#//giving ralph a chance to run off to the rescue?
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"The lady with the crane machine?" Tony thought that through, finally landing on the music video for a very different song--but the same artist. "Yeah. Yeah, you got it. Hannah Montana. She's got the best of both worlds." He clapped Ralph on the shoulder. "You're getting it, Old Man." With a (not so) healthy amount of coffee in his system--and generally having youth on his side--Tony had been keeping up with Ralph's momentum for as long as he could, enthusiastically dancing on (and off) the beat for the last couple of hours. Now, however, he was definitely slowing down. He grinned, however, when the vampire dipped him. "Maybe we can do that thing where I cling to you like a koala and you keep dancing while I take a nap." He was about to say more when suddenly there was a scream from across the room. Tony straightened up just in time to see a commotion brought by (a) Dilan's shenanigans kicking up a notch and (b) Julian choking. Of course they couldn't have just one night of partying without a little despair, could they?
"Is that the song by the lady with the crane machine?" Ralphie asked this genuinely, still moving to the beat with the same gusto with which they had begun this whole affair. In truth, he had been using the Dance-a-thon as an opportunity to show off, seeing as he had grown up on this music and on these steps. Hell, he had already decided he was the hand jive champion of the room, doing it faster, better, and more erratically than anyone else (in his mind). He was not quite practiced or precise, of course, but Ralphie made up for any lack of grace with zeal. "I could go all night. Or at least 'til sunrise. But they, that's what rings are for," he replied, dipping Tony for no reason. "Do ya wanna climb on my shoulders? We really just gotta be connected and grooving, yeah?"
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Essential Avengers: Avengers #303: RECKONING!
May, 1989
Featuring... Quasar! Firelord! The Fantastic Four! And the West Coast Avengers!
When is so many guest stars too many guest stars? If not here then near here.
So, last times in Avengers: due to editorial meddling, the writer of Avengers went from Roger Stern to Walter Simonson. Simonson wanted to shake the book up with a hot new roster, including Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman. He got editorial permission to use these Fantastic Four characters in Avengers but then the permission got withdrawn right after he'd already committed to it in the book. So he quit.
Now Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio are writing the book until the new permanent writer comes on, trying to smoothly write out the Richardses. So we get this three-parter about Super-Nova, coming to Earth to look for Nebula who blew up his home planet Xandar off-panel in an earlier story.
The Avengers flew up to Super-Nova's ship, at which point he blew it up and just flew to Earth on his own. The Avengers survived the explosion, thanks to Invisible Woman, and have made their way back to Earth. In the meantime, the West Coast Avengers and Quasar have tried - very high emphasis on tried - to stop Super-Nova.
Hawkeye tried to buy time by talking to the guy. But one page of talking to Hawkeye is enough for Super-Nova to want to squish the archer.
Which is a valid reaction to Clint Barton.
Super-Nova recaps why he's here and gives Hawkeye one more chance to tell him what he wants to know.
Super-Nova: "My homeworld, Xandar, was destroyed by a she-pirate named Nebula! She fled to Earth and has taken refuge as a member of the Avengers. I am the sole survivor of Xandar -- Super-Nova... And I have come here seeking her in the name of vengeance. You are the self-proclaimed leader of this group. You will reveal her whereabouts now -- or I will crush you and this puny world as well.
Meanwhile, at ground level, Tigra casually chats how she wants to slit Super-Nova's throat to get at his blood.
Hank Pym tells her not to try anything foolish while Hawkeye is in Super-Nova's grasp.
Some police nearby decide now is a good time to start shooting at the giant man. Hank tells them to not start shit.
Hawkeye has apparently just hemmed and hawed and not said anything and Super-Nova runs out of patience.
He bemoans that a planet full of dumbos like Earth survives while Xandar had to die.
Hawkeye accuses that of being Super-Nova's real motive. He doesn't really care about Nebula, he just wants to take out his grief and frustration by destroying an innocent world.
In response, Super-Nova disintegrates Hawkeye.
Can't tell if that means Hawkeye's motive read was right or whether Super-Nova is just sick of his shit.
Super-Nova is also sick of Nebula not being brought to him and he blows up a building about it.
As it happens, Hawkeye did not die. It may surprise you to learn that he did not die while guest starring in another book and while his own book is in the middle of a story. But its true.
When he stops flinching from being about to die, he realizes he's being carried away by pink energy.
Yup, Quasar reappeared in the story.
After he failed to restrain Super-Nova, he shrugged and decided to focus on evacuating people instead of fighting the big, angry dude. In fairness, Super-Nova has been remarkably chill so far so Quasar probably saw no reason to rile him up further.
Despite being a rookie hero, Quasar is very not impressed with professional hero Hawkeye.
Quasar: "Exactly what strategy were you employing back there?" Hawkeye "Oh, that. Ahh -- special Avengers emergency tactic #1108 for dealing with giant aliens. Say, how about a lift back to the street?" Quasar: "Fine. I've more folks to rescue anyway."
You can just about feel the disillusionment wafting off Quasar.
And its not like he's full of himself. Half of what I've read of his solo so far is him kicking himself over what an incompetent goober he feels he is.
So for him to look at Hawkeye and go 'wow, you make me feel competent.'
At ground level, Hank is having a breakdown that they just stood by while Hawkeye was killed and Tigra is trying to comfort him.
Hawkeye: "Save those tears, people! Your unflappable leader-man's back on the job!"
Tigra runs over to hug Hawkeye out of relief. And Hank shows his relief by berating his leader.
Dr Pym: "Well, I suppose you expect us to be grateful you're in one piece! What exactly was that little stunt you pulled that gave me fifty new gray hairs? And who was that guy who brought you down?" Hawkeye: "Gimme a break, Hank. Y'know, it seemed like such a good idea at the time -- teleporting, that is. I've been learning the technique in my yoga class. Heh, heh."
Okay. That's pretty funny. And halfway plausible in a comic universe.
(Is Hawkeye a Street Fighter fan? And a Dhalsim main?)
Tigra interrupts the Hank and Hawk Laff Zone to point out that the Fantastic Four have arrived. Yup, all three of them.
They never actually replaced Crystal when she left during Evolutionary War. It's almost been a year, guys. You can't have a gap on the roster for that long when the team name has a specific number in it.
Anyway, Thing and She-Thing jump out of the Fantasti-Car to pummel Super-Nova!
Immediately get grabbed in his big, strong hands and bonked together like cymbals.
Super-Nova: "Thus are two more inconveniences dispensed with."
Good contribution, Fantastic Three.
Johnny Storm flames on and flies out of the Fantasti-Car (does that have auto-pilot?) and threatens to do Super-Nova a fire.
Super-Nova points out that he can survive the extreme temperatures of space pretty easily so some little flame blasts aren't going to do a lot.
And they don't. Human Torch splashes some flame off Super-Nova's shoulder and the guy doesn't even turn to look.
Johnny wants to hit him with nova flame, see how he holds up to that heat, but that would burn down Chicago and Chicago doesn't need that again. So he'll have to think of something else.
Quasar finds Thing and She-Thing in the crater they made of the street and goes to say hi.
He knows Ben from his Project Pegasus days! From Quasar's Project Pegasus days.
But he was only saying hi and making sure Ben and friend were okay. Because he then flies off to go help the Human Torch.
Human Torch also recognizes Quasar. From an issue that hasn't been printed yet. But I've read it so teal deer, Quasar is renting an office in the Baxter Building and he saw someone break into the Fantastic Four's floors. He went to stop the guy, had a little altercation with the Human Torch, and then teamed up with him.
Your standard Marvel meet-cute.
Anyway, Torch and Quasar pool their powers to blast at Super-Nova, who ineffectually swats at them like annoying flies.
The Avengers shortly arrive, in the extra Quinjet they borrowed from the West Coast Avengers Compound. But Cap decides not to jump right into things.
He knows that the West Coast Avengers are on the scene and wants to touch base with them, find out why they're not doing anything. So he calls him on the radio.
Captain America: "This is Captain America, Hawkeye! What in blazes is going on down there, mister?" Hawkeye: "Blazes is the word for it, Winghead! Welcome to the weenie roast! I hear you gents already ran into tall and gruesome in space. Glad to see you're still among the living. This dude's already downed Wonder Man and the Thing -- and the Torch and this Quasar guy don't seem to be having much luck!"
So Cap calls General Akord and tells him to absolutely evacuate the city. Super-Nova can explode with nuclear level force if he gets agitated and he's probably getting agitated, what with all the people trying to set him on fire.
General Akord tells Captain America that evacuating an entire city on short notice is basically impossible. So if the superheroes can't stop Super-Nova, the military is going to do what the military do and shoot guns at him.
So that puts a time-crunch on things. Save the city from the military being dumb.
Cap asks Thor, Firelord, and Gilgamesh to go into the fray and talk the Human Torch and Quasar into disengaging. He needs Invisible Woman to take up a good vantage point and be ready to put an invisible force field around Super-Nova should he go supernova again.
Invisible Sue says she doesn't know if she's up to it. After all the strain of surviving the explosion in space and having to keep a bubble up until they could get back to Earth... she might be tapped.
Mr Fantastic offers to go with her... to provide moral support I guess? Tell her when to use her powers, like he tends to do? I don't know but he wants to be by her side which is probably sweet.
But Cap tells Reed he needs his help talking with the authorities.
Mr Fantastic: "Couldn't you handle that yourself, Cap?" Captain America: "No! Reed, you're an Avenger now -- and I give the orders! Clear?" Mr Fantastic: "Yes. Clear."
I don't want to accuse Cap of being petty but I sorta wonder if he really does need Reed to talk to the authorities. Or if he's just trying to reign in Reed and chose this moment.
I don't want to tell Cap how to run a team but if you have a Mr Fantastic on call, his role in a fight should be 'hey smart guy, think of a smart guy solution!'
Invisible Woman jumps out of the Quinjet and makes an invisible slide to slide safely down to a rooftop.
God, Sue's cool.
But just in case Thor pops in and is like hey do you need a hand or? She tells him she's good so he goes righto, drops Gilgamesh to the ground, and goes to talk to Team Beat-Up Super-Nova.
Firelord asks Human Torch to stop attacking the big guy that could explode and Johnny says hey fuck you, you're just a copy of me.
Stay classy, Johnny.
Cap and Reed land by General Akord. While Cap explains the situation vis a vis Super-Nova looking for Nebula on Earth but actually she fell into a time hole, Reed gets that far-away genius plot resolving epiphany face and fucks off.
Just jump stretches away.
Right when Cap is asking him to explain the situation fully to the general.
Captain America: "Reed, where the --" Hawkeye: "Sure you're still in charge, ol' buddy?" Captain America: "Of the number one Avengers team? You bet! Reed -- blast it! Will you come down?" Hawkeye: "Heh, heh. How's that class on leadership lessons comin', Cap?" Captain America: "What's he doing? I didn't authorize him getting involved in this battle!"
Stay classy, Clint.
Mr Fantastic stretches over to the battle where Firelord is still trying to stop Human Torch from attacking Super-Nova. And where Thor seemingly forgot his mission briefing because he's taunting the big guy by saying he's fought bigger.
Reed forms himself into the shape of a Q or kind of a Q practically almost a Q to get Quasar's attention.
Mr Fantastic asks Quasar to fly him to the Baxter Building in New York as fast as possible.
This clearly needed to be done by Quasar and Reed couldn't just use the Quinjet he flew here in, clearly.
Captain America watches Reed and Quasar take off and is like '???'
Meanwhile, Thor forgot his mission assignment so hard that he's aggroed Super-Nova into blowing up.
One job, Thor.
You had one job.
But when Super-Nova builds his firey power up to explode, Firelord and Human Torch just absorb it all away before it does explode.
Human Torch talks a big game when Firelord asks him if he can handle half the energy burst but is secretly worried that he's never had to absorb this much before.
And just when Johnny feels like he's going to explode, the two firey heroes succeed in taking all of the energy from Super-Nova.
It's a LOT of energy though so they immediately have to fly off into the upper atmosphere to vent it where it won't do any harm.
The strain of containing so much energy makes Human Torch go all woozy so Firelord grabs him to carry him back to Earth.
Johnny apologizes for being such an argumentative dick to him and Firelord says hey its cool, we're fire bros.
Sometimes I'm being tongue in cheek when I paraphrase but not this time.
Firelord: "No apologies necessary, for we are one with the flame that transcends worlds."
They're fire bros.
With all of his built-up energy dissipating in space now, Super-Nova is just a really big dude.
Now even Gilgamesh is getting in on the 'I've fought bigger' boasting.
Thing and She-Thing have recovered from being bonked together and they start trying to trip up Super-Nova by lifting his foot.
She-Thing (Sharon Ventura, btw) tries to make this story arc seem big and epic by talking about all these different heroes coming together to face a threat none could challenge alone.
But Ben Thing Grimm tells her hey, c'mon, time and place and when we're trying to knock this guy over before he notices is not the time.
Wonder Man wanders up, finally recovered from the smack down he received. Sure took his time.
(Apparently his belt jets broke and that's why he took so long.)
He asks what Ben is up to and Ben jokes he's sizing Super-Nova up for a new pair of shoes. Then Ben asks where Wonder Man has been.
Wonder Man: "Oh, I was part of the underground effort here for a while."
Cause he was knocked underground.
You're funny, Simon.
Thing: "I don't know whut yer talkin' about -- but grab a handful here, willya?"
Simon is funny but its really 'you had to be there' humor.
So Thing 1 and Thing 2 grab one foot, Wonder Man pushes the other, and Thor shoves the back of his knee and timberrrrrrr.
Super-Nova falls flat on his face.
Thor: "At last you see that e'en one such as thee may be toppled -- may fall before the righteous wrath of those you belittled!"
Super-Nova really does just stand around and let things happen to him, huh?
I guess it's hard to choreograph a fight involving a giant guy but he does just kind of stand around.
The Thing advises everyone should pile on him while before he can get back up and nearly everybody does rush in to kick the guy while he's down.
Over at Manhattan, Quasar and Mr Fantastic have arrived at the Baxter Building. Which is technically called Four Freedoms Plaza at this point.
Reed runs into one of the small labs he used when he was with the Fantastic Four. He hasn't been back in months, since he and Sue quit the team, but what luck! The very specific non-descript thing he's looking for is in a crate, right where he left it! And also, an oversized adapter unit that he needs, right nearby!
Thank goodness for convenience, the comic is nearly out of pages!
On the topic, you may be wondering why Reed even needs to hurry back and save the day with his leftover scientific marvels when the other heroes have Super-Nova on his ass and kicking his face?
Well, he gets back up.
A big punch scatters the heroes and Super-Nova's power starts building up again. His body starts heating up too hot for even the rock-skinnned Thing and She-Thing to hold on.
Uh oh, he might be building up to an explosion again!
Well, can Firelord and Human Torch absorb the blast like last time?
No, Johnny is still woozy from last time.
Okay but Cap prepared for this by putting Invisible Woman in a good vantage point, ready to encase Super-Nova in a bubble, right?
Lol. Sue abandoned her post to go fret over Johnny.
One job.
You had one job, Sue.
He's not even hurt! Head in the game!
Firelord finally tries appealing to Super-Nova as a fellow Xandarian. I mean, doesn't it make him feel better that he's not the last of his kind?
But Super-Nova isn't in a listening mood.
Super-Nova: "No more talk -- DEATH!"
Captain America, strategic genius of the Avengers, comes up with an 11th hour strategy!
Hit him again! Just keep hitting him until the problem stops being a problem!
Good plan, Cap!
Thankfully, Reed arrives with a b- well, with a plan.
Hee has Quasar drop him right in front of Super-Nova.
Mr Fantastic: "Super-Nova -- this is Reed Richards! I have been known to your homeworld! I have met those in the Nova Corps and knew them to be honorable men! You are of them -- listen to me! Listen! Nebula is outside this timestream... She is not on Earth! But she can be sought with this time machine I have brought from New York!"
Super-Nova asks why he should trust Reed isn't just trying to get rid of him, Reed says Super-Nova has his word.
Super-Nova: "Reed Richards -- you were known on Xandar. I have heard you are a man of your word. Proceed."
Well, okay.
Its funny that this whole story could have been prevented if Super-Nova had trusted Reed to tell him what happened back on the spaceship.
I mean, this whole story has happened because people kept telling Super-Nova what happened to Nebula and every time he went 'nuh uh!'
Also, I guess it disproves Hawkeye's read that Super-Nova was just lashing out at Earth.
Mr Fantastic sets the (really big) time platform up and Super-Nova gets on it. The platform sends Super-Nova into the timestream, to be the timestream's problem if he gets mad again.
Thanks, Reed!
Super-Nova: "Your planet owes you a vast debt, Richards. For in my anger, I surely would have destroyed it. But in the end... reason has prevailed." Mr Fantastic: "May your search bear fruit. Farewell.
Yup, Reed Richards sure is cool. Too cool for the Avengers, probably.
Definitely too cool for the Fantastic Three, who seem to have shown up just to get shown up.
But while everyone congratulates Reed on how cool he is, Captain America is grim in the corner of the panel.
Captain America: And you did it without clearing the plan with me. That's not how we play ball on the Avengers, mister. Not at all.
'Hmph hmph hmph most unorthodox!'
Anyway, this is the end of Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman with the Avengers.
It's not made explicit in this issue. Next issue, Reed and Sue are gone and the team is just Captain America, Thor, and Gilgamesh.
In order to know why Reed and Sue quit, you'd have to read Fantastic Four #326.
At the beginning of that issue, the two are still with the Avengers. And start the issue hanging out on Avengers Island.
Reed suddenly announces that he's bored of being with the Avengers. Sue says she can tell he wants to go back to the Fantastic Four again and makes him promise not to take the team back when he goes to visit just to see how Manhattan is recovering from Inferno.
When Reed visits the Baxter building, he finds that his entry card doesn't open the rooftop door. And when he opens the door by turning his finger into a key, he finds the automatic defenses have activated and targeted him.
Because Ben hasn't been maintaining the security systems with the procedures that Reed left behind.
Reed swears up and down that he's definitely not here to take over.
Then the Wizard attacks with a new Frightful Four.
In the confusion, Ben gets tossed into a new cosmic ray gadget Reed whipped up to cure Johnny of being too hot. And the device turned Ben back into a squishy human.
Reed decides, well, Ben can't lead the Fantastic Four like this! It's not like he has some kind of robotic Thing suit he can wear. That'd be silly. So Reed needs to come back and take over.
It's not like Johnny or Sharon could do it!
Sue says she just wants to live as normal parents with Franklin but Reed asks her if she's really going to leave the FF in their hour of need? And she says no.
HA HA EVERYTHING BACK TO NORMAL. This will make the book start to sell, surely.
Fun fact, Steve Englehart was so disgruntled about editorial forcing Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman back into the book that he used a pseudonym for his writing credit.
He Alan Smithee'd it.
Its funny that to shuffle Reed and Sue off the Avengers and back over to the Fantastic Four, everybody needs to look like incompetent idiots.
The West Coast and East Coast Avengers and Fantastic Three all try to stop Super-Nova and just wind up looking like chumps.
It's only Reed's enormous brain and reputation that saves the day.
And then when he goes to check on the Fantastic Four, Reed finds everything is falling apart because Ben doesn't have what it takes.
Englehart had enough respect for the characters that instead of undermining Ben further than that, he had him turn into a human again again again. Making the matter moot and having Ben give his blessing for Reed to be the leader again again again.
Having gotten through this little three issue filler, I again see why it's called the Worst Roster.
The first issue had great interactions between everyone. I could see how this team would work and different directions it could go, character wise.
And then issues 2 and 3, the team is pretty sidelined. Everything basically becomes an issue of Fantastic Four with tons of guest stars.
Reed brains up a solution from the scientific void while everyone else keeps the baddie busy.
The so-called Worst Roster can work. But in parts 2 and 3 of the story, there's not a focus on making it work. There's focus on demonstrating that Reed could warp the Avengers in his own image as an excuse for him to leave.
It's not entirely convincing. And I'm not convinced that Reed going off against orders to fix everything in his own Reedy way is final proof that he couldn't work on the Avengers.
It's still a good character dynamic between him and Cap.
Convincing or not, Gruenwald and Macchio did the mission brief. Transition Reed and Sue back to the Fantastic Four.
I can't say I give it a high score just in that regard because they don't even leave the team by the end. I'd have to read another book for that.
Next issue is another fill-in by a different creative team. And then Byrne takes over.
Both Avengers books under his pen! Wow. I know how that goes for the West Coast Avengers but I haven't heard a lot about his East Coast Avengers run.
Cautious optimism?
Follow @essential-avengers for all these same posts but without anything else in-between. Like, comment, and reblog maybe. I can't make you.
#avengers#essential avengers#west coast avengers#fantastic four#lots of guest stars#super nova#captain america#thor#gilgamesh#mr fantastic#invisible woman#hawkeye#hank pym#dr pym#wonder man#tigra#quasar#thing#she thing#human torch#firelord#reckless use of time travel#the reed richards is great power hour
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You Need To Remember 3
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Your best friend Peter gets sucked into a different reality in front of you and you use your power to go after him. You find yourself in a new reality but you don’t remember how you got there.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1681
Masterlist Previous Part
When Peter had hit the back of Monica’s head to knock her out you gasp. What was going on?
“Peter! What are you doing?”
“What I should’ve done before hun.” And then you’re greeted with darkness.
When you wake up you’re in some sort of attic with a headache in the back of your head where you were hit. Monica’s yelling for Wanda and banging on the window while Peter sits on the couch with a guitar. You’re laid on a recliner in a corner of the room and sit up and grimace at the heart beat in your head.
“Don’t waste your breath babe. No one can hear you from in here.” Monica turns around to look at Peter and glances at you when he calls her babe. You just shrug at her not knowing what was going on as Peter starts to play the guitar. Peter’s never touched a guitar in his life. How did he know now? He strums something dramatic and makes a face at Monica as she looks between the door and him. She tries to run and you know that that’s a bad idea before she even does it. It seems like she’s forgetting about his super speed. He beats her there, getting in her way, and flicks her back.
“Shit, Monica!” You rush to her side to help her into a sitting position and make sure she’s okay. You help her over to the recliner that you were just on while Peter goes to make a smoothie or something. “What is wrong with you? Why would you do that?”
“Can’t have the two of you messing everything up for the missus.”
