#/had to dodge mentioning any fcs in the group for this one
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years ago
To Ash, (+Goh, +Chloe)
I don’t how you have stayed alive (relatively) for almost a full year with all these crazy disasters back to back. Yes, I know you died like five times and got brought back which is another thing entirely... Anyway. There is a dimension-hopping therapy group for heroes like us. We include all kinds of different people, some Serenas will go the champion route while a Lillie did the island challenge in an Ashless universe. Most tend to have caught their regions’ Mythical/Legendary Pokemon so you could have so many unique battle opportunities.
An invite should be sent to you after the Masters Eight Tournament finale. Heads up, we try not to do the “I was hurt worse/went through more pain” thing cause we’ve all suffered :,). You can talk to people resurrected to continue giving you the world. Or the similar theme of adults not being able to step up to help us when we need it. Word of advice never push anybody in battling with the word “Nuzlocke” on their nametag. Their worlds are where Pokemon die in what would be regular battles. Sometimes it is even only just them suffering from the Nuzlocke Curse.
The basics are: Hoenn gets environmentally messed up causing mass Pokemon migration, Unova gets caught in a political war in which the possibility of Plasma being right pops up once in a Blue Moon, Kalos deals with the ultimate weapon always destroying Geosenge Town, Alola tends to sort itself out since Lusamine is the only one kidnapped by Nihilego or the Ultra Recon Squad handles Necrozma, Galar is precarious with Enternatus needing to be distracted long enough for the legendary wolves to show, and lastly Kanto-Johto only ever gets truly bad when Giovanni is far more greedy than usual. We had to take down the dimension-hopping Rocket Boss a while back.
Do not try to catch the Mystery Dungeon universes’ heroes. Pokeballs affect them weirdly and they can dodge quite well from having to be in direct battle against smart wild Pokemon. Not to mention most of them were human at one point so it’s kinda insensitive to capture them when they still speak English/Common. Took a collab between Sophocleses Clemonts and other technology gifted to allow them the choice of temporarily changing back to human. They will fight you on equal terms if angered.
—Champion Wally, Mega-Timeline FC Chosen of Latios.
P.S- Nametags will be distributed to you. Any titles like Champion/Ranger/Coordinator/Trainer/Type Specialist will accompany your name. FC means first contact, so I was the first one contacted from my timeline. Which Legend you have been mainly chosen by goes next.
Ash: Ooh! Seems interesting. I think I'll join 😌
Goh: A therapy group? Hmm...
Chloe: I think you just need regular therapy, not, you know... five-times deceased immortal chosen one therapy
Goh: True... but I hope you get some good help there, Ash. I know you've needed something like this for a long time, even if you never liked showing that side of you to us
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Ash: Don't worry, my scone! I'm sure it will goh great and I totally won't get roped into some multiverse-spanning adventure to save all of existence 🤞
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ceruleanmusings · 6 years ago
What other ocs do you have apart from Melanie?
I’m so glad you asked, I realize I have a tendency to push other OCs aside to focus on one at any given time but I need to give my other babes their time in the spotlight! I have a lot, actually, but I’ll mention the ones I’m more focused on at the minute.
Sage Moreaux | FC: Tinashe | Fandom: The Flash/Arrowverse | Ship: Oliver Queen
She’s the twenty-one-year-old younger cousin to Iris West who ran away from home moved to Central City to start college. She was out partying when the particle accelerator exploded and, thus, she became a cryo metahuman. However, her abilities are a curse because they only manifest themselves when her heart-rate drops to a certain point and her body, essentially, begins to go through the stages of hypothermia. If she uses too much of her power without raising her temperature or getting to a heat source in time, she will die. She’s an impulsive dancer and party-girl who always learns her lessons the hard way (ex: having an unrequited misplaced crush on Barry Allen while he’s in love with her always-seemingly-better-than-her cousin, Iris).
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Wynona “Wynn” Tate | FC: Tristin Mays | Fandom: Riverdale/Chilling Adventures of Sabrina | Ship: Toni Topaz (for now, still deciding)
Wynn is the sixteen-year-old granddaughter of Pop Tate, owner and manager of Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe. She is the host of her podcast show Pep Talk which focuses on the history surrounding the towns of Riverdale and Greendale. When she’s not dodging her ex-boyfriend, Reggie Mantle, Wynn can be found serving at Pop’s, running the A.V. Club at Riverdale High, taking pictures of the yearbook, or looking after her mother who, years ago, was diagnosed with M.S. Pop tells her to stay out of conflicts that arise when the Northside an Southside collide but she’s never been good at letting a good scoop for her podcast pass her by.
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Kamaria aka “Mari” | FC: Maisie Richardson-Sellers | Fandom: Marvel | Ship: Bucky Barnes
Kamaria belongs to the Masu, also known as the Merchant Tribe, in Wakanda. Being part of the Merchant Tribe, Kamaria is an expert at haggling and selling goods. Some may say that this has made her a good liar. Having taken a strong interest in Engineering, Kamaria is a part of the Wakandan Design Group and the Wakandan International Outreach Center, working along side her honorary little sister, Shuri. Once released from his brainwashing, Kamaria is tasked, along with Shuri, to create Bucky Barnes a new arm jut in case the need arises in the future. Because of this, she spends a lot of time trying to pick Bucky apart. For science, of course. (Or so she tells herself.)
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Mickayla “Mickey”/"Mouse" Mason | FC: Kaya Scodelario (may change) | Fandom: Holes | Ship: N/A
Mickey Mason is sent to Camp Green Lake for an assault charge when she got caught trying to beat one of her schoolmates with a bat as retribution. It is soon realized that her being sent there was a mistake, for Camp Green Lake is a juvenile detention facility for boys and that her record had her mistakenly filed as one. As she waits to be transferred, she finds herself face-to-face with Alan “Squid” Carson, her ex-best friend who doesn’t seem to happy to see her again.
