#: ̗̀➛ alex's eldarya headcanons!
verystrxxwberry · 5 days
ELDARYA; when you don’t say 'I love you' back
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: When they tell you I love you but you don’t say it back, TO and ANE routes x reader, sfw, fluff. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Nothing to comment. Enjoy!
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
You were used to hearing his lazy groans early in the morning as he didn’t want to leave the bed. He was much more comfortable in the warmth of your arms rather than forcing himself to pay attention to Miiko’s words in the next meeting.
As he prepared himself for work, you decided to sit on the bed and read to kill the time.
“Well, babe, I’m leaving.” Ezarel came closer to you, placing both of his hands over your knees to hold his support and lean in to take your lips in a short yet affectionate kiss. “Love you.” His voice holds such a softness that would make your heart melt.
“Alright, have fun..” You muttered still quite sleepy, not being conscious about your lack of response. He didn’t realize at first.
At first…
When he was about to touch the doorknob he realized that you did indeed not say it back. He turned around and looked at you, crossing his arms right over his chest.
“Babe.” He says with a serious tone, staring at you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask with a casual tone, looking back at him. You could see how his face was basically a >:(.
“That’s what I should ask you.” He says, approaching once again at you. “You didn’t say ‘I love you too’.” 
The way he had a grumpy and pouty face made you laugh in amusement. He was offended, betrayed, mad, hurt… Not seriously though, but it was the most casual habit for him to hear you say it back to suddenly not. You cupped his cheeks and pulled in for a little kiss just as before, pressing your lips a little bit longer and saying, “I love you too, dear. Happy?"
Ezarel’s face changes automatically from a frown to a relaxed expression, happy even. “Yes, that's better. See you later, pretty one.” And then he leaves happily to work.
It was typical to have cuddling sessions with Nevra before going to sleep. That was the most common way for him to relax after a long day; to feel your warmth and presence to release all his stress.
His caresses go from the upper part of your back to the lowest, and then again. The typical night talk was making your eyes heavy and he couldn’t help but notice how you felt that way. Resting would be good for both of you so he didn’t complain.
“Good night, sweetheart. I love you.” He whispers, giving little kisses filled with warmth to your cheeks. You hummed, with no response. Oh, and that’s a mistake with Nevra. He kisses you again on the cheek, this time staying longer. “Good night, sweetheart. I love you.” 
When he repeated it with more emphasis you laughed at him, nodding your head but letting him continue.
It can turn into a loop of constant “I love you”’s until you answer back. And he has got all the patience and time in the world. It is up to you to reciprocate. 
“I said that I love you..” Nevra keeps kissing your cheek, but pressing his lips longer before separating them and saying the same again.
“Now… you’ve said that a couple of times.” You said with amusement, opening your eyes to see his little pout.
“Well, you didn’t.” His voice sounds softer than usual, making you melt slightly, “don’t you love me back?”
Your laugh made him relax, knowing that there was nothing wrong. “Of course I love you too. I love you a lot, in fact.” You reassured him with that loving smile of yours, infecting him with a warm expression.
“Now it can be a good night.” He says in a calm tone, kissing your forehead and closing his eyes with the intention of finally resting.
You were assigned to a mission and you were waiting for Valkyon to finish forging your weapon. He was a little bit grumpy about the fact of not being able to go with you. He was worried sick about you getting hurt somehow.
“Please, make sure to check your surroundings at least four times.” He repeated, his gaze focused on a dagger he was preparing specially for you. 
“You’re worrying too much, Valky.” You hugged him from behind, hoping to give him a little bit of support to cease the negative thoughts. “We’ve been through worse things.”
Valkyon sighed and leaned towards you, whispering a “I love you” which you didn’t answer to. You had this little game in which you were hard to play sometimes, and he knew you weren’t saying it back just to see his reaction. 
He looks up at you like 🤨
How do you honestly dare to do this to him? He stares at you silently, waiting for you to say it back.
It was too funny for you the way he looked at you with a raised eyebrow, not working anymore in the weapon and simply focusing on you. You still didn’t answer, looking back at him. 
“Is… everything alright?” He pronounces slowly, caressing your arm and expecting you to stop with the joke. Valkyon was the type to be observant, so he knew that nothing was wrong, you were just being playful.
You emitted a little chuckle, feeling how his muscles relaxed under your touch, “of course yes, I love you too.”
Then he continued working, more relieved now that he has gotten an answer.
Oh my God, don’t do that to this poor baby. 
He has a gentle heart and soul, so it makes him overthink when he feels that things aren’t going as good as they could be. Even if you are busy, whenever he sees you in the corridors you both tend to say a quick I love you and then go to your places. 
One day you were so rushed that you didn’t even have time to tell him that you loved him back. Leiftan overthought about it and spent the day quite unmotivated due to that.
His work switch was slow, torturous with his thoughts and his expression of :C
The day was long for you too, and when you reached your bedroom, he was right in front of the door, walking in circles and wondering a lot of things. When you saw him he quickly approached you and asked with a small tone, “Babe, did I do something wrong?”
You tilted your head confused, searching for a reason why he’d ask that. “Not at all, why are you asking?” You were indeed worried now, holding his hands to calm him down.
“Later, when I saw you in the dining hall, you didn’t answer me.” Leiftan wasn’t the type to be whiny, but you certainly could hear a whiny tone in his voice. It was adorable, heart-melting.
“Ah, Leiftan…” you sighed, pulling him into a gentle embrace, “you caught me in a stressful moment. But you know I love you very much, right?”
If Leiftan had a tail, now he’d be wagging it happily non-stop.
More or less, he reacts just as his brother. Though he demands an answer because how could you disrespect his heart like that?
He came back from his switch. He saw you resting on the couch and busy with any of your hobbies. Lance approached silently from behind and kissed your head, muttering a tired “I love you” and sitting beside you.
You acted as if you were ignoring him, knowing he’d be like a grumpy offended grandpa. You kept focusing on the activity you were currently doing, and you could hear him clearing his throat a couple of times.
“Baby,” he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, “it isn’t very polite to ignore others’..” His low tone makes you shiver a little. A nervous giggle escapes your throat.
“I’m not ignoring you, I heard you.” You looked at him, almost sat on his lap. 
“And what are you going to answer?” He hinted, pinching your sides to tickle you somehow, trying to get the answer from being playful with you. You squirmed, giggling once again. 
“What should I say?” you teased back, wrapping your arm around his shoulders. “That I love you?” He nods, keeping his eyes on you. 
“Exactly.” He raises an eyebrow. “So… I love you.” He repeated this time, expecting you to answer back
You’d be attacked with kisses if you kept teasing him. Lance wouldn’t doubt in pulling you into a making out session to take those words out from you. Once he hears you say it back he has the most smug and stupid smirk on his face.
Another softie just like Leiftan, but he’d immediately react if he saw you not answering back. 
He was saying goodbye, giving you the last kisses before he went to his guard. His clingy ass didn’t allow him to get away without being satisfied enough with his affection.
“Stay safe, yes, darling? I love you so so so muuuch..” He repeats for the tenth time, giving one last kiss before separating and pretending to walk away. Though he stops his walking, turning around and looking at you with a worried expression.
You didn’t say it back… did he do something?
“Mmm, what’s in your mind?” Mathieu placed his hands on his hips, looking at you, confused.
“Nothing. I just want to be at peace.” You said calmly, seeing how his lips got pouty. He kneels in front of you, caressing your knees gently. 
“Are you alright? Do you want me to give you space? I mean… you didn’t say it back.” His worry raised, making you feel a little bit sad for pulling the joke for him. Mathieu was the kindest guy you’ve ever had in your life, and he didn’t deserve to get a joke like that one.
“Everything’s alright.” You said quickly so his thoughts wouldn’t get more negative, “I was pranking you to see how you’d react.” The smile in your lips made him relax, his laugh being nervous and confused. “I love you too, don’t ever doubt that. Stay safe as well, Mat.” 
And with a kiss on his forehead he felt completely blessed to have you as his partner. 
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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hirelingscenario · 5 years
Holi, pocas pero preciosas personas que lean esto <3
Este es el segundo capítulo de mi pseudo-fic de Corazón de Melón Universidad. Como mencioné en el capítulo 1, más o menos seguiré la línea argumental de los episodios de CdM, pero también iré cambiando cosas.
También me parecería muy divertido, si leen el fic y les gusta, que me dijeran qué cosas les gustaría que pasaran. Un rollo Choose your own adventure, pero os lo escribo yo!
Este capi es un poco más aburrido en la parte de Rayan, pero de verdad que no soporrrrto la forma en la que Rayan considera a Candy TAN especial y TAN maravillosa sin que ella haga ni diga nada mínimamente inteligente.
Aprovecho para poner por aquí también que me encantaría escribir headcanons y scenarios de CdM y de Eldarya, así que si tenéis alguna petición, NO DUDÉIS <3
La mañana del primer día de clase, Yeleen decidió vengarse colonizando ella el baño. Decidí empezar la semana de forma positiva, pensando que al menos no tenía que arreglarme tanto como si fuera a salir de fiesta. Para cuando Yeleen terminó de ducharse, yo ya había escogido la ropa, preparado mi bolso e incluso me las había apañado para peinarme un poco sin un espejo a mano.
Yeleen salió del baño y, sin dirigirnos la palabra, yo entré al baño y ella abandonó la habitación. Me lavé la cara, me cepillé los dientes y me quité el pijama en el baño. Mis ojos volaron a mi hombro, donde unos moretones en forma de dedos empezaban a formarse. También me molestaba el brazo al moverlo.
Rosa y Alex me habían preguntado por nuestro chat cómo había llegado a casa. Por algún extraño motivo, me daba vergüenza contarles la situación en la que me había visto envuelta, y dado que no quería preocuparles cuando ya todo había pasado, decidí mentir y decirles que había regresado sin ningún incidente.
Miré mi reflejo en el espejo. No tenía el mejor aspecto, pero si sonreía mis ojeras parecían disminuir. Decidí pintarme los labios de rojo, para desviar todavía más la atención de mis ojos cansados y que nadie sospechara que ya de buena mañana había un drama en mi vida.
Las aulas y el mapa estaban colgados a las puertas del aula magna, el único sitio a parte de mi cuarto y la cafetería al que sabía llegar. Alumnos de todas las carreras que ofrecía la universidad de Antreros se mezclaban en el enorme salón. Unos se saludaban efusivamente, otros miraban desesperados entre los paneles intentando encontrar sus aulas. Mientras me acercaba a los paneles de mi carrera, vi a Chani, la chica gótica con la que había hablado unos días antes. Yeleen nos había aborrecido a ambas desde que nos miró, y eso generó un sentimiento de camaradería que me duraba a esa hora de un lunes.
–¡Hola, Chani!
–Buenos días. ¡Qué animada estás a esta hora!
Sonreí y asentí.
–Es que me encanta el ambiente de los primeros días de clase.
Nos acercamos juntas a los paneles. Encontramos el listado de nuestras aulas y les eché una foto con el teléfono.
–¿En serio? A mí me agobia un poco tanta gente alrededor.
Me giré para ver a Priya, que me saludaba con un gesto de la mano mientras se acercaba. A su lado caminaba una chica rubia que…
Oh, joder.
–Amber– solté a bocajarro cuando las tuve delante, sorprendida sobre todo que Amber también me estuviera sonriendo–, qué tal…
–¡Es verdad que has vuelto!– Amber se inclinó hacia mí y me dio dos besos en las mejillas que yo, estupefacta, no atiné a responder­. Después miró a Chani y la saludó, extendiendo la mano­–. Hola, perdona, no me he presentado. Soy Amber.
Salí de mi estupor y presenté a Chani y Priya y Amber. Tras unos momentos más de charla cordial, Amber se excusó y fue a saludar a otras personas. Mientras se iba, me di cuenta de que todavía la contemplaba con la boca entreabierta de asombro. Priya dejó escapar una risotada.
–Pero ¿le han hecho una lobotomía o algo?– dije cuando ya no podía oírnos.
–Venga, no seas así, Hall. Todos maduramos después del instituto.
–¿Deduzco que no siempre ha sido tan maja?– preguntó Chani.
–Imagina a Yeleen, pero peor, y ponle detrás a Tweedledum y a Tweedledee. Pero peor.
Chani se rio y Priya sacudió la cabeza.
–¡No me mires así!– le dije– ¡Una vez te intentó hacer un trasquilón en el pelo!
–Sí, y precisamente por eso deberías creerme cuando te digo que ha cambiado. Si se da la ocasión, dale una oportunidad– Priya miró su reloj y se despidió de nosotras–. No me apetecería nada llegar tarde el primer día.
Decididas a seguir su buen ejemplo, Chani y yo caminamos hacia el aula. Hicimos una pequeña parada técnica para que yo me sacara un café de máquina, porque no había desayunado aún, pero al girar por el pasillo que llevaba a nuestra aula di un paso atrás y me puse de espaldas.
–Ay dios, no, por favor…
–¿Qué pasa?
–¿Ves a la chica que está junto a la puerta, la de la blusa azul?­– Chani se puso de puntillas para mirar por encima de mi hombro, y cuando identificó a la persona de la que le hablaba asintió–. Se llama Melody. Iba a mi clase del instituto…
–Pero ¿tú ibas al instituto o a los Juegos del Hambre?
Esta vez me tocó a mí reírme por su referencia.
–No, si es simpática. Solo es… intensa. Y no sabía que la iba a tener en clase. Otra vez.
–Bueno, pues en algún momento tendrás que hacerle frente– Chani apoyó sus manos en mis hombros para hacerme girar sobre mí misma y seguir andando. No pude evitar una mueca de dolor cuando las manos pequeñitas de Chani se apoyaron en los moretones del hombro, pero ella confundió el significado de mi gesto–. Venga, que no es para tanto. Prometo no abandonarte.
–¿Prometes fingir un ataque epiléptico si es todo muy incómodo?
La única respuesta de Chani fue la risa. Llegamos a la altura de Melody, a la que saludé tímidamente. Durante el instituto, habíamos tenido nuestros más y nuestros menos por mi relación con Nathaniel. No me entusiasmaba descubrir que todavía podía sentir rencor. Pero al principio, me devolvió el saludo con un gesto dubitativo.
–Hola, perdona, pero…– sus ojos vagaron de mi pelo grisáceo a mis raíces deliberadamente marcadas. Casi pude ver cómo intentaba imaginarme con el pelo natural, y su gesto cambió rápidamente al asombro– ¡Hall, madre mía!
–Hola, Melody.
–¡Qué ilusión! ¿Vienes a este curso?
Con una alegría inusitada, Melody se puso a parlotear con nosotras, incluyendo a Chani como si también fuera una antigua compañera del instituto. Nos explicó que, tras muchos años de excelentes notas, por fin había conseguido que la ascendieran a ayudante adjunta ese año. Ese año sería la asistente del profesor Zaidi quien, nos aseguró, era sin lugar a dudas el profesor más dedicado y con la pedagogía más interesante del campus. Después, sin hacer una pausa, comenzó a detallarnos la metodología que ella quería seguir como asistente, para conseguir la máxima eficacia en su trabajo…
Repentinamente, Chani comenzó a balancearse de forma delicada. Clavó una mano en la pared y mirando al suelo, dijo:
–Melody, perdona que te interrumpa… Me está dando un mareo.
Me llenó de orgullo la forma en la que no perdí ni un segundo para continuar con el pequeño teatrillo de Chani.
–Te dije que tenías que desayunar algo– me quejé mientras apoyaba una mano, muy preocupada, en su hombro. Miré a Melody con un gesto de disculpa–. Perdona, Melo, voy a acompañar a Chani a que compre algo en la máquina
–Claro, claro. ¿Necesitáis ayuda?
Su gesto era de tal preocupación que casi me sentía culpable, pero Chani le aseguró que sólo necesitaba un poco de azúcar para recuperarse y se encaminó con pasos temblorosos hacia la máquina expendedora. Nos aseguramos de estar fuera del rango de visión de Melody antes de que Chani abandonara su papel de enferma terminal.
–¡Vaya, deberías meterte a actriz!­– exclamé– ¡Te temblaban las manos y todo!
Chani sonrió e hizo una pequeña reverencia.
–Tenías razón, parece simpática pero es muy intensa.
Al cabo de un rato, decidimos acercarnos de nuevo al aula y esperar pacientemente a la llega del profesor más dedicado y con la pedagogía más interesante del campus. Mientras charlábamos de cosas banales, mis ojos se posaron en el hombre que caminaba con pasos decididos hacia el aula. Iba vestido con elegancia, pero me resultaba tan atractivo que casi rozaba lo ridículo, como si saliera de una serie de televisión cutre sobre abogados, donde su personaje casualmente también era modelo. Las facciones de su rostro eran parecían esculpidas, y sobre sus ojos ligeramente almendrados y de un increíble tono verde había unas densas cejas que, por justicia, esperaba que fueran depiladas.
Tan absorta estaba en la llegada de aquel hombre que debí ignorar una pregunta de Chani, porque ella siguió el curso de mi mirada y dijo en tono despreocupado:
–Ah, ese debe ser el profesor.
–¿Perdona?– solté incrédula– ¿Cómo puede serlo?
