#//ammon is down bad
gloryundimmed · 8 months
❛❛ this butterfly here , Ammon. isn't it beautiful ? it smells sweet , I wonder if they like those little yellow flowers there. they smell sweet as well. ❜❜
Ammon smiled at Saint when he showed him his latest find, but it wasn't really the insect that caused the warm spread of contentment in his chest. The specimen was truly a beautiful one, nicknamed the "faithful beauty" as a testament to its stunning colors.
"Yes, I believe that one is the Composia fidelissima. I'm sure you've noticed its kind flying about all year around these parts. Beautiful, indeed." He spoke with a kind of reverence, his eyes not once departing from Saint to take another glance at the specimen. It was clear that he was far too busy taking in another sight— one that he found far more bewitching than any insect on earth.
"You're very right, it does smell sweet..." Ammon's words drifted off, and his smile became playful, "And yet, why is it that no scent pleases me as much as yours?"
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pardi-real · 5 months
The dynamics between the butlers 🌹
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Lucas & Nac
Lucas: “Morning~”
Nac: “Aah, please wait!”
Bad with mornings
He messes up a lot when getting ready without fully waking up, so Nac fixes it for him
When he stays up late doing research, he messes up twice as much
Even if his eyes are open, it's still hard to tell if he has woken up or not
Actually he's always waking up in a bad mood, so to hide it, he wakes up earlier than anyone else
Always dressed perfectly
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Lucas & Lono
Lucas: “Pain, pain, go away~”
Lono: “S-sorry…”
Scary when angry
If someone gets hurt because they're being reckless, they'll receive more painful treatment than usual
He's bad (is scared) with Lucas
He's aware whenever he's being reckless, so he'll really regret it later
Lono is Lucas's regular patient
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Flure & Lono
Lono: “I told you, you definitely can eat it with this seasoning!”
Flure: “Bell peppers… no way…”
He can't shut up when it comes to food
He often has Flure helping him in the kitchen
Hates vegetables
Lono is close in age with him and easy to talk to, so he can openly show his dissatisfaction
Normally he's quite rude to Lono
Lono's cooking is delicious, so he's grateful to him
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Lato & Flure
Lato: “See, isn't it fun?”
Flure: “Put me down now!”
No interest whatsoever towards other people and all living beings…
Flure and Miyaji (+the lord) are the only ones he has interest in
Extremely high physical prowess and he can't control it
Playfully bothering Flure, thinking it would make him happy, but always ends up making him angry
He's annoyed that Lato treats him like a little brother (But he doesn't hate it)
He's proud of himself for taking care of the bothersome dangerous person that is Lato
He's usually scolding him despite Lato is older than him
Lato doesn't listen to other people, but if Flure's the one saying it, he complies
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Bastien & Lono
Two guys who usually disagrees/fights a lot
Bastien: “I want…”
Harbors one-sided rivalry with Bastien who is skilled in swordsmanship
Surprisingly, Lono is the more reliable one
Drawn to things he likes, he often gets lost
He often doesn't pay attention to what Lono says, but when Berrien says something, both of them follow
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Berrien & Bastien
Berrien: “Uwaaa…”
Bastien isn't particularly close with Berrien, but he does listen to what he says
Due to his affection for living things, he avoids senseless killing
Berrien is terrified of bugs
Rather than hiding this weakness, he openly seeks help from other butlers
Considering that everyone helps him out, he thinks that 'They're all good kids.”
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Lamli & Ammon
Lamli: “Rose-kun, hear me out ♪”
Ammon: “Yes, yes, I've had enough hearing about it~ Also, won't you stop with the Rose-kun?”
He's thinking on what to do to handle this situation
He loves Lucas and the lord
Ammon is one of the few people who listens to him gushing
He has a habit of quickly assigning nicknames to others
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Ammon & Boschi
He lets his guard down when with someone he can be open to
He nonchalantly sleeps a lot
He has the smoothest hair out of all the butlers
He takes care of Boschi's daily life, who is wounded
But, sometimes he messes around because he can (and then gets scolded badly)
It's Ammon's duty to wake Boschi up (he makes herbal tea to wake him up)
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Boschi & Haures
Usually they don't get along well
They recognize each other's strength, so they lean on each other's backs in battle
Boschi: “That was such a crappy move”
Haures: “Shut up. Focus on eliminating the enemies”
He doesn't want to acknowledge Haures's strength, so he fights while cursing
Strong sense of rivalry with Haures
When dealing with Boschi, he's a little more foul-mouthed than usual
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 29- troubled past resurfacing
Ammon meets Wild! It goes fantastic! :D (it doesn’t)
Warnings: panic, near vomiting, implied character death, bad vibes all around :(
Wild observed the world around him, it all looking unfamiliar to him. He wasn’t sure what had happened, he was with the other heroes fighting a puppet who attacked Hyrule, until the world disappeared around him, and he was thrown into a forest. He walked around, hoping to find the others, but there was no one there. At least it was a normal forest, with animals bouncing around and watching him cautiously as he stepped on leaves and twigs. When he finally left the forest and entered a field, he saw that this place wasn’t his Hyrule, but it did have a castle and villages scattered across it, so he was sure that he was in one of the other’s Hyrule. Which meant that they were here, they had to be. He started walking towards the nearest village, it looking like a ranch of sorts, until he got a strange sense of deja vu. He looked behind him and stared at trees, wondering why he was suddenly getting this feeling.
Wild spun around and was pulled into a tight hug. He was surprised at the sudden hug, and he wondered who could be embracing him like this without any warning. The person had short hair that was only slightly darker than his own, and he seemed to have a Sheikah prosthetic replacing his left arm. Wild didn’t dare reciprocate, he didn’t know anyone who looked like this. The person pulled back and Wild was able to see his face, and he felt his whole body go numb. Blue eyes that matched his own stared back at him, and a relieved smile was on his face.
“I finally found you, my boy! I was so worried when I heard about the puppeteer abducting you, I’ve been searching for you for ages now—“
Wild only stared in shock as the man continued to ramble. His face, his expressions, his scruffy beard around his mouth, it all felt so comforting and so… familiar. Soon, Wild’s whole world disappeared around him, his stomach flipped as the familiar feeling of remembering an old memory came in. Wild closed his eyes as the world around him was spinning, making him dizzy and nauseous, until it was finally over, and a feeling of dread rested within his stomach.
Link was running to a gatehouse, his grip around Zelda’s hand tightening, making sure that she didn’t fall behind. The monsters behind them were closing in and Link could hear their snarling and grunting as if they were right in front of him. He ignored the feeling of fear and picked up his pace, practically dragging poor Zelda across the cobblestone bridge. He saw soldiers opening up the gate and calling for them, and both the knight and the princess safely made it inside. He heard orders being given, and then he heard explosions. One of the cannons blew up the monsters pursuing him and Zelda, and the gate was closed.
The princess started gagging, trying to catch her breath from running so fast, and Link gently rubbed her back.
“I’m sorry Zelda,” he whispered, struggling to catch his breath as well. “I’m sorry.”
Zelda only gasped in response, doing everything in her power not to throw up. The soldiers around them got to their side, some comforting the princess, while the others huddled around Link, making sure he was alright.
“You’re safe here, for now,” one of the men reassured, looking out through the gate.
“Yes, for now. But if those guardians find out where we are—“
The soldiers looked at Zelda who was now crying, and they grew silent for a bit.
“Our main priority is to protect the princess.”
Link turned around to see who said that, and he saw his father. He was disheveled, with his Royal guard outfit ripped all over. His hat was missing, and he had a deep cut on his cheek, but his blue eyes were soft when they looked at Link.
“F-father,” Link stammered, and his father knelt down at his side.
“Link, I’m so happy to see you’re alive.”
Link almost broke down sobbing right there, but he stopped himself. He was surrounded by soldiers who depended on him, he needed to keep his composure.
“S-s-sir Ammon,” Zelda choked out. She sat up, still shaking rather violently. “M-my father… is he…?”
Ammon’s eyes filled with deep sorrow, and he looked down.
“I’m sorry princess. The king… he’s… the king is dead.”
Zelda gasped, tears flooding her eyes. She bent over sobbing, curling up on herself while Link covered his mouth in horror. The king was dead, the castle was overrun, Ganon…. He won. Link buried his face in his hands. How could he have let this happen? He was the hero. He had the Master sword. They had all the champions, the divine beasts and the guardians, how could they…?
