#//also the song at the end that he's playing totally got vibes from take me to church
the-common-cowgirl · 8 months
Greater of Two Evils - Part 5
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Summary: Reader returns to her childhood home only to move to a new home the next day. How will she cope?
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dark! Modern Aemond x Fem!Reader
Warnings: DUBCON to Consensual, AFAB reader, Smut (p in v, oral sex f&m receiving, orgasm denial, teasing, creampie, Dom vibes, choking, food play?), verbal arguments, cursing, tension, feelings of anxiety, feelings of hate, manipulation, Aemond not being a total jerk at the end? Lmk if there’s any I missed!
Word Count: 4790
A/N: This was split off of part 4, then I added some smut. Enjoy!
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Your childhood bed was warm and stiffer than you remembered but you slept well regardless. Something about being home, being safe, surrounded by familiar smells and sounds, allowed you to fully rest, but now, the sun had long since risen and it was time for a nostalgic breakfast. 
Pulling on some pajama shorts and a crewneck sweatshirt, you drug your sleepy self from bed, lumbering down the steps to the living room, rubbing your eyes. The smell of bacon permeated through the small cottage home  and as you neared the bottom of the steps, you heard your mother call your name from the kitchen as she had when you were growing up when breakfast was early ready; allotting you time to get out of bed and get downstairs before the food went cold. 
Sleep wouldn’t quite leave your eyes and you reached up to rub the drowsiness from them with your sweatshirt sleeve, yawning. Your mother scolded you lightly, “Dear, we have company, you should go upstairs and change-”
Your arm dropped from your face quickly to find that evading your nightmares wasn't an option in this personal hell of a life you were sentenced to. 
Silver hair. Eye-patch. Finely tailored suit.
Maybe that song your dad used to sing in the back garden was right, maybe the devil does in fact wear a suit and tie. 
“What are you doing here?” Your voice is flat and devoid of fear despite the fact you very much were filled to the brim with it. Maybe anger at him invading such a sacred place of yours took precedent… finally.
Your mom turned around with a hand on her hip, “That’s no way to speak to your-”
Aemond raised his hand, silencing your mother with a soft smile. The action made you nauseous; no one silences your mother so easily. “Please, it’s alright.” He turned to you, “I came here to meet your parents and ask formally, this time, for your hand in marriage.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at your mom. She shook her head with a sweet smile, “Honey, if you were running here because you were scared of marriage, you should have thought of that before you got pregnant. Now here, Mr. Targaryen is trying to make things right.”
‘Trying to make things right’ felt like a stab in the gut, fueled by betrayal. 
“Mom I-”
Aemond cut you off, “Perhaps we can speak alone?” He looks over to your mother with the smile of a snake and she returns it, mayhaps without the reptilian features. 
“Of course, I’ll be out in the back garden with your father,” she tells you before she wipes her hands on her apron and exits the room. 
You stare at Aemond as he stares back at you with his lone eye. He hears the backdoor open and shut before he speaks. “I told you to stay.”
You pull up a chair opposite of him. “Like a dog,” you bite back. “What did you tell my parents?”
A sly smirk pulls at his lips, “I think you understand the predicament we’re in.” He leans back, grabbing his teacup and bringing it to his lips, “your mother loves me by the way.” He sips, smiling like a Cheshire cat, lone eye studying his prey.
“She also prefers my brother over me so I’d take her approval with a grain of salt.”
He frowns slightly, bringing the cup back down to the table. “They know the baby is mine and they know I am planning on taking care of you, and it, financially.” His eye flickers up to you triumphantly, “And they also know that I proposed to you, my girlfriend of three years and you had your doubts and came to see them.”
You narrowed your eyes, “You told them we have been a couple for three years and they believed you?”
Aemond smirked, shrugging lazily. “Apparently you do not talk to your parents enough for them to know much about you.”
Anger rose within you, making you begin to sweat with loathing. How did Aemond seem to get away with every little thing? It was like he walked and the grass parted a path for him. He seemed untouchable; making your cause seem hopeless.
“Go upstairs and pack, we’re leaving.” HIs command was stern with no room for contest.
You shook your head despite this, “I’m not going with you. No.”
Aemond stood from the table slowly, towering over you. His hand snaked down reverently from the top of your hair, along your cheekbone, landing beneath your chin and pulled your face up to look at him. “I’ve done things in a quite unorthodox matter at the beginning of this relationship-”
“This isn’t a relationship.”
He barely contained a sneer, you felt the anger boiling just underneath his skin but he kept it from burning you…surprisingly. “Whatever you want to call it- relationship, understanding-”
“Containment-” you cut.
“-whatever,” his voice raised slightly, “you may call it.” He returned to his false softened hum, “I believe I can do better by you and our child. You have to give me that chance.”
Your eyes met his lone blue and you knew you had no choice….for now.
He looked half shocked, probably suspecting more of a fight. “Okay? Okay. Yes,” he pulled his hand from you. “I will arrange for us to leave immediately. Go upstairs and pack what you need.”
You stood from the table, “All of my essentials are in Sunspear.”
Aemond pulled out his phone, bringing it to his ear. “Well, we aren’t going back to Sunspear so I’ll just buy new essentials unless anything cannot be replaced.”
You looked at him in confusion, “Where are we going then?”
Someone on the other end of the line began speaking so he mouthed what looked like ‘King’s Landing’ before he started barking orders into the phone.
Kings Landing.
The drive to the Crownlands took a few hours and every bit of that time was spent with Aemond on the phone, rearranging your life, unenrolling you from your college, and closing your account at your bank in Sunspear. With every call, you started to grow more and more anxious.
How is he able to do all of these things without my permission or consent?
At the final call, the one where he closed out your membership to the student credit union, he looked over at you. “We are close to my estate now.”
You remained staring out the back door’s window, “How were you able to do all of that without my permission?”
The car slowed and began to turn, Aemond leaned up to the driver, mumbling the code to the driveway gates. Once he leaned back, he looked sideways to you, “I thought you were well aware I had plenty of connections.”
A pit grew in your stomach as you drove through the gates of the estate. A large, white stone home sat proudly in the nicest part of King’s Landing; the homebase of Westeros’ rich, powerful and corrupt. A tall hedge bush ran along the property lines, behind it, you could see glimpses of an iron-wrought fence at least twelve feet high. Physically, there would be no escaping the property.
The car parked beneath the carport at the very front of the house, Aemond opened the door and exited his side, you followed; pulling the handle and exiting. Aemond rounded the car, grabbing your arm a little too harshly and leaning in next to your ear. “We are to be married soon, wait for me to open the door.”
His harsh scolding gave you chills as he pulled back from you with a smile as if nothing had happened. “Allow me to show you the manor.”
Red roses adorned the foundation of the home and when you stepped inside, the floors were marble. Nothing was out of place, everything was extravagant and lavish. Aemond had walked you through the entire first floor (where a butler or maid was scattered purposefully about every three rooms) before leading you upstairs. You had hoped the second floor didn’t have another random person who would pop out from behind a plant or tall vase just to add to your embarrassment as you were paraded through the home as its new captive; fortunately, there were none. 
Aemond led you to a set of double doors, pushing a single open and leading you through gently. “This is our room,” he stated plainly as day. 
You shook your head, “No. I want my own room.”
He fixed you with a look that scorched your skin. “Absolutely not.”
So you used his own logic against him with the words ‘be a river’ giving you the courage to do so. “Aemond,” you reasoned lightly, lighter than natural for you, “I uh, don’t want to assume anything but to my understanding… you want the image of a perfect life.”
His brow furrowed, immediately with shock and before it could resolve to anger, you spoke again.
“I see the white house, the roses, the perfectly manicured yard. I saw the butlers and maids downstairs alongside the decorations that I wouldn’t particularly attribute to your style - not that I know your style, we are just strangers whom you’ve decided should conceive-”
Aemond snorted, anger clearly beginning to rise within him but you continued on.
“I also saw the Seven Pointed Star several times throughout my tour. Decorations…books… and I know that’s the predominant religion of Westeros. You being a politician and all, I’m sure you want to look the part, even if you don’t believe in it, I can almost guarantee you don’t.”
“I do,” he retorted.
You smiled, taking a step toward him, “Interesting.” He looked at you with a thin veil of confusion. “Anyway, what I’m getting at is that it’s quite obvious that this house,” you gestured vaguely around you as you stepped closer to him, “is all for show. You moved me here,” pointing to yourself, “for show. I know your intentions, I understand what I am to you…so I ask you to allow me to have my own room until we are wed. If anything, it’s only for show.” You smiled up at him, feeling you aced him.
He simply smiled back, leaning down slightly. His smile made your triumph falter and fade. “I knew I liked you for a reason, you’re incredibly…perceptive.” His eye leveled you with a glance from your eyes, to your shoes and back up again. “Fine,” he straightened, “you’ll get your own room…until we are wed.”
You blew hot air through your nose, feeling anger festering in your pores. “And when is that?” 
Aemond turned from you, pulling his suit jacket off and placing it on the mattress. “Two weeks.”
Your blood ran cold, “Two weeks? How can you plan a wedding in two weeks?”
Aemond laughed as he loosened his tie, “I’ve had someone on it for a while now-”
“Show me my room please,” anger, resentment, hate boiled through your veins and ignited your heart. “I need some space.”
Aemond chuckled, “Take your pick.” He motioned toward the door, expecting you to find your own way out. You turned and began marching for the door when you heard him call out, “Just remember, you said the bedroom is ‘just for show.”
Turning back toward him, you glared. Of course he wouldn’t let you leave without an innuendo and threat. “Fuck you,” you spat and turned back for the doors, pushing hard. Before you were out of earshot, you heard him laughing to himself with a “soon enough” coming from his lips.
You picked the room furthest from his, on the other side of the second floor entirely. Locking the door as soon as you got into the room despite the fact that the door could be unblocked from the outside. So, for extra measure, you managed to push a dresser in front of the door, more effectively blocking yourself in. 
The feeling of dread left you quickly and you felt safe enough to take a shower, wrapping yourself in your towel and laying in the soft bed. You check your phone for the first time today to see you have no messages or calls. You try to call your dad, explain why you left in such haste but your phone would not ring out. No phone service. No carrier.
The fucker turned off my phone too?
Bitterly anger turned into hopelessness which turned into tears. And like how most of your nights went recently, your tears lulled yourself to sleep.
A field of tall grass surrounded you as the soft wind blew your hair. You looked around you to see a river rushing along the base of the hill you were standing on. The river rushed proudly against the grey landscape pushing and pulling where it dared. Then suddenly, the river changed its course, pummeling straight up the hill for you. Sand and loamy clay was left dry where it ceased flowing. Now, at the bottom of the river lies the grass that surrounded you, held you, protected you. You had mere seconds to think before the river reached you and you had yet to think of anything but the cold waves approaching. Suddenly, the sky overhead was dark and thunder thumped hard against the sky. Thump. Thump. Thump.
You awakened to thunder, sitting up in bed. You look around the room in a daze from your previous slumber. The night is dark, starry, clear.
The room thunders again. 
Aemond calls your name from behind the doors. 
“Go away!” Your voice doesn’t tremble, you’re safe behind the doors with the dresser blocking you in. The sounds cease, you find sleep again with less ease.
In the morning, you stand staring at the doors after having moved the dresser, contemplating if your hunger is worth emerging from your hiding spot. The grumble in your stomach pushes you to open the doors and reassures you that Aemond won’t try anything stupid in front of his hired help. You walk to where you remember the kitchen is, bare feet padding against the cold marble floors, without seeing a single person. The sun has been up for a few hours now and you grow uneasy at the fact there aren’t people here to bear witness and pass judgment on Aemond if he were to do something inappropriate but the house is quiet…too quiet. You wonder if he is even home.
