#//and early bird or night owl is probably the funniest one
strawberry-barista · 1 year
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indoor plants or gardens   /   cloud-watching or star-gazing   /   water or fire   /   paperback or hardcover   /   running or hiking   /   sleeping with socks or without socks   /   fruit or vegetables   /   hanging plants or succulents   /   dark wood or light wood   /   handwritten or typed   /   instagram or pinterest   /   braids or pigtails   /   dc or marvel   /   books or movies   /   oceans or meadows   /   forests or fields   /   sweet or salty   /   ice cream or chocolate   /   hoddies or sweaters   /   piercings or tattoos   /   summer or winter   /   boots or sneakers   /   cars or motorcycles   /   curls or straight hair   /   castles or cottages   /   sunny days or storms   /   reptiles or birds   /   disney or nickelodeon   /   strawberries or watermelon   /   essays or posters   /   phones or laptops or desktop   /   glass or stone   /   dark or light   /   photos or paintings   /   circuses or threatres   /   reading or writing   /   dogs or cats   /   poetry or novels   /   monsters or ghosts   /   thrift shops or libraries   /   fiction or non fiction   /   comedy or action   /   romance or horror   /   adventure or drama   /   historical or musicals   /   sci-fi or westerns   /   tea or coffee   /   cake or pie   /   cereal or oatmeal   /   bagels or cookies   /   sandwich or pizza   /   early bird or night owl   /   city or country side  /   foxes or wolves   /   hugs or kisses   /   shorts or long pants   /   monopoly or sorry   /   comic books or novels   /   showers or baths   /   chess or checkers   /   hip-hop or classical music /
Tagged by: @lured-into-wonderland
Tagging: Please steal!
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sapphiretrams · 6 years
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Get to Know Me Tag
I was kind of tagged by @intricately-silly? Like, I have a notification that I was mentioned??? Idk, but thanks if you did!
Rules: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
Traits:  creative + good + music lover
1. What is your full name? Riley, and that’s all I’m gonna say
2. What is your nickname? I kinda gave myself the nickname RPS? You can also call me Trams cause of my url, I don’t mind.
3. When is your birthday? September 5
4. What is your favorite book series? Favorite book series... probably Harry Potter. I’m not obsessed with it (cause J.K. is kinda not a good person) but it’s one of the few series I remember reading.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Sure. I’m not a hardcore believer, and when I watch Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural, I’m DEFINITELY a Shaniac, but I’m definitely not closed to the idea.
6. Who is your favorite author? Probably Charles Dickens or Shakespeare. I’m a sucker for that classic literature stuff.
7. What is your favorite radio station? Eh, I don’t really listen to the radio.
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Lemon! It’s just SO good in all candy flavors, and I love it so much.
9. What word do you often use to describe something great or wonderful? Rad, awesome, cool, the usuals and occasionally terms that are super dated like tubular.
10. What is your favorite song currently? God that’s hard cause I love music so much... maybe Planetary (GO!) or Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by MCR.
11. What is your favorite word? Petrichor
12. What is the last song you listened to? The Cage by Genesis
13. What TV show would you recommend everyone to watch? Forensic Files, it’s fascinating to me
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? I haven’t been one to watch movies when down so I don’t really have one
15. Do you play video games? Yep! I’ve been playing them a lot
16. What is your biggest fear? Being abandoned. It’s happened to me so often by friends that it’s just sort of become common place and I’m terrified of it.
17. What is your best quality in your opinion? My optimism!
18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? My inability to talk alshdafsdf I’m such a klutz at speaking
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs, though I do love cats.
20. What is your favorite season? Spring! Everything is turning green and flowering and it’s so refreshing to feel the rain on your face!
21. Are you in a relationship? Nope, I am tragically single
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Having my parents read stories to me and my brothers, it was such a fun time in my childhood.
23. Who is your best friend? My friend Elli, a super cool nb person who’s been my friend for around 2 years now.
24. What is your eye color? Hazel
25. What is your hair color? Dark brown, though it’s been bleached and I would love to have green hair again.
26. Who is someone you love? Myself 💕
27. Who is someone you trust? My mom. She’s on my side no matter what, and she’s the first family member I told about my sexual and gender identity.
28. Who is someone you think about often? My ocs
29. Are you currently excited about something? Not really, I’m just kinda drifting atm
30. What is your biggest obsession? The Adventure Zone. It is SO. GOOD. I love the McElroys, and they mean a lot to me.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? The 1994 Spider-Man series. That SM has always been my favorite and he always will be.
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? What’s a gender?
33. Are you superstitious? Sorta I guess
34. Do you have an unusual phobias? I HATE arteries and tendons. HATE HATE HATE them. They freak me out and I have to cover them up when I start getting freaked out by them. I’ve had this fear since I was a child.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Both baby!
36. What is your favorite hobby? Drawing!!!
37. What is the last book you read? Pieces of Happiness by Anne Ostby
38. What was the last movie you watched? Thor: Ragnorak
39. What musical instruments do you play? Violin, a little guitar, some piano?
40. What is your favorite animal? It’s hard for me to pick, but my favorite since I was a baby is a tiger.
41. What are your top five favorite Tumblr blogs? @viper-fish @berrybloomsims @lunacysims @mellindi @sim-borg
42. What super power do you wish you had? The power to refill stuff.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? When I’m driving. There’s something about the freedom that just makes me feel so at peace, and I love feeling like I’m not restrained by anything.
