#//the more i wanna write them as separate from the cartoon v just for the funny polarity of it all
drachliebe · 1 year
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Heres a request - write smth nice for yourself involving ur favs for ur birthday <33
this was licherally way too wide open for a request dinu fjdskfl;a, so im gonna take this as a normal ask and just ramble a little abt my new NF pitch bc I want to see DC make it one day or at the v least i’ll keep speaking into existence until i can bully them into letting me write for it fjkldasf;
Okay, I know in my fic & speculations i keep expanding the cast to include a lot of characters i love, but I think esp for the purposes of like, an on-going series/possible show/cartoon, I’d want to cast to be relatively small & contained. SO, the line-up (which i’m capping off MLP-style at only 6 characters max) is:
Raven, (OBVSILY, shes the Leader & audience lead-in, since she’s the one that’s had the most exposure)
Zach, Traci, Klarion & Lori (bc they were so Involved and simultaneously are the more Established characters relative to Skye and Roberto, who were for all intents and purposes were Marv’s OCs and while I COULD make an argument to include them, I’d hold off on re-using them too soon, esp if this might end up being something that takes a few years to get off the ground)
and finally Eddie to round out the group, bc even tho he was only briefly in DoD, he’s still a much more established character & would be an excellent foil to a lot of these kids as one of the few who’s been a Full Sidekick & who’s been heroing for quite some time
so this is where I start to diverge a bit, bc in my show bible, I’m absolutely gonna wanna pitch this thing as a Monster-of-the-week, character driven action show. not as much plot, but a lot of heart at the start and something that can then be developed further as time goes on. you can throw in both supernatural creatures and cryptids and have some fun with these kids, just, exploring diff environments psuedo-scooby style or them bonding totally separate from the supernatural stuff & it running into them against the odds lmao, but not too many other Evil™ mystics to fight, as WB animation/tv trying to obtain rights to use certain characters seems to be a little... fraught. better to stick with something that focuses first on the characters that are absolutely needed to make the show work in the first place
but anyways for a comic run, I would want to hit the ground running on making a vague callback/recap of Winters trying to re-form a NF team with these kids, them breaking off from him immediately at the conclusion of their first ‘mission’, and then the rest of the series being about them taking on various supernatural quests. again, could throw in monsters, but moreso would use those Actual Mystics a lot more often though, given that editorial seems to allow more freedom with regards to characters that you can use, again compared to animation/tv. would also be a lot better of an opportunity to bring in JLD/shadowpact nods/characters/team-ups and just!!!!
idk, i have a lot of littler ideas too, and i’m still trying to distill what I love abt these characters into an appropriate pitch bc ya can’t have these things if you dont at least Plan for em yknow?
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching Good Omens (ALL OF IT)
my favourite novel is now my favourite mini-series and IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL
under the cut: a very long, spoilery six-episode reaction to MY NEW FAVOURITE THING EVER
may 31st 07:36pm nz
i posted my episode 1 reaction a couple hours ago but that got ZERO NOTES so i assume people are either avoiding spoilers or aren’t interested, which is fine, but i’m just gonna put all my reactions in one big post so anyone who IS interested doesn’t have to read 6 separate posts c:
edit june 1st 04:08am: btw i watched using a free trial on amazon prime, which i’m pretty sure is worldwide. soooo if yOU WANT TO WATCH THIS, YOU CAN, FOR FREE
EPISODE 1: In the Beginning
idk how much i’m gonna type, whether i’ll post a reaction to the entire thing in one post....... or how much i’ll end up watching right now
kinda want to spread it out and save it as a treat for after i’ve done some writing
but right now i wanna watch before writing
so maybe i’ll do one ep, write something, then return to this?
edit: aahhaha that didn’t happen
well... since 2011 when i first read the book
but regardless it’S BEEN 84 YEARS
okay first off i did not know amazon prime did adverts at the start of their videos. so i was like SINCE WHEN WAS CHILDISH GAMBINO/DONALD GLOVER IN GOOD OMENS
and then
either way i thought it was a good opening
cool cool cool cool cool
omg i’m used to where the netflix full-screen button is, and on amazon prime that’s the “next episode” button so i gotta be real careful
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dear god my video quality is TERRIBLE
i.......... i might torrent this show and watch it offline
this is horrendous i can’t see a damn thing
i have never seen pixels this big
okay the quality calmed down after a minute
i loooove the intro, i love that it’s basically word for word from the book
i feel like i’d find it funnier if i hadn’t read the book 3 months ago
also? god is a woman? yes
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is it just me or does the snek have a slightly david tennant-esque quality about it
i’m so happy adam and eve are black
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omfg. aziraphale said “ineffable” and now CRAWLEY’S CHECKING HIM OUT TRYING TO SEE IF HE HAS ANY JUNK
...or y’know, looking for a flaming sword. SAME FUCKING THING.
also i looove how FLUFFY azi is
azi: “do hope i didn’t do the wrong thing”
i fucking love them both uhrgughhhuhuhughuhhh
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small sob for cuteness
umbella wings
in the opening titles, crowley just stopped a spaceship and aziraphale turned it into fish
i feel like that was a douglas adams reference and i’m on board
the entire time i read the book, up until i saw video promos of this show, i thought “crowley” was said the same way as spn’s “crowley”, as in “crahwlee”
not “crOhwlee”
i definitely like that they’re different though
both probably named after aleister crowley tbh. all of whom are queer.
