#:D ehehe i'm glad you asked
kafka-ohdear · 11 months
3, 7, 10 and 19
hello :) thank you for asking!
3. have you read any books related to the show?
i'm currently reading "band of brothers" by stephen ambrose. i also have "a company of heroes" and "beyond band of brothers", i can't wait to read all of them tbh,,,
7. what was your favorite thing about Band of Brothers?
can i say everything 😭 it's literally impossible for me to choose on out of everything in the show, like there's nothing i can hate about the show. i love the acting, scenery/cinematography, plot of each episode and (almost) every character 😭
10. which Band of Brothers scene broke your heart the most?
the answer totally is the scenes when the characters die 😭 the scenes when dukeman and hoobler got shot (they are two of my favorites 😭), and the scene that skip and penkala got hit by the bomb never fail to shatter my heart even if i knew it was coming, every.single.time.
19. did any of the series change your perspective on the historical events? how?
well, it's not actually "change" but helps me to have a clearer look about the brutality of the war, and the affect of the war on the soldiers afterwards (i did a few research about the real men after watching the show :D).
again, thank you so much for sending this ask OwO have a nice day!
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prince-liest · 6 months
Terrified by missionary anon here and oh my god I LOVE the way you reworked the ending of the last chapter!!! It had me squealing!! I was just a tiny bitty sceptical at first but at this point I can safely say I trust u with my life. Which makes sense considering ur occupation but u know what I mean
Also!!! I had a shower thought and I doubt there’s a better person to ask than you because your descriptions are always spot on. I think we can all agree that Vox smells good, but I was wondering what do you think Alastor smells like? 🧐 I vote for that rancid smell of rotten meat, with a hint of lacquer, like an antique shop, very coffin-esque. But I rly want to hear ur thoughts on this!!!
Ayyy, I'm so glad that you liked it! >:D I feel like a couple of years ago I would have been a lot more hesitant to just change my mind like this on something (and admittedly I did feel bad about it initially this time) but I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty comfortable going, "Bro, listen - bro, just trust me." about my own writing, ehehe. I'm pleased it's working out! >:)
Also, you've made a terrible mistake in asking me this question because I've recently become very interested in fragrances but I'm also a gourmand snob and have a very sensitive nose when it comes to food products and cannot stand the smell of things rotting, so I would just categorically refuse to imagine that any character I enjoy smells like rotting meat, klxjchfg.
Anyway, if I had to pick a style of fragrance or cologne for him for when he was alive, I feel like he'd go for something woody but warm. Those kinds of scents tend to be masculine and have a nature-y freshness to them that a guy who buries bodies in the woods would probably get a kick out of. And then add something like amber and musk to undercut the scent to make it feel warmer in a way that I think makes people read the wearer as a safer and more comforting presence, which is delightfully misleading.
As for what he'd wear in hell... Tsokovat's Inexcusable Evil, lmfao, no contest. The name is perfect, he'd think it was hilarious, and I've seen so many people say that it genuinely just smells unpleasantly like dousing yourself in fucking blood. Most people's reviews for this stuff call it really uncomfortable but compelling. Tell me Alastor would not think that this wouldn't be the most amusing perfume ever to force on the people in his presence.
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where-is-gtws · 4 months
you along with the rest of the of the 'where is' accounts are literally my entire mental capacity
thank you for providing me with these good brain feels :D
also when you find scar please bring him to me
he must go in the jar so i can shake him 👍
I'm so glad!!! I have so much fun doing this ehehe :>
(Comments and asks like this are my entire mental capacity <3)
Have a Scar™:
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Pre-jared and labelled on the house!
(Although we recommended you rejar him into a more conplex environment, for enrichment)
Please be aware he does like to terraform and may change the landscape of whatever enclosures you put him in!