44. What makes you smile? My dog. Everything about him just makes my heart swell
45. What sports do you play? I used to be a soccer champ when I was young.
46. What is your favorite drink? Diet Peach Snapple or Dr Pepper
47. When was the last time you wrote a handwritten letter or note to someone? When I was in like, 8th grade
48. Are you afraid of heights? Not really, though I was when I was younger.
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? I’m a very patient person, so probably when people talk to me when I wanna be left alone tbh.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yep. Maroon 5 was the last one. I hope to go to more too.
51. Are you vegetarian or vegan? Nah
52. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up? A wild life veterinarian. I would throw my stuffed tiger down the stairs and “rescue” her.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? The Adventure Zone: Balance world.
54. What is something you worry about? My dog since he’s getting up their in years, finding a college to go to and what I want to major in college, my bf’s safety, occasionally my parents when I’m paranoid and worried something might happen.
55. Are you scared of the dark? Nah. It’s nice. I’m more paranoid something might be in the dark, but,
56. Do you like to sing? Yes! I’m pretty decent at it, too, so I love it.
57. Have you ever skipped school? Yeah. I got really depressed when I was in high school and I stayed at home, calling in sick. Which I was, but it wasn’t entirely honest.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? My desk, it has all my stuff on it and it’s cluttered to my liking.
59. Where would you like to live? Germany, or maybe France if I can learn the language. Maybe split the difference and move to Switzerland.
60. Do you have any pets? Just my baby boy TJ whom I adore.
61. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, though I’ve been making more of an effort to wake up early. I also get more done when I wake up early, cause it feels like I have more time to do things before noon.
62. Do you like sunrise or sunsets better? Sunsets, mostly cause I’m able to see them from my house.
63. Do you know how to drive? Yep!
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. I have headphones, but you can’t really wear them in public cause they get in the way.
65. Have you ever had braces? No, though I did have a chin strap when I was younger cause I had (and still have) an underbite.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? My music goes all over the place, but showtunes are my jam.
67. Who is your hero? 1994 Spider-Man. I specify because he’s really different from other versions, and he’s so smart and such a klutz and I grew up with him. I’ve been playing the new Spider-Man game for PS4 and I almost started crying from how close he is to MY SM, and he just reminds me of my morals.
68. Do you read comic books? Nah
69. What makes you the most angry? Politics atm. Don’t even talk to me about them. I don’t like being angry and any talk about the current political situation is just infuriating. 
70. Do you prefer to read real books or on an electric device? Either, though real books hold a special aesthetic to them.
71. What is your favorite subject in school? English. Like I said, I’m a literary nerd.
72. Do you have any siblings? Two, an older and a younger brother.
73. What was the last thing you bought? Ariana Grande’s song No Tears Left to Cry
74. How tall are you? 5′ 7″, perfectly average
75. Can you cook? Eh, I can do the basic stuff, and if I have a recipe in front of me then sure, but otherwise? Don’t ask.
76. What are three things that you love? My dog, myself, my mom.
77. What are three things that you hate? Politics, White™ people, being expected to know things I was never told about (cough cough @ my boss)
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Honestly, I have more nb friends than either
79. What is your sexual orientation? Pansexual
80. Where do you currently live? The Midwest
81. Who was the last person you texted? My mom
82. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday because I was laughing so goddamn hard
83. Who is your favorite youtuber? Game Grumps and you can fight me on that
84. Do you like to take selfies? Yep! I’m hot and I know it. I’ve hated myself for 5 years, I deserve to be infatuated with myself.
85. What is your favorite app? Monster Girl Creator. It’s so fun.
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? My mom and I are super close, but my dad and I... eh. It’s kinda damaged, though it’s better than it was when I was in high school. He doesn’t understand LGBT stuff or depression so he was just... awful.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? Probably French, but the funniest to try and do is Russian. I suck at it and it turns into Italian after a while.
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to but want to visit? God I want to travel so bad. I’d love to go to Puerto Rico, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Vietnam... so many beautiful places.
89. What is your favorite number? Three
90. Can you juggle? Not for my life
91. Are you religious? I’ve kinda been burned out of religion cause my childhood church was really just... bad. I came out as bi to them when I was a sophomore and it caused a HUGE scene with the church. I was called ‘a slap to the face,’ people left the church, it was just bad. I’m spiritual, but not religious, though my life’s not over yet, so who knows.
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Space. Space space space. Do you know how badly I want to go to space? I almost became an engineer just so I could go to space.
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? I’m pretty tame, in all honesty, though I do some stupid shit every now and then.
94. Are you allergic to anything? Bullshit, any and every kind of body soap known to man kind, and pollen.
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes! I can do the double fold think with your tongue where it looks like a scoop chip, you know what I mean?
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Nah
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? I come from a really stubborn household, though lately I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to be humble and just admit I’m wrong. It’s hard.
