#//baby paws they're adorable
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lordincognito · 9 months ago
He pouts "Well I'm not even a dragon y-" a pause " Yet I'm managing this far, you should encourage me with affection" he says with his arms crossed, his face sporting a smile however.
"You should definitely give me many many dragon kisses" he continues as a soft laughter bubbles out of him "Hush, it doesn't frustrate me. I'm just being a bit embarrassed because I want to look cool in front of my love, yet the laughter I got out of you is just as precious"
Speaking of embarrassment it was Wriothesley's turn to laugh as Neuvillette proved his theory by glowing(blushing) because he felt embarrassed, and of course trying not to fully admit it by mumbling.
"What was that my love, you have to repeat it." He teases despite hearing it perfectly.
Hearing the part about carrying him (mumbled as well of course) makes his grin even wider.
"Oh? Is my big powerful sovereign getting shy all of a sudden?" He continues to tease, snickering with amusement.
He ceases his teasing when he's being moved, appreciating the new position as he could lay close to the dragon's heart, even offering the scales there a few kisses.
The first thing Neuvillette does when he wakes up is just spend some time admiring his partner, reaching to pull him closer and run his fingers through Wriothesleys hair, leaning in to place a few kisses to his neck.
With that, he pulled the blanket over them again, purring happily, his tail twisting to curl around Wriothesleys calves, basically trapping the man although being sure to keep his hold loose. While waiting for him to wake up for a while, he took up nuzzling into his partners cheek, purring rather noisily as he smothered him with cuddles.
“Mon amour,” He murmured softly, kissing his cheek and pulling him just a bit closer until he’s resting on the purring dragons chest, “Are you awake, my love? I apologize if I wake you up with this…” Neuvillette whispered softly, running his fingers gently through his partners dark locks, smiling softly at him, trying his best not to wake up the man if he wasn’t already awake.
~ @monsieur-neuvillette ( Giving a style I use on my other blogs a run if you don’t mind :3 )
He felt like a weighted blanket was coiled around him ,it felt comforting. The blanket also seemed to be vibrating.....Wait a damn minute blankets don't do that, he realizes in his grogginess from stirring awake... Blankets don't comb your hair either so that can only mean one thing...He is being cuddled by his boyfriend.
What a great way to wake up!
"How many times do I need to tell you to stop apologizing for giving me affection silly~" he mumbles half awake as he snuggles closer to the dragon's chest, arms wrapping around his waist.
"You know the best ways to wake me up and you're going to turn me into a very spoiled boyfriend and an even more spoiled husband." He exclaims, now fully awake, eyes looking up to gaze tenderly at his partner.
"My sweetheart my beloved who knows exactly how to make sure I feel loved, your partner, me who is feeling very cheesy right now, would like you to know that I'm yours forever....I love you"
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norrisleclercf1 · 6 months ago
Since you wanted more Lando requests 🙊
Could you maybe write something about her surprising Lando by adopting the puppy that chose Lando as a nap spot during the Battersea video? 🥺
A/N: Lando would dieeee
"Thank you so much for doing this," You giggle grabbing the puppy happily and holding it close as it just whined a little bit before settling down, snuggling close. "Ugh, adorable, do he have a name?" The nice lady smiles and nods her head no.
"No, they're young, we just gave them certain collard colors," She says and reaches over and rubs the little one's head. You smile happily and bounce the little one who yawns and paws your fingers. "Such a cutie, going to have to name you," You mumble as you load everything up.
"He's going to Monaco, yes?" You turn placing him in his carrier as you only flew from Monaco to pick up this little baby. "He is, I'm getting him for Lando Norris," The woman's face lights up, "Oh, Lando, the baby here loved him so much and we really tried to convince him, but he said it wouldn't be smart with him traveling so much and said he would need a girlfriend," She eyes you and you smile.
"Yeah, he lies about that part, he couldn't shup up about the dog when he got home, he's been staring at the adoption page for days," The woman smiles, "yeah people tend to think they pick the animal, but really the animal picks the person," You nod as you move hugging her. "Thank you,"
Lando sighs loudly, staring at his phone as Oscar rolls his eyes and snatches his phone. "What the hell are you sighing at?" and looks at the phone and stares at the little puppy that says adopted. "Oh, I'm sorry man, but hey at least the puppy probably went to a good home," Oscar says and hands the phone back as their lunch arrives.
"Yeah, just, I really liked him, even picked out a name an all," He mumbles staring at the photo before clicking his phone off, thanking the waitress. "You picked out a name for a puppy you don't even own?" Lando sulks and pushes around his fancy, healthy salad grumbling as Oscar bites into salmon happily.
"Spots," Oscar freezes halfway through a bite and stars at Lando. "Spots? You were going to name the dog....Spots?" Lando nods, "Yeah it's a normal dog name and the dog had spots," He shrugs eating his salad sadly. "You're weird," Oscar giggles and Lando just smiles taking another bite smiling brightly.
"Home!" Lando calls and slides his shoes off sighing and trudging into the living room eyes half closed and falls face first into the couch, and groans into a pillow. He hears your feet but doesn't move just wallowing in despair at his puppy being adopted.
Lando groans feeling something wet touch his face and turns opening his eyes and blinks slowly. "Spots?" The dog moves and slowly licks his face and Lando shoots up. "Spots!" He gently picks up the dog and holds him close as the dog yet again quickly settles in his arms.
Your boyfriend looks up, stars in his eyes and moves kissing you softly. "You adopted him for me?" Lando asks and you nod your head. "Yeah, I watched you fall in love, and you've had his adoption page saved on your phone for weeks," You explain and Lando squeals and holds the puppy up to his face. "Hello, my baby Spots," Lando giggles and lowers him back down cradling him to his chest.
"Come on, let me show you where you'll sleep," You roll your eyes, knowing that dog was going to sleep in your bed.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months ago
Flirts IV
Mapi León x Reader x Ingrid Engen
Summary: You have to go
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It's not that you don't want to be there because you do.
It's that you have to go away for a surgery.
There's some rich woman in California who needs you to operate on her cat. She's paying an extortionate amount for your services and sending a private jet to pick you up.
You love those kinds of pet owners, the ones with enough money to fly in the very best if only because of the clear love they have for all of their pets.
But they're also clients you can't deny.
If someone wants to fly you out for enough money to keep a family afloat for a year, someone with enough influence to make or break anybody's career, you can't say no.
Even if your girlfriend is fighting for Euro's qualification.
"Do you have to go?" Mapi asks, sitting inside of your unpacked suitcase like she was Bagheera in a box.
Honey sits on the bed, head in her paws as she waits, tail wagging, for Mapi to throw her tennis ball.
"Yes," You say, trying to choose between your purple or your blue scrubs," It's a lot of money. Enough for that fancy holiday to the Maldives you guys want to take."
"But it takes you away from us," Mapi whines and Ingrid makes an agreeing noise from over by the door.
"I've travelled for work before."
"You're going to miss my match," Ingrid says and a pit forms in your stomach.
Before this job came up, you and Mapi were meant to be travelling to Norway to see Ingrid's last Euro Qualifiers game before going off in a camper van with her parents.
You'd still make it to the last part, depending on what the labs for this cat came back as but you'd have to miss the match.
You reach out for her, drawing her closer by the waist and resting your head on her chest.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I am, really. I can call up and cancel if you really want me to. I know a guy to recommend instead."
Ingrid sighs, her chin sitting on the top of your head. "No," She says," That cat needs the best care possible. We all know you're the best. Go and be a hero."
"I'd hardly be a hero. It's just surgery."
"Surgery for some woman that clearly adores her pet cat. What you do saves lives. I think that makes you a hero."
"You're so sweet, Ingrid."
"And hot!"
You laugh. "Thanks for that, Mapi. I'm sure she knows that seeing as you tell her everyday."
Mapi shrugs with a smirk on her face. "I'm sure it's nice to be reminded."
Honey whines on the bed and you roll your eyes.
"Throw the ball already. She's getting impatient."
Mapi frowns, waving the ball around.
Honey's eyes dart around erratically to follow it.
"She isn't barking, though?"
You laugh, crossing the space to take the ball and lay a soft kiss on Mapi's lips. "Because she's well-behaved, Mapi. She knows not to bark unless it's an emergency."
You throw the ball up and down to make sure Honey's still watching before you launch it out of the room.
She's off like a shot as Ingrid hauls Mapi out of your suitcase.
You still feel guilty though, through the flight, through the labs, through everything.
The cat is cute one, a little tortoiseshell with an amicable nature and a complete lack of awareness of her surroundings.
You've always been an animal person. You've always loved all of them but living with Mapi and Ingrid has just given you an even newer appreciation for cats.
The checkup happens quickly and the labs are already done and completed by the time you arrive.
Money really does move things along because all the charts are perfect and after what should have been a week long wait to begin, you manage to take a day to get over your jetlag and get to work immediately the day after.
Surgery is simple to you. It's easy and soon enough the cat is halfway to recovery.
