#//congrats that's the most smiles i've seen of him lately
jo-harrington · 3 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 7 - Celebrate Good Times, C'mon
Summary: Eddie Munson is being a party pooper.
Word Count: 930
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Friendship fluffiness, some angst, hurt/comfort, it’s supposed to be a celebration but I’m a sad little asshole so here we are, FOI References, Ronnie Ecker, I don't know...are they in character? Probably not and I don't care.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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"A decade later and you're still out here digging holes."
Eddie bristled as Ronnie's voice hit his ear, but ignored it and continued to poke at the ground.
He felt her drop to the ground beside him and rest her chin on her knees, silently watching his repeated motions.
It was graduation day, and even though Eddie hadn't been able to walk across the stage himself, he and Wayne had still gone with Granny to cheer for Ronnie.
And Dougie, of course.
But mainly Ronnie.
Eddie had been caught up in the excitement of the day, hung around with Ronnie and the rest of the class of '84 until it was time for him to take his seat. He ignored all of the curious glances of his now-former classmates who apparently thought that they'd seen the last of Eddie Munson, and instead fucked around with his friends for, what seemed to be, one last time.
It wasn't, they still had the whole summer.
Ronnie and Dougie teased him over the fact that he was so non-conformist that he probably wouldn't even wear a cap and gown when he graduated the following year. Or that he'd light his diploma on fire a la Hendrix.
"Don't give me any ideas," he'd joked right back.
It was a fun morning, felt like the disappointment of the past few months hadn't even happened...and damn if he hadn't been the loudest one in that crowd cheering for his friends.
But by the time they got back to Forest Hills for a little barbecue to celebrate, reality really hit Eddie. And the regrets snuck up on him yet again.
That'd been happening a lot lately, even after he'd gotten over that initial funk.
Never in his life had he really regretted anything he was or did, but now it had become a part of him, a stain on his soul...because he'd hurt the people he cared for most in the world.
He'd just meant to step around to the back of the trailer to have a smoke and get back into the party mindset, but then he'd heard a bunch of laughter as Jeff's dad and Wayne struggled to get the grill going. Then another car pulled up--some other neighbors stopping for a drink and a congrats.
And he just couldn't bring himself to get back there.
"You're missing out on burgers," Ronnie finally piped up again when she got sick of watching him torture an earthworm for several consecutive minutes. "You know, we got sesame seed buns because they're you're favorite."
She huffed and nudged his shoulder, then dropped her voice to emulate his.
"Gee thanks Ronnie, they are my favorite, sorry I'm being a shithead, I'll come back to the party now." He fought the smile that threatened to make its way onto his face. She cleared her throat and stared at him expectantly, but when no answer came, she slapped her knees and stood. "Alright, more for me then."
"It sucks," he finally spoke up.
"What does?"
Ronnie snorted and kicked his sneakered foot with her own, "no shit."
"I always lived in dad's stupid shadow," Eddie continued, "and people judged me because of the things he did. Now...they judge me because of the things I've done."
"Wow, Eddie Munson has to face the consequences of his actions, what a lovely life lesson for you."
It was Eddie's turn to get to his feet, ready to abandon this conversation altogether.
"Burgers you said?" he asked avoidantly, turning on his heel to walk away.
"Eddie! Ed!" She grabbed his arm and stopped him; he schooled his features to not show any emotion, but Ronnie saw all of the pain and fear in his eyes. She knew it as well as her own. "It sucks, and I know you're feeling all...pessimistic and shitty right now, and you're stuck here while everyone else gets to move on. It sucks.
"But you get something that a lot of people don't get: a second chance. You get to redo senior year, maybe get some better grades--"
"Impossible, I won't have you to copy homework off of."
"--make things up to Wayne. You already started making things better with me and the guys. Maybe Corroded Coffin will be even better with Gareth? And you'll actually get to make a name for yourselves."
It was a mixture of emotions that he just didn't know how to handle, the sweet hope and the bitter regret. But the more he listened, the more the hope shined through, until he was hiding a smile in his hair.
"You really think so?" he asked, a little bashfully.
"I know so," she punched him in the shoulder. "You guys are gonna be stars. And I'm gonna be jealous up at NYU, where I will be a weird kid from the midwest who knows nothing and no one...actually...on second thought, I might have to stay."
"Oh no you don't!" Eddie knew she was joking but he laughed regardless. "You got yourself out of this shithole, don't be tempted by mediocre promises at fame Veronica."
"Full name," she winced. "I guess I went too far."
They shared a laugh, and then Ronnie pulled him into a hug.
"Can I have my best friend back?" She whispered into his ear. "Bad jokes and fart noises and the walrus impressions with straws for tusks? This party is really missing out without him."
He laughed and squeezed her tightly.
"No more sad sackery. Only the finest farts for you on your big day, Ecker."
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congrats on the pregnancy!!! 🥳💕 any ideas for baby names yet?
also, if your title is right and requests are open, could i request some protective redestro headcanons or a scenario/imagine? like his s/o or a teammate/other family member gets hurt during a mass fight or threatened by another group? (bonus if he gets all monstrous)
thats the good shit i cant stop thinking about 😩
(Thank you! Unfortunately 10 million names for a girl and about 5 for a boy. Luckily my husband has stepped in with his list so we can do a formal comparison eventually!)
(And thank you for the Des content request since he's been on my mind heavy lately!)
~A Different Person~
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"A different person" is the right way to describe the situation at hand. The man standing in front of you was not the man you thought he was...
It probably started about a month ago when you overheard his conversation on the phone with a rising rival group trying to usurp the Liberation army and bring a bad name to Destro's legacy. Of course you weren't worried about it. The stronghold of the MLA could withstand any little group. Trumpet's magnificent hold on the people of Deika, Chitose's bold ability to clear the path in front of her, Geten's sheer determination and will power, Skeptic's advanced technology and his calculated use of meta ability...no one would could come close to shaking them up. So you shrugged and went about your day as though nothing was wrong. However, as the days went on, you grew more and more concerned with the air around you. It always felt as through you were being followed and this time not by Skeptic's usual surveillance. No, there was something more sinister at play.
After weeks of feeling odd, the day you finally went to announce your concerns was the exact day this rival group decided to strike. While Everyone was else was busy making quick work of the members around them, you were unfortunately on your own. Although it only lasted long enough for you to get a small gash on your arm, it was still the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of your life. The minute the other group attacked, Rikiya had set out to find you on his own. Much to the other's dismay of him leaving Detnerat himself, he ventured out and didn't take long to find you.
Oh but we he found you and saw that gash, it was probably the first time you'd ever seen this man angry in all of the time you've spent together. Even more so, this was the first time you'd seen his meta ability in action and also the first time you'd seen blood on his hands as well. And it was that very same blood stained hand that lowered itself in front of you. You hesitate for a moment before stepping onto the palm and grabbing hold of his thumb. You didn't let go of the large appendage until he made it back to Detnerat. He carefully lowered his hand and waited for you step off before shrinking back down to size. It seemed impossible to make eye contact with you in the moment. It truly shocked him when you pulled him into a tight hug before uttering a shaky 'What the fuck?'
Out came a long winded explanation and solid apologies strung out for nearly 20 minutes it would feel like. "I hid myself from you because I'm well aware a meta ability like this isn't exactly the most desirable in a partner." You sighed and shook your head. "So you mean to tell me that you spent all this time hiding yourself from me because you were scared of running me away?" He stares flatly before raising his hand up and showing it to you you again. "Is this not something that terrifies you?" He asks, gesturing at the blood covered palm. "This meta ability has killed..."
"And it's that same meta ability that has protected me today and who knows how many other times without me even knowing! It's not like I'll cower away from you now, silly. I've fallen in too deep at this point and besides." You smile and close the space between you two as you pull him into another hug. "It's no more scarier than Tomoyasu's puppet ability. Scared the crap out of me 2 weeks ago when he turned one of the filing cabinets without me knowing." Rikiya chuckled lightly and reciprocated the hug. "Let's get you to a hospital. I'm absolutely unhappy with the size of that gash right now." His voice muffled in your hair. You laugh quietly.
"Can you turn really huge again? I kind of like riding in your hand. It's like a carnival without ticket costs."
"Hmmm, perhaps another time. Hopefully for now..." He pauses and lifts you into his arms. "maybe this will suffice?"
You smile and nod.
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sweet-cynical-writer · 11 months
2 + chuuya for the 500 special ♥ Congrats btw!!!
Author's note: Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me! Sorry about the late response! I hope you're still around~
Word count: 323
500 prompt special: "Don't give up!" -Nakahara Chuuya
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“I can't do this!” You exclaimed having a hard time catching your breath. It was just too difficult. There was no way you could climb to the top of the mountain you and Chuuya agreed to do a hike on.
“Baby, don't give up now! We're halfway there. I'll be damned if we don't reach the top to take romantic photos together. Besides, I even brought a small picnic for us to enjoy.” 
You frowned and bit your lip. It was on the bucket list to have an adventurous date with Chuuya and face your fear of heights as well. “..Okay. I'll try again.” 
You took in a few deep breaths before getting back up on that mountain to climb up. You struggled some more with finding a good grip. There were even times you slipped up but Chuuya was there to catch you. 
“Don't give up, love. We're almost there.” He smiled st you and that gave you energy to suddenly climb up the mountain as if you were just crawling on the floor. You reached the top and the view was breathtaking. 
“The sunrise is beautiful.. ah I'm so glad we came out here early to see it.” Chuuya settled down beside you to pull out the picnic bag and started laying out cheeses, crackers, and some salami. “You see? I told you that you could do anything if you set your mind to it, beautiful.” He poured out two small glasses of wine and the two of you enjoyed a special moment together. 
“The scenery may be breathtaking to you, but you will always be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.” Chuuya chuckled when you softly punched him out of embarrassment.
This was a moment you would never forget. You didn't give up. And you had Chuuya by your side reminding you that you are bigger than your fears. Anything could be accomplished if you want it bad enough.  
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thane-watson · 6 years
Ayannah & Thane
ME! You owe me hangout time mister. And a ring.
Alright, I owe you a hangout. When will you be available? I haven’t forgotten that you still what a ring.
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luveline · 3 years
Congrats, my dear!! I'm so happy for you! You deserve much more followers! 💕 May I request a 🌾 boxing au with Remus? Ignore my ask if you aren't comfortable with this topic, don't worry! Much love!!
hi! sorry this is so late, i hope it’s okay, thank u for requesting!
"So," you drawled, kicking your legs where you balanced precariously on the rings wires, looking down at him with skepticism, "you punch people for money?"
Remus laughed to himself, tightening the wraps around his hands. "Sure do."
You peered down your nose at him.
"What, are you above it? You're here, same as me."
"It's my dad's gym," you said, shrugging.
"What would daddy say if he knew you were hanging around?"
You blushed and tried not to show it. "I go where I want."
"I can tell," he said.
You were unhappy with where this was going; you'd spotted Remus from the office and, bored, decided to flirt with him. He was handsome, rugged looking with a nice mouth. He seemed less than pleased with your attention.
You let yourself fall off the wires and onto the ring itself and then hopped off. On solid ground, Remus was taller, bigger looking, with a toned chest and muscled arms you couldn't help staring at.
You hadn't meant to annoy him, but you recognised that friendly banter didn't really work if you weren't friends, so you recalibrated.
"How long have you been…"
"Boxing?" he asked. When you nodded, he said, "not long. A year."
You gave him your most pragmatic smile. "That's longer than I've ever stuck to one thing."
"Yeah?" he said, sounding distracted.
He faced up to the bag. You knew, politely, it was time to back off. "Sorry, I'll let you go. See you around?"
"Sure thing," he said softly, smiling at you with his terribly pretty mouth all quirked up on one side.
You retreated to the office and watched his form through the lightly frosted glass. He was quick, sharp. Your mouth felt dry as sand, watching the punching bag flinch away from his fists.
"Mister Lupin!" you called happily. Remus was bent over by the ring, panting. You hadn't seen him for a week and worried he'd changed gym, but he'd finally turned up again today for a match. You'd watched from the sidelines, pretending you didn't want to talk his socks off.
"Alright, Y/N?" he said through heavy inhales.
You simpered, pleased he knew your name and wanted to use it. "I'm just fine. How are you?"
"Brilliant," he said. It was difficult to hear him, the room was teeming with people, two guys in the ring for a casual practice, others all over the place, bookies off to the side sizing up for tonight's game.
"I worried you'd cheated on us."
He straightened out. You offered him your water bottle and he took it gratefully, nodding his thanks. "Now who'd by stupid enough to cheat on a pretty girl like you?"
You looked down at your hands. "Your type always says the same old things, you know?"
"My type?"
"Big dudes with scars and too much energy."
He inched closer to your side, not to intimidate you, more like a friendly approach. "I'm afraid my energy's limited."
"Doesn't seem like that in the ring."
His eyes scanned the room, stopping on the fight in the center of the room. When the boxer in red took a particularly hard hit, he winced in sympathy.
"I have chronic pain. Boxing makes me feel less useless."
You met his eyes. "You're not useless. You're good. I've seen you up there, Remus."
"I'm getting better. You staying for tonight's?" he asked, tipping his head towards the ring.
"I'll be there,"
Remus nodded. "Good."
The gym moved around you - never a dull moment, here. People were swearing, kids sitting in the corner doing their homework or at least pretending too whilst their parents boxed or betted or trained. This was the one place where you’d see someone like Remus and someone like yourself standing together and wouldn’t bat an eyelash.
"Remus?" you asked hesitantly.
"Isn't it counterproductive to be a boxer with chronic pain? Doesn't it…make it worse?"
He smiled. "Sometimes it does. I don't think I could explain why I do it. Maybe all the same reasons other people fight."
"Pent up rage and aggression?"
"Exactly," he said, laughing. "Super pent up."
"There's other ways to let off steam," you said, purposefully ignoring his gaze.
He made a soft sound, like he was swallowing and coughing at once. "See you tonight, Y/N," he said in farewell, amusement colouring his voice.
Remus took a hit so hard you could tell when the skin over his eye split, the blood dripping fast and dark into his lashes. To his credit he never slowed, bringing his hands back up to defend. People were cheering, booing, screaming, laughing - to your right, a group of young men were yelling "Moony!" at the top of their lungs, one continuing with, "Moony you idiot, watch your left!"
That felt like cheating. Your eyes fell back on Remus' body, how he stalked forward. Suddenly, a man possessed, he'd struck. Once, twice, a third, to the opponent's chest. Finally he aimed higher up, and the other boxer was toppling to the ground, a similar trickle of blood pouring from his mouth.
You cheered, too loudly for someone who should've been a neutral party, bringing your fingers to your mouth in a proud wolf whistle.
When his opponent failed to stand up again, the referee held Remus’ fist high up in the air, his black gloves shining oil slick in the ring lights. The room erupted in congratulatory cheers.
Remus slunk under the wires, was clapped on the back by the group of young men and ragged around in half, manly hugs.
Your eyes widened as he walked towards you, gloves pulled off, bandages being unwrapped rapidly.
"What's your rush?" you shouted at him to be heard over the noise.
"Walk with me?" he asked. You nodded and he continued to the changing rooms with you trailing behind him, blood still pounding from the excitement. Remus was red in the face from his victory, bandages trailing down onto the ground once he'd disentangled them.
“I’ll clean it for you.”
“In a second,” he said, swinging his locker open to throw his gloves inside.
"Still pent up?" you asked him, leaning next to his open locker.
"I knew you'd say that," he said. His hands were bare now, clammy as he pressed them to your face, pushing your shoulders into the cold lockers with his elbows pressed into your sternum.
"What are we doing?" you asked him, though you knew.
"Letting off steam."
He leaned forward, mouth already open, to kiss you hotly. The back of your head dug into the locker, looking for room that wasn't there as he kissed you deeply, searchingly.
You broke out of his grip to swipe blood away from his eye. "You gonna do something stupid?"