Also remember to feed and shake him at least once a day for nourishment and enrichment purposes :D
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kaison07 · 8 days
hii I just found your account bc tumblr randomly recommended ur opm art to me and I was like "oooh this art is so cute imma check their account to see if theres anymore opm art :D" and then I just got hit with one hyperfixation after another whilst going through your account (opm, good omens, gravity falls, mob psycho, hatsune miku, deadpool, etc.). I've never had that happen before with an artist I've found online LOL. it's like i was always meant to find ur account or something ehehe.
anywayy I'm new here but I love your art sm ty for being amazing 🥰🩷
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YOU´RE THE FIRST PERSON WHO ASKED ME ANYTHING THANK YOU!!!! KISSES!!!! HUGS!!!! HUGS FROM SAIFEM!!! That´s beautiful to know, I adore to share my silly fixations and didn't find anyone who shared more than 3, so I'm glad!! Enjoy my content!!! Since you mentioned OPM first, you got a sketch from that. I don't know who you are, but I'll assume from now on, that anon from tumblr has my back. And I got yours. If you get cancelled we are going down together 🤜🤛 (please dont tho)
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writing-hat · 2 months
Hi! How are you doing! I really admire how you wrote the character of Delara in your fanfiction. What do you think about her? What do you think about her relationship with Nadakhan. Take care!
Hello !! I'm great, thank you! Overwhelmed by work but I manage lmao I hope you're doing well as well!
First and foremost so sorry for answering this ask so late but I have thought about this ask SO MUCH you have no idea so here we go
Rambles about Delara in my fic (and her relationship with Nadakhan) under the cut!
I'm really glad you like my Delara! :D
I think she is the most wasted potential in Skybound (Doubloon is a close second)
Let's start by the first thing we learn about her. She is Nadakhan's Quarter Master. Basically his second! Above Flintlocke in hierarchy of the Misfortune! This has to mean something, right?
I know I enjoy writing Nadakhan love blinded but O MY GOD she has to be good at what she does for her to reach this post/level/whatever the word is.
Else she would've been cited as like Nadakhan's partner? Or something.
Of course there could be the explanation that she got this place with Nadakhan just being in love with her but nah that's bullshit for me.
She's a pirate! And I do think it would be by choice! Let women make their own choice damn it
I've seen people say that the reason why, when she's brought back, she's excusing Nadakhan's behavior in the original episodes, would be because of the djinn's wish and magic doing the "what he wants to see and hear" once he sees her but nah. I don't think that's the case at all. She would understand his choices, despite not being aware of what's really going on- she must have done her fair share of sacrifices herself (soon to be written about in one of the other fic I'm cooking) and he's the one she loves!
I also love to think that Nadakhan fell in love with her because she was as ruthless as he was.
And because, I repeat, she must've been good at being a pirate and therefore a psychopath of some kind akjzgsg but a strong woman nonetheless, that got whatever she wanted whenever she wanted
(let's ignore how Jay gets rid of her in the original episodes hum)
About their relationship ;
Nadakhan is in love, with her. Madly so. The first thing I couldn't pass or ignore, was him ready to betray his friends to bring her back.
And Delara loves him back just as much. And I know that she could be using his feelings for her own profit- she's a pirate! of course she would- but that's absolutely not how I see them both.
I see them as a couple that works, despite their OBVIOUS flaws. A perfect mirror to Jay and Nya's situation since they're not… in a good situation in skybound lmao.
I feel like there was such a missed opportunity at having the route of Delara/Nadakhan and Nya/Jay parallels (We're definitely entering spoilers for my fic but I need to ramble about it a bit so I'll try to keep it as non-spoilery as possible)
One would be a good and healthy balance in the relationship, but yknow they're villains and pieces of shit, the other would be with a non-healthy almost toxic balance, getting them to where they're going to end up in my fic (i'm cooking with jaya angst ehehe (soon to come don't worry))
That's something they (well more Nya) are going to understand, which will break apart their ship a bit more
ANother thing that is important is the Nya and Delara parallels that I'll also work on in the future (spoilers so I won't delve into it)
thank you SO MUCH for the ask anon! We're definitely not done with Delara in my fic, and I can't wait to write more about her!! Don't hesitate if you have more questions
See you!! (I really hope I answered your ask properly alhfzeg)
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coconurt · 4 months
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ikimaru · 2 years
Just wanna say I've been following u for YEARS for all of ur klance stuff, and the fact that u still draw it and update your au comics makes me so happy. I think at this point, your klance art is the only content of the ship that I continuously consume and honestly if it weren't for u i think my love for the ship would have waned completely-
Every time i see your art I'm reminded of how much I adored the pairing when the show was still airing 💞 i hope this isn't too personal or anything but thank u for playing quite a big part in keeping my love for them alive. I love the nostalgia feels! And your art is always such a pleasure to see, klance or not!!