You don't quite understand how private planes are hired and sent out, if someone has to book a runway days in advance or if they're open indefinitely.
The original plan had been for you to take a week to do this but now it's all done, you don't quite know what to do with yourself apart from stew in guilt.
You had planned to take your mind off Ingrid's game by throwing yourself into work.
You have no work though and can't help but imagine yourself in Norway with your girlfriends, curled up in Mapi's arms while Ingrid whispers to you.
You swipe away a tear as you head down for dinner, your host gracious enough to treat you to a meal for all your good work.
You've gone radio silent to your girlfriends but neither are surprised.
You're always like that when you go out of the country for work, focused only on your patient. You want no distractions.
Mapi sits slumped in her seat next to Ingrid watching Norway play their last qualifier, sighing to herself as she looks at pictures of the three of you together.
"What's with the pout?" Ingrid teases, running her thumb over Mapi's jutted out bottom lip.
"I miss her," Mapi mutters, feeling a bit like a little kid sulking.
"I know but she'll be here soon and then we go out exploring with my parents before heading back home for preseason. It's not that long of a wait."
"I don't want to wait at all."
"I know but-"
A body slumps down on Mapi's other side and both of them turn.
"I'm not really a fan of this hotdog," You say," It's not bad but I guess I'm not that hungry. Do you want some Mapi?"
You don't get an answer from her because she crushes you into a hug. The hotdog that you regrettably bought squishes between your bodies.
You don't complain though, especially when Ingrid moves into the hug as well, tightening her grip around the both of you.
"I thought you couldn't make it?"
"Money talks," You tease," And the owner felt a bit of pity when I told her that I'd have to watch this match on tv. Chartered a jet for me to come straight here."
"And the cat?" Mapi asks.
"The cat's good. Recovering."
"I'm so happy you're here."
"We're both happy," Ingrid says," So, so happy."
You grin at your girls, the smiling splitting your face.
"I'm happy to be here too."
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smeemos · 2 months ago
smeemo accolades compilation (i.e. rotting everyone's brains) below
#smeemo. their name is smeemo
#Smeemo is quite possibly the best possible name oh my gosh !! <3 adorable shirt :3 :3
#smeemo :)
#Almost crying voice: smeemo!
#omg smeemo
#Smeemo is an incredible cat name are you KIDDING me
#i said ''smeemo'' outloud and one of my bandmates looked at me funny :(
#yeah they look like a smeemo
#…the smeem
#smeemo :]
#SMEEMO??#“smiling friends character name” - my bf
#SMEEMO?????? /POS
#smeemo has gotta be like the top cat name ever
#i love that rhia cat is called smeemo
#Smeemo 🥺
#their name is SMEEMO? so cute
#smeemo 🥺
#smeemo 😢😢😢😭😭😭
#SMEEMO????#I love smeemo
#smeemo…#that's such a cute name i like them
#smeemo :)
#i love you smeemo!!!!!!!!!!
#I love you smeemo!!!!!!!!!!
#i love smeemo. tell smeemo i said hi
#i believe in you smeemo!
#i would die for smeemo
#SMEEMO <#<3<3<3<3<3<3#3#<3<#<#<3<3
#smeemo is precious baby#smeemo deserves every love and happiness forever and ever
#smeemo!! my beloved#they're so so precious ..
#SMEEMO………..#cat foods smeemo…….
#smeemo smargitt smallsmack sme smell smomen
#is ttheir the infamous smeemo ive been hearing so much about….
#i love you smeemo
#<3#hannukah sameach smeemo
#i ❤️ u smeemo
#mf smeemo…!!!!!
#ohhhhhhhhhhhh smeemo……
#their name is smeemo….
#uhh…#what the smeem?
#smeemo is me mo!!!!#i love the name smeemo
#me. mo
#🥰 hi smeesmo!!!!!!!!
#would die for smeemso
#i love smeemo
#I love you, Smeemo…
#one million hearts and hugs and kisses for smeemo!!
#wee woo#luv smeemo
#i heart smeemo
#I am love smeemo :]
#we love smeemo in ttheir house
#i love you Smeemo we all cheer in unison !!!
#they shall be our new god
#omg smeemo you're so little and soft!! hello!!! :3
#i love smeemo
#i cant stop saying special smeemo sitting spot#ive been walking around my house saying it all day#bc ttheir post keeps popping up in my for you tab#my special smeemo sitting spot…
#excellent work smeemo. five star⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
#im a big special sneemo sitting spot fan
#i love it#i love smeemo
#smeemo…#they smeem so smeemingly
#smeemo one piece#i love them so much
#smeemo#if that’s the cats name that’s the most beautiful sequence of phonemes I’ve heard in my life. perfect name
#Smeemoo is so cute i am gpnna cry
#fuck yeah smeemo
#ricky smeemos mentorship continues#great job Smeemo for getting such a prestigious position
#the smeem quiet from slay the smeemo
#HI SMEEMOS????!!!!? :0
#i love you smeemo
#good fucking LORD
#they are still beautiful and they deserve to know
#ohhh… i love you smeemo…
#hell yes smeemo
#smeemo deserves one million trillion followers#all hail the babie
#rarely does a little guy reduce me to incomprehensible babbles and yet#the oilgnly the beebo the smeemo#thebvm. love them forever
#ouuh… smeemo big paws…
#smeemo big paws………….
#smeemo big paws….
#new smeemo!!
#hello cute little smeemo!
#i love smeemo
#official smeemo post
#Smeemo added!!
#dont cry have a smeemo
#awww hi smeemo
#smeemo special sitting spot for smeemo………
#hi smeemo…..
#i remember smeemo from smeemo's perfect dacula. i hope stella and her smelly sniff are also in good health.#i love all of these words
#idk what a smeemo is but im following because ttheir is kind of beautiful and sort of a magnificent work of art and i'd like to see more
#wonderful smeemo update
#aaaaaaaa safenyaaaaaaa bag of peaches mamaaaaaa windbargoooooo#cat!!#smeemo
#kitten tolerance….smeemo can do what smeemo wants#smeemo baby privilege uvu
#lowkey smeemaxxing rn#smeempilled#smeemoder
#Smeemo is an amazing cat name
#smeemo i love you
#ily smeemo
#smeemo is me fr
#ok#been there smeemo
#LITERALLY ME!!!!!!#me and you smeemo. we get it
#dont owrry smeemo we still love you and will always lvoe yuou i love smeemo
#stinky face.
#smeemos dreamos
#the loaf is still proofing
#it ok smeemo, you doing your best
#smoomo i love you!
#They chew her ear smeemo style…..
#Let’s all be fair to Smeemo!
#waiter! waiter! more ugie smeemis on my dash please!
#they are not ugly they are BEAUTIFUL#smeemo
#the little freak ❤️
#Wonderful smeems<3
#peak smermos
#straight up sharing it. and by it. heh. well. lets justr say. my smeemis#is ttheir anything
#i love you ugie smeemis
#ugie sneemis omg…
#ugie smeemis
#i love them….#smeems…..
#smeemis. amazing
#beautiful smeemis….
#beautiful smeemis
#ugie smeemis…….#personally i think they’re rocking and rolling just doing it ugly style
#jorkin it and by 'it' I mean my smeemis
#high quality beasts#ugly smeemis edition
#ugly smeemis aka every image of them
#oh god smeemo im so sorry
#smeemo help me smeemo
#sleepy smeemo what will they do
#flat smeemomis monday tuesday#hm ive been informed it’s#in fact wednesday today. oh whot ever
#SMEEMIS!!!!!!!!#oh i love smeemo. i love you smeemo
#flat smeemo theory
#cognitohazarding their way into my heart
#ooh scary smeemo
#ohmy god guys its smeemo
#smeemo basilisk stare#i would die for smeemo
#i was killed instantly thank u smeemo
#smeemo you’re doing great#you guard that shoe with your life ok
#they're literally just a little guy. I'm going insane
#Soon they shall encompass the earth….
#hi Smeemo 🩵
#i love you extremely out of focus little puffball kitten
omg smeemo on my dash! hello wat beast smeemo!
#i would like math if ttheir was the pemdas
#HEEHEE HOOHOO#smeemo#i might be smeemo's number one fan disregarding smeemo's moms
#smeemed so good
#smeemo u are so siwwy
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readychilledwine · 1 year ago
Hiii helloooo. Back with another request that popped into my brain if it interests you enough to write it into existence ✨ so Az lives in an apartment/condo in velaris that he rents from an old high fae lady who owns the building and she also lives there with her granddaughter (YN/reader/OC) who is def his mate but they dance around it for her sake (and her poor old grandmother’s lol) since she’s still young for a fae. Oh and idk why but I imagine Az having a cat that reader takes care of while he’s on missions. Once a week, without fail, Az has breakfast with the old lady and her granddaughter. If he’s going on an extended mission, he always lets them know he won’t make it and he tells them in person or sends his shadows with the message. One time, he gets severely injured before he’s able to send word that he won’t make it to breakfast. The old lady sends her granddaughter to the townhouse to look for Az and feyre or cassian answers the door and is completely baffled that a girl and her cat are asking around for the spymaster. Like “well he didn’t come for breakfast today and he ALWAYS comes for breakfast and grandma was worried and so was (insert cute cat name) and she wouldn’t stop yowling so I had to bring her to look for him too” reader is def an awkwardly endearing rambler. (And if the cat is buddies with his shadows that would be totally adorable too 🥹) and then maybe it ends off with her (gently) smacking azriel upside the head while he’s on his sickbed healing because how dare he not tell her and her grandma that he was going to get injured and miss their weekly breakfast 😡 feel free to change anything up if you end up writing it!!