He dragged a battered knuckle down the side of his face, achingly gentle. "Depends. Are you gonna let me?"
my masterlist
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
CONGRATS ON 500 💗💗💗 so excited for you and this request list is GOLDEN. my request shouldn’t come as a shock BUT also dealer’s choice cuz I really couldn’t pick one
sex worker!frankie / hurt&comfort / fear of failure
din djarin / whatever tickles your fancy / companionship as salvation
Kay I am giving you BOTH in my own special way. Laura got me convinced to write Flight Plan, and you convinced me to get into my Din Djarin feels. It's been much too long since I wrote another installment for I Think of You, and you got me pondering on something a little unique than what I've been doing lately. Let's see where this goes...
Interlude: The First Ever Touch
Summary: Din's first meeting with the child sparks a memory.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: T, canon-typical violence, lots of angst and introspection, Paz Vizla being a little shit, taking liberties with how the Creed works (I googled for a bit, inaccuracies are mine), making up events in Din's backstory. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ MINORS DNI.
Notes: I missed my little space family, but especially the clan of two who started it all. Companionship as salvation is an excellent theme for Din, but I think if we're going to delve into that, we have to talk about the first companion who truly did save him. I am taking some liberties with Din's backstory here, but still aiming to keep it canon compliant. Come roll around in Din feels with me today, friends.
Takes place around Season 1, Episodes 1-3.
Cross-posted on AO3
I Think of You Series Masterlist
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It’s little.
And green.
Big black eyes that reflect almost as much as his beskar.
Ears that should absolutely not be possible on such a small head but then again, Din’s seen some strange things during his lifetime.
But most of all, it’s a tiny hand reaching up to a bounty hunter. It’s trust when Din absolutely should not be trusted. It’s need and fear and hope and a tiny coo that pulls his blaster down and lifts his hand to meet its reach. 
The moment the bounty wraps a three-fingered grip around Din’s sizeable one, claws digging into the thick leather of his gloves, is when his armor chips. Not the beskar and durasteel, of course, but the fortress he’s built around himself. It’s flesh and gruff monosyllables and a voice devoid of emotion, but it’s protected him well in his advancing years. And all it takes is a squeeze, one Din can barely feel, to crumble its foundations.
He denies it as he traverses Arvala-7, the hovering pod following him dutifully. Handles the child like a sack of potatoes, ignores him when he looks up at Din with concerned eyes, reaching towards the cauterizer. 
It’s a bounty. Not his concern. His focus has to be on the beskar, the covert, his Creed. The child needs to be kept alive long enough to finish the deal, then he’ll be rid of the strange ache in his chest that the burbles and trills bring. 
It isn’t the first time Din’s felt this way.
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The first days in the covert are a blur to Din. He keeps expecting his mother to turn the corner, warm smiles and a hand smoothing through his unruly locks. Or his father to come up behind him and rest his expansive palm on his shoulder, learning over to show him something. 
Instead, he’s met with noise and silence in frightening magnitudes. 
The adults are always helmeted, armored, impassive. His saviors, but also terrifying. He can’t read them, their movements a mystery until he learns how to understand how bodies twist, lean, express. He’s a quick study, has to be to stop feeling like he’s constantly on edge. 
The children are the opposite. Those who are too young to take the Creed are noisy, energetic as they bounce off the tunnel walls, quieting when the elders split the group with their long strides. The older children who sport their own buy’ces hold an air of superiority over the younger ones. They brag about their swearing to the Creed, and how they’re training to be warriors. A stocky boy with a booming voice even at his young age introduces himself as Paz to Din. 
“My family is made up of generations of Mandalorians,” he brags, swathed in an air of superiority. The thought of his own family line, only him now, lays heavy in Din’s stomach.
The only place he finds peace is in the younger children’s bunk room. The older ones are kept apart once the helmet makes them faceless. The silence in the bunk is not the same as the one amongst the adults. It’s filled with quiet breathing during naptimes, chatter that sometimes rises to a feverish pitch but in short bursts. They toddle and climb over each other, massiff pups tumbling around as their protectors prepare for a war that is always just another day off. 
Din can finally breathe when he’s surrounded by the younglings. He’s not much older than them, but small for his age and fits easily into their compact group. They look up to him, a buffer between the rowdier, older children. It’s a burden he didn’t anticipate, not a true Mandalorian in the eyes of those concerned with blood, but if he can bring them some comfort he will. A guide through the tunnels, someone who’s learning about the Creed and can explain it to them, a voice in the night when terrors feel the most daunting. 
Din can be that for them.
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Din still denies the child’s pull on him as they travel, fighting the Jawas and taking up their pilgrimage in return for his ship parts. The green baby is small, easy to overlook with the pram closed, and even easier to brush over if he fusses or cries out. The Jawas study the child endlessly, Din shooing them off when their hands get too brave and eyes too greedy. 
It’s his bounty to collect.
Nothing to do with a surge of protectiveness in his chest. 
He almost believes it too, until the mudhorn. A foolish act, to go in alone and without the artillery needed to take down the powerful beast. Bracing before the charging creature, vibroblade in hand and his life distilled down into the point of a horn ready to rip him apart, he witnesses a miracle. One he doesn’t feel he deserves, but is gifted by the tiny creature with no name, no voice, but more compassion than Din has experienced in years. 
He makes the death blow quick, sparing the mudhorn pain as Din had been spared from its wrath. By the time he returns to the child, egg in hand, it’s asleep in its silver pod. Din thinks it a blessing not to have to worry if the child will wander off, that he can close the lid and keep the pod hovering by his side for the remainder of his mission.
The worry that gnaws at his chest betrays his true concern.
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A few months after Din entered the covert, a baby is brought into the youngling’s room. Born of two strong heirs of Mandalore, her wails echo off the stone walls.
Din is captivated by the baby. Her name is Allondria, “a warrior’s name” as her proud parents declare to the covert. The merriment of celebration warms the covert for a time, and Din takes to trailing behind as she passes from person to person.
“I can help,” he says one day, more words spoken to an adult than he’s managed in the past few weeks. Taissa, one of the caregivers in charge of Allondria, cocks her helmet at this.
“Wouldn’t you rather be off training?” she asks, not unkindly.
“Paz says I’m too small to be a proper Mandalorian. Always calls me Din’ika. And I don't even have a buc'ye.” Din’s face crumples into a scowl, fighting to pronounce the foreign Mando'a as red hazes his memories. 
“There are roles for those who don’t wish to fight. Respected roles, needed by the covert. Raising warriors is one of them,” Taissa muses, laying Allondria down in her crib. Din peers through the slats, a protective instinct stirring at her babbles and waving fingers. 
“I can teach you, if your pride will allow it,” Taissa adds, straightening to look down at Din. He nods, a small smile on his face and his fingers wrapped around the crib bars. 
Taissa shows Din how to hold Allondria, what food she can eat and how she will change as she grows. Din struggled with sleep before, but now that he has an excuse to be up at all hours of the night he settles faster, deeper. He whispers the stories the Mandalorians have taught him, and a few he remembers, the threads of his mother’s voice murmuring in his mind. She watches Din with wide eyes, a wispy tuft of blonde hair haloing her face and a toothless smile when he manages to calm her. He gladly takes the worst shifts, the worst jobs, to feel the warmth of her gaze on his face.
There’s no harm, Taissa tells the alor. The boys always end up training eventually. Din’s been through more than most of them. Let him be this for a time. It will make him a finer warrior in the end.
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The emptiness is unexpected.
Din sits in the Razor Crest and waits for the gaping maw in his chest to close. It’s never felt this way before. He brings them in hot or he brings them in cold, but once they’re out of his sight he rarely feels their presence, or lack thereof. 
He should have put the child in carbonite, but when it didn’t wake quickly after the mudhorn incident Din was reluctant to take the chance. Instead he fed it, breaking a ration bar into smaller bits that the child could handle. He clipped it into the jump seat, let it play with the silver ball it unscrewed from one of the Crest’s levers. Tucked it into the hovering pram as he brought it to the Imp’s hideout.
And then Din let them take the child, and left with a camtono full of beskar. He should have been thrilled, the payment larger than any he’d brought in before, and more precious. He should punch in the coordinates for Nevarro, return the sacred beskar to its rightful home, and accept his alor’s gratitude. 
Instead he waits for the guilt to subside, for the feeling of failure and shame to recede. His throat is tight, hands gripping the console harder than necessary. He doesn’t know why they need the child, it wasn’t supposed to matter why. He’s a bounty hunter, it’s his job. 
But in the midst of chaos, a child held his hand up to him and asked him to care.
And Din is compelled to leave the cockpit and right a wrong.
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“Din’ika!” booms through the covert hallways, making Din’s shoulders hike up to his ears. Paz saunters into the youngling’s bunk room, catching sight of Din next to Allondria’s crib. He’d just gotten her fed and settled, her eyes heavy as he lays her down for a nap. 
“Still playing with the babies?” Paz sneers, one hand on his hip as he twirls a practice blaster around one finger. Din bristles at his volume, and his tone. Once the older boys heard Din was helping care for Allondria the snide remarks and crude jokes began flying in loud whispers. Or not whispers at all, in Paz’s case.
“You know, the whole ‘raise warriors’ part is normally an afterthought. Better to be one.” Din tries to regulate his breathing, not give in to the anger bubbling under the surface. Paz is easily twice his size, and always looking for a fight. The proud Vizla house hangs over his head like a halo, making him a loudmouth on good days, an instigator on bad ones. 
“You’re old enough to be training, the alor offered you a helmet, and you’re in here…bottle-feeding?” he pushes, flanked by a few other boys who look up to the name. Din knows better than to retort. Paz is always ready for a confrontation, hormones brimming with only fists against flesh as a way to release the tension. If he plays it cool, ignores Paz, he’ll get tired and wander off. It normally works, the boys growing bored with the lack of a rise out of the smaller foundling.
Today, however, Paz is in a special sort of mood, one that could only be stoked, not sated.
“Seems like a waste for the elders to have saved you if you weren’t even going to act like a Mandalorian,” he spits out, venom in every word. Din can feel his blood boiling, Paz searching for the soft spot to stab and get a reaction. “Then again, maybe it’s better you don’t train with us. You’re too soft to do much of anything, aren’t you Din’ika?” Din tries to back away from them, mapping his exit route when Paz finally hits the bloodiest spot.
“Maybe if you were stronger you wouldn’t be a foundling.”
The blood rushing in Din’s ears sharpens to a high pitch, the edges of his vision darkening. Paz’s chuckle is the last thing he hears before his world dissolves into blood and pain and rage.
The elders discipline Paz harshly, keeping the boys apart as Din recovers. Bruises bloom on his flesh for weeks, luck the only reason why he didn’t break anything. Paz loses his standing among his peers, removed from the training ring and relegated to chores and work meant for those lower than his station. He’ll climb back up quickly, but it’s a slight that will follow Paz for years.
The weeks he spends isolated change Din. He heals, but something inside breaks beyond what Paz did with his fists. If you were stronger echoes in his ears. He wasn’t strong enough to protect himself. How could he be expected to protect those around him? He lives among some of the greatest warriors in the galaxy. He has to learn, has to make himself strong and worthy and capable enough to protect his allies, his friends, his clan one day.
When he’s well enough to not be under the careful eye of the medic, Din goes straight to the elders and requests to be put in training. No complaints are raised, though Taissa’s concerned expression dances in the corner of Din’s eye. The buc'ye, the first of several Din would doff until he was fully grown, settles heavy on his crown. He promises to bring honor to it.
As time marches on, the Creed fills up every aspect of Din’s life. He still seeks to protect, but he learns the Mandalorian Way and his place in the covert. Duty bolstered by strategy, efficiency, brute strength. The covert needs him to provide, to protect, and his greatest asset is the body he hones and trains to do so. After a teen growth spurt his shoulders broaden, chest barrels and limbs thicken. Paz still towers over him, but he begins to respect Din more, especially as his dedication sharpens him into the deadliest blade. 
Over a year later, Taissa stops him in a hallway, Allondria now close to a toddler.
“Is this what you want?” she asks, the child at her ankle staring up at Din with recognition. She smiles shyly, hands gripping Taissa’s pant leg as she waves up at him. Din’s heart clutches for a moment, seeing the child he cared for when he still showed his face. Her face falls ever so slightly when he replies, “Yes. This is how I can protect everyone.” 
You said it yourself, the alor says to Taissa, no harm done, he’s taken on the Creed and will make a fine Mandalorian.
We do not always need warriors, she retorts, balancing Allondria on her hip.
That is not The Way, the alor says, a cold admonishment that silences Taissa for long after. 
With the helmet firmly in place, Din begins the construction of the wall he puts between himself and those he cares for. Allondria no longer recognizes him, his body growing and strengthening behind the anonymous helmet. Taissa keeps her distance. 
It’s for the best, Din ruminates when he still takes the time to consider his actions, before all that came before is molded into the Mandalorian he is today. Better to be strong, be useful, be the protector he feels deep in his bones. Better to stand alone from those he’s willing to protect. Better to become the Mandalorian, instead of Din Djarin. He can do the most this way.
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The child settles into his new life quicker than Din expects. Traversing space to a backwater planet like Sorgan lets Din learn more about the strange little creature he’s spirited away from the Imps. 
It’s male, as far as Din can tell. Eats and sleeps and voids much like any other creature. He tries not to ponder the wizard powers too much.
He’s endlessly curious, to the point of mischief. Din has to snatch him away from dangerous electrical panels, gaps in the floor, the bright blinking lights on the console. 
His appetite is voracious, preferring live meals to ration bars and soup, but he’ll take what he can get.
Sometimes he just sits and watches the stars fly by, glittering in the rounded reflection of his marble eyes. Din wonders what he’s thinking, and if there is any way to communicate with him beyond the directions and admonishments that seem to go unheard. Does he miss a home of his own, a family? Will the Jedi be that for him, or will Din be handing him to a group much like his covert, somber and regulated. With a heart that lends itself to kindness, would he face the same trials as Din, and come out nothing like he went in?
Then the child turns to Din and holds out a claw with a little trill. Din lifts him onto his knee and takes the child’s hand between his thumb and index finger. It’s so much smaller, fragile in his hand, but the gentle squeeze on the pad of his thumb is a comfort Din has denied himself for years. The comfort of a child trusting him, and of knowing that someone might harbor a desire to protect him too.   
Din will never forget it again, because it saved him. 
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"you were
and always will be
that first ever touch
to have fertilized
the ground
beneath my life’s trees
that first ever rose
to have fragranced
the rest of my memories."
-Sanober Khan
Interlude 1 of the I Think of You series
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charliedawn · 3 years
How would they react if you were to marry someone else? (Warning : I love writing sad stories)
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" I'm so happy for you. I hope that you'll have the best life together. You deserve it."
He smiles and pretends that it doesn't hurt him as much as it really does. After having spent so many times doing it, faking perfect happiness has become easy for him. He loves you, he always loved you..but now, he has to see you at the arm of another man/woman and it takes all of his willpower not to cry. He knows he can't do anything, but he still wishes that you would see..see how much he cares and would do anything to be that person by your side. But, he will not be as selfish as to tell you how he truly feels. He wants you to be happy. He thought Peggy would be the only person that he would ever want to see smile everyday, but that was before he met you. He wants you to be happy, this is why he doesn't want to be selfish and deprave you of that wonderful smile by actually saying how he truly feels. However, when the music starts and you don't find your husband/wife anywhere, he decides to step up. He stands in front of you with a gentle smile and a welcoming hand.
" May I ?"
You smile back and nod in agreement before taking his hand. You start waltzing and many people leave the way, as if they know..they know that this man is the one you should have married. Unfortunately, it seems that you hadn't gotten the memo in time, as you were the only one who understood too late..But what hurts the most ? It is that he seems genuinely happy for you. That smile tortures you. He wipes your tears away, tears that you hadn't felt rolling down your cheeks. He smiles again and you close your eyes, everything to stop looking at that smile..Suddenly, you feel someone tapping your shoulder. You open your eyes wide to see your husband/wife that addresses you a soft smile before glaring at Steve that glares right back. He crosses his arms, but finally says with a stern warning.
" If you hurt her/him..I will hurt you."
He simply states before turning around and walking away. You look at him walking away and can't help but chuckle as you remember something that Tony had said long ago.
