#:) liiiikkkeee???
ochyeanwaveshello · 1 year
i dont think the words exist to describe my love for the tmnt franchise, and especially my newfound love for the last ronin, lost years and my excitement for the last ronin ii
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like look at this amazing and beautiful cover,,
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sylvanianfamiliez · 2 years
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people posting thsi shit just makes me like. have you read it? do you even know the name of the myth you’re talking about? it’s not very long. you can read it online. it’s literally called the homeric hymn to demeter and it’s about demeter. it’s not a hot take the myth is about demeter it’s in the title and the fact that it’s about demeter
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brooklynisher · 7 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out
Eeeeepy deepy!!!!!!!!!!
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mr-mischievous · 3 months
Okay so liiiikkkeee....
Not many people look at my stuff if it's not SaMs related, but recently I redid a drawing of a character I have named Leo. And his old design I found more detailed and KIND of fire. So I'm making a vote thingy for my followers since they're more likely to see this.
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Not to localizationpost but the reason Daigo's line sounds off is because it is <3 Not in that it's a mistranslation per se... He was saying he felt like he was the only coward among them, and "You're making me look like I have no balls." is One Way You Could Put That I Guess, but it loses his established character voice and is at odds with the delivery.
It's actually even more Kansai-like in the dub script, since dropping the G like this is near-exclusive to Kansai:
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In Gaiden, I've noticed there's been a significant hemorrhaging of dialects that has at best been hastily cleaned-up. It's most evident with Nishitani III because he was, practically up until release day, localized like he's from Kansai even though he doesn't speak Kansai at all. I think I last talked about that before the game came out, but having experienced the game, there are still remnants of that in parts of the sub script and especially the dub script. You can also see it pop up with Kiryu using words like " 'bout" and " 'course," which He Would Not Say.
The introduction of slang where it doesn't really belong and the mixups with the dialects are relatively minor issues... until you have the accidental sexual abuse censorship fiasco on your hands because you decided to translate from Kanto rather than Kansai... lol...
In that instance and that instance only I feel entitled to monetary compensation from the localization team for all 60+ tweets I had to see questioning Shishido's abuse (yes I counted) (for this week's/tomorrow's video) because GODDDDD I can't even blame the players at that point... I just feel it fundamentally changes how you look at Shishido and Nishitani As Characters I will neverrrrr be over it I'm sorry...
On another note, while I'm talking about Shishido, setting aside the many actual mistranslations with his dialogue, I do kind of feel like they struggled with his character voice. He's notably much more polite than you'd expect, and I could tell the effect Yokoyama and Furuta were originally going for was something along the lines of the contrast between Mine and Jo's usual formality (depending on who they're addressing anyway Lol) and how vulgar and aggressive they get when they snap, just with the added layer of Shishido not looking as outwardly professional/put-together as those two.
Like. Y'know. It's not that Kansai is casual in and of itself, it's that many Kansai characters speak more casually and there's a higher ceiling for how colorful their language can get, but you still have to keep the individual character's voice in mind... Shishido also slips into the Kanto dialect on occasion, which has interesting implications for his character, and it's somewhat disappointing to not see that noted when the team for K2 did note when Sayama switched accents lol...
Anyway none of that matters what does matter is that in the scene you were referencing, in spite of making Daigo's line more vulgar than it is, they replaced Shishido calling everyone "dickcheeses" with "pricks" LIKE C'MOOONNNN YOU'RE TELLING ME JO CAN TALK ABOUT TEATS BUT SHISHI CAN'T GET PROPER NARSHTY... I get that it's kind of an unwieldy phrase but c'mooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn it's his birthdayyyyy
i woulda just bout lost every marble i had left if they really let shishido get away with callin everyone smegma liiiikkkeee i wouldn't have survived LOL
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scuddle-bubble101 · 11 months
Is Rusk the guy you saw shirtless~? Did you liiiikkkeee it~?
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".............. The constant tonal shift on these questions confuses a-and f-flusters m-me."
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shewantsitall · 10 months
Liiiikkkeee I’m never going to actually write the fic but is that going to stop me for turning the same two scenes over and over in my head bc I can see and feel them? Absolutely not.
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anchoeritic · 2 years
pls pls pretty pls write tsu’tey smut. 🧎‍♀️i’ve been trying to find some and i’m shocked there’s not many on ao3 and tumblr like what…😪
and also i feel like tsu’tey would be the type to keep heavy eye contact while y’all doing it liiiikkkeee🫡#pantingcantbreathe
tsu’tey angsty smut is coming xoxoxoxoxo
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riosnecktattoo · 1 year
Golshifteh Farahani is so beautiful liiiikkkeee 😍
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wyatt2cool4you · 6 months
Currently watching the oc and I’m loving it!!! This show is so funny and annoying in the best way possible. Although I do think that Anna should have never been a love interest for Seth she should have started off as Rachel’s friend but then befriends Seth because they’re both into comics so that it’s an easier leeway to him dating summer and then later down the road we could have had the three way thing because i like Anna but her character doesn’t feel like she’ll be around for to long :(. Now Seth I don’t like him at ALL !!! Liiiikkkeee at all I’m repulsed
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ladylimerence · 10 months
Fuck healthy coping mechanisms, I need to break the patterns by romanticizing suffering
The thing about artists is that you get bored quickly. I mean right?