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest. I’ve only been to the beach twice in my life so it’s not really my scene.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Do what makes you happy
100. Are you a good liar? I’ve gotten very good at it. I’m not proud of that fact, but I’ve gotten very very good at it.
101. What is your Hogwarts house? Slyterin. No, I’m not joking.
102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time.
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I’m an introvert, though I think I’m more of an ambivert.
104. Do you keep a journal or a diary? Nah.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Yes, but you really can’t give them out really freely. You have to judge who you want to give them to.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Check for an ID and try to contact the person it belongs to. But if there’s no ID, probably give it to the nearest business or police station.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? With most things. If they really wanted to.
108. Are you ticklish? Ye
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yeah, but not many times. My first time on a plane was 4 years ago.
110. Do you have any piercings? Just the basic earlobe pierecings, but I really really want more.
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Shiro from Voltron, aka my husband. 
112. Do you have any tattoos? No but I want so many
113. What is the best decision that you have made so far? Learning to love myself. It took a lot of time, but I’m so happy I did it
114. Do you believe in karma? Not entirely, but I think there’s some truth to it.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I  have bad eyes, so yeah, I wear glasses. I tried contacts, but they got irritating to put in after a while.
116. Do you want children? SO badly. I want a little girl so fucking bad
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My little brother. He wants to be a freaking accountant when he’s older.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? I went to a museum one time, and they had a cool dinosaur tour or whatever, and I wanted to know what the dinosaur Parasaurolophus was called, but I forgot the name and only remebered like, Ducky from Land Before Time, and Phineas and Ferb had just started airing, so I asked the guy if a platypus was a dinosaur and that haunts me to this day
119. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? Yes. Don’t do it.
120. What color are most of your clothes? Blue cause it’s always looked good on me, but now any color looks good on me cause I know how to own it.
121. Do you like adventures? Yeah man! I love them!
122. Have you ever been on TV? Not that I know of
123. How old are you? 20
124. What is your favorite quote?  “When someone leaves your life, those exits are not made equal. Some are beautiful and poetic and satisfying. Others are abrupt and unfair. But most are just unremarkable, unintentional, clumsy.” -Griffin Mcelroy
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Sweeeets!
I tag @viper-fish @berrybloomsims and @lunacysims
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sleepy-and-anxious · 6 years
Meet the writer tag!
Thanks to the sweet bby @reinkings and @trevorparece for tagging me in this <3 Sorry this took me so long to do! (and sorry for the people who also tagged me in this! I could only find 2 but I know there was a few more)
Rules: Answer 10 questions, write 10 questions, tag 10 people! 
where do you typically get inspiration for your wips?
Hmm A lot of my inspo comes from music once I have a solid idea of my wip. But it usually starts off with tropes I like and a vague idea of characters and relationships. 
do you prefer reading series or standalone books?
I think I prefer reading shorter series (aka duologies or trilogies) once you get over a quartet I get a bit hesitant unless i’m like 100 percent in love with the story.  
who’s your favorite OC? what’s their favorite color?
My favourite OC so far has probably got to be Hepton. I love that complex scary man so much. His favourite colour is orange! 
coffee or tea?
Now this is the question.... I think i’ve gotta say tea.
do you prefer to plot every detail, just jump in to a story, or do something in between?
Something in between! I find that I need to have a vague idea of where the story begins, ends and the whole point of the journey before I start writing. But I can’t have it in super detailed outlines because I just die. 
pen or pencil?
Pencil! My handwriting is disgusting and I like to be able to erase my spelling errors. 
what’s the funniest backstory you have for one of your characters?
I’m not sure any of them are funny... They’re all pretty tragic. 
would you rather only ever be able to write haikus, or only ever be able to write paragraph-long sentences?
Oh fuck. Only write paragraph long sentences? 
what’s your favorite thing to write about?
I’m a sucker for writing romance and smut don’t @ me 
how would you describe your WIP(s) in one sentence?
Ignorant girl discovers all her friends are magical and she needs to stop being so fucking hypocritical tbh 
Additionally questions by Trevor! Thank u boo! 
1. Standalones, trilogies, or behemoths of a series? 
2. What is your favorite line of your own writing? 
I’m currently loving on my prologue again so any line from that!
3. What would your book’s epigraph be?
“Who ever said the world responds to kindness? Issues have always been solved with anger and outcry.” 
4. How about its movie poster slogan?
I honestly have no idea r.i.p me 
5. If you were going to challenge yourself to try something new, what genre would you venture into?
Id probably go to Sci-Fi next or maybe romance 
6. Who’s the first person you show a draft to?
Idk tbh. Nobody I know IRL actually reads or would be interested. It would probably be my friend inin or Kira. Or maybe id get beta readers first. 
7. Is there an idea (be it plot or character or world) you’ve been tugging along since childhood, just waiting for the right moment to use?
The entire plot and character base of gfs... 
8. What’s the first creative thing you remember writing, and what did you learn from it?
I think I wrote some kinda faerie teddy bears picnic style short story as a kid but I really can’t remember and I don’t think I even finished it because nobody wanted to read it lol 
9. What’s the strangest characteristic you’ve taken from real life and given to a character (could be yours or someone else’s)?