“What is this stuff?” Monica asks in what seems to be disgust and you try to figure out what he was talking about. Who’s the missus?
“This is my man-cave.”
“Man-cave?” Your eyebrows scrunch together, not once has Peter ever used the term man-cave.
“A place to chillax, you know, while the missus is turning up trouble.”
“What the fuck?” You mutter to yourself as Peter walks over to the tv and Monica rifles through the papers on the stand next to her.
“You a fan of Steven Seagal?” When he doesn’t get a response he frowns and keeps doing whatever it is he’s doing.
“Agnes doesn’t live here.” You turn to Monica to see her staring down at a piece of paper and lean on the recliner to look over her shoulder. She’s holding a picture of what seems to be Peter with brown hair and a different name typed underneath it. “You do.” Her mouth is wide with shock as she looks up at the boy who fumbles with something. “You’re Ralph Bohner?” She sounds just so confused and you have to admit you are to but you can’t help but also find yourself amused.
“Boner.” Peter chuckles and you giggle a bit at it too. Monica shoots you a look and you shrug at her in response as you cover your mouth. It’s a ridiculous name and you’ve always been as immature as Peter.
“How is she controlling you?” Monica gets up as she asks.
“You wanna tussle again?” Peter gets into a fake fighting stance and bounces around. Monica catches him by surprise and flips him over her shoulder and pins him to the ground. “Meow. She’s feisty.” You ignore how much him flirting with Monica hurts you considering he’s probably under some control. As soon as Monica rips the ugly puka shell necklace from Peter’s neck his face morphs into a scared look. “Please, spare my life!”
“Nice to meet you Ralph.” Monica gets off of him then and you teleport to stand in front of the window behind his head.
“Huh?” He goes to lean up on his elbows and you step closer to lean over his body. Sensing you, he looks up and relief floods through his features.
“Yeah nice to meet you.”
“Y/n!” He uses his speed to stand in front of you. “Are you okay? God I didn’t hurt you too bad did I?” His hand goes to the back of your head to feel for a bump.
“I’m alright Peter, don’t you dare start apologizing because I know you won’t stop. What happened anyway? One minute you’re about to help Wanda and the next you’re knocking us out.”
“I don’t know I guess when I was me for that short bit she was distracted but I was snapped back into her control when I got closer to the house.” He turns to point at Monica. “Good job with the necklace though, I didn’t even know.”
“I could see her energy.” Monica shrugs before tossing it over her shoulder. “We should go help Wanda.”
“We’ll catch up.” Monica nods at you before running out the door. “What is this about?” You hold up the picture for Peter to see.
“When I ended up on the other side of the portal none of this shit was going on. It must’ve been just before it so I found a picture of some dude who looked enough like me to pass and made up an alias.”
“And you chose Ralph Bohner?” One of your eyebrows quirk up and a small smile forms on your lips.
“Alright so I saw it on a gravestone when I ran through the neighborhood to figure out where I was and thought it was funny.”
“It is pretty funny, I’ll give you that. It’s definitely a name I can see you picking. I’m really glad you’re alright Pete, I was so worried when you disappeared.”
“I was pretty worried too. I didn’t know if I was ever gonna see you again.” Peter steps closer to you and caresses the side of your face. The two of you stare at each other for a minute before you clear your throat.
“We should probably go.”
“Yeah.” Peter holds onto the back of your neck and the two of you make it to the town square just in time to see a funnel cake truck smash into a SWORD car. A robotic looking man comes out of the library and the twins run to him yelling dad. “That’s Vision, shame you never got to meet him.” You and Peter stay behind a building so that Agatha doesn’t see the two of you. The two of you watch as the two witches fly up and start to fight in the sky.
“Oh shit!” You both exclaim together as Agatha seems to drain Wanda completely of her power. Peter zips off and comes back with some popcorn offering the bucket out to you. You take a handful as you watch as Wanda takes all of her power back and transforms.
“Damn, she looks good! It’s a good thing I’m so into you Pete because otherwise I’d be hitting on your not really sister.”
“You’re into me?” You don’t even realize what you just said until his words feel your ears.
“Um, well yeah, have been for a while now.” You might as well let him know, maybe if he freaks out you can get Wanda to erase his memory or something.
“Good, I’m pretty into you too.” He just shoves another handful of popcorn in his mouth and keeps watching the moment in front of the two of you and it suddenly starts to turn to night as Wanda and her family walk away. When the both of you walk over to Monica it’s completely dark and the walls of the world are shrinking.
“Is that popcorn?” Monica asks the two of you pointing at the bucket and you nod at her with a small smile. The wall of the world goes past the three of you causing it to be day again.
“It’s not often we get to watch the fights.” You shrug and Peter takes your hand in his own after zipping over to throw the bucket away. “We’re normally almost dying in them.”
Wanda walks into the town square again and all of the townspeople stop to stare at her as she walks up to the three of you. Monica's attention goes to her and she takes a few steps to meet up with Wanda.
“They’ll never know what you sacrificed for them.”
“It wouldn’t change how they see me. And you, you don’t, you don’t hate me?”
“Given the chance and given your power, I’d bring my mom back. I know I would.”
“I’m sorry. For all the pain I caused.” You look over at Peter to see concern on his face and you can tell that he just wants to wrap his arms around this Wanda and console her. He had lost his twin in your own reality and you know how hard this must be for him. You squeeze his hand to remind him you’re here and a small smile appears on his face.
“I know.”
“I don’t understand this power. But I will.” It’s then that Wanda’s attention goes to the two of you. Peter smiles at her and does a little wave and she walks up to the two of you. “So who are you, then?”
“Uh, I’m Peter, Peter Maximoff. Weird, I know right.” He does an awkward laugh and rubs the back of his neck with his free hand and you decide to come to his rescue.
“We’re from a different reality, if that helps at all. He was plucked out of ours and put here I think to get to you, we aren’t completely sure though.”
“Huh, nice to meet the two of you.” Sirens start to get close then and Wanda starts to walk away before turning to face you three. “Goodbye Monica, Peter.” She nods at Peter in acknowledgement.
“Bye, Wanda.” Monica says before Wanda flies away. “Good luck.” As cops start to swarm around you, you turn to Peter.
“Let's go home.” You do what you did to get here and use your strength to open a portal to your own reality and Peter pulls you through before it can snap shut.
Peter Taglist: @amourtentiaa @simpforquicksilver @parkersdarling @loveyou3000-mcu
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Super Drags review (tl;dr Show Good)
The post where I do my best to spread the Good News, that there exists a saucy gay drag-queen magical-girl animated comedy and everyone should watch it.
Okay, not everyone -- I'll give some caveats at the end -- but definitely a heck of a lot more people than Netflix has bothered to advertise it to.
Look at this! Why did nobody tell me about this??
What is Super Drags?
Fast facts:
It's a 1-season, 5-episode adult animated comedy series, released in November 2018
Here's the official page, with a free-to-view trailer
It packs more explicit, unashamed queerness into those 5 episodes than any other cartoon I can think of
The only possible competitor would be if you took the whole 5000-episode run of Steven Universe and pared it down to a supercut of Just The Gay Parts
This in spite of being produced in Brazil, which (in my broad understanding, as a total non-authority on the subject) is more oppressively, dangerously homophobic than the US
The original is in Portuguese
There is an English dub, fabulously voiced by contestants from RuPaul's Drag Race
It's wrapped in "for adults only!" warnings, not because the content is any less child-friendly than (say) your Bojacks Horsemen or your Ricks and Mortys, but because Brazilian authorities tried to get it shut down on the grounds of this much gay being Harmful For Children
It was (heartbreakingly) not renewed for a second season
Here's a promo video, in which the main characters (Portuguese, with subtitles) play Drag Race judges for Shangela, who ends up voicing Scarlet in English.
And here's a beautiful flashy music video of the big musical number! (Also Portuguese, no subtitles, but the melody and the visuals stand on their own.)
Plot and worldbuilding stuff!
The elevator pitch is "What if Charlie's Angels, but also drag queens, with superpowers, because magical-girl transformations?"
In this universe, all LGBTQ people have magical energy. The Big Bad is an evil magical-drag-queen nemesis who tries to drain our energy for her own purposes. It's like if Ursula from The Little Mermaid was a first-season Sailor Moon villain.
...sidenote, in case you were worried, the representation isn't "cis gay men and nobody else." There's a butch lesbian in the recurring cast, a genderfluid person (in that specific word!) as a one-off love interest, and all the ensemble scenes are wonderful collages of different races, body types, and gender presentations.
Our heroes also fight non-magical everyday homophobes, who get written with scathing realism.
The moment I knew the show wasn't pulling any punches was in the first episode, where a newscaster complains about being Silenced by the Law of Political Correctness, then chirps "however, we have a special guest who is thankfully above the law!"
According to the reviews I've found from Brazilian viewers, it's also pitch-perfect when it comes to local queer culture, community dynamics, slang and speech patterns, even memes. All of which flies right over my head, so here's a post (with no-context spoilers) about one viewer's favorite details.
The handful of reaction posts on Tumblr have a dramatic split between "Brazilian viewers fiercely defending the show as culturally-accurate, uplifting, and brave in a terrifying political moment" and "American viewers complaining that the show is problematic because it's a comedy about drag queens with no perfect role models and lots of sex jokes."
As the Super Drags tell their nemesis (and this is also in the first episode): "How dare you try to turn the LGBTQXYZ community against each other? We do enough of that on our own!"
In between missions, our girls work sitcom retail jobs and deal with other everyday problems. All of which are written in amazingly nuanced and thoughtful ways for a show that also features "defeating an orgy monster with a lip-sync battle."
Detailed character stuff!
Our heroes are Color Coded For Your Convenience!
The Super Drags themselves go by "she" in-uniform, and a lot of the time when out of it. Like the Sailor Starlights, only more so. I'll roll with that.

In blue: Safira Cyan, or Ralph by day, an excitable college-age kid who's built like a football player and squees like a fangirl. (She's an anime fan in the original, and for some reason all the otaku references were replaced in the dub, but you can see them in the subtitles.)
Ralph lives with her younger sister (they play video games together!) and their dad, comes out to them mid-series, and is very shippable with another young guy who starts out reciting the homophobic beliefs he was raised with but whose heart clearly isn't in it.
Safira's weapon is a classic magical-girl wand that casts protective force-fields. Which are shaped like condoms. Because of course.
In yellow: Lemon Chiffon, aka Patrick, the oldest of the group and generally the smartest/most strategic. In most cases, the other two treat her as the de facto team leader -- unless she pushes it too far.
By day she's a single guy with thick thighs and thinning hair, who has some body-image insecurities on the dating scene. And this show has Things To Say about unrealistic beauty standards within the community...not to mention, about masc guys who look down on anyone too flaming or femme because straight people disapprove.
Lemon's weapon is a fluffy boa that can be used as a whip or a lasso, especially when there's a bondage joke to be made.
In red: Scarlet Carmesim, also Donizete, the loudest and most aggressive teammate with the most cutting insults, who refuses to suppress that attitude in an attempt to appease racists. (But will give it a shot when trying not to get fired.)
Donny still lives in her religious/homophobic mom's apartment, and I'm pretty sure it's because neither of them can afford to move out. Her rock-solid sense of fierce self-confidence is the reason it doesn't bring her down.
Scarlet's weapon is a fan that she uses to throw shade. Yeah, you knew that was coming.
The Charlie to these angels is Champagne, who runs operations from a cool magitech compound and breaks the fourth wall at the end to petition for viewers' support in getting a second season.
...we let her down, folks :(
So here's a thing. The show never draws a sharp line between "people who become drag queens because it's a way they're driven to express themselves as gay men" and "people who become drag queens because they were trans women all along." That's consistent with how South American LGBT+ culture works. (Again: best of my knowledge, not personally an authority on this, etc etc.)
Many of the characters, including Champagne, never describe themselves in ways that translate to one of our sharply-defined Anglo-USian identity categories. And I'm not going to try to impose any English labels on them here.
But I can say (in contrast to Safira, Lemon, and Scarlet), Champagne never switches out of her "drag" name/voice/presentation, not even in the most candid off-duty scenes, and still has the same bustline when naked in the tub. Make of that what you will.
You Should Watch This Show
If you have a Netflix subscription, watch Super Drags!
If you ever do a Netflix free trial month in the future, make a note to yourself to watch Super Drags!
It's one of their original productions, so there's no risk of missing your chance because the license expired. But it's absolutely not getting the promotion it deserves. Which means potentially interested viewers won't find it, which means Netflix will think there's no interest, which means they'll keep not promoting it...etc etc etc.
No idea if there's any chance of getting it un-canceled, but maybe we can at least convince them to release it on DVD.

And the sheer gutsiness it took for a group of Brazilian creators to produce this show in the first place -- that deserves to be rewarded with your attention.
In spite of various anti-discrimination laws that sound good on paper, the country has serious problems with homophobia, transphobia, and anti-LGBT violence (warning, article has a violent image which is only partly blurred).
Maybe the creators could've gotten a second season if they made this one softer, less sexually-explicit, more restrained...but honestly? I bet that wouldn't have helped.
Consider Danger & Eggs, an Amazon original cartoon. It was made in the US, thoroughly child-friendly, and restricts its LGBT+ representation to things like "characters go to a Pride celebration...where nobody ever names or describes the quality they're proud of."
And it didn't get renewed past the first season either.
(Note: it had a trans woman showrunner and a queer-heavy creative staff, so I blame all that restraint on executive meddling, not the creators themselves. The showrunner even liked the tweet of my review that complains about it.)
So there's something very satisfying about how Super Drags went all-out, balls-to-the-wall (sometimes literally), all the rep explicit and unapologetic, packing every 25-minute episode with all kinds of queer content that would be censored or muted elsewhere -- but here it's exaggerated and celebrated and just keeps coming.
(...as do jokes like that, and I'm not sorry.)

Okay, there are a few legitimate reasons to not watch this show
Some caveats.
None of these things are Objectively Bad Problems that the show itself should be shamed for...but maybe they're genuinely not your cup of tea.
It does have actual Adult Content beyond "the existence of gay people." This show loves to swing barely-clothed cartoon genitalia in your face. There is, as mentioned, an orgy monster. If that kind of humor is going to bother you too much to appreciate the rest of the show, give it a pass.
I wasn't kidding about how realistic the homophobes are. Opening of the first episode has a guy trying to murder a busload of people while shouting slurs at them. If that level of hatred on-screen is gonna crush your soul, even in a show about sparkly queens flying to the rescue with dick-shaped magical weapons, don't push yourself.
Any fiction with this much crossdressing and gender-transgressing is going to hit some trans viewers in a bad way. Because trans people are such a broad group, with so many different experiences, that Every Possible Trope Involved pushes somebody's buttons. (See also: "some trans readers complain about a storyline that turns out to be drawn from a trans writer's actual life experience".) If this show goes does gender things that turn out to be personally distressing for you...or even just distressing for this specific time in your life...don't feel obligated to keep watching.
It has aggressively-sassy queer characters making jokes and calling each other things that are affectionate in-context, but would not be okay coming from straight/cis people. If you can't wrap your head around that, go watch something else.
Other Than That, Go Watch This Show
For all its big heart, big ambitions, and big gay energy, Super Drags is tiny enough that I've binged the whole show 2 times in the past 2 weeks. Thankfully, it's highly re-watchable -- lots of fun background gags and subtle foreshadowing that you don't catch on the first round.
(Pausing one last time to appreciate that a show with elements like "the high-tech robot assistant is called D.I.L.D.O." can be subtle at all, let alone be this good at it.)
I've also paged through all the fanart on Tumblr and Deviantart, looked up the single fanfic on the AO3, and started brainstorming plans to request it in Yuletide next year. Someone, please, come join me in (the English-language side of) the itty-bitty fandom for this ridiculous, glittery, over-the-top, fabulous series.

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ARMY KNIFE, SILVER SPOON- Far Cry 5 Week Day 2 (The Project at Eden’s Gate)
OK, so this one needs to be taken with total disregard for the Seeds’ ages and timeline, but they don’t make sense anyway so screw it hahaha... Also I promise that I wasn’t randomly inspired by Avril Lavigne’s ‘I’m With You’. And so, false promises made, without further ado:
Sixteen year old John Duncan runs away from home on a cold November night. Lost, alone and desperate to not return to his cruel parents, he finds himself at the mercy of the dark side of Atlanta... only to be rescued by a homeless Iraq War veteran.
Please be aware:
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Attempted sexual assault of a minor, mentions of child abuse, attempted strangulation
You can read this story on AO3: HERE
My whole FC5 Week series can be found HERE
“Hey kid, you got a little something for us?”
John Duncan ignored the slurring coos of the rabble stood on the street. Tried to forget that he was only sixteen and hopelessly lost and colder than he’d ever been before. The late-November air cut through his slate grey cashmere coat, even after it had been buttoned to his neck. There was icy slush seeping into his dress shoes, and he could feel that the bottom of his slacks were wet also, sticking to his ankles. His face was numb. His stomach empty. He hadn’t even had time to retrieve his leather gloves from his room and his fingers were almost as blue as his stinging eyes.
How was he supposed to know what runways took with them? Boys like him didn’t run away. They inherited their father’s estates, attended functions, framed degrees in their swanky offices and had affairs with their secretaries. They lived in penthouses. Drove Lamborghinis. Had sake imported in from Tokyo.
But he couldn't go back. Not even to get his gloves, or a stack of bills from the safe. Not this time, not now that he was out in the world, gone for so many hours that they had surely phoned the police. He’d have to explain himself, beg them to forgive him for being so ungrateful.
And then he’d have to take the lash again.
He just couldn’t fucking take it anymore. Always in pain. Another shirt ruined where his wounds would split. Another prayer to a silent God. Another day watching them stare at him like he wasn’t good enough yet, wasn’t perfect yet.
He didn’t want to know what he’d have to do to get there.
So he’d finally snapped.
And he’d run.
John crossed his arms across his body, hoping to keep in some heat, and kept walking. He didn’t know where he was. Some dark underbelly of Atlanta, sex shops and liqour stores and sleezy bars and the types he’d always been told never to associate with. People who reminded him of Old Mad Seed. Not that he could remember much about him anyway. Just heavy set shapes. Loud voices. Foul breath. Vitriol and disdain.
Footsteps were crunching behind him, hurrying to catch up.
Predators to their prey.
“I’m fucking talking to you, silver spoon, why don’t you take it out your mouth and make yourself useful?”
“Fuck off.” He muttered, aware that the words sounded ridiculous with so many years of elocution lessons slathered on top of them.
“What’s that? What did you say? Didn’t your nanny ever teach you to speak up?”
A forceful hand on his shoulder and suddenly John was pinned against the grimy window of an all night supermarket. Staring up at three leering businessmen who looked far too much like the men at his family’s church.
“He's pretty.”
“Barely legal I reckon.”
Vastly illegal, John almost swiped back, but held his tongue.
That was a skill he’d learned well over the years.
How to stay quiet.
How to survive.
“He doesn’t say a lot does he, for a rich kid?”
“Trust fund, no doubt.”
“Ivy League.”
“Maybe he’s a mute-”
“If he’s dumb then he’ll be nice and quiet then while he proves his worth. He won't scream.”
“Take him in the alley. No cameras.”
They grabbed him by the hair and dragged him, legs kicking towards the looming void between storefronts. Frozen garbage, mouldy dumpsters, not a chance in hell anyone would come looking for John Duncan, of the Duncans.
He screamed, but a hand clamped down over his mouth. The three wrestled him until his back hit one of the dumpsters. Hungry fingers tangled with buttons and the belt and zipper on his pants, drunken and clumsy. Frustrated cursing, as he tried to get away. His foot collided with something hardened and a yowl of pain echoed across the street. Bile straining at the back of his throat, burning acid in his starved insides threatening to-
“Hey, leave the dipshit with the fancy coat alone-” came the thick growl of a tall figure emerging from the alleyway, bundled up in worn, on-it’s-last-legs knitwear. A padded parka with a furry trim on the hood made the giant seem even broader than he probably actually was, but in the shadow of the neon ‘RALPHS’ sign, and through the heavy spit of snowfall, he looked Titanesque. Atlas, holding up the sky so it didn't come crashing down on the young runaway.
“What’s it to you?”
“A big fucking problem, actually.”
The giant fixed a hand around the nearest throat, and John felt himself get released from the heavy grip. He stumbled sideways and cowered behind the homeless man, who now snarled at the lechers and tightened the pressure on the whimpering neck.
“Get out of here before I paint the sidewalk with your brains.” The giant snarled, and John absolutely believed him.
The man nodded desperately, and within seconds of being released, gasping for the cold air, all three were gone. Disappeared around a corner. Slipping on the ice in their haste. Back to their hunt or back to their wives.
The giant slouched back to where he’d been resting in the alley for the night. John made to move on, but the man called back to him and he froze.
“You OK?”
“I’ve been better.” John groaned, tousling his hair to ease the pain in his scalp, but succeeding only in letting snowflakes tumble into his face. He could barely see his saviour as it was, and having pale shimmering flecks in his long eyelashes wasn’t helping.
“Fucking perverts. They’ll get what’s coming to them.”
“No they won’t.” John mumbled, aware that he was shaking.
“You want to take a few minutes to get yourself together?” The homeless man gestured to the space beside him.
There was something about that voice… it felt safe. Gruff, wizened, like it had been through hell. But safe. Safe enough for John to approach and sit on the sidewalk beside him, settling onto a stack of soggy cardboard that he tried to imagine was anything but.
A weird silence.
John pulled his knees up to his chest, cradling them like he used to when hiding in small places. Hoping not to be heard or seen. And he tried to decide what to do. Breathing hard. Mind racing. Yet nothing came to mind. He had nowhere to go. No one who would take him in. A lump gathered in his throat and a hot tear dribbled down onto his nose.
Not for thought of being hungry and helpless and filthy, although all troubled him deeply. Not for the sudden shock settling in that he’d nearly just been raped. Not for the unease he felt staring down the alley, unable to see the end of it through the winter night.
But the thought of having to go home.
“First night’s not even the worst, kid.”
The giant had pulled out a small penknife, army issue in appearance, and began whittling a small wooden block. The feathering of the wood looked like lustrous, thick fur. A fox perhaps, or a wolf? John still couldn’t see the man’s face, but he wondered if he was Native and it was a symbol to keep him strong.
