callingthemuses Ā· 3 years
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You are all a lost generation.
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callingthemuses Ā· 3 years
Gonna start to post some RP resources, anyone have any requests?
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callingthemuses Ā· 3 years
Hello hello~
This is your friendly reminder to NOT shit on peopleā€™s original characters.Ā 
Wanna know WHY?
Cause in literally every media you consume, theĀ ā€˜canonā€™ characters you love in established fandomsĀ are someoneā€™s original characters that just happened to be published.
So next time you go to make fun of people for writing / RPing / drawing their original characters remember that. Ya fuckinā€™ hypocrites. I will fight you in a Dennyā€™s parking lot.Ā Ā 
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
Does anyone else get a little irritated when people reboot stuff from you but dont.. put any tags? Like????? Especially when you ask for feed back or interactions. Like, Really thank you for sharing my stuff. But without you tagging stuff.. no one else will see it
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
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Happy Black History Month!
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
Hi hello yes, this is your friendly reminder that Johnny Silverhand is canonly bisexual
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Like, he admits to being into guys as well as girls. In the game.Ā 
Thank you for your time.Ā 
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
How to break a girl's heart with one sentence:
ā€œSorry, lass. Iā€™ve got important things to do. Weā€™ll speak another time.ā€
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
You wanna know what Iā€™ve been thinking about lately that still irks me?
The fact people are likeĀ ā€œOh no Jacob Frye canā€™t be bisexual! When Maxwell Roth kissed him he looked so uncomfortable! He couldnā€™t possibly like men!ā€
First off.. did yā€™all not play the games? Secondly.... what? Thirdly, itā€™s been confirmed as canon by ubisoft.Ā 
Lets dive into this REAL quick.Ā 
At the most basic level when Roth kissed Jacob it was unexpected and nonconsensual. You think bi people are just OK with random peopleĀ  kissing them? Or even people they know kissing them out of the blue with no warning? Nope. No matter what your orientation is if you donā€™t want to be kissed or youā€™re not expecting it youā€™re gonna react accordingly
Another basic thing to remember is: this game takes place in the 1800s where LGBT community was still hush hush and taboo all over the world. Jacob may have been confused on his orientation since he may not have been exposed to that sort of relationship. Doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t be bisexual tho.Ā 
Secondly, Roth did some despicable things in Syndicate and worked for the Templars. He nearly burned a bunch of kids alive in a warehouse run by Starrick, he also tried to burn a bunch of people alive in a theater. This forced Jacob to assassinate him. So.. if he was disgusted by the kiss, maybe, just MAYBE, it was because of the horrible things the person who kissed him had done andĀ not so much because Roth was a man.Ā Ā 
Food for thought.Ā 
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
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āˆž rogue amendiares (3/?)
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
v: [does literally anything] johnny:
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
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early morning doodles to distract me from how cold it is outside
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
Cyberpunk 2077 is a good game
Look, I know itā€™s far from perfect. (I have quite a few qualms with it Which I will undoubtedly rant about later) but I really think people are giving up on it too soon due to the bugs and glitches.Ā 
The graphics are beautiful.Ā 
The mechanics are excellent.Ā 
The music. The music is so GOOD
The characters interesting and full of life and personality.Ā 
There are so many little details that make the world feel alive.Ā 
The story is fucking AMAZING.Ā 
Cyberpunk 2077 is just a good fucking game.Ā 
FightĀ  me about it.Ā 
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
I find it hard to be pessimistic about the youths when all of the cartoons theyā€™re watching have the message of ā€œbe gay, overthrow the governmentā€
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
On the edge of the Glory.
Summary: Jackie and V have 3 and a half hours of waiting to do before T-Bug can break through the ICE of Konpeki Plaza. They have to do something to fill the time, and the pair discovers some sticky emotions..Ā 
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Jackie x V
Short one shot. SPOILER FREE.
(I tried to make this vague enough so everyoneā€™s V could fit into this scenario but it still be meaningful. Let me know how I did~ Read more added since this is a bit of a chonky post)
ā€˜ Iā€™m on the edge with you ā€™
Jackie was never good at waiting games.
