#/I wanted to use my ocs for some prompts but they're still not ready yet so a month of rdr fanart it is!
jaderavenarts · 2 months
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@yeehawgust: Week 1: First Rodeo
It's not his first rodeo but it is hers.
I've been wanting to draw Unnamed Marston Daughter with each of the Marstons + Uncle so here's one with John!
Ponytail to avoid grabby baby hands and closing his left eye to see her clearly.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 7 months
Welp...FF7 Rebirth came out and ummm....I have this ship with an OC called Raven and I put her with Sephiroth...Ravenroth??? Idk
I'm debating on what prompt to do them with but we'll see with the actual story. This may also tie into a painting I did~
(they also have a kid named Mercury, he's a sweetie and I made Sephiroth a sister named Seri...yay) (Mercury is not in this story but Seri is!)
Without further adoooo let's get started.
May I Have This Dance?
Rating/Warning: minimal stuff but also AWWWWW
Ever since I can remember, I've always been by his side. Sephiroth. The Golden Child of SOLDIER. Ever since we were young we'd be teamed up together. He was there when my father died in that freak accident. There i remained in SOLDIER. Even as a First Class rank I didn't care much for the formalities or the perks of being this popular. I always thought myself a medic and only that.
Genesis or Angeal will always tease us as teenagers. Teasing about dating, who would win in a fight, best aim, you name it. As the years passed by, I found myself trying to answer why. It had been years since Genesis and Angeal disappeared and I still hear their voices egging me on. I had things, priorities, to attend to, especially one that was his very sister, Seri.
"Raven!!! What do you mean you're not coming to the company ball?! Everyone will be there!" Seri whined as I checked her vitals on the screen and took some tests.
"I told you Seri, I have my duties to the hospital and you. Sephiroth will have a conniption, you know he doesn't dance anyways" I replied.
"well I'm going with Zack! He invited me in Aerith's place because of her circumstances! She insisted!" She fussed as she crossed her arms.
"Oh are you? Then I guess I have no choice~" I rolled my eyes playfully as I gave her medicine and a change of clothes from her closet and helped her put them on.
"Yay! Dress shopping!!!" Seri squealed. I helped her onto her wheelchair and we walked to the elevator to get to the bottom floor.
We walked along the streets of Midgar to a dress shop nearby. I was never really into girly stuff even as a kid. The only girly thing I wear is earrings bc my face still says masculine. I guess looking more like my father was half of a good thing. I'm glad I developed nicely up top and got ass for days. My dad would try and get me to wear hair berets or make up to make me look more feminine but I was a part of SOLDIER. I couldn't/it would run or snag in the field.
Seri and I walked through all the clothing racks. Seri picked out a few dresses her size. She kept on pointing to other dresses that might look good on me but none were speaking to me. Seri started scanning the whole store. I know those eyes too well, just like her brother's, always on target and ready to pounce. Then she grabbed a dark colored dress and snuck it under her picks, thinking she was sneaky. I only caught a glimpse of the color but not the style. I was worried but not in a scared way.
As we made our way to the changing rooms, she picked out a cute pink dress because she told me Aerith liked pink and wanted to respect her favorite color. Seri really has grown fond of both Zack and Aerith these past few years. I've never seen her this excited unless it was Sephiroth coming home to take her to a fancy dinner and toy shopping. She's 7 years younger than him yet they're both a spitting image of each other. They definitely are siblings.
I remember the day my father showed us her, so small and frail. It was devastating to see her health decline when she reached 10 years. My dad did so much for her, even as he got up in age, he was like a father to her. His death put a toll on all of us, I stayed with Shinra because I had nowhere else to go. That's when I became on call for SOLDIER and mostly full time at the Hospital. I made a promise to my dad and myself.
Seri showed off her dresses and then from underneath she revealed the dress she swiped for me. It was a long sleek slender gown with a slit up the leg that stops at the thigh and has one strap. It was a dark blue with shimmers.
"oh no...that's no me..." I deflected.
"Come on Raven just try it on! You never wear dresses so how can you know?!" Seri pouts and shoved the dress and shoved me into the changing room, "imma go find ya shoes! Be right back!" With those parting words she wheeled herself away and I was alone. In the changing room. With a floor to ceiling mirror...
I placed the dress over me to get a feel then I started to undress from my uniform into this dress. Once it was on I saw myself. My figure helped but I had muscle. Was that sexy? Appealing? I even posed with my leg out the slit.
"Raven! I'm back with shoes!" Seri snapped me out my thoughts and shoved the shoe box under the door. I looked inside. They were black high heels...
"You sure about this Seri?" I called out.
"trust me!!!" Seri giggled.
I gulped and tried on the shoes. I looked at myself again and was amazed. Everything...matched me... Was Seri some kind of fashion genius? Maybe those fashion magazines around the hospital didn't help.
"come on out I wanna seeeeee!!!" Seri whined and scooted her wheelchair back.
I opened the door and revealed myself. The look on Seri's face said it all. She looked like she saw an angel.
"you look...amazing!!!!" She took a picture with her phone. "Sephi will FLIP when he sees you in this dress!!!"
"you think so?" I blushed.
"I know so! And with your silver earrings to match him it'll be perfect!!! Zack is already matching me with a pink tie already. He is not scared of pink!" Seri laughed.
I smiled, "then I'll get this dress. And maybe a necklace for both of us"
I quickly got unchanged and went to go pick out some necklaces. I got matching silver bang necklaces for us. I paid for the shopping spree and we headed on home to the apartment. Only god knows what will happen tonight...
The ballroom of the venue was packed with higher ups and other important people. I adjusted my dress. My hair and make up fixed up to match my dress. I touched my necklace and took a deep breath and walked into the venue. Seri already left earlier with Sephiroth for the venue. She was adamant Sephiroth doesn't see me get dressed in my pretty gown. My heels clicked along the floor as my presence started to turn heads and unwanted whispers. Why am I so nervous?
Then I saw Seri and Zack talking it up in the SOLDIER section of the venue with our names on the tables on the outside of the dancefloor.
"well look who decided to show up!!" Zack chuckled, "you look pretty good in a dress and is that a clutch?!"
"yes Zack...and you look stunning in that suit. Really brings out your eyes" I teased. Zack's cheeks turned pink. "And your cheeks~"
Seri chuckled, "he at least has some good dance moves."
"Seri where is your brother?" I asked.
"over there next to the corporates and higher ups. He's been sipping champagne for an hour with them..." She pointed.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to them. The drunken fools started whistling at my appearance. I deflected their looks and focused on Sephiroth.
"Look who finally decided to wear make up after so long" Sephiroth commented as he left the drunken old men to come to me.
