#/he's buzzing FLIRTY if you wanna meet him'
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Grimulf took a rare breather.
He'd been dancing all night., The Rogue could NOT resist good music. Nor could he resist the company of fellow monsters, ghouls and beings from other realms who were more welcoming than judgemental.
A refreshing change for once.
He pawed a very suspicious drink, it was probably the third one he had of this one ???
But who's counting, ---> not he.
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❝ Mmm elllo' there beautifully handsome one~ ❞ He nearly chirped at a stranger who'd come over to acquire the booze a fine refreshment.
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rueclfer · 18 days
neopet graveyard // shigaraki tomura
when you two always end up working the night shift together.
a/n: all together now! "finaaallllyyyyy" we collectively say. i love shiggy sm this fucking loser is the loml. <3
my smau warm up for this fic here too
@bbluefllame hehe
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12:37 AM the buzzing analog clock sitting on the counter glared back at you. Long and slow shifts like tonight's were agonizing to get through. You may have been getting paid to sit around and flip through dusty catalogs and sort through old video game discs, but you often wondered if you'd rather be at home broke and asleep right now.
"Hey Shigs," You call out, breaking his attention away from his phone. "Tits or ass?" You hold up the vintage Playboy magazine up to his direction from across the store.
"You have neither." He replies, leaning forward and slightly squinting in your direction. "I can't see that far. What are you showing me?"
"It's a fucking porn mag, you dick." You call out, throwing a pen in his direction, letting it bounce off the glass counter beside him and landing among the cardboard boxes behind the register.
"Freak, where the fuck did you find that?" He cocks an eyebrow at you, setting his phone down.
"In bossman's desk." You shrug. "Quite a collection he's got in there, actually. Answer the question."
Tomura stops for a moment, leaning against the glass counter behind the register as he deeply thinks about his answer. Given his stoic and apathetic personality, you were half expecting him to tell you to fuck off and eat shit.
"Loser-" You began, getting ready to shoot him the most annoyed eye-roll you could muster.
"-And ass." He cuts you off with a smirk before returning to his phone.
You chuckle, tossing the magazine back in the desk drawer with the others before slamming it shut.
You make your way over to the opposing side of the glass counter where he stood, peering over to see him playing clash of clans on his phone.
"I'm bored. Dying of it, actually." You exacerbated, blowing a breath of air into the pale strands of hair hanging over his forehead "Put your phone away and entertain me for the last hour that we're here."
"Piss off and perish." He mutters, eyes still glued to his screen.
You pout at his coldness. You had spent the day cleaning, reshelving, wiping down any counter you could find, and now at this ungodly hour, you've been left with nothing you could possibly do except wait for the minutes to go by until the end of the shift.
"Wanna make out in the back room?" You prop your elbow on the counter and rest your head in your palm, staring up at him with a flirty smile.
His thumbs pause on his screen, eyes snapping over to meet your own, annoyance flash across them the moment he sees your cheeky grin and fake-innocent eyes staring back at him.
"What?" A faint blush dust over his cheeks as he avert his gaze from your own.
"You heard me." You playfully lean back on your heels, swinging yourself back and forth. "All this alone time, you're not itching to take my clothes off? A little fun, Shigs? Something to help you loosen up?" You inch your face closer to his.
More often than not, you ended up on the schedule with Tomura for the most brutal hours of 6:30pm-1:30am for most nights of the week. Your boss says it's to stay available for the nightcrawlers of the city, but business is always dead by 11:00pm. For those excruciatingly slow last few hours, you cherished spending them terrorizing Tomura for his flustered reactions and the amusement of annoying him.
The pink of his cheeks bloom into a bright red, causing him to hide his face in his forearm, covering it with a cough.
"Just kidding, Shigs." You lean back and playfully shoving his shoulder from across the counter. "I'm just being silly, no need to get your panties in a twist."
"I fucking hate when you do that." He runs a hand through his hair, pushing back the strands that always end up falling back in his face.
"Do what, exactly?" You cock your head to the side.
"You know what. You're worse than Dabi." He huffs. "Start doing your closing work or something if you're bored." He turns his back to you and leans back against the counter, frantically scrolling through twitter- obviously not reading any of the words on screen, but just trying to avoid you for long enough so you lose interest in bothering him.
"I finished those an hour ago." You whine. "Crazy idea, but what if we close early? There's only less than an hour left and these cameras have been out of service for the past 2 months."
He looks back at you, and takes a scan at the state of the store- cleaned, restocked, inventory logged, everything seems to be in order. It wasn't like the store's upkeep was any hard work, anyways. In fact, the owner barely ever came in and you were half sure that he used this old comics and game store for money laundering purposes.
"That might actually be the smartest thing your dumbass has said all shift."
The night breeze blew right through your sweater, causing a chill to crawl up your spine.
"Alright, Shiggy, I'll see you when I see you, then?" You squeak out, rubbing your arms for the heat friction.
"Hold on." He mutters, cigarette hanging from his lips as he wiggles the door to make sure it's properly locked. "I'll walk you home."
"I do this walk multiple times a week, Shigs." You smile at the sentiment. "I'll be fine. I live close by."
"I know you'll be fine. I just don't want to go back to the apartment yet. Dabi's throwing a party and I'd rather not deal with a group of drunk idiots right now." He shrugs, taking a drag of the cig before passing it over to you in which you gladly accept from his fingers, letting the intoxicating smoke warm you from the inside.
"Oh, that's right. He invited me when I saw him during the shift change." You exhale, blowing the smoke behind you, starting to lead him towards the direction of your home.
"Shouldn't we head that way, then?" He stops in his tracks.
"Well, I'd only go if you were there to keep me company, but if you're not feeling it then probably not."
"Parties aren't really my thing, but if you're there, then it'll be fine. I can tolerate it." He mutters, kicking a pebble to the side. "I can always just lock myself in my room, I'm sure they'll be too shitfaced to notice, anyways."
"What? I'd notice." You pout.
"I'll lock you in with me, duh." He coughs, hiding a smile while sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
He nods his head in response.
"Sounds like you like my company a lot more than you give off, Shigs." You smile, redirecting your walk back towards his apartment now.
"Heavy on the tolerate." He meets your eye for a moment before returning them down at his feet.
It had been an especially cold winter night. Hoodies and knitted sweaters were always a staple in Tomura's wardrobe, in any weather, but tonight he sported a dingy old leather jacket over his usual hoodie for the extra warmth. The cold air nipped the apples of his cheeks and tip of his nose into a rosy pink, and if he didn't have his hood over his head, you were sure the tip of his ears would be under the same condition.
You naturally ran hot, but your favorite part of a chilly walk home from work was the blast of warm air hitting your face and defrosting your fingertips the second you walked into your apartment- which fortunately also motivated you to get quick with your pace.
"I think Twice and Toga live this way too." You mumble, starting to recognize the surrounding structures.
"They do. We walk together if we're scheduled together, which is almost never, but a couple times a month, maybe."
"Do you ever think about quitting?" You turn to him and ask.
"Only when the general population is being extra stupid. Other than that, not really. You?"
"Sometimes. I have an existential crisis about what I'm doing with my life every now and then, but I like working with everyone."
"With everyone? You mean just me?" He chuckles, earning him a scoff from you.
"I just tolerate you, actually. I live for those 5 minutes in between shifts where I say hi and bye to my people."
You catch the end of an eye-roll.
"What do you get so existential about?"
"You know, the typical stuff every twenty-something year old goes through. Progressing in life and all that bullshit?" You sigh.
"Get specific, dumbass." He takes a long drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke fog around you. "I'll grant you some of my wisdom."
"Lately, it's a lot of if my kid-self would like my adult-self, if working at the shop is just me trying to hold onto my childhood, dropping out of college, never having my first kiss, miss being taken care of, and probably a million more things." You list off, counting on your fingers.
"Damn. I'd hate to be in your brain." Tomura mutters. "Shit happens and we all die. Better to not stress about it."
"Great wisdom, dipshit." You chuckle, nudging him with your elbow.
"If it makes you feel better, I also dropped out and haven't had a first kiss."
"No education I can tell-"
He flips you off.
"-but no first kiss?" You dramatically gasps "I don't believe that. You're so cute!"
"And you're not?"
Your mouth gaped open at the subtle hit of flirtation from him. The coldness on your neck and cheeks were quickly replaced by an unfamiliar rush of heat.
"Shut up." You mutter, snapping your head forward to hide your blush. "I guess people don't like cute now-a-days."
"Guess not."
After coming up on his apartment building, you two halted to a stop. You two spent most of the walk in silent solitude, passing back and forth the same innocent subtle glances with every puff of the shared cigarette.
"You ready?" He steps out the butt of the cigarette and shoves his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
"Can't wait to see that crusty dusty reddit-incelified gaming set up of yours." You tease.
"Just wait 'til you see the jar." He retaliates, causing you to scowl in disgust and slapping him across the bicep.
For a second, you could almost make out the softest glimpse of a smile on his lips, but you decided to let that be something you keep to yourself, locking it away in your memories.
You follow him into the apartment complex and up the dingy and loud humming of the elevator that replaced the need for conversation. From a few steps outside of the door you could hear the trashy garage band music emitting from the inside- definitely Dabi's kind of party.
You watch Tomura fumble with his keys for a moment before swinging the door open, letting a rush of hot air mixed with the fumes of stale cigarette smoke and beer slap you in the face.
You two cram into the doorway, almost back to back as you kicked off your shoes and shed off unnecessary layers.
You take a step into the living room to see many new and familiar faces huddling in small circles around the apartment, sporting flushed cheeks and drink in hand.
"Dabi's wasted." Tomura leans down and whispers, lips lightly grazing the shell of your ear, sending a shudder up your spine. "Watch out or he might claim your first kiss. He's a stupid affectionate drunk."
Unfortunately for you, your eyes instantly caught onto Dabi's from across the room, causing him to bum rush his way over to you guys, throwing his arms around you two into a hug, crushing your body together against Tomura's.
"I told you." Tomura mouths down to you with an annoyed expression.
"Fuckers, you're late." He slurs into your shoulder. "I shoulda burnt that fucking store down to get you here earlier."
"Aren't you scheduled for the morning?" You cock an eyebrow at his drunken state.
"That's tomorrow-me's problem, sweets." He says with a lopsided grin. He grabs Tomura's head and presses a wet kiss to his temple before slapping one on your forehead. "You kids mingle and go get something go drink."
Once Dabi returns back to the party, you turn to Tomura with a laugh. After wiping off the side of his head with his sleeve, he places a hand on the back of your head, and uses his other to swipe across your forehead, wiping off the remnants of Dabi's drunken kiss.
"Fuckin' gross." He mumbles to himself.
You two spent a little less than an hour making your rounds around the party, a shot here and there when the other coworkers demanded one from you, but with the nod of his head towards the hallway, you knew his social battery had been drained.
"Handling your alcohol?" He asked, pulling you towards his room by the sleeve of your sweater, slightly stumbling over the carpet.
"Of course." You mutter. "You?"
"Couple shots got nothing on me."
The second the door clicked shut behind you, you audibly sighed from the sweet relief of a moment of silence after a full shift of the same work playlist on repeat and the party's music following you around the apartment.
"Finally." Tomura groans, reaching up behind his neck, lightly tugging on the back of his hoodie.
You took a seat on his gaming chair, hugging a knee up to your chest as your eyes scan across the walls of his room, glancing over at his various superhero posters, and bookshelf of collectables until it locked on his pale lower torso that exposed itself from his t-shirt riding up with the hoodie as he yanked it off over his head.
"Uhh." You begin, swiveling your chair around and averting your attention towards his gaming setup. "You stream? You got a webcam."
"Do you care?" You feel a hand grip the head of the gaming chair, swiveling you back around to face him, who is now leaning over you. "Thought you didn't care about all that shit."
"It's different if it's you." You smirk up at him, letting the alcohol boost your suave facade that had originally faltered upon seeing a few inches of his naked torso.
"Relentless flirt." He brings his hand down to flick your forehead before taking a seat on his unmade bed, leaning back against the headboard with his hands behind his head.
You accidentally knock the mouse cursor with your elbow, waking the monitor. Staring back at you in a bright red blocky font was 2:39AM, suddenly sobering you up.
"Oh shit, it's getting pretty late." You check your phone to confirm. "I should get going."
"Uh, isn't your apartment in the opposite direction from work?"
He only had to look you up and down one time to know that you weren't sober enough to make the walk by yourself. He wouldn't even think about letting you leave this apartment at this hour, anyways.
"Yeah? So what?" You cock an eyebrow at him.
"I mean...you think you should stay the night?" He starts, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "If you want, I don't care."
"Do you want me to stay the night?" You shoot him a daring smirk.
"Do you want to stay the night?" He retaliates.
"Sounds like you want me to. So fine, I guess, if you're begging for it."
"Fuck off and get eaten by the coyotes." He scowls in irritation, pulling his phone out to divert his attention.
You hop onto the bed next to him, catching his panicked expression the moment he realized how close you two were now. On the same bed. Alone. Along with the new question of where you would be sleeping- something that he had not thought about until now.
"C'mon Shigs! It's no fun when I'm the one that's always doing the chasing, babe. You have to want me as much as I want you, that's what makes it fun." You jokingly sigh.
"Who says I don't?"
