#//rofl I had intended this to be so sexy at first
star-paths · 9 months
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Staying the Night Meme | status: open
@united-as-one asked: ❝ i’d rather fuck than stare at the ceiling counting sheep to be honest. ❞ --- Sujin and Sangkyu <3
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Sujin woke unexpectedly in a bleary haze, his phone in his hand resting on the pillow beside him where he'd fallen asleep scrolling through some site or another. He rubbed at his eyes, bewildered for a moment as to what had woken him until he saw Sangkyu sitting on the edge of his bed looking a bit listless. This was not altogether unusual, so the reply to his inquiry did not come as a shock to the system, even with its bluntness and the lateness of hour. They were often blunt with one another about things like this.
Sujin let out a long breath, reaching out to plug his phone in before lifting his blankets in invitation for the other to join him in his bed. "You could have let me know before I hit REM cycle," he yawned, reaching out his free hand and tugging the male by the arm so that he'd collide bodily with him — not very graceful. His arms wound around Sangkyu's body and he clung to him like a koala.
"You doing the fucking, or am I?" he murmured into the other's hair, still clearly trying to regain consciousness, some part of him half prepared to fall back asleep with the other tucked in his arms like this, but he doubted Sangkyu would permit him.
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ohblushes · 4 years
please tell me there's going to be more to unmoored? because i could read hundreds of thousands of words in this universe.
oh man it is DEFINITELY on my to-write list now, but i think it’ll probably be a long while before a follow-up surfaces!!
what else can i say about unmoored...
so, i love the idea that jonny tore his wristbands off when he saw patrick because that’s hilarious, but what i actually had in mind was that he just hadn’t bothered with any, probably because it’s a regular haunt of his and he knew what he was looking for. but jonny just being like “i’M GONNA GO FOR IT” and going hulk on his wristbands is so fucking funny to me that i can’t think about it with a straight face rofl.
i really struggled with this story because i didn’t want jonny to completely bypass patrick’s stated boundaries just because he saw through patrick, and i also didn’t want it to feel too much like jonny was taking advantage of patrick because he knew who patrick was. i hope i was able to walk that line where there’s the sexy “but ACTUALLY” where the power dynamic is what patrick wants rather than what he intends, but them withholding information from each other doesn’t make the situation squicky. the end result was that i had about a half-dozen false starts and at least three separate endings. one of which was going to be a little mock interview with patrick talking about being the NHL’s first (aka first visible) sub and his life with his canadian husband!
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