The Breakfast Club
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Summary - After missing breakfast unexpectedly, a hidden relationship is revealed to Azriel's family, who can't tell if they're more surprised by you or his cat.
Warnings - mentions of injury, stray kitten mentioned, fluff
💙Peep the Azriel Masterlist here💙
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To say you were nervous as you approached the High Lord's townhouse was an understatement.
In the 4 all too short and unexpected years of knowing Azriel, the last of which had been spent as much more than just friends, he had never missed breakfast with you and your grandmother. And if he had, it had come with a note or prior notice.
He had not shown up today, breaking your grandma's heart as she had prepared his favorites. It had set worry into your heart, though. Worry you masked as the two of you ate in deafening silence.
You two had hidden the growing romance so well. You didn't want to ruin the illusion now and risk your grandmother becoming protective over your youth and, of course, his reputation and profession.
You held his black kitten closer to you, kissing her little white paws as she mewed softly. She had protested you leaving his apartment to look for him without her, wanting to live up to her name as you tucked her into the hooded jacket you had custom-made to carry the kitten.
The poor baby probably missed her owner, her constant companion, more than she could truly express. You were used to caring for her when he was gone, but he normally always left one or two shadows for her to play with, and today, they were gone.
You'd had a whole explanation planned, rehearsing it quietly on the walk here over and over, but it went out the window the second you opened your mouth. You rushed through the words, stumbling over them as you looked down and away from him. "EverysundayAzrielhasbreakfastwithmygrandmaandIbuthedidn'tshowuptodayandInjstwantedtoknow-"
You shook the feeling of dread building in your stomach and knocked. You would be lying if you said you were not scared when the High Lord himself answered his own door studying you like a textbook. "What can I help you with?"
Rhysand held a hand up to you, scenting the faint smell of cedar and night air that clung to you and smirking before masking it. "Breathe. Start over slower." He tilted your head up to him. "And look at me when you speak to me. You are not a mouse."
You took two deep breaths, cradling Dective Mittens closer. "My grandmother owns the apartment complex Azriel lives in," the High Lord's lip twitched, the final confirmation he needed. "And every Sunday, he had breakfast with us. The only time he doesn't, he lets us know with a shadow or a note or verbally before he leaves. He did not come today, and he was supposed to be back 3 days ago. I just wanted to know if you've heard from him?"
"You're the female he's been missing family brunch for." It wasn't a question. Just a statement. Rhysand kicked off the door frame. "Come inside. He's here. He's hurt, but he will be fine." He glared towards the small kitten in your arms. "And where did that come from?"
"Detective Mittens?" He nodded, continuing to glare. "Azriel's cat? You didn't know he had a cat? She got upset when I tried to leave her in his apartment, so I brought her with me so she'd stop crying and yowling."
Rhys pinched his noses, shoulders shaking as he chuckled. "And who named Detective Mittens?"
"Azriel? It was Detective Mittens or Princess Buttercup. She isn't a Buttercup."
His eyes were watering from laughter, shoulders fully shaking as he led you further into the house and up the stairs. He held his arms out, nodding towards the cat as he stepped in front of a room. "Stay behind me," the High lord entered with a casual grace, stopping a conversation between two deep voices. Azriel's and one you didn't know.
The black collar with a small piece of Azriel's siphon was barely visible among Mittens's long black fur. She finally freed herself, leaping into the bed and walking to lay on Azriel's chest. "How did you get here, baby?"
Mittens was immediately squirming and clawing, desperate to get to her owner and get the cuddles she had been missing. "Did you go outside and pick up a random cat, Rhysie?" A large illyrian male, Cassian, you realized, sat staring with a brow up. "Or did you steal someone's cat? It has a collar."
"Some pretty little thing was at the door. Dropped the cat off and then ran away."
A shadow had already found you, twirling into your hand and ripping you towards Azriel the best it could by itself. Soon, two more joined, then three more, then your whole arm was swallowed in darkness, pulling you to the side of the bed Cassian was not occupying. "Y/n," it came out as soft surprise, happiness underlying the tone. "Angel, what are you doing here?"
"It's Sunday." The answer hit him, and his head fell back, eyes shutting as Cassian and Rhys shared a look.
He tried to sit up, only to be stopped by Cassian's arms, guiding him back down as he winced in pain. "Angel, I'm so sorry. I-"
"Don't apologize for getting hurt," Cassian said gently. The general looked at you. "Breakfast girl?" You nodded. "One. Breakfast was mine and Azriel's thing first until you showed up," a playful glare went your way. "Two. We dropped the ball. He was hurt. Bad. And we knew he was seeing someone, but it's been kept so secret by a certain spymaster that we couldn't contact you."
"Should have just spoken to the complex owner," Rhys muttered under his breath.
You nodded. "And, will you be okay?"
Azriel was focused in Mittens, scratching her ears as she rolled over, exposing the fur of her tummy and waiting. The three of you stared in silence, watching as he cooed and baby spoke to her. Watching as a few tears slipped. "Missed you so much, my little baby. Aw, look at that belly. Y/n been doing the best job keeping it full and happy, huh?"
Rhys and Cassian both hid their smiles, the High Lord motioning for the general to leave the room. You sat on the bed, taking his free hand in yours, bringing it to your cheek and holding it there. "I was so worried."
Mittens moved to the window as if she suspected you two needed room, allowing you two alone time before she'd be back to cover Azriel in her love and warmth.
He wanted to sit up, to hold you close, but every slight movement of his core had nerves screaming in hot agony. He'd never mock Cass for being a bitch while hid guts were hanging out ever again. He settled for moving his hand to your neck, pulling you close and resting your foreheads together. "Im so sorry, y/n," he kissed your nose, eyes closing as yours did. "I got distracted, and it happened so fast I couldn't get word out."
Your hands came to rest on his bandaged chest. "What happened? You never get distracted." He smiled, a rare beautiful thong he hid from everyone but you.
"You accidently tugged the bond when you and Mittens were playing, and all I could think of was getting home to be with you two. Did you catch that stray?" He changed the subject, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
A small orange tabby had been roaming around the apartments. Short little fur "doing nothing," in Azriel's words, to protect it from the Night chill. Azriel has been smitten with it since it allowed him to feed him and get a few scratched in before a shop owner scared it away.
That was over a month ago, and you two had been playing a slow game of seduction with the kitten, praying to the cat distribution powers that they'd allow this little one to trust you both the way Mittens grew to.
"I did. He's in my apartment. Him and Mittens get along really well." As of hearing her name, a mass of black fur launched herself onto the bed, curling up on Azriel's leg that was closet to you and purring. "I named him Investigator Whiskers."
You watched Azriel melt, groaning with a smile at the matching name. You could feel through that string his growing happiness as the same family you two had accidentally made grew, too. "I love you," he whispered softly with no sign of the ice Rhys had so loudly accused him of having in his heart.
"I love you, too. I'm glad you're going to be okay." Rhys and Cassian came back in to you two resting your foreheads against each other again, eyes shut, heart beats synced in time.
It made it even more comical to them when Azriel thought nothing of your hand moving up his arm, rest in his hair before you pulled away, and smacked him. "Ow! Y/n! What the fuck!"
"That," you smirked as you caught his hand that came to playfully tug your hair, "is for worrying my grandma. She made your favorites! You broke her heart! She thinks you hate us!"
"I was hurt!"
"Excuses, excuses!" He pulled you into him, not caring if the good of you had an audience and kissed you deeply. "Mmmm, forgiven," you muttered when he pulled away.
Azriel sighed. "Rhys, can you go get grandma. I think we need to tell her some things. And have lunch."
"Lunch sounds nice," Cassian said as he took his seat and glared at you. "Breakfast theif."
"Boyfriend theif," you shot back.
The room turned into you and Cassian having a playful argument as Azriel watched, fingers scratching behind soft velvety ears. He looked at Rhys, eyes warm with joy and happiness as Rhys looked between you and Cassian, who had fallen together like a puzzle. I like her, Rhys said into his mind. Keep her.