It's also cool and neat to me that you still enjoy them after all these years! Idk, i'm just glad it still bring u joy yknow :D
Anyway, sorry abt the long ask! I am shaking like a wet chihuahua at the newest addition to the VR college au i just want these boys to Figure It Out already :')
(PS. U and I share a nick/name; "Sunny"! Just a fun thing I thought whenever I saw ur posts haha)
ahh thank you for following for so long! 💕
glad you still enjoy it, I didn't plan for the comic to be this long honestly 😂 but I am trying to see it through to the end!
and don't worry, it's not too personal I think? thank you for the sweet message, hope u will like the next part eheh
(eyy same nickname! 💛)
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kattythingz · 3 months
For the ask game: ❌ 🎶 🤡
Ask and ye shall receive!! :D
🤡 - what's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Ooooooh, excellent question! I do fancy myself a little funny in my banter, ehehe, and yeah I'm a loser that laughs at my own jokes sometimes. There's this moment in particular from another wip of mine (brownie points to anyone who can guess what it is. Hint: it's a revamp) that really gave me a kick:
“So glad that’s settled!” Ed yelped. “I’ll be going now!” “Oh, no, don’t rush on our accou—” “FUCK OFF AND DIE SINGLE!” Ed should’ve kept his mouth shut. While Mustang spluttered with satisfying indignation, Darius and Heinkel howled with laughter in mortifying tandem with everyone else, and Teacher made a horrible, horrible noise of understanding that had Ed’s feet stumbling before he picked them up to speed-walk faster than he ever had in his entire life.
🎶 - do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Oh, yeah, absolutely. Music while writing is a MUST on most days; I do get the rare case of being overly distracted by the music and thus writing in silence. As for what I've had on loop—Pricey by Kam Prada, oh my god. The song is SO painfully edgreed-coded (and greed overall), it was on the SPOT. I heard it ONCE and was obsessed. My Solaris playlists can't handle anymore additions, plz. (They can. If anyone has recs absolutely send them my way.)
❌ - what's a trope you will never write?
Omegaverse. Fucking OMEGAVERSE. Extremely sorry to my followers that enjoy it but I absolutely despise everything about this trope. From the social dynamics to the heats to how there never seems to be any nuance to them—all of it pisses me off to read. It's the first tag to get yeeted whenever I scroll through ao3. Again, super sorry to the enjoyers, but it's just not for me. It's really not.
Thanks for the ask!!!
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dynamic-k · 1 month
*busts down the door*
*runs up to you*
*showers you with love*
...I may or may not have finished arc one of Super Sticks AU within a few days because I got addicted-
*grabs your shoulders and leans closer to your face*
How did I manage to get all of my guesses correct...
*backs away and acts like nothing has happened*
I. Love. IT!!!
I managed to guess that Prime is Primal even before it was stated that Primal even existed in this universe (the summoning weapons out of thin air gave it of for me)
And Vic's temporary death omg- BEAUTIFULLY WRITEN
I could imagine myself being in that room with Vic, apparently dying
Second with powers and actually being able to control them (even if it's still not much progress)
And the puns!!! I love em!
Uh there's a lot more compliments that I want to say but this ask is getting longer than I originally thought it would be so I would just cut it here and continue to arc two!!!
*runs back to the door and proceeds to read Super Sticks Arc 2*
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:D I am happy your predictions came true, for it is a satisfying experience~
Although to be honest, Prime/Primal's tag on the work already had given it away, ehehe...
But then again, I have a lot of tags, it makes sense for a bunch to be skimmed over.
I have always found faults with that work everywhere I look- Q Q
U vU Ah, yes, the Stabby Scene. Ehehhehehe
I had fun with that one, I enjoy writing characters suffering through anguish~
PUNS! :D Can’t write without 'em! /silly
Aww, but I like long asksss-
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kanene-yaaay · 2 months
Hi hi hii juno anon here, back from the jaws of death (5 different deadlines in the last weeks)
I wish I'd have had the time to send a few more asks but alas... :(
If you're still up for getting asks about the mdzs sillies I do have two different ideas for tickle talisman shenanigans up my sleeve, if that's something you'd be interested in!