A horrific realization hit Link. Ganon took control of the guardians, so what about the divine beasts? Were the champions…. Were they alright?
Ammon’s hand rested on Link’s back, grounding him. Tears pricked at his eyes as the realization that everything was falling apart. His whole life, his home, his friends, how would they even survive this?
“Link, princess Zelda, I need you both to listen to me,” Ammon said softly but firmly, “you two need to run as far away from the castle as possible. You’re our last hope. With the master sword and Zelda’s sealing power, we may be able to win this—“
“How? How can we win this?” Zelda yelled, practically hysterical, “I couldn’t unlock my sealing power then, how—how can I unlock it now?”
Ammon gripped her upper arm, staring into her emerald green eyes. She stopped shaking slightly and stared back at him.
“You can do it, I know you can,” he said. Zelda looked at Link and he nodded as well. She took a deep breath and nodded herself. Ammon smiled and continued, “Now, we will hold off the monsters so you both can escape safely but—“
“Wait,” Link stopped his father. “You’re not coming with us?”
“You’re going to need all the help you can get Link. We will hold off the guardians and monsters so you and Zelda will escape, ok?”
“I—I can't leave you!”
“You’re going to have to, Link!” Ammon nearly yelled, grabbing both his arms and looking straight into his eyes. Link was struggling to compose himself, the very thought of leaving his father behind made him want to throw up. He couldn’t do that. He was his father. The two stared at each other for a while, Link’s eyes growing wet at the thought of never seeing him again. Ammon’s hand rested on Link’s cheek and he smiled at his son. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the chilling sound of a laser being shot.
“GUARDIANS!” One of the soldiers yelled, and a laser shot through the gate, destroying most of the gatehouse except for the back. Ammon grabbed both Link and Zelda and dragged them out of the gatehouse.
“Wait, father—“ Link tried to beg, gripping onto his arms as if his life depended on it. Ammon gave him one last look before gathering him into a hug.
“I love you so much Link,” Ammon’s voice shook, and he gave his son a firm kiss on the head. Link started crying when he let go, and he was shoved harshly away from him. The gate in the back was shut closed, and Link was separated from his father.
“NO!” Link shouted, and he sprinted to the closed gate. Ammon turned away and faced the guardian that broke into the gatehouse. Link screamed as he heard lasers shooting left and right, begging to be let in, begging for his father to survive.
Link turned and saw Zelda trying to pull him away. More guardians were coming, and Link knew that he needed to leave. Zelda’s safety was his priority now, he needed to keep her safe. He wiped his eyes and grabbed Zelda’s hand, sprinting away from the fallen gatehouse. He pushed his emotions down and kept running. He kept running even when his legs burned, even when his lungs and throat burned, even when he wanted to fall and curl up in his grief, he kept running.
And running.
And running.
“Link! Link, snap out of it!”
Ammon shook his son gently, trying to get him to open his eyes. He didn’t know what happened, he found his son, he hugged him, and then he spaced out, almost as if he was dreaming. But it seemed more like a nightmare he was going through. His face was pinched in pain, and tears started streaming down his eyes, but his eyes stayed closed. Ammon stepped back, trying to figure out what to do. Link had never done this before, in fact, Ammon had never seen anything like this, so he just sat there, panicking as his son cried. Finally, he opened his eyes with a gasp. He looked around, dazed and confused, until his eyes landed on Ammon.
“Link?” Ammon said softly, and his boy took a step back. “Link? What’s going on?”
Link turned on his heel and started walking away, hugging himself. Ammon blinked, surprised at his reaction.
“Link— Link wait!” Ammon called out, grabbing his son’s arm, and Link pulled against him harshly. Ammon stared at his wet face, tears streaming down his face, his hair sticking to his cheeks.
“P-please,” Link whispered, his voice shaking, “it hurts too much.”
Ammon’s mouth fell open, what hurt? What hurt too much?
Ammon turned around and gasped. It was… Link? No but Link was right in front of him, right? Ammon observed the boy right in front of him and noticed the scars. How did he notice them now? The scars were all too familiar to Ammon, scars from guardian lasers, he bore his own on his nub of an arm. Confusion hit Ammon, and he let go of the boy in front of him, who ripped away and sprinted into the forest. Ammon stood there in shock, watching as the crying boy disappeared.
“Father?” His son said more quietly. Ammon turned slowly to him, confusion apparent on his face.
“Who—who was that?” Ammon asked in a quiet voice. Link pursed his lips and looked down.
“We call him Wild. He… he’s from the future where… the calamity won.”
Realization hit Ammon like a brick wall, and he covered his mouth.
“Oh—oh goddesses.” Ammon turned back to the forest where Wild ran, despair overwhelming him. “Oh goddesses…”
Link came up behind him and rested his hand on Ammon’s shoulder.
“You didn’t know,” he said softly, and tears welled up in Ammon’s eyes.
That poor boy…
Link pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back gently while Ammon played the events through his head.
“Oh that poor boy,” he whimpered, and Link gave him a tighter squeeze.
“You didn’t know,” he said again, and the two held each other after being apart for so long.
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aknunek0writer · 2 years
hello!! can i request some headcanon of the butler get jealousy over aruji-sama boy best friend?? the butler are: berrien,Lucas,lamli and lato :D
Of course :D
'-'Jealous devil butler with aruji-sama boy best friend'-'
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Tries to hide the fact he is Jealous pt 1
Stand behind you with dark era behind him while you bestie it just like sweat drop while trying to not die.
"so yea- hey where are you going!" ... "uh I need to go with the fish farm-" "the what no-" ( why just why did I think of that fish farm-(
If you are sad like crying .he gonna feel bad (I mean he just made. His aruji-sama cry-) he will hug you and comfort you let play with his hair etc. (I feel like all the devil butlers hair are fluffy and soft I want touch them-)
Will blush when he's found out
You stare again at your boy bestie as he left again and felt bad and started crying Crocodile tears
"Aruji-sama please don't cry," Berrian said as he hugged you and patted you head softly
- a few minutes later -
You were playing with Berrian's hair very happy and Berrian had he usually smile
"You were jealous right?"
"Huh" *Insert red check Berrian here*
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Tries to hide the fact he is Jealous pt 2
Talking to the guy as trying to show you his aruji-sama as friendly as he can
He is good at acting pt 1 tries to make your to leave you bestie a bit more like saying you guys need to do some paperwork together telling you sick etc
If you catch into his actions he will hiding it
You were hanging out with your bestie, and Luca, you were called by lamil to come with him for a quick second (lamil, it's helping with that plan!)
- a few minutes later -
"Huh- pfft why would I like them in love way like them as older and younger sibling." You boy friend laughed at Luca as he chuckled quietly
You came back to see them laughing at each other and hid behind the door watching them
"You love them then you got my attention." Your friend said as Luca blushed a bit but nodded
"He likes me..!"
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Wants to rip his eyes out your boy bestie's eyes out and never ever see you with him again
Doesn't even try to hide his jealousy and is being held back by nac and Ammon to not murderer the poor guy (okay his and lato might not be bad as Luca Berrian sorry roses you names are now roses)
He is good at acting pt 2 would probably fake getting hurt so you pay attention to him or act like your boy bestie made him cry (like how he did with lono and I saw through that act)
Yandere boy Energy comes from him.
He hated seeing you laugh at the guy joke he loves see his master smile of course only by him and him only
He would do anything for you as he faked you friend hurting him as you held him close as you looked at friend mad at him
His smile grew wider as your friend glared at him as you told lamil to go get patch up by Luca he did as you told him to do like a obedient puppy (don't know why I did-)
"Again, lamil," Luca said as he patched up the injury.
"You know aruji-sama they might find out you know," Nac asked lamil.
"Don't worry after all I have everything planned out aruji-sama."
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Pretty much the chillies here not too angry or jealous
Flure has holding him back as he wants to break the guy's neck as miyaji tries to make him focus on him
He stares at you feel uncomfortable with that guy laughing and smiling even when hit into someone by accident and getting them hurt while with him you not
He knows that his aruji-sama would never leave him you care about him too much!
You stare at lato as your friend has a bleeding nose you hugged lato trying to calm him down
You patched up your friend as he laughed at your worried face as lato locked himself in his room as his jealous got the best of himself
You knocked on the door as lato opened it with his usual smile and closed his eyes
"Aruji-sama came back!.."
Uhh- I hope this is what you wanted this becomes a yandere butlers scenario sorry!
