#/pp/cup/treasure chest
oscconfessions · 6 months
is it bad to say that i dont enjoy treasurecup as a ship? dont get me wrong, i think their interactions are sweet and adorable! but i cant seem to get myself to ship them and only see them as besties at most. also i heard many people like this ship so idk if im the only one who's not one of them -👁👁
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faustian-familiar · 4 years
“I’ll Be a Perfect Gentleman.”
Julian x Female Apprentice
What I wish had happened when you and Julian share the bed at Mazelinka’s. 
18+ plz cuz pp... Julian being a sub. 
As the moon begins to rise over Vesuvia, Julian rolls over beside me, facing the opposite wall. It’s been at least an hour, but I’m not any more sleepy than when we first laid down. I turn over to study the outline of the lean body of the man in bed beside me. The moonlight peering through the window offers a delectable tease of what’s under his clothes - the muscles, rippling as he shifts, the auburn curls at his nape, the tantalizing line of his bare neck, close enough to touch. Close enough to kiss. I begin to imagine him, his hands planted on the bed on either side of my head, the headboard slamming against the wall over and over... my next breath comes in with a shaky gasp. While our mutual attraction is already apparent, I can’t allow him to tempt me. I turn away and stare out the window. His face comes back into my mind unbidden, the pressure of his body against me as he pushed me against the wall. I feel the unmistakable tingle between my thighs and listen to the sound of Julian breathing so close to me. I have to stop this. I imagine his arms around me, him lifting me up and plowing me into that wall so I scream his name. I huff in frustration. I absolutely cannot wake him. That doesn’t mean, however, that I can’t take care of my lust and then get some sleep. I roll onto my back and slide my hand down between legs. My sex is already slick and hot to the touch. I curl my fingers around my bud, pressing gently and moving it in slow, even circles. I inhale deeply and slowly, desperate to moan but determined not to disturb the man beside me. I stroke myself with my thumb and slip a finger into my depths, stoking the fires and trying not to think about Julian’s hands being the ones touching me. I slip a hand under my shirt to fondle my breast, and my elbow brushes against Julian‘s back. He immediately startles, and I freeze beside him. Perhaps waking him wasn’t what I should have been concerned about. He rolls over to face me, about to speak, and his face transforms into shock. Even in the low light I see a flush rise in his face that reaches his ears. “Er...sorry!” He averts his gaze. “Do I... I didn’t mean to... should I leave?” He unconsciously reaches down and presses a hand to his crotch, attempting to hide a considerable bulge. I glance down between his legs, feeling the tingle blossom into a fire. “No, Julian,” I whisper. “I want you to stay.” My desire for him is burning like a furnace in my belly, clouding my thoughts, prompting me to act. I sit up in the bed and put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him down onto his back. He stares up at me in disbelief, the flush growing deeper as he bites his lip. I mount him in one fluid motion, straddling him between my legs, my hands still pinning his shoulders. He glances nervously toward the curtain that divides our room from the rest of the house. “I promised Mazelinka that I would behave like a gentleman,” he whispers. I can’t help but smirk down at him, a mischievous glint in my eyes. “Thankfully I didn’t make any promises to behave like a lady.” He opens his mouth as through to protest again, but it’s muffled into a small, satisfied sound as I lean down and brush my lips against his. He kisses me eagerly, our mouths crashing together with need as the tension between us begins to melt. He moans into the kiss, so I catch his bottom lip between my teeth and bite down hard enough to sting. I pull away slowly with his lip still clamped between my teeth, then release him, to the motion of his hips rolling up against me. I look down at him and find him heaving for air. “Be quiet,” I command. “Are you trying to get us caught?” His eyes widen and he shakes his head vigorously, clearly aroused. I bend down until my lips are brushing against his ear. “Don’t make a sound.” This close to his neck, I can feel his pulse quicken. I bite down on the soft tissue below his ear, rolling it between my teeth, and Julian writhes beneath me, his breath one long, shaky gasp that barely passes as quiet. I put my hand on his shoulder and cup the back of his head with my other hand. His hands find my hips and grasp me. I curl my fingers into his beautiful auburn hair and tug his head back roughly to expose the pale throat. He shudders encouragingly. I bite his throat with savage need, emboldened by the way his pulse jumps in my mouth, and grind my teeth back and forth until his mark glows warmly on my face to heal him. His hands travel up my shirt until tiny points of pain blossom in my back from his fingernails digging into me. I’m riding the wave of his thrusts as his hips buck uncontrollably. We shed our garments one by one, careful to move delicately in the bed and make no noise, and regard one another expectantly. His body is slender and lithe in the moonlight, the flush of arousal spreading down his neck, and his member stands painfully erect for me. I climb into his lap and cradle his head, guiding his face down to the curve of my breasts. He brushes his thumbs over my nipples and squeezes them gently, then kisses a trail across my chest before taking one hard nipple into his mouth. His tongue works over it, lapping at the small point until the heat in my core becomes