#/pol/ 4chan
spookcataloger · 4 months
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Ads are reading my mind (2018)
Anon hates intuitive ads (2019)
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radioelly · 1 year
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he's lying to himself he's very much also a dumb virgin
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magnoliamyrrh · 7 months
does anyone else remember that bit of internet lore when shila le beouf (however u spell that) put up that flag and 4chans /pol took it down and this escalated into him putting flags on livestream in progressively harder to reach locations so we ended up with thousands of ppl on the internet doing shit like tracking it down through photos and videos through the movement of the sun and the sound of airplanes and mapping out trajectories and climbing buildings. that shit was wild and the wildest part abt it is that so many ppl got together to track down so incredibly obscure unimportant shit for only the shits and giggles through genuinely impressive means. its like. bro can u imagine if that many ppl put their minds to tracking down actually important stuff.
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straightlightyagami · 2 years
I think people should make an effort to learn to recognize alt-right or fascist dogwhistles/memes/slogans so they can avoid spreading them because it seems like some people genuinely don't know the ones I thought were pretty obvious or well-known in the mainstream (e.g. the blond blue eye chad meme, 1488, references to prussia, antisemitic or otherwise racist caricatures, "lizard people" references, "degenerate" as an insult, etc.) but also like if you want to do that be careful because even seeing this shit rots your brain, the channers and other people who make this stuff are genuinely depraved, and like you can get influenced by this sort of stuff.
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tobacconist · 2 years
I remember back in like 2015 /pol/ had this idea to start using google and skype as racial slurs to culture jam
lol, i dont remember this but i do remember when they tried to fuck with the captchas by inputting terms of racial abuse each time (it actually worked! because the old text captchas didnt actually know if what you typed was correct or not)
unfortunately all this did was prompt google to start using the 'select all boxes with traffic lights' captchas instead, which sucks.
the absurdly difficult captchas 4chan has now are probably direct karmic punishment for this
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ophilosoraptoro · 2 years
The Tumblr-4chan Wars
A bit of history for all you Tumblr noobs
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tenth-sentence · 6 months
A 2018 analysis of 160 million archived visuals showed that far-right trolls on the internet were highly effective in spreading racist and anti-Semitic memes from fringe forums like 4chan's /pol/ board and the subreddit /The_Donald to more mainstream platforms.
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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blacktrash · 9 months
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How to dismiss hate, racism, and discrimination with humor
Perhaps one of the most mainstream ways racism, discrimination, and hate can be justified is "if its funny" - Is this a problem in society? Many people would say yes. The theory goes something like this: So long as its amusing/entertaining/funny, I can get away with acts of hate, discrimination, and racism. Is this just a fixed condition of the human race and its consciousness, when we can get people to laugh at something/someone - its damned to be, its fixed to a label of "invalid" of "dismissed"? If this is the case - what can society and people do to fight back when this mode of thought is used to express hate or violence? Are there some truths or laws in human or social psychology that we can rely on? These are the kinds of questions we have to ask ourselves in the fight for social justice against hatred, racism, and discrimination.
Imagine an African-American male with a high-pitch voice. Imagine a group of people laughing at him, on a daily basis, however denying the charges of racism. After all, they're not laughing at him on the basis of his race, they're laughing at him on the basis of his voice. What we must realize in social justice as a retort however, is ultimately sensitivity to identity.
Yes while you may laugh at an African-American male with a high pitch voice because they sound funny, its impossible to deny you knew he was African-American. If you knew the person was African-American, that by itself demands for you to make a choice relative to racial equality or discrimination. It's the humor of the voice that allows for racism and discrimination to dismiss harm against and validity of race.
This is especially in the case of racism and discrimination carried out on a regular basis, or repeated basis. When racism is dismissed by humor on a regular/repeated basis, they must acknowledge that racial identity to be invalidated. It must be dismissed or invalidated by conditioning the same message over and over again. You will note the same route of logic in all cases: I'm not laughing at their race, I'm laughing at their high-pitched voice. This is true, but what's also true is that you knew their race period, in most likely cases of racist humor. It's ultimately these oppressed and discriminated racial identities that already experience challenges and difficulty in society; your laughter doesn't help. What I often draw a comparison to are the Good Samaritan Laws.
