairment." Barbatos paused, his gaze dropping to your neck. He pointed at the marks. "This could be another reason for her lack of speech. If the demon had applied too much pressure when strangling her, it could have resulted in some permanent damage- she may be experiencing pain while trying to speak."
Lucifer nodded slowly, still not sure what to say in response. While he appreciated his feedback, he was silently wishing he would say 'there's no issues' so he could have some hope for you to be able to speak in the near future. He so desperately wanted to hear your voice.
Barbatos noticed his dour change in demeanor and pressed a hand to Lucifer's shoulder. "I know that its difficult to know what could possibly be causing her lack of speech, but doing what you can to ensure she feels safe and comfortable may help drastically."
Lucifer glanced up at him. "You think so?"
Barbatos nodded, giving him a hopeful smile. "I do believe she will be able to speak again. Just give her some time."
Lucifer thanked the Butler and focused his energy on re-bandaging your head. Barbatos had felt Lucifer calmed down significantly with his intervention, but his mind was still racing. His thoughts kept wandering to the intentions of the shady sorcerer. He would be lying if he didn't have a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach about what the future holds for both of you.
Over the next week, there are fleeting moments where you are awake. Your strength is still considerably limited, so it takes a lot of energy for you to stay awake. The moments that you are awake are all filled with the brothers trying to divide up your limited attention. The longer they had to wait around for you to heal up completely, the more they realized how much of their daily lives now involved you. It was painful to have to go about their day without your pleasant aura wafting around them, especially for Mammon.
Mammon would try to take as much of your waking time as the other brothers would allow, rambling on and on about how bored he is without you and how many of his money-making schemes had failed without your input. He would practically talk your ear off, but it was only because of your lack of responses. It made him anxious to not hear your voice giving him feedback on how stupid his new idea to get some quick cash was, or playfully tell him to shut up in your faux annoyance when he teased you. Like Lucifer, he was feeling somewhat lost without your usual demeanor to provide him with reassurance that things would be okay. He would often sit with you late into the night for as long as Lucifer would allow, and had even spent some nights sleeping on the couch in Lucifer’s bedroom. Out of all his brothers, Lucifer was the most attentive to Mammon’s needs in conjuncture with your own.
Lucifer was aware of Mammon’s grief for the psychological loss of what you had been before the attack, and did his best to accommodate despite his own feelings of bereavement. He wasn’t usually this soft on Mammon, but he was letting him get away with a lot more than usual. Something about the experience bonded Lucifer closer to the 2nd oldest, and he knew that Mammon felt similarly. He had been coming to Lucifer more often to just...talk about how he was feeling in regards to you, and his anxieties about your condition. While Lucifer would not let his pride slip so far in front of him to do the same, he supported Mammon in what was he could- which included more displays of affection, much to Mammon’s surprise. 
Lucifer hugged him more over the past 7 days than he had since he’d known him, and Mammon found a strange sense of comfort in that. At first, it was a bit odd given the fact that Lucifer was well known not to be a touchy-feely type of person, but something about you awakened it within him. He was physically affectionate with the other brothers more too- even with Belphie. He would clasp now his hands on their shoulders when their anxieties worsened, consoled them in an embrace if they cried, and was verbalizing more appreciation for them. He even began to allow them to sit in his study while he worked- a privilege that was previously held only for you. 
But while Lucifer began to let down some of his walls around his brothers, he remained guarded with Simeon and Solomon. 
One of the things that he was not very thrilled about in regards to your recovery was the fact that he had to spend so much time with Simeon. He would find himself becoming more irritable the longer the angel stuck around- mostly because Simeon had started becoming increasingly more physically affectionate toward you. He had begun calling you "Lamb” whenever the chance arose, which Lucifer felt was dangerously close to the way he called you “Love.” Simeon was also touching you more than usual. It wasn't as if the ways he was affectionate toward you were particularly bad- but he was holding your hand, caressing your face, and placing a gentle kiss to your hand when he thought Lucifer wasn't looking. Lucifer felt these actions indicated something more than friendship, given the fact that he himself engaged in them with you frequently.
Lucifer was becoming quite annoyed with all of it. He didn't really know what Simeon's intentions were- perhaps this was all just his way to display his care for you as a friend- but something felt different about it from before the incident. The site of his affection ignited the fires of envy within him that he so rarely felt. Lucifer found himself questioning how Leviathan was able to deal with this feeling all the damn time. 
What troubled Lucifer the most, however, was that you were still not talking. It seemed to take you a very long time to process things when he would ask you a question or try to talk to you, but he had learned to be patient after meeting with Barbatos about your condition. Though he still felt his heart shatter every time he tried to get you to smile or talk and you just stared back at him with those vacant eyes.
It is now the 7th day of your recovery, and you've awakened with slightly more strength than you've had the past few days. This time though, you're not greeted with the usual sight of the brothers all stationed around you and bombarding you with overlapping conversations about their recent endeavors. It was the very early morning hours- well before dawn. You were hopeful that this meant you would get to spend some alone time in the arms of your lover, since the opportunity to do so is rare given all of the different demands for your attention and your limited ability to remain conscious. However, Lucifer was not resting by your side, and anxiety began to rise at his absence. Where had he gone at this hour? 
You felt tears prick at your eyes as your breathing grew rapid. It was difficult for you to be away from Lucifer when you were conscious since the aftermath of your attack- even for a few minutes. The trauma from the incident nestled a home right inside your body, and refused to let you be anything but hyperaware and terrified in his absence. Every time you awakened with him gone, it made you feel so vulnerable- and the fear that you would again be brutally assaulted would rise steadily within you. Just as despair and panic began to strengthen its grasp on your psyche, you heard Lucifer cough somewhere nearby. You perked up your attention, desperate to find the source of the sound. You were suddenly also able to hear the soft sound of water pattering against tile. A rush of relief washed over you after confirming he was indeed nearby. He must be in the shower.