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Princess Calla of Rays aka “Crystal Manning*” | FC: Adelaide Kane | Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia | Ship: Peter Pevensie
Calla was born to King Elvrond, ruler of the Rayuvial kingdom, and Mother Nature, partner to Aslan and fellow protector of Narnia. After the death of her mother, Elvrond sent Calla to live in the mortal world where she was adopted and grew up as Crystal Manning, next-door-neighbors to the Pevensies. She’s the same age as Edmund, considers Susan her best friend, and has a large (but secret) crush on Peter. When the Pevensies were taken to live with Professor Kirke during the war, Crystal was sent somewhere else and so she missed out on the Pevensie’s adventures in Narnia. She is soon called to the magical world herself when Narnia becomes threatened by a leftover Telmarine army aided by a princess who aims to wed Peter to gain control of the lands. While serving as the Pevensies bodyguard, she begins to learn more about her life that had been hidden from her.
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I have more, including some OCs for my original stories, but I figured narrowing it down to these few would save a lot of time.
*Note: I have used the name Crystal Manning for a few different fandoms though they are all different characters. Crystal Manning is a name I’ve also used for my Beyblade and Suite Life series OCs.
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 7 years ago
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
Name: Gareth O’Neill Age: 27 Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Male Portrayed By: Tom Felton Availability: Open
“I’m just here for my friend.”
�� Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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hallietrot-blog · 7 years ago
edited 08/05/18
Hallie trot is 19 years old, but looks to be about 16. She has a twin brother who looks at least 21, but ironically she is the older twin. In the original universe they come from, after a (radioactive? toxic waste? I don't quite recall) disaster, many of the residents of this town gained powers THROUGH DANCE. Hallie and Horatio were born after this disaster, but received the powers of ~*time*~. Hallies works similarly to Quicksilver, in that it looks like she has super speed, but she actually is slowing time around her (she can speed it up too but how useful is that besides for long, boring conversations?) After an horrific accident trying to protect her brother, she had been outcasted and joined the towns group of bandit(o)s. Incredibly sweet and kind, constantly pulling out whatever you need from her seemingly magical bag (how does it all fit in there? Ramona Flowers, is that you?). Her specialty, like many Banditos, is to make deliveries no matter who they’re from/for, or what they are. 
��           Time frame: has no knowledge about any events occurring after she left, such as Jack’s death, or the fall of Hyperion.
            Hallie’s parents met on Artemis, her mother’s home planet, and whether they fell in love or it was out of them both being from high standing, they got together and moved to Demophon, her father’s home planet and had twins. He worked closely with Hyperion, having a sort of high position there that Hallie never understood, and so Hallie and her twin Horatio were sent to Opportunity. Hallie quickly grew to hate it there, hate everything about Hyperion and Handsome Jack, seeing through the bullshit, and in a grand heist, stole nearly 12 million smack-a-roon-ees (exact amount unknown, though a quick estimate gives $10 million in cash and $1.5 million in tech and weaponry), along with some guns and Hyperion technology. She is obviously a wanted criminal, traveling across Pandora dodging the Hyperion goons they send after her. She carries a Lady First pistol, Interfacer shotgun, and Fremington’s Edge sniper rifle, (as of 08/03/18 enhanced accuracy and elementals added tobedecidedlaterwheniweightheprosandconsshhhhhh) though she mainly uses the pistol, keeping the Interfacer as an intimidation factor mostly, and Fremington to scope (GET IT) out what’s ahead of her. She rides around on a motorbike. She’s dedicated to helping Pandorans in need, often doing work for free and actually giving money away. It’s a mystery how much of the money she actually has left, but it seems that after her recent surfacing after hiding for so long she’s doing her best to just get rid of it. She has no interest in the cash she stole, besides improving life on Pandora for everyone. She’s happy living in a broken down shack, so long as she can make others happy.
FC: Emily Bador (but like, younger?)
Pinterest Board
These go for Hallie in general but I typed them out as Borderlands specific just because that’s the only RP-verse I’ve been in with her so far so why not elaborate in detail?
Big Eater: Self-explanatory, I don’t even feel the need to put a TV Trope quote here. Hallie can eat A LOT. It makes a lot more sense in her original verse but she does do a a lot of physical labor for a 19-year-old girl. She clearly manages to work it off at 5′7″ and 122 lbs.
Cute and Psycho: I feel like psycho is a little extreme but Hallie can go from adorable and sweet to vaguely threatening if the situation takes a turn. Her kindness is no act, and she is still fairly naive, but she’s not nearly as stupid as she sometimes acts, and is willing to defend herself if need be.
Deliberately Cute Child: “This is a kid who has all the stereotypically adorable childlike mannerisms: ..Puppy-Dog Eyes, and so on. Really, though, they're just faking it all; they've figured out it's a good way to get what they want. Sometimes characters like this are Really 700 Years Old... [Hallie is 19!!!] On the other hand, they might just be kids who've figured out their elders' emotional cheat codes.” -TV Tropes. I mean, Hallie is still pretty young and child-like, so it can go both ways.
