#://// friendship is sad sometimes
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dreadark · 6 months ago
regardless of how exactly you interpret ivan and till's relationship, two things are undeniably true:
ivan is the person who cares most about till till is the person who cares most about ivan
and yet…...
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cutielatias · 3 months ago
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I feel like Chip is a very special friend for Sonic compared to the other companions that Sonic encounter on his adventures.chip seem to have a special place on him.
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on that scene sonic says as if chip was protecting him this whole time cuz of the fact of him being the light gaia and chip answers that wasn't him, but sonic himself that made it, but i do think indeed that chip was the reason of sonic not giving up to the dark/ being like the people during the night,but not because of chip protecting him as him being light gaia, but as a friend, chip was on his side even during his night/werehog form, chip was there with sonic during his lowest, chip didn't treat sonic different on his werehog form since chip didn't know/met sonic before, he don't have an idea of how sonic was or suppose to be, so, for him both his day and night version are still him, and that's something that sonic friends don't do, since this version of sonic(werehog) is too different from the sonic that they knew, so they don't even reconizer him or treat him like sonic, even though still him anyway. Doing this adventure and going thru this whole new version/situation together with chip, a friend, made sonic not be consumed by the dark.
Also feel that sonic and chip are very similar, chip just like sonic is a hero, an earth protector, just as sonic, both protect and save and care for the world from the evil, a responsabilite/something that none of sonic friends could understand, none of them carry this duty;something that also make chip friendship so special.
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On the scene of adabat temple i feel that what chip meant to say, was that he was scared not because of the temple being "scary", but that he feels that on this temple he would find out who he is, he was scary of what would happen after,cuz after him finding his memory back he wouldn't need to stay with sonic anymore since the reason they were together was to find who he was, chip was scared to end the adventure/lose sonic company and friendship; that's why what sonic says on the night scene is so special "do i need a reason to want to help out a friend?", sonic on this moment confirm to chip that he already consider chip his friend, chip don't need a reason to reach out to him, chip was already his friend;
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funny how in the beginning chip was the one scared of ending the adventure and lose sonic, but as the story goes now is sonic being the one insecure about it, the difference being that on sonic is a little more subtle, sonic on the eggmanland scene seem so…indifferent, he doesn't seem to be determined/excited as he was at the beginning even though he's so close to unite all the world parts again and come back to be his normal form (without have to become werehog on the night), sonic is indifferent/scary/sad cuz that's mean that the journey is coming to an end, and that this fight would be the last moments of him and chip, after that, both would go on their separates ways, but even sad sonic still supporting chip, but deep down he didn't want chip to go(and i feel chip notices that, but now chip is the one accepting and sonic is the one struggling) this scene after is almost as if sonic want to say something, but got interrumped by eggman(…if we think, is sad sonic and chip never had a proper goodbye)
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before i didn't understand this chip dialogue "sonic, you have to live"(i was like, of course he has to live you can't just let he die!😅) but now i think i understand, chip wasn't talking about "live" on a life and death sense, he was saying that sonic must go on with his life even without him,sonic must keep…living, even if chip is not there anymore, sonic must continuing to live.
Then after when sonic is thrown out of the lava place, he even imagine chip, almost as if sonic was looking out for him, wishing that this was how it end; but chip is not there, the only thing that is, is his bracelet;
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"I'II never forget you" "I'II be here by you, always." "A part of the earth you tread"
chip's words of consolation saying to sonic that he is always with him, being a part of the world that sonic lives and protect, when sonic is protecting the earth is as if him and chip were together fighting/doing the adventure and saving the planet, sonic and chip might not be together anymore, but their connection/friendship remains.
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chip song("dear my friend") is pretty much very related to all of that, though the song is very related to chip(since the song voice also remind his) i think the song is also about sonic/sonic speaking to chip, no wonder the song image even show both of them, this whole song represents/shows sonic & chip friendship and the game message.
"Good times and bad times, I can count on being with you. I thank you for staying so true (...) And You are my reason I can make it through"
"I know life can be tough on you time and time again laughter maybe gone 'way I will wipe away my tears to-morrow Life must go on, that's the reason that you travel away"
"Just like a river that flows Just like stars in the dark night Lead me in the storm, Lead me in the dark You are the light of my life"
"Memories you can recall With me any time of day You can reach out you can ask me in your soul I will answer when you call me I will come no matter how Cause we are very special friends"
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ry0ubakura · 2 months ago
I adore the Bakura from School memes it's one of my favs but also I can make myself really sad when I realize how Bakura is JUST "from school" to the dub gang instead of this
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bubble-popping · 8 months ago
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream talks to someone about the past
some short staged duo/drunz <3
It's quiet where they were. Dream found this large lake after exploring the server for a while, just to learn all the important landmarks around world spawn. He liked the way the sunlight reflected off the water, creating shimmers and sparkles as if jewels rested on the surface.
One of his first thoughts upon initial discovery was how it'd be nice to have a house out here. Perhaps something on the shoreline, where he could sit and watch the aquatic wildlife enjoy their own home.