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i haven’t found david tennant attractive in about 9 years but WHOOOP HELLO AGAIN
somehow attractive for entirely different reasons than before. like. my taste changed but tHEN
i’m on crowley’s side, taking down a cellphone network is VERY ANNOYING
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crowley: shitshitshitshithsit
i can’t wait for aziraphale’s big swear
i miss eating sushi
sushi was great
this baby delivery thing is sTRESSFUL
poor lady
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“little toesie woesies”
where’s the sister mary loquacious fan club and where do i sign up
i’m glad they colour-coded the babies and did the playing card explanation because this part of the book always tied my brain in knots
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this is reminding me how utterly gross england is
“MY POINT IS............. DOLPHINS”
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see in the book
i never once realised that the nanny was crowley in disguise
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digging the snake tattoo sideburns
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and yeah the short hair looks good
fINALLY crowley called azi “angel”
crowley: “oh no no don’t do your magic act, pleeease”
the magic act scene is one of my fave parts of the book <3
aw man they cut out the best part
i mean i get why
the kids shouted a bunch of gay slurs at aziraphale
and there were no secret service people with guns
but aw mannn
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aw man aziraphhale just brought it back himself
i liked it better in the book
they sat on the steps outside and crowley comforted azi and took the dove and fixed it for him, and then it flew off
idk i just had such a perfect image of that moment in my mind and this was..... good but not the same at all
could be gayer
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good dog
crowley: *snifsnif* something’s changed
aziraphale: “oh it’s a new cologne, my barber suggeste--”
crowley: “no no i know what you smell like”
gayyyyyyyyyy <3
okay that’s ep 1 watched!!! i’ll watch more maybe later tonight :D
not as gay as expected ........YET
needs 400% more “angel” and “dear”
EPISODE 2: The Book
pillar of salt guy: “something smells evil”
the fact crowley smells evil and yet aziraphale likes his company regardless says a lot
fully expected crowley to say “i didn’t fall, i sauntered vaguely downwards”
iiiii’m finding the narrator a little annoying
maybe it’s because i read the book so i know what’s going on
but saying “he has four items to deliver in his van. he works for this postage company and he’s making his first delivery in a formal warzone”.... idk i feel like all of those things could be shown visually? saying it rather than showing it probably saved seven seconds of airtime, but damn
i wonder if the narrator was a later addition to this, for new audience clarity? the script for god just seems a little stilted, idk
edit: i kind of got used to it, but it was still jarring, which i’m sure was the opposite of the intended effect
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the saddest newt
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she’s kind of exactly how i imagined her in the book
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and definitely my fave next to aziraphale and crowley
i feel so bad for crowley’s plants
poor babies
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for some reason i imagined her as a redhead. kind of more like mrs weasley
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these wee children......... so soft.......... so smol
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v happy with the casting for pepper
tiny downside is that we lose another redhead
i find the kids’ conversations hilarious because they’re the same age as harry potter when he goes to hogwarts the first time
idk if this is what eleven year olds are like in real life, but when i read the book i did feel distinctly like they spoke like eight year olds
crowley: “i like spooky. big spooky fan, me”
he just sounds like the tenth doctor
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"you know, crowley, i’ve always said that deep down you really are a--”
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loquacious: “sorry to break up an intimate moment”
i imagined anathema’s tripod thing to be about 5 feet tall, not a cute little knee-high thing
freddie mercury: BIIIII CYCLE
yeah i was waiting for that
crowley: “get in, angel”
end of episode 2!!! i freaking loved aziraphale vs the book <3
the credits for this ep credit konnie huq as someone named pam but idk who that is? i had a crush on konnie huq as a kid when she was a presenter on “blue peter”
OH WAIT RIGHT the lady on the breakfast show on crowley’s tv. aw such a small part. hoping we’ll see her again later
edit: nope. might rewatch that part to pay more attention. obviously i didn’t even recognise her after like.. 15 years
EPISODE 3: Hard Times
brb gotta get some food
and now i wait for food
is this the one that’s just crowley and azi’s backstory?
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i can’t even put my finger on why but he’s getting more attractive
ah yes
aziraphale is eating shellfish and trying to tempt crowley
“oh... that’s your job”
i love this part of their dynamic
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i adore when crowley makes aziraphale smile <3
i like seeing how crowley’s sunglasses differ throughout history
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“if they knew i’d been... fraternising”
this is such a forbidden romance i love ittttt
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k this is my favourite part of the show so far <3
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this angel just fell in love
right in that moment
i see cartoon hearts around him
just had to pause for a second bc there was some broccoli in my tea :c
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he got him holy waterrrrrrr
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definitely feeling a lot of “NOW KISS” right about now
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throughout the entire book azi just came across as the kind of person who wore glasses even though glasses were never once mentioned
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i like this colour palette and the gold in their makeup
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“we can go off together”
omg the world’s ending and crowley’s all RUN AWAY WITH MEEE
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okay then
good eyelashes
edit: i also like how their relationship was explained with a simple tap on the wrist: hurry up, you’re on the clock, i’m a sex worker, finish your call because i’m leaving
episode three DONE
these eps don’t feel long enough
maybe that means the pacing is just right? who knows
i feel like i should be doing something other than watching this but..... why
EPISODE 4: Saturday Morning Funtime
aziraphale is SOFT and he’s perfect like that <3
fuck u gabriel and your body shaming
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i want delivery guy to be okay BUT I READ THE BOOK
so............... i know he will be...... eventually
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how did they get photographs taken in the 1600s
oh gabriel’s eyes ARE purple, i thought i was seeing them wrong
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“maud i love you”
noo ho hoooo
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a little douglas adams, definitely
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the season is very much jumping between summer and autumn
though i suppose that’s the point, tadfield is just perfect
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“which the internet has begun to refer to as the kracken”
i wonder if good omens inadvertently inspired me to write The Wireless a couple of years back. wouldn’t be surprising
edit: no, couldn’t have, because the internet wasn’t much of a thing (or a thing at all?) in the book, given its publish date
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that’s a v nice dress/top combo
gosh she’s so pretty
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crowley: “we can run away together!!! alpha centauri!!!”
aw baby
crowley: “i’m going home, angel! i’m getting my stuff, and i am leaving. and when i am up in the stars, i won’t even think about you!!”
why has there not been a single “dear” yet :c
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oh no, this part
i loved this in the book but i am NOT READY for maggots
damn you gaiman
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he’s so cute
and so gay
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uriel: “don’t think your boyfriend in the dark glasses will get you special treatment in hell”
he looks kinda delighted uriel called crowley his boyfriend
i would say he looks worried but this shot was used without context in the trailer and it came across as genuine joy, i actually thought he was looking at crowley
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i thought it was a strange throne before
a spider at the centre of a web
dark halo
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oh now she’s a redhead???
also i’m glad they implied newt and anathema just kissed because the sex thing was weird in the book
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okay never mind
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aziraphale: “oh.................ffffUCK.”