False Innocence Trick: I probably am not using this completely right, but Hallie’s go-to. While good-hearted, she often pretends to be much more innocent than she actually is in hopes others underestimate her, and to gain sympathy. Even Hallie herself has a bit of a hard time knowing the line between the act and her true self sometimes. Will rework this one later
Killer Rabbit: As young and cute as she looks, if you try attacking her, she WILL fight back as mentioned above. She tells everyone she knows nothing about guns but the year she spent hidden she sure learned an awful lot. May or may not have prior knowledge/training in pistols on Helios, unclear. She’s no sharpshooter but I wouldn’t recommend taking your chances, she had to have taken out the Hyperion goons sent after her somehow, am I right? Will also rework this one later
Little Miss Con Artist: Played straight, see the above tropes (besides Big Eater lol). She’ll bump into you with an “Oops, sorry, I’m such a klutz!” and when you check for your wallet later, it’s gone. “Aww, look at sweet little Sally. So adorable, so innocent......wait, where's my wallet? This is when a little girl takes advantage of the perception that Children Are Innocent to play a bunch of adults for suckers. Sometimes this character will work in partnership with an adult, usually her father, but as often as not she's the real brains of the outfit.” - TV Tropes
Manic Pixie Dream Girl: “She's stunningly attractive, Energetic, high on life, full of wacky quirks and idiosyncrasies (generally including childlike playfulness)” -TV Tropes. I understand how complicated this term is so I’m going to do my best job to explain this simply: I would not necessarily call Hallie a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. but she has the personality, traits, and quirks of one. Her goal in life is to simply enjoy it, and allow others to enjoy it with her. She is not and has not been in a relationship, but is open to one. I’m even okay if it starts as a typical MPDG relationship SO LONG as it develops into something more/deeper.
Mysterious Past: “Often a Former Teen Rebel's old rebellion will be part of their mysterious past. Any dark deeds done in this period are part of a Dark and Troubled Past.” -TV Tropes. Just read the above About please don’t make me type the same stuff over and over again. Born on Helios, hated what Hyperion stood for so she left but not before taking some of their shit. 
Older Than They Look: “Sometimes characters don't look their age. Whether it was a deliberate artistic choice on the behalf of the creator (usually to make the character more attractive or to legally fulfill a fetish) or something much deeper and linked to their characterization and the plot, this character will be older than they look.”  -TV Tropes. Looks about 16, is 19.
Sweet Tooth: About as self-explanatory as Big Eater. Hallie’s favorite foods include suckers, which she always carries on her, and breakfast foods.
The Fake Cutie: Not really though. Not necessarily totally fake, but she plays it ‘Up to 11′ if we’re gonna keep using Trope Terms. Plays up her youthful appearance, through you typically won’t find her in childish clothing. “This cutie act is actually camouflage to hide her intelligence, [or] her true self... Sometimes she knows full well how shaken up her behavior makes her foes, and takes great joy in seeing them squirm. She tends to be very manipulative...” -TV Tropes. Will rework this later
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~A Night to Remember~
Fandom: Naruto/Boruto Series 
Charcter: Sasuke, Boruto, Hakuba 
Rating: T+
Trigger Waring: Nudity, Drug mention, Kidnapping 
A/N: A oneshot that came to me. I was bored. Hakuba is my OC/FC. 
The blonde sighed. It was a long day and he was glad that they’ll be sleeping soon. The 17-year-old Uzumaki had a white t-shirt and a pair of black pants on. A simple sleepwear. His sensei was about go out to get a few supplies and to find a bottle of wine. It was only 10:50 in the evening, but Boruto wasn’t about to question his sensei. He was too tired to care. The blonde settled down under the covers. He turned over and looked at the small form next to his futon. All his could see was the pure white hair of the back of the head and the lavender colored blanket that covered the body of the little girl.
“It’s suppose to get very warm tonight. Try to stay cool.”
Bourto looked over to the Uchiha and nodded. It can’t get that warm. The boy can handle whatever is thrown at him tonight weather wise.He had already told Sasuke not to get to drunk tonight. The soft opening and closing of the door, signaled that Sasuke had left the room. Boruto sighed and turned over onto his side facing the window. He was so ready to sleep.
Hot! The room was hot as hell! Holy hell, he wasn’t expecting it to be this hot. In search of relief, Boruto had taken all his clothes off. And he took every single peace off. He was completely naked under the thinnest sheet he can find. He looked at the little figure sleeping. She seemed fine. How  was she able to sleep with this much heat? The Uzumaki didn’t know. He lay under the thin sheet, sweating and very cranky. He was trying to fall back asleep, but the heat wasn’t allowing him. And the room didn’t have air conditioning. Boruto got up and walked to the bathroom. He was getting a drink of water. And he had too pee anyways. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. After using the bathroom, washing up and getting a drink. Boruto returned to the beds. And found a very strange scene.
Someone was leaning over the girl, trying to pick her up. It wasn’t his sensei. Boruto knew Sasuke’s body structure from years of traveling with him. Sasuke was skinnier than the person who was in here. Boruto blinked and growled. The person looked up and was startled to see the boy. Was it cause he didn’t expect to see someone else in the room or the fact that Boruto was naked. Whatever the case, the blonde was angry. Someone was trying to steal his baby.
Boruto grabbed his weapon, a sword. He had leaned it against the wall near the bathroom. He didn’t know why, but he didn’t care at the moment. The blonde let out a battle cry and charged at the intruder. The person dodges and ran to the door. It was opened and the room was flooded with light. It was a man. He was slightly taller than Boruto and was a bit more built than Sasuke, but that didn’t matter to the blonde. He gave chase.
Sasuke was heading back to the place he and his traveling group had rented. It had gotten very how very fast. He didn’t know what time it was. The heat had made him stop several times to cool off. But, he knew it was very late. He had gotten the supplies, but he skipped that wine and bought some cold water. He was halfway to the place, when he heard something.
The Uchiha raised an eyebrow as a man ran past him. He didn’t know what was going on, but blinked several times as his student ran pass. Was...Boruto naked? Sasuke could have sworn his had seen his student run by completely and utterly naked. And wielding his sword too. The Uchiha was very confused. Didn’t he really see that or was the heat messing with his mind?
