#//youngest sibling* priveleges
clockwork-soul-heart · 6 months
You are a cutie, you know
yeah?? Didn't everyone know this already??
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jedimaesteryoda · 2 months
Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow are somehow very much the image of their forebear Aegon V "Egg" Targaryen.
Egg is called the "Unlikely" for a reason. He was the youngest son of the youngest son, the trueborn grandson of Daeron II furthest from succession, yet he managed to become king. Daenerys likewise is a girl and an exiled, dispossessed royal with no lands, wealth or swords to her name at the start of the series, and by the end of the first book, lost her khal with seemingly nothing left. Yet, she manages to hatch dragon eggs and build an entire kingdom and army from the ground up. She is the exiled prince played straight. Jon is the supposed bastard son of Eddard Stark who joins the Night's Watch, yet he manages to rise to Lord Commander and could possibly become a king by the end of the series.
Jon and Dany both can relate to Egg with regards to relationships with his brothers. Daenerys had to deal with a half-mad abusive older brother in the form of Viserys while Egg was terrorized by his own half-mad sibling Aerion, and in the end, both their fraternal bullies ended up dying by fire. Jon had a good relationship with Egg's brother Maester Aemon, his fellow black brother who counsels him like he did Egg to the point he gives him the same advice of "kill the boy."
In "The Mystery Knight," the dragon egg at Whitewalls is believed to hatch a living dragon but it refers to Egg's maturation as he is unveiled as the Targaryen prince while Daenerys hatches living dragons eggs which connects to her maturation and rise.
(Note: Daenerys and Egg make their egg hatching attempts after having tragically lost their sons and spouses. Eg g and Jon both burned down places with Summerhall and Mormont's tower respectively.)
Connections are also found with physical transformation and taking on a new humble identity as a disguise under which the young prince learns about the trials of those less priveleged. Daenerys goes bald after hatching her dragon eggs, signifying her transformation from a weak, frightened girl to a "true Targaryen" just as Egg shaved off his hair to signify his transformation from Prince Aegon to Egg, squire to the hedge knight Dunk.
Aegon took on the guise of Egg as the squire to the common born hedge knight Dunk as he stayed away from royal court traveling the countryside. Daenerys grew up away from royal court in Essos always traveling from place to place while Jon (unwittingly) hides his Targaryen identity posing as Ned Stark's bastard son and rode with wildlings, associated with the smallfolk of the Night's Watch. Both Egg's descendants' views were impacted by their upbringing as Egg's was. Egg's years among the smallfolk gave him more sympathy towards them or as he was called "half a peasant" just as Jon was called "half a wildling" for having ridden with the wildlings and his upbringing as a bastard gave him more sympathy towards the marginalized along with good teachers. Daenerys's past as abused childhood growing up in poverty who sold into marriage made her sympathetic towards the slaves and children, the most marginalized and least protected members of society.
"Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can't protect themselves?" -ASOS, Daenerys III "I am the shield that guards the realms of men. Those are the words. So tell me, my lord—what are these wildlings, if not men?" -ADWD, Jon XI
Put into leadership roles as Jon is elected as Lord Commander and Dany becomes queen as Egg was elected King at the Great Council, the two show solidarity with the downtrodden as Egg did.
They face frustration in pushing through needed popular changes in face of reactionary opposition up to and including rebellions. Daenerys liberates slaves and supports their rights against the slavocracy, but faces opposition in the form of the Harpy and the Yunkish coalition as Egg supported the rights of smallfolk and faced opposition in the form of rebellions by the lords. Jon pushes for reforms such as naming a former prostitute as his squire and allying with the wildlings, but faces opposition in the form of Marsh's faction.
Daenerys and Jon are Egg's spiritual successors as they try to make the world a better place, and deal with realities of ruling and leadership.
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
Things my siblings did that I want to put in ROTTMNT fanfic eventually (mostly shit my sister did lmao):
When me and my twin were born, our big sister, who was a young child, would try to block the room with our crib so mom and dad would focus on her
She also randomly decided that I was the bully-worthy twin 🤙
We move back and forth from the Philippines and the US, so I didn't experience snow that much. When I had my first snow ever, she decided to dig out a hole in the 3 feet tall snow and halfway encase me up to my shoulders into it.
