#/\ basically younger sibling taking in your fashion sense energy
starry-saturn-nights · 7 months
Wanted to draw out my AU’s Sam Flynn grid suit design:
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Bonus: Full page under cut:
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blippymilk · 6 months
Big Brother Veneer x Little Sister Reader
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❥ Definitely your biggest supporter and hater at the same time (normal brother behavior)
❥ Although you wouldn’t consider having Veneer as a sibling a “normal” experience
❥ At all.
❥ He had very mixed feelings about you for the first few months of your life
❥ He knew he wasn’t the baby of the family anymore according to Velvet (and dude loves attention soooo)
❥ He thinks your cute but thinks he’s cuter
❥ May or may not have tried to plot with Velvet on how to get a stork to come by and take you back to where you came from (he was pure ok)
❥ For the record Velvet did not agree (she wants Veneer to experience what happened to her too)
❥ The second he learned to love you, you were his favorite person ever.
❥ Your parents stopped worrying about you when they couldn’t find you because they knew Veneer always had you
❥ When he first tried singing he would take you to his room, grab his microphone, and sing to you. And when you clapped for him with your little hands he felt so pleased
❥ As you became a bit older Veneer turned into your biggest cheerleader
❥ He always woke up before anyone else in the house to feed you or warm your milk when you were fussy
❥ He was there when you took your first step
❥ He was there cheering you on when you said your first word
❥ He was there when you took a bite of your first solid food
❥ Whatever the occasion you name it
❥ As you got a little older your parents tended to notice you had a lot more personality than they expected
❥ And it was sort of like Veneer’s (and a little of Velvet)
❥ Veneer loved that for you
❥ You were a pretty stand your ground kid, with a little sass
❥ Veneer risked being late on his first day back at school to see your first day in kindergarten
❥ Gave you as many words of advice as he could
“You go in there and show them who’s boss. And let me know if anyone tries to mess with you, I’ll deal with them.”
❥ Veneer got smacked a little by his mom for the last sentence but he still stood by his word
❥ He was so happy for you later on when you came home excited
❥ Getting a little older and mature (around 5th grade) Veneer was basically your partner in crime
❥ Something was always happening under your household and it always landed back on you two
❥ Veneer’s the type of brother to know his parents will say no so he’ll send his younger sibling to ask
❥ One time Veneer encouraged you to watch a scary movie with him while the adults were away. You agreed and Velvet did not want to be apart of it.
❥ So by time your parents got back and it was lights out, you were shaking in your bed
❥ You ended up running to your parents to tell and you thought Veneer would be mad at you just for them to find him shaking in his bed too
❥ You both got grounded for a week
❥ When you made it to middle school Veneer noticed your energy shifting a little bit
❥ He knew there was a lot that could be happening to you in middle school because he hated middle school
❥ It could be teachers, students, homework, guys/girl problems, bullies, etc.
❥ So he convinced you to come to him whenever you needed to spill
❥ And you did
❥ Veneer definitely helped you with your fashion sense
❥ …Veneer when you get into your first relationship…😟
❥ Not exactly smooth sailing
❥ That’s why you tried to hide it at first
❥ Just so you know it did not work out and Veneer felt almost offended 😭
❥ Ends up getting along with them really well (if he likes their persona)
❥ But when it’s time for your first breakup he’s along with you every step of the way
“I never liked them anyways to be honest. You deserve way better.”
❥ Will definitely go with you to a school dance if no one else wants to
❥ And if you’re not into school dances yall are going somewhere fun like a movie, or a trampoline park
❥ Your brother Veneer who supports you reguardless of what you want to do in the future (he won’t ever let you be a lazy bum though)
❥ He cried when you started highschool
❥ If you both are in highschool together he’s your “bodyguard”
❥ Please don’t let him find out anybody is messing with you
❥ Likes to see what outfits you come up with on your own and he adores the way you dress
❥ His love for you never changes
❥ Veneer is overall just the best brother you could ask for
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dragbunart · 11 months
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practicing some Amy outfits for Super Sonic Sound
In Super Sonic Sound. Amy has a HUGE closet ... In the Modern Era. During the Classic Era she's largly exploring fashion and finding her style. Because she grew up very secluded...
She's a half-echidna raised by Knuckles (their half-siblings). All her pre-classic era life is spent up on Angel Island.
Her tarot cards were inherited by their mother. And she actually uses them (and CHaos energy) to make pretty accurate predictions, most the time. When she's younger she often won't do much without consulting the cards, but she chills out and trusts her own instincts as she gets older.
If the Chaotix arn't basically Amy and Knuckles adoptive family (ie grow up on the island with them), They have an agreement with Knuckles to use Angel Island as a base of operations, in return for getting supplies form below.
This is how Amy learns to harness Chaos energy to turn invisible, and acrobatics from Espio. While training with Mighty and Knuckles helps her control her abnormal strength.
She was NOT supposed to leave Angel Island when she did to meet Sonic. But the cards told her to and Knuckles was distracted. What else are you supposed to do when you predict you'll meet your soulmate on a super interesting planet that only appears once a year, and your overprotective brother isnt paying attention? Not go? She'll be back before he notices her gone!
She falls for Sonic pretty fast for a couple reasons. A) It's the first time she's meeting a boy that isn't basically family. B) Espio snuck her romance books, and hero always falls for the damsel. And C) The cards told her he was her soulmate. Then she gets kidnapped... She was caught off gaurd and she had left her hammer back on Angel Island.
She acutally busts herself out of Eggmans pirson when Sonic saves her.
Though Amy has to politely request he and his siblings escort her home. (as she doesn't want to get nabbed again).
THey either already have tails as this point or meet him shortly after
They take her home (to Angel Island) And almost get their shit wrecked by Knuckles and the Chaotix, who A) have been looking for Amy the past few days and B) believe Sonic and Sibs KIDNAPPED her. because eggman told them that.
Amy has to clear up the misunderstanding. (the kidnapping and Eggman being a bad guy). And Proclaims she's gonna marry Sonic someday. Sonic's a bit put off, but kinda ignores it since Amy's just a kid. But Knuckles sees this as a reason to try and attack Sonic again.
Eggman gets kicked off the island, but realizing the master emerald won't be safe, Knuckles, Amy, and the Chaotix decided to land Angel Island for now, and go on the run, so that Eggman won't be able to easily locate the emerald.
The Chaotix go one way and Knuckles nad MAy join the main gang.
Amy's arc largely involves her discovering herself. When she's younger she doesn't really have a sense of self. Doing what she's told (either by her companions or the tarot cards). And this is reflected in her attire. Her style is either her Classic Outfit or an outfit obviously picked by other characters.
But as Amy discovers who she is the style becomes more unique and 'Amy'. She trusts her own judgment and ends up having a pretty stubborn personality.
Discovers she doesn't need Love to be complete. (don't get me wrong she still very much loves Sonic, but she is more laid back about it when shes older Simalar to IDW where she isnt shy about her affection but doesnt plaste rit in neon light severy ten minutes). SHe still WANTS love, but she realized there are many forms of it.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Jason Voorhees x Freddy’sDaughter!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: They Cuddles; Him, Her, and her Bottle of Hypnocil. 
‘-There was something in her, something that was… pure horror. Everything you were supposed to watch out for. Heights, fire, shards of glass, snakes. Everything that his mom tried so hard to keep him safe from.’ - John Ajvide Lindqvist.
Inspired by the above quote.
Quick Background of Reader: You’re Maggies younger (Only a little) half-sister. (You were conceived and born shortly after he killed Loretta and your mother didn’t want you so you were pawned off to him so you were living with him until he was burnt by the Springwood Parents, whereas Maggie was of course taken away) (Pretend it was years between the time he was caught and the time he was killed)
Tried to write in Jasons POV, not sure how good it is, hah. 
I miiiiiiight have some ideas for future parts of this, this was adorable and sweet.
Just, Jason falling in so love with the enemies daughter who is so like her father - she’s loud, she’s hurt, she makes s t u p i d jokes and then laughs way too hard at them, she’s dangerous, - but who is gentle with him and kind. (She’s basically the type of girl Pam wouldn’t approve of at first but is so honest and kind that Pam cant help but begrudgingly like her eventually XD )
Warnings: Age gap? I mean it’s not a main plot point so you could ignore it but Jason and Freddy are similar in age so you’re young enough to be Jason’s kid too- but you’re in your 30’s-40’s so its okie. Fatherly trauma (Is that the right phrase?? Hah. You know what I mean) / Nightmare on elm Street survivor trauma also. Panic attack I think? Ends in fluff ^^ 
When you stayed a night in your van at that old, abandoned camp, you certainly didn’t expect to meet Jason. I mean, you weren’t surprised by his… abnormalities -referring to the fact that he’s dead. Not his deformities, - as much as you were how cute and sweet he was. And how well you two got on, after he tried to kill you.
And you don’t blame him for that! You trespassed; you get it. If you had known he was there and he had taken ownership of the area, then you would have asked before parking there.
When Jason had found a girl hidden away, sleeping in the back of a yellow van, he certainly didn’t expect that she would soon become so important to him. She was just another trespasser acting like a hoodlum -living! In! A! Van?! – in his general vicinity and of course, he didn’t like that.
Boring chase story short; He pushed your van over and there was a chase through the forest (You’ve never run that fast in your life, jesus christ. You can still feel the wind burn on your cheeks, that one rock under your bare feet that cut you and the energy rushing through your body pushing you forward anyway) and you leapt into the lake- waiting until he came in after you. And then when he did, you just screamed random nonsense, splashing around spastically at him until you hit a nerve that sobered him (Something about his mother). This is a technique you developed after you were given up to various foster homes after your father was burnt to death (And then also when he found you again) when stinky foster parents, foster siblings, bullies at school rando’s off the street wanted to put their hands on you, and that you mastered since. It works, evidently, with asexual zombie monsters too.
After that, you went back to your van and rap up your foot, thinking that at least the lake water cleaned up the cut on your foot, and then grumpily set up your bed on your window now since the van (Poor, dear Mandy) is now on its side thanks to the local undead jerk!
You hadn’t slept a wink the rest of that night, not because of the hulking mass of rotten flesh and a hockey mask that you knew was lurking somewhere close by, watching you, but because you weren’t about to waste an extra Hypnocil pill in one night. You just laid there, pillows propping you up and being bored. Staring at the ceiling, smearing various ugly pastel shades onto a page in your sketchbook, listening to the woods and imagining getting rawed by Danny Zuko were highlights. Then, when daylight finally broke out, you were finally, unhappily wondering how you were going to get Mandy back on her wheels, zipping up your jacket and looking at your beautiful pale-yellow Volkswagen.
You thinking what pain this would be to correct… and then having turned on your heel and went on a trek to the closest town to get some kind of breakfast. Procrastinating the inevitable.
When you had returned, a bag of groceries in your arms -drink propped on top of everything else so you could sip through the straw as you walked,- , your van was back on her wheels.
You don’t know what it was about you that made him do that, that made him stop and not kill you, and its likely you’ll never find out since he doesn’t talk, after that you had gone directly to find the - cute, now, -behemoth you knew fixed it for you, to make and give him fairy bread to say thank you and sorry for what happened last night- and honestly you’ve been friendly ever since. More then friendly, after a while, but never less then.
___TIME SKIP: Current time now. Months and months after you met___
~ POV Change~
Oh my god.
The second I see that the familiar bottle, the one from Typo with the Coca Cola logo on it that reminds me absolutely zero percent of my father that I keep Hypnocil pills in is not where I left it, a deep sense of dread and anxiety fills me up to the brim- only proceeding to grow outwards to the air around me as I search in an increasingly more panicked fashion for the thing. Where is it!? Where is it, where is it, where is it. “Where, where, where, where, where, where- “
I fling a pillow out the back of the van and am just bundling up the blankets, not caring what else goes with it to push out as well so I can find that fucking bottle when I notice Jason standing there at the back doors watching me, head tilted. I immediately stop what I’m doing, heart stopping for a second. “Lost something.” Is all I can squeak out.
He leans forward and I watch as I bends down so his head and upper body are in here with me and looks around, then up at me again as if to ask what I’m looking for so he can help me. “I-Its, um… “ My voice trembles. I need to find that bottle- the fact that Jason is being so sweet and offering to help me look just makes me feel even less together. I could cry. “A r-red bottle with umm, curly writing on it?” He probably doesn’t remember what coke is, much less the logo…
He nods, and starts looking around, eyes focused and slow as the graze along everything in the van so studiously that I stay extra still instead of helping- so he doesn’t miss anything with that super-vision he’s acting like he must have. The vans a mess and I’m just kneeling in the corner, against the driver’s seat with the blankets all bundles up in my lap, worrying my bottom lip and waiting for this man to save me. Please, jesus- help me. Save me.
A moment later and I’m about to slowly move from my place and Jason suddenly moves. His heavy arm shoots forward and pulls the bottle, a tubular shock of red, out of a nook between my portable DVD player/screen and some books and I was showing him earlier, offering it to me.
Dropping the blankets and sitting on them instead, feeling the softness on my bare legs and taking the bottle from him before hugging it to my chest and covering my face with my hands, silently.
Oh my god.
~POV Change~
Y/N curls up on herself, hiding her face and the bottle between her legs and her tummy and doesn’t make much noise except a quick, quiet whimper. She’s acting different, in a bad way. Why isn’t she talking to him, Jason wonders? Why isn’t she being loud? Is she okay?