You stop in the middle of the kitchen, listening for footsteps or even life; all you hear is the ticking of a grandfather clock several rooms away. Aemond must not be home. 
Relief trickled through you as you opened the fridge, cool light flooding across your face. Picking the easiest thing, a yogurt cup, you closed the fridge then searched the multitude of drawers before you found the silverware drawer and plucked a spoon from it. Quickly, you headed back upstairs with your scavenged breakfast in case Aemond came back early. Opening the strawberry yogurt cup and dipping into it with a spoon, you ate a bite on the way back to your new room until movement stopped you dead in your tracks. 
Your eyes locked with Aemond as he was stepping out of your room. 
“What are you doing?”
A flash of a glare ran across his face, if you blinked, you would have missed it. “You’re not supposed to eat food outside the kitchen or dining room.”
You narrowed your eyes, reiterating, “What are you doing in my room?”
He challenged you, narrowing his own back. “Not. Your. Room. I own this house.”
“Sorry, my space in this hellscape you call a home,” you shifted your stance.
He took a step toward you from the door, “Don’t ever lock yourself in again.”
You laughed, “I’m not your free use slave. You can’t come in and fuck me whenever you want-”
Aemond shook his head, “I was worried about you last night, you had screamed in your sleep-”
“You good-for-nothing jackass…I don’t talk in my sleep, let alone scream. Quit lying and stay the fuck away from me.” Anger overrode your body as he took more steps toward you, causing you to fling the yogurt cup at him, splashing across his face and body. 
He was shocked for several moments, mouth hanging agape, before his eye settled on you; you trying to suppress your laughter behind your two hands clasped over your mouth.
“You little bi-”
Before he could finish, you turned tail and ran, gleeful you’d made an actual mess of him and feeling some sort of victory in doing so. You heard him swear behind you then, the thundering footsteps closing in quickly behind you. 
With nowhere to escape to, you ran into his bedroom, shutting the doors behind you with barely enough time. His pounding on the doors rattled the wood just after you had locked the handles. He called your name behind the wood and you just laughed again, feeling bested the beast in his own home. 
“You’re gonna have to be quicker than that- '' came your sing-song voice in a mocking tone. 
Immediately, the banging ceased. The speed at quick Aemond gave up his pursuit gave you an awful feeling in your stomach but thinking about it was short lived when you saw that in your valor of throwing the yogurt on Aemond, you had spilled a long drop down your shirt and thighs. Cursing to yourself silently, you made your way into the bathroom.
Flicking on the lights, in search of whatever vanity drawer Aemond stored his washrags in so you could wipe the pink yogurt from your only pair of clothes. You didn’t find it in any of the top drawers so bending down, you continued your search for something to wipe off the residue. Soon, you found the drawer containing the washrags and plucking one from the drawer, you stood, turning on the water and running the rag under it until it was fully soaked and warm. Only then, did you look up from the vanity countertop and into the mirror; jumping in fright.
Aemond was standing behind you, smirking. Like a cougar watching his prey from the trees.
You turned quickly, and tried to shove the wet rag in his face only for him to grab you and spin you around to face yourself in the mirror, your hands subdued tightly behind your back. You then noticed another door, slightly ajar, it looked like it led to a large walk-in closet that must have been connected to the hall. 
“That wasn’t very nice of you-”
“Leave me alone,” you struggled weakly in his grip. The pain in your wrist igniting once more.
He chuckled and pressed himself harshly against you, smearing the pink goo across the back of your shirt. “I think we need to clean up, don’t you?”
“Nope, all fine,” you gritted out as you struggled in his hold.
His nose came to press against your throat, you felt your heartbeat quicken as he inhaled your scent. “You, at least, need to clean me.” Without giving you time to process, he hauled you toward the shower, pushing you in and then stepping inside himself. You offered him only a quizzical glare before he turned the showerhead on and began soaking you through your clothes. You huffed and backed out of the water stream and he closed you in, water now drenching him and his clothes; he didn’t seem to care as he began to strip the wet clothes from his body. “Clean the mess you made and you’re free to go.” 
It seemed too easy, too simple. He definitely wouldn't leave it at that. 
Regardless, you began collecting water in your hands as he continued to strip. With trepidation, you moved your hands to his face, wiping a splatter of pink from his cheekbone; trying not to look at his smug expression. His skin was coarse against your fingers. Something about the action was intimate, close, you hated it; it made you feel at ease in his presence.
He bent down, stripping his underwear from his body, completely nude now. However, the rest of the mess was left on his clothes, his skin was clean now.
“I’m done,” you announced with no emotion, trying to conceal embarrassment behind impassiveness. 
He tutted gently, “You’ve made quite a mess of my cock too. You need to clean that up as well.” He glanced down to his member, returning his triumphant smirk to your face. 
You narrowed your eyes, “That’s your own doing. I’m not-”
He brought a hand up to your thigh, collecting some of the yogurt that hadn’t been washed away and rubbed it along his cockhead. 
“Seems like you did make a mess, sweet river, now be a good girl and this’ll all be over.”
HIs honeyed tone was laced with something addictive and once again, you felt yourself falling victim to whatever charm this snake held over you. When his hand came up to your shoulder and pushed you down, you found yourself falling to your knees for him while your glare never left his face. That was, until you were face to face with his manhood, tip smeared with pink. Your mouth watered against your wishes and your eyes glanced back up to him as water trickled down his toned abs, valleying around the base of his and his heavy sac.
Just do what he wants, a voice told you and you gave in.
Carefully, you stuck your tongue out, licking some pink from the bottom of his ruddy head. You heard him shudder at such a small action and it excited you; the thought of reducing him to your whim as he often did to you. So, your tongue swirled around his head again, taking just the tip of him into your mouth and sucking wet and slowly, letting saliva, mixed with yogurt and precum fall down past your lips to be washed down the drain with the rest of the water that fell off of him. You felt him buck against your mouth, releasing a small, barely audible whine when you pulled back from his charge. His hand flew to your hair, eye scrunched shut. He didn’t attempt to move you further onto his cock, rather, hold you steady. “Fuck- please,” he all but groaned as you continued licking and sucking just the tip. 
Smiling, you pulled off of him. “I think you’re clean now.” Your hands in your lap, his hand in your hair. He opened his eye and looked down at you with an annoyed, lazy glare. “Finish,” he all but demanded.
You shook your head. “That would make a bigger mess.”
He rolled his eye, “Okay, let’s see how you like it.”
And before you could process what he was doing, he pulled you up, pulling down your pajama bottoms and underwear in one swift motion, backing you against the cold, tiled wall of the shower and sinking to his knees before you. His mouth was on your cunt like a madman and he hiked one of your legs up with a strong hand, giving him freer access to your womanhood.
His tongue circled your clit like a vulture before he zeroed in, suckling gently. Your hands flew into his wet hair, entangling as you whined and threw your head back a little too harshly against the wall, making the back of your head sting in residual pain but you didn’t care, all you could focus on was the intense pleasure he was ripping from you.
His other hand came up to play with your entrance, lithe fingers dancing, teasing, but never acting in the way you wanted them to, needed them to. You ground down, trying to impale yourself on the fingers that played at your entrance to no avail. Aemond chuckled against your folds, pulling himself from them to look up at your ecstasy ridden face. 
“Don’t like it?”
You huffed, running a hand over your eyes, wanting nothing more than to hide yourself from his goading. “Shut up.”
“How about I grant both of your wishes while you grant mine?” He stood, pulling your top and bra off, depositing them in the heap of clothes at the bottom of the foggy shower.
His hands ran up your ribcage, stopping just below your breasts and cupping them. He placed tender kisses on each one, tongue running along the soft skin. 
“Which is?” Your breath was heavy. This is wrong but at the moment, it’s so right. 
“I’ll shut up and we both get to come,” he added a kiss to your collarbone.
“Are you actually asking me permission?” You could have laughed.
He suckled on the skin just below your ear, making you repress a breathy whine.
“I told you I’d treat you better.”
You chuckled this time, grabbing his wet hair and pulling him away from your skin so he could look at you. “Okay. Fuck me Aemond.”
His face cracked with a soft smile and he cocked his head, “Manners…”
You rolled your eyes and grasped his cock, stroking the velvety skin, pulling it closer to your aching core. “I think we’re long past manners…don’t you?” 
Aemond huffed a singular chuckle through his nose before he hiked one of your legs up and aligned himself, sinking into your core in a slow, purposeful thrust. You moaned at the feeling of him stretching you; how he made you feel so full. No one could make you feel like this and you were painfully aware that he knew it.
He began thrusting into you in earnest, chasing a high he had been denied by your lips and newfound victory in your cunt. He steadied himself with a hand on the wall beside your head as his rough pounding became faster, pulling and pushing against that delicate spot inside you that had you whining and wrapping your arms around his shoulders and neck. 
“Play with yourself, “ he commanded through rough thrusts.
Your brain was nearly too fucked out to comprehend he had even spoke.
He grunted, delivering a harsh thrust. “I said play with yourself.” He panted, “M’ Close and want you to cum on my cock to finish me.”
You obeyed a bit too quickly, moving a hand down between where you two were joined, rubbing your clit gently and sometimes, teasing him by moving further and caressing his shaft as if emerged and sunk back into your heat. 
“Fuck- fuck- don’t do that.”
You cocked your head to the side, bobbing with each snap of his hips, “Do what?”
Your playful ignorance ignited a more severe side of him and his hand came up and wrapped around your throat, “Don’t- fuck, you like that don’t you? You like it when I’m rough with you?”
It was true, the moment his hand wrapped around your throat possessively, you clenched around him and nearly came. You could be just as brazen though.
Before he knew it, your hands intertwined in his hair, pulling him close to you. Your mouth was on his lips, kissing him with a fever that took him off guard. Lips interlocking, you sucked on his plump bottom lip before forcing your tongue down his throat that he greedily took in.
Suddenly and without warning, Aemond thrusted forward, driving deeper inside you and groaning against your lips as he came harder than he ever had. You felt the hot spend coating your insides and nearly sent you over the edge as he pulsated, hot and heavy in your cunt.
His lips slowly fell from your own as he came down from his high and pulled back, looking at you with a strange reverie in his eye as if he was studying a new species of animal only he had just found.
His cock, still lodged deep inside of you as you ground yourself against him, making him break his trance and hiss in overstimulation; pulling out of you. “You lied,” you said simply as his cum started dripping down your thighs. “But I guess that’s all you ever do, isn’t it?”
His eye searched your own, a confused look on his face. “You said you’d shut up and we both got to come. Only you came and I didn’t. Oh, and you didn’t shut up. You talked a whole lot.”
He chuckled, turning off the shower and kicking the drenched pile of clothes off to the side, “Well, I know how I can fix that.” He took your hand and moved you to sit down on the shower floor. “Lay your pretty head on those clothes and spread your legs.”
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As always, comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated but never necessary!
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Taglist: @croatianprincess @toodlesxcuddles @drwstarkeyy @gemini-mama @iloveallmyboys @boofy1998 @ammo23 @zenka69 @lokiofasgard12 @moonlightfoxx @diannnnsss @winter-soldier-101
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bunnypansy · 1 year
Twst as K-Pop Groups!
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Rated E, for EVERYONE!
A short film exploring a Twisted Wonderland Idol AU!