" That is America's a**"
Your husband/wife looks at you with widened eyes, as if you had gone crazy and it only makes you laugh harder. Maybe you had ?
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" This is quite the ceremony..In my 107 years on this planet, I don't remember ever being invited to a wedding."
"Too bad that my first had to be yours", he wants to add, but he had promised himself to behave today. He sits down and hangs his head low, not finding the strength to look at you again. He is afraid of what he'll find there..worse of all, he doesn't want to see pity..Nothing is worse than pity. Because, he knows he doesn't deserve it. However, your hand appears in his peripheral vision and he is forced to look up at you.
" Bucky Barnes, may I have this dance ?"
You ask and his eyes widen in surprise, looking around for your husband/wife to intervene. But, you're alone for now and he takes your hand. You yank him out of his seat and he finds himself smiling as you laugh when you both nearly fall under his weight.
" Come on, Barnes. Help me here. Get up !"
He laughs before finally getting up and you smile before dancing with him. At some point, you tenderly get some locks out of his face behind his ear and he grazes his lips over the top of your hand, a simple kiss that has more meaning than everything you had experienced so far. However, your husband/wife arrives and shatters the moment by taking your hand for a dance. Bucky has just the time to whisper something in the shell of your ear that makes you feel cold to the bone.
" I lost.."
He simply says, staring right at you with tears in his eyes and a small sorrowful smile. He feels terrible and knows that if he had acted sooner, you would have been his. But, he waited too long. He doesn't want to let you go without you knowing what he feels about you. He lost..He will never be the man who you will run to in your darkest moments, he would always remain Bucky, the best friend. You look at him, he looks back at you and you know..You know what those words mean. You smile sadly. Maybe..It could have been. But, it is too late now, and Bucky knows it. He smiles back too with tears rolling down his cheeks that he quickly wipes away. Nobody understands in the room, not even your husband/wife, but you do. You do. And, that's enough for him.
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Many thought Tony was crying because he was moved, little did they know..Tony Stark was crying because he hadn't realized until you showed up in your wedding dress how much of an idiot he had been for not acting sooner. He could convince himself and others that he was a genius..but at that moment, he felt like the dumbest of them all. He wants to be that person that is holding your hand and kisses you gently while you exchange rings. He thought he had time, even when you said that you were getting engaged..He thought it wouldn't last. He had even tried to pay the man/woman to leave you alone. But, it is over now. He knows that there is no turning back. You're gone..and you would never be his. This is why the great Tony Stark was crying. However, he forces himself to smile now and laughs as he stands up to make a toast.
" I guess it's my turn. To Y/N L/N, the woman/man that is always willing to go the extra mile. The heart of the team. The person that always sees the bright side in people. You are one of a kind and nothing less than special. My only regret, is to have not noticed it sooner.."
He smiles at you and chuckles before raising his glass.
" I wish you nothing than what you deserve. Happiness. Happiness for now and forever."
You smile and raise your glass as well. The music soon plays and your husband/wife takes you hand to have the first dance. However, somebody else grabs it first and you turn around to see Tony that winks cheekily to your partner.
" Too slow. Don't worry, I may borrow you lovely bride/groom for five minutes, but you'll have them for the rest of your life."
You smile as your partner reluctantly lets you go. You follow Tony that succeeds in surprising you with his moves. He notices and chuckles.
" Didn't know I had moves like that, huh? Guess I can still surprise you.."
You shake your head and laugh while arking an eyebrow at him.
" Surprised that you know how to dance ? Nah. I've seen worse. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't crash my wedding with an helicopter screaming "I object !" before kidnapping me. Ah.."
The scene is so detailed that Tony wonders if you had imagined it, wished it even ?
" Would you have followed me ?"
He asks seriously, in a almost hopeful voice and you smile, almost dreamily, but your answer is as serious as his question.
" To Hell and back.."
Another proof that Tony Stark is an idiot: he had thought of it. He had thought of crashing your wedding and carrying you bridal style out of this downright ridiculous wedding..but he had hesitated. He is about to tell you that the alternative is still possible when he sees your husband/wife making their way to you. He closes his mouth. He has no right to take you away from them. He smiles one last time before kissing your forehead.
" Go back to your prince/princess, sweetheart..They deserve you the most."
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" I'm fine..I'm fine."
He says to whoever asks him, so much that he starts actually believing it. However, it is another story when he sees you walk the aisle and can't help but have a lump in his throat as he contains his tears. Here you are, as beautiful and surreal as the first day he met you. Your kindness radiating from you so much that it almost hurts him to see how perfect you are. He wants to chase those thoughts from his head, he wants to stop loving you..But he can't. Just one look at you, and he knows that he is not fine. He is far from fine. His other half wants to get out an rip the man/woman that dared take you away from him, but he won't let him. He is not a monster, and he won't allow you to see him as anything else than nice inoffensive little Dr Banner, especially today. It is killing him to see you with such a smile that seems so genuine. To think that it is supposed to be your happiest day, and it is his worst. It only gets worse when you ask him to be your first dance..He is not a good dancer, he knows it. But, for once, he'll go beyond his safe zone and let you bring him to stand up and dance with you. Thankfully, you mostly take the lead and go slowly. He doesn't know what to say, so he just stays silent, admiring you. You look up at him and he can't help but smile back. Soon, the song is over and he opens his mouth to finally admit what he has always felt for you. But, other words come out.
" Congrats, Y/N..I'm happy for you."
Lies. Lies. He is not happy, he is miserable. But, he won't admit it, not when you smile at him and embrace him tightly like that..He finds that he has trouble to breathe. He knows that Hulk wouldn't let him, but he truly feels as if he is dying. He forces himself to smile as you take a step back and walk towards another guest. He follows you with his eyes before walking away. He should have known, who would ever want a monster like him ?
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" You have a mighty warrior by your side. The best of them all. Be sure to make them happy and Y/N? I wish you many great adventures and..and.."
For once, the great Thor is lost for words. He is happy for you, but something in his chest burns. He should be happy as it is a joyous moment, but he can only fix his cup with uncertainty. You are one of his best friends..He should be happy for you, the words of encouragement and congratulations should flow from his mouth. Thor is not one to pass on good wine, but still, he is as sober as he ever remembers himself being. He can't drink, his lips are parched, and still..He feels as if he is drowning. He glances at you and sees the same uncertainty in your eyes.
" I love you.."
The words get out before he can ever register them and the whole assembly falls silent at his confession. Both you and your partner open your eyes wide in shock at his confession. You are about to say something when Thor starts laughing and shakes his head.
" I love you as a brother/sister and I wish you all the best that this world has to offer !"
The whole assembly seems to buy his last minute addition, including your partner that seems to relax beside you. But, you are no fool. You've spend enough time with the North god to know when he is lying. However, you don't know what you would have said, you were so eager to respond..but in truth ? You don't have a clue on what the good answer would have been. You stand up and face Thor that seems taken aback when you take him by the hand to the dancefloor. When you're sure that nobody would overhear your conversation, you whisper.
" What the heck were you thinking ?! Confessing like that today?! Out of any days?!"
He wants to deny, but he only lowers his head in shame.
" Forgive me, my friend..I shouldn't have said anything. It was selfish on my behalf. Forget I ever said anything. I wasn't thinking straight, too much wine.."
He quickly adds at the end, hoping that you would buy this excuse. For a moment, your eyes seem to scan his face for any clue that he was lying..But then, for a second, he sees a glimpse of disappointment that quickly disappears, replaced by a smile.
" I see.. No worries. Everyone makes mistakes."
You finally say before walking away. His heart tightens as he watches you leave, going back to him/her. That person that he shall never be..He forces himself to stay stoic in front of the many guests that wanted to talk to him, but he can't help to steal quick glances at your beauty, from afar. Thor is not one to cry, he is a hero, heroes don't cry. But, he can't help but shed a few tears as he knows that this is what he will ever be allowed to do now, steal glimpses at your infinite beauty that blinds him every single time. Funny, he always thought that Asgard was the most resplendent thing in the galaxy..guess he was wrong.
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He wouldn't come. He can't. He is a mess since the day you told him. He would stay locked up in his room and only follow the ceremony on a TV screen.
" It could have been me..It should have been me !"
He screams before punching the screen and finally leaning down on his bed. He cover his eyes with his hands to hide his tears from the world. He dreamt of the day you would be dressed in the most beautiful silks, but for him.
" Oh my sweet..To think that those tears of joy are not for me to admire..Tell me, if I had had the courage to ask you ? Would you have said yes, little Midgardian ?"
He asks the broken TV screen wistfully and laughs humorlessly before looking at his shaking hands. Suddenly, he closes them into fists and screams at the top of his lungs, he screams his regret and the pain he feels at knowing that you would be happy without him. When he stops, he feels his sore throat and hiccups a laugh that turns into a maniacal laugh. Who is he hoping to fool ? You wouldn't have said yes..Who could ever say yes to such a monster ? He closes his eyes and makes a clone appear at the dinner. He thought you wouldn't notice him among the crowd, but you do and he freezes. Finally, you smile warmly at him and make your way to him through the crowd. He hadn't planned on talking to you, he just wanted to see you one last time. However, he still forces himself to smile courteously and takes your hand to kiss the back of it, like a prince in those fairytales that you used to read him when he was in his cell..
" You haven't changed, prince Loki..To think 5 years passed already. I thought you were dead, I mourned you.."
You say in an almost accusative tone, but he only answers with a small shrug and a smile.
" Timelines, my dear..A very complicated thing."
You nod absent-mindedly at his answer before wrapping your arms around him. He takes a shaky breath before slowly raising his hand to gently pet the top of your head.
" I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you.."
" I'm sorry too."
You reply with a sad smile that makes his heart sink. But, before he could ask what you were sorry about, you partner comes and asks for a dance. You smile apologetically at Loki before taking the hand of your husband/wife. Loki stays still, the question still lingering in his mind..Sorry ? Sorry for what ? He clenches his jaw and shakes his head. It doesn't matter. It is too late now..He is too late. His clone vanishes and Loki comes back to his room, sad and now, destined to be alone forever..
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" You look so gorgeous/handsome. I can't believe you're getting married. He/She better treat you right, alright ?"
Scott would be happy for you and hide his sadness behind a smile. He would look at you with tears in his eyes, thinking of how you look truly amazing in that dress/smoking/whatever suits your boat. He would act like you best friend until the end, even walking you to the aisle if you ask him. He's so proud of you, but at the same time can't help but feel a pang in his chest, knowing that he is not the one waiting at the end of said aisle. He would also stay by your side afterwards during the dinner.
" Was it like that with Cassie's mother ?"
You ask him and he takes a shaky breath before answering you with a small sad smile.
" Oh no..It wasn't so fancy. You got yourself quite a deal with that one. He/She seems to be an extremely good catch."
You laugh a little before turning your head away to discreetly wipe your tears.
" I guess I should consider myself quite lucky then, huh ?"
You both laugh, but it sounds so fake and unnatural that you immediately stop. You then look around for your husband/wife as the music starts, but do not spot him among the crowd. However, Scott stands in front of you with his hand outstretched towards you.
" I may not be the best dancer, but would you do me the favor ?"
You look at his hand for several seconds before taking it with a genuine smile.
" Of course."
He smiles back and you start dancing around. However, when you finally stop, you realize that you've been staring too long at him and him at you. For a moment, you think he is about to kiss you, and you would have let him..But then, your husband/wife arrives with a smile and wraps their arm around your waist possessively. Scott understands the message and smiles one last time at you before taking a step back and letting go of your hand. You open your mouth to talk, but quickly close it..What could you possibly say ? But, he doesn't seem angry, he just sniffles and makes it sound like it is the emotion of finally you getting married.
" Oh wow..I guess I overstepped, huh ? Sorry..They're all yours."
Scott then walks away, his heart shattering even more with each step he takes and you sigh while your partner leads you away.
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" I guess that congratulations are in order."
He says while flying down next to you and taking your hand. You smile up at him and he seems to not find his words. He had repeated them. But, just looking at your face, and other words fall out of his mouth.
" I'm sorry. I can't seem to be able to find any will in me to congratulate you."
You snort. Of course..
" You have an awful lot to learn about humans, Vision..But, I don't blame you. I wouldn't be able to find the will to congratulate myself either."
He frowns, confused, and tilts his head to the side, trying to decipher your words.
" But..It is your wedding day. The happiest day of your life."
He replies while slowly dancing with you in the air until your husband/wife asks him to get you down.
" Is it ?"
You reply before laughing humorlessly while staring right back at him with your eyes glassy, as if you're about to cry. However, you only smile one last time before following your husband/wife that leads you to another guest. Vision watches you leave and feels his brain working, still trying to make sense of your words. Suddenly, he seems to understand and closes his eyes, feeling something painful in his chest, even though he knows nothing is physically wrong with his body.
" I see.."
He finally says. He doesn't know for who he says it, maybe you, maybe himself ? For a being whose name is Vision, it took him a while to see the truth.
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" You're the father of the bride/groom ?"
One of the guests ask him as he saw Dr Strange walk you to the aisle. He doesn't want to be rude, it's your day. He fakes a smile before nodding half-heartedly.
" Something like that.."
The guest is obviously not a close friend, or they would have known that your father had died/wasn't there. He glances at you and finds you staring at him. You quickly look away when you understand that you've been spotted. He wishes his feelings could be only translated as fatherly/brotherly/friend-related love..But, unfortunately, his heart had decided to play with his emotions. He had hoped for so long that his heart would listen to his brain that was finding every possible reason for him not to crash the party and take you away..He had had many occasions to lose his mind, falling head over heels for you isn't the one he thought would finally break him. It is eating him alive. He is so absorbed in his thoughts that he doesn't see you, making your way to him. You gently tap him on the shoulder and he turns around to see you with a Cheshire-like grin.
" Shouldn't I have my first dance with my father ?"
He rolls his eyes dramatically at the last word before he retorts.
" You heard that, huh ? But you still don't hear me when I tell you to wake up for your training each morning.."
You laugh before taking his hand and leading him to the dancefloor. He can't help but smile when you start laughing at the sudden change of music..
"Beyonce. How convenient.."
You mimic his voice and he sighs loudly in fake exasperation.
" I should have known..This is why you wanted me to be your first dance. You had planned it all, you little devil."
You laugh mischievously before it slowly quiets down and you look at your shoes as you admit.
" That..but I also wanted you to be my first dance..You're the only family I have left, Strange. You, and the Avengers."
His heart beats a little too fast for his liking at your words and he admonishes his heart for being so sensitive..He takes your chin between his thumb and index to tip your face up, in order for you to look at him. When he sees that you are crying, he feels his heart stop and his mask crumbles. He allows himself to cry as well and you open your eyes wide in shock. Doctor Strange. The man that had gone through countless hardships such as a car accident that made him lose the practicality of his hands, wars, a face to face with a god, who had literally died, is now crying at your wedding. The irony..You hide your face in his cloak that seems to understand and hides the both of you for a moment. You feel safe in Strange's arms and want to stay hidden in his cloak forever, but you then hear the noises coming from outside, the voice of you partner among them. You force yourself to smile and wipe your tears. You then look up at Strange, but he doesn't need you to ask, he lets you go and you leave the safety of his arms to return to the ones of your beloved partner. Stephen can just stare at you until you both disappear among the crowd. He is still crying and his cloak tries to wipe them as well, but he shakes his head.
" Don't..It is the only thing I have left from her/him.."
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Hawkeye doesn't know why he came..He knew it would break his heart to see you in someone else's arms..But, he still came. Thankfully, he has Natasha by his side. She stays next to him and he laughs bitterly as he tells her.
" My arrow didn't work it seems. The right speed, but not the right target.."
She smiles sadly at her best friend before putting her head on his shoulder compassionately.
" Don't sell yourself short. One of them hit right."
He looks up at you and laughs humorlessly at Natasha's way to comfort him.
" I don't know what is worse ? Her/Him marrying someone else or her/him not marrying at all ?"
Natasha laughs, but it is as fake as his.
" Who knows ? Maybe it wasn't meant to be ?"