Hepton’s sclera tattoos! I’ve seen them online and was like “Imma just steal that”
10. Choose your fighter: Enemies to Lovers, There’s Only One Bed, or Pretend Dating Makes Real Feelings.
HOW DARE U! I’m torn between enemies to lovers and theres only one bed *cry emoji* 
My questions: 
Do you have a writing routine? 
Early bird or night owl? 
Who is your least favourite oc? Tell me about them. 
How do you come up with plot ideas? 
Do you make playlists for your wip? 
What software/type of document etc do you write on? 
Do you like to gush about your wip or keep it secret? 
If you could pick one song to describe your wip what would it be? 
Did you make a writeblr for any specific reason? 
If you could recommend to me/your followers another blog to follow/another persons wip what would you choose? 
Im going to tag: 
@moiraaward @tawnywrites @mademoiselleink @type-writings @avatarwriting @danafaithwriting @reeseweston @elliewritesstories @jbhawkswriter @shit-she-wrote @leapwriter @moiraaward (But no pressure if you don’t want to do it bbys <3) 
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evanrosierx · 7 years
ooc survey.
Why did you choose to play the character that you do at Crimson Revolt?  I’ve always preferred to play the morally ambiguous character that align more with good, but I had never actually had the chance to flip that and try a character who fell more in the dark side. I really only found CRT because I was in the Paul Wesley tag, or else I’d probably have never found it tbh. Despite having been a hardcore Potter fan, surprisingly enough I had never roleplayed in the world before. I still roleplayed a lot, but seeing Evan’s skeleton matched with the face of an actor I knew would fit the role perfectly aka had the best gif’s/persona/aesthetic to use, etc I was suddenly flooded with inspiration and had to apply. It sort of felt like throwing a bunch of my favorite things together.  Do you have a favorite holiday? It used to be Christmas, but sadly I have to confess I’ve become rather anti-holiday lately and just find all of it rather depressing. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both? Coffee. What is your personality type? INFJ What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff. What is your Zodiac Sign? Capricorn  Three most recently watched on Netflix? The Ranch, Brooklyn 99, and Stranger Things  Describe your ride-or-die friend. Holly. She used to be in this rpg briefly as McGonagall. We’ve been friends since 2011 and talk basically every day and nobody knows me more than she does. If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? Invisibility maybe. Or just the power to not overthink about everything and worry so much about the little things. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl What is your favorite color? I honestly have hated this question since I was five years old because I can’t make decisions and then it all turns into a hopeless existential crisis. I don’t really have a favorite colour and I am STICKING TO THIS ANSWER. You can’t make me choose! What is the last book you read? What is your favorite? I also hate this question because it’s a constant reminder that I don’t really read anymore... Where would you rather be right now? I honestly have no idea. Have you ever watched the sunrise? Driving to work this summer at around 6am had its advantages. One of them was seeing the sun rise as I cruised to some tunes and had my coffee. Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music? Used to. Not so much anymore because I can’t concentrate with it on. Mostly I prefer writing to silence.  What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse/s? I love the fact that I get to write things that are so controversial and raw, and make no apologies for it. I get to explore a darker side of myself with Evan without the consequences, and test my writing limits. I also love exploring his softer side and uncovering the softer underbelly of the snake. What’s your favorite type of weather? Summer, but the kind of summer that only happens for about 2.5 days of the season where there’s just the right amount of heat. Not too humid. Not too breezy. That or fall. What’s your best RP experience? Maybe the first time I ever started writing human characters? Because for quite a few years when I first fell into roleplay I just used to write animals, particularly wolves. Now when I think of doing that it just feels weird, but for awhile that was my jam and it was awesome.  Who inspires you? This is going to sound SO cheesy, but my fucking face claim because I’ve met the guy several times now (and going again in two weeks to see him in a play) and he’s literally the funniest most talented person I know of to exist and so inspiring. But most importantly, my dad. So two cheesy answers. Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way and explain how!   @opheliapomfrey // @amxsdxggory Because I love Anna and I wouldn’t keep trying to play Evan if she didn’t keep inspiring me and making me feel like there’s a place for me here in CRT after all the shit I’ve been through this past year and a half. And she’s just so sweet and understanding and has helped me through a lot. <33 And her writing and characters inspires such a mix of emotions out of me and Evan and it’s always a fun ride. :) 
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dek0pon · 7 years
hey ronan ;-) do ;-) all 102 asks ;-)
bet :^)
1. favorite season?
its been winter for a long time but fall is also gr8 but like spring is definitely the worst?
2. prettiest thing u own?
i have this key necklace which is probably the one thing out of things i own that would be “pretty”
3. do u prefer to be outside or inside?
im inside all the time but idk being outside is pretty gr8???
4. furthest ever traveled?
like? in miles? & in one go? prolly 7300ish miles lmao
5. what’s your aesthetic in 3 words?
bein really gay
6 favorite gemstone?
i dont have one?