Your eyes go wide. You were so used to him deflecting all of your useless attempts to fluster him, so you weren't sure how to handle your short circuited brain the second he finally returns the same energy.
"Uhhh. Okay, I take it back. Don't do that again." You press your lips together in defeat.
"I say four words and you start losing it?" He chuckles. "Think I got you beat at your own game."
"I guess tonight will test that, won't it?"
You were slowly eating your words with every second that passed. Your alcohol induced fake confidence had slowly dwindled down to nothing and now here you are sharing a bed with Tomura with your heart beating out of your chest, when you probably should've just offered to take the floor.
You two were lying on your sides facing one another with the covers pulled up to your chin. You were desperately trying to fall asleep, but you could hear his soft inhale and exhales and feel the air brushing past your cheeks as a constant reminder that he's right next to you, sharing the same bed, sharing the same air, all under the same blanket.
You slightly opened your eyes to peer through your lashes to see him wide awake and looking right at you, the back of his hand pressed against his cheek and soft eyes scanning over your face.
You open your eyes to meet his own.
"You're awake?" He whispers, slightly taken aback.
"How can I sleep when your stare is burning into my soul?" You tease. "Go to sleep, Shigs."
You never were able to get this close to Tomura without him flinching back or turning his head away to avert your gaze, but he stayed right here, letting you fully take in his presence. You almost wanted to reach your hand out and touch him, feel the softness of his cheeks, and tuck the stray hairs behind his ears.
"You don't think I'm trying?" He huff "It's fucking freezing in here. Dabi has daddy's money to always have the AC running even in the Winter."
"You should've said something earlier. We've been lying here for the past 30 fucking minutes." You start throwing apart the pillow wall that he put up between you two to prevent any 'funny business.'
"What are you doing?" He furrows his brows.
You say nothing, but instead grabbed the fabric of the t-shirt and pulled him in to close the gap between you two. His eyes widen at the sudden closeness. Your faces were mere inches away from each other, your leg shoved its way in between his, and your arm snaked its way around his waist.
"This okay?"
"A warning would've been nice." He mutters under his breath, stiffly letting his arm hang over your body, landing his hand in the middle of your back.
"I like the essence of surprise." You chuckle, looking up at him. "Better, though?"
He sighs in confirmation. "You're like a fucking furnace." He groans into your hairline.
"And you're like a popsicle."
"This would be nicer if you didn't talk."
"And this would be nicer if you'd relax and stop being so stiff." You pat the area between his shoulder blades, motioning him to let his arms loose. "I've seen you and Spinner cuddle it out on the couch in the backroom all the time, so don't act like you don't know how to do this."
"It's different." He mumble, reluctantly letting his body relax and mold against your own. "It's you."
"You dislike me that much?" You sigh, pressing your cheek against his chest, tapping your fingers against his back in content. "Do it for the purpose of survival, then."
"The opposite."
Your breathing hitches.
"Huh?" You tilt your head up to look at his face.
"Yeah." He presses his lips together, eyes darting around the room.
"You're saying 'the opposite' as in you do like me?"
"Fuck off. Don't make me say it again." His eyes finally lowered to meet yours.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Say what again? You quite literally did not say anything."
"I think this is the worst fucking time to have this conversation. Go to sleep and talk later."
"No!" You pout. "I'm not tired anymore. Let's talk now. What did you mean by that?"
A moment of silence fell between you two. With your face against his chest, you could hear his heart pounding. You suffered from the same feeling. Your throat goes dry from the anticipation of a potential confession that you'd been silently hoping for since you first met him.
"I thi-" He begins, stopping for a moment to swallow down his nerves. "So fucking awkward." He groans. "I do like you. As if it wasn't obvious, you dumbass."
"Obvious?" You scoff. "I'm obvious. Me. You on the other hand, definitely not."
"You obvious? You flirt to fuck with me."
"I flirt with you because I like you." You bite the inside of your cheeks. "Also to fuck with you, but because I like you."
You two were rendered speechless as you're left to stare at each other with wide eyes, digesting this dual confession.
"So.." He begins, trailing off into nothing.
"So.. is this where we have our first kiss?" You awkwardly laugh, trying to cut through the tension.
"Are you joking?"
"Yes if you're not, but no if you are? I don't know? Not like either of us have done this before." You say through clenched teeth, cringing at yourself as your poor attempt to lighten the mood.
"Okay, then."
"Are you serious?" Your eyes widen at the sudden permission. "That easy? You're not going to tell me to fuck off?"
He disregards your hesitation and props himself on his elbow, looking down at you with a look in his eyes you've never seen before.
"On your back." He instructs.
Your body suddenly goes hot and numb as you slowly turn over onto your back, looking up at him looming over you sporting the same pair of flushed cheeks.
"This is unexpected." You whisper, balling fistfuls of the comforter in your hands. "What the hell is possessing you right now?"
"You, I think." He sheepishly smiles, cautiously bringing a hand down to cup your cheek, his cold hand absorbing your body heat. "It's what you wanted wasn't it? All those times when we're alone at the shop? Asking me to join you in the backroom? You did just say it wasn't just because you were fucking with me."
Just like that, the last 6 months of night shifts spent tormenting Tomura had come to bite you in the ass.
"Okay." You squeak out, reaching up to lay one hand over his, and the other on his shoulder. "I guess you're right. You're not freaking out, though? This is fine for you?"
"Definitely am freaking the fuck out. But I've been waiting for this, so I don't care." He mutters, running his thumb across your lower lip.
"This okay?" He mutters, inching closer to your face.
"Yeah." You whisper a moment before his lips grazes your own.
He finally closes the gap between you, letting the stray strands of his hair drape onto your face, tickling your forehead. For a second, the kiss was stiff with anxiety, but it wasn't even a second until your lips melted into each other's. It was almost suffocating- the sweet gentleness of it all.
Your hand traveled up his shoulder to the nape of his neck where you entangled your fingers in his hair, lightly tugging on the mass. His own hand made it down to your waist, flushing his palm against its curve.
When you broke apart, he collapsed on top of you, hiding his face in the crevice between your neck and shoulder before you two burst out in fits of childish giggles.
"Okay my turn. Get on your back, slut." You laugh, trying to shove him off of you.
"Hell fucking no. You want to kill me? We're done, go to sleep." He buries his face deeper into your neck, releasing a deep sigh of content. "Deal with everything else tomorrow."
"Talk tomorrow." You agree, turning over and entangling your body with his own.
You couldn't help but admire the look of his swollen-kissed lips and sleepy eyes staring back down at you. One last time before you two went off to sleep, you pressed a tender kiss to his lips before melting back into his body.
bonus scene:
your hands were lazily attached to one another's during another chilly quiet walk to your apartment the morning after your confessions and kiss.
"you didn't have to walk me home." you mutter, shyly peering over to him.
"i wanted to." he shrugs, tightening his grip on your hand. "the least i could do for keeping me company last night."
you hum in agreement. "no probs. thanks for letting me hang out. we should do it more often."
"the hanging out or..." he tugs down the collar of his knitted sweater to reveal an array of purple and red bruises on his collarbones and shoulder that conspired that early morning of more playful kisses and giggles.
"you see, i don't know how the hell that happened." you press your lips together, suppressing a smile. "must've been a ghost."
"must've been." he smirks, looking on ahead.
once you arrive at your door, he leans his shoulder against the wall as you dig through your bag for your keys.
"you're off tonight, yeah?"
"i am." you glance up at him before pulling out your bundle of keys. "you're kicking it with toga tonight?"
"mmhm. think i can come by after work? we're getting the new volume of terror tales tonight, so i can snatch one for you before it sells out?"
"already planning out the next time you can see me, shigs?" you smile, inserting the key into the door knob.
"i mean, i can let you scour ebay and pay triple for it too, see if i care." he rolls his eyes.
you grab the collar of his sweater and pull him in, connecting your lips for a brief moment.
"it better be in mint fucking condition." you mutter against his lips. "see you tonight."
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quokkie · 3 months
i NEEED hamzah x reader to get into a heated argument and then end up having STEAMY makeup sex ...
makeup, makeout?
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cw: smut, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, small argument
not proofread
hi lovelies! i’m back! erm sorry ab this one it’s kinda bad and rushed😔
its friday night and you and hamzah had been looking forward to a quiet evening at home. but, as fate would have it, your guy friend, invited you out for a drink. you knew Hamzah wasn't particularly fond of said guy friend. in hamzahs eyes, he was a bit too flirty with you, but you assured your boyfriend that it was totally platonic and that you'd only be out for an hour or so. hamzah agrees reluctantly while expecting you to actually be home in an hour.
you freshen up before meeting your friend at a bar. a couple of drinks turn into a more, and before you know it, you're laughing and joking with him and you completely lose track of time. your buzzed brain suddenly remembers hamzah when you check your phone and see several missed calls and texts from him.
you quickly reply, assuring him you're on your way home. As you walk through the door, you're greeted by a very unhappy-looking hamzah. "where the hell have you been?" he demands. "I told you I'd only be an hour or so," you reply, a little defensively. "it’s been three hours!" he exclaims. "I was worried sick. And with that friend, of all people..." his voice trails off, but the anger in his eyes is clear. "he’s just a friend," you insist. "I told you, nothing is going on between us."
hamzahs eyes softens a little, seeing the sincerity in your eyes. but his frustration is still evident. he takes a step towards you, his tall frame towering over your figure. "i know, baby, i’m sorry. it’s just that... I can't help but feel a little jealous. he has eyes for you, and it drives me crazy." he pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly against his body. "i’m sorry I worried you," you murmur, snuggling into his chest. "i love you, and only you."
hamzah chuckles softly "i know, baby. It's just that i can't stand the thought of anyone else having you. you’re mine" His hands begin to roam over your body, pulling you tightly against his growing erection. you moan softly, grinding yourself against him.
"oh, you like that, don’t you?" he murmurs, his eyes darkening with desire. "you like knowing that i wanna mark you as mine?" without waiting for an answer, his lips crash down on yours, kissing you deeply and passionately.
his hands slide up your thighs, lifting your skirt as he goes. his touch sends shivers through your body, and you moan into his mouth, wanting more. hamzahs fingers find your clit, he groans at how wet you already are for him. "such a good girl," he teases, circling your clit with his finger. "getting all turned on when I get jealous."
"it’s not my fault," you pant, rocking your hips against his hand. hamzah chuckles, a deep sexy sound that sends a thrill through your core. he picks you up, sitting you on the edge of the kitchen counter. he pushes your thighs apart, feasting his eyes on your glistening pussy. leaning forward, he laps at your swollen folds with his tongue, sucking your clit into his mouth and teasing it with the tip of his tongue.
you cry out, your hands tangling in his curly hair, holding him to you as his beard tickles your sensitive flesh. "oh God, hamzah...right there," you moan, bucking your hips as he sucks and licks at your dripping core. he looks up at you, his brown eyes smoldering with desire, and sticks two fingers into his mouth, getting them nice and wet before pushing them deep inside you. Your walls clench around his digits as he curls them upward.
"fuck...hamzah..." you cry, your body trembling on the edge of release. "that’s it, baby, cum for me," he urges, his tongue working your clit while his fingers pump in and out. it’s too much stimulation, crying out his name. he laps at your juices, growling with satisfaction as he devours your essence. but he's not done with you yet.
standing in front of you, he quickly undoes his pants, letting them fall to the floor. His hard cock springs free, and you can't resist reaching out to stroke its length. "God, i need to feel you inside me now," you whisper, stroking his length.
he groans, taking his dick from your hand and guiding it to your entrance. with one smooth thrust, he sinks balls-deep into your sopping wet core. you both groan at the sensations, feeling yourself stretch to accommodate his girth. holding still for a moment, he lets you adjust to his size before beginning to move.
Slowly, he draws out, feeling your tight walls massage his sensitive length, before slamming back into you, hitting that sweet spot deep within. "Oh fuck!" you cry out, your nails digging into his shoulders as he begins to move in earnest, setting a fast, hard pace. The sound of his hips slamming into your ass fills the room, mingling with your cries of pleasure.
hamzah bends his head down to suck on your sensitive nipples, swirling his tongue around the hardened peaks as his cock pistons in and out of your tight sheath. "you feel so damn good, baby," he grunts, his breath hot against your ear. "made just for me."
"yes...right there..." you moan, meeting his thrusts with your own, riding him like a wild thing. your orgasm builds again, that delicious coiling sensation deep in your belly. he reaches between your bodies, rubbing your clit in circles as he slams into you. "cum with me, baby," he growls, feeling his own release building.
your body tenses before you explode around him, your walls clenching and pulsing like a vise around his hard cock. "that’s it, take my cum, baby," he groans, his balls tightening as he empties himself deep inside you. his thrusts slow, his body collapsing onto yours as he savors the aftershocks of your shared pleasure.
kissing your forehead, he whispers, "i’m sorry I got jealous, baby. but, making up like this is so much fun." you giggle, snuggling into his strong embrace. "anytime you want to make up like that, i’m down."
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cera-writes · 4 months
Hello! You’re friendly neighbourhood request stalker here, just having another little moment of self inserted love.
Gambit strikes me as someone who would be an absolute nerd. I see him as a secret Star Wars fan or Trekkie. Reader is a mutant who lives in the mansion - maybe a teacher rather than an X-Man? Halloween rolls around, big mansion party and of course reader is big into costumes and cosplay.