–Pues está entrando en el aula.
Aquella especie de modelo de trajes sujetó la puerta y fue indicando a los alumnos que entraran. Chani y yo nos acercamos, y él nos dirigió una sonrisa educada que Chani tuvo a bien responder mientras yo no conseguía salir de mi asombro. Me parecía una estrategia de márketing excelente para luchar contra las faltas a clase, y no me iba a quejar.
–Ahora entiendo el entusiasmo de Melody– susurré una vez nos sentamos.
–No es exactamente mi tipo, pero tengo que reconocer que veo el atractivo.
–Esta pregunta es totalmente seria, ¿crees que esas son sus pestañas naturales o llevará rímel?
Chani intentó disimular su carcajada fingiendo que le daba tos. La pobre muchacha a penas llevaba una hora conmigo y parecía ser oficialmente la persona con peor salud de la universidad.
El profesor Zaidi se presentó, nos pidió que durante los próximos días le perdonáramos si confundía u olvidaba nombres y comenzó a dar una clase que realmente consiguió vencer mi escepticismo.
–¿Qué es el arte?– nos preguntó– Y no estoy buscando respuestas metafísicas, que también tendrán cabida. Me refiero a cuál es la línea que separa un garabato sin más trascendencia de una obra de arte.
Hubo unos momentos de duda, en los que los alumnos nos miramos unos a otros sin que ninguno terminara de animarse a alzar la mano. Hizo falta un primer valiente en un extremo del aula, al que el profesor Zaidi animó con una brillante sonrisa antes de preguntarle su nombre. Poco a poco, las respuestas se fueron sucediendo, y por muy nervioso que estuviera el alumno o por muy tonta que pareciera su opción, el profesor Zaidi no dejó en ningún momento de animar la participación e incluir todas las opciones en el debate: la calidad de los materiales, la intención del autor, la opinión de los críticos…
Había una respuesta que ninguno de mis compañeros había dado, y que sin embargo yo no podía dejar de pensar como obvia. Me removí en mi asiento, sin terminar de animarme a participar, quizás por miedo a sonar pedante o por miedo al ridículo.
–¿Alguien más?– preguntó el profesor Zaidi.
Durante un breve instante cogí el valor para levantar la mano, pero entonces su mirada se volvió hacia el otro extremo del aula, y sentí cómo mi determinación se desinflaba.
Con claridad y seguridad, la voz de Chani se alzó a través de clase. Todos los alumnos y el profesor se giraron hacia donde estábamos sentadas, y tardé un instante en darme cuenta de que Chani también se había girado a mirarme. Esbozando una sonrisa alentadora, Chani apoyó la barbilla en la mano.
–¿Sí?– me animó el señor Zaidi– ¿Tiene alguna otra respuesta, señorita…?
– Hall. Perdón, Halkatla– tartamudeé, nerviosa por la repentina atención–. Es difícil de pronunciar. Mis padres son unos hippies y mis abuelos noruegos, por eso…
Fui consciente del ridículo espantoso que estaba haciendo, así que decidí inspirar hondo y volver a empezar, ignorando las sonrisitas burlonas de algunos de mis compañeros y el hecho de que acababa de llamar hippies a mis abnegados padres delante de decenas de desconocidos.
–Hall Nielsen, señor.
–Encantado, señorita Nielsen– la sonrisa del profesor Zaidi era tranquilizadora, y con un gesto de la mano me animó a seguir–. ¿Cuál era su respuesta?
–El tiempo, señor– respondí, y pude escuchar un sonido de exasperación que provenía de la zona donde veía que se había sentado Yeleen–. Creo que todo lo que se ha dicho hasta ahora son factores que ayudan en mayor o menor medida, pero que sin tiempo no darían pie a una obra de arte.
–¿Le importaría elaborar un poco esa respuesta?
–Vale, a ver…– comencé, intentando ganar tiempo para ordenar mis pensamientos– Considero que el ejemplo más claro se podría ver con la artesanía. Vas a un país extranjero y te compras un collar hecho por personas locales, con materiales de la zona y siguiendo métodos tradicionales. Al final estás adquiriendo un collar, te puedes comprar uno en unos grandes almacenes igual o más bonito, pero la cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo que se ha dedicado a hacer la artesanía es lo que la eleva respecto a un producto manufacturado.
Por suerte, las sonrisitas burlonas desaparecieron y mis compañeros parecieron meditar mi respuesta, igual que el profesor Zaidi, que dedicó unos segundos a darle vueltas antes de preguntarme:
–Pero entonces por ejemplo, ¿una fotografía, que se captura en segundos, no es arte?
–Pero es que para poder hacer una fotografía que se considere arte, se ha invertido tiempo. El fotógrafo ha tenido que pensar el tema que quiere reflejar, además ha tenido que dedicarle tiempo al estudio de cómo componer un buen plano. Ryan McGinley es un artista; mi madre echándose selfies con el móvil, no.
Mis compañeros rieron mi pequeña gracia, y a medida que avanzaba el debate incluso intervenían conmigo, lo que me hizo ganar un poco de aplomo.
–No puedes hacer obras de arte con materiales de mala calidad– objetó una chica–. No vas a conseguir el mismo resultado pintando una acuarela con pinturas baratas que con unas Winsor&Newton.
–Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que el resultado va a ser de menor calidad, pero si es arte, no va a dejar de serlo porque no te hayas gastado cien euros en tus acuarelas– repliqué–. Piensa en el arte precolombino, no se hacía pensando en la calidad de las cochinillas que usaban para conseguir sus colores.
–Pero probablemente cuando se hicieron, no era concebido como arte. Sino como… decoración, o elementos religiosos, o incluso prácticos– comentó entonces Chani.
–Y ahora lo consideramos arte, en parte porque son vestigios de otras civilizaciones, porque son en esencia lo que hoy definiríamos artesanía y porque han sobrevivido miles de años.
–Con esto, ¿nos quiere decir que es arte sólo aquello que a día de hoy responde a nuestros criterios?– me sorprendió que en esa ocasión el que intervino fue el señor Zaidi, que llevaba ya un rato dejándonos tener el debate a nuestro aire.
–No, señor. Van Gogh murió en la miseria más absoluta, lo mismo que Oscar Wilde o Allan Poe, por hablar de algo más que artistas pictóricos. A todos se les ha reconocido el enorme valor artístico de su obra a posteriori, pero en todos los casos sus obras eran el resultado de años de práctica o estudio– me di cuenta de que estaba volviendo en círculos sobre el mismo asunto, así que decidí encogerme de hombros y rendirme­–. No quiero decir que todos los otros elementos de los que hemos hablado no sean necesarios. Sólo digo que sin tiempo, invertido de una forma u otra, no hay arte.
Hubo un silencio. Alcé la mirada hacia nuestro profesor y me di cuenta de que tenía sus ojos clavados en mí. Su rostro estaba tan serio que durante un momento temí haberle resultado repelente con mis argumentos, pero entonces sus labios se curvaron muy ligeramente hacia arriba, arqueando la ceja en un gesto de reticente admiración.
–Muy bien defendido, señorita Nielsen.
Cuando el profesor Zaidi se giró hacia la pizarra para continuar con la clase, me hundí en mi asiento, repentinamente agotada. Chani, que no me había quitado ojo de encima durante todo el debate, se inclinó hacia mí.
–No te lo tomes a mal, porque lo digo como un halago– susurró–, pero eres mucho más inteligente de lo que creía, Halkatla.
Esa vez fui yo la que tuvo que ahogar una risa fingiendo tos. Le di un golpecito en el antebrazo a Chani, muy consciente de que si ella no me hubiera dado el empujón, la oportunidad de debatir se me habría escapado como agua entre los dedos.
– Gracias por tenderme una trampa– bromeé.
–Cuando quieras– respondió ella con una sonrisa.
Y entonces me di cuenta de cuánto me encantaba esa chica.
Había quedado con Rosalya a la hora de la comida. La cafetería de la universidad era bastante mejor que la que habíamos compartido en el instituto, y dado que ya nos habíamos puesto al día respecto a los años que estuve fuera, estábamos charlando de cosas poco importantes, dejando largos silencios que nos resultaban naturales y cómodos.
–Tengo algo que contarte– comenté con el tono más casual que pude.
Rosalya dio un trago a su vaso de agua y me miró con curiosidad.
–¿Sí? ¿Qué es?
–El otro día, volviendo a casa, Maps me metió en una calle que no conocía­– comencé. Pero a medida que la cara de Rosa comenzaba a ser de preocupación, me di cuenta de que no quería hacer todo un drama de aquella escena tan desagradable, así que decidí mentirle con toda naturalidad–. Estaba todo tan oscuro que no vi una especie de botella en el suelo y no te puedes creer el golpe que me di al caer. Lo único que se me ocurrió hacer fue levantar las manos para intentar no cargarme el móvil.
El semblante de Rosalya se relajó ante mi mentira. No era complicado imaginarme tropezándome en una calle mal iluminada después de la borrachera de aquella noche.
–Y no te vas a creer quién vino a ayudarme.
Me sorprendió que el tono de voz de Rosalya no era una pregunta. Sonaba más a una acusación.
–Sí… Esperaba que fuera una sorpresa, ¿cómo..?
–Rondando de madrugada en una calle oscura y desconocida. Es evidente que era él– Rosalya me miró a los ojos con tal intensidad que casi sentí miedo–. ¿Te hizo algo? ¿O te dijo algo?
A esas alturas era un poco tarde para decirle que de no haber sido por él, sí que me habrían hecho algo. Pero ya le había mentido, y de cualquier forma no terminaba de entender esa actitud hacia Nathaniel, el ex novio que se aseguraba de llevarme a la puerta de casa cinco minutos antes del toque de queda de mi padre.
–¿Que si me hizo algo?– repetí incrédula– Rosa, estamos hablando de Nathaniel. Me ayudó a recoger mis cosas y me acompañó hasta la puerta de los dormitorios cuando vio que llevaba un pedo de colores.
Rosalya frunció los labios, como si no acabara de creerse mi historia pero tampoco quisiera dudar de mi palabra.
–Ya me dijiste el otro día que había cambiado mucho. ¿Me puedes explicar algo más, por favor? Casi siento que no estamos hablando de la misma persona.
–No sé los motivos, pero hace dos años o así Nathaniel cambió totalmente de actitud. Empezó a juntarse con gente… de mala fama. Él mismo tiene fama de estar todo el día de fiesta o de bares, de meterse en peleas, prácticamente nunca viene a clase…
Era cierto que los tipos que me habían acorralado se habían ido en segundos al reconocerle, pero no me había inventado la delicadeza con la que me había acariciado la espalda cuando yo estaba vomitando hasta el desayuno, ni la suavidad con la que había recogido un mechón de mi pelo delante de la puerta de los dormitorios.
–Entiendo que el recuerdo que tienes de él es otro, Hall. Pero Nathaniel es una persona totalmente diferente ahora mismo, y yo me sentiría un poco más tranquila si no tuvierais mucho que ver el uno con el otro.
Pasé el resto del día dándole vueltas a esa conversación con Rosalya. Durante el instituto, Rosa y Nathaniel no habían sido amigos cercanos, pero siempre se habían tratado con gran cordialidad. A veces salíamos de clase con Alexy y nos quedábamos hablando en el café que había junto al instituto, y eran ratos tan agradables que se nos iban las horas. Y pese a no ser cercanos, Nathaniel siempre me había dicho que le alegraba que yo tuviera una amiga tan protectora y dedicada como Rosa; y ella siempre me había dicho que admiraba la madurez y el valor con el que Nathaniel había encaminado su vida, y cómo no dejaba que sus problemas familiares afectaran a nuestra relación.
No podía entender cómo se habían torcido tanto las cosas como para que Rosalya me pidiera que no me acercara a él.
Volvía caminando abstraída hacia los dormitorios después de mi turno en la cafetería. Llevaba toda la tarde pensando en Nathaniel, deseando volver a encontrármelo y preguntarle qué demonios había pasado. A no ser que yo hubiera estado enamorada de un completo desconocido, no me cabía en la cabeza que Nathaniel fuera tan diferente ahora, por mucho que hubieran pasado cuatro años.
Entré en el ascensor y pulsé el botón de la tercera planta, todavía dándole vueltas al tema en mi cabeza. Incluso me planteé que, si de pronto Amber era simpática, podía intentar hablar con ella. No sería la primera vez que la usaba como puente para averiguar algo sobre Nathaniel, aunque esta vez rezaba para que fuera algo mucho menos dramático.
Salí cuando las puertas del ascensor se abrieron, y como invocado por arte de magia, Nathaniel salió del ascensor contiguo. Nos miramos, la sorpresa reflejada en el rostro del otro. Sobria y en un entorno iluminado, me di cuenta de pequeños cambios en su aspecto que no había notado el otro día: llevaba una oreja llena de pequeños piercings, y una fina cicatriz plateada le atravesaba un lado del labio.
Nathaniel miró de reojo el móvil que llevaba en la mano, con un gesto de incomodidad.
–Hola, Hall.
Los ascensores se cerraron tras nosotros. Notaba el nerviosismo remover mi estómago, y la presión en mi pecho me dificultaba respirar con normalidad. Pero no se me iba a presentar otra oportunidad mejor para intentar hablar con él, y no podía dejar que el miedo me echara hacia atrás.
Nos interrumpimos mutuamente. Le sonreí, inquieta.
–Perdona, dime.
Nathaniel me devolvió la sonrisa. La presión en el pecho empeoró, y si era el sentimiento que empezaba a sospechar que era, cuando llegara a mi habitación iba a proceder a abrir la ventana y tirarme por ella.
–Quería saber cómo estabas después… de lo del otro día– aquella pregunta me pilló por sorpresa, y borró la sonrisa de mis labios. Fui consciente de que Nathaniel era la única persona que sabía lo que había pasado, y que nadie más me había hecho esa pregunta–. ¿Cómo…?
–¡Ah, si ya estás aquí!
La voz de una chica me sorprendió. Giré la cabeza y vi a una chica rubia asomar la cabeza desde la puerta de su habitación. Estaba mirando en nuestra dirección, y sonreía. Dado que yo no la conocía de absolutamente nada, sólo pude adivinar a quién había estado esperando.
El dolor en el pecho empeoró en cuestión de segundos.
De pronto, con toda la naturalidad del mundo, la chica salió de su cuarto y se encaminó hacia nosotros. Me sorprendió ver que debajo de una sugerente bata de tela satinada negra, sólo llevaba su ropa interior, también muy sugerente. Enganchó uno de sus dedos en el cinturón de Nathaniel y tiró de él hacia abajo para darle un beso en los labios.
Mi respiración se volvió errática, y noté el incómodo ardor en la garganta que indicaba que quería llorar. Pero era una estupidez, habían pasado cuatro años. Yo también había estado con otras personas, yo había roto la relación, yo había sido la niñata que había bloqueado a Nathaniel de todos sitios para no tener que lidiar con la ruptura.
Era natural que Nathaniel tuviera otra relación. Ni siquiera me lo había planteado, pero ahora que lo tenía delante, me di cuenta de que había esperado que al volver a vernos quizás las cosas serían como antes. Una estupidez.
Nathaniel dio un paso hacia atrás y me miró igual de incómodo que cuando había mirado el móvil al salir del ascensor. Yo era muy consciente de que mi sorpresa estaba dando lugar a unos ojos empañados, pero el infierno se iba a congelar antes de que yo me echara a llorar delante de mi ex novio y su nueva novia medio desnuda.
–Oh, perdón– dijo la chica, percatándose por primera vez de mi presencia–. ¿Os he interrumpido?
Lo dijo sin ninguna malicia, y casi habría preferido que me hubiera dado algún motivo que justificara la enorme antipatía que sentía por ella en ese momento.
–Sí– respondió Nathaniel, tenso.
La chica comenzó a retroceder, pero yo le puse una mano en el hombro en un gesto amistoso.
–No, no te preocupes. Ya habíamos terminado– le sonreí, intentando disimular que la voz se me iba a romper en cualquier momento. Volví a mirar a Nathaniel y también le lancé una sonrisa luminosa, el tipo de sonrisa que le dirigía a Yeleen una vez al día–. Que paséis una buena noche.  
Me encaminé hacia mi dormitorio con paso firme, pero antes de entrar, me giré. Nathaniel y la chica medio desnuda también estaban entrando en la habitación de ella, al otro lado del pasillo. En el último momento, él se volvió hacia mi puerta y nuestras miradas se cruzaron.
Entré en mi cuarto y di un portazo.
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verystrxxwberry · 23 days
Hi Alex! How are you? Thank you for keeping the fandom alive and still writing😭
Could you do eldarya routes hcs when the guardian gets jealous?
Thank you in advance❤️
ELDARYA; when you are jealous
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Fluff, sfw, comfort, eldarya routes x reader. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi, I’m doing pretty good! It’s my pleasure to keep this loving fandom alive, I’m enjoying it a lot :). I must warn that I didn't check if it's well written as I am in the library with almost no battery and no charger for the pc! :') Please never be like me.
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You were in the dining hall after one of your quests having dinner with your boyfriend and your colleagues. There were people you didn’t know, but you knew that thanks to them the guards were complete and it all felt like a warm family.