"you don't look half bad yourself" I adjusted his blue tie. I knew Seri would make him match me.
"Shall we go out to the balcony? Away from these fools and noise?" He suggested. I gladly accepted and we walked outside.
"I'm so used to the sound of the battlefield and hospital. Yet I always get nervous around other people." I chuckled. "At least Seri and Zack are having a great time."
Sephiroth chuckled and held Raven close, "who says we can't have our own fun out here? May I have this dance?"
I blushed and smiled, "you may" he soon pulled me in and we began slow dancing on the balcony to the muffled music of the ballroom. The moon shines full and bright above us.
We swayed back and forth and he spun me a few times. I knew he wasn't much for dancing but he learned to cheer me up when we were teenagers. He knew my father loved to dance with me. Even Genesis and Angeal got on the bandwagon. They were all my best friends. Well now I only have Sephiroth. Ever since we were young we were glued to the hip, even in battle we had each other's backs.
My heart started pounding faster at the thought of feelings for Sephiroth. Are we allowed? I'm not in SOLDIER anymore by default but I work with Seri now so it might be?
"you're making that face again~" Sephiroth spoke softly and snapped me out of my thoughts.
"what face?"
"the cute face you make when you're deep in thought or worried." Sephiroth smirked. Cute? Cute?!
"oh...sorry..." I chuckled embarrassingly.
"don't be sorry, I like it, besides you're beautiful tonight. Seri picked out a nice dress" he placed a hand on my hip, trailing his fingers against my exposed back, "and don't worry about the muscles, I like that about you, you're not dainty or fragile like Seri. Strong and stubborn."
I wrapped my arms around his neck, "you think so?"
"I know so" Sephiroth placed his other hand on my hip, leaning in closer to where we're almost nose to nose.
"I'm glad you said that, because I like a man who can keep me on my toes and always had my back for the past 25+ years" I stared into his eyes as the moonlight hit them.
"then I'll hold you to it for the rest of our lives. You've done too much to just be rewarded once" he leaned in closer.
"it's a promise" I closed the gap and kissed him. We held each other. He lifted me a bit to get one last jab at the toes statement. His chapped lips were soft and his hair was like silk. He even put it up for once in a low pony with a small braid.
We separated with a few good breaths between us. Was dad always right that I might end up with Sephiroth? I don't care, if it is true, I know where my heart lies tonight. It's definitely with him. Soon we were surprised to see Seri and Zack. Seri looked like she was about to lose it at the fact we finally kissed. Zack was dumbfounded that Sephiroth knew how to be romantic.
"I did it! I knew you guys would come out here! And you kissed!!!!" Seri squeaked out giggles and stumbled to her brother and I.
Sephiroth held her steady, "I guess your constant nagging about me staring and smiling paid off, little sister."
Seri smiled, "it's only a matter of time till I hear wedding bells! I wanna be the maid of honor! Can we invite Aerith?! Cloud?!"
"Slow down Hyperactive Kitten, it'll be way down the line for that possibility. What if we just eloped?" I chuckled.
"don't care! I still get wedding bells!" Seri smiled as Sephiroth twirled her around in his arm. She brought him so much joy. I don't remember a day where he tried to visit her and play with her, even being a muse for her paintings. She loved him just as much.
"maybe once I retire, we'll see about that" Sephiroth smiled.
Zack gasped, "you're leaving me all alone no fair! It'll just be me and Cloud!" He pouted playfully.
I laughed at his expression and we had a fun night for the rest of the evening. My feet were sore and tired from dancing. At the apartment I helped Seri get ready for bed and hung her cute dress up for her to look at in her room. I made my way to the other bedroom and got undressed into pajama shorts and a tank top. I wiped off all my make up.
Sephiroth was just in sweatpants as he looked at me with soft eyes. I walked to him and gave him another kiss. Memories of sharing a tent or a bed together on trips, even into older age, came into my mind. Entangling our bodies together to stay warm. Him placing his head on mine. Even in uniform it was comfy. Like we were two sides of one coin. We laid down in the large bed, embracing each other, with me laying my head on his chest. Listening to his strong heart. His strong arm wrapped around my figure. My olivey complexion is a clear difference from his pale skin.
"Goodnight Sephiroth" I yawned softly.
"Goodnight Raven...I love you" He smiled.
"I love you too"
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hauntingrabbits · 2 years
HELLO... IF YOU FEEL UP FOR IT ID LOVE TO SEE MORE OF FREIGHT... I HAVE SEEN EXACTLY THREE (3) ART OF THEM AND WOULD BE FASCINATED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM.... TYT, OFC!! no pressure :) tbh I'd love to see ANY of your ocs, they all seem super fun! (btw please tag me if you answer this, it's easier for me to find in my notifications, cheers!)
Oh of course!!!!! I’m afraid theres not much more of my old art of Freight that I’m certain I’m going to post yet but I’m actually currently working on an animation with Freight in it right now and there will be plenty of art of them during October too (every year I do some kind of daily artober/OCtober prompt list in October that I mostly focus on my ocs for)! I might also work on a doodle of them tonight too :P
Anyways I’ll post Freight’s reference sheet here in a sec for you but for in the mean time here’s some info I actually had ready to share (Its mostly from their artfight page I wrote back in June):
Name: Freight
Species: Cat (?)
Pronouns: they/he
Freight started as a regular domestic black cat, but he was used as a lab animal and ended up bizarrely mutated. He now has increased intelligence, the ability to understand/learn language, and a randomly mutating body. More recently, he also seems to have developed the uncontrollable ability to teleport. Nobody is particularly happy about this. His name comes from the project he was used as a lab animal for, project Freight.
…Project Freight has been put on hold until the research personnel can find their test subject again. ;]
Freight is rather skittish and anxious, especially in new places or around sharp objects/medical equipment, but they’re still incredibly curious and fairly easily excited. They’re still mostly a cat at heart.
Their favorite colors are red, gold, and anything shiny. They're also fascinated by rodents.
Relationship to other characters:
Freight is fascinated with Gizmo because he’s shiny, warm, and kind of nice (truly, what more could a cat want?) and they stick to him like glue. Gizmo is initially significantly less excited about Freight's presence but he reluctantly tolerates them. He does grow to genuinely care about Freight pretty quickly though, and they quickly become inseparable.
Good Kitty:
Good Kitty pities Freight and is generally protective over him. Freight was intimidated by GK at first but now pretty much just views them as a large cat (…which they are).
Overall they're both very silly cats together. Silliness x2. Rhonda is generally protective over Freight in the same way Good Kitty is though.
