#/biased mun is biased and in love with miles
reijiedge · 13 days
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FOREWORD.ㅤㅤㅤhomophobia, transphobia, (trans)misogyny, racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, and all other -phobic rhetoric is not welcomed here. if i unfollow, which is 99% of the time because i don't see us interacting, i'll be either softblocking or hardblocking. finally, themes such as death, violence, gore, murder, suicide, etc. will be present in writing.ㅤplease proceed with caution. i'm also replaying the series so please bear with me !ㅤFREE PALESTINE. 001.ㅤㅤㅤ#REIJIEDGE  is a canon divergent portrayal of MILES EDGEWORTH from shu takumi's ace attorney. highly selective and mutually exclusive. mains and potentially exclusives will be practiced. the muse's thoughts do not equal nor reflect the mun's. 002.ㅤㅤㅤi'm a slow writer, so i cannot stress this enough: take all of the time that you need with responding and interacting, there's no deadlines here. i'm also prone to (hyper)fixating on and prioritizing certain threads. please don’t take it personally if i happen to reply to our thread a bit slower than another thread: it’s in  no way  an indication of how much i want to write with you. 003.ㅤㅤㅤif my formatting is in any way not accessible, please let me know. i’m more than willing to accommodate, particularly by matching your formatting. all art featured is official artwork and spritework edited by me. please don't steal it, the sprites are available online ! 004.ㅤㅤㅤi will be practicing  lenient ship exclusivity. i will  not  ship with more than two portrayals of one character and may default to outright exclusivity if i really click with the writer. that's simply my preference. my ship biases are wrightworth and gumworth but i love crossover ships ! 005.ㅤㅤㅤnsfw is highly selective. should nsfw occur, however, it will be tagged as #nsfw tw. all triggers and content warnings will be tagged accordingly and upon request. tagged triggers include: #abuse tw, #suicide tw, #death tw.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
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So I bought Ace Attorney artbook and found out that Mia looks stunning. She is beauty, she is grace, she will win the court trial and sass you in the face
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obliviouskind · 3 years
➳ ▼ (for Cyrus and/or Hikari...or any of your NPC characters!)
Ask the mun!
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➳ : Do you prefer writing on your own, on tumblr/a forum, or on an IM platform? Why?
I honestly go back and forth on what I enjoy. I think if you’ve paid attention to my blogs these… About four years, is it? Then I think you could assume that I do enjoy writing for, and with, myself. And it would be a correct assumption, haha. Before I joined the tumblr rpc, the way I spent my free time was honestly to just read, as well as write, fanfiction – and that lingers with me in so far as my enjoyment in writing drabbles go.  Even if… That’s dwindled over time, but I’m trying to get back into the swing of things over all. There’s always an appeal, in my mind, to rp though. As much as I love to control every little detail, as much as I love to overthink and add little details only I will notice – to see the world I put my characters into from the perspective of someone else? It’s interesting, and it makes writing fun in a way it usually isn’t. I enjoy other people’s creativity and what they bring to the table; when a character or setting end up different from what I personally would’ve written them like, had I been the puppet master on both sides.
There’s good and bad things about it, sure – just as with writing for yourself has its pros and cons – but overall… Well.
I enjoy both equally, but perhaps at different times.
I will say I don’t really fancy im writing, though, unless it’s on a platform like say – discord. And even then I have some issues with it (side-eyes the word cap) but it’s still a good place to write. We all need some privacy from time to time, ey?
▼: Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
I think I could run a mile with my dislike for what the fandom does to Cyrus, and I certainly have expressed it in the past (found :here:) but, if I had to put down some general points?
- I strongly dislike the idea that he’s some depressed, short gremlin. Where this impression comes from I’m honestly not sure, I can’t recall if he was particularly short in the anime – nor has he ever felt significantly smaller than any other villain the series has presented us with. It is, let’s be real… Only done because he’s seen as the repressed uke in mlm ships – and I hate that.
- That he’s theatrically depressed is, too, something I don’t really understand. Cyrus to me, in the Medias we have seen him in, has always read as someone who is extremely ambitious and goal oriented – hes self-assured and confident to a fault and that, in my mind at least, doesn’t suit the description of someone who is depressed. I think we can blame his physical appearance on this take, more so than anything, but who knows.