7 best thing about yourself, in your opinion
sense of humor? i think im the funniest person i know
8 best thing about yourself, in other’s opinion
who could say
9 what’s your weirdest fear?
ok i was deadass thinking about this today and definitely my top 2 super irrational fears (if you could even call them fears) are trying to punch someone and missing and looking like a fool bc of it and also not being able to describe a face to a sketch artist because i definitely am not able to i don’t know how faces work
10 weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
i have a lot of funky fresh dreams but one that i remember n is having an easter egg hunt but outside but then i ran into this weird like semi-underground complex (think like, a hotel that opens into an atrium except its not a hotel) and the floor was like a large griddle??  while being chased by the grim reaper on a motorcycle 
11 go-to hiding place
my room i guess?
12 favorite place in your house
room or roof
13 earliest memory
i literally dont remember anything lmao uhh holding my younger brother around when he came home after being born
14 do you believe in ghosts?
like. yeah? i dont fuck w em tho
15 favorite sea creature?
sharks hands down
16 cold showers or hot baths?
hot showers? i dont take baths 
17 satin or lace?
i don’t really care but satin
18 gold or silver?
19 hoops or pearl earrings?
neither lol 
20 aesthetic song
i dont. get what this means lol um but my current mood is die for the government by anti-flag and sedated by hozier
21 top 5 songs
knowledge by operation ivy, la devotee by panic, white crosses by am!, normal by thgc, dead end by dk. i dont rlly actually have a top 5 but these r some goods
22 favorite time of the day?
early morning or late night idk if we’re talking in general
23 favorite part of your body?
24 do you drink alcohol?
25 dream job from when u were a kid
already answered
26 messy or clean?
im a fucking mess but like wildly organized in certain cases
27 tea or coffee?
28 favorite book
i dont have time to read anymore but feed by mira grant is a good one also the raven cycle
29 zodiac sign?
aquarius & snake
30 extrovert or introvert?
mostly introverted
31 celebrity crush?
ezra miller, reece king
32 early bird or night owl?
night owl prolly
33 do you believe in love at first sight?
not really
34 favorite book quote
don’t ? have one
35 three wishes you have  
to be like. financially secure as an adult & doing something i love & live my best gay punk life yknow
36 do you believe in magic?
i dont not believe in it but i wouldnt necessarily i do . might be might not but i’ve never rlly thought about it
37 do you believe in soulmates?
already answered
38 zoo or aquarium?
39 cats or dogs?
both? i’ve had both (at diff times)
40 how many languages do you speak?
technically 2 but like my second language (chinese) is so shoddy lol
41 how has your life changed from last year?
uhhhh i think im doing a lot better than i was this time last year, i dont hang with the people i was with then, im a less illegitimate punk now, school isnt literally killing me now, i had green hair this time last year idk a lot my dude
42 why do you have your name/url?
yikes (general emotion) punk (i am)
43 do you keep secrets? how well?
i do and alright
44 favorite animal
45 what is love to you?
what kind of. question is this. in my good neighborhood
46 future children name?
who could say? also will i even have kids
47 favorite color
48 favorite movie
i dont watch a lot of movies? but fuck ok the lego batman movie is an absolute masterpiece. spiderman hoco was rlly good n like. fantastic beasts?
49 cuddles or kisses?
sorry cant relate
50 if you could have any person in the world over for dinner, who would be?
laura jane grace probably
51 someone to bring back from the dead
52 lipstick or lipgloss?
53 are you street smart or book smart?
i’d like to say both
54 your biggest strength
55 favorite sport
when i used 2 play sports touch rugby was def my favorite , i like swimming also and skiing
56 favorite drink?
green tea arizona, milk, red bull, chai tea, also fucking boba
57 favorite winter activity
goin skiing
58 last time you went abroad
does living abroad count because like the last time i was out of the country was right before i moved back which was just over 3 years ago
59 favorite dessert
who knowz
60 favorite artist
lmao idk if yr noticing a trend but i dont actually genuinely have ‘favorites’ of anything so like. who could say but this photography exhibit by ryan mcginley was @ the museum of contemporary art downtown for a while n it was just a Large Mood
61 favorite singer/band
im gonna do plural i guess uhhh am!, war on women, op ivy, dk, the clash, chernobyl babies, panic, hozier, bad suns, thgc
62 favorite dancing song
who knows
63 favorite crying song
already answered
64 do you wear glasses?
65 first thing you do when you wake up
feed my fish
66 how long do u usually sleep for?
school nights like 7.5 hrs and on weekends who knows
67 one thing you lost and you want back
am i still bitter about losing my red gameboy advanced as a kid? probably
68 biggest fear
i don’t fuck w ghosts or demons but like i absolutely cant stand spiders n other bugs with too many legs
69 favorite carnival ride
the spinning swing thing?? the like merry-go-round xtreme yknow . yeah that one i live for that (i h8 roller coasters lol)
70 do u have birthmarks or scars?
yeah both
71 favorite childhood memory
one of my favorite things to do when it rained when i was a kid was go to the playground in my neighborhood and go on the slides and pretend it was a waterpark?? 
72 what do u think about during a storm?
i fuckin love storms so im usually like damn its rainin a lot but this is lit
73 one word to describe your life?