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alj4890 · 3 years
May the Fourth Be With You Drabble
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(Thomas Hunt x OC) in a And Then I Met You Drabble.
A/N I am a big, we're talking huge, Star Wars dork. I also love the books by Jeffrey Brown showing Darth Vader as a father to little Luke and Leia. Since Thomas and Amanda have a set of fraternal twins after their daughter, Kathleen, in this AU; this idea came to me today.
@lxaah11   @alleksa16   @penguininapinktuxedo   @blackcoffee85   @stopforamoment           @krsnlove     @annekebbphotography        @hopelessromantic1352   . @sunflowergirl05      @greywitchyshots   @lilyoffandoms  @moodyvalentinestories  @emceesynonymroll   @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms   @ab1901     @lolablackwrites     @flyawayboo   @sophxwithers​   @trappedinfandoms   @esmckenzie. @choicesficwriterscreations
May The Fourth
Every few minutes there was some type of pounding of footsteps running past or squeals. An occasional argument could be detected, yet mercifully Thomas couldn't make out the words.
Of all the days, why had Amanda agreed to host a playdate between their three children and Addison and Matt's brood of five?
He tried once more to focus his attention on a potential screenplay he had been given. There were some scenes that he had difficulty picturing as the voices beyond his study door rose and fell like the tide.
He jumped when his door was thrown open and his son, Ian, burst in. Out of breath, the little four year old quickly shut the door and pressed his body to it.
"Ian, I thought I told you I didn't want to be disturbed." Thomas reminded him. "When that door is shut, it means I am working."
"Sorry." Ian whispered. "But it's May the fourth!"
Thomas merely blinked. "And?"
"And they're after me because I'm your son!" Ian gleefully explained.
Kathleen poked her head inside. "There you are! Hurry! We found a way past the guards!"
"Coming!" Ian dashed after his older sister.
Thomas softly groaned and shut his door once more.
Just as he was deep within another scene, he was startled by his youngest child peeping over his arm.
Four year old Elizabeth' s eyes narrowed at the paper in his hand. "Are those the plans?"
"Elizabeth," Thomas muttered. "Go play with your siblings and friends."
He made the mistake of looking at her face. Her big hazel eyes, so like her mother's, were filled with sadness when she turned toward him.
"But Daddy, it's May the Fourth!" She pointed at her hair made up with two small buns at her ears and the white nightgown she was wearing. "It's your turn!"
"Turn for what?"
"To be in the story!" Elizabeth took his hand and tugged. "Come on, Daddy!"
"I am working." He reminded her. "When I finish, I will come see what it is you're talking about."
"But then it will be too late!" She wailed.
"Elizabeth, I don't--"
Just then Ian appeared with a toy lightsaber.
"There you are, princess!" Ian said with all the drama worthy of being a director's son. "I'm here to rescue you!"
Elizabeth sighed. "You forgot to say who you are."
Ian's frown firmed at that. "I'm Luke Skywalker."
"And?" Elizabeth prompted.
"Oh! I came with Ben Kenobi."
"Obi-wan! Here!" She replied.
"Yeah." Ian grabbed her hand and tugged.
"Aren't you going to fight Daddy?" Elizabeth asked her twin.
"I don't fight him now. Mommy does." Ian explained.
"But, I'm with him." She looked up at their father.
Ian tilted his head too at this unexpected development. "But he isn't in costume yet!"
"Oh." Elizabeth's shoulders dropped. "Daddy! You have to change! Your part is coming up."
Knowing it was futile to keep arguing with these two, Thomas set the screenplay in his desk drawer."
"Those were the Death Star plans." Elizabeth said in a loud whisper.
"They were?" Ian's eyes widened.
Thomas's lips trembled with mirth. "It is fully operational."
Ian and Elizabeth's mouths dropped open at his deep voice reminding them what the Death Star was capable of. They both had to fight their giddiness at finally having their father play with them.
When Thomas followed them out, he saw the complete transformation of his home. The living room had multiple rolling chairs in different positions. A tan blanket covered the floor in one corner with stuffed Jawas strewn about.
He noticed his daughter, Kathleen, dressed in gold and moving like a robot with Addison's youngest, Myles, wearing a blue shirt and a silver mixing bowl on his head.
Michael and Marcus jumped out from behind the couch toward their two little sisters. Marcus was clearly Han Solo while his tall older brother was Chewbacca. Both of the Rodriguez girls were Storm Troopers.
As they made pew pew sounds while aiming toy guns at each other, he saw Ian help his twin up on a recliner. The two looked down while Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her brother.
Ian mimed throwing a rope at the ceiling fan. His little face scrunched in disgust when Elizabeth kissed his cheek.
"For luck." She told him.
The two jumped off the chair, neither able to hide their smiles as they ran off once more.
While dodging the Rodriguez battle, Thomas made his way upstairs.
"Stupid beard." He could hear his wife mutter in the master bathroom. "Why do men even bother?"
Thomas leaned against the doorframe and watched her try to loop the beard just so around her ears. She had on one of his old tan bathrobes with the hood pulled up to hide her dark hair in a bun.
She smiled when she noticed him. "There you are!" She kissed his cheek while hurrying to point out his costume she had prepared on the bed. "Hurry. Our big lightsaber battle is about to start."
"So I heard." He folded his arms. "I was trying to get some work in before we leave for Cordonia."
"But it's May the Fourth." Amanda replied, as if he should automatically know what that meant.
"Yes, our children have been repeating the date to me with each interruption." He reached out to straighten her lopsided beard. "Why does that matter?"
"May the Fourth?" She repeated. "May the Force Be with You."
"Ah." His children had become obsessed with the franchise. "And I'm Darth Vader."
"Well, not to point out the obvious," Amanda's smile brought his own out, "but you are the father of twins."
He snorted softly.
She wrapped her arms around him. "I know you wanted to work, but these moments we have with them are rushing by so fast. Soon they won't want us to play with them." She raised her hand to his cheek. "An hour or so won't matter with work but it will to them."
She had hit in the one area he could never say no to. If there was one group of people he would drop everything for, it was his family.
"What am I supposed to wear?"
She kissed him then burst out laughing when he told her she better shave before doing that again.
Within minutes he was dressed in all black, had a cape on, and the voice modulated Vader mask had been placed over his head.
Amanda tossed him a red lightsaber while snatching up a blue one.
"Just in case you forgot," her eyes twinkled with mischief, "I was trained in fencing by some of the best masters in Europe."
"Yes, but I'm the master now." He taunted back.
Her smile, so like the excited ones on their children's faces, brought out his own once more as he followed her downstairs.
All the children froze when they heard the familiar breathing sound.