Featuring: All the dorms + Che'nya and a Neige mention
Beware! This film contains: really bad kpop group names, smoking mention, otherwise I think it's fine
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Group name: LVBZ (Luver Boyz), I wanted to lean into the heart theme for that classic boygroup feel
Fandom name: Rozes, for obvious reasons
While Riddle is the obvious answer for leader, Trey is the right answer. Responsible older brother Trey is probably deeply underappreciated in the group. I feel like he’s probably been in a group that disbanded early before, (cough, Che’nya, Trey, Riddle group anyone?) and has a bit of a tired vibe. He writes a good handful of the songs since he plays the guitar, but he’s actually not crazy about pop. They definitely share a dorm and Trey made a chore chart for them.
Riddle is definitely taking the position of vocalist and center, he’s probably really strict about his training and exercise, he was a trainee for a loooong time and after his last group he’s kinda nervous. His mom used to be a very popular vocalist, but you’ll never catch him with nepo baby claims because he’s so intense. Besides LVBZ Riddle also does some modeling on the side and will probably end up in a drama of some kind.
Cater is absolutely giving “has so many predebut photos” energy. From vlives, to vlogs, cooking videos, asmr videos, tiktoks, instagram posts, Cater is all over their social media like crazy. He’s got a pretty good public image, always interacting with fans, the only thing is- he's a chronic content farmer, it's like so bad guys. At least his aegyo is actually cute? He’s the face and probably a sub vocalist of some kind, but definitely writes the lot of their songs. Seems like the type who has a very good image but chainsmokes/vapes on the side.
RAPPER DEUCE. Okay normal again. But he totally fits the rapper vibes, I can’t stress how well it fits. Has the most embarrassing predebut photos known to man, lots of him with badly dyed hair and he probably had a bullying scandal really early into his career. Extremely awkward aegyo, fans love him cus he comes off as cute but very genuine, fan favorite.
At this point I’ve put all the basketball boys as dancers but can you blame me? Ace reeks of high energy dancer who kinda sucks ass at singing. He tries really, but just let him be the main dancer and a sub rapper! Ace and Deuce used to go to the same highschool predebut and did not get along. Don't leave this guy alone with fans, not because he's going to do anything criminal- he's just gonna say some dumb shit. Spill a secret, be generally kinda dickish- just. Don't do it, fanservice is not Ace’s strong suit
Their discography is kinda all over the place but I feel like that’s the Heartslaybul vibe? I tried to keep it light and sort of… classic boy group vibes. I'm not really into light concept boy groups so this was difficult for me. (I wrote this before I listened to zb1’s debut. They are zb1)
Debut song: Kitsch by IVE
Other tracks: In Bloom by Zb1; Very Nice by Seventeen; Attention by New Jeans; Sour Grapes by Lesserafim; Blue Flame by Lesserafim; Best Friend Ever by NCT Dream
Solo releases:  One and Only by Gowon of Loona (Riddle); Anti-romantic by TXT (Trey)
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Group name: BxB (Boy X Beast), I swear I wasn’t trying to copy TXT that hard
Fandom name: BOB (Be Our Best), because fans “make them their best”. It’s so bad but this is intentional
Leona is the leader but honestly he doesn’t do much to corral anyone. He’s definitely been in a couple groups that have done very poorly and can’t stop getting compared to his more successful brother- a recently retired soloist. Worse, he gets tons of “he’s a lazy dancer” and “nepo baby” comments from fans. He’s a bit jaded, and for good reason. He’s not much of a dancer, moreso acting as the visual and vocalist in his group and chances are he’s done an acting gig or two. Leona does a lot of low energy vlives, it's like him eating fried chicken in the dark while barely talking on camera. Refuses to do any cutesy fanservice, ask him to look hot? Done and done. Aegyo? Ask Ruggie.
Ruggie is the face of the group, everyone on the planet has seen him busking before and during his trainee period, not to mention he’s funny, fans love him. He’s also carrying the rapper position, and often gets center, but he and Leona are honestly neck and neck in that area. Ruggie's pretty good aegyo but he literally always laughs afterwards. So many memes of the dumb faces he makes while laughing.
Jack iiiis the dancer, so many first years were subjected to dancer and rapper sorry guys. He’s tried to write songs but only a couple have really panned out- the others are encouraging though! Obviously maknae, endless jokes about being GIANT despite being the youngest. Somehow he seems to take this the most serious despite being the newest to this?
Their sound is very classically masculine, as is Savanaclaw’s vibe. If they barked in the song I legally had to add it
Debut song: Clap by Seventeen
Other Tracks: Superbowl by SKZ; Wonderland by ATEEZ; Wolfgang by SKZ (sorry it was too funny not to); (Grrr 총량의 법칙) BEWARE by SKZ; My Pace by SKZ; Boxer by SKZ; Bouncy by ATEEZ
Solo releases: None
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Group name: TYDE (“Take Your Dreams Everywhere”), I went the EXiD route with this one, it was a little too funny not to
Fandom name: Tied, because TYDE is tied to them 
Oh my god. Despite being my favorite dorm, Octavinelle gave me a fuckin hell of a time to put together, I just did not have a clear vision for them at all. I’m going with Azul, even though I considered leader Jade for a little bit, simply because I think Azul is the kind of leader who designs a bunch of merch for the fans- a la the VIXX thong. He’s rocking with the visual, center, and vocalist position. He comes off as a very smooth and self assured leader, but let’s be honest he’s the only one in the group who’s having a panic attack before award shows. I think he probably had a really hard time as a trainee and can’t let that go just yet.
Jade doesn’t get any kind of strong spot in the lineup somehow, despite there only being three members, he definitely ends up a bit in the background. But Jade doesn’t mind! He honestly doesn’t care much for the spotlight and is mostly here because Azul and Floyd are. He writes all the songs for their group, no arguments.
So we all know Floyd is the dancer, guy canonically loves dancing, but he’s also going to steal the rapper position. This is because rappers are always the weird ones in the group, and by god is Floyd the weird one. He always gets styled extremely strangely, I mean every time he steps on stage he ends up in a new “worst outfits in kpop” list. Floyd ends up being the face because he’s such a standout, not to mention the fact he keeps… showing up with other groups. Is there a vlive happening? Somehow Floyd interrupts. Another group practicing? Not without Floyd they’re not. He’s even managed to be in the background of several MVs (think OOH-AHH Chan). Floyd seems to just know everyone everywhere. 
Holy hell okay their music gave me a hard time too. Octavinelle is so solidified as jazz in my head that trying to think of anything else for them gave me an aneurysm.I struggled so much that yeah I’m breaking and adding one or two japanese songs, sorry guys
Debut Song: Mafia In The Morning by Itzy
Other Tracks: Dice by Nmixx; First by Everglow (tell me Azul wouldn’t tear up those vocals?? Get Floyd on the chorus? Screaming); Play with Fire by Camellia (covered by ツバサ【歌の部屋】 if you need to hear a human sing it); Black Suit by Super Junior 
Solo releases: ViViD by Heejin of Loona (Azul); Villain by Stella Jang (Azul)
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Group name: Wysper (Honestly not happy with either of the names but I can’t think of anything better)
Fandom name: Wishes
Okay they’re complex because. Uh. Jamil is basically doing everything. He’s the most talented  dancer, rapper, vocalist; it’s just that Kalim is the face. Aaaand the center. Despite being a trainee for a way shorter amount of time, despite not being as skilled as Jamil, Kalim took first place in the competitive show they both participated in. Very bitter. Jamil tries to keep it on the down-low but their relationship is definitely suffering from favoritism.
Kalim has probably been a star for a very long time, I’m talking child star levels of fame and already had a fan base by the time he and Jamil debuted. He’s got amazing charisma and stage presence, not to mention Kalim is taking first place as the aegyo king. However, the nepo baby allegations are through the ROOF, seeing as his family straight up owns the company he and Jamil debuted under. That’s not to say he doesn’t try! He works hard, but it’s not going to save him, especially when he’s getting a billion offers from modeling companies and fashion brands, when Jamil isn’t.
I can’t describe what their sound is exactly? I feel like it’s somewhere close to reggaeton with a bit of bollywood/southeast asia
Debut song: You cannot tell me Paint The Town by Loona is not THE Wysper song. It’s literally so perfect I was angry I didn’t think of it earlier. Kalim on the light verses, Jamil on the chorus? Insane. 
Other tracks: Icky by Kard; Charmer by SKZ; Cake by Kard; Ring the Alarm by Kard; Tinnitus by TXT; SHOOT! by Itzy; Red Moon by Kard
Solo releases: Singing in the Rain by JinSoul of Loona (Kalim)
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Group name: FoE (Fruit of Evil), I wanted to lean into the lip/biting themes for them and pick something that felt suitably sexy
Fandom name: Bites
Vil has to be the leader obviously, but he’s also the face, visual and vocalist- let’s be real he’s the most favored of the group and everyone knows it. He was definitely an actor before this, he probably ended up in the group because of an elimination show that he won and then got the privilege of picking all his other members. He for sure has some solo releases, brand deals, modeling gigs- Vil is the it boy of their generation, the kind of idol everyone knows. Definitely a massive one-sided rivalry with Neige, because Neige was probably in a NCT Dream type group as a kid, then went solo when he got older and became incredibly successful. Vil is endlessly jealous.
Rook was probably a runner up in the same show as Vil and fully admitted to being a massive fan while on the show. He’s the best dancer in the group, probably the center, and writes the majority of the songs cus I know this weird fucker likes poetry. Rook is guy who’s a fan before he’s an idol, definitely has a room full of merchandise, people have caught him buying albums of his favorite group
Epel is the maknae, obviously, and was probably previously a background dancer. Vil saw him and picked him up by the scruff of his neck. He’s definitely the only real rapper of the group and can dance pretty well, but this is not the kind of group he wanted to be in. Epel was probably hoping for a concept a bit more like BxB but we don’t all get what we wish for
I listened to Nude while making this and it changed my entire vibe for their group. They’re just (g)-idle. If the music makes you wanna worship a woman it belongs to FoE.
Debut song: Love Dive by IVE
Other Tracks: Nude by (g)-idle; Oh my God by (g)-idle; Villain Dies by (g)-idle; Snapping by Chung Ha; Do Not Touch by Misamo of Twice; Cry For Me by Twice
Solo releases: Vengeance by Bibi (Vil)
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What group
It’s just Idia
He’s probably a producer or sumthing let’s be so real guys. Ortho is his sound set up.
I’ll still give examples of what I think his tracks sound like tho. Lots of dubstep and generally electronic sounds cus… come on guys, it’s too perfect.
Tracks: Illusion by Aespa; Miroh by SKZ; Freeze by SKZ; Hold On Tight by Aespa
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Group name: Som.nia (Nia), I wanted to lean into the sleepy/dream feeling
Fandom name: Niacs, insomnia/insomniac you get it okay
“Malleus is leader!” you cry, and you are wrong, because Lilia literally has to be leader. He is the objectively the best (and funniest) option, Malleus does not have the backbone to be leader yet. Lilia has been around the block a billion times; he’s been a vkei idol, he’s been a model, he’s probably been a wrestler let’s be real he’s the Sakura of twst fr. He writes most of the songs for the group, but is definitely trying to get the others to improve their songwriting skills. While Lilia gets a lot of offers, he turns them down. If I’m honest, he’s probably going to quit being an idol after 
Malleus is definitely taking the vocalist position, no question. He’s also probably taking the “least popular member of the group” position. Poor guy is seriously awkward on camera and has a chronic case of resting scary face. He takes center pretty frequently, half as an attempt to get him some more recognition- it’s not great cus he’s kinda a stiff dancer. He was fairly popular pre-debut for his extremely strange energy 
Call me insane, but dancer Silver! He’s very physically capable, it’s just… you’ll catch him sleeping every time he’s not practicing. Definitely has insane muscle memory, he could do all his choreography with his eyes closed. He’s also an occasional vocalist, he’s got a nice soft voice. Sebek is always getting on him for “being lazy” but Silver usually just tells him to screw off.