74 craziest thing ever done
i don’t really consider anything i do to be that crazy but probably like what could be classified as crazy is giving myself all my tattoos? /tattooing other people? 
75 do u have piercings or tattoos?
i have three tats, 2 on my left hand and one on my hip n my ears are pierced
76 favorite flower
sunflowers just because they can get so fuckin tall and every time i see a sunflower thats like . over 4ft im like :00000, 
77 do u have any pets?
a betta named oswald & a dog
78 describe your style
uhhh punk/alternative bc i dont always wear my gear
79 choose one thing to change about yourself
sure do wish i wasnt sewerslidal 
80 do u play any musical instruments?
used 2 play trumpet
81 if your life was a movie would it be a comedy, a rom-com, action film or drama?
either a drama/comedy depending on what ur focusing on idk like i do a lot of dumb shit but im also a sad boi yknow
82 do u prefer dark, dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
dont wear makeup
83 favorite perfume
i dont wear perfume but like i wear old spice krakengard if that counts for anything
84 biggest fandom
i dont really. identify with any fandoms? yikes
85 favorite YouTuber(s)
nathan zed and any slam poetry vids
86 OTP
87 country, state where you were born
kentucky, usa
88 your parent’s name
i’m like ,,,, not going to answer this one 
89 favorite snack
already answered
90 pasta or pizza
pasta honestly
91 pen or pencil
92 blue or black ink
i use both
93 paper books or electronic books?
i don’t have a preference but i usually read paper
94 history or geography?
95 pastel or neon
97  soap or body wash
98  conditioner, no conditioner, or 2 in 1 shampoo & conditioner
i condition like once every 2 weeks so usually none
99 singing in the shower or not
not rlly
100  listen to music while bathing or silence
music usually
101  blow dry, towel dry, or air dry your hair
air dry
102 morning or night showers?
night showers wtf
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actualltr4sh · 5 years
alright its time for another of these
1. describe yourself. i’m 5′4. i’m goofy when i feel like it. i’m pretty sarcastic or condescending depending on the mood of the receiver. i’m smart, but not on paper. i’m creative. and i’m a hot young ebony. *finger guns* 
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be? antigua & barbuda. it’s where my dad is from and i neeeeed to be an island girl for like two seconds pls.
3. do you have siblings? 4 sisters 1 brother.
4. what is your favorite constellation, why? do not have.
5. favorite color. black.
6. what kind of music do you listen to? i like R&B, early 2000′s or that shit that’s pretty mainstream but everybody swear is lowkey (SZA, Kelela, Daniel Caesar, whoever idk). i like pop punk or alternative a lot too. florence & the machine saved me. or modern baseball, the front bottoms. whatever.
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome) i like roses. i literally have one one my arm so.
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn? probably an invisibility spell. it seems simple and like the first thing you should do lol.
9. favorite childhood memory. wow i’ve never thought about this. there was this one christmas where they let me open all my gifts at 12. i got my nintendo DS that year and i remember hearing ‘you are my rock’ by beyonce for the first time.
10. have you ever been cheated on? ish. it sucked. he broke my heart lol.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be? it’s currently my living room. it’s really cool. actually it’d be more perfect if there was more shit on the wall. but it’s a couch and a playstation and a big tv. it’s lit.
12. favorite animal. owls. ravens. crows. i’m terrified of birds though lmao.
13. what was the last photo you took of? a board in a classroom for this project.
14. do you believe in soul mates? absolutely. i’ve had the pleasure of meeting a few.
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under? i let that shit do what it do.
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there. i love texas roadhouse but i try something new whenever i go. chilis i get cajun chicken pasta though. no tomatoes cus i’m not a crazy person.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason? sometimes. i do think shit just be happening though.
18. guilty pressures? what?
19. favorite mythical creature, why? witches. although i want to believe they’re real. cus they be changing shit. and shit be needing change.
20. something most people don’t know about you. i can’t drive. i’m like a C+ driver lmfao. like we won’t DIE but i’m not who you suggest to do it.
21. where did you grow up, what was it like? detroit. straight as hell. coney slaps lmfao.
22. do you believe aliens exist? that would be narcissistic of me as a human to think that we are the ONLY species to exist.
23. what was your last google search? “how to poop better.” i bullshit you not LMFAOOOOO.
24. what did your last relationship teach you? BITCH. it taught me what i needed in a relationship. what i didn’t need. to put my healing first before anyone else. that love does not always conquer all. to never put a significant other before a friend. to give myself the same love & forgiveness i would forgive anyone else. bitch, i got nothing but lessons lmao.
25. would you relocate for love? i would do anything for love with my dumbass.
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy? i forgive, not easy, but i forgive. i also don’t hold grudges, but i don’t forget.
27. favorite book. many. eleanor & park is a easy one to say though. i’d have to think forreal. 
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert? bitch i am introverted as hell. i go days without speaking to people lol.
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now? i have kept a diary/journal religiously since i was 5.
30. top 5 favorite movies. paid in full, bring it on, halloween, stepbrothers, horrible bosses.
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?: didn’t i already answer this? sometimes, nigga.