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Judgment Against Surrounding Nations
1 About Ammon’s children, thus says Adonai: “Has Israel no sons? Has he no heir? Why then did Malcam dispossess Gad and his people settled in its towns? 2 Therefore behold, days are coming” —it is a declaration of Adonai— “when I will sound an alarm of war heard against Rabbah of Ammon! It will become a mound of ruins. Her villages will be burned with fire. Then Israel will dispossess those who dispossessed him.” it is a declaration of Adonai. 3 “Wail, Heshbon, for Ai is devastated! Cry, daughters of Rabbah! Wear sackcloth, lament, and run to and fro within the walls, for Malcam will go into captivity together with his priests and princes. 4 Why do you brag about valleys— your flowing valley, faithless daughter? Trusting in your treasures: ‘Who will come against me?’ 5 I am about to bring terror on you” —a declaration of my Lord Adonai-Tzva’ot— “from all those around you. Each of you will be banished headlong, with no one to gather the fugitives. 6 Yet afterward I will restore Ammon’s children from exile.” It is a declaration of Adonai.
7 About Edom, thus says Adonai-Tzva’ot: “Is there no longer wisdom in Teman? Is counsel lost to the prudent? Has their wisdom vanished? 8 Flee! Turn back! Stay low, inhabitants of Dedan, for I will bring Esau’s calamity on him at the time that I punish him. 9 If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave gleanings? If thieves came at night, would they not destroy only enough for themselves? 10 But I will strip Esau bare. I will uncover his hiding places, so he will not be able to hide himself. His offspring has been destroyed with his kinsmen and neighbors. So he is nothing. 11 Leave your orphans—I will keep them alive, and let your widows trust in Me.” 12 For thus says Adonai: “Behold, if those who do not deserve to drink the cup must surely drink, can you go utterly unpunished? You will not go unpunished, for you shall surely drink! 13 For I have sworn by Myself” —it is a declaration of Adonai— “that Bozrah will become a horror, a disgrace, a waste and a curse. All its towns will be ruins forever.” 14 I heard a message from Adonai. An ambassador is sent to the nations: ‘Gather together, come against her, and rise up for war!’ 15 For see, I made you least among nations, despised among men. 16 Your terrorism has deceived you, so that your heart is arrogant. You who live in the clefts of the rock, who occupy the height of the hill. Though you make your nest as high as an eagle’s, I will bring you down from there.” It is a declaration of Adonai. 17 “Edom will become a desolation. Everyone passing by will be appalled and hiss at all its plagues. 18 Like the overthrow of Sodom, Gomorrah and their neighbors,” says Adonai, “no one will live there, nor any son of man dwell there. 19 Look, it is like a lion coming up from the thickets of the Jordan to a secure pasture— for abruptly I will make him run away from it. I appoint over it whomever I choose. For who is like Me? Who will summon me to court? What shepherd stands up to Me?” 20 Therefore hear the plan that Adonai has drawn up against Edom, and His strategies that He designed against the inhabitants of Teman. Surely the least of the flock will be dragged away, Surely He will make their pasture desolate because of them. 21 The earth will tremble at the noise of their downfall. The sound of their outcry will be heard at the Sea of Reeds. 22 Behold, he will mount up and swoop down like an eagle, and spread out his wings against Bozrah. The hearts of Edom’s warriors in that day will be like a woman’s heart in her pangs.
23 About Damascus: Hamath and Arpad are ashamed, for they heard bad news, They melt away; in the sea there is trouble that cannot be quiet. 24 Damascus has become feeble. She turns away to flee, panic grips her, anguish and pangs have seized her, like a woman in travail. 25 How is the city of praise deserted— the city of my joy? 26 Therefore her young men will fall in her squares— all the warriors will be silenced in that day. It is a declaration of Adonai-Tzva’ot. 27 “I will set fire to the wall of Damascus— it will devour Ben-hadad’s palaces.”
28 About Kedar and of the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon struck. Thus says Adonai:
“Arise, go up against Kedar and devastate the children of the east. 29 They will take away their tents and their flocks. They will carry away their curtains, all their gear and their camels. They will cry out against them, ‘Terror on every side!’ 30 Flee! Scatter far! Stay low, inhabitants of Hazor!” It is a declaration of Adonai. “For King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has taken counsel against you, and devised a plan against you. 31 Arise, go up against a nation at ease, dwelling securely,” says Adonai. “They have no gates or bars; they dwell alone. 32 Their camels will become plunder, their many cattle a spoil. I will scatter to all the winds those who shave the edges. I bring their calamity from every side.” It is a declaration of Adonai. 33 “Hazor will be a lair of jackals, a desolation forever— no one will abide there, nor any son of man dwell there.”
34 The word of Adonai that came to the prophet Jeremiah about Elam, at the beginning of the reign of King Zedekiah of Judah, saying, 35 thus says Adonai-Tzva’ot:
“Behold, I will break Elam’s bow— the source of their might. 36 I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them to all those winds. There will be no nation where the dispersed of Elam will not go. 37 I will shatter Elam before their enemies and before those seeking their soul. I will bring calamity on them— My burning anger!” It is a declaration of Adonai, “I will send the sword after them until I have consumed them. 38 Then I will put My throne in Elam and destroy from it king and princes.” It is a declaration of Adonai. 39 “Yet it will be in the end of days, that I will restore Elam from exile.” It is a declaration of Adonai. — Jeremiah 49 | Tree of Life Version (TLV) Tree of Life (TLV) Translation of the Bible. Copyright © 2015 by The Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. Cross References: Genesis 10:22; Genesis 22:16; Genesis 25:13; Genesis 25:30; Exodus 15:11; Leviticus 19:9; Numbers 1:24; Numbers 10:9; Deuteronomy 28:49; Deuteronomy 29:22; Joshua 7:2; Judges 18:7; 1 Kings 15:18; 2 Kings 14:7; 1 Chronicles 5:21; Psalm 46:9; Psalm 68:5; Isaiah 13:20; Isaiah 14:24; Isaiah 17:14; Isaiah 18:2; Isaiah 21:13; Jeremiah 6:19; Jeremaih 9:26; Jeremiah 11:22; Jeremiah 12:15; Jeremiah 16:16; Jeremiah 25:9; Jeremiah 33:9; Jeremiah 48:47; Jeremiah 50:46; Matthew 20:22; Matthew 24:8; Acts 9:2; Romans 9:29; 1 Timothy 6:17; Revelation 7:1
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shisekibo · 2 years
[Story Translation] Chapter Thirty One - Over and Done
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- A Few Minutes Later -
 “huff... huff... huff...”
 “huff... huff...”
 “We did it...”
 “Just about...”
 “That black aura has gone! M-Mr. Bastien... Is he going to be okay...?”
 “We made sure to avoid his vitals. He’s just passed out.”
 “God. He’s such a handful...”
“Did we save Bastien?”
“So... It’s over for now?”
 “No... Not yet.”
 “Eh...? Really?”
 “huff... huff...”
 “Bastien... It looks like he’s in pain...”
 “Bastien! Oi, get it together!”
 “Bastien! Wake up!”
“Wake up! Bastien!”
“What do we do now?”
 “O-oi... You stupid fox... What are you playin’ at...? Pull yourself together...”
 “L-Lono! How are your wounds?”
 “You mustn’t move yet...!”
 “sigh... I’m fine.. More importantly, what about... Bastien...?”
 “This is bad... The same black aura is surrounding him again...”
 “AggGHHAAAAAAH... AHHHHhggghhhGGGH...!”
 “What’s going to happen to him?”
 “The Demonisation progress has gone too far. He’s used too much of his Demon’s power...”
 “At this rate... I’m sorry to say...”
“Do you mean... he’ll die?”
“N-no way...”
 “Oi! Bastien! Don’t you dare get swallowed by them stupid robes!”
 “Bastien! Pull yourself together! Wake up!”
“Is there any way to stop the Demonisation?”
“Do we really just have to give up?”
 “Sadly... There’s nothing we can do now it’s reached this point...”
 “We’ve lost many other Devil Butlers to their robes before.”
“So Bastien is going to...”
 “You’re lyin’! He’d never let that happen!”
 “Oi! Wake up!! You’re just nappin’ again, right? Like you always do! Bastien!”
 “Lono, please calm down. You are already at your physical limit...”
 “Fennesz, is there no way to save him? If anyone knows, it’d be you.”
 “I’m sorry... Even my knowledge has limits...”