He could, however, see the patches of flaking skin on the backs of the man’s hands. In desperate need of a moisturizer or medical cream or something, anything to give the impression that the man wasn’t about to shed like a snake. Burns, he realised. And the odd cigarette stub mark between the raw patches. How did a homeless man get so mutilated?
John sniffed and wiped his tears away with his sleeve.
“Is that so?”
The man snorted.
“Even just from that answer, I can tell you won’t last long.”
“How did you know I was... like you?” John didn’t want to say homeless quite yet. It felt like such a dirty word, an ‘epidemic’ as his uncle had branded it once.
John gave him a quizzical look that the giant caught out of the corner of his eye. He chuckled.
“If there's one thing I know on sight, it's a miserable kid who doesn’t want to go home.”
John continued to watch him work in silence for a good half hour, mesmerised at the craftsmanship. He thought back to his own work, his fine pencil sketches and pools of watercolours and minute engine parts for impeccably constructed model aircraft. Things to shut him up. Keep him indoors. Train that difficult right hand to function as it should.
“So did daddy not buy you a pony?” The quiet broken. There was humour in it, nothing but a gentle tease, but the insinuation that rich kids couldn’t also face unimaginable pain riled John, and he glared venomously.
“That’s none of your concern.” He spat in a low voice.
“Oh, it’s not, is it?”
“Kind of thinking it is now that I suddenly seem to have another mouth to feed-”
“I don't need your charity.”
“Well you're sat in my drawing room, aren't you, your Royal Highness-”
“I didn’t ask for your help-”
“Well you sure as fuck needed it.” The homeless man didn’t even sound angry, clearly used to people looking down their noses at him, treating him like an inconvenience. He just sounded exhausted. “Jesus, could you be anymore uptight?”
John pouted and hugged himself tighter.
The giant paused his work and rubbed his unkempt beard in exasperation. It was tinged red, even more so in the street lamp light. John noticed the man still hadn't looked up at him, wouldn't make eye contact. He wouldn't be able to identify him to the police in a lineup, or even from a mugshot. Does he intend to rob me? Have his way with me like those men wanted to?
“Spoilt brat like you won’t last a week. If you’d prefer not to get stabbed or robbed, sell the Rolex, keep your head down, drop the accent and the airs and graces.”
Of course he’d spotted the watch. John twisted it on his wrist protectively.
“You can't have it.”
“I wasn't asking for it.”
“My father bought it for me.”
“Good for you. My father never did shit. Is sharing time over?”
The homeless man was too distracted to concentrate on his whittling and pocketed his handiwork swiftly, choosing instead to pull out a pair of thin gloves. He stretched them tenderly over his mottled skin, wincing a little as the fibres caught and pulled on the rough patches.
“Where did you get those scars on your hands?” John blurted, figuring that if he’d never see this man again after tonight, it didn’t matter if he upset him by sticking his nose in where it wasn’t wanted.
The giant sighed.
“Fought a bear for a bet.”
John’s mouth gaped open and the giant released a chuckle, pleased with himself.
“War. Iraq. Most of the homeless in this city are Vets. An incendiary device got me on patrol. I wasn’t hurt too badly, they look worse than they are. They made me stronger.”
He turned to rummage through a black knapsack and pulled out an opened packet of beef jerky. He stuffed a whole strip into his mouth, before offering it out. John felt his face twist with disgust and his stomach heaved at the prospect of eating meat so soon after hearing how this man burned. He turned away a little at the smell of it.
“Gotta stay strong if you want to survive.”
Hearing the low rumble from his empty stomach, John reached out and took a strip. He chewed on it warily. Salty. Slightly sweet. Hardly gourmet, but desperate times called for desperate measures. When he’d finished one, he found himself reaching for another.
“Why aren’t you there now? In the army? Why are you sat behind a supermarket?” He asked through a mouthful. It still sounded pompous.
The giant didn’t answer, still didn’t look at him, just sat back to rest against the wall behind them, gnawing on more jerky. John imagined a wild face under that hood, rabid eyes that had seen horrors beyond imagining. Sawn down teeth, flesh peeling away.
“You look familiar, kid. But I don’t suppose I’ve seen you at the soup kitchen.” Something sounded odd, intrigued, hopeful maybe, and John wondered how he looked ‘familiar’ if this unusual creature had barely taken a second look at him.
“My father owns a law firm in the city. One day he’s going to be District Attorney. I’ve been in the newspapers with him a few times.” John couldn’t help but boast a little, still a little concerned for the $20,000 watch on his wrist, but quite content that this man wouldn’t be holding him for ransom anytime soon.
A resigned, disappointed sigh.
“Yeah? Maybe I’ve slept on one of those papers then.”
Another uncomfortable silence.
“I know what it is.”
John looked up to where the giant was looking- the faded stars in the night sky, barely visible, but Cassiopeia was twinkling between the rooftops.
“You look how I’d imagine my little brother to look, I think, if he was still alive. He was always skinny, like you. Too skinny. Probably starved somewhere, on the streets, poor as shit like me.”
“He’s… dead?”
“How long ago?”
The giant didn’t elaborate.
“I… I don't have any brothers.” John regurgitated the lie that had been beaten into him for so many years. No son of mine has delinquents and degenerates for brothers.
“You got a Mom? A Dad?”
Of sorts.
“They love you?” John could hear the aching loneliness that lay behind the question.
No. I’m innately unloveable.
“They try.” His voice broke a little. “I don’t exactly make it easy for them.”
The giant rolled his head forward and smiled down at his feet.
“Then you want my advice?”
John nodded, feeling tears building again and his lip quivering, threatening to break open into desperate wailing. Something about this felt so strange, so easy and natural. Unconditional. Why was this man being so nice to him?
A gloved hand rested on his shoulder, far more gentle than John had expected.
“Go home, kid. There’s nothing more important than family.”
If only he had either of those. A heavy sob wracked through his slight body and John found himself weeping loudly into his knees, without fear of being caught, judged, scolded and forced to pray away his resentment of his pitiful life. Tears and snot and misery came streaming down his face, body shaking with the effort of it all.
Warmth enveloped his shoulders, and he realised that the giant had removed his parka and wrapped it around him. Tucking him into it, like a child being settled into bed. And he leaned into the towering figure, sharing the warmth, curling himself into strong arms of inexplicable kindness. A kindness he thought he’d never know again.
“Stay here tonight. I’ll walk you back tomorrow.”
John cried until he fell asleep.
He dreamed of red hair, the heat of farmland alight, and a shadow in the back of a police car.
#far cry 5#FC5Week#FC5Week2019#john seed#jacob seed#that picture of seamus?#no idea what it's from#but he's so babyfaced holy shit#teenage john right there#also this is my first proper attempt at writing jacob#dunno if it's worked hahaha#also taking a huge liberty with the theme#not a mention of the project at all hahahaha
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Just Let me Love You (Ralph x reader) smut
ok so I have to give a shout out to @smutfornerds cause she gave me the idea for this story. I haven’t written for our stretchy boi and needed to get something out for him ASAP, so it was mama to the rescue!!!
I will say that I wrote this a lot faster then normal and I think it was because it just came to me and wouldn’t stop till it was done. When I reread through it all sounded good to me so that means it is probably full of mistakes. If so I am sorry!!
Rated: Mature
“Caitlin? What are you doing here so late?”
“Y/N!!!! What are you doing here?”
Laughing you walked over the where Caitlin had been sitting. Holding some paperwork up you set it down next to her and then took a seat.
“I had this for Iris and she told me to bring it down here and leave it for her. So what are you doing here so late?”
“Oh… I had some uh stuff to do and figured it would be better to do it when no one else was around. You know how the guys get when there is nothing going on and they are bored.”
Laughing you spun around in the chair. “No I hear you. I once had them come up and run around trying all of the hands on things. Even though it was a bit annoying I have to admit it had been really cute watching them interact with all the kids. Cisco is like a really big kid and he manages to teach them while making them laugh,”
“What about Ralph?”
Looking down at your lap you could feel as your cheeks turned red.
“What about Ralph?”
“It’s just I thought saw you flirting with him a couple of times. So I thought that you would have been watching him more then you would have Cisco.”
“Of course I watched him with the kids and I can’t help but fall for him even more. He is just a big kid himself and he is great with them, and every time we flirt I try to hint that I would like more; but he either ignores me or doesn’t feel the same way and just doesn’t want to tell me. So I think I am just going to let it go.”
“I wouldn’t do that! I mean, I would keep at him. He once told me that he wasn’t made for love and that he was destined to be only.”
“Why would he think something like that?”
“I wish I could tell you. I guess he doesn’t think he deserves it? I know it sounds stupid. I tried to tell him that it wasn’t true and that there was someone out there for him. I don’t think he believed me much.”
“Why do men have to be such a pain in the ass?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“So if you think I should keep at him what do you think I should do? I mean I have tried everything I could think of. Except for stripping naked and dancing in front of him.”
Just as you had said that Caitlin had taken a drink and started coughing. Patting her back you suddenly felt embarrassed for saying that out loud. You got along with everyone downstairs but this was the first you actually had a deep conversation with her.
“I am sorry Caitlin, I guess that was a bit more information than you wanted to hear.”
Catching her breath Caitlin started to wave her hand. “No, no. You are fine. Just caught me off guard is all. Truthfully though; we both know the type of guy Ralph is. It actually might work out if you did do that.”
Laughing you got up from your chair, placing a hand on her shoulder you gave her a smile.
“Just might. For now I will keep that at the bottom of the list. Thanks Caitlin. Now I am just going to go home and enjoy my weekend by laying on my couch and doing nothing. ”
“No problem. Hopefully it works out in the long run.”
Saturday night you had been doing just what you told Caitlin you would be doing. One of the movie channels had been playing a marathon of all the Predator and Alien movies. You had been right at the point in Predator where the group was attacking the out post when you heard a knock on your door. Pausing the movie you got up to answer the door. Opening the door you were surprised to see that it had been Ralph.
“Ralph, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I was bored and I tried to get the gang to hang out, but everyone was busy. Then Caitlin told me that you might have wanted to do something so I figured I would call and see. Then I saw that a movie channel was playing all the Predators and Aliens and I remembered how we talked about your love for the Predators movies. So I figured that instead of going out we could just relax and watch the movies. I brought snacks?”
Holding up a bag you could see that he had brought things that you would see at a movie theater. Smiling you shook your head as you opened your door for him to come in. Walking into your apartment you saw that Ralph had been in a pair of lounge pants and a well worn shirt, instead of his normal outfits. As you were checking Ralph out he had been doing the same. Instead of getting dressed today you had just thrown an oversize t-shirt over your sleeping shorts and cami, but the way the shirt flowed it looked like you had nothing on underneath.
Walking up to Ralph you could see that your outfit was having an effect on him. Reaching for the bag he had been holding you started to look through it as you made your way back to the couch.
“So what do you have in here? I see the Sour Patch Kids, Reese Cups, Twizzlers, OH! you also got my favorite!!”
Looking back towards Ralph you could see that as you had walked away his eyes drifted down to your ass, but snapped back up to your face when you had turned.
“Uh yeah. I remembered you mentioning them before and I figured since we would be doing movies you would need your favorite snack.”
Giving him a small smile you thank him before looking down to the couch. Before he had showed up you had been laying acrossed the whole loveseat. Setting the bag on the coffee table you started to move things around so that both of you could be sit.
“Sorry, the size of the living room doesn’t allow for anything bigger than this and a chair.”
“No, this fine. It looks more comfortable then what I have at my place.”
Sitting down on one end Ralph let out a chuckle when he looked at your t.v. screen.
“I should have known you would be watching this.”
Tucking your legs up so that they rested between you and Ralph you rolled your eyes. “Watch it. Like you said I have a great love for the Predator movies and if you give me any crap. I will keep all the candy and kick you out.”
Holding his hands up Ralph looked at you with a serious look on his face. “I would never come between a woman and her love for all things Predator. I promise.”
Giving him a smile you reached for the candy he brought you and started the movie.
The first movie had just gotten over and you had started the second one when Ralph asked were the bathroom was. Telling him that it was down the hall you reached to pause the movie when he told you to just let it play. When he got up and made his way to the bathroom you had stretch your legs out in his spot. You had been so into the movie that you didn’t even realized he had came back till he was picking up your feet. Jumping at his touch you tried to sit up so that he could have room.
“No, it is ok y/n. You can rest your feet on me.”
You were about to object when he sat down and placed them in his lap and held on to them when you tried to move them anyways. Knowing that he wasn’t going to let go you turned back to the movie and tried to ignore the heat coming from his body.
You were unsure when it happened, but soon you started to feel Ralph’s thumb run across your ankle. When he realized you weren’t going to pull away, you felt his whole hand start to grab at you. Not wanting him to stop and wanting to see how far he would take it, you just laid there and let him touch you. Soon he started to move his hands up and down your calf, but before he went even further up your leg he stopped and took his hand away. Screaming in your head you thought back to yours and Caitlin’s conversation and knew that Ralph did not see himself worthy of affection. Pulling your legs from his lap you stood and told him that you needed to use the bathroom. Standing in the bathroom you looked into the mirror and asked yourself if it was worth the risk. After making up your mind you walked back into the living room. Ralph had been ready to say something when he saw you, but you didn’t give him a chance to. Because instead of sitting next to him, you planted yourself directly on his lap and kissed him.
To shocked to do anything, Ralph just placed his hands on your hip. When you felt his tongue run across your lips you opened them slightly and let his tongue invade your mouth. While his hands moved from your hips to your back and thigh; one of yours dug into the back of his head and the other ran up and down his chest. When you both pulled apart Ralph laid his head on the back of the loveseat and groaned. Looking back up you could see that he was getting ready to tell you that this was a mistake. Instead of letting him talk you placed your hand over his mouth.
“We are not having this conversation Ralph Dibny. I know that you think yourself unworthy of any type of affection, but I know damn well you deserve it and so much more. From what the others have said, from the very beginning you did everything you could to protect them and help them. You were even willing to die for them. If that doesn’t show you why you deserve it I don’t know what will. Maybe it has something to do with your father and him leaving. I don’t know, and right now it is not important.
What is important is I have had feelings for you for a very long time. I see how you act and you are funny, loving, loyal, and smart. I would love nothing more then to be in a relationship with you, but I know that it will be hard because I would need to remind you everyday you deserve it. So what I am going to do is, I am going to get up and head to my bedroom. If you want to see where this goes, you are more than welcome to follow me. If you truly don’t want this, then don’t. You are free to leave and we will never bring this up again. At least I would know where we stand and I would be able to move on.”
Letting out a scream you clung to Ralph as he suddenly stood up. Before you knew it he was throwing you on your bed and looking down at you.
“Like hell will I let someone else have you.”
Before you could say anything more Ralph was laying on top of you and kissing your neck, bringing his mouth back up to yours the both of you just laid there kissing and touching one another. Soon you started to get warm from Ralph’s body heat, reaching down to the hem of his shirt you started to pull at it.
“Ralph, I need this off. Like yesterday.”
Sitting up on his knees Ralph was quick to pull his shirt over his head and throwing it to the floor. Before you knew what you were doing you found yourself sitting up and running a hand from his collarbone down his chest. Slipping your fingertips into the top of his pants you pulled at them lightly.
“These too.”
Laughing, Ralph moved from the bed. Placing his hands on his pants he stopped and tilted his head to the side.
“Well if I am going to be showing and telling, I feel like maybe you should be too?”
Keeping eye contact with him you also stood next to the bed. Grabbing both shirts you pulled them over your head at the same time. Ralph had been so into watching you that he froze what he had been doing and just stood there. Slowly you pulled your shorts down, stepping out of them you stood there and let Ralph take his fill. When you started to make your way to him you could see him visibly swallow.
Standing next time him you looked up at him as you started to run your hands over his chest. You could hear his breath hitch when you followed your hands with kisses. Grabbing his hips you slid down to your knees. Looking back up you saw that he had a lustful look in his eyes, and his mouth was hanging open slightly.
“Looks like you could use a little help with these and since I am down here I may as well give you a hand. Don’t you think Ralph?”
Instead of answering you, Ralph thrusted his hips slightly. As you started to pull his pants slowly down his legs you placed light kisses on his stomach. When his pants were on the floor you tapped his legs one at a time and helped him step out of them. Running your hands up his thighs you looked back up at him as you moved him to the side and directly in front of the bed. Grabbing his hand, you felt him tug you up to your feet. Before he could wrap his arms around you though you pushed him onto the bed. Letting out a little chuckle you followed him onto the bed. Settling yourself on his hips, you could feel his cock as it slipped between the outer lips of your pussy. Rolling your hips slightly the both of you let out a little moan.
Leaning down you placed one hand next to his head as your other one dug into his chest. Bringing your mouth to his ear you whispered into it.
“This is all about you Ralph. I told you that I would show you why you deserved this and that is what I plan on doing. So all I want you to do is lay back and just enjoy.”
Looking him in the eyes you began to roll your hips. Bringing your lips to his neck you began to kiss him just below his ear. As you moved your lips to a different spot Ralph turned his head to give you better excess to his neck. Feeling his hands settling on your hips he soon was getting you to move faster against him. Running your nail over his nipple he let out a groan and thrusted up. You could feel him bending a knee slightly behind, allowing him to move easier.
Wanting to hear him groan more you worked your mouth to his collarbone and your fingers back to his nipple. Once you were ready you latched onto his collarbone at the same time that you twisted his nipple and grinded down on him harder. Instead of easing up when he gave a shout in pleasure, you continued to suck and lick at the bite on his collarbone. Before you realized what was happening, you found yourself looking up at Ralph.
“Sorry sweet cheeks, I couldn’t hold back anymore. Feeling the warmth and wetness from you was just teasing me too much and I just needed to be in you. I know you said that you wanted to do this for me, but believe me when I tell you that I have read your message loud and clear.”
Giving Ralph a little frown you slipped your hands from his sides to his back and ran your hands up and down his back. At your touch you saw Ralph close his eyes and moan slightly.
“But I didn’t even get to suck your cock.”
Resting his head on your shoulder Ralph let out a long moan as he trusted his hips into yours.
“Y/n, you can’t talk like that. I hate to admit it, but it has been to long for me and I am not going to last long. Right now I just need to feel you. Please, can I just….”
Instead of finishing comment Ralph just brought his mouth to your collarbone and groaned into it. Reaching between your bodies, you wrapped your hands around his cock. The minute your hand touched him, Ralph thrusted into it. Because he hadn’t moved his head from your shoulder you were able to bring your mouth to his ear.
“You really are close aren’t you? Your so warm and hard in my hand. I can also feel you leaking. Since you took away my fun you better make it up to me Ralph, don’t go slow and don’t go easy. That is the price you have to pay and since I can’t taste you like I planned I guess this will have to do for now.”
Removing your hand from his cock, Ralph lifted his head and watched as you licked your hand. Because you had placed him at your opening, Ralph was slamming into at the sight.
The hand you had been licking shot up to grab the pillow while your other hand dug into his back. Not giving you a chance to catch your breath, Ralph started to movie with short quick thrusts. Suddenly your eyes shot open and looked at Ralph. Smiling down at you he smiled before bringing his mouth to your ear.
“Yes, that is what you thinking. I figured you were set out to give me such a great gift that I needed give one in return and since getting my abilities I have been dying to try this.”
Even as Ralph was talking you could feel him growing longer, it seemed like every time he thrusted back into you he was longer then when he pulled out. Has he thrusted into you once again you saw stars and dug both of your hands into his back.
“There it is. Now it is your turn to lay back and relax sweet cheeks. Oh but before I forget I think I owe you something else.”
Before you could ask him what he meant, Ralph latched onto your collarbone and began to suck and nibble at the spot. When he was happy with his work, he slipped both of his arms under your legs opening you more. Grabbing onto his forearms you could feel them twitch with the strain they were under. Now that he had more room Ralph started to thrust even faster into you, this time pulling all the way out and slamming back in. Before you knew it, Ralph’s mouth was on yours and you were cumming. Thrusting a couple more times into you Ralph pulled out and started to thrust against your outer lips till he was cumming on your lower stomach.
Laying there catching your breath, Ralph moved his arms from your legs and fell on the bed next to you. Reaching for the tissues next to your bed he cleaned up his mess and pulled you to rest on his chest. You laid there and listened to his heart beat as he caught his breath. After he had calmed his breathing and his heart wasn’t pounding you started to run your fingers over his chest. Moving your head slightly you saw the mark you had left on Ralph, it wasn’t to big, but it was dark and noticeable.
“Don’t worry y/n, you got one too.”
Placing your head into his chest you groan out.
“Really Ralph. How am I going to hide this from everyone when I have to wear semi business attire?”
Rolling so that he was now on top of you Ralph leaned down and kissed where he marked you lightly.
“Well y/n, I don’t know how you are going to do that. I can tell you that I will wear mine like a badge and it will feel great knowing when I feel it that you have one just like mine.”
Shaking your head you pulled Ralph in for a quick kiss.
“You are impossible you know that Ralph?” Instead of looking happy Ralph suddenly looked upset and scared.”Ralph? What is it? What is wrong?”
“Y/n, there is something that I need to tell you. See…”
Placing a hand over Ralph’s mouths you stopped him from talking.
“I know what you are going to say and I already know and if you want you can had honesty to that list I gave you.”
Giving you a confusing look, Ralph slipped to the side of you.
“What do you mean you already know what I am going to say?”
“Because I do.”
“Okayyyy. So what was I going to say then?”
“You were going to tell me that the other night down in the Cortex it was you and not actually Caitlin.”
You watched as Ralph’s eyes got huge and he started to give you the fish impression.
“I…. What.. How did you know? And why didn’t you say anything!”
Laughing lightly you ran your hand down his face.
“I knew, because I saw Caitlin leave for the night; I actually talked to her. She had told me that you were downstairs working on your ability to change into other people. It was why I never mentioned or asked about the sweats you had been wearing. As for the not saying anything, I was hoping to find out if “Caitlin” knew anything about why you were not making any moves.
I wasn’t going to say anything because it wasn’t like I said anything bad. Then you shocked me by showing up today, so I knew that I needed to make the move cause you would never do it.”