"Man. We really are far out. Can't hear Tommy at all," Punz commented, looking rather happy about that.
Dream giggled, shoulders bouncing lightly. "Pretty great, huh? I told you I had a good spot."
"Alright, alright. I guess my tower isn't good enough for ya."
"No, your tower is great! I like your tower too, I just... I like nature, ya know?" Dream fumbled to correct them. Punz was a good friend; he didn't want to offend him.
"Nah, I get it. You're a tree hugger or whatever. Always barefoot, running around yelling about how great nature is," they teased.
Although, he really wasn't exaggerating much. Dream did walk barefoot, almost always getting his hands dirty in tree sap or mud. He hadn't even set up a proper base yet since he was too enthralled in exploring.
(Underneath the enthusiasm and excitement, there was a certain fear. The fear that one day it could all be taken away from him, so he had to enjoy it while it lasted.)
"Why'd we have to go this far out again?" Punz asked, startling Dream from his thoughts.
"Oh right! I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure, shoot. Must be important."
"Well, it's just... Do you ever have weird dreams?"
"Weird dreams?" They raised a brow. "Like what?"
"Like... Of big explosions... Or, a giant dark building? Or... being tortured?"
Punz stared at him. He eyed him, analyzed with those sharp blue eyes, probably trying to gauge if he was joking.
He wasn't.
"I... can't say I have, dude. Those sound more like nightmares."
"They feel more like nightmares... Actually, they feel like, almost like memories. Just... distant."
"I dunno, man. You're prolly just eatin' somethin' bad before you sleep. I told you about those weird lookin' berries."
Instead of pressing it like he wanted to, Dream laughed it off. "Yeah, maybe... Sorry, I wasn't trying to bring you down or anything. It's just been bugging me a lot lately and I, well, I trust you, ya know?"
"Of course, man. It's no problem. I'll always be there for you, no matter what. I'll even beat up those nightmares if ya want me to." Punz nudged his shoulder with their own, earning another giggle. Dream tilted towards them, leaning his weight against Punz's side. They easily reciprocated with an arm around his waist.
"You're a good friend, Punz. Thanks for listening to me ramble out here."
"It's nice over here. We should come out more often."
"Are you asking me out, Punz?"
"Would you still agree if I was?"
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gemsbian · 1 year ago
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Made some refs for Frankie's team! She doesn't battle with either of her pokemon, they are service pokemon.
Feebie, the Togekiss, was given to her as a Togepi while she was recovering from her amputation to help her mentally. Much like Emotional Support Animals, Feebie's primary job is to comfort Frankie and calm her down. Feebie can tell when Frankie is experiencing phantom limb pain to offer support. She will lay on top of her to ground her when she's panicking or anxious, much like a weighted blanket. I imagine Fairy types are common Emotional Support Aids in the pokemon world. Another option for Frankie would've been a Riolu/Lucario, but that evolution line has high energy requirements that Frankie wouldn't have been able to manage.
Michael mostly makes her life easier by retrieving items for her. It's helpful to have another set of "hands" while she's tinkering in her freetime or performing maintenance. She's had Michael since before she was old enough to be a trainer. The only indication it recognizes she lost an arm is the fact it will carry her prosthetic when she's not wearing it. Michael was registered as a service pokemon after Frankie's amputation not because its particularly helpful, but so that she can't be told to recall her pokemon when she travels.
I really enjoy thinking about the various ways pokemon can function as aids! I think the Rockruff line would be particularly helpful for fainting and chronic fatigue, as many service dogs today can smell when their owner is about to pass out, including for disorders like narcolepsy.
Sylveons would be particularly good emotional support and seeing-eye pokemon because they can guide their trainers with their ribbons. Though, I imagine all the Eeveelutions would be good emotional support aids. The friendship evolutions would be most common.
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pupkashi · 9 months ago
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transgendermilesprower · 1 year ago
i keep thinking about how they use sonic advance 3 in particular in the one flashback in sonic prime, it's because that's where 'unbreakable bond' originates from!