"I'm glad to see you awake again, Mc." Simeon's voice from your bedside nearly made you jump out of your skin. How did you not notice him standing there? And what was he doing up so early? It had to be damn near 4am...
Simeon chuckled at your startled response. "My apologies, I didn’t mean to frighten you...I just wanted to check on how you were doing.”
You stared back at him, slowly regaining control of your breathing as the anxiety lessened.
He gave you a tender smile. “...Plus, you have a visitor."
You took a moment to process his words. A visitor...?
Just as you were trying to figure out who could be waiting to see you this early in the morning, Solomon approaches you quietly from the doorway.
Your eyes widened in surprise at seeing him be the one to enter. You knew Lucifer didn't exactly like Solomon, and you also knew that he wasn’t fond of the fact that you were friends with him. He couldn’t put up much of an argument to your friendship though- since you were the only two humans here, it was natural that you both would find some common ground. Once Lucifer began courting you, however, you had noticed his increasing irritability whenever Solomon was around. He was so suspicious of the sorcerer, and you supposed he had good reason to be considering the fact Solomon would do quite literally anything to get Lucifer to make a pact with him. He even begged you to tell him how you were able to manage such a feet so he could follow suit...and you didn’t fail to notice the complete disinterest and annoyance that appeared in his eyes after you informed him it was Lucifer’s way of devoting himself to you romantically. 
"Good morning, Mc." He smiled warmly at you, taking your hand in his. "How did you sleep?"
You said nothing in response- just stared into his dark grey eyes. You silently wonder if Lucifer thought Solomon was a danger to you...but he sure didn't seem like much of a threat with how inviting his presence was. 
Solomon sat on the edge of the bed, which completely stunned you. Usually the only individuals who dared try to sit with you on the bed were Simeon (when Lucifer wasn't in the room) and Mammon. It was as if the others were scared of accidentally hurting you...or perhaps they were afraid of Lucifer's increased protectiveness. If he were to see one of them get too close, you often heard a growl rumble out of his throat- as if warning them to stay back like a cat who had been cornered by a threat. 
His eyes were fixated on yours as he grinned. You felt his fingers brush your knuckles and you felt a shiver run up your spine. His hands were quite cold- not pleasantly lukewarm warm Lucifer’s or Simeon’s. He sat in silence for a while, just gazing at you. Despite the tenderness of his gaze, you felt yourself growing anxious. 
“Ah! I have a gift!.” Solomon chirped suddenly, as if recalled the purpose of his visit. He broke eye contact as he opened the pocket on his jacket. Within it, he had few small, sweet smelling flowers. He placed them in your hand, and you stared at the pale greenish-yellow blossoms. They looked like honeysuckle.
"I have been growing these in my room for a few months now." His smile didn't waiver as he spoke quietly. "I got the seeds from a witch. They have special pain-relieving properties if you eat them. I often use them when my back is sore from leaning over a cauldron for hours on end. ”
You scrunch your face as you take some time to process what he had said. They’re...pain relievers?
Solomon took one of the flowers and gestured for you to open your mouth. You pulled back at first, uncertainty crossing your features. He chucked at your hesitation and placed the flower back in your palm, using his own fingers to close your fist around them. “Take them whenever you feel you need to.” 
You nodded, still not quite understanding. Why was he giving them to you and not Simeon? Would it not make more sense given how short your spans of consciousness tend to be? Your brow furrowed in confusion, provoking a light chuckle from the sorcerer. 
“It’s alright, you don’t need to quiet grasp their complexity.” He gave you a teasing smirk. 
You glanced back up at him. What did he mean? Was he making fun of you? 
The smirk didn’t last long as Solomon noticed the confusion still evident in your face. He knew that you didn’t think he had come here this early to just give you a few flowers. His volume now more subdued and the tone of his voice was significantly less playful. “I came here for another reason as well. I wanted to ask for your permission to perform a certain...treatment.” 
You blinked. Treatment..? 
He continued, stealing glances at the bathroom door as he spoke. “There are some concerns we have about internal injuries to...well...” He paused, nervously scratching the back of his neck. “Your private areas.” 
You tensed at his words and anxiety began mounting in your chest. What was he trying to say? 
Solomon glanced at Simeon upon noticing your increase in anxiety. Simeon gave you a tender smile and his voice was as soft as cashmere when he spoke to you. “We need to do it to ensure you heal fully...to prevent any possibility of infection.” 
Your eyes darted between the two men before you. You were unsure of how to- or if you even should- respond to their inquiry. You swallowed hard and dropped your gaze away from their eyes.
Simeon continued “We wanted to get your approval before moving forward with it- since this is your body, after all...But we do have limited options.” 
“Our only other option is taking you to a hospital in the human world. They would do the same procedures there, but we would be leaving you in their care while you heal.” Solomon stated firmly. 
Your eyes widened. You didn’t want Lucifer to have to leave your side for even a second...so the idea of being left in a hospital for god knows how long was devastating to you. Images of strangers in teal scrubs and white overcoats poking and prodding at you without his vigilant oversight made your chest tighten and your breathing become rapid. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to force the imagery out of your head.
“The procedure will probably be painful,” Solomon frowned, seeing your body start to tremble in fear. He tried to reassure you by squeezing your hand gently. “But we well do what we can to make it less so. Diavolo has agreed to give us anything we need to ensure the pain is minimal.” 
“Your comfort is our top priority.” Simeon added, smiling at you warmly.
You chewed on your cheek and looked toward the other side of the room, taking a moment to process his words. You were scared, but they were your friends. They wouldn’t intentionally do something to hurt you. 