If you're aware of a racialized/oppressed identity suffering/being picked on, you have a choice to make. You can help, or not. It reminds me of that final seinfeld episode where instead of choosing to help the (fat) guy getting robbed, Seinfeld and company decide to laugh at him instead, recording the entire event for their own personal entertainment. Is or was the final episode meant to be predictive about the rise in political correctness for society? The television show throughout its lifetime dealt with a variety of topics that gained attention of various interest groups in the 90's. Were the writers of the popualr television show sending a message to the audience about what to expect in the future?
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Only paranoid idiots wear face diapers. Survival of the fittest.
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Lmao bro when you die from covid complications; please be sure to tell me how much your trash eugenics helped you from beyond the grave, Shit Ass.
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nekropsii · 5 months
I do think it is objectively hilarious- albeit deeply painful- that Mituna is often singled out as the token slur-slinging 4Channer when he is canonically based on the literally SFW and pretty innocuous Comics & Cartoons board (/co/) and has only ever thrown out the Troll equivalent of the word "Cracker", meanwhile Kuprum exists and is canonically a dweller of the fucking Politically Incorrect board (/pol/).
I don't know how to tell people that when they think of the hyper-bigoted side of 4Chan where the worst slurs you've ever seen are injected into every 2 words of every sentence, the side of 4Chan that's doing some fucking QAnon shit, they are thinking of /pol/. And not /co/. The stereotype of the whole of 4Chan being nothing but the most bigoted and dangerous people in the world comes from /pol/'s existence specifically. Come on now.
It's theorized that Folykl is based on /r9k/, too. Both /r9k/ and /pol/ are NSFW boards full of lethal fucking garbage like zoo porn and calls for terrorism.
Mituna, the guy who is literally named Sex and has Two Dicks in canon and a cock bulge in his sprite, is the only 4Channer Goldblood that is using the SFW side of 4Chan, seemingly nigh exclusively. He doesn't use any slurs, he's not on /pol/ or even any NSFW boards, he's just chilling on /co/ talking about mens tits or something.
Mituna is the tame one. Out of the 4Channer Goldbloods, Mituna is literally the most normal person here.
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myconetted · 11 days
saw @xhxhxhx's "for you" feed on twitter after he did a few days of blocking and hiding nazi tweets in hopes of getting better recommendations
opened 4chan and read some extremely racist posts
twitter is literally worse than /pol/ now
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xenosagaepisodeone · 3 months
in that one 4chan greentext post going around satirizing the idea of america being the greatest country on earth (the one that starts with "pray to american flag for good fortune"), op cannot help but slip the fear of "my wife's boyfriend" into his dystopia (and later, people who dont speak english). even at his most aware, the white boy greentexter cannot mask his fixation on racialized cuckoldery. if anything, this state only further rationalizes his most irrational impulses. bosses, the military, hospitals and "my wife's boyfriend" are equally everpresent forces of subjugation, op's submissiveness and emasculation rendered evidence of this abuse. the reaction image accompanying the story is a man with tanned skin soyjaking in front of the american flag, a descendant in the lineage of /pol/ memes about how white americans arent really white people. at first glance, a ms paint drawing by a man seething about 'miscegenation', but with the added context, an inverted portrait of dorian grey. lovecraft ass microfiction
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grubdiedagain · 7 days
payton gendron is actually so retarded i dont understand how people like him
he was a larper and tarrant fanboy and literally killed people for the lolz. hahah the great replacement based and redpilled 4chan kek /pol/ moment!! am i right guys
congrats to him tho for solidifying himself in history as a chronically online loser
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capcavan · 2 months
Sorry but you all are wrong Riko is on 4chan Pol and b and this is pretty much his organized loyal net of contacts that dug up all of Neil's id's
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mariacallous · 9 months
At first glance, the X account @StopZionistHate seems like a pro-Palestinian leftist organization. It describes itself as a “Leading non-partisan American based organization fighting zionism and zionist hate.” Its logo is corporate-looking, and it has the $1,000-a-month “gold check” that represents supposedly reputable businesses and nonprofit groups. Some tweets seem anodyne — the account provides fact-checking, for example, via “our very own news wire.”
But the vast majority of its content is anything but vanilla. Stop Zionist Hate is based on and in reaction to an account called Stop Antisemitism; both achieve their high engagement and awareness rates by sharing upsetting and horrifying examples of hate — in Stop Zionist Hate’s case, from “Zionists” (usually far-right supporters of Israel) directed at pro-Palestinian activists, Muslims and others. Similar to Stop Antisemitism, it also doxxes and engages in mass harassment campaigns to get these people fired. All of this helps feed the outrage of its audience while positioning Stop Zionist Hate as a leader in the battle for Palestinian rights.