"Rebel scum." He greeted with a slight bow. "Princess, shouldn't you still be in your cell?"
Elizabeth clasped her hands over her mouth while bouncing in excitement.
"You'll never get ahold of her again!" Ian yelled out. "Right, Marcus-I mean Han?"
"Yeah! Chewie and I are getting paid for this rescue." Marcus nudged his brother.
Michael tried to do the growl, causing Kathleen to giggle.
"Lord Vader!" Ashley and Ally saluted him. "We've rounded them up for you."
"Excellent." He replied. "Though I sense something I haven't felt in a long time."
"Get him Ben!" Ian cheered when his mother turned her lightsaber on.
All the children sat down and watched the two adults fight. The couple gave them a sparring match that had them cheering with each near blow.
Amanda winked at Thomas. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Lifting his lightsaber, he slowly brought it across her. She fell to the ground, his large robe hiding her body perfectly.
The children gasped. Ian, remembering that he was supposed to react to Ben dying, jumped to his feet and yelled out, no.
The rest of the time was spent with the kids in various rolling chairs, pretending to fly and dodge each other. Thomas remained behind his son until Michael and Marcus sneaked up behind him, sending his chair to spin as it rolled off into a corner.
After Elizabeth gave them medals, Amanda called an end to their playing by saying that lunch was ready.
Thomas collapsed on the sofa after pulling his mask and cape off. He wished he had thought to film their play. Each one had truly tried to be the characters they portrayed.
Amanda leaned over his shoulder and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I shaved for you." She teased.
He chuckled while tugging her around to sit with him.
"Do you think they had a good time?" He asked.
The children's excited voices could be heard, each fighting for a chance to share their favorite parts.
"Very much so." She replied, resting her head on his shoulder. "They will remember this...always."
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The Maze Trials: A Gally Fanfiction
Pairing: Gally x Emi(OC)
Background: Emi, first girl the Glade has seen. Tougher than she looks and more than ready to prove it. Since day one her and Gally have been at each other's throats. Fighting constantly and not just with their words.
(Gally fanfiction which will include smut. It also has an actual story line. Think of it as an AU to the original Maze Runner. It'll mostly follow the main story line with some changes. Mostly focusing on Emi and Gally and their relationship.)
Chapter Six
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This morning I'm with Newt trying out the job of a farmer. We are in the middle of the gardens. He's showing me the difference between all the plants.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked suddenly standing up and facing me.
"Sure" I said.
"What happened between you and Minho? I saw the two of you walking into the woods together then this morning at breakfast he was uncharacteristically quiet." Newt stared at me awaiting my answer.
"Well, he kissed me and the kiss progressed and got pretty heated but I stopped it. I told him I wouldn't let him go any farther than that kiss. Then I walked back to the homestead." I explained kicking at the dirt.
"I knew he had a thing for you. Pretty much everyone knew. The guy can't be subtle at all." Newt chuckled.
"You think he's mad?" I asked him.
"Nah, he will be over it before you know it and he will be right back to hitting on you again. Minho is not one to give up." Newt smiled.
"Do you like him?" Newt asked me taking a step closer.
I shrugged.
"I don't really know. I only remembered my name yesterday. I've only been here a few days. I'm still trying to fill everything out. I don't think I'm ready to like anyone yet."
"Well warn me before you get there cause I have a feeling most of the guys are going to attempt to get with you." Newt laughed as he bent back down.
"What about you?" I asked curiously.
He seemed to freeze for a moment. Then he started picking at the weeds in the dirt.
"I think you're wonderful Emi but not really my type." He said slowly and quietly.
I bent down to help him with the weeds.
"What is that suppose to mean?" I questioned quietly.
Newt chuckled. He popped his head up to look around him before turning back to me.
"It means you're not a guy so you're not my type." He gave me a small shy smile.
I couldn't help the large grin that spread across my face.
"No way!" I shouted earning me a slap on the arm from the blonde.
"Sorry" I whispered.
I laughed but made sure Newt knew his secret was safe with me. I think I just found my best friend. It'll be nice to have someone to talk to about these ridiculous boys.
"Anyone you have an eye on?" I asked quietly as we walked towards one of the tree stumps.
"I use to have a crush on Minho for awhile but that went away awhile back. Now I'm not really into anyone. Maybe one of these days a boy will come out of that box and change that." He smiled hopefully.
"I swear I will get you hooked up with someone one of these days." I grinned at him.
He laughed then started wacking away at the stump. The day went by quickly thanks to Newt and I chatting each other up. I couldn't remember the last time I laughed this much. Before we knew it the bell for lunch sounded.
"I figure after lunch I'm gonna throw you with the builders if that's alright. Speed up the process a little bit." Newt said as we walked towards the hut.
"Yes!" I exclaimed happily.
Newt laughed shaking his head. I think he already knew I was interested in being a builder. I just feel like I'll like that the best. Like I'll be the best at that. Plus I want to out do Gally in any way I can. Not sure why I have a need to do that but I do.
I got my food and found my seat. Newt took a minute to let Gally know the plan. I watched the blonde boy inform the angry one. He nodded once then glanced over to me. When he saw I was already looking at him he quickly looked away.
"I told Gally you were very eager to try being a builder." Newt laughed as he sat next to me.
"Why would you want to be a builder?" Clint asked scrunching up his nose.
"They're all idiots." Jeff whispered.
I just laughed and shook my head. They wouldn't understand if I told them why. I don't fully understand why. I just have this feeling and I think I should follow my gut. After lunch Gally came over and got me so I could follow him to work.
I was practically skipping as I walked with Gally. I was so excited to get my hands dirty. Of course Gally didn't trust me with a big job so he told the other builders what to do then made me go with him to gather more wood and other materials.
Gally took us to the edge of the woods to work on cutting out some wood to use. He handed me an axe then started chopping. I followed his lead chopping on the opposite side of him.
"Don't cut any of your fingers off. I'm not dealing with it." He grumbled as he continued to swing his axe.
"I won't cut off any of my fingers." I snapped at him.
He slammed his axe into the tree and left it there. He stepped closer to me his chest out like he was ready for a fight.
"Do you have a problem princess?" He asked harshly as he glared at me.
I swung my axe hard sticking it in the tree just as he did. Then I stepped away from the tree and towards Gally. I stood toe to toe with him. I wanted to make sure he knew he didn't scare me. Not even a little.
"Yea, I have a problem with the way you talk to me. You think because I'm a girl I can't do the same things you can? You think I won't make my corners as tight as you, I'll cut my fingers off, or I can't beat your ass. Don't you get tired of being proved wrong over and over?" I spat at him stepping even closer.