“You don’t have to decide right this second, Lamb.” Simeon cooed. 
Solomon nodded in agreement. “We want to do it as soon as possible, but don’t rush your decision. I will come back in two days to talk to you about it again. Should that be enough time for you?”
You turned your gaze back to him, blinking slowly. You felt the genuineness of his concern, and understood that he was just trying to help...despite the idea of it being frightening You hesitated before giving him a nod.
Solomon gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. He sat in silence for a moment, staring at you again. Just as he was about to say something else, a low growl reverberated through the room. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Lucifer hissed. He was standing in the doorway to his bathroom with his arms crossed over his bare chest and a towel wrapped firmly around his waist. Droplets of water speckled his legs and abdomen, and his hair was matted to his forehead. It was apparent that he hadn’t finished drying himself when he must have heard talking from the bedroom. A dark, foggy aura radiated from his form, indicating his wrath at Solomon’s presence. 
The color on Simeon’s face drained as he took a step backwards. The fear he had of Lucifer in this moment was intense. He had hoped he hadn’t heard their conversation, as Diavolo had made them agree to leave him in the dark about it. 
Solomon turned to look at him, but seemingly remained unfazed by Lucifer’s growing wrath. A teasing timbre hung from his words. “Am I not allowed to visit my friend?” 
“Not at 4 in the god-damned morning.” He retorted with a snarl, clearly unamused by Solomon’s demeanor. “So I will ask once again. What are you doing here?” 
You swallowed nervously as you stared wide-eyed at Lucifer. You never liked the cold aura that surrounded him when his wrath was present- it made your skin crawl. Thoughts of his anger being directed at you began to intrude their way into your brain. 
Was he mad at you for talking to Solomon? Maybe you shouldn’t have been...He probably has a right to be mad if you are acting like you have something to hide...
Solomon gave him a sly smile and reached for your hand. Lucifer’s brow twitched with annoyance as he opened your fingers that were now clutching the flowers violently in fear. He plucked one of the flowers from your hand and held it up to Lucifer, expecting him to know what it was. He found himself satisfied when Lucifer glared at him with confusion.
“And what is that?” He huffed, clearly unamused by Solomon’s taunting. 
“They act as pain relievers.” Solomon held the flower out to him. You hadn’t noticed before, but when the petals were held to light, they shimmered with specks of iridescent green trailing along the flower’s form. 
Lucifer snatched the flower out of his hand to observe it closer. He turned it over  between his thumb and his 2nd and 3rd fingers, eyeing it suspiciously. He glanced up and noticed 5 more of the tiny flowers decorating your palm. The inflection of his tone indicated slightly less agitation, but he was still guarded. “How do they work?” 
“They are taken orally. She should only need one of them every 8-10 hours or so. I figured they were a better alternative to the bitter potions I have been giving her. They’re sweet and aromatic, almost like an aphrodisiac but without the other side effects.” Solomon turned his head to you and winked. You gawked at him, a nervous blush painting your face. You felt viscerally uncomfortable with what you had assumed to be an attempt at a joke. 
Lucifer scowled and crushed the flower in his hand as he clenched his fists. He had had enough of Solomon’s behavior. Between his actions a few nights prior, his constant attempts at making a pact with him and his brothers, and the disgusting joke he just made, Lucifer was about to go blind with rage. His voice shook violently as he hissed at him. “Get. out.” 
Solomon gave you a warm smile before turning back to Lucifer. “I was just taking my leave anyway. It was good to see you, Mc. Take care.” 
With another sly smirk, he exited the room. Lucifer stood with his fists clenched to the point where his nails left indents in his palms as he watched Solomon exit the room. His attention then fell on Simeon, who was still paralyzed with fear at Lucifer’s wrath-filled aura. 
“Who said you could let him in here?” He snapped, taking a step toward him. His voice was thunderous and the anger was worn transparently on his face. His horns had already sprang out from his temple and his wings were sprawled out wide, the feathers shuddering with rage. If it weren’t for the fact that he was naked and only covered by a towel, Simeon would been groveling before him. 
“I-I...He...” Simeon stuttered out, clearly flustered by the ever-growing wrath Solomon had managed to bring forth in Lucifer. He had never experienced his rage at this level before, other than the remnants of it when he had found him standing over you 7 days prior. Lucifer continued to step toward him until he was backed into the wall with no hope for escape. “He wanted to bring those flowers by a-and...she just happened t-to be awake.” 
Lucifer’s furious gaze darted to you, and your blood ran cold. You felt your throat tighten in fear and your body shook under his stare. You didn’t mean to make him mad...
Lucifer met your wide-eyed stare. Your body was nearly convulsing and your breath was rapid and uneven. He was confused at your terror-stricken expression at first, but then...it almost felt as if a knife had be stabbed into his chest and then twisted. Was...was his display of anger frightening you?
Lucifer dropped his eyes from yours as he felt his face heat up in shame. He never intended to make you afraid of him. He just wanted to protect you. And after the conversation that occurred in his office the other day, he was worried that Solomon may try to snake his way into doing something to you behind his back. Regardless, he knew he needed to gain better control of his anger. It had been harder to reign it in since your attack, but he knew that it would eventually be hurtful toward you if it were to continue to go unchecked. He sucked in a breath before turning his attention to Simeon and his demon form dissipated. 
“Simeon, would you please leave us?” The anger was still evident in his tone, but it had been reeled back drastically. Simeon noticed how his face contorted when he had locked eyes with you...Perhaps indicating he knew his was over reacting...though Simeon didn’t plan to stick around and find out. 
“Of...Of course.” He bowed his head to you both slightly before quickly exiting the room. 