Looking around the van, because he has to go in there and see if she’s okay- get her out of that body-cocoon, Jason crawls into the vehicle that he’s never dared to touch since the first night they met, and it breathes under his weight a little bit. He sits down next to her, crossing his legs and watching her for a while. What… to do… now… hmm…
Finally, he decides putting his hand on her shoulder might work to get her attention at least, and she does relax her shoulders quickly at the contact. Then looks up, face red, at him before wiping her face again and crawling suddenly into his lap. She takes a deep breath, regaining some of her usual colour and composure as Jason just sits solid and c o m p l e t e l y still beneath her, flashing him a quick, toothless smile. “Thank you for finding this Jason, it’s important to me.” She looks at the bottle in her hands, not wanting to put it down and risk losing it again even as she knows its irrational that she would do it twice in a row. “Its… how I keep him away… “
Y/N looks up at Jason, eyebrows risen up her forehead to watch him cautiously, worriedly, looking for signs. Did he understand what you were talking about? And if so, is he okay at the mention of your father?
He’s just completely unmoving still. Y/N blinks at the utter lack of responce. “Jason?”
When she still doesn’t receive a response, she taps his mask gently. “Jaaaason?”
That gets his attention, as he looks down at her face… and nods. A wonky smile that makes his somehow-still-beating heart flutter weirdly appears on her face and she looks outside instead. “So, what did you come to see me for? Ya just missed me? Hah, I missed you too cutie. How about we go for a walk? Its pretty today- ah.” When Jason’s big arms suddenly, slowly take action and wrap heavily around her, she’s pleasantly surprised. Her anxieties and panic from earlier all but slip from their knot in her chest and disappear at the action, and she responds by turning properly to her side in his lap so she can lean into his chest. “Oor we could cuddle. That sounds better anyway!~”
She taps the side of his face affectionately before closing her eyes, and he lets his own half lid themselves at the feeling of her so close to him. She’s so cute and warm. Its weird, but he thinks- if someone were to come right now in this moment, and not be loud and not do anything to Y/N or him… he would probably let them go.
(Well at least until he let her go.)
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elliotfm · 4 years
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hey guys ! i’m jules and i’m super excited to open; i have two super clingy cats in case any of you ever need a visual pick-me-up, i’m a uni student in canada and a Big skincare and dark chocolate junkie, more than likely gonna be typing replies while indulging in either jsyk ! i tried to keep it short since i’m a rambly bitch, but links to elliot’s basic stats and her wc page will be up soon — though i have some under the read more — as well as a playlist whenever i find the energy to set it up here FLDKSJGSD also pardon the lack of theme, i forgot the url for the preview and code link for the one i wanted to use but i’ll have it figured out shortly ! anyways, without further ado:
◤  *  kim doyeon  ;  twenty-one  ;  cis female  ;  she/her  —  is  that  who  i  think  it  is  over  there  ?  outer  banks  very  own  kook  ,  elliot hong  .  makes  sense  ‘cause  i  can  practically  hear  into it  by  chase atlantic  blasting  through  their  headphones  .  plus  who  else  would  you  find  out  at  the boneyard  right  now  ?  some  say  they're  pretty  astute  ,  but  it's  the  imperious  reputation  i'd  watch  out  for  .  i  wonder  if  they're  still  a student / heiress  and  obsessing  about  keeping  up  with  their  bongs, random shoes and empty bottles of dom on the living room floor  &  a bite as big as her bark  vibe  .  [  ooc  ;  jules/21+/nt/she/her  ]
tw: drug and alcohol mention
the middle child of her parents, elliot is the fourth of her father’s five children
her mother is his second ( now ex — ) wife, though they remain cordial and have since moved on
grew up with a silver spoon, her dad being a wall street giant who would split his time between nyc and, once upon a time, connecticut — though it ultimately became a back-and-forth from nyc and the outer banks when elle was about four
her mother was adopted into an old money family ( on the lower end of that group ) in charlotte when she was a baby and had become something of a socialite when young, but shifted to becoming an entrepreneur. of what ?? i still haven’t figured that out LFJDGS
has a half-sister and half-brother from her dad’s first marriage, tallulah ( aka tally, a pain in my ass over on my indie fdlkjgs ) and bennett, and is basically a mini tally as all she really had were brothers and was Attached to her big sis whenever she’d visit
and as for her older and younger brother..... they might be wcs soon enough so we’ll leave that be for now DFLSGKJ
now onto ELLE ! she was the princess of the younger three hong kids, like the apple of her mother’s eye and her father’s Biggest tormentor
aka would hog the phone whenever he couldn’t come home for the night to tell him good night, hounded him to read her bedtime stories, pretty much always got her way in the most wholesome way when she was a kid
like i said before, moved to the obx when she was four because her mom used to visit when she was a kid and loved it; it was also due to its convenience in seeing her maternal grandparents regularly, its quieter nature in comparison to the affluent hubs for businessmen outside of manhattan and just in general
her dad just went along because it’s what his wife wanted and fuck it, at least the kids wouldn’t hound them to take them to places beyond their urban surroundings as often DLSFJDS
growing up, she wasn’t Too much of a brat but liked having the spotlight on her — she’d accredit it to tally’s influence AND her parents caving to her whims more often than not — and was very sociable and respectful even back in primary school
LOVED to explore, and, while not a tomboy per se, would take part in some activities her brothers or other boys in her grade participated in; be it to bond, trail along her siblings’ every move because she didn’t wanna stray far from action, or to prove that she can hold her own, she’d do it
uhhh overall a cute, if not high-maintenance, kid, but her teen years ?? yikes, people would be in for a ride bc this is when she REALLY started to emulate tally and shift her boldness towards riskier shit
basically could’ve been a main character on outer banks itself with her reckless antics and partying as a teenager…. and now, even SGDLKF
could’ve been considered a typical kook, save for her wild streak; she could hang with the pogues and wouldn’t let her slight superiority complex come into play unless she was challenged or something, otherwise she’d chase the party and the fun wherever she could find it
loves fashion and being the hottest in the room, didn’t need to step on toes to get further but would do so at times Solely to make a point/to call someone out on their shit
is now attending columbia u, rather she’s taking a Break as she makes sure she’s content with the path she’s taking ( aka being the trashy 21 year old she wants to be, chilling at the family home with just her siblings and daddy’s money with no Major worries involving the near future )
isn’t the most studious person, but she’d gotten far enough to begin wrapping up her major whenever she decides to head back
though.. the entire time has been mostly spent sleeping with some of her rich friends, drinking and smoking pot, with the occasional hit of whatever clean enough drug that one of her friends had on them
also spent a lot of her time meeting up with her socialite big sis as a plus one to some cooler events, so while she’s not famous, her name has made the rounds where it matters given her surname’s already established relevance in nyc
when she’s not getting an education and is homebound instead, she’s pissing off her neighbours with her house parties at the family home on the beach, doing dumb shit the second she’s inside of a gala or club — albeit with partial discretion that’s completely ignored whenever around other young adults — and just chilling poolside and staying hydrated fgkldjsg
personality and shit
if i were to use a label to describe her, she'd be a mix between the princess/baby doll, the hedonist and the reveller i think ?? i don’t even know where to place her LKSDFGJLK
self-confidence is through the roof, KNOWS she’s pretty and doesn’t really let rumours or negativity get her down — aside from wanting to unleash hell if someone keeps irritating her for whatever reason
she’s messy as hell, but around the uptight, live-through-your-kids parents of kooklandia she puts on the façade of a poised young woman who has Some fun because she knows it bodes well.. only even then, she doesn’t maintain it bc honestly, who cares —
she’s not a complete dick per se, but she can be snide and boastful when provoked
has something of a superiority complex, independent and lives lavishly with reckless abandon
non-committal yet sensible when it comes to who she sleeps with; typically has a couple of stable fuck buddies but has had some one night stands if she’s feeling it
keeps her true inner circle small, but gets off on attention and likes to stay cordial with some people, so she’s got quite a few friends all the same
like i said earlier, will hang with the pogues and thinks the whole class rivalry thing is kind of stupid when it means sticking with her own would mean dealing with parent pleasers, polo shirt enthusiasts and either being too straight-laced or too destructive for her liking
.. so she’s a far cry from her sister in that regard, otherwise rip GLSKJ
though that doesn’t stop her from unleashing her pompous attitude onto a pogue when it seems appropriate, aka doing anything to piss her off
there really isn’t much to expand on tbh, though i will say that her emboldened nature and need for a good time however she can get it comes out more than her uglier side ( except her vanity. that’ll never go away KSFDG )
some quick plot ideas
a childhood friend or two, pretty standard idea there
could carry over into a trio type of thing depending on where she stands with either of them, or they’re a different couple of pals she’s made over the years
family friends, aka nyc kids or people who’ve rubbed elbows with either of elle’s parents, though they don’t Actually have to be friends of course JGDSFKL
her best friend and confidante, someone she can have cute moments with between the chaos and one of the few people that elle would probably accost someone for if they hurt the other in any way
enemies are always fun ! probably rooted in a competitive streak more than anything else but i’m all ears for a more complex reason
ex-hookup(s), current hookup(s), throw it all at me klgfjd
a hateship/ewb would be fun with her too, oh my god sfdgklj
FAKE FRIENDS !! either in the past or currently, probably stayed friends for the sake of their appearances but have a lot of quiet disdain for each other — though elliot wouldn’t be too bothered by that situation beyond being around someone she deems soul-sucking, face value hype and knowing they probably need her more than she needs them gives her too much satisfaction fkskgls
an ex-something, open to anyone. either someone her parents forced on her to straighten her out a tad that she wound up liking…. after a good period of her telling them to fuck off sdglk or someone she’d been seeing for a while at her own accord, likely someone her parents wouldn’t approve of so readily. would’ve ended the same way: with her calling it off because she didn’t want to settle down, not even for a relationship ( and perhaps bc she’s scared of commitment with her cracked family dynamic that’s been a thing since birth, but that’s another story jsdfkg )
or we can just as easily do high school exes who only really stayed together until graduation bc their parents were being Some level of overbearing with how they’d be such a good couple — not that there was nothing there, just nothing beyond sex and being some kind of status symbol to each other, idk lfkgsd
her designated event pals would be super fun ?? sdgkflj like they go to all of these big parties and galas with their families, break off to do their own thing bc those events are boring as fuck, and head back to her place before she throws an after-party of sorts. they’d be decent friends beyond this though, them being someone she trusts a good bit compared to others in her circle
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himbowelsh · 4 years
valentine's day with Eugene Jackson or Henry Jones, pls ♡
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
yo what’s up can you hear me screaminggggg i had no idea how to do this!!  they’re both such minor characters, but i went with jackson because i’d already written a few headcanons on him already.  hope this is okay, love!!
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Physical affection all the way, baby  ---  Jackson’s the kind of guy who doesn’t think twice about it. He loves touching as much as he loves being touched   ---  a hand on someone’s arm or clutching their shoulder is a great way to let them know that they aren’t alone. (It helps that he’s a hugger.) When he really cares for someone, he’s prone to teasing them as well  ---  always in good humor, but his sharp-witted jokes underscore a deep affection.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Lol nah. His mama was passionate about her flower garden, and Eugene was basically forbidden to go near it when he was little (being the type of kid who caused carnage without even trying). He’s developed a natural distaste for flowers ever since. Not a fan of bouquets at all, and tries to avoid them.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
All chocolate is good chocolate  ---  which is why he should just be given all the chocolate.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
He’d love something daredevil-ey, like jetskiiing or parasailing; even an amusement park date, as long as his partner’s willing to ride all the giant coasters. He craves that shot of adrenaline, but also to see how his partner reacts under intense circumstances. Nothing’s sexier than steel nerves.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
I’ll reiterate  ---   Jackson is a hugger, and he’s not ashamed of it. Part of it comes from growing up in a big family, when sometimes in the winters you just had to dogpile each other to stay warm. He loves being held, but especially loves getting to hold someone else; just feeling another body presses against his summons a tranquility within him that’s not often seen. His hugs tend to last a few seconds   ---  and god forbid he sits down to hold someone, because then he’s in it for the long haul. Half-assed snuggling? Not here, no sir.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Lots of winking; he’s got an arsenal of pick-up lines, ranging from really corny to really dirty, and he’ll whip them out according to his mood. No champion flirt, but he gets points for trying. Also very liberal with buying people drinks, so that helps.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
No! He’s horrible at it! The absolute worst! Which isn’t to say he doesn’t try, but he’s not intuitive when it comes to what the people in his life want...  so if he tries to get them something, it’s always exactly the wrong thing.  His mother doesn’t need a new potholder, she already has five! What does his sister need a geometry textbook for, she finished school last year! Just go with gift cards, buddy, it’s your safest option.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Jackson rushes into everything, and falling in love is no exception. As soon as someone strikes his heartstrings, he’s all in. However, it’s harder than you’d think to get to that point; he’s not easily moved emotionally, so for someone to capture his heart they’d really have to make an impression.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
It’s not something he really gives much thought to. His partner would probably have to say it first   ---  it’d give him pause for a moment, just enough to stop and realize, “oh, that’s pretty cool”, followed by, “huh, should I have said that first?”  immediately succeeded by “ah, what the hell, I’m saying it now”. Once that barrier’s been crossed in a relationship, he says it enthusiastically and often. 