That's the plan, Azriel replied.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr
Azriel Taglist-
Picture of my and baby daddy's kitten to pay the cat tax gods 💕
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saltynatto · 2 months ago
“i bought one for you too!” — gojo satoru.
contents. shy satoru (ooc satoru); all fluff, no smut; this is intended to be adorable.
natsu : i literally wrote this drabble when i was supposed to be studying for my final exams! ⊙﹏⊙ one minute i was revising the heck outta myself, and another minute i was typing this on my phone! anyway, this was just something i whipped up after not writing anything for so long. it might be a little rusty, and i might edit here and there whenever i reread it again. hope you enjoy!
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“... i bought one for you too! here's haribo— the sour one you love. here's your strawberry pocky. here's your twix. and here's your sprite— i wish you would choose 7up more though, they're better. and here is... your cadbury!” he claps his hands in excitement after showing you a haul of what he got from the convenience store.
gojo satoru, the adorable nerd you recently got to befriend with because of an assignment then takes a seat beside you, pushing aside the snacks to make room for his laptop and books he fished out from his backpack. you eye everything he brought to your study session with a growing adoration in your heart, especially after such an adorable haul, and now you have to hold your urge to kiss his cheeks as your offer of gratitude.
“thank you, toru”, you give him a small, appreciative smile as you reach for the sprite, which is the only thing you asked from him, clicking it open with your fingers. “but honestly, you don't have to bring this much for me. i'll pay you back later, okay?”
he stills from ripping the packaging of the strawberry pocky, turning to face you slowly with a jut out bottom lip. “wha—why? don't you like them? :(”
in response, you quickly swats your hand dismissively. “no, no, that's not what i meant” you gulp slightly, no wanting to make him beat himself, especially after such a kind gesture. “i mean, these sure are a lot. is it okay for you?”
his pout immediately falters, which is quickly being replaced with a determined expression as he responds with a vigorous nod of his head. “sure! i mean, i have to buy you some too if im gonna buy them for myself”
he then pulls a stick of pocky and munches on it. “i just thought that would be the least i could do for you. after all, you gave me a complete set of kimi ni todoke mangas for my birthday the other day”
you gape slightly. so he figures it was you that sent the manga set to his house. a smile blooms wider on your lips. he's endearing, and you can't help but to stare as he munches happily on his snacks, all the while having his free hand flipping through the book.
so he likes my gift, you whisper, and a sense of happiness washes all over you.
he whips his head when he notices your stare. his blue eyes peeking behind silver, thin-rimmed glasses that's sliding down the bridge of his perfectly curated nose. he tilts his head, his eyes belying the confusion he feels when he meets your gaze, wondering what makes you staring that intently at him.
he wants to say something, or at least try to tease you for being awed by his face, but the more he gets stared at by that mesmerizing eyes of yours, he gets nervous under your gaze.
baby boy is quick to fiddle with the paws of his sweater, averting his eyes elsewhere, just so he could avoid squirming under your gaze. “wh-what? is- is there something on my face?”
cuteness, baby, you want to coo, but instead, you let out soft giggles at the effect that you have on him, easily making him nervous with a bit of a staring.
“adorableness”, you mutter, in which he quickly looks at you. “m- me?” he would ask to confirm, his cheeks grow even warmer, as he pushes his glasses up from sliding down his nose.
you hum with a simple nod of your head. “yes, baby” the words slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them.
baby; he likes it coming from you.
he's about to plan a wedding in his mind.
you take a pocky that is opened on the table, before propping it in between your lips, your eyes not leaving him. he gulps when his eyes trace how your lips would purse around the stick, wondering their softness.
“d-do you like me adorable?”, he suddenly asks and as he does so, his eyes flicker towards your face to gauge on your reactions.
you chuckle. “i like you adorable, smart, stupid, nerd and all, if you haven't notice yet”, you smoothly slide in. “i gave away my sacred complete collection of kimi ni todoke mangas, for starter” winking at him, you chew on the snack tauntingly.
a sudden confession from you makes him grows redder, and he suddenly forgets how to act in front of you. an animated kettle reaches its boiling point on top of his head, prompting him to hide his face behind his arms, shying from your gaze.
“oh no—” he lets out, which you respond in a fit of soft laughter.
“hey, what? that was your only response? are you rejecting me?” you tease, trying to pry him away from where he hides his face on the table.
“n-no! please!” he exclaims, stilling like a statue even as you pull on the sleeves of his sweater to make him look at you, and you laugh aloud.
“aww, where's a good boy?” tilting your head to get a peak of his face, you manage to get a look on his red face as a proof of his malfunction state, but he's quick to shield himself from you. “aww, what? can't i have a look now?”
your teasing gets to him one by one. he shakes his head without looking at you, prompting you to giggle in satisfaction as you stare at the back of his head in adoration.
he's too adorable for his own good, you might cry to yourself when you got home later.
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sillygoofyqueer · 5 months ago
sorry i send you so many asks i might as well go live in your inbox BUT pangolin!shen yuan is SO CUTE (panyuan? shen yuangolin?), i know he LOVES climbing on wei qingwei's broad shoulders and traveling to the peaks, listening to wei qingwei talk endlessly about all the peak lords and cultivators and their swords.
as a pangolin he has no job or anything so he'd wander off to watch liu qingge train, standing there with his little paws held together in that adorable pangolin way. maybe some bai zhan kids try to kick him and liu qingge immediately punts them to the other side of the field bc everyone knows that if you mess with the pangolins, you mess with wan jian peak, and you really don't want that. or shen yuan goes to qian cao peak to watch mu qingfang work his medicine magics. an ding peak is definitely the best place for treats, esp shang qinghua who just plops a whole bag of nuts and seeds in front of him when he visits.
also he'd hide behind wei qingwei's legs, little claws clinging to his robes like a tiny scaly child whenever shen qingqiu comes by for disciple swords, because that man is intimidating and everyone is so freaking tall when you're only 80 cm long.
shen yuan has also 100% bitten people.
You've actually fallen for my trap that I set out purely to lure you into my inbox and now you're trapped here forever and ever and we WILL be having tea parties every week. Sorry. You're my friend now, that's basically what I'm like with my friends. I've just realised that I'm basically atticwifing you....but platonically. ANYWAY. Shen Yuan absorbs so much information from Wei Qingwei's rambles, even squeaking and offering little sounds to ensure that the peak lord knows that he is listening! While the rest of the sect have gotten used to this little limpet hanging onto WQW, visitors are like "is one of your peak lords actually insane" and the peak lords are like "nah just watch this" and they listen as SY seemingly RESPONDS to something WQW has said with a questioning sort of hum. Shocked Pikachu faces all around. Also, I love to think about a couple of the more spiteful, spoiled disciples of one of the peaks ganging up on poor pangolin SY because they think they're above the consequences of their actions. SY stumbles his way back to Wan Jian Peak, where he is met by WQW. The man is. Very gentle. as he treats the pangolin's wounds. Then he turns his attention to finding who has done this to his precious little pet, and all of the peak lords are reminded of just how scary WQW can be when he has a valid reason to be. The man is horrifying, normally warm and friendly smile wiped completely off his face - instead, there's a scowl. A petrifying scowl that looks out of place on his face. Let's just say that the disciples are very quickly found and...dealt with. Also!! I read the last little paragraph and just...immediately thought of a different kind of panyuan - a little demon type creature that WQW likely took in as a baby because...listen, so what if it's a demon, the shimei on the beast peak said that it's okay because "pangolin-type demons are harmless, trust me bro". This little pangolin baby has a human form, meaning WQW basically has a little baby that is sometimes a pangolin. In human form, he has his little tail and spatterings of scales over his body, and he is just a little GUY. He's just as charming as a little child, peeking out from behind WQW's robes and clinging to him, often just resorting to communicating through his little chirps and squeaks when he gets scared or far too shy for words. He is still taken to literally all of the peak lord meetings, because he's just a little guy, and god forbid anyone finds SY NOT sitting on WQW's shoulders or cuddled in his embrace. Everyone else is, at first, kind of hesitant because bro that's a child get him OUT of our meetings. Then they're hit with the big ole eyes and they fucking crumble.
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hvaneyflowers · 1 year ago
Fernando Alonso x femreader! family!
Instagram au | Part 4
Fernando and y/n have been married for 10 years, and for the last 9 years, y/n has been fighting against cancer. Because of this, they can't have children on their own, so they decided to adopt.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, carlossainz55, and 700.00 more.