Ezarel was talking with his friends, as always, being the clown of the room. You knew he had a great casual humor, not even trying hard to steal some giggles from the ones around him. You were focused on your plate, quite zoning out as you enjoyed the first meal of the day after a tiring mission.
You heard an annoying voice which tried to speak over the rest, probably to call everyone’s attention. You searched for the owner of that voice and found a girl, a kitsune you’ve never seen before and you wish you didn’t. She didn’t even care about your presence, her big, pink and shiny eyes were only focused on Ezarel as if he was the only one in the room.
She laughed at everything he said, her laugh similar to those typical noises that broke the peace when you had migraines. The way she rested her chin over his hand in an interested way, the way her eyes had been gazing at your boyfriend with clear intentions… everything about her was making your blood boil right now.
You were impatiently drumming your fingers over the surface of the table, your patience reaching near the end thanks to the presence of that girl. Ezarel noticed, his hand resting on your knee in a reassuring way to communicate that he noticed the intentions of the girl.
“Ohh, Ezarel! I am sure you make every woman in the room fall for you.” She winked at him, and you could simply wonder if this girl was stupid or her brain was kept inside her mom’s tummy when she was born.
Ezarel looked at you with a smirk after the girl said that. He then noticed that you seemed to hold back the urges of grabbing a knife and stabbing that girl to have a quiet and peaceful dinner. And trust me, he would’ve preferred if you did it.
His arm rested over your shoulders, pulling you close to him and saying with a confident tone: “Well, the only one I want to make fall for me has already fallen for me.” And you’d feel a couple of kisses on your head. You looked up and saw the disappointment on her face, seeing how her flirty smile turned into a forced and awkward one.
You smiled this time, trying to seem sweet and kind with your smile but unconsciously being proud of what Ezarel did.
Ezarel isn’t the type of guy that you’d have a problem with jealousy, as the minimum moment he sees someone being flirty with him, he quickly gets clingy with you so they can get off. It’s an act he does for yourself but also for himself. He adores seeing the disappointment in their eyes as well.
But everyone deserves to know that his heart has an owner.
One of the things that made you quite insecure when you started your relationship with Nevra was due to the past one night flings he's had before. You trusted him enough to know that his heart was devoted to you, but there was something about seeing him interacting with some of them that made you feel a knot tighten in your stomach.
Nevra seemed happy to see them, and not only that but they seemed to not acknowledge what personal space was, because their hand was constantly on Nevra’s arm and back. He had his arms crossed and found himself pretty straight, looking away from that person.
But still… Nevra did nothing to stop them! You glanced at them constantly, but Nevra was still allowing that touch.
Do not mistake him though. Nevra is allowing that contact because he is deeply wishing that you interrupt the scene with that person to mark your territory. He doesn’t wish to make you jealous, but he wants you to be possessive whenever someone is trying something.
If he sees that you do not interrupt, he’d make an excuse to leave. He knew you had seen it, but why didn’t you go for it? He’d approach back to you, saying “I thought you’d bark at them as you should…” he pouted, embracing you by the waist. Nevra would tease you for being jealous though, but he’d stop it to reassure you that he was allowing it to see if you acted. After it, he wouldn’t let anyone get too close, because he wasn’t even comfortable with it.
If you interrupt, his heart would be doing backflips from the excitement. For him, the hottest thing to see is you being possessive or mad, asserting dominance in the situation. Nevra would be smiling proudly, nodding his head as he agrees with every word coming out from your mouth.
He will reward you for making you go through that moment, not wanting to hurt your feelings over a joke. Nevra isn’t serious about it and doesn’t even think about those people anymore. You are his one and only, and he will make sure to reassure you if he finds out that the little joke made you feel insecure.
He is good at reading others’ intentions and is more protective over your relationship than you’d expect. The moment someone tries to flirt with him, his honest reaction is to ignore or to say “yeah, my partner must be waiting for me, bye.”
So you’d never have a reason to be jealous. He is attractive, he knows it and also knows how needy for affection people are.
You’d actually feel jealous of overhearing some creatures talking about how hot Valkyon is. You couldn’t agree more. The moment they started talking about asking him to go on a date, or to probably have a night stand as Valkyon used to have long ago, you felt a burning sensation on your chest. They were disrespecting Valkyon and you, and they still didn’t care.
You didn’t realize the big sigh you released, making Valkyon, who was waiting with you for the next meeting to start, know that something was going on through your mind. He didn’t pay attention to the voices you were clearly listening to all the time, so he didn’t know why you seemed so upset.
“What’s wrong?” He’d ask you in a casual way, looking at you with attentive and worried eyes. You knew that your feeling wasn’t his fault, so you spoke calmly to him “once again you are making people drool over you.”
Valkyon would find it amusing, not that they were simping for him, but your reaction was endearing. He’d caress your hair and say “stop listening to them, it is making you moody for no reason.”
And he’s right. Valkyon never doubts when it comes to rejecting someone, so you are truly his one and only in mind.
He’d kiss your shoulder in reassurance in case you’d be too upset of hearing them. And whenever he hears someone drooling for him, he’d also get clingy to make sure they know he is almost married.
He is completely different from Valkyon. He doesn’t know how to read the environment, he doesn’t know when a person is coming to him with flirty intentions and he doesn’t even know he is attractive enough to be flirted at ! !
You have to be his protective dog because this man would be awkward around flirty people, but wouldn’t know that they are currently flirting with him.
Leiftan was crossing his arms, laughing awkwardly as a mermaid complimented him for his last mission success. Leiftan is kind, sweet and he is good with words, so he had dealt with many people ranting to him about their problems just for advice.
He was waiting the whole time for the mermaid to explain a current serious problem but she was actually just over-complimenting him. He’d look around, looking for you. You’d see the fear in his eyes, like a puppy searching for its owner’s comfort. 
Leiftan would never go along with the play to make you jealous or upset on purpose, he’d never be the actual reason for you to get mad. He’d be begging you with his glance to come and interrupt the moment.
So you’d have to act and get close, giving him a nice kiss as a greeting. The mermaid surely looked awkward, but that ceased her from keeping with those compliments.
Leiftan would express his gratitude openly once she is gone.
You didn’t know why Lance had to be so kind. He was very devoted to the guard, but he was sometimes taken advantage of his generosity to do extra work. And hard work is paid with more work. 
You didn’t really understand why one of the girls in his guard had to ask him for help to reach something from a tree. Lance didn’t even think of his actions and he acted pretty casually, after all, he had no other intentions than to help that short creature just to reach something from the tree.
Seeing how the strong hands of Lance wrapped around her waist and raised her gently for her to grab something from the tree made you tense up. And not only that, but also seeing how she seemed to blush and get giggly from his touch.
Lance was probably too oblivious to see that the girl was doing that to get touched by him. And your theory got stronger when it seemed that she didn’t find what she was searching over the tree. What a coincidence! When Lance asked what it was, she simply said it was nothing and put a shitty excuse you’d obviously identified as a lie.
The way your eyes narrowed in an intense and sharp way made him shiver when he started to approach you. Lance doesn’t know why you are so upset, so he simply goes and asks “bad day?”
“No, no. Great.” You said in a sarcastic way. He raised a brow, confused. He indeed got it that something was pissing you off, that’s why he placed both of his hands on your shoulders. “What’s up, dear?” And when you explained to him what just happened he felt immediately guilty of not getting the intentions of that girl before.
He immediately apologized and hugged you. Lance feels bad by the fact that he didn’t realize earlier what the intentions of that girl were. But from now on he’d make sure that helping someone doesn’t involve them taking advantage of Lance.
Similar to Ezarel, he finds it easy to make everyone laugh in the room and he has found many people following his little games in the guard. Others might not like him very much, but he doesn’t really care.
What he didn’t expect is for him to get surrounded by a group of brownies as he explained some funny stories of him in the human world. It was indeed funny, but not too much when those girls were clinging onto his arms.
Mathieu honestly panicked, and instead of staying still, he got overwhelmed and probably did a rough T pose to get free from those brownies. “Haha, ladies, please… I would like to go…”
He knows you are watching that and he almost cries at your upset face and the fact that the brownies are like pigeons to the bread. And he is the bread.
Mathieu doesn’t enjoy any deep attention that isn’t yours. Yours is the best attention, others’ feel overwhelming.
You were staring at them, hoping they soon realized that Mathieu was uncomfortable. Yet they were annoyingly breaking the personal space, so you had to clear your throat to call their attention. “May I steal my boyfriend?” And you saw how they immediately went away.
Mathieu tells you that you are amazing and his savior. He has a golden retriever behavior, and even if he doesn’t want those situations to happen, he unluckily calls weird people's attention. So yes, you would have to interrupt the moment to kidnap a finally happy Mathieu.
He’d reward you with cuddles and some snacks so he can earn a smile from you. Mathieu doesn’t want you to be insecure because you are the perfect one for him, he doesn’t want anyone else. But in case you get insecure, you will have him giving you all the love he is capable of giving.
He’d still think that it is very attractive how you interrupt the people to save him from there.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 1 month
I don't know if you take really explicit asks but what about the eldarya guys eating p/ssy? Thank you so much, stay safe alex!
ELDARYA; the routes eating you out (NSFW)
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: NSFW, dirty words and scenarios, ANE & TO routes, reader with vag, oral sex. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Thank you, stay safe too! :)
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
A tease.
For him, eating you out is like a way to prepare you for the real action, it’s a part of the foreplay. Yet he is so intense that you might need a break after it.
His lips did a great path from your neck to your collarbones, then chest, then stomach until he found your thighs. He is playful even when it comes to sex, testing your patience with his way to edge you. 
The moment he lowers your panties and can get to admire your pussy, he doesn’t wait a single bit to taste it. He uses his tongue to part your folds, doing slight pressure against your entrance and then going all the way up to lick your button playfully. He uses his hands to keep your thighs apart, adding some strength at some point to keep them separated.
He focuses mainly on making your entrance prepared for later, his tongue adding more lube to it. The tip of his tongue presses gently against your entrance, seeming to enter, but then he licks all the way up to find your clit and sucks on it once again. He does this several times, edging those urges you had of feeling him inside one way or another.
Ezarel is addicted to the way you gasp and whine under his actions, looking up at him with a mocking grin as he keeps licking your sensitive button once, twice.. Again, and again…
He focuses then on sucking the button, giving you enough stimulation as one of his hands gently caresses your entrance. Soon you’d be feeling two fingers scissoring your insides, making sure you enjoy but you also can get used to the space they take.
He’d make sure his fingers go along with the pace of his licks, guiding himself by the sounds of pleasure you made to go faster… 
And right when you feel that ticklish feeling forming in your lower stomach, everything stops. You stop feeling your sensitive button being sucked and you feel empty- when you look up you only find his amused expression as he is sucking his fingers. He just edged you.
But do not worry, he will make your orgasm more intense after it.
Drowns himself in it.
Nevra’s touch never fails to make you shiver and he is aware of the reactions he can get from you. He kneels in between your legs and kisses your thighs, where he'd give a bite to, until he reaches your pubic bone.
Your fluids never fail to make him even more turned on, making him sigh as he feels you squirm due to the bite. But then he aims to give a kiss to your lower lips, taking his time to kiss the small button, giving it small, slow licks. Then he goes down and licks your entrance. 
Nevra becomes handsy when he is eating you out, holding you by the waist as his thumbs give you small caresses as his tongue explores your insides. His hands would also play with your nipples, adding more stimulation to the situation so you can enjoy it. 
He buries his tongue as much as he can inside of you, tongue-fucking you in a slow yet precise way to make you squirm greatly right under him. He absolutely adores being the reason why the room is filled with so many pretty sounds. 
His free hand travels down to help him make you feel more intense stuff. His fingers lazily circle your clit, sending waves of pleasure around your body. He can even feel that pleasure on his tongue due to your walls clenching around him.
Nevra aims to make you cum in his tongue, no matter the time he needs to be working on it. He gets addicted to your taste, basically making out with your hole and tongue-fucking you with an increased speed. 
No matter if he makes you reach the orgasm once, he won’t stop until you seriously need a rest. His nasty ass will decide to kiss you so you can taste yourself on his tongue.
Your chair.
Not even kidding. When he said that you could sit on his face, he truly meant it. And bold of you to assume that he would feel bothered by your weight, just sit down and let yourself enjoy the wonders his mouth can do.
He would hold you down onto his face as he kisses and sucks your sensitive button with gentleness yet a passion that Valkyon holds deep inside. His hands caress your waist and go down your hips, until they rest on your ass firmly.
Valkyon focuses on using his tongue on your hole as his nose brushes against your clit, not even minding if he can’t breath for a few seconds. He needs you to ride his face, and he will encourage you to do it if you don’t dare.
He is a big and strong man, do not fear crushing him. He is achieving a nice dream of his which is being in between your thighs, eating you out as you sit on his face.
Feeling the desperate way you ride his mouth to reach the orgasm fuels his desire, making him moan against your clit as he sucks it, using his tongue to rapidly hit it. The vibrations of his moaning only helps you to feel even better. 
Be as loud as you need to be, he will be grateful. His hands would gently squeeze the flesh of your ass as you moved against his mouth, helping the angle to make you cum in his mouth.
He cleans your juices with his tongue, groaning as he enjoys the taste of it. As you moved from his face, you could see that he needed his time to accept that he was in paradise just now. You could even see a stain through his boxers from how much pleasure he also received from it.
Slow and gentle, he enjoys it.
His favorite moment of the week is when he can be squeezed by your thighs as he worships your pussy. I always mention this, but I can see Leiftan adoring to give you oral since the first moment he went down on you. He feels like he can relieve your stress, he can also show you his love for you but the most important is that you can feel great thanks to him.
He takes his time to admire every part of your body with his hands as he kisses you, going slow to check that he has your consent at every moment. He firstly starts with his fingers, using the same juices that were on your needy hole to rub against your clit; using this lube to make the friction better.
Once he sees that you are sensitive enough, he lies down in the bed, right in between your legs and places them right over his shoulders. He looks up at you and asks softly “are you alright?”, the warm breath brushing against your clit as he gently kisses it.
God, he adores it when you answer with a shaky tone. He feels proud of himself for achieving those reactions from you. He slowly meets your clit with his tongue.
He uses the tongue and fingers combination. His mouth is mainly focused on your clit, and sometimes kissing around the area or parting your lips with his tongue– In the meantime his fingers gently pound into you. 
His free hand is holding yours, interlocking fingers gently. He likes to feel when you squeeze it <3.
Leiftan’s eyes focus on you to check your expression, finding it both adorable and hot. The moment he feels that you are close, he hums and closes his eyes, his attention completely on you and your sounds. 
It reaches a point in which you can hear the slaps of his palm against your skin as he fingers you precisely and fast enough to your liking, soon making you see the stars. As you recover from your high he gives small kisses around your thighs.
Eats you as if you were his last meal.
Oh, he is eager, and even if he mixes it with playful behavior, at some point he’d be forgetting about taking a breath and he’d be devouring you for his own pleasure. Of course he will be attentive in case you want him to stop, always respecting your limits. But expect to be overstimulated.
Lance is a greedy man, and when he sees something he likes, he needs it. And when he saw your pussy exposed for him, he knew clearly what he needed. You didn't even expect him to lean in and lick your clit, the shiver you felt made him realize that he wanted to see you shiver some more.
He adores when you pull his hair as he hungrily sucks and licks your clit, his hands gripping your thighs apart. He only has a goal, and it is to taste your juices. When your clit is reddened and erected enough, he goes down to lick and tease your entrance, groaning at the taste of something he liked.
He will slow down his pace if he sees that you are close, edging you slightly so you can have a more intense orgasm and you can give him even more of his favorite juices.
You could hear him groan and whisper some stuff related to how good it tastes, or the pretty view he has, or the pretty noises you make. He lowkey talks with your cunt at some point…
Lance would have to separate a little to gasp for air, but then go back to job.
If he gets thirsty he will use his fingers inside you, making sure you can get to squirt at least once for him. He wants to refresh his mouth it seems.
He wouldn’t be satisfied with you coming only once. He needs more of your juices, more of your moans, and he won’t stop until his jaw already hurts from the exercise.
He is a nervous mess because he has never eaten a pussy before and he is afraid of your clit falling off or him doing a terrible job that will disappoint you. So he asks you to guide him at first, because he needs to explore what are your preferences when it gets to be eaten out. 
He would hold both of your hands down, interlocking your fingers together as he kneels on the floor, your legs resting over his shoulders. Mathieu starts slowly, kissing your lips gently, going up and giving small kisses to your little button, his tongue being curious and giving soft licks around it. 
Seeing the way your breath seems to get heavy when he does that, he carefully makes it constant and slow, licking your clit in circles, slowly and careful to not make your cunt hurt. He wants to treat it wonderfully for next times.
You should remind him that you also have a hole to stimulate, because he’d be so focused on making out with your clit that he’d forget about it. But hey, if you are fine with only that stimulation, then he will keep going. 
His hands squeeze yours, moaning softly against your clit as he licks and sucks it. He is enjoying it more than words can tell, yet your reactions, the situation and him doing such a dirty thing for the pleasure of you both will make him easily stain his pants.
