#/I made the blog! @darkprinceofjustice here!
liikeglitterandgcld · 6 years
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ooc. hey remember yang? excuse my shitastic graphic but hot dang son! 
A WHOLE YEAR TODAY?! ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯ 
7/15/17 is when I made my multimuse public! While I had other single muse blogs before, this is my first multimuse, hopefully my only, but i don’t know that. To be quite frank I didn’t think I would last two months, let alone a year. That’s an accomplishment, to me most of all. 
and I’m not going to lie, sometimes I’ve had some major doubts if it would be easier if I made individual blogs for my muses, but I stuck it to. Yeah I’ve had some hiccups, some ups and downs, and one hiatus that went for a.... over a month.... but real talk, i think this is the first blog in recent memory, where i honestly enjoy being on here, more so than on my single muse blogs
and that is largely due to my mutuals. so before i become even more gross with emotion, i sincerely want to thank all my mutuals, i want to give special thanks to these people in particular below, that have endured my fat, and frankly pain in the ass self—but seriously every single of my mutuals deserves a medal for waiting ever so patiently waiting for a reply, be it a meme or thread
@darkprinceofjustice​ — iirc I you’re the very first final fantasy blog of noctis  to follow me back and the first ff blog that i. came across to KNOW the tales of games. Especially of tales of berseria! I wouldnt ever come to ship our muses—to ship these characters AT ALL to the point where you talks to me extensively on discord knows that ship has consumed my entire soul—if you didn’t talk to me ooc, or even follow me. despite how we both have certain opinions on certain things, i still consider you one my friends  ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゙
@emily-lutus​ — another long time follower and friend ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ who tolerates a lot of my bullshit. who would’ve thought that agreeing to make a particular muse jealous who spiral into our muses into friends with benefits to ‘where have you been all my life, i love you’! Holy hell I would never expect Velvet to fall deeply and become so frecken attached to Emily to the point she doesnt like sharing! Or vice versa for that matter. if i ever were to consider exclusives for ships, emily would be first on velvet’s list. i legit love talking to you and creating so, so many aus with you! and know you first hand who aggravating horny muses can be. seriously, i consider you as one my close friends, and i genuinely do like emily a lot, despite well... you know
@welkinite / @kharlani — FAFNIR!! ╰(✧∇✧)╯ You lore hound you! I honestly love how you put so much thought and compliment canon to Zaveid! It’s always a blast talking to you. We def need to do more threads, esp with Paine & noctis bc reasons. Srsly we def need to throw some ideas into ffxv & tob/toz. There are way too many similarities between them and im over the moon that someone else notices it too!  Also, also.... legit.... I honestly do want to see Zaveid & Ardyn swap clothes... just think of the fanservice :y
@rosenguard — yoooo! another long follower! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゙ i don’t care what others might say if you’re aerith is too ooc (you know my muses are ooc too much as well, so we can be ooc togther!) but i honestly love your aerith as does my noctis I think i like her more now ever since i followed you :’D  I enjoy rping with you, even when my muses didn’t click with her aerith. tbqh  im shocked how well and how fast noctis and aerith clicked! im looking forward to more of dat aerith/noctis goodness!
@somnusvincitomnia — we don’t talk a lot ooc, but i absolutely love, love your noctis! you have so many headcanons about noctis —especially him being depressed ball of fluff. i still love him regardless— that i honestly agree, with some that i never thought or put more thought into! him and paine need to hang more
@forsaken--lullaby — Sil!!!! ヽ(;▽;)ノ we havent followed for long but you are so dang positive! If it were possible I would give you all the hugs bc of the crap that you’ve dealt with and continuing to deal with. YOU DESERVE ALL OF THE HUGS! You’re also another blog that I love seeing on my dash. one of the these days we need connor & sophie interacting. let her adopt him.
@e0nian — it’s always a joy to see you pop up! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪  you deserve even more special thanks! you gave nadia a thread and i’m just so thankful, because she is so weirdly fickle yet picky! even though gabriel is an ass, i love seeing him and nadia interact
there’s no shortage people i want to thank but that would this post even longer than it! just know i appreciate every last one on you! im looking forward to another year on here. you all make it worth it do so
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oracleborn-archive · 8 years
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idk what the heck this banner is— but?? hello, tis i, vixen. i’ve been here for one month exactly !! ( the 20th ) and just recently i hit a HUGE milestone. i’ve had plenty of blogs in the past, but never once have reached this many this fast?
and oh boy here comes some uvu uvu rambings about !!!!  people i love and hold very dear to my he ar t.
but before that !!! i wanted to say THANK YOU. a lot of you guys have really helped me through. . . this really heavy pain that square left me after ffxv ? so honestly, thank you all so much for letting me have fun, and to see all these characters alive and well.