- I hate. Hate. HATE. The ‘Cyrus fused with Giratina’ take that was oh so popular when I first joined the rpc. I will be real, had I been maybe… 14 again, then sure. I’m sure it would’ve appealed to me, because I was a depressed emo teenager who loved anything that was ‘ohhh dark and scary and out of the norm’. But it’s just such a juvenile concept, it’s never done well and frankly just doesn’t suit Cyrus’s character.
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With Hikari, it’s a little more… Difficult, to pinpoint fanon aspects I dislike. She’s a protag, and the appearances she’s made in all different Medias are vastly different and, I suppose, serve their purpose in one way or another. In a general sense though, as it relates to the choices I’ve made for my own take on her?
- I do honestly really dislike the sort of primadonna attitude that she’s sometimes given. This mean girl attitude, rich princess feel – and I realize it’s influenced by her Berlitz variant but- It just doesn’t sit right with me. It doesn’t feel like her. Same for the monotone, Strong Distant Girl attitude.
- Similarly, I don’t enjoy the take where she Hates Cyrus with Her Whole Heart. I’m biased, of course, but to me the dynamic of the pt protag and villain has always been a unique and interesting one, and to boil it down to something so shallow (given, too, my own takes in Cyrus as a character) makes it feel like you care more about trying to… I don’t know, like you’re trying to posture this ‘Obviously this is Bad and this is Good and if you think otherwise then you’re just as Bad as This’ sort of attitude. When, at least in my opinion, it’s much more interesting to have a more complex dynamic between the two – this gray area, rather than black and white.
- Lastly, I guess… I hate the name Dawn for her, lol.
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multiipl · 4 years
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@galaxythixf​ said:
Do you have favourite ships?
*; this »  Guilty As Charged - MUN EDITION
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*; OOC » That’s like asking if the sky is blue, Nova! You know I have favourite ships and plenty of them with you! So to indulge you and the whole dash in some of my favourite ships with you, I’d put Jirouma, and TsuStar way up high (but I am biased bc I love TsuStar to death). I’m also veeeery biased of Fenette/Netteflix/Felannie (how many names has this ship jfc) but you know that already. Man I just really love shipping, all ships are my favourites. It’s hard to chose! I also just want to mention some more gems such as Kia (for the uninvolved: Keiji x Tia Safalin) or the Persona ships we got like GOOD SHIP RIGHT THERE
But aside from ships I have with you, I also like ships you have! Like Bakumomo (yes specifically you and @reflectionbound​ right there!) I can’t even call it good content because it is INCREDIBLE content. Love it. VERY MUCH. 
On the note of more ships that I have with others, without a doubt, @errantinfinity​ and my plethora of ships have a whole lot of faves like Dabiko, SKK and Mercidue! Same goes for @iactito​ like... cmon you didn’t expect me to sleep on Mirido in a post about favourite ships, did you? I am ??? in love??? like holy shit man Mirido is probably.... one of my big time OTPs... but I’m biased bc Ido is my baby and Dani is amazing!
Some more favourite Ships include Royai *pokes* @biggergiants​ *pokes* like aside from RPing Royao has always and I really mean always been one of my all time favourite ships (as well as Ed and Winry)
I can talk about ships for HOURS I love ships I have so many favourites it’s unhealthy.... I’ll put some honorable mentions under the cut bc this is getting out of hand!
Honorable mentions of some more faves in no particular order other than “popping in my head at the thought of favourite ships” regardless of rping
Kataang // Tyzula // Jetko // Mericcup // Eugenzel // Hilclaude // Hilspar // Linsythea // Tanith Low x Ghastly Bespoke // Gajeel x Levy // Natsu x Lisanna // Mirajane x Laxus // Kirimina // WangXian // ChengZhen (oc x canon ship) // Narumitsu (Phoenix Wright X Miles Edgeworth) //    Tsunayoshi X Kyoko (KHR)  // Sora X Kairi (KH) // Rennora (RWBY) // Arkos (RWBY) 
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bloodfcst-a · 4 years
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@chhenleng​ said: 7 & 14 ! questions for mun.