You watched as Ralph got out of bed and pulled his pants back on. Your heart started to beat faster thinking that you had upset him and that he was going to leave. Instead of reaching for his shirt like you thought he was going to, he reached for your ankles and pulled you to the end of the bed. You let out a shout when he then threw you over his shoulder. Grabbing a light blanket he started to make his way out of the bedroom. When you tried to move you could hear the smack he landed on your ass echo. After you stopped moving Ralph started to move again.
“Ralph, what the hell are you doing?”
“We are going to go finish the movies.”
“Okayyyy, well can’t I get dressed first?”
“Hell to the no.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I told you no.”
“And why not?”
“Because you need to be punished for not saying anything.”
“WHAT! WH…” Instead of finishing your sentence you let out a shout when Ralph smacked your ass again.
“Don’t Y/n. You are getting punished cause you let me believe that I had broken your trust. So for your punishment, you are to lay on the couch and watch all the movies with me.”
“I have no issue with watching all the movies with you, but why do I have to be naked?”
“Cause how am I going to play with you and make you cum when I want to if you are wearing clothes?”
“I think we have different meanings for punishment Ralph.”
“We will see sweet cheeks.”
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Rescue, pt. 3
here’s the final update!! sorry this took so long. i wrote half of it, and then i got sick and then i worked a bunch of crazy hours at work so i didn’t have the chance to finish it until now. this is the first time i’ve ever written a fight scene like this so please cut me some slack lol. enjoy!
Felix ran back to Game Central Station, making a beeline for his game. On his way out, he learned that the game he had been trapped in all that time was Hero’s Duty. It brought him some comfort to know that Brad couldn’t fatally harm Tamora since she was in her own game, but that didn’t lessen his haste to get her away from him as soon as possible. He found Ralph walking out of the outlet for Sugar Rush and hurried after him.
“Ralph!” he called out.
“Felix!” he replied. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Felix answered, brushing off his friend’s concern. “But we need to get Tamora out of there as soon as possible. What’s the plan?”
“We have to go back to Hero’s Duty,” Ralph replied. “Turbo wrote himself into the code there. If we can destroy the code, he’ll be gone for good.”
“What about Brad?” Felix asked.
“His code is intertwined with Turbo’s,” Ralph explained. “It’s impossible for one of us to create a whole new character that wasn’t written into the code. Only a game’s creator can do that. Turbo must have split off a piece of his code and taken the rest from Hero’s Duty.”
“Are you sure?” Felix asked.
“We spent hours talking to Sour Bill,” Ralph said. “He knows more about this stuff than anybody.”
“Alright,” Felix said. “So how do we get into the code room?”
“I don’t know,” Ralph admitted. “If Turbo hasn’t gotten to the soldiers, we’ll need to ask one of them to show us.”
“Let’s head to Tapper’s,” Felix suggested. “If Turbo’s tried to brainwash Tamora’s soldiers, he probably wouldn’t think to look there.”
“Lead the way.”
As the pair entered the bar, Felix spotted Tamora’s most trusted soldier, Kohut, leaning against the bartop. He quickly approached the muscular man.
“Kohut,” he said.
“Hey, Felix,” Kohut replied, clearly in the beginning stages of intoxication. “What’s up?”
“We need your help.”
“No can do, buddy,” Kohut said, his speech slightly slurred.
“Come on, this is serious,” Ralph interjected.
“I’m serious, too,” Kohut said.
“Kohut, please, it’s about Tamora,” Felix pleaded.
“What, havin’ lady troubles, little man?” Kohut said with a chuckle.
“Listen to me!” Felix said, hopping onto the counter to be at eye-level with him. “Turbo is back and he rebuilt Brad Scott out of his own code and they kidnapped me but Tamora stayed behind so they would let me go and now she’s trapped in some creepy dungeon with a half-brained clone of her ex-fiancee. Show us the code room in Hero’s Duty or she’ll be stuck there for who knows how long.”
This seemed to shake Kohut out of his slightly buzzed state. He stood from his barstool and dropped a few coins on the bar to pay for his drink before turning back to Felix and Ralph.
“Let’s go.”
Deep in the underground of Hero’s Duty, Tamora was hogtied on the floor. Turbo had returned to find Felix gone, and he was furious with Brad for letting such a crucial part of their plan walk out the door.
“How could you do this?” Turbo asked, pacing the floor and waving his arms dramatically as he spoke. “The plan only works with both of them here. We’re no closer to the glitch than we were before.”
“I’m sorry,” Brad said, his head down in shame.
Tamora watched, curious about what Turbo could have done to manipulate Brad this way. He was probably four times Turbo’s size, and yet he was cowering before the minuscule racer.
“‘Sorry’ doesn’t help us now,” Turbo said. “Come with me while I figure out how to fix the mess you’ve created.”
Brad sulked as he followed behind Turbo into the next room, leaving Tamora alone. Soon, she heard footsteps as Felix crept back in. He tiptoed over to her as quickly as possible and began working on the knots in which she had been tied up.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” he whispered.
“I’m fine,” she answered. “Did you bring it?”
“It’s right here,” he replied, patting one of the pockets on his toolbelt. Inside it was a radiant, blue cube containing the code that kept Turbo and Brad alive. Once it was destroyed, they would cease to exist.
He managed to untie the ropes from her wrists and Tamora sat up and helped Felix with the tight knot that bound her ankles together. The moment she was freed, the couple embraced, savoring the moment of tenderness before what would inevitably be a difficult encounter with Turbo and Brad.
“Where’s Ralph?” she asked.
“Right outside with Kohut in case anyone tries to make a run for it,” he answered. “The rest of your troops are in Sugar Rush keeping Vanellope safe.”
“Good,” she said. “Let’s end this thing once and for all.”
She moved to stand, but Felix reached for her hands, prompting her to stay put. He looked into her eyes, unable to hide his concern.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked cautiously. “We could always have Ralph or Kohut come in instead.”
“I’ll be fine,” she answered.
“I know you will, I just...” he trailed off, moving one of his hands to cradle her cheek. “I know this whole ordeal has to be taking a toll on you. Don’t feel like you have to be here when his code is destroyed. I don’t want you to have to see that again.”
“It’s different this time,” she responded. “It may look like him, but that is not Brad.”
“Are you absolutely sure?” he asked. “I know you don’t need protecting and you hate being coddled, but I know how difficult this is for you. I hate to see you hurting.”
“I’m sure, Felix,” she said softly. “Yes, this is hard. This situation has dug into my old wounds in a way that I never expected, but I’m strong enough to get through it. I got that strength from you.”
“Oh, Tammy,” he sniffled, overcome with emotion at her admission. She wasn’t often this open about her feelings, and it affected him deeply every time. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” she said. “Now, let’s exterminate these creeps.”
“How sweet,” came a voice from the other side of the room. The couple turned to see Turbo emerging from the adjoining room with Brad in tow. “Please, don’t let us interrupt the moment. Especially since it’ll be your last.”
“I’d be careful if I were you,” Tamora said as she stood up from the floor.
“And why is that? Think you’re a match for Dr. Scott? I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Turbo snickered.
“Because we have something that can erase the both of you from existence,” Felix said.
“The code,” Turbo whispered, overcome with dread.
Felix reached into his toolbelt and procured the glowing cube, holding it up for everyone to see. Tamora gave him a small nudge to encourage him to destroy it before the situation could escalate any further. He paused to look up at her, silently asking her if she really wanted to witness this firsthand. She gave him a small nod, and he held her gaze for a moment, searching for any signs of hesitation from her. When he found none, he took a deep breath and raised his arm so that he could throw the code onto the ground. Something collided with his arm, and before he realized what was happening, Turbo had him pinned on the floor and the code had skittered across the room.
Tamora glanced back and forth between her husband and the luminous block on the opposite side of the room. Felix saw her inability to decide between saving him and destroying the code and spoke up as he fought against Turbo.
“Don’t worry about me,” he grunted as he struggled against the racer. “Get the code.”
She ran for it, planning to stomp down on it and crush it under the weight of her boot. Before she could reach it, Brad swooped in and grabbed it off the floor, using his free hand to grab her by the arm and press her back against the wall.
“Tammy!” Felix called out.
He shoved Turbo off of him, the sight of Tamora in distress giving him a newfound strength. In mere seconds he had crossed the room, running straight up to Brad.
“Get your hands off my wife,” he said as he hopped up to Brad’s level and used his powerful legs to kick him in the jaw, sending him toppling to the floor.
Tamora wrenched her arm away and the code clattered to the ground. Turbo ran up from behind and tackled Felix, giving him no chance to fight back. She tried to intervene, but Brad grabbed her again and pulled her away from them.
“Let me go,” she ordered him.
“Why do you care about him so much?” Brad asked, frustration seeping through his voice. “Turbo told me how badly he treats you. He said we’d be doing you a favor by getting rid of him.”
“Turbo is lying to you,” she said. “Felix is a good man. He takes good care of me, and he loves me more than anything.”
“No,” he muttered under his breath.
“You can try to kill him, but I will do everything in my power to stop it,” she said. “And if you succeed, I will never forgive you. If you let me destroy that code, Turbo will disappear forever. You won’t have to listen to his lies anymore.”
Brad released his hold on her and bent down to pick up the block of code that lay at his feet.
“And tell him what happens to him when that code goes away,” Turbo interjected, a smug smile on his face. “Or did you forget that Brad disappears with it?”
“Is that true?” Brad asked, locking eyes with Tamora. She nodded sadly.
“That’s right, Scotty boy, you and I are one and the same. You’re nothing without me,” Turbo said.
“Turbo has done terrible things to this arcade, and he’ll continue if we don’t stop him,” Tamora said in an attempt to reason with Brad. “The glitch he’s after is just a little girl. If we let him go, he will kill her.”
Brad looked at the code, and then at Tamora. Just when it seemed as though he was going to hand it over to her, Turbo spoke up again.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he said. “If she gets her hands on that code, her little handyman goes bye-bye.”
They turned to see that he had his hands wrapped around Felix’s throat. He tried to fight back, but he was quickly becoming dizzy and weak due to the lack of oxygen. Tamora felt her heart constrict in her chest as he struggled to breathe in Turbo’s tightening grip. She reached for her sidearm.
“Not so fast,” Turbo said, squeezing just a bit tighter.
Tamora dropped the gun on the ground and took a step back.
“Good,” he smiled. “Now, Brad, I want you to bring me the code.”
Brad met Tamora’s gaze and saw the heartbreak behind her eyes.
“As for you,” Turbo continued, glancing pointedly at her, “if you make even one step toward that code, I will crush Mr. Fix-It’s windpipe. We wouldn’t want that, would we?”
“What happens after we give it to you?” she asked. “You let him go?”
“More or less,” Turbo replied.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“He goes, you stay,” Turbo answered. “And if I ever catch the two of you together again, I won’t hesitate to make you watch him die.”
Tamora locked eyes with Felix, trying her best to stop her tears from spilling over onto her cheeks. No matter what choice she made, she would never be able to return to her life with him. She despised this feeling of complete helplessness; she had always been the one in command. Felix wished he could reassure her that everything would be alright, but even he couldn’t muster the optimism to believe it. A terrible choking sound escaped his throat as Turbo’s grip tightened.
“I’d hurry up and make a decision if I were you,” Turbo said.
She took a step back toward Brad. Felix saw the defeated look of acceptance in her eyes and knew what she was about to do.
“No,” he tried to say, but the word came out on a strangled wheeze.
Their eyes met and he made a desperate attempt to communicate with her without words. He knew that she was about to give up her life, her happiness, to save him, but he could never go back to his life knowing she was stuck here forever. Tamora faced a similar dilemma: she knew that Felix was willing to die if it meant her safety and the safety of the arcade, but she would never forgive herself if she didn’t save him.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered before turning away from him.
She faced Brad once more.
“Go ahead,” she said.
Brad hesitated. He had witnessed the exchange, and he saw how much they were willing to sacrifice for one another. As he saw the sadness in Tamora’s eyes, he knew what he had to do.
“You love him, don’t you?” he asked.
“I do.”
“And you’re happy with him?”
Brad gave a nod of grim acceptance.
“I’m sorry we did this to you,” he said.
And then, before anyone could stop it, he crushed the code within his grip.
“You fool! What are you doing?!” Turbo shouted as he slowly faded into oblivion.
Felix fell to the ground as Turbo disappeared, and he coughed and sputtered as he fought to catch his breath. Tamora ran to him, cradling her head in his hands. She took his hammer and placed it in his hand, and together they tapped it against his neck. He gasped as the damage to his throat was undone and he could breath freely once more. The last thing Brad saw before dissolving into thin air was the couple sharing an emotional embrace, and he knew he had made the right choice. This was the only way Tamora could ever truly be happy, and he had learned that loving someone was all about putting their happiness first. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate, knowing that he was leaving her in good hands.
“Goodbye, Tamora.”
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Virginia: 2018-19 NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Champions
MINNEAPOLIS -- Now that, Virginia, is the way to close out a season.
And quiet those critics, too.
Led by De'Andre Hunter and his NBA-ready game, the Cavaliers turned themselves into national champions Monday night, holding off tenacious, ferocious Texas Tech for an 85-77 overtime win -- a scintillating victory that came 388 days after a crushing setback that might have sunk a lesser team for years.
But Virginia was better than that.
A season after becoming the first No. 1 seed to lose to a 16 -- the one thing that had never happened in a tournament where anything can -- the Cavaliers watched a 10-point lead turn into a 3-point deficit before Hunter came to the rescue. The sophomore made the game-tying 3 with 12 seconds left in regulation, then made another with just over two minutes left in the extra period to give the Cavs the lead for good.
"Surreal," Hunter called it. "It's a goal we started out with at the beginning of the season. We knew we were going to bounce back from last year. We achieved our dreams."
After going without a field goal for the first 18 1/2 minutes, Hunter finished with a career-high 27 points, and if he leaves as a lottery pick -- well, what a way to go.
He helped the Cavs bring home the first NCAA title for a program with a colorful, star-crossed and, now, very winning history.
Ralph Sampson was in the house, and now it's possible that Sampson and the name "Chaminade" won't be at the top of Virginia's resume anymore.
Or "University of Maryland-Baltimore County." That was the No. 16 seed that stunned the Cavs in the first round last year, its playful social media manager online Monday night tweeting congratulations shortly after the final buzzer. Hunter missed that game with a broken wrist, but nobody thought they'd miss him THAT much.
Each of Virginia's 34 wins leading to the final, and each of its scant three losses, was punctuated by the reminder that only the end result would serve as the ultimate report card on whether the Cavs could truly shed the baggage of last year.
What a ride this was.
A 1 seed once again, they fell behind by 14 early to 16th-seeded Gardner-Webb in this year's opening round, and a nightmare seemed to be repeating itself. But this time, they overcame it. Then, they beat Purdue in the Elite Eight when the game looked lost, and did the same against Auburn on Saturday -- getting bailed out by a foul call and Kyle Guy's three free throws with 0.6 seconds left.
"I told them, I just want a chance at a title fight one day," Virginia coach Tony Bennett said. "That's all I want. ... You're never alone in the hills and the valleys we faced in the last year."
Hunter's key 3 in OT gave Virginia a 75-73 lead, and after the teams traded possessions, Tech guard Davide Moretti scrambled after a loose ball heading onto Virginia's end of the court. It appeared it would be Texas Tech ball, but a replay showed Moretti's pinkie finger had barely scraped the ball. Virginia got possession, and worked the ball into Ty Jerome, who got fouled and made two free throws.
Brandone Francis missed a 3 on the other end, and Virginia pulled away -- the first time this game felt remotely comfortable, even after Guy made a 3 to give the Cavs a 10-point lead with 10:22 left in regulation.
Guy is not Virginia's only clutch free-throw shooter, by the way. The Cavs went 12 for 12 from the line in overtime to ice this game. They scored the game's final 11 points.
As for the Red Raiders (31-7), well, what can you say?
The team full of overlooked grinders refused to quit.
They fell behind by 10 twice in this game -- seemingly too much in a matchup between two legendary defenses that allowed way more than the total of 118 points predicted by sportsbooks -- but just kept coming back.
Jarrett Culver, also lottery-pick material, made a spinning left-handed layup over Hunter with 35 seconds left in regulation to put the Red Raiders ahead 66-65. After Jerome missed a teardrop on the other end, Norense Odiase got fouled and made two free throws to make it 68-65.
The nation's best defense couldn't afford to give up a 3, but Jerome skipped a pass to Hunter, who was open on the wing -- and spotted up and drained it. Culver missed a 3 with Guy in his face with a second left, and we were headed to overtime, the first extra session in the final since Kansas beat Memphis in 2008.
"In terms of my guys, I've never been more proud," Red Raiders coach Chris Beard said. "This is real life. We'll bounce back."
The last five minutes of regulation and the OT featured several one-on-one matchups between the two NBA-bound stars, and Hunter came out the winner. He finished 8 for 16 after an 0-for-7 start. Culver, who stayed in his hometown of Lubbock to see how far he could take Tech, went 5 for 22 for 15 points, continuing a cold-shooting Final Four; he went 8 for 34 over the weekend.
Both will likely move on to the NBA. Hunter will go there with a title.
And somebody on Virginia ought to grab that sign.
In the stands, a fan made a cardboard sign with the capital letters "UMBC" running vertically, and this spelled out after each letter:
The Cavs couldn't have written it any better themselves.
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Sparks and Wires
04| The Missing Gardener
CHAPTERS: 01 02 03 04 05
Summary: Sophia is on her way home after a tiring afternoon of helping injured deviants throughout the city when she encounters a WR600 being assaulted by a couple of teenagers.
Characters: OC {Sophia Turner}, Ralph, some random DPD officers, evil kids
Words: 1 720
Warnings: Minor violence
The camera was out again and this time in her hand as she recorded herself searching through her small home for Simon. “So…um, funny thing I lost the android I was taking care of.” She scratched her head and sighed. It was terrible and she didn’t know why he would leave so suddenly the way he did. She shut off the camera and sat down on the sofa with her head in her hands. How could she lose an android of all people?
A few months went by.
More and more deviants began showing up at her doorstep as time went on after Simon’s departure. She met several lovely individuals but she didn’t understand why they came to her home. Was Simon sending them here? Sophia hadn’t heard anything from him and honestly expected the worse. The more androids that came here the worse shape they were in. Sophia actually started going out into Detroit to find deviants and repair them. It was her new mission and purpose.
She would bring a bag with her to work and stay out in the city for hours after to help. By the time she would arrive home there would be an eighty percent chance an injured android was waiting for her. It was another rainy day and this time she remembered to bring an umbrella. Ever since Simon told her she should invest in an umbrella she did exactly that and never left home without it. February had passed long ago and now Detroit was doused in unforgivable August heat and spontaneous rainstorms.
Just a few days ago there was another violent incident involving a deviant. August 15th, exactly three days prior another PL600 went rogue and took a young girl hostage on the edge of a tall building. Sophia only heard the report in the background while she was fixing up a heavily damaged female AP700. Someone had torn her arm off and amidst the panic and thirium spilling all over the tile floor she barely caught onto a few words from the news program.
The only other thing she knew was that the child was rescued which was a relief – the deviant was shot down by several snipers positioned on adjacent rooftops. That was a few days ago and already Sophia was forgetting about it. There were far more pressing matters she had to attend to anyway. The streetlights were on and she was still walking around the city when she should have been on her way home. It was nearing nine o’clock when she was cutting through a small park to get to a nearby bus stop when she heard the laughter.
It was the type of laughter that would send chills down your spine. The grip on her umbrella tightened as she stopped and looked around the dimly lit park. She took out the digital camera from her bag and immediately began to record. “Okay so I might actually die right now so in case I do I want whoever finds this to get my dog, Spark can only be home alone for so long and I’d hate to see him depressed and starved.” She whispered while creeping slowly down one of the pathways.
She saw the flash of orange light that went out as quick as it came on to the left of her. Her heart was hammering against her rib cage and every fibre of her being was screaming at her to turn around and walk away. “Oh I really, really hope I’m not about to walk up to a group of murderers.” She sighed and continued forwards despite the terrible feeling that twisted around in her stomach. The laughter became louder the closer she got and she soon realized that it was a group of teenagers.
The three kids, two boys, and a girl were hovering over something. One of the boys had what looked to be a blowtorch in their hand which he had aimed towards something. “Hey, what are you kids doing!” she yelled. Internally she knew that she was going to regret screaming so close to the camera if she ever got the chance to watch the footage back if she made it home. Sophia made a mental note to lower the volume on her headphones if she gets to watch this – if she lives.
All three kids jumped up and quickly looked around before running away. She smiled smugly to herself as she watched them run away in different directions. There was no doubt in her mind that they were scared out of their mind when they heard her. Sophia jogged across the grass towards whatever – or rather whoever was being torched. “Oh my god.” She covered her mouth with her hand in shock and dropped the digital camera in the grass. For a moment she stood there just staring at the person on the ground.
It was an android by the spinning LED that was currently lit an alarming red. She dropped her hand from her mouth and looked for any sort of identification or name. The only thing she saw was the androids make and model number: WR600 #021 753 034. The poor thing was staring up at her frozen in fear. “Are you okay?” she asked, her question coming out as a mere whisper. The young woman has seen the aftermath of what humans could do to androids but she has never experienced such abuse before.
The way those kids were laughing made her suddenly sick to her stomach. “Stay away!” the android yelled. The sound of his voice echoing around the park made her jump. He was shaking and badly injured. The left side of his face had two rather large gashes with thirium spilling out down the side of his face, left eye completely smoldered and left black with dark blue iris, while the plastic white underneath the synthetic skin was blackened around the gashes. Sophia could see that the synthetic skin was already trying to regenerate but she knew by just looking at the injury that regeneration in that area was impossible.
She raised her hands to show him that she wasn’t armed with any type of weapon while she slowly approached him. “My name is Sophia, can you tell me your name?” she asked as she began to carefully lower herself to the ground. “They – they hurt Ralph.” He whispered.
Already there were several more alarm bells that started to ring in her brain. He was clearly deviant and also slightly bonkers. “They won’t hurt you anymore Ralph, I promise you.” He looked up and at her with nothing but fear in his working hazel eye. For a moment his LED spun a dull yellow before changing back to its blazing red shade. “You won’t hurt Ralph, will you?” he asked.
“No, I would never hurt you. I’m kind of like you, see?”