He growled grabbing my arms and shoving me against the tree our axes were in. His face was so close to mine I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I hadn't noticed the boys in the Glade that could see and hear us stop what they were doing. I was too distracted by the one holding me against a tree.
"You are either very brave or very stupid." He growled in my face.
"How about a little of both. I'd say I tip more to the brave side while you overload into the stupid." I said harshly as I stared him down.
His hold on my arms tightened. His face was getting redder by the minute. I was enjoying this way too much. I think pissing him off would be my new past time.
"I'm very close to beating the klunk out of you." He growled inching his face even closer to mine.
"I mean you can try but I can almost guarantee It'll go about the same as the bonfire." I smiled wickedly at him.
With a very loud growl he let go of my arms. I knew what was coming next. His big fist pulled back and went straight for my face. I let out a howl of a laugh when Gally punched the tree I was just against. He hissed turning around when he heard my laugh. I had moved out of the way at the last second. I could hear the shouts of the other gladers coming our way.
"You better get your swings in now big boy looks like the cavalry is coming to save you." I smiled wide as I did a little side to side dance.
"To save me?" He growled out in disbelief.
I nodded still doing my little dance.
"Gally! What the hell are you doing?" I heard Alby's booming voice.
I did the stupidest thing and glanced towards the leader's voice. Next thing I know I was tackled to the ground with a steaming Gally on top of me. He went for my face but it was easy enough for me to block him. I had to struggle a little to fix myself enough to roll us. 
Once I got myself in just the right angle while blocking Gally's random throws I pushed him off me. His hands held tightly on my shirt pulling me with him. We hit a slight slope perfectly causing us to roll a few times. I made sure that when we stopped I was on top. Gally groaned when his head roughly hit the ground.
"What the shuck are you two doing?" Newt asked in bewilderment.
I grabbed Gally's shirt and pulled lifting his shoulders and head a few inches of the ground.
"Gally here keeps looking for a fight. I think it's time I gave him a proper one." I stated while glaring at the boy below me.
"Enough you two!" Alby shouted.
My head snapped over to him. Those words threw my mind back into the dream I had. I glanced back at Gally who was laying very still. His hands tightly holding my wrists. I let him go and quickly stood.
What the hell is going on? My mind kept bouncing between reality and my dream. The similarities were seriously giving me a headache.
"Take both of them to the pit. Make sure they are next to each other. And no one is aloud to visit them. Make them talk to each other or not at all." Alby ordered angrily.
"The pit?" I questioned looking at Newt who was grabbing my arm.
Two boys went for Gally but he just growled, shoved them off, then stomped around Newt and I to where ever the pits are. Gally knew not to argue with Alby. I could tell just from the look on Alby's face he wasn't the person to cross.
Newt pulled me over to some horrible looking makeshift cells. They were built into the ground. He opened one of them up and gestured for me to get in.
"You've got to be kinding?" I asked staring at the hole in the ground.
"You two broke a big rule. I don't know what your issues are with each other but Alby wants them worked out. So, yes, get inside." Newt said sternly.
I huffed but did as he said jumping inside the small dirt hole. Newt quickly locked me in somehow then opened the one right next to me for Gally.
"Have fun you two." Newt said as he walked away.
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lady-snavely · 4 years
Sands of Time: Part Three
Blossomed Feelings
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem!OC
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing, mutual pining, all the fluff
A/N: as always, reblogs are super appreciated!
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Like every other day when they came in, she was on her break. Today, she was perched in a window in the children's area with her legs drawn up loosely. There was a book in her hand, presumably the same one from a couple of days ago. Hidden safely beneath the tent of her knees was a steaming mug.
Jade's ears perked, her attention momentarily divided when she heard Bokuto, obnoxious as ever, greet her coworkers across the building. She was sure he included an exaggerated wave as well. Her advanced hearing, one of the few bonuses of being Fae, even allowed her to hear Daichi silence Bokuto with a low warning.
"There's a big enough table over there that's free." He was telling the group. She knew exactly which table he was referring to as she'd made sure it was clear before she went on break twenty minutes ago.
With a sigh, she closed her book and stood gingerly so as not to disturb her drink. The study group was her queue that her break was over soon. Still, finishing the chapter sounded real nice.
Nonetheless Jade found herself smiling as she glided through the aisles that were as familiar to her now as her own apartment. Her thoughts were with the oddball company of heroes and heroines from her book. Even preoccupied she nodded politely at the group of boys taking their places at the table.
"Fancy seeing you here again."
"Good afternoon to you too, Kuroo," she replied without stopping. "You all know where to find me if you need help with anything."
Yaku snickered and jabbed his elbow into Kuroo's ribs. "She didn't even bother to look at you."
"Her break's about over," Akaashi defended. "Iwaizumi messaged me a few moments ago, he and Oikawa won't be joining us tonight."
"Good, they can keep that stomach bug away from us then," Daichi grumbled.
"Please, they're probably having their own fun." Kuroo wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"I wouldn't put it past them," Akaashi murmured. He turned to Bokuto and gave him a warning glare. "Make sure you actually work on your Maths today. You nearly failed your last test."
For well over an hour Kuroo was able to focus on his studying despite his loudmouth of a friend sitting across from him. Bokuto came along more for the social aspect than anything else. Not that any of them really cared the way Akaashi did, study group was the only chance they had during the week to get together anyway.
With a small groan Kuroo stood. He needed a break to stretch his legs. He wandered the shelves aimlessly, stopping on occasion to read a synopsis or two before continuing on. He really didn't have much free time at the moment, what with midterms starting to ramp up. Still, Kuroo made a mental note of books to read once the workload began to die down.
"-depends on what you're interested in, honestly." He overheard Jade saying. "Let's start off with something simple to help narrow it down. Are you looking for a stand alone story or a series?"
Kuroo, for reasons unknown even to himself, hid two aisles over and listened in on the exchange. Since starting at the nearby university last year he'd learned quickly that Jade was good at her job. Great even. Any time he'd needed help with research or simply pointed in the right direction, she'd been prompt with answers. Sometimes she even went above the call to suggest further material that always seemed to have more information than he'd ever need.
Still it amazed him that in a matter of a few questions Jade was excitedly showing the younger guest a section that would entertain her. "I'm a little older than the intended audience but this series here in incredible. But if you're interested in something a little more magickal - and I don't mean witches and wizards - then I suggest this series just here."
With a faint smile Kuroo turned from the duo to head back to his studying. "Fuck," he hissed when he ran into and nearly knocked over Yaku. "Creepy little shit. What are you doing?"