Sebek gets rapper because he’s sooooo good at projecting and enunciating aggressively. It’s all the Malleus worship. I think he was a trainee at the same time as Malleus and was utterly obsessed with him, fan favorite for being So Weird All The Time.
I’ll be so real, if the song made me feel gorgeous it went on the list. They kinda reek of 3rd gen Kpop? This is definitely Lilia’s fault. But I’m so here for it the nostalgia go CRAAAZY. Also they are VIXX thanks.
Debut Song: Butterfly by Loona
Other Tracks: Bite Me by Enhyphen; Chained Up by VIXX, Shangri-La by VIXX; Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS (are you kidding me this addition is so good I’m genuinely LOSING IT); Scentist by VIXX; Fever by Enhyphen; Sugar Rush Ride by Enhyphen; Inception by ATEEZ
Solo releases: Egoist by Olivia Hye of Loona (Silver)
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Honorable mentions (these are a bit shorter)
First year gang
Group name: F1rst
Fandom name: Zer0, because they come before first
Jack gets to be leader! He’s responsible, if a bit nervous, takes the vocalist position here.
Epel gets visual in this case, though he still does a fair amount of rap.
Deuce is the best with fans and gets to be center, he’s a pretty good all-rounder here.
Ace is still the best dancer in the group and literally will never stop gloating.
Sebek gets to be the rapper and takes the face position because he’s So Weird All The Time
I think they are literally just Stray Kids tbh, my favoritism is showing but I don’t even care
Debut Song: Break All the Rules by Cravity
Other Tracks: Super board by SKZ; Thunderous by SKZ; S-Class by SKZ; Domino by SKZ; TOPLINE by SKZ; God’s Menu by SKZ
Pop music club 
Group name: Jump Up! I wanted to pick something really cheery and high energy
Fandom name: Highs
Kalim is leader here again, he’s just got that energy! He also gets to be the rapper
Cater swipes the vocalist position, finally gets a chance to shine fr
Old man Lilia somehow bags the dancer position and is no question the face
They're peppy, poppy, a classic girl group type noise.
Debut song: Hi High by Loona was truly too perfect
Other tracks: Hula Hoop by Loona; Air Force One by Odd Eye Circle of ARTMS
Floyd + Che’nya + Ruggie
Group name: THEE (can be said like “thee” or “tee-hee”)
Fandom name: Teenies
Ruggie is the leader and lead dancer for this one! 
Seeing as Floyd has had dancer ripped from his hands by Ruggie, he’s going to fully take over rap
And Che’nya gets to be vocalist, I like to believe he’s got some pipes on him
Literally just silly vibes
Debut song: Cheese by SKZ
Other Tracks: Taller Than You by Mamamoo; Maniac by SKZ; Circus by SKZ; Don’t Tease Me by Speed 
Lilia + Malleus + Vil + Rook
Group name: Nu Moon
Fandom name: Starlights, yeah I stole it from VIXX, sue me
Malleus, king of goth, gets to lead this group- it’s a very good starter group to lead, considering he’s got a lot of experienced members
Lilia is quite obviously producing every single song for this group, that’s mostly what he’s here to do, so he also takes up the mantle of dancer
Vil is once again the visual and the face, but he’s giving up the vocalist position
Shock of shocks, Rook gets to be the vocalist here! Because he doesn’t get to shine much in FoE
They are literally dreamcatcher.
Debut song: BEcause by Dreamcatcher
Other tracks: Piri by Dreamcatcher; Odd Eye by Dreamcatcher; Boca by Dreamcatcher; Scream by Dreamcatcher
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That's the end of today's showing, as always, thank you for coming.
Did anyone ask for this? uhhhh no. But it made me very happy so whatever. Legitimately Octavinelle gave me so much trouble I changed their tracklist like four times. I was tempted to make Diasomnia Dreamcatcher as well, but I didn't want to erase Silver's lo-fi soft boy vibes.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
getting the obvious out of the way, ncuti gatwa
but more specifically, ncuti gatwa is going in with such an exciting awareness of what he got out of doctor who and how that will inform his take
and both he and millie gibson are firmly taking doctor who into the next generation. I don't know a lot about her (and youknow, I'm getting older, so she seems awfully young, but that's really all I know and isn't enough to form an opinion on -- but susan vibes? hoping she won't be a rose!repeat, but I really really don't think that's the intention here), but gatwa is also next!gen whovian (like me), which is very fun. it's a nerdy show, I like it when nerds are involved
the wardrobe is looking so goooood. three also had quite an extensive repertoire especially, and this feels quite closely aligned with that campness (not specifically the exact style ofc, new doctor, but Vibes)
the other obvious out of the way, dtennant and catherine tate
specifically that there's a lot of potential in the 60th anniversary to properly wrap up ten's and donna's arcs in a way that organically interacts with the previous ending they had. some really fun potential to play with theme and genre in that, I'm a sucker for recontextualisation, and for dtennant having a bad time (but then maybe at the end... an okay time?)
I hope this will also more effectively merge the rtd run with moffat's and chibnall's. they did do a bit more of that as they went along, but I think they both went too hard on the reset button (especially moffat). we did then get some more... what I'll call continuity, but it took a bit (look, I know, the continuity is madness on this show, but I like to know it's the same story at least, and not totally excise what came before)
also donna has a kid now, played by yasmin finney. I'm excited for all of that, the fact that she's called rose, casting yasmin finney, another form of bringing it into the present, rather than it being all about the past, the fact that she's teased in the trailer, but there's so much more to see
speaking of casting -- camp and queerness! so many of the casting announcements have been queer actors, and you know rtd loves queering shit up, and he's got soooo much more freedom to do so now than he did in 2005. It won't just be in the casting, it'll be in the stories and the character-writing
references to classic!who and other dw!materials, as always, and of course rtd loves that. I just like how much of nu!who is having fun with classic!who. and updating it of course
I said it before but. I like watching dtennant be upset. he does it very well. perhaps even tears who knows...
some things I'm hoping for:
that the continuity of the last series won't be severed, especially in regards to the various regenerations that have been since ten
similarly that ten's arc interacts both with how they died/what happened with donna, and that they've been other bodies since then and so there has been growth and change, but what does that mean to a multi-lifed being?
that ruby and the doctor won't have a romantic will-they-won't-they and that generally the doctor continues to be a character through which those sorts of things can be interrogated (perhaps more deliberately now than in the past....)
that there will be some more ideas about gender, as has been increasingly played with over the last few years
that ncuti gatwa being black influences the kinds of stories being told in regards to what kind of history and future is important
that rose's part in the specials is important (I mean, even the fact that she's donna's kid is already important, but on her own as well -- that she gets something cool to do)!
that UNIT won't be toooo involved. I'm currently watching three from the start and I remember that UNIT does a lot in that one, and that's fine, I get that there's precedent. but also they're not my favourite part of DW, generally the doctor being associated with Institutions of a military nature. makes sense for three, who's relatively trapped on earth, and I like the way it's one of humanity's ways of reacting to alien life both in classic and nu!who, but never trust military. anyway, UNIT's fine for the specials, also ties in previous seasons with kate, but hoping won't be so much in ncuti gatwa's arcs. or that there's more conflict involved with them being involved
that new writers are brought onboard, especially women, black writers, and millennials
that it'll still be sincere. that it won't suffer from irony poisoning and over-reliance on references (don't think the latter is so much the issue), and that the bigger budget won't erode its ability to tell deeply personal intimate person stories, which has been an issue over the last few years and could be a problem in future. this isn't the show of massive explosions and michael by action, it's the show or a bunch of nerds who want to see practical effect aliens and cry about them
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
Just read chapter 17! It was sooo worth the wait!
It totally flew over my head that nico and will got a apartment (had to go back and reread, lol) but I feel like someone needs make a pintrest board on what there house looks like, what do you imagine?
As soon as I read that will was going to a party I KNEW he was going to trigger nico with alcohol. It was really sweet though how he just kept confessing his love to nico, I couldn't keep giggling at that part
Oh poor will, the dating accusations with ncio are only going to get worse lol. In all honesty I guess he's not going to care that much about people knowing he's bi, but I don't think nico will like the speculation
Nico making the luckey one the seventh track omg we love the cabin 7 refrence!
I am so ready for this new album (my spotify playlists consist of nicos music from this au, not even egsagurating) I'm so happy with the addition of all falls down (I hc that the saxophone was Austin's playing!)
Also will Hazel and or Frank ever make a appearance in this au? If not why? (Genuinely curious)
This was a great chapter! I hope you have so much fun at the eras tour, and I hope you get a good suprose song!
so sorry it took so long for me to respond to this!!! at first i wanted to wait till i was able to make a pinterest board, but then i couldn't really find exactly what i wanted (but still made a board - here's the link!) so i decided i'd just describe it:
it’s a penthouse, and right now it’s veryyyy empty. they moved into it just before will’s next semester started so not much time to decorate!! they kept all like the basic furniture, so i do think they have a sort of living room connected to the kitchen - hold up, now i’m realizing i sorta based that layout off my uncles house. don’t know why i did that but!! we’re going with it. so they have two couches in the “living room” and a tv, leading to a kitchen with the generic appliances + a kitchen island - then i think that there’s a hallway with doors to one of the bathrooms, the guest room, and the studio, and then the master bedroom is also like. right across from the kitchen. if im even making any sense. i actually don’t know what a penthouse looks like so im just going off of pinterest vibes💯💯 anyway i think that eventually, they’ll also def have a lot of (fake) plants (bc lord knows they don’t actually have time to water and take care of plants), and LOTSS OF BLANKETS. i think that like almost every time they go to a target or smth to get smth they actually need, they walk out of the store with at least one blanket. they’re all over the couches, the beds, the chairs, idk why but i just want their apartment to be very very cozy :) aside from that, will 100% has his record collection moved to their room, with a few hanging from the living room- there’s definitely shelves of a bunch of awards or posters and things like that - A PHOTO WALL TOO!! definitely a photo wall. i also think that both nico and will are very messy, at least when they’re busy with something (and they always are) so every countertop and table and desk is filledddd with clutter. like so much. papers and textbooks and headphones and laptops they’re everywhere.
i realize it’s actually really hard to explain my vision for their apartment, which is funny bc i have a very specific layout in my head - and also one for nico’s apartment in so american btw!! so maybe sometime ill figure out how to draw a floor plan just so i can show yall what im thinking, but in the end, that’s the general vibe of it!!
now on to the rest of the ask‼️
will is ADORABLE he’s just such a simp and i love him for that. drunk words r truly sober thoughts in his case
youre 100% right with will not really caring abt people knowing!! i know some people assumed that will was the one being outed, and this was going to lead to some sort of angsty plot line, but seriously- will doesn’t care for that stuff. in his eyes, he’s already out, because he’s come out to all of his friends and the people he knows. the people on twitter are trying to search for something that just isn’t really that important
YES YES YES FOR THE ALL FALLS DOWN HC!!! i forgot to mention the songs and the artists in the end notes but seriously, all falls down by lizzy mcalpine is SOOOO fucking nico. i almost considered it being apollo (which i think it could also be) except the production style just wasn’t rlly very him if u get what i mean?? he’s much more like mainstream pop, and nico is too but he’s less worried abt sticking to a genre and i think it matches him perfectly
hazel and frank WILL be making their appearances soon!! i’ve had their backstories planned for sooo long and i can’t WAIT to finally include them. it’s been a long time coming but i swear it’ll be worth the wait!!
thank you SOO MUCH and i’m sorry again for taking so long to respond to this!! i had an incredible time at the eras tour and got some AMAZING surprise songs so thank you for that!!