unbearable. I shove Julian back down onto the bed, make it creak suspiciously, and pin his wrists above his head as I line up our bodies. The look on his face is almost reverent. I can’t help but tease him when he looks so desperate. I grind up and down his shaft languidly, coating the underside of his cock in the wetness he caused. He throws his head back and closes his eyes, mouth open in a silent groan, and arches his back. “Tell me you want it,” I whisper. He bites his lip and nods. “Say it.” The words come out huskily as he levels me with a hungry gaze. “I want you.” I can’t contain my need for him any longer. I lower myself inch by inch onto his impressive length until we’re both gasping for air. His girth stretches me with a euphoric sensation, and I pulse around him as though my body wants to take him deeper. I slide up until the tip is barely touching my hole and drop myself down again. Julian squeezes his lips together, desperate to make a noise, but I direct a meaningful look towards the curtain and he curls his fingers into fists instead. I begin to ride him with a steady rhythm, finding that our bodies move together naturally. I lean down to his chest and lick a line up the middle. He’s glistening in the low light, and tastes deliciously salty on my tongue. My mouth moves to his nipple, kissing it twice before clamping my teeth down on it. Julian gives me a hard, primal thrust in response, and I feel his arms strain against me for a moment before I push them back down. I take a moment to admire the indents from my mouth before I bury my teeth in his flesh again and increase the pressure until his mark glows, to squirms of pleasure as he rams his length in and out of me. The bruise shrinks even as I pull my mouth away, but the ecstasy in his expression is evidence enough that he’ll remember it. I release his wrists and slip one hand between my thighs, caressing my bud, and spread the fingers of my other hand across his chest. I rub myself fervently, coaxing the pleasure from my nerves so that every plunge onto his member brings a fresh wave of delight. The knot in my belly grows hotter, sending the tendrils of sensation coursing through my body. “Julian...I’m going to cum. I’m gonna cum on your cock.” His eyes are bright with enthusiasm as he nods. He looks so eager, so pliable under my touch, his hands searching my body like it’s a treasure, that my orgasm explodes within me. Wave after wave of pleasure crashes over me as I crumple onto his chest, rolling my hips into him as his body bucks up to meet me. He clutches me to himself and brings me in for a deep kiss as I ride it out. I pause to catch my breath, then nip his neck playfully. “Tell me when you’re about to cum,” I whisper. I pick up myself up and bounce on his cock until his belly tightens and his breath hitches in his throat. “I’m...oh god...I’m gonna cum.” I lift myself off his member and move down to take him into my mouth, savoring the taste of us together. I grasp his shaft in my hand and slide my hand up and down, sucking and licking the swollen head. Julian clutches the sheets, pushing himself off the bed. His eyes squeeze shut as his cock twitches and his hot seed starts to fill my mouth. He claps a hand over his mouth to stem the whine that rises in his throat, succeeding only in subduing the sound to a strangled groan. I swallow down his orgasm and wait until his cock begins to soften in my mouth before I pull it out and kiss the tip. He practically melts in the bed, sighing deeply and throwing his arm across his eyes. He whispers to me in the dark. “That was...er... thank you.” I can’t help but laugh. “No need to thank me,” I reply. “That was fun.” I crawl back up to the head of the bed, and he stretches out his arm and beckons me closer. I curl up against his side. I don’t realize that I’ve fallen asleep until a shriek from Julian wakes me. My eyes snap open to the sun streaming in through the window, and Mazelinka standing over us, wooden spoon in hand. The cause of the shriek is apparent when I sit up, and discover the angry, red, spoon-shaped welt on his stomach. The mark on his throat flares to life as Julian blushes furiously. Mazelinka smirks down at us. “Very Gentlemanly of you, indeed.”
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globalworship · 4 years
Litany of Lament to Stop Asian-American Hate
Opening Litany God of all people and the whole of creation, make us into who you have created us to be. Make us your hands, your feet, your eyes, your lips, your body in the world. Spirit of Peace, reconcile us, connect us to yourself, to each other. You are the source of our healing and hope, for if one is hurt, all of us are hurt. Clothe us, your body in the world, with your love, mercy and grace. Amen. Communal Confession Asian siblings are hurting. How do we, the church, hear their painful cry, and act together in solidarity? We pray … Lord, have mercy. Are Asians invisible? They are branded as the model minority — therefore, not expected to speak up. They cry for justice. Can anyone hear them? We pray … Lord, have mercy. Asians are feared as a community. Asians have complex cultures and languages, so they are generally omitted. How can we, the church, offer our curiosity and respect when we encounter a multitude of gifts in diversity and uniqueness? We pray …
Lord, have mercy. Asian children are called many names, most recently “coronavirus,” or yelled at to “go home.” When we, the church, ask, “Who is our neighbor?,” how can we truly mean it in welcoming words and actions? We pray … Lord, have mercy. Asians are used by the mainstream dominant culture to shame and put a wedge against other communities of color. Claiming our calling that all are created in God’s image, how can we stand in solidarity with those hurting? We pray ...