 “So it’s all over...? Tsk. That’s fucked up.”
“We really just have to give up?”
“Is there any way to save Bastien?”
 “Place your hands on Bastien...”
“Muu, what’s wrong?”
“You’re talking funny...”
 “Trust me... Put your hands on him... And speak to him...”
“What on earth are you talking about...?”
 “It’s okay... Just hurry... You’re the only one... who can save him now.”
step step
I did as Muu said, placing my hands firmly upon Bastien’s body.
 “Master, what are you doing? Why are you...?”
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the-great-elwisty · 2 years
Day 29: How your adventure(s) should have really ended
A/N: Here's a bit of meta which, despite the claim in the first sentence, I've been writing in fragments over a few months. It's quite appropriate for today. Please join in with your own ideas!
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Over the last couple of days, I’ve found myself wondering at what point Rocks Fall Everyone Dies became the plan for the end of Neverwinter Nights 2. Was that always what Obsidian were working towards? Or was it something that happened as they were struggling to get the last Act done in time for Atari’s deadline?
Here are a few different ideas for an alternative finale, some of which segue into Mask of the Betrayer, some of which would be more suited to the earlier, abandoned idea of a Planar adventure involving the githzerai/githyanki. (No source for that; it’s something I vaguely remember reading about fourteen – aaaaargh!!! – years ago.)
After the final battle, rocks do not fall. It turns out that the ancient architects of the final dungeon really knew what they were doing when they put in the foundations. Instead, the PC and companions are victorious and return to the surface. Big reception a la Dragon Age in Crossroad Keep. Dialogue with the companion you have the highest influence with. “So what will you do if you survive?” “I’m going to look for another adventure/stay in Crossroad Keep/restore West Harbour etc.” End game, role the epilogues. XP1 could start with a new character, or have the old one being kidnapped from their chosen life. Would this have been too vanilla for Obsidian devs? Probably. It’s much more of a Bioware-style ending. I think I could have been happy with it though.
The King of Shadows is dead; rocks are starting to come down. Zhjaeve or Ammon approaches with a desperate escape plan depending on who has the highest influence. They open a portal, the PC and companions go through to Limbo (Zhjaeve) or Stygia/somewhere really nasty (Ammon), and doubtless end up scattered all over the place, giving the devs a chance to introduce a new set of characters in XP1 without killing all the old ones. Regardless of your starting point, you would ultimately visit Limbo/the Hells as part of the campaign, thus not wasting a location on just half of all PCs.
The final battle changes – it’s not just about defeating the King of Shadows, but about freeing him from the Shadow Weave. This scenario could end with the person-who-became-the-Guardian restored, like Akachi, to his former identity, and the PC taking on the mantle of Illefarn Guardian, perhaps in a ceremonial or more real capacity: the spirit of the Guardian-that-was refuses to depart until the PC in some measure accepts the burden. If the PC doesn’t want it, a high-influence companion could accept it in their stead. (Grobnar as supernatural protector of the Sword Coast along with his Wendersnaven assistants??) Actually, I could see anyone except Zhjaeve (too extra-planar) and Sand/Qara (too self-interested) in the role. A chastened Bishop might do it if he could be persuaded back after his betrayal. The downside of this scenario is that most of the OC appears to be saying that lone heroes are a bad idea. The Guardian was not a good plan; no society should allow one person to turn themselves into a sacrificial lamb for their benefit – and those that do (like the Illefarn) will find it has unpleasant consequences. Also: do not be like Casavir. Do not be like Ammon Jerro. (And maybe with foresight: do not be like Akachi.) The PC wins by relying on their companions, their connections, and the apparatus of the Neverwinter state. So a campaign that ends with a single character taking on the job of Guardian would be more of a tragic ending than anything else – it’s just a matter of time until they make a big mistake and fuck up. Unless we are meant to believe that the person who inherits the mantle is just super special and can do what they like, as many politicians seem to believe of themselves with alarming ease. As you might guess, I don’t like that idea.
A final fun idea, again stealing from Dragon Age (I’m thinking of the escape from Fort Drakon sequence). Again, we use companion influence to determine the ending. This time, your companion with the most influence will take the lead and successfully work out a way for you to get out. Precisely how they do this will vary in line with characterisation. (Elanee’s druidic instincts lead her to the correct exit; Sand conjures magical protection; Khelgar uses his dwarven knowledge of how underground structures work/encourages the PC not to give up/Qara blasts through pile of rocks blocking a passage/Grobnar…summons the Wendersnaven to our aid…?) Maybe they all cooperate. Who knows? Rather than end with That Cutscene, you get to play through an extra escape level before stumbling out into sunshine and party-time on the surface.
But I have also asked myself – do I really want the ending changed? Perhaps the sudden collapse of the final dungeon is the natural end point for a game that can’t quite bring itself to be a complete heroic fantasy.
And then I answer my own bloody stupid rhetorical question. Of course I want the sodding ending changed. After sixty hours of play, my protagonist deserves more than some stills and a droning narrator, all assembled on a ha’penny budget at speed, in the moment that they’ve won the final battle and should be having some sort of catharsis.
If the rocks have got to fall, I want my PC sitting with their companions in a hidden refuge waiting for rescue. It’d be Waiting For Godot if Vladimir and Estragon were a ten-person collective of bad temper, irony and curious fashion choices. Bishop is allowed to join the squat-in if he walked away from the final battle.
PC: Well, shall we go?
Casavir: Yes, let us go.
[They do not move]
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akunekoblog · 2 years
EP 1, Part 5 — Chapter Thirty Seven: Changes in Angels
Angel: Die. For life.
Haures: Angel?
Ammon: Wow, bad timing. Even though I was about to go home.
Boschi: Tsk, and there are quite a few people... What's wrong with the angels these days?
Haures: Boschi, can you still fight?
Boschi: Huh? You’re not talking to just anyone. Of course I can fight.
Boschi: Lord, release our power...
Leave it to me...!
Don't overdo it!
“Come, ally of darkness. I summon you.”
“Here, release the power of Boschi and Haures through a contract with the devil."
Ammon: Boschi-san, be careful not to go too wild~.
Boschi: Ah... I know.
Bastien: I’ll fight too…
Haures: Bastien, you better rest...
Bastien: I can't be the only one watching with my fingers in my mouth.
Bastien: Besides, I…
Bastien: I swore in my heart that I would risk my life to protect my master.
Lono: Then, I'll fight too. I can't stand being helped all the time!
Haures: Lono, even you…
Bastien: Don't be late... Lono.
Lono: You're the one who's making a big swing. This fox bastard.
Bastien: Haa..
Bastien: Lord. Please release my power.
Let's work together!
Defeat the angel...!
"Come, ally of darkness. I summon you.”
“Here, release the power of Bastien and Lono through a contract with the devil."
Lono: All right, let’s go.
Bastien: I’ll clean it up soon…
Angel: Die. For life.
Fight noises I can’t translate
Angel: To die... to die... no, no, no...
Bastien’s sword pierces the angel's body... The angel emits a strong light and disappears without a trace.
Bastien: The next one is coming....
Lono: Oh.. You ask for the one on the right!
Lono: Hey! Bastien! You've got a big habit again!
Bastien: Guh.. I’m sorry.
Ammon: What is it with those two... Their movements are different than usual.
Fennesz: Those two. They are fighting and following each other according to their movements.
Haures: Those guys... When did they cooperate like this...?
Boschi: Well, there's no way out for us...
Boschi: Huh, I'm sleepy.
Lono: Is that your speed! You fox!
Bastien: If I go all out, you won't be able to follow me... is that okay?
Lono: You’re telling me, that’s good. Don't make fun of me, Bastien!
Angel: Die. For life.
A few minutes later
Bastien: Haa… haa…
Lono: Haa… haa…
Ammon: In the end, the two of you defeated most of the angels.
Fennesz: Amazing, both of you!
Haures: I never thought that the two of you would become so strong by working together.
Haures: You guys worked well together.
Lono: Haa… haa…
Lono: Somehow Bastien... Doesn't it feel like you've caught up with me?
Lono: Is it because I did it according to you?
Bastien: Haa… haa…
Bastien: Don't get me wrong... I... haven't even put out 10% of my seriousness… yet.
Bastien: I did it for you.
Lono: Liar! You were definitely serious!
Bastien: I’m not the kind of person who can lie.
Lono: Don't try to show off when trying to look cool!
Bastien: What?
Haures: You guys…
Ammon: A~ra. It's back to the usual two again.