Yaku glared up at his taller friend with a wicked grin. "If I'm creepy what do you call what you were just doing?" He countered. A quick peek around Kuroo gave Yaku the answer he needed. "Admiring the view?"
Kuroo looked over his shoulder and saw the girl from before already devouring the suggested book. Jade was nowhere to be seen. "She's a bit young for me, don't you think?"
Yaku rolled his eyes. Sometimes he really wondered if Kuroo was, in fact, a total moron. Kuroo's infatuation with the Human girl had become more and more evident over the last year. There were some not so obvious clues, like how he just happened to run into her when he was wandering around, or how he had started zoning out in classes. Then there was the blindingly obvious: watching her like creep from the other aisle while she helped other guests, for example. "Come back to the table," he finally sighed. "I need help with the Biology assignment."
"My time to shine," Kuroo smirked.
"Don't go getting an ego."
"I would never."
Both girls were seemingly non the wiser to what had transpired only two aisles away.
Daichi, Akaashi and Yaku continued to study dutifully while Bokuto successfully managed to distract Kuroo. Jade had only one other guest after the younger girl had left with two new books in hand.
Even with that one person closing time seemed to come a little too soon for Jade. They always did on days the study group came in. She enjoyed listening to their friendly banter and teasing, they were good company and often pulled her into their conversations on slower nights.
Tonight was no different than any other night the group came in. It was closing time and they were still there, sitting at the same table they'd procured from the moment they walked in hours before. However, studying had been thrown out the window some time ago she recalled as she made her way over. Currently they were chatting, all but Bokuto and Yaku, who had fallen asleep.
Propping a hand on the back of Akaashi's chair she sighed, forcing disappointment into her words. "Time for me to lock up guys."
"Is it that time already?" Daichi glanced at his phone before sighing himself and rubbing at his eyes. "Sorry to be a bother again, Jade."
"I tell you every time: you aren't a bother, Daichi," Jade shrugged. "Libraries have always been around for a reason. Apparently a good location for a power nap is one of them." She roused Yaku gently, giving him a warm smile when he blinked up at her. "Closing time sleepy head."
"We'll get out of your hair as soon as we wake Bokuto," Akaashi assured her.
"Take your time, I've got some cleaning to finish up anyway."
Jade turned away but not before catching the mischievous grin on Kuroo's face. Just as she expected, the indistinguishable thud of a dropped stack of books met her ears. "Wake up!"
"Bro!" Bokuto whined. Jade's nose wrinkled at the shout. No matter how much she heard it she would never get used to that term.
"Time to go, Bokuto," Kuroo said without a hint of apology in his voice.
Kuroo waited by the checkout counter for Jade to come out of the back office. Over the past year it had become a sort of habit for him to wait for her while she clocked out and locked the building up for the night. In more than one hundred attempts she had yet to agree to, at the very least, allowing him to walk her to the bus stop. Maybe tonight would be different? There was only one way to know for sure.
"Ready to go, Kuroo?"
"Only if you are!" He replied. A triumphant smile adorned his face when a soft chuckle met his ears. Kuroo clasped his hands, fingers knit together tightly before asking, "Would you like some company on your way home tonight?"
It came as no surprise to Kuroo that she didn't reply right away. She emerged from the back office with the satisfied smile that came from finally being off the clock. "Thank you, but I'll be okay on my own tonight."
Kuroo cocked his head to the side for a moment before nodding. "One of these days you'll say yes."
"You're so sure of yourself, Kuroo." She snickered and ducked her head to hunt for her keys in her bag. "I appreciate the offer as always."
They left the building in comfortable silence. Jade tugged at the building doors, testing the locks before heaving a content sigh. "I saw you looking at some books early," she mentioned casually when they reached the sidewalk. "I can put them on hold for you. If you want, that is."
"Not with midterms in a couple weeks." Kuroo shook his head but smiled down at Jade. "That's very kind of you though."
Jade smirked. "I try my best."
Kuroo fought the urge to wrap his arm around her shoulders. He didn't know it, but she caught the twitch in his fingers. "Get home safe, okay Jade?"
"Don't worry, you'll see me all safe and in one piece on Friday, Kuroo." Jade's smile, highlighted by nearby street lights, brought an unwelcomed heat crawling up his neck.
"Right, well, good night, Jade." He retreated into the shadows quickly before she could see the blush spreading up across his cheeks.
"May sleep find you easily tonight, Kuroo." Jade dipped her head slightly before she herself hurried off in the direction of her bus stop.
Kuroo stared after her until she was out of sight before he sighed and began his journey home. When he stepped into his dorm room he wasn't surprised to see Kenma poking feverishly at the buttons of his video game. They had intrigued him from the moment he'd laid eyes on them.
Kenma's elf ears were poking through his hair, the only sign that he was no longer holding his Humanoid form. Kuroo received a murmured greeting from his long time friend as he removed his shoes.
"You missed out," he told Kenma.
Kuroo chuckled at that as he made his way into their shared room to change. As he did, he shifted with a sigh of satisfaction. It was only in their shared dorm room or when they were home visiting their folks that he and Kenma could safely shift back to their Fae forms.
"The Solstice Festival is coming up," Kuroo reminded his friend.
"Oh." Came the reply. Kenma's attention was barely pulled from his video game. Kuroo said no more on the subject, knowing full well that when the time came Kenma would leave the Human entertainment behind and return home for the Festival.
Jade's heart was racing and not only because she was running. Had it been a trick of the light or had he been blushing just before she left? She supposed either were possible, even with the street lights the lighting wasn't favorable, and she was nearly a foot shorter than him so the angle was weird too. She tried not to dwell on it too much.
She didn't want to get too close to him this time around. She brushed off his advances, his attempts at getting closer, as best as she could but her job didn't allow for blatant ignoring of guests, so it was difficult. But she didn't want her heart broken. Not again.
Tears glistened in her eyes as she stood beneath the light of the bus stop. She dried them before they could fall; before they could be seen. In all her years on Earth, why was it a Human that had to come along and capture her heart?
When the bus arrived it only had a handful of occupants. Given the time of night this was to be expected and allowed Jade her pick of the crop as far as where to sit for her journey home. She hugged her knees tight to her chest when she sat, her temple leaning against the cool glass of the window at her side. Normally she would read, but she knew if she opened her book the pages would remain unturned, for try as she might, her mind raced with memories of the past. Of the wild laugh that sent the butterflies in her stomach soaring. That almost there smile that had found her time and time again over the centuries.
As much as she wanted to, Jade suppressed the desire to shift back into her Fae form as soon as her door was locked behind her. Showers were much easier without the wings getting in the way. So it wasn't until she stepped from her bathroom half an hour later that she released the invisible thread of thought that kept her Humanoid form in place.