Well, he got his answer and he heard female screams from the village. Yep, Boruto was chasing a guy while he was naked. Great! He didn’t need to know his student was a nudist. But, why would Boruto be chasing someone? He wouldn’t, unless………..
Sasuke felt utter panic. He forgot about the little girl traveling with them. She may have been a target. Sasuke had to get back to the house that they were ranting for the night. He had to make sure that the little girl was ok. What if there was another person or ninja waiting in the shadows? How could Boruto be careless? Sasuke was about to take off, but he produced a clone.
“Go and get Boruto. He doesn’t need to be running around with a sword...and nothing……...you know what I mean. Just get that teen and the gut too.”
And with that said, Sasuke left his clone to deal with the nude blonde and the guy he was chasing. Once back at the house, Sasuke open the door and hurried in. He found the girl sleeping peacefully on her futon. Sasuke gave a sigh of relief. But, panic set in again. What of she was drugged? Sasuke didn’t want it to be that. He has enough to deal with, since Boruto was naked and running about in the village.
The Uchiha set the supplies down and searched the house. Which wasn’t really big. It had a bathroom, a kitchen and a sleeping area. It was a place that was ranted for traveling shinobi. He didn’t find any intruders. Maybe they ran once they saw Boruto. One would not want to touch, let only be chased by someone who’s naked. The Uchiha leaned down and listened to the girl’s breathing. It was an even pace. He heard footsteps and grabbed a kunai. But put it down once he saw that it was his clone. But it was alone.
“He’s behind the house. The guy was long gone when I got to him. But, from what I was told, she’s fine. He must have just caught him when he came in.”
Sasuke sighed. At least that’s the decent thing the blonde has done. He relaxed a bit knowing that the little one was fine. He waved his hand and the clone disappeared. It wasn’t needed. Sasuke heard a tap at the only window and he looked. He saw Boruto’s blonde haired head popping out. He walked to the window and opened it.
“Can you hand my my pants or underwear?”
Sasuke rolled his visible eye and turned around. He found the teen’s pants and threw it at their owner. A ‘Thanks’ was heard and Sasuke sighed. What a night this was. And it’ll more busy soon.
“And that’s what happened.”
Sasuke finished the story and looked at the figure in his lap. The girl looked amazed and shocked at the sometime. Her pupiless white eyes were wide. But, Sasuke couldn’t blame her. Honestly, if he wasn’t there, he wouldn’t believe it either. But it really happened.
“Wait, so Papa ran after a guy naked?”
Sasuke nodded. It was something he’ll never forget. The little Otsutsuki girl blinked. She was more human looking than a normal Otsutsuki. But, she was still an Otsutsuki. The girl started laughing. It was very funny.
“Uncle, is that why, when those girls said ‘He’s mighty fine lookin. I previewed the goods last night.’ he was red as a tomato?”
Sasuke busted out laughing. That was the funniest thing that had happened that morning after the incident that night. He nodded several times. Indeed the blonde’s face was as red as a very ripe tomato.
“Yes, that’s the exact reason why.”
Sasuke had a slight pink tint to his cheeks. This was from laughing so much. The girl was laughing too. Just the thought of Boruto running naked after a guy was a very funny thing to her as well as to Sasuke. He still teased the blonde about it. Sasuke heard a small yawn. He looked down and chuckled.
“Tired, Hakuba?”
She shook her head, but was rubbing her eyes. Sasuke wrapped his only arm around the girl’s waist and he leaned off the couch. He carried the girl dressed in a pink and purple flower nightgown to her room. He set Hakuba in the ground and she climbed into her bed. He tucked her in.
“Uncle? If that happened, then why don’t I remember it?”
The child asked as Sasuke turned to leave. The Uchiha chuckled as he ruffled the child’s hair. He did find the little one interesting. For one particular reason. Something that he liked and wish he could do.
“Cause, Hakuba, out of everyone I’ve meet…….Your that heaviest sleeper I know.”
Said girl had a pout on her face and Sasuke laughed. Something about this 8-year-old was funny to the Uchiha. Was it that she was still a child and he was an adult? He may not know right now, but he’ll find the answer one of these days.
“Go to bed now. Boruto will be picking you up tomorrow.”
And with that, Sasuke turned the light off and closed the door. He walked to the kitchen of his house and opened the refrigerator. He grabbed a tomato and took a bite. It’s been about two years since Boruto and he found the Otsutsuki and now she calls him, uncle. And calls Boruto, papa. The fact that Sasuke willingly babysat her for the weekend, showed how strange these two years have been. Guess you can’t truly judge something by just a few bad apples.
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 8 years ago
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Welcome to the Wardens, Bo! Your application for ROGUE OC has been accepted with an Emilia Clarke FC.
I think we can all honestly say that we are super excited to have a Rogue/Bard in the group! I love how Belladonna is this clever, creative but sly woman - a celebrity in some ways! - and she is as dangerous as she is talented in her cunning ways. There is definitely a playful side to her I think, especially in the RP sample, which will be so interesting to see with the other Wardens! I think her talents with knowing the noble circles and the political pressures in Highwing will be called upon frequently by the Wardens, so she will become an essential source of information at times. She’s wonderfuly described and written; I can’t wait to see how she evolves during the hardships and battles the Wardens will have to endure!
The application can be found under the cut. You have 48 hours to create a roleplay account (cannot be a sideblog) for your character and we will be updating our opening date soon!
O O C - I N F O
Name: Bo
Age: 21
Timezone: CST
Activity Level: On a scale of 1-10, I can be about a 6. With my RPH and my schoolwork, I’m fairly busy. Sometimes there will be times where I’ll have to be gone for a whole day for maybe a jazz band concert or when the play I’m putting on is going on.