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oh no
it’s happening
oh no
i hate this part but i love what happens because of it
i have eaten and now i have tea and i am back from MORE BOOKSHOP FIRE
EPISODE 5: The Doomsday Option
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and “you’re my best friend” playing while crowley’s tryna call azi
“somebody killed my best friend”
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freddie mercury: “somebody find me somebody tooo ooo looove”
edit: the narration WRECKED this. it was so dramatic and visually emotional but the voiceover completely screwed with it and it was SO UNNECESSARY.
crowley: “i lost my best friend”
he says, while crying, while talking to that friend
azi wanted to share crowley’s body
and then said they had to get a wiggle on
they cut out the hell’s angels / lesser horsemen
i figured they would, but still a shame
in the book tracy’s “spirit guide” was native american but daaaaaamn that part really needed to go
now she’s irish which is... better, probably
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this guy’s having the time of his life
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he wave
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1926 bentley; sexiest car right next to the ‘67 chevy impala
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omg gotta translate and explain the road
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OH NO the maggots are about to happen
they changed the placement of this but it worked for the pacing
k well the maggots were gross but not as bad as i imagined
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omg the dog turned upside down rather than be picked up
i wonder if that was intentional
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pfff he’s reading “american gods” by neil gaiman
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10/10 flaming car
EPISODE 6: The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives
here we go...
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azi so happy that crowley said the dress suits him <3
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rip bentley
aziraphale: “we are here to lick some serious butt!!”
crowley: “kick!! kick, aziraphale, for heaven’s sake”
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i freaking love the parallel between the Them and the horsemen in the book
and i love that they did face shots to show the parallel
pepper = war
wensleydale = famine
brian = pollution
adam = death
the parallel is less clear for brian and wensleydale, at least in the show. was more obvious in the book. but at the same time i kind of got confused between them a lot, brian was always eating, but wensleydale was named after cheese
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pepper: “i do not endorse everyday sexism”
shadwell: “anyone who wants ta get ta the hoore of babylon will have to get past me”
earlier anathema said “boyfriend”
may i point out that all the adults are paired up
shadwell & madame tracy
newt & anathema
aziraphale and crowley
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crowley: “we are FUCKED”
these two need a holiday
azi: “come up with something... or.... or i’ll never talk to you again”
he knows crowley loves him aww
perfect blackmail material
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they went from trying to kill him to being his gay angel parents real quick
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thought they were holding hands for a second there
edit: regardless, a whole damn airfield and they’re 2cm apart
happy ending for the postman, hooray~
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crowley about the bookshop, softly: “it burned down. remember? you can stay at my place”
anathema: “why is your car called dick turpin?”
newt: “dick turpin is a famous highwayman. it’s called dick turpin because everywhere it goes, it holds up traffic”
i laughed
this wasn’t in the book and i always wondered
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i wonder if holy water wouldn’t burn him because he’s too good
gabriel: “don’t talk to me about the greater good, sunshine, i’m the angel fucking gabriel”
really enjoying these swears
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i thought so
paused for a bit to get ready for bed
i thought it was after 4am but nope
“there would be other summers, but not one like this. not ever again”
that genuinely makes me emotional
i think that’s why it’s my favourite book, i can relive that summer with them
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crowley: “let me tempt you to a spot of lunch?
azi: “~temptation accomplished~!”
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“just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing”
that ending with the bird made me teary-eyed
AKSFJDSF /snorts
the end credits and the song i just wanna bawl my eyes out
i loved this so much and i’m so glad it was GOOD
i loved that they added so many people of colour. in the book i imagined crowley played by alexander siddig (star trek: deep space 9 era) but i guess david tennant makes a pretty good crowley too
i’m trying not to be upset that my favourite scene with the dove and aziraphale’s affectionate use of “dear” was taken out
this was damn good regardless. even gayer in places than in the book
this nightingale song is my new favourite song
i never got the reference before
“and as we kissed and said goodnight, an nightingale sang in berkeley square:
i love
the end of the credits “For Terry”
oh this was so beautiful
i’m gonna watch it again with my family probably within the week. i’m so emotionally tender now
ugh i love them more than ever
anathema...... i don’t know if i relate to her, want to be her, look up to her, want her to mentor me, live with her, or find her attractive. maybe all of the above. but she was freaking PERFECT. PE R F E CT 
the casting was so... just right. thank you casting people for anathema.
like... i also didn’t mind the newt/anathema thing so much now. it was hard to tell in the book how much of a relationship they had after, but that smile she gave while lying in bed the morning after, that worked, it said a lot. and i like that it was her choice to burn the prophecy sequel rather than newt’s suggestion
gabriel was amusing. like.. i’m glad he wasn’t in the book. but he was great here. also really like michael and uriel. uriel was so damn beautiful.
i also would really have liked to see a mention of the fact crowley and aziraphale are both agender and potentially asexual. not even a hint of it here. buuuuuut it guess i know from the book. so.
my favourite episode was of course episode 3 with crowley and aziraphale’s 6000 year backstory. especially the 1940s bit where crowley saved the books <3
this show was was less confusing than the book too. ugh it was done so well
we didn’t see where the soldier guy went when aziraphale zapped him away!!! in the book he reappeared safely back home and went out to see his family. to be fair i don’t know whether he died and went to heaven, but it was a nice thing to happen
and they took out the Them’s bully/rival gang, who was led by the third baby from the baby swap, and who won awards for his tropical fish. at least that’s what i remember. which meant the parallel about heaven/hell being rival gangs was lost here. but the parallel between the horsemen and the them was stronger than ever and i loved that.
look, i mean, 10 out of 10, EASY.
favourite thing? yes. yes, absolutely.
shoutout to the one time i wrote a Good Omens/Destiel crossover fic The Angel Cake Challenge
congrats if you made it to the end of this!!! thank you for reading <3 AND GO WATCH THE SHOW IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY
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A Travel To An Orange Sky V: Morning
Me and... my whispering self (”we need a better name!”) finally arrive home right at the dawn of day and... and...
“Why did we got this home? Oh that one IS an old memory! And it was basically”
Behind our home we could see a distant yet lovely close countryside, full of farms and fruit trees, all of them obviouslly separated by fences, each separating and showing to us a different world, maybe similar but at the same time SO different from one another... behind all that we could see small brown and green hills that on a cold morning like today felt like a couple of ice cream balls and above those hills? The sun, just now shily coming up after a crazy and weird night inside my head... and something more. The sky? was a lively and bright orange
“Our favorite color”...
... Only because of a drink and cartoons.