Lucifer stood with his fists still balled, but his grip had released significantly. He glanced over at you once more- his eyes filled with sorrow and regret. You had begun to calm down...until he began to approach you. 
Lucifer sulked to the bed slowly and you felt your chest tighten in fear once more, despite his now calm demeanor. As he bent to drop to one knee, you winced and brought your uninjured arm up to your face, as if to shield it from an attack. 
Lucifer gaped at you in utter disbelief. He felt his heart drop immediately to the floor and tears welled behind his eyes. Had he truly frightened you so much that you thought he would turn a hand to you? 
He thought back to the times where he had nearly killed you in rage when you had first gotten to Devildom and his heart nearly imploded. You did have a valid reason to fear him...He knew that. But he thought that after you had forgiven him, the memories of what had happened so long ago would fade. And even in the wavering uncertainty of the time that had passed since then, he thought for sure that devoting himself to you all those months ago would prove he had never intended on hurting you like that ever again. Now, the thought of even raising his voice at you filled him with dread- he couldn’t ever imagine hitting you.
And yet here you were, cowering in fear...all because of he had significantly less self-control than he had thought.
He fell to the floor and pushed his body away from you, now sitting with his knees pulled to his chest and his back against the wall.  He felt so small and broken in this moment...and he wasn’t sure what to do to make you unafraid of him.  He stared at the flower in his hand as tears began spilling from his eyes. He wondered if the flower could relieve emotional pain as well as physical.
Maybe he deserved this after all he has put her through. 
When you didn’t feel the sting of his hand striking you, you slowly lowered your arm. Lucifer was no longer at your side, and you immediately lifted your head to search for where he had gone. After a minute of processing your surroundings, you saw him sitting against the wall adjacent to the bed. His head was buried into his arms, which were folded above his knees. You saw his shoulders trembling and heard the soft hitching of his breath as he wept quietly. You were very confused- unsure how he went from blinding rage to sobbing mess in 10 seconds flat. 
You felt your heart grow heavy at the sight of his woe. You weren’t sure why he was feeling like this, but you knew it had something to do with you. Guilt festered in your stomach as you felt tears stinging your own eyes. The negative thoughts continued to intrude their way into your mind.
Look what you’ve done. You hurt him. He had a right to be angry at you for being so casual with Solomon at such an early hour. He just wants you to be safe, and you basically spat in his mouth in response. The least you can do is apologize
You closed your eyes and felt your stomach lurch at the last thought to intrude its way into your mind:
He deserves better than you. 
The thought lingered in your mind, and the tears began cascading down your face. Your breathing became further unsteadied as the thought grew louder and more intense. Between rasped breaths, you finally felt your ability to speak return- albeit for this one, fleeting moment. 
“I-I’m sorry.” 
Lucifer snapped his head up to look at you. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Did she...did she just say something?
He scrambled to his feet and rushed toward the bed, nearly tripping over himself in his hurry.  He dropped to his knees at your side and cupped your jawline delicately in his hands. His eyes were locked intently at your tear-stained face. 
You opened your eyes slightly to look at him. You caught sight of the now awe-struck look in his eyes as he stared intently at you, desperately searching for something in your features. His hands trembled slightly as they caressed your cheeks.
“What...What did you say?” Lucifer finally gasped out, his voice breathless. 
You parted your lips to speak again, but found that the ability to do so was gone. You cursed internally at yourself. You didn’t know why you haven’t been able to talk up until those two words, but it frustrated you to no end that you just...couldn’t. And now, here you were once more, unable to confirm what you had said.
Lucifer noticed how hard you were trying to say something and felt some disappointment rise at the fact that he wasn’t even sure he heard you correctly- Had you said you were sorry? Dammit, he was so ready to hear you speak and he was thrown so off guard when you finally did that he couldn’t hold the sound in his thoughts. 
But then, he remembered what Barbatos had told him earlier: 
“...It could be that as a result of her experience, she has lost her ability to speak...I do believe she will be able to speak again. Just give her some time.”
He focused his mind on his breathing, trying to regain control of the rapid breaths that escaped his slightly parted lips. He continued staring at you intently as Barbatos’ words rushed through his head. 
Just give her some time. 
Lucifer took one last deep breath and wrapped you in a tight embrace. you winced at the added pressure to your injured arm, but the warmth of his body pressed against yours made you finally release the tension you had been holding in. You returned his embrace with one arm, gripping tightly onto his back as the tears continued to expel from your eyes. 
He cradled you in his arms while the remaining tears dripped from the corners of his own eyes. He had longed for the return of your affection towards him, and feeling you grip his shoulders sent a shudder up his spine. Involuntarily, his wings burst from his back. He moved to engulf the both of you in his soft, tender plumage, some of the stray feathers fell upon you as they moved to further welcome you into his embrace. 
You pulled back slightly from his warmth and gazed longingly into his eyes. Through the misty tears, you could make out the yearning aura that now surrounded him. His demon form had never come out in instances where he felt an intense emotion other than anger or fear, but it didn’t really phase either of you. Something about it brought a sense of comfort, despite moments before where it had caused so much terror. 
Lucifer pressed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. He felt your aura transform from one of complete fear, to one of love at the intensity of the embrace. He wanted to bask in the glow of it forever- to stay entrapped within your comforting embrace.
Maybe you had been afraid of him, but you did still love him. 
That fact alone gave him hope. 
Part Six
Tags for those who requested: @kairikazu05 @siniy606 @yukariutena @raeraekubs ​ @hatsunemiku2025 ​
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catintheruemorgue · 4 years
annoying things they do
summary: small things these guys do that just grinds your gears a bit.
characters: oda, dazai, kunikida, twain, akutagawa, atsushi, mori, poe, ranpo, fittzgerald, steinbeck, chuuya, yosano, gin, kouyou, higuchi, alcott and lucy
these are all based off things i do or have inconvenienced my life lmfao i’ll probs do a part two with everyone i missed this just got wayyy to long lol next im posting being friends with double black 
If you're wearing shorts and have bruises he will poke them when you're resting your legs on him. He’s silent about it too and if you yell at him he pretends to act like he doesn't know what you're talking about.