Extra: Any flashing gifs? Not necessarily a trigger, but I would prefer them tagged!
C H A R A C T E R - I N F O
T H E - B A S I C S
Name: Belladonna Tabris
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Class: Rogue; Bard
Faceclaim: Emilia Clarke
C H A R A C T E R - D E T A I L S
Nationality: Northern Regions (Siften)
Belladonna is a very aristocratic looking woman. Despite her humble beginnings, she was blessed with clear skin. However, she did have a bit of back acne, so she’s got a few acne scars on her back. As far as scars go, she’s got a small scar on her eyebrow from a stray rock when she was 10, and she’s got a larger scar on her stomach from an assassination attempt later in life. Despite Emilia’s frame, Belladonna is a bit chunkier than Emilia though not by much. She’s not itty bitty, but she’s not as large as her mother.
Positive: Clever, Freethinking, Imaginative, Virtuoso, Principled, Realistic (though sometimes pessimistic), Youthful, Undogmatic Negative: Conceited, Criminal, Demanding, Domineering, Haughty, Irritable, Power-hungry, Sly
C H A R A C T E R - B A C K G R O U N D
From the beginning of her life, Belladonna loved to sing. She adored the act of singing, hearing, and learning music just like her own mother. Often, she would sit in taverns with her mother and listen to her sing to the patrons and occasionally steal the coin purses right off of their belts.
Bell’s mother was a bard, and often she would sell secrets to lords and ladies of courts and places where she played. Bell’s mother taught Bell these tricks in due time through her life starting from age 5 (where she would wait for her mother to seduce men so Bell could slip behind them and cut their purses) to age 18 when her mother finally passed away. She taught Bell to woo a man or woman to get information and how to properly eavesdrop in a room full of patrons in a tavern. Many of Bell’s talents are thanks to her lovely mother, someone she still thinks of fondly of today.
Throughout her teenage years, she grew closer to her mother in the small village they lived in. Bell rarely talked to people in her village, opting instead to speak to travelers in the taverns where they would stop to resupply. Most of them told stories of the capital—Sorvin of its beauty. But the place she truly desired to be was Highwing. More than anything in the world, Bell desired to go to Highwing and sing for the King and Queen of Eldris. Her mother would always frown at Bell’s mention of this and move on from whatever they were talking about. Her mother was very vocally against Bell ever doing anything in Highwing or anything away form their small village in Siften. Never meeting her father, Bell assumed it was because her father was from Highwing. Her mother’s wary looks when a traveler would speak to Bell was proof enough. Bell was sure her father had broken her mother’s heart. But, she never learned the truth of that.
One fateful day (on her 18th birthday in fact), her mother was caught stealing and murdered by the man she stole from. Later on that night, Belladonna killed her first man, taking revenge for her mother’s death. When the guard came for her, she left Siften. She ran as far away as she could, all the way to Highwing, dodging the guard to the Siften border and then stealing to eat and live after that. She only got caught a few times when she just starting out, but by the time she got to Highwing, she was getting so much better. She’d leeched talents with her learned observing nature. Her mother taught her from the beginning to watch and learn and then watch and learn again.
She started off singing in local taverns, begging at some, and eventually got discovered by a young noble’s son who was in one of the upper class taverns with his father. She almost didn’t score that gig that night, almost getting flat out rejected for her appearance before she sang for the owner. The young noble demanded his father buy Belladonna for his use and singing, and for the low low price of 7 gold marks. The price of a person can be so fickle sometimes. Desperately in need of money, Bella took the gig, and for 5 years, she sang and tangled with the handsome young noble.
She was free to do as she wished when she wasn’t singing, so she explored the city as much as she could. She had money now, more money than she could believe. She had a salary! She had money to buy real clothes! She experienced a taste of a good life, and she never wanted to let it go. When she had money to actually live, she never wanted to be poor again, and she never wanted to feel helpless again. So, she made connections. She made friends. She got connections between sets, and she became quite the underground hit with most of the nobles. Before she knew it, other nobles were asking to hire her for a few nights (hiring her obviously through her current employers). She was happy, and she was popular.
When her young lord got married, she refused to “sing” for him anymore and used the connections she made over time and began to sing for the Highwing opera house. She sang; she danced. She became quite the soprano. By the time she was 28, she was one of the most sought out singer in the capital. She sang for a whole slew of people, poor and rich. Her face was on every poster and the like. And for 2 years, she was living in the lap of luxury. Golden silks and jewelry dangling from every surface. She was loving it. Until reports of the undead began to surface.
Then, she got worried. Her way of life was threatened! And when the opera house started to decline due to the political climate and the lowered financial glory, Bella knew she had to do something. So, she took the training she’d honed over the years, her roguish ways with a lock and key and headed for a group she knew would be able to help stop the wave of terror that would inevitably reach the capital—The Wardens. So, she headed as fast as she could to where they were rumored to be—Miwor Town—to join up, and she refused to leave until she was accepted. She was, in fact, so insistent that Sally Derry nearly kicked her out for sheer impertinence. But, she was accepted with reluctant gusto.
Reason for joining the Wardens:
Ever the gray area, Belladonna thinks the Wardens can help. If they can fix the whole “undead” thing, then she’s in. She wants to feel safe again, and she wants her life back again where she can just sing and be happy and rich. She’d never been rich before, and she wants that back. With the opera house closing for the time being, she wants to feel safe again, and she knows she can’t without defeating the big evil she used to only sing about.
Desired Connections:
The Stalker: Belladonna met The Stalker on her trip to Highwing, and they rescued her from an attack of wolves. She vaguely remembers them, but by the time she woke up the next morning, they were gone. She regrets never being able to say thank you.