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assigning each of the bad kids a taylor swift era because i am feeling deprived of tswift content now that she's on break from the eras tour
Kristen: Fearless. I can't even explain why, but to me that album is just so sunny and in my mind it fits Kristen perfectly. I think maybe it's because Fearless was one of the first album I ever really loved, then when I was older the rerecording is what got me back into tswift and I can totally see Kristen going through a similar journey with it where maybe she loves it as a kid but then stops listening to it as she distances herself from her childhood/family, only to fall in love with it again later on. Also I feel like the country vibes fit her well. (She would also LOVE betty but she would pretend it's a lesbian anthem)
Gorgug: Ok this feels controversial but he's a Lover stan. I just fully belive that to his core Gorgug is a lover not a hater and he would un ironically love Lover. Like to me that album is all about having gone through some bad shit and choosing to only carry forward the best of it? And that fits with my perception of Gorgug. ALSO the end of afterglow 'I want to be defined by the things that I love, not the things that I hate, or the things that haunt me in the middle of the night' just feels very Gorgug coded to me dont ask me why. However if you've seen any of my other posts about music and the bad kids you know that I wholeheartedly believe Gorgug loves all music so I think he'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite album.
Riz: Midnights. And not just because this kid never sleeps. Bassically I really couldn't decide which album he would listen to because none of them really fit, but then I started thinking about specific lyrics and I think Midnights has the most that he could relate to. I mean 'no one wanted to play with me as a little kid so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since' is about him. You can't change my mind. I do think though that Riz is definitely more invested in all the easter eggs and firguring out which album is coming next over actually listening to her music. Like he would for sure be among the first to figure out all her clues.
Fabian: 1989 and Folklore. I fully to the bottom of my heart belive that until his sophmore year Fabian would exclusivly be listening to pop music, sea shanties, and weird elven music. So obviously he would love the greatest pop album ever made. He wouldn't listen to Folklore until post sophmore character development. Also he would For Sure learn the choreography for the dance in the background of Dress on the Rep tour and recreat it perfectly using his sheet.
Fig: Speak Now. I mean do I even need to explain this? It's the perfect album for Fig. It's the kind of thing she would have loved when she was in her Preppy Cheerleader phase, but it has just enough of that pop punk influence that I feel like she could still appreciate it when she's older. I feel like she would definitly take issue with some of the misogynistic lyrics used in some of the songs, and would be all for the lyric change in Better Than Revenge. Also as I've mentioned many times before, Fig would love Paramore, and would LOVE Castles Crumbling. Like you're going to sit here and tell me that lines like 'They used to cheer when they saw my face, Now I fear I have fallen from grace' + 'Their faith was strong, but I pushed it too far, I held that grudge 'til it tore me apart' + 'Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off, And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret' + 'People look at me like I'm a monster, Now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name, Now they're screaming that they hate me, Never wanted you to hate me' weren't written by Figueroth Faeth? I also just think songs like Never Grow Up and Long Live would perfectly fit with her not so secret sentimental streak.
Adaine: Evermore and Folklore. I think theres just a sort of elegence to these albums that really reminds me of Adaine. I also think theres so much vulnerability in them and a lot of the songs touch on feelings of not being good enough for others (mirrorball, tolerate it, this is me trying, right where you left me) that I think she could relate to not from a romantic relationship standpoint but from all the expectations placed on her by her parents. I also think that although these are probably the most low key of tswifts albums, they have some good angry songs (no body no crime, illicit affairs, mad woman) that she would definitly love. But yeah this is mostly based on aesthetics. Evermore and Folklore were albums written with a quill and Adaine is the kind of girl to appreciate this.
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“but my Hot Take is it totally was worthy of Album of the Year BEFORE John got killed.” Yes! As far as the songs are concerned it does kind of feel like an incomplete play because how do you go from I’m Moving On to Yes I’m Your Angel?? (I started out ironically liking this one now tralalala is the default ringtone in my brain). How would you rate the songs? :)
Just listened to the whole thing again to give a better answer. Fun birthday morning activity before I go brunching B)))))
(Just Like) Starting Over: Gorgeous. Fun. Beautiful. Immediately became one of my top John songs. The chords on this are gorgeous; masterful use of an augmented. Also the "but when I see you, darling" melody is perfect. This song just makes me incredibly happy. Also the bass is good :) 10/10
Kiss Kiss Kiss: I LOOOOOVE how much this messes with the previous vibe. It works so well. The opening guitars are v cool. Yoko's side 1 sound is so varied and does such cool blending of genres. Like there's a ska thing going on here? I am also lowkey um. kind of into her noises. 9/10
Cleanup-Time: this is definitely a silly-goofy song but it is suuuuuuuch a banger. I love the moments of high tension. "Now it begins" and the "well, well, well." bits. It adds a darkness to the song. The horn section went offffff. 9/10
Give Me Something: Absolutely Insane. the best use of Yoko's vocals and style imaginable. The production is immaculate. 10/10
I'm Losing You: Absolutely Insane Pt. II. The bridge bit "Now in the valley of indecision" is sooooo devastating (+ it's an obscure biblical reference! literary beatle At It Again). This song builds so well, I love how genuinely upset he sounds towards the end, breaking down on "Don't wanna hear about it!!!!" and generally how his voice gets nasty at certain moments. The song feels like slowly and extremely painfully discovering irreconcilable differences. The guitars in each verses breakdown moment sound like alarm bells. It's an immaculate breakup-or-almost song. The sound is so good, the harmonies are great. The guitar solo is crazy!!!!!! (it actually reminds me of George's work on How Do You Sleep? but without the cringe!!) THE PRODUCTION IS CRAZY OKAY?????? 10/10
I'm Moving On: the most insane follow-up to the previous song. He laid his deepest fears bear and she said "And What Of It???" The lyric "When you were angry you had love in your voice" keeps me up at night. But BANGER of a bassline and funky fresh nonetheless. Most effective song transition on the album and most of them are good to great! 9.5/10
Beautiful Boy: Absolute devastation aside, I must confess I find this song a little more boring musically. Though I do appreciate the adventurousness of the vocoder and the bridge is gorgeous. The outro is nice and really relaxing. 7/10
Watching The Wheels: I love John Lennon and I want him to be okay :( also the way the song slows down at the end of the chorus is soooooooo much to me. Like it hurts my heart. I like his talk-singing here, it really works for the vibe. The lyrics are kind of depressing despite the fact they're on the surface positive. But I think the question of what constitutes a happy life is interesting and deep at its core. 8/10
Yes, I'm Your Angel: I love that John is sharing an album with a granny song again. Nature is healing. I vibe with this and it suits Yoko surprisingly well. Tralala, as you say. But it's insane of Yoko to call John her fairy. Girl. STOP. 7/10
Woman: It's distinctly more boring than anything else John wrote for this album but I do enjoy it and find it sweet for the most part (aside from the horrors). The production reminds me a lot of Here, There and Everywhere. 6/10
Beautiful Boys: this is the least good one. It is just musically pretty uninteresting and the lyrics are kind of clunky. But the intro and instrumental bits sound cool tbh and I like how the production builds. "You've got all you can carry / And still feel somehow empty." OKAY???? 5/10
Dear Yoko: cute!! The sounds are very fun. "Even when I watch TV / There's a hole where you're supposed to be / There's no body lying next to me" is soooooooo much. I like the silly voice he puts on and I LOOOOVE the spoken bit at the end :((( 7/10
Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Her: The production is good I just wish the song itself was better and it's too long. I like John providing backing vocals because it makes sense given the content. I feel like if this was just FASTER it would be great. The solo reminds me of ABBA. 6/10
Hard Times Are Over: I like this song!! It's sweet. The melodies are good, very cool playing between minor and major. I also like how the "over" ties back in with Starting Over. It works well as an album closer. Though Of Course, one begins to wonder what these hard times were exactly when the album cut off mid-conflict. Makes You Think. (This album gives me brainrot!!!!) Anyway I like Yoko's vocal here a lot and I like John joining on the refrains in the background :) 7.5/10
In conclusion: Double Fantasy good
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borajibolala · 4 months
That's my interpretation..
I'll talk about spoilers so read at your own discretion.
To start:
I had forgotten completely that RM already performed it at one of the D-Day last shows.
So I got the experience of hearing it for the first time twice.
I consider that a bonus!
But let's get to the important part:
The day it was released I barely woke up and rushed to watch the video.
We knew it was in Letterbox (it's a movie rating platform, really cool) so the cinematography wasn't really a surprise.
I just checked and they took it out of letterbox 😭
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What caught me off guard was the total absence of rapping.
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I always rooted for RM to find his singing voice, but that certain part just HITS the spot.
And the GENRE?? I wasn't expecting it at all.
It has a bit of folk with the whistle and the talking-singing, along with the chorus sounds very R&B.
Not only he is singing a whole song by himself for the first time, but he is experimenting with the genre too!!!
Major indie vibes.
And the lyrics hit me so hard too.
I forgot the hour. I don't wanna know 'bout the hour. I forgot to shower. Even washing my face seems like a waste of time.
In case you don't know, this is depression.
It was very bold and brave of him to talk so openly about it like this, thank you Joonie.
You keep making us proud.
If I ever doubted about the members ability to grow artistically, now I'm a believer.
And the cherry in this amazing cake:
The MV:
It's cinematic, it's moody, it's confusing, it's DIFFERENT.
We see RM going through different scenes where he's role changes with the room he enters.
The colors change, the light changes, the clothes change.
In the beginning we see him in a party looking apathetic.
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A drunk man offers him a cigarette twice and he refuses (which reminds me of that one picture that was posted on Instagram).
We see him walk in and out of rooms looking confused.
In one of the rooms, he is even in a baby bed! Probably my favorite part.
Do you see something familiar?
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Eventually he comes across a young woman that seems to be another version of him.
From then on, he looks changed, at ease.
He looks like he's finally the
right person in the right place
A friend having fun at the party.
A husband brushing teeth with his family.
A baby playing with his parents
And a boyfriend talking to a girlfriend.
I think this MV could have a lot of different meanings.
But the feeling like an outsider and running around, the apathetic look, the being misunderstood (in the fight with his girl) and then finally smiling and going back at peace....
It seems like making peace with the past, making peace with the old self.
It's ok to disappoint people sometimes.
The scene as a baby in the crib with the parents, the scene with the angry girlfriend made me think about that. Read expectations and disappointment.
"My kid will be this, my kid will do that"
"You promised this, you lied about that"
It might take time for us to understand life and ourselves, but when we are finally ready for it is liberating.
You don't have to be, you don't have to be the anything you see
He was free to simply be a baby for his parents.
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The present is the party, he's thinking about his childhood and past (and future?) relationship but he's not living in the moment, at least he wasn't in the beginning.
I am rewatching Suchwita and RM says that his dream is to live more in the moment:
While interviewing Jin, Suga also brought back a conversation between him and Jin that happened while they were recording the first In The Soup:
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Those are obvious things, in theory it's easy to understand. But when it comes to real life it's just different.
Without being careful we get caught up in moments, regrets, feeling overwhelmed.
The girl he meets in the end could represent many things: himself, his inner peace, happiness, army or spring.
As he mentions in the lyrics:
spring always been here, I will sleep in her eyes
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That scene represents meeting a good friend, having a laugh, letting the weight off your shoulders.
