#//also sorry for length and Ed Sheeran inspired para title
genuinelytee-blog · 7 years
Give Me Love Like Never Before
At a very young age, Emma Swan was considered an orphan. She never knew her parents and she pretty much grew up in the orphanage, only to go from one house to another and then back to her so called home. During her young and mischievous phase, she would often steal things because she could not afford a lot. 
In her “home” she had grew up with many of the other foster children whose parents did not want them as well. That is where she met a young boy named Killian Jones. He had these blue eyes that somehow sparkled in the florescent lights of the home.
 Emma and Killian were, you could say, two best buds that got to know each other through a lot. They knew of each other’s past, if they had any homes that they wished they could live in and always were hoping to be adopted to a family so they could leave the orphanage for good.
Fast forward to the present and Emma Swan was now a sheriff off sorts for a small town in New York. She always had this hidden gift of being able to tell when someone was lying to her, so she thought she could use that and pay back the town for all the times she stole things as well. She would, essentially, kill two birds with one stone. 
Emma, now twenty-eight years old, met her parents that gave her up, because she used her detective skills to find out why they gave her up and created a bond with them, just so she could say she had a “normal” family. Still keeping in touch with them, every once in a while, her mother and her best friend think it would be a good idea to send Emma on a blind date. Of course, she refused at first, but agreed to meet the guy at a local bar that was not too far from her, just in case the date did not turn out as well as her mom and best friend would think it did.
The blonde picked out a red dress that was detailed with some black, and took her red coat with her to walk to the bar. She figured she would walk and take a seat to arrive a little early. Once she walked in, she grabbed a drink before sitting at a small table set for two people, as she waited for this Walsh guy that she was set up with.
About ten, then fifteen minutes pass, and Emma is already on her second drink and knows that this guy must have stood her up. That is when she stands up to grab her coat, ready to go home and watch some television in bed.
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