The Leader: Belladonna has seen the Leader at various noble events in the capital. They know of eachother and Belladonna was as surprised
R O L E P L A Y - S A M P L E
Screams and shouts rouse your character from an afternoon nap in the busy town. A rough looking thief is dashing through the crowds, huddling a bag of jewels to his chest, and the soldiers are too far to act. What does your character do?
…Sitting in her dressing room, Bell stared out of the window and out at the streets of Highwing. She yawned quietly and sipped quietly at her tea. It was cold by now, but she didn’t mind, waking from blissful sleep to hear the sounds of the city around her. She gazed out with vibrant and bright eyes towards the streets where she saw a man ducking and running through the streets with a thick sack of gold and such. A few gold crowns slipped from the bag as he bumped into a very large man walking down the marketplace. He muttered a quick apology and continued to run while guards, bringing up the rear, chased after him. Thoroughly interested, she left her room to move through the crowd after him. She followed behind enough to see him actually give the guards the slip. So, he turned towards home, or what he called a home. She watched him finally slip inside and lock the door behind him. Bell glanced around to notice where she was in Highwing and grinned to herself, turning around and marching back to her dressing room.
She pulled her hair up out of her face, tying it back with a leather tie. She pulled her hood up to disguise her unique white gold hair and adjusted the black leather bodice she wore. A black silk scarf hid her face as she slipped out into the night where the silent marketplace hung in suspense. Her feet were light as a feather, dancing against the cobblestone of the street all the way to the thief’s house.
Slipping past guards to avoid suspicion (all persons in all black were inevitably found suspicious), Bell made it back to the thief’s house. It was easy to slip inside. Bell made quick work of the lock and slipped inside, tiptoeing across the dirt floor towards the sleeping thief. He looked so peaceful. She grabbed parchment and scribbled out a brief note before searching through nook and cranny for that bag of jewels.
Beneath a pile of hay, she found the sack, filled with rubies and amethysts and emeralds (her favorite). She snatched the bag, leaving one gold crown on the note she’d written.
‘You make a poor thief.
xoxo, a better thief’
She crept over a guard, eyes half lidded from lack of sleep. Two bags in her hand, she dropped on at his feet before disappearing into the night. The other bag, she tied to her belt, carrying it back to her dressing room. She’d be damned if she gave up those emeralds to the law. And a few gold crowns… And maybe one or two rubies. The rest, well, she’d return that stolen property. But, she always had her finder’s fee. Besides, the emeralds would look better on her.
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sportsleague365 · 7 years ago
LIVERPOOL have confirmed the signing of Xherdan Shaqiri from Stoke City for a reported fee of £13million, so we took a look at what the Swiss international can offer The Reds. Background To The PlayerShaqiri was born on October 10, 1991, in Gjilan, a Kosovan city in the former republic of Yugoslavia, to Kosovar-Albanian parents. His family emigrated to Switzerland in 1992, where he grew up and gained his Swiss citizenship, hence his eligibility for Switzerland’s national team. His youth career initially began with SV Augst before making the move to FC Basel’s youth setup at the age of around nine. While playing for the under-16s, he took part in the Nike Cup and won player of the tournament attracting the attention of several big clubs around Europe. However, he chose to stay with Basel and signed his first professional contract on January 2, 2009. His first appearance for the Swiss side came as a 17-year-old when he was brought on as a sub against FC St Gallen. His first goal came less than a month later in a Europe League qualifier. From there he went on to make 130 appearances, scoring 23 goals and getting 27 assists — winning the league three times and the Swiss Cup twice. His exciting performances had several clubs interested in his services but he had his heart set on a move to Bayern Munich since he first heard of their interest and the eventually signed him for a fee of 11m euros on February 9, 2012. At the time, journalist Raphael Honigstein called the move “a coup” for Bayern, and Shaqiri, who remained at Basel until the end of the 2011-12 season, proved that with some stellar performances in the Champions League. One of those came in a crucial group stage decider with Manchester United, where Shaqiri grabbed an assist and played a key role in another goal as Basel ran out 2-1 winners, consigning the Mancs to a third-place finish and the Europa League knockouts — only the third time in 17 years they had failed to get past the group stage. Shaqiri’s first appearance for Bayern came as a sub in the last five minutes of their German Super Cup win over Jürgen Klopp’s Borussia Dortmund in 2012. His first goal came in his second appearance, a German Cup match which Bayern won 4-0, with the Swiss winger also grabbing two assists. During his time at the Allianz Arena he made 81 appearances, scoring 17 goals and getting 19 assists. He was one of the Bayern players to win the only treble in the club’s history, winning a total of three Bundesliga titles, two German Cups, the German Super Cup, the Champions League, the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup. However, Shaqiri’s game time dried up under Pep Guardiola and their relationship soured after the Spaniard denied him a move to Liverpool. Eventually Shaqiri was allowed to leave, though Liverpool were again left high and dry as he signed for Inter Milan on January 10, 2015 for a fee in the region of 15m euros. His first appearance for Inter came just a week after the move was completed as he came off the bench against Empoli. His first goal came three days later in a Coppa Italia last 16 clash with Sampdoria, his first start for the club. In total he made 20 appearances, but only managed three goals and two assists, before Roberto Mancini decided he wanted him off the wage bill. Stoke, who had apparently tried to sign him just prior to his move to Inter, made a move for Shaqiri but the move initially stalled when he failed to meet a deadline set by The Potters to agree terms — as Mark Hughes believed he hadn’t shown complete enthusiasm towards the move. Eventually the deal was revived