And I just noticed the sunlight moving in the room representing the passage of time, interesting. That could mean how we lose track of time when with the right people, but it could also mean something else that I don't know.
He might be referencing Army, as spring day is such a loved song in the fandom.
What makes me think he might be talking about army is the lyrics too.
You are my pain, divine.
We know this life, although very beautiful, isn't always easy to BTS.
Along with all the prizes and support comes expectations.
I like to think this could be Namjoon making peace with his love for music, army and fame.
I see you come back to me.
That's what I could think on my own.
The references
I saw armys pointing there were references to the other members in the video:
The video starts in a party with people drinking - Jimin (Like Crazy)
Namjoon is sitting beside a couple kissing - V (Friends)
He enters a room where his girlfriend is mad at him - JK (Seven)
He is in a crib with a snoop plushie - Jhope
And the tangerine - Suga
? -Jin
There was also this theme of doors representing a different reality, and I guess this is very on brand with BTS as their logo represents a door. Yoongi also used a door in his Amygdala MV. The final door he passes also has a purple shine for a second.
All in all, I love the MV.
Once again RM is flexing his sexy brain in his art for our delight.
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Stay happy and healthy, Joonie.
Love ya.
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codename-adler · 6 months
"nothing is going to be okay" sounds like it's gonna hurt... tell me more.
It's meant to hurt. You and me both.
Adler's PiPs ~ Project: Nothing Is Going to Be Okay
Also known as Adler-toys-with-the-Major-Character-Death-tag. This is an exploration of every universe where Kevin, Andrew and/or Neil do not make it out. Sometimes Kevin dies; sometimes it's Andrew; other times it's Neil. Someone always dies. Doesn't matter if it's Kandreil, Andreil, Kandrew, Kevneil. Sometimes it's because of canon going slightly to the left. Sometimes it's because it's a totally different universe. Every variation is always merciless.
The origins of such a fun project? Music. It all stems from my personal playlist of the saddest soundtracks or instrumental pieces i religiously listen to, which i won't share until i finally get to writing this collection of grief. So far i have 96 pieces on that playlist. Will i write the boys dying 96 times? i doubt it, but each piece represents a universe with a specific scene and vision. sometimes if it's a soundtrack, i put the boys in that universe and kill 'em. sometimes it's the title of the piece that awakes something ugly in me. sometimes it's a combination of words and vibes. the possibilities are endless. the grief is infinite, a loop, inescapable. yes i got mental problems. yes i got meds for it. why do u ask.
Why the fun title? Ask Andrew.
"Your parents are dead, you are not fine, and nothing is going to be okay. This is not news to you. But from now until May you are still Neil Josten and I am still the man who said he would keep you alive. I don't care if you use this phone tomorrow. I don't care if you never use it again. But you are going to keep it on you because one day you might need it. On that day you're not going to run. You're going to think about what I promised you and you're going to make the call. Tell me you understand." (TRK)
Now! Some of the wips in the collection:
So This Is Christmas: based on Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by Gabrielle Aplin, i revisit Neil's days at the Nest and add a few more casualties. the boys take their turn kicking the bucket. this one is multi-chaptered.
fun fact: there are only 3 songs in the playlist that have lyrics: one of them is in an Arabic or Persian language that i do not speak/read, the other two are in English (Happy Xmas + my tears ricochet)
i would also like to note that Gabrielle Aplin's Happy Xmas is part of my aftg soundtrack project where i'm trying to imagine the series as a TV show and assemble music for specific scenes in multi-episodes seasons. this one i imagine playing with slow-motion scenes cutting back-and-forth between Neil's torture in the Nest over the holidays and the Foxes celebrating in NYC. my magnum opus if you will. i'm not even kidding. all my self-confidence is in that divine mission.
Andrew's Farewell: Hunger Games AU. a classic. the song? iykyk. the victim? iykyk.
On the Nature of Day(light): based on the piece by Max Richter (all variations and covers, but i do favor the original and the entropy). canon divergence AU where Kevin also intervenes at the end of TKM, when the Foxes win the Championships and there's the Riko-Neil-Andew showdown. establishing then destroying Kandreil.
Tennessee: based on the Hans Zimmer soundtrack for the film Pearl Harbor. i took inspiration from the title and the music, not the movie. totally war-unrelated. excerpt (Andreil, other Baltimore AU):
"We could go... We could go... to Tennessee..." "There's nothing in Tennessee, Abram." "Exactly..." *shaky pained smile*
Thin Orange Line: based on Journey to the Line by Hans Zimmer & Gavin Greenaway, from the film The Thin Red Line. War AU + Kandrew + Soldier Kevin Day carrying injured/unconscious Soldier Andrew Minyard to safety. only one makes it.
Other inspirations come from the soundtracks of The Last of Us (1 + 2 + HBO show), The Haunting of Bly Manor / Hill House, Max Richter, Hannibal (NBC show), House of the Dragon, Dune (Denis Villeneuve/Hans Zimmer), and many other shows, films, video games and original compositions / composers.
this project is my beloved baby. i remember it being the first push to create since a long while. i know it is very very sad, and that MCD is very rarely liked/read. i'm still invested. maybe i'll try out NaNoWriMo for a 3rd time with this project. i'm not giving up!
thank you anon, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the opportunity to info-dump and for allowing me to see that i actually have much more figured out than i thought. i'm glad the hurt/no comfort vibe bewitched you.
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san-sebastienne · 1 year
Canaan House karaoke night! 🎤🎶
Gideon: “Bad to the bone.” She’s charismatic as fuck and it’s a hit (Dulcinea and Jeannemary especially are fucking losing it).
Harrow: Refuses to participate but sits sullenly in the front row. Ends up singing a very intense “I’m only happy when it rains” as like the second to last song when everyone else has sort of ran through their energy, and they’re trying to be supportive but it’s A Lot.
8th House: does not attend.
Dulcinea: A very melancholy, slow-tempo rendition of Dusty Springfield’s “I only wanna be with you,” which she cheekily dedicates to Gideon. She makes it to the bridge before she coughs so hard she can’t finish. They let the backing track play out because nobody can figure out how to skip to the next song.
Protesilaus: does not sing. Dulcinea says he’s self-conscious about his voice.
Palamedes and Camila: Incredibly awkward duet of “total eclipse of the heart” (Gideon’s choice). They get pretty into the interpretive dance by the end.
Magnus: “Sweet Caroline.” He makes Abigail do the dum dum duuuums.
Abigail (and Magnus): “I got you, babe” by Sonny and Cher. Magnus pretends to be embarrassed about singing two songs in a row but he’s clearly delighted and honestly it’s really cute.
Jeannemary: “Bad to the bone.” Again. Not as good as Gideon. It’s awkward. Magnus cheers very loud.
Isaac: “Famous last words” by MCR. It is not a joke.
Naberius: “Fly me to the moon” by Frank Sinatra. Singing Sinatra at karaoke is a douchebag move, and it’s especially irritating that he’s got a good voice (but he’s unironically mimicking Sinatra’s stage presence the entire time).
Coronabeth: “Man! I feel like a woman!” by Shania Twain. Gideon gets a horny anime nosebleed.
Ianthe: “You’re so vain,” glaring at the rest of the third house the entire time. Corona is delighted.
Marta: whatever the House version of the national anthem is. She’s a good singer, but she takes it super seriously and brings down the vibe.
Judith (and Coronabeth): Corona bullies Judith into a duet of “I’m just a girl” by No Doubt, claiming it was her favorite song when they were kids. Judith is embarrassed, but absolutely knows all the words.
Teacher: The Beatles’ “with a little help from my friends,” slightly faster than the backing track for most of the verses. He also sings along to everyone else’s song, whether or not he knows the words.
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irish-urn · 27 days
You said you wanted to get asked a question about Dasey, so here I am to answer the call! They're all about my fave work of yours, "Take Off Your Shoes"
I'm not as well read as you - what is the importance of the book The Cardturner that Derek is reading and how does that fit into the flow of the work? He's caught reading it far too much in the fic for it to be a mere throwaway.
The L.M. Montgomery quote to end the fic was so perfectly sourced and placed. It's almost like that quote inspired the whole of the fic. All of the quotes that started each new scene was spectacular - did you have them all planned out before writing or did they come to you while outlining/writing?
How far back did Derek plan his innocent date/not-dating/are-they-dates seduction of Casey, and what prompted him to do so, in your mind?
Yay!! My call is answered!! Y'all are being so nice to me this evening!!
hahahahahahahahahahaah. Okay, first of all, I HIGHLY recommend this book. it's about ghosts and bridge. I'm not kidding. I honestly chose that book for him because I think Derek would LOVE Holes, both the book and the film (which is one of the few films that are as good as the book). I think Derek would relate a lot to Stanley and Zero from Holes -- two good, well-meaning kids that get overlooked and abused by the system. That being said, The Cardturner is about a kid who starts playing bridge for his grand... uncle? I think? Ugh, I need to re-read this, BUT basically his great(uncle?) used to play Bridge with this woman, and they were rivals and teammates and... now that I think about it, I think their relationship was kind of Daseyish... It's about two very competitive people who wanna play with each other and beat everyone else so badly that they make their descendants play for them after they're dead. And if that's not Dasey, I don't know what is.
I decided to bring in the quotes once I realized this story was going to be a BEAST and needed to space it out somehow. I needed to give Dasey and the readers a chance to breathe. So I googled quotes about August, and kept getting Taylor Swift's song and got very very annoyed by that. I love that song, but it was the TOTALLY wrong vibe. I spent a long time tracking down the right quotes. It took as much effort as writing most of the fic, no lie. Once I found the L.M. Montgomery quote -- and Derek and Casey are so Gilbert and Anne coded it isn't FUNNY -- I knew I had found my ending. And the ending of the fic came with it.
OH. Okay. So, once upon a time I was actually going to write the prequel to this fic, but it's not going to happen, but BASICALLY, Derek alludes to it a little in the smutty sequel, but BASICALLY, Derek sees that both he and Casey are single for the first time in years, that she hasn't really been dating, and sees how exhausted she is when they're at Genora's for Canada Day. He takes a few weeks to figure out a plan, and then he executes it. There's... a LOT more to it than that though. There's an ex that he used to date in Queen's (that I'm reusing for the marriage-pact fic, so stay tuned) that finally gets her happy ending with the guys she's been pining for, there's Faith (that I'm also reusing for the marriage-pact fic) that really teaches Derek that he doesn't want to settle, and there's Tony (...who's also getting reused...) who almost took Casey away. There were a lot of elements that led Derek to deciding to try this for real with Casey.
THE THING IS (same answer, sorry), that Derek was planning on slowly wooing Casey. But then she lost power in her apartment, and Derek's protectiveness kicked into high gear and he gave her that fantastic day and told her to stay at his place, and Casey, our poor girl who really just wants to be loved, just fell head over heels. She really just needed to reason to fall, and he made her feel safe enough to do so. And so... By accident, his plan worked wayyyyy better than it was supposed to!
I'm always so pleased and surprised when people say this is their favourite. It was so much fun to write, and taught me so much about Dasey. thank you??? for your questions???