Sophia slowly pulled the sleeve back on her left arm up to her elbow and let the synthetic skin fade away to reveal the plastic white underneath.Even Sophia had her secrets. Most people had no idea her left arm from the elbow down was synthetic – she’d like to keep it that way. The porcelain white fingers brushed against the right side of his face before settling her palm against his cheek. Her gaze was fixed onto his LED watching as the red was replaced by a dull yellow.
The dull colour spun around his LED for a few moments before flickering back to red. “You are like Ralph, yes?” he asked. She could feel the moisture from his synthetic skin run along the curve of the plastic white of her thumb. Sophia had seen androids like him before – well not exactly him but other androids with the same face and body model. Her gaze moved from his LED to his face. The synthetic skin he wore was slightly faded to reveal the white plastic shell underneath from where her hand rested against his cheek. “You poor thing, I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“Why would they want to hurt Ralph, Sophia? Ralph was just minding his own business, gardening.” He mumbled.
Sophia shook her head. “Some people are cruel and this world we live in, it has its monsters.”
There were two much louder voices that sounded from nearby and the flashlights the people were carrying put Sophia on edge. “Detroit Police Department, we got a tip about deviants in the area. Come out and you won’t be harmed!” one of them yelled, a female she recognized by the pitch of her voice. Sophia looked back to Ralph and helped him stand up. She guessed that she had around a minute before the two officers came through here. Ralph was mumbling to himself again and Sophia’s brain was firing off thousands of different thoughts at once. “Ralph, you need to go and find someplace safe. Ralph wants to be safe right?” she whispered.
He nodded. “Yes – yes Ralph wants to be safe.”
“Then go!” she yelled in the quietest voice possible while giving him a little push away from her.
Sophia pulled her sleeve back down and let the synthetic skin roll over to conceal the white plastic underneath. Just as she did so a pair of lights fell upon her figure which was lingering suspiciously in the bushes. “Ma’am do you have any idea what you are doing alone in a park at this time of night, in the bushes?” the female officer asked, flashlight aimed at Sophia’s face.
“I, um I was out earlier today and walked through here and I only realized I lost my phone when I got home so I’ve been retracing my steps to see if I can find it.” She sputtered out rather quickly.
As far as excuses would go this one didn’t sound as crazy as she thought it did. The officers looked at each other before glancing back at Sophia who was still frozen in place. “I advise you to continue your search in the morning, ma’am.” The male officer instructed, tipping his hat to her before the two officers left.
Sophia didn’t hesitate to leave the park.
Tomorrow morning the WR600 – or Ralph would be reported missing
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It’s A Package Deal - Three
Ohm had slept dreamlessly. He often did. Whenever he did dream it was always an empty hallucination. A lonely wander through an infinite maze of thoughts and emotions. Often they weren’t of the happy kind, but the assassin had had his fair share of bad dreams before. He had learnt his own methods of conquering his feelings – most of which included: 1) ignoring them, 2) distracting himself, and 3) pretending they didn’t exist.
No matter how childish, he didn’t have time for stupid angst. He wasn’t a teenager. He wasn’t a young adult. He was thirty-four. He was a man and he was a hitman, and he didn’t have time to wake up crying and wishing his mother was there to love him.
He didn’t get to make wishes anymore – he’d long since stopped blowing dandelions and eyelashes and staring up at the night sky in hopes for shooting stars. He wasn’t a person anymore, he wasn’t a citizen; he was a murderer, he was an expensive weapon to be used by rich assholes who don’t want to their hands dirty. There wasn’t anything left to him, there wasn’t anything left to his life.
When he woke, he chewed on a cereal bar and drank some water before pulling the car back onto the road. He didn’t blink in Bryce McQuaid’s direction. He didn’t spare him a glance. He pretended he didn’t exist and felt relief fill his yawn when the other ignored him too.
He hoped that meant the brat no longer would bother him with his stupid voice and would just shut up and watch his life drift further and further away until the other side of the country was around them and Ohm could return to his secluded apartment just out of town and put his cash into a good haircut, some comfortable clothes, and a little house far, far away from traffic lights and clothes stores. Maybe he’d even get himself a cat.
The morning light shone in through the windshield, much more of a stronger colour rather than the pale sunrise light that had woken Bryce hours earlier. Now that the first of the three numbers shown on the digital clock was eight, the world was waking up too. The trees seemed to shake themselves out, standing tall over their dark car and watching as they passed. Mother Nature roused from her rest and so did all she created.
It was quite mesmerising, despite the situation with a threatening gun only half a metre from Bryce’s beating heart. The blue-eyed man never did have the chance to road-trip as he was growing up. His family weren’t huge campers so he never did get to explore the wilderness such as the huge areas of forests and bushland that grew like algae over West Virginia.
It was depressing that now was the only time he’d get to do so.
He tried to convince himself that he should make the most of it. He should smile at the stretching branches, the greenery that he never got to see within the city. He should wind down a window and breathe in the purity of nature. He should drown himself in the peace and quiet, the lack of car horns and police sirens. He should be positive! Be happy!
So why did a tear roll down his cheek?
He let it leave a shiny trail, letting his eyes close, biting the inside of his bottom lip. He wanted to go home. He wanted his apartment and the car horns and police sirens. He wanted his boyfriend, he wanted the busy city back.
He wanted to go home.
He wasn’t mean to anyone, he didn’t steal or cheat or say nasty things. He wasn’t selfish, he wasn’t a bully. He was a good guy. A good friend, and a good boyfriend. He always went back to help people, he never put himself before others. He tried so hard to be the boy his mom raised him to be. Sweet, selfless and kind. So why was he the one caught up in such a situation? Why did he deserve to be punished when all he ever did was lend a hand?
He sat back in his seat, facing the driver. The moment his gaze settled on the man, grey eyes shot to the blonde with a nasty sneer. “What?” he spat. His mood went up in flames merely from Bryce looking at him and the blonde’s features twisted with concern and slight fear.
Bryce didn’t like his eyes, and although he was scared he was growing sick of being snarled at. “I didn’t do anything,” he said under his breath, dropping his eyes to the bag at his feet. The hitman continued to glare at him, furious and slightly surprised to be spoken back to. After a moment of gaining courage, Bryce looked back up and met his gaze with a glare of his own. “I don’t know why the Hell I’m here, can’t you spare me the briefest of reasons or at least where we’re going and why I’m being taken there!?” The words tumbled off his tongue and he squared his shoulders as much as possible with cuffed hands. He hadn’t bothered to ask for them to be removed when his kidnapper had woken up hours ago. Although they were stiff and starting to hurt, he hadn’t had the effort to deal with the nasty gunman.
Now he didn’t care.
To his surprise, the man turned back to the road, fixing his snarl to the bitumen instead. “If I tell you, you have to shut the fuck up at least until we stop again, got it?” he growled, voice thick and low. He was tired and grouchy, and Bryce was only getting on his nerves the longer he heard his voice. The blonde nodded, despite his shock and waited as Ohm sighed. “I’m taking you to LA, you’re little boyfriend owes some rich assholes 20k and they want to use you to get that money back.”
Bryce almost regretted asking, feeling his anger give way to worry and confusion. His boyfriend? Ralph? What the Hell would he even have used twenty thousand for!? That’s a lot of money, and he took it from some guys in LA? “What, like a gang?” he asked, voice no longer crackling with fire but instead growing heavier as he understood the situation.
“Yes,” the hitman said, his own anger cooling slightly as Bryce calmed. “A gang, and an important one.”
So he was going to be held hostage until Ralph paid off what he owed. What would they do to him? Bryce was sure they wouldn’t be very hospitable, an LA gang. And he’d sad they were rich assholes?
Bryce wasn’t rich.
Bryce definitely didn’t have 20k lying around either.
Either Ralph would have to come rescue him like some damsel, or he’d be done for. What if Ralph didn’t come? What if he didn’t have the money? Bryce would be useless!
He didn’t want to think about what a gang does to people who are useless to them.
“And if it’ll shut you up, you can call me ‘Ohm’,” the brunette said and Bryce took a good look at him for the first time. His bandana was resting loose around his neck, no longer blocking off half his face which was oddly calming to the blonde. It made him look more human – more real. Made him a guy with blood, bones, skin, and a beating heart. Made him a guy with thoughts and feelings, maybe not the same as other guys, but still thoughts and feelings.
It was something, if not much.
He had brown hair, dark and chocolatey. It didn’t look specifically styled or done, it didn’t seem like he had any time for stuff like that. It sat in a slightly messy quiff, a couple of strands sticking out in odd directions. He also had stubble over his jaw and chin, making him look quite a bit rougher and more tired. The way he looked straight forward with a set jaw and sharp features. His expression still looked soft, arched brows and cold eyes.
He was just a guy.
And now a guy with a name. Not a birth name, Bryce assumed, but a name – a title. Ohm. It was good enough.
The dark eyes glanced over at Bryce, flicking between him and the road three times before he eased the car to the side of the empty lane, letting the engine run as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of keys. Bryce watched as he flicked through the set, finding a long silver one and leaning across the console to him.
He froze up at the close proximity, not wanting to be anywhere close to the guy if he could help it. Although they had had a slight conversation, he still reeked of danger and unpredictability. Ohm paid no mind to the younger man’s discomfort. He didn’t even notice when Bryce softened his posture upon realising what the brunette was doing, jamming the key into the blonde’s hand cuffs and unlocking them. As soon as they were off, Ohm was locking them onto his door and shoving the keys back into his pocket, swerving the car back onto the road and settling into his seat comfortably as though they hadn’t even stopped in the first place.
Bryce watched him, rubbing his wrists with a soft expression. He let his gaze linger a second longer before stretching his arms out, touching the windshield, and twisting back to face the blurry bushland.
“Thank you Ohm.”
Ohm didn’t react, just focused on the long few days of driving ahead of the two.
The car cruised along the endless roads, splitting and meeting up all through the forest. They cut areas of trees into sections, mapping puzzle pieces out over the state like a child’s Christmas present.
The two passengers didn’t speak for hours, the driver resting in the peaceful silence with his window down. He breathed in the winter air as his mind rambled and wandered over endless topics, plans and ideas. His future, his present, his wishes, his needs. Everything and anything that would come to mind would do a few laps of his brain before tagging out for another thought. The serenity was beautiful.
The passenger sat with his chair rested back slightly, feet on the seat and notebook on his knees. His pencil marked lines and shapes and letters for hours as the sun did its dance over the sky. He drew pictures, and wrote words. He wrote his own thoughts and sketched little cats up the margins of the pages.
He drew without end goal or idea, and wrote without meaning or understanding. He never deemed himself artsy or particularly creative. Not a perfect artist, nor a poet with words that brought tears, but he liked to experiment. He liked to have a go at anything he could. Stories, poems, sketches, shading. Whatever his thoughts allowed, whatever his brain directed, he would draw.
Music played through his earphones, random songs and melodies that either allowed his thoughts to flourish, and pencil to dance faster and more eager, or tunes that threw him back to his apartment, dancing barefoot with a broomstick in his hands or singing to his lover while they swayed around the kitchen bench.
He didn’t bother to brush away stray tears that flowed from the harsher of thoughts. The darker of songs. Once or twice he had to skip past a favourite. Too strong a memory hanging from each note. Songs that had played from his speaker during picnic dates, songs that he’d rocked out to while cleaning one too many times.
Good memories that now only made his chest ache.
First: Prologue
Previous: Two
Next: Four
Thought I might as well post c.3 because c.2 wasn’t too exciting and this one actually has character interaction so your welcome - we easin into this shiz <3
#brohm#brohm fic#brohm fanfic#fic#fanfic#bbs#bbs fic#bbs fanfic#stockholm syndrome#three#hitman!ohmwrecker#it's a package deal#its a package deal
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Ermanda’s Inner Sanctum: Scorpion 3.14 “The Hole Truth”
Episode 3.14 is another solid “transition” episode that continues to highlight the character lessons for this season. It is also the last episode where we see Lea Thompson in the role as Veronica Dineen for now. She played her character well and she will be missed. This episode extends past the 9-minute mark before the first commercial break, clocking in at around 11 minutes. Usually, this means that the mission will be one-dimensional, but this episode gives us this with some extra bits in a flashback scenario. I love flashbacks that reveal new information and place current events into perspective. Another aspect I enjoy is the amount of suspense created in the scene between Paige and the “debt collector.” The dialogue and music works well together. Anyways, let’s hit the big stuff under the cut!
Sylvester’s Political Woes
Being himself means that Sly doesn’t naturally appeal to the average voter, especially when most public footage of him is cosplay. Of course, the team believes in him and knows him to be capable of more than his opponent’s mudslinging ad claims. But an ad like this does not convince the majority. This is apparent during the mission with the sandhog from West Altadenia who makes it clear he will not cast a vote for Sly as Alderman. Yet, all of this changes once this man sees Sly in action to save Cabe from drowning. He is thoroughly convinced that Sly is mentally equipped for the job. I sense this will become a pattern as we see more of Sly’s political journey where the public will learn more about Sly’s brave work with Scorpion and give him the pull he needs for votes. I hope Sly succeeds in his endeavors!
Paige & Veronica: One Last Ride
Veronica is right. Paige is good at holding down a con! You can say she’s learned from the best.
Since Veronica’s secret is out and has been made, she is determined to commission Paige’s help to get her money before she leaves town to escape those who are after her. Paige is not too thrilled about this because she has been trying very hard to separate herself from her mother’s occupation, but she obliges because Scorpion and Ralph are at risk the longer they wait to address this issue. This means that Paige has to excuse herself from her usual duties, but she is optimistic that her cumulative work in the past 2.5 years will get the team through this mission in her absence. She also considers it a chance to exercise her new approach with Walter.
Veronica is thrilled that Paige has decided to help her because she misses the days when they worked together for her numerous business deals. While this is questionable excitement for a parent whose criminalistic tendencies negatively impacted her relationship with her daughter, it is another opportunity for Veronica to open herself to Paige’s positive influence to do better for herself and try her best to use her gifts for good. Paige takes control of the situation and secures everything they need to get Veronica’s money.
This episode really shows Paige’s unique genius. I see a parallel with Paige in the pilot when she dumps all the chalk on the ground except for one piece which she hands to Sly to get him to task faster. It’s the same ingenuity she uses when she devises her plan from the radio report. This ability to think on her feet is what makes her so beneficial to the team. Their intellectual efficiency has rubbed off on her and she uses it in her own way.
Paige and Veronica also bond over several things in this episode. Paige shows how much she still cares for her mother since another one of her motivations behind helping her is to get her to stop running. Yet, Veronica is so committed to her lifestyle that it is hard for her to change. But this reality also serves as a lesson for Paige. Veronica exposes Paige’s internal conflict (which has been apparent this entire season) by questioning her feelings for Walter. While Paige has moved on, we have seen multiple instances where Paige has shown hesitation about her feelings and how she wants to tackle them. Plus, Paige still has her reservations with Walter over what she last heard from him about Tim (which conflicts the resolution Tim and Walter established). I ask these questions again for thought: who will reveal to Paige that Tim acknowledges that Walter didn’t push him away and puts things into perspective? Who will bridge the communication gap? I am very intrigued by these developments as they factor into the Waige flip this season.
Walter’s EQ Monitor
Since Paige has chosen to assist her mother, she hands her responsibility to Toby for the mission. As we have witnessed throughout this series, Toby or Cabe is second in command as behavioral adjuster. No surprise that Paige defers to Toby since this season has placed more focus on their friendship. However, Toby says that his relationship with Walter is complicated so his good intentions will backfire. Toby and Walter still have some kinks to work out in their friendship, which is understandable given everything that has happened between them this year/season. So Happy is the best choice! This is not surprising since her friendship with Walter, beyond the scope of the secret marriage, has been highlighted this season too. But she’s not too thrilled about it because she doesn’t think she has the capability to handle an emotionally-stunted Walter.
As the mission progresses, Walter’s comments further disintegrate the trust between the chief and him. He gets punched in the other eye as a result of another instance where he is logically astute but emotionally insensitive. (Get used to seeing this phrase a lot in my reviews when it comes to Walter and the other geniuses.) Of course, it is not right for the chief to punch Walter, but emotional breakdowns can bring out the worst in people at times, which is a two-fold lesson in this moment.
When he expresses his concern of this series of events, Toby propositions Happy for the assist. This moment shows that Paige’s new approach with Walter has some credence. Happy never tells Walter what to say to the chief to convince him of the new plan. She doesn’t even go to the chief and bridge the gap for him. She already failed at the latter. Happy reminds him of what Paige has already given him. His responsibility is to tap into that knowledge and use it for his benefit. So he bonds with the chief over the loss of someone close - his sister, Megan - in conjunction with the chief’s grief over a fellow co-worker who lost his life on the job six months ago. This rebuilds trust between Walter and the chief and convinces the chief to believe in Walter’s rescue plan. Go Walter! I am so proud of this low EQ genius.
Then Veronica gives him some key advice right before she leaves. She reminds him to keep working on himself and remain patient. Sounds similar to the advice Cabe gave Walter in 3.02 More Civil War. Of course, Paige picks up on it right away and seems slightly amused in the midst of her sarcastic remark. So I wonder how Walter will process everything that happened this day and apply it.
This has been a defining principle for Walter this season - learning to properly apply the EQ tools at his disposal for emotional regulation. There will always be times when intervention on his behalf is necessary. Yet, it is important for him to establish consistency in this endeavor. He will sink or swim, but overall he is forward progressing and this will continue to aid him in the future.
Toby Drama
If you have been following my reviews this season, then you are already aware of multiple points I make about what is next for Toby. Toby has remained resilient this season despite everything he’s encountered: green card marriage, false pregnancy, “ruined” Christmas, and financial woes that impact his wedding plans. In this episode, he makes a very poignant remark about the complicated status of his relationship with Walter. How does this manifest for the remainder of the season? It is possible that Walter is not the only one who will snap... expectation vs. reality.
Check out this association surrounding Toby from @scribeshan, which also contributes to this analysis!
Sink or Swim...
Who’s next in this lesson arc? It currently goes... Veronica → Paige → Walter → ...
Toby (to Sly): You will be the first politician taken down by a “never-had-sex” tape. 😂😂😂😂😂
Walter: I was assaulted by a contract-breaching yogurt vendor. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #butforealtho
Quintis’ “death con nuclear disaster” EQ scale for Walter is hilarious! 😂😂😂 The fact they even work on this together is cute. 💚
Toby: Remember if Walter and chief get into it again, you’re Paige. You have to fix it. Happy: Is jumping into the sinkhole an option? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Btw, I LOVE Happy’s jacket in this episode! Green is my favorite color. Notice her jackets have been open this entire season. Happy is definitely changing! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Add Paige’s trench coat to clothing items I clearly need to steal from wardrobe! 😍
Cabe (to Sly and the sandhog): Oh I see, send in the old guy. 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh boy! Cabe has a unique relationship with water for season 3B so far. Lol! 😳
How did they dump that much mortar into that large sinkhole to counteract the amount of liquid entering it? Oh Scorpion and the concept of time... lol 👀 👀 👀
Ralph is such a cutie! I mean, when is he not?! It’s so sweet how he runs to his grandma! And the id scrambler... GENIUS! 🙌🏾😍
When Walter and Paige talk about the new plan to save her mother, it is hilarious to hear Walter say, “I assume you’ve heard I’ve been misbehaving.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Veronica (to Walter): Keep working at it Pinocchio. Someday you’ll be a real boy. I can feel it! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Paige: Guys! I need helping creating an offshore account. Omgness, Veronica Dineen stays hustlin’. Ha!
I love that Michael Beach was cast as the chief/foreman. Love his work! 🙌🏾
#ermanda's inner sanctum#cbs scorpion#s03e14#the hole truth#scorpion cbs#team scorpion#episode review
13 notes
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Her Mother's Lover
Chapter 6
The weekend finally came and the night of the party Debby and Charisse
slipped stealthily away from Greystokes to meet their escorts.
"Thank goodness no one spotted us leaving - now our only problem is
getting back in after the party's over!" Debbie giggled.
"Let's worry about that when we come to it," Charisse said, "is that the
boy's car coming now?"
The red sports sedan slowed as it came towards them and dimmed its
lights twice.
"Yes, that's the gang!", Debbie said excitedly. "Here we go!"
The car stopped and Ralph got out. Debbie introduced Charisse and then
got in the back seat with Ralph while Charisse was ushered into the
front seat by the boy who was her date. Much to her surprise, she found
there was another boy driving and she was wedged in between them. There
was also another boy in the back besides Ralph and Debbie was sitting
between them both.
"Meet Jerry and George," Debbie called to Charisse from the back seat.
"And this fellow in the back with Ralph and me is Frank."
"Don't tell me, let me guess," Jerry said as he put his arms around
Charisse's waist. "You're the famous Mamma Mantell's daughter! How come
Debbie could talk you into a date with us small- town hicks?"
Charisse was a little taken aback by Jerry's hostile attitude right off
the bat. And she didn't care for his hand around her either, the very
first minute they had met, but she kept quiet.
"Hey, Jerry, cut it out!" Debbie said from the back seat. "I thought you
promised to be nice!"
"Okay, I'll be nice," Jerry mumbled and Charisse saw that all the boys
had been drinking and were a little high. "I'll be nice because she's
got such a swell figure, yes sir, quite a pair of knockers!" Jerry
"It looks like these boys aren't losing any time," Charisse thought to
herself. She tried to move away a little from Jerry, but he only clasped
her waist more tightly.
"Don't be bashful, beautiful. We may not be as sophisticated as the big
city slickers you go out with, but . . . " he leered, "you'll find out
we have a thing or two on the ball! Both balls!"
George, at the driver's seat, glanced at her at these words of Jerry's
and grinned. He looked more mature than the other two boys and was
taller and huskier. Charisse thought she'd try a little flattery on him
so that at least one of the boys would be friendly to her.
"Aren't you the George Holden with the Town Volunteer Fire Brigade, the
one that rescued the two kids that went through the ice this winter? I
remember reading about you - that was wonderful!"
"Just happened to be around," George mumbled and flushed. "It was just
luck I happened to be around!"
But Charisse thought she had softened him up a bit and was heartened.
"Looks like this gal has a soft spot for you," Jerry said, "I just hope
you aren't going to keep her all to yourself, buddy, ole buddy." His
hand began inching up towards Charisse's breast.
"Don't worry pard," George said grinning, "looks like there's enough tit
there for the two of us! Plenty of ass too, from what I can see!"