Clint nods, even though he can't help but disagree with Natasha. From the first moment his eyes fell on you, he knew you were the one. Unfortunately, he had to compete with super soldiers, geniuses and gods..Who was he to ask you for a chance ? A guy with arrows..The answer is so obvious, the reality so brutal that it hurts. But what hurts the most ? It's that at the end, you had chosen another human, a human with no superpowers, no inhuman strength, not even arrows..Only human. To add to his shame, your smile that seems so genuine as you make your way to him.
" Barton, may I have this dance ?"
You ask and he looks at Natasha for help, but she only busies herself with her drink as she stands up to leave.
" Have fun you two.."
" You traitor.."
He mouthes at her while you have your face turned and Natasha barely surpresses a laugh. He then puts a smile back on when you face him. You smile back as he takes a the lead and starts waltzing around with you. You seem so happy, he feels as if tears are about to spill from his eyes. He bats them away just in time. He couldn't let you see him like this, not now, not ever..
" You know, Clint..There was a time where I thought it would be you.."
He opens his eyes wide in shock at your admission as he looks down at you, unsure if he had heard you correctly. But, you nod in confirmation.
" You heard me..I really thought you would be the one wearing a tuxedo and sweep me off my feet. But, it seems Robin Hood only exists in novels and I am no damsel in distress.."
He doesn't know what to say, so he only lightly squeezes your hand to urge you to continue. He knows it won't change anything, but he wants to know nonetheless. However, you only smile sadly before looking up at him with eyes prickled with tears and stand on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.
" Girls/Guys can dream, right ?"
You then walk away and leave him dumbstruck as he processes what you had just admitted. Not only would you have been satisfied with any human beings, you would have been satisfied with him. The knowledge hurts more than anything and he can only sit down on a nearby couch, tears rolling down his cheeks now. One single thought running on loop through his brain : he could have been enough. He could have been enough..
Bonus : Your reaction
You wait a little bit before walking towards a room where you could finally be alone. You stay with a smile plastered on your face on the way there, keeping the facade for the sake of convenience until you are in said room. Your smile slowly turns downwards and you lean against the door, letting a big sigh out of your mouth as you look at the ring on your finger. Here. It was done. But then, why does it feel so painful ? You slide down and bury your face in your arms to sob as quietly as possible. He had danced with you, he had nearly confessed to you..but didn't. And the worse part is ? If he had asked you to follow him, even then, you would have followed him without any hesitation. You had once thought that he would be the one by your side forever..Guess you were wrong ? You sniffle before opening the locket hanging from your neck where a small picture of him is hidden. You smile tenderly at the picture before taking the locket off and pondering what to do with it now ? You have to forget. He is only a dream, a beautiful dream..but a dream nonetheless. Heroes like him belong to the world, not you. You take a shaky sigh before wiping your tears away and smiling again. You had married someone that loved you and that you loved, you should be happy..But then, why does your heart seem so eager to prove you wrong, beating wildly in your chest out of protest ? You close your eyes and let one single tear roll down your cheek one last time before letting the locket fall from your hand on the floor as you stand up. You then put on your fake smile again and open the door to step out.
I had to listen to so many sad songs to do this. Hope it was worth it.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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shouto todoroki | f!reader, ceo heir!shouto, mirror sex, hair pulling, choking, inappropriate use of showerhead, alcohol. minors dni!
— 3k words
"You're so pretty when you make a mess, aren't you?"
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Miss Y/N,
I couldn't help but notice the latest project my father assigned is extremely difficult. If I'm going to be completely honest, you'll work yourself to death at this rate, and your greys double by the day. Drinks on me at Club 777 at 7 pm. Sound like a deal?
— shouto todoroki
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“A club.”
“Glad you could make it,” Shouto gives you a small smile; it’s anything but hostile. And yet, that’s all yours is as you assume the space to his right in the velvet crescent booth. “I hope it wasn’t too hard to find. Club 777 is pretty popular around he—what are you doing.”
As your fingers fly across the keyboard, you give him an indignant huff, the screen highlighting the underside of your face electric blue as you continue hacking away at your presentation. If you’re going to be forced to go out, you’re going to make the most of it—and that’s by getting the work that you would be getting done at home, at a club. And a rather loud one, at that.
"You're a workaholic," he observes with a sigh, and you flash him a fat sarcastic smile. Stupid fucking CEO heirs and their entitlement.
"Congrats, you've solved everything! Can I go home, now?"
"No," Shouto frowns before he rudely snaps your laptop shut and sets it to his right. Pushing a plate of clear-colored shots your way, your eyes bulge—there have got to be at least fifteen. "Drink up—it'll take the edge off."
You blink between your coworker and the shots. You trust Shouto and you've known each other for a while...somewhat. His father is your boss, and with Shouto as the next in line you’ve got no choice but to play nice. He’s as cocky as he is aloof, but you suppose he’s fine overall—and he's seen you break your back over this project for a solid month and a half. Positive you won't be able to keep your conscious from running laps over all the work you have to do otherwise, you snatch the first shot and chuck it down your gullet with worrying enthusiasm. Shouto lifts an eyebrow and you reach for another.
"Thirsty?" He chuckles, before grabbing a shot for himself. The second shot burns, but never as much as the first, and the back of your hand catches what doesn't make it into your mouth as you say:
"More than you could think."
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"And then—and then I was like, um no sir, I think you got my change wrong by at least five bucks! He didn't believe me, like at all."
"Did he make a fuss of it?"
"Of course."
"That means he has a small dick," Shouto advises with the second to last shot in his hand, wrist-watch glinting in the club light. His face is a deeper red than his hair and you've never noticed how nice a suit fits him as if you don't see him in one every day. You giggle at that, too far gone yourself to be offended on the stranger's behalf. Shouto's jacket drapes over your shoulders like an oversized blanket even though you bickered about not being cold, with enough alcohol in your veins to warm a village.
"Probably," you rest your head against the crescent booth, dismissive at the softness from the red velvet that’s probably ruining your hair. "Either way, I pulled a Karen and called the manager on 'em.
Shouto nods, "As you should. Once I tricked my father into thinking he had a very unhappy customer by sending him a million emails from 'John Appleseed' and calling his personal secretary twice as much."
You cackle, throwing yourself across the table at the thought of your Boss’ face hot and red with anger (as it does.) Shouto's loved nothing more than to make his animosity against his father well-known—to you, at least—and to say bored Heir been getting creative the past few months is an understatement. "Oh fuck—when'd you stop calling?"
Shouto shrugs, muscles rolling underneath his white dress shirt, "Once I filled his voicemail box.”
He holds a smile, small and distant, as he watches you wheeze as if he just told the funniest story in the world. In your defense, Shouto's never really been a funny guy, but he does funny things. Like when he stares at you when he doesn’t think you notice, or when he gets so close your chests nearly touch, but doesn't notice it. Doesn't point it out, at least. You find your laugh dying along with the smile on his face, though, and when he says nothing afterward but stare.
"...Shouto?" You snap in his face to make sure he's still in there—but it's hard to tell, with his glazed eyes and scarily steady breathing. His arms find either side of you, and you're too tipsy to realize you've been caged against the booth until it's too late.
"Your eyes are quite mesmerizing, Miss Y/N," he marvels. You can smell the vodka on his breath, and positive that compliment would’ve set your face aflame if the alcohol hadn’t already, any hints of cherry obscured by the neon club lights.
"I—um, thank you," you giggle, and if you were sober, you'd shoot yourself in the foot for reacting like a school girl. But you suppose you can give yourself some leeway—this is Shouto Todoroki after all, and for some reason, he's complimenting you. "You...you aren't too bad yourself."
"You wouldn't mind if I got a little closer, would you?" Though Shouto holds a cheeky half-drunken smile on his own, knowing any closer will result in nothing but a kiss and perhaps a little more. His eyes flicker to your lips the same time yours flicker to his, and you and you catch a heat in his eyes you didn’t notice before.
"Not at all."
You blink and Shouto's lips are on yours. They’re soft, painfully so, and it's clear he knows what he's doing—with his hands dropping to your waist and tilting his head ever-so-slightly to the right. Nudging your lips open, his tongue easily finds it's way around, mapping the insides of your mouth and taking note of what makes you shiver the most.
Shouto tastes like vodka. It's a familiar taste, one that you associate with seven minutes in heaven and quick make-out sessions in high school—and yet this time it spurs your heart to beat faster, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him in even closer, as if it's possible.
When you pull away it’s clear neither of you really want to, but unfortunately you need to oxygen to live, chest heaving in unison as your eyes catch his own. Shouto's grip tightens around your waist as he licks over his already wet lips, glossed by what you assume is your spit.
“You’re one dangerous woman,” he rasps with swollen lips. You giggle, but you know he knows his words’ effect on you because goosebumps are impossible to hide.
“Thank you,” you respond, a bit awkwardly—because what else are you supposed to say?
"I'm positive it isn't the alcohol talking when I say I want to take you right here." Shouto growls as his eyes hold you in your seat. You shiver, the request sounding impossibly inviting, and your thighs discreetly rub together to take the edge off a bit.
"Bathroom," you breathe against his lips, this night turning for the most unexpected.
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"Off, off, get all of this off," Shouto pants the moment you two step into a gender-neutral singles bathroom. You don't doubt they made it gender-neutral for this exact reason, but that thought leaves as quickly as it enters when Shouto pins you against the sink starts to pepper hot kisses down your neck. He scrambles to bunch your dress to your waist over taking it off completely and growls at the sight of your lower-half in absence of your usual attire.
"Do you know how long I've wanted you? Hmm?” He's breathless as he settles between your legs with a lick of his lips, pushing the excess of your dress into your hands. You really don't know how long he’s wanted you, but you find yourself biting your lip at the prospect anyway—that you've been driving your boss's son, your future boss, just as crazy as he's been driving you.
"Shhh," he interrupts, pulling your panties to the side. "Let me take care of you. You've been working hard these past few months, no?"
You guess so.
Either way, all clarity dies when Shouto licks a fat stripe up your slit, chuckling when you slide a tentative hand into his hair. Your grip tightens when his lips wrap around your clit and suck, slipping a finger between your folds to elicit a whimper or two. He bites his lip when you tug a little.
"Keep doing that and you just might ruin me," Shouto groans, before his mouth returns and he’s adding another finger. When the digits curl just right, your hips buck in faint frustration—they're moving too slow.
"Can you, um," you blush, eyes skittering to the bathroom walls instead. The club music permeates despite the fact that they look like they're made of solid brick, vibrating the floor and sink underneath you both. "Go faster?"
Shouto's eyes snap to yours. For a second you’re afraid he's going to say no, but he tosses your leg over his shoulder and adjusts your hips until they're at a perfect level, licking his lips and growling:
"My pleasure."
You're positive whoever loiters near the bathroom door hears your yelp as his mouth descends to devour your pussy, eating you so enthusiastically that you see you're slick smeared across his pink cheeks. Shouto pulls your hips deeper into his face with a defiant growl and you have to drop your forearms on the sink to keep yourself from falling to the hard ground, your grip around the porcelain ever-tightening.
"Feel good?" He rubs a heavy thumb over your clit in place of his mouth and stuffs you with a third finger. You nod with a broken moan as he pulls his digits out all the way out before burying them knuckle-deep again, grasp on the sink slipping. He flicks your clit, "Answer me."
"Y-Yeah," you nod again, near-hyperventilating. You’re sure Shouto’s getting a kick out of it—at least, if his chuckle has anything to say about it.
"Good girl," he coos, the circles on your clit slowly quickening, "You're so pretty when you make a mess, aren't you?"
You're nodding along with him, though you're not exactly sure why—but then his mouth returns and suddenly, why doesn't matter as much.
Shouto's more vocal than you expected, groaning into your sweetness as your thighs trembles next to his head. He holds you like you're precious, like you're actually something to him, but you're much too drunk to unpack all of that right now. Instead, you tug at his hair. It pulls a much louder moan from his gut and you find yourself enjoying the vibrations, yanking harder to hear him again.
"W-Wait, Shouto," you whimper out, painfully close as you pull at his hair but this time to pull him away from you, "I wanna—wanna cum on your cock...if that's okay."
Shouto blinks once, twice, and then you're staring at yourself in the mirror listening to him frantically undoing his belt, cursing when the metal slaps him across the palm. You giggle.
"Eager, are we?"
"You don't even know," he pants, and the tip of his cock kissing your entrance has you biting your lip. His eyes meet yours in the mirror and they melt when he fits the head of his cock inside, the grip he has on the porcelain sink turning white as he pushes further.
"You are—you are painfully tight, Miss Y/N," Shouto wheezes into your neck, teeth grit as his pelvis finally brushes against your ass. You resist the urge to wheeze with him, his cock filling you to the point where your lungs struggle to find room to breathe.
"I'll take that as a compliment," you joke, eyes fluttering shut. Shouto tuts, grabbing the underside of your face as he says:
"Eyes open, Miss Y/N. I want you to watch yourself fall apart as I fuck you."
Your eyes peel open, albeit reluctantly as you whine, not understanding why you need to watch your own face when you can enjoy the sight of him instead, "But Shouto, that's embarrassing..."
"Just trust me," he grunts, and his hips are snapping into yours, sending you jolting into the sink to the point where you have to brace a hand on the mirror to keep yourself from being squished flat against the porcelain. Shouto leans over, "You trust me, don't you?"
And well. When he puts it like that...
"Look at yourself, not at me," Shouto says, catching you redhanded. You whine when the hand holding your head moves to your neck and squeezes, cutting off your oxygen supply just enough for your eyelids to drop halfway. "See? See how good you look? So wrecked for me already and we've barely started."
"S-Shut up," you moan more than you say, finding yourself mesmerized in the way your lips part and by the redness of your cheeks. Shouto dips his head into your neck and sucks, prompting your free hand to find his multicolored hair again and pull. His reaction is almost automatic, the way the smooth rock of his hips changes into a quick snap in a heartbeat. It has you keening, his cock reaching places spots you weren't aware you had, and he crushes you against the sink to rub at your clit.
"Fuck, you're so gorgeous for me," he grunts, hips finding the energy to pick up the pace. You whimper and he's sucking a hickey into your neck, hot breaths punctuating along with his sharp thrusts. "Feel so good around my cock, like you were made for me—shit—"
This time you break the rules, eyes flickering to look Shouto in the mirror as you watch him come undone. His hips stutter as he muffles a broken moan in the back of your neck, body shuddering while he fills you up. His thrusts slowly dissolve into nothing and soon it's just your heavy breathing between brick walls, until Shouto pulls out with a hiss.
"You didn't cum."
"O-Oh, um," You blink at his unimpressed gaze through the mirror as if you got caught redhanded. "I...usually can't. Without a vibe.”
Shouto hums at that but says nothing. You watch something in his brain churn, eyes surveying the room before a lightbulb appears above his head and he's snapping his fingers.
"The shower."
"The. Shower." Shouto says, a little cheekier this time, as he guides you towards a simple shower hidden behind a curtain. Now, why there’s a shower in a club bathroom is beyond you.
"Well. This seems awfully convenient," you click. Shouto shrugs.
"Sun (the author) says it's to clean up the drunks who vomit all over themselves." He takes the only shower seat available, back pressing against the tile.” I think she just wants you to ride a showerhead ****if I'm being completely honest."
"Maybe she tried it for the first time recently or something,” you hum absentmindedly, but that thought flies out the window as Shouto grunts:
"Either way, it's irrelevant. Strip."
"I—completely?" You exclaim, covering your body despite the fact that it's already covered by your dress again. Shouto raises an eyebrow, settling both elbows on his knees once grabbing the showerhead from its bar.
"Unless you want your outfit to get soaking wet, yes. Completely."
You're naked fairly quickly and Shouto lays you across the tile even quicker. You watch him test the different modes on his hand, before choosing the one with the most...gusto. You spread your thighs and fight the embarrassing blush dusting your cheeks from the exposing position.
"Ready?" You roll your eyes.
"I swear Shouto, if you do—o-oh."