Fennesz: But that's good, Haures. The two of them can cooperate with each other...
Haures: Aah.. it’s still rough, though.
Haures: If these two can cooperate well, angel hunting should become easier.
Fennesz: I agree. In this case, I guess it's a step forward.
Haures: Ah.
Muu: No~. For a while, I thought what would happen...
Muu: It rained and it solidified!
One case closed!
I’m glad they made up!
Berrien: Then sir. Let's go back to the mansion this time.
Muu: Haha, I'm tired too... I want to go to bed early...
Mysterious Person: Aw. Have you already been knocked down?
Muu: Huh...! Who is it!?
Boschi: What the hell!
Mysterious Person: I wonder if that’s a good way to speak to someone you meet for the first time...
Mysterious Person: I doubt your upbringing, absolutely.
Haures: This guy is flying in the sky.
Fennesz: And this light...
No way… an angel…?
Ammon: This is an angel...!? No, no, an angel can't talk like that!
Lono: That's right, I've never seen an angel like this before!
Bastien: If so, what is this guy...
Mysterious Person: What what? Everyone looks surprised... Did you see anything unusual?
Berrien: Oh, you... Who are you?
Mysterious Person: I…?
Mysterious Person: No matter how you look at it…
Mysterious Person: I’m an “angel”, right?
episode 1 end
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bills-bible-basics · 8 months
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GOOD AND BAD STARS IN THE BIBLE -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List Visit https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/ to see more. Bad Stars (false gods and goddesses and fallen angels): "For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites . . . Because that they have forsaken me, and have worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the children of Ammon, and have not walked in my ways, to do that which is right in mine eyes, and to keep my statutes and my judgments, as did David his father." 1 Kings 11:5, 33, KJV "Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts." Amos 5:25-27, KJV "Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon." Acts 7:43, KJV "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah 14:12, KJV "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." Revelation 8:10,11, KJV "And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit." Revelation 9:1, KJV Good Stars (God, Jesus, Obedient Sons of God, Ourselves): "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James 1:17, KJV "For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11, KJV "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:" 2 Peter 1:19, KJV "Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us," Luke 1:78, KJV "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." Revelation 22:16, KJV "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" Job 38:7, KJV "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12:3, KJV "And I will give him the morning star." Revelation 2:28, KJV If you would like more info regarding the origin of these KJV Bible verse lists, go to https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/. Thank-you! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/good-and-bad-stars-in-the-bible-kjv-king-james-version-bible-verse-list/?feed_id=126626&GOOD%20AND%20BAD%20STARS%20IN%20THE%20BIBLE%20--%20KJV%20%28King%20James%20Version%29%20Bible%20Verse%20List
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bookoformon · 1 year
Alma Chapter 62, Part 3. "Faith and Freedom."
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We have not yet discussed this thing called Ammon in depth. Ammon means "everybody". Like a neighborhood, a group of persons who are traditionally found together. They are easily identified by the behaviors they share.
If you walk down the street and see big screen tvs blaring in every living room, that is Ammon. Political leanings are Ammon, the residue from religion that affect a groups habits, these are also Ammon. Ammon can be good, Ammon can be bad.
When Ammon leads to slavery as it did in the 19th Century, clearly that kind of Ammon is flawed. When it leads to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reintegration of a nation, that is good.
America's Ammon has been deteriorating since George Bush II took office he and Dick Cheney and Condy and the rest falsified information about 911 and attacked Iraq and Afghanistan and most recently by America's acceptance or the false election results during 2016 and allowed Donald Trump, the Republicans and Mormons engage in Crimes Against Humanity.
We are still confused as to what to do about these things, which is also a kind of Ammon. Americans lack convictions about what is right and what is wrong.
We are not a righteous people or Godly people no matter what we say, and we struggle every day with our identity because of this; we know God has turned His face away but are unwilling to embrace rule of law and be good to each other for reasons no one can explain other than Pro-Life which is not allowed.
The text divides this section and the former one between years 30 "the moment of truth when certain realities of life firmly take hold" and year 31, 4331, דגגז‎, daggaz, "the understanding of heaven."
12 And it came to pass in the commencement of the thirty and first year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, Moroni immediately caused that provisions should be sent, and also an army of six thousand men should be sent unto Helaman, to assist him in preserving that part of the land.
13 And he also caused that an army of six thousand men, with a sufficient quantity of food, should be sent to the armies of Lehi and Teancum. And it came to pass that this was done to fortify the land against the Lamanites.
14 And it came to pass that Moroni and Pahoran, leaving a large body of men in the land of Zarahemla, took their march with a large body of men towards the land of Nephihah, being determined to overthrow the Lamanites in that city.
15 And it came to pass that as they were marching towards the land, they took a large body of men of the Lamanites, and slew many of them, and took their provisions and their weapons of war.
16 And it came to pass after they had taken them, they caused them to enter into a covenant that they would no more take up their weapons of war against the Nephites.
17 And when they had entered into this covenant they sent them to dwell with the people of Ammon, and they were in number about four thousand who had not been slain.
The goal of the Book of Mormon is an end to a culture that is ambivalent about what is pure, just, Godly, and functional long-term.
The wars between the Nephites, the prophets and the Lamanites, the ignorances of man go back and forth throughout the Book of Mormon, none are conclusive until the very end, but each battle produces a polemic, an argument about God's Superiority we can use.
In this section of Alma the Prophet says men must not make or use weapons one more time. This includes the use of the mouth to lie, slander, or encourage delusion. Mass delusion is a kind of negative Ammon, and it has to be stopped. When Ammon about things like gun violence, climate change, abortion, marriage rights change, then peace is possible, but so long as crackjobs keep agitating the system, the Ammon will result a state of conflict and chaos.
Zarahemla is "the place of enlightenment" is the opposite. How we transition from Ammon the Helaman and drive out the weaponeers is the polemic in this section.
First we need to decrypt the Numbers.
v. 12: Moroni, the Enlightening Spirit sends men to Helaman, "the dream of light" in order to turn the tide. Notice the similarity between Zarahemla and Helaman, they are words in Hebrew that are closely related. The value is 8452, חד‎הב, "sharp" which is associated with the Israelite Gad, "to dig."
To dig for what is valuable and shovel dirt over the past is Gad.
v. 13: Then the Spirit sends food, an education in the Law to the voicebox, Lehi, and Teancum, "the connection to the place where the Light wakes up" and another 6,000 men. The Number is 9569, טהו‎ט, thoth:
"Thoth(Djehuti) is a state of mind within u; intellect(higher reason) everyone is in possession of this higher reason all we have do is cultivate this energy of higher reason (Supreme natural wisdom beyond human understanding).
Thoth is any person who has awakened to the Higher intelligence for the sake of ending suffering. Someone who is self-realized(Enlightened) and leads others to discover self-realisation.”
v. 14: Marches are miracles that lead people away from slavery either to a captor or to delusion. Certainly one can march right into trouble but the flow of energy from the Torah to the Temple to the Bar is said to be used only for the purposes of Self-Liberation.
v. 15-16: We can change the way people view weapons, any kind through early education, through culture and customs and through laws. All of the above are needed in America.
v. 17: As for the Four Thousand survivors, the Number is 11144, קיאםד‎‎, kiamed,
The substantive כי (ki), expresses "a temporal, causal, or objective relationship among clauses expressed or unexpressed" (in the elegant words of HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament).
The wonderful verb אמן ('aman) reflects certainty in various forms and nuances. It's either used to convey or describe trustworthiness or faithfulness of either a person (1 Samuel 2:35, Isaiah 8:2) or something someone is saying (Genesis 42:20, 1 Kings 8:26), or it describes stability or continuity of various facets of a person's identity, such as his name (1 Chronicles 17:24), his house or dynasty (1 Samuel 2:35), his general position in this world (Isaiah 22:23), or even chronic diseases he might have (Deuteronomy 28:59).
ed= witness
"Witness how faith and identity emerge from freedom under the Law."
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azvolrien · 1 year
Jordan - Day 2
           We didn’t want to make too early a start today after our late night, but the hotel stopped serving breakfast at 10 so we got up at about 9. Breakfast was a pretty casual buffet affair, with a good range of pastries as well as fruit, cereal, eggs and other typical breakfast foods, with the obvious exceptions of anything with pork.