@lancefelled — hi bri 🌝 you !!! were the first person i messaged and plotted with :’) this honestly meant a lot to me because i was SUPER nervous about roleplaying again, but you !!!!!! you made me feel right at home again and i love you a whole lot.
@daemonslae — hi hannah 🌝  it’s ur turn now. BUT YOU !! you were the second person i really talked to here. you added me on skype, and we cried about a lot of things; but !! we also had good one-on-one talks and i feel like i can really trust you !! (probably with my life t bh)
@deathcoated  — hi renee 🌝 idk why i’m starting all these off with the passive aggressive mOON BUT !!! i’ve been mutuals with you for how many days now?? 14 !!!!! it feels like i’ve known you way longer, and :’)) i’m really happy i got to meet you.
@supershct — hi lee 🌝 u get in here too, come join the big hug. but !!! i met you through renee, and i’m very grateful! you ruin me with aus you find, you made me ..... kill noct in that ask..... and u ruined me by responding :)))) i still love you a while lot tho and i do hope we can grow closer !!
@silvaer — !!!!!!!!!!! i love your prompto so much, i rlly enjoy when people portray characters as agender / non-binary / genderfluid / etc. and !!!! you’re the first i’ve seen in the ffxv community, and i honestly just think it’s amazing ( ps - ily res )
@estanima — meme??? meme!!! just kIDDING I LOVE YOU. but !! i wish we could’ve met in the hq!! fandom :’) i’m happy we met here, but i think it would’ve been super neat to meet you before ~ ( but honestly, i feel like?? it’s already like that ).
@sophoi — my meme queen. my beloved twin. u honestly... followed me after i posted the video edit of luna and i fELT HORRIBLE. but you still loved me after :’) and i think that says a lot tb h,,,
@knightxalpha  /  @wulfriix  /  @tridentitty  /  @pyrascientia  /  @tenebraeya  /  @ofhammerhead  /  @promptsilver  /  @arvious  /  @praesul  /  @hydraeanesque  /  @croawe  /  @bellatxr  /  @mumsthewcrd  /  @pargentum:@nyx-oftheglaive  /  @hydrxean​  /  @heilna​  /  @machtnyx​  /  @divinamxultionem​  /  @tenebraeprince​  /  @floweringeclipse​  /  @heartxandxhome​  /  @caeruleun​  /  @faeht​  /  @polarlucis​
MY SUNS ( i admire you?! and hope to do more with you all some day ~ )
@lucislegend  /  @destinedking  /  @swcrdlily  /  @daemonizing  /  @aeristheancient  /  @firxga  /  @lastscion  /  @oflucis  /  @forzia  /  @mcrcenaire  /  @lastlucis  /  @caelitis  /  @galahdanblade  /  @glaivist  /  @fxrtem  /  @rexcrystallis  /  @valorfindings  /  @parricidalis​  /  @korutetsu​  /  @armgier​  /  @aerialkissed​  /  @eagerbender​  /  @heartzzie​  /  @praelior​  /  @dacteg​  /  @kingslight​  /  @umbrxm​  /  @gwirfrenin​  /  @forgotiisms  /  @silveredsun​  /  @oastraea​  /  @grewsiilver​  /  @rex-misericordi​  /  @gentleglacean​  /  @crownbirthmrk​  /  @treacherousglaive​  /  @libertum​  /  @hearthandhcme​  /  @pretendcr​  /  @ascendantly​  /  @brandedrose​  /  @souereign​
AND ALL MY STARS ( we do stuff now and then or i’m looking forward to it :’))) )
@ofsilverguns  /  @onlyhcir  /  @stellaux  /  @aperturetrigger  /  @corvidaeisms  /  @glaivehero  /  @new-recipe  /  @lastoftheline​  /  @darkprinceofjustice​  /  @quicksilversunshine​  /  @chosenbythecrystal​  /  @childofnoite​  /  @daemonosopher​  /  @chocobutthair​  /  @galahad-hero​  /  @unthroned-king​
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kxngxfgxmes-blog · 6 years
@blackthvnder - greeter
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“I’m sorry, am I supposed to know who you are, Duelist? You a friend of Jaden’s or something?” Yugi asked the other that reminded him of someone. A certain tall friend that was full of himself and loved his dragons. He wondered what this guy was obsessed with.
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