7. Who was the very first muse you ever wrote?
I think it was Rikku? I was like hardly in middle school writing on forums. I used to be on EoFF and also jumped on the making proboards trend. However, she didn’t really stick. I let other people decide the muse for me + honestly everything felt really inauthentic. I was also like, 10 or 11 at the time, so y’know. I also remember starting Eiko Carol like shortly after, and she had like a school badge and everything... this was on LiveJournal though. She also didn’t stay very long, but that’s mainly because I had just started going back to school ( I’d been homeschooled for two years ) and it was hard for me to keep up with schoolwork. I eventually explored a few other muses ( Zidane Tribal, Rubedo from Xenosaga, Maximillion Pegasus, Selphie Tilmitt, Fujin from VIII ), all during 8th and 9th grade. Then I stopped again until I got roped to join Tumblr with Yuffie. And then... as they say, the rest is history.
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (in the rp community or otherwise)
Winter just wants me to be roasted. Okay then.
If I’m being completely honest, I’ve been roaming in otome land for like the last year & now I read a lot of OC or reader fic ahaha. But! Outside of me trying to fulfill my needs for hugs.......
drumroll please...
okay thank gawd this doesn’t say top 5 bc I would struggle lmao. My default things would say “ character x happiness ” but I recognize that’s like cheating the system so u know.... I’ll be for realsies.
Rufus & any of his Turks. Tseng is an obvious one, but I’ve seen a lot of good fic with Reno and Rude too, so I don’t want them to be excluded.
Wrightworth. I enjoy Phoenix & Maya’s partnership but Miles has been there from the beginning & they each play a role in each other’s redemption arcs. They’re always together anyway. 
Joseph Joestar & Caesar Zeppeli. Easily. 
Snow Villiers & Serah Farron. Snow and Fang are also a cool power couple but honestly, he can’t handle her. So I’ll go back to Snow & Serah.  
Soriku. I don’t read any fic, but like honestly the ending of KH3 was just Sokai forced in there and while I am happy for Kairi to like be remembered in canon and that she for like literally four whole seconds got to be not damsel in distress.... ( bc she did again!!! damn!! chronic Princess Peach syndrome out here!! ), like.... y’all I felt robbed. 
While I’m here can we talk about my five not-predator curated ships for Yufi tho?
Rufus & Yufi. I just want the heir to the throne ship. ghiofghdf okay but honestly I could go into this for ages and they just. mesh well. Thank you Square for going all in on my content kthx.
Reno & Yufi. Very much the “we messed around for a summer and it meant nothing so we still have a solid friendship, but it was fun while it lasted” kind of dynamic. Definitely the “wyd?” kinda dynamic. Both of them are married to their careers, have no time to commit to other people, so like... you know. Bet.
Leon & Yufi. I love their partnership in KH, it’s so good. With the Twilight Town crew and the Ice Cream gang, I think they get overshadowed nowadays. But they were the true MVP. 
I don’t know how I almost forgot Tseng & Yufi. But OH MY GAWD. Look. I have a lot of feelings on this. I am excited to see lately the depictions of Tseng disconnected from his Wutai roots, because I am weak for all iterations of that man, but like honestly I think some of the most enjoyable writing I’ve had here on Tumblr has come from writing this ship. 
Wild card! I’d be remiss to not include @flamereign​ ! I feel like people just see Lea and Yufi as these high energy characters and kinda forget about their tragic backstories. I’m glad that KH3 for one let us see how hot Lea is in updated graphics, but also it really touched on that there are some sore spots & that he’s tender-hearted for those he cares about & he’s still working through his own trauma. Even in a completely safe universe, per say, he’d still have his own healing to work on full time.... so. Also Enya is a true peach and I adore her, so. Thank you for sticking with me through everything. 
Bonus! I want to include @garrotejima​ too. I just think Majima and Yufi have something special, and I love that Dean goes along with any verse and any dumb idea I have. I can say a lot about Majima & I’m biased because... I love him, but like... I just really enjoy how he can kind of see through Yufi’s bullshit and can support her, and I also love that Yufi loves him and all of his antics, not in spite of them or as an exception or anything like that. Whether he’s roughed up from a fight or in the thrill of the battle or in thigh highs or just being silly with baseball, Yufi’s like... so soft for him. It’s fun to write Yufi having tender moments with someone and Majima just... allows her to feel comfortable being vulnerable & it’s so good. It’s so good. I love them. I also love Dean, too. Haven’t bragged about them in a while, it was time I hit the quota!