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername: In this house, we worship Paw Patrol!🐶 Happy birthday, my love! I love you so much that it hurts. I still can't believe that we are your parents! I thank God every day for you, baby! Love you to the moon and back❤️ Pss. Someone didn't understand and drew a circuit instead of a puppy😑
view all 150 comments.
username12: OMG! Little Matias is 5!! Happy birthday, little Alonso!
username7: Paw Patrol all the way! Happy birthday!
username8: Happy birthday, little Matias!
fernandoalo_oficial: It was a good drawing of a circuit! Matias loved it!
username6: Not Nando trying to save himself! 🤣 yourusername: He said, "Daddy it's good, but it isn't a puppy, so you're out of the table, bye!" charles_leclerc: Ha! He adored my Ferrari puppy the most! yourusername: I'm not so sure it was a "Ferrari puppy" charles_leclerc: It was! alex_albon: Matias said its name was Marshall and it was a firefighter. carlossainz55: A firefighter who's a Ferrari fan. That's why he uses red😎 yourusername: delulu🙂 carlossainz55: 😑
username98: not Carlos and Charles trying to convert an innocent puppy into a Ferrari fan🤣
kimimatiasraikkonen: Happy Birthday to my godson! ❤️
yourusername: Thanks, Kimi! Matias loved your gift and misses playing with your kids. Come back anytime! fernandoalo_oficial: yeah, he loved his present. Didn't you think of asking us first? yourusername: Oh, come on, Nando! It wasn't so bad! I adored it, too! username56: I wonder what was the present... username90: Me too! username71: Following the party's theme, maybe a puppy!
astonmartinf1: Happy birthday, Matias! We can't wait to see you back at the paddock next year!
f1: Happy birthday, little Matias aka future World Champion!
susie_wolff: Happy birthday, Matias! It seems it was an amazing party! Sorry for not being able to be there, but Jack got sick :(
yourusername: Don't worry! We have more years coming ahead!
fernandoalofans: Happy birthday, Matias!
f1news: Happy birthday!
username1: Happy birthday! Now, I want to see the photos of the drivers at the party.
username8: Me tooo! Please @.yourusername!
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liked by lewishamilton, roscoelovescoco, alex_albon, and more.
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, lewishamilton, landonorris, maxverstappen1, sebastianvettel, valtteribottas, hulkkenberg, danielricciardo, mickschumacher, alex_albon, schecoperez, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, lance_stroll, estebanocon, kimimatiasraikkonen, georgerussell63, nicholaslatifi, pierregasly, kevinmagnussen, oscarpiastri, yukitsunoda0511, zhouguanyu24, logansargeant
yourusername: Thanks to everyone who came to my baby's birthday party! See you next year with another Paw Patrol party!
usersname12: Omg! That's a long list of tagged people.
username9: The fact that they invited the whole grid!
username90: and Nicholas Latifi!
username18: Not Max wearing a Redbull shirt!
username91: and Lewis dressing as if was a fashion show!
username5: even Roscoe was there!
username91: Obvs! He's Lewis' son! username123: and it was a puppy theme party!
roscoelovescoco: me's love's Matia's party's! he's the' best'st cousin's
yourusername: and he loves you, too!❤️
lewishamilton: love every minute of it! Thanks for having us!
yourusername: and thank you for being there! and for dressing Rosocoe as Rubble. The kids loved him!
username34: omg, the whole grid! what chaos it should've been!
fernandoalo_oficial: you don't have any idea😑 yourusername: but it was a beautiful chaos! username34: 🤣
pierregasly: your nieces and nephews were so cute! Love spending time with them!
danielricciardo: Amazing party! And by the way, I won that race between Nico and me! 😎
hulkkenberg: no, you didn't. kevinmagnussen: no, you didn't. zhouguanyu24: no, you didn't. valtteribottas: no, you didn't fernandoalo_oficial: no, you didn't sebastianvettel: no, you didn't landonorris: no, you didn't georgerussel63: no, you didn't danielricciardo: 😑
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 100.000 more.
tagged: yourusername, fernandoalo_oficial
lando.jpg: Matias's party!
view all 70 comments.
yourusername: Happy memories, love you all!
username1: please tell me that the cat that Esteban is holding is Kimi's gift!
danielricciardo: I look hot covered up in balloons!
maxverstappen1: no, you don't. You look like a clown. danielricciardo: nah, that's Charles. charles_leclerc: 😒
charles_leclerc: I look like a clown😿
carlossainz55: nope. You're only stupid. charles_leclerc: ha! 😒
username23: can we talk about Lance's face?
username9: he looks like the older brother! yourusername: HE IS the older brother!
username8: omg! Even Nicholas Latifi was there! what a party!
username6: what a lucky kid is Matias! With the best drivers in the world as uncles!
username10: I wonder why Carlos and Lando were fighting!
username8: I bet it was nothing special haha
username14: Lewis looks so cute with little Matias in his arms! 😍
username67: the fact that Matias's father drives for Aston Martin and he is wearing a Mercedes shirt! yourusername: In Fernando's words: "He'sa traitor". But in Matias's words: "Uncle Lewis is cooler than you, Daddy. He has a dog!" username5: Hahahhaa poor Nando!
fernandoalo_oficial: first and last party with you as guests.
danielricciardo: 💔 maxverstappen1: 💔 charles_leclerc: 💔 alex_albon: 💔 lance_stroll: even me? 😢 fernandoalo_oficial: even you. lance_stroll: 💔
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liked by yourusername, kimimatiasraikkonen, and 300.000 more.
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial: My best friend is 5! Thank you for letting me be your father. I love you to the moon and back! ❤️
view all 400 comments.
kimimatiasraikkonen: great to see he loves my gift! 😉
yourusername: he adores it! Its name is K, because of you. kimimatiasraikkonen: amazing! fernandoalo_oficial: still hating you, Kimi. kimimatiasraikkonen: amazing!
username5: A rabbit! Would've never imagined it was a rabbit!
username9: awww so cute! Both are so cute. Matias and K! Congratulations!
username12: I wonder what other things he received as gifts from the grid!
charles_leclerc: that rabbit ate my apple!
yourusername: Kimi told you that he loves apple. Not its fault but yours. charles_leclerc: 💔🍎
landonorris: missing the little Alonso... I mean, I don't miss his dad, but him. He's a cutie pie!
fernandoalo_oficial: 😑
yourusername: he loves you very much, my love!
fernandoalo_oficial: love you, too, nena! yourusername: love you, guapetón! fernandoalo_oficial: I love you more, mi hermosa! yourusername: No, I love you more, Don Fernando! fernandoalo_oficial: no way! I love you more, mi sexy angelita! yourusername: no, I love you more, my sugar! carlossainz55: Omg! We understood! You love each other a lot! STOP! fernandoalo_oficial: Never! yourusername: Never! landonorris: get a room! MY EYES! MY INNOCENT EYES!😭
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year ago
Could I request Neuvilette and his s/o playing with cats?
「✧」 the second I saw this request, i knew exactly what I was gonna have in it lmao and that's rare nowadays i hope you like it <;333
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"Aren't you the cutest little baby? Yes, you are! Yes, you are! Oh, look at your fuzzy little baby face, I just wanna squish it, and smooch it, and give you all the scritches in the world-"
"I really don't think the cat can you understand you, my love." Neuvillette said as he stood to the side, watching you fawn over the new kitten you'd just adopted.
"But look at her face, Neuvie! It's just the most adorable thing in the world!" You squealed as you held out the little kitten to him. Neuvillette stood there for a moment, before relenting and walking over, crouching down beside you. You pushed the kitten towards his face, watching as his cyan eyes fell upon the fuzzball.
"Well, I wouldn't say the most adorable thing in the world, but she's definitely a close second." He said as his gloved hand reached out to gently pet the kitten, that just let out a small meow. You quickly handed over the kitten, watching as Neuvillette panicked for a moment before gingerly taking the animal in his large hands.
"Well, I simply disagree." You said as you looked down, petting the top of the kitten's head with your finger. Neuvillette's eyes landed on your face and softened as he smiled a little. Of course, you would disagree. You didn't understand just how adorable you were in his eyes.
"I see why you're a lover of cats. They're cute and... calming." He said as he continued to pet the small kitten. It wasn't long before a couple other joined, meowing and pawing at you two for some attention as well. "Oh, they come in groups-" Neuvillette was interrupted as he fell from his crouched position as one of your larger cats jumped on him. He was careful to protect the small kitten before laughing a little.
"Are you ok?" You giggled as you helped him up a little, watching as he happily obliged to the other cat. "You're a magnet!"
"Well, I suppose I do have some time to spare." And that short break he had from work quickly turned into two hours of playing with the cats.
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allllium · 1 year ago
~ If you guys have any requests you should send me some. Now that I actually have motivation to write I have no ideas 😓
~ Fluff, WC: 1,070
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~ Reader finds a "cat" ~
Matt is only two blocks from your shared apartment when he notices something is different. Something he can’t quite figure out. There’s a second heartbeat alongside yours, but it is smaller than a human's. A lot smaller. 
He is one block away when he notices that a window is open. Why would you have the window open? It’s December, and you seem to run cold at all times. That’s when he hears little paws running across the hardwood floors. Now, it makes sense. You guys have been talking about getting a cat for a while now. But the animal doesn't smell like a typical cat. 
It all comes together when he finally goes down the stairs to enter the apartment. It is not a cat. It's a raccoon. You let a wild animal into the apartment. And you’re currently trying to feed it marshmallows. 
“Hey, baby.” You greet him happily when you see him standing in the corner. You give him a beaming smile, one he does not return. You knew it was a bad idea, but what else would you do when there’s a raccoon on the windowsill? Not let it in and feed it marshmallows?