He presses the rushing water to your clit, and you have to take a step back, fully unprepared for how nice the pressure would feel. Shouto chuckles at that, the soles of his loafers soaking in the lukewarm water with you as he sits with his legs spread, brazenly enjoying the view.
"Feels good?"
You nod, hips subtly grinding into the hot stream. Shouto bites his lips at the view and it turns you on that much more to know you can have such an effect, before his free hand drops to his palm himself through his dress pants.
"I get the perfect view, too," Shouto growls to himself, tilting his head ever-so-slightly as you release a broken moan, bare hips stuttering against the tile. "A perfect view of that pretty little pussy. Ah ah, keep those legs for me."
Your inner thighs quiver with an impending orgasm, the edge looking much closer than it did previously. The combination of Shouto's words, his sounds, and the steady beat of the water against your clit is enough to have anyone shaking, and the only complaint you have is that you wish he wasn't so fucking far.
"S-Shouto," you whimper, hands scrambling across the slippery tile. "I'm close."
"Yeah? Do it then, make me proud," Shouto growls with a feral smile, grip tightening around his cock—you nod, chest shuddering.
“Y-Yeah just adjust the—oh fuck, Shou, right there!”
Your thighs clench as you gasp and your fingernails dig into the grout between the tile as you orgasm, your moan nearly bordering on a scream. Shouto groans, grip tight on his cock through his damp suit pants, and you nearly giggle as your high ebbs.
“Have I ever told you how dangerous you are, Y/N?” Shouto says cheekily. You grin back, cocking your head to the right.
“Only a million times.”
“Well then I owe it to you again,” he says lowly, and you get the message you two aren’t done as he joins you on the wet floor to cradle your jaw.
“You’re one dangerous woman, Y/N.”
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a/n: i fully expose myself in this, and you know what? i'm fine with that.
click to return to CLUB 777
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fairyfuyu · 3 years
omg congrats on 100 princess!! ilysm!! can i have a self ship drabble w yuuji pls? a prompt that i really like: #61 (I've waited so long for this...). u can make it either sfw or nsfw.. whatever u feel more inspo for.. (tho i defs wouldn't be mad if it were nsfw..)
hye baby i love uuuuu and thank u for choosing itadori i love this man too much
61: "I've waited so long for this..."
cw: mention of food, pretty fluffy but a little nsfw at the end? more like suggestive idk idk
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It’s been 3 months since you’ve seen Itadori. 2 weeks since you’ve heard his voice. 3 days since you’ve gotten so much as a text from him.
You knew he was going to be gone for a while; he was on the other side of the country hours away from you, making the world a better, safer place doing what he does best. This was pretty typical for him as a jujutsu sorcerer, but his missions usually lasted a couple weeks, maybe a month at most. And he really tried his hardest to at least text you once a day to let you know he was alive and to ease your worries.
But it’s been 3 days since you received that i’m okay, babe, i promise i’ll see you soon. love you <3 text. And to say that your mind wasn’t eating you alive with the thought that he wasn’t okay would be an understatement.
You’ve barely eaten, barely slept, barely done your job correctly because of how much you were worried about him. He knew his job made you feel this way, and he felt insane amounts of guilt over it, but then again he never really expected to get wrapped up in all this, especially not being the vessel for the king of curses himself.
It was getting late, the sun having set hours ago and your sad excuse for a meal still untouched at the table. Deciding it would probably be best to head to bed soon, you found yourself putting some water on for tea; as you waited for the water to boil, you managed to force down a couple bites of your dinner.
Right when the kettle started to whistle, signalling the water was ready, the front door opened and closed - though you didn’t hear due to the ear-piercing screech of the kettle. As soon as you turned the stove off and poured your tea, you heard him.
His footsteps sounded throughout your small house as he ran into the kitchen, the biggest smile on his face and eyes glassy. You nearly dropped your scalding hot mug, breathless as he engulfed you in the warmest hug you’ve ever received.
“Itadori, why-”
“Babe, I’m so sorry, you were probably worried sick.” He spoke into the crook of your neck. His eager lips found yours, kissing you with such passion that instantly calmed your anxious heart.
You pulled away from him for a brief moment. “Why didn’t you call?” You asked, placing both hands on his chest, feeling the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your fingertips.
“The last few days have been really crazy, I got separated from Nanami and managed to destroy my phone in one fell swoop a-and as soon as I managed to figure out where the fuck I was, I came here.” He explained, pecking your lips once more. “I’ll make sure to call Nanami tomorrow and let him know where I am but...I just couldn’t stay away from you another day.”
The two of you embraced each other once more before things started to get heated very quickly. His kisses were extremely desperate, so touch starved for so long, and his hands roamed your body as if this was the first time he ever touched a woman. Eager, curious, needy.
“Fuck, baby. I missed you so much.” He spoke against your lips before trailing them down your neck. “I’ve waited so long for this…to touch you, feel you, kiss you.”
“Itadori…” You whimpered as he bit at your tender flesh, sucking just hard enough to leave a pretty mark.
“C’mon baby.” He picked you up, hands placed under the fat of your ass and your legs instinctually wrapped around his waist. “We’ve got so much time to make up for.”
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honey’s 100 follower special event !
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illyaana · 3 years
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Credits to @mel0njoo for this amazing fanart!
Collab: "Because I Love You!" by @sunarent
Congrats on the 500 followers, love! - You truly deserve it <3 I haven't been on Tumblr for that long, but I've seen your blog everywhere geheheehee~ Do check out the other writers involved in this collab! <333 Sorry this took so long ;~;
Tags: Suga x gender-neutral reader, angst, fluff, minor cursing
Synopsis: You loved Suga and he loved you, but when unexplained things happen, you're bound to make assumptions, right?
WC: 2.04k
I am currently hosting a match-up event! Check it out here <3 I stop taking requests on the 28th, so hurry up before it's too late :3
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Persephone was not always “Persephone” - she was once Kore; the Goddess of Spring. 
She was the embodiment of grace and beauty who nearly bewitched anyone who dared to steal a glance of her. Her long, wavy hair, her beautiful skin, her everlasting smile - it was all so alluring, enticing. 
But she always had a sinister side that grew within her - a demon she carried throughout her life under her protection of Demeter. It demanded blood - to consume the most innocent and leave their entrails for the world to see. 
Yet no one knew about it - she hid it. 
She hid it until it couldn’t be contained anymore. 
Aren’t we all like that? We have such a devilish part within us we are forced to keep in. We shun it and let it grow rampantly within us. It demands aggression, chaos and irreverence - it feeds off the unruly, devilish desires that brews within us. It catalyses it - pushes it to be released. 
Yet we’re all still showing our “Kore” - the pure, innocent side of ourselves - and hiding our “Persephone”.
It’s only a matter of time before Persephone came out, so enjoy Kore as much as you can - at least that’s what Suga tried to do.
He tried to be the best he could around you - his thoughts filtered, his words held back. All he wanted you to remember of him was good - the bright, loving persona he built for the people around him to see. He wanted you to remember him as the beacon of hope in your life - to remember all the times he teased you, picked on you and gave you nothing but affection. 
He wanted to be Kore; he wanted to be the god of spring and protect his flower as well as he possibly could. 
He wanted to hide you from his Persephone; a devil who knew nothing but to scream about how he wanted you to be his and only his. After all, to keep someone so beautiful just to himself was a sin entirely.
But, right now; you in his arms as you focused on the words written in that small book of yours has brought him to the heights of heaven. You were all he knew - your soft voice, your beautiful lips, your amazing smile - it was all written so vividly in his brain he could not forget even if he tried. 
You unknowingly tamed the wild beast within him just with a mere touch, a glance and a smile. 
“When was the last time we did this?” you said, staring at Suga’s relaxed expression. 
“Middle school, I think. The Volleyball Club has seriously taken over our free time, hasn’t it?”
“I still get to stare at you screaming internally about multiple things at the same time, so nothing has changed, really,” you teased.
“And you running around the volleyball court the minute a teacher calls you has been something you’ve done ever since we were kids, dumbass,” he retorted. 
“You suck at comebacks, Sugawara Koushi.”
“What do you mean? I am great at comebacks!”
“That lengthy line of yours moments ago proved it, sir.”
He chuckles, ruffling your hair. 
“I missed you, love.”
“And I, you.”
Both his Kore and Persephone had already latched onto you, unwilling to let go whatsoever.
It's a curse to pine over someone you could never have, isn’t it? 
You’d have to see your loved one go through multiple life experiences holding someone else’s hand, begging to them. You’d have to sit idly by while they basked in a profound love they cultivated and treasured. You’d have to wander aimlessly around them to not feel the pain of their rottingly sweet romance that didn’t involve you in any shape or in any form. 
But why was it when you were not in his arms, his thoughts never rang clear in his mind?
All of his fixiations had been stained by you; you’ve left a mark in every single thing he saw.
He thought his moments alone with the soft hums of the wind brushing against his slightly opened window would clear his mind as he processed whatever happened during the day. He wanted to make mental notes of how Hinata brightened up everyone’s day in the volleyball court, how he teased Asahi endlessly or how he made more inside jokes with his fellow captain, but he couldn’t. 
All he could remember was the scent of pomegranate that encapsulated you perfectly. So sweet and tangy, but rare to find. How its velvety feel reminded him of how regal you looked and how gracefully you walked. 
It is such a small fruit - one bite of its contents and you’re left with a bunch of seeds - but the smell is stained on your fingers, and it is so hard to wash off. 
Was that why only pomegranates grew in the depths of Hell? Was it so rare that four seeds left Kore stuck with Hades for four long months?
The sudden urge to hear your voice washed over him. 
Just one more minute of your sweet voice would be enough for him to let the midnight’s spell do its magic - just a syllable. 
“Jesus, Suga - it’s 3 in the morning.”
Oh, thank God. 
“I just needed to hear your voice for a while. I can’t sleep.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“Volleyball. Coach is deciding who to choose as the official setter for our next batch of games.”
“Why are you worried about that at 3 am, sir?” you chuckled. 
“I just got the news today, Y/N - and it isn’t the easiest news to stomach.”
“Are you worried about that Kageyama dude stealing your spot?” a worried tone began to fill your words, trying to give me solace.
But you were doing it the minute you picked up that phone call. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N - I’m fine with him taking my spot. I’m just wondering how it’s going to be - benched as a third year, you know?”
“Well, you’ll be closer to the seats, and I’ll be at the seat closest to the bench. I’ll even bring snacks you can sneakily eat and all.”
“You better bring tic tacs.”
“Of all the sweets in the world, why a sweet that’s supposed to clean your breath?” you sighed. 
“Kill two birds with one stone.”
“And I can’t wait to kill the crow I’m on the phone with.”
“I know you love me, you wouldn’t kill me.”
“I won’t kill you, but a fire I start will.”
“Jesus, Y/N - talking about committing arson at 3am?” I tease.
Yeap, pomegranates. 
“Wait - you like Suga? What about Michimiya? Don’t you like her, too?” You question Daichi, leaning against the doorframe of the gymnasium. 
“I like her as a friend, Y/N. I feel romantic love towards Suga - always have.”
“Are you planning to confess?” 
“I was thinking of asking him when we graduate.”
“And waste months you could’ve spent beside him? I seriously think you should just go for it, Daichi. I’m pretty sure Suga has feelings for you, too.”
“You think so?” Daichi’s expression brightens, making you smile.
“Go for it, Captain.”
“Thanks, Y/N - for everything, really. I don’t think I could’ve gained the courage I have now if I didn’t talk to you today,” he bows and runs off. 
The minute you saw him leave your vision, something dark began to brew within you. It was violent, dreadful and carnivorous. If it could kill, it would’ve done it by now. It filled your veins, spreading around your whole body. Despite the cold weather, your body felt warm - too hot. 
If looks could kill, You would’ve killed Daichi if he stood where he was moments ago. 
You hated the feeling - you felt asphyxiated. You felt chained to weights that sunk into the floor, pulling you in.
You wanted to lie to Daichi. 
You wanted to crush all his dreams of being with Suga the moment his name coated with sweetness left the captain’s lips. 
You wanted to say that the vice-captain despised him with a passion so that his fingers would never dare press against his soft, milky skin. 
Yet you couldn’t - you wouldn’t.
Persephone began to grow within you, her blades aching for vengeance. 
Long gone was Kore; her maiden name was now sullied with desires.
How befitting for the rain to come tonight, isn't it? Rain meant multiple things in different cultures - abundance, happiness, luck - yet, it played a more devilish role tonight. 
It spoke volumes of the pain you were about to feel, and the release of what had culminated within you - what has asphyxiated you for hours and hours on end. 
It was the release of your devil, and it wanted to wreck whatever that stood before you. 
Suga, however, was not the person you were expecting. 
“It finally happened, didn’t it?”
He saw how Daichi smiled at you when he left the hallway - it could only mean one thing, didn’t it?
“I guess you could never love all the good I tried to show you about me - the second-best setter who just knew how to smile while his junior took his spotlight.”
He walked up to you and grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to look at him.
“Of all the people you could’ve fallen for, you fell for my best friend?”
“What do you mean, Suga?”
“I see how you look at Daichi. Anyone can tell you’re fucking head over heels for him.”
His stance, the anger in his eyes, his lips letting harsh words slip through - it said more than he knew.
"What do you mean, Suga? I don’t like him at all."
"Stop lying, Y/N - enough is enough."
The words that left his lips hurt, but all you could think of was the pain he felt keeping it all in.
"It's no shocker, though. You never cared about those around you - all you wanted was the spotlight and nothing else. Fuck all the others, right? All that matters is that you are on the top. No wonder why all your exes hated you."
More than the words that were cutting you like a knife, the way he looked at you hurt.
“I can’t fucking believe I love you.”
You wanted to be happy to hear those words. You wanted to revel in the fact that the person you loved cherished you as much as you did. 
But those words that were meant to be doused in Honey only dripped poison. 
You didn't feel any form of euphoria - it felt like something slowly murdering you, begging to see you to wither away. 
“No - don’t you dare say that you love me after that amazing speech you gave, Suga.”
“Oh look! You’re-”
“You’ve said your piece - let me say mine.”
You walk towards him, sweat dripping from your palms as you face the broken boy in front of you. 
“You’ve been nothing but sweet to me, and I am a vermin that doesn’t even deserve to be beside you - much less for over multiple years. You’ve been one of the best things in my life, and if you always thought of me like the bitch I know I am, I would understand why you’d hate me.”
You felt tears fall from your cheeks as the words formed in your head, your thoughts finally voiced.
“But I won’t stand for you making fun of me like this - find someone else to be your punching bag, I didn't volunteer to be it.”
You wiped the tears that fell from your eyes as you turned away from him. 
"Daichi likes you, Suga - not me. He wants to confess to you, and he's planning to do it soon. Make sure you say yes, okay? You deserve some good in your life."
“I wish you luck after graduation, Suga. You’ve been such an amazing person in these past years. Hopefully, karma works wonders for you.”
The rain you walked in washed away all the tears that fell that night, yet the pain had made its mark. 
If only Persephone never came.
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fangirl-everythang · 3 years
Happy Father's Day Part 3
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Summary: 3/3 Well, its the last part.
Warning: Sad, Mentions Death.
Word Count: 2269
"Harry? " I answer the phone.
"It's not Harry but glad you know your numbers." that high pitch annoying ass voice squeals. Rubbing my stomach, the baby's in go position and any day now my oven will be done baking. And of course, this bitch is answering his phone.
"Well bye-bye just thought you should know where he was at. " In the background, I hear Harry's voice going on about something so it must be true. Hanging up I sigh letting the hot tears roll down my cheeks. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I blame myself really, I let him back into my life and this doesn't surprise me. I gotta pee.
Waddling over to the bathroom door a gasp leaves my mouth feeling the surge of liquids fall between my legs. Holy shit. My water broke! Fuck gotta go. Thankful my bag was already in the car. Harry had insisted once I hit the 36-week mark claiming Styles's are either early or fashionably late.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. My knuckles turning white as I grasp the wheel. Nope, I'm not pushing anything out of my vagina. Can't do it. I refuse.