Everyone has to dress up and no-one tells anyone about their costume until the big reveal at the party.
She does the Leia. /That/ Princess Leia. And he just spends the whole night with an uncomfortable nerd boner, torn between talking excitedly about the movies and just being his usual flirty lusty self? Maybe even a flustered fanboy? NSFW or SFW, I’ll leave that to you.
I’m gonna go sit in the corner and squee to myself.
A/N: yes yes yes!! I was listening to this song while writing this and I wanna imagine it playing it in the background of the party... 🤣 Pairing: Remy "Gambit" LeBeau x F!Reader Tags: fluff, sweet sexy fluff, making out, sexual innuendos, teasing, flirting, reader gives Remy a constant boner
"Then show me, Scoundrel."
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The X-Mansion buzzed with an energy that rivalled Danger Room training. Tonight wasn't about honing mutant abilities, it was about unleashing inner demons – the good kind, fueled by fruity cocktails and booming music. Professor Xavier had thrown a rare costume party, and the place was a kaleidoscope of capes, masks, and questionable fashion choices.
You, however, were channelling a very specific kind of fantasy. Standing by the punch bowl, you were the epitome of Rebel Princess badassery. You'd raided Storm's wardrobe for a flowing white drape, leaving enough strategically placed gaps to make even the stoic Ororo blush. The pièce de résistance, though, was a leather belt Professor X had unearthed from a forgotten box of "mutant memorabilia." It did wonders for accentuating your curves. You'd even fashioned your hair into a pair of space buns, completing the look.
You were scanning the room, feeling a thrill at the envious stares from Rogue and the appreciative nods from Beast, when a familiar drawl sliced through the music.
"Well, well, well. Looks like someone wandered straight outta Jabba's Palace."
Remy Lebeau, ever the charmer, stood before you, his trademark grin plastered across his face. He was a dead ringer for Indiana Jones, complete with a Traveller hat and a leather jacket that wouldn't look out of place on one of the members of his former Thief Guild.
"Just call me Princess," you countered, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. Up close, his eyes sparkled with an amusement that sent a shiver down your spine. Remy was, in fact, all hot and bothered at the mere sight of you. He was fangirling so hard, flustered by the sight of you wearing that costume.
"Princess, huh? Think you can handle a scoundrel like me?" His voice was a low rumble, sending another delicious jolt through you.
You leaned in, close enough for him to feel the warmth of your breath on his ear. "Try me, Gambit."
The way his name rolled off your tongue, laced with a deliberate challenge, had a visible effect on him. A flicker of heat replaced the amusement in his eyes.
"Careful, cher," he murmured, his voice husky. "You might jus' get more than you bargained for."
The music shifted to a slow, seductive melody. Remy held out a hand, the invitation clear. A mischievous grin spread across your face as you bit your bottom lip. "Take the lead, scoundrel."
He took your hand, the touch sending a spark igniting between you. As you glided onto the makeshift dance floor, you couldn't help but brush your hand against his chest, the worn leather cool against your skin. He inhaled sharply, the movement pulling the fabric of his jacket taut across his impressive physique.
You danced with him, slow and close, the playful banter escalating with each stolen glance, each lingering touch. He twirled you, the white drape billowing around you like a cloud, and for a moment, you could almost believe you were dancing with Han Solo under a Tatooine sunset.
When the song ended, Remy leaned in, his breath warm against your cheek. "Let's get outta here, Princess. I know a place with a much better view of the stars."
A shiver snaked down your spine at his suggestion, a delicious mix of excitement and apprehension. The night air was cool, a stark contrast to the heat building between you. Remy's hand slipped around your waist, his touch sending a jolt through you that had nothing to do with his mutant power.
He led you away from the mansion, the party lights fading behind you like dying stars. The silence was thick with unspoken desire, broken only by the soft crunch of gravel beneath your feet. He stopped suddenly, pulling you against a large oak tree, the moonlight filtering through the leaves casting an ethereal glow on his face.
His eyes, usually sparkling with mischief, were now smoldering with a different kind of intensity. A single gloved finger grazed your cheek, sending shivers down your exposed skin. "You know, cher," he murmured, his voice a low caress, "this princess needs a little less…" he trailed off, his hand gliding down your arm, lingering on the exposed sliver of skin above your elbow. His eyes followed the traces of his fingers dancing along your skin, causing goosebumps to form as you bit back a whimper.
Your breath hitched as he slowly unfastened the clasp on the leather belt Professor X had unearthed. It felt symbolic, a shedding of inhibitions, a slow reveal that mirrored the growing tension between you. The white fabric parted further, revealing a hint of smooth skin and the enticing curve of your hip.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing your ear. "And a scoundrel," he whispered, his voice husky with desire, "needs a little more…" his breath tickled your earlobe as he trailed a finger down the exposed skin of your back, sending a jolt straight to your core. He had you practically squirming.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Then show me, scoundrel," you breathed, your voice laced with lust and a newfound confidence. The playful banter had morphed into something far more primal, a delicious urgency hanging in the air.
Remy chuckled, a low rumble in his chest that vibrated through you. He captured your lips in a kiss, a slow burn that quickly escalated into a heated exploration. His touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine as he explored the exposed skin of your arms and back. You responded in kind, your fingers tracing the contours of his chest, relishing the feeling of his worn leather jacket beneath your fingertips. He hitched one of your legs up, pinning you against the tree and him.
The kiss became a desperate battle for dominance, a delicious push and pull that left you breathless. He finally pulled away, his eyes half lidded, a red glow in the moonlight.
The crimson glow in his eyes sent a tremor straight down to your core, a primal counterpoint to the heat that had already taken root in your belly. His touch, a slow, deliberate graze against your exposed skin, was pure, unadulterated fire. The playful princess facade had melted away, replaced by a woman yearning for something raw, something untamed.
"Patience, cher," he murmured against your lips, his voice a husky rasp as he thumbed your bottom lip. The restraint in his tone was a delicious torture, a dam holding back a flood of desire. He trailed a finger down the exposed skin of your neck, sending goosebumps erupting in their wake.
"This night isn't over yet. We can take it slow under the disco ball, or..." He paused, his eyes flickering with a devilish glint, "we can rewrite this lil' fairytale of ours under the moonlight, with a little less fabric and a lot more…" He didn't need to finish the sentence.
The suggestive leer in his eyes spoke volumes.
A/N: Lemme know if ya'll want a part two to this! I really enjoyed writing this one! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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leejenowrld · 4 months
word count — 1.3k
smut, not proof read and written in like 10 mins so
inspo -
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Backstage at the venue, the atmosphere buzzed with the electric energy typical of a night filled with music and revelry. Amidst the controlled chaos, you found a quieter space, bathed in the warm, soft glow of stage lights spilling through the side curtains. Here, you stood, bass slung low around your hips, dressed in an outfit designed to thrill—an audaciously short black leather skirt paired with a lace top that left little to the imagination, accentuating your cleavage and the smooth curve of your shoulders. Your makeup was glowing, with shimmering highlights that caught the light every time you moved, and your hair fell in loose waves that frame your face beautifully.
Jeno, dressed in a simple white fitted shirt that contrasted sharply against his dark jeans, exuded a casual, effortless charm. His hair was styled in a soft, tousled look that made him even more irresistible, especially as he flashed you a grin that spoke volumes of his adoration for you.
“So, you’re really going to teach me this time?” Jeno’s voice broke through your preparations, tinged with excitement and a hint of playfulness.
You nodded, feeling the electric tension between you two. “Yeah, but only if you promise to actually pay attention,” you teased back, meeting his playful gaze with a challenging sparkle in your own.
Jeno’s laugh was soft and inviting as he stepped closer, his hands finding your waist. “You have my full focus,” he whispered, his lips inches from yours, making your heart flutter with anticipation.
“Good,” you murmured, feeling his breath against your lips before turning your attention to the bass. “Let’s start with the basics. This is how you hold it properly,” you instructed, adjusting his hands on the guitar, your bodies brushing against each other.
Jeno nodded, his fingers awkward at first but gradually finding their rhythm under your guidance. “Like this?” he asked, looking up at you through his lashes.
“Exactly like that,” you replied, your voice softening. “You’re a natural.”
As the lesson progressed, your proximity made the air around you thick with tension. You corrected his posture, your body pressing lightly against his back, your breath hot against his ear. “You’ve got to relax more,” you whispered, and he chuckled, the sound vibrating against your chest.
“Relaxing isn’t exactly easy when you’re this close,” Jeno teased back, turning his head slightly to meet your gaze. The look in his eyes was playful yet filled with raw desire, mirroring the quickening pulse you felt within yourself.
“You think so?” you played along, letting your hands linger a bit longer on his, feeling the roughness of his palms. “Maybe this will help,” you suggested, your tone dropping to a seductive whisper as you guided his hand to strum a particularly deep note, letting the vibration ripple through both of you.
“God, I love how your hands look on this,” Jeno murmured, his gaze fixed on where your hands guided his. “But I keep imagining them elsewhere… like wrapped around my cock, squeezing tight.”
A shiver ran down your spine at his words, heat pooling low in your belly. “Imagine how distracted you’ll be when I really start to show you the good techniques,” you murmured, your lips barely grazing his earlobe as you spoke with a teasing lilt. The flirty undertone was unmistakable, inviting a more tantalizing kind of tension.
Jeno’s response was immediate, his hands tightening on the bass as he turned his head to capture your lips with his. The kiss was fiery, loaded with all the tension that had been building. His tongue swept into your mouth, dominating and exploring in equal measure.
As the kiss broke, you both were breathless. “Fuck the bass,” Jeno growled, setting the instrument aside carelessly. His hands found the hem of your skirt, fingers tracing the bare skin at your thighs as he looked into your eyes with unmasked desire. “I want you. Now.”
“Then take me,” you challenged, your own hands roaming over his chest, feeling the hard muscle beneath the soft fabric of his shirt.
Without another word, Jeno lifted you onto the table, your back lying amidst the scattered props. His hands were quick to push your skirt up, revealing more of your thighs, his touch scorching against your skin. “I need to taste you,” he said, voice rough with lust as he knelt before you, his breath hot against the lace of your underwear.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. “Do it,” you urged, your voice a mix of command and desperation. Jeno obeyed without hesitation, his tongue and lips worshiping you through the thin fabric before he tugged them aside. The sensation of his mouth on you was electric, his tongue skilled and knowing exactly how to make you writhe and moan his name.
The buildup of pleasure was intense, spiraling towards release under his relentless attention. When you came, it was with a loud cry, your body arching off the table, clenching around the nothingness, craving something more substantial.
Jeno rose to his full height, his lips glistening with you as he unbuckled his jeans. “Your turn,” he said, the outline of his arousal clear and promising.
Eagerly, you switched positions, pulling him to you and freeing him from his constraints. “I want to feel you inside me,” you whispered as you guided him, positioning his cock at your entrance.
He pushed into you with a groan, filling you completely, the stretch and sensation driving a gasp from your lips. The rhythm he set was punishing, each thrust deeper and harder, aimed at hitting all the right spots. Your hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging in, as you met him thrust for thrust, the sound of skin slapping against skin mingling with your combined moans.
The edge was fast approaching again, the coil in your belly tightening. “Jeno, I’m—” you gasped, the words lost in the heat of the moment.
“I know, baby, me too,” he groaned, his thrusts becoming erratic as he chased his own climax. His eyes locked with yours, intense and full of an unspoken promise, as he drove into you with a ferocity that made your entire body quake. Each movement was a declaration, each moan a testament to the depth of his desire.
The room was filled with the sound of your labored breaths and the rhythmic pounding of his hips against yours. His hands gripped your hips tighter, pulling you into every thrust, ensuring you felt every inch of him.
Your climax crashed over you like a wave, overwhelming and all-consuming. Jeno followed soon after, his groan deep and drawn out as he reached his peak, his grip on your hips almost bruising. The warmth of him spilled inside you, a tangible proof of your shared passion.
As you both caught your breath, Jeno leaned down to press a gentle, lingering kiss on your lips, his forehead resting against yours. “I love you,” he whispered, his voice a tender murmur that wrapped around you as securely as his arms.
You smiled, your heart swelling with the depth of your feelings, mirrored so perfectly in his eyes. “I love you more,” you replied, pulling him into another kiss, slow and sweet, the kind that said everything words never could.
He chuckled, glancing over at the bass guitar resting against the wall. "So much for my bass lesson," he said with a smirk, his voice rough from exertion.
You laughed lightly, your fingers tracing the contours of his chest, still feeling the heat from his skin under your touch. "I think you've got enough hands-on practice for today," you teased, capturing the playful glint in his eye as your hands continued their exploration. The bass might have been silent, but the night's melody was far from over.
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uhmprobablynot · 1 year
Playlist: Track Six
Hi guys <3
Hush Hush
Smut warning y'all
Track Five >> Track Six >> Track Seven
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I caught your eye across the room, No one can feel the tension between me and you
Another party. This time Schlatt dragged you to Ted’s house for a party he was hosting to celebrate a music video he directed. Things between Schlatt and you had been different since the night he spent the night. A dance of will you or won’t you sleep together again. Do you risk nothing for whatever you two currently had. No, you thought to yourself. You would rather have a little of him than none of him.