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Extremely.  He’s not ashamed of it, either  ---  in a relationship, a fella’s got certain rights, and those rights include not seeing some other guy cozying up to his partner. Jackson will make a scene about it, and if they choose not to take the hint, isn’t above throwing a punch. While his partner might be a little embarrassed, he doesn’t have any shame
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
He uses a lot of tongue. Like...  occasionally too much tongue. He’s a biter, too, bit is more careful with that, and it works to his advantage. When he takes his partner’s lip into his mouth, allowing his teeth to bare down on the skin just enough to get them moaning, he means business. Loves to have his hands on his partner’s ass while kissing, feeling it up like a prize ham at the fair. Definitely a grinder; even though he gets ahead of himself quickly, his kisses are a whirlwind, definitely worth the price of admission.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
He’s a bit of a Momma’s Boy, even if he won’t admit it   ---   she’s always got prize place in his heart, and the last thing Jackson would want to do is hurt her. (Unfortunately, impulsive sons have a talent for hurting their mothers.) He’s very fond of his siblings, had a few teachers in elementary school that he’ll still sing the praises of today, and is very, very attached to his buddies.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Midnight is where it’s at. At least, that’s when he’s always in the mood, every night, without fail. “Romantic” is one word for it.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
He’s got so much energy, man. Where does he get it? Where does he keep it all? Where does it go as soon as the deed’s done, and he’s passing out in minutes? Jackson’s a very physical lover; he likes it rough, just because he loves grabbing his partner and keeping his hands on them for as long as possible. Nails on his skin? Hell yes. Doing it in weird places  ---  somewhere they could be discovered easily? Sign him up. He’s got a thing for flexible partners, plus partners who use teeth. Leaves love marks like they’re going out of fashion. If he hasn’t completely worn his partner out by the end, leaving them too exhausted and satisfied to sit upright, something went wrong.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Definitely not. He’s plainspoken, quite blunt, and couldn’t string together a poem if you paid him  ---  but he always says what he means. When something’s on his mind, Jackson’s the type to just blurt it out.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Jackson wants someone entertaining, someone not afraid to have fun; a down-to-earth person who’s not afraid of a challenge. Super competitive people are a kink for him. Someone with a tough side. They have to have a good sense of humor, and understand his, even if his humor is...  offbeat at times. They must be a dog person. He’s got a thing for dark hair, and would love a partner who knows how to move it on the dance floor.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
Like...  he’ll do it. Eventually, he’ll do it. He’s in no rush to do it, but if his partner wants to, he’ll give them the best damn proposal they’ve ever seen. So long as he doesn’t trip and drop the ring.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body, unfortunately. Some romantic veins, a few romance-inclined nerves, but other than that, he’s not wired that way. Candles and roses go way over his head; Jackson shows his love in different, more physical ways. But if his partner wants romance, and they make that known to him, he’ll put every ounce of effort into it   ---   Jackson’s ride-or-die til the end, and he won’t stop until he’s made his partner happy.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
From the age of four to the age of fourteen, Jackson was very set in his “girls are gross” phase. He had no desire for a childhood romance whatsoever, even if he’s sure one of his sisters’ friends was a little dewy-eyed for him.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
It’s genuinely not something he’s ever given much thought to. He wouldn’t even consider it ‘til he found someone who might be the genuine article  ---  someone he could conceivably spend the rest of his life with. Then...  yeah, true love might be real after all, if it’s real enough for him.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Nah. Never let himself get that far. Jackson is scarily durable, and bounces back from emotional/physical injuries like a ping-pong ball. It would take something absolutely devastating to break him.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
He’s never given it much thought before, just been sort of annoyed at how his sisters fuss over who gave them flowers at school, and who’s going out with who. A Valentine’s Day novice. If his partner wanted to do something romantic, he’d be completely at a loss, but try his damn best.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
It’s something his Mama really wants, but Jackson’s in no hurry. Life is long, he’s young and healthy, not planning on going anywhere anytime soon...  before he tethers himself to anything, he wants to live. If a partner comes along who’s eager to live with him...  well, they might just be the one. He’d marry, but it’d take a while, and only in a long-term relationship.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Not often, but sometimes he’ll make up goofy ones, just to get a smile out of his partner. All his younger siblings have nicknames that he uses religiously, though.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Oh, god yeah. He’ll get feral about it. 200% not afraid to clock a bastard if they threaten someone he cares about. He doesn’t even need a reason, he’ll just fight for funsies.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He didn’t get many opportunities back home, but in the army he’s gone a little wild. Lots of going out with the boys, lots of picking up ladies  ---  paid company of otherwise. There have been a few legendary whoring binges in Easy Co’s history, and Jackson has been on all of them. Probably about...  8-9 partners??  He wracks them up fast.
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mikenewtonhateblog · 4 years
My oc’s aka too long of a gd post
The “BL” Crew (does not stand for boys love I’m just a moron who made that abbreviation before knowing what it stands for). My main crew and main series, a lot is a big WIP right now as I’m slowly redoing the first book and all the lore. Why? I love torture. Book is fantasy type but I won’t specify what.
Lacie, the protagonist. God tier idiot, bisexual bipolar depressed MESS, insomniac, former theater kid, doesn’t know what she wants out of life but currently it is not This(plot of book). Hot headed, impulsive, crude, rude, Mommy IssuesTM, would rather be taking a nap right now, rules are made to be broken, absolutely fucking FERAL, more bags under her eyes than the airport lost and found. 5’5, 130lbs, Aries, age 18, white as shit like literally the whitest human you have ever seen, strawberry blonde hair in a 2011 Hayley Willaims haircut with long bangs, the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen that stare directly into your soul. Lanky, no curves, body of a 12 year old boy but works out so she can and will kick your ass and thats a threat. Not human?
Josh. Soft boy, smart, Lacie’s cousin and only friend for like the first 18 years of her life, autistic anxious mess who’s special interest is anchient egyptian history, is in honors classes, despises math, passes out when his girlfriend looks too cute, just needs a hug. Can eat a whole carton of easy mac if left alone, whole wardobe is the same outfit just different colors/hoodies, sensory issues, seriously can someone give this guy a hug. 5’9, 150lbs, Pisces, age 18, mixed (half whatever flavor of white Lacie’s family is [they don’t even know its just some scandanavian shit and irish], and half mexican on his mom’s side), medium olive skin with freckles and moles, dark chocolate brown hair that’s a bit of a 2009 Beiber cut, warm brown eyes, not beefy, a lil thicc and self concious about it but squishy boys are GOOD. Gets bit by a werewolf so now he is one his mood on it is “thats a lot to unpack but let’s just throw the whole suitcase away”.
Zander. There is not one braincell in this man, himbo KING, pansexual dumbass with undiagnosed ADHD, no impulse control, head empty and full at the same time, PTSD, his fashion sense should be an actual crime, gets in fights to feel something, basic requirements for him to be attracted to you: kick his ass. Drinks his respect women juice, sees a folding table and must immediately launch himself on it, chaotic, cannot drive a car and will not, food aggression and eats enough for 3 people but never gains weight which is ILLEGAL, him and Lacie may be a couple.....but in this house we stan slow burn, he talks in caps and every sentence either ends with a question mark or exclaimation point, likes romcoms. 6’2, 190lbs, Sagittarius, age 19, austrailian roots and has the accent but is from [REDACTED FOR STORY REASONS], white, dorito shaped with long legs, blueish black hair that’s long and messy, dark navy eyes that match his hair, bigass neck scar from [REDACTED]. Not human
Peter. Gay dad friend who is TIRED of having to be in charge of a bunch of teenagers, only one with full functioning braincells, lowkey a genius who loves engineering, mixes magical technology with human technology because he likes to play god, is he ever sober? No one knows, will kill for a bottle of single malt, his fashion sense? Tastefully expensive suits perfectly tailored. Likes building his own weapons that no one else knows how to even use, generally non-threatening but can get scary if needed. 6’4, 140lbs string bean man, Scorpio, age 179 but looks early 30s, I know I said Lacie is the whitest human but he’s even paler like a literal sheet of paper with scandanavian roots/ancestors were vikings or some shit, blonde hair styled like 2013 Brendon Urie lmfao, light crystal blue eyes. He’s a vampire and was born one.
Danielle. Tiny, sweet, queen of girls supporting girls, comments on all her friends instagram posts with 20 emojis, LOVES fashion and has a wardrobe that would make anyone jealous, oozes feminine energy, only child and parents are in love still, gets exactly 8 hours of sleep each night and wakes up looking like a disney princess. Just because she is small and cute doesn’t mean you should underestimate her she WILL fuck your shit up. Quiet when angey which is terrifying. Josh is her bf and she loves him so much but also loves teashing the shit out of him. Legally cannot cuss, polite, used her high heels as a weapon once, speaks like 5 languages because studying them is her hobby, gardens, hugs everyone. 5’0, 110, Taurus, age 18, mixed (half french-american, half Korean-american), glowy skin always, PETITE frame aka the friend everyone can pick up when they hug, long past her waist curly brown hair, bright green eyes. She’s not fully human as she has fae blood in her and this gives her the ability to talk to and control plants. Flower crowns for everyone
Becca. Theater kid who would die to sing in Wicked and has the vocal range to do so, cannot wait to graduate and go to her dream college which she got into and a scholarship, closeted lesbian bc her whole giant family is extremely catholic and she feels like not dealing with it, “no boys allowed in bedroom” rule is her favorite joke, chill, middle child of 5 siblings and just wants some peace and quiet for ONCE. Her fashion sense is “I’m dropping subtle hints I’m gay but only to other gays”, has a black belt and took self defense classes. 5’6, 145lbs, Virgo, age 18, Latina (cuban and mexican mix), darker brown skin with light freckles over her nose, athletic build, eyebrows on POINT, bright caramel eyes, short light brown hair cut in a bob, has a tiny nose stud, always wears a blue friendship bracelet her gf made her. Human
Anika. Calling her a bitch/slut is a compliment, bisexual, a bit of a mean girl but she grows out of it give her time!!! Is always Too Much, the horny friend, favorite color is red so thats almost all of her outfits, loves to show off her body as much as she can because she’s hot and knows it and thrives in her own confidence. Her mom is literally like Regina George’s mom from Mean Girls but married a rich man 20 years older than her, Anika doesn’t know her bio dad but thats fine neither does her mom and her step dad is nice and does his best to be a dad. Becca’s gf, always hanging out at her home so Becca can get some quiet because Anika’s an only child and has a pool. 5’9, 135lbs, Gemini, age 18, white, long layered dark reddish brown hair, teal-blue eyes, swimmers body type (I normally do not mention bust size but she would want the internet to know she was blessed with big bahoogles so there you go), can sprint in heels. Half mermaid (boy was that a surprise considering her mom doesn’t know who her father is LOL)
Rex. Nb uses they/them he/him pronouns but honestly will respond to any, goth lite, only attracted to men and ace, can read minds so knows all your secrets, mischevious little shit, great friends with Zander and enjoys his dumbass thoughts and that he’s basically a human version of Jackass, wears too many rings, goth boots for kicking and fashion babey, always has the freshest memes and will not hesitate to roast in the group chat, hangs with the girls most of the time. Chaos god who loves making art, be gay do crime, skateboard and spraypaint. 5’8”, 165lbs, Leo, age 18, Native American, masculine frame, dark brown skin, blue eyes, firetruck red shoulder length hair that’s usually in a ponytail, knock-off gucci sunglasses just for judging their friends. Has magic in their blood so not entirely human and can cast spells and shit (don’t roast me its a wip and I’m doing my research)
Sam. Boho goddess, aromantic, makeup and nails are always instagram worthy, quiet and stoic type but losens up around close friends, Rex is her best friend, has some trauma and doesn’t want to talk about it, emotionally numbed out a bit and wants to purely vibe. Has seen some of the worst parts of humanity and wishes she hadn’t, finds no point in being bitter or resentful though because that won’t change anything, loves cats and once she moves out shes adopting one or three. Has wine aunt energy. 5’4, 200lbs PLUS SIZE QUEEN, Scorpio, age 18, Filipino (her parents are immigrants fun fact!), really olive skin sometimes has a grey/green tinge to it, dark brown almost black shoulder length hair, gold-hazel eyes. Sam’s the victim of a family curse that requires her to consume human hearts to survive, she can transform into a pretty scary looking being and uses this curse to hunt down pedoph*les, r*pists, murderers, and abusers. The less often she feeds the less human she looks, hence the constant grey/green tinge to her skin. 
Andy. Baby of the group, must be protected at all costs, 100% didn’t sign up to be in a friendgroup of 90% monsters but highkey loves it, trans, bi, anxiety MAXED, just wants to draw comics and cosplay spiderman, has to babysit his two younger sisters a lot because his parents are....not great, and as a result now knows all the lines to Tangled and The Little Mermaid. Big nerd energy, has to draw on everything including homework, gets inspiration for comics from his friends, awkward and socially anxious, drinks way too much tea and will accidentally steal your pens. Fears include: crowds, thunder, tall angry men, tiny spaces. Just trying his best. 5’2, 100lbs BEANPOLE BOY, Leo, age 16, white (irish and scottish roots), freckles absolutely EVERYWHERE, orangey red hair thats in desperate need of a haircut, chocolate brown eyes, braces, chronic nail biter. Human and kinda wishes he wasn’t.
That’s it for now if you read all this bless u thank u here is my whole heart. Please no discourse, literally these are fictional people I’ll never publish the books they go to.
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gotatext · 4 years
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                   hllo ! i’m nora ( she / her, 24, gmt ) crawling back to this rp once more like the dirty sewer slug i am !! i just can’t get enough, baybeyyy ! u may remember me frm such roles as alma putnam, rory bergstrom, bridget matusiak or greta o’driscoll 2 name jst a few.... sure there were more over these long years, bt the show must go on.... this is mimi, she’s dogmatic, tenacious n single-minded 2 the point of recklessness, she doesn’t like handouts n she’s funding her degree through her onlyfans account n moaning abt shit on tiktok. we love 2 see it !!  slam that like button n i’ll creep into ur DMs like the slippery worm i am   OR u can discord me at that bitch carole baskin#8664.   a humble pinterest.