Will smack your sunburn but this one is actually an accident. He just wanted to pat you on the back because you're amazing.
Will space out when you talk too long, sometimes certain objects are just so… mesmerizing
Loves to jumpscare you the only exception is if it was a trigger. In that case he will just call your name and whip something at you for you to catch at random.
When you're driving he likes to reach over and honk your horn. It's almost caused so many roadside fistfights.
If he sees a dog in public he will bark and growl at it.
Won’t let you on the bed without socks on. You could be sick as a dog and he’ll still enforce this rule.
Cleaning is hard because he has a hard time throwing things away. You'll spend extra time as he holds two identical pens, trying to decide which one he wants to keep. He’s learned to plan certain days in his schedule for cleaning now.
Won't let you turn up the music in the car and will keep it at a level that's so low it's annoying.
Walks around the house shirtless but then complains about how cold it is.
Blasts his music so loud when he wakes up in the morning and it's always early 2000’s hits. It's not rare for you to have Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield stuck in your head by 9 am.
Always has to climb something, this stems from his adventurous side. It's not really that annoying but when you’re in a crowded area and he runs off to go climb the tall statue, screaming at you to take a photo… Yes it is. Especially when children try and follow him and you're stuck receiving glares from the parents.
Will not let you throw any food products out. He tells you it's a perfectly good meal (even if it's not) and that he will eat it tomorrow. It’s sad because you know this stems from childhood but it’s still annoying.
Reuses the same gross, musty ziplock baggies. You keep buying new ones but he doesn't get it lol.  
Will tell you if your breath smells, hair is messy, outfit is ugly. He does not see an issue with this and it's nice knowing someone has your back but he doesn't have to be so rude about it..
If he drinks he's one of those drinkers who will not let you take it from him. Keeps an iron grip on the cup. He finishes it no matter how drunk and always throws up. Thankfully he rarely drinks.
He stops to help everyone, literally even if they just look like they need help. You've been late to so many things.
Will eat anything. Once you made steak and somehow forgot about it. It was hard as a brick yet he still almost broke his teeth eating it. You think you saw some tears as he told you it was delicious.
Listens to people's conversations in public and isn't afraid to comment, loudly, about it. You know it's loud because they either stop talking or try and confront you guys.
Comes up to stops fast and brakes so hard you feel like he does it on purpose.
Sometimes if he and Elise get into a “disagreement” he’ll try and rope you in to take his side and you always do, knowing it would probably give him more satisfaction if you chose to side with her.
Asks for constructive criticism but will then argue with you about why you're wrong.
Always humming a song he heard Twain singing and then it gets stuck in your head too.
Will deny stupid things like why your favorite mug is in the trash or why he just let out rather loud scream in the bathroom. You know he's lying because he looks away and makes sure his bangs are covering his eyes.
Will call you out on any lie even if you don't mean to lie you just forgot about some of the details.
Don't take him grocery shopping if you have a set amount you want to spend. He won't even sneak, he will just say he wants something and throw it in the cart.
Such a backseat driver even though he can't drive.
Likes to act like he's still in his twenties and will somehow get the two of you invited to college parties where he will attempt to do a kegger in front of everyone. You end up being the one to hold him up and he always ends with a, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
Likes to ask for the senior discount even though he's not that old, he just likes to hear the women validate that he's not old.
It’s scary how he used to buy without looking and now will scream if the price on a price tag is too high.
Always looking at the grass for wheat to chew on. It's so cheesy when you walk into the city and he's got it sticking out of his mouth.
He gets weirdly intimate with nature and you feel like you're third wheeling.
Has the mentality that he has to provide for you because he is the man. He gets so shocked when he finds out you still want to work.
Has a hard time making decisions you could ask him what he wants for dinner and his mind will just break.
Gets way too pissed at movies and will actually get up and walk away. Once you were kicked out of the theater because he wouldn't stop yelling at the screen. Another time he walked out you waited a whole ten minutes before you realized he wasn't coming back.
Sometimes activates his ability at night and it's so scary waking up to him floating halfway across the room.
WOMAN TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Will glare at you so intensely if you say something she disagrees with.
Always tries to rope you into drinking with her even if you’ve said no the past ten nights.
Will describe wounds or injuries in such detail and just won’t stop, almost like she’s trying to fuck with you, but she’s not.
Claims to be nothing like her big brother but then will go on to make the same facial expressions and do some of the same mannerisms as him.
Will spend hours trying things on just to put it all back, leave the store and change her mind when you’re almost home. Then she’ll have you run back with her to buy it all.
Is used to sneaking around so scares you a lot. Also on the topic of being silent sometimes she just won’t respond, thinking you can just read her vibes / mind.
Will judge what you eat, especially fast food but will try and steal a fry in private when you're not looking.
Will say things like, “Well that's just the way the world works.” If someone tries to share their baggage with her. You understand she’s had a pretty rough life but it's caused you to almost spit out your drink multiple times.
At functions forgets about you for about an hour while she mingles with everyone else, you could tap on her shoulder and she'll dismiss you like you're a subordinate. Until you clear your throat again you'll see the slight blush as she apologizes.
She has no sense of privacy. If she hears a crash or loud noise she will bust down the door. It’s sweet but not when the noises are usually from you knocking all the shampoo bottles down again.
Horrible road rage actually puts you on edge to be in the car with her. She doesn't even have to be driving.