Schlatt had driven you to the party and disappeared the second he opened the car door. It wasn’t awkward. You knew most people at the party; mutual friends or friends of friends that had been at dinners or other gatherings beforehand.
You were standing on the edge of Ted’s living room that was filled with what felt like fifty other people. You looked up from your drink only to meet Schlatt’s eyes from across the room. He was talking to the man of the hour, but Schlatt was only half listening. His eyes dragged from your head all the way down before meeting your eyes again. He licked his lips before sipping his drink again.
There’s no need to mention all the things I wanna do, You wanna do ‘em too
You shifted on your feet, suddenly feeling hot under his gaze. It had been a week since you two had sex, really, really good sex. Until this moment, Schlatt had given you no indication that he wanted to do that again. Texts had been strictly platonic, even less flirty than they were before the situation. You just assumed it was a one and done, a mistake, but with how Schlatt was looking at you now, maybe you were wrong.
Schlatt laughed at something Ted said, breaking the tension that had built between you. Ted pulling Schlatt towards his kitchen and Schlatt followed, sending you a wink from across the room. You felt your body go hot and a jolt right to your center. You sipped your drink, hoping no one was paying enough attention to you for them to notice how much Schlatt’s wink got to you.
You look gorgeous tonight, doll
Your phone buzzed in your hand, lighting up with a text from Schlatt.
Schlatt: The things I want to do to you in that dress… god it’s killing me
You: You don’t look to bad yourself handsome, that wink was uncalled for
Schlatt: Aww you poor thing…
You: Hush Mr. ‘you’re killing me here doll’
Schlatt’s text bubble appeared and disappeared a few times. You panic slightly, wondering if you crossed an invisible line that had been drawn between you two.
Hush, hush, Don’t give it away, We’ll both be better off if no one knows
Schlatt: Meet me in the bathroom in five
The text sends a jolt straight to your core, knowing exactly what will happen if you meet him in the bathroom.
The time moves slowly as you make your way to Ted’s bathroom. You knock on the door and it opens and you’re quickly pulled in, then pushed against the door. Schlatt’s lips are on yours before you can even process that you're in the bathroom.
“God,” He sighs against your mouth. “You’ve been torturing me all night.” His lips move from your mouth down your neck, nipping enough that you feel it, but not enough to leave a mark. “I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you.” He mumbles into your skin. You can only hum in response, your brain not fully caught up with what is happening.
You pull his face back to yours and kiss him. He your hips causing you to gasp, letting his tongue enter your mouth. As his mouth is against yours, he kneads your hips and ass, making you moan.
“Doll,” He pulls away. “As much as I love your pretty noises,” He moves a hand to your cheek and pushes the hair away from your neck and dips close to your ear. “They are only for me. No one else needs to hear it. Got it, pretty girl?” You nod silently. “Atta girl.”
Schlatt pulls you from the door and puts you against the counter. He grabs your face and makes you look in the mirror.
“You see what drives me absolutely crazy?” Schlatt drops his hand and runs both up and down your sides slowly. “Your beautiful face,” He says pressing a kiss to your cheek. “These gorgeous tits.” He reaches around you and grabs them, making you sigh. “These thighs.” Schlatt kneels on the ground and pushes the hem of your dress until it’s bunched up over your hips. “Not to mention this ass, fuck.” He groans as his hands caress you. You continue to watch him through the mirror. “I’m going to take these off now, is that alright?” Schlatt asks, letting his fingers play with the edge of your panties.
“Yes,” you whisper. “Please.” He makes eye contact with you through the mirror and smiles.
Schlatt pulls your underwear down your legs, letting you step out of them.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me already.” He runs a finger up your slit, feeling the slick. He pulls your tights apart and licks up from your clit to where his finger just was. Schlatt hums to himself as he tastes you. His nose presses against you as he licks and sucks against your slit. You can’t help the small sighs and hums that escape from your mouth. As Schlatt continues to lick at you, he pushes one finger into you, causing you to whine.
“Shh sweetheart, you can do it.”
His finger moves in tandem with his tongue, making tension rise in your belly.
“Schlatt” You whisper to him.
“I know baby, cum on my tongue. Come on.” He keeps at it until the coil in you snaps and you bite your arm to keep you from yelling at the sheer pleasure of it all. Schlatt slows down until you stop shaking. He stands up behind you. In the mirror you can see your slick stuck to Schlatt’s facial hair. “You think you can stay quiet with my dick inside you?”
You nod. Schlatt only hums.
“I don’t know if you can, sweet thing-”
“Please.” You beg making eye contact with him in your reflection. You see something pass over Schlatt. His eyes get darker and his smirk gets wider.
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” He opens his pant’s button and pushes his underwear down just far enough for his dick to slip out. He pushes into you and you close your eyes at the feeling, but as you do, Schlatt stops. You open your eyes and Schlatt is just smirking at you.
“You gotta keep your eyes open, gotta watch me fuck you.” You groan, but keep your eyes connected. Schlatt moves again, rutting into with force; your hips hitting the edge of the counter each time he thrusts into you. “Fuck baby, you’re too tight, I can’t”
“s’okay want your cum, please”
“Fucking christ,” Schlatt says, thrusting into you fast and hard. He wraps an arm around your hips and plays with your clit, pushing you close to the edge of your climax again. “Come with me baby, come on.” He slurs. You clench around him, tying your best to keep your eyes connected to his, but they close, anyway. Schlatt cums inside you, pulling you close. He pulls you up to his chest and kisses your neck.
“Let’s go to mine,” Schlatt whispers against your neck. He kisses it once before pulling away and pulling up his pants. ”If anybody asks, we left alone.” He whispers to you as he opens the door to the bathroom and leaves.
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neverknoah · 5 months
what do you think dating noah would be like realistically (and i guess hypothetically in this case since we don’t know him personally)? like downsides and good sides? people have said he’s really flirty via text but awkward irl and i feel like he’d have a hard time being romantic
oh i definitely think at first he’s very awkward and a little shy but it’s cause he doesn’t 100% know how to flirt without being bashful.
“I- I- like your outfit. Can I buy you a drink? If you drink well I’d also buy you a coke if that’s what you’re into? what are you drinking I can get you another.” he’s so awkward but so sweet.
once he gets over his social anxiety though he’s buttering you up asking about your life and what your passions and interests are. will info dump on you if you bring up something remotely related to anime, music, or video games and you sit there and listen to him ramble with big heart eyes.
“sorry i’m rambling aren’t i?” he grimaced, scratching the back of his neck.
“no, please go on! i enjoy listening to your voice.”
“really?” he smiles
“yeah, it’s soothing.”
“well, if you like it so much I’m a musician.”
and he tells you all about Bad Omens and touring life and his music. by the end of the night he ends up putting his number in your phone and yours in his. when you get home your phone buzzes.
had a great night. would love to continue our conversation from the night before, maybe over coffee tomorrow morning? let me know what time works for you :)
of course you respond back with a yes giving him a time and place and you meet him the next morning. he dressed in a pair of comfy sweats and a cozy hoodie looking absolutely adorable and sleepy. he smiles when he sees you walk in and gives you a big hug. the gentleman he is he pays for your coffee and you guys sit there and talk for a couple hours before you realize both of your drinks have run out and you’ve just been chatting, conversation flowing so easily between the two of you and loosing track of time.
“i’ve really enjoyed this and um- you can say no! but like would you maybe wanna go on a date?” he proposes, looking at you with his brown baby cow eyes.
“i’d really love that, noah.” you smile at him.
“great! um- yeah! awesome.”
he walks you to your car after and before you leave you give him another big hug and a kiss on the cheek (which he absolutely blushes at and holds the spot you kissed as you get in your car)
there’s definitely a date after the coffee date and many after that! when noah asks you to be his girlfriend he gets so blushy and is quite literally as red as a tomato because he’s so nervous but he does it and you say yes!!! and he’s the happiest man on planet earth🥰
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carolmunson · 11 months
Sound tech Eddie who you meet on set, maybe at craft services, and he flirts with you and teases you in a fun way and you keep meeting each other at different shoots and he brings you a coffee or a soda when the day is getting long as fuck and it’s like the fourth time you’ve met / worked together and he asks you out
Married older (47) sound tech Eddie can’t believe he’s on set with all these kids who are nearly 20 years younger than him but he’s been out of work with the strike so he comes for the pay check. Quiet, keeps to himself.
Wavy hair that’s more silver than brown these days gets pulled up out of his face while he types on his phone. Drafting an email for a gig next week about rates and equipment rental. Then you come in and God you’re fucking loud.
You’re fucking loud and you know all these guys and you’re flirty and jokey and bitchy in that way ‘only girl on set’ is bitchy. He rolls his eyes when you laugh again, getting your coffee while the AD brings your kit upstairs. He sighs again, he normally gets along with the makeup artist — guess not today.
You come down after setting up to get coffee and he knows because he hears your grating fucking voice again while he sets up the boom on a c-stand. He pulls one headphone off his ear while he tests. It’s not until you come back in with your coffee in hand and your eyes catch his that you’re suddenly quiet. He goes back to his task but he can feel your eyes on him, looking him over.
You look bashful now, like you know you were loud and girlish and annoying and now you regret it. You wanna start over so you can look mature for him, and damn you should be by now.
He sits down and later on he can see you scan him from a distance, eyes falling on the silver band around his ring finger that looks different than his other rings. He chuckles to himself grizzly, running the hand over his scratchy stubbled chin.
Lunch is called and suddenly it’s the two of you at craft together, everyone already sitting and chatting in the other room. You shakily introduce yourself, not nearly as confident and brash as you had been when you got in today.
“I’m Eddie,” he says back, voice dropping to the deep ooze he uses whenever he talks to sweet things like you.
“I know I uh — I mean, I saw,” you trip over your tongue, “On the call sheet.”
“Clever,” he smiles, helping himself to a bag of chips with his lunch, “You know somethin’ sweetheart?”
He places a hand on your lower back to move past you to the plate of cookies at the end of the table, feeling your posture change beneath him at the touch. He lets in linger, buzzing with the sudden upper hand he has with a pretty girl like you to toy with for another seven hours.
“It’s not polite to stare the way you’ve been starin’ at me today,” he says slow and low by your ear, “I’m a married man. You always stare at married men like that?”
He offers a snake like grin while you squirm and fluster under his gaze. Your sudden silence is the best sound he’s heard all day.
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headkiss · 2 years
Holy guacamole what if Eddie and Corroded Coffin leave for the city (Indianapolis?) to play @ a venue and there’s a band on stage when he walks in and he’s supposed to be getting his equipment ready but gets distracted by reader as lead singer & dummer singing/playing they’re Why You Wanna Break My Heart by Tia Carrere and he’s literally hypnotized & knows he wants her ugnnnhh
thank u for this idea i like it a LOT :D | 0.6k words, first meeting, swooning and flirty rockstar!eddie
Eddie should be backstage, tuning his guitar, changing his outfit, smudging eyeliner onto his eyes. Instead, he stands at the back of the crowd, guitar over his shoulder, watching you perform.
He was already buzzing walking into the venue with his band mates. Excited to be on stage, to do what he loves most. The music snuck through the walls, letting him hear it from outside.
When he walked in and looked at the stage, though, he couldn’t look away.
You stood front and center, hands wrapped around your mic stand, hips swaying to the music. He thinks, even if you were in the back, you’d stand out all the same.
There’s an ease in the way you sing, like you don’t even have to try even though he knows—as a singer himself—that you are. Your voice is unique, smooth, and he wishes he hadn’t missed the rest of your set.
“Dude, stop gawking, we have to get ready!” Gareth shakes him by the shoulder.
Eddie blinks hard, like it’ll snap him out of whatever trance you had him in. He nods and walks behind Gareth, his eyes stay on you until you’re out of sight and he’s slipping backstage, into a dressing room.
He can still hear you singing as he gets ready. It makes him dizzy.
You always feel nervous until you’re on stage. Until the spotlight warms your skin and the cheers fill your ears. The music takes over, and you basically black out while performing.
That rush of adrenaline, the way your senses are filled. It’s your favorite thing.
You were a little extra nervous today, seeing as you’re playing before a band you’ve admired for a long time. Corroded Coffin, probably backstage as you speak.
Eddie’s already side stage when you finish, just far back enough that the audience can’t see him yet. And in your haze, neither can you.
You almost run into him when you leave the stage, your forehead and chest shining with sweat, makeup even more smudged than before. You stop short in front of him, panting, looking up at him and smiling when you see him.
“Eddie Munson.”
You know who he is. You know who he is and you’re even prettier up close than you were on stage and he thinks he’s dreaming because of how unreal you are.
“That’s me. You were incredible out there,” he says, “from the bits I saw, anyway.”
“Thank you,” you take a sip from your water bottle. “I’m sure you guys will one up me in a couple minutes.”
He laughs, shaking his head, “after that? No way.”
“Come on, don’t be modest, rockstar.”
Eddie’s still convinced he’s dreaming.
“What’s your name?”
You tell him, and he repeats it, testing it out. You like it a lot more coming from his mouth, you think.
Even your name is pretty, and Eddie can feel himself like you more and more by the second. It was like as soon as he looked at you on stage, you had him hooked, reeling him in with every word.
“You staying for our set?” He asks.