We stared at the sun and the start of a new day without saying anything, not a whisper to be heard... thought I felt their presence with me, they were archiving and enjoying this memory inmensly... finally a proper nice thing to remember
“You have plenty of good memories... but you NEED new ones and the routine of your life doesnt always leave you up for them... besides with time some memories get... spoiled...”
I started to remember, dont ask me why, of the time I was in an online relationship with a girl, we were both in highschool, we fooled around and had fun... and one day when I was getting ready for a journey she called me and the only time I heard her talk she said “I love you”, I call her back and said the same... but then after a while we broke up because well... young teens in a recently born internet? Was silly... I think its the only time a girl has told me the love me, romantically at least.
“You’re crying now, we’re crying now... sorry... it just came to me! That’s like a curse or some shit, I just bring the memories back, I can’t always choose which I bring”
I wiped the tears away... and smiled
Then what we need... is better memories for us to move on.
“What’s with the cocky smile? You have a pla... oh... I LIKE IT!”
So do I Worange... so do I.
“Worange? Is that my name now?”
I think? two random favorite things of me blend together
“That doesn’t make much sense”
We never have, have we?
“... shit you’re right”
And so I finally went back home to rest... and plan.
It’s morning and 7:44 am I dont wanna go to work
“But we want money to buy shit so get moving, no time for breakfast but you can buy something even just a candy, just eat something”
UGH okay okay. Thankfully the train station has a candy cart outside. My morning is the same as any monday, same routine same week, same feeling of wanting saturday to be already here... there is one difference though.
“Hey I remember the first time you listened to this story! you didnt thought much of it at the time but everytime you listen it pisses you off more and more and...”
Yeah, I guess it’s because I hate people being guilted and they were forcing him to pick a side, by basically being dicks... but I guess the development all the character got late rin the story made it worth it to me
“Still annoying”
Me and my whisperes (or Worange how I call it) are now on better terms. They still bug me and bring back bad memories or annoying ones... but either I listened or argue with them or sometimes if im lucky THEY bring me a good memory to listen. It’s weird you know? It’s like they say You’re your own best friend? and also your worst critic? That’s Worange to me... I just need to remember how to handle them...
“But you wont always will...”
Yeah I know, nothing is perfect. It’s not like magically you will stop being the obnoxious whisper in my shoulder... I just need to be more aware so we have a way to deal with it.
“And also...”
“Hehehehe... okay”
We actually have a plan. It will take a while to get there but since Worange seems to be related to memories... memories is what I’m gonna give them. I decided to begin writing stuff of my day eveyday, even the smallest things can be a better memory that routine day number 2534315 And there’s... something else...
I already have the letter done so when summer gets here? My three weeks will be spent traveling the country, following the road behind my home and seeing what the world has to offer. For better and Worse... I’ll become a traveller... and see if I can see an orange sky again.
“That’s gonna be... too many sentiments to describe to be honest”
It truly will... hopefully is worth it.
“You’re alive... so it is.”
Part 5 of 5 of a bigger story event. I THINK I FINALLY HAVE  ABETTER IDEA WHAT MY BOOK WILL BE ABOUT! And this arc was a prologue to it... It wasnt my original idea, but around day 3 it evolved into it... random thanks in order:
@elphaba-fang a crazy event Idea that finally made me get back to writing, thanks
@ask-sayori-ddlc things can be depressing... but YOU are who decide to look at them in the best or worst light possible... indirectly you taught me that, thank you.
@ej121 thanks for your comments and feedback, I will finally play Celeste... someday, smash comes first xD
@mars-the-4th-planet and @misterjukebox8 you get a thanks just for being my friends this time... nothing wrong with that right? :P
and thanks specially to @tsunderydander... you reminded me I like to write... and that escalated into this... and hopefully more. Thanks my friend
Music to end this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nbN5gXVPxI
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jcsummerschat · 2 years
How I became a writer, part 1
When I was growing up in the 80s our TVs had a limited amount of channels. I can honestly say I witnessed the growth of television to what we have now. When you had the same basic channels, CBS, NBC, Fox … basically 2, 4, sometimes 5, 7 maybe 9, 11, and sometimes 13. 13 was that elusive one, the channel Highlander The Series went and was sometimes on at a prime time slot and sometimes at 3 am, it is where Buffy was sent too after her ratings dropped. This was before Netflix kids. PBS jumped in there somewhere. Cartoons were only on for a few hours on certain days. Most of us didn't care as much cause we were outside playing, running around, and riding bikes. You know, being kids. Those with an expensive cable box could get higher channels, like HBO and Cinemax. I remember my folks having the box in their room but being allowed to watch Fraggle Rock once in a while. This was before we learned that we could use the VCR to access higher channels, not the HBO ones but a bunch of fuzzy stuff that eventually turned into Nickelodeon, MTV, and VH1. 
As a kid, I loved The Dukes of Hazard, Hunter (with Fred Dryer and Stephanie Kramer, it was a police drama), He-man, and She-Ra (don't get me started on the abomination they have turned into, but if you want to see how they go together, look up The Secret of the Sword). At grandma's house, we also watched game shows (Jeopardy, Wheel of fortune… my science teacher was on that one), Unsolved Mysteries, and the tv movie of the week. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of The TV movie of the week, it eventually became Lifetime TV, need I say more. I watched these shows as a kid, all my life. Oh, sure there were sitcoms too, the Cosby show, 7th heaven, perfect strangers, full house, You can't do that on television… yeah the first two kinda, well, could become a tv movie of the week, all on their own. However, these are the ingredients that went into forming the way my imagination worked. Toss in Dirty Dancing, Grease, and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. I have some learning difficulties, dyslexia, and my reading and comprehension were not great. Then a friend introduced me to V. C. Andrews, The Casteel series, and I was hooked. Yes, they became lifetime movies too, I have not seen them yet and want to so bad. When Grandma saw me, at thirteen reading them, she did not say, no that is too old a book for you. She was like, you like that, I have three shelves full of her books if you want more. The first thing I ever learned in writing was from this series. See all throughout the books Tony Tatterton is a brunet, Heaven gets her hair coloring from him vs Leah and her silvery blonde. Then the last book, Leah’s book, Web of Lies, Tony is described as being blonde. I started noticing in books I read if a character is described with blue eyes then suddenly they are green and then blue again. These details became a thing and I hope beyond hope I have not made this mistake, I really tried hard to be consistent. I Keep a separate doc open that has character information, age, hair, eyes, and birthdate if it comes up. The doc is basically the cheat sheet for each book and it comes in handy when it's a series of books too and I’m like, wait what was the butler's name again, what spelling of it did I use. If I have inconsistencies it's in age or grade of school others are in. When I started writing I never intended to be a writer. I was a twenty-two-year-old with a 3rd-grade reading level. I was never told growing up I was smart. Smart would have been in my grades and they sucked. It was not until I went back to college in 2019 I got an A on any paper, assignment, or class. I think the USA school system needs a complete overhaul and that we need to stop putting so much emphasis on the grade you get determining one's intellect and thus self-worth. Collage taught me that we all learn differently. I am somewhere between a visual and audio learner. This taught me that if I have the computer read the textbook to me while I play solitaire I actually remembered it a lot better than if I read it myself two or even three times. In class, I need to see how it is done as well as do it for it to sink in. How many of us would have done 100% better in elementary school if we had the ability to put on headphones and let the book read to us, or even to go out and walk the track while listening to the book? Why is it we wait until college to realize we have suffered and struggled with something that could have been easy for us?