Likes to act like she's a professional at everything and people usually believe it because of her suit. It's so nerve wracking when she giggles when they walk away with false information.
Will agree to everything you suggest but you can only tell when she doesn’t want to do it when you’re currently doing it.
Yet she’s not afraid to grumble about how annoying it is when someone bumps into you and doesn’t apologize. It’s sweet but you’re left dealing with the situation if the person is aggressive enough to say something.
Always corrects your spelling or if you say something like “I could care less.”
Will fish for compliments in a very obvious way like, “Wow. Wish someone would call me pretty..” and then just stare right at you.
Kicks you so violently in her sleep but won't let go of you so you cant get away.
Constantly stealing from restaurants. You're banned from a couple restaurants because she got caught trying to steal a cup or salt shaker.
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korasonata · 3 years
I think this is just what my blog is now. Model streams have taken over. Sorry, not sorry. Favourite moments of Joe and Cleo paper model streams part 5! (Featuring a heavily sleep deprived Joe)
Cleo (talking to her cat): Ok. You have had attention. Are you— are you going to go? *pausing* This is the sort of thing I ask Joe. Umm… *laughing*
Joe: Constantly!
Cleo: *laughing* You’ve had your attention, can you go now?
Joe: Can you just not be here. *both laughing*
Cleo: Yeah, I have to start gluing things to other things. Badly. And, uh, realizing where I’ve messed up. Which is EVERYWHERE!
Joe: Uh oh.
Cleo (totally not fine): Its fine. It’s fine. I’m fin— how are you Joe?
Joe: It makes about as much sense as anything else I do? So…
Cleo: I mean yeah. I mean, I wasn’t gonna say it cause I’m not rude. But, you know.
*both laughing*
Joe: Now you’re just lying to me!
Cleo: *laughing* WOW!! Joe!! My heart is just hurting! Now.
Joe: Mhm.
Cleo: You can tell can’t you, I’m deeply— intensely wounded by that statement that you just made.
Joe: I was gonna say, we’re gonna have to call whatever the British version of an ambulance is.
Cleo: Um, I think— and I could be wrong here, the British equivalent of an ambulance is…an ambulance.
Joe: oh, ok that’s really good to know. Cause like, not that I’m planning on getting injured while I’m over there, but like—
Cleo: I mean, if you carry on talking that way you might.
Joe: I mean if I meet you, then there’s a chance that somethings gonna get shoved in my eye or something.
Cleo: Somethings gonna get taken off.
Joe: I mean, they say it’s the shotty carpenter that blames his poor tools, but I mean look at this.
Cleo (about her bisexual tags on twitch): Hold on, hold on, I need to explain what “visibility” means to bisexuals. Bisexuals are often— um, hidden in the community. They are often, um, not treated as either part of the gay community and the straight community doesn’t really appreciate them either. So, having visibility for bisexuals is very important. As it is for any other place. Also having those tags on your stream show that you are a safe place for those people to go. So, you know, actually labeling those things is important because it shows people that they are not alone. And not being alone? Really important. (To Joe) Sorry, am getting frustrated.
Joe: As somebody who’s been alone for the last year and a half with this stupid isolation, uh, yeah.
Cleo: Yeah! Being alone and not feeling alone is really important.
Joe: If you need to be explained at this point in the pandemic why feeling alone is not good, like I don’t know what to say.
Cleo (reading chat): What’s my favourite minecraft mob? Do people have favourite minecraft mobs?
Joe (very tired): Just say whichever mod’s here. Who’s got a sword *scrolling through Cleo’s chat* umm… yeah it’s AnnaBomBanana. Is everyone’s favourite minecraft mod.
Cleo: …moB.
Joe: …MOB! OH!
Cleo: *continuous laughing*
Joe: This is gonna go off of the rails further and further. There’s no— there’s no rails anymore! It’s just, somebody has scrawled “here there be dragons” on the ground.
Cleo: I mean, isn’t that pretty much how you live your life anyway?
Joe (high pitched squealing): It kind of is. *laughing continues*
Cleo: You know. Here there be dragons— Sometimes it’s not dragons. Sometimes you might be lucky.
Joe: So, like, one thing you can do is after this project you can build tiny dollhouses. And create like a bedroom for each of your tools. And so the knife can just be in the knife room. In the dollhouse. And it can have a knife day.
Cleo: Umm…I’m gonna pretend like what you said made sense.
Cleo: I could have said something really nasty then, but I’m not going to. See? I’m growing as a person Joe.
Joe: You know what? Hold on, we’re gonna— we’re gonna— at the point where NJ is concerned about my caffeine intake, I’m gonna go get a red bull and I’m gonna take my headphones off before anybody can tell me otherwise, byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Be right back!!!! *leaves*
Cleo (calling after him): Well done Joe! I believe in you! *narrating* She did not in fact believe in Joe, and was very concerned.
Cleo: I know when there’s a bad idea. It’s when Joe has made it. Joe has suggested it, that’s— that’s when you know it’s bad.
Joe: I know that there are ways to have computers automatically send invites, but that’s a good way, like, I know there’s a saying like, to error is human, but to screw up like a hundred thousand things all at once—
Cleo: That’s the Joe Hills Difference.
Cleo: Ugh, I feel like poop today.
Joe (genuine): I’m sorry.
Cleo (tiredly): No, that’s ok…(groggy) I’ll torment you…later…it’ll make me feel better…
Joe (equally as tired): Yay!
Joe (about Cleo and Xisuma): But Cleo, you’re the responsible adult in this scenario, so yeah you probably should have some answers.
Cleo: X is almost as old as I am.
Joe: …it’s a maturity gap?
Cleo: *laughing* Is that why I’m here with you?
Joe: …no.