Mathieu loved the experience, and he knows that with practice he will get much better at it. So he needs to practice with you :^
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 28 days
Since I won't be able to post anything serious this weekend, I drop this I did for fun about the eldarya and mclng routes, enjoy :^
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Forgot to cut some of the pics lol, let's not think about that
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verystrxxwberry · 6 months
Bonjour mon ami, I would like to request some spicy content about eldarya 🙏🏻 minors stay back:
how would the guys react when their s/o says "I love you" during the sinful act?
Thank you and very good luck with the term exams 🕊️
ELDARYA; Saying “I love you” during sex (NSFW)
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: You say “I love you” while having sex, NSFW, dirty words and explicit descriptions (duh). ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Once again I will say that I am not responsible of any minor reading this, of course it’s better if they do not read it, but I can’t control it. Anyway, merci, mon ami. I hope you enjoy it!
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It started off with playful kisses during cuddling, a blanket covering both of you from the cold weather. Ezarel likes to be the one initiating the physical touch, and his teasing hand placement turned the situation into his large hands leading your hips up and down his cock. 
Even if those actions had him completely amazed and flustered, he tried to keep his eyes open to admire your body, as his hands wandered through it as if trying to record in his mind how the texture of your skin feels like. Your back arched when he started thrusting up his hips against you, a teasing grin spreading on his face as he saw the way his length reached the right spots.
“Ah… just like that..” He gasps, biting his bottom lip and trying so deeply to keep his eyes on you. His cheeks were flushed at the overwhelming feeling. You could feel a spot of pleasure starting to build in your lower stomach, which traveled down to your crotch.
The intense feelings inside of both of you, the growing butterflies. The thought of someone like Ezarel allowing you the privilege to be like this, to make him feel in heaven…
As you continued to ride him, your clenching hole was milking him deliciously, a layer of sweat forming on both of your bodies. “I.. I love you..” You achieved to say in between those gasps that the movements of your body made you release. 
Ezarel’s breath got heavier when he heard you say that, trying to find a way to answer back. And as he rested his weight over his elbows, he pulled you closer to him, holding you by the waist as he pressed open mouth kisses to your collarbone and neck. This whole situation was sending you both into a point of no return. It was short after when Ezarel’s whimpers got slightly needier, as his cock twitched and finally he shot every last drop inside of you.
“Oh, sweetheart…” He pants, as he helps you to reach your peak after his. “I love you too.” He whispers, caressing your sides and back lovingly, as he presses small kisses in your jaw and neck. By the expression of ease on his face you could truly say that he meant it.
“Shush, darling” He groans near your ear, biting the lobe as he keeps moving his hips against yours. Even if you protested to not go that far that late at night, you couldn’t help but submit to his sensuous touch and loving words, and not to mention the way he cooed telling you how good you were for him.
The silence in the headquarters made the situation more embarrassing for you, as the hall echoed every single sound at those hours. He made you wrap your legs around his waist, so he could drown his cock deeper inside you. You wish you could scream how good it felt, but you simply drowned your whimpers into your own hand.
He was making a mess in between your legs by the previous rounds, you didn’t even know how long your legs could stand it. He looked down at your body and caressed you, with a little smirk. “Look how pretty you are, my little one…” Nevra licked the skin of your neck, making you shiver from the wet and cold feeling in your skin.
“Fuck, Nevra… I love you…” You groaned as he was busy nibbling on your neck, your hands grabbing at the short hairs of his head. He didn’t hold back to release a deep moan, his pace increasing at how your words fueled his energy. “God, I love you so fucking much…” He whispers, pressing your thighs against your body, making notorious the sounds of skin on skin in the room.
You cried of pleasure as you reached the orgasm thanks to his acts, even if you tried to keep your silent moans. But it was impossible to hold it.
As you both panted heavily due to your peaks, he held you tight against his chest.
What you both didn’t expect was to hear a few knocks on the door after it.
There is nothing more communicative than Valkyon's gaze. During the dinner he had not stopped undressing you with his gaze, how that fabric glued to your body shape, how you smiled and enjoyed the dinner, how your bodies danced on the ball together after the dinner... His hands could not leave your waist and hips, he was obsessed with your beauty. More than once he whispered in your ear how good you looked, as he also kissed your earlobe gently. And when Valkyon is all touchy and bold like that, you know that can mean one thing very clearly.
As you two are making out in his room, the rest of the people in the headquarters are still at the dinner that was happening that night. He loves watching you get yourself off by grinding so needy on his thigh, keeping your underwear pushed to the side so that he can feel the slick trail of your arousal accumulating and wetting his pants. 
In a few minutes your clothes were on the floor and you were under his big muscular body, while with both hands he held your wrists on both sides of your head. 
Due to his nature, Valkyon’s cock isn’t the smallest. On the contrary, he is big and quite thick. And even if your wet and needy hole was used to having him inside, every time he entered a rush of pleasure and adrenaline spread through all your body. He made you feel filled, and he was able to reach any sensitive spot easily. 
In his room echoed the sound of your sweet moans and his heavy breathing. Valkyon wasn't very noisy, plus listening to you only turned him on even more. So as he kept his head buried into the crook of your neck, he kept pounding in a moderate pace into you.
“Valkyon..” you whined in a soft tone, his thrusts sending you slowly into paradise “... ngh.. I love you…” you managed to say this close to his ear, and you felt how the pace stopped, as he kept his hips pressed against yours.
“Oh, angel, you can’t do this to me…” he murmured hoarsely, combing his white hair back with one hand, as he looked down at your eyes and gulped. Then he sighed.  “That’s adorable…” He whispered with a little smile, kissing your lips slowly and in such a way that made your breath hitch. As he kissed you, you could feel how he started thrusting into you slowly but precisely, knowing exactly where to hit to make you melt.
Having sex with Leiftan is definitely being worshipped by him until your mind can't take it anymore. Besides the fact that he can feel your emotions, there is nothing else that makes him feel better than the pleasure his actions convey to you, as he also feels it. And for that very reason, knowing that his work between your legs is making you feel so good, he will go on and on until he hears you tell him that you can't take it anymore.
He simply took it upon himself to use his tongue to work wonders on your soaking wet hole. The wet noises were so abundant that you couldn't stop moaning and wished you could cover your ears from embarrassment, but you couldn't as Leiftan was holding both of your hands to intertwine fingers, giving you gentle caresses from time to time.
He sucked your sensitive button, watching your reactions as satisfaction and pride boosted his ego. Watching your expressions was a work of art, and the moment he made you reach your peak, he pulled away and sighed. "How sweet... I could get addicted to the taste of you."
His words, the trembling of your thighs, how you squeezed his hands hard from the orgasm you were still recovering from.... Everything was a factor that helped you to unthinkingly mumble a soft "I love you..." as you closed your eyes to catch your breath.
A soft smile escapes his lips, his face tinged with a blush due to the act in which he had got himself into. He knew you meant it. He spread soft kisses across your abdomen and upward until he reached your neck, taking care not to leave a spot on your body unloved. When he was close to your ear, he whispered "Me too, my love... and so much." He doesn't show you his face but you can deduce that your words have created a positive effect on him, you know that his eyes have crystallized from those very special words.
He gets very sensitive, and those words only help him enjoy the intimacy of the moment. As he buries his head in your neck, trying not to cry from the genuine feeling of happiness. With you he feels at peace, and he intends to take advantage of the moment to make you feel satisfied and loved with his touch and his words. 
Expect a lot of praise from now on by him.
Just as you had arrived at your room after a long week, you took one of those warm showers to try to relieve that stress. You didn't count on your boyfriend coming to visit you soon though, and he caught you with your towel wrapped tightly around your body. With a small smile he came over to hug you, sighing and burying his face in your neck -to get fed with your scent-, where he began to give you little kisses. They started out delicate, until finally he spent a few seconds sucking on your skin and giving small bites around the area. That alone made you realize that throughout that week you had missed the intimate contact with Lance. You let yourself go with the pleasure, until the towel was lost on the floor. 
Leaning back on all four limbs, hiding your head between the pillows to stifle your moans from the sensation of Lance pounding into you with a steady speed that suited what your body could handle. Clearly Lance could increase the passion, but he knew that doing so would cause you to end up exhausted, or even unable to walk afterwards.
“Arch your back for me, sweetheart” he groans as he keeps one hand holding your hip and the other pressing your back down to arch your position. You obeyed, and you could only feel how his cock was hitting better right into your sweet spot. You were close, so close…
“I… I love you..” You gasped, spreading your legs even more due to the intense feeling of his thrusts. But suddenly you had to whine at how the pace stopped, leaving you right on the edge of your orgasm. “U-uh…? Lance, what..?”
He indeed stopped moving, digging his fingers tightly onto your hips. Then he tilted down over you, pressing his body against yours and being aware of how deep he was driving his cock into you by doing that. Then his warm breath reaches your ear and he whispers "Ah, fuck… say it again".
He never heard those three words while having sex, and he never expected it to turn him on so much. He resumes the slow and deep thrusts once again, making you feel every inch of him inside you. He'd be grunting "again.." with each thrust and at some point you will be crying those three words against the pillow.
You probably needed to shower again after that.
Little did you know that sitting on his lap to watch that movie was going to have consequences. There came a time when you could no longer concentrate on the movie and the sensation of something hard was making itself present against your ass. Mathieu's hands were resting right on your thighs, and you could feel him grabbing them from time to time, slowly massaging up... and down. A sigh escaped his lips, burying his head in your back and mumbling a small "Sorry..."
Oh, he was needy. The moment you adjusted your position, you instinctively rubbed your butt against that bulge that over time seemed painful to him, causing a small whimper to leave his lips. 
You agreed to help your dear boyfriend solve that problem, and the movie was definitely ignored the moment you turned to fill his lips and neck with kisses, the screen simply creating a dim light that made the moment even more intimate for you two. The temperature was rising to the point where your clothes were burning and damn, what satisfaction crossed through your veins the moment you were the reason soft moans left his lips.
Your hips accompanied the movement of his thrusts, helping the friction to make you shiver with pleasure. His eyes held back small tears at the intensity of the moment, burying his fingers against the skin of your ass, squeezing from time to time as he felt the tingle so pleasurable reach its length.
Seeing how vulnerable you were making him feel because of the ride, you grabbed the back of his neck with your hand and kissed him again on the jaw, whispering an "I love you". And the moment you said that, his head buried itself against your shoulder and he let out a long moan. "Ah, shit, shit… baby-" you could feel his hips moving urgently against yours, while his eyes could barely stay open "I-I love you so much more..." 
This was only the beginning of the night, and every moment of pleasurable peak, his lips would abandon soft "I love you "s as he gives you little kisses at the same time.
✩; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 2 months
We already have "Nevra as your boyfriend", so could you do Valkyon, Ezarel and Leiftan? Love your writing!! 💖
ELDARYA; Valkyon and Ezarel as your boyfriends
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Individual headcanons, fluff, sfw. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: We also have Leiftan’s hcs here, so I will simply do Valkyon and Ez in this post :). Thank you! It is a great compliment for me that you enjoy it. I hope you find this hcs to your liking! 
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At first he was very closed off to the idea of getting into a relationship, yet he found you interesting. Whenever you two talked about whatever came through your mind was enough to start a surprisingly absorbing topic to talk about. You found yourself enjoying his company after each long day, a company that with no doubt left you as relaxed as you haven’t felt in so long.
The same was for him. He found himself thinking about you quite a lot after each conversation. He had a smile on his face the next morning, remembering that little moment he had with you last night- He’d be zoning out as he thinks about it, ignoring completely his colleagues.
Valkyon is natural about physical language though the first days in the relationship he looked at your reactions to see if you were fine with him holding your hand, or touching the small of your back or whatever. He will always respect your boundaries, no matter the context.
He is way clingier in private than you would expect. He is a passionate lover, but will respect your personal space whenever he sees you are getting overwhelmed. Expect him to casually kiss the side of your neck, because your neck and shoulders are his favorite spots to kiss you. You’d get used to feeling his hand casually resting over your hip or shoulder constantly.
Don’t let him take his time to kiss you or you will end up making out for good long minutes.
The most patient man ever. He is so sweet to be real (bc he isn’t…). If you need comfort you are never going to lack it, if you need support you are always going to be cheered up to keep going unless it’s a bad decision. Valkyon knows you well enough to know that certain decisions will be the best for your well-being than others. 
If you are the type of person who truly does rant about your interests, he is the perfect partner for you. If he finds about any of your deep interests, he is gonna bring you stuff to stimulate the excitement they give to you (allow my adhd hyperfixation be mentioned here because valkyon should be my husband but he decided to die)
He may be protective, sometimes a little too much, but he isn’t the jealous type. He will advise you to get away from someone the moment he sees a toxic patron and how it affects you. Valkyon wants the best for those who he cares about. He won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting you.
No matter how tall you are, he is always going to be gentle with you even if his hands are all calloused from the amount of force he constantly uses for work. He is strong af yet he would never use that strength towards you, unless you want him to carry you around (which he will do by himself anyway)
He allows you to freely interact with Floppy, which adores you! You and the small companion are the two beings for which Valkyon would fight for until the end. He has a big need to protect you both from evil.
Long walks in the forest with him and sometimes Floppy as your tiny kid.
When it’s bedtime, expect him to be twice as clingy (even though it is quite overwhelming during summer because bro’s skin is FIRE :c). He interlocks his legs with you and wraps his arms around your body to make sure you can be warm.
He gives the best hair caresses and scalp massages ever!
Can’t sleep because of a nightmare? Hot chocolate time and cuddles!
He loves looking at you, no matter if you realize it or not. He admires your acts, your expressions, everything. God, your face, it is something he needs to check every second to make sure his mind remembers it perfectly. He adores you.
If you dislike something from what you are eating he is going to finish it for you (you can have his meal if you wish). He shares stuff with you without thinking twice, and even more when he knows that you will like it.
Valkyon opens up quite a lot with you and can get to be talkative with you as well, and that also includes the hidden humor Nevra and Ezarel mentioned several times to you. He has spontaneous comments that can make you laugh your ass off. But you didn’t expect that the jokes he had in mind were the typical dad jokes. You sometimes want to facepalm after hearing them, but seeing him laugh so much from it is contagious.
He has shelves with the gifts you give to him and other special memories about you which he looks to with so much love. 
His closet is completely open for you to pick anything you want!
Has a big blind trust towards you.
I recommend dating Valkyon, I rate it as 9/10. Would be a 10 if he didn’t die but anyway… he would spoil you with all his soul through the time you are with him.
He isn’t a really romantic person or someone who specifically searches for a serious relationship. At least that’s what he thought. It takes a long time for him to realize what he was actually feeling for you. And every time he thought about the term ‘love’ he shivered and tried to distract himself from his thoughts. But what the hell you were EVERYWHERE (that's why he teased you by telling you that you followed him everywhere -but it didn’t actually bother him-). He got his stomach checked by Ewelein and thought that you actually carried a virus with you, but then Ewelein told him “you simply like them, idiot.”
He almost made a whole drama from it, and even more when he couldn’t remove that feeling from his body. It took a looong time for him to get the courage to speak out loud his feelings to you. Until he did, all flustered and being a victim of your teasing, since you had never seen the elf blush like that until that moment.
The beginning of the relationship was quite… awkward. He doesn’t like physical contact, that’s a fact… but he wanted to have it with you, but he never had it with you before and he didn’t know how to start it. Ezarel stares deeply at you as he argues in his head whether to go and hold your hand or ask you first or simply leave.
The moment you asked he simply decided to hold your hand and look away, very nervous himself.
With time he gets used to starting physical contact, sometimes being so sudden that you would be the one getting flustered. And when you do start it… he melts but will never confess it. Though you can feel how he takes a deep breath and does his best to hide how his lips raised a little in a timid smile. 
You will learn about alchemy and some scientific facts which he will rant about, because in this relationship he will be the main talker and you’d be the listener. And no matter if he is always playing around, when it comes to your feelings, he won’t play a single bit with them. If you need to vent, he will be there. It is sometimes worrying how quiet he gets when you vent, as you are used to him actively participating in the conversation, but now he is genuinely listening to you with all his attention. He is known to be a good advisor even if he doesn’t know how to apply those pieces of advice to himself. Still he will be helpful.
Despite that, at first he used to be pretty blunt with his words. Ezarel is someone who never keeps silent with his opinion and he believes that everyone must be heard. If he didn’t like a meal you did, a handcraft you did, he’d say it simply, without considering how it would affect you.
Ezarel may be way too honest, but he has a heart and it almost broke when he saw that he was the reason why you got sad or insecure over something. He’d talk to you the moment he reads the environment. He doesn’t want to bring you sadness, he supports you in your hobbies no matter if you are new to them or more experienced. There is time to improve in any field and he doesn’t mean to be rude if he ever tells you that you should improve something.
He isn’t good at communicating with words, but he shows it with actions and sometimes even physical contact. As a way to show his support, his affection or something positive, he likes to kiss the bridge of your nose and sometimes the crown of your head.
He is smart, handsome, and he knows it yet when you compliment him, you boost his confidence in a way that he becomes the most arrogant creature in the world. (Nevra whines to you about it- “gods, your boyfriend is incredibly tiring, stop lying to him!”)