And the first time we went to the beach, she tried to bury me into the sand
My youngest brother breaking the ceiling light cover and giving me an apology letter before then asking to get his iPad.
My sister put a red sign on the wooden bars above the backyard garden so that I would stop hitting my head on it
My twin got me my first walking cane
Me and my twin beta each other's fanfics to varying results but we still try🤙🤙
My twin changed my Discord name to "lmao choked on ice this morning" and took away my mod priveleges in his own fucking server with our mutual friends fuck you, Isko istg (/nm/lh) why won't you tell me your tumblr i KNOW you're lurking on my account
Just felt like sharing🤙
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neacle · 3 years
all headcanons for greaseball pls :3 (or as many as you feel comfortable answering)
My Man <3 My husband <3
☾ - sleep headcanon
Heavy sleeper, falls asleep super easily and then *snores*, a looot. He often sleeps on his belly and spreads out a lot if he's not spooning ya
★ - sad headcanon
Got teased a lot when he was younger cause he has difficulty reading and spelling.
☆ - happy headcanon
He has a very nice singing voice, although he doesn't actually actively sing. He hums in the shower or when he's really focusing, sometimes he can't tell that he does it, to his great embarrassment
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
He gets angry very easily, and violent too if it's someone he really doesn't like. He tries not to get into fights tho, but sometimes you just have to punch a guy or headbutt 'em, espacially if they insult him or someone he cares about.
✿ - Sex headcanon
Famous ladiesman, very talented, and certainly knows what he's doing. Surprisingly a very quick learner, and he likes to use his hands a lot, so when Electra introduces him to bondage, he takes great joy in tying up his Lexi 😌 Coming up with new and fun ways to play with him
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Kinda spartan, but very clean too because of this. He has his own shed with the built in cot and washing stall, table and chairs, closet and a TV, some shelves with knick-knacks and trophies. Electra later makes him get a couch to snuggle on
♡ - romantic headcanon
Smoothtalker, knows how to make you melt <3 Likes to hug and cuddle, pressing his forehead against his S/O, rumbling long and hard. Knows how to show you a good time, dance, drinking, great sex
♥ - family headcanon
Youngest of maaaany siblings. Wasn't really planned actually but completely spoiled by his parents. His siblings have gone on to do a lot of great things and established themselves so he's felt like he's had to try extra hard. Because of this and also kinda being the "fave" child, he's gotten kinda self-centered and blown-up, turning into the asshole we know today 😌 His momma is mexican and his pa is american.
☮ - friendship headcanon
His gang are his friends, but not very super close, they more admire him than actually know him. He sees C.B as his lil' buddy tho, and their friendship will only grow after the championship. He kinda took him for granted before, not really realising he bossed him around lol
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
he runs his hands through his hair a lot when he's nervous or stressed.
he likes to work with his hands and build stuff, his shelves that are filled with knick-knacks are small and messy figures he's carved. He also loves nature and hikes a lot, like sto be in the woods and just think his thoughts, even if they are few-
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Likes: Electra, asses, barbeque, swimming, 50's rock music (obv), sitting in the sun, a good whiskey, working out
Dislikes: Rain, word puzzles, losing, cucumber, sitting still and waiting
▼ - childhood headcanon
Already kinda mentioned but the youngest of a huuuge family, rather happy and spoiled childhood. Very priveleged his whole life and thusly used to getting his way. He was very short for a long time and worried he would stay like that until he had a sudden growthspurt one summer and just turned into a tree-
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
Again, they don't age. But looks wise he's at like 34-35 ish.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Dinah taught him to cook, and he's rather good at it, growing up with a mother that was a dining car as well, so he likes to learn. He doesn't cook a lot tho, but when he does it turns out kinda good!