『ALEXA DEMIE ❙ CIS-FEMALE 』 ⟿ looks like MIMI MARTÍNEZ is here for HER SOPHOMORE year as an ARCHITECTURE AND SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY student. SHE is 22 years old & known to be STRONG-WILLED, GOAL-ORIENTED, ARROGANT & EASILY BORED. They’re living in MORIS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ nora. 24. gmt. she/her.
this is p embarassing but i actually originally wrote mimi for a discord rp based around love island asgjag dont laugh at me but it was so chaotic n someone deleted it w-out telling any of us so i lost her bio.... all her threads....e verythin.... it was mad. but anyway we startin from scratch w this intro so bare with
mimi is a really extra character so when trying to flesh her out i thot of the most extra thing i could do n made a colour coded mindmap with watercolour paints detailing her values, aesthetics and early life. shoot me
background: she grew up in a trailer home in boulder city, abt half an hour from vegas. her mom had worked in a vegas casino for most of her 20s but relocated to boulder city for a slower pace of life / lower crime rate when she started having kids. mimi has 2 older brothers n she’s the youngest. has that invulnerable younger sibling complex n basically thinks nothing can touch her. very confident in her own intelligence and her ability to get shit done 
has mexican ancestry on her mom’s side. doesn’t know her dad. was raised with spanish catholic principals n found it all very stained glass windows and extra n that’s why she was kinda drawn to the decadence of vegas and all these massively high key aesthetics, like dia de les muertos was her fave thing growin up just bcos the pure feel of the festival and painting a sugar skull on her face n being able to party on the streets in a flower crown where everyone was kinda anonymous but together in this celebration
in boulder city her mom worked as a carer as there’s a lot of retirees there. mimi really resented the slow pace of life, longed for some fucking energy n life. she was a cheerleader in school but outside of school there wsn’t much to do except practise stunts and go on bike rides.  occasionally they’d get dressed up and catch a bus to henderson, the next biggest city for them to get tht sweet night life
her teenage years consisted mostly of hanging around the renovated motel blocks used as housing projects n tanning by the pool. very florida project if you’ve seen that. she reminds me a lot of the mum in that. also she started working as an avon rep going door-to-door when she was 16 bcos she wanted to have her own income. like as young as 14 she’d decided she was smart enough to go to college but she didn’t have the money n her family didn’t really see it as a worthwhile thing, her mom was very like the mom from matilda “you chose books.... i chose looks!” which i think is where a lot of mimi’s more shallow / appearance-driven traits come from
wasn’t really ‘cool’ until high school. before that she was a bit of a lisa simpson type. won a spelling bee when she was 9. was in the mathletes squad in middle school. when she went from middle school to high school she started cheer and tried to reinvent herself basically. always been very concerned with social mobility and keen to socially climb, like when she enters a new situation she’ll find out who the alphas are and quickly try n befriend them
when she turned 18 she moved out and went to vegas despite her mom hating the idea bcos it was everything she’d tried to get her kids away from. she worked in the clubs there for several years as a shot girl, a table dancer, n eventually she started workin behind the bar in a strip club. in the club it ws really hard to resist becoming a dancer bcos of the sheer amount they made in tips. no one really pressured her into it she just eventually decided tht it was way more logical to do it while she was young n fit and had the stamina and ppl were willing to pay to see her body so she started taking pole fitness lessons. she also started working as a cam girl around this time
working in vegas strip clubs is basically whats paid for uni. like she didn’t go at 18 like most of her friends did bcos she didn’t have the money and she didn’t want to feel indebted to a college like she had to compete for her place and not put a toe out of line bcos she was on a scholarship. she was determined to pay her own way and it took 4 years of working really hard and saving n even tho she was working in vegas she basically never went out bcos every penny she had needed to go on uni n thts how we get to radcliffe baybeeyy
part 2  - interior / values / personality
values: the aesthetic !! literally loves the aesthetic so much. everything she owns is super embellished, she’s a pop socket gal, her dell laptop is covered in glitzy stickers, she always has acrylics n probs makes nail art videos on tiktok. really tuned into tiny details like painting a little hello kitty above her eye which translates into her degree when she’s doing small-scale mockups of town plans n stuff... she jst puts so much detail into them. ppl often get surprised when she tells them she does architecture but it makes so much sense bcos she grew up in a trailer park n was always thinking about ways the space could be more efficiently used, like she loves re-conceptualising neighbourhoods, definitely spent hours on sims as a kid. she also grew up near hoover dam n so loads of school trips they just took them there n she was like.... this is tight but it could be cooler.... where’s the passion....
massively into photography, has such a neat instagram feed like everything just compliments the tones in the next post like mMMM. idk if any of u know any architecture students but this is literally the one constant i can find…. like they all have super good instagrams feeds. is that bitch that will take 40 fake candids of u in a row at different angles to get u the perfect profile picture cos she understands the importance of marketing urself and having an online #brand
has wire rimmed glasses that she doesn’t need to see BUT they r like a magnifying glass for when she’s working with really small materials to do a mock up of an urban plan, and also just sometimes wears them for the aesthetic bc she’s such a pinterest bitch
assassination nation is such a big mood. literally the aesthetics of that and lily colson’s whole brand of feminism and nudity not being inherently sexual but at the same time wanting to profit off that bcos why the fuck shouldnt she use a corrupt system to her advantage is incredibly mimi
literally a human personification of a bratz doll both in attitude and fashion sense
somehow simultaneously gansey in the raven cycle AND elle woods in legally blonde? the two genders 
values cont bc i started rambling: her independence and freedom. being the best at any given task she sets her mind to accomplish because she is unable to accept failure. social mobility. sexual liberation. interested in the psychology of sub-cultures and how ppl form groups and interact w each other and cult identities which is why she minors in anthropology. pro-choice. pro-weed legalisation. pro-sex worker rights. very activist.
aesthetics tht remind me of her: von dutch. a strappy cami top that says ‘please do not do coke in the bathroom’. low-waisted jeans that show off her belly button piercing. acrylic nails tapping against a heavily embellished second-hand dell laptop. heart shaped sunglasses in every colour. translucent stripper heels with barbie doll heads and plastic spiders in the heel. spraying champagne you cant afford all over the walls. narcotics in a heart shaped locket. an amazon wishlist full of lingerie linked on your tinder profile. sex tapes recorded on VCR. a religious devotion to waxing clinics. necking shots like you were born to do it.
she’s an enfj type which makes her pretty charismatic and confidence, like she has a fierce kind of energy to her, but she’s also super unwilling to accept criticism, dogmatic and can only really see her own way of thinking, quite ruthless when it comes 2 other ppls emotions despite having a poor control of her own and being prone to turbulence / throwin a bitch fit in the craft lab. easily bored. competitive. self-assured to the point of arrogance. forceful. adaptable. usually more rational than emotional but occasionally loses the ability to make rational decisions when blinded by a need for perfectionism.
very goal-oriented. money motivates her. money and clothes. she wants to look bomb while earning big bucks. when she gets her mind set on a project it literally consumes her she will forget to eat and sleep? i don’t know her.  like when a final design project is due for architecture she’ll be up all night doing adderall and speed to keep her awake working on the placement of a single tree for ages cos its gotta be perfect
loves chaos. will spill your secrets and pretend it was an accident. will always be that gif of kim kardashian sipping her tea while drama unfolds around her. lives for the drama like that gifset of bratz when she comes running and gets her phone out to record a fight.
im makin her sound like a really bad person but hopefully she’ll be somewhat likeable she can be very charismatic and endearing and she’s naturally quite funny. also now she’s finally in college and doesn’t have to worry so much about money she actually allows herself to party n bcos she denied herself of it for so long she kinda makes up for it by going p wild like will be the girl climbing on to stage to crowd surf at gigs or doing a summersault off the bar and being escorted out by bouncers, thats the energy were looking at, pure dionysian hedonistic impulse
really gd at talking her way out of shit like parking fines. so good at being an ‘im baby’ girl and often dumbs herself down to figures of authority to appear less like a threatening ball-breaker and more like a confused fiat 500 girl who didn’t know red meant stop she thought it meant slow down
listens almost exclusively to female artists. has fergalicious on repeat when she does squats infront of the mirror n just the biggest fergie stan. also lana del rey’s whole vibe is massive mimi energy
ok ya thats all i have for now..... hopefully this is somewhat coherent and not just garbage.
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honeybammie · 5 years
momma › jackson wang
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↳ babysitting jackson wang’s daughter was not the first option on your list of summer jobs, but it pays well, and how can you complain when you get to see his face every day?  ↳ singledad!jackson, fluff  ↳ wc: 3,733  
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Babysitting was not first on my list of potential summer jobs, but “struggling artist” wasn’t paying rent, and my parents were growing tired of my increasing demands, so I had to look elsewhere. Between my list of potential options, including part-time waitress or grocer, Jackson Wang paid the most. I could take care of his two year old throughout the week, he could go to work with peace of mind, and in the evenings I could continue commissioning off my paintings for less than they were worth. Everybody won. 
My first obstacle was the tedious interview process. At first, he called over phone to ask the more basic information of his potential applicants. Name, age, previous experience. I would’ve bet I was the oldest of everyone, and with three younger siblings, I hoped for a slight advantage, but I knew nothing of anyone else vying for the job, so I relied on my crossed fingers for luck. 
The second step of the process included meeting Jackson in person. A renewed sense of hope flooded my veins when he gave me the follow-up call and explained that he’d like to meet me, but the pressure of knowing he was to meet with four other girls did nothing to salve my nerves. Neither did the caffeine in the coffee I ordered when we met. For many of his questions, I had to gather myself. Why did I want the position? What was I studying in school? I blushed peach when I had to answer that I was an art major. No one ever took that one seriously, but Jackson nodded anyway, and after forty-five minutes—had it really been that long?—he thanked me for my time with a smile. 
The third and final step, which came down to me and an eighteen-year-old high school senior, was meeting his daughter, Meilin, the true judge. I met the two of them in a park near his home, Jackson still in his work clothes and Meilin dressed head-to-toe in pink floral. Apparently she picked the outfit herself. The shoes I wore had a flower print, too, one I designed, and this fact pleased her so much I got the job without saying much else. I felt almost guilty. The other candidate may have had every qualification for taking care of a toddler, but two-year-olds cared not for credentials. Evidently, they cared very much for cool shoes. Some things are learned young. 
My second obstacle was trying not to fall in love with Jackson. 
An obstacle much more difficult than my first, despite how little I saw him after the interview process. Every morning I showed up at 7:30, and upon my arrival he handed me a twenty dollar bill for lunch (which I never spent in its entirety and tried to return at the end of the day, but he always declined), told me any play dates or birthday parties I had to attend, and grabbed his briefcase before heading out the door. When he returned at 4:30, he handed me my daily pay, thanked me, and I returned to my apartment. Our paths barely overlapped. 
Still, I dwelled on our meet-up for coffee a number of times. Had he spent so long with the other girls? Maybe he related more to me since I was the oldest, but surely we had little in common other than both being in our twenties. He was a successful single dad, and I had neither success nor children, just an in-progress art degree and an atelier that was just a closet I cleared out for my paintings. Stains covered my carpet even after the immense effort of cleaning, whereas every surface of Jackson’s house was glossy and unmarred. Even if I wanted to have a conversation with him again, I had no idea where to begin. 
Until a month into the job, when upon Meilin was playing dress up for the umpteenth time and Jackson called. 
“Hello?” I answered, tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder so that I could continue to applaud Meilin as she twirled in circles and fell back into her chair. 
“Oh, thank goodness,” he sighed, breath heavy like he was in pursuit of something. “Can I ask you a favor? I’m caught up at work and need you to watch Meilin for a few more hours. I’ll give you some extra money for dinner and pay you overtime hours.”
“Daddy!” Meilin exclaimed upon hearing his voice, climbing up onto my lap and making grabby hands at my phone
“Hello, honey,” he hummed, like the sound of her voice renewed him after hours of office work. 
“Don’t worry about the dinner money. I didn’t spend any for lunch earlier. What time do you think you’ll be back?”
“I’ll try to be back by 7:30. Thank you for this. How’s Meilin?” 
“Daddy!” she repeated in a similar squeal as earlier, hardly fazed by her father’s news. 
“I think she’s holding up. She was in the middle of her debut fashion show, so you ought to be glad she’s not a diva and made time between changes to talk to you,” I tsked, earning a laugh from him, the sound curling around my heart and constricting. 
“Tell her I appreciate it very much,” he said, “and thank you. Again. Seriously.”
“It’s no problem. Seriously,” I mocked him, and he hung up in haste. At the loss of her father’s voice, Meilin grabbed the phone out of my hand, looking between me and the device, perplexed.
“Where daddy?” she wondered, turning the phone upside down and flipping it over and over. “Daddy home?”
“Not yet. Daddy’s working late, so you get to spend more time with me!” I threw my hands in the air, and she copied the action with a grin on her face, arms high above her head in the most excited display the world had ever seen. 
“Momma!” she giggled. 
I lowered my arms with the sudden shock of my title. Usually she called me my name, or various incoherent versions of it, but “momma” was new, and definitely not close to my real name. “Oh, goodness. Uh...no, not momma,” I stuttered.
“Momma! Dress up!” she pulled her princess dress over her head, throwing it down and running into her closet for what I could only imagine would be another dress. 