“Do you want me to stay?”
“Wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t, babe.”
“Yeah, I’m staying.”
He lets himself look at you, your hair messy from flipping it around, your chest still rising and falling heavily, the glitter on your eyelids. You’re a literal dream.
Gareth steals him away once more, yelling, “we’re on, loverboy!”
“That’s my cue,” Eddie says.
“Knock ‘em dead, rockstar.”
He sends you a wink before turning to rush on stage. He lets his gaze flick to you in the wings while he performs, too.
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jaeyunniesimp · 2 years
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you’re on your own, kid. (l.hs) part three
part one part two
tw: mentions of alcohol, angst, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, cursing (lmk if there’s more!)
wc: 3.1k
a/n: heyy!! this is the last part of this series, hope you enjoyed it! it’s my first time writing something long and divided into parts, so lmk your thoughts please <3
“i waited ages to see you there. i search the party of better bodies just to learn that you never cared”
It was still 10am and you couldn’t help but feel nervous. All you thought of since the moment you left that party was about this upcoming conversation, you barely slept last night. You needed to go see Heeseung, so you went directly to the building where Mr. Choi’s classes were held, and sat down on a bench in front of his classroom.
You waited and waited patiently, unable to even put on headphones and listen to some music, for you were so anxious. Minutes felt like hours, and at the same time you couldn’t wait anymore for them to pass, you wished they didn’t.
When the bell rang, your stomach dropped, completely unaware of how you would approach him to begin with. Students started to leave the room, your eyes glued on the door in look for that familiar face. After a good five minutes and nothing of Heeseung, you decided to go in and check for yourself.
“Maybe he skipped class today, he must’ve been hungover anyway”, you thought to yourself, but as you entered the classroom, you immediately locked eyes on his figure. But not only on his figure, on the girl sitting next to him. They were slightly closer physically to each other than mere colleagues would be, his knee gently brushing over her thigh, him flashing her that sweet but flirty smile of his, the one which he would only direct to you at one point.
Everything in you wanted to just turn around and walk away, and you would’ve, if he hadn’t acknowledged your presence first.
— Y/N? — He sat up straight, genuinely confused.
You didn’t know what to say, and tried your best not to stutter your words out. After five seconds of absolute silence from you, you managed to blurb out a sentence.
— I-I’m sorry, I just wanted to talk to you, but I don’t wanna intrude, we can meet up some other time — You gave him a very uncomfortable and forced smile and turned on your heel, ready to walk out the door.
— Wait! — He quickly grabbed his things and ran after you, in an almost desperate way, and grabbed your shoulder gently. — We can talk, really. I was helping her with some assignments, but we can do that some other time.
You wanted to believe him, but some part of you felt like he was indeed flirting with that girl. Heeseung’s always been a very sweet and nice guy, but he loves the attention he gets. He knows how people perceive him, how his looks aren’t at all mundane, and he knows how to take advantage of that to fill up his ego. And can you even blame him?
But a part of you felt just ridiculous confessing your unrequited love to him right after seeing him trying to get with someone else. Supposedly. As much as you wanted to do it, you unconsciously chickened out.
— I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for walking out on you yesterday. You were right, I was being selfish. — You managed to say, hesitantly, not even brushing on the subject you initially wanted to approach.
But before he could even open his mouth to answer you, that girl came out of the classroom and put a hand on his shoulder.
— We can continue some other time, hm? — And gave him the dirtiest smirk you’ve ever seen.
After checking you out from head to toe with a disgusted look, she walked out towards the building exit. Now you were 98% sure they were indeed flirting, which made you feel 98 times more stupid.
— It’s okay, Y/N, really. I know it’s a sensitive topic and we were both too drunk for that. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you either. — He reassured, and soon after, his phone buzzed inside his pocket. — I’ll see you around. — He stated and left.
That’s it? He truly just said “it’s okay see you around” and left? What the fuck is even wrong with you, thinking he might even consider having you back in his life, even as more than a friend. You couldn’t decide who you were angrier with right now, him for just ditching you like a torn piece of paper, or you for allowing yourself to go through this.
You can’t say you didn’t feel an urge to cry, but that was the last thing you managed to do. Maybe anger was totally taking over you, or maybe you’ve already cried all your tears out, so, instead of standing there like an idiot, you decided to go to a cafe near by and drown in your thoughts.
It didn’t help that it was a rainy day either, you’ve been sitting there, next to the window of the store, admiring the little droplets of water that fell on the glass for so long now, you didn’t even realize you forgot to order something.
— Can I get you anything, ma’am? — A gentle voice cut you out of your thoughts, making you look up.
— Oh, sorry, I- — You immediately stopped talking when you recognized the boy’s face. — Beomgyu? I didn’t know you worked here! — An unexplained rush of happiness filled you when you started talking to him.
— Hey, Y/N! I didn’t even realize it was you, and that’s really hard to do — He chuckled lightly.
You gave him a confused look because of his words and he rolled his eyes at your obliviousness.
— It’s ‘cause you’re pretty? So you’re hard to miss? Geez, can’t even make a joke anymore without having to explain it. — He mocked.
Even though these types of “innocent flirting” would usually make you uncomfortable, there was just something about Beomgyu that didn’t make you feel like that at all. His words felt light, chaste even.
— Sorry! Thanks, though. — You laughed out loud, feeling bad for not laughing at his joke at first. — If you could get me just plain black coffee, that’d be great! — You said with a smile.
— Right on it! If you need anything else, just look for the handsomest worker here — He gave you a funny, playful wink, which, of course, made you laugh.
“take the moment and taste it, there’s no reason to be afraid”
It’s been about two weeks since the last time you had spoken with Heeseung, you hadn’t even bumped into him around campus, and you hated that part of you was upset by it. But you decided that not anymore.
It’s like something lit up inside of you. If he didn’t want you, you’d make him regret it. You don’t even know where you found the confidence to pull the revenge card, but Yunjin would certainly be proud.
You didn’t think of revenge as something good, he had no fault in the fact he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, but just leaving you standing on the building corridor like that, alone, he was surely a culprit of.
Luckily, today was Beomgyu’s birthday party and he was nice enough to invite you. After many afternoons spent at the cafe he worked, you both became somewhat close.
You scattered your closet for the sluttiest outfit you owned, and ended up wearing a mini denim skirt, and a long sleeved, tight crop top. You didn’t even recognize yourself in the mirror, and somehow you felt upset with your decision to only feel beautiful to strike a man’s attention. A man that doesn’t even want anything to do with you.
You arrived at the boy’s house and went straight to the kitchen counter to take a shot. After your little alcoholic motivation, you went looking for Yunjin.
— Y/N? — You heard her voice from across the room, and immediately went her way. — Are these clothes yours?
— Yeah, I haven’t worn them in a while — You shrugged and smiled at her.
She was definitely proud of you. Seeing you coming to terms with your old self. You still haven’t told her about how your little chat with Heeseung went, so she’s probably just assuming things were settled between the two of you and you went back to being friends.
— Wow… You look absurd. — You turned around and met eyes with Beomgyu.
— Thanks, Gyu! Happy birthday! — You gave him a tight hug and complimented him back.
You turned around slightly and found Heeseung resting his back against the kitchen counter, holding a cup of something alcoholic, gaze piercing through you, watching every bit of physical contact you and Beomgyu shared. Even when you looked at him, he didn’t stop glaring at you. There was something about him, he didn’t have that sweet and comforting look on his eyes you were so used to, they were a shade darker and grim.
After a lot of drinks, you were letting yourself loose on the living room, dancing with Yunjin, having just a great time. You spotted Beomgyu across the room and mentioned for him to join the two of you, and so he did. He’s always been comic, and with a couple (dozen) shots in, that was only amplified.
The music was loud and upbeat, and yet, he took you in for a slow dance, earning the most genuine giggles from you and Yunjin. His left hand holding yours, and his right hand gripping the small of your back, almost intimately. That definitely was the last draw for Heeseung. He approached you with angry eyes and landed his hand lightly on Beomgyu’s chest, as a sign for him to stop.
— Y/N, can we talk? — He asked, and if the music wasn’t so loud, you would’ve said he said that through gritted teeth.
You were somewhat mad at him for interrupting your happy moment, but either way agreed, with a pouty, angry look on your face.
He grabbed you by the arm, grip a tinge too tight, dragging you upstairs to one of the empty rooms, so you could talk privately and in silence.
— Ow, Heeseung! You’re hurting me! — You said, while he opened the bedroom door, letting go of your arm. — What the hell is wrong with you?
— With me? You’re the one who went after me and then started getting all touchy with my best friend?! — He answered, making you gasp almost theatrically.
— First of all, Beomgyu is my friend, and it doesn’t concern you whether we’re touchy or not, and you were the one who fucking left me standing alone! I waited more than an hour to talk to you, and you couldn’t have cared less. — You argued, pointing a finger at him and occasionally poking his chest angrily. — Why do you even care if someone’s touchy with me?
— Fuck, Y/N, because I like you!
The room went silent for a minute. You couldn’t believe the words that had just left his mouth. Could he be serious?
— What? — Your voice was suddenly soft, the weight on your chest suddenly feeling so light.
— Shit… — He muttered to himself while running both his hands through his hair, almost in despair. — I like you, Y/N. I have for a very long time.
Nothing made any sense to you anymore. If he liked you, why did he start dating Nayeon? Why didn’t he confess to you that night in high school?
— But… Since when? — You asked after thinking for a while.
— Probably since the day I met you. — He said while sitting down at the bed, you taking the spot right beside him.
— Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you start dating Nayeon? Are you stupid? — You asked bluntly, almost too honestly.
He let out a small, bashful laugh, looking almost defeated.
— I-… Maybe I was stupid. Jungwon told me he had a crush on you, and I couldn’t bring myself to confess to you, knowing how he felt about you and that he was one of my greatest friends. — He explained, resting his arms on his legs, fidgeting his fingers.
You were certainly shocked by his confession. You didn’t blame him, though, if you were in his place, you would’ve probably done the same thing, but it hurts knowing that you could’ve been together all this time.
— Hee… You know I liked you too, right? — You took his hand in yours and gave him a sweet look. — I stopped talking to you because it hurt so much seeing you with someone else, as much as I wanted you in my life, I just couldn’t bear it…
His hand squeezed yours a little tighter, like he was afraid you’d let go.
— I never forgot what school you went to. I purposely started going here because I knew you did. — He admitted. — I just wanted one chance with you, a chance to make things right, and I managed to hurt you.
— You didn’t, really. I hurt myself, I didn’t know how to cope. — You cupped his face, bringing him just a little closer to you, caressing his cheeks with you thumb.
You leaned in more and connected your foreheads, heart almost beating out of your chest. He slid his hands to the sides of your body, holding your waist gently, and you let your hands fall to the back of his neck. He then took your lips in his, in a much awaited kiss.
His lips felt sweet and soft, just like you imagined they would. He was so gentle with you, like you were made of glass, slowly rubbing circles on your sides with his thumbs, never letting go of your kiss.
When you finally pulled back for air, he started trailing kisses down your cheek, jaw and stopped at your neck, biting and marking it. You let out a small whimper, which caused him to smirk in between kisses and hickeys.
He looked up at you to connect your lips again, and this time his eyes were different. They didn’t hold that soft, concerned look anymore, now dark with lust and desire.
You started unbuttoning his black silk shirt, while he leaned on top of you, laying both of you down on the mattress. His shirt was quickly on the ground, while he looked at you for permission to slide of your top.
As you nodded, he slowly slid his hands inside your shirt, kissing your belly just under the hem, pushing it up gently, allowing you to help him take it off.
You were suddenly conscious that your almost bare body was on display in front of Heeseung. You felt your cheeks heating up and he definitely picked up on it.
— We don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable with it. — He said looking at you deep in the eyes, this time, very softly.
— It’s okay, Hee — You cupped his cheeks again, pulling him in for a kiss. — There’s nothing I want more right now than you.
He started sliding the straps of your bra down your shoulders, while kissing your neck. You tugged his hair lightly, which made him let out a quiet groan. Soon, both your clothes were all scattered on the floor, and he was playing with the hem of your underwater, looking at you for approval, even though you’ve given him the green light several times already.
He slid them off and gently ran a finger up your slit.
— Fuck, you’re so wet. — He almost muttered to himself, while he slid one finger inside of you, making you let out a needy moan.
He was quick to pick up the pace of his fingers, quickly sliding in and out of you. He could feel you clenching around his digits, making his cock twitch under his boxers. When you felt that familiar knot forming on your belly, and started clenching harder around him, he stopped and pulled out of you, earning a frustrated whine from you.
— Hee… I need you — You whined again, grabbing his wrist and pulling him closer.
He was absolutely whipped about how needy you were for him, and since you asked so nicely, he wasted no time taking off his underwear and throwing it aside like the rest of your clothes.
He aligned his length on your cunt, teasingly sliding it up and down your slit.
— Hee, please… — You whined again, tears forming in your eyes. — Hm need you
He couldn’t wait any longer, so he slid his throbbing cock inside of you at once, hissing. He waited a few seconds for you to adjust to him and started moving.
You’ve had good sex before, but it was nothing like this. Heeseung knew what he was doing, every thrust making his tip meet your g-spot perfectly, causing you to let out the prettiest moans for him to hear. His grip was tight around your waist, leaving marks where his fingers dug your skin.