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thequeeryclass · 6 years
“Fake (v/n/adj) – not genuine, counterfeit”
“Girl, you ghetto as fuck.” she laughed. I had told her I scrub the stains from dirty pants when I forget to wash them for work. I told her I don’t have the energy to remember every time. She tells me that it’s ghetto. Her cheeks were round and proud when she says it. Her laugh carries over centuries and oceans back to a land she don’t know. Her teeth are big and bright. Her voice is power. It surrounds me, pulls me close. She sees me. Not more or less. Just me. She tells me I am her. I tell her I grew up that way. She said I’m of her kind, but my mother’s womb is white. She knows that I understand. I understand that I don’t know. I pretend that I can. Ghetto.
 The colored women hidden in the kitchen accepted me in fashion I had been raised to run from. One parents had worked against with every fiber of their ability. Family was never whole because twelve hour shifts at the plant don’t sleep. Non-smoking rooms at the motel with cigarette burns in the sheets. Skip breakfast because Mama’s already left for work. Giving up makes the little you get look like more. If we throw out the couch, we can put the Christmas tree there. Sweets are cheaper than celery. Soda is better than what comes from the faucet. New means used. Used means it was free. I belong to those women in the kitchen. Poor.   
                                                                                                                                 The leaves are the first thing you notice. When your friend in the seventh grade gives you her “magic picture boxes” and you realize that you never knew that you never knew what it was like to see the world. Color, edges, leaves. No one ever tells you normal people can see each individual leaf on a tree. That’s not how they draw them. Green puffy clouds painted over quick, swift strokes of grass. No one tells you there’s a secret you don’t know about the world. And that is that it’s made up of hard lines and different shades and individual pieces. Your world is not their world. You are not allowed into their world. Contacts are a good disguise. Eyes are not all shaped the same. Glasses are cheaper anyway. Glasses are like a big yellow vest that says you don’t belong. They tell everyone you are a spy in their land of edges and individuals. They scream and yell and they reach out to take away your windows into their world. They don’t want to share. They won’t share. You do not belong. Outside.
 I hear his voice in her screams. I hear my pain in her eyes. It’s her not me. It’s me not him. His anger that lashed out. His highs and his lows clashing together and the pressure formed a twister that took out the town hall during Gustav. His temper floods the wards and bleeds out into schools of dead pets because bullets got bored. Dreams and lifetimes float by on a slick of black oil down into the gulf because they were never anything more than garbage anyway. The rain never stops pouring as mamas drop their babies off bridges because it’s easier than his voice that keeps going when the doors are locked. His voice hits the doors and halls and bounces and shakes till the walls come down like levees because he just needs to relieve the pressure. Apologies won’t erase water marks on walls but I paint over anyway because this is my home too. Six feet underwater, I forgive again. Rotting.
 She whispers that it is all my fault. It’s my fault she’s unhappy. It’s my fault that she’s still alive. She says I have to do better. She says she’d kill herself if I ever left. I can’t go. I can’t stay. I can’t be me. I can’t be her. I can’t be her exes and I can’t be her future. I try anyway. I give her a ring because she doesn’t believe that I love her. She wears it until she loses it. I should be ashamed for not noticing it’s gone. All I notice anymore is how the insides of my eyelids dance when I lay in bed holding her. Rainbows perform a waltz while she scrolls through her phone at three in the morning. Flashes of light tiptoe around the questions on my tests. Red circles during History. Green triangles at lunch. Blue worms wiggle across her face. She wants to sleep with other people. Purple butterflies fade away She never wants to lose me. Blind.
 I saw the headlights before it happened. Didn’t know what they meant. Didn’t realize how close they were. She was next to me. Driving. For a nanosecond of eternity, a halo of light caught the strands of blonde hair on her head. “You’re a tease” she said. “You get me all riled up and then don’t wanna go all the way. It’s not fair.” She was right. I liked kissing. I didn’t like sex. She liked sex. She liked sex more than she liked any of us, past or present. After the first hit, I remember walking myself through the following seconds. I told myself I had been in a car accident. My seatbelt caught me. Second collision is inevitable. Brace for impact. The last thing I saw was my hands go up to defend myself. “I just don’t feel like you love me if you won’t have sex with me.” Those were my words she was taking and recycling as her own. Except, I didn’t want sex. What I had asked for was intimacy. Physical touch. She had pulled away. Said that she didn’t like to be touched. I asked her how we were supposed to have sex without touching. She stopped talking to me for three days. I don’t remember the second hit as much as the first. When the car hit us, I remember the way the frame of the car shuddered. I remember seeing us headed towards the streetlight. I remember closing my eyes. I remember the airbags never caught me. My seatbelt did. At forty miles an hour. Caught me to a dead stop when the hood wrapped around the pole like it was parting the sea. I remember she left me. Jumped right out the car in a panic. “I don’t think I’m ready to be in a relationship right now. I’ll always love you. I can’t be with you right now.” Can you get out? The voice was loud, and concerned, Ma’am, can you get out of the vehicle? Get out. Get out. Get out. When I pried the door open, the world was cold and blurry and I was terrified that I had a head injury. I was terrified until I realized my glasses had come off in the crash. I took them off the carpeted floor and laid out on the sidewalk, listening as the sirens drew closer. I would not die here. Alone.