Matt pulls his helmet off and walks over to the coffee table, where the raccoon perches. “What is that?” That is all he asks. You both know he knows, but he asks more for an explanation. 
“It's a cat..” Your voice is quiet and full of held-back laughter. 
“That's not a cat.”
“How do you know? You can't see it.” 
“I can smell it.”
“Maybe it’s friends with a raccoon,” You stop and collect your breath before continuing, trying hard not to laugh. “And the smell rubbed off on it.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you feeding it marshmallows? Cats can’t eat those.” 
“Uhh, 'cause this is a special cat. It can eat marshmallows.”
“And by special cat, you mean raccoon?” 
“Pretty much yeah.” Matt stares at you, nodding softly at your words, before grabbing the bag of marshmallows out of your hand.
“We are not keeping it.” 
“But you said we could get a cat!” You yell out in despair, standing from your place on the couch.
“That’s not a cat!” He motions towards the raccoon that has started standing on the coffee table on two legs.
“It’s practically a cat!”
“It's on two legs!”
“But it's adorable!”
“Honey, it’s a wild animal.” You watch Matt run a hand through his hair in frustration. “We can’t keep a raccoon as a pet.”
“Why not?”
“It's illegal.”
“Well, good thing I know a lawyer.”
“Sweetheart,” He steps forward to put a hand on your face, “I love you, but we can’t keep the raccoon.”
“Fine.” You mutter in defeat. “Can I at least leave marshmallows out for it?”
“Yeah, you can do that.” Despite having to release your new friend, a big grin breaks out across your face to mirror his. 
“Good, I don't want him to be lonely.” You tell him and lean onto his chest. 
“Honey, it's a raccoon, he won't get lonely.” He laughs at your concern for the raccoon. You carefully place marshmallows in a path from the coffee table to the open window.
“How do you know? You've never been a raccoon.” Matt sits on the couch and pulls you into his lap. 
“Baby, they're animals that eat trash. I don't think they have very high thinking skills.” 
“Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, why are you back so early?” 
“Because my crazy girlfriend let a wild animal into our apartment.” You chuckle at his words.
“Does that mean you're going back out?”
“No, I think I'll stay in. Someone's gotta make sure you don't open that window again.” 
“Hm, in that case, maybe you should change into your comfy clothes, and we can watch a movie?” Even though Matt can't watch the movie with you, he always insists on sitting with you and listening. 
“That sounds like a good plan. I'll go change.” He kisses you on your forehead and gets off the couch, pushing you off his lap and off to the side.
While Matt is in the bedroom, you watch the raccoon still making its way down the marshmallow trail. You only had the small ones you use in hot chocolate, so it's taking longer.
Matt enters the living room again as the raccoon leaves through the open window. On his way to the couch, he shuts the open window. You jokingly pout at the loss of your new friend. 
“I bet it'll be back soon, sweetheart. No animal is going to forget the window that gives them marshmallows.” He chuckles as he sits by your side. 
“Yeah, I know, but what if it forgets?” He laughs at you again. 
“Honey, you're thinking too hard about this. What if we go to the shelter and look for a cat tomorrow.” 
“No. We can't do that.” 
“Why not?” Confusion covers his face with laughter in his voice.
“Because if we go down to the shelter, there's gonna be tons of animals begging to go home with us, and then we'll have to choose between all of them, and then when we do, all the other animals will be sad, and wonder why we don't want them.” You explain, speaking a little faster than usual. 
Matt lets out a hard sigh, “I don't even know how to respond to that.”
“Uh, you're supposed to agree with me 'cause I'm always right.”
“Oh yes, of course.” He gives you a big smile, almost taking your breath away. No matter how much you see it, his smile will always be the most beautiful thing in the world. “What?”
“I can feel you staring.” 
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Mhm.” He pulls you closer, leaving you unable to look at his face.  “How do you expect to get a cat if we can't go to the shelter?”
“We had one a few minutes ago, but you didn't like that one.”
“That wasn't a cat!” He exclaims.
“It was close enough.” You cross your arms over your chest. Matt doesn't like that as he pulls your arms away from your chest to hold your hand. 
You sigh happily into his chest as you lean against him, your legs over his lap with his arms around you. You both forget about the movie, too focused on each other to care.
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centuryberry · 1 month ago
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praise be long yuetian bby, don’t know your name but boy do I think of you.
@theunderthecover You have fed me once again with Yuetian baby content and oh my god the bby is so long. Biiiiig stretch! I also adore the lil tuft of monkey fur at the tail. It's like a pom pom, I love it! Looking at the long tail makes me feel like I'm looking at a puppy's big paws and knowing they're going to grow into a huge beast. This baby's going to grow into a big yaoguai.
Yue and Xiaotian/MK are such dorks. They love their baby so much. Thank you for sending something so cute to my inbox!
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jerseyshoresy · 9 months ago
Something where someone (your pick from shoresy or LK) ask to meet up by text but you say you have a man in your bed, they're confused af but turns out you rescued a cat?
STOOOOPPP IM OBSESSED WITH THIS LMAO!!! Thank you so much for sending this request in, it's so perfect and I had tons of fun writing it! I decided to do little blurbs with everyone I've written for in both the LK and Shoresy universe so I hope you enjoy <3
Fatal AttraC(A)Tion
Shoresy, Wayne, Daryl, Coach x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, suggestive language
"I know I'm like, always confused, but I am extra confused right now."
Shoresy had just finished hockey practice when he texted you, asking if he could come to your place to hang out for the rest of the night. He certainly wasn't expecting your response of: "Please don't come over !! I have a man in my bed rn!!"
"Oh, that's no good, mah boy! You best get yourself o'er there and send the unlucky bastard scramblin' out tha door!"
"You're right, Hitch, you have a point. I'm not letting another man come between me and my partner and I mean that in both entendres."
"Settle down," said Goody, taking a sip of water.
Shoresy was quick to leave the barn and head to your place, nervous to see who he was going to find lying next to you. As he entered the bedroom door, he pushed up his sleeves, getting ready for a fist fight. To his surprise, there was no human man to be seen anywhere. Instead, he was greeted with you and an unfamiliar orange cat lying on his side of the bed.
"Look baby, Shoresy's home! My favorite two men in this whole world," you cooed, the cat purring as it cuddled up to you. Shoresy relaxed, happy you were just messing around with him, and looking forward to cuddling two very cute creatures all night.
You felt bad joking like this to Wayne, knowing he had been cheated on in the past, but you couldn’t help yourself as you sent the text message: “can’t meet rn. me and my other man are in bed.”
When Wayne received said text message, he sped over to your place in a flash, his stoic expression turning the slightest bit more sour than usual. After he slammed his truck door closed, he rolled up his sleeves, readying himself for a brawl. However, when he entered your bedroom, he just stood there very confused.
“Here’s the man I was talking about.” You held up a black cat with white paws. “I just rescued him! Isn’t he cute?”
Wayne stood in silence for a few moments before speaking. “Okay, y/n. Y/n, okay. That is a very cute cat.”
He took several big strides and abducted the cat from you, cuddling it close to his chest.
“You can have him back after I get an apology for making me worry.” He scratched the cat under its chin, making it purr. “And after I get an apology for not adopting two of these.”
“Does this mean what I think it means?”
Daryl was at MoDean’s trying to decipher the text you had just sent him. It was a picture of you lying in bed with a mass of blonde hair on your chest, captioned “don’t come over, my man and I are having alone time.”
“I knows y/n, we all do, and that doesn’t seem like their types of behaviors,” said Squirrely Dan.
Katy then spoke up, “But it is weird. I think you should go check it out. Let us know if you need backup.”
Daryl agreed and drove his van over to your house in a hurry, confused as ever. He walked into your bedroom, fully expecting to see you with another man, but what he actually saw couldn’t have been further from what he assumed.
“I got us a cat!” you exclaimed, holding up the cream colored cat. “Isn’t he just adorable?”
“You really threw me for a loop with that text,” Daryl said, frowning, but perking up when the cat ran over to his leg and started nuzzling him. “He is really cute though. This is the only other man I’d ever want in my bed.”
“Me too, Daryl, don’t worry,” you said, pulling him in for a kiss.
“I’m kinda busy rn, me and my man are lying in bed.”
“What the fuck are they talking about?!”
Coach was ready to crush his phone in anger. What did you mean, your man? HE was your man, your only man! He furiously typed back a response, telling you he’d be over at your place in no time, and he spent the whole trip muttering to himself about how he was going to kick that guy’s ass for laying next to his partner. He practically busted your door down, huffing and puffing as he stared you down. You were completely unbothered by Coach’s abrasive entrance, even laughing about it, as you lounged with a cat running in circles on your bed.
“Coach! Glad to see you made it to meet our newest roommate.”
“Don’t scare me like that, y/n, I was seriously pissed off!” He was pointing an accusatory finger at you until the cat pounced on it, clawing lightly at his skin. Coach immediately broke into a smile, cooing and giving the cat scratches on its ears. It looked like your two favorite men got along swimmingly!
