#//slides this thought blurp out for folks about this rendition of her thats mainly on Discord
crystal-grotto · 5 months
Verse: Ironclad Vanguard
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The world has not yet hit the modern that we know. It may never do such - for the planet was ravaged by Martians and humanity had to adapt to survive. Rising from those ashes, A.R.E.S. came to life and became the leading force in protecting the globe.
Adapting alien technology into man's version of steam and diesel, tripod walkers and other sorts of machines are now the norm in various levels across civilian and military lives alike.
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Inside of A.R.E.S. there are many facets, and for some, they have been there since the very beginning. Vanguard is one such figure, the posterchild of the now newly budding Ironclads. Pledging herself to the defense of the creatures she holds so dearly after seeing the total destruction that could be brought from the sky first-hand, the changeling hides her true face behind a suit of metal as she carries out her duties - even fighting against mythical beings that would wish harm to peaceful life.
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