The contraction going away after a few brief moments of completely unreasonable pain. Dialing the numbers, I know by second nature, thankfully she picks up on the fourth ring.
"I don't think you should drive y/n"
" Just call 911. I'm almost there! " Gemma ecstatically shouts. She's just like her brother, "Where's Harrold? "
I put the seatbelt on and wince. It's just 28 minutes I can do this. "He's with his whore."
I can hear an audible gasp, "he wouldn't he's so excited for Athena"
"Well I just called him and she answered. " I grunt keeping my eyes on the two lanes ahead of me. Fuck I hate merging lanes people don't know how to drive.
"I'll be at the hospital as soon as possible but my phones gonna-" the line went dead. She did say she was on like 10% oh well.
I can do this just focus y/n. "Hear that baby girl we're almost there, hang on okay Hunny. " I say as a reminder to myself that soon I'll be leaving with another human with me.
6 miles to go that's what I'm talking about, another sharp pain spreads throughout my abdomen while waiting for the light to turn green. "OH COME ON. FOR FUCKS SAKE!" they're getting closer by the minute. Shit. Arriving at a four-way intersection. I'm relieved to be at a red light, the contractions are longer and much more frequent. "Almost there Athena, this is the last light and a straight shot from there."
Abruptly my car is jerked forward with a sharp impact pushing to the oncoming lights. All I see are lights from both directions colliding with my 3,000-pound piece of metal. Sounds of shattering glass and sirens are the last thing I hear before it all fades to black.
Harry's POV
"Has anyone seen Mr. Style's phone?" The helpful aid asked around the dressing room. I could've sworn I put it down for a moment. Y/n could go into labor any minute now and how I am supposed to know. Fuck. I'm stupid.
I was supposed to be here to perform and list nominees and then go back home to y/n. I can't wait to propose to her, she's all I could ever want and she's giving me the most wonderful gift I could ever ask for. Running a hand through my damp hair, the lights really build a sweat, I hear a familiar voice. "Looking for this lover? " she asks slipping my phone into my pocket.
"Good luck at home. " she smiles and winks. Before I could question it she walks away.
Looking down at the device my heart skips a beat, I have 146 missed calls. And I've been gone for 5 hours. Seeing Gemma's name on the screen again I swipe to answer.
"Harry," she says sniffling.
"Gemma what's wrong? did I miss it? Oh my god I hope not"
"I think it would be best if you came now Harry." she breaks her voice cracking.
"Gem what?"
"Listen Harry, she needs you right now so please." she cries. Not needing another word, I tell Jackson the address and that I need to be there as fast as possible, 45 minutes later we're pulling into the Labor and Delivery section of the hospital.
"Congrats Harry!" Jackson says letting me out at the door. "Thank you!" I beam back at him.
Seeing Gemma, her eyes are puffy with tears still flowing. "Gem what's wro-," a sharp pain to my right cheek stings. Never has Gemma hit me like that, well not since I cut her prom dress. "How could you Harry? Cheat on her again WITH TAYLOR for Christ sakes!" She yells.
"I didn't cheat," I explain to my sister as calm as I can.
She looks at me with wild eyes pulling me into a hallway with fewer people, "Then what happened Harrold?" I clench my jaw instead of speaking, how dare she accuse me of cheating on my pregnant soon-to-be fiancé. Y/n Styles has a great catch don't you think?
"Is she here yet? Gem where are they?" I ask ready to see my new family.
She begins crying again "Harry there was an accident." Those five words make my breathing come to a halt. My heart shatters in a million pieces "Is Y/n okay? What happened?" She begins walking me to a door. "This one," she points. Looking through the glass I see y/n with bruises and cuts to her beautiful face, her stomach nearly deflated from when I last saw her this morning, a cast on a swollen leg of hers, and a sling holding a very damaged arm. Tears brim at my eyes looking at my love on that hospital bed. "She's awake." Gemma walks past me running to the outside.
I gently knock on the door, waiting for a response which I don't get. "Y/n?" I approach her almost as If I were going to help an injured puppy. "Hey love" I smile at her which she glares at me and then turns wincing in pain. "You wanted this didn't you Harry?" I look at her confused. "This is probably great for you, a way out. Well leave." She states using whatever energy she can find.
"Baby I didn't want- I want you and Athena" She breaks down in uncontrollable tears.
"You were with that her and couldn't even bother to pick up your phone!" she screams. "Y/n I wasn-" a knock at the door interrupts my sentence, "Come in" She says glaring at me as a nurse opens the door.
"Hey there Mama, we have a visitor." the nurse wheel in a tiny cart that has a bunch of equipment coming from it. She looks at me and asks Y/n, "Is this dad?" she nods and rolls her eyes. "About time you made it!" She smiles my way. Placing the beautiful baby in front of us. She's so small and fragile. "The doctor will be in shortly to talk to you." She states picking up the tiny child and putting her in Y/n's arm.
"Hi pumpkin," Y/n coos into her ear. "Guess who decided to show?" She smiles, a tear falling from the corner of her eye. She nods her head towards me as I go to hold her. She's so soft and precious. Her small eyes have a gorgeous mix of both mine and Y/n's. She has such a cute round face, I couldn't imagine her looking any different.
"Hi there angel, I'm so sorry I was late." I see a spot dampen on her blanket that surrounds her, knowing that I'm crying. Her small eyes shining like twinkling stars. So small I can feel her fragile body between my large hands.
Another knock before the door opens when several doctors walk in. "Mrs. Y/ln, unfortunately, we have some bad news,"
"Oh, hello there Mr. Styles." They state acknowledging my existence. One of the female doctors places a black and white image on the lighted board illuminating the small figure.
"Unfortunately, due to the accident, Athena has suffered from what we call a fetomaternal hemorrhage."
"What exactly are you saying?" Y/n ask looking at the child still in my arms.
The slightly shorter male doctor points to the image. "This is an abscess of blood in the brain. Unfortunately, the risk is too large to operate. I'd give her another day at most."
"You m-mean," Tears start pouring down her face" I was so scared she was hurt. I-I promise I saw the light it was red, and I-I stopped but," She began heaving losing more air with each word. I gently rub her back as I cradle Athena with one arm.
"She's still being monitored but I'm afraid she won't have much longer." The first doctor breaks the silence. "According to the police report the car that struck you from behind happened to be a drunk driver, Gage Joyce." I can feel the anger surging through me. "I remember the clashing of metal, glass breaking, the sirens but it all went b-black." She mumbles, seemingly remembering the awful experience. I grab her hand in hopes of comforting her but it doesn't seem to work.
"After striking your car at 72 mph it had ample force to push your vehicle into the opposite traffic. Your vehicle took the most impact and was hit by four other cars. On scene, EMT's said you were in and out of consciousness mumbling about a baby. Taken and brought to the L&D." he finishes.
"Fetomaternal hemorrhages are often caused by trauma and sometimes can be revered but in this case, we've done all we can do." They all frown looking at the small girl still in my arms.
"No, there's got to be more you can bloody do! We're in a hospital for Christ sakes!" I exclaim, passing my daughter to the love of my life. She gently caresses her soft skin. She's literally a perfect combination of us. I cannot lose my family.
"You can leave, thank you all for your help." y/n says quietly, they oblige by her wishes and leave us with our daughter.
"Harry," she wipes a tear from her face cautious of the IV placed on her hand, "If what they say is true, I just want to spend time with her." She sniffles. I nod understanding. She looks back at the small being in her arms, "Hi pretty girl, Mommy's so happy to meet you," she unfolds the blanket from her. I sit next to her on the small bed in the room that smells of sterilization. Placing my finger near hers' she wraps her small hand around my thumb, her grip so tight for someone so small. Y/n kisses her forehead, "Harry," she runs her finger along her small legs.
"Can you sing the song?" nodding and softly singing Isn't she Lovely by Stevie Wonder, in the small hospital bed as our new life falls asleep. All night I watch her little chest rise and fall allowing y/n to get some rest soon following my two loves.
By the early morning, nurses are rushing in because of the loud beeping from the monitor, waking y/n and I. It feels like everything is happening so fast but in slow motion right in front of me. Those three words are the ones I didn't want to hear. "No! no. I have to take her home. She's gotta go home..." Y/n screams, not being able to see her face due to the tears in my eyes falling and rebuilding themselves faster than the speed of light. "Call it." One of the nurses shouts.
"Time of Death 6:18 am March 7th, 2019"
As they cleared out the room, I see her small lifeless body curled into a blanket, almost as if she were sleeping, but no longer do breaths fall from her small heart-shaped lips.
Y/n hasn't said a word since we got in the car. It's been four days since we lost Athena. She slowly climbs into the car, still sore from the accident and birth. I go to the backseat holding back my emotions and putting the empty car-seat in the trunk of the car that should have been holding three of us.
Starting the silent journey back home she continues to look out of the window, a frown etched on her mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks as she instinctively touches her somewhat deflated stomach. What kind of sick joke is this?
"Harry why were you with her?" she asks me looking down at what used to be her baby bump.
"I wasn't love, she took my phone while I was on stage." She just nods and remains silent until we pull up to the flat. She begins walking up the stairs as best she can. "Y/n wait, let me help."
"No Harry!" She yells. Pain evident in her voice, ignoring her I open the door and help her inside. "Harry I can't do this." I stare at her confused, "What can't you do y/n?"
"Us Harry. I can't look at you and not think of her." She sobs.
"Y/n we can-" I try to reason with her.
"No Harry, please just go." She whispers.
"I'm not losing both of you," I state holding back my own sobs. I feel like everything feels like it's getting smaller around me, suffocating in grief.
"You already have."
A/N: What can I say I have a thing for dark endings. Anyways I really appreciate the support loves. I hope you enjoy these! Right now I've been working on a Loki piece, I'm so excited for it. I changed the writing style tho, so it's not 1st person per usual. I think it's going pretty well so far.
xoxo Janelle
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reneesi · 4 years
i never would have thought // CH.10
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CH.10 II the walk home
A/N: GUESS WHOS BACK?? I lived hoes 😎😎. So I've been feeling a lot better and I finally got enough sleep to remember how to write and I also got an editor!! so yay! Hopefully the quality will be a little bit better writing wise :)! We will be returning to semi-scheduled programing but for my sake I'm gonna change the updates to twice a week since three time was clearly too much for me to keep up with. Tuesdays and Fridays will be the new upload days! Anyways, enjoy the rest of the chapter~
“I knew you’d make it!” Tanka roared, slapping Tsukishima’s back a little too hard as the blonde took a seat beside him. Tsukishima flinched ever so slightly, and grit his teeth as he reached up to rub his shoulder.
“I only came because this is a team event.” Tsukishima mumbled, rolling his eyes as more teammates piped in with hellos and comments of joking passive aggressiveness.
When Tsukishima had initially texted the group chat that he would be skipping that night's festivities the team had erupted into light disapproval and jokes of annoyance. Although (Y/n) knew she should have been angry, the feeling that overwhelmed her senses was much closer to disappointment. She’d tried her best to hide the way her stomach had sunk deep into itself by keeping her eyes low, but her slightly hunched posture had been a dead give away. Sugawara, ever so intuitive, had taken notice.
So while the rest of the team broke out into laughter and hypothetical plans to drag Tsukishima along, Suga had wrapped an arm around (Y/n)’s shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile. (Y/n) had smiled back of course, as convincing as she could muster, but had mostly kept her head down for the rest of the walk.
And while the team was slightly annoyed with Tsukishima’s lack of presence, they weren’t the least bit surprised since it wasn’t the first time he had bailed on them. Yamaguchi, especially, had tried his best to defend Tsukishima at first. That is until he’d caught a glimpse of (Y/n)’s face. One look at her frown immediately made him go silent.  A few minutes later he had broken away from the group, typing away furiously at his screen.
Now that Tsukishima was sitting right across from her, (Y/n) couldn’t bring herself to erase the stress that was crushing her chest. She looked down at her food in confusion, he was here.. so why did she still feel awful?
“You didn’t have to come, you know?” (Y/n) finally burst out, looking up just in time to see Tsukishima’s eyes widen ever so slightly. In the dim yellow-ish light his blush was easy to miss. Tsukishima reached up to adjust his glasses and let out a signature tch.
“Of course I didn’t have to come, stupid,” He replied in irritation, looking away to avoid (Y/n)’s heavy stare. When she didn’t look away, he added “I came because I wanted to.”
“That’s convenient.” Yamaguchi cut in, unusual smirk tugging at his usual innocent face.
“Just gonna casually leave the part out where I had to basically force you to come?” Yamaguchi teased, reaching over to poke at Tsukishima’s increasingly red face. The blonde quickly swatted his best friend’s fingers away.
“You didn’t force me,” He scowled, sending Yamaguchi a glare “I just reconsidered is all.”
The latter of his words were much quieter, so much so that for a moment (Y/n) considered they may have been just for her.  A secret message of reassurance that he didn’t in fact hate her, but rather had really just been feeling lazy. She turned those five words over in her head at least seven times, staring at him intently, before receiving another glare. She came to the conclusion that it was much more likely that he hadn’t meant for anyone to hear. (Y/n) thought about what it could have meant, narrowing her eyes as her vision lulled.
“Stop staring, it’s rude.” Tsukishima said flatly, reaching across the table to flick (Y/n)’s forehead abruptly. (Y/n) shook her head in surprise and finally noticed she’d completely zoned out straight ahead. Her eyes widened as a red tint flushed across her cheeks.
“S-sorry!” She squeaked out, looking away immediately.
If it wasn’t for Tsukishima’s light chuckle drawing her eyes back just seconds later, (Y/n) would have missed what must have been the first time she’d seen Tsukishima smile in what felt like forever. He rolled his eyes before turning to ask Tanaka a question, and being pulled into a long conversation about volleyball.
Following this example, (Y/n) turned to her upperclassmen and joined their conversation, but unlike Tsukishima, she was unable to focus. And although her eyes rarely made their way back to him for the remainder of dinner, (Y/n) couldn’t get her mind to do the same.
At around 9 PM, Hinata and Kageyama announced that they would be departing early, excusing themselves with a simple mention of early training. As he hugged her goodbye, (Y/n) could have sworn she saw a blush creeping its way across her cousin's cheeks, but when she tried to ask he’d practically jumped out of his skin and laughed a little too loud.
“I’m probably just sleepy!” Shoyo had chuckled, slapping (Y/n)’s arm with more force than necessary.
(Y/n) had squinted at the pair, watching as they made their exit, wincing as she rubbed her arm thoughtfully. She would definitely have to bring this up with Shoyo later.
As for the rest of the team, most of them had stayed until at least 10 PM. After that it grew even later and people began to bid their goodbyes until only Daichi, Sugawara, (Y/n), Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima remained standing outside of the restaurant.
“I never realized how late it had gotten!” Sugawara yawned, peering at his watch. Daichi took Suga’s school bag and draped it over his own shoulder, wrapping his free arm around his boyfriend’s waist. Suga rubbed at his eyes sleepily.
“Hinata-chan, will you be okay walking home so far this late at night?” Daichi asked, turning to face the first years.
“I think I’ll be okay… I’d usually just walk with Shoyo but he left early.” (Y/n) giggled awkwardly, rubbing at the back of her neck with her palm. Daichi’s eyes suddenly widened as he looked at something just behind (Y/n). She turned back quizzically only to be met with a sheepish Yamaguchi. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes and raised a brow.
“Yama..?” She asked slowly.
“Yes?” He replied, batting his eyelashes innocently. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and groaned.
“Okay, well i'm going home. Congratulations Hinata, have a good night everyone.” He raised a hand lazily, already turning to leave.
“Would you like me to walk you h-“ Daichi began before Yamaguchi, who had grabbed Tsukishima by the collar of his shirt at some point, cut in.
“Actualllllyyy Tsukishima is gonna walk her home! You guys go home! Don’t worry about it!” Yamaguchi beamed, waving at his upperclassmen in an almost aggressive manner.
“Looks like we’re being shooed away, goodnight everybody.” Sugawara chuckled lightly, following Daichi’s lead as he turned them both around and began to walk, arm still held tight around Suagwara.