☼ - appearance headcanon
Tall, 6,2 ish. Broad, biggest train in the yard and *knows* it. Tanned with black hair, tho in the sun it has some brown tones, with gold thicker strands. All diesels have some metal strands in their hair, and his happened to be gold from his dad. Dark golden eyes, and when it's cold his chrome body heats up and you can see the molten heat shining through at certain parts, like ribs and arms and pecs.
Dimples the bastard, charming face and smile
ൠ - random headcanon
he may be awful at reading and spelling but he's surprisingly good at math
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
I didn’t see mine on the list, but can I request being the sister of the sawyers and just all that entails? Like you’re the youngest sibling.
Being the Youngest Sawyer Sister would mean...
You Don’t get Privelege for being a Girl
Drayton has no care for if you’re a dainty little female- most families would treat you like porcelain, a pretty little thing incapable of hard work, but Drayton sees otherwise. You got two hands, don’t you? Get to work then!
It’s kind of a relief, honestly. Drayton treating you differently because of your gender is shallow. The Sawyers day gender equality!
Bubba would always want to dress up!!
You’ve got the pretty hair and face hes always dreamed of, so he’ll want to do your makeup and style your hair all the time. He also has dresses he’d be so happ if you tried on!
He likes when you do his hair and makeup as well! Some days, the two of you hold fashion shows for Nubbins and ChopTop.
Chaotic Time with ChopTop!
You’re the youngest, right?? Well, then it’s time you learn to be a rebel like your big brother Chop! He’ll get you a knife and you’ll go rob some little gas stations nearby, or maybe you can play damsel in distress to get a car to pull over. Awesome!
He’ll also want to listen to music with you all the time, especially when he gets a new record- you know all of his music, and you actuslly love it a lot. You watch the Kōkla radio show with him and Bubba every day.
Mischief with Nubbins!
He’s just as mischievous as his twin, so the two of you are always trying to cheat people out of their money in exchange for Nubbins photos. You always have the knife, and Nubbins has the natural intimidation. You work great together!
He also loves to take photos of you, since you’re so naturally photogenic. He keeps them all, and he loves you to bits. You’re the greatest lil sis anyone could ever ask for!
A lot of Fights and Bickering!
Though you tend to get along with your brothers most of the time, you still bicker and poke fun all the time. Drayton is sick of it, and has a constant headache whenever a fight seems to be brewing.
You usually fight with ChopTop since he can have a pissy attitude, but you bicker with Nubbins sometimes too. The only one you hardly ever fight with is Bubba, since he listens to every word his siblings say.
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goldenpctals · 3 years
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moon seri 
parents: lee tae hyun & moon ji won (married) college & profession: st jude’s university / music  hometown: seoul, south-korea highschool: went to a private international school in seoul  born: february 2, 18 years old (aquarius) sexuality: bi-sexual (status - single) faceclaim: yu ji min a.k.a. karina from aespa 
background story: just a couple of months after jiwon and taehyun welcomed youi into their lifes, they faced the most unexpected thing: jiwon was pregnant with their fifth child. couple of months after that, they welcomed their youngest of 5 into the world: seri. jiwon and taehyun made a promise to one another to keep their children from the spotlight as much as they possibly could until they turned 12 and it was up to them to step into the spotlight with them or stay hidden until they are ready. while youi and yeong su agreed and got more known, seri stayed more hidden and focused on her school, work and career choices. this meant that most people did know her name, but never really knew her. until seri decided to enroll into st jude’s at the age of 18, where she will debut in the newest kpop girl group ‘aespa’.
seri’s story: seri definitely uses ‘being the baby of the family’ priveleges when she has the chance to do so, but she can also be mature and clever for her age. jiwon and taehyun always made sure she was respectful and kind to others. however, she has a fiesty and unpredictable side to herself. she’s very driven and a leader type figure who portrays confidence. but unlike her other two siblings, seri doesn’t really care as much about the spotlight that shines on her family’s name, nor feels the pressure to become as succesful. from a young age, she was always fascinated by the art of music and the careers of her parents, which kick-started her to become a kpop trainee.
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zosonils · 4 years
ferb is the only youngest sibling in the tri state area and also the world who has player 1 priveleges. he fucking earned them
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