— Fuck, you feel so good, princess. — He praised, while picking up his pace, earning louder moans from you.
You grabbed his shoulders for support, unconsciously digging your nails in his flesh, leaving scratch marks (which he loved). Suddenly you felt his thrusts becoming sloppier, his cock twitching every time your pussy would clench around him. You were both so close.
— Cum for me, baby. — He said softly, while leaning down to kiss your neck.
When you finally came undone under him, it didn’t take him long to do the same inside of you, riding out your highs, panting lightly.
The tips of his hair were damp with sweat, and you were intoxicated by his smell. He got up and grabbed a towel to clean you up, leaving chaste and sweet kisses all over your body. He put his pants back on and dressed you in his shirt, laying down next to you and holding you close to his bare chest.
You stayed like that for a while, listening to each other’s heartbeats, until one of you decided to speak and start a conversation. You shared a lot about your feelings for each other, and made things very clear between the two of you. He was stroking your hair so lightly, holding you so gently, you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore.
When he realized you fell asleep, he kissed your head smiling and hoped that Beomgyu wouldn’t mind you staying the night.
taglist: @iloveoceaneyesss
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aliasimagines · 2 years
first impressions//mary goore
word count: 1181
requested by anon
i was wondering if you could write something that’ll be like reader is a ghoul or a sibling of the sin and they and mary are dating and reader introduces mary to the ghouls or something like that.
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You woke up way before your alarm clock, practically buzzing with excitement. You carefully selected your outfit for the day, got ready in the bathroom and headed down to the ghoul dens. 
 The only ones up were Aether, Cirrus and Cumulus. They were quietly chatting on the couch in the living room era until you arrived.
  "Good morning, guys!" you whisper yelled. Cumulus jumped up and ran towards you, wrapped you in her arms.
  "Good morning, gorgeous! Oh my Lucifer, you look stunning, honey!" 
 You couldn't help but smile at the ghoulette's enthusiasm.
Cirrus smiled over her coffee, giving you a nod, silently saying that she agrees with Cumulus. You smile back at her and take a seat on the couch.
  "You know.." Aether puts an arm around shoulder, his usual lazy-flirty smile on his face."You might just be the most breathtaking sibling of sin I know."
  "Aw, well you might just be the hottest ghoul I know. Well..after the ghoulettes. Sorry." You add making him bark with laughter.
  "That boyfriend of yours is very lucky, huh."
You lay your head on the quintessence ghoul, slowly getting lost in your thoughts, listening to the ghouls' conversation with one ear. 
 They became very important to you over your time here as a sibling. They were like family. And to be honest, you were quite nervous about them meeting Mary. You liked him, very, very much and you only hoped that the ghouls would too.
 The time passed agonizingly slowly. The other ghouls started to get up too, one by one. First came Rain, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, then Mountain, with what some would describe as a stoic expression but you could tell he was in a great mood. Sunshine came jumping in like a small fairey, greeting everyone with a quiet good morning and big smile. Dew’s first thing to do upon entering the room was to pick a quarrel with Aether, earning an eye roll from everyone.
 The last one to join the little company was Swiss, in a red bathrobe and silk head wrap covering his hair.
  “Morning, fuckers.”
  “Morning? Swiss it’s like- Fuck, it is noon, dude!” you exclaim.
  “So what, sweetie pie? It’s our day off, chill out.”
  “They can’t-”Dew calls from across the room, his mouth full of coal. “Their little boyfriend is coming soon.”
  “Uuu, right!! The boyfriend…"he purrs, slightly taping your shoulder before disappearing to the kitchen.
 Mary wasn't nervous, he made his way towards the satanic church, softly humming to some song he heard somewhere on the way here. He however, was aware of how much the ghouls meant to you. Which, i don't want to say that it put pressure on him, but it did kind of.. make him want to be on his best behavior.
 He was familiar with ghouls, and because he was a regular visitor at the abbey he probably crossed paths with the band ghouls too a few times, but he never really met them. 
 Getting through security ghouls was easy, they knew him by now and he spent a few minutes just joking around with them. 
 Maybe it was more than a few minutes because he heard his name being called, and seconds later he saw you rushing down the hall towards him, a couple of ghouls trailing after you.
 You ran ahead, only stopping a step away from Mary.
  "Hey..sorry to run here, i just got worried you might have been held up at the entrance but, all is well I see."
   "Sorry, I didn't realize I've been here for that long." Mary sheepishly kisses your cheek. 
  "It's okay, uh-" you see the ghoulettes starting so you grab Mary's hand. "Come on, I wanna introduce you."
 Mary waves bye, to the two ghouls at the door and lets you drag him over to the three figures.
  "Girls, this is Mary. Mare, this is Sunshine, Cirrus and Cumulus."
 Sunshine opts for a shy wave, Cirrus for a handshake and Cumulus..well, she pulls Mary into a bone crushing hug.
  "So nice to finally meet you!! Oh the dark lord below, y/n talks about alllll the time, it's-"
  "Okayy, not all the time." you chime in, making Mary smirk and Cumulus wave you off.
  "No, Cumulus is right." Cirrus adds.
  "Yeah.” Sunshine nods
  “You really make them happy and that’s so nice to see…but if you hurt our little y/n, I will make sure you die slowly.”
  “Cumulus! Oh Satanas, you can’t just say that and then threaten people!”
 Mary shrugs,”It’s ‘kay, if I hurt you I’d want me dead too.
 You look over at him, clearly touched by his words, but Mary just squeezes your hand, avoiding eye contact. 
 The ghoulettes, seemingly pleased with the answer, make their way back towards the den. Mary and you slowly follow after them.
  "So uhm, that was very romantic of you, Mare. If I hurt you, I'd want me dead too." You repeat his words teasingly. He elbows you in the ribs (gently).
  "Oh, shut up.." he mumbles shyly. 
  "I think the ghoulehs like you, tho." You give him a smile. He cocks his eyebrows.
  “They do!” 
 As you arrived at the den, you gave his hand a squeeze before entering the living room.
 You saw Rain lounging on the sofa, trying to hide his smile behind a book.
Just as you opened your mouth to ask about the others' absence, you hear a loud crash from the kitchenette that opened from this room.
  "What are they doing?!"
 Rain threw his book away, not being able to hold back his laughter any longer. 
  "Swiss and Dew had the idea that they'd cook something for you two." He stopped laughing and quickly introduced himself to Mary before sitting back down on the couch.
  "Cook?? Those two? "
 Someone yelled, probably Aether, and there was another crash. 
You opened the door to the kitchen finding Aether, Dew, Swiss and Mountain in there.
Aether tried to put out the fire while yelling at the duo, while Mountain just stood there, amused.
  "..you knew how important this day is for y/n and you guys fucked it up anyway. They could be here any minute and you set the kitchen on fire."
  "We just wanted to make stake tho-"
  "Shut the fuck up."
Dew and Swiss started pushing each other around.
  "Guys! Stop!" you yell, grabbing their attention. 
  "Hey y/n!" they call in union. 
  "I am so sorry for the mess- I'm Aether. Nice to finally meet you." the ghoul extends his hand and Mary takes it.
  "You too, dude. And don't worry about the mess, i 'ppreciate the effort. A bottle of beer would have done the trick though."
  "Oi-" Dew grabs a six pack beer from under the counter." I think we'll get along."
 The whole 'meeting everyone' could have gone better or smoother, but hey, it's Mary Goore and the Ghouls we are talking about. They seem to get along, no one killed anyone so..I'd consider this a win.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
when I was younger (like grade school) my school assigned us pen pals w another school so imagine cove or baxter as pen pals w the mc who develops into more... they keep writing even after the assignment ends and sharing their life. when they get phones of their own they talk but still write bc it's what they're used to. when they live together leaving notes for one another <3
(why did I think u were talking abt cove and baxter. I was so confused but also on board LMAO)
and when baxter comes to sunset bird you're all excited n cove is very curious n actually isn't that awkward when meeting baxter bc he has heard a lot abt him just as baxter has abt him
or when baxter comes to tell you that he's actually vacationing in sunset bird n you should come w!!!
cove is so excited and absolutely buzzing the whole week leading up to it
he's a bit worried that you like baxter or are dating since baxter is this cool. older, and flirty guy but you assure him there's nothing there
and his dad is all teasing him, n ofc his neighbors are all "so this is your gf/bf/partner!!!" and snickering while he's all floundering n blushing n turns to you n goes "j-just ignore them. omg yall are embarrassing!!!" n runs away w you
takes you on many lil dates around town n shows you all his favorite spots
comes back w a big grin<333
eventually asks you out or you him and its very impromptu like in the "charity" moment!!!
he sets up a whole thing as your first date on poppy Hill or the beach and brings you a little bouquet (baxter goes "ooh, someone's going on a date" or some coy shit like that and you slap his arm n push him away while you tell cove to wait for you)
if you kiss cove before you leave he goes, "omg... you're not helping yk, you're making me wanna follow you back..."
if you kiss him on the cheek, he goes "another one? just to tide me over until I can see you..."
or w baxter he has you show him all the nice spots n when you get to the beach or poppy hill, he goes "the view from here is quite nice, but not as nice as you"
he's flirting w you this whole time
ofc you've talked abt your feelings w him before and he even asked "is it okay if I flirt with you? I'm sure you're much more beautiful/handsome in person, idk if I could help myself from teasing you even a little bit"
and if you say no that's okay, but if you say yes or even tell him only a little flirting is okay, you're swept off your feet
lots of looking at you w heart eyes and holding your hand or locking arms, walking you to your door or even just opening the door for you
and ofc many compliments on how stunning you are
on his last day there, he's all sheepish and scratching his neck and stuttering. "um... listen, it's okay to say no to what I'm about to ask and I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship. but.."
"do you, want to date? I know long distance is hard but I can't go another day without at least telling you how I feel, I really like you and treasure you, y/n"
he's so sweet omg.... blushing n looking away.... (take a picture n frame it 😫👐)
if you kiss him on the lips he goes "wow.. maybe I'll stay afterall"
on the cheek or anywhere else he goes, "geez, you're making me not want to leave"
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cnco4ever · 1 year
Teachers Assistant (Part 1)
Thank you!
Christopher Velez
Warning: None in this part
Please let me know what you guys think and don't be shy to leave a comment or to reblog.
Suggestions are welcome too!
I didn't want to make the first part too long in case no one wanted to read it.
I really hope I made the right decision by going back to my old job as a teaching assistant. I've seen friends burn out from teaching. horrible hours, bratty teenagers and an even more horrible and bratty salary. I mean, I don't have a passion for literature, I haven't read every Jane Austin novel out there and I'm not a perfect writer. I do love to learn, expand my horizons and discover new sides of myself and who can teach you better than the generation? I don't know, but I do know that teenagers need guidance and literature is a good common ground for discussions.
I've been assigned as an assistant for Mr. Christopher Velez. Young, only 27, smart, funny, well respected among students and also a vey handsome man. We met at a get together for the staff at school. I feel like we got along and understood each other, but we only got to meet face to face two times before the pandemic strikes. Today is the first class online via zoom.
I'm a bit nervous whether or not the students will pay attention.
Mr. Velez asked to facetime an half hour before to go over the plan and to agree on some basic rules for out classes together.
BUZZ BUZZ, My phone starts vibrating on my dining table. "Christopher Velez" is written across the screen. This is it. Good luck to us.
"Mr. Velez, how are you? excited for the first online class?" I answer with a big smile on my face. I wanna show friendliness and excitement. It is work after all.
He flashes is big smile back at me and I hear him laugh, "pleeease call me Christopher. Mr. Velez is my dad" He's charming. I understand why he is so popular. "as you please Mr. Velez" I'll try to keep a light tone and keep a professional distance, but that did sound a bit flirty didn't it? oh no, maybe too unprofessional? but his smirk and corner smile tells me that he likes it. Heat flows straight to my cheeks. He's laughing again.
"Alright Miss. Knight. you'll warm up to my eventually. I how a few things that I'd like to run by you before class. I understand that this is new to us all and that we're all confused and nervous, but we have to show understand and compassion in these times" I nod my head along to his voice and keep my eyes glued to him on the screen. It's weird to see him in casual clothes. The two times I met him, he was wearing bottom downs and dress pants, but now with his purple T-shirt and purple cap, he looks so much more relaxed and carefree.
"Are you still listening or did I drop you?" shit, I zoned out. I zoom back in and he is smirking at me. "I'm sorry Mr. Velez. I was just thinking how weird it is to see you in regular clothes. I didn't take you for a cap kind of guy" I guess I'd rather be honest. I can't lie, my face would tell on me. Zero poker face.
"What kind of guy did you take me for? you look great in your regular clothes though. Having your hair down makes you look more relaxed" His voice is light and full of humor. I can see his big brown eyes drift across the screen. Is he checking me out? I look down myself. maybe wearing a sun dress was a bad idea for work even online. A nervous laugh escapes me while I run a hand through my hair. I can feel butterflies in my stomach as I look back at my phone screen. He is smiling wide at me. This is not very professional.