32. what is your greatest fear? falling in the oven. or never being happy.
33. favorite alcoholic beverage. crown royal vanilla. or anything. i’m that friend lmao.
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done. be born probably.
35. do you believe in ghosts? all of that.
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality? i make a joke out of everything. the good shit, the bad shit. i’m making fun of it.
37. should you split the dinner bill? if y’all struggling, sure. if you feel like it, sure. money doesn’t matter to me honestly idc lmfao.
38. are you a good liar? ish. i try not to tbh because i don’t really know if i can pull it off lol.
39. what keeps you up at night? i be knocked out forreal LMFAO but anxiety. if i’m not asleep i’m panicking. about.. anything.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music? i truly only use my phone for music. give me an ipod i swear i’d be good.
41. do you believe in god? i believe so. i think so. maybe. yes. i’m the worst christian LMFAO
42. how do you relax when frustrated? i don’t. i have anxiety. jk. ish. lmfaooo. i shower. i write. i watch tv. i sleep. i cook.
43. what’s something that offends you? hearing people talk about mental illnesses in a way that doesn’t accurately depict the experience.
44. favorite food nachOOOOOS
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be? my ex :/ he was really my best friend LMAO
46. when do you feel the most confident? lowkey, when i’m naked. i got abs and my titties sit. lmfaoooo
47. what do you do on your free time? sleep or watch tv or write.
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect i be looking at people differently but i don’t think i don’t respect anyone.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart? doubtful.
50. did/do you play sports in school? yeah lol i cheered and did gymnastics.
51. when are you happiest? writing or escaping with a tv show.
52. coffee or tea? CAFFEINE ME PLS!
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without? as of late, my camera. i love my baby.
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person? idk. haven’t met anybody new lately.
55. what is your favorite season, why? spring or fall. spring is rainy, fall is gloomy.
56. what makes you laugh? trauma.
57. are you a clean or messy person? messy normally, clean if i’m manic or suddenly tryna shape my shit up.
58. what is important for a successful relationship? COMMUNICATION.
59. what was your upcoming like? fine. rocky. confusing. okay i guess though.
60. favorite holiday? halloween :)
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? pay off my all my debt. student. medical bills. all of it. i don’t wanna owe shit.
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination? bacon and ham is all i get.
63. favorite outdoor activity. going back inside, the fuck lmfaoooo.
64. how are you? honestly. i’m drunk right now so.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort? i hate outside in general. but beaches. less bugs.
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature? the sun/moon.
67. favorite type of candy? sour patches watermelon or swedish fish or carmello chocolate bars.
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title? ‘pieces in print’
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases? oh god, do i use any?the first thing i thought of was “cha feel? cha definitely feel.” from 21 jumpstreet and i rarely even say that lol.
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now? webkinz.
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on? i don’t remember her words exactly but something about fucking a monkey my freshman year of highschool.
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched? they’re all pretty interesting. that abducted in plain sight shit was DUMB tho.
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had? bangs in the 7th grade like anybody lmao.
74. what do you like to cook? all of it. i love cooking!
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? ...in the wild? i saw a rat in the street once.
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?: bitch this is hard. schitts creek. arrested development. the office. misfits. idk tv is funny as hell.
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head? both. once someone told me i made calculated risks and i will never forget it. if i want to do something i WILL do it. but before i do it i think about the best, worst, and most realistic case scenario lmao.
78. what is your favorite quote? “if you are neutral in times of oppresion you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had? my after school teacher in 5th grade. he actually reminds me of jim halpert now that i think about it. makes sense.
80. what’s your love language? quality time and words of affirmation. so literally hang out with me and tell me you love me.
81. do you ever feel alone? yeah. this time last year was the worst of it. i don’t feel like that too much anymore though.
82. ever been bullied? yes nigga. shit sucks.
83. are you usually early or late? on time or late. i can’t be early for the life of me you asking for too much lmfao.
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most? writing. poetry. stories. you know.
85. what do you wish you knew more about? myself.
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fairydrarry · 7 years
rules: answer the questions and ask 11 of your own {i was tagged by @cresobia thank you v much pal} THIS HAS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR SO LONG OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY 
who’s your role model? i don’t have a role model since i never had anyone i thought to look up to 
funniest thing that happened to you this week? yesterday my friend asked me to throw this paper ball at the back of my friend’s head (we’re all friends but we like to tease each other) and i executed the most perfect throw it hit perfectly in the center of his head and the whole class laughed. it was the highlight of my week tbh
what’s your favourite drink? either white hot chocolate or iced tea 
where would you go if you would have to leave your country to move to another one? europe definitely. i always wanted to explore europe (and asia if possible) because i’ve already memorized the countries i want to experience them too
what do you think of the name “Olga”? i think it’s a lovely name and i’d probably name my child that 
favourite villain? im going to say maleficent (even though i never watched the movie or anything) because she was a villain because she wanted to be one; it wanted out of spite or revenge, she just really loved being mean and i can admire that
if you could live in one fictional universe which one would it be? considering im an hp blog.,., im going to expectedly say the hp universe i love the concept of magic
what was your first word and what would you want your last one to be? my first word was ‘daddy’ and i guess i’d want it to be ‘later’ as in ‘i’ll see you later’ because i could never do goodbyes
if you could choose your own name what would it be? i had a phase where i wanted to be called aztec and tbh i’d probably choose that
what animal would you like to transform into if you’d have the choice? my immediate thought was the animorph series ok uh im gonna say either cat or bird because they both have their downfalls but they can get away quickly
your favourite word? i think mine is machiavellianism which is a personality trait that describes ‘a person so focused on their own interests they will manipulate, deceive, and exploit others to achieve their goals’ and it’s part of this “dark triad” of traits that are used in psychology and if a person has all three of those traits, they’re implied to have malevolent qualities 
ok!! those were some really cool questions to answer and i enjoyed doing that so thank u again olga for tagging me // below the cut im gonna write the 11 questions i want the people im tagging to answer!!