V watches as he paces back and forth in front of the windows. Occasionally heā€™d rub the nape of his neck, or run his hands down the front of his suit. They couldnā€™tĀ  blame him for being this antsy of course. The job Evelyn gave them was HUGE. Stealing from Yorinobu Arasaka himself.. this was way beyond what they had been contracted to do before. And despite the assurance that, with all their prep,Ā  this heist would be a snap, so much shit could go ass up.Ā 
And if it did, they would be so fucked.Ā 
Jackieā€™s nerves were beginning to rub off on V as he continues to pace. Theyā€™d have to calm him down, things would definitely go to shit if they were both crawling up the walls.Ā 
ā€œJack, cā€™mon have a seat before you bust a circuit,ā€ Vā€™s playful tone seemed to snap Jackie out of his thoughts and he looks over. It was like the man had almost forgotten his partner was there.Ā  V pats the area beside them on the couch with a grin. The man laughs a little as he parks it, ā€œSorry. Just... thinkinā€™ yā€™know.ā€
ā€œI know.ā€
ā€œIf we pull this off ..so much is going to change. Been turning things over in my head..ā€
ā€œWHEN we pull this off you mean. Gotta keep clear of those negative energy fields Misty talks about right?ā€ V says and leans back on the couch. Normally the mention of Misty brings a little sheepish smile to Jackieā€™s face, but not this time. Instead he just nods his head, ā€œRight.ā€Ā  V decides to let that go, no picking at seemingly sore subjects. Not right now. Instead the subject wasĀ changed; what was the wildest job that Jackie had before they met. V bets that they had more outlandish stories than Jackie did. At the challenge Jackieā€™s eyes lit up, he took the bait and started on a story that he swears up and down is completely true. When he finished V scoffs and starts on their own story, making it bigger and more impossible than Jackieā€™s.Ā Ā 
The duo carries on like this for almost an hour. Sharing stories from their pasts, laughing at the stupid shit, calling bullshit on one another, and teasing each other mercilessly. At one point they even joke about a drinking contest with the fancy drink selection in theĀ  suit and T-Bug has to cut in to tell them off. They just giggle like little kids being caught red-handed by their mom.Ā 
During a particularly involved story from Jackie, V canā€™t help but realize how close they had gotten to one another.Ā Jackie had one arm slung over the back of the couch behind V,Ā  leaning in closer as he rattles on aboutĀ ā€œThis one timeā€, free hand gesturing to emphasize the story. He was smiling, eyes on Vā€™s face, their knees were practically touching as they were turned toward one another. Jackie looked so happy and at ease, like he was truly comfortable in this moment, and Vā€™s breath caught in their throat.Ā 
Jackie was their best friend, and being in each otherā€™s space like this wasnā€™t something new, but for some reason it felt.. different. Not uncomfortable, far from it. Maybe it was Vā€™s own mildly rattled nerves, maybe their Kiroshiā€™s picked up every little detail they missed before.. Or maybe without the backdrop of noisy city streets, gunfire or loud crowded bars they could focus more on the closeness.. The feeling was something V couldnā€™t put their finger on, or, more accurately, it was a feeling they shouldnā€™t be having. Not with Jackie. Still Vā€™s stomach was fluttering, and their eyes drifted to Jackieā€™s lips...
ā€œHey, V? You OK choom?ā€ it was Jackieā€™s turn to snap V out of their thoughts. His eyes were concerned, the hand he had been gesturing with was resting gently on Vā€™s arm. V didnā€™t know what to say, they were normally quick on their feet but not this time. What did you tell your best friend who caught you looking starry eyed at their lips? Fuck. V couldnā€™t think properly, all they could focus on was the closeness, the fact they could feel Jackieā€™s warmth, and smell his cologne.. It was pulling them in.Ā Ā 
Instead of speaking, V closes the small distance between them, their hand resting feather light on Jackieā€™s chest, and their lips ghost over his. They could hear and feel Jackie inhale sharply, his body tensed up. He could shove them away if he wanted,Ā  they expected thatā€™s what would happen. But it didnā€™t, in fact nothing happened for a few moments.Ā  A shaky laugh escapes V as they start to pull back, but before they could get too far the hand on the back of the couch moves to cradle the nape of their neck and pulls them back in.
When their lips met the kiss was soft, warm. It lasted for only a few moments, but it made Vā€™s head swim. They cup Jackieā€™s jaw in their palms as another soft kiss came, and then another. With each kiss it became harder and harder to focus. Harder for them to pull apart.Ā The hand on Vā€™s arm moved to their lower back, pulling them closer. ā€œJackie..ā€ V barely has time to say the manā€™s name before another kiss, and this one was deeper, more desperate. Everything outside the room ceased to exist. Night City was a blur in the background, the heist they were waiting to perform no longer registered. There was only insistent mouths and parting lips, fingers curling in hair and palms running over chests and down spines. The only thing that existed to the pair was the other. And what bliss it was.....Ā 
But then Jackie pulled away.Ā 
ā€œWait.. V..ā€ his voice was hoarse, strained.Ā  His expression was like a bucket of cold water, sobering V up in a matter of seconds. Jackieā€™s brows were furrowed, and there was a mix of emotions in his eyes. Desire, fear, happiness, guilt...There was an inner battle going on in the manā€™s mind and V knew that they were a part of it. Jackie didnā€™t have to say it for V to know who Jackie was thinking of.
ā€œMisty,ā€ The merc said the womanā€™s name feeling their own spark of guilt. The woman had been nothing but an angel, and here V was kissing her man. What a fucking mess they stepped in. V laughs, but it was a weak, watery laugh as they tapped Jackieā€™s chest with a fist,Ā ā€œ Hey, donā€™t.. donā€™t worry about it Choom. Just Gig nerves. We can pretend like it didnā€™t happen.. It doesnā€™t have to mean anything.ā€ But it had meant something, to V anyway,Ā 
ā€œWhat? No V thatā€™s not what I meant,ā€ Jackieā€™s touch was more hesitant this time as he put a hand on their shoulder.Ā ā€œI care about you. I care about you a lot. I didnā€™t kiss you cause of some damn nerves. Itā€™s just..ā€ He took a breath to gather his thoughts,Ā  ā€œI donā€™t wanna do anything behind Mistyā€™s back. I donā€™t want to be that kinda guy. After we pull this heist off, weā€™ll sit down and talk. All of us... if you want to that is..?ā€Ā 
V canā€™t help but smile a little. Jackie was a rare breed of man in Night City.Ā  ā€œYeah, Yeah OK letā€™s do that,ā€ they agree and Jackie seems relieved to hear it. He slaps them gently on the back as he stands up and goes back to the window. When this was all over they could talk, talk with Misty.. do this relationship thing right.
After the heist maybe they could finally be together... If they pulled it off.Ā  Ā Ā 
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callingthemuses Ā· 4 years
ritawheeler: Cyberpunk 2077 | Rogue Amendiares 2/āˆž click for better quality
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Cyberpunk 2077 | Rogue Amendiares 2/āˆž click for better quality
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