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buckmecaptain · 4 years
(Image is not mine)
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Pairing: None, really.  F!Reader/OC flirts hard with all 3 men
Word Count: 2168
Summary:  After a weapons-smuggling bust involving Hydra, Captain America, The Falcon, and the Winter Soldier chase down the last few bad guys and run into a quirky and rough SHIELD agent whom Bucky has yet to meet.  (Cap and Sam have known her for a while)
Warnings: Mentions of weapons, heavy flirting, physical violence and dead bodies.  Nothing too descriptive or explicit.
A/N:  This is my first fic posted here on Tumblr, and it is in response to a prompt from @stars-inthe-sky​  who gave me permission to use the prompt/incorrect quote they posted and said they would like to read the fic.  Thank you for giving me the inspiration and a bit of a push to write this! <3
SO... I got some anon hate over the "sexual chocolate" line in dialogue between 46 and Sam. It is a reference to one of my favorite movies, which is also the very favorite movie of my dear, dear friend Dashawn- "Coming to America". He adores iced mocha, as well ( calls it his sexual chocolate) and absolutely has the hots for Anthony Mackie. :D That was my little nod to my friend
It was all over but the clean up work. A huge alien tech weapons bust had been made in Midtown Manhattan, the contraband confiscated and most of the criminals -a Hydra splinter cell- apprehended.  Time to chase down the stragglers.  That task was up to the three-man team of Captain America, the Falcon, and the Winter Soldier.
"Team Cap, head over to fifty-third off Jackson," Sam called out over the comms,  "Redwing spotted the last seven hostiles near Schein And Lobell's attorney's office.  Headed that way now."
Steve swore under his breath and gestured at Bucky to follow him.  "Repeat, Sam.  You said Schein and Lobell's?"  
"Yeah, yeah, I know.  Better move it," the Falcon confirmed as he soared overhead.
"C'mon, Buck, gotta hurry," Steve urged.
Puzzled at his friend's burst of urgency, Bucky nodded and turned to follow.  "What would Hydra want with a lawyer's office?"
"It's not the lawyers they're after, pal.  It's a couple of doors down that concerns me, and we need them alive for questioning," came the terse reply.
Shrugging, Bucky picked up his pace, and within moments both soldiers rounded the corner of Fifty-third Avenue.   Steve came to a sudden stop, almost causing his teammate to crash into him from behind just as the Falcon dropped down beside them.
"What the hell?"  Bucky drew his pistol as they surveyed the scene before them: Five Hydra operatives in black tactical gear were lying on the street, unmoving.  He approached and nudged them one by one with the toe of his boot.  
"Dead. One shot each.  Sniper's accuracy," he ascertained.
The Captain immediately whirled around, scanning the rooftops for shooters.  "You see anyone above as you were flying in, Sam?"
"Nah, man.  Complete silence.   It's Forty-six.  This... this could be bad, Cap.  Seven is not a small number when we're talking about trained Hydra agents." he warned, gazing at the shop in front of which the agents were lying. Kitty's Sweets.
"Oh boy," Steve exhaled loudly, hanging his head. "Get ready."  He squared his shoulders and faced the shop, Sam shaking his head and grinning at his side.
Bucky readied himself and his weapon.  Just as he opened his mouth to acknowledge the order, the huge plate glass window of the shopfront exploded outward, slivers spraying in all directions, followed by the body of another Hydra operative.
Captain America led the charge, shield raised, and the three Avengers burst into the bakery.  As expected, the interior of the once adorable sweet shop was a mess;  pastel-painted tables and chairs broken and scattered all over the dining space, cash register and displays overturned, glass and bits of baked goods and blood splattered everywhere.
In the midst of the chaos was a strong, curvy woman in an adorable lavender and baby pink striped retro waitress uniform - short and ruffled, complete with an apron- standing over the seventh Hydra agent, her right hand fisted in his tactical vest and the left landing backhand after backhand.
She. Was. Pissed.
"Do you have ANY idea," she snarled, "how long it took me to decorate six dozen gourmet cupcakes?" SLAP! "It takes patience!" SLAP.  "Talent!" SLAP. "Energy! "SLAP.  "Did I mention talent?" SLAP SLAP.  "And YOU, you fucker.... you busted in here and tried to stab me." SLAP.  "Then your clumsy ass slammed into the case and smashed' SLAP "them" SLAP "ALL!"
Seething, chest heaving with, she swung her right arm behind her, forefinger raised in a "Be right with you" gesture toward the three Avengers, then dropped hard onto one knee on the agent's crotch.  As he gasped and cried out from the pain, she landed a hard punch to his nose.  Smirking at the sound of crunching bone, she stood and turned to face the newcomers.
"Okay, fellahs.  This one is still in decent enough shape to take in for questioning."
Bucky, mouth agape, muttered to no one in particular, "God, I love that in a woman."
Sam side-eyed him and smirked.  "What, Passion?"
The long-haired soldier shook his head. "Violence."
Steve stepped toward her and nodded. "Agent Forty-six, always a pleasure."
Forty-six chuckled and smoothed back her wildly disheveled hair.  Generous cupid's bow lips turned up and her lashes fluttered coquettishly. "It could be a pleasure.  I mean, I've offered but you never take me up on it."
Steve blushed and cleared his throat.   "Wanna fill us in on the details?" he deflected, gesturing to the last intact table in the shop, eyes looking anywhere but at her.
"Sure thing, Cap.  Might as well feed y'all while I'm at it.  There's still a bunch of pastries that didn't get ruined. Afraid I only have iced coffee though.  Fuc--- uh, jerks broke the coffee pot and espresso machine.  What'll you boys have?" She rattled on as she busied herself with washing her hands, back to business as if she hadn't just bested seven Hydra operatives without suffering so much as a scratch.
"Big ol' iced mocha. Dark and super sweet, just like me," Sam called out with a grin.
Forty-six laughed.  "Sammy, you know in my head I call that drink 'Sexual Chocolate'."
Sam guffawed.  “Hey, babygirl, we’ve gotta get together and watch that movie again!”  He received an enthusiastic nod and an "It's a date!" in reply.
Bucky's eyes went saucer-wide and Steve facepalmed at the nickname.
"Iced Americano for you, mon Capitan?  And you, Mr. Hotness-who-has-not-been-introduced-to-me-yet, what would you like?" As she offered, she turned to face the men and Bucky got his first real look at Agent Forty-six. Even with her hair a mess and makeup smeared, he was instantly smitten, causing him to lose the ability to speak when he locked eyes with her.