AlsO! I've read your new mdsz fic a billion times by now (to keep me sane while working on all my stuff) so I feel qualified to provide you with some very neutral and productive feedback: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH you wrote them SO CUTE help meeeee!!!! What if I Start Cryingggg What if I Go InsaneWHAT THEN!!!!!
- juno anon
Heyaaaa Juno! I'm happy to hear about you again <3 and worry not, worry not, I understand being busy and I am glad that you're having more free time now. How are you? :D
!! I would LOVE to hear your headcanons about tickle talismans!!! Ehehe, I think the cultivation magic should be more explored in tickle scenarios w mdzs and I can already imagine who would be the gremlin that created such talismans jhgfdefghjk. Pls feel free to share those ideas \0/
Thank you thank you thank yooooou so much!!! I am so happy you liked that fic! It was a delight to write some silly fun w Jin Ling, Lan Shizui and bunnies. I am very proud of that fic, to be honest. So thanks thanks!!!!!
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featheredjohtolegends · 11 months
Hello there from another world! To be honest, I'm surprised a pair of legendary Pokemon like you would have the courage to make a blog, ehehe...
Er, but this isn't about that! And I'm glad you have the courage! But, um... I gotta ask. What inspired you two to make this blog? Aren't you afraid of, like, people, and all? I mean I assume you two usually stay really secretive, just like, the, the birds from our world, but like, this is, pretty not that...
- Pallas Feldspar Shirogane (@silverott-chevalier)
P.S. (Sorry if I'm a mess, just, nervous talking to Ho-Oh and Lugia... trying not to let that get in the way...)
Hello there! You don't need to be nervous about talking to us, we're pokemon just like you are! We just happen to have more stories due to our abilities and scarcity. As for why we made the blog... Well part of it has to do with the fact Blivy (@oblivionthegiratina) also has one! They're our partner. :D
Also I'm a dragon, not a bird, though I can kind of see where the confusion comes from... You know, the lack of a dragon typing.
Us making a blog is likely surprising due to the fact that, yes, legendary pokemon tend to be secretive. Especially ones that have a much... Much smaller population compared to others. It's not necessarily being afraid of people that keeps us away, though some legendaries aren't fond of interactions. Rather it's a precaution to keep from being used by those who only want our power. In most cases, it's safer for everyone to remain in hiding to keep some random person from just tossing a masterball at us.
In our case though, we don't need to worry about such a thing happening. We've allowed our chosen (@silveredfeathers) to keep a pokeball for each of us to prevent random capture, thus making roaming the lands much safer for us.
As for the blog, Lugia heard that Oblivion had one and thought it would be fun. I can say I've enjoyed answering questions others have considering I normally don't have a place to do so.... At least not without being swarmed by humans with busy minds that make it hard to communicate.
It's also nice to be able to use it to check up on our chosen without needing to see him directly, since showing up in a busy area leads to us both being surrounded... The number of times I've been whacked in the head by random pokeballs is ridiculous.
Lugia tends to roam more than I do, so having an easier way to make sure her in person check ins with Silver aren't going to happen at a bad time is rather nice.
Apologies for my long response, I hope it's not too much... I've been told I sometimes make my explanations rather lengthy.
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parasocialitevn · 2 years
Eden is so amazing and I love her. I have some questions for her if that’s okay 🥺
hey Eden, did you do something to your hair recently? it looks so cute, that’s my favorite style! how did you know?
You’re so good at video games! Was it hard to get that good at them? Did you have to practice a lot?
And lastly… what kind of wedding cake would you like to have at our wedding? 👀
(Anon there is never a time where asking questions and taking interest in my creations fills me with anything other than absolute glee, do you understand? MWAH! Love you. 😡 -Modchu)
Eden's hands would raise to her hair on reflex, sheepishly caressing it as if trying to tidy it up, suddenly very self conscious. She's so alight with nerves that she can't stop giggling. "I-Is it? Heehee... I had no idea... b-but I'm glad!" ([X] Doubt)
"Well... I guess practice does come into it one way or another... but mostly I play games almost every day, because it's my job! I really enjoy it, so I wasn't too focused on being very good, just that I was having fun and making an enjoyable stream for everyone! Ehehe... That sounds cheesy, doesn't it? B-But it's true!"
"I'm not terribly picky about food, to be honest! I'll like whatever you choose, so long as-" All of a sudden, Eden does a double take, eyes wider than you've ever seen them; looking like a dog who just heard food hit the floor. "...D-D-Did you say wedding...?!?!"