Her newfound favorite manner of addressing me continued through the rest of the evening. Even when I took her to a nearby restaurant and cut up her chicken nuggets with a fork, feeding her one tiny piece at a time, she persisted.
“Yum Yum. Here, momma,” she’d say, picking up a piece and shoving it towards my face. A couple passersby even complimented me on how cute my daughter was, only setting her off more. 
I realized I had no idea what happened to Meilin’s mother. Had Jackson been married, or was Meilin perhaps the result of a brief fling? Had her mother died? Abandoned them? I hadn’t considered the possibilities before, but they weighed on my anxious mind as the next few hours passed. 
She ran into Jackson’s arms when he returned, oblivious to how late he had gotten off work. “Good evening, hon. What’d you guys do today?”
“Play dress up! With momma!” She clapped her hands, at which Jackson’s eyes widened and landed on me. 
“I tried to tell her I’m not momma, but she kept calling me momma and I didn’t know what to do, and then people at the restaurant kept saying I had a cute daughter, and...I’m sorry,” I blurted out all in one breath, afraid the subject might strike a chord. 
“It’s okay. You’re okay. No harm done,” he chuckled, setting his daughter down. She scuttled along into the living room to play with some toys while he pulled out a wad of money, counting out double what he usually paid me in a day even though I had only done three hours overtime. “I really appreciate you taking care of her, you know? She goes on about you all the time, most of which I can’t understand, but what I do understand is good. She still loves your shoes.”
I wore the same pair every day, and now I looked down at them with redness flooding my face. “It’s nothing, really. She’s great. She makes me laugh more than most people my age.”
Jackson slipped the cash into my hand, smiling gently at me. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Do you mind me asking something else?” I added, almost against my own will, but the question had been beating me down all day, and I had to know. 
“Go ahead,” he prompted, sliding the jacket of his three-piece suit over his broad shoulders and folding it over one arm. 
“Where is her mother?” 
“Oh. She doesn’t have one,” he said with a little shrug. Just like that. So nonchalant. I glanced around me for the presence of, perhaps, hidden cameras. Was he messing with me?
“She...left?” I asked in a low whisper, desperately trying not to offend him. 
He shook his head at me in amusement, pulling out a stool from the kitchen island and taking a seat. “Meilin has a mother, biologically, but she was a surrogate. I...really wanted to have a baby, so I found someone and after some legal work and nine months of waiting, Meilin was born. I guess a lot of the children’s books we read mention mommies and daddies, and she knew who daddy was, so you must’ve been the closest resemblance to mommy to her.”
“Huh,” I said. Of all answers, I didn’t expect that one, but it was one of the better ones. “I’m glad, then. I was worried her mom passed away or that there was a divorce.”
“No, nothing like that,” he said, “but you’re sweet for being worried.”
I was blushing scarlet now, no longer able to hide it. He was only a few years older than me, but him having his life so put together made me feel like putty in front of him, and the “sweet” rolling off his tongue made me feel like I was stuck in sugary goo. 
“I guess I should get going, then,” I said. “See you on Monday, Mr. Wang.”
“Jackson,” he corrected me. “I’m not that much older than you.”
“Most people don’t call their employer by their first name,” I pointed out. Being on a first-name basis with him was too informal, too intimate. “And we’re not friends or anything. Not to be rude, but—”
“No, I understand,” he nodded, eyes travelling to his daughter. This was usually her bedtime, and she wasn’t playing with her toys with the same energy as earlier. “Give me a moment to put her in bed, would you? I’d like to talk for a few more minutes.”
“Uh, sure.” I wasn’t sure if he was going to fire me or somehow promote me or what, but I sat at the kitchen island as he carried Meilin to her room, her cheek pressed to his shoulder.
“Night, momma.” She waved, and after spending the day denying it, I conceded and waved back, blush still covering my cheeks. I hoped it didn’t secretly bother Jackson. 
He was gone maybe five minutes, and the house doesn’t make a sound. I was used to the constant thudding of feet, of pint-sized chaos roaming the halls, but the space was at a standstill and I had to busy myself by picking up the stray toys left on the living room floor. 
“Oh, please—no, no, don’t worry,” Jackson said when he found me cleaning up, touching a hand to my elbow so that I stood. There was a doll in my hands but he took it and tossed it into the nearby basket of toys he kept in the living room. “You’ve done enough today.”  
“Sorry. Force of habit, I guess.” I folded my hands together to steady myself. Being alone with him was as nerve-wracking now as it was during the interview process. “What did you want to talk about?”
He nodded towards the kitchen, where I returned to my previous seat. I shook my head no when he offered a glass of wine. I’d have to drive home soon, but he proceeded to pour himself a glass and sat down. He always struck me as more of a rum guy—not that I had spent my time thinking about what he liked to drink. Well, not too much time. 
“I don’t know that this arrangement is going to work much longer,” Jackson said, reaching across the table to cover one of my hands with his. My skin froze at the proposition. 
“Mr. Wang—Jackson, please,” I sputtered in a half-thought out attempt to save my job. Not seeing Meilin or him again? Asking my parents for more money? The thought made my heart lurch. “I adore your daughter, and I need this job because I don’t make near enough from painting to sustain myself. If you’re mad that she’s calling me her mother, I’m sorry, and I’ll try to take care of it, but I can’t lose this position.”
He took a sip from his glass, swirling a finger around the rim. “Earlier, you said we weren’t friends, and it made me think of how I don’t want to be your friend.”
He smirked a little, tired from a long day of work but still thinking me amusing nonetheless. “Let me finish. I don’t want to be friends with you, but that’s not because I’m your boss. Hell, I don’t want to be your boss, either. I want to take you out sometime—to an art museum or a play downtown or for another cup of coffee with a different context. Even with what little I see of you, I think about you all the time, and I just…”
Jackson’s voice faded out, words lost to him. I’d never been very good at words, either, hence why I pursued artistry instead of English, but I turned my hand over and slipped his fingers through mine. It felt like a good place to start, despite how much my hands were shaking. “I don’t...really want to be your friend either. Or your employee. Ever since we first met for coffee, I’ve had the stupidest middle school crush.”
“As long as we’re coming clean, I knew after our first meeting that I wanted you to be the one to watch Meilin. I had only met with the other girls for fifteen minutes, maybe, but we talked for how long? An hour? When she ended up choosing you, I was happier than it made sense to be.”
“What if she hadn’t?” I implored, hoping he would indulge me.
He rubbed the back of his neck, contemplative and maybe a little nervous, too, a side of him I decided that I liked. “I...might’ve asked you out sooner, actually, or I might’ve talked myself out of the idea, thinking you’d say no. I guess we don’t have to find out.”
“And I’m glad it was me. Meilin is the highlight of my summer.” I smiled at the thought of her round cheeks and moony eyes staring up at me but remembered a moment later that I do need the job. “Listen Mr. — Jackson.” 
“Mr. Jackson,” he interrupted, chuckling.
“Shut up,” I scoffed. “This is serious. I need money somehow, and if I’m not watching Meilin, I’m out of luck.”
“Then let me help you with some of your art. I’ll buy a few pieces off of you for however much you need or want for them—just enough to give you a jumpstart and afford rent while you look for another job,” he suggested.
“I want to date you, not for you to be my sugar daddy.” 
“I’m not—” he started, but he must’ve seen where I was coming from because he stops short. A pinkish blush started to show on his cheeks. Finally, I wasn’t the only one. 
I didn’t want to date him as long as I was making money from him. My parents taught me not to mix work and personal life, and hooking up with my boss sounded too scandalous for my taste. 
“Give me time to find another job. It’ll take a few weeks, maybe, but then I’ll quit and we can go on a date. Until then, we should keep things professional.” I realized my hand was still in his, and I slipped my fingers away and held them in my lap.
He was silent for a while, and from the way his eyes flitted all over me, he didn’t seem to want to wait. He’d probably take me out right then if he could, and if he asked, I wasn’t sure I had the willpower to tell him no, despite the front I tried to keep from crumbling. “Can I give a suggestion, then?”
“What is it?”
“Wait here,” he said, running upstairs where I knew he had another bedroom and an office, along with other rooms I had yet to step foot in. 
He returned soon after, pressing three business cards into my palm. I filed through, brows furrowed, to see that they were art exhibit coordinators, critics, buyers. Alternatively, all the people I needed to impress. 
“Where did you get these?” 
“I’ve been to a few showcases in my day. I’m not entirely ignorant to the world of art, and I never turn down a business card. You never know when you might need someone you thought you wouldn’t.”
My mouth hung open, entirely ungraceful and no doubt making me look like a fool in front of him. Then, I shook my head. “It still seems like too much of you to—”
“I’m only giving you their cards. You don’t even have to tell them you know me, just that you’re looking for work. If they hate your paintings, they won’t hire you, and if they love them, that has nothing to do with me and everything to do with your talent.”
I tried to refute him. It still didn’t seem fair, but he had a point, and maybe it was selfish of me but I wanted a date with him soon, and I wanted the validation of someone in the community telling me that I had what it took to make a living from my art. Was that too much to ask? 
“Im Jaebum selects artists to showcase at the art gallery each month. He has a soft spot for young artists just trying to find a way in, and if he really likes you, he’ll showcase you more than once. BamBam runs a section of a popular magazine— focused on art, obviously, and he kind of does what Jaebum does: spotlights an artist or two each edition, gets their name published. You never know who might see your name and reach out. Park Jinyoung is the hardest of them to please, but he’s more constructive than harsh, and you’re in great shape if he likes you. He’s a buyer, too, and pays more than I ever could. He’ll tell his friends about you, too, if you want to commission work.” 
“I don’t...I don’t know what to say,” I stuttered, the cards heavy in my hands with the prospect of chances they might hold, doors they might open. “Thank you, Jackson. Really, I—” 
“You can thank me once you book your first showcase. I’d love to be your plus one.”
“Oh? And who said you would be my plus one?” I teased, but it was taking every ounce of my composure not to throw my arms around him and kiss him silly. 
“Call it my wishful thinking,” he said. “And until then, you can keep taking care of Meilin, and our relationship can remain strictly professional.” 
Right. I had suggested that. So much for kissing him silly. “Yeah. Yes, of course.” I nodded. I’d be sad not to see Meilin every day, but if all went well, I’d continue to see her often.
Jackson looked into the bottom of his wine glass, almost empty, and after a couple beats of silence said, “I’ve probably kept you long enough tonight. I’m sure you’d like to get home.”
You can keep me as long as you want, I thought, snapping back when I caught his eyes on mine. “I’m...yeah. I should be on my way.” We both stood, his movements a mirror of mine. He walked me to the door a few times before, usually while counting my payment, but he had already given me my cash.
“Thank you again for staying late to watch her,” he said while I slipped my shoes on, grabbing my belongings.
“Don’t mention it. Seriously, I’d do it any day.” I waved a dismissive hand at him.
He opened the door. I grabbed my keys. Both of us lingered in the threshold, like he was waiting for me to say something, or like I was waiting for him to. The porch lights set his face aglow, warm evening honey.
“Goodnight, then,” he said slowly, like such basic words were a struggle for him. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yeah, goodnight.” I took one step, reconsidered, and looked back at him. “Jackson?”
“Yes?” He hadn’t moved, but his eyes widened with some combination of hope and curiosity.
“I’m having this problem where I really want to kiss my boss, but we agreed to keep things strictly professional for the time being, and I was wondering what you think I should do.”
“Hm,” he considered, and I prayed he wouldn’t tell me just to go home. I wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye again. “Do you think he wants to kiss you too?”
My breath hitched. “I hope so.”
The corner of his mouth twitched, the smallest ripple I barely noticed. He was enjoying himself so, so much. “Only one way to find out.”
I hesitated, momentarily afraid of stepping into a trap, but without any semblance of patience, he was reaching for my waist. My fingers found the pulse of his neck and his lips found mine in the lamplit dark. My second obstacle had been trying not to fall in love with Jackson, and I was failing miserably.
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minlunae · 5 years
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↳ pairing: yoongi/reader
↳ au: demigod!au | percy jackson!au | domestic!au in the end????
↳ warnings: teeth rotting fluff & yoongi is goth boi on the outside and soft boi in the inside
↳ word count: 3.7k
⁙ summary: daughter of the harvest falls in love with the son of death.
⁙ a/n: this was supposed to be angst but 🤷‍♀️
when you woke to a new morning at camp half-blood, it felt like any ordinary day
as the head counselor of the demeter cabin, you quickly get ready before you make your rounds waking all your younger siblings up and making sure they wash up
you: the substitute mom to all your half siblings and in extension, the whole camp
a whole ass mom friend
“y/n have you seen my favorite scrunchie?!??! y’know the pink velvet one??!????!”