           Our first stop for the day was the Jordan Museum, but it wasn’t really in easy walking distance of the hotel so the receptionist arranged a taxi for us. He got us right to the main door in good time and we bought our tickets (5 Jordanian dinars each, pretty cheap for the size of the museum, I thought) and began to explore.
           The main entrance hall is currently given over to a sort of highlights exhibition, temporarily relocating artefacts from elsewhere in the museum to give a basic overview of human habitation in Jordan from the Palaeolithic all the way to the modern day. This included a lot of clay jars and flint handaxes, stuff you can really see in a lot of museums, but also an intriguing little box with design elements from many different cultures, including an Egyptian-style winged sun-disc and two lions on the lid that resembled the Lion Gate of Mycenae. It made for an interesting illustration of how many trade routes and influences have converged on Jordan over the centuries. Another highlight of the museum was the eerie plaster statues of Ain Ghazal, which sort of echo elements of Cycladic figures but are much, much older.
           The museum’s ground floor is mostly chronological, looking first at Stone Age finds then moving forwards in time through Egyptian influences, Romans, Nabataeans and so on. One thing I found interesting was how many names I’d recognised from the Bible cropped up, but not in their usual biblical context. Groups like Moab and Ammon tend to feature in the biblical narrative as – to put none too fine a point on it – the Bad Guys, and it was interesting to see them and their culture from a more neutral archaeological outlook rather than the more biased account of the Old Testament.
           The upper floor of the museum currently houses another temporary exhibit called ‘1001 Inventions’, dedicated to showcasing various great scientists and inventors from the Islamic Golden Age, featuring Ben Kingsley as the engineer Ismail al-Jazari. There weren’t as many actual artefacts on show, however, so we didn’t take as long to go around there.
           Finished at the museum, we set off on foot towards the Citadel. This led us along Hashemi Street, a busy shopping thoroughfare lined with little shops selling just about everything you could conceivably need or want from small bottles of decorative sand up to high-end horse tack and rifles, with small songbirds in cages outside a few of the shops. We didn’t stop to buy anything, however, and kept going until we reached the Roman Theatre. This is pretty stunning, not so much built as carved from the hillside and definitely worth a look, but we didn’t spend much time there and, after getting our bearings, began the climb up to the Citadel. Halfway up Yaqout al-Hamawi Street we ran into an elderly local who, on determining that we were from Scotland and not America, was keen to tell us about his numerous relatives who had gone to study in Britain.
           We got up to the Citadel eventually, and it is 100% worth the climb. The views out over the city are spectacular, including a gigantic Jordanian flag on a ridge to the north, and what remains of the Citadel itself is impressive. The site has been inhabited by a few different peoples, and while the highlights were probably the Umayyad palace complex and the colossal surviving columns of the Roman temple, smaller details like Bronze Age cave dwellings and old water cisterns and lime kilns were also interesting. The site is also home to a beautiful array of wildflowers, lots of small birds, bees, and a few stray cats, one of which lay down to use me as a sun shade for a few minutes as I sat on a step.
           After a quick snack in the Citadel café, we took an overpriced taxi back to the hotel – the driver really wanted us to visit the King Abdullah Mosque, but we managed to refuse – to wind down for a bit before meeting up with our tour group in the evening. They’re quite a multinational bunch, and our tour guide Reem is very friendly and helpful.
           Some of the group went back out into the city for a meal in the downtown area, but Mum and I were pretty tired by then so we just went for a burger in a sports bar next to the hotel, where we chatted a bit more with some others from the tour group. The burger was significantly bigger than expected, but was delicious and way cheaper than one of comparable size would have been at home.
           We have quite an early start tomorrow to reach Jerash before the crowds descend, but I’m interested to see the site.
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pardi-real · 9 months
Tarot of Destiny / Chapter 4 - Feelings to Convey
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[Central Land, Maginaria]
We arrived at the city of Maginaria that night. As we got off the carriage in front of the inn... all the butlers who had arrived earlier were there to greet us.
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Fennesz: "We've been expecting you, my lord."
Lamli: "Wow~! My lord, your outfit is absolutely splendid ♪"
Hanamaru: "Looks good, and our outfits are almost matching, right? Hehe. It's kinda like a date."
Yuhan: "Mr. Hanamaru… Please refrain from such offhand comments."
Teddy: "Please do, Mr. Hanamaru! The other butlers are giving you the cold stare!"
Flure: "Sigh... I knew you'd say that."
Hanamaru: "I-I feel like everybody is being unusually cold tonight... Sh-should we head inside the inn soon? My lord..."
Miyaji: "Yeah, that's right. You must be tired after being in the carriage for so long."
Lucas: "We’ve reserved the finest accommodations for you, my Lord."
Nac: "Yes. We've meticulously planned the security arrangements as well."
Lato: "Not even a single mouse can sneak in, so please rest assured..."
> "Thank you, guys"
[Maginaria, Inn]
I entered the inn, guided by everyone... It was quite a large inn. The interior was luxurious, almost like a hotel.
> "What a grand Inn"
Lono: "Right! Because my lord, all of us, and Lady Elvira will be staying at this inn."
Bastien: "For security reasons... We've booked this entire floor."
Boschi: "Hm? Speaking of which, where did Elvira go?  She was with us until a moment ago..."
Ammon: "Oh, her... She quickly headed to her room.  Those northern witches... Maybe they prefer being alone, rather than being in a place bustling with people?"
Boschi: "Hmph...  Even so, we're here on guard duty. It would've been nice if she said something before leaving."
Haures: "......For you to talk about manners……"
Boschi: "Huh? Got something to say, Haures?"
Haures: "No, it's nothing. Anyway... About tomorrow's plan, a few of us will take turns to guard her when she goes out. Meanwhile, the available butlers will accompany you, my lord...  And guide you through the city of Maginaria."
> "Guided city tour?"
Lono: "Yes! Because it's a special festival, after all."
Bastien: "We couldn't relax at the mansion... So, at least, we hope my lord will enjoy this trip."
Lato: "Kufufu...  We'll be accompanying you from tomorrow onwards. Rest early tonight… Please prepare yourself for the enjoyable times starting tomorrow."
Yuhan: "Well then... Let us guide you to your room, my lord."
Teddy: "A soft bed is waiting for you!"
Led to the room by the butlers, I felt utterly exhausted after being rocked in carriage. I quickly finished bathing and dining, and laid my body on the soft, warm bed. Before long, I fell into a deep slumber.
~ Meanwhile, around that time ~
Tap, tap, tap
Muu: "Everyone, the lord is asleep! Seems like it's safe to start the discussion now!"
Berrien: "Understood. Thank you, Muu."
Miyaji: "So, Berrien. What's the discussion about?"
Berrien: "Yes. Of course, it's about 'the tarot card drawn by the lord.' "
Yuhan: "It's 'upright Death'...  Even though we're behaving as if we're not concerned in front of the lord... I'm still worried."
Hanamaru: "But come on. Isn't it just a mere fortune-telling? I mean, fortunes don't always come true. It's a hit or miss."
Berrien: "That being said... Lady Elvira's fortune-telling is famous for its accuracy."
Lucas: "That's right… With her fortune-telling indicating the 'upright Death'... The lord is probably... deep down, feeling anxious."
Berrien: "However... When we were in the carriage earlier... Lady Elvira mentioned something that concerns me. 'You already have a way to save the lord from a bad fate'..."
Lono: "Huh... What's that?"
Bastien: "Mr. Berrien, please tell us more."
Berrien: "Yes. According to her..."
Hanamaru: "Hmmm~... Through the tarot cards each of us has been given, look into ourselves... And then, the feelings that surfaced from it... convey them to the lord. I see...  I don't get it at all."
Teddy: "I don't understand the meaning either...  But if we follow as instructed, maybe it could save the lord? If that's the case... I think it's worth a try!"
Haures: "Exactly, I agree. Does everyone have their tarot cards with them?"
Boschi: "Yeah. Just in case, I've got mine in my pocket."
Fennesz: "Looking at these cards... Looking back at myself and the feelings they bring up... then...  Should I convey the feelings that come to mind to the lord?"
Flure: "I think we should. Although I don't understand the meaning at all... If there's a chance to save the lord... I'm willing to try anything!"
Bastien: "Yes. We've been spending almost two years with the lord. I can't imagine a mansion without the lord anymore."
Lato: "That's right. That's how much the lord has given us.  The lord saved me... Changed me..."
Haures: "Hmm... Yeah, indeed.  If the lord wasn't here... Some of us wouldn't be here in this world."