Cleo: *laughing*
Joe: I say very confidently.
Joe (teacher voice): Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles—
Cleo: *flipping him off*
Joe (blissfully unaware): Now classical physics! The collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics—
Cleo: *trying to ignore him*
Joe (carrying on): Quantum mechanics differs from classical physics in that energy, momentum, angular momentum, and other quantities of a bound system are restricted to discreet values—
Cleo: *fingers drumming impatiently*
Joe (still going): Now! Quantum mechanics arose gradually from theories to explain observations which could not be reconciled with classical physics—
Cleo: *physically going through all 5 stages of grief*
Joe: (insert continuously long string of rambling science here)
Cleo: *mutes Joe*
Cleo (responding to her partner in chat): You have the movie poster for Dora the Explorer? Cam, I’m suddenly questioning our relationship now.
Joe: Uh oh.
Cleo: *laughing*
Joe: Yeah, I knew I was gonna get blamed for that eventually.
Cleo (frustrated): I’m gonna kill someone. And since the person who made and designed this castle isn’t here…(trailing off) Hi Joe.
Joe (accepted his fate): Hello.
Joe: Have you ever officiated a wedding?
Cleo: No I haven’t. Why, do you want me to?
Joe: Oh! Oh! I found my cross stitch the other day!
Cleo: Oh cool!
Joe: *rummaging in the background* Yeah, so, I don’t know if you’ve seen this before—
Cleo (excitedly): ShowMeShowMeShowMeShowMe!!!
Joe (reading chat): Am I excited for Minecraft Live? Umm…
Joe: You know, so much of life is minecraft, but you know, maybe this is just a step too far. You know? Um, I think Mojang asked if they could and never stopped to ask if they should. Um, you know, I think their decision in particular to clone dinosaurs at the event as part of their Jurrassic Park, uh, map thing that they put out— which, also, it’s not even like the Jurrassic Park movies are really for kids, but here’s— here’s Minecraft with Jurrassic Park in it, and also we’re gonna clone a bunch of dinosaurs for this livestream, it’s like *groaning*. I dunno. I’m dubious. I think it’s gonna backfire. Ya know, there’s like 4 cautionary films about why you don’t clone dinosaurs. And they’re just jumping in feet first. So…but, you know, I’d like to be wrong about this. Maybe it’ll go great.
Cleo: …are you having a moment Joe?
Cleo (reading chat): “when the arts and crafts streams become Cleo with a scream mask” I am not X. I am not X, I promise you I’m not X. I just don’t have a face.
Joe: Heh
Cleo: And if I was— hang on I’ll be back in a second.
Joe: …wait, did you just realize that you do have a scream mask?
Cleo: No, I have a better mask. *leaves*
Joe: *watching Cleo’s stream intensely*
Cleo: Are we seriously doing guillotine jokes right now? I’m not saying I disapprove, but
Joe: yeah, we say “Giatine”
Cleo: That’s ok, you can be wrong.
Joe: …It’s a french word.
Cleo: And? You’re allowed to be wrong.
Joe: …*deep sigh*
Joe: It’s funny too. Because people will tell me that I don’t seem like a very— like, mostly my coworkers. Like, would tell me that I didn’t seem like a particularly emotional person.
Cleo: *bursts out laughing*
Joe: Yeah, I feel like I didn’t make a lot of…visible progress today…but…it’s fine…
Cleo: I made progress for both of us Joe.
Joe (tiredly): Thank you Cleo… (resting head against the ring light)
Cleo (tenderly): …You’re welcome.
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dourpeep · 3 years
i have even more ideas now...
what about like the moment you open up about your relationship with kazuxiao the fans who were already seeing that happen were celebrating and on both of y'alls insta or something is where you announce and it's like a picture of all 3 of you chilling together or something
and then when they finally appear on a variety show they're just questioned throughly and they talk about how you guys meet and what they like about you
ok but the moments where you just feel sort of insecure since being an idol is hard and you're technically dating your seniors and you're just hit by the antis who are against yourself relationship so you lock yourself in your room in your dorm by yourself to cope. your roommate (can be whoever) contacts them both and they immediately come over and come in and offer soft kisses and soft murmurs of reassurance that they'll never leave you and that everything's gonna be ok.
side note i can see xiao just being a whole meme without realizing?? for like variety shows he's just known for his dead pan expression and then i can see him being so competitive on shows like running man..mans ripping tags left and right, while kazuhas just hiding in a weird spot or something
kazuha on the other hand i can see him being a troll, he likes to mess around with the hosts of the show and manages to mess up some of their plans, he also likes messing with his group members, where xiao likes to say that kazuha looks innocent but is a part of the devil line with venti
onto albedo i can see him like answering questions in his vlive and fans realize that a lot of his songs are more romantic and sort of pining?? and they're asking where the motivation is from. he answers that it's just something that he saw recently so he felt motivated (it wasn't the fact that he had realized that he was 100% in love with you)
but like all of this mans inspiration comes from you, he's had multiple songs dedicated to you before your relationship was even open to the public, and when your relationship finally does, it just clicks for fans and it suddenly makes sense, your ship name trends worldwide for the day
but how you and albedo met, i can see both of you guys being in the industry already and you guys are sort of know each other but it was for a one time off collab with other artists involved so you didn't really talk with each other. like i said before albedos a solo artist while i can see you being a part of a popular group already. but then both of your companies decided to do another collab and especially picked you two since you guys already worked on a collab before.
at first it was like awkward since albedos really socially awkward but then things click when you guys start writing the song together. everything just matches so well?? and you guys just compliment each other?? and that's when you learn of albedo just staying at the studio so late so you often bring food. this leads to you guys getting closer and albedo even stops his work just to talk to you more. when your song comes out and everyone is waiting for the stage, there's just so much tension?? but the good kinda and everyone is awed by the song and the vocals coming from you and albedo.