“y/n, tell dowoon to hurry up in the toilet my bladder is about to eXPLODE!!!!!”
you roll your eyes but you yank the scrunchie from under hyoeun’s mattress and notify dowoon that he has exactly 30 more seconds to get his business settled
as you’re tidying the stray things lying around the cabin, you make sure to run your hands across the plants so that their colors look more vibrant and stand up a little taller
you can literally feel the plants sigh in pleasure and that’s why you make sure to do it every morning—a deep sense of satisfaction
you’ve been a full time member of camp half blood since you were only six years old so it’s the only home you’ve ever known
you have 12 beads on your necklace now!!!! 12 years at camp half-blood!
now that you were 18, you were considering whether you should leave and try to make a life outside of camp or maybe stay to help??
it was a big decision so you did your best to not think about it a lot
you had a tendency to push thoughts about the future in the way, way, way, WAY back of your head
like the thought of leaving camp half-blood terrified you!!!
this was your home!!
you don’t even know the ways of the mortal world though you’ve been out for quests and such
but it has never been long term!!!!
so many of your fellow campers, although they may be not your direct siblings, have come to become your family
y’all grew up together and fought some monsters together how much more bonding do you guys need??
you herd everyone to breakfast and remind them of their individual duties for today
yours is to tend to the orchard
it’s just you today bc all your other siblings had archery practice and such
and the pomegranate trees have been needing extra care and attention which you were very worried about
besides, you appreciated being able to get away from the others for at least a little while
although you love them…..sometimes….it can become too…….much for you..
you are the mom friend but you are also very introverted and recharged your energy by being alone!!!!!
so that’s why you’re like !!!!!! when you seen a black blob by the edge of the orchards
…right by the barrier of the camp
adrenaline is pumping as you approach the unidentified lump
but when you finally get a good look
its a boy
a very handsome boy
a very hurt handsome boy
you immediately drop right next to him to check for vitals
you sigh in relief when you feel his pulse
still you’re nervous because his skin feels as cold as ice
and there are pretty big gashes on his face, arms, and legs
…and his left arm is laying in a weird angle
as you’re trying to decide whether it would be a better idea to try to transport this stranger to the infirmary or run to bring hoseok here
when you decide that it’s too risky to try to jostle him when you don’t have extensive knowledge of healing like hoseok does, you turn to run back to the camp
you freeze and whip around
hurt handsome boy is struggling to sit up!!!!
“lay back down!!!” you almost yell at him
hurt handsome boy flinches and looks up at you in shock
“you’re safe here now! seeing that you got through the barrier, you’re a demigod aren’t you? don’t worry, just lay down and i’m going to get someone from the apollo cabin to look at your wounds!”
your hands flutter around him because half of you want to push him down to stop him from trying to sit up but the other half of you is scared that you’re going to hurt him
“i-is this camp half-blood?”
hurt handsome boy’s voice…
rip y/n
“yes it is now pls reLAX you’re going to hurt yourself more if you keep trying to move”
you noticed that hurt handsome boy’s lips (don’t @ y/n for staring at his lips they are very nice lips) are very very dry
you charm the surrounding plants into releasing some of their water supply into a big leaf you fashioned into a cup
“here drink some water” you offer to the stranger “what’s your name?”
stranger boy takes long deep gulps from the leaf
“min yoongi”
“okay yoongi, i’m y/n. do you think you can lay here for like five minutes? i’m gonna grab someone to come heal you”
yoongi barely finished nodding before you fly off to go find hoseok
yoongi settles back into the dirt
and ouch
he’s really starting to feel the arm now that the adrenaline from fighting all those monsters was dissipating
tbh when he first woke up, he thought he was in heaven
especially after seeing you with the sunlight behind you like a halo…..
while yoongi is thinking about you when he should most definitely be worried about his injuries, you’re dashing to the infirmary
you make it just in time to see hoseok startle and drop the bandages he was carrying
“y/n you scared me!!”
“what’s going on??” you didn’t even notice your best friend namjoon in the room
“there’s a new camper at the edge of camp by the orchards!!! and he’s badly hurt i don’t think there was anyone to help guide him here!”
hoseok quickly grabs his kit and both he and namjoon rushes to follow you back to the orchards
thankfully, yoongi is still where you left him
“yoongi!! this is hoseok and he’s our best healer let him help you”
yoongi obediently lets hoseok prod about trying his best to keep a straight face despite the pain
“my name is kim namjoon son of athena and the person that’s looking you over right now is jung hoseok son of apollo. how did you get here?”
“i’m min yoongi my piece of shit dad told me to come here after removing his hedge of protection over me” yoongi rolls his eyes
“your dad? is he your godly parent?” namjoon asks
yoongi blows his bangs out of his face and sighs “yeah, my dad is hades”
you’re shocked and you can tell namjoon and hoseok are too
it’s not everyday you see a child of the big 3
“okay, i healed the gashes that you had, but that broken arm is going to take a day to set and heal. here eat some of this”
hoseok offers yoongi a piece of ambrosia and helps place his arm in a sling
“do you think you’ll be able to stand? namjoon and i can help you get to the main part of camp”
the three of you give yoongi space so that he can try to get up
namjoon and hoseok helps yoongi to the cabin of hades and you grab the duffel bag that was lying beside yoongi and follow after them
you grab some extra linens, pillows, and a duvet from the demeter cabin because literally no one else uses the hades cabin and you knew there wouldn’t be anything there
everyone agrees to let yoongi get some rest before he gets bombarded with questions
both you and hoseok promise to come check on him regularly to make sure he doesn’t need anything
you stay behind to make sure yoongi is comfortable
bedding? check. toiletries? check. food and water for yoongi to help himself to when he gets hungry? check.
you finally get a really good look at yoongi and oh my god he’s so cute rip y/n
like you didn’t
even know you
had a type………
but yes,,,,,,,,,yes you do
his bleached white hair and bone white skin contrasts wonderfully with his otherwise black attire
black t-shirt tucked into ripped back skinny jeans with a black worn leather jacket & back combat boots??!!?!?!?!?!
chunky silver skull rings????!!?!
silver hoop earrings???!?!?!?
sign y/n the fUCK UP
then you realize how long you have been just STARING at yoongi and you want to disappear into nothingness bc he’s now looking at you worriedly
you can only stutter that you’ll be back to check on him in a couple of hours and turn so you can yEET outta there
cold fingers grip your wrist before you can run out
at this point your face is basically a ripe tomato and now you really want to die
and then you know death will come
yoongi does this little head tilt thing
and he smiles
“y/n? i wanted to thank you. i don’t know what i would have done if you didn’t find me to be honest”
and because you’re an idiot you can only stutter you’re welcome before you run away for real
and yoongi is left in the comfortable bed that you made for him and
his heart is going,,,,,,,
and all he can think is wow i cannot believe i just met an angel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
word travels fast in camp seeing that there aren’t that many people in the first place
especially since the effing SON OF HADES IS HERE
and although you said you would check up on yoongi, you were too mortified to be in the same space as him
so you kindly asked hoseok to take care of him
hoseok just smirked at you knowingly and urgh
sometimes you hate that your friends know you so well
days pass and you have been avoiding tHE HECK out of yoongi
you would catch glimpses of him around camp and you would immediately turn the other way and hide
like one time you were sparring with jungkook because he was whining that you never hang out with him anymore
and yoongi in all his blACK GLORY started walking towards you and no no no
you immediately dropped your sword and ran the other way
jungkook is yelling indignantly behind you and pouting because his favorite noona just left without an explanation >:’(
while yoongi is,,,,,,,so confused
he’s thinking: is she……avoiding me??!!!?!??!
it’s sad because other than a couple of people in camp, everyone is giving him a wide berth
he supposes children of hades don’t give the greatest of impressions
yoongi’s used to it but…..
he didn’t think you would be one of those that were avoiding him
but you don’t mean to be avoiding him
you’re just not you when you’re around him
yeah, or that’s what you keep telling yourself
lol rip y/n
that’s why you head to the orchards so often because it’s so far from everyone else and it calms you down to be around your fruits of labor
the oranges, apples, and pears are doing gr8
and although the pomegranates are worrying you, under your careful care, they’ll be back to tiptop shape!!!!
you coax the grass under you to grow a little plusher and the branches to reach a little farther so there would be ample shade as you rest
“hm that’s a cool power to have i’m guessing your mom is demeter?”
HOWEVER, you’re not as flustered because you’re in your safe place but you’re still very, very nervous
yoongi keeps talking despite your silence: “all i can do is raise skeletons from the dead”
he exhales loudly and,,,,,,,,,
“let me get right to the point: are you avoiding me?”
yoongi looks RIGHT into your eyes and all you can do is gape at him
when you don’t answer him he looks away and pOUTS
he mumbles that out of everyone he hoped to become friends with you because he’s been having trouble,,,,getting to know people….
supposedly he looks too intimidating for others to approach him as if his heritage wasn’t a huge obstacle already
“NO NO NO” you gesture wildly so you can let yoongi know that it was ~definitely~ not your intention to have him feel that way
you confess with stumbled words that you get nervous around him and it’s hard to get your thoughts across
it’s only because they’re at the orchards that you’re able to talk so normally to him
of course you are  s h o o k  when yoongi starts laughing
like full belly laughing
tears in eyes laughing
“then why don’t we meet here and talk everyday?” yoongi finally says when he settles down
your eyes bulge out because why????????
why does this beautiful person want to hang out with you????????? (you don’t say this part out loud but you do ask why)
yoongi wipes the remnant tears from his eyes and shakes his head
“because i like you and i want to get to know you???”
you’re  s c r e e c h i n g  in the inside
and that’s how your friendship begins
you guys meet at the orchard everyday and yoongi keeps you company as you flit back and forth checking on the trees and making sure they’re happy
like he regards you with such fondness when you’re talking about the pomegranate trees’ progress back to health
like you’re so passionate about it and he can see you come to life
which is so appealing to him,,,,because he’s the product of death??????
like sometimes it floors him that you guys stand for things that are so opposite, but he’s so drawn to you
yoongi raises a particular skeleton dog from the dead that he calls holly who wags his tail and is just so affectionate despite being mere bones :’)
you love min holly
and yoongi loves you for loving min holly even though he’s just a skeleton
WAIT di-did he just say love???!!!?!?!?!?!
so he tell you a little about his past
like his mother died soon after his birth, but it’s okay because he didn’t have a horrible life
he was raised in the underworld for much of his childhood, but hades thought that yoongi should know his human side too
so he sent him and one of his servants to live in the human world disguised as a complete human
hades had cast a hedge of protection over him so the monsters wouldn’t be able to sense him
but they had gotten into a petty argument over something stupid and hades got rid of the protection and ordered yoongi to find camp half-blood because he’s such an ungrateful son
you gasp at that because although you don’t see your mom much, she’s still very pleasant to be around when you do
she always brings you gifts and compliments too!!!
yoongi just shrugs: tough love i guess
“yoongi you almost died”
“ugh i’m glad i didn’t or else there would be no escaping my dad then”
also you introduce yoongi to some of your closest friends: he already met namjoon and hoseok but they were all super close now!!!!!
yoongi surprisingly clicked well with seokjin, son of aphrodite
also jungkook (son of ares) thinks yoongi is like the coolest person ever
you also introduced yoongi to jimin (also son of aphrodite) and taehyung (son of hermes)
so yoongi isn’t lonely anymore :’)
and lol when yoongi was told he should wear the camp half-blood shirt while he was here
“there’s no way in tartarus that i’m wearing that orange abomination”
you secretly thought to yourself that he would’ve looked like a cute lil pumpkin tho :’)
but alas, yoongi sticks to his all-black uniform all day, everyday
also because everyone in camp knows you so well, they ALL know that you’re harboring the fATTEST crush on min yoongi
you’re not surprised that they know
you have threatened to send grain spirits against anyone who said a PEEP :).
still doesn’t stop people from wiggling their eyebrows suggestively at you when you’re just in the vicinity of yoongi
you’re just glad that yoongi hasn’t caught on
joke’s on you because he DID catch on
so when you rush to him happily with a pomegranate in hand as reached the orchard, yoongi is STRUCK at how radiant you are
you split the fruit and lift it to yoongi’s eyes
the clusters of seeds glittered like gems
like the rubies that were so plentiful in the underworld
“look yoongi!!!!! they’re all good and healthy again!!!!! and they taste so sweet!!!”
you offer some of the arils, your fingers stained by the juice
yoongi can’t help himself
he wraps his hands around your wrist and bring the fruit to his lips
his  t o n g u e  darting out to swipe the dripping juice off  y o u  r  h a n d
“mmmm it is sweet” yoongi agrees
you just stare at him with your mouth dropped
you realize that yoongi’s face is like an inch away from yours and
and his eyes are drawn to your lips
your lips that are stained ruby red by the juice of the pomegranates
and yoongi. just. dives. in.
before you know it
you’re kissing!!!!!!! min!!!!! yoongi!!!!!!!
the boy of your dreams!!!
but jokes on you again because YOU’RE the girl of yoongi’s dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when he pulls away to make sure you’re okay with this, you pULL HIM RIGHT BACK
to where he belongs
on your lips
you guys are the unlikely but so fitting couple of camp half-blood
the next time your mom comes visit you she just sighs because she has lost another one of her favorite daughters to hades
but you bet yoongi charms the sOCKS off demeter
so now your mom is basically your #1 cheerleader in this relationship??????
like “oh darling, yoongi is such a charming little man. thank the gods that he’s so unlike his father you’re doing great sweetie”
and all of your friends are so happy for you!!!!!!!
like finally!!!!
y/n is dating!!!!!!!!!!
especially jungkook is all ~starry-eyed~ because his favorite noona and his idol are dating
so when it comes time for you to decide whether you will be entering the mortal world or staying in camp half-blood
you decide to be brave and try to make a life in the human world
with seokjin and namjoon and of course yoongi
hoseok decided to stay for at least the next year or two so he can keep an eye on jimin, taehyung, and jungkook and he is the camp’s best healer after all
you guys depart with tears in your eyes because you’re leaving the only home you’ve ever known
hoseok, jimin, taehyung, and jungkook tearfully promises to join the rest of you when they’re of age to leave
jungkook is inconsolable :’(
and thank the gods for yoongi bc he’s the only one who’s ever lived in the human world for an extended amount of time
like you being so confused by technology?