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butlerettes · 2 years
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Chapter 3
Summer was fading into fall.   That didn't mean a whole lot in California.  It just meant that the temperature would drop five or ten degrees.  Still pretty warm.  The phone read 79 degrees/sunny.  "That's great hiking weather," you thought to yourself.   You were just in the mood to go for one.  It had been a few months since you had gone on one.  Your body was craving it.  You were gathering your supplies for the hike when your phone buzzed.  Gazing at it, it's Y/frN:
Hey whatcha doin’?
Getting ready for a hike.  Wanna come?
Always up for a hike.
Wanna hike the WHL?
Of course, meet you there around 9
Sounds good
Leaving your apartment, you decide to drive there.  It’s not far, but you don’t want to tire yourself out.  You hate driving.  If you can, you would rather ride your bike or walk.  Getting into your Hyundai Elantra, you drive to the entrance and park.  Parking where you can see Y/frN, you grab your water bottle and hiking hat.  Heading to the sign, you recognize someone who is standing near it.  Austin was in shorts, a tank top, a baseball hat, sunglasses, and a shirt wrapped around his waist.  You couldn’t tell what his shoes were, but that didn’t matter. He looked good.  He was leaning against one of the wooden posts. He hadn’t seen you yet, causing your stomach to do things—strange rumbling feelings.  One could almost say you were aggressively nervous.  He must’ve felt your gaze. He looked up.  Sparkling, his eyes laid on you. 
He plastered a smile on his face.  He walked over to you, “I thought I was dreaming for a minute.” he said.  "Not dreaming. I am flesh and bone."  "Yes, you are, " he says with his edible lips twisting into a flirty smile. Swallowing, you return with a coy smile.  
"Hey Tom, this is Y/N, the woman I was talking about."  Putting his hand on your shoulder.  You felt electricity run through every fiber of your body.  Was he flirting with you?  Why would he like someone like you?  You were just a plain jane.  It was as though he knew what you were thinking, “If we are going to meet like this, I think I should probably start picking you up.  I mean, it’s the least I could do.” He declared.  Both of you were giggling like two schoolgirls.  “Hey, do you two want some alone time?” Tom teased.  Biting your lower lip, you can feel the hot brush across your face. Rolling his eyes and pushing Tom playfully, “Whatever, man. Hey, are you alone?”  He seemed worried.  “No, I am waiting for my friend. She should be here in about ten minutes,” you reassured.  “We can wait here with you if you want.” Austin being polite.  What you wanted to say was, “Listen, I am not ready for another actor to take over my life again.”  what you actually said was,  “No, you guys go on ahead. She will be here soon.” “Are you sure? I can wait with you.”  “Yeah, I am sure.  Go, I will be fine.” winking at him.  “Alright, maybe I will see you out there, “ he says, tilting his head toward the path.  “It was lovely meeting you, Y/N,” Tom added.  Answering, “You too.”
You watch as they walk away.  Austin turns back one more time before they head down the path. You were keeping your eyes on him until he disappeared.  You look at your watch; it says nine twenty. You take out your phone and text her.
Hey where are you?
While you wait for a response, your mind starts to wonder.  You subconsciously open Chrome and type Austin Butler.  Without even realizing it, you are looking at his pictures.  Scrolling through, you come across one that was after Elvis, he looks so sexy, and you feel it deep in your lady bit.  You start fantasizing about what it would be like to see him naked.  You darn near drop your phone when Y/frN finally texts back.
Looks like I am not going to be able to make it after all.
Are u serious
Yeah sad emoji
Ok call you later
Hitting the home button on your phone, you tuck it in your back pocket and start on the trail.  You are enjoying the warmth of the sun.  You keep walking, you listen to the birds, the sound of insects, and the far-off L.A. noise.  This isn’t too bad, being alone.  You take a long sniff.  “It’s beautiful.” Austin’s voice startles you.  You turn around to see that he is walking towards you alone.  “Where’s your friend?”  you ask.  “Tom? He went ahead.  I felt bad leaving you by yourself.”  “You came back for me?”  “Yeah, is that a bad thing?”   “Well…what…why? “ you can’t seem to put it in words.  “Because I like you.  We seem to have a lot in common.  And I was hoping I could ask you out.  I would like to take you out on an actual date.”   “Me?”  “Yes, you. Who else would it be,” he says, lifting an eyebrow.  Not knowing what to say, you look at him in his light turquoise eyes. Finally, he seems to understand what you are thinking, “I feel like we need to try this at least, Don’t you?”  “Please, don’t take offense to this, but I dated an actor before, and he hurt me badly.” you swallow hard.  You are trying not to cry, but tears well up in your eyes.  “Hey, I get it. I don’t know who hurt you, but I promise one thing.  I promise to treat you like you deserve to be treated.” he said, putting his hand on your shoulder.  That did it.  Tears ran down your face.  Austin grabbed you and tucked you in his arms.  Feeling nothing but his arm around you at that moment made you feel much better.  After you drenched his shirt, he smoothed your hair.  He bent down to look you in the eyes.  “I promise.”
Thanks for reading. I will be posting every other day. If you'd like to be tagged, please don't hesitate to let me know. Comments are more than welcome.
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lokislastlove · 2 years
Fair Game (SoftDark Frank Castle x Reader)
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Summary: Date night to the county fair with your boyfriend Frank!
Warnings: Dubcon, Jealousy, humping, bit of Daddy kink, degradation, humiliation.
Notes: I’m sure this has been done before but it was stuck in my head so I just had to get it out. 🤍 ~3k
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The pink spun sugar dissolves on your tongue and leaves your fingers sticky as you lean against your boyfriends warm muscular shoulder. Your feet swing freely as you sit on the metal barrier surrounding the Ferris wheel. Frank curls his arm around your waist, distracting you with a kiss on the neck as he snatches a piece of your cotton candy.
“Hey! Get your own,” you pout, tugging it away from him.
He laughs and shoves it in his mouth, “sharing is caring, darlin’.”
Billy appears and sidles up next to you, taking the entire stick from your outstretched arm. “So true, brother.”
“Hey!” You exclaim, swatting at Billy as you hop off your perch and try to take it back.
You don’t notice the way he smirks as you stretch across his body, your chest pressing against his as he leans back to hold it just out of reach. You don’t notice… but Frank certainly does. Scowling, Frank watches Billy continue to tease you, your face scrunched in frustration as you jump and grab for the treat. 
“That’s enough, Billy,” Frank chides, swiping it easily and giving it to you before pulling your hips back against his.
Billy’s eyes meet Franks, recognizing the unspoken challenge and nodding away his defeat. “Sorry, sweetheart… couldn’t help myself.”
You narrow your eyes teasingly and laugh it off, happy to have your snack back. Billy is always playful, flirty but in a non-threatening way, and you consider it a good thing. It means he likes you or at least approves of you, right?
Your last boyfriend’s best friend hated you, he had called you ‘vapid’ and, although you didn’t know what it meant in the moment, it didn’t take a genius to understand it wasn’t a compliment. It wasn’t long after that the relationship ended.
With Frank things feel different. He treats you like a princess, gets you anything you could ever want and is fiercely defensive of you. He makes you feel safe and loved. Sure he can get a little heated at times but most of it seems to stem from his checkered past, nothing a bit of loving reassurance can’t fix. And Billy has been nothing but sweet since you met him. So no red flags yet.
“Come on, darlin’. We’re up!” Frank turns you, urging you forward as he hands off your tickets and you jump into a free seat.
Frank slides in, his body warming you as he throws his arm across your shoulders. You cuddle into his side as the ride lifts you off the ground and into the cool night air. Billy takes the chair behind you. He swings and howls obnoxiously at the passing girls below. You laugh at his antics while Frank shakes his head, a faint smirk on his lips.
When the ride ends and you gather at the exit, Frank frowns at the buzz coming from his jacket pocket. His frown turn sour as he answers the phone and releases his hold on your hip. With a kiss to your forehead he mutters, “I’ll be right back. Billy keep an eye on her.”
Billy nods as you watch Frank disappear into the crowd holding the phone to his ear. You look up at Billy, “what was that about?”
Billy just shrugs and nudges you with his elbow, “so whatcha wanna do until he gets back?”
“I don’t know,” you answer. “Feel like I’ve ridden all the good ones.” Billy snorts out a laugh and you look up at him curiously, “what?”
“Nothing, sweetheart.”
Your attention is drawn by the sound of a loud pop and a girl squealing excitedly as an array of lights flash in white and red.
“Winner, winner! We have a big winner here!”
The man behind the booth pulls down a giant stuffed bear and hands it off to a young man who then gifts it to the bouncing blond at his side. The stuffed animal is over half her size and a vibrant shade of blue. She giggles with glee as she hugs it tightly against her chest and beams at her boyfriend.
“Aw, that’s the cutest! I’ve always wanted to win one of the big ones,” you smile as you watch the couple walk off together.
“Well, that settles it then,” Billy says, taking your hand and dragging you down the row of game booths.
“Billy! What are you doing?”
He scans the hanging displays of prizes until he stops suddenly and you run into his back with a soft “oof”.
He points up at a giant pink rabbit and smirks at you over his shoulder, “that one.”
You admire the oversized bunny, it’s soft with a surprisingly sweet expression compared to some of the other prizes and holding a shiny orange carrot in its paws. You can’t help the smile the brightens your face, it’s perfect, just the one you would choose. Billy quickly steps up to the counter, handing over his money to the attendant in exchange for a set of five white balls.
“Blue targets are worth 10 points, green 15, and red get ya 25,” the man recites quickly, juggling a couple spare balls as he waits for Billy to throw.
“How much do I need to get that one?” Billy points at the pink rabbit. “Eh doesn’t matter, all red should do it right?”
The man smirks at Billy’s arrogance but nods in confirmation. You bite your lip as you wait and watch. Billy twists the ball in his hand, feeling the weight of it as he eyes his target. He winds his arm back and throws, nailing the swinging red target toward the back on his first shot.
“Not bad,” the attendant praises and Billy preens confidently.
He takes the second ball, and chucks it at the red target just as it pops up from it hiding spot. The third strike seems even easier than the previous two and by the fourth throw you’re tense with excitement and anticipation. He hasn’t missed a single one yet and he’s starting to draw a small crowd of kids eager to see if he’ll make a perfect game.
He takes a deep breath as he picks up the last ball and you, unthinkingly, squeeze his arm in excitement as you praise him, encouraging him to keep going.
“You’re doing amazing, Billy! You got this, just one more!”
He looks over at you with a cocky twinkle in his dark eyes before scanning the crowd behind you in amusement. He smirks as he turns his attention back to the small bouncing red target that remains and his eyes narrow in focus. You release his arm and he winds up, holding it as he waits for the perfect time to strike. Someone hushes the chattering crowd and everyone collectively holds their breath as he releases the ball.
The rubber sphere flies free from his fingers like a bullet, a perfect spin straight at the target, but this one doesn’t hit the center. It clips the edge enough to make the target wobble for a moment and the small crowd gasps before it finally topples over and everyone burst into applause.
“Winner winner! We have a big winner, here!”
A few teens rush forward, eager to try their luck next and you quickly get out of the way as Billy collects his prize. You grin from ear to ear, fidgeting out of nervous excitement as you try to control the urge to grab it from him.
You can’t believe he just did that for you. Billy shakes the man’s hand and turns to greet you with a lopsided smile.
“For you, sweetheart,” he holds it out to you and you pull it to your chest, squeezing the plushy tightly.
“Oh my gosh, thank you Billy!”
You smile at each other, Billy blushing slightly at your genuine delight until a couple from the audience walks by, “nice one, man.”
“Yeah, definitely a keeper,” the girlfriend adds as she subtly checks Billy out with an approving wink.
Your face heats and you stutter, “oh – uh – no… I…”
But they are gone before you can deny their assumption. Billy laughs at your flustered expression until his grin falls to a tight smile and he clears his throat.
“We have to go,” Franks gruff voice at your back startles you.
“Frank!” You squeak and turn around holding the giant rabbit for him to see. “Look what Billy won for me!”
“Cute,” he says shortly. “Time to go.”
“Aw, but what about the fireworks?” You pout.
“Hey if you have business to take care of I can stay with her,” Billy offers and hope bubbles in your stomach.
Frank grabs your arm and pulls you close, “oh, I have business alright. Come on, darlin’.”
His grip is tight, pinching your skin harshly. You gasp and try to pull your arm free but he’s so much stronger than you. You look back at Billy who gives you a two fingered salute before he is swallowed by the sea of faces.
“Frank, slow down,” you whine, nearly tripping over your own feet as he leads you through the crowd.
Strangers scurry out of the way as they see him. Those who don’t are roughly shoved to the side as he storms past the rides and food stands all the way out to his truck.
“What happened?” You ask as you rub his finger marks from your skin. “You seem upset.”
He yanks open the passenger door and spins back to face you, “oh, do I? Surprised you even remembered who you came here with, princess.”
“What do you –“
Frank doesn’t let you finish, he pulls the bunny out of your grip and shoves you into the car. You sit with a huff as you watch him slam your door and sneer at the stuffed animal. He rounds the front of the car and tosses the rabbit at you before getting in himself. You wiggle the bulky thing between your legs and hug it’s head sadly as you drive away from the bright twinkling lights of the fair.
Frank may be temperamental but, usually, you can see it coming. This time you didn’t and its making you nervous.