Scratch the surface, though, and something far darker is exposed: a white nationalist marketing machine. Accounts like Stop Zionist Hate are part of an even larger white nationalist, neo-Nazi and far-right project: exploiting the war in Gaza as disinformation explodes and a friendly billionaire/social media site owner gives them free rein.
To understand how Stop Zionist Hate fits into this, we need to examine how that project came to be. After Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7, white nationalists pivoted to pro-Palestinian content. Accounts like those of Jackson Hinkle (with a long track record of transphobia) and Censored Men (misogyny) have followed this tactic to incredible success, garnering hundreds of thousands or even millions of new followers. Together, these accounts are able to achieve billions of impressions of their content. 
While these accounts are now focused on Israel, this growth in their audiences means that they will now be able to spread their more toxic views as time passes. Already, Hinkle has begun spreading the idea that “Zionists” are releasing “sexualized video games for children,” a classic antisemitic trope about Jews’ exploiting children.
It is this logic that led directly to the creation of Stop Zionist Hate. Unlike the white nationalists above, it did not have a track record to sully its image. And since Twitter no longer vets any of its blue and gold checks, it was able to instantly appear credible with its gold check.
But for those paying attention, it immediately raised alarm bells. For one thing, Stop Zionist Hate drew early support from an unlikely source for an ostensibly progressive account: 4chan and its antisemitic, racist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic board /pol/ (short for “politically incorrect”). Furthermore, accounts like these do not grow so quickly without some help. On Nov. 7, it had only a few hundred followers. On Nov. 9, only 10 minutes after Stop Zionist Hate spit out a tweet, Censored Men shared it and told its 800,000 followers, “Everyone follow @StopZionistHate to keep updated on Zionist hate crimes.” A day later, the account had 16,000 followers.
When it was created, Stop Zionist Hate first followed many of the white nationalist accounts pretending to be pro-Palestinian. (Those behind the account have since attempted to sanitize their list of followed accounts.) It then complained about the supposed lack of attention to hate crimes against white people, a common refrain of neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Then it joined a Twitter Spaces (live chat) with neo-Nazis, and the person representing the account said they were fighting the “Zionist control over our institutions.”
A few days ago, the mask went from slipping to completely off: Stop Zionist Hate began spreading overt antisemitic content, including invoking the antisemitic trope that Jews killed Jesus. 
Despite this, less than two months after its launch, Stop Zionist Hate has 121,000 followers. As it gains more followers, it will doubtless continue to double down on spreading overt antisemitism.
It does not stop there: Whoever is running Stop Zionist Hate is creating a network of accounts that spread different messages in a closely connected ecosystem, allowing it to maintain plausible deniability in its intentions while shepherding its audience from its anti-Zionist content to overt antisemitism.
Among a few such accounts, an account called Defund Israel Now is the most overtly antisemitic. It has a similarly corporate look, as well as the $1,000-a-month gold check, but a typical tweet claims Jews “destroyed Christianity through LGBT propaganda & pornography,… stole tax dollars to bomb muslim countries...[and] censored white voices.”
What we are seeing, then, is a full-blown campaign by white nationalists to use the war in Gaza as cover for more and more explicit antisemitism. This has been made infinitely easier by Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, which destroyed any semblance of content moderation or user verification on the site.
And that is only the tip of the iceberg. Stop Zionist Hate’s fans on 4chan already see the implications of what this means. In one popular post about the account, a user says, “Someone should start ‘Stop BLM Hate.’” In response, another says: “This is another good idea. We should take it a step further and do them all, Indians, latinx, Muslims, etc. Fight fire with fire.”
Since white nationalists are not focused only on Jews, accounts like Stop Zionist Hate are not in any sense about helping Palestinians. The goal is, in marketing parlance, to segment their audiences. By focusing only on Israel and spreading only antisemitism, they can achieve one objective. But the technique, if unchecked, will be used against others. 
This is the new age that Musk has ushered in with his purchase of Twitter. There is now a social media website and app with over 200 million active users that allows overt bigotry to spread like wildfire and lets disinformation accounts pose as legitimate organizations. Which means that those selling hate have found their best marketing channel. And they are only getting started.
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