Sonic and Tails' unbreakable bond is so important to sonic (the character and the series)
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 months ago
#feeling really lonely lately and idk why#i mean i guess this is what 5 years of complete isolation do to ya lol#but yeah... sometimes it hits me that i don't really have friends (my fault obvs) and i just sit here with no idea how to change that lol#cause i have the curse of being ok while i'm alone and feeling incredibly anxious when i'm with people#so i convince myself that i'm better alone#and i am for the most part#but then 5 years since the last time i met someone that wasn't my mom or my brother go by and i go ''hmm... i don't think this is healthy''#and i spiral into a pit of dispair#like i can't believe that my highschool years when i was an absolute emo ''i hate everybody and everybody hates me'' kind of dude#were healthier than now#because i had online friends whom i talked to for hours about just random shit#and i met incredible people in uni but i haven't talked to them in literally i'm gonna say 5 years?#and the fact that they live 3hs away doesn't help but still#and i fully know I'M the problem#cause i isolate myself and i don't text and i don't hang out when they arrange hang outs#(again being 3hs away. relying on public transport and not feeling comfortable going out at night don't help..)#but also i put waaaayyyy too much pressure on this so that doesn't help at all#and i'm waaaay to awkward and self depricating to even attempt to have a meaningful friendship with anyone...#so i'm left here (by my own actions) alone and sad lol#i might be getting my period btw so maybe that's why i want to die today#but yeah... it's been in my head for a while now and i wanted to get it out so i can move the fuck on#if only i could be a normal person... sigh#angel talks#personal
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cheriecoke · 2 months ago
i get a little sad sometimes bc i feel like i'm always such a secondary friend to everyone i've ever come across and it is hard not to be jealous every so often </3
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milimeters-morales · 2 years ago
Clawcode where Miles sometimes sends a small birthday gift to Ganke using the money he gets as The Prowler and it’s one of the only ways he allows himself to communicate with Ganke because no matter how hard he tries to stay away he can’t just let go :3 and one year Ganke leaves a small thank you note in case Miles gives him a gift again, and Miles does see it and sobs his heart out when he gets home ^_^ but he saves the note and hides it in his room along with Ganke’s scarf
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youwillfindilluminating · 2 years ago
I get why critical role wanted to delete all the content that had brian w foster in it but at the same time the digital archivist in me is like... you can’t...just DO that...?
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aroaessidhe · 1 year ago
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2023 reads / storygraph
Sheiné łénde
prequel to Elatsoe, following her grandmother as a teen in the 1970s
after a devastating flood and loss of family members & their traditional home, she works with her mother & their ghost dogs, tracking down missing people
when a local boy goes missing - and her mother, when trying to find him - strange fairy rings (not the usual, reliable ones used for transport) might be to blame, and she and her friends, brother, and lone (unreliable) grandfather have to try find them
friendship, family, ecology, no romance, ghost bugs :)
(title pronounciation: Sheh-ee-neh lehneh)
arc from netgalley, out 16 April 2024!
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septemberkisses · 8 months ago
The saddest part of having long distance friends in other continents is that not even the same sun and moon shine on them
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darkacademiaarchivist · 3 months ago
i should get a shirt that says "I survived a homoerotic teenage girl friendship and all I got was this lousy t-shirt '
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kdranime · 28 days ago
#single's inferno#tehwan is so fucking awkward like he's just standing there and I can feel the awkwardness through the screen it's like he's just so uncomf💀#aah poor minseol she's so cute🤣 youjin is so cute too#finally jeongsu is showing a side I'm actually liking with youjin lol I wasn't expecting this#also didn't expect to like junseo and sian so much agh but what about theo#I don't think dongho likes haelin he definitely likes arin#never thought I'd feel bad for jeonsu but his face after he saw sian leaning on junseo wow made me feel sad also why did sian come in first#minseollllllll my girl I was cheering for you lmao😭#also I was sure junseo only saw minseol as a younger sister but after he said she was on his mind during paradise and was shouting tips at#her during the game I'm like? maybe not? probably yes but maybe not? lol#I was right ofc junseo doesn't like minseol aaaaah poor girl and aaah whoaa I can't believe sian turned theo down#he's also sweet and kind why didn't she go for him instead of jeongsu😩#anyway if it's between junseo and jeongsu than I reaaaaaaaaaaaally hope it's junseo bc jeongsu and sian were so boring together#or maybe she will still choose theo in the end? lmao I don't think so but you never know#between theo and junseo I'm thorn between junseo and jeongsu JUNSEO PLEASE OH GOSH PLEASE#even if junseo just saw minseol as a cute younger friend I still liked their friendship#ah seriously you can't make men feel comfortable and be friendly cause they take you for granted#you have to make them feel NERVOUS taylor swift is a psyho but maybe she was right when she said men only want love if it's torture🤣#I'm joking..... partially..... sian still probably made him a little nervous and I think ppl are a little too extreme about junseo#he's rough but he even said he's gonna try to be more gentle to sian and he didn't give minseol fake hopes he was very straightforward#but still nice#now that it's just two episodes till the end I think there was no couple or contestant that I was super into this season#in season two I loved seulki and dex so much and season three there was hajeong and gwanhee even tho I hated gwanhee sometimes#season 1 I liked jia and her puppy (forgot his name lmao) but it wasn't that special same with theo and minseol#so theory going around is that taehwan only went on the show to promote his job... and honestly I know a lot of ppl probably do this but at#at least they fake well? lmao that's why he is so weird and was so desperate to go to paradise with jiyeon bc he HAD TO TALK ABOUT HIS JOB#also he couldn't connect with anyone and was acting like a mf robot#I love that everyone was enjoying him oh he's such a green flag but I was right about him all along dude seriously creeps me out Idk why bu#I have a sixth sense for these things
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starbuck · 4 months ago
brunch fic is literally everything to me… like. what if, despite everything, they got brunch
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