He doesn’t speak the whole drive and you are too anxious to make conversation. The longer you sit there the more you feel like you did something wrong. His knuckles pale as he grips the steering wheel, body leaning forward stiffly as he scowls at the dark road.
“Frank,” your voice quakes.
“Hush,” he barks. “Almost home.”
You swallow your apology and stare down at the rabbit, twisting the soft ear in your hands as he pulls into his driveway. You prepare for a tense silence but when the engine cuts Frank is instantly out of his seat and marching around to collect you.
With one fist around your wrist and another around the neck of the rabbit, Frank kicks the front door closed and points you up the stairs. You shake as you quickly kick off your shoes and run up the stairs. It’s not even his expression or sharp demands that scare you, it’s an indescribable energy radiating from him. He’s angry, but it’s more than that and you don’t know how else to deal with it other than just do as he says.
He herds you to the bedroom and shuts the door behind him, “undress.”
Your mouth hangs open at the spite in his tone, he’s never talked to you like this, especially not in the bedroom. You cross your arms and face him with a stern look, “I don’t like how you’re talking to me.”
He moves so fast that your knees hit the edge of the bed and you fall back onto the mattress with a gasp. He scoffs and smirks down at you.
“You’re mine,” his fingers tickles your neck before gently wrapping around your throat. “And I’ll talk to you how I damn well please.”
“Frank,” you wheeze, “you’re scaring me.”
He leans down, his nose brushing against yours, “good. Now, be a good girl and undress like Daddy told you.”
He releases you and takes a step back, arms crossed over his chest, veins bulging as his muscles flex. You let out a shaky breath as you nervously grip the hem of your flirty sundress and lift your ass enough to tug it free. He nods for you to continue and you unclasp the bra, dropping it to the pile on the floor. You wiggle out of the underwear and sit quietly with your eyes on on his knees as you wait for your next instruction.
“Good, so listening isn’t the problem … I guess you just need to be reminded of who you belong to… sweetheart.”
The disdain for Billy’s nickname has your eyes snapping to his, “I never –“
“Ah - ah,” Frank interrupts, taking a menacing step toward you, “I didn’t say you could talk.”
You bite your lip, partially out of frustration but also to fight the whimper trying to escape at his harsh tone. His anger washes over you and makes you quiver, the fear warming you in places you never expected. Your hips swivel slightly as your core tingles, and he watches you with a victorious glimmer in his eye.
“Up,” he snaps his fingers as he trades places with you.
He makes a show of placing his hand on his thighs and parting his knees wide as he ogles you with a lustful gaze. It sends a shiver down your spine in anticipation of what he’s going to make you do.
You eye the bulge between his legs and lick your lips. He smirks and takes your wrist, pulling you down toward him. You giggle, thinking he’s about to pull you in for a passionate kiss until you find yourself laying face down across his lap.
He holds you down forcefully when you exclaim in alarm, “shut up and sit still. You’ll take your punishment without complaint and maybe I’ll let you make it up to me.”
“Frank, plea-“
The sound startles you before the sting of his hand on your skin. It prickles sharply, like hundreds of needles until it fades into a hot burn.
“One,” he growls as you twist against his hold.
This time he grabs at your scalding flesh, nails digging into your ass as he hums at the jiggle. He uses both hands to grope your cheeks, squeezing and tugging them apart. You hear him spit and the cool trickle of saliva runs down your slit to join the arousal gathering between your thighs.
His fingers trail down between your cheeks, pausing to press against your tight asshole until you clench and he chuckles darkly. His exploration continues lower until he brushes over the slick dripping from your entrance.
“Is this for me… or for him?”
You look over your shoulder at him with wide eyes, “Frank, I…” You take a sharp breath, stunned by the genuine hurt in his eyes beneath that furious furrowed brow. You can’t believe he is actually jealous of Billy.
“You didn’t answer me.”
“You! You! It’s for you!” You shriek, a tear wetting the comforter as you press your face into the bed.
“I’m not so sure.”
You sniffle and try to look back at him, “I swear, Frank. I don’t have those feelings for Billy. It’s only you.”
He scoffs, “but you knew exactly who I was talking about without me even having to say his name.”
His jaw ticks and he shakes his head in disappointment. Your shock stills your tongue, how do you argue out of that one? I mean it’s obvious, Billy was the only man there. And yet… you risk digging yourself deeper if you say the wrong thing. Unfortunately, you have a tendency to do just that.
“Frank, it’s just a dumb bunny. It means nothing.”
You clutch the sheets fearfully at the way his face hardens, the sardonic smirk falling to a tight lipped frown. Your breath picks up when his grip on your ass tightens.
“Just a dumb bunny…” he echoes lowly.
You let out a startled yelp as he stands and lets you fall, your hip thudding painfully against the hard wood floor. You groan and hiss when he fists your hair and pulls you to your feet. His free hand wraps around your throat as he turns you to face the bed, the buttons of his shirt cold against your naked back.
“You see that dumb bunny right there?” He asks, pointing your face at the carnival prize taking up the center of the large bed.
He shakes you and the pain along your scalp has you whining out, “yes.”
His lips brush against your ear as he breaths you in and speaks into your neck, “fuck it.”
He tugs harshly on your hair as he chokes you as he talks. “I want you to climb onto the bed, stick it between your legs and hump until you’re as brainless and dumb as that bunny your new boyfriend won for you.”
He releases you and pushes you forward onto the bed. You let out a dry sob as you climb up and lift a leg over the stuffed animal until the rabbit rest comfortably between your thighs. The soft fur is warm against the chill in the air and the soft spongy tip of the carrot pokes enticingly at your slit.
Its humiliating to think about getting off in front of him, but even more so having to use… this. You aren’t even sure if you can get yourself to move, let alone orgasm.
“Go on,” Frank growls as he pulls over the stool from your vanity and sits, legs open wide and arms crossed. “Ride it like you wanted to ride Billy when you were eye-fucking him in the middle of the fair.”
“I wasn’t-“
“Hey!” He yells and you flinch. “No talking unless I say so.”
You whimper and drop your eyes to the lumpy mass beneath you. You roll your hips experimentally and the carrots smooth texture glides easily along your wet slit. You do it again, and again, building up your pace as you set an easy rhythm. The soft fur tickles along your sensitive thighs, a surprisingly pleasant sensation that makes you grind a little harder onto the carrot.
“That’s it darlin’,” Frank encourages you. “Hump like the little slut you are.”
You whine at the insult but keep moving, your clit warming from the friction as it rubs deliciously along the toy.
“I guess I should have known better than to let you around my friends without being bred properly before hand.”
A moan crawls from your throat and your hands cling to the bulky rabbit staring lifelessly up at the ceiling.
“Next time I’ll make sure you’re full of me first. Filled to the brim with my seed so they can smell it dripping down your legs.”
You bite your lip as your lashes flutter and you stare at him through heavy-lidded eyes. Feeding off his filthy words.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Want everyone to know what a naughty little slut you are for me?” He smirks as his hands slowly drift up his thighs.
You pant as you curl your hips along the carrot and furry paws. Your soft moans come out in whispers as you focus on your task, your climax building despite your initial reticence.
“Look at you. So pathetic. Getting all worked up like a bitch in heat… letting another man fawn over you and give you gifts,” he tuts. “Pretending you could ever be anything but mine.”
You shake your head, eyes shut tight in your fight not to argue. You know he’s goading you now, and it’s working… in more ways than one. The angrier he makes you the harder you grind against the toy and the more desperate you get.
“But you are mine. Isn’t that right, darlin?”
You nod rapidly as your clit pulses, “yes! Yes, Daddy! Yes!”
“Good girl,” he says, smirking at the way you sigh at his praise. “Are you ready for me to use you like you just used that stuffy between your legs?”
“Yes! Please, Daddy! I need you to fuck me, please!” You have no control over your voice, crying out for him to help ease the pain of this endless torture.
Humping makes you desperate and sensitive but it’s not enough to make you cum, no matter how hard you want to. You squeeze your tits together, fondling them in hopes that the extra stimulation might get you there but it does nothing but make you more needy and fuzzy.
You close your eyes as you rock back and forth at a furious pace until the rabbit is torn from beneath you. The sudden motion throws you off balance and you fall on your back. Frank is quick to tug you to the edge of the bed and pin you down with a hand around your throat.
“Looks like I have a dumb bunny toy of my own,” he chuckles before shoving himself inside of you.
Your back arches and you whine at how good he feels as he unleashes his fury on your sensitive cunt. Your eyes roll as you cum in less than a minute, but he doesn’t stop. He forces several more orgasms from you before finally filling your hole.
“I’m going to fill you everyday if that’s what it takes to remind you who you belong to.”
Tags: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @caffiend-queen @queenoftheworldisdead @emberenchanted @buttercupfangirl @needleandhammer @thiskindahotkindamusic @lokiswildheartcantbebroken @jaspearl31 @queenyanna111 @phildunphyisadilf @threeminutesoflife
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katsu28 · 3 years
just one dance
pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!reader
summary: Y/N wishes she could have just one dance with her boyfriend at Midsummer’s
warnings: mentions of alcohol, minimal swearing
a/n: technically i should be writing a research paper right now, but i had this idea and i just needed to get it out before it flew away like my will to live at the moment 🥲 also i swear Risk It All Part 2 is coming soon, i'm like halfway done with it :) double also OBX GOT RENEWED FOR S3 AND I'M SO FUCKIN EXCITED!!!!!
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(gif found on google, credit to owner)
Midsummer’s was definitely not your favorite time of the year. But hey, it came with the territory of being born into a Kook family. You’d been schmoozing and sweet talking rich people for pretty much as long as you could remember, and although you hated it, it was just something you had to do.
This year was different though. This year, you had a boyfriend. Sure, JJ would be working the event instead of being by your side, and you couldn’t really dance with him because neither of you had told your friends you were dating, but he was still going to be there. Maybe you could even steal a few moments with him under the radar.
You were straight up not having a good time. You were bored out of your mind, your feet were killing you, and you hadn’t seen JJ all night. Watching everyone else dancing and having fun while you moped at a table in the corner seemed like the cherry on top of a very shitty night.
But before you could wallow any longer in your own self pity, a drink was slid in front of you. You looked up, feeling your mood instantly brighten when you saw JJ standing in front of you, looking almost too good to be true in his white shirt black vest combo.
“Hey there, pretty lady.” He greeted, offering you that endearing crooked smile that you loved so much.
“Why hello, handsome stranger.” You replied, fighting the urge to kiss the hell out of him.
“Would the lady care for a refreshing drink?”
“That sounds absolutely wonderful.”
“It’s sparkling pink lemonade,” He whispered. Your lips quirked into a grin, but as soon as you took a sip, you were hit with a very strong taste of vodka. “With a little something else too. You looked like you could use some loosening up.”
“Am I really that obvious?” You groaned, letting your shoulders sag. JJ opened his mouth to respond, but he was cut off.
“Hey Maybank, quit flirting with the guests and get back to work!” An older man in a uniform identical to JJ’s yelled from a few tables away, shooting him a pointed glare.
“Duty calls.” JJ sighed, slapping the table with his hand. “Sorry, baby.”
“No yeah, you should go. Don’t worry about me.” You smiled a tiny smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. Of course you wanted him to stay, but he had a job to do.
Casting a quick and furtive glance around, JJ leaned in, lowering his voice. “Meet me around the porch in ten. I wanna kiss ya.” With a flirty wink and not another word, he disappeared back into the crowd, leaving you with butterflies in your stomach.
Ten extremely long minutes later, you’d managed to sneak away from the party, nerves buzzing from both the thought of meeting JJ in secret and probably also the shit ton of vodka that he’d snuck into your drink, as you made your way around the back of the Island Club. Much to your dismay, however, he wasn’t there yet. So you waited, leaning against the rickety wooden railing until—
“Hi, beautiful.” JJ murmured, pressing a light kiss to the side of your neck as his arms snaked around your waist from behind. You let out a squeak of surprise, twisting in his arms so you were facing him. “I’ve wanted to steal you away all night, baby, you look gorgeous.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself, J. Bow ties really suit you.” You hummed, adjusting his cute little floral tie. “I missed you.”
“Oh yeah?” JJ chuckled, ghosting his lips over yours. You rolled your eyes, curling your hand around the back of his neck and bringing him forward so you could finally kiss him after wanting to all night. JJ kissed you back happily, nudging you back against the railing as he did. “Wait, wait, hold on—” He breathed, pulling away after what, in your opinion, wasn’t long enough.
“What?” You huffed, pouting childishly.
“As much as I wanna make out with you, I actually had you meet here for something else.” He grinned sheepishly, digging around in his pocket for his phone for a few seconds before holding it up triumphantly. “I know this wasn’t what you envisioned for our first Midsummer’s together, and I wish it could be different, but I still wanna make this night special for you.” You tilted your head, but without further ado, JJ set his phone on the railing and pressed play. Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley poured from the speaker, instantly putting a smile on your face.
“Really, JJ? Elvis?” You teased, to which JJ nodded enthusiastically.
“Elvis is the king, baby. Respect it.” He insisted, holding out his hand for you to take. “Dance with me?”
You slipped your hand into his, giggling as he pulled you closer by your waist, while your arms traveled up to loop around his neck comfortably. The two of you began to sway to the soft music, lost in your own little world—one where Pogues and Kooks didn’t matter.
A world where it was just you and JJ.
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