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inkykeiji · 4 months
IT WORKS NOW eeeee yay thank you so much!!!!! this made me so emotional (in a good way!)!! i just cannot tell you how honoured i am that you did this for one of my stories like.....i genuinely don’t even have the words to describe how incredible that is and how lucky i am to have you here with me. thank you so much for sharing this with me, i will cherish it so very much ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
my thoughts on each song beneath the cut!!!
family tree - ethel cain
i totally see what you’re saying here!!! ugh god i love ethel cain so much, her music is just so perfect for so much of my work in terms of vibes and atmosphere yk what i mean??? so i was so glad to see that u included her here!!
demolition lovers - mcr
there’s a dozen reasons in this gun has got to be one of my favourite lyrics ever, wow!!! but also, i loved the whole last minute or so of this song!! i know that’s where the lyrics you selected are from, but i just feel like that entire final verse describes the trajectory of dabi and reader’s relationship??? from their first meeting to that last scene with keigo in the hospital.
i would die for you - in this moment
okay, YES. yes, i completely get what you mean LMAO. just that ravenous, all-consuming, downright obsessive love, us against the world type, those who continuously swallow each other whole just to spit them back out again and repeat the entire process. loved it so much <33 VERY dabi x reader!!!
voodoo doll - the funeral portrait
oof okay this song hit so hard it made me sob. as i’ve said before, tag you’re it is a very personal story to me, having grown up with and lived with (and been parented by) addicts for my entire life. because, honestly, addiction doesn’t just hurt the user, it hurts everyone who cares about the user, too. i’m not gonna go too deep into that but i loved everything you had to say about this song and i agree with you one million percent, you hit the nail right on the head!!!
life vest - the material
okay let me just take a moment to bask in the fact that the motel scenes are your favourite because i worked SO insanely hard on those scenes LMAO <3 two bodies with one beating heart oh i love love love this. but yeah!!! at that moment in the story especially, dabi is her life vest; for the majority of their time there (right up until the end) he discards his manipulation and casts off his selfishness and allows himself to just be with her, to be there for her, for completely selfless reasons, because he truly does love her. it is a crucial point in their relationship!
tears don’t fall - bullet for my valentine
ooooh yes okay!!! one of the lyrics that really stuck out to me in this song is there’s always something different going wrong / the path i walk’s in the wrong direction because it feels very keigo, especially since he was the golden boy who fell from grace, essentially. adding onto your selection of lyrics, the her conscience calls the guilty to come home also kind of reminded me of the guilt reader feels for leaving keigo, and how that guilt kind of repeatedly calls for her to come back to him, sometimes in the form of keigo himself.
everybody sells cocaine - motionless in white
holy fuck i LOVED this song!!! and you’re SO right, btw!!! dabi is constantly tempting keigo, taunting keigo, ‘testing’ keigo in the most twisted, unfair ways ever. i don’t even have anything to add, i just agree with you wholeheartedly.
jupiter - flower face
omg yes this is VERY dabi x reader during their budding relationship in part one especially. also, these silly games we play / stupid ways to make you stay / my heart’s split open on display / i can’t wait another day pretty much encompasses them fully <33 also also, rly loved the lyric it must be holy to feel something so pure makes me think of dabi as he initially starts to truly fall in love with her—real, pure, sincere! okay i just got to the end of the song and tbh, i think there’s even an argument to be made here for part two as well, and the way their relationship progresses, the concept of home, etc.
luna - wisp
feeling u hardcore on the chest aching with this song. it’s just the melody, you know??? it feels so infused with raw emotion. this one also kind of reminds me of the sex scene in part one AHAHAHA but that’s more due to how hazy and fragmented reader is <3
bottles - the material
oh yeah, for sure! alcoholism is still substance abuse, and it is still addiction. oof this is another one that made me like, super emotional. just rly struck a chord!! i love everything you’ve pointed out here, and i also love how the chorus (in particular the lyrics those bottles are everywhere / and i can’t be everywhere / to keep them from you) reminds me so much of how reader feels towards keigo’s addiction for the majority of the series; she so desperately wishes to save him from himself, she so desperately wants to help, to be useful, but she truly cannot be everywhere cataloging all of his actions all of the time
aaaah WOW sleepy!!!! incredible playlist, thank you again for sharing it with me and the rest of us here on inkykeiji!!! your selection of songs and the order in which you curated them was just genius, i am so blessed to be able to experience this <333
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mattypattypinky · 8 months
smth abt what he does for u is like so romantic and sweet to me. Like he asks u a bunch of questions abt urself and instead of using it against you, he uses it for you, to create a digital world that you will love! Like... If ur favorite food is Spaghetti, he'll make the food in the fridge spaghetti... And if u draw things during the game he puts it on the walls of the house and he has something rlly sweet and unique to say abt ur art work, he even remembers what u answer as ur favorite game and he puts it on ur computer and states he got the game for you like oh my god 💔💔💔 I want to live there with him??? I wanna be his best friend (romantic)
He even wrote a book about our friendship and a song at the end of the game for us...?? like come on dude. How am I not supposed to fall in love. He pays attention to my interests and even implements them into the game later, he cherishes the players work and everything that you do during the game leads to the final product of the little world he builds for you. He even puts mannequins of your steam friends around the house...💔 Like what do you mean everything you do up to this climax in the game is accounted on by him? Like he's actually paying attention to what I like and want???
But also it's interesting because it depends on how you see it. If you see his red flags, and you don't want to stay with him, then the song has a totally different meaning, and vibe to it. If you choose yes to wanting to stay with him, the song feels like a sweet loving song from a friend to a friend about how happy he is to be with you, but if you choose no to wanting to stay with him the song suddenly takes a much darker turn and feels like a declaration of you being trapped with him for all of eternity in his code. I find it fascinating how the same lyrics can be twisted into a whole different meaning depending on how you play the game and what choices you make. I love games like this, I love characters like this-
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alfiely-art · 5 months
Listened to Ada Rook for like two hours and these are my thoughts about the songs I listened to (very random bc of spotify mobile)
Thank u for showing me ada rook @highoncatfood
Yo that guitar slaps
I have no idea what she's saying but I can groove to this
This is likeeee. Animated musical villain is hypnotizing a character music
Yo is breathing part of the beat? Love when music does that
Very good I'd say likeeee 7.5/10 would listen again
Curse (for Devi)
Again that's a good guitar
Oh is this like a love song
Like the whispery type thing she's got going on
Still barely know what she's saying but it's okay !!!!!
Kinda less funky than sardonica, still good though. Id say 6.5/10 because less funky but I can understand the lyrics better
Tru U
Still so good. Can really understand what she's saying
Makes me want to junko pose /pos
The chorus has such a good beat I bop to it
Definitely like. 8.5/10 because it hurts my ears sometimes but I adore it. Fave so far !!!! Which is funny because it was the first one I heard she just knocked it out of the park immediately.
Time dilation
more lowkey…. Kinda sad sounding
I like it. different vibe from the others But it's good!!!!
I like the flute thing going on in the back. And guitar as always
Kinda sounds like something that would play during a sad party scene in a movie. But actually good
Solid 7/10
Hmmm that tune seems familiar
I swear I've heard it before… Like a synth song or smth
Also a sadder one
Like the acoustic guitar here, sounds less funky but is nice for the song
Idk it's kinda. Boring ? Tru U set me up for Screaming Battery Acid and This is not that
It's not bad though! I'd say likkeeee 5/10
Starlight Zone
Oh. Hm
The screaming has never sounded like that Before
it sounds like it hurts her voice :<
am Not grooving to this one sadly
4/10 this is not the vibe for me
Omori battle music right here
Honestly the instrumental is really good
I love the way it sounds
This is making me imagine an Infinity Train AMV???? It's got that sad scifi vibe
Also like the beat of the singing
Battery Acid here we goooooo
Will definitely hurt my ears like Tru U but it's okay this is good
Original rating was 6.5/10 I judged too soon. Bumping that up rn
This song makes me realize that Ada rooks voice reminds me of. Scaramouche’s English va when he sings yes I'm making this about blorbos
Solid 7.5/10
Oh I can understand her this time
I thought the drop would give More but this is a vibe
Enjoyable !!!!
The instrumental is great
6/10, good!!!
Beginning reminds me of porter Robinson
This is a chill vibe so far
Hmmmm. Unsure
Not very boppable
I'm gonna sayyy 5/10 it's not bad I like the instrumental
Mystery School
This sounds like a more lowkey 100 Geccs
I enjoy it… good stuff
Not much of a beat but the instrumental Is sooooo funky
Good shit !!!!
Ur gonna live
This could make a good Lemon Demon beat
Love the instrumental
Kinda loses steam
But the guitar is good
Like the ending…. Oooo
Total memory failure
Another sad one but I like the “ahhh” in the instrumental
I can imagine sad amvs to this
Definitely has more of a beat
It sounds like they're tapping glasses in the instrumental that's a vibe
Ohhh that slowing of the tempo
Good stuff….
Sabotage everything
Not a lot going on in the instrumental
Took half the sing to get good but it's okay
That's gooodddddd
6/10 because it takes so long to get good
Don't wake
Oooo guitar…
This is 9/10 this is amazing. Can we get a vocaloid cover. Make it sound even more computery. Holy crap. Wish this was longer Oh my goddddddddddd
Broken grace
It just started and I'm head bopping
Wait did she just say she needs to pee
Oh well this is Gooddd
Makes me wish I knew how to play the electric guitar
Ohhhhhhhh ourghhhhhh aaaaaaaa this is good
8/10 I enjoy !!!!!
Ooo acoustic guitar again
Bird noises….
Quieter… more calm
Sounds like it'd be a good song for an open world
Not really something I would listen to on the regular though
Solid 6/10 but that guitar is nice <333
Deep fantasy
Another villain Hypnotizing you musical number !!!
Kinda like it less than Sardonica though. Less going on
But not bad!!!!
Like what's going on in the instrumental
6/10 methinks
Oh I don't like that opening
My ear rejects this my earbud has fallen out twice
I mean it's not bad I just don't really. Like it ? It picked up but this isn't it for me
5/10 it's fine I just don't really like it
Oooo distorted ads
This is gonna hurt my ears but. Oooooooo me like !!!
Hmmm. The screaming kinda. Ruins it here usually it goes along with it
Instrumental is good I adore it
But. Yeah the screaming isn't matching well with the instrumental
Vibe change. Hm. Why does the melody remind me of fricken. Shawn Mendez
I think I would enjoy an instrumental version but the voice and instrumental just don't match super well in this one except for like. 1 part
6/10, instrumental is 8/10
Gravity weapon
Ohhh that instrumental is funkyyyy
Funky opening. Love the samples
I'm cat bopping to this
Would also hurt my ears but that's okay
Me likey…. Ouhhh this is good
I wanna dance to this
No. I want to become an edit with this song
I hate that stupid mouse again !!!! Horray!!!! It's a silly line me likey
Solid 7.5/10
Coward 2 Coward
Yoo that opening is fun
This is funkyyy
Less going on so far but oòooo..
OHH that's a pretty voice outside the screaming
She could sing a creepy lullaby I think
Mmmmm instrumental
I think if they eat us we die… crazy ikr
OHHHHH that piano bit…. This is spoopy
Anyway I like this. 7/10 just wish there was More stuff going on
Oh. Don't really like that opening
I don't know why I don't like this it doesn't have the funkiness I like from Ada and the singer doesn't match the instrumental
This is making my head hurt actually what the Frick
Like the singing voice is good ! It's just too deep for the instrumental
My mouth hurts
3/10. The instrumental is kinda boring and the voices don't match it very well. Singing is fine but would've been suited to a different song ? This is actually painful what the fuxk
Puragtor3y modulation engine
Ohh this is an interesting opening
Fuckkkkk ohhhhh
Major step up
Ohhhhhh aaaaa oooo rurrururhrrh
Wait actual words. Okay uh this song just hits that itch
Her voice is great in this song, the screaming matching just as well as the normal singing
The instrumental has moments of calmness and that funkiness I love
I wanna dance j wanna groove
That endingggg
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basedkikuenjoyer · 10 months
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I hit 100 followers a while ago. It's not the biggest thing ever I know, but I also didn't really expect anything like that when I started this silly little blog about a mysterious lady and her goofy samurai gang. For 50 we did 27 favorites. People seemed to like it. Main cast taking up a bunch of spots is boring, though I do think a few of these could potentially end up in the main one. For now though that's Nami, Brook, & Jinbei. This time is more measured, I actually thought about a Sweet 16 and why. It's fun to see how it changes over time:
Cabbage: I love pretty idiots in anime. This one was necessary to keep me invested in Dressrosa. But there is a real amount of nobility there and the story of actually being a fallen prince obsessed with stardom is a good one! Most little guy Leo is surging but Cavendish is still my favorite of the Grand Fleet captains.