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squadrah · 1 year
hi same anon from the other ghiaccio ask ,,
i absolutely adore the concept of him just mirroring the behaviours of the people he’s close to, and honestly as someone who also does that i can confirm it’s the biggest sign of “i like and respect you” my autistic ass is physically capable of giving LMAO😭
i think also a way he might try to show that he has some sort of respect/trust for people is just whether or not he tries to curb his irritation. he gets mad easily as a defence (and also generally just a reaction) but i love the idea of him being like “wait i like this person i can’t be yelling at them”
for example (and also, i 100% agree on the ghiaccio-formaggio friendship so i’m using that lol) formaggio doesn’t usually take things particularly serious which annoys the hell out of ghiaccio, but once ghiaccio’s decided he doesn’t hate formaggio, he just avoids blowing up and screaming at him ,,,
this isn’t particularly a question i’m just sharing some bonus thoughts because i slept on it and have a lot to say LOL
Welcome back! :D
Glad you enjoyed my reply, I'm autistic too and I do a lot of mirroring as well... It really is a love language...
And yeah, I like the idea of Ghiaccio doing his best not to blow up on people he trusts and respects and whom he understands are different from him, even if it could take some time to pinpoint the difference and hammer it into himself that nothing bad is meant by it. If he limits himself to a "tch" around you it probably means you're in his good books, ehehe.
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kanatajelly · 7 months
I just discovered your writing recently, specifically Illogical Processes and it's now my new favorite fic
I keep rereading it over and over again, it's just so captivating! I really hope you make more rainworld things in the future!
!!! omg thank you so much for the kind words anon <3
originally i wasn't sure if i should even post illogical processes cuz i didn't know if the rain world fandom was interested in yandere fics or x reader fics, but your ask makes me so happy that i did post it!
to hear that it has become your favourite fic... omg i am so honoured... i'm glad you enjoyed my writing that much :D
and yes i will definitely make more rain world content in the future! rain world is one of my favourite games and the iterators are very dear to me so you can expect more stuff with them ehehe~ :3
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
*Slides in late with starbucks into your inbox*
Eheh- i apologize for dying on you you beautiful golden lion- im working more cause the semester ended and im going on vacation in like a week and a half so that’s fun :D
Also Sideswipe finally cooperated woo!! He better keep being good or im gonna tackle him
And more Duo lambo pieces would be amazing!!
Also congrats on 1,000 followers!!! Woo!! You do deserve the 10,000 from your original post(i saw it in my notifications and went 👀 and then came replies to 1,000 and i was like ah, typo, dang)
Also your twst pieces🤌🤌🤌🤌 you’re gonna make me a Malleus simp if you keep drawing him that pretty-
Also i wish you luck on your gacha rolls and best of luck with working with Sideswipe!
-Sunny Simp anon💛
Hello there Sunny Simp! I was starting to wonder how you were doing, so I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, and even have a vacation coming up. (I hope you have fun~)
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The follower milestone was really exciting, minus that mortifying typo incident, if I keep working at it, maybe someday I will actually hit the 10,000 point lol
It's funny to think that my pictures are passively threatening to turn you into a Malleus simp. As is the thought of one of my anons tackling an enormous robot so I can draw him. That aside, I'm happy that you're enjoying my twst pieces as well as my transformer ones ^J^
Thank you for the gacha (and art) luck. I went absolutely BROKE over Leona's fairy gala rerun, but I managed to obtain him in my last 10 pull. So now I'm just saving up every gem I can get my hands on for Halloween and praying.
I hope you have good gacha luck and a good day/night Sunny Simp. Your asks are always a pleasure~
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lionydoorin · 1 year
hi :D
ive been thinking on some possible prompts so im sending them here hehe:
possession/mind control
seven deadly sins
secret identity
social media
modern au fanfiction
sentinels and guides
thats all i have rn but i miiiiight send another ask if i get another wave of thoughts? eheh anywho, really excited for this!! <33
hi!!!! thank you for these AMAZING suggestions <3333 i have the first prompt list draft here already but i'll be sure to incorporate some of these into it !!!!
and pleaseee send more if you ever have any other ideas :3
i'm also so excited, it made october super special for me and i'm glad people are as hyped as i am <333
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