“Goodnight everyone.” Daichi called back, footsteps growing distant as a silence fell over the three remaining first years.
“I’m not walking her home.” Tsukishima said, almost on cue, as he wiggled his way free of Yamaguchi’s gasp and began to walk away once more.
“Oh no you don’t.” Yamaguchi snatched him by the strap of his bag this time “You absolutely will be walking (Y/n) home! Last time you didn’t, so you still owe her.”
“H-hey it's ok! I can just walk home alone, I don’t wanna cause any trouble-“ (Y/n) tried, words wavering as her anxiety seeped through.
“Are you kidding? It’s almost midnight! No way you’re walking that entire way alone! What if you get kidnapped? Or worse! Tsukishima are you really gonna let some random killer get a hold of our teams precious third manager because you-”
“Oh shut up.” Tsukishima finally cut in, rolling his eyes in frustration. He glared over at Yamaguchi and ripped his friend’s hand off of the strap of his bag.
“Fine, I’ll walk her home…. But fuck you Yama.” He growled, turning briskly to walk in the direction of the Hinata’s house.
(Y/n) looked over at Yamaguchi in absolute horror, Yamaguchi only offered her a cheeky grin and two thumbs up in response before Tsukishima’s angry voice rose up.
“Come one idiot.”
The first ten minutes of walking were dead silent, with Tsukishima keeping a steady pace two steps ahead and (Y/n) trying her very best not to stare at the back of his head like a total creep.
“Sorry for being late.” Tsukishima eventually grumbled, not bothering to turn back.
(Y/n) was thankful for that, given that her cheeks began to glow pink almost immediately. She blinked at the back of his head for a moment too long before remembering she was supposed to answer.
“I-it’s okay!” She stuttered out, staring up at the sky in avoidance until her face finally cooled. After more silent minutes passed, (Y/n) furrowed her brows thoughtfully and asked,
“Why didn’t.. you wanna come… at first?”
Whatever Tsukishima’s face had done in response to her abrupt question would forever be a mystery, given that from behind he appeared completely unfazed.
“Reasons.” He finally said flatly, head tilting ever so slightly to indicate he was looking up at the sky.
“But I came didn’t I?” Tsukishima added after another long moment of silence.
“Thank you for showing up, even if you were late, it meant a lot.. to me.” (Y/n) replied, voice barely above a whisper.
Tsukishima’s shoulders seemed to tense, but not enough for (Y/n) to be sure. If only they were walking side by side she could gauge his reactions better… she quickened her pace ever so slightly but not enough to close the gap.
“Yeah, congrats on winning.” Tsukishima could have been smiling, it almost sounded like he was, but in all honesty (Y/n) never knew with him.
“You deserved it.” He added after another minute of silence passed.
The walk continued in quietude for a bit as the tension finally eased off of (Y/n)’s shoulders. Even if it was just one simple kind remark, (Y/n) understood Tsukishima well enough by now to know he didn’t go around giving praise to just anyone. His kindness was not to be taken lightly, even if it was barely notable at best. Maybe he had been mad, maybe not, but it had clearly passed given that he wasn’t being mean or ignoring her at the moment. If they were okay, if Tsukishima was tossing her light compliments and walking just a little bit slower until their paces matched up and they were walking side by side, then it didn’t really matter much to (Y/n) what had been going through his head earlier that day. They were clearly still friends, so she could stop walking on so many eggshells.
“You know you never did tell me much about your brother!” (Y/n)'s voice chimed up, bubbly syllables lifting her steps into light skips as she leaned forward and turned her head back to send Tsukishima a cheeky ass grin. He scoffed and reached up to adjust his glasses, breaking eye contact quickly.
“I already told you stuff about me. If anything you should be the one talking, idiot.” Tsukishima groaned, irritated brows crossing across his forehead.
“What do you wanna know?” (Y/n) asked, pestering tone vanished from her voice. Tsukishima only shrugged, eyes held taught to the sky.
“I could tell you about my family?” (Y/n) tried after neither first years said anything for a full five minutes.
“Ok.” Tsukishima said simply, glancing over as (Y/n) held a finger up to her chin thoughtfully.
She tried to ignore the way his eyes made her cheeks burn just a bit and looked up at the stars that had gradually begun to shine brighter and brighter.
“Well my parents are pretty nice people, they just aren’t so great at being parents.” (Y/n) laughed to herself softly, glancing over at Tsukishima’s confused face for only a moment. When he didn’t reply, she continued
“They love me, I know they do. The world back home is just… different. Honestly it's difficult for me to talk about this because I feel like it’s a hard place to explain to an outsider.”
“An outsider..?” Tsukishima narrowed his eyes, not in offense but in curiosity
“My parents are kind of… wealthy. The whole social bubble that comes with that is totally different from here..” (Y/n) explained cautiously, embarrassment seeping through the cracks of her words. Tsukishima’s face relaxed to an unreadable expression.
“Oh.” He mumbled, gaze drifting to the sky in tandem with (Y/n).
“Yeah. It kind of sucks..” She sighed, “And I mean I don’t wanna sound ungrateful or anything because I’m not! It’s just that everything has a price and mine was freedom.. My whole life growing up my parents were always motoring me like some kind of doll. I always had to dress a certain way and act a certain way and hang out with certain people and the more they made me the more I hated it.”
(Y/n) paused, sneaking a glance at Tsukishima, his brows furrowed again, but instead of frustration he seemed like he was deep in thought.
“Once, when I was 11, I remember overhearing them arguing about how I'd never end up happy if I couldn’t learn how to fit in. My dad wanted to send me away to boarding school and my Mom was absolutely opposed, but she agree with him that I needed to.. improve.. or I’d never find the right man and settle down and stuff. I was too young to really understand but it just seemed so unfair. I mean, I hated school. I was always having to hang out with these girls that would spread rumors about me behind my back and the guys were.. mean, and I was just so mad that my parents were blaming me for the way I was reaction to it all that I started pushing back as hard as I possibly could and-“ (Y/n)’s lips came to a halt as realization hit her
“I-I’m sorry I’m totally rambling about stupid stuff that you didn’t even ask abou-“
“Shut up” Tsukishima cut in, “if I didn’t wanna listen I would have just tuned you out.”
“H-hey!” (Y/n) protested, mortified blush still hugging her cheeks.
“I didn’t. So stop talking about pointless stuff and keep going.” Tsukishima scoffed, stretching his arms up to provide support for his head which was tilting back into his palms.
“Okay.” (Y/n) mumbled softly, embarrassment dying down to a subtle shyness.
“W-well, I ended up dying my hair brown two years later. I wanted to because I-I never really liked my hair but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t do it mostly because I wanted to piss my parents off.” (Y/n) giggled out the last bit, tugging at a strand of hair unconsciously.
“It suits you.” Tsukishima said simply.
“Thanks!” (Y/n) lit up, too distracted by the prospect of talking about her hair to notice exactly what Tsukishima had just said.
“I did it by myself and I’ve kept it up all these years because I think it looks a lot better and-“
“Okay, I’m tuning you out.” Tsukishima yawned
“Hey! Don’t be rude!” (Y/n) glared, reaching over to punch his arm lightly. Tsukishima made a face of displeasure but otherwise ignored it.  
“Anyways, AS I WAS SAYING before SOMEONE so RUDELY interrupted me,” (Y/n) began again, clearing her throat before delving into a ten minute rant about why dying her hair was the best decision she’d ever made.
Just as she was finishing up, the Hinata household came into view. The conversation fizzled to an end as Tsukishima walked (Y/n) all the way to the door, staying a good foot behind her. He watched her with the same bored expression as they made their way to the front steps and front yard respectively. (Y/n) paused and turned back to Tsukishima with a breath held tight in her chest, it would be rude to walk inside without even saying goodbye.
“T-thank you, for walking me all the way here.” (Y/n) stuttered, eyes trained on the ground that stretched between.
“Yeah.” Tsukishima shrugged, pausing for a long moment before finally asking “Hinata-chan?”
“Yeah?” Her eyes snapped up to him almost reflexively
“While you’re here, be yourself. It’ll be a waste if you’re not… I know we all want you to feel at home so if your other home is a bad place make this a good one.” Tsukishima’s tone was nearly impossible to pinpoint. It hadn’t been quite soft but his usual cover of aloofness was completely absent, it was the kind of comfort that was candid and honest in a way that Tsukishima rarely ever displayed. (Y/n) stared at him wide eyed, before slowly nodding. He stared back for another long moment, almost as if waiting for a reply before a look of finality overtook his features and he held up a lazy hand.
“Goodbye.” He said monotonously, before turning to leave without another word. His movement snapped (Y/n) out of her shock and she called after him,
“Goodnight, Tsukishima! Thanks again!” She exclaimed, waving a frantic hand even though she knew Tsukishima wouldn’t be turning back to acknowledge it. As she watched him go (Y/n) felt an unstoppable blush stream across her face as his words rang through her head once more. His kindness was so rare, and as a result it always ended up feeling like a special gift. She touched the heated flesh of her cheek with the tips of her fingers, why was she always getting flustered around him?
“Don’t be so loud, my parents are already asleep.” Shoyo hissed from behind her, sticking his head out of the cracked front door.
(Y/n) realized Tsukishima was gone and that she’d been staring stupidly at nothing, she turned around and offered a sheepish smile.
“Sorry.” (Y/n) whispered, making her way inside once Shoyo opened the door fully and stepped aside.
“Why did you stay out so late?” Shoyo asked as (Y/n) leaned over and began taking off her shoes. After a pause she said,
“Tsukishima walks reeeeally slow.” (Y/n) smirked, lying straight through her teeth.
Shoyo’s eyes widened for a moment as he tried to do the calculations in his head, staring at her in utter perplexity. (Y/n) only snickered, slipping into her slippers as she began to walk away. Shoyo brain finally caught up and he burst out after his cousin,
“Wait, what the fuck?!”
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Hi there! I never see any Speedwagon asks and I've felt soft for him lately so I wanted to drop a one word prompt. "Stare" with Speedwagon?
Shout out to all the Speedwagon stans, this ones for you bbs 😘
- 🎩 Hypnotized 🎩
Erina adored high society parties.
Robert Speedwagon did not. Yet, he could never deny Erina; nor would he! The two had grown close in their grief for Jonathan, as Speedwagon was her only eyes into the bizarre life that had consumed her husband so swiftly. He cared for her, and if there was one thing he was going to do, it was be damn sure Erina, her little George, and wonderful, precious little Elizabeth were taken care off. It was the least he could do for Jonathan, who had essentially saved his life by beating him that night in the alley on Ogre Street.
But a party? He really didn’t know how to say no to Erina.
With the beautiful young widow looped around his arm, Speedwagon lead Erina into the ballroom. She knew most of the people, but he didn’t. He didn’t quite find himself desiring it either way; until all the breath was sucked out of his lungs.
You stood on the other side of the room, talking with a rich businessman and the friend who had introduced him to you. A sight to behold in your attire, well groomed and radiant you rivaled the sun in brilliance. You had Speedwagon immediately enamored.
“Robert, you look as though you’ve been struck with divine lightning,” Erina leaned over and whispered to him, tugging on his arm gently. “Who are you looking at?”
Composing himself, Speedwagon cleared his throat as he nervously adjusted his tie. Though he felt a blush creep onto his face, he played it off the best he could. “I thought I recognized someone there for a moment, but I was wrong. Come on now, lead the way. There’s plenty of people here waiting to see you.”
Erina didn’t seem much convinced by his act, but shrugged off his odd behavior all the same. That’s how much of the night went; every time you caught Speedwagon’s eye, he was absolutely mesmerized. Once, he was standing close enough to hear you laugh. It was magical.
The worst part of the night came as Speedwagon was gliding through the maze of people, a champagne flute in hand for Erina. As he made his way through the crowd, his eyes landed on you once again; as Speedwagon grew distracted and walked in your direction, mesmerizing the features of your face, the crinkle of your eyes as you smiled, a familiar voice made his stomach sink in his gut.
There was Erina, chatting away with you, the one who was making you smile so.
Speedwagon’s throat felt dry as he walked to Erina’s side, handing her the glass. He watched furiously as she cradled the stem of the glass in her delicate hand, focusing on that rather than staring directly into your face.
“...and this is Jonathan’s friend, Robert Speedwagon,” Erina was introducing him to you, he realized with a jolt, and caught himself before he could make things more awkward and looked into your face.
Big mistake. You were smiling even brighter now, even more radiant and elegant than before. You held yourself with such a poise, one expected of someone raised in a noble household with the utmost etiquette. Speedwagon himself was still getting used to such things under Erina’s tutelage.
“Mr. Speedwagon?” You inquired, snapping him out of his reverie. “Mr. Speedwagon, are you all right?”
“P-p-pleased to meet you!” He swiftly recovered, though he wasn’t sure of the severity of his mess up. “Just Robert is fine for any friend of Erina’s.”
“I appreciate that. Apologies, but would you mind telling me the time on your pocketwatch?”
He was grateful for the excuse, and pulled out the clock on the chain. “About five past ten.”
He watched as your face twisted in shock, felt his heart thump in his chest at how adorable the emotion was. “Oh dear, I do believe I must be taking my leave for now. Glad to see you again, Erina. A pleasure meeting you, Robert.”
It was all Speedwagon could do was give a nervous wave, so tongue-tied by hearing you speak his first name.
Once you were out of earshot, Erina lightly slapped him on the arm. “I cannot believe it! You were staring at them all night, Robert!”
“Huh?!” He exclaimed, more of shock than anger.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice! I just wasn’t sure who it was until now,” she gave him an incredulous look, and much like he was prone to doing so for Erina, he crumbled.
“I didn’t even catch their name...” he deflated further.
“That’s [Y/n], the star of the London Theater. I suppose we’ll be going to the opera now?” She teased. “They’re really a rising star in the English nobility right now.”
He did recognize the name, but he had never seen your face before. Not that any pictures in the newspaper would have done you justice.
“You should talk to them the next time you see them alone. I’m sure you’ll charm them just like you charm everyone else!”
He shook his head. “I’m just a street thug who was fortunate enough to meet you and Jonathan. I don’t expect much out of that.”
“Well you never know until you try, Robert!”
Speedwagon took Erina’s words to heart, he really did. But every time he saw you, he froze up. He was enraptured by your beauty.
And really, that was all you needed from Robert Speedwagon.
[A/N: for clarification my idea was that the reader was a minion of Dio’s that befriended Erina with the intention of winning her and Speedwagon over hehe. Idk evil reader? Congrats guys youre evil now]
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years
The First 'I Love You'
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x stark!reader
Warning: None
Prompt: “Are you sure you love me?” “Who else could I love?”
Requested by: @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts
Summary- kinda goes without saying. Peter says his first 'I love you'.
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May Parker always kept a watchful eye over her nephew's relationships.
Aside from the fact that it was to be protective, it was like a little game for her. Trying to catch and determine what parts of how Peter loved were like her or Ben or his parents or just himself.
He was always incredibly touchy, like Ben had been.
And he loved to give gifts. That was May's thing.
He was a bit overprotective. Ben.
And he definitely was the jealous type. May.
Pet names were the big one that tuned May in to start watching for more in the first place. The first time she ever heard Peter calling you 'sweetheart' over the phone, May almost spat out her water. 'Sweetheart' was one of Ben's favorites.
And yeah okay Peter definitely had way more of Ben's love traits than May's. But she didn't mind. Quite the opposite.
But there was only one thing that held potential to being a problem.
May had brushed it off before due to her nephew's persistent bashfulness at first. But it really did seem now that one of Ben's most prevalent habits was about to show itself inside Peter at any moment.
Ben was never one to be patient with something or someone that he truly, deeply cared about.
If he wanted something, no matter how hard he tried to give it time, it'd just thread on him until he had to do something about it.
Which was why he was the first to say 'I love you.' And thankfully, May was ready to say it back when he did.
And May desperately wanted it to be the same for Peter.
And she didn't want to be judgmental, but she knew you were a Stark. And everything came easily to Starks, except one thing.
She'd seen how you were on the first date with Peter. How intimidated he'd been. How much your guard was up all the time.