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callsigns-haze · 8 months ago
Little guard
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Eris attempts to put Finna down for a nap, only to have Ace bark in protest, showing his desire to stay close to the baby. Eris and Yn watch with affection as Ace settles into his role as Finna's protector. Chapter Warnings: Mild frustration with puppy training, nostalgia, and brief mention of past hardships.
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
Eris crouched down in the yard, holding a small treat in his hand. "Sit, Ace," he commanded firmly. The little hound puppy tilted his head, ears flopping adorably, and then promptly lay down, tail wagging furiously.
Eris sighed, rubbing his forehead. "No, Ace. Sit." He tried again, this time standing and lifting the treat higher to encourage the puppy to sit. Ace looked up at him, then sat for a brief moment before immediately rolling over onto his back, paws in the air.
"Seriously?" Eris muttered, exasperation clear in his voice. He ran a hand through his red hair, trying to keep his patience. "Ace, roll over." The puppy, as if determined to test every ounce of Eris's patience, sat down instead, looking up with expectant eyes.
From the porch, Yn watched with a mixture of amusement and sympathy. She cradled Finna in her arms, the baby giggling at the scene unfolding in the yard. "You're doing great, Eris," she called out encouragingly. "He'll get the hang of it."
Eris glanced over his shoulder, offering her a wry smile. "I'm not so sure. Maybe he just needs more time." He crouched down again, holding out the treat. "Come on, Ace. Sit."
Ace bounded over, full of energy and excitement, and this time, he sat correctly, earning the treat and a relieved sigh from Eris. "Good boy," Eris praised, patting the puppy's head. "We'll get there eventually."
As Eris stood up, wiping his hands on his pants, Ace noticed Yn standing on the porch with Finna. The puppy's ears perked up, and his tail wagged so vigorously that his whole body seemed to sway with it. He let out an excited bark, then another, his little legs carrying him swiftly across the yard.
"Ace, easy!" Eris called out, but the puppy was already too excited to listen. Yn saw him coming and held Finna a little higher, a smile playing on her lips.
Ace reached the porch and leaped up, his front paws landing gently on Yn's leg. He barked again, looking up at Finna with wide, eager eyes. Finna giggled, reaching out a tiny hand toward the puppy, his chubby fingers waving in the air.
"Hello there, Ace," Yn said softly, crouching slightly to let Finna and the puppy get closer. Ace licked Finna's hand, his tail still wagging furiously, and Finna let out a delighted squeal, his little face lighting up with joy.
Eris walked over, shaking his head with a fond smile. "Looks like someone's already making friends," he said, ruffling the puppy's fur. "You're a good boy, Ace, but you need to learn to be gentle."
Yn chuckled, shifting Finna slightly in her arms. "I think they're going to be inseparable," she said, looking down at the puppy and the baby. "Just like you and your hounds back in the day."
Eris nodded, a nostalgic look in his eyes. "Yeah, just like that." He reached out and gently stroked Finna's hair, then scratched behind Ace's ears. "We'll train you up right, Ace. And Finna, you're going to have the best companion."
The puppy barked once more, as if in agreement, and Yn laughed. "Let's head inside. I think someone needs a nap," she said, glancing at Finna who was starting to yawn.
Eris scooped up Ace, and together, they all went back inside.
Eris carried Ace inside, carefully wiping the puppy's paws on a towel before setting him down on the floor. Ace immediately started to sniff around, his little nose twitching with curiosity. Eris watched him for a moment, a soft smile on his face, before turning his attention back to Finna.
"Alright, little one, let's get you down for a nap," he said, cradling Finna in his arms as he made his way to the nursery. The room was warm and cozy, filled with soft light filtering through the curtains. Eris gently laid Finna down in his crib, tucking a blanket around him.
Just as he was about to turn and leave, Ace let out a sharp bark from the doorway. Eris turned back, eyebrows raised in surprise. The puppy stood there, looking up at him with wide, anxious eyes, his tail wagging slowly.
"Easy, Ace," Eris said softly, walking over to the puppy and crouching down to his level. "Finna needs to rest, okay?"
But Ace barked again, a little more insistently this time, and padded over to the crib. He stood on his hind legs, peering over the edge to look at Finna, who had already started to doze off. Ace whimpered softly, clearly not wanting to be separated from his new friend.
Eris chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, you little rascal, you can stay in here for a bit. But you have to be quiet," he said, gently picking up Ace and setting him down on the soft rug beside the crib.
Ace wagged his tail, settling down on the rug and resting his head on his paws, his eyes never leaving Finna. Eris watched them for a moment, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. He stood up and quietly left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
In the hallway, Yn was waiting, a knowing smile on her face. "Looks like Ace has already claimed his spot as Finna's protector," she said softly.
Eris nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. "Yeah, he has. I think we're going to be just fine," he said, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Tagging some:
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redux-iterum · 2 months ago
Under normal circumstances in ThunderClan (ie: a mentally sound leader, Cloudy not being given to Fire as a kit and Fire promising to mentor him, etc), how long would it have taken before Fire & Raven were genuinely considered as mentors? Are older warriors considered more favorable to have as mentors than the younger/less experienced adults, or does it solely depend on the personalities of everyone involved? Would Raven have been a contender for Snowpaw's mentor anyway, since they seemed to be interested in/get along with each other when Snow was a baby? Or would he have been assigned to someone like, say, Whitecloud, for example? Given his apprenticeship would inherently be more challenging w/ the mentor having to adapt their training to work with his disability.
TLDR: are older warriors more favored as mentors than young warriors, and who would Frost & Brindle's litters have gone to, were Bluestar more mentally sound when they came of age? Especially the latter group. (Assume Cloudkit was not added to Brindle's kindle) (rhyme not intended haha)
I'm sure this is probably a tedious question considering all the recent dog-related deaths, so no need to agonize over it if you don't want to, LOL. I just adore all the thought that's implied to go on "behind the scenes" when it comes to those involved with pairing up mentors & apprentices, so I'm curious if it's ever crossed the author's or editor's mind before!
Does any of this make sense or am i just rambling nonsense at y'all right now? /LH
A warrior can become a mentor pretty much immediately! There are plenty of -path cats who get an apprentice as soon as the next litter of kittens is ready to become -paws, and that can be only a month after they get their name. Rainpath received an apprentice early, as an example.
The question is not "how old should a warrior be to get an apprentice", it's "what can this warrior offer to the right apprentice". A leader ideally looks for pairs that are most advantageous for the Clan, or that will help each other grow, or even just mesh well and like each other. You don't need years of experience in the world (though it helps); what's more important is that what is essentially a third (or second) parent to any particular apprentice will be the best match to the apprentice they're given. Whitecloud may be a senior warrior, but he was given Ravenpaw specifically because of his calm and soothing nature. His age had nothing to do with it. They just paired together well.
All that to say that Fireheart and Ravenwing's mentorship wouldn't have changed. Ravenwing would just have been talked to way earlier and eased into the idea of becoming a mentor, rather than having it forced on him without warning. He's the smartest cat in the Clan, sensitive to others' behavior and a quick learner - he's perfect for a special-needs apprentice like Snowpaw. And even aside from that, Snowpaw thinks Ravenwing is the coolest cat in the whole forest, so regardless of his disability, a sound-minded Bluestar would have seen the two's interactions and decided they'd be perfect for each other. Likewise, Fireheart was good for Cloudpaw and the two share a mutual adoration. They'd be a match even if they weren't related.
Bluestar got insanely lucky at that point that almost all of her pairings were well-suited to each other - Thornpaw and Dustpelt, Mousefur and Brightpaw, and Ravenwing and Snowpaw. The only change would've been giving Brackenpaw to someone else. I could see Teaselfoot being the first option. The two are happy fellows that see training as a fun game, and Teaselfoot would do well being given an apprentice that learns quickly and makes friends just as fast.
As for Ashpaw and Aspenpaw... I think Ashpaw would have gone to Whitecloud in the hopes of easing his unsteady emotional state at that point in time, and Aspenpaw would've gone right over to Goldenflower. No need to waste time with her being with anyone else.
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warpedpuppeteer · 9 months ago
buddie drabble: buck brings home a stray cat and eddie says no…. until eddie ends up being the only one the cat likes and he falls in love with it; established buddie, fluffy, chris is annoyed that the cat likes his dad more than him even though he feeds it treats
Thank you for the super adorable prompt! It's not all exactly as you wanted but I tried to stick to the prompt as close as I can. Hope you enjoy ☺️🫶🏽! (Link to AO3 is provided at the end for those who prefer that)
Fur-st Mew-ting
“No”. Eddie puts as much authority that he could muster in his best dad-voice. “Absolutely not”.
As expected, Christopher but dad’s him immediately.
“Look how cute he is, dad! And he has nowhere else to go!”, his son tries his best to make his case with his best puppy eyes.
Eddie looks over Christopher's curls where Buck is lurking in the background innocently.