Berrien: "Yes... The lord didn't just save us. Our lives are heading in a better direction thanks to the lord. From before the lord arrived until now... The impression of everyone has changed a bit."
Miyaji: "Yeah... Absolutely."
Lucas: "The lord is... indeed a special person to us."
Haures: "Well then, from tomorrow onwards... As we discussed earlier, while strolling around the city with the lord... Each of us, the butlers, will convey our feelings.  Let's proceed with this plan. Does anyone object?"
Lamli: "Of course not! It's to save the lord, after all."
Nac: "If it's to save the lord, these feelings... I can keep talking about it for three days and three nights."
Lamli: "......Isn't that super annoying?"
Knock, knock
Berrien: "Oh? Who could it be at this hour...  I'll go and check.  ...Who is it?"
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 master post
This is all written for my links meet au called Link between Links, and strangers across eras, with other aus sprinkled across it. NONE OF THIS IS LU SO DONT TAG IT AS SUCH
Day 1- swooning: lbl, Minish gets a concussion and Legend helps him out
Day 2- they don’t care about you: sae, Leon get a fever from working to hard in finding his son.
Day 3- solitary confinement: lbl, spirit is held hostage and is losing his mind.
Day 4- shock: kotg, Ammon and Orman are exploring a ruin with Terrako, suddenly all technology goes out in an electrifying way, including Ammon’s prosthetic.
Day 5- debris, pinned down: lbl, Warriors gets trapped under rocks after an explosion, and he and Hyrule hope they can get out.
Day 6- alternate prompt, reluctant whumper: original loz au, Link hurts himself and doesn’t want Beck to know.
Day 7- alternate prompt, shaking: vw, Vio brings Shadow back and he’s not vibing.
Day 8- outnumbered: sae, wolfos attack and Rusl refuses to fight one, even when it’s trying to kill him.
Day 9- mistaken identity, you’re a liar: lbl, Wild and Windy meet a fake Hyrule and get abducted by the yiga.
Day 10- alternate prompt, panic: lot, Rusl is teaching the kids how to fight, but the idea of fighting monsters scares Talo.
Day 11- captivity, no one will find you: kotg, young Ammon and his brother get kidnapped by yiga during an errand.
Day 12- insomnia: original loz au, Zelda can’t sleep and Link accompanies her alongside his cat biscuit.
Day 13- infection: thof, Link has an infection but he refuses to let Groose or Farore check it out.
Day 14- water inhalation: lbl, Sky goes to rescue Twi after he disappeared underwater for six hours
Day 15- makeshift bandages: lbl and sae, Rusl accidentally throws a spear at mermaid Legend.
Day 16- flatline: kotg, continuation of day 11, Ammon and Georgie try to escape, but it doesn’t go well.
Day 17- collar, touch aversion, leave me alone: sae and vs, Vaati and Ghirahim accidentally kidnap Linebeck.
Day 18- blindfold, tortured for information: lbl, continuation of day 9, Windy gets tortured for information on Hyrule, but he’s a tough cookie.
Day 19- floral bouquet: TCOD, Maria and Link visit his parent’s grave on the anniversary of their death.
Day 20- found family: tp, RUSL ADOPTS LINK DBSJSBSKSBK
Day 21- restraints, don’t move: vw, after Vio brings back Shadow, he accidentally brings another, dangerous person back as well.
Day 22- glass shard, vehicular accident: sae, Kass finds Linebeck with a concussion and Benji impaled with glass from a boat crash.
Day 23- shadows, stalking, who’s there: lbl, Twi finds a kitty and defends it with his life.
Day 24- alternate prompt, aftermath of a failure: AOC, Revali teaches Zelda how to use a bow so she can use the bow of light.
Day 25- alternate prompt, betrayal: sae, Ingo takes over the ranch in Time and Talon’s absence.
Day 26- working till exhaustion, you look awful: lot, Link has a fever but works till the point of collapse.
Day 27- matches, scars: sae, Leon and Linebeck find themselves trapped in a cave, and Leon discovers a nasty scar that Linebeck has.
Day 28- bloody knife: lbl, Hyrule gets attacked by a puppet of the puppeteer and gets poisoned with magic draining poison.
Day 29- troubled past resurfacing: lbl and sae, Wild meets Ammon and it goes as well as you’d expect.
Day 30- bridal carry: lbl and sae, Time and Talon find Malon in Gerudo desert. Some of the boys reunite with their dads!
Day 31- emptiness, setbacks, take it easy: lbl and sae, the rest of the boys reunite with their dads, but something bad happens
Whumtpober days 1-7
Whumptober days 8-14
Whumptober days 15- 21
Whumtpober days 22-28
Whumptober days 29-31
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Jeroboam’s Son Dies
1 At that time Jeroboam’s son Abijah became very sick. 2 So Jeroboam said to his wife, “Go to Shiloh. Go to see the prophet Ahijah. He is the one who said I would become king of Israel. But dress yourself so people won’t know you are my wife. 3 Give the prophet ten loaves of bread, some cakes and a jar of honey. Then ask him what will happen to our son. And he will tell you.” 4 So the king’s wife did as he said. She went to Ahijah’s home in Shiloh.
Now Ahijah was very old and had become blind. 5 But the Lord had said to him, “Jeroboam’s son is sick. So Jeroboam’s wife is coming to ask you about him. When she arrives, she will pretend to be someone else.” Then the Lord told Ahijah what to say.
6 When Ahijah heard her walking to the door, he said, “Come in, wife of Jeroboam. Why are you pretending to be someone else? I have bad news for you. 7 Go back and tell Jeroboam that this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Jeroboam, I chose you from among all the people of Israel. I made you the leader of my people. 8 I took the kingdom away from David’s family. And I gave it to you. But you are not like my servant David. He always obeyed my commands. He followed me with all his heart. He did only the things I said were right. 9 But you have done more evil things than anyone who ruled before you. You have quit following me. You have made other gods and idols of metal. This has made me very angry. 10 So I will bring disaster to the family of Jeroboam. I will kill all of the men in your family, both slaves and free men. I will destroy your family as completely as fire burns up manure. 11 Anyone from your family who dies in the city will be eaten by dogs. And anyone from your family who dies in the fields will be eaten by the birds. The Lord has spoken!’”
12 Then Ahijah said to Jeroboam’s wife, “Now go home. When you enter your city gate, your son will die. 13 All Israel will be sad for him and bury him. He will be the only one of Jeroboam’s family who will be buried. This is because he is the only one in Jeroboam’s family who pleased the Lord, the God of Israel.
14 “The Lord will put a new king over Israel. That king will destroy Jeroboam’s family. This will happen soon. 15 Then the Lord will punish Israel. The people of Israel will be like grass moving in the water. The Lord will pull up Israel from this good land. This is the land he gave their ancestors. But he will scatter Israel beyond the Euphrates River. This will happen because the Lord is angry with the people. They made him angry when they made idols to worship Asherah. 16 Jeroboam sinned, and then he made the people of Israel sin. So the Lord will let the people of Israel be defeated.”
17 Then Jeroboam’s wife traveled back to Tirzah. When she entered her home, the boy died. 18 They buried him. And all Israel had a time of sadness for him. This happened as the Lord said it would. The Lord had said these things through his servant, the prophet Ahijah.
19 Everything else Jeroboam did is written down. He fought wars and continued to rule the people. It is all written in the book of the history of the kings of Israel. 20 Jeroboam ruled as king for 22 years. Then he died, and his son Nadab became king in his place.
The Death of Rehoboam
21 Solomon’s son Rehoboam was 41 years old when he became king of Judah. His mother was Naamah from the land of Ammon. Rehoboam ruled in Jerusalem for 17 years. (The Lord had chosen that city from all the land of Israel. He chose to be worshiped there.)
22 The people of Judah did what the Lord said was wrong. The people’s sins made the Lord very angry at them. They made the Lord even more angry than their ancestors had done. 23 The people built stone pillars and places to worship false gods and Asherah idols. They built them on every high hill and under every green tree. 24 There were even male prostitutes at the places of worship to the gods. The people who had lived in the land before the Israelites had done many evil things. And God had taken the land away from them. Now the people of Judah were doing the same evil things.
25 During the fifth year Rehoboam was king, Shishak attacked Jerusalem. Shishak was king of Egypt. 26 He took the treasures from the Temple of the Lord and the king’s palace. He took everything, even the gold shields Solomon had made. 27 So King Rehoboam made bronze shields to put in their place. He gave them to the men who were guarding the palace gates. 28 Whenever the king went to the Temple of the Lord, the guards carried the shields. After they were finished, they put the shields back in the guardroom.