Your boyfriend is great and you know it. Ezarel is the peak of dark humor, and even if you stand dark humor, you would like to slap him more than once at the bad timings he sometimes has to spit some comments. Nevertheless you will be laughing so hard at 2 AM that Miiko will scold you both the next morning.
Bake something sweet for him and he will be on his knees for you. “Oh, my highness… give me that thing again…”- You baked him a simple chocolate cupcake.
Sleepy Ezarel is like a baby, and he is going to sleep on top of you, forcing you to caress his hair as he is almost asleep. Whenever you stop, he looks up at you with a little frown and says “never told you to stop…”
Sounds weird but he absolutely loves to sniff your scent and comment about how good you smell.
Ezarel is a big tease, and he flirts with you playfully just to see your reactions and tease you about them. He knows the effect his voice may have when he is basically purring for you -not like a cat, but he purposefully whispers to you with a husky tone just to make your heart skip a beat-.
Let’s say that when he found the news of you coming back from the crystal he decided to send you an anonymous letter that told you to meet someone at night. You were scared, but the surprise of being the owner of the letter made you fall more in love with him. Oh, he is taking you on his trip far from the city. 
If you want this angst, then let’s keep that you never knew anything from him once you came out from the crystal 🤫
Long story short, Ezarel started being a clumsy and awkward boyfriend but achieved to be one guy who made you feel a lot of emotions constantly. And luckily they were positive!
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 5 months
ELDARYA routes when you are sick
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: (requested) fluff, TO & New era routes taking care of you when you are sick, comfort. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hope you enjoy it! I didn't check it deeply so I'm sorry if there are any misspellings.
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The moment he hears your unmotivated tone of voice when you speak he can say that you might be upset or sick. He caresses your wrist gently, in a subtle way to check your temperature. When he feels how warm you are, he looks at you worried. You’re not upset. You’re sick.
He would lean in to press his lips against your forehead to check your temperature. “Oh, you’re burning up...” he mutters, immediately bringing you to your room. 
He knows a few methods to lower your temperature, and definitely knows some potions to ease your symptoms. When it gets out of his hand, he asks Ewelein.
He makes sure you take the correct amount of medicine every certain hour. He can even write it down in a paper so you remember, as he might be working. (Every break he has he spends it with you)
Every time he goes to work, he places a cold cloth on your forehead (or warm, depending on what you may need), and once he comes back for the break, he will change it for another if you wish.
Will lift your mood with moderate humour (and will also whine about work, which is a funny sight)
Definitely will give you tea with honey. Honey is a good antibacterial so it might help against any infection! It also might help to boost your immune system, so he insists on taking it. He will also drink it with you just to taste and enjoy the honey and your company!
Ezarel isn’t really restricting when taking care of you, as he knows that you are strong and you will be able to recover, no matter how long it takes. Of course he isn’t allowing you to work hard, since you need rest, but if you need something that requires little effort, then he allows it. He knows the impotence of not being capable of doing much.
“Humans are so weak…” and then he takes care of you as he never took care of nobody else before. You are his human.
Hey, you will get free forehead kisses when he checks your temperature :3.
He is very patient with you, and keep doing his teasing every now and then, but he is mainly gentle and calm as he thinks that the last thing you need is a lot of energy at that moment.
The only bad thing is that he won’t kiss your mouth much since he appreciates his well-being. But don’t worry, once you finally recover he will fill you up with kisses. 
He has taken care of Karenn every time she got sick, and it is no bother for him at all. In fact, being able to protect her makes him feel good as he knows she is in good hands. The same goes for you. Tthough he is afraid of your fragile human body not being able to recover fast.
He is observant and can feel how your body shows signs of discomfort. When he sees you doing a slight expression of pain, his face goes from neutral to :C. His baby… how can his baby be sick…? He immediately places a hand on your back and caresses it to soothe the stress you might feel. As soon as he can he will guide you to the bathroom to wash your face or directly guide you to his room so you can rest.
That’s alright, he is gonna be there for you. Are you cold? He’s gonna cuddle with you. Are you hungry? He’s gonna ask Ewelein which things won’t hurt your stomach so you can eat in peace. Do you need to be alone? Alright… but he’s gonna be close to your door.
He gives you head massages, or belly, or back massages, only if you allow him or he sees that would be useful for you to relax.
As you sleep he is gonna be there, caressing your hair and giving soft kisses to your head and forehead, making sure that you can rest well.
Ask anything you wish from that mouth and he will give it to you.
There is gonna be a big bottle of water in the nightstand for you to stay hydrated. And speaking about hydration, he completely refuses to drink your blood as you are sick. He is well aware that if he did, it would take you longer to recover and you’d feel worse. He’s definitely NOT doing it.
Cancels almost all his plans just to be with you. If there is anything important, he will go, but immediately comes back to you. 
He’s gonna place all the blankets he finds over you.
Definitely does things for you. What if you try to move from bed and your legs fall or something? No. You must rest.
He wouldn’t notice you’re sick until he sees how physically weak you are. And the moment he checks that you are sick, he is gonna feel bad for not noticing before. He will take you to see Ewelein, and then to your room so you recover.
Valkyon won’t really cuddle as you are sick, because his natural temperature is naturally really hot, so it’d overwhelm you. He’d sit on a chair besides your bed and hold your hand. Sometimes he’d fall asleep there.
You can ask anything you want and he will definitely do as you want. 
He isn’t the best cook but he definitely is capable of doing vegetable soup for you so your immune system can be stronger. He is also going to be strict with any medicine dose you need.
If you need time alone to not be overwhelmed, he can give it to you. He is aware that maybe external noise or crowded places aren’t good when you are sick, so he is even capable of making people shush when they walk across the corridor.
If you pout because you can’t cuddle with him, he’s gonna melt. But, sorry, darling… he isn’t going to do it in case you literally overcook yourself…
He’d only get closer if you are under the regular temperature, caressing your cheek or placing his hand on your belly, rubbing it. 
Kisses on your hand to cheer you up def.
He’s gonna carry you on bridal style everywhere.
He will prepare you baths, bring the meal to your bed and bring the food to your mouth <3. He’s gonna spoil you, that’s a fact.
Wanna take a bath? He is joining to give you the most relaxing massage on your shoulders. Also a lot of kisses and caresses.
When he comes back from work, he definitely brings some cookies or something to cheer you up (if you are ill from the stomach, forget about it, he will only give you tea).
Leiftan literally feels it. He knows how bad you feel as he can feel your emotions, and before he sees you he goes to Ewelein to ask about the thing that hurts you at the moment and what you should do to feel better. The moment he sees you he hugs you and tells you to go rest immediately.
He’s gonna move you to his room so he can be close to you. He focuses mainly on comforting you, humming soft melodies and  caressing your back as you rest your head on his chest. He wants you to fall asleep so your body and mind can rest.
The best time to read! He can read for you or you both can do a reading date, he is fine with both.
Imagine Leiftan spooning you as you two decide to read the same book. If you fall asleep while reading, he simply marks the page where you two are, closes the book and cuddles you until he can also fall asleep.
He’s gonna make sure that the environment is refreshing and comfortable for you. As you enjoy the warm and good bath he prepared for you, he cleans the room to not keep the human germs.
He gets fatherly in these types of situations.
He prepares a basket with warm blankets, tissue boxes, bath kit and natural remedies for your health (he hates using medicine, even if it’s needed, he doesn’t like to make your vulnerable body consume it unless very needed).
His way of checking your temperature is by pressing his forehead with yours, or cheek with cheek. A gift kiss as well because he knows you will get better soon.
“I told you so…”  type of guy. But that doesn’t mean that he will scold you or mock you for too long. He’d sigh and simply accept that he will have to be your caretaker.
He is anxious about your well-being. He might ask every 5 minutes how are you feeling. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you with his worries, but you’re everything that is on his mind lately. No matter if you reassure him of getting well, he’s still gonna be right there for you in high alert.
He makes Ewelein check you regularly, but even she would say that you’re not in danger… He’s just very worried, alright?
Lance would tie you up in the bed so you don’t do anything- Maybe not to that extreme but he’d definitely not allow you to do much effort.
His cold hand can be helpful to lower your temperature. He’d place it on your forehead or neck for a few minutes until you feel better.
He’s gonna make you sit on his lap and he’ll feed you good food for your sickness. 
He won’t give you kisses until you get better, just in case… and what if he steals your oxygen and you die? No, you must recover. He will give support by holding you.
When he goes to work, he lends you his shirts so you can wear them and feel like he is there with you. And every now and then he’d go to your room to check on you.
He can prepare a warm bath for you, even with candles so you can completely relax!
Will probably make Mathieu do his work whenever he feels like he did not spend enough time with you…
He is a human so he knows that you will get better soon. Still, he will be dramatic in joke and say “oh no, we have to cuddle before you die!” as he snuggles to your side and traps you in his arms.
He asks Lance advice to make you feel better, and he is somehow good at remembering about you taking your medicine. If Ewelein gives you a potion or something, he’s gonna smell it and judge it beforehand to feel sorry for you.
Mathieu feels pity for you, so he tries to cheer you up with jokes and some details.
He is the worst option when it comes to food, because he will offer you food that could be wrong for your stomach. He will apologize for a week if that meal made you feel worse :(.
He once gave you a piece of cake with chocolate and that evening you spent it throwing it up… 
After the scolding he received from Lance and Ewelein, he acknowledged himself with those things you can eat and which not.
You might have to warn him to not get so close to you, but he won’t even care and will keep kissing you, being close to you, until he ends up being sick as well.
He talks to you until you fall asleep, even though sometimes you might ask him if he can lower his voice. And he can! He wants you to feel calm and not overwhelmed.
If you two had any access to technologies, he’d offer you to watch any shows or movies as you two cuddle and rest. But since that option in Eldarya isn’t available, he will make a picnic on your bed with things you CAN eat when sick instead of almost killing you again.
Do not let him cook for you or you will surely suffer.
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verystrxxwberry · 4 months
ELDARYA; angst headcanons
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Angst, a little bit of comfort..?, sfw, TO & ANE routes, quick and silly thoughts, not my best effort… TW! mentions of alcohol and su1cide, but nothing explicit or heavy. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: No one asked, simply my head filled with silly thoughts I’d like to share :)
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When Valkyon still believed that Lance was dead, he asked for two cakes or a couple of candles to ‘celebrate it with his brother’.
Leiftan started braiding his hair to keep his focus on something and not let his thoughts wander into negativity. Since that moment he found comfort in doing so, and every now and then he could be found doing small braids on his untied hair. That mainly happens during meetings, when he gets a little bit anxious and then starts playing with his hair and at the minute he has a lot of small braids along his hair.
Nevra isn’t really proud of going everywhere on the HQs searching for a nightstand. His little sister is there, and he feels like he failed at being a good example for her. More than once Karenn would’ve found Nevra sitting alone, completely lost in his thoughts and not even noticing she was there. She simply hugs him from behind, quietly. Karenn admires Nevra, and of course she loves him after being the only adult figure she had after they left their parents behind in their past. 
Karenn is a teen during TO, so she wanted more freedom than Nevra probably wanted to give her. It’s not like Nevra was a strict old brother, but he was worried about how she was going to grow up and that ended up in some arguments. Still, their bond was too strong to be broken.
Valkyon used to bite his nails when he was stressed.
Ezarel copes with stressful situations by biting his bottom lip or tapping over surfaces. Ewelein had to gift him lip balm because his lips were filled with little wounds.
I’ve seen people think Ezarel may have an issue with alcohol, but I actually believe that he despises it. He used to like going drinking with Valkyon and Nevra until he found out that alcohol only brought him to his worst moments, until he was found crying a few times while being drunk. Now every time he goes to a party he simply acts along to have fun but without drinking. He prefers standing everyone else drunk than get himself all sad during a supposed fun night.
Valkyon, Nevra and Ezarel actually had deep conversations late at night as they walked around the city. During those conversations they three showed their most vulnerable side to each other, maybe asking advice or venting about anything that had been troubling them. 
The reason why Chrome talks so much is because he was a lonely kid who was literally educated in the HQs. Before that, he had to survive without his parents and without being able to feel connected to a family. He didn’t know that deep inside the only thing he tried to find is the warmth of a family, and luckily he found it on the HQs. So the reason why he acts so immature is due to the lack of education he received in his childhood, which is basically none.
I believe he wasn’t aware of being in love with Karenn at first. He wasn’t taught the concept of what love is, and he found out about it when talking about it to Alajéa, who clearly teased him over it for probably months… He has been truly ashamed of sharing his feelings with anyone since that moment. Karenn considered dating Chrome, but for her, they were too young for that, so she didn’t think about that subject until they both were adults.
Leiftan is quick to blame himself even for things he can’t control.
The reason why Lance is letting his hair get long is to feel closer to Valkyon. The last time he saw him, Valkyon had his hair long, that’s why Lance, for the first time in his life, decided to let his hair grow.
In contrast to Valkyon, Lance asked to forget about his birthday and do not celebrate it at all. He doesn’t think he deserves a present or a party related to him.
The thought of ending it all has been on his mind for a long while but he tried to replace that negativity by thinking that he had to be useful for the HQs to show that he was feeling regret for breaking so many hearts there. He wants to show that he really didn’t want to kill his brother at any moment. He feels like before dying he has to try to ask forgiveness first.
When Leiftan came out from the crystal, he had a hard time accepting Valkyon was dead. He even asked Nevra where he was and that just made Nevra get even more mad at Leiftan for that. Leiftan thought it was all simply a bad dream, or that is what he wanted to think.
After Ezarel left the HQ, he had difficulty falling asleep, the reason why he had to use a lot of natural herbs for the desperation of being exhausted but not able to sleep.
Nevra has a hard time watching Lance smile or laugh as he has the same smile as Valkyon. 
Nevra and Karenn’s bond stopped being so close when Karenn became an adult and since the incident of the crystal happened. Nevra changed and Karenn was tired of standing the behavior he had of going back to that ladies’ man mask. With time Nevra realized that he can’t really keep going without her support. He may receive comments from people but the only one he cares about is Karenn’s words.
Mathieu is aware that Lance sees him as his little brother as a way to make him feel like a good old brother. And he currently tries to act like a good guide and care for Mathieu all he is capable of.
Unluckily Lance still gets some anxiety whenever he sees Mathieu is actually acting like a good close friend, as he tends to push away the minimum affection he sees in others towards him. That’s why he might suddenly act colder or more distant, but not because he hates Mathieu, just because he doesn’t know how to accept affection.
Leiftan wouldn’t mind sacrificing himself. That’s actually the only way he’d be able to forgive himself completely.
Mathieu has had to deal with Lance breaking down more than once and trying to cheer him up. Unluckily Lance almost always pushed him away, but Mathieu insisted on staying right there. It’d be the very few times when Lance would let himself be hugged by someone.
Mathieu stopped feeling so alone when he arrived at Eldarya, since in the human world he barely had any stable friendship.
Ezarel used to write letters to Nevra once in a while to update everyone about what he was doing. But he wanted to bury the past where it was, and that’s why he decided to try to move on with his life and not think about coming back to Eldarya. It took him time to not do so, but he only went further away so he wouldn’t think about the chance of coming back again. 
He would have loved to go to the human world and even get to know that Gardienne was back. Thanks to her he learnt that humans are interesting creatures and he definitely would have loved to see the technology development there.
When Nevra realized that he got no answer from his letters to Ezarel anymore, he got anxious and tried to convince Huang Hua to go on an expedition to find Ezarel and make sure he was alright. Huang Hua just told him to forget about Ezarel. He was probably doing his life and they couldn’t do much for someone who decided to leave on their own. Nevra absolutely hated that, and he wanted to go to search for him, but he had no idea about his location anymore.
So whatever happened to Ezarel would now be not known for anyone in the HQs. 
✩; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 4 months
Hello, Alex. I wanted to request some headcanons for the Eldarya routes about sleeping with them? Do this if you've got time and want to. Stay safe and good luck with your life!
ELDARYA; sleeping headcanons
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: TO & ANE routes.
↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hello, thank you so much for your words! I was going to post this before but my pc decided it wasn't the time.
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No matter if there’s work to do left, his switch is over and he is gonna take the night to sleep and rest all he can. He appreciates the time to rest after work, he is already too overworking when he is at work, but he is strict with his schedule and if he’s done, he IS done. There might be exceptions some days, as the day has not enough hours to finish some very important tasks, but he makes sure to finish them on time.
He definitely needs his night time with you. It has become an important part of his routine, and he basically needs to prepare for bed with you to feel completely at peace. Those nights in which you aren’t with him, he won’t say it but he felt a little bit empty without you. Still, he doesn’t make a big show about it.
Ezarel absolutely adores to be your big spoon, and will stay most of the night like that as he barely moves when he sleeps. He also likes to keep his hands under your shirt.
His voice falls right besides your ear as he is practically glued to you. He likes to have light conversations at night, with some humor there that can end up into loud laughing at some point. 
The only notorious thing about Ezarel when he sleeps is that he has spontaneous twitches on his hand, or he makes small noises as he is dreaming. Those aren’t very loud noises, they are simply low growls.
He isn’t a heavy sleeper but neither a light one.