Lord have mercy.
God’s forgiveness is greater than any hurt and pain of the body. For Asian theologies, forgiveness is an invitation to examine and reexamine what constitutes our identity, not only our individual identity but, most especially, our communal identity. May God’s forgiveness invite us all to face who we are truly as members of the body of Christ. May this rich promise embrace us all, taking away the pain of our battered body.
(The above resources are by the Rev. Teresita Valeriano on behalf of the Association of Asians and Pacific Islanders-ELCA.)
Embodied Blessing and Healing The leader may guide the assembly in this embodied blessing by first demonstrating the actions with a verbal explanation, then inviting the assembly to repeat the actions in silence. At a protest against anti-Asian racism, Black and Asian ministers shared stories of embodied hurt and a form of an embodied movement as non-verbal gestures of healing and blessing. In solidarity with our Asian American and Pacific Islander siblings in Christ, I invite you to join me in this embodied blessing and healing. First I will demonstrate with a brief meaning; then you will follow me; then we will move together in silence. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Place hands on heart. I see myself – acknowledge my own feelings – my own body. Bow. Acknowledging sacredness, resilience, humanity, strength in myself. Bow. Look around. I see you. Cup hands to ears. I hear you. Fold arms across chest. Mourning, feeling collective sadness, grief, lament, anger. Bow. Acknowledging sacredness, resilience, humanity, strength in others. Open hands, palm up, with a breath. Receiving blessings from God and from one another. Touch with one hand and extend the other hand to another person. Heart-to-heart compassion. Let us now begin this embodied blessing and healing together in silence. Let us begin by taking a deep breath. The blessing is repeated in action without spoken words. Amen. (Embodied Blessing created by the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity for an anti-Asian violence protest in Oakland, Calif. on February 13-14, 2021. Asian and black leaders and the entire community gathered embodied this blessing for healing.)
Lamenting Racism This lament and prayer may be used in preparation for the work of faithful listening in discussions around racism and racial reconciliation, and at other appropriate times. The naming of communities, situations, and experiences may be adapted for the context or occasion. People of color may opt for silence during parts of this lament to contemplate the community’s words. A leader introduces a gathering lament in these or similar words. The sin of racism hurts communities of color, fractures human relationships, and denies God’s good creation. Lament is a way for us to recognize the harm caused by racism. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:35-39). God’s grace in Christ frees us for the difficult work of recognizing and lamenting racism. We are all part of one body in Christ, called to act with equity, fairness, and justice. God’s savinglove creates grace-filled spaces within us and within our relationships. God’s saving love calls and leads us toward rooting out the racism that continues to infect the body. A leader invites those gathered into lament and prayer in these or similar words. Within the whole human family, people of color have experienced both interpersonal aggression and structural oppression instead of abundant life. We recognize and lament the harm racism has caused to African Descent communities; American Indian and Alaska Native communities; Indigenous Peoples within Canada; Arab and Middle Eastern communities; Asian and Pacific Islander communities; and Latinx communities. We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God. We have assigned the notion of race to human beings created in God’s own divine image. We have judged God’s beautiful diversity by our flawed and artificial standards. We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God. We have used language and images in ways that equate black and dark with dirt and sin, and that fail to welcome the treasures of darkness in God’s good creation. We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God. We have accepted practices in our churches and in our society that privilege whiteness overdiversity and equity. We have been complicit in how racism continues to exclude and harm people of color. We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God. When one part of the body of Christ hurts, the whole body hurts. As we listen to people who are harmed by racism, we call to you, open our hearts, O God.
As we reflect on our daily interactions with people and communities of color, we call to you, open our hearts, O God. As we reconsider what we have been taught about race and racism, we call to you, open our hearts, O God. As we contemplate what we have done and what we have left undone, we call to you, open our hearts, O God. As we labor to create a loving and safe community for our siblings of color, we call to you, open our hearts, O God. Holy and merciful God, as your people we recommit ourselves to loving one another as you haveloved us. Prepare us for this time of listening and discovery. We pray in the name of the one who has made us one, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (All Creation Sings, pp. 62-63)
All of this content is excerpted from a prayer service at https://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/Worship_Resources_for_Day_of_Lament_Against_Anti-Asian_Racism.pdf
Go further for more prayers and song suggestions.
Copyright © 2021 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This document may be reproduced for use in your congregation as long as the copyright notice appears on each copy. Permission is granted to reproduce this material for local, non-sale use only.
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