"Aw, kitty cat got your tongue, handsome?" she teased, "How about a large iced, extra creamy, lots of sugar, whipped cream with caramel drizzled all over the top?  Sticky sweet and it'll keep you awake for hours," she offered with a wide-eyed innocent smile.
Bucky swallowed hard and nodded.
"Yep, that's exactly what Frosty needs.  Been ages since he had something sweet," Sam confirmed, fighting back laughter.  
Steve glared at Same, then lay his head on the table and groaned.  "For the love of Pete, Forty-six.  Why are you like this?"
She rounded the counter with two trays piled impossibly high with food and drinks. As she placed the trays onto the table, she reached down and ruffled Steve's hair.  
"Well, Captain," she began in a throaty, sultry voice, "I've offered to be any way you want me, so it's your fault.  I'm just waiting for your...command."  She winked at Sam and Bucky and took a seat.
After a quick briefing on the altercation with Hydra, Forty-six pushed her chair back and regarded Bucky thoughtfully.  "So..." she began, leaning back and stretching tired muscles, “James Barnes, yeah? Winter Soldier, now Fist of the Avengers, super soldier, metal arm, best friend of Captain America?"
He found his voice long enough to reply with a quiet "yeah."
"Nice," she grinned, "So is there some sort of restriction in place to join the team?  'You must be this hot to enter', or what?  'The Earth's Panty-droppingest Heroes?  Jeezus-please us, Fury cornered the market on-"
"Forty-six, please," Steve interrupted.  He sighed and rubbed his temples before continuing. "Yes, this is James Barnes – Bucky, to his friends- and yes he is an active team member now.  No, there is no restriction.  You know that wouldn't be allowed, especially in this day and age."
She whistled.  "Look at you, all PC and stuff.  Honey, I was just yankin' your chain.  You know me.  I'll have all the required forms submitted before nine tonight, don't worry.  I'm a capable agent, despite how I might sound."   She stood and pushed the chair back into place.  "Great seeing you guys again.  Bucky, it's a pleasure to meet you.  I know you'll be a strong addition to the team." She graced him with a tight but genuine smile and moved to the stock room to check for supplies to board up the window.
Bucky regained his voice and senses after she left. "That's some dame.  She always like that?"
"Like what, flirty?" Sam grinned.  "Yeah, she's got a mouth on her, she's like Tony in that way, but she's more than capable. Nearly unstoppable in the field.  I've seen her accomplish some extraordinary feats, and if you need a marksman she's your woman."
Steve hummed in agreement.  "Yes, but she's got a quick temper, and that gets her saddled with the lower-end assignments.  Highest kill-count in SHIELD history... as you can probably tell by the bodies outside.  That makes her dangerous and a liability."
"Cap, she's more than competent and loyal to a fault," Sam reasoned.  "I'd be just as happy for her to have my back as one of you guys.  Give her a shot, man."
Heaving a defeated sigh, Steve stood.  "You're right.  I'll go talk to her."
Sam nodded.  "Good call."  Turning to Bucky, he smiled slyly and offered, "She's also single, Barnes.  Very available.  And in case you didn't notice, she's hot."
The soldier coughed and took a long drink of his iced coffee concoction.
Forty-six's rummaging around was interrupted by a throat clearing behind her.   Not bothering to turn around, she called over her shoulder, "I hope y'all will take home a couple of big boxes.  The baked goods will go stale and I hate for them to waste."
"I'm sorry."
She turned to see Steve wringing his hands, a penitent expression on his perfect face, his shoulders hunched and .drawn in.  It made the formidable Captain America look smaller and somehow quite vulnerable.
"I'm sorry I ran out of patience with you, Forty-six.  I'm still trying to balance duty and professionalism with basic... human instinct, I guess."  He hung his head and shifted from foot to foot.  "I'm not judging you for the things you say. I just can't process them quickly enough.  I respect you, very much," he paused and took a deep breath before exhaling slowly, controlled.  "Sometimes it's difficult to reconcile that respect with bawdy language and sexual innuendo."
As he stared at the floor and the tips of his ears turned bright pink, Forty-six smiled softly.  Heart melting for the Captain, she approached him and lifted his chin with a forefinger, searching his eyes with her own. "You're a good man, Steve Rogers.  I appreciate you." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, then turned back to
her task, missing the goofy grin on Steve's face.
He helped her carry the plywood to the front of the shop and the four made short work of boarding the shattered window as SHIELD agents removed the subdued Hydra operative.
"Well, that's that," she frowned as she dusted off her hands.  "Y'all want to take the boxed goods with you now, or do you want me to have them delivered to the tower?"
"Yes to all!" Sam cheered.  "You could just come back with us and crash there for a while.  I'm sure the team would love to see you."
Forty-six turned and entered the shop, muttering "Sure, sure they would."
Bucky shot Sam and Steve a look, to which Steve responded with a mouthed "tell you later."
A few minutes later, the four piled themselves and multiple boxes of baked goods into Forty-six's Jeep and were on their way to Avengers Tower. Sam reached over the seat and tugged her ridiculously cute uniform sleeve.   "You are keeping the outfit though, right?"  He winked at her in the rearview mirror.
She chuckled.  "Nah, I don't think these are my colors.  Besides, it makes my ass look fat.  I've gotta say, I'm looking forward to not having to get up at four in the morning to bake.  Another shi-  er, crummy gig in the books.  Wonder where Fury will send me next?" She pulled over in front of the Tower entrance and turned to grin at the guys.  "Home sweet home!  See y'all the next time I have to beat some ass.  Tell Tony I said 'hey', and nice to meet you, James."
The heroes said their goodbyes and made their way inside.
In the elevator, Sam broke the silence.  "Well, as run-ins with Forty-six go, that one was incredibly mild."
Bucky snorted.
"I'm serious!  The last time, there was a two-block wide explosion, a half-ton of gummy bears, and an ostrich. Then just when we thought the roof was gonna collapse on-"  Sam was interrupted by the elevator doors opening to reveal an agitated Tony Stark.
"I see bakery boxes.  Many bakery boxes," he gestured toward them with a wagging forefinger.  "What I do not see is coffee, and what else I do not see is my favorite baker. You three had the audacity not to bring Forty-six up here to visit her favorite genius?"  He stomped toward the common area as he ranted.
Sam and Steve chuckled as they dropped off the boxes of baked goods, then toward their rooms for showers, Bucky following suit, still puzzling over earlier events.
"Wait!” he shouted, "What happened to the gummy bears and the ostrich?"
There we go.  My first, very mild (in all ways) submission to Tumblr.  Anxiety is going to eat my face now.
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