Queen Otohime: I've already said a lot about her with our Seafloor Sidestory. Such a great examination of a political leader, a civil rights icon. I've flirted with that role myself at times and always been around it as a quirk of fate...so it's cool to see someone who gets the nuances like Oda did with this story. How it plays off of Tiger's, influences someone like Jinbei. I rate Fishman Island very high and Otohime is a huge part of that.
Pudding: Pudding is such a two-faced little snot but young enough and cartoonish enough about it I think she's funny. Whole Cake is a great arc, love how she plays off of Sanji, the "Doll" element hits a little close to home.
Crocodile: He's got style, he's got grace. He'll throw sand in your face. Cool villain, loved him in Impel Down/Marineford, epitome of T-Boy swag.
Miss Goldenweek: Marianne, Goldie...such a treasure. Girl makes me laugh so much. Comically lazy but the secret weapon that was a nightmare for Luffy. Cover story that made her shine as a capable operative and Rainbow of Dreams rocks. Please come back to Cross Guild you little weirdo. I need you and Buggy playing off each other, I need Crocodile hyping up one of his superstar agents to Mihawk only for her to doze off/ask for snacks in the middle of it.
Nekomamushi: He is a massive yellow cat man. This is a great start. Had a nice theme song too. He loves lasagna but isn't an asshole like Garfield. Rising love. Samurai cat man. Then he's Kiku's lil bro and I enjoy pondering that dynamic. Goro nya nya.
Kin'emon: He was pretty funny before, making the chauvinist a simp for his classy af wife and the confused, but caring father figure to a sweetheart trans girl is hilarious. I love his devil fruit and impersonating Doffy was classic. His supernatural luck forced his way deeply into my heart.
Conis: Conis is lovely. Sweet angel girl...with a big ol bazooka she is not afraid to use. People forget Conis but I still love her. Sky Island was fun.
Jewelry Bonney: Being an angry child makes her so much more fun. Always thought she was a solid Supernova. Being such a glutton is funny. Egghead has elevated her. Interesting devil fruit, it's the one my sweetie would want to eat himself which is neat.
Izo: Izo is very, very pretty. He is also good at shooty but have you seen how pretty he is? He is also the dashing elder brother of #1 blorbo...
Kiku: I know this inclusion will surprise some of you. She's a total sweetie with hidden narrative weirdness. What's not to love and obsess over? Plus she's really tall and forgets that when hiding behind things. Imagine if we saw her trying to hide behind Chopper sticking most of his body out from behind a hiding place. That would tick us back at least one minute from midnight.
Cindry: The other Okiku and subject of our Spooky Sidestory. Maliciously compliant zombie with a showgirl vibe. Far out. Hucking plates rules as a combat style.
Ginny: Some might say she's too new. Some Might Say is a pretty good early Oasis song. Neither of those are relevant right now. I love Ginny. She's wonderful. She got done dirty because flashback characters always get done dirty.
Hina: Hina pleased to be included. Hina pleased. She was our Shackled Sidestory and I love her. The cool vibe mixed with a couple of childish traits. One of our truly good Marines who probably hasn't gotten high enough up the ladder to really know how depraved the World Government is. Cool fruit too, perfect for a Marine.
Monet: Punk Hazard came out right before I went into grad school. I love thinking of her as the beleaguered, far more talented assistant to Caesar Clown who I hate and should just die. Harpies are also classic cool and I will not accept statements to the contrary. I love her snow power too.
Gecko Moria: Touched on this in a post about him for Halloween. He's grown on me a lot as a villain as I've gotten old enough to understand him. There's a realism in his motivations that makes him more of a unique villain. I actually believe if he was serious from the start Luffy would never have stood a chance. Shadow fruit is cool and Thriller Bark is an excellent arc.
Bellemere, Kawamatsu, Denjiro, and Hancock would be the honorable mentions. But these are my true One Piece loves.
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belated twelfth night appreciation post :)
-i was on sound crew, and i had pretty much zero experience with sound before this show so i learned a lot about that! i operated the sound board, which involved using faders to change the volume of microphones and pressing buttons for sound effects, and i also did stuff like put batteries in mics and headsets at the beginning of the day and take them out at the end, set up cables, and things like that. friday was opening night and therefore my first time running a show alone (during rehearsals there was always another crew member with more experience with me) and i was SO nervous at first, but it went super well!
-the whole opening night show went super well actually! the cast and crew all absolutely killed it (i did far better than i thought i would lol), and the audience was AWESOME! they laughed in all the right places and reacted a lot in general, which was great because an audience that reacts a lot is wayyy better than one that doesn’t
-there’s this one AWESOME scene where some characters are sword fighting and it’s super flashy and dramatic, and the audience LOVED it. watching that scene during rehearsals was thrilling enough but seeing it with an enthusiastically cheering crowd was absolutely exhilarating!!! i had this moment where i was like “yeah… this is really truly what i want to do for the rest of my life.” cliché maybe but idc it was a spectacular experience <333 while i don’t have any idea what specific jobs i’ll pursue in the future i definitely want to do theatre in some way or another! :]
-the AMAZING props crew created an AMAZING dragon puppet!!! it was pretty big as one actor carried it with his head inside of it, if that makes sense. seeing it come together was so cool - when i saw the final version i got distracted and literally trailed off midsentence and stared at it because it was so beautiful LMAO. it looked even better under the lights too! the orange fabric attached to its mouth was meant to look like fire, and it looked SO cool with lights :D
-there were several dance sequences too! one involved the dragon and had really upbeat energetic vibes, one was mysterious and dreamlike but also fairly energetic, and one was super haunting and evocative. the music was SOOO good too! we had a live musician onstage who played several different instruments, and a couple songs that the actors sung. i got some videos that i really wish i could post here </3
-the director wanted it to be not-traditionally-shakespeare, so there were some really fun contemporary elements! funky hairstyles, an abstract set, the original lyrics of the songs were kept but put on rock beats or sung to the tune of well-known pop songs or whatever, etc. it was totally not what you’d expect from a shakespeare play and yet somehow it worked really well! the costumes were an amazing blend of contemporary and old-fashioned too, like there was hot pink latex and glittery makeup and decorative chains but also feathered hats and puffed sleeves and realistic-looking swords :D
-the sheer amount of gender in the whole play is super fun lmao. viola is one of those characters who could easily be interpreted as trans in literally any direction at all and it would make perfect sense, feste’s costume and actor are both pretty feminine but he/him was used exclusively for the character, there’s certain moments that are just So Gender, etc etc. i’ve heard that it’s generally considered one of shakespeare’s queerest plays and i gotta say that is very true dkfdjfkd
-not only did i get to wear a headset but i also got to carry around a set of keys and use them to open locked doors and it made me feel sooo professional LOL
-the sound board was set up in a spot that was essentially in the audience (off to one side but there’s seats in front, behind, and on one side of the area it’s in, if that makes sense), which was a little awkward at first but quickly became fun! i’ve never worked a show from the audience before and it was actually really interesting to be so close to it and get a firsthand look at the reactions of people sitting near me. it was surprisingly intimate cause i’d learn what parts of the play struck certain people the most - one person always reacted the most to a certain character, another was particularly thrilled when two characters kissed, etc. i’ve thought a lot about how the audience is an integral part of any live performance, but this gave it a whole new fascinating angle!
-on friday someone i absolutely detest sat two seats away from me but i simply ignored him 😌
-my parents came to friday’s show too, and beforehand i showed them how i set everything up which was fun
-going back to what i was saying about audiences, each one has their own personality! for example, the show 1 audience laughed uproariously at a certain line but the show 2 audience “ohhh”-ed sympathetically at the exact same line, which was v interesting!
-actually i feel like twelfth night strikes this FASCINATING balance between comedy and tragedy in general! it’s predominantly a comedy, but there are certain moments that can be interpreted as funny or sad or both, and even whole characters and plotlines too
-the sibling stuff is SOOO…. my head is FULL of thoughts!
-i have tons of thoughts about various different aspects of the play, hopefully i will get around to posting them at some point
-all in all it was a really truly wonderful experience :)
now for the photos :3
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my script before i redid my notes
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the set and some awesome lighting
edit idk why it deleted the dragon caption and won’t let me put it back but yeah that’s ^ the dragon
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me at the sound board (and also the closest i will ever get to a face reveal on here lol)
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firstkanaphans · 5 months
hi sarah! okay admittedly this is very random but couldn't resist sharing - as a result of BLP currently occupying all my spare brain space rent free, i'm now in the "every song i listen to reminds me of them" stage of me constantly thinking about akk and aye from your fic 😂 and right before i read your update last weekend, the song 'animal' by neon trees came on my shuffle randomly and although i know that song is technically over a decade old now and i'd heard it a million times before, it took me way off guard and it felt like i was hearing the song for the first time because i realized it reminded me soooo much of akkaye from BLP!
the crazy thing is that the first time i'd listened, i was imagining the song from aye's pov, maybe because his pov was most fresh on my brain at the time? but then i got a chance to read your update from akk's pov and i lost my mind all over again because it's JUST as perfect for akk's pov too?! it totally blew me away because there i was, already thinking about the song in relation to the 2 of them and next i'm reading about akk quite literally talking about having a desire to consume/wild animals/wanting to be eaten himself etc. and i'm like ????!?!
god the song is so perfect for them!! especially some of the lyrics like "I kinda want to be more than friends", or "we play pretend" or "No I won't sleep tonight" (a consistent for the 2 of them this fic 😂), or "say goodbye to my heart tonight" (which aye does every time he can't help but be with akk even though he's pining 🥺) vs. the parallel of the other version of that same line in the song that sounds the same is "take a bite of my heart tonight" (basically akk the entire first half of the last chapter haha) - there's more but i'm refraining because then i'd just end up posting the entire lyrics and my line-by-line "here's how this relates to BLP" detective-string-board-analysis in your poor askbox 😂
anyway, just wanted to share because i hope it gives you BLP akkaye feelings too <3 and it's the perfect song vibe for the fic too, all upbeat and rom-comish - but also horny af hahaha. thank you for writing this fic, i quite literally look forward to sundays every week, and it's always a highlight every week. can't wait for this one!!
Okay, first of all, this ask gave me an existential crisis because you said "Animal" was a decade old and I was like, "surely not, that came out five years ago at the most." And turns out we're both wrong because it came out FOURTEEN YEARS AGO and now I need to have a lie down.
Also, me re-listening to this song and looking up the official lyrics was the first time (in 14 years apparently!) that I realized he's saying "take a bite of my heart tonight" instead of "say goodbye to my heart tonight."
So, anyway, that was a roller coaster.
But yes, this is actually the perfect BLP song. I especially like the line, "You're just a cannibal and I'm afraid I won't get out alive." I tend to use very cannibalistic metaphors to describe sex and passion, which I should maybe talk to a therapist about or something...
Thank you for the ask! I'm so happy you're enjoying the fic 🫶🏻
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