29 Everything else King Rehoboam did is written down. It is in the book of the history of the kings of Judah. 30 Rehoboam and Jeroboam were always fighting a war with each other. 31 Rehoboam died and was buried with his ancestors in Jerusalem. His mother was Naamah from Ammon. And Rehoboam’s son Abijam became king in his place. — 1 Kings 14 | International Children’s Bible (ICB) The Holy Bible, International Children’s Bible® Copyright© 1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Thomas Nelson. Cross References: Genesis 19:5; Exodus 14:13-14; Exodus 32:25; Exodus 34:17; Deuteronomy 23:3; Deuteronomy 32:36; Joshua 18:1; 1 Samuel 3:2; 1 Samuel 8:11; 2 Samuel 3:1; 2 Samuel 12:7; 2 Samuel 14:2; 1 Kings 10:16; 1 Kings 11:31-32; 1 Kings 11:43; 1 Kings 15:21; 1 Kings 15:25; 1 Kings 15:27; 1 Kings 20:23; 2 Chronicles 12:2; 2 Chronicles 12:11; 2 Chronicles 12:16; 2 Chronicles 13:2; 2 Chronicles 19:3; Jeremiah 34:20; Jeremiah 37:17; Matthew 26:7; 1 Corinthians 10:22
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shisekibo · 2 years
[Story Translation] Chapter Seventeen - Carrier Pigeon
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 “Mr. Boschi!”
 “Mr. Boschi, are you okay? Are you in pain?”
 “Stop fussing... Ugh... It barely hurts...”
“A-are you okay?”
“You don’t look well at all...”
 “huff... huff... I’m sorry for making you worry, Master...”
 “I’m fine... This is really... nothing...”
 “You don’t look fine at all!”
 “Here, Mr. Boschi. Water. Drink it slowly!”
 “huff... huff... Sorry... Ammon.”
 “This is bad. Those powers take quite the toll.”
“Take a toll?”
“What do you mean?”
 “Boschi’s Demon, Saleos, is extremely strong... But that means the toll is extremely large too.”
 “When he uses Saleos’ powers, he’s able to push past his body’s limits...”
 “...but, in return, it consumes a large amount of energy to do so.”
“That’s such a double-edged sword.”
“He shouldn’t use such power recklessly.”
 “Yes. Exactly that.”
 “Boschi... Are you okay?”
 “Tsk... Stop sticking your nose into my business. Haures.”
 “There’s nothing I hate more than you worrying about me.”
 “Hmm... You never change, not even at a time like this...”
 “Mr. Boschi, you really shouldn’t push yourself.”
 “You’re already fighting without your right arm and eye...”
 “And then you’re using more energy than you need to. If you keep pushing yourself like this, you might...”
 “Oi, Ammon. Don’t say that in front of the Master.”
 “I can deal with these wounds, no problem.”
 “Mr. Boschi...”
 “Master... Ignore Ammon.”
 “I can fight.”
 “You can barely stand right now...”
 “Boschi, you should rest for a while.”
 “You guys worry too much.”
 “Stop being stubborn and take a seat, please.”
 “Is Mr. Boschi going to be okay?”
“I’m worried too.”
“Don’t push yourself too hard.”
 “Don’t worry, Master. Please let him rest for a while.”
 “When he’s rested, we’ll make our way to Mr. Berrien and the others.” 
- A Few Minutes Later -
 “Nice work, Haures.”
 “Here you go. I brought you some water.”
 “Fennesz. You’re always a step ahead of us.”
 “You flatter me.”
 “Ahh, nice and cold.”
 “By the way, Haures. You really are strong...”
 “What brought that on?”
 “I was thinking about it while watching you and Boschi fighting together just now.”
 “I really don’t compare to you two at all...”
 “That’s how strong you are. You’re amazing, Haures.”
 “Fennesz... You don’t need to put yourself down like that.”
 “I’ve never once thought you were weak.”
 “I’m sorry if I made you worry.”
 “Especially while you were resting... I apologise.”
 “No, I don’t mind...”
 “E-erm... Oh, that’s right! Who on earth were those men who attacked us?”
 “They called themselves mercenaries, but...”
 “Mercenaries, huh...? They’ll join either side of a war as long as they get enough money for it.”
 “Someone probably hired these ones to target us...”
 “Target us...? But who? And why...?”
 “Hmm... Well...”
 “Oh! Could it be...?”
 “Fennesz... What are you thinking?”
 “This is bad, Haures... Mr. Berrien might be in danger!”
 “They led us here by making it look like Angels had attacked the village...”
 “They probably wanted to split us up and make us weaker.”
 “Make us weaker and attack us when we’re at a disadvantage?”
 “If that’s true, Mr. Berrien and the others might be in the same situation...”
 “The same situation...? So there might be more mercenaries over there too?”
 “Potentially... I think so, at least...”
 “A-anyway! We need to hurry up and catch up to Mr. Berrien!”
 “I understand but... Where on earth is everyone...?”
flap flap
 “Huh? Mr. Pidgeon, are you coming this way?”
 “That’s Mr. Lucas’ carrier pigeon!”
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invui · 2 years
guess who’s continuing this after months of writing hiatus. again, this post/discussion serves as something to give inspo for those who plan to write a modern au for akuneko. i will just be sharing my ideas and thoughts so you don’t necessarily have to follow my exact words if you are actually going to write.
parts: 1 2 3 4
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i’m just going to start with the most obvious one that i could think of and that’s the gardener himself. i would like to think that he owns a little flower shop downtown. the methods of promoting his shop would just be doing delivery services and passing out flyers or something very creative that nobody would be able to think of (breaking into houses just to tend to the owners’ plants).
his uniform/outfit would definitely look messy in terms of style, dirt could be seen on his apron and has gloves that has so much soil all over it. but don’t you worry, he makes sure they’re clean once in a while so it should be fine. he always tries his best to at least look proper to appeal to the store’s customers, he is a hard working boy after all. his appearance may look (very) unprofessional but the out come of his work makes customers give his flower shop a five star rating online and ammon deserves it.
whenever he gets into heated shop competitions, he might have to use different under handed tricks if things start to look bad for him but that won’t happen, would it?
“welcome! i apologize if i came to you late, was just watering some flowers out in the back, eheh”
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okay, so into the next obvious person. fennesz would either work as a librarian or someone who helps the librarian.
he’s the type of person who would politely tell you to lower down your volume of speaking and would do a loud ass shush if needed. he isn’t one of the most strictest people in the entire world so the rules he would set in the library aren’t necessarily unfair, they’re the common ones you would have in your school library (unless the school is messed up).
fennesz would do these small story telling gatherings for children whenever they visit the library. he doesn’t consider himself as the best at his work but that’s just because he isn’t aware of it yet — put emphasis on the yet.
overall, he’s just a normal librarian (a bit softer than the others) who is just doing his best trying to overcome his job.
“do you mind if you could lower your volume? you might disturb the other people who are reading, thank you!”
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i actually had quite the hard time trying to think for an occupation but i managed to find a final verdict. haures is going to be a police officer because that’s the only job fitting for haures that i could muster at the moment.
this man is definitely one of the most hard working police officers in his city/town. he always tries his best to train himself to become the top within the police station. he tends to over work himself which of course is a big no no so his co workers always remind haures to take a break once in a while if he ever feels tired.
this guy knows how to handle guns properly if he were to be in the police force, he probably has the best aim amongst his comrades. haures is the type to literally be prepared for every mission.
this thought just came into my head but whenever a female officer is seen at the precinct, haures has no idea what to do. how long has it been since he had close contact with a woman? what happens if he makes a bad impression?
“officer haures on the case!” (help i can’t think of anything)
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i saved boschi for last because he is the hardest amongst the bunch but tattoo artist? i just thought about this after reading a ton of flower and tattoo shop aus (lol).
his shop would either be raggedy as hell or nicely furnished considering he takes care of the facilities inside of the devil’s palace. i will just choose the well looking one because i personally want boschi to not be a little douche and not take care of his shop (well he has to or else there would be no customers)
i feel like he would be someone who used to work as a police officer and he was on the same team with haures but left the force because he absolutely hated haures after what had happened.
“aight, where’s my fucking money?” (lol)
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a/n: someone save me from writing dialogues/hj
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