He likes to sleep shirtless, except in winter. In winter expect him to wear long ass fur pajamas because baby is cold.
Oh but he is a pillow stealer. Whenever he changes his position at night, he does the fetus position and drags the pillow with him.
He wakes up earlier than you but stays in bed to enjoy the warmth of you until he has to go to work. He caresses your back or abdomen slowly, looking around the room with nothing to do, then he closes his eyes and lets time pass… If you wake up before he goes to work, he’ll ask in a low and sleepy tone how you rested. If you didn’t wake up and he has to go, don’t worry, he will wake you up to say that he has to go. He will give you small kisses around the face, taking advantage of you being so sleepy that you probably won’t remember him being so clingy.
There will be times in which he can be there at the time you go to sleep, but there will be times where he will come later to go to bed due to work.
It’s clear that the night routine for him is fixed, as he will do his rigorous skincare before going to sleep no matter the hour.
When he has time to be with you, he’ll teach you his skincare and definitely search a good one for your skin! He wants to be a good advisor for your own health. 
Before getting into bed he makes sure there is water in the nightstand for both of you, and mainly you.
Nevra is very clingy at night and definitely likes to trap you under his body to kiss you. And pray for him to not get hormonal and let you sleep without hearing his whines of frustration. But it’s alright, he will accept to simply use the bed to sleep. And thanks to you he will find more comfort in sleeping in bed than giving it more uses.
But still expect slow making out sessions before going to sleep.
He sleeps with his fancy set of pajamas, but sometimes he’d sleep only with his boxers.
The moment the lights are off, he respects the silence and stays still to get into the sleeping vibe. He speaks in whispers to you and caresses your hair with one hand as with the other holds your waist gently. 
He likes to press his forehead against yours to sleep, even though he moves a little at night, but not enough to be annoying. He might maximum do a 360° over his own self and keep sleeping normally.
He makes no noise at all when sleeping, not even his breath.
He is a light sleeper because, as a vampire, he doesn’t really need to sleep for very long and he has sensitive senses, so any slight change in the room is noticed unless he is exhausted or enjoying his sleep too much.
When it’s time to wake up, he generally does it at the same time as you do. And no one's gonna stop him from morning cuddles.
It’s hard to go to sleep at the same time with him, as he generally finishes his job pretty late at night. He is careful to not wake you up and lies down behind you to spoon you and give small and light kisses to your shoulders to not wake you up.
Those times when he can go to sleep with you, he simply remains silent and cuddles you. If you wanted to rant, he’d gladly listen to you, but right now he needs to rest his mind and enjoy your presence.
You’d feel his breath on your neck as he will bury his face on the crook of your neck, his hands caressing your back as he keeps his eyes closed to sleep.
Depending on how exhausted he is, he might snore a little, but you can easily shush him. He’d rather if you wake him up than not allowing you to sleep due to his snoring.
He is like a rock when he sleeps and at some point of the night the mattress will disappear for you because his full body will be your bed. He doesn’t mind if you do. He might actually be the one dragging you there with no problem at all.
He sleeps right over his back like a soldier, so it’s easier for you to climb him like a koala.
Valkyon only sleeps naked unless you are uncomfortable with it. But he has warm skin due to his condition of being a freaking fire dragon, so being naked for him is even more comfortable than wearing pajamas most of the time.
He always sleeps more than you. He’s barely seen from 7 to 11 AM as he spends those hours resting from last day’s work. If he needs to wake up soon, he will, but if he is able to sleep more, no one will stop him.
He is completely relaxed when he sleeps, getting into a heavy sleep. Even though you could wake him up easier. The moment he hears your voice, his body gets alarmed and wakes up to check what you need. It’s alright, he won’t ever get mad for being woken up even if it's 4 am. He wants to make sure you are completely alright.
When he wakes up he directly prepares for work, because his guard probably needed him as he was sleeping. He tells you that you know where to find him if you need anything, and leaves a small kiss on your hand before leaving.
He tries to keep a good sleeping schedule even if sometimes he has trouble sleeping. He has a set of pajamas and barely sleeps with a piece missing since he likes to feel covered and protected by the soft fabric.
He is able to sleep at peace when he presses his head on your chest and listens to your heartbeat. You are there, with him at that moment, and he is grateful one day more that you are alive and good. He is traumatized.
He gets sensitive at night, so be careful with the amount of affection you give him or he’ll honestly cry from how much happiness you give to him.
Leiftan makes sure you are comfortable with the blankets, the position and even with your pajamas. He is careful with any detail that is needed; if you’d like more light in the room, if you’d wish to drink water, if you’d wish more pillows, maybe more blankets…?
During the night you will hear him simply breathing. He doesn’t move too much, probably simply shifting his position to rest his head on your shoulder or give you his back. 
Whispers “I love you” before going to sleep and gives a soft peck on your lips.
He falls asleep very quickly when he is comfortable, it’s even impressive.
Even though he still has nightmares about all the wrong stuff he has done. Sometimes he talks at night, moving around and whining “no” as he makes enough movements to wake you up.
Poor baby would be crying in his sleep and wake up panting heavily. The moment he sees you, he’s gonna hug you tightly and sob about how sorry he is for everything. 
Just being in your arms and listening to your voice giving him comfort is good enough to make him feel safe and ready to keep sleeping in your arms.
He always wakes up at 07:15 AM, not one minute more or one minute less. He showers, gets ready for the day. He prepares breakfast for you and brings it to you to the bed. He will stay with you, talking casually and enjoying breakfast with you.
Another one who’s most likely appearing in the middle of the night to join you in bed. He will make sure he doesn’t wake you up. He is strict with his schedule, he normally comes back at 02:00 AM, then he goes to shower and yes or yes he is beside you at 02:30 AM. He goes that late since he is very hardworking and loses the track of time.
During the night he prefers to have his own personal space and sleep without being restrained. It’s not that he dislikes your hugs or that he moves too much, but he sleeps being alarmed in case of urgency.
He makes it up for you in the morning to give you the cuddles you wish, he wants that anyway.
He is calm if he is aware that you are there. His hand will approach to gently hold your hand, or hold your arm or simply touch your back. He might wake up at night, alarmed and scared to not be feeling your presence, and then he simply presses his hand against your arm and falls asleep again.
Just as Leiftan, he also wakes up at night due to nightmares. He normally talks when he sleeps, but when he is scared he can yell during his sleep. You will have to wake him up.
He is grateful that you woke him up, because he couldn’t stand the version of reality his dream was offering him. He searches for your embrace. 
He never asks you for hair caresses, but if you give him a nice scalp massage before he goes to sleep, he’s gonna be like a happy puppy and sleep peacefully, forgetting about staying so alarmed for everything.
Whenever he talks on his sleep you can have conversations with him and laugh at him, because he will say a lot of nonsense things.
He is a light sleeper generally unless he is completely exhausted, relaxed or sick. 
Lance likes to sleep shirtless, but can put on a sweater if you are uncomfortable at some point.
He developed the habit of going really late to sleep back on his days on human world, so since then he has been having a really messy sleeping schedule. He might keep you up sometimes, losing the track of time and only focusing on the conversation he is having with you. When he sees you’re getting sleepy he definitely stops whatever he is doing and makes sure to help you to sleep. He wouldn’t like to forbid you from sleeping just because of him!
As he is unable to sleep, he wants to feel your head on his chest to be able to hear your sleeping breath while he stares at the ceiling and slowly gets calm enough to sleep. He’d press his lips against your head as he falls asleep.
You can feel he is sleepy when he doesn’t talk much since he doesn’t shut his mouth until the moment you sleep.
This means that as you get ready for bed, he’ll talk about everything that goes through his mind.
Remember he has a prosthesis on his left leg? He will sometimes tease you by touching the feet of that leg with yours, as the metal tends to be really cold. He laughs when you whine about it, and keeps doing it until you two end up in a pillow fight.
He does move a lot at night, and definitely holds whatever that gets on his arms. You are the first victim. You can easily get squeezed to death by him. But sometimes you’d wake up without a blanket just to find out that he had stolen all of it to hug it, as well as with pillows.
Mathieu doesn’t snore, but he breathes loudly. You can easily tell that he is still alive because you can hear his loud breath.
He is a heavy sleeper. There could be an explosion in the kitchen and he’d remain in the dreaming paradise. If you want to wake him up, you would need to shake him or even slap his arm few times because he really needs a long time to react and also to wake up.
Depending on the day, he sleeps with pants, boxers or even without clothes. Do not expect a shirt on him ever though.
During mornings he is very sleepy and lazy. He practically begs you to stay with him for cuddles and to caress his back with your nails. But if you do so, there is the risk of him falling asleep for another 8 hours.
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verystrxxwberry · 5 months
Hi Alex! Would you please make a list of headcanons about Nevra in every aspect of a couple? I’ve read the others and I’m so obsessed with it
ELDARYA; Nevra as your boyfriend
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Even more headcanons of Nevra as your partner! (Some suggestive comments but sfw mainly!) ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi, I am doing great, thanks for your words and request! I hope you enjoy these headcanons <3. I wasn't really sure if you also meant the nsfw aspect with this request, but there are a few suggestive comments in these ones. Also, I didn't check it in the best mental state so there's probably spelling mistakes....
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When he found out about human fashion, he became crazy and probably begged you to let him go shopping for clothes with you. And there is where he developed a certain love to match his outfits with you! He finds it a cute detail and a subtle act of love from both of you.
Something you should get used to about Nevra is that he is very clingy. As you two are out in public, expect him to wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face in your neck. You would feel him simply breathing, or giving small kisses around the skin as he mutters “you smell good”. You’d have to control him because at some moment you’d feel how he sucks a little your skin, giving a little hickey… “Aww, but it’s a loving mark!” He’d tease you -but he is actually marking his territory-
 When he is in love, he changes his behavior. Remember that flirty side he used to have? Well, that didn’t change actually. But he stopped being a skirt-chaser and committed his whole heart to you. All his flirting is only for you.
Literally a hopeless romantic but would never admit it. He is a genuine gentleman when it comes to you. He is gentle mainly because you are the first one he ever falls in love with.
He is terribly afraid of losing you, that adds fuel to be more gentle with you. You deserve to be treated perfectly by a perfect guy just as he is. -He also has negative things, do not idealize..-
He is way too good with his words, in all senses. And Nevra uses his charm to see your cute shy expression, to see how clumsy you get when you get nervous due to his flirting. Not only flirting, but also good spontaneous jokes! His heart goes faster every time he sees you laughing and smiling. He feels like he achieved his daily mission he isn’t sleeping correctly if he didn’t see you smile during a whole day.
He doesn’t like to talk about his own insecurities, because he is kinda insecure about some of his personality and physical traits. But he quietly buries his head on your chest whenever he wants comfort, even if he doesn’t say it out loud.
If you use perfume, he will put a little on his wrist to not miss you that much when he is busy working. It makes him feel like you are there, like his presence is there, even if he doesn’t see you.
He can be fatherly with you every now and then, as he got the big brother experience and has a big protective instinct. That means that you are forbidden from working when you are ill, or overworking some extra hours of your work.
You can’t barely hide your mood from him either, because he is very observant  and can notice your change of tone when you speak or your expression.
He is gonna use his whiny tone and the excuse of working all day to get you to bath with him or give him a massage. He is gonna pout if you don’t spoil him. And trust me that he can be a big drama queen when he wants something.
When you least expect it, you will find yourself being shut from an argument by his lips. He doesn’t let you be mad for a long while, and he doesn’t like arguing with you at all.
Speaking of kissing… making out sessions most of the nights unless you don’t want to. He is clingy during cuddles and he misses you during the day, of course he is going to cup your cheeks, join your lips and devour you for very long seconds. It would reach a point in which the only sound heard in your room would be the lewd sound of your kisses. 
So yeah… he is a very passionate kisser. He even tilts your head to deepen the kiss, his bold leg pressing in between your legs…. And mf will say that he was getting comfortable…
Complimented insecurity = flustered and shy Nevra. Not even kidding. He’d blush.
Nevra being in love equals to him memorizing everything you love and what things do make you happy. He’d perfectly know your favorite color, food, dressing code, perfume… even your favorite position.
He loves your thighs. Like, whatever there is meat or no, he doesn’t give a fuck, he is gonna use them as his personal perfect pillows. 
He also loves your voice <3. When you sound sleepy, when you laugh, when you whisper, when you moan.
Encourages you to visit him during his night shift. And if you two can skip a few minutes to have dinner or hide somewhere so he can fill you up with kisses, that would simply make his night perfect!
Talking about sleeping… When it’s sleeping time, he loves to get ready for it with you. He loves to snuggle with you under the sheets, hugging you and caressing your back to make you fall asleep as he talks in a low voice about anything you were talking about. It’s most likely that you fall asleep first due to how comfortable the warmth of his embrace felt along with those caresses, so he’d admire your relaxed expression for a few seconds, caressing your face so gently that you wouldn’t even realize. Then, he’d allow himself to fall asleep.
He doesn’t move much when he sleeps, but he searches for any kind of physical contact with you in the darkness, to show his affection and that he is there for you. It can be by resting his hand on your arm, belly, back or anything near his hand.
✩; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 5 months
I would like to request spicy hcs about the TO and ANE routes when they get an accidental b0ner, could be caused by the reader or a natural one. Thank you, bless your brain...
ELDARYA; routes when they get a boner (NSFW)
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: TO & New era routes, NSFW, them dealing with a boner. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Thank you for blessing my brain and I hope it worked decently to satisfy your wishes… Sorry if there are any misspellings! (let me know if it happens)
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Whenever he accidentally gets hard he tries to act normal and subtly hide it by crossing his legs or place something on top of his lap to not make it too notorious. He will refuse to stand up by making up excuses like “let me chill for a bit, I am so tired from work..”
Sometimes you wouldn’t even know when it happens because he can act like nothing happens, pressing his hips against any furniture to hide it as he talks to you and others. But there is no way he is letting anyone know that he got hard because his freaking brain decided to at that exact moment.
If he sees that it doesn’t go or his thoughts weren’t too innocent it’s time for him to get a cold shower and probably take advantage of the previous moment in which he is alone in the bathroom.
The hint that might let you know that he needs help is when he gets touchy. When he holds you by the waist, when he plays with the extreme of your shirt or your belt…
He gets constant morning woods. He sleeps with gray sweatpants and is a grower himself, so even he would get surprised by waking up at the morning with almost another arm on his body. 
It also happens with naps, even though he tends to grind himself against your ass when he gets hard after a nap. Obviously after checking that you are awake and that you let him do so.
He would literally say the “that’s not my knee”
You aren’t aware of how many times Ezarel would have grind himself against the mattress in the morning when you weren’t there.
He practically whines when you press your hips with his as you cuddle. He tries to not be so close, because he is aware that it might be awkward if he got hard being glued to you. And probably because he’d get handsy at having you as his small spoon.
The pillow is his main friend to hide his boners.
You are the first one to know when he is aroused as he’d playfully pull you into his lap. And even if it wasn’t with any intentions at first, suddenly there would be an annoying bulge right under you.
You’d see him following others’ conversations, but his hands gripping your hips tightly as his fingers caress you very slowly. He tries to keep himself distracted but the thoughts about what he could do to solve his state only make him even more excited.
Drinking from your blood makes his cock twitch. He loves your taste, the way you gasp when he bites your neck even if he is being really gentle… god, he adores how you might squirm under him. It will be a plus if you press your leg right in between his legs, where you will check how he gets progressively hard.
He is used to being hard, even if sometimes it’s frustrating for him to not be able to go to the bathroom and pleasure himself. But it’s alright, he also likes to wait for the best part (he waits until he gets a chance to drag you away).
Nevra can’t resist your teasing. Whenever you caress his abs, you untie his belt to make him more comfortable or even caressing his thigh already makes him sigh, clearly aroused. He’d ask “what are you doing, pretty one?” as he looks down at your hand, smirking. “Oh, simply making you comfortable” you’d mutter, seeing how his gaze showed a hint of desire on it. You’d feel how he grabs your hand and slides it down towards his clothed erection; “there’s where I want you.”
He understands that sometimes you might not be in the mood to help him, just as he sometimes isn’t in the mood and his dick decides to act on its own. 
He really doesn’t put much effort into hiding it. It’s a natural body reaction after all, why make such a scene about it? He can walk around with an erection without really caring about it.
He might be uncomfortable by the fact that his poor dick is making his pants tight and it can even hurt at some point. Sometimes, as you two are in public, it might happen accidentally, and he squirms around and adjusts his pants to try to avoid the uncomfortable pressure. He isn’t aware of his cock awakening until he feels the brush onto his pants.
He remains calm about it, not a big deal. He’d never hide it because he isn’t really embarrassed. He just has to wait calmly for it to go.
Sometimes he might get hard as you give him kisses on bed, or subtle caresses on his body while you are in public. The moment your hand brushes up and down on his back, slowly, brushing it so gently he’s gonna sigh and look at you with a little grin.
Expect his hand also giving subtle caresses on the skin of your thigh, sometimes adding pressure but generally keeping gentle and melting caresses. Hearing the change in your breathing thanks to his teasing makes him proud, and his bulge is firm and visible thanks to you.