"Okay pal," Jerry answered, "you just tell me which half you prefer . .
. I think the little lady might get worried if the two of us grabbed for
the same spot at the same time!"
All the boys laughed at this remark by Jerry, but something about the
tone of the talk and the mannerisms of these boys was beginning to make
Charisse uneasy. She tried to hunch down in the seat and by making
herself as inconspicuous as possible, direct attention to Debbie. She
only partially succeeded, because George put his hand on her knee and
started feeling between her legs. Then she gasped because Jerry had
placed his hands full on her breasts and was squeezing and massaging
them through the silky material of her low cut blouse. George's hand was
proceeding up between her legs and feeling her inner thighs already.
"Don't you think you ought to be keeping both hands on the wheel?" she
stammered to George.
His hand went up between her legs even further, almost to her crotch in
response. And Jerry's hand was massaging her breast so strongly that her
nipples were becoming hard and erect. Small town boys or not, they
certainly didn't lose any time starting in on a girl, Charisse thought.
Jerry's hand was still massaging her breast through her silk blouse and
then she suddenly felt his other hand dip into the low cut center of the
blouse. His fingers playfully went right down the cleavage and his hand
started to feel her naked tits and search for her nipples.
"Quite a pair of knockers we have there!" Jerry announced to George.
"Glad you like them," Charisse tried to smile and wriggle her titties
away but she only succeeded in giving Jerry an extra feel.
"How's your end of this chick feel?" Jerry called over to George.
"Soft and tender, buddy," George said, feeling her inner thighs, "soft
and tender!"
"Maybe it's eating stuff, eh George," Jerry grinned.
Charisse just kept quiet. Maybe if she played along with them, this
attitude would change. She did want some consideration as a girl, as an
individual. Here these boys were feeling her up and sizing up her
anatomy as if she were a cow being brought to market. More than anything
else, she realized that her inferiority complex about her mother's
reputation made her crave the friendship of people in her own age group.
And even more than friendship, she desperately wanted their respect.
This was one of the big reasons she had gone out on this date with
Debbie. She wanted to "belong," to be accepted by her generation. And
for that she was ready to make a lot of concessions.
She looked towards the back seat to see how Debbie was doing. The sight
there was surprising. Debbie was completely stretched out on the back
seat, one leg dangling down. On their knees beside her, like two
kneeling worshippers, Ralph and Frank had her skirt up around her waist
and were both feeling her up. Their hands played between her legs and
moved on right up to her crotch. Charisse was puzzled at Ralph's
acceptance of Frank's intimate fondling of Debbie's pussy region.
Debbie's eyes were wide open, but they seemed to be concentrating on the
feeling the boy's busy hands were arousing, she was panting and low
moans were coming from her parted lips. She didn't seem to mind the fact
that both boys were caressing her so intimately and apparently so
pleasurably. Charisse had only seen group sexual intercourse in the
pictures of Debbie's scrapbook and never dreamed that she would soon be
seeing it right before her very eyes. She was as if hypnotized by the
sight of Debbie being worked over by the two boys.
Ralph abruptly pulled her sweater over her head, and at the sight of
Debbie's brassiere-clad breasts couldn't help beginning to kiss the
satiny skin between her cleavage. He slowly began to edge his fingers
under her bra cups, and began to play and tweak her big pink nipples.
Suddenly, one of his hands undid her bra clasp and her titties
practically popped out of the top of the slack bra.
"That feels so good," Debbie breathed as he began to touch and rub her
nipples until they were stiffly erect. Then he began to massage the
breasts themselves, kneading them with his strong fingers. Debbie's
asscheeks began to wriggle with the sheer sensation he was producing in
her body. Ralph kept on massaging her tits and then lifted the bra up
"You really do have some pair of knockers, Debbie," he panted. "I just
love to squeeze them in my hands!"
Charisse was growing more embarrassed by the second, for Debbie as well
as herself. She knew the boys in the front seat were aware of what was
happening to Debbie in the back seat and that she was watching, too
fascinated to turn away. Jerry and George both smiled knowingly at each
other; they knew that Charisse was getting plenty warmed up by watching
the back seat sexual play.
Charisse was actually beginning to feel her cunt-juice begin to flow, a
sure sign of arousal in her. The two boys in the back were pictures of
obscene lust as one continued to feel Debbie's tits and the other around
her pussy. She wondered why Debbie was letting them practically disrobe
her and screw her when there were three of her friends right in the
front seat.
Frank's hand was running up and down over her bush-hair as Debbie
wriggled her ass every time Ralph squeezed her nipples or her titties.
The next time she wriggled her hips, Frank put his hand right under her
buttocks. His face burned with lust as he felt her tender, lush
asscheeks. He groaned with desire as the feel of her ass began to drive
him wild
"Hold on, you bugger," Ralph said, "don't try to hog everything for
They all acted as if they were completely alone, so immersed were the
boys and Debbie in their frigging around. Debbie began churning her
asscheeks lustfully, and this gave Frank a chance to put his hands right
inside her panties, feeling her thick black bush with his fingers. He
worked away at her bush and gradually began to move her panties downward
until they no longer covered her pussy, but were practically at her
As her pussy was completely exposed, Frank began to feel for her cunt.
His hands touched her pink, wet cuntlips and then he parted them with
his fingers. As Debbie felt him touch her cunt, her thighs quivered with
ecstasy and she spread her legs apart a little more. Frank's hands now
could play with and fondle her pussy without any hindrance.
Ralph was still playing with her lush tits, which were heaving and
bouncing voluptuously with the turning of her ass as Frank fooled around
with her twat. Ralph was just as excited by her knockers as Frank was
with her cunt. He buried his face between them and slobbered up and down
each tit, kissing each nipple in turn. Charisse could see that the
pinkly erect nipples were covered with Ralph's glistening saliva.
Frank's fingers were still playing with her bush and her cuntlips. First
his fingers massaged near the apex of her cuntlips, where her clitoris
was becoming very erect, then they would slip down a bit to the entrance
of her cunt. Suddenly he pushed two of his fingers right into Debbie's
Debbie gasped as the fingers sank in up to his knuckles and her
asscheeks wriggled with pleasure.
"You really have a very sexy cunt, baby!" Frank muttered hoarsely as he
slid his fingers in and out of her slippery hole. He had his face so
close to Debbie's twat that Charisse expected him to suck her cunt
momentarily. Ralph was mouthing her nipples and trying to suck her whole
breast into his mouth with such gusto, that it looked like titty was his
favorite dish. Frank didn't actually suck Debbie's cunt, he just had his
lips on her thighs, kissing and nibbling them as he kept up his rhythmic
finger-fucking of her twat.
Debbie was making small, squealing, pleasurable sounds as the two
lust-crazed youths in the back worked her over, Ralph on her tits and
Frank on her cunt. How could Debbie do this, Charisse wondered, how
could she expose her intimate parts practically to public view? How
could she let two men fondle her while she knew Charisse and the other
two boys could see everything that was going on?
Charisse, in the meantime, had her problems. George's strong hand was
now squeezing one of her tits, while Jerry's hands were running up and
down her inner thighs, and brushing up against her crotch. Each of these
guys' hands like an octopus and they all seemed to be feeling an imitate
part of her body at the same time.
"Hey you characters in the back seat!" George suddenly grumbled. "You
better cut out all that horny smooching around, or you'll be all outa
steam by the time we get to the party!!"
Charisse thought she heard Debbie whisper, "Tell them to mind their own
frigging business . . . " but she wasn't sure she heard right.
She was having a rough time with these boys feeling her up as if they
were about to rape her any minute now. Debbie was actually having a good
time, from the way things looked and sounded on the back seat, but
Charisse was uncomfortable because of the vulgar way they were feeling
her up. And to top it off, she could feel her clitoris hardening with
excitement and her cunt-juice dribbling between her cuntlips as she
herself was becoming aroused in spite of herself. It was a real weird
situation and she hoped the car would reach the party quickly. The way
things were going, somebody in the back seat might shoot a hot load of
sperm right over into the front seat anytime now . . . she didn't want
to receive it down her neck, or full in the face as she watched!
All of a sudden she saw Frank open his fly as he was kissing Debbie's
thighs. He took his huge thick cock in his right hand and cradled it
there as his lips worked up to Debbie's cunt. She could see his tongue
part Debbie's wet, pink cuntlips and then his whole mouth was
cuntlapping Debbie's twat as if it were the best thing he had ever
tasted in his life.
As his tongue reached her clitoris, Debbie squealed, "If you keep that
up you're gonna make me come right here in the car . . . aaaaaagh!"
Frank was jerking off his own cock with his other hand, moving the
foreskin rapidly up and down, exposing and then covering the head of his
huge dong as he cuntlapped Debbie.
"The hell with the party," Frank lifted his head and muttered, "I'm
gonna put my cock up your twat right now before I go crazy . . I don't
want to waste the load of hot come I been saving just for you on the
goddamn seat cushion!
"Lay off, Romeo," she heard Ralph growl. "You know the rules, I fuck my
girl first! You know you're not supposed to even screw another guy's
girl unless he's given you permission.
Frank still was working the foreskin on his cock back and forth, but he
made no move to shove it up Debbie's cunt.
"C'mon, buddy," Ralph continued, "button up that cock of yours so that
you arrive at the party looking like a gentleman . . . "
Frank stopped jerking off as he heard Ralph speak, but his cock was
still out in the open. He let out a yell as Ralph grabbed his cock and
tried to push the rigid dick back into Frank's pants.
"Leggo my cock, you bastard!" Frank shouted "Can't you see I got to wait
until my hard-on goes down before I can get this dick back in my pants?"
Debbie's asscheeks were still churning on the seat, she had gotten so
hot with Frank's cuntlapping that she had an irresistible urge to come.
She had almost hoped that Frank would have shoved his cock in and fucked
her then and there. His dick was so thick and virile that she probably
would have come with just those plunges of his prick into her cunt.
Ralph was still playing with her lush knockers, and that wasn't helping
matters any either.
"You know, babe," he told her, "I can practically see the steam rising
from your pussy, you're so damned horny tonight! Just save all that heat
till we get to the party and then you can serve us hot pussy a' la
"You're mean," Debbie pleaded, "you know damn well I can come ten times
to your one - so why don't you at least let Frankie finish me off this
once with his mouth . . . there'll still be plenty left to go around at
the party!"
Ralph kept quiet and just kneaded her tits, while Frank kept away from
her twat.
"We're going to get to the party soon, now,"' Jerry said, "so make
yourselves look respectable, you shameless people!"
Charisse tried to smooth her ruffled skirt and adjust her blouse and her
hair, all at the same time. She knew she must look like an awful mess.
What a way to show up at a party!
"You don't look half-bad, baby," George said to her, "but your friend in
the back looks as if she's just done a strip-tease!"
And as a matter of fact, Debbie did look practically naked as she
fumbled with her bra and tried to pull up her panties again, on the back
seat. Ralph very carefully helped her put her tits in the bra cups,
giving each one a farewell feel as he closed the snap. Then he just as
carefully helped her pull up her panties, giving her bush and cuntlips a
good feel in the process.
"With helping hands like yours, who needs to get laid?" Debbie quipped
with a grin on her face as she wriggled her twat away from his questing
As Charisse looked out the car window she could see nothing but
darkness, night was all around, enveloping the ear. A little uneasy
about the desolate appearance of the area, she asked where they were.
Upon being told they were in the country, about fifteen miles from town,
she felt more relieved. It seemed that the boy's friend, the one who was
throwing the party, liked the peace and isolation of the suburbs.
"I'd like a shot of some of that firewater you braves have been drinking
tonight. Just to settle my stomach; I'm a little shaky after all that
backseat fooling around . . . " Debby said.
"But of course, Countess," Ralph said with more gallantry, handing her a
silver flask. "Have one on me!"
Debby tilted the flask and took a few swallows. She lifted the flask
from her lips and started coughing and choking.
"Wow! what did you put in your flask, liquid nitroglycerin? I feel as if
the top of my head's just blown off!!" Debbie said in a hoarse whisper.
"That's some real corn-likker from Carolina!" Ralph said smiling. "It's
uncut just as it comes from the still. A friend of mine sends it to me.
Down there they call it 'white lightnin'!"
"Well, I sure feel as if the 'white lightnin' struck me," Debby said.
"Want to try some of this, Charisse?"
Charisse really didn't want any of the potent stuff, but she wanted to
be considered a good sport by the group, so she took a generous slug.
The moment she had downed the corn liquor, she started to sputter and
cough even worse than Debbie had. But just to build up the image of a
"good girl" before the boys and Debbie, she gamely took another couple
of shots from the flask. She really did feel as if she had been struck
by lightning this time, but she didn't cough or sputter as the liquor
burned its way down her stomach.
Now the car was pulling into a long, rustic driveway flanked by a double
row of majestic-looking pine trees. Even though her head was reeling,
Debbie could see a big, rustic type of house looming up at the end of
the driveway.
The boys stopped in the driveway and parked the car near the cabin. As
they piled out, Charisse could see that there were some other cars
around and hoped that the people at the party would turn out to be nicer
than the boys they were with. As she got out of the car, she felt a
little shaky and nauseous, but she put it down less to the drink of
"white lightning" than the crude mauling she had been subjected to. As
she began to head for the house, she felt much better - perhaps she had
been too cramped on the front seat in addition to the bold "petting" she
had undergone.
"Hey, wait for us," Jerry called after her, as she headed for the door,
"the owner is a stranger to you and you need us to introduce you."
"This place looks deserted," Charisse exclaimed as she approached, "are
you sure we've come to the right house?"
"Oh, it's the right place all right," Jerry laughed, "maybe they've
turned the lights out to play kissing games!"
Charisse wondered how Debbie felt about the situation, but apparently
Debbie felt confidence in Ralph and his friends because all she said was
"Let's get inside already, I'm getting cold standing around in this
night air . . . "
Now Charisse began to doubt the wisdom of having gone on this date
altogether. True, she wanted to be accepted by Debbie and her boy
friends, but she hadn't counted on two fellows as escorts for the night.
This seemed to be what she was getting as she walked towards the door,
flanked by George and Jerry. The whole thing was making her feel very
nervous, she was completely prepared to have sexual relations with her
date; after all, she was no longer a virgin. But she had read newspaper
stories of "gang-bangs" and "line-ups" by groups of horny youths and
men, and memories of the terrible ordeals of unprotected girls were
making her jittery.
Much to her surprise, the character who welcomed them at the door turned
out to be a woman. Sally, as she was introduced, was a woman in her
early thirties. Extremely attractive and with a voluptuous figure which
the hippie costume of an oversized maroon silk blouse, festooned with
beads, and tight slacks scarcely concealed, she said in a low contralto
voice, "Peace, children! Welcome to the hash bash - come in and refresh
your weary souls with a short trip!"
Jerry told Sally who the girls were and the exotically dressed woman
bowed to them with a somewhat mocking smile on her full lips and
motioned them all inside.
"Where are we supposed to sit?" Charisse whispered to Jerry. "I don't
see any chairs!"
"There aren't any," he answered, "you just sit on some of those pillows
and rugs.
The only furniture in the place seemed to consist of queer wrought-iron
floor lamps which had flickering candles instead of electric lights, a
couple of low coffee tables, and piles of multi- colored cushions and
rugs strewn around haphazardly. A record player was turned on low, but
Charisse could see no couples dancing to the rock music. As a matter of
fact, the only other people as Charisse's eyes became accustomed to the
dim light seemed to be exclusively boys.
Seeing the strained look on Charisse's and Debbie's face, Sally said,
Oh, we expect some more couples later on. Up until you girls came it's
been more or less of a stag evening. But do find a comfortable spot and
take it easy while I bring you some refreshments."
"Look, George, are there going to be any more girls at this party
tonight?" Charisse asked with a strained look on her face. "This looks
like a stag party we dropped in on by mistake! And what kind of
'refreshments' is Sally bringing up? After that 'white lightning' in the
car, I don't think I could touch another drop of liquor tonight.
"Aren't you the worry wart!" Debbie laughed instead of giving her the
moral support she was looking for. "Relax and enjoy yourself, the boys
and Sally are O.K."
"You might as well know, Charisse, Ralph chimed in, "that you're in for
a great experience - we're all going on a trip via some LSD. That's the
refreshment that Sally supplies and it's out of this world, kid!"
"But I've heard that some people go out of their minds after taking
LSD," Charisse quavered as she sat on a pile of cushions next to Jerry
and George.
"Ah, that's just 'square' propaganda, they try to padlock all the real
groovy things in life . . . " Jerry said. "There's nothing to be afraid
of, we've taken 'trips' at Sally's place. You'll like it once you try it
. . . "
She looked towards Debbie, but her friend was lying against a pile of
cushions nearby, and Ralph and Frank were busily feeling her up already.
"Well, here are our 'tickets' for the trip," George said, as Sally
approached them with a tray on which there were tall glasses of Coke
with ice cubes tinkling inside. Next to each glass of Coke there was a
small china saucer with a cube of white sugar gleaming in the center.
George took a Coke and a saucer with the sugar for Jerry, Charisse and
"The thing I like about Sally's place is that her LSD is always pure,
the only time you get a bad trip is when the stuff's been cut or
doctored up to save money," Jerry told Charisse.
"Now just do exactly what I do," George told Charisse. He took the sugar
cube, put it between his teeth and began to sip the Coke. "The idea is
to dissolve the sugar slowly, and then you just sit back and relax . . .
Charisse watched wide-eyed as the sugar cube slowly melted as George
sipped the Coke.
Jerry shoved her sugar cube between her teeth and told her, "C'mon,
start drinking your coke - don't be a party pooper!"
Charisse saw that Debbie was drinking her Coke, as were Ralph and Frank.
She was afraid of all this, but to freak out now would really make her a
drop-out from this "in" group she was trying to cultivate and join in
with. Slowly, she began to sip her Coke. It was warmish, in spite of the
ice cubes floating in it' and the melting sugar cube in her mouth just
made it taste sweeter.
"Are you fellows putting me on?" she asked as she finished her Coke and
sugar cube. "This tasted just like a sweet Coke, and it was too warm, at
"Take it easy, baby," Jerry said, "you'll be starting on your trip any
second now - and so will the rest of us!"
Charisse sat quietly between Jerry and George for a few minutes,
observing that everybody else was being served Cokes and sugar cubes on
saucers by Sally. Suddenly she began to feel different somehow. Actual
"waves" of well-being seemed to be radiating from her belly throughout
her body. The good feeling began washing through her head, making her
feel strangely happy, and banishing all her previous fears. Everyone at
the party seemed to be so nice, Debbie, Ralph, Frank, Jerry and George -
what wonderful people they really were!
"Look at all the wonderful colors in this room," Charisse marveled to
George and Jerry. "They seem to be sifting and becoming so gleaming and
beautiful every second - and I thought this place was kind of drab!"
"Looks like you're gonna have a good trip, baby," George comforted her.
"They always are when you start out seeing colors."
Jerry was feeling her ass, but that was all right, Charisse thought,
everything was all right. They were all face spirits floating in a world
of color and now there was wonderful music in the background too. She
looked over at Debbie and saw she was lying on her back, propped up a
bit by some cushions that were under her back and her head. Her skirt
was hiked up to her waist and her bush-hair and cuntlips were completely
exposed. There was a smile on Debbie's face and she seemed to be gazing
at some object in space as she lustfully wriggled her asscheeks. Ralph
and Frank seemed to lean over her and fuss with her clothes without the
slightest objection from Debbie.
George began feeling Charisse's breasts through her blouse, but she
didn't object. She looked over again at Debbie and saw that most of her
clothes were off. All she had on was her garter-belt, stockings and bra.
She slowly unfastened her stockings and rolled them down one by one and
then raised her asscheeks to remove her garter-belt. As she did so,
Ralph and Frank grinned when they saw her completely exposed cunt.
"C'mon, Debbie, take it all off!" they both chorused with the old
burlesque-house chant. "Take it all off right now!"
Debbie was agreeable and went about unhooking her bra, and as soon as
she did, she tossed it aside. Her lush, big knockers were swinging back
and forth, the nipples looking like huge pink eyes.
Ralph had his hand on her bush and now put two of his fingers between
her exposed cuntlips, parting them gently and massaging her slit with a
slow, steady rhythm. Debbie just leaned back, her face smiling with
enjoyment and without a trace of embarrassment.
With a trace of jealousy, Charisse realized how gorgeous and voluptuous
Debbie's body really was. She was now lying completely naked between
Ralph and Frank. Now it was Ralph who was concentrating on her pussy and
Frank who was massaging her tits. Her torso began to wriggle and squirm
as the pleasure the two youths were giving Debbie became more intense.
Debbie's eyes seemed to be shining with ecstasy at every touch of her
cunt or breasts, as Ralph touched her clitoris she gasped.
As she gasped again at his touch, Ralph let his trousers down to the
floor and stepped out of them. He pulled off his jockey shorts too and
was now standing by Debbie, his big cock and balls, rigid and erect,
pulsating with cunt-hunger. Seeing his huge cock waving in her face,
Debbie reached for it. She wanted to grab it and lusted to put it in her
mouth and give Ralph a blow job. But apparently Ralph had other ideas
because he pulled his cock to one side and watched his buddy Frank
busily sucking her nipples, like a hungry baby . . .
"I want cock," Debbie panted, "give me cock, pleeeease . . . "
Ralph was more than ready to oblige her as he rolled between her
widespread legs. His hands began to massage her belly-button and then
her thick bush-hair. His fingers reached down and spread her cuntlips
gently apart, exposing her entire moist, pink slit. He began to rub her
clitoris with his fingertip, using two fingers of his other hand to
thrust up her vaginal entrance.
Debbie's body was now beginning to writhe and twist in earnest as she
gasped, "I want to come, please make me come!"
Ralph seemed to sniff near her cunt and smiled as if the aroma there
pleased him. Frank was still feeling Debbie's breasts, delightedly
pinching and rubbing her erect nipples. Then, seeing how horny and hard
up Debbie was becoming, he took out his big thick cock. It was rigid
with a terrific hard-on and he presented the head of his dick into each
of the nipples of her tits, and rubbed the shaft against the sides of
her lush knockers as well.