yoongi’s KINK
him witnessing you take down monsters targeting you guys all by yourself?
you get a job at a florist and yoongi is so happy you do
because it broke his heart when you first realized that nature is hard to come by when everything is so urbanized
now you get to be around the flowers and plants that you love so much!!!!
yoongi and namjoon started university studying music production!!!! their interest in music is the reason why they bonded so quickly!!! now they’re just waiting for hoseok to join them!!!!!!!!!
seokjin is making it big modeling bc duh!!!!! he’s the son of aphrodite!!!
yoongi loves living with you even though plants seem to take more of the floor space every time he comes home!!!
your guy’s favorite pastime is to snuggle in bed together after a long day of work or school in perfect, comfortable silence
sometimes yoongi gets very, very emo when he takes a step back and sees how lucky he is to have you in his life
ugh you guys just love each other so much!!!!!!!!!!
oh and seokjin + namjoon lives just across the hall!!!!!!!
how perfect hehehehehehe
anyway both of you guys are just so excited to live life and create something thats yours together
demeter IS the goddess of fertility too y’know
wink wonk
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ohdannybcy · 5 years
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TW: gaslighting, manipulation, general gross ex boyfriends 
so first things first: danny is a local boiy. his family has been in beaumont for generations and they’ll probably end up staying there for generations more. his dad was a high school government/history teacher and a football coach and his mom taught third grade, both who retired within the last few years. danny’s the youngest of four and was a bit of a surprise baby, coming along after his older siblings were all teenagers/preteens. because of the large age gap between them, he isn’t really that close with his siblings but there’s definite love and acceptance in abundance in that family. 
danny came out to his family at fourteen as gay though it really came as no surprise to any of them— danny was a bit of a walking gay cliché. the world was the danny show growing up- there are heaps of home videos of little danny wearing his sister’s beauty queen tiaras and his mama’s high heels singing dolly parton and leann rimes into the handle of the vacuum cleaner and countless other expressions of his inner diva. there was never a second where danny doubted that his family still loved and accepted him regardless of who he was attracted to. 
danny started a youtube channel when he was fourteen just as a fun thing to do where he would talk about being a young gay man in the middle of small town tennessee, his friends, high school, family and everything in between. it wasn’t until he started to express himself with make up and fashion- creating make up tutorials and sewing tutorials ( classic thrift store finds that were turned into something more Glamorous ) that his channel started to gain more traction. it’s not huge but he’s got a solid following and he’s kept his channel going through college and now as an adult. 
when he was fifteen, danny tried out for the beaumont high school cheerleading squad and was on it until he graduated. he’d taken gymnastics when he was younger- a way for him to channel so much of that excess energy he had- and flourished as a tumbler and had the full body strength and control that made him an asset no matter what position of a stunt he was in. most of the time he was a back- the control system of the stunt- but he also spent time as a flyer due to his smaller stature. 
his reputation of being a walking cliche only became more apparent when he started dating the quarterback- a cheerleader and the quarterback, how many times have we heard this story? jackson- or, as danny affectionately called him, jj- was everything that a first love was supposed to be and it was the sort relationship that gets written about in teenage romance novels. even their parents were convinced this was a Forever Thing. 
however whenever those college acceptance letters came in, life had a different plan. long distance wasn’t feasible and there was a mutual respect of the other and wanting them to be able to go off and experience everything that college had to offer without the ball and chain of a boyfriend waiting several states away. 
danny left to attend college at the university of mephis, initially pursuing a degree in fashion design. the demands of the course though paired with a dip in his mental health- being away from home for the first time in a place where he knew no one, still getting over the break up with jackson-  had him changing majors at the end of his freshman year to elementary education. 
that was the start of an upswing for danny- he felt comfortable and happy in his new major, a new focus on what he wanted to do with his life, friends and a community in memphis and, the icing on the cake, a new boyfriend. jonathan was charming and made danny feel like the most important person in the world. that first year was everything he wanted it to be but not long after they moved in together things started to change. 
jonathan started spending more time out with his friends, making a point to mention that danny was not included, staying out all night and coming home smelling like other people. any time that danny tried to confront him about this, jonathan would turn it around on danny, putting the blame on him and manipulating him into thinking it was all in his head or that it was his fault- that he wasn’t doing enough to keep his boyfriend loyal. the relationship wasn’t healthy and danny was so deeply entrenched in the lies that jonathan told him, wanting only to believe what he was being told ( that he was just being crazy, that nothing was really going on ) that he allowed himself to even be swept up in an engagement that would be broken by jonathan a few months before graduation.
the broken off engagement, though would be MUCH better in the long run, destroyed danny. it was with the help of awesome friends who helped move him out of the apartment and let him couch surf and constantly supported him until graduation that he kept his head above water. the second the graduated, he packed up his car and drove home, needing a fresh start in a place that was familiar. 
he started teaching fifth at beaumont elementary in august and at first, he’d honestly been apprehensive. he’d always wanted to teach younger kids- first through third grade- ‘before they discover talking back’. the last few months teaching though have been life changing and he loves his job- his principal and other teachers are wonderful and his kids are Everything.
CHARACTER INSPIRATION: jonathan van ness & tan france (queer eye), eric ‘bitty’ bittle (omgcp), felix dawkins (orphan black)
danny still wears makeup every day and takes great pride in his appearance. basically, he vain as fuck. when he first started experimenting with make up and clothing, it was definitely in some way to be very Out with who he was— think like those classic scene neon colors in eyeshadows and bright pink lips. and oh yeah, he definitely had the chucks in ever color. as he’s gotten older, his sense has definitely grown and now he looks back at those pictures and cringes. 
he’s still very active!! he goes to the gym for the treadmill and machines sometimes but most of his physical activity is walking around the high school track with his mama on nights- she does it to keep herself fit and he does it to keep her company. he keeps toying with the idea of teaching tumbling or cheer classes on week nights/weekends but it hasn’t become a real thing as of yet. 
he has a bright yellow ‘68 volkswagen beetle that is his baby.
baking is a stress reliever for him so friends be prepared for gifts of cookies, pies and banana bread. 
he’s super social!! he’ll talk to anyone and he’ll talk your ear off. honestly, don’t be afraid to tell him to shut up because you’ll be lucky if you can get a word in edgewise.
danny loves to dance- he doesn’t care if you’re a guy or a gal, he’ll still spin you across the floor and have one helluva time doing it. 
even though danny is very effeminate in his day to day, he’s still a country boy. he loves fishing, shooting ( not a big hunter, just never really enjoyed killing animals for sport ) and camping- though, let’s be real, no one prefers sleeping in a tent over a camper. he doesn’t like to get dirty and messy but he absolutely can and will have a blast doing so.
church had always been a big part of danny’s life growing up and even after coming out, he still went every time the doors were open with his family. his attendance dropped off during college but since coming home, he’s back in the pew every sunday. 
HIGH SCHOOL CONNECTIONS;; small town means that everyone and their mom knows you. was your character a few years older or younger or graduated the same time? maybe they were friends, enemies, rivals, acquaintances, teammates, or math class buddies? maybe they went to school with one of danny’s siblings or were even a friend who dealt with annoying lil brother danny being in everything? i’m up for anything you can come up with on this! 
SCHOOL PARENTS;; maybe your character has a kid or younger sibling in danny’s class! 
NEIGHBORS;; danny lives in a lil apartment complex in town so!! anyone who also happens to be living in an apartment hmu and say howdy neighbor! 
FELLOW TEACHERS;; listen danny needs friends to go out for drinks at the catfish on fridays after school. happy hour margaritas anyone? 
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serpvntsarchive · 7 years
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I R I N A   Z A K H A R O V A   C H E B O T O V A  —  T A S K  O N E
—— ❝ let’s start off easy. tell me the basics. ❞
[ name ] irina zakharova chebotova
[ date of birth ] 25 august, 1637
[ place of birth ] tver, russia
[ age ] twenty and seven
[ religion ] eastern orthodox
[ marital status ] single
[ occupation / title ] governess
[ gender identity ] female
[ allegiance ] russia
[ spoken languages ] russian ( first ), ukrainian ( fluent ), bulgarian ( fluent ), belarusian ( fluent ), romanian ( intermediate ), latin ( fluent ), french ( fluent ), italian ( fluent ), german ( fluent ), english ( fluent ), spanish ( fluent ), portuguese ( fluent ), dutch ( intermediate ), swedish ( intermediate ), turkish ( intermediate ), norwegian ( novice ), polish ( novice ).
[ special skills ] learning languages, writing, sewing, teaching, mathematics, following rules, remembering useless facts, saying ‘ you too ’ in inappropriate moments, pushing doors that are supposed to be pulled, tripping over, making eye contact with other people in inappropriate moments, snort-laughing, being socially anxious, also being socially awkward, crying over small things, good at being insecure, generally being lame af. 
—— ❝ what of your family ?? are they still alive ?? ❞
[ father ] zakhar yegorovich chebotov ( fifty and one, alive )
[ mother ]  valeriya viktorovna chebotova ( forty and nine, alive )
[ siblings (in order of birth) ]   dmitry zakharovich chebotov ( younger brother, twenty and three, alive ), iosif zakharovich chebotov ( younger brother, twenty and one, alive ), mariya zakharova chebotova ( younger sister, ten and nine, alive ), svetlana zakharova chebotova ( younger sister, ten and seven, alive ), sofia zakharova chebotova ( younger sister, lived to four months, dead ), yaroslava zakharova chebotova ( younger sister, ten and four, alive ), matvei zakharovich chebotov ( younger brother, ten and two, alive ), oleg zakharovich chebotov ( younger brother, lived to two, dead ), taisia zakharova chebotova, ( younger sister, nine, alive ), sergei zakharovich chebotov ( younger brother, six, alive ), viktor  zakharovich chebotov ( stillborn ).
[ children ] none, yet she wishes to have children and a family of her own.
—— ❝  now let’s paint a picture of you. ❞
[ height/weight ] 166cm ( 5′4″ ), 53kg ( 117 lb )
[ built ] slim and lean, fast metabolism, column body shape
[ hair color ] brown, cut long and slightly wavy.
[ eye color ] brown.
[ accent ] soft russian, though grows thicker when she is nervous or uncomfortable ( a lot of the time ) or speaking russian. relatively good and adapting her accent to speak in other languages unless she is, again, nervous or uncomfortable.  
[ voice ] usually clear and very matter-of-fact yet soft-spoken and quiet, though can grow breathy when excited or shrill and quavering if she is very upset or angry
[ style of speech ] often very formal and polite, though can be very blunt and her tone harsher than she probably intends if you annoy her.
[ scars ] a small thin white scar on her left index finger, caused by cutting herself when chopping turnips for dinner.
[ abnormalities ] none ( if you don’t consider her severe social anxiety and general awkwardness )
[ clothing/style ] not particularly interested in fashion over practicality and comfort, probably stems from her upbringing with little money. sticks to long dresses and preferring higher necks than the fashion at the time. always in plainer colours, many white and pale shades such as light blues and browns or greeny-browns with as little decoration or embroidery/ruffles as possible while still looking presentable. most likely only has a small selection of dresses she wears on a rotation. minimal jewellery besides the brooch she always wears, gifted to her by her father before she left to work for the royal family as karina’s governess. always wears her hair back in a bun, secured with a ribbon or with clips and wavy strands around the front of her face fall out throughout the day. wears minimal makeup, again, probably stems from a poor-er upbringing and preferring not to draw attention to herself. skin is always clean, washed with a small amount of water every evening and every night. will occasionally apply red coloring to the lips depending on the day and if she wants to impress someone, and for fancy occasions will apply red colouring to her cheeks as well, though her tendency to easily blush usually already takes care of the colour in her cheeks.
—— ❝ tell us, what kind of person are you ?? ❞
[ star sign ] virgo - virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance, and although they are often tender, their heart might be closed for the outer world. this is a sign often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid, true, or even relevant when opposed to reason. the symbolism behind the name speaks well of their nature, born with a feeling they are experiencing everything for the first time. 
[ alignment ] lawful good - a lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. he combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. he tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. a lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished.
[ enneagram type ] type one, the reformer - ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. they are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. they typically have problems with resentment and impatience.
[ colour personality ] seagreen, #2E8B57 - your dominant hues are cyan and green. although you definitely strive to be logical you care about people and know there’s a time and place for thinking emotionally. your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days. your saturation level is higher than average - you know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. you value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don’t be afraid to run out and make things happen. your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. you are flexible and see things objectively.
[ what plants best represent you ] fennel: you’re quiet, sometimes shy, with a tendency to be reserved. you have a humble, kind nature and often find yourself taking care of others. you can be known to hold things in, and you don’t always speak up for yourself. this tendency to hold things in can lead to disturbances. nettle: truly a nurturing and supportive friend, you’re the kind of person that just isn’t for everyone. but those who take the time are rewarded with your gentle disposition, and the kind of friendship that does a person good no matter the difficulty they’re facing. when out of balance, you can become more prickly than supportive or nurturing, though—a sign that you need to shower yourself with the same kind of nurturing you so freely give to others. passionflower: deeply concerned about others and the world around you, you have a developed sense of what’s right and just. you’re a bit of an idealist and strive to see your vision of perfection realized in the world. on occasion you get out of balance, and you may feel a deep sense of unease and be prone to worry—especially at night, tossing and turning over all that is wrong or that needs fixing.