She'd known how long it finally took you to say yes to being his girlfriend. How many times he had to ask and get an 'I need to work on myself first' or an 'I really do like you, but I'm not ready yet.'
She saw how much it broke Peter's heart even though he tried to stay hopeful. And how ecstatic he was when you finally decided that you could say yes.
You'd made lots of progress since then, but even now, with how comfortable you were with him, you were still cautious. It was almost as if you expected to be hurt. That at some moment Peter would pull off a mask and show you a 'true self'.
Normally, she'd try to sneakily butt in and ease your worries, but she knew it wasn't her place. You'd have to find out on your own that Peter would never hurt you.
And she could see that Peter was reaching that point that Ben often would. When there was only one thing on his mind and it would dominate his thoughts and it was like he was a balloon all too ready to pop.
"Give her time, Pete," May said one day out of the blue, causing Peter's head to snap up. "I know what you've been thinking about lately, and I just wanna tell you to give her some time. Trust your instinct."
Her nephew smiled, amazed at how well she could read him. He nodded. "Okay."
And true to his word, he waited until he felt the time was right.
He was walking you home, a lovesick smile on his face as you ranted passionately about some stupid tv show.
Your eyes held so much joy and wonder. He just wanted that to go on forever.
When he was little, he always thought it was corny when his uncle Ben would sit him down and tell him about his first 'I love you' with May. But now, he understood. Because this was a feeling that everyone should want to feel.
"Guess it's time to go, Pete," you said. "Thanks for tonight-"
"-I love you."
He said it confidently the first time. So sure and so certain that he wanted you to hear it.
But when you hadn't caught what he said exactly and wanted him to repeat it, it all went away. What if it wasn't what you wanted to hear? What if you weren't ready to say it back?
He looked down at his shoes. "I-i, um.." Taking a deep breath, he looked back into your eyes and said it again. "I said I love you..."
You didn't say it back immediately, and that really threw him for a loop. Instead, you shifted and looked anywhere but to him.
"I-i mean, you don't have to s-say it back. That's totally fine," he rambled. "I-i just s-sorta wanted you..to-to know..."
"Are you sure you love me?," you said, your eyes becoming a bit glossy.
You'd never heard those words spoken like that before. You never thought that you ever would.
A little confused, Peter scrunched his eyebrows together but smiled. "Who else could I love?," he chuckled a bit. "I mean, I do love Ned, and Aunt May, and Mr. Stark, and MJ... but none of them this way.. not like this," he confirmed for you.
He'd never seen such uncertainty in your eyes before. You held yourself and started to back away a bit, cluing to him that he'd done something wrong.
Maybe you weren't ready to say it back he figured. Maybe you wouldn't be for a long time. But he knew right then and there, that he wanted nothing more than for you to be, and he'd wait forever for it to happen.
"Look, [Y/N]. I'm sorry," he began, tearing up a bit, but there was no way he was gonna be crying in front of you. "You probably don't-"
He was shut up when he felt your arms tightly wrapped around him.
"I love you too," you said back, fully crying tears of joy at this point. "I love you so much Peter!"
At that, he started to cry too. You actually said it back. This was perfect. You were perfect.
"Full warning," he said, pushing back so that he could see your entire tear stained, doey eyed, perfect face. "Now that I've got you, I'm never letting you go."
All you did in response was smile widely and pull him closer. It was a confirmation of what the two of you had done. And neither of you would ever forget it.
"You're so precious, baby," he softly whispered into your ear. "I'll love y-"
"Um, excuse me why is my daughter crying?," a rough voice broke in.
The two of you looked to the side to see your father at the door with his arms crossed. He looked to Peter's face. "Oh and you're crying too," he noted. "And you're both smiling- Oh my God you didn't ask to marry her did you?"
"Their vitals show that they are happy, Mr. Stark," F.R.I.D.A.Y. broke in. "If you would like, I can play back the last five mintues recorded from the door for you; starting with the words 'I love you'. That phrase seems to have started this ordeal."
You and Peter looked to each other before you both burst into laughter. "That little snitch," you said.
Your father rolled his eyes. "Alright continue your little.. thing," he said. Then he pointed to Peter. "But you're not allowed in her bedroom tonight, underoos. Too many emotions going around and I don't trust it. You two stay in the living room."
"Oh-uh," Peter scratched the back of his head. "I actually better be on my way home for dinner. Have a nice night, Mr. Stark." He looked to you and his blush deepened. "Bye sweetheart. Love you."
"Love you too," you responded, to which your dad made vomit sounds as he walked into the building.
That night, Peter literally skipped down the sidewalk all the way home, humming and having spontaneous bouts of laughter.
Walking into his home, he quickly yelled out.
"May! May c'mere!"
"What's up?," she yelled back. "Did the date go well? What happened? Oh my gosh are you crying?"
Peter shook his head slightly. "No no no no I'm just...so happy right now!"
He ran to hug her, smiling brightly.
"She said it May... I told her and she said it back."
You walked into the game room after having a squealing fit in your room.
You walked in and was immediately met with... applause?
The entire team was sitting there looking at you and there was a cake... what?
You couldn't hear everyone because they were speaking all at once. It wasn't until you were patted on the shoulder and turned to see Rhodey standing there. "Hey kid..make sure you two have a condom when you finally...do it."
Your face scrunched up. "What?!"
"Yeah, Tony showed us the footage," Bruce said, appearing on the other side of you.
"He- what?!"
Bucky laughed, taking a big cut out of the cake. "Peter probably would've snuck into the bedroom with you too, if Tony hadn't cockblocked you. But yeah we threw you a little love party."
You blushed profusely as Sam swung an arm around you. "Hey Steve! That was a language word!"
Steve rolled his eyes and then looked to you. "Congrats [Y/N]."
"Okay, this is officially weird and I'm going to bed."
"Okay but check the room for any spiders first!," Rhodes yelled out, earning a middle finger as you walked away.
When you made it to your room, you threw yourself onto the bed with a sigh.
"He loves me...he actually loves me."
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endydancer1 · 4 years
We used to be strangers | Part 1
Pairing: Tom Holland x Y/N Lincoln
Summary: Tom has just finished his latest movie and is heading back home to London. While he is passing the high building, suddenly something happens what changes his life completely. What is the shadow up there?
WARNING: Mentions of injuries, blood, depression and thinking of suicide.
"Mrs. Lincoln, can you examine this patient, please? He came here about 20 minutes ago and I haven't found any other doctor who isn't at the operating theathre at the moment. Are you free now? " an older nurse asked me.
I just simply nodded. I looked at the boy standing in front of me. The boy wasn't older than 8. He was sobbing. His eyes were all red and about to start watering again any minute. He was holding his left arm rubbing it gently. Poor little boy. A reassuring smile appeared on my face. I crunched in front of him and looked at him.
"Hi. My name is Dr. Y/N. What's your name? "
"R-Ryan. " he said quietly with his lips trembling.
"So Ryan, is your mum with you?"
"Y-yea.. She.. She is at the toilet. "
"Okey, so come with me, I'll take a look at your injury and the nurse will send your mum to my ambulance as soon as she comes out the toilet,okey?"
He shyly nodded and followed me into my doctor's office.
" Ryan.. Sit down, please. Tell me, what has happened to you? "
" I-I.. We were playing hide and seek in the park.. And.. I tripped over a tree root and when I fell, I hurt my arm. " he sobbed again.
" Oh, I see. Can you show me your arm?" I asked him politely, because I saw how nervous and scared he was. He mumbled something like yes. I couldn't hear him properly. I examined his arm. It was only  a bit swollen with a large, dark bruise.
I told him to use ice pack on it. I also gave him a lollipop and with a small smile on my face I took him out to waiting room. Behind the door, Ryan's mum was waiting there for him to take him home. When they left, I went back to my office. I felt really tired. I had been up for like 32 hours. The night was really rough. Lots of injuries, cuts, blood was literally everywhere. I was sitting in my chair, eyes closed. I recall everything from previous night. A man in his late twenties with skull fructure, drunk girl with open leg fructure, some deep cuts, bloody injuries. Blood was everywhere. Even in my dreams. I had been doctor for just a few years and still the blood scared me. Not that I mind seeing blood, but it hunted me in my dreams, in my thoughts. I saw so many injuries in your life, after only 3 years as a doctor, I thought I had seen everything. Every time I closed my eyes, I heard someone screaming, I saw blood everywhere, cuts, bruises. It was so... Familiar, but still so.. Strange? Unknown? I don't know. One thing I know for sure is, that I hated to close my eyes. Especially, when I was home alone.
A knock on the door snapped me from my thoughts, from daydreaming (should I really call it daydreaming?). I opened my eyes slowly.
"Come in! "
The door slowly opened and a head with dark hair and brow eyes popped out. A warm smile appeared on his face.
"Hey, Dr. Y/N. Are you okey? "
It was Dr. Melendez. He was about 10 years older than me, Mexican, good-looking and in a good shape. I sighed and looked at him.
"No.. I am just tired. Thanks for asking." I smiled a little. He came to me and rubbed my shoulder.
"You should go home. Your shift is at the end. Go home, take a shower and rest. You've made a great job previous night. Now, you can go. You need to rest."
He was always kind to me. Yeah, he was bit mean in some ways, especially to residents, but if you knew him better, spent some time with him, you would know he is a good doctor and good person, in some ways.
I just simply nodded and stand up. I packed my things, still thinking about the blood and injuries. Melendez was still there, watching me. Sometimes, I felt like he actually...like me, maybe? Probably not. He was just casually... staring. I hung my scrub and put on denim jacket.
"Thanks, Dr. Melendez. See you soon. Bye." I smiled and waved him. I walked out of my office to waiting room. I said goodbye to nurses. I was slowly walking to the entrance, when I heard someone screaming code blue. I signed. Not again. I quickly ran out of the hospital. Don't get me wrong, I love helping people, but not right now. Fortunately, Melendez was there for them.
I was walking along the street, passing by the strangers. I stopped and looked around. There were many happy couples holding hands, kissing, hugging. Anxiety went through my body, I was shivering, my lips were trembling, tears started to falling down. I quickly ran to the end of the street stopping only near the high building. I didn't know who was living there. But I knew these walls, the brick on it, the roof so well. I spent most of the time there, trying to end MY time. I took a hard breathe and opened the front door. It was dark inside. Only a green neon light with the exit sigh was blinking a little. I pushed myself and started to walking up the stairs. When I was on the fourth floor, I pushed big brown door in the corner of the hall. The sigh on them said DO NOT ENTER, but it was always opened, so why should I kept myself away from the door? I had to hit the door hard with my arm at first, because it was a bit stucked. I opened the door and went inside. I closed quietly and sprinted up the staircase. The roof of the building appeared in front of me. The beautiful blue sky, shining sun, a gentle breeze. I inhaled it and walked over to the edge of the building. As always, I wanted to end it. End it all. In a second, everything would be away, I would be dead and no one would really care. The tips of fingers on my feet were hunging in the air. I looked down on the street. There are lots of people there. They are just... passing. Not paying any attention! They are chatting, laughing, not noticing someone is up there. Many things went through my mind. Everything what had happened in my life. I was flustrated, sad, angry. I hated myself. Deep inside me I wanted to had never been born. I was ready to jump.
Tom POV:
"Aaand.. Cut! Great job guys, I am proud of you. That was the last scene, so congrats to all of you. We've made it! You deserve a little vocation after these rough months. So go home, rest a bit. I'll see you next Saturday on the Wrap party. See you soon guys! " director said to us with a wide smile. All of us started clapping. Then we all went to our trailers to pack our stuff. It was strange feeling to go away after months of hard work,knowing I wouldn't meet anyone from the crew everyday. I felt kinda sad, but also relieved that I can spend some time with my friends and family having fun and chilling at home or in the nature. I needed this vacation.
I packed all my stuff, thinking about taking a nap at home and maybe going to pub later that night with Haz, Tuwaine and Harry. A knock on the door snapped me back to reality.
"Come in!" I shouted not turning around to whoever was behind the door.
"Hey Tom, I've just wanted to say goodbye, mate. I am leaving this evening. But I hope we will see each other in a few weeks. Come to US and we will party."
It was Zendaya. She laughed and hugged me saying goodbye. I will miss her the most from all of these people. She is like my sister.
" I'll miss you. Sure, I will be in the US as soon as possible. "I chuckled and hugged her back. When she was leaving she waved me and then went to the airport. I took my stuff and went outside. I wanted to walk a bit on the fresh air. I texted Harrison, that I was on my way home and then started walking among the streets. I was staring at my phone, scrolling the Instagram, not paying any attention to the surrounding world. Maybe it was a mistake, because I bumped into few people. I apologized and rather put my phone into the pocket of my jeans. It was really nice day. Sun was shining, birds were singing. I looked at the sky. I had to narrow my eyes, because the sun was shining really brightly. It thought that I saw someone standing on the edge of the building for a second. Well, I couldn't tell it was a person for sure. Maybe it was just a bird ... Or just a shadow.
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kiwisandsuga · 4 years
"I saw the smile on your face when you looked at her."
Jeon Jungkook
Genre: Angst, Eventual Fluff
Song Rec: Euphoria by Jeon Jungkook
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Jeon Jungkook was a good man, is a good man.
The fate of someone who was born to riches and a not so good family, you and Jungkook were heirs. Hence came the fact of an arranged marriage, regardless of that the two of you were the best of friends. Growing up together until the arranged date of matrimony came.
The two of you have been married for almost two years.
Most of the days together were like being roommates, I cooked and he cleaned up. We both would play games together on a late night after we finished our company duties, he would tell me about his day and in turn I would discuss mine too.
Until we both reached that age where the both of is inherited our parent’s companies.
The two of us still lived under the same roof, only then I acknowledged my feelings towards him while his remained completely platonic. He was my best friend and I was his.
We attended this gathering, a party for companies to find chances in a cooperation. The gathering where he met her, a company heiress that was at least a year older than he was. She mesmerized him in ways that I couldn't find myself to do. She was gorgeous a right goddess adorning a black gown, his favorite color.
These days, he couldn't stop talking about her. She was everything he wanted, everything I wasn't.
She wore light dresses, right dresses, lovely shoes in contrast to my comfy old sweaters.
In his eyes, she was perfection.
They began meeting, I knew because he told me so. He would tell me about their dates, ranging from small picnics to skydiving. She was an adventurous one, just someone he needed.
Soon enough, he sat across from you papers in his hand. Divorce papers by the way, the real kind.
“I figured we could go our separate ways, find love in other people. I mean I found mine, she's moving in with me next week.” He told me, stars in his eyes as he smiled at the thought of living with the woman he loved.
I wordlessly took the papers from him, giving him a small smile as I signed my name on the white sheet.
“thank you Y/N, I hope you find someone soon. I can't wait to introduce you to Soomin.” He smiled at me as he gave me a hug and left for the door.
They're happy, I know they are judging from the glittering ring that adorned her finger. She smiled so happily and he smiled through their kiss. They're engaged, if that wasn't clear.
I've never seen him so happy.
I saw him approaching me, his soft bunny smile made the butterflies in my stomach flare up.
“I knew you'd be happy gguk.” I told him as I hugged him, a tear threatening to roll down.
“yeah? How?” he asked me cheekily as he released me, his hands on my shoulders.
“I saw the smile on your face when you looked at her..” I told him as I felt my walls finally break. The tears didn't stop running down my face even when I willed it not to.
“congrats gguk, I'll wait for the wedding invite.” I smiled as I hurriedly turned and left.
Cliché as it was, it rained that day. It masked the tears that were non stop as my knees gave out. That day I kneeled in the middle of the rain with no one to hear my cries as I cursed at fate for giving me such a terrible time.
“death do us part..” I whispered to no one in particular, laughing as the rain stung my face. Removing the golden band from the chain on my neck, throwing it as far away as my hand could.
They say time would heal people, and maybe they were right.
You learned to love the things you had, eventually found someone who loved those things about you as well. And your best friend? He lived a happy life now, he has children now.
And you? Happiness?
You're getting there, slowly but surely.
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