His boyfriend is still in his uniform because he came here straight from work, and he is holding the tiniest kitten Eddie has ever seen close to his chest. It looks unrealistically small in Buck's large arms.
And fuck. It is a very cute sight.
Absolutely not, he tells himself determinedly, even if his heart beats slightly faster at the devastating sight of Buck coo-ing at the kitten.
It's a scruffy little thing. Fur sticking out ridiculously everywhere, tiny paws and big pitiful eyes staring right into his soul imploringly as if it was coached by both his boyfriend and his son to do its best to wear Eddie's defenses down.
And dammit; it's working.
Buck meets his eyes and has his own best puppy eyes weaponized.
Eddie sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Chris whoops loudly exactly like Buck and Eddie mourns the fact that their son is already learning Buck's frat boy ways. He makes a mental note to hide all the baseball caps in the house.
A tiny questioning mew joins their whooping.
The Ap-paw-intment
The first thing that Eddie does the next morning is to call the closest vet they could find to fix an appointment for the kitten. The girl on the other end of the line is cheery and polite and tells him they have a slot open at 4pm today. Eddie agrees easily and she asks for the name of the ‘pawrent’ for the appointment. “Eddie Diaz. And Evan Buckley”. “And your fur baby’s name?”, she asks innocently. Eddie wishes for all the strength and patience in the world as he looks at Buck who has his lips pursed, trying his best to pretend he's not laughing. “Baby Eddie”, he finally grits out. The girl, bless her heart, only goes quiet for a few seconds before thanking him and tells him they're excited to see them later. He hangs up, mortified. Buck finally laughs gleefully. “Oh the look on your face!” He puts the phone on the kitchen counter and scowls at his boyfriend. “Shut up, Buck. I can't believe you named the stupid kitten that”. “Hey!”, his boyfriend, who has the kitten on the table, gently folds its ears down, “don’t call Baby Eddie the s-word. He's named after my boyfriend you know”. Eddie glares at him, “a boyfriend who is re-thinking the decision of dating you currently”. Buck grins at him, unrepentant. “It was just a funny idea me and Chris had. He looked so excited about it and I couldn't say no”. Eddie just shakes his head knowing he's going to regret asking but he does anyway. “Why is that even a funny name?”. Buck gently lifts up the kitten to show Eddie like he couldn't already see from where he's making breakfast for them. “Because look at him! He looks just like you. Has the scowl and big cow eyes and everything!” Eddie scowls harder at him and Buck laughs so hard he nearly falls off the chair.
A fur-tunate coincidence
Baby Eddie settles down easily in the Diaz household (soon to be the Diaz-Buckley household but Eddie-the human one- is currently still working on it). The vet's appointment had gone well which didn't come as a surprise because apparently Buck and Chris had picked up the kitten from a shelter. A fact that only came to light after Eddie had agreed to house the scruff-ball. Eddie had done his best not to seem embarrassed everytime the vet said Baby Eddie while talking about the kitten. Even when Buck had gleefully told the vet assistant that the kitten is named after its other dad and pointed at him. They also find out that Baby Eddie is a girl. Turns out Buck and Chris had missed that part when they picked up the kitten. They refused to change her name despite Eddie's very convincing arguments though. She is now officially Baby Eddie Buckley-Diaz. Later that night, Buck had plastered himself on Eddie's back and mumbled, “I was only actually fostering her, you know. I didn't mean to make you an involuntary cat dad”. Eddie turns around in his arms. Buck has that look on his face, the one he has when he thinks he's done something wrong. “I'm not mad Buck”, he says softly. “I've been planning to either adopt a dog or a cat anyways for Chris' next birthday. It just happened a little early”. Buck's eyes light up, “really?”. “Really”, Eddie assures him and kisses him gently just to be sure. “I'm going to be a hands-off parent though. And I still don't like her. And she looks nothing like me”. Eddie tucks his face into Buck's neck, hiding his smile, feeling the thrum of Buck's laughter against his cheek.
A meow-ment of weakness
Buck has searched through all the drawers, the clothes hamper and the washing machine but his favorite blue hoodie is still nowhere to be seen. Frustrated, he heads to the kitchen to ask Eddie if he's seen it anywhere and stops at the entrance. Eddie is sitting by the kitchen table, doing something on his laptop, headphones on. He's wearing Buck's hoodie, sleeves pushed up to showcase his delectable arms. That's not what makes Buck stop and stare though. It's the fact that Eddie is wearing Buck's hoodie the wrong way around because he has Baby Eddie snuggled up in the hood of it. Baby Eddie has her head out, staring at the screen in fascination. As Buck watches on, Eddie pets Baby Eddie’s head softly with a finger and kisses her tiny scruffy head before going back to what he was doing. It's absolutely adorable and Buck thinks he falls even more in love with Eddie than he already has (he's going to put a ring on it soon, he's working on it). He takes at least 10 photos as proof and then calls Chris as an eyewitness just in case before confronting Eddie about the stolen hoodie and about him claiming he would be a hands-off parent just a few nights ago. When Eddie refuses to plead guilty to the charges, claiming he didn't realize it was Buck's hoodie and that it was just a moment of weakness because Baby Eddie looked lonely since neither Buck nor Chris were looking after her, Buck sends one of the photos to the group chat, grabs Chris and runs for his life as Eddie yells out “Buck!” when he checks his phone as his notifications go off.
Playing fur-vourites
To the disappointment of everyone involved, Baby Eddie has decided that human Eddie is her favorite human amongst them all. She follows him around like a shadow everywhere he goes, purrs up a storm whenever he comes back home from work, and snuggles up and falls asleep on him anytime he sits somewhere. Chris does get slightly annoyed at the development. “I give her extra treats but she still likes you more. That's unfair dad!”, he complains, as only a pre-teen could. Eddie feels bad for his son. He's not sure why the kitten has taken such a liking to him either. He'd rather she get attached to Chris or Buck instead. “Well, is it a surprise though kiddo? Your dad's really great. I mean, he's your favorite and mine too. So, it's not really surprising Baby Eddie likes him too right?” Buck attempts to placate him. Chris grumbles a little bit more but seems happy enough with the explanation. Of course, the fact that Baby Eddie chose that exact moment to butt her head against his ankle to get his attention might have helped as well. As Chris sits down on the floor to play with her, Eddie mouths ‘thank you’ at Buck, feeling warm. Buck simply winks at him, his stupid adorable boyfriend.
Pawrents, Interrupted
“This is all your fault”, Eddie accuses- unjustly if you ask Buck- when Baby Eddie climbs up Eddie's thighs to curl up on his chest. They had been busy making out on the couch as Chris was away at Pepa's for the night. Buck is already shirtless, hair a mess from Eddie running his hands through them, lips kiss-bruised. Buck looks at his boyfriend - pants unbuttoned, a hickey already blooming under his jaw and lips kiss-bruised just like his own- and snorts at him before smirking deviously, “to be fair, you do have very nice tits”. The pillow smack to his face was totally worth it if you ask Buck. (He does however, banish Baby Eddie into Chris' room, where her bed is, temporarily, while he apologizes to his boyfriend for his remark, very profusely and thoroughly in ways not suitable for a young and impressionable kitten's eyes to see. Baby Eddie might not have ended the night very happily but human Eddie very much did.)
Imagine Baby Eddie to look something like this lil one here:
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wyrm-clangen · 3 months ago
she’s kinda Gone now, but i feel like Willowdew always got overshadowed by her siblings. Can we get some facts about her, maybe? Same with Waterstep and Beaverfleck!
(sorry if this sends more than once, my tumblr is acting up 😔)
Oh, I'd be happy to!
Willowdew was a very soft spoken and sweet kitty. Not shy, really, but more that she wouldn't pipe up in conversations unless she had something to say. The only time that you could call her loud was when she laughed, and she adored bad jokes and puns; the worse they were, the better.
When Willowdew was a paw, she was also kind of an overachiever! After her regular training, she would also be attending lessons with Raggedspeckle on weaving! Her littermates found the task boring, but she loved the satisfaction of making things.
Waterstep used to be the peacemaker amongst his siblings. Dusk and Seed were troublemakers, and always bullying Beaverfleck. It wasn't anything too terrible but somehow he always ended up in the middle of an argument and he Hated it. Being a mediator is about the worst thing he could ever imagine.
Waterstep isn't much of a tunneler or a creator, but he's a great hunter and long distance runner. He's got the patience for long hunts that his siblings don't. He helped bring down a deer fawn one leaf bare and he was so proud, he could've screamed.
Beaverfleck, my beautiful baby girl! When she was a kit, she was just as much of a terror as her siblings, with a hot temper and a keen eye for pranks. As an apprentice however, her temper and the fun of pranks died with Duskpaw. She and her sister weren't close, they barely tolerated each other at times, but losing her still ached like a thorn. She wants, more than anything, to become a cat her sister can watch from above and be proud of.
Also, a note from the future, she has very bad taste in crushes, mostly because they're both married, girl wtf are you doing-
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