thisbloodlust · 3 years
                  Headed to back to work! Like this for a lil one-liner when I get home. <3
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unicornsrequired · 6 years
is caroline jealous of faith???? any verse bc omg they're gonna kill each other xD
            Boy, howdy, is Caroline jealous of Faith. They seem to be on par with each other, jealousy-wise. Over stupid, old Stefan ( @destroyedbyguilt ) in two verses. Over stupid, old Ric ( @allroundlostcause ) in another.
They both see the other as an interloper, coming into their life and taking it away. They're both right, too. Honestly, as much as Faith adores Stefan, she was never going to end up with him. As much as Ric would have been better for Caroline, she's not meant to end up with him, either.
     Both women have incredibly hard-tack self-loathing. Both easily made jealous. Caroline's a perky, well-off little blonde, and that's enough to make Faith see red. Faith's a well-endowed, doe-eyed brunette who commands attention and Caroline's been there, done that and has the tshirt.
             Truthfully, neither's really taken anything from the other. I think they're just so worried that history will repeat itself, that it's hard for them to realize they ended up with the loves of their lives and it's because of each other, not in spite of each other.
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thatslayer · 5 years
                things of slay ; I LIVED TOO LONG
         I'm having a good moment. I don't know why, but writing for an aging Slayer with her aches, her pains, the odd wrinkle, the competition from younger Slayers, the wisdom that comes from living this long, etc. is weirdly fulfilling for me as a writer. I've been with Faith since the beginning and got to watch her grow up both in canon and in my writing, and any little thing that adds a touch of realism to her is sort of a writing happy place for me.
Faith's out-lived the shelf life of her calling by two decades. While she should be proud of that but she's really just pissed that it takes her longer to heal than it used to and her agility's not what it was. Has to work out two times harder. Not the youngest, hottest thing in the room, anymore. Well... not the youngest, anyway. ;)
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thatslayer · 4 years
Hey stranger. 💕
                                “Am I supposed to know who this is?”
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thatslayer · 5 years
psa ; faith vs. famous vampires
            Time for a psa because what the heck. I just had a plot pitched to me in which Faith doesn't know who Dracula is. Dracula. As in ‘Dracula’. Look, guys. She's not just a vampire slayer, but she's an old, experienced slayer who's been in the game for twenty years. If your muse is a famous, important vampire? The chances Faith has never heard of them are pretty slim. She's not the shiniest penny in the fountain, and if you ask her to solve an algebra problem she's going to get a nose bleed, but fighting and killing vampires is her job. It's been her job for two decades. If your vampire is infamous, she's probably heard of them.
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thatslayer · 5 years
         Thinking of trying my hand at Rebekah Mikaelson once I get the mumu running. I haven't seen an active Bex in a long, long time. Will I cross her over into BtVS? Just because I can? Why, yes. Yes, I will.
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thatslayer · 5 years
            Oof. Muse in a mood, all boyfriends on hiatus. How is this fair? Dag nabbit.
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thatslayer · 5 years
          I made the mistake of listening to Toad the Wet Sprocket before I went to sleep last night. Now I'm trying to write, and all I can think is, "And it feeeeeels so close! Let it taaaake me in! Let it hooooold me so I can feeeel it saaaay-ay-yiyay."
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thatslayer · 4 years
          Be around in a little bit, my dears! I've got some stuff to get done before I'm free. <3
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thatslayer · 5 years
          Pardon my absence, my sweets! Work and a family issue are kicking my keester. I'm going to try to do a little writing tonight if I don't fall asleep, but if I don't manage to get that done, I should be around on Sunday. Crossed Worlds group verse will take precedence but I also have lots of starters to reply to! xoxo
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thatslayer · 5 years
              You guys. @outlawiism is trying to not give me a Peter Quill love bot and if that's not radical something-ism, I don't know what is. Someone call the police.
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thatslayer · 5 years
              I'm headed to work, two more double-shifts this week and I'll be back on the dash a bit more. Next week will be killer but I'll be around for about a week since I get a break for the holidays!
Tomorrow is Faith's birthday, so my Crossed Worlds group buddies can like this for a starter from her first, ever, birthday party. <3
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thatslayer · 5 years
            This blog loves and accepts you, no matter your sexuality, no matter your gender. If you need sleep, please sleep. If you need water, please drink. Take care of yourself, because if something happened to you I'd be heartbroken. <3
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thatslayer · 5 years
             Hello, darlings! Starting tonight I'm putting most of my current threads on hiatus until January. The exceptions being my group verses ( Wartown, Welcome to Lebanon, Crossed Worlds, etc. ) --- These are not being dropped, and I haven't lost any muse for them, promise!
I want to focus primarily on holiday themed threads, because I'm so busy I'm afraid the holiday season will pass Faith and I by and I'm sort of using the holidays to self-medicate right now. So, if we have a thread that's affected by this, please know that I have it drafted and will get back to it ASAP! I also actively encourage that we do start a holiday thread, because I need the holiday cheer right now.
                 Thank you for understanding, my sweetie darlings. I appreciate all your kindness, patience and support! If you'd rather not do a holiday thing, Faith and I will see you in January! xoxo
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thatslayer · 5 years
                    Who can Faith bother on Wire?
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thatslayer · 5 years
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           Hello, Nonnie! Well, as it turns out in a verse chock full of working adults, there are sometimes spells where everyone is busy with real-life things. This just happens to be a moment when the verse is slow -- it's almost a dozen years old, so that does happen from time to time. It usually bounces back, so if you were a reader I wouldn't worry too much.
PS- Sorry if that made no sense, I'm very, very tired and I think I'm speaking in tongues. xoxo
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