This was so long i’m so sorry foihgodfg.
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alleinmeilen · 6 years
Tori Talks!
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my opinion on;
character in general: Klavier is great! I may be biased when it comes to AA Prosecutors obviously, but I do enjoy him a lot!how they play them: SO GOOD????? I SCREECH????? You give him so much character and heart!the mun: Super friendly! Very creative! Also very open to ideas and interactions!
do i;
follow them: Of course!rp with them: Yes!want to rp with them: Anytime! ship their character with mine: As of somewhat recently yes but shhh don’t tell Miles I said that
what is my;
overall opinion: So good! A 10/10 blog
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thatslayer · 7 years
RPC Positivity Week - Day One
                   Well, it's day numero one of the RPC Positivity Week and day one's challenge is to name off my favorite portrayals of characters from my own fandom of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it's spin-off, Angel the Series.
It's going to be hard to narrow down favorites, because the BtVS community has a lot of talent. Even if I don't mention you, know that it's only because I'm really narrowing each character down to one or two blogs. <3
Buffy Summers There are a fair amount of good Buffy's on tumblr, but @iwannadogirlystuff gets a gold star, here, for her great Buffy voice and constant battle to keep her muse canon and interesting. Sometimes that means being wrong, sometimes that means being single, sometimes that means being hurt and she doesn't take the easy way out and let all that work happen off-screen. She knows how to let Buffy take her own side while the greater plot stays neutral. Big on plot, zero drama. Happy to give real, helpful critique and ask for it in return because the story and portrayal are what matters, not the ego. She's also the kindest, most sweetest chickie you're likely to meet. I love you to bits and am absolutely biased. Gracious, girl, you're a gift from the RP gods, lol.
@buffyisms is such a dang cutie, so sweet. So much fun to talk to, especially when it comes to Duffy (Dean/Buffy) or the actual horrors of waitressing. I don't know her well, yet, but hope to remedy that!
Willow Rosenberg I've been writing with @optimisticyellowcrayon for a hundred-million years and a closer to canon Willow, I don't think I could find. She's got the voice down, and I can't imagine Willow's voice is all that easy to master. She gets this girl, eyeballs to entrails, and writing with her is like writing with a magical manifestation of the real Willow Rosenberg. And, on top of that, mun is crazy sweet and nice and awesome. Even when she's having a bad day, she goes out of her way to help make the OOC Bunkerverse a positive, supportive and friendly place to be and I loves the crud out of her.
I really like having @willowiiisms on my dash. We haven't done much writing together (my fauuuult), but he's fudging adorable and a lovely Miss Rosenberg, to boot.
Xander Harris There aren't really a lot of Xanders around, at least there aren't many active ones, but @strangeandoffputting goes the extra mile to make his Xander sound and act right -- even if that means Xander comes off badly to the reader. Before Jan took on Xander, I thought he couldn't do any better than his super on the mark Sam Winchester ( @samattheend ), but I think he's actually better at Xander than he is at Sam. He's also my actual tumblr husband, one of my bestest friends, and a silly dope who can long-distance cuddle with the best of them.
Rupert Giles @youhavemyrespect - Mo, my darling. If you love Giles and you aren't following this sweetheart, you're doing all the things wrong. They deeply, deeply understand Giles. His motivations always seem fully on the mark, he sounds like Giles (JUST like Giles, in point of fact). With the same measure to his words, the same tone and turn of phrase, the same personality down to a T. Mun is also such a kind, silly, wonderful person and rounds out our uber-canon Bunkerverse scooby gang.
@whowatches I haven't written with this Giles yet, but I have seen some stuff on my dash that I thought was pretty dang awesome. Mun is such a sweetheart. <3
Spike @spiketheforsakensoul​, the love of my unlife and one of the best Spike blogs you're likely to stumble upon. On an unfortunate hiatus while Wil plays over at Lucifer ( @punishmentismyjob ), but he's had something like 19-20 years experience with Spike (most of which he's wasted playing opposite yours truly <3) and knows the way his weird little mind works. Killer Spike voice + great writer + sexy mun = happy Faye.
Cordelia Chase @hervisions has the Cordy voice down pat, quips and all, and she's a welcome sight when she graces my dash. Everyone needs more Cordelia in their lives.