Ralph's mouth closed over her crisp bush hair and then his mouth moved
down into real cuntlapping position. His tongue worked rhythmically on
her erect clitoris and then alternated with her cunt-hole. The terrific
sensation in her twat was making Debbie grind her hips and ass as if she
were impaled on a forging cock, instead of in Ralph's mouth.
Frank now moved his stiff cock away from her tits and placed it next to
Debbie's lips. He grinned with satisfaction as she opened her mouth and
with a moan practically swallowed the huge head of his dick.
"A natural born cocksucker!" Frank proclaimed aloud. "Take that whole
thing in your mouth and give me a real good blow-job, baby!"
Debbie could only nod and Frank shoved so much of his cock down her
throat, that it seemed to Charisse she would choke. But to her surprise,
Debbie's wet, red lips began to move up and down on the huge shaft,
right down to Frank's very balls.
"The balls too! The balls too!" Frank began to gasp excitedly as she
sucked his throbbing cock.
Somehow the LSD made everything seem right and wonderful to Charisse.
She was no longer worried about what Jerry and George might do to her.
She was feeling very sexy now as she watched Debbie being cuntlapped by
Ralph and blowing Frank at the same time. She began to nestle closer
against Jerry and George, wanting them to cuddle her back, to start
loving her. George somehow jockeyed himself against her back, and she
could feel his muscular arms encircling her. Each hand grabbed one of
her tits and genially began to massage them with a wonderful rhythm. She
could feel his stiff prick through his pants against her ass right
through her shirt. She didn't mind in the least as he tucked up her
skirt, so that his cock-bulge was right against her panties. She began
to sway her hips gently, knowing that it was rubbing against George's
captive cock.
While she was thrilling to the feel of the big dong prodding her ass and
knowing too, that she was ripening George's hard-on, Jerry's hands were
between her legs. Working with a light touch, like a clever pick-pocket,
Jerry had her garter belt and stockings off before she knew what was
happening. Then, as he tugged at her lacy panties, she wriggled to help
him along as he worked them down over her ass and off her legs. It
seemed so nice to be free of garter belts and panties - she wanted all
her clothing off, to enjoy these wonderful feelings and colors in a
state of natural nudity. If this was the way LSD made you feel, then she
was all for it!
She was getting her wish for nakedness as George unbuttoned her blouse,
and as she shrugged it off, he unclasped her bra.
"Whee, that feels good!" Charisse exclaimed as he removed her bra, flung
it aside and greedily fondled her naked, jiggling tits. He rolled her
nipples against his palms, making them more stiffly erect and sensitive
than ever.
Now Jerry began kissing her wetly between her thighs and she began to
shudder with ecstasy at the thrilling feel of his tongue as it licked
and thrust into her soft skin. Unconsciously, she spread her legs for
him as he was kissing her inner thighs, getting closer and closer to her
hot, wet pussy.
She felt George's hands leave her tits, and she smiled as she saw him
step out of his trousers and shorts . . . then her attention was brought
back sharply to Jerry's hot mouth on her thighs. His curling lips and
licking tongue were making her cunt- juices flow and he wasn't even near
her pussy with his mouth yet. She wriggled her asscheeks as a fiery
yearning permeated her cunt and belly - she recognized it for what it
was - she wanted cock - plenty of cock!
"Give it to me! Give it to me!" she pleaded pantingly as he still kept
away from her cunt, kissing her inner thighs further up. She felt she
would scream with frustration if somebody's cock didn't start putting
out the fire in her belly.
Jerry suddenly took his head from her thigh and she felt him slowly
insert two fingers between her oozing, hot cuntlips. He massaged her
clitoris for a moment, then finding her cunt-hole, he shoved them in up
to his knuckles. He kept pushing his fingers in and out of her vagina as
he leaned over and now took her nipples and tits in his hot mouth. He
sucked on her nipples until they seemed to be pinkly glowing with a fire
all their own.
"Don't hog everything buddy boy," the now naked George growled at
Jerry's ears as he busily sucked her tits.
Then George took his big stiff cock and started forcing its huge
throbbing head between her lips. Instead of being repelled as she
ordinarily would have been, the drug made the boy's big dong seem like a
lovely, generous gift and she gratefully opened her mouth, enveloping
his dick-head completely. George was a big boy and his cock was really
enormous. She almost gagged as he kept shoving it deeper down her throat
as if there were no end to the thick shaft. Finally she felt his balls
gently slapping against her chin and knew he was all the way in. She
kept her lips tightly on the shaft of his cock as he began to thrust it
in and out with a slow, steady rhythm. "Mmmmm," she crooned. She liked
the way it tasted . . .
Jerry was still thrusting his fingers up her cunt, while she was just
aching for him to shove his cock in there. She reached down and managed
to close her fingers over the shaft of his cock. Slowly she guided the
head towards her cuntlips and Jerry got the idea. He took his fingers
out of her cunt and let the head of his dick part her pink, wet
cuntlips. Then as Charisse eagerly sucked George's cock, he found her
cunt-hole and began thrusting his dick up her vagina.
She had waited so long for his cock that her cunt actually closed over
it hungrily, making a sloppy sucking sound with every movement of his
dick as it thrust in and out. Jerry was a big teaser and now that he
knew she was going wild with hump-desire, he purposely stopped frigging
into her cunt. He just let his cock rest in her twat as she wriggled her
ass and bucked her hips in an effort to start him on a solid
fuck-rhythm. But no matter how hard she tried, even "milking" the head
of his cock with her vaginal muscles, he just kept it rammed in without
moving, just to tease her in his sadistic way. And to make matters
worse, she couldn't say a word because George's big dong was thrusting
right down her throat.
George's cock was really beginning to twitch in her mouth. The sight of
Jerry's cock in her cunt as her mouth was giving his cock a superb blow
job was too stimulating. It was the horniest thing he had ever seen.
Charisse felt the shaft of his cock beginning to twitch even more and
his dong began to jerk erratically in her mouth.
"I'm going to shoot my load, baby," he groaned, "I'm going to shoot . .
. "
As he spoke she felt a hot drop of liquid on her tongue, followed by a
tremendous gushing spurt of his thick creamy sperm right down her
Three times it spurted as he rammed his dick-head all the way down her
throat, gagging her with his hot come.
"Swallow it baby, swallow it, suck out the last drop!" he groaned.
She swallowed as he said and even put the tip of her tongue in his
pee-hole to dislodge that last drop of sperm and then she felt his cock,
his come over, become soft and shrinking in her mouth. She let it slip
from her lips, and panted encouragement to Jerry, whose cock was still
up her cunt.
"Fuck me, you sadistic bastard, move that cock, you louse!" she
practically screamed at Jerry.
In her desperation to get his cock frigging her, she took her forefinger
and thrust it into his rectum and kept it there.
"I'm not taking my finger out until you start fucking like a man,
Jerry!" she exclaimed.
With a sudden withdrawal of his dick almost completely out of her cunt
and then with a tremendous lunge back in, Jerry began fucking her with
real rhythm. She grunted every time he rammed in, right up to the point
where his balls slapped against her cunt. He cupped her asscheeks and
thrust so deeply into her that the head of his cock seemed to penetrate
into her womb.
"Fuck me harder! Shove it all the way in!" Charisse goaded him. She
could feel her vaginal walls beginning to convulse and an enormous
sensation building up in her cunt. It overwhelmed her.
"Momma, momma, I'm coming! Momma, he made me come! I'm coming, momma!"
Charisse began to wail ecstatically. Her whole torso jerked as if she
were in the throes of a convulsion. Jerry's dong was bathed in her hot
cunt-juices as they oozed and dribbled from her twat.
"Go on, ride that pussy cowboy!" George was encouraging Jerry. "Fuck her
so that she knows she's really been fucked by a man!"
Jerry's cock needed no urging now because he was close to his orgasm
too. She suddenly felt his buttocks shudder convulsively and then he
groaned, "I'm coming - I'm popping off right in your cunt, baby!"
She felt the spurts of his hot sperm cascade against her vaginal walls
as his cock shot the whole load of his balls into her hungry cunt. His
cock was going limp and yet she felt strangely frustrated. She wanted
more, perhaps due to the LSD. She needed more stiff cock.
"Fuck me more," she panted even as his cock slipped out of her cunt,
"fuck me more."
She was moaning - "I want cock," her legs spread and flailed, her
sperm-filled cunt still yearning for stiff dick.
Suddenly one of the boys in the room she didn't know was between her
legs, a big hard-on in his hand. He wet the head of his dick by sliding
up and down her drooling slit, but didn't shove it up her vagina yet.
"Really ram it up her this time, Howie," one of the boys shouted. "This
babe really rides cock in high style!"
Her cunt was aflame with eagerness for this boy Howie's cock. But, the
sensation that she was being watched, that her yearnings were being
turned into a circus made her feel ashamed. Why were they all
surrounding her and picking on her? Then she remembered that there was
only one other girl there: Debbie - you really couldn't count Sally
because this was her business.
"Hey, I got a great idea," one of the onlooking boys shouted, "just turn
her on her side and let's show her how we make a country-boy sandwich!"
Apparently the boy who was about to put his cock in liked the idea and
before she knew it, she was lying on her side. Hands were prying her
legs apart and she could feel the stiff prick of Howie glide its head
between her cuntlips.
Behind her, she felt a pair of hands kneading her asscheeks, pulling
them apart until her rectum was exposed.
"That's a real cute asshole," the boy's voice intoned humorously. "I
really wonder whether this chick has had it up the old dirt road!"
For the first time that evening, Charisse was appalled at the thought of
what they were going to do to her. Not only was the whole thing low-down
and dirty, but all these boys seemed to have gigantic cocks. She might
be ripped or torn by their reckless thrusts wherever they found a hole.
She cringed as she felt something touching her anus, but it was only the
boy's finger. It felt all around her rectum, and then shoved inwards
suddenly. It seemed unable to penetrate and she heard the boy say "Get
me some cold cream, her hole needs a little smoothing out and a good
grease job!"
His fingers began spreading gobs of cold cream on her asshole and each
time he thrust it in a little deeper. Then with a vigorous movement, he
shoved it up her anus as far as it could go. She trembled at the strange
sensation in her rectum, but because of the cold cream it really didn't
hurt. He rammed his finger in and out several times, thrusting gob after
gob of cold cream up her anus.
"That asshole ought to be smooth as silk right now!" the boy joked. "If
it ain't I'm going to change my brand of cold-cream!"
The first youth's cock was still between her slightly parted cuntlips
and he was beginning to feel impatient.
"Are you going to ream this broad's asshole, or do I turn her on her
back and to hell with your country-boy sandwich?" he growled.
For an answer, the boy behind her grabbed her around the belly and she
could feel an enormous head parting her asscheeks. The cock slid easily
between her asscheeks because of the cold cream, but as the head forced
its way into her rectum, stretching it mercilessly, she wailed at the
sudden, intense pain.
"Migod, stop!" she pleaded, as the huge dong forced itself into her
"You'll kill me!" she practically shrieked as she felt the other boy's
cock thrust up into her cunt at the same time!
It seemed as if two hot branding irons were thrusting into her cunt and
her asshole at the same time and meeting in her belly. Sparks of pain
showered through her body, as the thick cocks of Howie and friend
frigged her cunt and reamed her asshole at the same time. Her anus was
especially stretched, as the boy's cock was thicker than any dick she
had ever seen so far.
Her two fuckers were beginning to become very excited and the tempo of
their frigging speeded up. They rammed into her without letup, panting
heavily and groaning. But perhaps the LSD was beginning to take the edge
of some of the pain of the two thrusting cocks. The frigging was even
becoming tolerable.
"Migod," exclaimed the one who was screwing her rectum, "look at this, I
might get a shit-clap!" Apparently the pumping action of his cock had
smeared it with some of her brown fecal matter and was creaming over
onto her asscheeks and his cock as well.
"Serves the horny little bastard right!"' she gloated, "now he'll think
twice about shoving it into assholes!"
But he still continued to fuck her rectum until she began to feel an
extra twitching in his shaft, an indication that he would soon come.
"C'mon, shoot your loads, boys! Let it rip", she encouraged them. The
sooner they would come, the sooner they would pull their dicks out of
her aching cunt and asshole.
She was right about her anus-fucker. His cock began to twitch and jerk
in her asshole, and she wriggled to make him come faster. He shot his
load high into her rectum, moaning, "This is the best asshole hump I've
had in a long time! Wriggle it, babe, I'm shooting my wad!"
She felt the hot sperm in her anus and was glad as his cock became limp
and slid out of her crack. She imagined how her asscheeks must look,
especially after what he had said about a "shit-clap." She was ashamed
and embarrassed before the people she knew were watching.
But as much as her asshole hurt her, Howie's cock, still screwing her
cunt vigorously was giving her hot pussy-pleasure now. She could feel
twitching high up in her vagina which meant she was about to come.
"Howie, make me come, I've just got to come! Fuck me, fuck me with your
big cock!" she wailed.
Her ass was wriggling and her cuntlips literally curling around his cock
as he kept ramming it brutally into her cunt. His balls were slapping
wetly at her cuntlips at the peak of every one of his thrusts.
"This dame looks like a real hot fucker!" she heard one of the boys
exclaim. "Wonder if she's a nympho and needs all that cock, or if it's
just the LSD?"
She no longer cared what anyone said about her, all that mattered was
Howie's cock, shoving up into her cunt with steam- roller force.
She felt his cock twitch, jerk and then he gave a mighty thrust and her
whole vagina felt the spurting gush of his hot come.
"I'm coming," she wailed, "your come is making me come! Migod, I'm
coming . . . it's like I never came before!"
She rested on her back as she felt his cock slip limply from her
sperm-flooded cunt.
As if in a dream, she heard Ralph's voice saying, "This broad really
likes cock so much, it's a shame to keep it from her. Excuse me while I
tear off a piece. As some of you guys have found out already, 'that's
eatin' stuff'!"
She lay back on the cushions in a daze, felt her legs being parted and
Ralph's cock was thrusting into her sperm-drenched twat. She responded,
with her cunt riding his stiff dick as if he were the first man in her
twat that evening. Apparently the LSD had affected her in a peculiar
way, because she came ecstatically and convulsively with Ralph too.
After Ralph, it didn't seem to make any difference. She loved everyone,
people were wonderful. She'd show them she was a good sport!
"I love everybody here!" she announced to the party in general. "I want
to fuck everybody here! Come an' get it, boys!"
Charisse, after all, was quite an attractive girl and she didn't have to
ask twice. There wasn't a boy at Sally's place to whom she didn't freely
give her cunt that memorable night.
In the morning, she awoke feeling very tired and sore between the legs.
"Hello there, sex-champ of Greystoke!" Debbie greeted her, "I thought
you'd never stop frigging. Do you remember asking Sally if she had a
dildo? I think you wanted to take her on too!"
"Let's get back to Greystoke before Miss Pringle misses us," Charisse
said in a low voice.
"Don't look so sad, Charisse, honey. I think you're going to be the most
sought after and popular girl in town when tonight's party gets breezed
about!" Debby said.
"I'd just as soon nobody said anything about what happened tonight!"
Charisse answered. "I really think that will be best for all concerned!"
"Sure, sure," Debbie agreed . . . "I won't say a word - but you know
what boys are like . . . "
Charisse knew too well what boys were like. Tonight's events at the
party were going to make her fair game for every hard up prick around
town, and there wouldn't be too much she could do about it!
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‘Hero’ coast guard member gets plaque, cash reward
#PHnews: ‘Hero’ coast guard member gets plaque, cash reward
CEBU CITY – The Office of the Presidential Assistant for the Visayas (OPAV) on Tuesday recognized the heroism of a non-commissioned officer of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) who saved all 62 passengers and crew during the sinking of M/V Princess Siargao on Nov. 7, 2019.
Secretary Michael Lloyd Dino, head of OPAV, awarded Petty Officer 2nd Class Ralph Barajan a plaque of recognition and a cash reward of PHP20,000.
He said the cash reward came from President Rodrigo Duterte and Senator Christopher Lawrence Go.
Dino said Barajan risked his own life to ensure the safety of the passengers and crew of the vessel that sank off the coast of Sibonga town in Cebu.
“You served as a role model in your Malasakit and act of bravery towards your fellow Filipinos,” the plaque read.
Dino also recognized the PCG in Central Visayas for quickly deploying MRRV 4406 BRP Suluan to the area off the Sibonga waters during the freak accident to rescue the passengers and crew.
Barajan reportedly guided all the passengers and crew to the safe side of M/V Princess Siargao when it was half sunk.
He also prioritized the elderly and children on board the vessel and took them to the lifeboats. He also gave them instructions as to when it was safe to jump overboard.
Commodore Ronnie Gil Gavan, chief of the PCG-Central Visayas, received the plaque of appreciation from OPAV.
In a media interview, Dino said Barajan is worthy of the commendation, stressing that recognizing his heroic deeds would encourage the public, especially the young ones, to do the same which can be done “in whatever way and even in little simple way.”
“And we are doubly proud because he is a Bisaya (Visayan). He is an encouragement to our young generation. You don’t have to do big, just don’t think about me, myself and my cellphone," he said.
Barajan, who said he did not expect to be rewarded, appeared overwhelmed with the accolade he received during a simple ceremony held at the OPAV office here.
He said he was just doing what he thought was right at that time.
“Ayaw ko lang talaga may mamatay sa harap ko, may experience ako dati as a practicing nurse na may namatay sa harap ko. Parang ngayon chance ko na to na walang mamatay kahit isa. Pag-rescuer kasi (I just didn’t want somebody to die in front of me, as I had an experience before as a practicing nurse that somebody died in front of me. So I thought that time was a chance that no one would die even one. As rescuer) you'll learn to value lives,” he said.
Apart from Barajan’s promotion to the next rank, Gavan said their central office is studying how to give him the highest award like the Medal of Valor.
The PCG, he said, is also preparing documents recommending Barajan to be among those recognized at the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
“I am the proudest commander because I will be ending my stint in Central Visayas, knowing that we were able to live with a hero and we are able to help our men realize that we don’t have to be supermen, to be heroes,” Gavan said. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "‘Hero’ coast guard member gets plaque, cash reward." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1086502 (accessed November 20, 2019 at 05:08AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "‘Hero’ coast guard member gets plaque, cash reward." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1086502 (archived).
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Did you want to stay in bed this morning? These Cockapoos did!