 I remember many insignificant things across the dimensions of time and space. I do not remember when I first slept a full night in my own bed again. I do not remember when I stopped needing to check the locks on my doors twelve times a night. I do not remember when I was first able to convince myself that there was no one there on the other side of my closed eyelids in the dark. I do remember hearing the door open in the dark. Whispered drunken giggles of her and him floated around the room. I remember her climbing into her own bed. I remember the feeling of that hand, confidently grasping my leg just above the knee, separated only by my comforter. It’s something I could never forget. I remember I was wearing men’s cartoon pajama pants and an old t-shirt from Sedona, Arizona. I remember pulling away, sure that it was a mistake. I remember the hand gripped tighter, holding it in place. I remember it was strong. Stronger than me. I remember sitting up, and telling the hand to go away. I don’t remember what it muttered. It had a shaved head and broad shoulders. Even in the wild panic of the dark, I never forgot that. I remember the second hand joined the first. Locked me in place. I remember telling it to go away or else. It spoke. It refused. I remember reaching out desperately. Pushing. It didn’t move. Both hands pushed. Hard. It stumbled. The hands left, swaying in open air. They found the floor. They stayed there. I remember watching until sunlight broke through the window. I remember being unable to move because I wasn’t strong enough. I remember grabbing my clothes and running and changing in a public bathroom because I was afraid of the one in my dorm. The one where he was. I remember it in my dreams. I remember it on my pillow. In the dark. I remember it, and I let him go. Damaged.
 Reading is slow. It’s time consuming. Soul consuming. Reading is an existence. I have the patience for it. I don’t have the time. I could write five chapters in the time I read one. I do not. But I could. Reading is traveling. Across time and space and life itself. It’s addicting. I miss it. People suck their teeth. It’s such a good book. I trust it is. The movies are good. The books are probably better. They grew up reading it. I grew up reading everything else. All the worthless stories. Ones that didn’t get a seven part movie deal. Ones no one read. Because they weren’t important. Harry Potter is important. It’s a lifestyle. Harry Potter is queer culture. Reading is hard for me. Words and letters jump around like toddlers on a playground. Sometimes they make sense. Sometimes, if you think about it from the toddler’s point of view, it makes sense. Sometimes it’s incomprehensible and I have to step away for a while. Focus bounces like a rubber ball. It goes and it comes back. One page is five thousand irrelevant thought trains. Fifty pages is a day gone. I don’t have so many days as I have collections of fifty pages. Reading is lonely. Reading out loud is not so much. No one wants to listen to someone read. Not an entire book. Not when there are books that they could read themselves. Reading is hard. For a mind that is never calm. Never quiet. Reading is a silent classroom. Sometimes, you want to scream to let the loud out. Reading isn’t exertion. It’s consumption. They don’t understand why I won’t borrow the books. They don’t understand. Isolated.
How can he be safety? How can he feel like home? How could I be so proud of being a lesbian and then let this happen? How can I be gay and hetero without being bi or pan? How can I allow myself to believe that this means anything? How can I possibly know what love is? How can love be anything more than the abuse I have always deserved? How can I deserve abuse if I did nothing to deserve it? How can he love me back? How can he say that he does and then date her? How can I fix myself for him? How can I even consider changing who I am for him? How can everyone see it but him? How can I love a man as a woman and still be queer? How can I betray my people, my community this way? How do I know I love him for more than kindness? How can one person feel like the whole world? Confused. ow How
 Drink every time you feel like you don’t belong. When you’re standing at a party, surrounded by the beautiful people. Thin, lithe, straight. Certain in their own bodies pressed up against each other. Take a shot every time someone tells you that you don’t belong. When they shake their heads no before you even finish the question. Picking apart the molecules of difference and blowing them up on a screen for the world to see. Shaming you for insecurity afterward.  Sip when you thought you did belong, but you find out you were wrong. You find out that your differences are what you all had in common, but you’re too different. They are different, normal. You are different, atypical. It’s got to be your fault. No one else is like that. You must be defective. If you are outed by someone else, finish your drink. At dinner with her parents. At the diner with your family. By “accident” on social media. Drink until none of it matters. Imposter.
 “Keep you in the dark, You know they all pretend” – Foo Fighters in “The Pretender”. Ghetto. Poor. Outside. Rotting. Blind. Alone. Damaged. Isolated. Confused. Imposter. To not belong. To be a summation of all that you are. To know that you belong where nobody else belongs. The warmth in June when the fireflies begin to flicker. The second star in the night sky. The cold darkness of the ocean. The red clay of the Grand Canyon.  Faded road markers and twisted trees. The first leaf to fall in autumn. To exist. To not belong. To be ostracized. To fade into the background. To burn holes into the earth like the sun. To redefine perfection. To fall from grace and make your own. To sink into the sunlight laid across the grass and grow old with someone in an afternoon. To live just to breathe and to just keep breathing. To be ghetto, poor, outside, rotten, disabled, blind, alone, broken, isolated. To not understand. To realize that the only imposters are your own doubts and the ones that gave those doubts to you. To be everything you are. To be.
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malwarewolf404 · 8 years
Listen Up Star Suckers
Let’s talk Star Wars.
After Rogue One’s release being so successful, we as a fandom seemed to have finally fully gotten on board with the whole spin-off thing, and I think that’s great.
But there are some other spin-offs out there that deserve a lot more credit than they get. I’m off course talking about Star Wars the Clone Wars. Yes it’s a cartoon. But no, it does not suck nor is it for babies. Okay some of it is not great but c’mon, it’s Star Wars some of this shit is hit or miss sometimes. Bottom-line the show is absolutely incredibly, and if you haven’t seen it, I think you should see it, and if you have seen it. You know. You already know everything I’m about to say.  
Most of the stuff I’m about to say is very eloquently said by The Cosmonaut Variety Hour on YouTube in this video so definitely go check that out for the short and non-subjective version of this rant. But do come back to my rant because I want you to hear my outrageous suggestions about how to watch the star wars franchise as a whole. 
So, Star Wars. The original Trilogy, fucking fantastic. everything made between 1983 and 2005? eh.... As someone who’s been basically born into the Star Wars fandom, I have a lot of opinions on the prequels. They’re good for some things, but all in all they don’t really add a lot of depth to the story as a whole. That’s not to say that the OrigTrig is infallible or anything, but the prequels take being a kinda campy movie about Wars in Stars and make it very unnecessarily complex. Anikin being a whiny pissbaby for three whole movies? Bad choice. Padme being a totally lifeless character meant only to birth Luke and Leia? Bad choice. Jar Jar? Stupid Jedi? SAND???? The list goes on. The Prequels make mistakes, in ways that the original trilogy, in all of it’s campy, low-budget glory never really did. And that’s honestly kind of sad.