And about the kisses… he loves when you shower him with kisses as his hands explore your body. He’d groan softly and pull you closer to embrace you as you kiss his jaw. He likes to brush a little against your thigh and see your flustered expression. “What’s wrong? If it’s bothering you… maybe you could do something about it..” He speaks with a deep, low yet hoarse voice.
He isn’t gonna offer you to help him out with his erections because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable after all. He prefers if you are the one offering it first.
His tight ass pants make it really easy to notice any change on his dick, he is sometimes scared of it accidentally twitching. So the moment he feels his pants tight, he disappears. Like, almost literally. You won’t find him anywhere until his dick calms down. He locks in the bathroom and takes deep breaths until he is prepared to go out.
He might find himself trapped in the situation of not being able to escape to the bathroom and having to deal with a boner in public, a thing that makes him panic a little. He stares deeply into an object and ignores everything until it passes. When you ask him, he wouldn’t even notice you until you shake his arm or something. 
Leiftan is too shy in this context to confess to you that he has a problem under his pants.
He barely gets erections and he needs certain time to form a full boner, which only happens when the heat in between you two is too big to handle. 
Whenever you decide to give attention to his dick, he becomes a gasping mess. His breath gets completely shaky and soft grunts leave his lips every now and then. How can he not get excited if you are pleasing him like that.
The most common situation where he gets accidental boners with you is when you two bathe together. The relaxing warmth of the water, the way your body is pressed against his as you two relax, it has something that makes him feel close to you, to feel intimate and connected. That is a feeling that truly makes him feel excited, to the point even his lower friend can be the evidence.
He feels guilty of getting hard and mutters “I swear I wasn’t thinking anything weird.. I-it happened alone.” (and poor creature... he is being honest)
One day you were having dinner in the dining hall with him and a few of your guard mates. The environment was alive and amusing, giving the vibes of finally being able to relax after stressful work. Your boyfriend though… he was resting his forehead over his fist and had his eyes closed, breathing deeply. “Lance..? What’s wrong?” You muttered to him and his reaction was simply a sigh, leaning into your ear to confess; “Something just woke up in the worst moment.”
His other hand was right over his lap. He wasn’t doing anything suspicious, he isn’t a pervert! He was actually trying to hide it somehow. He is embarrassed.
He doesn’t get erections too often due to the stress he carries on his shoulders. The moment he feels his cock starting to grow, he immediately starts thinking of negative things such as dead things… heh…
If he’s standing up, he simply hides it by putting his hands in his pockets to make it less obvious.
Even if he gets hard when you two are alone, he is still getting embarrassed and quiet all of sudden. You could be talking and you suddenly hear him inhaling shakily and rolling on the bed to give you his back and groan “no way…” as he curls up, hugging the pillow to hide the bulge on his pants. That reaction had you laughing for a few minutes. It’s easy to tease him when he is like that because he truly gets flustered.
Making out sessions work for him, as he will get semi-awake and needy.
He is sexually frustrated, and getting boners due to the arousal is one of the things that can make him lose control. He tries to control himself though. But a horny Lance has barely nothing to do with the casual Lance.
His pupils get dilated asf when he is hard.
If you currently offer to help him expect a no at first place, even though his body will search for you unconsciously. Do not tease him much over pants or the stain of his cum will be very difficult to wash after it.
He’s scared of you thinking of him as a pervert or something.
He is young and his hormones are still too revolted to the point he can get a boner easily. There are times in which he isn’t aware of it, but when he is aware, he tries to hide it by distracting himself instead of focusing on it. He feels exposed whenever he gets hard, so he tries to be close to you, sitting beside you and simply talking to ignore it. 
Sometimes he ties a sweatshirt around his waist and focuses on doing sport. If it doesn’t work, he might think of the most disgusting thing ever (probably a gore manga he read a long time ago that still makes him shiver).
He can get hard from kissing you, hugging you, and not exactly because of any horny reason; just because he is so excited that even his dick wants to say hi too.
He is scared of getting an unwanted boner as you sit on his lap, but it is most likely to happen. When you give him the confused look he whispers “uh… that wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Mathieu also has his hormonal times which can last for days. He might stare at you with his lips slightly parted, completely out of reality. He can only think about how good you are looking, how would it feel to bury his head on your chest now as he hugs your hips… and damn, another boner.
He deals with it in a humorous way so it is less awkward. It’s normal, it’s just how bodies work. 
When you get to be on Earth for a long time, he is definitely gonna have dates with you to cuddle and watch movies. And more than once things would get heated up since he teases you a lot, making you squirm and accidentally brush against him. And oh, surprise! That’s gonna cause something to wake up inside of his pants.
Mathieu definitely puts the netflix excuse more than once.
✩; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 4 months
Hello Alex, I hope your exams went well! I noticed you have recently opened your rqs again, so I had to scoop right in hope you don't mind! may I have my eyes (and mind and soul) blessed with a headcannon of the Eldarya boys trying to get MC in the mood (what would they do, say, treat her etc) if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) btw its completely fine if you don't feel like it, just trying my luck! wishing you the best!
ELDARYA; routes when they try to turn you on (NSFW)
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: NSFW not heavy- simply suggestive, TO & ANE routes. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi! My exams went decently, thanks for caring :). And of course you may get those headcanons. I hope you enjoy them.
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It is known that Ezarel likes to be the one starting physical contact as he doesn’t like to be touched all of sudden. When he is needy it will be obvious the moment he gets more touchy and not in very regular areas to touch in public. He rests his hand on your rear and gently caresses it with his thumb, or he even gives three or four kisses to your nape as he is hugging you from behind.
Sometimes he teases you, but he might not be horny at the moment. He likes to see your frustrated face and his grin makes it very obvious.
Mf will tease you and then leave you to go do something.
You will have to wait until you two are in private.
Whenever he tries to seduce you, he definitely uses his gaze to communicate it to you. You’d lose your focus because he’d be looking at your eyes with such a gaze that you’d love to hide yourself at that moment before he devours you. You know the predator look he gives when he wants something. You definitely can tell what kind of thoughts are on his mind.
He’s the kind of person who remembers very vividly your words and reactions. If he knows how you will react when he touches your knee under the table, he will. If he knows what you like by your own words, he’ll subtly put it into practice. So, yeah, you can say he seems to not listen but he always remembers. He has a good memory after all.
He’s gonna make you sit on his lap as he does some paperwork, or as you two simply cuddle in bed, or casually when ‘there are no chairs’ (there will def be). So when he feels a tiny bit silly, he makes sure that his leg is right in between yours and then shakes it a little. Just a little to check your reaction… 
When he sees you getting embarrassed about it, he’d start with the “aw, what’s wrong, dear?” as he shakes his leg again.
He uses that mocky tone of voice to make you mad at him for playing so dirty.
We all know he is really handsome, and he will definitely dress properly for good occasions. You’d never imagine to see Nevra prettier than he already is, but seeing him wearing a smoking changed your view completely. The tie resting comfortably against his chest, a very few buttons of his shirt untied to expose his collarbones, the way his hair is styled slightly different but without losing his essence. 
He knows he looks good and he’s gonna take advantage of it to be close to you and keep your eyes on him. He’d be talking to you and whenever he sees your attention goes somewhere, he plays with your hair a little to keep you with him. 
He’s not afraid to show his confidence, as he knows that it’s the most attractive thing about him. And definitely it is the thing about him that makes you easily aroused.  
Whenever Valkyon wants to achieve something he goes for the compliments. He is honest when he speaks and acts, so he’s not gonna hide the truth from you at any moment. When he teases you to get aroused is most likely because he also is and knows how the night would end up perfectly.
So yes, compliments. He checks you out constantly unconsciously, and casually mutters something related to the way you are looking that day. And it is positive. Valkyon might be realistic and honest, but he is completely in love with your appearance and personality, which will also compliment when you rant about anything.
His honesty can be a bit surprising though… to the point where he holds your hips and mutters to your ear the things he wishes to do to you at that moment. Remember the outfit he complimented on you before? Alright, he wants to take it out now.
He’s very good at dirty talk and more than once he’ll leave your legs shaky at how unexpected it can be the amount of naughty thoughts he’s got.
After stressful days, he loves to give you massages to make the tension get released from your body. When he sees how responsive you get by sighing from the pleasant feeling of being relaxed, he’ll give gentle kisses along your spine, up… down… and then reach your neck, or sometimes he’d reach lower... and you might know where.
He has an ace up his sleeve to fall back on when he runs out of ideas on how to make you feel ticklish somewhere. Valkyon is experienced in sexual terms, so he has had time to develop a kissing skill that will leave you breathless many times over. His kisses will leave you wanting more, and it's a factor he likes to play with a lot.
He’s a romantic one, and doesn’t doubt a single bit to show you his love for you. He truly spends time on planning every detail of a date, of a gift… he is able to make you satisfied in terms of quality. But about intimacy… he gets kinda nervous.
He generally doesn’t take initiative for these situations, but he’d try subtle intimate touches when you are in private to try his luck.
The best way to spend the night is by taking a warm bath with him, and if he wants to make things more heated, he wants your opinion first. You are resting your head in his chest, sitting right in between his legs as he basically holds you comfortably. Then you feel how his hands caress your belly and he asks against your ear “Is this alright?”
The way he simply whispers it, in a low and gentle tone, is capable of melting you. He is happy when you give him the green light, and he’s gonna worship you as if you were a superior being.
He sometimes pulls your legs into his lap and gives gentle caresses to your knee. Sometimes he isn’t aware of his hand going lower to your thigh, resting it there and rubbing his thumb gently against the flesh.
I honestly don’t think he’d turn you on on purpose. It would be by his genuine attractive habits.
It wasn’t until he met you that he started using cologne for special occasions. Of course he put on deodorant (when he didn’t forget), which already made him smell really good. But then he started using cologne to be around you. His scent has always been attractive to you, it was manly yet refreshing, but whenever he puts on cologne it makes you want to glue to his clothes and never forget that scent.
He rests his hand on your lower back when he feels like it. He has a big hand and it’s a big dude itself, so he likes to feel like he can protect you. As you walk he guides you with his hand, by pressing it a little tighter on your lower back and sometimes your waist. 
Lance loves to rub his thumb on your nape and scalp as he is listening to you talk, a thing that makes you unable to focus most of the time.
Whenever you talk to him in public he tends to lean a little bit towards you to listen to you or talk back to you. He loves to lean closer to you in general.
Oh, and he is aware of your reactions, but won’t make it obvious. He feels very proud though. Even though there will be moments in which he’ll keep playing because after all… he can also be a little bit aroused around you.
You can see a smug smirk threatening to get bigger as he looks at you. Well not at your eyes but your lips.
And he sometimes stares at your lips with hidden hunger, and you won’t realize until he presses his thumb against your bottom lip and caresses it slowly. He will also use this method to make you quiet whenever you’re speaking too much. 
He doesn’t think about turning you on until he is also turned on, but he is a little bit shy about it. 
His main card is his charm. He knows how to make you laugh, how to be kind and gentle towards you. He’s gonna treat you as his royalty, offering you his hand or arm to walk, giving you soft kisses on the forehead, saying sweet nothings in a loving way.
Physically, he doesn’t dare to do much other than using his nails to caress your back and arms. He can get clingy when he needs anything, and he gets suddenly distant when it’s related to a sexual way because he doesn’t want to be so tiring with that.
He will even ask you if it’s alright for you that he kisses you. It won’t be a normal kiss though. You’d feel his hunger for you on it and it’d be contagious.
He has the unconscious habit of being close to you, and you’d constantly feel his chest on your back, his arms hugging you from behind… and sometimes the full package iykwim.
More than once he’d grind himself against you, and it’s hard to not melt at that instant when he does that, adding his small growl to tease you as well. 
This is up to the tastes of some ppl, but just saying that for him it is natural to walk around shirtless, even in the dorm. This is simply for his own comfort, and who knows, sometimes to flex his muscles for you hah.
✩; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 2 months
ELDARYA; dates with nevra ♡
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: ANE, fluff, sfw, requested in priv, nevra x reader. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Nothing to mention, I hope you enjoy it, my darlings! ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
– First date: Pretty casual yet elegant. In case it is possible, he is going to appear with a bucket of red roses, but if it isn't possible -due to allergy-, he is going to bring a box of chocolates for you. You are his date during the morning and you are the one he aims to have fun with. He has to make up after so many lost years by your side and he wants to recover that sparkle in between you two. You go on a walk together before he starts his work switch. During this walk he asks deep stuff that makes you both lose track of time and get to know each others' romantic preferences. He is a tease but doesn't step any boundary.
«We should plan our next date already.»
– Confession date: He couldn't stop thinking about you and how he'd love to spoil you for the next date. He wanted to make it romantic yet comfortable for you, so he decided to plan it during night this time. A small picnic on the beach, hearing nothing else but the waves crashing onto the sand. His body language is focused on you, his hand resting over yours as the glass of wine reflects the moonlight. This man is a hopeless romantic and doesn't lose the chance to make his confession the best from his whole life, looking at your eyes as he speaks his heart out. The moment you agree to become his partner, he interlocks your fingers together. And not only that but a gentle and warm touch cups your cheek, his lips aiming at your forehead first. Looking at your reaction attentively he'd keep going, a little smile appearing on his lips. Then he kisses your right cheek, then your jaw and finally reaches his destiny; your lips. And he couldn't even think about coming to the date without a gift for you, that wouldn't be really respectful of him, would it? He took out a small box from his pocket before he could say goodbye to you, and he placed around your neck a small necklace; its golden chain held a radiant ruby.
«Look at this beautiful thing– it is close to your heart, which I finally made mine.»
– A casual date: Sometimes it is necessary to unwind from stressful times, to forget about all your worries. And your boyfriend is going to make sure that you disconnect whenever you have had enough responsibilities. Before you came back from work, he made sure to have a warm bath prepared for you. He is a materialistic man and loves when things are aesthetically pleasant. He doesn't mind spending some money to place a few candles around the bathroom so the dim light coming from them makes the environment more intimate. The bathtub releases smoke from the warm water and the bath bomb just makes the water smell like sweet roses. The moment you come back home and you are exhausted, he helps you to leave your stuff in the entrance and then guides you towards the bathroom. In a matter of seconds you'd be entering the water, his hand holding yours to make sure you’re safe at any moment as you make yourself comfortable. You sigh, closing your eyes and letting the warm water do its job in your skin and mind. Not only that, but also the hands of the lovely vampire started massaging your shoulders and back, touching you as if he was worshiping you. Some small kisses would fall into the skin of your neck, not hiding his affection for you a single bit. 
«My sweetness... you did a good job today. Allow yourself to rest a little and be proud of yourself.»
– Anniversary date: Nevra has never been in a romantic relationship, and he never expected that it would last more than two days, a week or two weeks. Surprisingly his calendar shows that he has been loving you for a year already, and he makes sure to memorize the date to the point he doesn’t need to check that calendar. He impatiently waits until it is 12 AM and then opens the door of the bedroom, where you were ready to sleep. But he won’t let you! A spontaneous session of self care and cuddles awaits for you both. Next morning you’d be waking up with a great breakfast in bed. It is your day, the day where you both started dating and the day in which you both must enjoy it as much as you can. Like always, he feels extra affectionate with you. His elegance and chivalry is not lost no matter how much time passes in your relationship. He admires how purely you taught him to love and he needs to show his gratitude somehow towards you.
«You are the best gift life has ever given me.»
– Double date: It won’t be strange to go on dates with Nevra but also his sister and Chrome! You four would search for amusing things to do together, some of these activities would go from meeting to bake, to do night walks, to do barbecues or to do something more exciting such as hiking. It is extremely funny to hear Nevra and Karenn talking about random gossip as you and Chrome share your shocked reactions. Those are good planned dates, and they give the two couples great experiences and memories! Karenn adores you as her brother’s partner and is the first one supporting you both. She will tease you both though,, but who cares… During the exciting experiences, y’all will have the chance to tease Chrome because he truly does get loud with his yelling and his panic in front of the adrenaline. After those dates, you’d be lying in your shared bed with Nevra, resting your head over his chest and looking at the ceiling, as he simply talks about all the best moments of your double dates.
«Do you remember when Chrome pissed his pants when he heard those steps behind him? Hahaha! And it was simply a little kitten… »
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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verystrxxwberry · 30 days
Hii, how are you? everything alright? I was wondering if you can make a NSFW alphabet of Ezarel.
ELDARYA; NSFW alphabet for Ezarel!
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: NSFW, explicit language. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi, I’m great! I will move soon to a new place so I’m pretty excited to start a new era of my life in a whole different city from mine. But anyway, this was funny to do. I hope you enjoy this!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After he’s finished with all the act, he’s gonna be panting and recovering from what just happened. He lies down beside you and points to the bathroom “go pee, now”, he says it with such a tired tone that’s even funny. But he cares about your physical health mainly. You’d also need some time to calm down the way your legs shake, because you wouldn’t be able to stand up for a few minutes.
Shower together! He doesn’t like to feel the stinky fluids from his sweat and other juices on his body. As you prepare the shower for both of you, he’d change the sheets of the bed to have a refreshing rest after the dirty stuff you’ve done there. Then he’d join you to the shower and make sure you both end up very very clean. Through it, he’d compliment you about how good you were on it.