[ theme/character song ] “ 6/10 ″ dodie clark - what goes on behind the words ? is there pity for the plain girl ? i’ll close my mouth, i won’t say a word, a nod of pity for the plain girl
—— ❝ do you have anything more you wish to say ?? ❞
[ link to bio ] currently not written yet
[ link to intro post ] a little more about her
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shuuenka-writes · 7 years
Who would’ve thought? [1/2] [Ren Kouen x Reader]
Paring: Ren Kouen x Reader / slight!one-sided! Alibaba x Reader
Summary: Your wanted to build your life on your own. Who knew that your search would lead you to the First Prince of Kou Empire?
Wordcount: 1791
partr 2 | masterlist Your life has been constant cycle of fortune and misfortune. One day you woke up in the alley.  You had nothing with you but a torn dress and a silver headpiece. Pair of merchants found you straying on the streets. They raised you, and for five years they have been your only family. Unfortunately the thieves attacked their caravan and stole most of the goods. They settled on a farm and stayed there.
You were quite restless soul back then. You decided to start your own business. After lots of struggles, your company (consisting of you and… you) was selling bracelets and ornaments. But lady luck turned her back at you and you lost your fortune again because of the thieves. You’d became beggar if not for Alibaba.  He, even being younger by two years, was doing good job as a cart driver. (“Whoa! You did finalized this contract, _____! That guy was an ass.” “Fufu~. Of course, one  must know how to talk to different kinds of people.”)    It was a beginning of your friendship. And then… perhaps something more. You were quite conflicted between being big sister or lover. Well, age gap wasn’t too big anyway. But that love for former prince didn’t make you happy at all. In fact it was slowly destroying your sense of independence. You’ve only noticed this when Aladdin showed up. You were lost. Stay in Sindaria opened your eyes. You and Alibaba were different, too different in some matters. He didn’t agree with your  outlook. The  compromise was impossible.    For king Sinbad you were still a child, a little lost girl, useless girl. You weren’t strong Fanalis like Morgiana, or unexpected fourth magi like Aladdin, nor Dangeon Conqeror like  Alibaba. You iternally refused to sit and do nothing. Even when Sinbad found tutor for everyone except you, since your ‘only’ talent was to run a business, you found one of your own. The lancer prince became your teacher for a while (not exactly willingly, but what is blackmail for?) and taught you basics of wielding lance and staff.   Soon  you were sure that your feelings for Alibaba weren’t reporciated. He decided to go to Reim Empire and you stated that you won’t follow him. Your own journey began. You certainly didn’t expect a Dangeon on a way. You couldn’t complain, though. Gaining a djinn took you three months - to be precise only five days. Innana, had a great library and you couldn’t help but try to read as much as you could.  Besides Lady Djinn was warrior – you begged her for training. In the outside world only two days passed.   And then, you met him.   It wasn’t exactly the most impressive first meeting. You - laying on the muddy road, because Innana had that kind of sense of humor; and him - covered in blood from the battle, tired and sleepy. After years you laugh loudly at this memory. Your first meeting of Kou Empire first prince, Ren Kouen. Of course, he noticed lack of Dangeon, that roughly three days ago stood in all its glory. You’ve became his guest.  (“Where your loyalty lays?” . . . “To myself.”)     You learned this thanks to Alibaba. The boy for  years was a coward and constanlty run away from his troubles. It annoyed you to no end, and you realized that you wanted be yourself. To be a lady of her own fate, offering loyalty to those who offered it back. Suprisingly, that person became Kouen. He let you train on your own, even let you go on a training camp. You were sure he just wanted to have some kind of use of you in the future. You’d be an idiot if you believed that it was kindness of his heart. But you were content, since you could explore library in the palace. Moreover, you could strengthen yourself with help of the greatest tutors of Empire.   Coexistence perhaps?   You stayed at the palace. You became big sis for Kouha and friend of Kougyoku, whom you met back in Sindaria. You often scolded Koumei for staying up for too late. Of course after you were familiar with each other enough. In the end you cursed youself for falling for Kouen. You shared with late night talks on various topics. Now you knew that battles excited him or that he thought his goatee is fashionable. You didn’t dare to laugh openly, he was deadly serious. It didn’t take you long to realize your feelings. And right from the beginning you knew you were going to end up with broken heart. Your precious heart was still in pieces from Alibaba’s rejection. (“Hey, Alibaba, what do you think about me?” “Huh? What do you mean, ______? Your my best friend, my buddy! Or like sister!”  “Oh… I see. I… I’m happy to be your friend…too. I have to go. I must do some chores for Sinbad” “Hey. Hey! Where are you going? _____?”) There wasn’t anyone who could’ve put it together. It wasn’t fully healed, no - even three month stay in Innana’s Dangeon helped only a little. So why, why were you making the same mistake? Why did you fell in love with Ren Kouen? Why? Because he gave you freedom. You could be a lady in glamorous clothes and a warrior at the same time. Because he understood your willingness to learn new things.   Because he shared with you thirst for knowledge. Because he trusted you. You’ve proven that you can keep secrets and even assaulted you won’t spill. Because he started to treat you like an equal. Like a person who understands his ideas.   Because you two even while being so different could enjoy each other’s company and work together.   (“To be honest I hate Balbadd.”   “I thought you’d be first to stand in its defense, given acquaintance with its prince.” “Alibaba? Don’t make me laugh, Kouen. He’s most cowardly and indecisive person I know. Back on the topic, how can I defend it? This place reeks of injustice and lacks organization. Poor people always will be poor, since they can’t cross the line. Rich people always will be rich since there is no one who could oppose. I don’t believe in such governing.”    “You’re intelligent woman, but situation in Balbadd needs some time to work out.”   “Well, Rome was not built in a day.” ) And then came moments of bliss, where he wasn’t first prince and you merely his guest. It started with a simple kiss in the alcove. Then another in his study, and another one, and another one. Both of you knew that this relationship is doomed. Yet, those months were constant cycle of hurting and healing each other. All behind the closed doors. (“I won’t be your concubine!” “…I don’t want you to.“ "Huh?”)   You’ve became unofficial part of his household. You won’t ever forget those battles you took part in. And victorious shouts of Empire’s soldiers. And parties with merry band of Kouen household. (“Here, your drink.” “Hey, smiley woman, bring me more of this fish! Kin Gaku wants to eat!” “Bringing you ale was an act of my kindness. I’m not your servant girl.” “…Bwahaghaa! Good! I was only checkin’ ya of what kind of woman you are. Good!”) You were in awe seeing Kouen’s power shown in Magnostad. He fought with his whole power to defeat Black Djiin. It left you in astonishment. You stood beside Koumei, Aladdin and Alibaba. Kouen was pissed, you could tell. You’ve felt his rage when he shouted to Alibaba and called him ‘brat’. In the end you decided that you won’t stay behind and with the rest of Ren siblings attacked the doll. Though the battle tired you out, since you hardly ever used Extreme Magic you felt strangely good. Later Kouen almost kidnapped Aladdin, who promised him sharing knowledge. You were in the middle of internal laugh at his expression and being terrified by it. In the end you fainted when the battle this was over. (“Idiot woman. Constantly overworking herself to prove being strong.” “You said something?” “Nothing, Koumei.”) You and Kouen weren’t perfect match. No, sometimes you were like a fire and ice, sometimes like well-oiled machine. You being bundle of unused energy and him being stoic and reserved. You – smiley and optimistic, him – calm and realistic. You – childish from time to time, him – blunt in private. But despite all these differences  your relationship worked. You two were like a two pieces of puzzle, seemingly not matching. Yet , after  a little bit of crafting, time and patience somehow fitted.   (“What are you doing?” “Arranging your books, of course. Look at the mess in your study!” “I can find my way around it.” “But I can’t. See, now it’s in alphabetical order and divided by subject… Why are you smirking like this?” “It’s nothing, ______.”) What you enjoyed the most were palace gardens. With so many different kinds of flowers, beautifully arranged, you felt as if you were in paradise. Whether it was sunny or illuminated with moonbeams, it brought peace to your soul and calmed your thoughts. You came here as often as you could, to admire or help with flowers. This serene scenery brought midnight talks, reflections and musing. (“Hey, is it wrong? This, what we’re doing?” “Stop worrying about this now.”)   Perhaps it was your sweet voice and delightful laugh that made him look forward to the next meeting. Perhaps it was glint in your eyes when you were focused on something that made him wanting to look only at you. Perhaps it was your decisiveness and pursuit your goals that made him more than willing to assist you. Perhaps it was your delicate touch that made him wanting you more. Perhaps it was your intelligence that made him craving for intellectual discussions with you. Perhaps it was your witty comebacks in private and lady-like behavior in public that made him appreciate you more and more. He fell for you hard, even more that he was willing to admit. He always reminded himself that love was one the things he should not think about. He was a prince, most for what he could count for was that his wife would not be spoiled and bratty princess. Loving somebody else would only leave him hurt. And it did. With you beside warmth he felt unwelcomed pain. Pain, because he should not love you. He should stop, but he couldn’t, for it was an impossible love.
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serpvntsarchive · 7 years
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C A R L O   C A V A L L O  ---  T A S K  O N E
—— ❝ let’s start off easy. tell me the basics. ❞
[ name ] carlo cavallo
[ date of birth ] 4 december, 1640
[ place of birth ] asti, italy
[ age ] twenty and three
[ religion ] roman catholic
[ marital status ] publicly single ( secretly in a relationship with princess karina of russia )
[ occupation / title ] knight of italy
[ gender identity ] male
[ allegiance ] italy
[ spoken languages ] italian ( first ), english ( fluent ), french ( intermediate ), russian ( novice )
[ special skills ] horseback riding, horse grooming, horse breeding, literally any and everything to do with horses this bitch is ur typical tween girl in her horse phase, hand to hand combat, sword fighting, battle tactics, sparring, doing stupid shit and somehow staying alive, having his last words probably being ‘i can do that, hold my drink.’ 
—— ❝ what of your family ?? are they still alive ?? ❞
[ father ] paolo cavallo ( forty and six, alive )
[ mother ] orsetta cavallo née d'agnilo ( lived to twenty and five, died during childbirth )
[ siblings ] younger sister, unnamed, died during childbirth
[ children ] none, greatly wishes to have a family of his own one day.
—— ❝  now let’s paint a picture of you. ❞
[ height/weight ] 186cm ( 6′1″ ), 77kg ( 169 lb )
[ built ] lean and athletic.
[ hair color ] dark brown, slightly wavy.
[ eye color ] hazel
[ accent ] thick italian accent, gets even stronger when excited.
[ voice ] low, though tends to be soft and silvery, but gets louder  and booming with excitement.
[ style of speech ] slow and clear, especially when speaking in other languages due to his heavier accent. though when he is passionate or excited his speech begins to speed up and words can grow jumbled together.
[ scars ] many scars, mainly caused from sparring or fighting and small small cuts from stupid activities over time. notable scars would be a long and large diagonal one from his ribs downwards a couple of inches, caused from one of his worst sword wounds. other notable ones would be a large one on the back of his right arm from another sword, thick wide though not very long. he also has a large round scar on his left elbow caused from a bad cut doing a dare as a child.
[ abnormalities ] none.
[ clothing/style ] very plain. stems from a poor upbringing as he values comfort and practicality over fashion, most of his clothes would be very simple and plain, not very flashy and perhaps a little more on the worn side. though he would have one nice outfit for parties and special occasions, likely in a deep blue with some embroidery. 
—— ❝ tell us, what kind of person are you ?? ❞
[ star sign ] sagittarius - curious and energetic, sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life. sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. sagittarius-born are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals. like the other fire signs, sagittarius needs to be constantly in touch with the world to experience as much as possible. the ruling planet of sagittarius is jupiter, the largest planet of the zodiac. their enthusiasm has no bounds, and therefore people born under the sagittarius sign possess a great sense of humor and an intense curiosity. freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies. because of their honesty, sagittarius-born are often impatient and tactless when they need to say or do something, so it's important to learn to express themselves in a tolerant and socially acceptable way.
[ alignment ] chaotic good - a chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. he makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. he believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. he hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. he follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.
[ enneagram type ] type seven, the enthusiast - sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. they constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. they typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness.
[ colour personality ] deep pink, #FF1493 - your dominant hues are red and magenta. you love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. you can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing. your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. you are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative. your outlook on life is very bright. you are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
[ what plants best represent you ] dandelion: scrappy and tough, you’re a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of person. you don’t give up easily and you often thrive in situations that others would find discouraging. you have an instinct to serve others and see yourself as most useful in times or places of crisis, but you may over rely on your toughness and forget how sensitive you really are. echinacea: a protector. with an amazing blend of optimism, nurturing and goodwill, you lend your strength and energy to those in need. your seemingly infinite goodwill and boundless supportive energy make you the one people turn to when times are tough. your greatest strength is, of course, also one of your weaknesses, especially if you neglect to take care of yourself. at times like these, it’s a good idea to take a step back and focus some of that protective energy on yourself. ginger: spirited. a feisty and fiery companion, quick with an opinion, a laugh or an idea. warm, friendly and inviting, you never allow an awkward moment to pass. in fact, even cold and distant people warm up to you more quickly than others. negative experiences or too much indulgence, however, can send you into a bit of a tailspin, and when hurt you may become quite cold and distant. ginger people do best when their natural warmth and affection is flowing freely, giving them easy access to their love of life.
[ theme/character song ] ‘ cigarette daydreams ’ cage the elephant - you can drive all night, looking for the answers in the pouring rain, you wanna find peace of mind, looking for the answer
—— ❝ do you have anything more you wish to say ?? ❞
[ link to bio ] currently not written yet wow do u realise a pattern here
[ link to intro post ] a little more about him
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