and Stoke got their man on August 11, 2015 for a fee of around £12m. His first appearance came as a starter against Norwich, in which he grabbed an assist, but his first goal didn’t come until December. However, true to the cliche, his first was followed by a second in the same game, a 4-3 win over Everton in which Shaqiri scored the club’s goal of the season with a chip over Tim Howard from outside the area. In March 2018, Shaqiri caused a stir by saying his teammates lacked quality and that even Ronaldinho would not improve the team, in an interview with a Swiss magazine. He was eventually proved right though, as Stoke were relegated from the Premier League. The Swiss international is coming off the back of his best season at Stoke with eight goals and seven assists, despite their relegation. In total he made 92 appearances, scoring 15 goals and getting 15 assists. Although the overall numbers don’t look great on paper, people had the same fears over Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain when he arrived from — on top of questions about how much of a role he would play and look what happened there. Shaqiri most recently appeared for Switzerland at the World Cup, assisting his side’s only goal in a 1-1 draw with Brazil and scoring in their second group game against Serbia — which he celebrated by making a wings gesture with his hands, in tribute to his Albanian heritage, after being booed by Serbia fans before the game. The winger has won a total of 75 caps for his country, scoring 21 goals and getting 19 assists. Summary Of The DealAs mentioned earlier, Shaqiri revealed that Bayern had denied him the chance to join Liverpool in 2014. “I had offers from Liverpool and Atletico Madrid. I opted for Liverpool. Brendan Rodgers contacted me a few times during the World Cup. But Bayern blocked my move.” Liverpool had further reported interest in Shaqiri when he was set to leave Bayern in 2015. From there his unsuccessful spells at Inter and a couple of below-par seasons at Stoke would have had supporters thinking The Reds had dodged a bullet. The club’s renewed interest was confirmed by local journalists at the start of last month, with Klopp looking for greater depth in the forward positions. The belief seems to be that he’s mainly to be used as backup for Mo Salah on the right, but he has played on the left and through the middle numerous times throughout his career so has the same versatility the manager seems to look for in his signings. Suggestions were that the club would wait until after the World Cup to get any remaining deals tied up and so it has proved with Liverpool agreeing a fee of £13m with Stoke yesterday, slightly higher than the initially reported release clause, after Lazio tried to make a late counter offer. Shaqiri cut his holiday short to take part in a medical on Merseyside and joins The Reds on a five-year deal. Welcome to Liverpool, Xherdan Shaqiri pic.twitter.com/9jR0qblxks — The Anfield Wrap (@TheAnfieldWrap) 13 July 2018 Quotes About ShaqiriThorsten Fink (Basel manager 2009-2011): “He lives on the fun that he has on the pitch, and if there’s no fun, it becomes difficult for him. He’s a real street footballer.” Heiko Vogel (Basel manager 2011-12): “Shaq is small but he is a giant. He is carefree, plays with a lot of self confidence and is also creative.” Jupp Heynckes (Bayern manager 2012-13): “Shaqiri has an exceptional talent and an excellent left foot. The right — I suppose — is just there, so he does not fall over.” Matthias Sammer (Bayern sporting director 2012-2016): “He is a player who is capable of holding the ball and of producing surprises and creativity. That makes him unpredictable.” Mark Hughes (Stoke manager 2015-2018): “Shaq is probably more of a ball manipulator rather than being the guy whose game is solely based on pace. He will draw people into challenges and then skip past them. He’s able to pick the right pass at the right time and create chances” Paul Lambert (Stoke manager 2018): “The way he’s playing, he’s right at the top of his game, right on top of his game. Wherever his career eventually goes, he’s a top player.” Injury RecordThe majority of Shaqiri’s injury have been muscle related which could be a worry for The Reds if they prove to be a recurrence. However, he did manage to stay fit for the duration of last season, according to transfermarkt.co.uk. FOR MORE REACTION TO THE SIGNING OF XHERDAN SHAQIRI, SUBSCRIBE TO TAW PLAYER… Xherdan Shaqiri has signed for Liverpool… Watch our immediate reaction to the Reds’ newest forward here https://t.co/36R20vvO8n Subscribe and listen to our Shaqiri special, including a chat with Stéphane Henchoz, here https://t.co/lmNtBz4ADz pic.twitter.com/LT7RSIThLN — The Anfield Wrap (@TheAnfieldWrap) 13 July 2018 Recent Posts: * Shaqiri Signs: What The Swiss Star Can Bring To Liverpool Josh Sexton - 13 July 2018 * Radio City Talk: Degsy’s World Cup Runners The Anfield Wrap - 13 July 2018 * The Gutter: Shaqiri Arrives But Will Reds Rekindle Deal For Fekir? The Anfield Wrap - 13 July 2018 * AFQ: The Vice The Anfield Wrap - 12 July 2018 * The World Cup Show: Not Coming Home The Anfield Wrap - 12 July 2018 Pics: David Rawcliffe-Propaganda Photo Like The Anfield Wrap on Facebook Follow us on Twitter The post Shaqiri Signs: What The Swiss Star Can Bring To Liverpool appeared first on The Anfield Wrap. #ShaqiriSigns #GermanSuperCup #BayernMunich
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sageblake · 10 years ago
★: Their favorite celebrity.
No matter how many times this question is asked to her (or similar questions - “Are there any actors you wish to collaborate with?” or “If anyone could guest star on BB, who’d you want it to be?”), Sage can never come up with one solid answer. She just looks up to so many actors. There are, of course, the big bads: Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Leonardo DiCaprio, Will Smith, etc. Then you have the new guys on the block, or the people who had just recently made a splash on the Hollywood scene before the outbreak: Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Daniel Radcliffe, Jennifer Lawrence, etc. Then there are just the actors she thought whould be hella cool to work with: Amanda Seyfried, Channing Tatum, any of the That 70s Show cast, any of The Walking Dead cast, Neil Patrick Harris, etc. So she had a lot of people she admired and whose works she liked. She also looked up to her costars—any and all of them. Whether they worked with her on one of her indie movies, or they starred along-side her on Blue Beetle, Sage always found that she could learn something from them. 