Faith Lehane Can I just point out how much I miss @beautypowerdeath? I hate it when people run off and leave me to fend for myself, lol. Probably my favorite Faith on the tumblee, and we've had our share of awesome Faith blogs.
Oh, I've known Char for too damn long. @faithiiisms is funny and silly and all sorts of awesome. One of my favorite Faiths. <3
Lilah Morgan @lilahemorgan​, who's a little ball of sunshine, always ready to write and has nothing but positive vibes for everyone. Lovely and welcome addition to the Bunkerverse, has no problem going toe-to-toe with the white hats while remaining ambiguous about Lilah's hero or villain status. Love to love ya, girlfriend. ;)
@hellscounsel - I still can't believe there are two Lilah's now, she's such an undersung character. This lovely miss can carry Lilah's moods and character voice, haven't done much writing with her, though! Mun is a cutie.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce Aaron's a hoot, carries half of the BtVS minor character blogs all by himself. Very good Wes voice, haven't had a chance to write with him, yet. Go follow @exwatcher, because I said so.
Ethan Rayne Well, it seems like all we've got is @liminalchaos, but that's just fine by me. Every now and then I'll see some hilarious meme go by on my dash, or some of their fantastic writing and it makes my day. Ethan is a treasure, and they're doing a damn fine job with him.
I know I missed a ton of folks, this is more a list of people I rp with or who I see on my dash often and enjoy their portrayals. Feel free to send me blogs if you think I should check them out/rp with them/update this list.
Remember, darlings! Be excellent to each other and part on, dudes!
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in-carnage-i-bloom · 8 years
One year a Jhin blog changed my life ( the story)
One year today I made this blog. I didn’t think it would go anywhere. I was wrong.
I’ll be honest. I was about to give up on the role play community here. After seeing how ugly drama can get on the basis of a he said she said mentality and falsified fact checking I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay here. The absolute anger some feel when lore changes and art updates alone was horribly sour to see. It put me in an uneasy place. I wasn’t in the best of relationship on a personal level and came here to escape from the abuse that it was. But what was it worth when all you see is people man hunt another person for having a differing opinion?
Either way it was a hive mind here and it was not helping me escape the situation with my ex. That was until Jhin was announced. I was infatuated with the video, art, idea and voice of him. Now I may be biased because I’m a metal gear fan and although I think Raiden is a whinny bitch (looking at you mgs 4) I love his voice. After all, I annoyed my friends when they announced project yasuo at its release. I felt the compulsion to maybe try Jhin as a blog. What harm was it going to do? I was leaving any way right? I would just go unnoticed and leave in a month any way.
Man was I wrong. The first two and thee weeks where mostly shit posting and the blood moon au with @code-thief I did have that fling with Vayne and even Zoey. At that time I was still building the Jhin I play now. I played with the idea that he wasn’t sexually gratified unless he was shooting someone (yes hello unwrite a bunch of smut for fun).And Tobias wasn’t particularly able to be killed. This was purely perfect for Jhin in my head. This was the idea I had. But the more I played with him the more I lost this idea.
Then @dunk-me-darius came into play. Now I followed Darius back with my other league blog and sat quietly watching for a year prior. I’m a scared person to approach blogs of any sort of status let alone one thar draws. Even with the past drama fresh at the time I still didn’t stop watching. The drama wasn’t mine to judge and honestly I know what was publicly known had much more to it then what we knew (iceberg effect).
Darius posted a thing asking for people to say happy birthday to another Jhin blog. I bit the bullet and sent a off anon message to this Jhin and wished them a happy birthday. After all kindness gets you out of bronze. This small gesture changed my life. Although this other Jhin and I have bad blood now, I want to thank them for helping me out of an even more toxic and abusive relationship then any of the drama I have been in and seen here on Tumblr. My animals and my sanity really benefited from it.
Now that Darius and I where talking. We started the roleplay of Jhin and Darius. This started gaining us both attention. Where as attention comes here, jealousy arises. This started gaining me some hate. Not the hate I had with my morgana blog. Oh no a whole different type of hate. Hate that would get you banned from league and the dictionary definition of #triggered hate. At first it was amusing. The unrelenting hatred people had for the ship and Darius was overwhelming all on the basis of past things that have been dealt with and buried.