Midnight snack is a must. He’d go to the kitchen to steal some snacks. It might be 2 or 3 AM, and some colleagues might be in the dining hall, but he doesn’t care and goes straight to grab some cookies and chocolate for him and his darling :P. And of course, a big bottle of water too.
Once he is back, he’d cuddle you, massaging your shoulders, back and hips to make them less sore. Every now and then he’d feed you with some cookies or chocolate just to make sure your body recovers energy.
He’d give you a nice head massage to help you to sleep in his arms. You both deserve a very good rest.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part about himself are his eyes. He holds an expressive gaze and is aware that they communicate much better than his words do. Just with a look he’d be able to make you weak on your knees, the way he checks you out slowly, analyzing every single detail about you- the way he looks down at your lips whenever you talk just to make you nervous enough to tease you.
He also loves his hands. Ezarel is very attractive and that also goes for his big, thin hands. They are very elegant and his fingers are long, they seem delicate but their grip is firm as you’ve checked times before. His nails are also pretty, not long but not that short either. His hands are perfect for cupping your chin as he kisses your lips, for caressing your body and feeling the curves of it right under him. But they are also perfect to keep you in place by holding your hips as he thrusts into you, to hold your thighs apart so he can drown himself in between them. They are perfect for many things.
His favorite part about you is your chest area. And not only in a sexual way. He loves to lie down in your chest and receive your caresses, feel how you play with his hair. Ezarel likes the way it raises and then deflates along with your breathing, and the sounds of your heartbeat is something that keeps him relaxed. He’d kiss that area with all the gentleness, worshiping it with his kisses as he takes his time to enjoy your reactions when his tongue rubs against your sensitive nipples.
Your thighs are also his favorite part of you. Whenever you two are sitting together, he’d rest his hand there, squeezing and caressing your skin comfortably. He also adores to lie down on them to take spontaneous naps as you both lay down on the bed. As I said before, he also loves to be in between them doing the job he is very good at. He’d make sure to leave kisses and reddish marks on them. He’ll love to check those hickeys once he is done with eating you <3.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He doesn’t cum in a big amount and depends on the intensity of the situation for it to come out as a shot or in drops. Ezarel’s semen is warm, creamy and slightly sweet due to the amount of sugar he daily consumes. The taste lingers pleasantly, as it isn’t either too sweet or salty. 
Ezarel likes to cum over your pussy and see how it slides slowly down your folds, he adores it. In case you don’t have a vag, he’d love to have you on your fours so he can paint all over your ass and back. He likes to see how he can paint your body, it makes him confident.
He’ll love to make you cum around his fingers and in his mouth if possible.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He might deny it because he likes to keep the dignity of a decent clean elf, but he is really into food play. He hasn’t tried it with anyone before because he basically didn’t share this with anyone, but he tried a few times to make a hole in a melon and well… just thrust into it. It gave him such a great pleasure that it is his favorite way to masturbate intensely when he is alone and feels creative. It gives him an incredible orgasm which he needs minutes to recover from.
He has thought about pouring chocolate into your stomach and down your crotch and licking it until he has you screaming for him. But that is something he is embarrassed to talk about.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Decently experienced. Not as much as Valkyon or Nevra, but enough to know with confidence what he is doing. He had a couple or three hook-ups, but never went on something serious, yet it gave him skills that he improved with you. 
The first time with you, no matter if you are experienced or not, he is as gentle as he has never been. He wants to give you a great experience and won’t doubt in giving you a taste of his skills.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He is really into you riding him. And not because he is too lazy to top you, but because he enjoys the view. Ezarel loves to hold your hips and make you bounce up and down his cock, asserting some dominance he likes to have yet leaving you the choice to surprise him with your movements. Expect him to thrust up just to make you melt.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Do we all agree that Ezarel is a goofy pain in the ass? Yes, he is. And that doesn’t change even in the most intimate moments because it is a part of his personality. He is a big tease and won’t doubt a bit to do it just to see you all flustered. Ezarel doesn’t do it with the intention of humiliating you or to make you feel bad about yourself, not at all. The most common way for him to tease is during foreplay as he teases your sensitive spots just to prepare you. “Oh? What is it, hun? Someone’s sensitive here?” he’d ask after seeing you gasp the moment he pressed his knee in between your legs, only making him press it again to get the same reaction.
There are times in which he is more serious because he is tired from work, allowing a soft and romantic Ezarel to be seen. He isn’t good with words, so he shows his affection through actions, giving you kisses all over just so you can feel his affection for you as well.
He has no trouble in pulling a joke out during sex or laughing during it. For him it feels even better and more special when he sees that both of you are having a great time. And just seeing you smile makes him enjoy more of the experience.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn’t grow much natural hair, and he doesn’t like to keep it. Whenever he sees a little bit of beard appearing on his face he PANICS. He relates having a beard with being old enough and that’s a feeling he doesn’t like at all, so the moment he sees a single hair, shaving time.
That also goes for down there, no matter if he is shaving to have no visit, he still likes to keep it bald for his own liking.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Surprisingly romantic when he wants to be. Despite his teasing, he will always go at the pace you set because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. He can drop that playful side he has if it will make you more comfortable, as he knows that maybe you might like something more serious during such a vulnerable moment.
He likes to be spontaneous about intimate moments, he won’t plan it with candles or set a romantic environment because he is lazy.
Ezarel might be quite needy and desperate with the way he speaks, he kisses and touches, but will never ever stop being gentle.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does it regularly after a long day from work, when he is finally under the warm water of the shower and needs to relieve some of the stress. He uses it as a way to release stress or to tire himself to sleep. Plus he likes to do it when he showers because that way he won’t stain anything and won’t have to care about cleaning much later.
Of course he might please himself whenever he is horny, but he actually relies on your help to do so. Most of the time he’ll fight the urges to go further with you and won’t want to make notorious the fact that he is hard, but when he needs it, he will make you know. Whatever, his solution is in the bathroom once again.
Sometimes the shower might take longer because he is masturbating to release the urges of doing something with you. He knows that sometimes it might not be the best moment to do it, so his hand is the best friend at that moment.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Edging. Oh, he loves the way you whine when he stops his acts, when the stimulation is suddenly over and you are left right at the edge of your orgasm. He does this not only once, but twice, and the third one he luckily stops because he is eager as well. But this mf loves to edge.
Marking. Ezarel is possessive even if he denies it every time you tell him. He loves to mark your thighs with hickeys and he’d gladly give little marks to your neck and chest if you’d allow him. He likes the idea of seeing the signs of a good night the next morning.
Consented somnophilia. He doesn’t mind being woken up with you in between his legs, stimulating him. He feels as the chosen one whenever he wakes up into a shiver of pleasant tickles going down to his crotch. He wouldn’t know if to do the same with you, so he’s most likely waiting for you to wake up so he can act. He is a big enjoyer of sleepy sex late at night, he adores the lazy making out and the way your bodies search for each other to satisfy your needs.
Hair pulling. Ezarel adores when you pull his hair when he is eating you out, it makes him know that he is doing good and your pleasure is so big that it overwhelms you. He might also pull your hair but not hard enough to hurt you, simply to tilt your head to the side and give him space to mark your neck ooor to make you move faster when you’re sucking him dry.
Begging. This goes along his teasing side. Whenever he edges you he loves how you start pleading for him for more. Anything that makes you say “please” with a needy tone makes his mind go blank- you sound really good like this and he guides himself by the noises you make. So when he sees you are needy, the personal satisfaction is too big to be controlled.
Praising. Ezarel doesn’t know how to praise without getting embarrassed or cringed, but when he is in a point of no return in which you are doing a great job, he’ll let you know. He loves receiving praise, even if he seems flustered and annoyed by it, it is something that makes him feel good and loved.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Mainly in bed. That doesn’t mean it has to be strictly in yours or his… if you are staying over somewhere you both have the intimacy enough to have sex, he won’t say no. And more if you have the great comfort of a bed.
The shower.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your voice. As I mentioned, your noises guide his actions. The moment your tone becomes lower, more sensual or a purr, he won’t help it but feel quite aroused by it. The sounds of your moans are majestic for him, and more when they fall right into his ear. 
Your dominance. This isn’t related to bed specifically. He loves and finds it truly hot when you give orders or put peace in a place. Ezarel finds it very attractive that you can stand for yourself and damn, he wishes he was the one you were yelling at because it was hot.
You in general.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Getting caught. He’d probably get moody if someone dared to interrupt you, that’s why public sex for him is such a turn off.
Sharing. He is curious about having a threesome, but he doesn’t feel confident enough to do so. He is already your boyfriend, he doesn’t need another person in your intimate moments where he only wants to be with you.
Harm. Anything that involves blood or pain is a big no for him. He might pull your hair, but not enough to hurt. Sex is for having fun in both ways and he doesn’t find anything amusing in hurting you, it’d make him uncomfortable. He already panics when he causes you pain by accident due to his grip on your wrists or due to some bite, but he quickly pulls away and makes sure you’re alright.
Spitting. That’s nasty and he absolutely feels gross whenever he thinks about it. 
Degrading. He might be into teasing, but he’d never humiliate you and much less say bad words when you are literally offering him a vulnerable side of you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to give oral much more than receiving it. He’s skilled because for him it’s a way of foreplay and a way to spoil himself with a great meal. I have a post fully dedicated to hcs of the guys eating you out, so you can check it…
In case you have a dick, he’s not that experienced, but he can improve his skills easily. He has done the joke of deepthroating stuff more than once, and you’d love checking out that he truly has no gag reflex to take you deep enough for you to enjoy. And for him to not die.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes to set the environment by being slow, allowing you to get used to the feeling and then he’d progressively increase the speed. He’d be gentle at the beginning, when you need to get used to his fingers, his tongue and even to the size of his dick.
His thrusts are slow and lazy, with no rush no matter how needy he is, because he enjoys the way your walls tighten around him. His thumbs gently caress your hips as he reassures you and waits for you to get used. His thrusts become steady with time, not fast or rough.
Ezarel leans to be slow with his thrusts, but he goes deep. He makes sure that his hips move in the correct way and angle for his length to reach deliciously further inside of you. And he is also slow because he likes to savor everything.
He will increase the speed, pounding into you with the same intensity as the orgasm is close -or when you beg him to go faster-.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
The main reason why he prefers to hold on to the urges when he gets horny in public it’s because he couldn’t stand a simple quickie. He prefers to take it slow and do it correctly instead of quickly and not enjoying as much as he could. Ezarel likes the foreplay and the process that leads you two towards the great moment. 
They would only happen before going to a meeting (just in case you can’t wait), or before going out to dinner. But it’s not often.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As I mentioned, he prefers holding the urges than taking any risks of getting caught in public or anything. He doesn’t mind the sound and the risk of letting others know what you two are doing, but only when you are in the bedroom, because that way no one can walk in and interrupt.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He is an elf, so he has more stamina than humans but not as much as you might expect. Every orgasm makes him end up panting and trembling, sensitive, needing a break in between round and round to recover. Making out in between rounds to keep the heat up.
He can go about 4 or 5 rounds depending on how long you can stand it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He would like to use a vibrator on you as he eats you out, so he can focus mainly on tasting you and letting the vibrator to make your reactions more intense.
Other than that, he doesn’t mind if you have them, but you won’t need them much as he likes to be the one giving you pleasure actively. 
Plus using them constantly would make him jealous of a little toy, so he prefers that you use them when you are alone…
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I’ve mentioned before, but he likes to tease you a lot during it. He’d deny you orgasm after orgasm, he’d do mocking questions to hear your needy tone as you answer. He has this teasing tone that makes you frustrated, but it is quite hot. Ezarel would tease you enough until he sees your teary eyes, then he will give what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He may speak constantly, but his moans aren’t frequent or too loud. He gasps, you might hear mainly his heavy breathing, sometimes a soft moan or grunt escaping his lips, but only in a way that you can hear him. Ezarel may sometimes talk to you in between little moans, and that is the most precious sound you’ve ever heard.
When he is about to cum his moans become more constant but they still are as breathy and soft always. 
He might bite your neck to drown his sounds, adding a new mark to the collection and letting you hear his desperation near your ear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Ezarel might be pretty intense and insistent with giving you pleasure, to the point in which you are pretty loud. His favorite way of making you quiet is by kissing you deeply. He’d steal your breath but also your sounds, things that would make him chuckle quietly. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is a grower, so do not let the softness of his dick trick you. While it is calm, it is around 9 cm, but it can grow to 14 cm when he gets aroused. He has a pretty dick, it is decently thick and long, slightly curved to the left but not too notorious. His veins aren’t too notorious when soft, but a little bit more when hard.
Had phimosis so his foreskin is inexistent by now. He has pretty gland, round and pink. And yeah, he is pretty sensitive right beneath his tip, loving how you touch it with your tongue when you are working on him.
He keeps that area clean and shaved, that is why he doesn’t smell bad down there.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ezarel doesn’t have a really high sex drive. There are periods in which he might be hornier than others, but normally he doesn’t think with his dick. He can easily ignore the urges when he gets them. In a normal amount, for him it’s perfect to do it a couple of times per week. When he is more needy it might be two or three… even four times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He would fall asleep pretty quickly if he didn’t add the aftercare in between. But the moment he finally has you in his arms and he is capable of relaxing, he’d start to feel sleepy. That’s when he’d get suddenly quiet in your conversation, taking longer to answer or just not answering at all.
“Ez, are you awake?” You’d ask to receive a simple hum from him. He’d kiss your forehead and nod, but you knew that it was a big big lie.
You would fall asleep at the same time most likely, and it would be a very well rested night.
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verystrxxwberry · 6 months
ELDARYA; "Could you hug me?"
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Basically asking for a hug from the routes! Comfort and fluff mainly. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: This was a request from the blog I used to have time ago and I found it absolutely adorable! So I decided I will rewrite it. If everything goes well, the ML & MCL version will be posted on sunday or monday! Enjoy the reading <3.
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
❖ LEIFTAN ;;  would be a little surprised, you can even see his cheeks red with embarrassment, but it wouldn't take him long to wrap his arms around you, one hand in your hair to provide gentle caresses and the other on your back for support. He is delicate with his touches, plus his scent of berries is soothing enough to make you forget your troubles for a moment. He would rest his head on your shoulder, appreciating your presence without being able to avoid the smile. Depending on how he has seen your face, he would maintain silence, but if he sees that it is opportune he would say "Do you want to talk?".
  ❖ LANCE ;; looks clearly confused, raising an eyebrow at this. He grabs your shoulders and pulls you closer to his body, at first a little uncomfortable, but the moment he feels your arms around his torso, he feels some warmth in his chest. Maybe he even feels a burn in his cheeks. Anyway, he doesn't complain, he just keeps silent and caresses your back from time to time in a comforting way. Once you separate he would still be a little confused, but grateful because even he needed that hug. 
❖ VALKYON ;; "Oh, sure" No doubt your act will have made his day better, welcoming you into his arms in a bear hug that would take you a while to separate from. Valkyon is fascinated by hugs even though he's embarrassed to ask or initiate them, but when given the opportunity, he doesn't hesitate for a second. He loves the feeling of being able to feel how he protects you, how he shows you his love. The feeling of his hugs is unique and irreplaceable, it is warm, like an angel is welcoming you in the best way to heaven. If the hug lasts long, he would plant a small kiss on your forehead before separating, and ask if everything is ok. He is such a sweethear <3.
❖ EZAREL ;; will find it tempting whether to tease you or reciprocate your request, so he would first refuse to see your reaction, but immediately laugh and hug you tightly. Just because it's you. Usually Ezarel's hugs are very uncomfortable, but considering it's you, he wouldn't mind at all. He would squeeze you to the point of leaving you breathless, to which you would try to pull away and he would mockingly say "didn't you want a hug? Then have it until I get tired". But he only does it to tease you, stroking your back and resting his chin on your head protectively. Even if he doesn't know how to show it, he loves you. Very much. 
❖  MATHIEU ;; If he were a puppy you could see how he wouldn't stop wagging his tail in excitement. He would turn to you with open arms and a big smile, inviting you into one of his big hugs. He loves hugs, and whenever he gets into one, he always seeks the comfort and warmth of the other person, enjoying those seconds with the other person. His arms don't exert much force but you can't get free easily either. No doubt, after a tiring day, a hug from Mathieu is the best thing you can ask for. From time to time his teasing streak would come into action and he would start tickling you or carry you a little bit in his arms and spin you around.
❖ NEVRA ;; you've never seen such a smug smile from him. He'd cross his arms and look at you with amusement, wanting you to beg for his embrace. Either way, whether you do or not, he would. He can't resist you. Nevra's hugs are a strange feeling, not quite warm but very comfortable. Maybe he tickles or squeezes you, but only to tease you. If he sees that it's been a hard day for you, he'll rock from side to side to cheer you up a bit while giving you words of support, asking how you're doing and if he can do anything to help. Whenever you are sad, he definitely wants to distract you from the negative thoughts. He would start humming a song or ranting about his random thoughts to keep you busy, and even offer stuff to do to cheer you up. Usually just before you break away from the hug, he will spank you (with your consent and if the timing is right, ofc).
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