Now let me tell you about a show that isn’t campy. Let me tell you about a show that does the Wars in Stars better. 
Now Star Wars the Clone Wars will never replace the hole in my heart that is the prequels... except oh wait it did. That’s right, I said it. My parents took me to see the prequels trilogy in theaters since I was born. That’s what I mean when I said I was born into this fandom. And like I said, they fucking. Leave a lot to be desired. But after Episode III was released, on October 3rd 2008, I found a new hope (sorry, had to,) for this section of the story. And that hope, was Star Wars the Clone Wars. 
Now Clone Wars isn’t infallible either, it definitely has it’s problems, from filler episodes to Jar Jar still existing, and so on and so forth, but when you actually sit down and watch the good arcs, this show will actually surprise you. I’ll get into a detailed list of what you should and shouldn’t watch later, but for right now I wanna talk about what this show did. 
So the Clone Wars was not made by George Lucas, and it shows. This show was made by people who are actually good at making Star Wars content passed 1985. This show pulled aspects from existing Clone Wars media and made them better. Made them Star Wars. Characters are so much better than the prequels trilogy presented them. And most of the new characters we get are pretty freaking great as well. If you watched the video I linked up there you know what I’m talking about and. Why am I still talking watch that instead. 
Star Wars the Clone Wars took the bold road. This show so many fans shat on for being a cartoon for babies has frequent adult concepts like character death, the price of war, love and loss, espionage, sabotage, political ineffectiveness, corruption, and tons of stuff I can’t even fit into this whole rant. No matter what age you are, you’re gonna enjoy this show.
It fixes so many of the character problems we see in the prequels. Anikin doesn’t kill people because... actually I don’t really know why prequels Anikin was such a murderous whiny creepy weirdo. Anyways, Clone Wars Anikin isn’t some that weird kid at the back of your high school math class that went on to shoot up his college campus, he’s a Jedi. He just. Happens to be a very emotional Jedi that doesn’t have any issues hurting people to reach an end. And Padme, oh Padme. Sure we got to see her fight in I and II, but man. Remember how in the original trilogy when we met Leia she was pretty much playing coy with the Imperials, putting on this facade as the doll of the empire, on a diplomatic mission to her homeworld, only to bust out of her cell on the Death Star, blaster firing wildly as she dove into the garbage chute? While she’s not nearly as sassy, that is the character they capture in Padme. She’s no longer just Anikin’s love interest or Luke and Leia’s mother, she’s a calculating and tactical political leader, and both a powerful combatant and astounding thinker. And Obi Wan.... is still Obi Wan. We all love Obi Wan. Obi Wan is still the best, if not better. The stupid dickheads in the Jedi Council? Now very calculated military leaders spearheading a lost war. Seriously, I wasn’t kidding around when I said this show had some dark themes, the entire time, all Yoda can really think about is how the Jedi Order is being divided and losing sight of their practice of peace and good of heart, all while trying and failing to pick his battles. We get to see sides of several Jedi that never would have surfaced otherwise.  
And Ahsoka. Remember how through the original trilogy, we got to see Luke go from a whiny farmhand to a freaking Jedi Knight? Now give him one of the most emotionally fascinating characters out there to boot, and you have Ahsoka Tano. We get to see this girl grow like a weed, both physically, and in her knowledge of the force. I could do a whole rant about her alone, but I’ll spare you that trouble for now. Basically she’s gr9
And honestly, the war stuff that happens in the show isn’t the most interesting thing that happens, but it’s still incredibly well written and worth your time. 
And finally, let me get out my rather bold opinion about this show. Personally, I think this show is so good that it deserves to replace the Prequel Trilogy in your Star Wars marathons. I know! Absurd! But here’s why. In a New Hope, Obi Wan tells Luke “Your father fought in the Clone Wars.” to which Luke says “My father fought in the Clone Wars?” You know what else Obi Wan says in that conversation? Or rather, what he doesn’t say? Obi Wan doesn’t say “Oh yeah, your father also turned to the dark side, murdered your mother, then I cut off all his legs, and he became Darth Vader.” Episode III? Does that. You basically ruin the entire impact of that realization in episode V. And I mean, we all know what happens. But still, imagine a world where we had gotten prequels that only covered the Clone Wars, the stuff Obi Wan makes seem important and relevant to the story in IV, and what ends up happening to Anikin is left somewhat ambiguous, only hinted at, and to top it all off we got to see badass interpretations of prequel characters instead of shitty ones. Wouldn’t that be pretty sweet?
I just described a world where Star Wars the Clone Wars were watched as the Prequels instead of the actual Prequel trilogy. I’ve actually done this myself several times, and with Rogue One and VII in the mix too, it’ll all tie together beautifully.  
I’ve probably wasted enough of your time if you read any of this (heck even if you breezed through it, damn that’s a lot,) so let me do what I promised and write that listing of the Star Wars Clone Wars episodes you should definitely watch, maybe watch, and don’t watch. I’ll put it in a separate post and link it here when I’m through. 
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sasslightertm-a · 7 years
I. Mun and muse are separate entities. Please treat them as such.
II. Feel free to ask questions directed at my muse. Also, feel free to tag me in a starter or rp. I’m up for three-ways and/or group rps so long as the other partner(s) already agree(s).
 If it takes me over a week, drop a notice in my inbox. However, don’t flood my inbox just because we’re both online. Sometimes I only have muse for certain threads or I just might not feel up to RPing at the moment.
If it takes a while for me to respond, it will because of these reasons: (1) I do not have Internet access; (2) the thread is in my drafts and I am stuck on how to respond; (3) I missed the inbox ask or reply/Tumblr ate it; (4) I have a life away from Tumblr; or (5) I may need to take a break from role-playing so I can recharge and my muse can come with with ideas. It will not be because I am ignoring you or I don’t like you or your muse.