Well I stuck through it even if it got bad. We moved to Skype since Tumblr freaked out every time we conversed. My inbox wasn’t a joyous +1 (in my case +12). We continued the ship, started calling one another bae for the muses. This was the escape I needed. It helped me feel happiness again. Darius was also happy (I hope) and we really made a good friendship out of it. We inspired one another. We kept making eachother laugh. Although I suck at league, Darius still played with me. Taught me some valuable things in top lane and helped me not be soo passive(although I still am because I fear letting the team down). It was great.
April is darius bithday. So I asked if it was okay to send a preset box to celebrate. Darius was more then happy and agreed. I was excited and baked some of my favorite cookies then sent them with other things. Darius received the package and enjoyed it. This was pleasing for me as I love bringing joy to others. It really helped me smile.
After months of talking and shit posting with one another, Darius and I started more then just a relationship with our muses. It was growing into a strong friendship. One where we could rely on the other for honest advice in life. That’s when Darius and I stared really referring to one another as bae on a personal level. Bae helped me with my relationship and helped me realize that my happiness was under a bandaid that I had to rip off. I was scared and bae let me take my time to do this. This was also the time we started talking about being single ship. I had already had enemies making people not talk to me so it was a good for me anyway. I already had the reputation of worse Jhin blog on tumblr so no matter what I did would result in hate.
It’s about August at this time and my mother was moving to Connecticut leaving me her house in Arizona. This was hard to do as I was mulling over the idea of a break up with my 7 year relationship and the reality of my mother ( who I’m very close with) moving 3000 miles away. This is when I asked Darius if it was okay to meet up. We agreed and started making plans.
The trip came up soon and I was getting quite excited to finally meet my bae. At this time I wasn’t too active on Tumblr because of the stress of packing my house, legal stuff with my mother and a hostile environment at home. Bae was my escape and we Skype chat often which helped me relive stress. I often would write fan fiction for bae as I was up when Darius was asleep. This fan fiction often sparked inspiration for bae and that made me happy. Bae made me feel special and appreciated which I wasn’t used to as personal life was getting heavy.
Then came the trip to Connecticut. It was long and even broke down outside of Springfield. But I talked with bae the whole time. Excited to see each other in a few days to come. At this time it was looking really good to be single ship. Then that day came. It was a cold rainy September day. Ugly in comparison to my typical Arizona sunny days. Bae was at that corner waiting for me. And what was the first thing bae said?
“ holy shit your hair IS long”
Yup that was the first thing I heard with my own ears in person.
But that didn’t matter. I finally got to hold and hug my bae. We laughed and I was silent for the first two hours. But the more we talked the more I started to realize that bae was real and perfect. We went on a date and it was more then perfect. This was also the solid go that I needed to take that bandaid off and end what hell I was living in at home. I wanted Darius in my life more and had to make the leap to bring this true.
A month later after realizing we had proper feelings for one another, we went full on single ship. This was also when I started the break up with my ex. Rip that bandaid off right? Well that bandaid gets ripped off but always ends back on making things even more complicated. Just can’t seem to understand it’s over I guess but bae has been the rock in my life. Keeping me from crumbling under the pressure although all I want to do is hide under my blanket and hope it goes away.
Bae then asked me formally to be in a relationship. Not just our muses but us as muns. I smiled and giggled to myself like a pathetic school girl and said yes. Since then in October bae and I have been dating officially. I never thought I would have ended up with a blog I admired soo much let alone dating and now LIVING with the Mun. It’s an experience I’m excited to move forward with. Even if I’m one of the worse Jhin blogs out there, I wouldn’t change a thing and do it again. Enemies and all. It was worth it and I’m now truely happy with my bae. My love and rock. Here’s to another year of shit posting and bad roleplaying.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
About that Edgeworth gif... Why do those gloves so well with Bratsworths outfit!?
I have no clue tbh, maybe it's the fancier outfit he has or just the vibe he has which just yells "this brat is obnoxious and demands fancy clothes (to try to imitate sth not that great but ssshhh)"
The Miles during AA trilogy would look just corny with them but the over the top look Bratworth has makes then fit seamlessly.
While I dislike Bratworth's personality and what he's going through at that stage I cannot deny that he's got the look for a fictional character of thar age - and that the more Edgey grows the more stunning he gets
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