Sometimes Jerry likes to sleep out of his bed #JerryCockapoo #cockapoopuppy #cockapoo #MyJerryCockapoo #MyCockapoo #DogsOfInstagram #DogLover #MiCockapoo #CockapooOfInstagram #SleepingTime #MyLittlePartner #LittleOne #miniCockapoo
A post shared by Diana Joselyn (@joss893) on Nov 13, 2017 at 9:57pm PST
It’s a hard dog life! #Oscar #Spoodle #spoodlesofmelbourne #spoodlesofinstagram #cockapoo #cockapoosofinstagram #puppynap #Puppy #cute #7monthsYoung #Love #Happy #sleep
A post shared by Oscar (@oscar.thespoodle) on Nov 13, 2017 at 8:11pm PST
What dieting and working out often look like 🤣 #workout #dogs #dedication #staystrong #staymotivated #cockapoo #monday #vibes #dontgiveup #youcandoit #cuteness
A post shared by Denise Bender (@db_planning) on Nov 13, 2017 at 7:43pm PST
Survived Monday. #cockapoolovers #isitfridayyet #doglover #dogsofinstagram #cockapoo #myheart #dogchild
A post shared by Paisley (@payyydog_11) on Nov 13, 2017 at 7:38pm PST
@lorgio_jimenez is sick…so I’m keeping him company #mansbestfriend #cockapoo #puppiesofinstagram #jerseycity
A post shared by Sir Barkley of Jersey City (@bark.ly) on Nov 13, 2017 at 7:29pm PST
He’s so cool #cockapoo #thor #beanie
A post shared by Los Serna (@cserna17) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:45pm PST
Mondays wear babies out. #bluemerlecockapoo #cockapoopuppy #cockapoo #onlyanangelwhenshesleeps #iloveheranyway
A post shared by Cheryl Holmes (@cherylholmes) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:34pm PST
Very sleepy after my long day at the vet #teethallclean . . . . . . . #rescue #rescuedog #rescuedogsofinsta #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #cockapoo #sleepydog #longday #tireddog #snoozing
A post shared by Buster Devitt (@busterdevitt) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:07pm PST
Monday got me like . #havanese #cockapoo #puppyoftheday #puppies #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #dog #dogsofinstgram #monday
A post shared by Jackson (@jax_thecockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 5:54pm PST
Snuggles with my monkey friend #llbeanpuppycontest #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoopuppy #cockapoo #puppysnuggles #wenamedthedogindiana
A post shared by Indy (@indiana.dog) on Nov 13, 2017 at 5:51pm PST
How I missed snuggling with this angel!! I’m curious, do any of you travel with your furball’s? What is the secret? Because @indaglowmusic would love to take Py with us on our travels but we are unsure how he would like hotel rooms and ✈️ rides. ❤️ #puppylove #cockapoo #cockapoolove #cockapoosofinstagram #mybaby #mylove #angelbaby #py #pyrite #adventuresofpy #lifeofpy #dogsofinstagram #instafamous #instalove
A post shared by Bindiya Gandhi, M.D (@drbindiyamd) on Nov 13, 2017 at 5:44pm PST
Because it’s too hot to do anything else #summer #melbourne
A post shared by Brooklyn (@brooklynthespoodle) on Nov 13, 2017 at 5:24pm PST
Sleeping beauty #puppy#cockapoo #sleepingbeauty #furbaby #dogsofinstagram #christmas #hoildays #love #reindeer
A post shared by Mandypreece09 (@mandypreece) on Nov 13, 2017 at 4:37pm PST
I hope they don’t notice I’ve managed to sneak onto the bed! 🛏 ▫️◽️◻️#cockapoosdaily #cockapoo #redcockapoopuppy #redcockapoo #redcockapoos #redcockapoosofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #puppy #puppylove #newpuppy #cockapoosofig #cockapoopuppy #northumberland #dogsofnorthumberland #cockapoo_corner
A post shared by D E X T E R (@doglikedexter) on Nov 13, 2017 at 3:56pm PST
Huxley B (left as you look) having a snooze next to his sister #cockapoopuppy #cockapoo
A post shared by Matt (@mattycorn440) on Nov 13, 2017 at 3:44pm PST
I’m just gonna lay here like this!! . . . . #cockapoo #chocolatecockapoo #toycockapoo #cockapoosofinstagram #puppy #dog #doglove #dogsofinstagram #fluffydoggy #hessofluffy #mygorgeousboy #fluffball #dogstagram #dogoftheday #doglover #instadog #instagood #instadaily #iphone #potd #15monthsold #ralph #chilling #nightall
A post shared by RALPH (@ralph_the_chocolate_cockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 2:45pm PST
Zonked out after a busy day #dogsofinstagram #dogs #cute #asleep #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoo #asleep #minion #cuddles
A post shared by Anna Dewick (@dewey_01) on Nov 13, 2017 at 2:35pm PST
Never leaving my bed #chelsie
A post shared by @paw_pals1 on Nov 13, 2017 at 2:30pm PST
. A Hard Days Night . . “It’s been a hard day’s night, and Digby’s been working like a dog… It’s been a hard day’s night and he’s sleeping like a log.” . Sometimes even Digby needs to recharge his batteries … . . #nikonD4 #D4 #instadogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsofsbishopsstortford #dogs #Digby #instagram # #animalpolis #perfocal #princely_shotz #cuteness #nikon_owners #meowsandwoofs #princely_shotz #cockapoolovers #cockapoo #Cockerpoo #Spoodle #Cockerdoodle #cockapoopuppy #cockapoosofinstagram #cockerpoopuppies #TheBeatles #AHardDaysNight #SleepingLikeALog #SleepingLikeADog
A post shared by Niel Black (@blacklog65) on Nov 13, 2017 at 2:16pm PST
This poxy poodle didn’t even give me chance to take her collar, harness or jumper off before going to sleep after an afternoon out #cockapoo
A post shared by Not Afraid To Catch Feels (@sharee_emma) on Nov 13, 2017 at 1:38pm PST
❤️ #cockapoo #dog #sleeping #family #monday #instadog
A post shared by CiCi-Bloom The Cockapoo (@cici__bloom) on Nov 13, 2017 at 1:30pm PST
Ahhh… time to relax! ❤️ #dogsofinstagram #dogs_of_instagram #snugglypup #doggystyles #doggycuddles #imadog #instagramdogs #dogagram #instadog #socute #dogs #doggieselfie #tilliedog #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoo #imacockapoo #cockapoolife #cockapoouk #cockapoosoftheworld
A post shared by Tillie The Fluffy Cockapoo (@cockapootillie) on Nov 13, 2017 at 1:18pm PST
Sleeping Beauty …. Monday’s are poop #monday #sleeping #beauty #cockapoo #dog #hardlife
A post shared by CiCi-Bloom The Cockapoo (@cici__bloom) on Nov 13, 2017 at 1:03pm PST
Mondays can be so ruff #dogsofinstagram #mondaymood #cockapoo #coopertrooper #cooptroop
A post shared by Cooper Trooper (@coopapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 1:01pm PST
While our hoomin watches Fantastic Beasts we are snoozing and dreaming of which #Hogwarts house we would be in #cutepetclub #cutepets #puppers #magicalcreatures #fantasticbeasts #wefoundthem #gryffindor #ravenclaw #Hufflepuff #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavaliersofinstagram #cavs #cavalierclub #cavaliersofinstagram #doodlesofig #doodles #doodlesofinstagram #doodlepuppy #doodlesofinstaworld #cockapoo #cockapoosofig #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoopuppy #cockapoos #petsofig #dogsofig #puppies #puppylove #chillin #bestfriendgoals
A post shared by Marley, Teddy and Baby Bear (@the_three_puppers) on Nov 13, 2017 at 12:46pm PST
Just chilling with this one ❤️ #cockapoo #charliebrown #animallover
A post shared by Caitrinreid (@caitrin_reid) on Nov 13, 2017 at 12:41pm PST
It’s been a long long day…. and it’s only Monday good job we have the perfect snoozing seat for this perfect pooch. #princess • • • • • • •#picoftheday#cockapooblogger#cockapooownersclubuk#cockapoo#cockapoo_corner#cute#sleepy#pet#pets#petsofinsta#dogs#dogsofinstagram#pic#photography#photot#dogbloggers #like4like #walkies #cute #pooch #animallovers #picoftheday #boss #ruby#petsofinstagram#pets#cockapooownersclubuk#prettylittlething#comfy#cockapoolife#perfect#monday
A post shared by Happytails (@__happytails__) on Nov 13, 2017 at 12:18pm PST
Heavy paws & eyes #naptime #zzzzzzzzzz #growingup #puppiesofinstagram #cockapoo
A post shared by Finley The Cockapoo (@finleycockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 12:06pm PST
Nap time – spot the tongue! #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoo #cute #cutepets #sleepy #puppiesofinstagram #puppies #sleepypuppy
A post shared by Molly the Cockapoo (@cockapoo_mol) on Nov 13, 2017 at 11:52am PST
A post shared by Rose (@roseefox) on Nov 13, 2017 at 11:28am PST
#mondaymood #mondayvibes
A post shared by Pepsi (@justadognamedpepsi) on Nov 13, 2017 at 10:37am PST
Louie #cockapoo #dogsofinstagram #dog
A post shared by Louie (@louiepooie22) on Nov 13, 2017 at 10:35am PST
We have a very sleepy puppy after her second lot of jabs today! . . #Cockapoo #cockapoopuppy #dogsofinstagram #Pupper #Puppy #Doggo
A post shared by Jack Bukin (@jackbukin) on Nov 13, 2017 at 10:21am PST
Quick snooze #cockapoo #puppy #cockapoopuppy #dogstagram #cute #instapic
A post shared by Ellie (@el_the_cockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 10:14am PST
I’ve had a busy day sleeping on @emmy_tillett97 & practicing sitting & fetching! Also had my first wash so now I smell of baby powder #puppy #bath #wash #baby #powder #babypowder #dog #pet #cockapoo #cockerspaniel #poodle #cockapoopuppy #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta #tired #sleep
A post shared by Harvey (@happyharvey17) on Nov 13, 2017 at 10:01am PST
Today’s sleeping places… #dogsleeping #cockapoo #dogsofinstagram #cockapoosofinstagram
A post shared by Archie.Cockapoo (@archie.cockapoo.adventures) on Nov 13, 2017 at 9:05am PST
Eat, sleep, poo and play all day. #mailifehappenings #bella #dogs #pupsofinstagram #cockapoo #imtired
A post shared by Sarah Mai (@mailifehappenings) on Nov 13, 2017 at 8:50am PST
Wilma & Oliver❤️ #pups #densomsoversynderikke #powernap #labradoodle #cockapoo #greekrescue #itslove #zantestrays #mjau #sleepingdogs #daycarelife #killthemwithkindness #adorbs #verdenssøteste #puppygram #hundepasserne #luksusliv #småttingar #hundebarnehage #pets_perfection #trøtte #itsahardlife #mondays #lovelyz #animalvibes
A post shared by Hundebarnehage! (@hundepasserne_fornebu) on Nov 13, 2017 at 8:44am PST
Yes, I’m asleep, again! It’s a hard life being a dog… #cockapoo #cockapoolove #cockapoopuppy #poo #cockapoocrazy #cockapoolovers #cockapoosofinstagram #pup #puppies #puppy #letsplay #ball #selfie #dog #cutedog #cute #love #bestwoof #cockapooclub #pet #bestfriend #dogsofinstagram #dogscorner #dailyfluff #animals
A post shared by Oscar (@oscarthe.cockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 8:13am PST
Funs at coobes abbeys wif da hoomans dis morning but upset mummy hooman by trying to runs into the cars roads. Don’t worrys mummy iz the fastest doggy in towns! Here i iz being a sleepybones. #cockapoo #cockapoogram #cockapoosofig #cockapoopuppy #luna #cockerpooclub #puppy #doggy #cutie #girl
A post shared by Luna Pupgood (@lil_luna_cockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 7:19am PST
No one likes #Mondays #mondaymotivation #weekend #cockapoo #dogsofinstagram #dogs #ilovedogs #dogs_of_instagram #dogsofinsta #puppy #puppylove #puppylove #nationalpuppyday
A post shared by BaxterReid (@baxterreid_cockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 7:13am PST
I know it’s Monday, but can’t I sleep in just a little longer? . . . . . #cockapoo #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoosofig #cockapoopuppy #seattledogs #pnwdogs #dogsofamazon #doodlesofinstagram #doodlepuppy #poodlemix #mondaymorning #mondayblues #itstooearly #gottowork #10moreminutes
A post shared by ju….ju…juno (@ju.ju.juno) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:59am PST
Now Georgia is tuckered out ❤️ Morning nap time #sleepybunny
A post shared by Georgia (@georgiathepooh) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:58am PST
Lots of fun out with @hevspetcare now for a nap #dogwalker #cockapoo #dogsofinstagram
A post shared by Barney (@barneyhcockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:20am PST
My favorite way to sleep . . . #cockapoo #cockapoopuppy #cockapoosofig #cockapoosofinsta #cockapoosoftheworld #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoosrule #cockerspaniel #poodle #minicockapoo #dog #doggo #sillydoggo #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta #dogsofig #dogsofinstaworld #dogsoftheday #dogoftheday #dogofinstagram #mila #mimi #sleepy #sleepyhead #sleepydog
A post shared by mimi girl (@milatheminicockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:15am PST
#fluffy #cockapoo #loveshisbone #myboy #sleepy
A post shared by sineaad95 (@sineaad95) on Nov 13, 2017 at 6:07am PST
Hey Monday- go away, I’m not ready for you yet . . #iwantmoresnuggles #detroit #michigan #cockapoo #instadog #instapuppy #cockapoopuppy #puppies #snuggles #detroitdog #cockerspaniel #poodle #buff #buzzfeedanimals #cockapoocute #cockapoosofinstagram #buzzfeed #dogsofinstagram #dog #puremichigan #midtown #woofing #puppy #cutestpuppy #mondaymotivation #monday #doodletales #doodle #snooze #fluffy
A post shared by Ruby the Cockapoo (@roo_the_poo__) on Nov 13, 2017 at 5:58am PST
Where’s Camo? #cockapoo #cockapoopuppy #cockapoos #cockapoolife #poodlemix
A post shared by Camo the Cockapoo (@camo.the.cockapoo) on Nov 13, 2017 at 5:19am PST
Pile of doodles 🤪 #goldendoodles #goldendoodle #goldendoodlepuppy #goldendoodlesofinstagram #puppy #goldendoodlelife #mediumgoldendoodle #doodlelife #love #doodles #lifeisbetterwithadoodle #cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoo #cockapoopuppy #cockapoolife #cutie #instagood #picoftheday #fun #smile #puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #snuggles
A post shared by Winston & Eli (@super_pup_brothers) on Nov 13, 2017 at 4:32am PST
The post 50 Cockapoo’s Who Love a Snooze appeared first on Cockapoo HQ.
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Beach Reads for Fans of Women’s Fiction
The After Party by Anton DiSclafani: From the bestselling author of The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls comes a story of lifelong female friendship - in all its intimate agony and joy - set within a world of wealth, beauty, and expectation. Joan Fortier is the epitome of Texas glamour and the center of the 1950s Houston social scene. Tall, blonde, beautiful, and strong, she dominates the room and the gossip columns. Every man wants her; every woman wants to be her. Devoted to Joan since childhood, Cece Buchanan is either her chaperone or her partner in crime, depending on whom you ask. But when Joan's radical behavior escalates the summer they are twenty-five, Cece considers it her responsibility to bring her back to the fold, ultimately forcing one provocative choice to appear the only one there is.A thrilling glimpse into the sphere of the rich and beautiful at a memorable moment in history, The After Party unfurls a story of friendship as obsessive, euphoric, consuming, and complicated as any romance.
The Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson (due out 7/11/17): With empathy, grace, humor, and piercing insight, the author of Gods in Alabama pens a powerful, emotionally resonant novel of the South that confronts the truth about privilege, family, and the distinctions between perception and reality---the stories we tell ourselves about our origins and who we really are.Superheroes have always been Leia Birch Briggs’ weakness. One tequila-soaked night at a comics convention, the usually level-headed graphic novelist is swept off her barstool by a handsome and anonymous Batman.It turns out the caped crusader has left her with more than just a nice, fuzzy memory. She’s having a baby boy—an unexpected but not unhappy development in the thirty-eight year-old’s life. But before Leia can break the news of her impending single-motherhood (including the fact that her baby is biracial) to her conventional, Southern family, her step-sister Rachel’s marriage implodes. Worse, she learns her beloved ninety-year-old grandmother, Birchie, is losing her mind, and she’s been hiding her dementia with the help of Wattie, her best friend since girlhood.Leia returns to Alabama to put her grandmother’s affairs in order, clean out the big Victorian that has been in the Birch family for generations, and tell her family that she’s pregnant. Yet just when Leia thinks she’s got it all under control, she learns that illness is not the only thing Birchie’s been hiding. Tucked in the attic is a dangerous secret with roots that reach all the way back to the Civil War. Its exposure threatens the family’s freedom and future, and it will change everything about how Leia sees herself and her sister, her son and his missing father, and the world she thinks she knows.
The Duchess by Danielle Steel (due out 6/27/17): The incomparable Danielle Steel breaks new ground as she takes us to nineteenth-century England, where a high-born young woman is forced out into the world—and begins a journey of survival, sensuality, and long-sought justice. Angélique Latham has grown up at magnificent Belgrave Castle under the loving tutelage of her father, the Duke of Westerfield, after the death of her aristocratic French mother. At eighteen she is her father’s closest, most trusted child, schooled in managing their grand estate. But when he dies, her half-brothers brutally turn her out, denying her very existence. Angélique has a keen mind, remarkable beauty, and an envelope of money her father pressed upon her. To survive, she will need all her resources—and one bold stroke of fortune. Unable to secure employment without references or connections, Angélique desperately makes her way to Paris, where she rescues a young woman fleeing an abusive madam—and suddenly sees a possibility: Open an elegant house of pleasure that will protect its women and serve only the best clients. With her upper-class breeding, her impeccable style, and her father’s bequest, Angélique creates Le Boudoir, soon a sensational establishment where powerful men, secret desires, and beautiful, sophisticated women come together. But living on the edge of scandal, can she ever make a life of her own—or regain her rightful place in the world? From England to Paris to New York, Danielle Steel captures an age of upheaval and the struggles of women in a male-ruled society—and paints a captivating portrait of a woman of unquenchable spirit, who in houses great or humble is every ounce a duchess.
Good Karma by Christina Kelly: A charming, heartfelt tale of love lost and regained in a gated community in Savannah, Georgia. After almost forty years in New Jersey, Catherine, Ralph, and their beloved Boston Terrier Karma are hitting the road, relocating to a gorgeous, serene island off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, where Catherine can work on her backhand and Ralph can hit the links. But upon their arrival in the Seven Oaks gated community, it becomes apparent that Catherine and Ralph’s visions of retirement couldn’t be more different. While Catherine is intrigued by their quirky neighbors, Ralph’s golf-and-poker routine seems to be interrupted only by his flirtations with their zealous real estate agent. As the pair drift further apart, Catherine cannot help but sense her marriage is at risk. Then, she meets recent widower Fred at the dog park. United by their dogs, they embark upon a friendship that could be something more—until she discovers that he’s not quite what he seems. As she sorts out fact from fiction and discovers what sorts of secrets might be hiding behind Seven Oaks’ pristine picket fences, she’ll have to make a decision affecting her future happiness and her chance at newfound love.
Leave Me by Gayle Forman (paperback due out 6/27/17): Every woman who has ever fantasized about driving past her exit on the highway instead of going home to make dinner, and every woman who has ever dreamed of boarding a train to a place where no one needs constant attention--meet Maribeth Klein. A harried working mother who’s so busy taking care of her husband and twins, she doesn’t even realize she’s had a heart attack. Surprised to discover that her recuperation seems to be an imposition on those who rely on her, Maribeth does the unthinkable: she packs a bag and leaves. But, as is often the case, once we get where we’re going we see our lives from a different perspective. Far from the demands of family and career and with the help of liberating new friendships, Maribeth is able to own up to secrets she has been keeping from herself and those she loves. With bighearted characters--husbands, wives, friends, and lovers--who stumble and trip, grow and forgive, Leave Me is about facing the fears we’re all running from. Gayle Forman is a dazzling observer of human nature. She has written an irresistible novel that confronts the ambivalence of modern motherhood head on and asks, what happens when a grown woman runs away from home?
One Less Problem Without You by Beth Harbison: Meet Prinny, Chelsea and Diana. Prinny is the owner of Cosmos, a shop that sells crystals, potions, candles, and hope. It’s also a place where no one turns down a little extra-special cocktail that can work as a romance potion or heal a broken heart. But Prinny is in love with her married lawyer and she’ll need nothing short of magic to forget about him.Chelsea works as a living statue at tourist sites around Washington, DC. It's a thankless job, but it helps pay the rent. That, and her part-time job at Cosmos. As her dream of becoming a successful actress starts to seem more remote and the possibility of being a permanently struggling one seems more realistic, Chelsea begins to wonder: at one point do you give up on your dreams? And will love ever be in the cards for her?Diana Tiesman is married to Leif, a charismatic man who isn’t faithful. But no matter how many times he lets her down, Diana just can't let him go. She knows the only way she can truly breakaway is if she leaves and goes where he will never think to follow. So she ends up at Cosmos with Leif’s stepsister, where she makes her homemade teas and tinctures as she figures out whether she'd rather be lonely alone than lonely in love.In Beth Harbinson's One Less Problem Without You, three women suddenly find themselves together at their own very different crossroads. It will take hope, love, strength and a little bit of magic for them to find their way together.
Same Beach, Next Year by Dorothea Benton Frank: New York Times bestselling author Dorothea Benton Frank returns to her magical Lowcountry of South Carolina in this bewitching story of marriage, love, family, and friendship that is infused with her warm and engaging earthy humor and generous heart.One enchanted summer, two couples begin a friendship that will last more than twenty years and transform their lives.A chance meeting on the Isle of Palms, one of Charleston’s most stunning barrier islands, brings former sweethearts, Adam Stanley and Eve Landers together again. Their respective spouses, Eliza and Carl, fight sparks of jealousy flaring from their imagined rekindling of old flames. As Adam and Eve get caught up on their lives, their partners strike up a deep friendship—and flirt with an unexpected attraction—of their own.Year after year, Adam, Eliza, Eve, and Carl eagerly await their reunion at Wild Dunes, a condominium complex at the island’s tip end, where they grow closer with each passing day, building a friendship that will withstand financial catastrophe, family tragedy, and devastating heartbreak. The devotion and love they share will help them weather the vagaries of time and enrich their lives as circumstances change, their children grow up and leave home, and their twilight years approach.Bursting with the intoxicating richness of Dorothea Benton Frank’s beloved Lowcountry—the sultry sunshine, cool ocean breezes, icy cocktails, and starry velvet skies—Same Beach, Next Year is a dazzling celebration of the infrangible power of friendship, the enduring promise of summer, and the indelible bonds of love.
The Tea Planter’s Wife by Dinah Jeffries: #1 International bestselling novel set in 1920s Ceylon, about a young Englishwoman who marries a charming tea plantation owner and widower, only to discover he's keeping terrible secrets about his past, including what happened to his first wife, that lead to devastating consequences.
We Could Be Beautiful by Swan Huntley: A spellbinding psychological debut novel, Swan Huntley's We Could Be Beautiful is the story of a wealthy woman who has everything—and yet can trust no one. Catherine West has spent her entire life surrounded by beautiful things. She owns an immaculate Manhattan apartment, she collects fine art, she buys exquisite handbags and clothing, and she constantly redecorates her home. And yet, despite all this, she still feels empty. She sees her personal trainer, she gets weekly massages, and occasionally she visits her mother and sister on the Upper East Side, but after two broken engagements and boyfriends who wanted only her money, she is haunted by the fear that she'll never have a family of her own. One night, at an art opening, Catherine meets William Stockton, a handsome man who shares her impeccable taste and love of beauty. He is educated, elegant, and even has a personal connection—his parents and Catherine's parents were friends years ago. But as he and Catherine grow closer, she begins to encounter strange signs, and her mother, Elizabeth (now suffering from Alzheimer's), seems to have only bad memories of William as a boy. In Elizabeth's old diary she finds an unnerving letter from a former nanny that cryptically reads: "We cannot trust anyone . . . " Is William lying about his past? And if so, is Catherine willing to sacrifice their beautiful life in order to find the truth? Featuring a fascinating heroine who longs for answers but is blinded by her own privilege, We Could Be Beautiful is a glittering, seductive, utterly surprising story of love, money, greed, and family.
Whispering in French by Sophia Nash (due out 8/1/17): Award-winning romance author Sophia Nash makes her women’s fiction debut with a beautifully crafted, funny, and life-affirming story set in the Atlantic seaside region of France, as one woman returns to France to sell her family home and finds an unexpected chance to start over—perfect for fans of Le Divorce and The Little Paris Bookshop. Home is the last place Kate expected to find herself…As a child, Kate Hamilton was packed off each summer to her grandfather’s ivy-covered villa in southern France. That ancestral home, named Marthe Marie, is now crumbling, and it falls to Kate—regarded as the most responsible and practical member of her family—to return to the rugged, beautiful seaside region to confront her grandfather’s debts and convince him to sell.Kate makes her living as a psychologist and life coach, but her own life is in as much disarray as Marthe Marie. Her marriage has ended, and she’s convinced that she has failed her teenaged daughter, Lily, in unforgiveable ways. While delving into colorful family history and the consequences of her own choices, Kate reluctantly agrees to provide coaching to Major Edward Soames, a British military officer suffering with post-traumatic stress. Breaking through his shell, and dealing with idiosyncratic locals intent on viewing her as an Americanized outsider, will give Kate new insight into who—and where—she wants to be. The answers will prove as surprising as the secrets that reside in the centuries-old villa.Witty and sophisticated, rich in history and culture, Sophia Nash’s novel vividly evokes both its idyllic French setting and the universal themes of self-forgiveness and rebuilding in a story as touching as it is wise.
#beach reads#women's fiction#general fiction#Anton DiSclafani#Joshilyn Jackson#Danielle Steel#Christina Kelly#Gayle Forman#Beth Harbison#Dorothea Benton Frank#Dinah Jeffries#Swan Huntley#Sophia Nash
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