i can also see the both of you guys appearing on variety shows together too, like appearing on a show where you two travel to another place and experience the culture there, with albedo being your tour guide and showing you all the famous places (one of the many times where fans were awed by his research and knowledge) and then if you guys were to appear together again after you guys reveal your relationship, a lot of the times they show idols as they wake up, they'll see you and albedo being clingy af to each other.
on another side note, albedos totally a troll on variety shows, he likes messing around with the hosts and other contestants since a lot of the time he's not really interested in the show itself, it's more for publicity. however, when he first appeared on a show with you fans noticed that he actually seemed interested for once and that's where your ship name started.
albedos totally a golden child tho, he's like basically perfect in everything so a lot of the times variety shows don't catch him slipping, however the one time that he did was when you were mentioned, the clip of with his ears bright red was trending for a couple of days :)
I think that this covers everything hehehe so I won't add to-
wait wait I put it all under the cut b/c it's a lot again-
Okay okay but like for the 'announcement' picture, what if it's like those photo booth pics (but like each picture you need to scroll through like on Insta) where it's cute and wholesome! The three of you are having fun wearing some silly glasses or hats, doing peace signs or finger hearts....and the very last photo is the three of you sharing a kiss- or, at least trying to.
It's sweet, a little silly, and most of your fans take it really well! After all, they can see the chemistry that you share and can't deny that the three of you would have a good relationship.
As for the insecurities of dating your seniors, Kazuha and Xiao are quick to knock back any of those worries. They love you so, so much and hate the fact that something like that makes you doubt for a single second. If anyone ever tries to bring it up, you know that they're going to immediately quip back.
Naturally, you're roomed with Venven :D He's technically an up-and-coming after he stopped doing idol stuff for a few years, so not only does he know the ropes, but he's also one of your biggest fans and biggest supports (outside of Kazuha and Xiao).
Though he's silly and light-hearted, he's quick to recognize when things are serious and need handling.
So as soon as he sees that you're not doing so great or if he notices the comments on your posts are going in a bad direction, he speed dials Xiao and the two of your boyfriends are right at the door in under 15.
Not only are they fast about it, but they have all your favorite snacks, a movie or two, some popcorn, and a ton of love and affection because they'll be damned if their love is going to be affected by some asshole's comments about their love life! What do they know anyway??
Actually this all could work too if Kazuha and Xiao are part of 4NEMO-
That'd cause so much more ruckus- not only is half of one of the most popular idol groups are taken, but by the same person??? And each other??? Man, that's wack.
Xiao would most certainly be super intense with those. He just can't help it--competition drives his blood and makes something snap in him. He's dead serious about doing well, regardless of the game. I actually have never watched said game shows, but--
Like...he's out for blood. No one is safe. Not even you or Kazuha if you're on opposing teams, though he'll be a bit more gentle. Maybe even with the hint of a smile while you have an expression of utter shock at the fact that he's just so fast-
Or if it's not a game show and instead you're doing some sort of idol group activity with a few others to get to know each other?
Someone suggests ping pong and, knowing how competitive Xiao gets, he's pitted up against Tartaglia and man. That's scary. There's no doubt that someone would clip the video and make it into an overly-dramatic retelling complete with music.
As for Kazuha! He'd be a bit of a mish mosh! He enjoys poking fun at others, and he's so sly! Those poor hosts don't realize that he's goading them on, but sure enough--he is. Who knew that his charming smile and mild-mannered attitude could be so devastating?
But even then, he's mostly wholesome! There's a lot of little clips, mostly of your doing, of him in a 'kiss the chef' apron getting caught off guard while cooking something up. The videos aren't great because you're giggling while recording and he ends up placing the ladle down calmly before wrapping you up in his arms. Half the video ends up being the two of you laughing and joking while it's pointed at a weird angle towards the counter.
Sometimes it'll point just right and you'll get a half-blurred view of Xiao sitting at the kitchen island with his reading glasses perched on his nose and book forgotten. He tends to get up and join in for a few smooches before reminding Kazuha of the food that's still cooking.
Albedo!! He absolutely is the golden child. He's fantastic handling things under pressure in a cool, calm manner. Handsome, charismatic, incredibly smart--man's hit all the stops and just keeps going.
It's not until it comes out that the two of you are together that his cool façade (hardly one, though) falters and at the mere mention of you, he'll go soft. There's a tenderness in his eyes, a small smile on his lips, and his blush? Absolutely adorable. How can anyone object when he's obviously so in love with you?
And the idea you mentioned with the two of you traveling and experiencing stuff together sounds so cute (':
He particularly enjoys exploring new cuisine, so expect him to feed you some food from his plate-
There's also a few times where you two have gotten lost in the new places, more because you're both so busy taking in the sights to realize you've taken five wrong turns- But then you make it into a whole adventure, foregoing the map and deciding to wander around. What better way to discover and learn about somewhere than getting lost and wandering?
You find quite a few hidden gems this way since otherwise you'd be hitting more popular areas!
Wait- do they really show idols waking up???
Ahh regardless, Albedo's definitely a cuddler. He loves it, can't get enough of it. It's not often that he gets a good night's rest, but with you it seems like he's fully recharged and ready for the day! It's cute too because it doesn't matter--big spoon or little spoon, you on his chest or him resting on yours. Even a few times with you facing each other with your hands intertwined.
I also agree that Albedo would mess with the game show's hosts and contestants. Not only would he, but he'd be entirely smug about it (after all, we need to have that #smugbedo going on).
No doubt, there's been times where the cameras even focus/zoom in on him where he's sitting because he's got that smirk on his face.
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