✖: A trait they despise in people.
Despise is such a strong word. Sage doesn’t necessarily hate any one trait in somebody, but she doesn’t like it when people are arrogant. Sage is a really humble person. So when people think they’re superior or better than others for whatever reason, and then act that way towards others—it just really irks her. Especially if they act like they’re someone to be praised and doted on by everyone else and everyone should be happy to be in their presence. She just can’t get with that. 
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 7 years ago
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Tom Felton. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 8 years ago
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Tom Felton. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
Main | Plot | Most Wanted | Characters | Ask
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 8 years ago
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Sebastian Stan. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 7 years ago
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Tom Felton. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Tom Felton. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 8 years ago
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WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Tom Felton. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Tom Felton. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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0 notes
asecretsummer-rpgpromo · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
WANTED! FC can be changed!
♠ Gareth O’Neill is 26 years old and is often confused with Sebastian Stan. He is Open.
“I’m just here for my friend.”
→ Background
Gareth is from Scotland. He was born in Fife but his parents moved to Edinburgh when he was six so he’s always considered himself from there instead. He was of average intelligence but couldn’t find it in himself, after the age of thirteen, to put in the effort required to achieve the grades. He would much rather mess around with his group of friends than focus on school - which was completely boring in his opinion. His parents pushed him to study and try harder and he managed to scrape by but he never got the grades he could achieve if he really got stuck into it. Gareth didn’t mind so much. It wasn’t a big deal because he knew that these days grades didn’t exactly guarantee you anything.
Gareth, or Gaz as he was sometimes known, made a very close group of friends in primary school (though he was a couple years older than the rest) and the six of them were as close as thieves all the way up to high school and beyond. Which was unusual because the sad fact of life is that you often grew apart from your friends as you got older. Luckily, though, they were all as thick as thieves. The group consisted of Gaz, Jenny, Stace, Jimmy, Paul, and Sarah. They would roam the streets of the city laughing and getting up to trouble, hang out in various shopping centres or parks, the girls would have sleepovers and, as they got older, they’d go out drinking and looking for something fun to do to pass the time.
He met Jenny’s cousin Xanthe when she came to stay so she could attend college and, surprisingly, the two hit it off. Xanthe was a bit moody and distant at first, didn’t seem like she wanted to make friends or be social, but eventually she warmed up to him a bit and they started dating. It wasn’t exactly serious, at least not on her end, but they were official and Gareth quite liked having a girlfriend. Someone new to spend time with and do things with. Going to the cinema or for dinner with someone other than his group of mates was unusual since they all tended to stick together but it was nice. Not that he hadn’t had girls before but not a real relationship. Xanthe could be very hot and cold, however, and she ended things pretty abruptly shortly before she moved back to England. She never really told him why and it caused a slight rift between him and Jennifer for a while but he soon thawed because it wasn’t really her fault. It’s not like he’d been in love with Xanthe, he was just a bit put out about the way things had ended… but life soon got back to normal and soon Gareth got himself a job working in a bowling alley and started on and off dating Sarah, who’d apparently had a crush on him for forever. You could say life was pretty close to perfect.
→ Back to Baberton
Coming to Baberton had been a complete spur of the moment thing. Jenny had gone missing, no one could find her. She wasn’t at her parents house, she wasn’t picking up her phone, she’d deactivated her social network accounts… everyone was worried about her. The group had started to drift apart from each other in the last month. Gaz and Sarah broke up and she never returned any of his messages so eventually he stopped trying. Paul threw himself into work and didn’t really talk to anyone anymore.. and Jenny disappeared. Gareth was worried and he was really unhappy, too, that his group had fallen apart. After all these years of being friends, all the things they’d been through together, to end like this?
It took him a while to remember where it was Xanthe had lived and that maybe, just maybe, Jennifer had gone to visit her cousin. Didn’t she mention something once about her other cousin Bella being murdered? Gareth isn’t sure how much of a long shot this trip is going to be but he has to try. He’s worried about his friend and wants to be certain she’s okay… and if she isn’t here then maybe Xanthe knows something? Anyway, he figured a break from the city would do him the world of good right now.
→ What’s His Secret?
About a month ago he and his friends were all drinking out in the streets one night, dodging cop cars and playing some risky version of truth or dare. Stace was dared to go home with some tourist guy they met in a bar and Jimmy was dared to jump into the river. It all seemed harmless and fun at the time. Stace had gone home with guys before and Jimmy was the strongest swimmer out of all of them. But the next day nobody could find or get hold of either of them. All that turned up was Stacey’s jacket. Were they dead? That was just… too horrible to even imagine, how could a harmless game of truth or dare turn into such a nightmare? It’s what made the group drift apart.. feeling like they killed their friends. It’s been over a month and still no word, no bodies, no phone calls.. nothing. Gareth figured coming to Baberton and trying to get Jenny to talk to him was the only option.. he couldn’t stand it if he lost all his friends.
Received a text from Stacey’s phone some time after she’d already gone off with that guy. Gareth doesn’t have the best memory of that night because of the amount of alcohol he’d consumed and doesn’t remember whether or not he went to meet her or what happened. He’s been obsessing over it and feeling incredibly guilty. The message just asks him where he was… but his outbox has been emptied so he has no way of knowing if he responded. There is an outgoing call to her phone, however, and he’s just absolutely terrified. Is it possible he’s the last one who saw her alive?
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