what is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
what is the last thing you think of before you fall asleep?
what is/was your favorite and least favorite subject in school?
would you rather live in the hot or the cold?
what is your favorite word?
do you have any phobias? 
if you had to give up something positive in your life, what would you give up?
who is your favorite person as of right now?
are you a early bird or a night owl?
have you ever seen snow?
what’s your favorite book/movie quote?
people im tagging: @gay-street ; @mvlfxy ; @12-grimmauld-place ; @sappypotter ; @saintdrarry ; @dr-aco ; @deanthomaas ; @fizzingwhizweezes ; @ladyailaryposts ; @tcrtarus ; @stellathetumbler ; @froekenpest ; @jeldenil ; @parselmouthingoff ; @cromnchy ; @ferret-face ; @drcmlfyhrrypttr ; @dreamydrarry ; @bigjellymonster ; @littlerandomme ; @actuallydrarry ; @miniemcgee ; @grasslollipop ; if im missing anyone im honest to god really sorry i wish i could tag every one of my friends with the click of a button
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Questions about me:
1. What's your name? Most people call me Mar. Or Omen. (Omen is my middle name. Yes, really.)
2. Where were you born? Italy.
3. Where do you live? Pennsylvania in the states.
4. How many languages do you know? I can understand 13. I Speak 9 fluently. Can read about 8. Write about 4.
5. How old are you? ....old enough to know better. ;) early 30s. *cries* I don't wanna grow up anymore.
6. Were you a prep or geek in HS? .... I was an outcast/ emo punk type that got along with everyone. I ate lunch with the popular jock/cheerleaders. Hung out with band geeks. I was a rifle captain (like a flag or majorette leader). Best friend was a stoner. Dressed like a goth.. listened to punk/emo and basically stayed away from people, but I was always nice to everyone....So....I was liked everywhere I guess.
7. Favorite band(s): too many to list! 5sos, 1D and all 5 separately. Halsey. Billie eilish. A7x. Metallica. Nirvana. Marilyn Manson. Bfmv. Bvb. Mcr. Bsb. Garth brooks.... anything and everything but New rap. Old rap like snoop and tupac are life. New shit....not so much.
8. Favorite drink: anything vanilla flavored. Coke vanilla. Vanilla tea (chai)...etc.
9. Career?: which one? I'm a part time paramedic. Part time lab technologist (think Abby in NCIS but way less cool). And I'm also a rural carrier full-time for usps. And I do cleaning industrial factories a few times a month. (Like banks, steel factories...etc. just sanitizing floors, trash. Wiping windows...etc)
10. Favoice holiday: Halloween.
11. What do you drive/dream vehicle: I own an impala 1994. A 2010rhd jeep wrangler for my postal job (steering wheel is on the right of vehicle, not left), also a kia sportage 2005, and a 2015 kawasaki crotch rocket.
12. Dream job? Concert goer? Is that a career? Can I just listen to music all day?
13. Funniest word you know: popty. It's the real word for a microwave is Welsh. (Some say potty ping but thats more of a joke. )
14. Favorite animal: wolf.
15 Pets? -Part wolf/husky/Shepard named WhiskeyRae. She's gigantic. 160+lbs (11.5 stone) -fish tank of random fish/sharks. - silver/black cat named Wranger.
16. Star sign: um... Pisces? Is that what star sign is? Astrological sign? I don't know the rising/waning stuff. Don't have a clue how to find that out.
17. Favorite food: Chinese. My go-to order is broccoli and shrimp with white rice and ginger sauce ( its the ginger dumpling sauce) . It's sooo good, and healthy too.
18. Tattoos/piercings: 13 tats. 17 piercings. (7 each ear, nose, lip, tongue.)
19. Night owl or early bird? Night owl.
20. Single or taken? Single pringle.
21. Meaning of life? ...42.
22. Marvel or DC? Ooph... damn. Gotta go with marvel.
23. Describe yourself: yikes. Black hair. Hazel eyes. Chunky chick. Rarely wear makeup. Always tired. Resting bitch face. Always half asleep/spacing out.
24. "I wish I was...": ....a little bit taller, wish I was a baller, wish I had.... oops, sorry. Did I just show my age? ;)
25. People who I think will do this: probably no one? Idek who tagged me in this. Random-ass questions. Lol.
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