III. If you ask to RP, you write the starter.
IV. DO NOT REBLOG MY ROLEPLAYS IF YOU ARE NOT INVOLVED. Message me or go on Anon if you have a comment about a thread.
V. Personals, do not reblog my OOC posts (unless tagged 'Charmed' or 'Chris Halliwell'), headcanons, drabbles, and roleplays. Doing so once will result in a warning. If it happens again, you will be blocked.
Regarding NSFW content:
NSFW material (gore, violence, blood, etc.) may happen on this blog. However, please let me know if you want to smut with Chris before we add it in a thread. I tag NSFW and trigger warnings as such. I do use Read Mores for smut on this blog. I'm also perfectly fine with doing a fade-to-black.
I don’t have any triggers; however, threads with suicidal themes, self-harm, and sexual assault on my muse make me extremely uncomfortable. Please discuss it OOC first.
I will not RP smut with minors. (This should be pretty self-explanatory.) If you are a minor and want to RP smut with me, I will do a fade-to-black.
I am of age to RP smut, as is my muse; however, I play Chris as being grey-asexual. He does have a very low sex drive, but it's very rare that he wants to act on it. (That being said, he is fine with both men and women.)
Basically, don't do it. If you want specifics, this includes:
Metagaming (using OOC information in an IC thread).
Killing off my muse
Forcing history on my muse
Forcing a ship
Speaking for my muse
Describing my muse’s thoughts or emotions
Doing an action for him
Forcing a situation upon him without giving me, the mun, a chance to respond.
Doing ANYTHING for my muse
Having your muse know mine when they’ve never interacted.
In short, you write your muse and let me write mine.
I. This blog is multi-verse, multi-ship, and selective.
II. I track the tag #twicebornwitchlighter.
III. Mun's FC is Sally McKnight (aka Thorn) from the Hex Girls as she appears in Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost.
IV. On my writing style: I use sentences, paragraphs, one-liners, and gifs/icons/icon gifs. If you don’t use icons, gifs, or one-liners, that’s fine. I’m okay with just writing sentences/paragraphs. Basically, I tend to use everything and my style can be rather fluid as a result.
V. My portrayal of Chris is taken mainly from the TV series and is very heavily headcanon-based. I do not read the comics, but I do consider the tie-in novels to be canon to the TV series.
I. If you come to me with an rp idea, I request that you write the starter. Please don’t ask me to write it. In addition, do NOT come into my inbox with "Hey, wanna rp?" or "Can we rp?" and not have an idea for what you want to roleplay.
II. I prefer to use the IM messaging system solely for OOC chatting and plotting. I won’t role-play or respond IC over the messaging system.
III. I will not tolerate hate directed at me or my partners. Anon hate will be deleted or responded to IC (if it is directed at my muse), and I am not responsible for my muse’s actions.
IV. I do not smut out of the gate, with a couple exceptions: (1) It has been plotted out with the other mun; (2)  it has reached that point in a thread where both muns feel it is appropriate.  
V. I do not roleplay with muses that have no bios or rules pages. I also do not roleplay with cartoon/anime muses (unless they have a faceclaim), self-inserts, YouTuber faceclaims, and Mary-Sues.
OCs / Crossovers / AUs
I. I am willing to crossover with the following fandoms: 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Teen Wolf 
Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments  
Witches of East End 
The Vampire Diaries  
The Secret Circle 
Wizards of Waverly Place  
Ghost Whisperer
If I am not familiar with your fandom, I will not write with you.
II. On OCs: I am extremely wary and selective when it comes to playing with OCs. I won’t always say no, but I won’t always say yes either.
For OCs (and all potential partners), I check out the bio page, rules/guidelines, and read some posts to see if our writing styles will click and if your muse will be a good foil for mine. I’ve had a few bad experiences in the past with OCs, so please respect this. (This also goes for Phoebe and Cole's unborn son.)
I will not roleplay with OCs if
there is no about page
they are a next gen sibling to Chris (my Chris has zero right to regard your muse as his brother/sister/half-sibling/step-sibling)
their sole existence is to be in a romantic/sexual relationship with Chris (or it is part of your OC's backstory that they are in an established relationship with him when we have never interacted). I am not writing Chris solely so your muse can get laid by a pretty witch.
III. All that being said, I do love OCs and AU muses. Hit me up.
I. I ship Chris with chemistry. That’s it. However, I do headcanon him as a demiromantic grey-asexual—he has a very low sex drive and will have sex if it is what his partner wants, but he rarely feels sexual attraction. It will also take a long time for him to fall in love with your muse.
II. Don’t assume relationships. Do not assume my muse is best friends with yours, knows who your muse is, that your muse is an acquaintance of or related to Chris, or that they are in a romantic/sexual relationship. The only time this is okay is if your muse is one of the Halliwells or a character Chris has met in-canon. (Even then, I am extremely selective when it comes to Halliwell muses.)
III. Related to the above, do NOT force a ship. If your muse makes sexual advances towards Chris and he shuts them down, do not have your muse continue to pursue him. It is okay if your muse falls in love with him, but he is under no obligation to return your muse’s affections. Also, PLEASE talk it out with me first if you want to ship your character with Chris—and keep in mind that I have every right to say “No” to a particular ship.
IV. I do not write incest or mpreg.
V. Again, I am not here solely to write smut. If that's all your muse wants Chris for, then it would be best if you found someone else.
VI.  All ships are independent of each other, so Chris is not cheating on anyone. That being said, the set ships I have for Chris are the following:
I am not associated with The WB, Charmed, or Drew Fuller in any way, shape, or form. Nor do I own the character of Chris Halliwell. This is just a roleplay/ask blog for fun.
Most icons are from hunts done by charmedindiehelp (found here). I also make my own icons. Gifs and all the background images seen on this blog are my own. That being said, it's best not to take anything you see on this blog.
My version of Chris is TV and heavily-headcanon based. I do not take the comics as canon, nor will I accept the upcoming reboot as canon (if anything, it will be in an alternate universe from this blog). My anti-reboot tag can be found here.
Call me Jess. Timezone is MST, USA. I'm a 20+-year-old undergraduate student, so I will not be on Tumblr all the time. This is also not my only RP blog.
English is my first language. I know a little bit of Spanish and am an intermediate German speaker/writer (I've been learning German for 4+ years). Sometimes I may lapse into Standard German (code-switching is a problem for me, since I'm at the point where the languages are clashing in my head). If I do, forgive me and I'll provide a translation.
Mutuals can contact me on Skype.
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