Moving on only when you think you have thoughts no more about this. But always falling in love with it when you look at it.
And art could be anything. Liiiikkkeee romanticizing my suffering, the horrors.
A good writer makes art from their emotions, not from our mind. The mind is the communication, interpretation is the art.
It is a fail safe if you use it right.
I admire good writers, everyone has their definitions of good. I can’t define what good means to me besides the obvious.
The more you write. The more you expand. I hate slang, it’s like fast food of vocabulary 👀🙈😆. I like things that are difficult to read with a twentieth century mind. Edgar Allan Poe is actually difficult for me to read only because I have to pace my thinking as far as interpretation of the words they choose and are obviously no more in use.
We used to speak very elegantly, and now even that would be considered an art. We wrote deep and honest love letters. We wrote deeply enchanting stories.
I feel like I was never a good reader simply because I wasn’t disciplined enough. Reading has the incredible ability to make you feel present. You processing so much when you read. Your brain is so excited that it wants you to get through it all quickly, but this is where the discipline comes in or else you will be re-reading paragraphs. 👀🙈 I only speak from experience.
Reading has become much more stimulating and satisfying for me. It goes hand in hand with writing.
I finally feel like I can say that I’m a reader, but maybe that’s pushing it 😆 I read what I want to know, not usually for entertainment. There is a difference.
I can’t read for leisure. I read to feed an incessant hunger my mind has. I looooooove when it randomly gets hungry. I looooooove when my mind wants to barf all over the void.
I fucking love it all.
The godly process of creation lives with in me. It’s why I’m convinced we are all pieces of god experiencing his own creation. Cuz who wouldn’t look around and say—-“now how do I get myself in there?”
It is why we have a soul.
It is why we cry out for god in times of despair and desperation. Hoping the recognition we give will save us in that moment.
We are creators and we have done nothing but destroy. Maybe they are just romanticizing society in a sci-fi way.
But Donnie Darko always says destruction is a form of creation, so-
Romanticize away baby. 💋
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hunting-season · 2 years
quick drabble i wrote of them because i was feeling soft and weak from reading yearning-type of posts. mayhaps it will expand to cover the rest of the days???
Sunday Afternoon (Jade/Deuce)
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It’s Sunday afternoon and Jade is still in bed. It’s Sunday afternoon and Deuce is curled into Jade’s side, drooling into the merboy’s sheets without a care in the world. Jade traces the tip of his finger around Deuce’s closed eye, the one his usual spade mark would be drawn on.
It’s Sunday afternoon and soft blue sunlight colors the dark spaces of Jade’s dorm room as light peeks in through Octavinelle’s ocean above. A blue sunbeam slants over Deuce’s closed eyes, but he doesn’t stir, because it is blue and he’s said once it was Jade’s color, so it is safe and warm to him.
It’s Jade’s day off from the Lounge, and he’s spending the afternoon of it in bed watching his lover sleep and stir out of it.
“Jade?” Deuce calls out softly, not Leech as he insists on calling Jade when they’re around others. Jade smiles, fingers smoothing down pieces of Deuce’s hair.
“Deuce Spade,” he says, because it is amusing to watch the way Deuce’s nose crinkles at the formality, “I hope you’re enjoying your afternoon.”
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sapphic-luthor · 4 years
You’re telling me I have the opportunity to listen to Katie McGrath’s voice for 12 hrs?! Also this must have been a dream come true for her
twelve hours of katie mcgrath’s voice reading a SAPPHIC THRILLER
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todayisafridaynight · 5 months
You guys are so right about Daigos voice it’s so soothing and i just love everything about it the things id sacrifice to hear him just talk for hours is insane. Mine is a lucky man i want daigo bar dates😞
thats what im saying liiiikkkeee yoshitaka mine you do not understand how lucky of a man you really were
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Hihi! Sorry if I'm bugging you, tumblrs been a bit buggy on my end and I just wanted to confirm if you got my submission for matchups? :^0
I did! I’m trying to do them in order so I don’t forget anyone. There’s still a handful of them before I reach yours 😊
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1dclowns · 4 years
tumblr is a messy bitch... recommending me blogs to follow that have me blocked.. how rude
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